Congressional Record—House H9848
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H9848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 13, 2017 don’t think it even benefits the Repub- treating physician. Dr. Tully is widely school. At the same time, National lican Party politically to send this respected and has performed more than Guard members are available to pro- young American woman like her away. 3,000 prostatectomies. On Thursday, vide support and protection for their But it is up to Republicans and Martha and I drove to Birmingham to States or to be called for military oper- Democrats to stand up for Brittany, obtain Dr. Tully’s insight about treat- ations for the country. They serve Saul, and Mayron. Democrats must be ment options and risks. He advised a their community and their country. clear that we value the contributions radical prostatectomy. Each U.S. State, the District of Co- of these young people and will not At Dr. Tully’s direction, I undertook lumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto allow their stories to be ignored. a heart stress test and a nuclear bone Rico, and the territories of Guam and Republicans—even the brave ones scan. Finally, I got some good news. the U.S. Virgin Islands maintain both who have said that they are for solving My CT scan and nuclear bone scan re- an Army National Guard and an Air the plight of the DACA kids—must do vealed no cancer beyond the prostate. National Guard. more than write a letter or whisper My heart stress test confirmed that I quietly in the Halls that they hope am strong enough to undergo the 2- to The Massachusetts General Court something happens. 3-hour surgery. issued an order on December 13, 1636, It is up to us right now. I am not Prostate cancer mortality data is requiring all able-bodied men between leaving, and I am not shutting up until compelling. Speed is critical in the the ages of 16 and 60 to create a stand- we do. fight against prostate cancer. In com- ing Army for protection. With that order, what we now know as America’s f pliance with the 2017 House calendar that set end-of-year votes on December National Guard was born. The idea was GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS 14, and at some risk to myself, Dr. simple: establish an Army of citizen WAYS Tully and I delayed my surgery until soldiers who could be called upon to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The December 15—this Friday—and set a fight when needed. Chair recognizes the gentleman from postsurgery medical procedure for De- In honor of the National Guard’s Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. cember 20. My plan was to recuperate birthday, here are some lesser known Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- at home during the holidays with my facts about the branch: each member of er, this is a very difficult speech for me family and return to Washington for a the National Guard is sworn to uphold to give. full workload when Congress recon- two constitutions, Federal and State. God works in mysterious ways. venes on January 3. The term ‘‘National Guard’’ didn’t be- When you are an elected official, Unfortunately, last week the House come an official term until 1916. 50,000 missed votes require an explanation. Speaker abruptly changed the House members of the National Guard were That is why I disclose this otherwise voting calendar that I relied on to set called to take on various missions dur- very personal, very private, and very my surgery. As a result, next week I ing the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Only two humbling matter. will miss House floor votes unless I am Presidents have served in the National On Halloween night, after votes, as I unexpectedly medically cleared to Guard in its modern structure: Harry stood on the Capitol steps, my doctor travel. S. Truman and George W. Bush. called and said: Congressman BROOKS, There are three insights from my ex- The National Guard is older than the bad news. You have high-risk prostate perience that I wish to share with the cancer. I felt an adrenaline rush as a Army. Militias were used as early as public. First, don’t ever, ever take your 1636 to protect British colonies. The chill went up and down my spine. health or family for granted. During By way of background, prostate can- U.S. Army wasn’t formed until the be- the holidays, enjoy your family be- ginning of the Revolutionary War. cer kills almost 27,000 American men cause no one—no one—is promised to- each year and is the third leading morrow. American Samoa is the only terri- cause of cancer deaths behind only Second, I encourage age-appropriate tory of the United States to not have a lung and colorectal cancers. Seventy- men to have regular PSA tests. While National Guard unit. one percent of prostate cancer patients PSA tests do not diagnose cancer, my National Guard units were called die in less than 5 years if the prostate PSA spike persuaded me to have the minutemen during the American Revo- cancer has spread beyond the abdom- prostate biopsy that revealed my high- lution due to their rapid response abil- inal cavity. In stark contrast, almost risk prostate cancer early enough for ity. all prostate cancer patients live longer me to enjoy a very good cure prognosis. The most senior member of each than 5 years if the cancer is discovered Third, I ran for the Senate in 2017. I State National Guard unit is the adju- early and killed before it spreads. finished third out of nine candidates in tant general. Some States elect the ad- For example, my father discovered the Republican primary. Had I won, I jutant general while others have their his prostate cancer early. He lived four would not have had time for my phys- Governor appoint someone to that po- decades after his prostatectomy. My ical and PSA test. I would not have had sition. grandfather discovered his prostate a prostate biopsy. I would not now cancer too late. He died not long there- know about my high-risk prostate can- The National Guard formed one of after. cer that requires immediate surgery. the first all-African-American units in After my doctor’s diagnosis, I called In retrospect, and paradoxically, los- U.S. military history, the 54th Massa- my wife, Martha, who was back home ing the Senate race may have saved my chusetts Volunteers. Their creation in Huntsville welcoming trick-or-treat- life. Yes, God does work in mysterious was met with mixed reactions, but the ers and shared the bad news. That ways. unit serves to this day, and the first night was one of the loneliest nights f African American to receive a Medal of apart in our 41-year marriage. I kept Honor, William Harvey Carney, hailed thinking about my wonderful family: CELEBRATING THE 381ST BIRTH- from it. DAY OF THE NATIONAL GUARD What do I do next? How do I beat this The National Guard is second only to cancer? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the United States Army in terms of Overnight, I formed a plan and began Chair recognizes the gentleman from number of members. implementing it. Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 In an emotional meeting, I informed minutes. Mr. Speaker, I commend all those my Washington staff of my cancer, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. who join the ranks of the esteemed Na- that I was immediately flying to Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of tional Guard. They answer the call of Huntsville after a CT scan that after- the 381st birthday of the National duty to protect their community and noon, and that, for medical reasons, I Guard. their country. We are grateful for their would be in Alabama the rest of the A component of the United States service and proud of their commit- week. Army, the National Guard is primarily ment. Based on advice from friends and doc- composed of citizen soldiers who hold Happy 381st birthday to the National tors, I chose Dr. Scott Tully as my down full-time civilian jobs or attend Guard. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13DE7.002 H13DEPT1 December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9849 b 1015 any income ‘‘earned’’ abroad will be He served on the Salida Volunteer Fire HONORING SHERIFF’S DEPUTY completely tax free. Department, the Hart-Ransom School DAVID SOLIS It will be the wealthiest 1 percent Board of Trustees, the Central Valley who get more than 50 percent of the Farmland Trust Trustee Council, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tax cuts in this plan, while sticking the Stanislaus Land Trust and Agricul- Chair recognizes the gentleman from our children with the bill. tural Pavilion boards, just to name a California (Mr. RUIZ) for 5 minutes. I want to simplify and modernize our few. He has been very active. Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Tax Code to give middle class families Paul’s tenure as president ends this honor the outstanding service and her- the purchasing power they need to im- year, but I am confident he will con- oism of one of California’s finest, Riv- prove their lives and spark the econ- tinue to play a vital role in the advo- erside County Sheriff’s Deputy David omy. This plan, unfortunately, will fur- cacy and evolution of our agriculture Solis, who serves in Coachella, Cali- ther burden the middle class for the industry.