MSU Holland Didn't Impress e Regan x MSU football coach Sonny Committee which cut those Holland didn't impress funds. p Senator Pat Regan (Q· The Legislature voted Billings) when he brought yesterday to restore 0 several members of the University System ICA funds, Bobcat football team to the according to Rep. John Scully n Senate chambers Wed­ (D-Bozeman). e nesday. Regan remained The vote clears the way for a seated while her fellow student vote at MSU April 25 n senators stood and ap- on whether or not to lower the student activity fee. The t plauded the players. present fee is $13.70. Holland's Helena trip was Students can choose to lower an attempt to get the senate it by $1.70 per quarter, thus to restore funds for in­ cutting back available funds ter Collegiate Athletics in the for ASMSU activities, or keep University System . it at the present level. If Regan is a member of the approved, the change will Senate Finance and Claims take effect fall quarter 1977. VOL. 88 NO. 40 BOZEMAN, MONTANA Friday, April 15, 19n Student Lobbyist Says 'Never Again' by Gordon Dillow "I would not ta~e this job Miles City and chairman of "the Con-Con" in Montana National Organization for Montana students lobbyist again. Ever. Even if the the important Joint Ap­ political parlance--she is Women and the Montana Mae Nan Ell ingson doesn't salary was $20,000." propriations Sub-committee accepted by the legislators Right to Life Organization at think there should be a How about $50,000? on Higher Education), or and other lobbyists as one of the same time. Montana Student Lobby at " Nope." "Chet" (Blaylock, D-Laurel), them. She is a pragmatist, Take the marijuana bill for the 1979 legislative session. Which in a way is too bad, or "Frances" (Bardanouve, D­ given to reason instead of example. According to polls And while that may seem because Ellingson by almost Harlem and chairman of the stridency, and at the risk of conducted by the lobby, like an odd attitude for a anyone's standards is a very extremely powerful House sounding hopelessly sexist, many students were in favor lobbyist to take--that her good lobbyist. She knows Appropriations Committee) or her attractiveness and soft of a bill introduced by Senator $1,500 a month job should be everybody : a walk down a anyone of the other movers Texas accent probably don't Joe Roberts, D-Libby, to abolished--consider this legislative corridor with and shakers of the Montana hurt. decrease the penalties for statement, made by Ellingson Ellingson takes a long time, Legislature. A lawyer and a So she is such a good possession of marijuana. But during an ·interview earlier because she has to stop and delegate to the 1972 Montana lobbyist, what's the problem? the lobby co'directors--Pat this week in Helena:· chat with "Carroll" (South, D· Constitutional Convention-- The problem, as Ellingson Pomeroy, from the University sees it, is students, the of Montana, 'Chris Kolstad of people she is supposed to Montana State University and represent. Ron Vanden Boom of Nor­ Melcher Advocates Wheat Price The Montana, Student Lobby thern Montana College who was set up to represnet was 1<!-ter replaced by Shawn U.S. Senator John Melcher the 1977 Farm Bill a Agriculture in the SUB student interests in the iholts of Eastern Montana called the Carter Ad­ " disaster" during a speech to Wednesday afternoon. legislature, just as Montana College--instructed the lobby ministration's proposal for the MSU College of Melcher, D-Mont. , said that Power Company lobbyists for to stay away from the bill, Secretary of Agriculture example--the principle one of saying it was too con­ Robert Berg land's recom­ whom, incidently, is Board of troversial an issue, that to mendation for a $2 .25 per Regents member John support the marijuana bill bushel wheat export price is Peterson of Butte--are might adversely affect the much too low. Melcher supposed to represent their University System budget estimated a wheat farmer clients' interests. appropriation. spends at least $3.50 per But deciding what student The marijuana bill died--it bushel to grow the wheat. interests are is never Flasy, probably would have died He advocated a minimum sometimes it's damned near anyway, with or without world wheat price of $4 .00 per impossible. student lob.bying--but bushel, but this price could According to Ellingson , students who were in favor of not be adopted by Congress "students are so different at the bill, students who con­ before 1979. Such a price every campus that they can't tributed a portion of their minimum, Melcher said, agree on anything." It's like (Continued to Page 19) would depend on the trying to be a lobbyist for the cooperation of Australia and Canada, y.ihich are the largest wheat exporters after the U.S . Campaigning Starts Today Melcher emphasized the for various need for an increase in the Campaigning A referendum on the activity ASMSU positions started minimum world wheat price fee, and a constitutional today. Candidates have one to protect U.S. producers. He change in recall _provisions Week of campaigning before said that such an Increase are included on the ballot. the election, April 22nd . would be reasonable even Three people have applied though the large 1976 world for the position of ASMSU wheat crop has caused prices inside president, three for vice­ to drop. Melcher said that president, and one for this issue during lean years the im­ business manager. Pg 2 - Hotline porting countries, such as Twenty applications were Japan and India, would be Pg 4 - Edltorlal and submitted for ten senate forced to pay higher prices. seats. Six applications for ten letters Melcher also said he University Council seats were Pg 5 & 6 • Letters supports the maintenance of received. world grain reserves to Insure Four people applied for one Pg 11 - Unclasslfleds adequate supply in times of one-year student bookstore drought. Melcher estimated Pg 17 & 18 - Arts and representative position, two Senator John Melcher criticized the Carter administration's that about one-third of the for one two-year student Entertainment proposed farm bill, calling it a "Disaster". Speaking Wednesday wheat produced in the U.S. is bookstore representative, and at MSU, Melcher called for a minimum world wheat price of $4 now being stored. P11 20 - Sports one for one facu ity bookstore per bushel. [photo by Michael Degnan]. · '-. represenative. HOTLINE: Why are there so John Stocksdale of D & R many people living In married Exponent vending said, ''We could put It John's Drive Inn student housing that aren't in the machines. Just let us 586-5691 married-just living together? know that you want It. We 1324 W. Main Exponent; Ms. Beulah Hot line! have tried it in other machines Christle of the housing office and it doesn't sell as well as said that she now checks the the other gum, but If there Is a 5 HAMBURGERS marriage certificate of the demand for it we will put It students. During fall quarter In." He also said that and they weren't checked and It Is 994-2611 sugarless gum Is more ex­ possible that there are people l pensive than regular gum, by ~.10 living there that aren' t _ about five cents a package. married. If you know of HOTLINE: When does the Y2 lb. FRIES someone that Is living there Undergraduate Committee that you think shouldn't be, HOTLINE: Who owns the meet and what is Its purpose? Fri., Sat., & Sun., notify the housing office and vending machines In the EXPONENT : Steve Chapman , they will check It out. There Is SUB? How much Is earned chairman of the Steering a law prohibiting the uncalled from them? Committee said the Un­ for search or I and EXPONENT: Al Bertelsen of questioning of persons or the SUB answered this. He dergraduate Committee meets alternate Thursdays places. said there are different vending machine owners : D & starting on the April 21. The Sex Madness (1934] HOTLINE: There are people R vending, Coke, and Pepsi. purpose of the committee Is The 1934 predecessor of Reefer Madness. living in Married student The revenue from the to review courses, new n1e young set gets turned on bu , housing that have no spouses by mach Ines varies upon curriculums, graduating r,es and no children, that aren't machine and what is in it. "I students for approval of Dating Do's & Don'ts (1949] '10,,.,, _., 9ue. · enrolled in school, that have 8 would be glad to discuss the graduation, major and minor How to be with It obby llcl) "111. visitors and let them use the financial matters of the course changes and the w Ith out be Ing l1Js1 ,_ So,t 9ct/o11 parking area designated for Wit'- ''Ow •rs machines with anyone. Just credits for existing violated. '' II) . far '•ar the tenents in the buildings. •1r b lo fl come see me." Mr. Bertelsen curriculum. The un- 0 Why is this allowed? nr {lo is located in the SUB . dergraduate committee is a '•11as EXPONENT: Mr. Lewis, permanent committee of the ~~~~Sally Rands Bubble Dance director of On Campus Living HOTLINE : Is there a trend University Council. Sally performs one of was contacted about this. He towards su,garless gum? If so "There will be an Open suggested anyone with her outrageous why isn't there any in the faculty meeting in the SUB numbers that brought questions and/or complaints machines? theater on Friday, April 15 at 4 her fame and fortune.
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