Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2006 Annual Report Contents

2 Highlights 31 Our Profi le

Prizes and Awards 4 Chairman’s Report Publications ‘Leadership for the Future’ Paul Brassil Professional Service to the Community and Related Organisations 7 Executive Director’s Report

‘Framework for the Future’ Professor Peter Schofi eld 40 Finance

Funding and Financial Summary 10 Board of Directors 42 Research Funding 12 Research Projects Grants awarded for Research Funding Neurodegeneration and Ageing

Mental Illness 46 Fundraising

Movement, Balance and Falls Fundraising and Public Relations

Brain Function and Imaging Acknowledgments

Neural Injury 52 Our People

Institute Staff and Students OUTLOOK The outlook for 2007 and beyond is truly remarkable. The opportunities to translate our work into clinical therapies, creating a natural synergy amongst our researchers, are impressive. Through scientifi c tenacity we will continue to conduct world-class, collaborative medical research to cure human disease, improve quality of life, and create a legacy for the future.

1 Highlights 2000 – 2006

2000 2001 2002 2003

The Spinal Injuries Research Dr Kay Double and her Completion of the Launching of the fi rst 3 Tesla Centre was established. research team developed a blood neurodegenerative disease data Magnetic Resonance Imaging test for the early diagnosis of collection for Wave 5 of “The (MRI) scanner in NSW through Parkinson’s disease. Sydney Older Persons Study”, a joint venture with Mayne now one of the longest running Health to create the Mayne longitudinal ageing studies (now Symbion) Clinical in Australia. Research Imaging Centre.

Opening of the Impact Injuries Research Laboratory.

2 2004 2005 2006

Institute researchers, under The Institute was selected by the On successfully winning a A new laboratory for 16 Professor Glenda Halliday, University of New South Wales competitive process to host the scientists focusing on genetics discovered a new form of for the location of the inaugural NISAD Chair of Schizophrenia and mental health research dementia often confused with NewSouth Global Professor of Research resulting in an $8 was established. This work Alzheimer’s disease – Dementia Brain Sciences. Professor Caroline million investment by NISAD, has already led to important with Lewy Bodies. (Lindy) Rae was appointed to the University of New South advances in our understanding the position. Wales and POWMRI over of the genetic contributions to the next 5 years, a major depression and bipolar disorder. Assoc Professor Stephen international research team Lord’s Falls Clinic developed is being established to study a “Falls Screening Kit” which the developmental biology is used by aged care specialists of schizophrenia. Professor worldwide in identifying Cyndi Shannon-Weickert was people at risk of falls. recruited from the National Institutes of Health in the US to head the team.

In Alzheimer’s disease research, a new Research Fellow, Dr Brett The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Garner, and his team of Coordinates 6th Ed was the researchers, were appointed. latest in the series of the world’s leading brain atlases published by the Institute’s scientists Professors George Paxinos and Professor Simon Gandevia, Charles Watson. This atlas is the Institute’s Deputy the most cited neuroscience Director, and his team The use of our Impact Injuries publication and the most cited advanced the development of Laboratory to undertake Australian publication of all a new technique to allow a crash test simulations of child times. It is ranked amongst the quadriplegic patient to deliver injury in car crashes has led 50 most cited publications in an effective cough, treating to educational, Standards and the history of science. a key complication of spinal legislative changes to prevent cord injury. childhood injury.

A prestigious international award was conferred on Professor Simon Gandevia by the International Research Promotion Council for his work 3 on the long term effects of polio. Chairman’s Report Paul Brassil


As Chairman of the Board, I am proud to be associated with the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, a recognised leader in Australia’s research into fundamental and clinical neuroscience. The Institute’s outstanding research initiatives are founded on excellence in leadership and will accelerate discovery and redefi ne neuroscience to reduce the global burden of disease.

My fellow Board Members and I are committed to support the component of the Institute’s success is the support of individuals, Institute in its mission to undertake and facilitate scientifi c and corporations, trusts and foundations that assist our scientifi c medical research which is, or may prove to be, of value to Australia research. Friends and supporters also play a crucial role by and for the common good of humankind; and to relieve pain and volunteering their time and resources, and by attending Institute suffering in humans through our scientifi c and medical research to meetings and functions throughout the year. prevent, treat or cure diseases and improve the quality of life. Space limitations The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute The Board I would like to acknowledge the signifi cant commitment faces critical space limitations. Our staff numbers have increased made by POWMRI Directors this past year and thank them for from 43 when the Institute was established in 1993 to 154 in 2006. their wise counsel. We have now reached full capacity and urgently require a purpose- built facility to provide the specialist research laboratories and Mr Peter Kemp was appointed to the Board in October. Peter, who facilities necessary for our scientists and clinicians. This will ensure has been involved in commercial legal practice for over 30 years, is we can properly support our mission to understand, diagnose and Principal of Peter Kemp Solicitors, a specialist law fi rm in Sydney. treat brain and nervous system disease.

Dr Andrew Refshauge joined the Board’s Audit Committee in June Vision for the future The Institute seeks to establish a world-class and his fi nancial expertise is greatly appreciated. Neuroscience Research Precinct as a major research hub located on our site of the Randwick Hospitals’ Campus. The establishment of We were sorry to lose the services of two Directors. Mr Philip Salter this Precinct is consistent with the recommendations of the National resigned as an independent Director in February. Professor Mark Neuroscience Consultative Taskforce commissioned by the Federal Wainwright resigned in October when he retired as Vice-Chancellor Minister for Health & Ageing, The Hon Tony Abbott, and the and President of UNSW. The advocacy and encouragement of these Medical Research Strategy of the NSW Government. Importantly, Directors during their terms of service are greatly appreciated. the development of the Neuroscience Research Precinct has been designated as one of six medical research hubs in the NSW One of the Board’s major tasks this year has been to undertake the Government’s Medical Research Strategy. work necessary to establish a Foundation for the Institute, “The Brains Trust”. While the offi cial launch of The Brains Trust will occur in 2007, The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute’s partners in the the Board has been especially grateful to Henry Davis York solicitors Neuroscience Research Precinct are South Eastern Sydney & for their pro bono support in establishing this important new venture. Illawarra Area Health Service and the Randwick Campus Hospitals, The Brains Trust will hold and manage the Institute’s endowments the University of New South Wales (including Brain Sciences UNSW) and bequests from members of the Phyllis Luker Society, as well as and the Black Dog Institute. philanthropic and wider community donations. This will signifi cantly enhance the ability of the Institute to conduct its ongoing research. The Neuroscience Research Precinct will require major capital investment from various sources, including both the Federal and A successful year Under the eminent leadership of Professor Peter State Governments. We have the land for this development and our Schofi eld, Executive Director and CEO, and Professor Simon Gandevia, Architects and Planners have completed the design. We now require Deputy Director, the Institute continues to fl ourish and provide a fi rst- the funds to make this vision a reality. rate environment for the Institute’s team of dedicated scientists to achieve optimal results from their research programs in the neurosciences. Our research has, and will, continue to make substantial contributions to the health and wellbeing of the Australian community.

On behalf of the Board, I sincerely thank all those who have Paul Brassil contributed to the Institute’s achievements in 2006. A vital Chairman

4 5 6 Executive Director’s Report Professor Peter R Schofi eld


New research programs and staff POWMRI has made substantial POWMRI. Tom is a cognitive psychologist, who has joined the advances in neuroscience research for the past 13 years, with POWMRI Faculty as a Research Fellow. Using brain imaging practical application of many of our research projects in diagnosis technology he will conduct clinical research into schizophrenia. of neurological disorders, preventing falls, protecting against injury and changes in rehabilitation management techniques. Dr John Kwok moved to the Institute to continue his work in the genetics of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia in my Over the last year, the Institute has developed new research own laboratory. He was appointed to the POWMRI Faculty as a programs using molecular, cellular and genetic approaches to our Research Fellow with his research into the genetics of dementia existing research strengths in neurological disease especially in benefi ting from the outstanding collaborative opportunities that are Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. We have also undertaken a presented at the Institute. strategic expansion into research on the major psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. The “Genetics Repositories Australia” national research facility was established in 2006 with a $2 million NHMRC “Special Facilities” In September 2006, we established a new laboratory for 16 Enabling Grant over fi ve years. In creating this national initiative, researchers focusing on genetics and mental health research. This the Institute has set a benchmark for future investment in genetic work, undertaken by my own team of researchers, has already led research by providing the essential support to establish, distribute to important advances in our understanding of the genetic and and maintain long-term secure storage of human genetic samples environmental contributions that lead to depression with the use (DNA and cell lines) from researchers throughout Australia. Steve of this genetic information in a clinical intervention trial on the Turner has been appointed as Manager of the GRA facility. effective management of stress to prevent depression. We have also identifi ed a gene that predisposes to the onset of bipolar disorder. New operations staff As the Institute continues to grow, it has become essential to provide additional operational and administrative support The Institute was selected as the location for the NISAD Chair in to ensure our researchers can work to maximal effi ciency. In 2006 we Schizophrenia Research. This prestigious appointment is supported invested heavily in a major capital and staffi ng upgrade to our IT services. by a funding commitment, worth $8 million over the fi rst fi ve Dr Andrew Cartwright was appointed as the new IT Manager and we years, by NSW Health, NISAD, UNSW and the Institute. Professor recruited both an IT Database Programmer and a Support Offi cer. Cynthia (Cyndi) Shannon-Weickert was recruited from the National Institutes of Health in the US to establish a signifi cant international We have underpinned our increased laboratory research efforts with research team to study the developmental biology of schizophrenia. the appointment of a new technical support offi cer. In our PR and Cyndi commenced at POWMRI in November 2006 and fast-tracked Fundraising Department we have created separate Events Manager the recruitment of a research team with vision and a commitment and part time Donor Database Coordinator positions. to innovative science. This enterprise will undoubtedly provide the framework for important developments in understanding Staff promotions, awards and recognition The Institute is proud of the how disturbances in brain development can lead to the onset of achievements of its staff. We now have 15 scientists on staff holding schizophrenia. Extensive renovations to accommodate her research appointments at levels of Professor or Associate Professor. There team were supported by a grant from the NSW Government. are 8 NHMRC Research Fellows and 3 RD Wright Fellows on the Faculty from a staff of 160. Dr Thomas Weickert also relocated from the US National Institutes of Health in November 2006 to take up a new position as Senior Several staff members received promotions in 2006. Professor Stephen Lecturer in the School of Psychiatry, UNSW and is based at Lord was promoted to a NHMRC and POWMRI Senior Principal

7 Executive Director’s Report Professor Peter R Schofi eld

“ The opportunities for discoveries have never been greater and we have a compelling vision for the future of our research that we believe will have a profound effect on medical research worldwide.”

Research Fellow and Associate Professor James Brock as POWMRI Artist’s impression of the proposed new building Principal Research Fellow. Professor Vaughan Macefi eld has been appointed as the Foundation Chair of Physiology at the University of Western Sydney. Vaughan will continue components of his research at POWMRI and holds a conjoint appointment with the Institute.

In 2006, Dr Kay Double was honoured by the Federal Minister for Health & Ageing, The Hon Tony Abbott, as one of “Ten of the Best” NHMRC funded researchers for her work on Parkinson’s disease.

Many of our staff members have attracted signifi cant media coverage for their work over the past year. These include: Professor Cyndi Shannon-Weickert on her prestigious new appointment as NISAD Chair of Schizophrenia Research; Associate Professor Lynne Bilston for research on child car restraints; Associate Professor Matthew Kiernan on Motor Neurone Disease; Professor Glenda Halliday and Dr Kay Double for research on Parkinson’s disease; Dr Richard Fitzpatrick on “remote control” of walking; Dr Gunnar Wasner on chronic pain in spinal cord injury; and myself (in my capacity as a member of the Lockhart Review Committee in 2005) on the “stem cell and therapeutic cloning” debate. in 2005 and is substantially above the publication outputs of many Competitive grant success Medical research is a highly competitive similar sized and larger medical research institutes. sector, but the Institute continues to excel. Our success rate for NHMRC grants was almost twice the national average and, in our Citation analysis provides a way of assessing the value and partnership in Brain Sciences UNSW, we collectively produced 35% importance of research publications. Professor George Paxinos of all NHMRC grants that were awarded to, or administered by, AO is particularly noteworthy in this regard since his book, The UNSW. The Institute currently holds 88 competitive research grants Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, has attracted over 30,000 valued at $8·75 million. citations over its several editions, making it the tenth most cited publication and the third most cited scientifi c book in the world. Our outstanding support from the NHMRC includes leadership of the “Partnership in Injury Grant”; leadership of one and partnership Supporters and donors The Institute continues with a range of in a second Enabling Grant for genetic and brain tissue repositories, fundraising events and in the 2005/06 fi nancial year we raised respectively; and partnership in several recently awarded initiatives, $1,298,000·00 for our research. These included our ongoing including a Clinical Centre of Research Excellence in Anxiety and participation in the ASX-Reuters Charity Foundation partnership; Depression, and ARC Thinking Systems Grant. “Bridge for Brain” Research Challenge; the innovative “Creative Madness” art exhibition; and our annual Food for Thought Gala Outstanding publication record The Institute had an outstanding Dinner which, in 2006, had an Italian theme, “Maestri della Cucina”. publication record in 2006, producing 149 peer-reviewed papers, Proceeds from this event were directed towards our research into books and chapters. This exceeds our record of 126 publications mental illness.

8 Computer generated image of the proposed new building

Our direct mail campaign has continued through 2006 as part of Quality laboratory space and clinical research facilities are critical a long-term strategy to increase our donor base. The Phyllis Luker to attracting and supporting research excellence. Society, a program to encourage supporting the work of the Institute through bequests, has not only provided a vehicle by which we can Working with Cox-Richardson Architects & Planners and the South honour those who have provided for the Institute in their Will, but East Sydney & Illawarra Area Health Service, we have developed has also increased public awareness of the Institute. plans for a new $69·1 million building. The new building will provide 11,000m2 of new research capacity. This would double My colleagues and I regularly invited many friends and supporters to the space of our existing research facility. Consistent with the visit the Institute, to meet our Board members and senior scientists, recommendations of the National Neuroscience Consultative and see fi rsthand the extent of our research in the neurosciences. Taskforce, the Institute’s building developments will lead the This has been a valuable exchange as we have gained many new establishment of the “Neuroscience Research Precinct” on the supporters from this initiative. Prince of Wales Campus at Randwick.

Individual donors and supporters have also been most generous The opportunities for discoveries have never been greater and we in 2006, with key individuals and families providing signifi cant have a compelling vision for the future of our research that we donations. I extend my sincere thanks to all those made donations believe will have a profound effect on medical research worldwide. for your philanthropy and foresight. Establishment of the Neuroscience Research Precinct would The past and the future Although we have continued to thrive in lead to enhanced opportunities for cooperation across the basic a stimulating research environment, the physical environment has neurosciences, the clinical disciplines of neurology and psychiatry, been challenging to say the least. POWMRI’s current facilities were and the population-based health sciences. built in the ‘60s and served as the Randwick Chest Hospital. In the early 1990s, the Institute renovated and extended the two Villas As part of the long-term future of the Institute and the Neuroscience with capital grants of only $1·7 million from each of the Federal Research Precinct, we have embarked on a major campaign to raise and State Governments to accommodate its research teams. The the substantial funds required to make our vision a reality, and Institute has quadrupled in size over the past 13 years, and is now our research outputs, a benefi t to the health and wellbeing of the at full capacity. In fact, it has exceeded capacity! Australian community.

The Institute is at a critical stage where we must substantially expand our laboratories and facilities to allow us to use our intellectual capacity and commitment to undertake and apply effective medical research to reduce the nation’s burden of disease. Professor Peter R Schofield Our current growth trajectory and plans for the future require Executive Director and CEO a signifi cant new investment into a purpose-built, world-class, research facility. For example, our new work in genetics and molecular biology requires more sophisticated equipment and space than the current building can support, while further developments in our brain magnetic imaging research require purpose-built facilities.

9 Board Of Directors 2006

Mr Paul Brassil BEc LLB ACA FTIA Mr John Walton AM MBA BEc FCPA FAIM Director, POWMRI Limited, 1997 – present Director, POWMRI Limited, 1991 – present Chairman of the Board, POWMRI Limited, 2004 – present An inaugural Director of POWMRI, he was Chairman of Eastern Chairman of the Audit Committee, POWMRI Limited, 2003 – present Sydney Area Health Service 1991 – 1996, having been a Director Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Chartered Accountant and a since 1976. He is Chairman of Walton Enterprises Pty Ltd, Deputy Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, specialising in advising Chairman of the Australian Institute of Management, and a Director local and international clients on income tax and related matters. of Young & Rubicam Australia Pty Ltd, Capital Investments Pty Ltd, and Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation. He has also served Professor Peter Schofield PhD DSc as Chairman or Director of many corporate and community boards. Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, POWMRI, 2004 – present Mr Barry Shepherd PSM Director, POWMRI Limited, July 2005 – present Professor Mark Wainwright AM MAppSc PhD DSc Former Director of Corporate Services, SESIAHS and Deputy Director, POWMRI Limited, 2004 – October 2006 CEO, South Eastern Sydney and Eastern Sydney AHS. He served Former Vice-Chancellor and President, University of New South as POWMRI Director during the Institute’s formative years and Wales. He served on boards of a number of Co-operative Research was renominated to the Board by the Area Health Service. He has Centres and as a Director of NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd. extensive expertise in the health and medical research sector and the delivery of major projects. Professor Peter Smith RFD MD FRACP FRCPA Director, POWMRI Limited, November 2005 – present Dean, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW He has served on a number of Commonwealth and State Government committees and advisory boards, and is recognised as a leading clinician, researcher and educator.

10 Professor Roger Dampney BSc PhD DSc Mr Peter Kemp LLB Director, POWMRI Limited, 1995 – present Director, POWMRI Limited, October 2006 – present Professor of Cardiovascular Neuroscience at the University of Principal of Peter Kemp Solicitors, a specialist commercial law fi rm Sydney and an Honorary Consultant Physiologist at Royal North in Sydney. Peter has been involved in commercial legal practice for Shore Hospital. He is also a member of a number of Societies and over 30 years, mainly in his role as one of the founding partners of Advisory Committees and has served on a number of NHMRC Kemp Strang Lawyers. He is also a member of the Business Law Grant Review Panels. Section of the Australian Law Council and a founding member of its Insolvency Section. Dr Andrew Refshauge MBBS GAICD Director, POWMRI Limited, October 2005 – present Mr Philip Salter Member, Audit Committee, POWMRI Limited, June 2006 – present Director, POWMRI Limited, 2004 – February 2006 Former Deputy Premier of NSW (1995 – 2005), former Treasurer Member, Audit Committee, POWMRI Limited, 2005 – February 2006 and Minister for Health, and a medical practitioner with extensive Joint Managing Director of Salmat Limited, member of the skills and experience in the political, fi nancial and health sectors. Company Directors Association of Australia and former Director of the Australian Direct Marketing Association. Mr David Thomas Director, POWMRI Limited, 1997 – present Mr Andrew Dermott BEc CA David’s business is in the hospitality industry. Company Secretary and Finance Manager, POWMRI

Ms Judi Hausmann MPRIA Director, POWMRI Limited, 2003 – present Principal of Hausmann Communications in Sydney and a Member of the Public Relations Institute of Australia.

11 Research Projects 2006

12 The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute (POWMRI) is dedicated to fundamental and clinical neuroscience research. The outstanding medical research initiatives undertaken at the Institute are founded upon excellence in research leadership and will redefi ne neuroscience and mental health globally by accelerating discovery. The Institute’s research has and will continue to make substantial contributions to the health and wellbeing of the Australian community.

The Institute harnesses exceptional research in degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease; in psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression; in spinal cord injury; in falls, balance and human movement; and in brain mapping and imaging. The Institute is a model for the outstanding collaboration of neuroscientists.

13 Research Projects Neurodegeneration and Ageing

“ And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.

It’s the life in your years.”Abraham Lincoln 1809 – 1865


Parkinson’s disease genetics Professor Glenda Halliday and Dr ANU. He also gained combined funding from the ARC Ageing Well Yue Huang are participating in an Australian-wide collaboration Network and the DCRC to review what is currently known about to develop the necessary resources to study the genetic effects on cognitive impairment, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and brain injury Parkinson’s disease. In their fi rst studies, they have focused on in Aboriginal communities. While indigenous Australians currently families with more than one member with Parkinson’s disease. have a much lower life expectancy than non-indigenous Australians, Assessment of these families has shown genetic anticipation this pattern is starting to change and it will become increasingly – people in younger generations get the disease earlier in life – that important to understand how brain ageing affects urban, rural and is not explained by previously published genetic causes. Further remote indigenous populations. genetic studies in these families are being completed and a number of studies have commenced on larger populations of patients with Professors Schofi eld, Broe and Halliday are co-investigators on Parkinson’s disease. the NHMRC/ARC Ageing Well Ageing Productively project to undertake the Ageing Twins Study, which is led by Professor Sachdev Factors infl uencing normal and pathological cognitive ageing from the Prince of Wales Hospital. Dr Olivier Piguet, Professor Tony Broe and Professor Glenda Halliday are undertaking research which is aimed at developing Understanding frontotemporal dementia: Identifying any clinical objective tools to identify the earliest markers and correlations variations that can predict the different cellular mechanisms of the most common dementia syndromes associated with ageing. Frontotemporal dementia is a leading cause of dementia, accounting These studies confi rm that loss of the hippocampal brain region is a for between 12 and 20% of all dementia cases. In contrast to other good predictor of memory performance and that both memory and degenerative diseases, frontotemporal dementia has different cellular motor defi cits contribute signifi cantly to functional decline. From mechanisms that produce similar but variant clinical pictures. these studies they developed a simple rating scale for the evaluation of the hippocampus on brain MRI scans and found that older Studies conducted by Professor Glenda Halliday and colleagues people with smaller hippocampi have more diffi culties socialising. A Professor John Hodges and Assoc Professor Jillian Kril have surprising result has been that both sides of the brain may need to identifi ed that the majority of frontotemporal dementia patients be affected for considerable dysfunction with ageing to occur. Our presenting with language diffi culties and/or motoneurone disease studies have also demonstrated the deleterious effect of alcohol on will have one cellular form of frontotemporal dementia whereas the the cerebellum, even at very low doses, of very old individuals. majority presenting with corticobasal degeneration or progressive supranuclear palsy will have the other cellular form. As these Healthy ageing Professor Tony Broe is undertaking research across a presentations are rarer clinical variants of frontotemporal dementia, number of projects investigating different aspects of population ageing for many patients it is still not possible to predict the underlying and brain function. With colleagues from the University of Queensland cellular at present. The research team has also found that and the Australian Institute of Health and Ageing, a computer-based a proportion of patients with frontotemporal dementia have early modelling project was designed to calculate patient fl ows between the severe memory impairment which has signifi cant implications for community, hospital and residential aged care sectors with the aim of clinical diagnosis, as this type of presentation is currently used to improving aged care planning and service design in Australia. Professor identify patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Broe’s focus on the dementias and on healthy ageing also saw him involved in the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre (DCRC) with Identifying any similarities at the cellular level in the different Professor Henry Brodaty and colleagues from UNSW and the initiation forms of frontotemporal dementia Professor Glenda Halliday and of the Project “How to age well” from the “Australian Longitudinal colleagues have identifi ed that there is considerable similarity in the Studies on Ageing” with Dr Kaarin Anstey and colleagues from the progression and pattern of atrophy for most of the clinical variants

14 Christine Song PhD Student Christine Song was recently awarded a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Post Graduate Support Grant for her work on improving the outcomes for people who have atypical forms of Parkinson’s disease that causes the brain to degenerate. Her research aims to identify early changes in the brain before signifi cant damage is caused.

15 Research Projects Neurodegeneration and Ageing

past year they have been seeking to identify the proteins in this Dr John Kwok pathology. To do so, they developed a novel method for the retrieval of tissue proteins from formalin-fi xed archival tissue samples. The development of this new technique is likely to have considerable impact on protein studies in the human brain. Dr Shepherd and Professor Halliday identifi ed proinfl ammatory mediators, and most recently found that, out of the 17 relevant molecules tested, levels of soluble monocyte chemoattractant protein appear to be a potent driver of this infl ammatory response.

Genetics of early onset Alzheimer’s disease Newly appointed POWMRI Research Fellow Dr John Kwok, together with Dr Bill Brooks have continued their studies of the genetics of early onset Alzheimer’s disease. A particular focus of the collaborative studies with two notable exceptions: patients with progressive supranuclear is the identifi cation of potential genes that may modify the onset or palsy do not have gross brain atrophy over time, despite signifi cant progression of dementia, as these genes may provide key therapeutic deposition of abnormal tau in cortical regions, and about 10% of targets for successful treatment for all cases Alzheimer’s disease. patients with a behavioural variant have minimal atrophy which does not progress over time. In most patients, the degree of temporal Do changes in neuromelanin pigment and associated brain fats lobe atrophy can predict disease progression. This data contributed trigger brain cell death in Parkinson’s disease? Recent research to the development of a novel and simple clinical tool to visually by Dr Kay Double and colleagues has identifi ed changes in evaluate the degree of brain atrophy in patients with frontotemporal neuromelanin, a dark pigment found in the brain cells which die in dementia to assist in predicting disease subtype, severity and Parkinson’s disease. Dr Double suggested that an increase in iron in survival. Overall these studies indicate that once frontotemporal the vulnerable brain cells and the ability of neuromelanin to bind dementia has commenced there is a similar speed and distribution iron results in an increase in damaging oxygen-based molecules of atrophy for most patients regardless of the underlying cellular in the brain in Parkinson’s disease. This would disturb normal pathology. However, for patients with certain clinical phenotypes, cellular events, such as the ability to remove waste proteins, within the type of cellular pathology can be largely predicted, although a the pigmented neurons. Another interesting change identifi ed in proportion of patients will be clinically diagnosed with Alzheimer’s neuromelanin in the brain in Parkinson’s disease was a decrease in disease using current criteria. This research has already translated the amount of cholesterol associated with the pigment. Cholesterol directly into clinical practice with the development of a new clinical belongs to a group of fats called isoprenoids and there is evidence tool and an evidence base for the refi nement of diagnostic criteria. that this family of fats may be changed in the periphery and also in the brain in Parkinson’s disease. Genetics of frontotemporal dementia The relocation of the research laboratories of Professor Schofi eld and Dr Kwok to the Institute Dr Double and her colleagues published a review of the known links in 2006 provided a major research boost into the genetic causes of between isoprenoids, neuromelanin and the mechanisms by which frontotemporal dementia. Two key studies are underway, examining brain cells die in Parkinson’s disease and proposed that changes the genetic defects which may lead to this important form of dementia. in isoprenoids in Parkinson’s disease represent an early triggering event for cell death in this disorder. Their experimental work is PhD student Agnes Luty has been studying a large South Australian currently investigating this novel hypothesis in the brain and in family that has frontotemporal dementia and motor neurone disease. the periphery in Parkinson’s disease patients and controls and also Using genetic linkage studies, the team has identifi ed linkage to in model systems. The identifi cation of an early, common change chromosome 9p, a well-established locus for this disease. Positional within the vulnerable cells which might ultimately result in brain cloning studies are aiming to identify the gene that is responsible cell death in Parkinson’s disease could lead to the development of for this inherited disorder. In a second study, PhD student Dr novel, more effective treatments for this disorder. Clement Loy is examining a family with a recessively inherited form of frontotemporal dementia, using a unique genetic mapping tool An associated research project to develop a novel way of diagnosing termed homozygosity mapping. This approach offers the potential Parkinson’s disease based on ultrasound is also thought to refl ect in closely related family members of rapidly narrowing the location changes in iron within the Parkinsonian brain. Dr Double’s team was of the dementia causing gene. able to show that the typical brain changes seen using ultrasound imaging in people with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease are Targeting infl ammatory mechanisms in Alzheimer’s disease also seen in almost 50% of healthy aged persons and are associated Alzheimer’s disease accounts for more than 50% of all dementia with subtle changes in movement. These fi ndings suggest that the cases. Recent evidence shows that brain infl ammation mediates brain changes typical of Parkinson’s disease can also be associated most of the irreversible tissue damage and loss found in Alzheimer’s with mild motor dysfunction in otherwise healthy individuals. Dr disease, and that this mechanism can be therapeutically manipulated. Double and her team now plan to identify the cellular basis of these Dr Claire Shepherd and Professor Glenda Halliday have been changes in both healthy individuals and in Parkinson’s disease. concentrating on determining molecules that participate in this type of brain infl ammation with the aim of identifying those that Motor neurone disease A particular focus for Assoc Professor are amenable to modifi cation for future treatment development. In Matthew Kiernan in 2006 has related to the pathophysiology of 2005 they found a novel “infl ammatory” pathology in the brains motor neurone disease (MND), a universally fatal condition that of patients with genetic forms of Alzheimer’s disease and over the kills one Australian every day. The cause of MND is unknown in the majority of cases and there is debate as to where the disease begins,

16 Dr Olivier Piguet Senior Research Officer NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairley Fellow Over the next fi ve years, Olivier’s research will use new approaches to understand the links between the cognitive changes associated with healthy ageing and those found in abnormal (pathological) ageing and to defi ne their brain correlates.

whether in the brain, spinal cord or in the peripheral nerves. Assoc collection of eyes that have been examined by an ophthalmologist Professor Kiernan and his team have been investigating where MND during life, Dr Sarks’ group has been able to identify two separate begins through studies directed at different levels of the neural axis pathways by which eyes accumulate the abnormal deposits from the brain, through to the peripheral nerve. Complementary characteristic of early AMD. These two pathways lead to two studies are proceeding in MND patients and pre-symptomatic disease endpoints in AMD – “drusen-related atrophy” and “drusen- carriers of a genetic mutation linked to the development of MND. unrelated atrophy”. It is anticipated that this fi nding will assist with In addition to providing information about the disease site of both the design and interpretation of genetic susceptibility studies. the origin, progression and thereby prognosis, new quantifi able measures are being developed which may subsequently be used in Using clinical data collected over the course of up to 19 years, Dr conjunction with other markers of disease progression to objectively Sarks’ group also found that the disciform scars caused by the monitor MND patients in future treatment and prevention trials. neovascular, or “wet” form of AMD, may continue to cause loss of vision, despite being considered “stable” by most clinicians. Understanding age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Age- This appears to occur due to ongoing loss of the retinal pigment related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in epithelium, in response to remodelling of the vascular bed that industrialised countries. A recent Australian study estimated that supports it. These fi ndings will ensure that clinicians can better AMD currently costs $2·6 billion each year, expected to rise to $6·5 plan management and treatment, thus providing better support for billion per year by 2025. Thus there is a strong imperative to fi nd patients with neovascular AMD. ways of treating, and ultimately preventing, AMD. Molecular basis of neurological disease The primary research focus Recent genetic evidence suggests that a healthy innate immune for Dr Brett Garner and his team is to understand how lipids, such as system may protect against AMD by preventing the accumulation of cholesterol, can regulate fundamental cellular functions that result in abnormal deposits beneath a layer of cells critical to the function of neuron death – important in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease photoreceptors – the retinal pigment epithelium. Focal accumulation – and also how lipids cause vascular disease such as atherosclerosis of these deposits results in “drusen”, the hallmark lesions of AMD. – important in heart disease, stroke and vascular dementia. Dr Garner’s An ongoing challenge in AMD research is the correlation of genetic group aims to understand disease mechanisms at a molecular level in and laboratory fi ndings with clinical fi ndings. This is particularly order to identify new therapeutic approaches which are very limited or diffi cult since the earliest deposits are not visible to the clinician nonexistent for most forms of dementia and neurodegenerative disease. using an ophthalmoscope. Cholesterol and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease With key Dr Shirley Sarks continues to correlate clinical changes in the eye with contributions from Dr Scott Kim, Dr Garner’s team has completed microscopic changes in cellular architecture. By analysing a unique the fi rst detailed analysis, for all of the major human brain cell types,

17 Research Projects Neurodegeneration and Ageing

Lolita Warden PhD Student Lolita is the recipient of the 2005 Hunter Doctoral Research Scholarship into the Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease awarded by Alzheimer’s Australia. Her research investigates infl ammation in relation to the key pathological hallmark inclusions of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain, these being amyloid protein deposition, tau pathology and the associated cell loss.

18 ‘A Kind of Alaska’, The Sydney Theatre Company, with Justine Clark and Caroline Lee, directed by Cate Blanchett. Photo: Heidrun Lohr

of a family of lipid transport proteins called ABC transporters. This by suppressing the synthesis of glycosphingolipids. The transition study identifi ed several ABC transporters in neurons and subsequent of this work from cell biology into an animal model adds further work revealed that two of the ABC transporters identifi ed in neurons support to the idea that therapies targeting sphingolipid synthesis could play a major role in regulating the production of a toxic peptide may be useful in a human disease context. (amyloid-beta) that has been know for many years to be one causative factor in Alzheimer’s disease. This latter research, which also revealed Neurohistory: Encephalitis lethargica, the forgotten epidemic for the fi rst time how cholesterol is transported from neurons, was (1916 – 1930?) The fi rst history of encephalitis lethargica, or the published online late in 2006 and attracted the attention of New “sleeping sickness” epidemic, which affl icted the world between the Scientist magazine and Australian and overseas news agencies. The two World Wars, is being prepared by Dr Paul Foley. About one- next phase of this research, on the role that specifi c ABC transporters third of victims died during the acute phase; at least equally tragic play in regulating pathology in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, was the fact that almost all survivors, mostly under the age of thirty has now commenced. years, developed incurable neurological syndromes resembling Parkinson’s disease – as seen in the fi lm Awakenings. This ARC- Novel function for lipid transport protein ApoE is a lipid transport funded project has already attracted international interest from protein that plays a role in both brain and blood cholesterol transport. neurohistorians, neurologists and others, and the fi rst book on PhD student David Elliott, working with Dr Brett Garner, discovered the subject since 1931, and several papers, are in fi nal preparation. that apoE level is dramatically increased in neurons that undergo Refl ecting the signifi cance of his historical research, Dr Foley was a specialised type of programmed cell death known as apoptosis. invited by Cate Blanchett to provide historical and medical advice, This research also suggests that apoE may facilitate the removal of plus historical notes for the program, for Sydney Theatre Company neuronal debris in the brain thereby limiting infl ammatory pathways performance of A Kind of Alaska. in neurodegenerative disease. Follow-up research is focusing on attaining an understanding of the role that apoE may play in POWMRI Tissue Resource Centre: Donated brain tissue for apoptosis and whether apoE expression can directly protect cells national distribution The Institute became part of the Australian from programmed cell death. In a closely related project, David Elliott Brain Bank Network in July 2004, a facility funded by a fi ve year has worked with the research team to examine apoE proteolytic NHMRC Enabling Grant. The total number of donor brains processing in Alzheimer’s disease brain samples and identifi ed several collected through the POWMRI brain donor program over this novel disease-associated modifi cations which could provide insight time has remained relatively stable, averaging around forty brains into the possible function of apoE in Alzheimer’s disease. per year. The number of brain tissue samples that are available upon request for non-collaborative studies increased to over half Novel therapeutic approaches for vascular disease Atherosclerotic of donated tissue due to the donors signing new consent forms vascular disease severely reduces blood supply to the heart allowing tissue to be given out to third parties for ethically- and brain and this can lead to heart attack, stroke and vascular approved research purposes. It is expected that these donations dementia. In the last few years, Dr Garner’s group has pioneered will increase over time. Currently, 650 brains are stored in the a new area of research that aims to treat atherosclerotic vascular Institute’s Tissue Resource Centre. disease by inhibiting a class of lipids known as glycosphingolipids. Elias Glaros has worked on this project as a research assistant for DNA extraction techniques for both fresh and fi xed brain tissue four years and has recently gained a scholarship to continue this were developed to be able to provide autopsy confi rmed DNA work as a PhD student. One of the highlights of the year for this material for research purposes on cases that have provided consent work includes the discovery that a new candidate drug, myriocin, for such studies. To date, 119 DNA samples from fresh and fi xed signifi cantly reduces atherosclerosis in apoE gene knockout mice brain tissue samples have been processed.

19 Research Projects Mental Illness

“ Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of,

but stigma and bias shame us all.”Bill Clinton 1946 –

Mental illness is responsible for one of the largest disease burdens cloning. However, the identifi cation of polymorphisms within a in Australia. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder each affect around susceptibility gene leads to further questions, such as which variants 1% of the population, while depression affects approximately 5%. within the FAT gene are actually causing the predisposition to bipolar Around 8,000 people, most in their late teens and early twenties, are disorder, and how do they alter the function of this protein? newly diagnosed with schizophrenia every year, costing Australia close to $8 billion annually. The affective or mood disorders Another genetic study, undertaken by PhD student Erica McAuley, has – bipolar disorder and depression – are also signifi cant burdens with identifi ed a second susceptibility locus located on chromosome 15. 12% of all suicides attributed to bipolar disorder. The fi nancial costs This chromosomal region has been widely implicated in the risk for amount to $1·59 billion per annum. This year has seen the launch of both mood and psychotic disorders and Institute research studies are an important new initiative for the Institute, the commencement of focusing on identifying the specifi c gene variant that results in illness. several new projects in mental illness research. Genes, environment and depression In a collaborative study with Assoc Professor Kay Wilhelm and Professors Phil Mitchell and Gordon Parker from the UNSW School of Psychiatry, Professor Peter Schofi eld and his team examined the genetic variation in the transporter protein that is involved in the reuptake of the key chemical signaling molecule serotonin.

The study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found more than a fi fth of the population has a genetic predisposition to depression in response to a series of stressful life events. Researchers based their fi ndings on DNA samples of a group of 128 people who were monitored over 25 years for depression onset and major life events. 42% met criteria for lifetime major depression. The study

Professor Cynthia Shannon Weickert found an 80% chance that those with the genetic predisposition will become depressed, if there are three or more negative life events in a year. This contrasts with some people who have genetic resilience Genes that predispose to bipolar disorder Professor Peter Schofi eld against depression. Even in similar situations, there is only a 30% and NHMRC Howard Florey Fellow Dr Jan Fullerton have percent chance of them becoming depressed. While there is evidence established their laboratory at the Institute. Over more than 15 surrounding the signifi cance of family history of depression, years, a cohort of families with a high incidence of bipolar disorder until now there has been very little idea about the specifi c genes have been recruited by Professor Philip Mitchell from the School of involved. This research shows signifi cant implications for reducing Psychiatry at UNSW, to underpin a series of studies on the genetic the likelihood of depression amongst those with the vulnerable risk factors for bipolar disorder. Over 1,200 family members, both genotype, by training them to improve their coping styles and affected and mentally well, have been recruited and used for the stress responses. genetic studies. Appointment of the Schizophrenia Research Professor of The culmination of a decade long study was published in Molecular Developmental Neuroscience A major new research activity for Psychiatry in which the cadherin gene FAT was identifi ed as the the Institute was the successful bid, conducted in partnership fi rst bipolar disorder susceptibility gene isolated through positional with UNSW, to host the nation’s fi rst Schizophrenia Research

20 Dr Jan Fullerton Senior Research Officer NHMRC Howard Florey Centenary Research Fellow Using her experience in psychiatric genetics and quantitative trait analysis, Jan is developing new, multifaceted tools to identify sub-clinical bipolar disorder as a complementary adjunct to traditional clinical diagnosis. This will facilitate the identifi cation of susceptibility genes for bipolar disorder and related psychopathologies.

Professorial Chair. Core funding for this position is provided by the to undertake the recruitment and clinical assessment of volunteer Schizophrenia Research Institute (formerly NISAD – Neuroscience patients with schizophrenia and healthy adults who will participate in Institute of Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders) who, together with cognitive, neuroimaging, and brain stimulation research to determine the Institute and University, conducted an international search that the neurobiological and genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia. led to the appointment of Professor Cynthia Shannon Weickert as the Schizophrenia Research Professor of Developmental Neuroscience. Genetics of normal brain function Dr Carol Dobson-Stone is investigating to what extent differences within genes may be Professor Shannon Weickert had spent the past 11 years at the responsible for differences between people in complex brain US National Institute of Mental Health where she pioneered functions, such as short-term memory. The Brain Resource human brain studies on the changes in growth-related molecules International Database, a large collection of psychometric, in schizophrenia. Most recently, she has focused on defi ning neuroimaging and demographic information from over 3,000 abnormalities in one of these neuronal growth factors, neuregulin, people is being used for this project. This year, Dr Dobson-Stone in cerebral cortex of patients, as neuregulin is critical for proper found that variations in MAOA, a gene involved in serotonin and cortical development and is the most convincing schizophrenia other neurotransmitter breakdown, are associated with differences susceptibility gene found to date. She plans to continue work on in processing of information and ability to sustain attention. She a basic level by determining the precise molecular steps used when also detected differences in information processing speed in people a cell migrates towards a neuregulin source and on a clinical level with different variants of a gene involved in dopamine metabolism. by linking genetic changes in neuregulin to neuronal migration abnormalities found in the patient’s brain. Once she has determined Genetic Repositories Australia With the support of a $2 million the nature of the DNA alterations in neuregulin that lead to the NHMRC Enabling Grant, Genetic Repositories Australia has been abnormal migration found neuropathologically, she will be able to established as a collaborative venture to develop and provide a more accurately identify humans at risk for schizophrenia, to know genetic repository for DNA and cell lines from defi ned disease and which pathological changes are a direct consequence of genetic population cohorts. The goal is to be able to provide appropriately alterations, to recreate models of the etiology of schizophrenia with consented biospecimen resources that protect the rights and privacy higher fi delity and to develop drugs aimed at reversing the problems of donor subjects but can be shared by the research community to earlier in the development of the disease. expedite research into the causes and treatments of disease.

Cognitive psychology and schizophrenia Dr Thomas Weickert was In 2006, the GRA facility was established with the appointment appointed as a POWMRI Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in of Steve Turner as the Facility Manager and the refurbishment of Psychiatry at UNSW in late 2006. Dr Weickert has training and laboratories to allow the creation of this new independent facility experience in the biological sciences, neuroscience, animal behavior, that meets best practice standards for processing and provision experimental psychology and cognitive psychology. Dr Weickert of biological specimens to qualifi ed researchers, and provides an conducted work on memory defi cits and general neuropsychological ethically based system that allows for open access to all researchers. testing in ageing and early Alzheimer’s disease at the New York To encourage collaborative initiatives, the GRA cost structure will University Medical Center. He studied cognitive defi cits and was heavily subsidise academic researchers who make their collections responsible for neuropsychological testing in schizophrenia with the available to other researchers by charging a substantially reduced National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD, USA. fee to these contributors. In 2006, over 600 samples were processed from seven different research groups. In collaboration with the Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank, one of Dr Weickert’s projects has been to establish a team

21 Research Projects Movement, Balance and Falls

“ Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955


Motor commands infl uence perception of limb position To plan and of falls in older people but this has been diffi cult to study because execute successful voluntary movements, it is necessary to know the there has been no simple way to assess the vestibular system. position and movements of joints. The traditional view about how They recently discovered how individuals can selectively joint position is sensed is that signals from receptors in the muscles stimulate the vestibular system in a precise way by applying provide the information. However, voluntary movements are also small electrical currents while engaged in normal activities such accompanied by “command” signals generated within the brain and as walking. With this technique, the research team has created these could also infl uence perception of limb position. Such signals perceptions of movement and shown how it can be used to steer of command or effort are important in signalling other aspects walking and alter balance. Researchers are now developing the of proprioception, such as the heaviness of a weight when lifted. technique to assess balance in older people and others with Professor Simon Gandevia, Dr Janet Taylor and colleagues used a problems of balance. novel approach to determine whether the signals of command could contribute to position sense. They paralysed and anaesthetised one This research generated a national and international scientifi c and arm with ischaemia (using an infl atable cuff to block blood fl ow) in media profi le through a number of publications and electronic order to produce a “phantom” hand. Prior to paralysis, the position media outlets including Nature, New Scientist, LA Times, BBC of the wrist could be accurately sensed and it was not affected if the London and the ABC’s Catalyst program. subject made a static voluntary effort to move the hand. However, perceived position of the wrist changed by more than 20° when Techniques like these, which provide ways to assess a person’s basic subjects attempted to fl ex or extend their phantom hand when it was physiological performance, are providing the tools to investigate paralysed and anaesthetised. These results, which were published in more complex problems. As an example, PhD student Annie the Journal of Physiology and featured in commentaries in New Butler is using these tests to study a large group of older people Scientist and the Nature news website, establish for the fi rst time a to determine how excessive risk taking or timidity relative to a defi nitive a role for “command” signals in position sense. person’s physical capability places them at risk of injuries and falls or, at the other extreme, prevents them from taking up the normal Using the senses to control movement and balance Three sensory activities of daily life. systems provide the brain with the information it needs for orientation and to maintain balance. The vestibular system of the Reducing falls and related injury in older people Professor Stephen inner ear, vision, and sensations from joints, muscle and skin are Lord’s research program includes a range of studies directed to merged together so automatically that individuals are hardly aware reduce falls and related injury in older people. His team’s work of it – until something goes wrong. Dr Richard Fitzpatrick and his investigates the basic physiology and biomechanics of human team are researching how the brain combines these different senses balance, including stepping, trips/slips and walking. Professor to form a single image of the body and its orientation and how, when Lord’s studies of large populations have enabled prediction of things do go wrong, it leads to falls and debilitating symptoms such people at risk of falls and injury and have been translated into as vertigo and motion sickness. PhD student Rebecca St George has practical screening tools for clinical use in Australia and around the shown how stimulating any one of these sensory systems produces world. The effect of different aspects of shoe design continues to long lasting “after sensations” of spinning or rocking that are be investigated with the aim of developing safer footwear for older equivalent to vertigo. Identifying these mechanisms is providing people. Large, randomised, controlled trials will establish whether an understanding of the mechanisms of balance control and its targeted falls intervention programs can prevent falls in older people disorders in many disease conditions and with ageing. Disorders staying in acute hospitals and in community-dwelling people at high of the vestibular system are most often involved with vertigo. Dr risk of falls. These interventions include multi-faceted programs and Fitzpatrick and colleagues also believe they are a signifi cant cause home-based and group exercise.

22 Dr Richard Fitzpatrick Senior Research Officer Problems with movement and balance are extremely common with many diseases and among older people. Richard’s research studies how the brain combines and uses information from all of the senses to produce the correct muscle contractions required for movement and balance, and the reasons why this goes wrong and leads to common problems such as falls and injuries.

Professor Lord’s group conducted a study to determine whether a 22-week water exercise program can improve physical functioning in older people. The controlled study was conducted with 85 water exercise subjects (mean age 71·8 years) and 44 controls (mean age 76·5 years). The outcome measures were leaning balance, knee muscle strength, reaction time and shoulder range of motion. Before the program, the groups were well-matched across most demographic, health and physical performance measures. After the program, the 48 exercise subjects who were available for retest showed signifi cantly improved leaning balance and shoulder range of motion compared with the controls. These fi ndings show that water exercise can produce benefi ts with regard to improving balance and fl exibility in older people.

Muscle control in obstructive sleep apnoea Obstructive sleep apnoea affects more than 4% of males and is more common in the elderly and obese. The tongue (genioglossus) is an important muscle that contracts to keep the upper airway open. During sleep, the activity in the genioglossus muscle is sometimes not large enough and the airway becomes subject to collapse. In severe cases of obstructive sleep apnoea, these obstructions can occur more than 50 times per hour over the whole night, resulting in disrupted sleep and periods of low blood oxygen levels. Dr Jane Butler and her team recently published the fi rst detailed study of the activity in genioglossus muscle during normal breathing during wakefulness to understand how this muscle is controlled. The experiments showed that the control of this muscle is much more complex than originally thought and that there are a number of different neural inputs to this muscle that act together to keep the airway open during normal breathing. Plans are underway to study further the control of this muscle in people with obstructive sleep apnoea.

23 Research Projects Brain Function and Imaging

“ The human brain, then, is the most complicated organisation

of matter that we know.” Isaac Asimov 1920 – 1992

NSW Government’s Mental Health initiative, funding was received for a position in diffusion tensor image processing to facilitate collaboration with leading researchers in the fi eld at University of California, San Francisco. This will enable researchers to undertake more advanced fi bre tracking and brain connectivity analyses.

Brain mapping Maps of the brain and spinal cord are needed by virtually everyone who studies the relationship between the nervous system and its disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and motor neurone disease. Scientists also need to know the relationships between the brain and spinal cord of humans and other species so that they can test hypotheses inspired by human considerations and relate their observations to humans.

Professor George Paxinos and colleagues are continuing to develop and refi ne brain atlases of humans and other species which are used internationally as the standard guides for scientifi c work. These atlases are also used by neurosurgeons to target small deep lying structures in the brain. In 2006, they published the sixth edition of The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Co-ordinates. This book assists those who use the rat to model human disease. It is listed amongst the 50 Professor George Paxinos most cited items in the Web of Science, and is the only Australian publication and, in particular, the only neuroscience publication on Symbion Clinical Research Imaging Centre The Symbion Clinical this list. Its fi ve editions have attracted over 34,000 citations. Until Research Imaging Centre is a joint facility between the Institute the publication of this rat brain atlas, brain research was hampered and Symbion Health. It houses a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance by the lack of an accurate stereotaxic atlas to study animal models imaging (MRI) scanner which allows researchers to measure brain of human neurologic and psychiatric disease. The atlas created a structure and function, as well as connectivities and chemistry in path for a new wave of studies on Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsonism, a non-invasive manner. The scanner will be upgraded in early 2007, mental illness, and stroke. This and the authors’ other atlases are enabling researchers to undertake a larger range of new investigations, major training tools of neurologists and neurosurgeons. including 31P (brain bioenergetics) and 13C (brain metabolism) experiments, and obtain higher angular resolution in images. With fi nancial support from the Christopher Reeve Foundation, Professor Paxinos and his team also commenced work on the mouse, During 2006, research using the scanner was expanded, with 25 rat and human spinal cord. active research projects. New equipment and services were acquired for research use from a grant received from the ARC. A physiological Brain changes in obstructive sleep apnoea In collaboration with monitoring system was also acquired, allowing safe measurement Assoc Professor Ron Grunstein of the Woolcock Institute, Professor of heart rate, respiration and inhaled/exhaled gasses, as well as an Caroline Rae has obtained measures of brain chemicals from the LED screen for presenting information to the subject. As part of the brainstem, hippocampus and frontal lobes of persons suffering from

24 obstructive sleep apnoea. This disorder is characterised by repetitive Professor Caroline (Lindy) Rae periods of sleep-disordered breathing, with subsequent arousal Conjoint Senior Principal Research Fellow from sleep, resulting in excessive daytime sleepiness and cognitive NewSouth Global Professor of Brain Sciences UNSW dysfunction. The team is investigating how the repetitive hypoxia A biochemist, Lindy uses neuroimaging techniques and a multi- experienced impacts brain chemistry and morphology, whether the disciplinary approach to explore how the chemistry of the brain severity of the disease is related to the changes, and whether the underlies its function. Current projects include investigating brain changes are remediated by continuous positive airway pressure pathways in reading and dyslexia, brain function in obstructive (CPAP) therapy. The researchers are also using live bioenergetic sleep apnoea and the biochemical basis of functional neuroimaging measures obtained using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to signals. see in real time how the brain responds to the hypoxic excursions that occur during sleep. Examining differences in the processing of pain in men and women Understanding your inhibitions Any work the brain undertakes In collaborative studies with Professor Simon Gandevia and Dr Luke requires energy, and that energy comes from metabolism of glucose. Henderson from the University of Sydney, Assoc Professor Vaughan Understanding how the brain works therefore requires understanding Macefi eld has shown that males and females process pain differently. how brain metabolism relates to brain function. Fatima Nasrallah, Brain imaging studies, conducted in the Symbion Clinical Research a PhD student with Professor Caroline Rae, has been working on Imaging Centre, have revealed different cortical sites being involved understanding how inhibition of brain activity impacts on brain in the processing of deep and superfi cial pain, evoked respectively metabolism, using a targeted neuropharmacological approach by intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of small amounts of coupled with use of data-crunching technology available in the fi eld hypertonic saline. of metabolomics. This work will assist in interpreting brain imaging experiments where inhibitory activity plays a role.

Neural basis of reading Learning to read is a complex task and one that has come relatively late in evolution to the human brain. As part of her investigations of reading disability (dyslexia), Professor Caroline Rae, in collaboration with Professor Max Coltheart and Dr Genevieve Macarthur of the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, has been using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to see how people read. The researchers theorize that words that sound like words, but are not real words (such as RANE), can be read correctly only via the phonological (letter to sound) route, while words that are real words, but not possible to sound out (“irregular words”) such as YACHT, can only be read by the dictionary look- up route (lexical route). This is the dual route hypothesis and the team is currently searching for the neuroanatomical substrate of these routes using fMRI. The results from these experiments will then be used to design experiments for use in children with dyslexia and to ascertain whether remediation alters the way these children’s brains read words.

25 Research Projects Neural Injury

“ So delicate is the fi ne tracery of the nervous structure, that the damage of a single fi bre or a set of fi bres destroys the unity of the whole. It is like a grand orchestra, in which one instrument alone out of time

or tune disturbs the harmony of the rest.” Forbes Winslow 1810 – 1874


Spinal Injuries Research Centre The Spinal Injuries Research Mechanisms underlying chronic pain in spinal patients Dr Gunnar Centre (SIRC) incorporates work on spinal cord injury by more Wasner, a visiting Feodor-Lynen Fellow from Germany, has been than ten laboratories in the Institute. The research ranges from studying the mechanisms underlying below-level chronic pain in experimental studies of the effects of spinal transection on the people with spinal cord injury. He has been able to rekindle the pain responsiveness of blood vessels and on infl ammation that may symptoms using specifi c chemical stimuli applied to regions of skin lead to spinal hyperexcitability and neurone death to better areas that lack sensitivity to pressure, touch, pinprick and pinch understanding of how spinal cysts develop in the long term after tested with standard neurological techniques. This demonstrates spinal injuries and the design of improved child restraints in that central pain pathways remain that were previously undetected motor cars. Projects on people with spinal cord injury included and may be the site of ectopic signals generating pain. These studies measurements of the excitability of motor and sensory axons, should lead to better approaches to pain medication. the evaluation of nerve-muscle units in atrophied muscles and the development of stimulation techniques for generating more Child injury Assoc Professor Lynne Bilston’s team has investigated effective muscle force to assist coughing and coordinated walking spinal injury in children, how well children fi t into child restraints during rehabilitation. and seat belts, and studied the differences in the behaviour of the spine between adults and children. SIRC members were particularly successful in the second round of the NSW Ministry of Health & Medical Research Program for Spinal The study of spinal injuries in children was the fi rst to compare the Cord Injury and Related Neurological Conditions. A Program Grant differences in injury type and cause for both serious injuries and worth $1·5 million was awarded to Professor Elspeth McLachlan, minor spinal injuries for children up to age 16. The study found that Assoc Professor James Brock, Assoc Professor Matthew Kiernan the type of injury and the mechanism of injury were dependent on and Assoc Professor Vaughan Macefi eld for studies of the changes the child’s age. For example, minor neck injuries, such as whiplash, in nerve and muscle excitability below a spinal cord injury. Project occurred almost exclusively in older children. Younger children grants were also awarded to Assoc Professor Matthew Kiernan for were more likely to be seriously spinally injured in car crashes, or a study of motor neurone disease and Professor George Paxinos to sustain less serious injuries in falls. Older children sustained serious prepare a spinal cord atlas. injuries in car crashes, but minor injuries in recreational pursuits such as sports. Neural function in spinal patients As part of the NSW Government Program Grant in Spinal Cord Injury, studies are now underway A study aimed at determining how well current child restraints and investigating plasticity of neural function distal to the site of spinal car seat belts fi t child occupants found that the design of the rear injury. Dr Rob Boland has been tracking neural function in spinal seat cushion and seat belt is such that most children will not be patients from the time of their acute injury in the intensive care able to get good seat belt fi t until approximately 11 or 12 years unit, through their period of inpatient rehabilitation and, in some of age. Poor belt fi t is associated with an increased risk of spinal cases, recovery. Preliminary data suggest that decentralisation and abdominal injury, and can also encourage restraint misuse. This and consequent inactivity underlie the complex changes in axonal research suggests that car manufacturers need to redesign the rear excitability that occur in spinal patients. Irrespective of the specifi c seat environment to better accommodate child occupants. Child mechanism, the high frequency of impaired peripheral neural restraints generally were able to accommodate the children they function that has been observed in spinal cord injured patients were designed for, with the exception that many booster seats were to date will remain a key issue for future treatments aiming at not suffi ciently tall for older children. This needs to be addressed by bridging the spinal lesion. improved designs, and by requiring minimum heights for restraints.

26 Assoc Professor Lynne Bilston Principal Research Fellow Lynne is researching how mechanical forces affect the nervous system and how these responses differ in adults and children. She studies a wide range of loading – from spinal cord injury to chronic nerve compression.

27 Research Projects Neural Injury

Dr Michael Green

A study of the mechanical behaviour of the spine, using adult Changes in neurovascular function following spinal cord injury and paediatric sheep spines, showed that there are signifi cant Bladder distension or minor unheeded injuries in people with spinal differences in the behaviour of the adult and child spine, over cord injury often lead to episodes of high blood pressure (autonomic and above differences that would be expected by changes in dysrefl exia) that may cause stroke or death. These events require the size of the spine and ligaments that surround it. This has emergency hospitalisation and are expensive as well as dangerous. implications for the design of child crash test dummies, which The development of high blood pressure depends on activation of are largely based on scaling adult spine properties, and also the sympathetic nerves that supply small arteries. Assoc Professor for understanding and preventing paediatric spinal injuries. James Brock and Professor Elspeth McLachlan have demonstrated that nerve-mediated activation of arteries is markedly enhanced Syringomyelia Cysts form in the spinal cord after spinal cord injury following spinal cord injury, contributing to the exaggerated increase and in association with many congenital and acquired spinal cord in blood pressure. Currently, they are investigating the mechanisms abnormalities. These cysts, or “syrinxes”, can cause further spinal that produce this change in sympathetic nerve mediated control of cord damage and paralysis. The origin of syrinx fl uid has been arteries. The goal is to identify interventions that can prevent the an enigma, making treatment diffi cult. Assoc Professor Marcus development of autonomic dysrefl exia. Stoodley’s research team has demonstrated that a major source of fl uid is the normal spinal fl uid surrounding the cord and that it fl ows Effects of nerve injury on blood vessel function Many people who into cysts around the tiny blood vessels penetrating the cord. Their recover from traumatic injury or who have chronic conditions such collaborative work with Assoc Professor Lynne Bilston and Assoc as diabetes suffer from peripheral vascular disorders leading to poor Professor Chris Bertram of UNSW has shown that scarring around circulation in the extremities. These conditions are characterised by the cord increases the pressure of pulsations transmitted from each impaired wound healing, cold hands and feet and ongoing pain. These heart beat and that this is likely to contribute to fl uid fl ow around people must face a long life with progressively increasing disability. blood vessels. The team is currently investigating whether damage Even normal ageing can lead to similar problems. Assoc Professor to the lining of blood vessels allows fl uid from the blood stream to James Brock is investigating the changes that occur in nerve-mediated contribute to syrinx enlargement. regulation of blood vessels supplying skin in these disorders. The aim is to identify drug targets that can be used to improve control of skin Arteriovenous malformations Arteriovenous malformations are blood fl ow and thereby alleviate the symptoms. congenital abnormalities of brain blood vessels that are a major cause of stroke in young adults and even children. One method Understanding how pain is initiated Assoc Professor James Brock of treating these abnormalities is with a type of radiation that uses a unique approach that allows electrical activity to be recorded gradually occludes the blood vessels. How this occurs is unknown. from the very fi ne nerve endings of nerves whose activation results Assoc Professor Marcus Stoodley and his team aim to understand in painful sensations. Using this technique, the mechanisms by this process and develop methods of improving the response to which substances released in damaged and infl amed tissues lead to radiation. To do this, they studied the structure and biological discharge of action potentials and the sensation of pain is being features of AVMs removed from patients and then developed investigated. The work seeks to develop more effective treatments an animal model to replicate these features. They have recently for pain. demonstrated that it is possible to dramatically improve the response to radiation in this model using a combination of low- Neuroinfl ammation Work on the long term effects of infl ammation dose bacterial toxin and a clotting protein. The team is currently in peripheral nerve and spinal cord injuries in animal models is refi ning this technique and studying the longer term effects on the continuing in Professor Elspeth McLachlan’s laboratory. Researcher brain and other tissues. Ping Hu has used immunohistochemical staining for multiple

28 protein antigens to identify the subtypes of macrophage and shown that pain can have signifi cant effects on the sensitivity of lymphocyte that invade the stump of a damaged peripheral nerve. muscle spindles, this work in awake human subjects has shown This study is the fi rst to compare the infl ammatory changes in the negligible changes, urging caution when interpreting animal data distal part of a damaged nerve a long way below the lesion. If there in the light of clinical observations. What is found in anaesthetised is no regeneration, the macrophage and T-cell populations differ experimental animals does not always translate into what occurs in from those present when the damaged axons regenerate into the awake human beings. stump. This indicates a new type of interaction between growing axons and the immune system. The fi ndings have implications for Neurotoxicity Assoc Professor Matthew Kiernan is investigating the regeneration of nerves over very long distances in human limbs. nerve excitability in patients treated with oxaliplatin chemotherapy to determine the pathophysiology of nerve dysfunction and Ping Hu and Professor McLachlan are also studying the contribution development of neuropathy. Cross-sectional studies have been of infl ammation to the slow retrograde loss of neurones damaged by completed in patients treated with oxaliplatin at Prince of Wales nerve and spinal cord injuries. As well as the loss of growth factors Hospital and have established that 50% of post-treatment patients important for maintenance of neurones, glial activation seems to had evidence of moderate to severe sensori-motor neuropathy play a role in triggering this type of neuronal death. These studies following completion of oxaliplatin. Prospective clinical and may explain some of the progression of degeneration that prevents neurophysiological studies have been completed in 22 patients recovery after severe nerve injuries. to date, encompassing more than 80 cycles of chemotherapy. Differences in nerve excitability measures have been established in Ascending projections from the lumbosacral spinal cord Dr Renée paired studies, pre- and immediately post-oxaliplatin, documenting Morris, with assistance from PhD student Rathi Ramasamy, spent a selective effect of oxaliplatin on voltage-gated sodium channels the year developing methods for preparing maps of the major as the mechanism of neurotoxicity. Dr Cindy Lin, an NHMRC CJ projection pathways from the lumbosacral spinal cord to some Martin Fellow, has recently returned from a period of advanced important centres in the brain involved with pain processing, training in London and will continue these studies. hindlimb movement and control of the bladder and bowel. After injecting a fl uorescent dye near the terminals of ascending projection neurones at sites in the hypothalamus and periaqueductal grey, the Professor Elspeth McLachlan Emeritus Professor distribution of neurones in the spinal cord segments with these Senior Principal Research Fellow particular functions can be mapped in three dimensions using Elspeth’s group is studying how injuries affect nerve and muscle computer assisted reconstruction techniques. This project forms the tissues beyond the injury site and what makes damaged nerve essential basis of a study of the degeneration of these neurones after cells survive or progressively die. Modifi ed excitability of nerve spinal cord injury. and muscle fi bres leads to spasms, loss of bladder control and hyper-reactive blood vessels. Understanding how the immune The effects of pain on human muscle spindles Dr Ingvars Birznieks, response is involved after nerve or spinal cord injury will help PhD student Alex Burton and Assoc Professor Vaughan Macefi eld devise ways to preserve normal function until the intact nerves have been examining the effects of muscle and skin pain on the above the injury can regenerate. control of muscle spindles, the sensitive stretch receptors that are important in providing proprioceptive information from muscles. Using fi ne needle microelectrodes inserted into a peripheral nerve, these investigators record the electrical signals (action potentials) from single sensory nerve fi bres. Whereas animal experiments have

29 Dr Albert Chetcuti Research Officer Albert’s research focuses on identifying and characterising gene expression in the brain that may potentially be involved in schizophrenia. Using a modern, high throughput technology called “microarray genechip analysis” Albert will be able to identify gene expression profi les for over 30,000 genes simultaneously in a single experiment. Using this technology, it is possible to characterise new genes which may explain what causes schizophrenia.

30 Our Profi le Prizes and Awards


Assoc Professor James Brock Promoted to Conjoint Associate Professor at UNSW

Dr Kay Double Featured in 10 of the best 2006 NHMRC funded health and medical research successes

Professor Simon Gandevia Delsys Prize 2006 – Highly Commended, Delsys Inc. Awarded for promoting the knowledge and use of electromyography

Anna Hudson Awarded University Medal in Physiology, UNSW

Professor Stephen Lord Promoted to NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow

Assoc Professor Vaughan Macefield Appointed as the Foundation Chair of Physiology at the University of Western Sydney

Professor Elspeth McLachlan Awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award by the Australian Neuroscience Society. Appointed Emeritus Professor at UNSW

Professor Peter Schofield Awarded the Medical Media Research Award by Research Australia for services to research and the media

Postgraduate Degrees conferred in 2006

Student Degree Project Title Supervisor(s)

Dr Arun Krishnan PhD Pathophysiology of uraemic neuropathy M Kiernan/B Pussell

Dr Mark Latt PhD Why do patients with Parkinson’s disease fall? S Lord/V Fung

Gang Cheng PhD The human solitary nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus G Paxinos/K Ashwell of vagus during fetal development

31 Our Profi le Publications PUBLICATIONS Publication Statistics Journal Publications Blair IP. Chetcuti AF, Badenhop RF, Scimone A, Moses MJ, Adams LJ, Anstey KJ, Lord SR, Hennessy M, Mitchell Craddock N, Green E, Kirov G, Owen 2006 149 P, Mill K, von Sanden C, Effect of cataract MJ, Kwok JBJ, Donald JA, Mitchell removal on cognitive test performance: PB, Schofi eld PR, Positional cloning, 2005 146 A randomized controlled trial, Journal association analysis and expression of the International Neuropsychological studies provide convergent evidence that

2004 122 Society, 12:632 – 639, 2006 the cadherin gene FAT contains a bipolar disorder susceptibility allele, Molecular Ashwell KWS, Hardman CD, Paxinos G, Psychiatry, 11:372 – 383, 2006 2003 97 Cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the sensory trigeminal nuclei of the echidna, Boufous S, Finch C, Lord SR, Close JCT, 2002 76 platypus and rat, Journal of Chemical Gothelf T, Walsh W, The Epidemiology

Neuroanatomy, 31:81 – 107, 2006 of hospitalised wrist fractures in older 2001 54 people, New South Wales, Australia,

Ashwell KW, Lajevardi Se, Cheng G, Bone, 39:1144 – 1148, 2006 2000 58 Paxinos G, The hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the echidna Brock J, Acosta MC, Al Abed A, Pianova S, and platypus, Brain, Behaviour and Belmonte C, Barium ions inhibit the dynamic 1999 89 Evolution, 68:197 – 217, 2006 response of guinea-pig corneal cold receptors to heating but not to cooling, Journal of 1998 62 Baker K, Huang Y, McCann H, Physiology, 575:573 – 581, 2006 Gai WP, Jensen PH, Halliday GM, 1997 54 P25α immunoreactive but asynuclein Brock JA, Yeoh M, McLachlan EM, immunonegative neuronal inclusions in Enhanced neurally evoked responses 1996 45 multiple system atrophy (Letter), Acta and inhibition of norepinephrine

Neuropathologica, 111:193 – 195, 2006 reuptake in rat mesenteric arteries after spinal transection, American Journal 1995 33 Baron R, Wasner G, Prevention and of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory

treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, Physiology, 290:H398 – H405, 2006

The Lancet, 367:186 – 188, 2006 Brown J, Bilston LE, High back booster Bennett HP, Piguet O, Grayson DA, seats: in the fi eld and in the laboratory, Creasey H, Waite LM, Lye T, Corbett Annual Proceedings, Association for the AJ, Hayes M, Broe GA, Halliday GM, Advancement of Automotive Medicine,

Cognitive, extrapyramidal and MRI 50:345 – 59, 2006 predictors of functional impairment in non–demented older community dwellers: Brown J, Bilston LE, Misuse of child the Sydney Older Persons Study, Journal restraints and injury outcome in crashes, of the American Geriatric Society, Australasian Road Safety, Research Policing

54:3 – 10, 2006 and Education Conference, pp1 – 12, 2006

Bent LR, Bolton PS, Macefi eld VG, Brown J, McCaskill M, Henderson M, Modulation of muscle sympathetic Bilston LE, Serious injury is associated with bursts by sinusoidal galvanic vestibular sub-optimal restraint use in child motor stimulation, Experimental Brain Research, vehicle occupants; Journal of Paediatric

174:701 – 711, 2006 and Child Health, 42:345 – 349, 2006

Bilston LE, Fletcher DF, Stoodley MA, Focal Butler JE, Godfrey S, Thomas CK, spinal arachnoiditis increases subarachnoid Depression of involuntary activity in space pressure: A modelling study, Clinical muscles paralysed by spinal cord injury,

Biomechanics, 21:579 – 584, 2006 Muscle and Nerve, 33:637 – 644, 2006

32 Carroll TJ, Herbert RD, Munn J, Lee Davies RR, Kipps CM, Mitchell J, Kril JJ, Foley P, Robert L Martensen: The Brain M, Gandevia SC, Contralateral effects of Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Progression in Takes Shape. An Early History (book unilateral strength training: evidence and frontotemporal dementia: identifying a review), Journal of the History of the possible mechanisms, Journal of Applied benign behavioural variant by MRI, Archives Neurosciences, 15:299 – 302, 2006

Physiology, 101:1514 – 1522, 2006 of Neurology, 63:1627 – 1631, 2006 Foley P, Encephalitis lethargica, Program Chen JS, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Dishman RK, Berthoud HR, Booth FW, notes for Reunion/A Kind of Alaska, March LM, Lord SR, Sambrook PN, Cotman CW, Edgerton VR, Fleshner MR, Sydney Theatre Company, 2006 Simpson JM, Seibel MJ, Effect of age- Gandevia SC, Gomez-Pinilla F, Greenwood related chronic immobility on markers BN, Hillman CH, Kramer AF, Levin BE, Foley SJ, Lord SR, Srikanth V, Cooley H, of bone turnover, Journal of Bone and Moran TH, Russo-Neustadt AA, Salamone Jones G, Falls risk is associated with pain

Mineral Research, 21:324 – 331, 2006 JD, Van Hoomissen JD, Wade CE, York and dysfunction but not radiographic DA, Zigmond MJ, Neurobiology of osteoarthritis in older adults: Tasmanian

Cheng G, Zhu H, Zhou X, Qu J, Ashwell exercise, Obesity, 14:345 – 356, 2006 Older Adult Cohort Study, Osteoarthritis

KWS, Paxinos G, Development of the human and Cartilage, 14:533 – 539, 2006 nucleus of the solitary tract: a cyto- and Double KL, Functional effects of chemoarchitectural study, 128:76 – 95, 2006 neuromelanin and synthetic melanin Gandevia SC, Hudson AL, Gorman RB, in model systems, Journal of Neural Butler JE, De Troyer A, Spatial distribution

Cheng SK, Bilston LE, Unconfi ned Transmission 113:751 – 756, 2006 of inspiratory drive to the parasternal compression of white matter, Journal intercostal muscles in humans, Journal of of Biomechanics, 40:117 – 124, 2006 Double KL, Halliday GM, New face Physiology, 573:263 – 275, 2006 of neuromelanin, Journal of Neural Chetcuti A, Adams LJ, Mitchell PB, Transmission Supplement Gandevia SC, Smith JL, Crawford M,

Schofi eld PR, Altered gene expression 70:119 – 123, 2006 Proske U, Taylor JL, Motor commands in mice treated with the mood stabilizer contribute to human position sense, sodium valproate, International Journal Enoka RM, Gandevia SC, Invited Journal of Physiology, 571:703 – 710, 2006 of Neuropsychopharmacology, Editorial. Neural changes associated with

9:267 – 276, 2006 training, Journal of Applied Physiology, Gandevia SC, Taylor JL, Supraspinal

101:1009 – 1010, 2006 fatigue: the effects of caffeine on human Close JCT, Lord SR. Falls in the elderly? muscle performance (Editorial), Journal

Australian Doctor, How to Treat section, Fedorow H, Halliday GM, Rickert C, of Applied Physiology, 100:1749 – 1750,

March 3, 2006: 27 – 34 Gerlach M, Reiderer P, Double KL, 2006 Evidence for specifi c phases in the Cordato NJ, Halliday GM, Caine D, development of human neuromelanin, Gerlach M, Double KL, Youdim MBH,

Morris JGL, Comparison of motor, Neurobiology of Aging, 27:506 – 512, 2006 Riederer P, Potential sources of increased cognitive and behavioural features in iron in the substantia nigra of parkinsonian progressive supranuclear palsy and Fedorow H, Pickford R, Kettle E, patients, Journal of Neural Transmission

Parkinson’s disease, Movement Disorders, Cartwright M, Halliday GM, Gerlach Supplement 70:133 – 142, 2006

21:632 – 638, 2006 M, Riederer P, Garner B, Double KL, Investigations of the lipid component Graham BA, Schofi eld PR, Walker S, Cumming RG, Hien LTT, Cameron of neuromelanin, Journal of Neural Sah P, Margrie TW, Callister RJ, Distinct

ID, Chen JS, Lord SR, Le Couteur DG, Transmission, 113:735 – 739, 2006 physiological mechanisms underlie altered Atypical antipsychotic medications and glycinergic synaptic transmission in the risk of falls – Response Letter to Dr Sitoh, Fitzpatrick RC, Butler JE, Day BL, murine mutants, spastic, spasmodic and Journal of the American Geriatric Society, Resolving head rotation for human oscillator, The Journal of Neuroscience,

54:175, 2006 bipedalism, Current Biology, 16:1509 26:4880 – 4890, 2006

– 1514, 2006 David DC, Ittner LM, Gehrig P, Nergenau Gray L, Broe GA, Duckett S, Gibson D, D, Shepherd C, Halliday G, Götz J, ß- Foley P, Duboisia myoporoides: the Travers C, McDonnell G, Developing a Amyloid treatment of two complementary medical career of a native Australian plant, policy simulator at the acute-care interface,

P301L tau-expressing Alzheimer’s disease Historical Records of Australian Science, Australian Health Review, 30:450 – 457, models reveals similar deregulated cellular 17:31 – 69, 2006 2006 processes, Proteomics, 6:6566 – 6577, 2006

33 Our Profi le Publications

Gregory GC, Macdonald V, Schofi eld Hunt NH, Golenser J, Chan-Ling T, Krishnan AV, Goldstein D, Friedlander M, PR, Kril JJ, Halliday GM, Differences in Parekh SB, Rae C, Potter S, Medana IM, Kiernan MC, Oxaliplatin and axonal Na+ regional brain atrophy in genetic forms Miu J, Ball HJ, Immunopathogenesis of channel function in vivo, Clinical Cancer

of Alzheimer’s disease, Neurobiology of cerebral , International Journal of Research, 12:4481 – 4484, 2006

Aging, 27:387 – 393, 2006 Parasitology, 36:569 – 582, 2006 Krishnan AV, Kiernan MC, Axonal Gunstad J, Schofi eld P, Paul R, Hunter SK, Butler JE, Todd G, Gandevia function and activity-dependent changes Spitznagel M, Cohen R, Williams L, SC, Taylor JL, Supraspinal fatigue does not in myotonic dystrophy, Muscle and Nerve,

Kohn M, Gordon E, BDNF Val66Met explain the sex difference in muscle fatigue 33:627 – 636, 2006 polymorphism is associated with of maximal contractions, Journal of Applied

body mass index in healthy adults. Physiology, 101:1035 – 1044, 2006 Krishnan AV, Phoon RK, Pussell BA, Neuropsychobiology, 53:153 – 156, 2006 Charlesworth JA, Bostock H, Kiernan MC, Jeffery S, Butler JE, McKenzie DK, Wang Ischaemia induces paradoxical changes Halliday GM, Del Tredici K, Braak H, L, Gandevia SC, Brief airway occlusion in axonal excitability in end-stage kidney

Critical appraisal of brain pathology produces prolonged refl ex inhibition of disease, Brain, 129:1585 – 1592, 2006 staging related to presymptomatic and inspiratory muscles in obstructive sleep

symptomatic cases of sporadic Parkinson’s apnea, Sleep, 29:321 – 328, 2006 Krishnan AV, Phoon RK, Pussell BA, disease. Journal Neural Transmission Charlesworth JA, Bostock H, Kiernan Supplement 70:119 – 123, 2006 Kannus P, Khan KM, Lord SR, Preventing MC, Neuropathy, axonal Na+/K+ falls among elderly people in the hospital pump function and activity-dependent Halliday GM, Fedorow H, Rickert environment (editorial), Medical Journal excitability changes in end-stage kidney

CH, Gerlach M, Riederer R, Double of Australia, 8:372 – 373, 2006 disease, Clinical Neurophysiology,

KL, Evidence for specifi c phases in the 117:992 – 999, 2006 development of human neuromelanin. Kersaitis C, Halliday GM, Xeureb Journal of Neural Transmission, JH, Pamphlett RS, Hodges JR, Kril Krishnan AV, Phoon RK, Pussell BA, 113:721 – 728, 2006 JJ, Ubiquitin-positive inclusions and Charlesworth JA, Kiernan MC, Sensory progression of pathology in frontotemporal nerve excitability and neuropathy in end- Halliday GM, Song YJ, Creasey H, Morris dementia and motor neuron disease stage kidney disease, Journal of Neurology, JG, Brooks WS, Kril JJ, Neuropathology identifi es a case group with mainly early Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,

in the S305S tau gene mutation (Letter), pathology, Neuropathology and Applied 77:548 – 551, 2006

Brain, 129:E40, 2006 Neurobiology, 32:83 – 91, 2006 Liu-Ambrose T, Khan KM, Donaldson He Z, Aristoteli LP, Kritharides L, Garner Kiernan MC, Back to the future: MG, Eng JJ, Lord SR, McKay HA, B, HPLC analysis of discrete haptoglobin excitability studies take on a new clinical Falls-related self-effi cacy is independently isoform N-linked oligosaccharides role, Clinical Neurophysiology (Invited associated with balance and mobility in

following 2D-PAGE isolation, editorial), 117:712 – 713, 2006 older women with low bone mass, Biochemical and Biophysical Research The Journal of Gerontology: Medical

Communications, 343:496 – 503, 2006 Kiernan MC, Krishnan AV, The Sciences, 61A:832 – 838, 2006 pathophysiology of oxaliplatin-induced Henderson LA, Bandler R, Gandevia SC, neurotoxicity, Current Medicinal Lord SR, Visual risk factors for falls

Macefi eld, VG, Distinct forebrain activity Chemistry, 13:2901 – 2907, 2006 in older people, Age and Ageing,

patterns during deep versus superfi cial 35 – S2:ii42 – ii45, 2006 pain, Pain, 120:286 – 296, 2006 Kiernan MC, Talman P, Henderson R, Harris, Establishment of the Australian Lord SR, Matters B, St George R, Hoth KF, Paul RH, Williams LM, Motor Neurone Disease Registry, Medical The effects of water exercise on physical

Dobson-Stone C, Todd E, Schofi eld Journal of Australia, 184:367 – 368, 2006 functioning in older people, Australasian

PR, Gunstad J, Cohen RA, Gordon Journal on Ageing, 25:36 – 41, 2006 E, Associations between the COMT Kim WS, Chalfant CE, Garner B, Fine Val/Met polymorphism, early life stress, tuning therapeutic targeting of the Lord SR, Menz HB, Sherrington C, and personality among healthy adults, sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway to Home environment risk factors for Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, treat atherosclerosis, Current Vascular falls in older people and the effi cacy of

2:219 – 225, 2006 Pharmacology, 4:151 – 154, 2006 home modifi cations, Age and Ageing,

35 – S2:ii55 – ii59, 2006 Huang Y, Hayes M, Harding AJ, Kim WS, Guillemin GJ, Glaros EN, Brooks WS, Fung VSC, Rowe D, Joffe Lim CK, Garner B, Quantitation of ATP- Lye TC, Grayson DA, Creasey H, Piguet R, Crimmins D, Hely M, Halliday GM, binding cassette subfamily – A transporter O, Bennett HP, Ridley LJ, Kril JJ, Broe Anticipation of onset age in familial gene expression in primary human brain GA, Predicting memory performance in

Parkinson’s disease without SCA gene cells, NeuroReport, 17:891 – 896, 2006 normal ageing using different measures mutations, Parkinsonism & Related of hippocampal size, Neuroradiology, Disorders, 12:309 – 313, 2006 48:90 – 99, 2006

34 Macefi eld VG, Gandevia SC, Henderson Menz HB, Tiedemann A, Plumb K, Kwan Piguet O, Cramsie J, Bennett HP, LA, Neural sites involved in the sustained M, Lord SR. Foot pain in community- Kril JJ, Lye TC, Creasey H, Broe increase in muscle sympathetic nerve dwelling older people: an evaluation of GA, Contribution of age and alcohol activity induced by inspiratory-capacity the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability consumption to cerebellar integrity, gait apnea – a fMRI study, Journal of Applied Index. Rheumatology, 45:863 – 867, 2006 and cognition in non-demented very

Physiology, 100:266 – 273, 2006 old individuals, European Archives of Moseley GL, Gandevia SC, Re: Sensory- Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience,

McKay O, Krishnan AV, Davies M, motor incongruence and reports of ‘pain’ 256:504 – 511, 2006 Kiernan MC, Activity-induced weakness by G.L. Moseley and S.C. Gandevia. in recessive myotonia congenita with a Rheumatology 2005;44:1083 – 1085: Reply Potter EK, Tripovic D, Modulation novel (696 + IG>A) mutation, Clinical (Letters), Rheumatology, 45:645, 2006 of sympathetic neurotransmission by

Neurophysiology, 117:2064 – 2068, 2006 neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors in rats and Munn J, Herbert RD, Gandevia SC, guinea pigs, Experimental Brain Research,

McLachlan EM, Brock JA, Adaptations Response (Letters), Medicine and Science 173:346 – 352, 2006 of peripheral vasoconstrictor pathways in Sports and Exercise, 38:402, 2006 after spinal cord injury, Progress in Brain Prasartwuth O, Allen TJ, Butler JE,

Research 152:289 – 297, 2006 Ng PP, Steinfort B, Stoodley MA, Internal Gandevia SC, Taylor JL, Length-dependent carotid artery fenestration with dual changes in voluntary activation, maximum Martin A, Friedlander M, Kiernan MC, aneurysms, Journal of Neurosurgery, voluntary torque and twitch responses Paraneoplastic mononeuritis multiplex in 104:979, 2006 after eccentric damage, Journal of non-small-cell lung carcinoma, Journal of Physiology, 271:243 – 252, 2006

Clinical Neuroscience, 13:595 – 598, 2006 Nogajski JH, Engel S, Kiernan MC, Focal and generalised nerve dysfunction in spinal Rae C, Moussa CE-H, Griffi n JL, Parekh Martin PG, Gandevia SC, Taylor JL, cord injured patients, Journal of Clinical SB, Bubb WA, Hunt NH, Balcar VJ, A

Output of human motoneuron pools Neurophysiology, 23:273 – 279, 2006 metabolomic approach to ionotropic to corticospinal inputs during voluntary glutamate receptor subtype function: contractions, Journal of Neurophysiology, Palma C, Keast JR, Structural effects a nuclear magnetic resonance in vitro

95:3512 – 3518, 2006 and potential changes in growth investigation, Journal of Cerebral Blood

factor signaling in penis-projecting Flow and Metabolism, 26:1005 – 1017, 2006 Martin PG, Gandevia SC, Taylor JL, Theta autonomic neurons after axotomy, burst stimulation does not reliably depress all BMC Neuroscience, 7:41, 2006 Rahimi F, Shepherd CE, Halliday GM, regions of the human motor cortex, Clinical Geczy CL, Raftery MJ, Antigen-epitope

Neurophysiology, 117:2684 – 2690, 2006 Palombi O, Shin JW, Watson C, Paxinos G, retrieval facilitates proteomic analysis Neuroanatomical affi liation visualization- of formalin-fi xed brain tissue, Annals

Martin PG, Smith J, Butler JE, Gandevia interface system, NeuroInformatics, 4:299 of Chemistry, 78:7216 – 7221, 2006

SC, Taylor JL, Fatigue-sensitive – 318, 2006 afferents inhibit extensor but not fl exor Saboisky JP, Butler JE, Fogel RB, Taylor motoneurones in humans, Journal of Parekh SB, Bubb WA, Hunt NH, JL, Trinder JA, White DP, Gandevia SC,

Neuroscience, 26:4796 – 4802, 2006 Rae C, Brain metabolic markers refl ect Tonic and phasic respiratory drives to susceptibility status in cytokine gene knock human genioglossus motoneurones during Menz HB, Latt MD, Tiedemann A, Kwan out mice with murine cerebral malaria. breathing, Journal of Neurophysiology,

MM, Lord SR, Response to Letter to International Journal for Parasitology, 95:2213 – 2221, 2006 ® the Editor: Reliability of the GAITRite ‚ 36:1409 – 1418, 2006 walkway system for the quantifi cation Salter AE, Khan KM, Donaldson MG, of temporo-spatial parameters of gait in Pickering-Brown SM, Baker M, Gass J, Davis JC, Buchanan J, Abu-Laban young and older people, Gait and Posture, Boeve B, Dickson D, Loy CT, Brooks WS, RB, Cook W, Lord SR, McKay HA,

23:524 – 525, 2006 Martins RN, Kwok JBJ, Halliday GM, Community-dwelling seniors who present Kril J, Schofi eld PR, Mann DMA, Hutton to the emergency department with a fall Menz HB, Lord SR, Fitzpatrick RC, M, Mutations in progranulin explain do not receive guideline care and their A tactile stimulus applied to the leg atypical phenotypes associated with variants fall risk profi le worsens signifi cantly: improves postural stability in young, in MAPT, Brain, 129:3124 – 3126, 2006 a 6-month prospective study, Osteoporosis old and neuropathic subjects, International, 17:672 – 683, 2006

Neuroscience Letters, 406:23 – 26, 2006 Piguet O, Bennett HP, Waite LM, Kril JJ, Creasey H, Broe GA, Halliday GM, Sambrook PN, Chen CJ, March L, Cameron Menz HB, Morris ME, Lord SR. Footwear Preserved cognition and functional ID, Cumming RG, Lord SR, Simpson characteristics and risk of indoor and independence after a large right posterior JM, Seibel MJ, High bone turnover is an outdoor falls in older people. Gerontology, cerebral artery infarct: longitudinal independent predictor of mortality in the 52:174 – 180, 2006 clinical and neuropathological fi ndings, frail elderly, Journal of Bone and Mineral

Neurocase, 12:81 – 90, 2006 Research, 21:549 – 555, 2006 Menz HB, Morris ME, Lord SR. Foot and ankle risk factors for falls in older people: a prospective study. Journal of Gerontology:

Medical Sciences, 61A:866 – 870, 2006

35 Our Profi le Publications

Sarks J, Tang K, Killingsworth J, Arnold Søgaard K, Gandevia SC, Todd G, Tu J, Stoodley MA, Morgan MK, Storer J, Sarks S, Development of atrophy of Petersen NT, Taylor JL, The effect of KP, Ultrastructure of perinidal capillaries the retinal pigment epithelium around sustained low-intensity contractions on in cerebral arteriovenous malformations,

disciform scars, British Journal of supraspinal fatigue in human elbow fl exor Neurosurgery, 58:961 – 970, 2006

Ophthalmology, 90:442 – 446, 2006 muscle, Journal of Physiology, 573:511

– 523, 2006 Vucic S, Black K, Chong PST, Cros D, Schwarz a, Danckaert A, Torsten Reese Cervical nerve root stimulation. Part T, Gozzi A, Paxinos G, Watson C, Stuart M, Taylor JL, Subthreshold II: Findings in primary demyelinating Merlo-Pich EV, Bifone A, A Stereotaxic transcranial magnetic stimulation during neuropathies and motor neurone MRI template set for the rat brain with the long latency component of the disease, Clinical Neurophysiology,

tissue class distribution maps and co- cutaneomotor refl ex, Experimental Brain 117:398 – 404, 2006

registered anatomical atlas: application Research, 170:285 – 294, 2006 to pharmacological MRI, NeuroImage, Vucic S, KD, Black KR, Chong

32:538 – 550, 2006 Sturnieks D, Calling on exercise scientists PST, Cros D, Cervical nerve root to participate in broader efforts to prevent stimulation. Part I: Technical aspects and Shek S, Willey K, McNulty P, A purposely falls in older adults, Journal of Science and normal data, Clinical Neurophysiology,

designed neural signal amplifi er for Medicine in Sport, 9:195 – 198, 2006 117:392 – 397, 2006 short interval stimulation and recording microneurography using a common Tate RL, Broe GA, Cameron ID, Vucic S, Cordato DJ, Yiannikas C, electrode, Journal of Neuroscience Hodgkinson AE, Soo, CA, Pre-injury, Schwarz RS, Schnier RC, Utility of

Methods, 152:130 – 135, 2006 injury and early post-injury predictors of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing long-term functional and psychosocial ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, Clinical

Shepherd CE, Goyette J, Utter V, Yang Z, recovery after severe traumatic brain Neurophysiology, 117:590 – 595, 2006

Geczy CL, Halliday GM, Infl ammatory injury, Brain Impairment, 6:75 – 89, 2006 S100A9 and S100A12 proteins in Vucic S, Howells J, Trevillion L, Alzheimer’s disease, Neurobiology of Taylor JL, Stimulation at the Kiernan MC, Assessment of cortical

Aging, 27:1554 – 1563, 2006 cervicomedullary junction in humans, excitability using threshold tracking Journal of Electromyography and techniques, Muscle and Nerve,

Shiarli AM, Jennings R, Shi J, Bailey K, Kinesiology, 16:215 – 223, 2006 33:477 – 486, 2006 Davidson Y, Tian J, Bigio EH, Ghetti B, Murrell JR, Delisle MB, Mirra S, Crain Taylor JL, Todd G, Gandevia SC, Evidence Vucic S, Kiernan MC, Axonal B, Zola P, Arima K, Iseki E, Murayama for a supraspinal contribution to human excitability properties in amyotrophic S, Kretzchmar H, Neumann M, Lippa muscle fatigue, Clinical and Experimental lateral sclerosis, Clinical Neurophysiology,

C, Halliday G, MacKenzie J, Khan Pharmacology and Physiology, 33:400 117:1458 – 1466, 2006

N, Ravid R, Dickson D, Wszolek Z, – 405, 2006 Iwatsubo T, Pickering-Brown SM, Mann Vucic S, Kiernan MC, Novel threshold DMA, Comparison of the extent of tau Teber ET, Crawford E, Bolton KB, Van tracking techniques suggest that cortical pathology in patients with frontotemporal Dyk D, Schofi eld PR, Kapoor V, Church hyperexcitability is an early feature of dementia with parkinsonism linked WB, Djinn Lite: a tool for customized motor neurone disease, Brain,

to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), gene transcript modeling, annotation- 129:2436 – 2446, 2006 frontotemporal lobar degeneration with data enrichment and exploration, BMC Pick bodies and early onset Alzheimer’s Bioinformatics (Software)7:33,2006 Vucic S, Tian D, Chong PST, Cudkowicz disease, Neuropathological and Applied ME, Hedley-Whyte ET, Crod D,

Neurobiology, 32:374 – 387, 2006 Todd G, Butler JE, Gandevia SC, Taylor Facial onset sensory and motor JL, Decreased input to the motor cortex neuronopathy (FOSMN syndrome): de Silva R, Lashley T, Strand C, Shiarli increases motor cortical excitability, Clinical a novel syndrome in neurology, Brain,

A-M, Shi J, Tian J, Bailey KL, Davies P, Neurophysiology, 17:2496 – 2503, 2006 129:3384 – 3390, 2006 Bigio EH, Arima K, Iseki E, Murayama S, Kretzchmar H, Neumann M, Lippa Tribl F, Riederer P, Double KL, Gerlach Walker JG, Anstey K, Lord S, C, Halliday G, MacKenzie J, Ravid M, Neuromelanin, ein pigment mit Psychological distress and visual R, Dickson D, Wszolek Z, Iwatsubo unbekannter function, Neuroforum, functioning in relation to vision-related

T, Pickering-Brown SM, Holton J, 2.06:188 – 194, 2006 disability in older individuals with Lees A, Revesz T, Mann DMA, An cataract, British Journal of Health

immunohistochemical study of cases of Tu J, Stoodley MA, Morgan MK, Psychology, 11:303 – 317, 2006 sporadic and inherited frontotemporal Storer KP, Responses of arteriovenous lobar degeneration using 3R- and 4R- malformations to radiosurgery: Walsh LD, Allen TJ, Gandevia SC, specifi c tau monoclonal antibodies, Acta ultrastructural changes, Neurosurgery, Proske U, Effect of eccentric exercise on

Neuropathologica, 111:329 – 340, 2006 58:749 – 758, 2006 position sense at the human forearm in different postures, Journal of Applied

Physiology, 100:1109 – 1116, 2006

36 Wasner G, Baron R, Peripheral burning Book Chapters cold pain, Pain, 120:325, 2006 Bilston LE, “Viscoelasticity”, (invited Wasner G, Fleetwood-Walker SM, Garry chapter) In: Wiley Encyclopedia of EM, Abbadie C, Baron R, Johnson Biomedical Engineering, Akay M (Ed), RW, Postherpetic neuralgia: a disease Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA, April 2006 with many faces. In: Flor H, Kalso E, Dostrovsky JO (Eds), Proceedings of the Bressler SB, Bressler NM, Sarks SH, Sarks 11th World Congress on Pain. IASP Press, JP, Age related macular degeneration:

Seattle, pp 663 – 680, 2006 nonneovascular early AMD, intermediate AMD, and geographic atrophy. In: Ryan Wasner G, Koltzenburg M, Jorum E, SJ, Schachat AP (Eds), Retina, Volume Baron R, Jensen TS, Cold allodynia: From 2: Medical Retina (4th Edition), Elsevier the molecule to the clinic. In: Flor H, Kalso Mosby: St Louis. 60:1041 – 1074, 2006 E, Dostrovsky JO (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Pain. IASP Press, Broe GA, Dementia. In: Schulz R,

Seattle, pp 651 – 662, 2006 Noelker L, Rockwood K, Sprott R (Eds), Encyclopedia of Aging (4th Edition), Wilhelm K, Mitchell PB, Niven H, Finch Springer, 2006 A, Wedgwood L, Scimone A, Blair IP, Parker G, Schofi eld PR, Life events, Burke D, Kiernan M, Developments in the fi rst onset depression and the serotonin assessment of peripheral nerve function. transporter gene, British Journal of In: Daube JR, Mauguiere (Eds), Handbook The newly refurbished mental illness research Psychiatry, 188:210 – 215, 2006 of Clinical Neurophysiology, Amsterdam, laboratory Elsevier, Chap 43: 927 – 943, 2006 Winhammar JMC, Joffe D, Simmul R, Schoeffel R, Kiernan MC, Rowe DB, Dennis JA, Windsor PA, Schofi eld PR, Lord SR, Sherrington C, Menz HB, Ageing Nocturnal hypoxia in motor neurone Healy PJ, Bovine hyperekplexia. In: and Falls. In: Haslam R, Stubbs D (Eds), disease is not predicted by standard Animal Models of Movement Disorder. Understanding and Preventing Falls. respiratory function tests, Internal Le Doux M (Ed), Academic Press, Taylor & Francis Boca Raton, Fl, Medicine Journal, 36:419 – 422, 2006 Burlington, MA, USA. pp 479 – 486, 2005 Chapter 5:89 – 114, 2006

Youdim MB, Double KL, Gerlach M, Foley P, ‘Black Dog’ as a metaphor for McLachlan EM, Structural basis for Riederer P, Preface – special issue: depression: A brief history, in: Eyers K interaction between sympathetic and neuromelanin, Journal of Neural (Ed), Tracking the Black Dog: Hairy Tales sensory neurones after nerve lesions.

Transmission, 113:717 – 719, 2006 and Historical Legwork from The Black In: Schmidt RF, Willis WD (Eds), Dog Institute’s Writing Competition, Encyclopedia of Pain, Springer-Verlag,

Z’Graggen WJ, Lin CSY, Howard RS, UNSW Press, pp.140 – 203, 2006 Heidelberg, Berlin, ISBN 3540439579 Beale RJ, Bostock H, Nerve excitability changes in critical illness polyneuropathy, Gerlach M, Double KL, Götz ME, Moussa Piguet O, Corking S, The aging brain.

Brain, 129:2461 – 2470, 2006 BH, Youdim MBH, Riederer P, The role In: Feinstein S (Ed), The Praeger of iron in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Handbook of Learning and the Brain, Zijdewind I, Butler JE, Gandevia SC, disease. In: Sigel A, Sigel H, Sigel RKO CT: Praeger, Westport, pp38 – 44, 2006 Taylor JL, The origin of activity in the (Eds), Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Vol. 1, biceps brachii muscle during voluntary Neurodegenerative Diseases and Metal Wasner G, Deuschl G, Pain in Parkinson’s contractions of the contralateral elbow Ions, John Wiley & Sons, England, disease. In: Jensen TS, Cervero F (Eds),

fl exor muscles, Experimental Brain Chapter 6: 125 – 149, (2006) Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

Research, 175(3):526 – 535, 2006 81 (3rd Series. Vol. 3) Pain. Elsevier,

Lin C, Kiernan M, Burke D, Bostock H, Amsterdam, pp 747 – 760, 2006 Zoing M, Pamphlett R, Burke D, Kiernan Assessment of nerve excitability properties MC, Riluzole therapy for motor neurone in peripheral nerve disease. In: Daube JR, Wasner G, Baron R, Sympathetically disease – an early Australian experience Mauguiere (Eds), Handbook of Clinical maintained pain in CRPS I: human (1996 – 2002), Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Amsterdam, Elsevier, experimentation. In: Schmidt RF, Willis

Neuroscience, 13:78 – 83, 2006 Chap 17: 381 – 403, 2006 WD (Eds), Encyclopedia of Pain. Springer- Verlag, Heidelberg, p19, 2006

37 Our Profi le Professional service to the scientifi c community and related organisations

Assoc. Professor Lynne Bilston Dr Brett Garner • Co-convener, 3rd Australian Dementia, • Member, Engineers Australia National • Member, NHMRC Grant Review Panel Ageing and Neurodegenerative DISeases Panel on the Biomechanics of Injury, • Member, Regional Grants Interview group meeting, 2006 1995 – present Committee, National Heart Foundation • Editorial Board – Acta Neuropathologica • Board Member, College of Biomedical • Editorial Adviser – Biochemical Journal • Editorial Board – Journal of Neural Engineers, Engineers Australia • Editorial Adviser – Clinical Science Transmission • Member, Kidsafe NSW • Editorial Advisory Board – Brain • Member, Australian Standards Committee Professor Simon Gandevia for Child Restraints in Motor Vehicles • Chair, Section on Exercise & Work Assoc. Professor Matthew Kiernan (CS-085)(incl drafting panel) Physiology for the International Union • Chair, Specialist Advisory Committee in • Editorial Board – ComputerMethods of Physiological Sciences, 2002 – Neurology, Royal Australian College of in Biomechanics and Biomedical • Co-Convenor of Exercise Group, Physicians Engineering Australian Physiological and • Chair, Neurology Curriculum Writing Group, Pharmacological Society, 1999 – Royal Australian College of Physicians Assoc. Professor James Brock • Associate Editor – Journal of Applied • Member, Committee for Physician Training, • President (2003 – 2005) – Australian and Physiology, 2005 – Royal Australian College of Physicians New Zealand Microcirculation Society • Editorial Board – Encyclopedic Reference • Member, Conjoint Committee, • Treasurer (2005 – 2007) – Australian and in Neuroscience Memorandum of Understanding between New Zealand Microcirculation Society • Editorial Board – Acta Physiologica Specialty Societies and the Royal • Member, NHMRC Grant Advisory Group • Editorial Board – Journal of Australian College of Physicians 4 (2002, 2004,2005) NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation • Honorary Secretary, Australian • Member, Animal Care and Ethics • Editorial Board – Australian Journal Association of Neurologists Committee, UNSW 2004 – of Physiotherapy • Council Member, Australian Association • Teacher, International Brain Research • Faculty of 1000 – Section Head for of Neurologists Organization Neuroscience Schools 2001– Muscle and Connective tissue • Postgraduate Coordinator, Prince of Wales • Editorial Board – Autonomic Clinical School, UNSW Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical Professor Glenda Halliday • Member, Higher Degree Committee, UNSW • Director, Tissue Resource Centre, • Member, Examination Committees 4th Dr Jane Butler POWMRI, 2005 – 2009 and 6th Year Medicine, UNSW • Member, local Organising Committee, • Chair, Grant Review Panel, Neurology • Member, Human Research Ethics 2010 meeting of the Australian & Brain Imaging, NHMRC, 2005 – 2006 Committee, Prince of Wales Hospital Neuroscience Society • President/Past President, National • Board Member, Australian Brain Association of Research Fellows of Foundation NSW Committee Dr Kay Double NHMRC, 2004 – 2007 • Editorial Board – Journal of Neurology, • Member, Management Council, • President/President Elect/Past President, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Parkinson’s NSW Inc and Scientifi c Australian Neuroscience Society, • Editorial Board – Journal of Clinical Editor of newsletter 2005 – 2008 Neuroscience • NSW Representative of the • Member, Scientifi c Advisory Board, Australian Association of Alexander Victorian Movement Disorders Assoc. Professor Stephen Lord von Humboldt Fellows Collaborative Research Group, 1998 – 2008 • President, Australia and New Zealand • Representative of the Australian • Member, Finance Committee, Faculty Falls Prevention Society (establishment Neuroscience Society at the Federation of Medicine, UNSW, 1999 – 2006 committee) of Australian Scientifi c and Technological • Member, Research Committee, Faculty of • Member, Osteoporosis Australia Medical Societies “Science meets Parliament” event Medicine, UNSW, 1999 – 2006 and Scientifi c Committee • Member, NHMRC Grant Review Panel 4F • Member, Tow Research Committee, Coast • Founding Member and Scientifi c Neurology and Brain Imaging Medical Association, 1999 – Advisor, New South Wales Falls • Editorial Board, Journal of Neural • Member, Membership Committee, Prevention Network Transmission; Parkinson’s Disease and International Brain Research Organization, • Member, Australian Injury Allied Conditions. 2001 – 2008 Prevention Network • Member, ad hoc professional appointment • Member, Injury Prevention Research Dr Richard Fitzpatrick committees, POWMRI & UNSW Faculty Institutions of Australasia • Editorial Board – Journal of Physiology of Medicine, 2003 – • Establishment of Australian Falls • Editorial Board – Gait and Posture • Member, Network for Australian Prevention Conference Parkinson’s Project, 2003 – 2008 • External advisor to European Union Dr Paul Foley • Member, Network of Australian Brain Fall Prevention Network (ProFaNE) • Books Editor – Journal of the History Banks, 2005 – 2009 • Foundation member of Injury Prevention of the Neurosciences • Member, Organising Committee, the Research Institutes Australia • Member, Organising Committee, 2007 International Brain Research Organization • Editorial Board – Journal of Aging and meeting of the International Society for 7th World Congress of Neuroscience, Physical Activity the History of the Neurosciences 2005 – 2007 • Editorial Board – Journal of Gerontology: • Member, Organising Committee, 17th Medical Sciences International Congress on Parkinson’s • Editorial Board – Journal of the American Disease and Related Disorders, 2005 – 2007 Geriatrics Society

38 • Member, Scientifi c Advisory Board, Dr Jean-Sébastien Blouin (left) and Professor Simon Gandevia (right) Apollo Life Science Pty Ltd, 2004 – • Member, Program Committee, 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, 2004 – 2006 • Member, Legislation Review Committee for Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2002 and Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002, 2005 – 2006 • Member, Scientifi c Program Committee, Australasian Schizophrenia Conference, 2006 • Member, NHMRC Discipline Panel, 2006 • Member, NHMRC Program Grants Panel, 2006 • Member, Editorial Board, Psychiatric Genetics, 2002 –

Dr Claire Shepherd • Member, Organising Committee, 2006 Australian Neuroscience Conference • Media liaison offi cer, 2006 Australian Neuroscience Society conference • Scientifi c judge, 2006 Australian Neuroscience Society Conference • Co-convener and Chair, 3rd Australian Dementia, Ageing and Neurodegenerative DISeases group meeting, 2006 • Organiser, Neuroinfl ammation Symposium, International Brain Research Organization 7th World Congress of Assoc. Professor Vaughan Macefi eld • Editorial Board – Neuroscience and Neuroscience, 2007 • Chair of Local Organizing Committee, Biobehavioural Reviews 2006 meeting for the Australian • Editorial Board – Journal of Chemical Assoc. Professor Marcus Stoodley Neuroscience Society, 2005 Neuroanatomy • Member, Scientifi c Advisory Board, Cure for Life Foundation. Professor Elspeth McLachlan Professor Caroline Rae • Member, RACS Board of • Chair, International Program Committee, • Secretary, Australian and New Zealand Surgical Research 7th IBRO Congress on Neuroscience Society for Magnetic Resonance • Member, Brain Foundation • Regional Coordinator, IBRO Public (ANZMAG), 2006– NSW Committee. Awareness Committee • NSW State rep to Council of ASBMB • Board Member, Australian • Member, Nuffi eld Foundation Medical (Australian Society for Biochemistry Brain Foundation Fellowship Committee and Molecular Biology), 2006 – • Editorial Board – Pediatric Neurosurgery • AVCC Representative, ARC/AVCC/ • UNSW Node Director, Australian • Member, SESIAHS Human Research NHMRC Joint Working Group to revise National Imaging Facility, 2006 – Ethics Committee the National Statement and Guidelines on Scientifi c Practice Professor Peter Schofi eld • Selection Advisory Committee, ARC/ • Public Offi cer, (Lorne) Genome Conference NHMRC Thinking Systems Incorporated, 1992 – • NSW Regional coordinator, Australian • Co-Convener, The Neuroscience Academy of Science Panel & Member of Scientifi c • Advisory Committee, Parkinson’s NSW Inc. Steering Committee, NISAD, National • Editorial Board – Clinical and Institute for Schizophrenia and Allied Experimental Pharmacology Disorders, 1998 – and Physiology • Member, Scientifi c Advisory Board, Mental • Editorial Board – Clinical Autonomic Health & Addiction Research Centre, Research University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2003 – Assoc. Professor George Paxinos AO • Member, Inaugural Course Management • President, 7th International Brain Committee, Australian Advanced Research Organisation World Congress Neuroscience Initiative, 2004 – of Neuroscience ( 2007)

39 Finance Funding and Financial Summary


50% Competitive research grants

28% Infrastructure support

14% Donations & fundraising

8% Other


73% Salaries & employee benefi ts

15% Other

6% Depreciation & amortisation

3% General operations

2% Fundraising

1% Building

Financial information was extracted from the audited Financial Statements of POWMRI Limited, the statutory entity of the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, for the year ending 30 June 2006 and is included here for information purposes only. A full copy of the audited Financial Statements, including Notes to the Financial Statements and the Audit Opinions, can be obtained free of charge on request to the Finance Manager, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031.

40 Statement of Financial Performance for the Year Ended 30 June 2006

02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 Revenue $000 $000 $000 $000

Research Grants 1,678 4,147 3,828 4,592

Infrastructure 2,228 1,592 1,826 2,550

Donations and fundraising 1,262 211 1,000 1,298

Other 542 564 822 707

5,710 6,514 7,476 9,147


Salaries and employee benefi ts 3,271 4,832 4,955 5,909

Depreciation and amortisation 430 478 467 454

Fundraising 405 7 176 151

Building 91 80 201 93

General operations 135 314 297 268

Other 854 658 808 1,254

Total 5,186 6,369 6,904 8,129

Operating Surplus 524 145 572 1,018

Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2006

Balance Sheet

Current Assets 5,096 5,163 6,938 11,081

Property, Plant & Equipment 7,220 6,945 6,552 6,703

Total Assets 12,316 12,108 13,490 17,784

Current Liabilities 1,351 885 1,655 4,831

Provisions 112 225 265 365

Total Liabilities 1,463 1,110 1,920 5,196

Retained Surplus 7,203 7,348 7,920 8,938

Reserves 3,650 3,650 3,650 3,650

Total Net Funds 10,853 10,998 11,570 12,588

41 Research Funding Grants awarded for Research Funding

Funding Double KL, Garner B, Halliday GM, Isoprenoids, neuromelanin and neuronal vulnerability in Parkinson’s disease, NHMRC Project Research Grants The Institute attracts competitive external grant Grant (2006 – 2008), 2006 amount $176,000 funding from a number of national and international organisations every year. Total peer-reviewed funds for the 2006 calendar year Finch CF, Stevenson MR, Norton RN, Zye AB, Lord SR, Williamson were $9·11M. The most signifi cant funding body is the National AM, Cameron DI, Addressing injury in a population health Health and Medical Research Council. In 2006, NHMRC income framework – an integrated approach to prevention, acute care and was $5·08M. While the NHMRC continues to be a major source prevention, NHMRC Capacity Building Grant in Population Health of research funding, there has been a signifi cant expansion in ARC (2005 – 2009), 2006 sub-contract amount $77,400 funding as Institute researchers continue to actively seek research funds from other sources. Fullerton J, The molecular basis of bipolar disorder, NHMRC Howard Florey Centenary Research Fellowship (2006 – 2007), NSW Medical Research Support Program The Institute has been 2006 amount $41,875 successful in securing funding of $4·41M for the 2006 – 2009 triennium from the NSW Medical Research Support Program. Gandevia S, Senior Principal Research Fellowship + SEO The Institute also received $1·54M of infrastructure funding from (2005 – 2009), 2006 amount $156,500 UNSW in 2006. Gandevia S, Proske U, Taylor JL, Fitzpatrick RC, Neural mechanisms underlying human proprioception, NHMRC Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $156,000 55% NHMRC Garner B, Cholesterol effl ux, apolipoprotein-E and glycobiology, 23% NSW Govt NHMRC RD Wright Career Development Award (2005 – 2009), 2006 amount $87,250 7% Other

5% UNSW Halliday GM, Principal Research Fellowship (2005 – 2009), 2006 amount $125,250 2% Foundations Halliday GM, Harding A, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies: How different are they? NHMRC Project Grant Research Funding 2006 (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $180,750

Research Grants and Fellowships for January – December 2006 Kiernan M, Pathophysiology of oxaliplatin-induced nerve Summary information on competitive peer reviewed research grants, dysfunction and neuropathy, NHMRC Project Grant fellowships and scholarships, and other sources of external research (2006 – 2008), 2006 amount $108,750 grant income, applied for and awarded in 2005 for expenditure through the calendar year 2006: Kril J, Creasey H, Halliday G, Understanding the variation in frontotemporal dementia, NHMRC Project Grant (2004 – 206), National Health and Medical Research Council 2006 amount $139,250 (Administered by University of Sydney) Bilston LE, Senior Research Fellowship A (2004 – 2008), 2006 2006 POWMRI allocation $88,315 amount $99,250 Kwok J, Identifi cation and characterisation of causative and Brock J, Senior Research Fellowship B (2005 – 2009), 2006 modifi er genes involved in variant forms of Alzheimer’s disease, amount $103,500 NHMRC RD Wright Career Development Award (2006 – 2007), 2006 amount $43,625 Brock J, McLachlan E, Mechanisms underlying disordered skin blood fl ow following nerve injury, NHMRC Project Grant Lin C, NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship (2003 – 2006), 2006 (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $134,000 amount $63,500

Butler J, Studies of motor control in health and disease, NHMRC Lord SR, Principal Research Fellowship (2002 – 2006), 2006 RD Wright Fellowship (2004 – 2008), 2006 amount $83,500 amount $115,000

Butler J, McKenzie D, Gandevia S, Cortical, descending and refl ex Lord SR, Prevention of injuries in older people, NHMRC Health control of human inspiratory muscles, NHMRC Project Grant Research Partnerships in Injury (2002 – 2006), 2006 amount $521,046 (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $104,625 Lord SR, Close J, Fitzpatrick R, Understanding fear of falling and Colebatch JG, Assessment of vestibular function and balance in risk taking in older people, NHMRC Project grant (2006 – 2008), humans, NHMRC Project Grant (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount 2006 amount $129,250 $63,250 Lord SR, Haran M, Cameron I, Ivers R, Simpson J, A randomised Double KL, Senior Research Fellowship A (2006 – 2010), 2006 controlled falls prevention trial of long distance glasses in elderly amount $103,500 multifocal wearers, NHMRC Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $169,000

42 Macefi eld VG, Senior Research Fellowship A (2006 – 2010), 2006 Schofi eld PR, Molecular determinants of inhibitory synaptic amount $103,500 function studied using mutant and transgenic mice, NHMRC Project Grant (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $165,500 Macefi eld VG, Sympathetic control of cutaneous blood fl ow and (administered by the Garvan Institute) blood pressure in human spinal cord injury, NHMRC Project grant (2006 – 2008), 2006 amount $114,750 Schofi eld PR, Blair I, The biological role of the cadherin gene FAT in bipolar disorder susceptibility, NHMRC Project Grant, Macefi eld VG, Henderson L, The autonomic, somatic and central (2006 – 2008), 2006 amount $122,500 (administered by the neural responses to deep and superfi cial pain in human subjects, Garvan Institute) NHMRC Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $123,250 McLachlan E, Delayed neuronal death after peripheral nerve and Schofi eld PR, Kwok J, Brooks W, Identifi cation and spinal cord injury, NHMRC Project Grant (2006 – 2008), 2006 characterisation of phenotypic modifi er genes in familial amount $149,250 Alzheimer’s disease, NHMRC Project Grant (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $137,750 (administered by the Garvan Institute) Mellick G, Halliday GM, Mastaglia F, Silburn PA, Rowe DB, The Australian Parkinson’s Project – Uncovering genetic risk factors for Australian Research Council sporadic PD, NHMRC Project Grant (2006 – 2008), (administered Bilston LE, Finch CF, Hatfi eld J, Effectiveness and appropriateness by University of Queensland), POWMRI 2006 sub-contract of child restraints, Linkage Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $55,000 amount $120,000

Paxinos G, NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow Bilston LE, Gandevia S, Ehman RL, Development of new methods (2006 – 2010), 2006 amount $141,500 to measure in vivo properties of human body tissues, Discovery Project (2004 – 2007), 2006 amount $155,000 Piguet O, Structural, functional and neuropathological correlates of normal and pathological cognitive ageing, NHMRC Neil Breakspear M, Morley J, Harris J, Sammut C, Goodhill G, Paxinos Hamilton Fairley Fellowship (2003 – 2006), 2006 amount $63,500 G, Lovell N, Knock S, Lagopoulos J, Malhi G, Macefi eld V, Optimising autonomous system control with brain-like hierarchical Purves-Tyson T, The effect of estrogen on signaling mechanisms control systems, Thinking Systems Grant (2006 – 2010), 2006 of the pelvic autonomic nervous system underlying bladder amount $644,000 and erectile dysfunction in diabetes, NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship (2004 – 2008), 2006 amount $66,000 Broe GA, ARC research network in ageing well, Research Network Grant (2004 – 2008), Administered University of Sydney, Rae C, Coltheart M, McArthur G, The Rane and Spain routes in 2006 POWMRI sub-contract amount $10,000 the brain: functional studies and remediation in dyslexia subtypes, NHMRC Project Grant (2006 – 2008), 2006 amount $131,750 Burke D, Kiernan M, Resurgent sodium currents in peripheral nerve axons and sensory neurons, Discovery Project Schofi eld PR, Cavanaugh J, Forrest S, Hopper J, Genetic (2004 – 2006), 2006 sub-contract amount $9,799 Repositories Australia, NHMRC Enabling Grant – Special Facilities (2006 – 2010), 2006 amount $400,000 Foley P, Encephalitis lethargica in the 1920s (and afterwards): the forgotten epidemic, Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship Schofi eld PR, Halliday GM, Mitchell P, Wilhelm K, Broe GA, (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $80,000 Brodaty H, Tetrad 2 DNA Engine base unit and accessories; Chromo4 Real Time Alpha Unit, NHMRC Equipment Grant, Garner B, Nuclear traffi cking of apolipoprotein-E, Discovery 2006 amount $80,000 Project (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $105,000

Shepherd C, Geczy C, Targeting infl ammatory mechanisms in Mareels I, Egan G, McDonnell K, Rae C, Kotagiri R, Data Alzheimer’s disease, NHMRC Project Grant (2004 – 2006), 2006 management technologies for the magnetic resonance imaging amount $127,000 e-research grid, ARC Linkage Project Grant (2006 – 2009), 2006 amount $58,000 Taylor J, Senior Research Fellowship A, 2006 amount $105,500 Paxinos G, Watson C, Bilston LE, Puelles L, Rhombomeric Taylor J, Butler J, Gandevia S, How changes in the motor cortex topography of structure in the adult mouse: evidence from avian and spinal cord with exercise contribute to fatigue in humans, homologies and mouse gene expression, ARC Discovery Project NHMRC Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $102,000 (2006 – 2007), 2006 amount $67,000

Little D, Bilston LE, Cowell C, Relationship of the anabolic Schofi eld PR, Williams L, Development of integrated biological and catabolic responses in healing a critical sized defect in rats, markers of brain function, ARC Linkage Project Grant (2005 NHMRC Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $111,750 – 2007), 2006 amount $69,848 (administered by University of Sydney) Von Hippel W, Paxinos G, Affective infl uences, social thinking McNulty P, Neurophysiological investigation of motor pathways and behaviour: a social neuroscience approach, Discovery Project in subjects with stroke, NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship (2004 (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $70,000 – 2007), 2006 amount $63,500 (administered by University of Sydney)

43 Research Funding Grants awarded for Research Funding

Middleton J, Davis G, Gandevia S, Craig A, Nickolls P, Scott Dr Steve Vucic with patient Michael Smith T, Lee B, Butler J, Lord S, Enhancing functional recovery and independence after spinal cord injury, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Research Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological conditions Program Grant (administered by University of Sydney) (2005 – 2008), 2006 POWMRI sub-contract amount $70,296

Paxinos G, The spinal cord of the rat and human: Atlases and 3D models, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Research Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions Project Grant (2006 – 2007), 2006 amount $100,000

Schofi eld PR, Mental illness research, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Research Infrastructure Grant, 2006 amount $1,300,000

Stoodley M, Cerebrospinal fl uid fl ow in post-traumatic syringomyelia, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Research Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions Project Grant (2005 – 2006), 2006 amount $95,500

Other Funding Bodies Bilston LE, Finch CF, Hatfi eld J, Effectiveness and appropriateness of child restraints, Motor Accidents Authority industry partner contribution to ARC Linkage Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $20,000

Bilston LE, Finch C, Hatfi eld J, Effectiveness and appropriateness of child restraints, Roads & Traffi c Authority of NSW industry partner contribution to ARC Linkage Project Grant (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $33,000

NSW Government Bilston LE, Gandevia S, Development of tagged MRI methods for (Dept of Health/Ministry for Science & Medical Research) measuring pharyngeal muscle mechanics, UNSW Faculty Research Clarke E, NSW Spinal Cord Injury and Related Neurological Grant, 2006 amount $25,000 Conditions Research Grants Program – Travel Scholarship, NSW Ministry for Science and Medical Research, 2006 amount $5,500 Broe GA, UNSW Faculty of Medicine contribution to ARC (administered by University of Sydney) research network in ageing well, Research Network grant, 2006 amount $10,000 Kiernan M, Origin and patterns of neuronal degeneration in motor neurone disease, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Research Double KL, Top-up funding towards a Waters Alliance 2695 High Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions Project Pressure Liquid Chromatography system, Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Grant, (2005/06 – 2006/07), 2006/07 amount $87,500 Foundations Equipment Gift, 2006 amount $25,000

Lord SR, Prevention of injuries in older people, NSW Department Fitzpatrick RC, Neurophysiology of human balance and posture, of Health Partnership Grant (2002 – 2006), 2006 amount $50,000 UNSW Goldstar Award, 2006 amount $40,000

Lord SR, NSW Falls Injury Prevention Network, NSW Department Garner B, A novel cholesterol effl ux accelerator as an anti- of Health, 2006 amount $34,876 atherosclerotic in Apo-E defi cient mice, National Heart Foundation Grant-in-Aid (2005 – 2006), 2006 amount $60,000 McLachlan E, Brock J, Kiernan M, Macefi eld V, Altered nerve and muscle excitability after spinal cord injury – challenges Loy C, Longitudinal clinical, imaging and genetic study of a cohort for functional recovery, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical of patients with frontotemporal dementia, Pfi zer Neuroscience Research Program Grant (2006 – 2010), 2006 amount $218,750 Research Grant, 2006 amount $37,900

McNulty P, Neurophysiological investigation of single motor unit Macefi eld VG, Sander M, Celermajer DS, Nitric oxide and properties, and sensorimotor integration and control in subjects sympathetic refl ex control of blood pressure in health and with spinal cord injury, NSW Ministry for Science & Medical hypertension, National Heart Foundation Grant-in-Aid (2006 Research Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions – 2007), 2006 amount $60,000 Project Grant (2005 – 2006), 2006 amount $100,000

44 McNulty P, Investigation of the length-tension relationship for Clarke E, Department of Education Science and Training, single motor units in human muscles measured using intraneural Australian Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount motor axon microstimulation, Clive & Vera Ramaciotti $19,231 (administered by University of Sydney) Foundations Establishment Gift, 2006 amount $30,000 Duma S, Broe GA, Piguet O, Alzheimer’s Australia Research, Nasrallah F, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory travel award, 2006 Rosemary Foundation Loader Research Scholarship, 2006 amount $250 amount $9,900

Paxinos G, The rat and human spinal cord: Atlases and 3D Duncan C, Department of Education Science and Training, models, Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (2006 – 2007), Australian Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2007), 2006 2006 amount US$74,980 (~$92,294) amount $19,231

Paxinos G, Organisations of the human cortex revealed by Fairhall J, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Scholarship, gene expression profi les, UNSW Goldstar Award, 2006 2006 amount $50,000 amount $40,000 Han E, Prince of Wales Clinical School Postgraduate Research Paxinos G, An atlas of the human cerebral cortex, Ronald Scholarship, 2006 amount $27,000 Geoffrey Arnott Foundation (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $10,000 Krishnan A, NHMRC Medical Postgraduate Scholarship Rae C, Coltheart M, Functional imaging the dual route: a study of (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $21,470 lexical and non-lexical reading, UNSW Faculty Research Grant, 2006 amount $26,000 Loy C, NHMRC Medical Postgraduate Scholarship (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $30,014 Schofi eld PR, Gordon E, Grant SGN, Identifi cation of synaptically expressed genetic variants that contribute to brain function, Luty A, Department of Education Science and Training, Australian UNSW Goldstar award, 2006 amount $40,000 Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2007), 2006 amount $19,231

Schofi eld PR, Halliday GM, Kwok J, Dobson-Stone C, Chetcuti Luu B, Department of Education Science and Training, Australian A, The Genetics Initiative, UNSW Faculty of Medicine Strategic Postgraduate Award (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $19,231 Research Initiatives Grant, 2006 amount $250,000 Martin P, Department of Education Science and Training, Shepherd C, Halliday GM, Schofi eld PR, Guillemin G, Australian Postgraduate Award (2005 – 2006), 2006 Infl ammation mediators in Alzheimer’s disease: identifying targets amount $19,231 for therapeutic intervention, JO & JR Wicking Trust Medical and Scientifi c Research Grant, 2006 amount $50,000 McAuley E, NHMRC Dora Lush (Biomedical) Postgraduate Scholarship (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $21,231 Stoodley M, Vascular targeting enhancement of radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations, Brain Foundation, 2006 Murray N, NHMRC Postgraduate (Medical) Research Scholarship amount $19,090 (2006 – 2007), 2006 amount $30,014

Stoodley MA, Vascular targeting enhancement of radiosurgery Saboisky J, Department of Education Science and Training, for arteriovenous malformations, Sydney Children’s Hospital Australian Postgraduate Award (2004 2006), 2006 Foundation, 2006 amount $14,995 amount $14,423

Scholarships Schofi eld E, NHMRC Dora Lush (Biomedical) Postgraduate Brooks D, Department of Education Science and Training, Scholarship (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $10,242 Australian Postgraduate Award,(2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $19,231 Song C, Department of Education Science and Training, Australian Postgraduate Award (2005 – 2007), 2006 amount $19,231 Butler A, Albert Chua Scholarship, (2004 – 2006), 2006 amount $19,000 St George R, UNSW, University Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2007), 2006 amount $19,231 Cheng S, Department of Education Science and Training, Australian Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2006), 2006 Vucic S, Kiernan M, MND Research Institute Clinical Research amount $9,615 Scholarship (2005 – 2006), 2006 amount $37,500

Chew JZZ, Department of Education Science and Training, Warden L, Alzheimer’s Australia Research Hunter Doctoral Australian Postgraduate Award (2004 – 2006), 2006 Research Scholarship into the Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease amount $19,231 (2006 – 2007), 2006 amount $20,000

45 Fundraising Fundraising and Public Relations

Building strong relationships with key stakeholders, enhancing our public profi le and raising signifi cant funds to support our research are integral to the success of the Institute.

Whilst our scientifi c leadership is refl ected in the numerous Marnie, Guest Speaker Rowena Wallace, our wonderful Italian chefs competitive research grants that our researchers receive, we depend and generous guests for making it such a memorable evening. on fi nancial support through donations and bequests to underpin our achievements. Creative Madness An art exhibition entitled Creative Madness was held during Mental Health Week in October to raise funds for Our progress is greatly accelerated through the generosity of so bipolar disorder. Organised by passionate curators Lisa Cahill and many. Gifts from individuals, families, trusts, business, community Justine Topfer, the event helped raise understanding and awareness and other private organisations build the foundation from which of this stigmatised illness and, at the same time, celebrated Australian the Institute’s research advances. We remain indebted to you for contemporary art. your considerable contributions, partnership and engagement. This philanthropy furthers our mission to discover and implement new Bridge for Brain Research Challenge This unique event, which sees treatments for many debilitating diseases and conditions. over 3,000 Bridge players throughout Australia playing hands in support of the Institute’s 2006 Challenge, raised funds for dementia Your gifts help in immeasurable ways. Your support allows us to attract research. The event was supported by the NSW Bridge Association, the best scientifi c minds in the world to join our research team. It also the Australian Bridge Federation and major sponsors Nokia, Ursa funds the facilities and equipment needed to build new laboratories. Communications, The Bridge Shop and Video Easy.

But raising signifi cant funds will never be more important as the ASX Reuters Charity Foundation In 2006, the ASX Reuters Charity Institute enters a pivotal new era in 2007. The year ahead will be Foundation once again supported our research through a major marked by dynamic change as future plans to expand become a donation. Eligibility for a grant from this philanthropic organisation reality. We will be pushing all boundaries! The challenges for the hinges on the presentation of a signifi cant research project and the fundraising team will certainly be great but the long-term rewards ability to work in partnership with the Foundation to raise funds. will speak for themselves. We are sincerely grateful to ASX Reuters Charity Foundation for their continued fi nancial assistance. It is your continued fi nancial support that keeps the momentum. Quite simply, your gifts build a healthier world. We thank you Institute Tours Throughout 2006, we were delighted that so many sincerely for your support. of our donors, research participants, their friends and family visited the Institute for tours, and to meet scientists and Board members. Raising funds – raising awareness These regular tour evenings enabled us to profi le our research and provided an important conduit between supporters and researchers. Maestri della Cucina Gala Dinner This year’s Food for Thought gala dinner, Maestri della Cucina – the corner stone of the Institute’s annual The Phyllis Luker Society The Phyllis Luker Society was established fundraising events – was a great success! Each year, this stunning in December 2005 as the Institute’s bequest society. It is named degustation event provides an evening of gourmet cuisine for those in honour of a long-time supporter of the Institute, Phyllis Luker, passionate about fi ne food and wine. Our sincere thanks to MC Simon whose commitment to brain research led her to make signifi cant

46 How you can help

Donations Throughout our lives, we all have the ability to support Bequests Even beyond our lifetime, we can still make a gift that and care for others. Whether the gift is small or large this simple can change lives. By leaving a donation in your Will you make a gesture will have an important impact on another’s world. We gift that will always be remembered and one that contributes to appreciate your interest in supporting our world-class research. better health for future generations. Leaving a gift in your Will You can donate by phone, by mail or online. All donations over is a signifi cant way you can support research at the Institute. $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided. Advising us of your decision to make a gift to the Institute in By Phone To make a gift by phone or if you have a general your Will greatly assists us in planning for the future. It also question about making a gift please call 02 9399 1000 or provides us with an opportunity to discuss with you the area of email [email protected] research you could like to support. We would of course also like By Mail If you would like to make a gift by mail, please make to acknowledge your generosity by inviting you to become a your cheque payable to the Prince of Wales Medical Research member of The Phyllis Luker Society, but understand and respect Institute and mail to: Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, any wish for anonymity. Fundraising Department, PO Box 82, St Pauls NSW 2031 Online Donate today to the Prince of Wales Medical Research All gifts made to the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Institute online at are directed towards medical research projects. For further information, including wording for your Will or literature Make regular donations Your regular donation will allow us regarding bequests, contact Robyn Maher on 02 9399 1125 to plan ahead and make giving easier for you by spreading your gift across the year. Call 02 9399 1000 to establish a regular Make a donation today call 02 9399 1000, giving program. or donate online at

donations over a number of years culminating in a decision to support the Institute through a provision in her Will. The Society recognises those supporters who have made a bequest.

The Phyllis Luker Society held three luncheons in 2006, giving the Institute an opportunity to celebrate, in life, those who made a bequest. Society lunches are very popular and provide a fun, informal venue for members to hear talks by Institute scientists on topics of interests, and to receive updates on current research. Members and guests enjoyed great food and conversation, met like-minded people and heard, fi rst hand, about scientifi c advances geared towards eradicating diseases of the brain. We look forward to the Society growing and fl ourishing in 2007 and beyond. Professor Tony Broe fi lming Channel 9’s ‘What’s Good for You’

Direct Mail Appeal Program We are sincerely grateful to those supporters who allowed us to tell their personal stories in a series Why support the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute? of letters to prospective donors. Their stories enabled us to secure donations towards specifi c research projects including Alzheimer’s Our health tomorrow depends on the discoveries from medical and schizophrenia. It cannot be easy to ‘bare your soul’ in such a research today. It is diffi cult to envisage a cause more worthy of public way and our heartfelt thanks go to them, and to those who support than research which is designed to eliminate or alleviate responded so generously. Fundraising appeals are primarily aimed human suffering. at sourcing new donors and promoting the work of our scientists. Our ability to continue to help ensure the health of future generations Media coverage and publications The Institute’s research featured is critically dependent on our base of support. Private contributions regularly in national television programs and news bulletins, radio play a vital role. and major Australian and international print media. In particular, Professor Peter Schofi eld (stem cell debate), Professor Simon Please consider making a gift to the Institute, and become a part Gandevia (how the mind senses movement), Dr Richard Fitzpatrick of something really important – the prevention and eventual cure of some of the world’s major diseases and disabilities. While the (remote control of walking), Professor Cyndi Shannon-Weickert challenges are daunting, solutions are attainable – with your help. (NISAD appointment), Dr Kay Double (Parkinson’s disease), Professor Tony Broe (healthy ageing), A/Professor Lynne Bilston The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute is a not-for-profi t (child restraints) Professor Stephen Lord (falls and balance in the organisation. elderly) and Dr Gunnar Wasner (spacesuit to aid research).

Publications, such as our newsletter Brainworks, are produced to promote the Institute’s strong research areas, educate the community on the latest research outcomes and keep our donors and potential donors informed.

47 Fundraising Acknowledgments

A Bingham, Mr Henry Central Coast Taxation Services Daniel, Mr Mark Accountancy Practice Binney, Mr & Mrs E Cessnock Bridge Club Daniels, Mrs Ursula Adams, Mr Robert Birch, Mr/s C Challinor, Mr R Davey, Mrs Alison Adams, Mrs Patricia Bishop, Mr/s K Chalmers, Mr Alistair Davey, Mrs L G Adams, Mrs R Blackshaw, Mr William Chan, Mr & Mrs Edward David, Mrs R Adamson, Mr/s J Blackstock, Mr/s K Chan, Mrs J David, Ms Rachel Aitkenhead, Mr G Blair, Mr D Chandler, Ms C Davidson, Mrs N Albert AO, Mr Robert O Blanch, Mr R Chapman, Mr & Mrs G & R Davies, Mrs EM Albert, Mrs N Bland, Mr Robert Chapman, Mr/s Pat Davis, Mr P Alchin, Miss D Blecher, Mr K Chappell, Mr Bruce Davis, Mrs Ingrid Aldridge, Mrs C Blinkhorn, Mr P Chappell, Ms M Davy, Mr Michael Alexander, Mr A Bloem, Ms Val Charlier, Mrs C Dawson, Dr R Alexander, Mrs J Bloom, Mrs B Chedzoy, Ms Lizbeth J Dawson, Ms H Allan, Mr John W Bluestone, Mrs O Cheetham, Mr Noel Day, Mr A Allara, Mrs C Boost, Ms M Cheleski, Mr Peter De Angelis, Mr/s K Allen, Mrs Cathy Boros, Ms Rita Cheltenham Bridge Club De Courcy, Mrs Lisa Allingham, Mr A Bott, Mr R Chesworth, Mr Frank de Couter, Mrs Norma Alrich, Mr P Boundy, Mr & Mrs Ken & Rhonda Chick, Mr W Dealquip Australia Amott, Mrs Joy Bowcock, Ms Fran Chipchase, Mr & Mrs Ian & Chris Debus, Mr R AMP Limited Bowden, Mrs Yvonne Chisholm, Mrs Ronda Dee Why RSL Bridge Club Amphlett, Ms Beryl Bowdler, Mrs B Choueifate, Mr Michael Deering, Mr Chris Anderson, Mr Christopher Bowen Bridge Club Christensen, Ms J Demasi & Co Services Pty Ltd Anderson, Mrs B Bowman, Mr H Clark, Mr & Mrs Alan & Elspeth Dempster, Mr J Anderson, Ms Olga Bowman, Ms Virginia Clark, Mr D Denmead, Mr G Andrews, Ms M Boyd, Mr A Clark, Mrs E Dermott, Mr Andrew Andriske, Mrs L Brady, Mr Peter M Clark, Ms Rowena Derricks, Ms Joan Anitori, Mr Vittorio Brady, Ms Gaynor Clarke, Mr & Mrs A & M Dickson, Mr Richard Annis, Mr S Braid, Mr John Clarke, Mr Andrew Dickson, Mrs Abbie ANZ Trustees Brail, Ms Emily Clarke, Mr/s B Dickson, Mrs Anna Armytage, Mrs Ruth Brassil, Mr Paul Clarke, Mrs Jeannette Diggins, Mr W Arnheim, Mrs Joan Bratt, Mr M Clarke, Mrs P Dive, Mr & Mrs Ian & Eve-Lynne Ashen, Mr R Bray, Mrs Annette Clarke, Ms Sally Do, Mr Xuong Toan Ashley, Mrs Narida Brayshaw, Ms Lola Clay, Mrs R Dodd, Mr Peter G Aspinall, Miss Frances Brennan, Mr & Mrs P& M Claydon, Mr R Dogherty, Ms Jessie Astridge, Ms Helen Brennan, Mr Bill Cleary, Mr Denis Doig, Mrs B ASX-Reuters Charity Foundation Limited Brennan, Mrs Margo Clembrown Pty Limited Donald-Hill, Ms Joan Athans, Mrs Hildegard Brent, Mrs L Clemons, Ms J Done, Mr Ken Atkins, Mr/s J Brereton, Ms C Clothier, Mrs Jean Done, Ms Camilla Atkinson, Ms J Bride, Mr I ClubsNSW Eastern Zone BC&OC Dong, Mrs Winsome Attwooll, Mr & Mrs F & A Bridge, Mrs S Coates, Mr A Donning, Mrs V Aubourg, Mr & Mrs H E Brien, Mrs Marie Coates, Ms Sheryl Donovan, Mr David Augusta Bridge Club Brisbane Bridge Centre Cobbin, Mrs Llewella Douglass, Mr A Autotech Enterprises Pty Ltd Brisbane Water Bridge Club Cobby, Ms Kalinda Downer, Mr/s S Avard, Mr & Mrs Keith Britten, Ms M Coffey, Mr & Mrs David & Judith Downey, Mrs Pat Azarias, Mr John Britton, Ms Helen Coffs Harbour Bridge Club Downing, Mr Jason Brock, Dr James Cohen, Mr/s Tirza Dowton, Mrs A B Brodie, Mrs J Coker, Mr T Drake, Mrs S Bagnara, Mr Mauro Brown, Mr Ian Collier, Mrs Julie Drescher, Mrs Anthea Bailey, Mr & Mrs Nick & Lucy Brown, Mrs D Collins, Mr J Droubalgie Pastoral Co Pty Ltd Bailey, Mr & Mrs Sam & Jenny Brownrigg, Mrs M Collins, Ms Jill Dudley, Mr Keith R Bailie, Ms Kathryn Bruce, Mr & Mrs Geoff & Diana Collins, Ms L Dugley, Mrs Mary Bainbridge, Mrs Doreen Brunswick Valley Bridge Club Collins-Woolcock, Mr R Dulac, Ms J Baird, Mr & Mrs John & Deidre Buck, Mrs D Collister, Mr R Dunlop, Ms Margaret Baker, Mr Garnet Buck, Mrs Nola Colorado Products P/L Dunn, Mr John Baker, Mr R Bungendore Bridge Club Combe, Mr David Dunn, Mrs Y Bales, Ms Penny Burchill, Mr J Commons, Mrs Hazel Dunsmore, Mr and Mrs Keith & Joan Balint, Mr & Mrs P & M Burgess, Ms Margaret Compumod Pty Ltd Duruz, Mrs Marea Ball, Ms June Burns, Mr Stephen Connolly, Mrs M Dyer, Mr & Mrs Hilton & Marie Balsdon, Mrs F Burns, Mrs Alma Constantine, Mrs Sandra Dyer, Ms J Bannerman, Mrs Joy Burnstein, Mr/s P S Conway, Mr K Banning, Mrs P Burrows, Mr Kevin Coogee Lions Club Inc E Barber, Mr T Burt, Mr John Cook, Mr A East, Mrs Patricia Barbour, Mrs Josephine Burton, Ms Suzie Cooke-Yarborough, Dr C M Eastaughffe, Mr M Barker, Mr Hedley Buttfi eld, Mrs R Cooper, Mrs B Eastern Contract Bridge Centre Barnaby, Mrs Dorothy Byran, Mr Ray Cooper, Ms D Eastern Suburbs Bridge Club Barnard, Mr Jay Byrne, Mrs Y Copas, Mr Bruce Eaton, Mrs Helen Barnes, Mr Frank Byron, Mrs E Cormack, Ms Patricia G Eddy, Mr Nicholas Barnes, Mrs Jennifer Cornell, Mr R Eden-Styche, Mr G Barnett, Mr/s P C Cornwall, Mr & Mrs M and R Edwards, Mr Noel Barnett, Mrs Peg Cabot, Mrs Joan Corrigan, Mrs J Egan, Mr V Barrett, Mr & Mrs R & J Cahill, Ms Lisa Cosgrove, Mrs E Elasi, Mrs M Barry, Mrs Margaret Anne Callow, Mrs S Cotman, Mrs Hilary Elder, Mr David Bartlett, Ms Anne Caloundra Contract Bridge Club Cotter, Mr B W Ellaway, Ms C Bartolomei, Mr & Mrs M & C Cambell, Ms G Coudry, Mr & Mrs Bob & Norma Ellerton, Miss Elsie Barton, Mr & Mrs NJ & M Camden Haven Bridge Club Coulter, Mrs Joyce Elliott, Mr & Mrs L & M Bass, Ms Ann Cameron, Mr Donald Coulthard, Ms S Elliott, Mr/s l Bawden, Mr Tom Cameron, Mr J T Coward, Mr WG Ellis, Mr and Mrs Ken& Elsie Bawden, Mrs Kath Campbell, Miss Helen Cowled, Ms Laurie Ellis, Mr C V Beard, Mrs E Campbell, Mr Roger Cowley, Mrs Joan Elrington, Mrs Nancy Beattie, Mr/s R Campbell, Mrs Pauline Cox, Mr C D Embery, Mr G Beazley, Mrs Enid Campbell, Ms Kathleen Cox, Mrs Emily Joan EMC Technologies Behzad, Kamran Campbell, Ms Louise Craig , Dr P & Cooper,Dr D Epper, Ms Julie Bell, Miss Maureen Campbell-Wilson, Mr & Mrs C Cramp, Ms Jeanice Errington, Ms P Belmore Real Estate Canberra Bridge Club Crane, Mrs K Erwin, Mr K Benaud, Mr & Mrs John & Lindsay Canobolas Bridge Club Crawford, Mr J Esperance Bridge Club Bennett QC, Mr David Capel, Miss P Crawley, M/s Doreen Esperson, Ms Glenys Bennett, Mr & Mrs Ken & Joy Capital Bridge Club Cripps, Mr/s Jel Eurest Australia Bennett, Mr John William Carbert, Mr G Crooks, Mr Jock Evans, Mr R Bennett, Mrs Betty E Carlon, Mrs Colleen Crouch, Mr Michael Evans, Mr W H Bennett, Mrs M Carlson, Ms Joan Crowe, Dr Peter Evans, Mrs E Bennett, Mrs Olive Carmelite Monastery Varroville Crowe, Mr Barry Evans, Ms Pauline Benson, Mr Roy Carolan, Mr/s C Cruise, Mr K Bent, Mrs Gwyn Carrigy, Mr Neil Crumlin, Mr Joseph F Berry, Mr & Mrs John and Phyllis Cartwright, Mr Ian Culloton, Ms Jean Factor, Mr M Betar, Mr C Casella, Mr & Mrs G & KM Currell, Mr & Mrs J & M Fairall, Mr Robert Bettison, Ms Margaret Cassar, Mrs Nell Curry, Mrs A Fairfax AO, Mr James O Bevan, Ms Diana Castle Tools Tyrolit Curtis, Mr Nicholas Fallance, Mr/s J Bezette, Ms G Cather, Mr & Mrs D & B Cusack, Ms Gabrielle M Fallshaw, Mr Bruce T Bhave, Mr B Cather, Mrs D G Cuthbert, Mrs Michelle Farrar, Mr Robert Biber, Ms J Cather, Ms June M Farrell, Mr Francis Biggs, Mrs Margaret Cather, Ms Marilyn D Farrell, Ms B Bignold, Mr IP Catsaras, Mr Andrew Dalrymple, Mrs Lucy Farry, Mrs J Bijker, Ms R Central Coast Bridge Club Daly, Mr Terence A Fauvet, Mr John Central Coast Leagues Bridge Club Dampney, Professor Roger Fell, Mr John

48 Ferguson, Mrs L Green, Mr TJ Horne, Mrs K Kerr, Mrs Dorothy Ferguson, Mrs M Green, Mrs E Hospital Bridge Club Kersh, Ms Jennice Filkins, Mr & Mrs Matthew Greenwell, Mrs Marjorie Houlton, Mr Les Kershaw, Ms Christine Finkelstein, Mr Ben Greenwood, Mrs Lesley Houseman, Ms Jennie Keys, Miss DM First National Real Estate Greig, Miss Margaret Hovey, Mr B Khaled, Mr Ron Fisher, Mr/s C Greig, Mrs Jan Howard, Ms S Kilby, Mr/s B Fisher, Mrs E Greyling, Mrs Sophia L Howell, Mr Kenneth Kilby, Mr/s M Fitch, Mr Laurence Griffi ths, Mr/s B Hoyland, Ms Jan Kilroy, Mr W Fitzgerald, Mr James Grime, Dr John Huckel, Mr Stanley King, Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, Mrs B Guirgis, Mr/s M Hudson, Mr I King, Mr Warren Fitzpatrick, Dr Richard Gunnedah Bridge Club Hudson, Ms Jeanette King, Mrs Vera Fitzpatrick, Mrs R Gwizdek, Ms Irene Hughes, Mr/s Pat Kintominas, Mr Peter Flanagan, Ms Edith Gyles, Hon Justice Roger Hui, Miss Maggie Klante Nominees Fletcher, Mr Charles Gympie Contract Bridge Club Hutchinson, Ms J Kloster, Mr Christopher Fletcher, Mrs Naomi Hutchison, Ms Florence Knight, Ms Emma Fok, Mrs M H Hutton, Ms M Kokas, Mr E Foot AO, Mrs Rosemary Habe Garments Pty Ltd Huxley, Mr G Koller, Mrs Annemarie Forage, Mr B Hagan, Miss Leanne Hynes, Mr J Koolen, Mr L Ford, Mrs Debra Hall QC, Mr G B Korth, Mr J Forder, Mrs H Hall, Mr Jim I Kortlang, Mr Ian Forsyth, Mr M Hall, Mr Ronald L Iaccarino, Mr A Krelle, Mr Gary Fosse, Miss YN Hamilton, Mr Ian J Ilas, Mrs P Krosch, Ms Donna Foster, Mr A Hamilton, Mr/s AC Ingr, Mr Joseph Kulmar, Mrs M Foster, Mr J Hamilton, Ms P Ingram, Mr J R Kuntze, Mr Herbert Fowler, Mr & Mrs John & Pene Hammond, Mrs G Innes, Mr/s J B S Fox, Mr & Mrs Graham & Nancy Hampson, Rev C Iredale, Mr & Mrs J & A L Fox, Mr/s E Hancock, Mr Ken Ireland, Mr J Lachs, Dr Maria Fraccaro, Mr A A Hancock, Ms Marie Ireland, Mr/Ms Lally Ladlaw, Mr Franchi, Ms J Hancock, Ms Samantha Irlam, Mr Ron Lalas, Mr Milton Francis, Mrs R Hannon, Ms Marie Irving, Mrs J Lallensack, Mr Paul Frankel, Mr M Hansen, Mr Alwyn Isherwood, Mr Paul Lambell, Mr William Franklin, Mrs D Harber, Mr & Mrs Ian & Heidi Lambert, Mr John L Freame, Mrs M Harbour, Ms C J Lambert, Ms S Freeman, Dr Derek Hardy, Mr N J S O’Brien & Associates Lambkin, Ms L Freeman, Mrs Jennifer Hardy, Mrs G Jablonski, Mr Alexander Lampert, Mr Richard Freeman, Mrs Noelle Harmos, Ms Agnes Jablonski, Ms Margaret Lander, Mr W French, Ms E Harris, Mr/s Eleni Jackson, Mr & Mrs M & C Lane, Mr/s D Frost, Ms Glen-Marie Harrowell, Mr Phil Jackson, Ms Judy Lange, Mrs Joan Fry, Mr Stan Harrowell, Mr Timothy Jackson, Ms Lenoma Langtry, Sister Marie Fuller, Mrs H S Hart, Ms Barbara James, Mrs P Langworthy, Mr Barry Future Focus Financial Planners P/L Hart, Ms Helen Jamieson, Mrs R Larcher, Mr George Fyffe, Mrs Betty Hartley, Ms J Jamo, Mr Eliejean Lascelles, Mr RW Harvey, Mr Les W JAP World Spares Laughlin, Ms A G Hassum, Mr/s M Jaques, Ms Irene Launceston Bridge Club Gacic-Vukovljak, Mrs G Hatherall, Mr G Jarrett, Mrs Betty Laurie, Mr G Gall, Mr S Hattersley, Ms H Jarvis, Mrs Patricia LaVite, Ms Wendy Gall, Ms Diana Hausmann Communications Jeffries, Ms Winsome Law, Ms Monika Gallop, Mrs Joy Hawks Nest Golf Club Bridge Club Jenkins, Ms Jenny Lawrence, Ms Sarah Galstaun, Mr/s A Haworth, Ms Emmanuelle Jenness, Ms Sybil Lazanas, Mr J Galvin, Mrs E Hayata PC Australia Pty Ltd Jernakoff, Mr L Le Lievre, Mr R Gamboa, Mrs Mirna Hayes, Mr K Jessop, Miss Pat Leahey, Mr D P Gandevia, Prof Simon Hayes, Mr Peter John Holland Group Leahy, Miss Catherine Garbutt, M/s Barbara Hayes, Mr Robert Johnson SC, Justice Peter Lee, Mr Winston Gardiner, Mr David Hayes, Mrs Eve Johnson, Mr E Lee, Mrs G Garner, Dr Brett Hayward, Ms Frances Johnson, Mr G Leech, Mr Geoffrey Alan Garrard, Mr Bob Hayward, Ms Leanne Johnson, Mr P Leech, Mr John Garrett, Ms H Hazlitt, Ms L Johnson, Ms Helen Lees, Mrs A Gasparotto, Mrs Silvana Heasman, Mr/s M Johnston, Mr & Mrs D & E Lees, Mrs Beverley Gavagna, Mr Robert Heath, Mrs A E Johnston, Mr Tom Leeton Soldiers’ Bridge Club Gawler & Districts Bridge Club Heather, Mr Francis Jones, Mr & Mrs G & K Lekias, Mr/s D C Gaynor, Mr Stephen Heathwood, Mrs H Jones, Mr/s M Lemech, Ms C GE Healthcare Heim, Mr Fred Jones, Mrs D Leone, Mrs Wilga Gelbart, Mr Anton Heim, Mrs B Jones, Mrs Joan Letts, Mr Ian Gell, Miss Rhys Heitmeyer, Ms Carolina Jones, Mrs Lester D Leveritt, Ms K Geoghegan, Mrs P Helfgott, Mr Eddy Jones, Mrs Lisa Levinston, Mr Colin Geraldton Bridge Club Hely CBE, Reverend Dr Jack Jones, Mrs O Levy, Mr Geoff Ghosh, Dr PK Hemphill, Mr Geoffrey I Jones, Ms June Levy, SC, Mr L Gibson, Mrs N Henderson, Mr/Mrs Billie Jones, Ms Sylvia Lewandowski, Ms Margaret Gibson, Mrs N Hennessy, Mr DK Jordan, Mrs Helen Li, Mr D Gibson, Ms Belinda Hennessy, Mrs Beryl Jory, Mr John David Libby, Mr William Giesen, Mr Harry Herriott, Mr G Joseph, Mr Ken Lieknis, Ms Liesma Giffney, Mr J Hertzberg, Ms Clio Judd, Ms Carol Linklater, Mrs Anne Gilbert, Mrs J Hervir, Mr Peter Julian, Ms J Lipinski, Mr/s S E Gilbert, Ms Joan Hewitt, Mrs Mary Lippey, Ms H Gildart, Mrs Joan Hextall, Mrs J K Little, Mrs Marjorie Giles, Ms A Hiatt, Mr & Mrs Geoff & Fran Kadwell, Mr John Littler, Mr/s M Gill, Mr J Higgins, Ms Kay Kanowski, Mr & Mrs J & C Livingston, Mrs Evelyn Girvan, Mrs Joan Higson, Dr & Mrs Kanther, Ms N LJ Hooker Gissing, Mr & Mrs John Hill, Mr/s J Kaplin, Mr/s J Lochtenberg, Ms Fiona Giugni, Mrs Sue Hill, Mrs E Karacanta, Mr Oktay Lock, Mr R Givorshner, Mr Leo Hill, Mrs J Kaswiner, Mr/Ms H Lock, Mrs SE Gladman, Ms Margot Hill, Mrs Joan Kay, Mr William Ian Lockwood, Ms Elaine Glen Bridge Club Hill, Mrs M Keaney, Mr John Lodi, Mr C Globell Glen Pty Ltd Hillin, Mrs IE Kearns, Mrs E Long, Mr & Mrs WR & RL Goff, Ms Jennifer Hills, Mrs Marie Keeble, Mrs M Longbottom, Mr & Mrs JD & EF Goldsworthy, Ms Janet Hilton, Ms Lee Keen, Mr Paul Losh, Mr Jeffrey Goode, Mr D Hipper-Inman, Ms Dawn Keen, Ms M Louden, Ms S Goodman, Mrs Susan Hirst, Mr W Keeper, Mrs Helen Louis, Mr Julian Goodwin, Mr G Hoare, Mrs M Kell, Ms Emma Love, Mr Benjamin Goodwin, Mrs C Hobart City Bridge Club Kelley, Mr Scott Loveday, Mrs M Goondiwindi Bridge Club Hodge, Mrs J Kelley, Ms Tracey Lowe, Mr J Gorrod, Mrs J Hogan, Mr/s J Kells, Miss Wendy Lowe, Mrs A Gotthard, Mrs Anna Holden, Mr Frank Kelly, Mr/s P C Lubowski, Mr D Gough, Ms P Holdsworth, Mr W Kelly, Mrs Patricia Lucas, Mr G Goulburn Bridge Club Holland, Mr Ray Kelly, Ms Jacquie Luckey, Mrs Lo Gould, Mr & Mrs R V Holliday, Mrs E Kelly, Ms M Lynch, Mrs Joan Grace, Dr T D C Holmes, Dr Roland Kelpe, Miss Denise Lynch, Ms Pat Grafton Bridge Club Holmik, Ms Marika Kelso, Mr James M Graham, Mr N Homfray, Mr Ian Kemp, Miss Kathleen M Graham, Mrs H Hone, Mrs EK Kennedy, Mr Brian Macfarlane, Mr James Graves, Ms Ann Hong, Mr/s Kennington, Mr Desmond MacGregor, Ms R Gray, Ms A Hooper, Mrs Joan Kensington Bridge Club Macken, Mr Sean Gray, Ms Tracey Horder, Mr/s D Kensit, Mrs L F Mackenzie, Ms F Green, Mr Robert Hordern, Mr H S Kerfoot, Mr & Mrs K & B Maclachlan, Ms M

49 Fundraising Acknowledgments

MacLaurin, Mr & Mrs N & A Melville, Mrs Jo O R Macnab, Mr/s D Mercer, Mr/s A O’Brien, Mrs Mary R F Dynon & Co Macpherson, Ms Jill Mercer, Ms Mary O’Brien, Ms Sandra Radecki, Mrs J Macpherson, Ms Judith Merewether South Bridge Club Occhiuto, Ms Tania Radonic, Mrs I MacPherson, Ms Rowena Metman, Ms Robyn O’Connor, Ms Carol Rae, Dr & Mrs J L MacRae OAM, Mrs Margaret Metro Parking O’Flynn, Mr J Raicevich, Mrs K Magangnotti, Mrs E Metzner, Mr K Ogilvie, Ms T Rainer, Mr Jerzy Magnussen, Mr T Meyer, Mrs E O’Hara, Mr & Mrs W P & C J Ramsay, Mr Dick Magro, Mr Dennis Middleton, Mr/s A O’Keeffe, Ms C Randwick Bridge Club Maguire, Mr W Middleton, Mrs R Oliver, Mrs G Rasmussen, Mr John Maher, S Mihalek, Mr R Olliver, Ms M Rayner, Mr R Maher, Mrs Doris Mikan, Mrs L Olsson, Mrs & Mrs Ken & Vera Read, Ms J Maher, Mrs F Mildura U3A Bridge Club Op De Weegh, Mrs A Redcliffe Bridge Club Mahoney, Miss Eileen C Millar, Mrs Alfreda Orchard, Mr J Redlands Bridge Club Mailfert, Ms Nora Millbourn, Mr B Orr, Ms P Rees, Ms Patricia Maitland Bridge Club Miller, Mr Peter Orsatti, Mr Guido Refshauge, Dr Andrew Makim, Mr R Miller, Ms P Osmotherly, Mr Colin Regional Health Care Group Malcolm, Mr & Mrs Miller, Ms Thea O’Sullivan, Dr Brian Reid, Mr Paul Maley, Ms Jenny Millner, Mrs Jean O’Sullivan, Ms Sharon Reid, Ms Linda Mallett, Mrs Barbara Mills, Mr John Brent Ovens & Murray Bridge Club Revai, Mr Nicholas Mallinson, Mr & Mrs E & S Mills, Mrs J M Reynolds, Mrs M Malone, Mrs Janet Milman, Mr & Mrs D P Richardson, Ms Joan Mamo, Mr & Mrs C & M Milman, Mr Michael R Pack, Mrs D Ridgers, Mr M Mancini, Ms Nadia Mitchell, Ms K Paddison, Mrs L Ridley, Mrs D Mandurah Bridge Club Moar, Mrs J Pallot, Mrs M Riesel, Mrs Thea Manfred, Mr Luigi Molloy, Mrs Beryl Palmer, Mr Terry Rigby, Mr Milton Mann, Ms J Monaro Bridge Club Palsson, Mr P Riggs, Mr C Mannering, Mrs Irene Montgomery, Ms Claire Pang, Mrs Anne Ripley, Mr F Mannion, Mr/s P Moore, Mr & Mrs Bob & Margaret Panikkar, Mrs Lesley Ritchie, Mrs Enid Manternach, Ms Marie Moore, Mr Owen Paras, Father Renato Roach, Ms E Maple-Brown Family Charitable Foundation Moore, Mrs J Pardoe, Mr & Mrs J & A Roberts, Mr K Maple-Brown, Mr & Mrs A Moore, Mrs Wendy Parker, Mr R Roberts, Ms Kerstin Marcellos, Mrs P Morbey, Mr C Parker, Mr Ross Robertson, Mrs Hildur Marley, Dr Philip More, Mr A Parker, Mr Tony Robinson, Mr and Mrs Lloyd & Dorothy Marnie, Mr Simon Morgan, Mr John Parker, Ms Laraine Robinson, Ms Pauline Marr, Mr W Morgan, Mr R C Parkes Bridge Club Robor, Ms Sonja Marsh, Mrs Una Morgan, Mrs I Parkes Parkinson’s Support Group Robson, Mr Stuart Marshall, Mr & Mrs J Morris, Ms Pat Parkinson`s New South Wales Inc Rockhampton Contract Bridge Club Marshall, Mr and Mrs Vic & Valerie Morrison, Mr & Mrs Graham & Anne Parkinson’s NSW Wagga Wagga Support Grp Roden, Mr Warwick Martin, Mr Greg Morrison, Ms Jeanne Parrott, Mr E Rodway, Ms Therese Martin, Mr Peter Morrow, Ms H Partington, Mr R Rogers, Mr & Mrs J & B Martin, Ms C Morton, Mr Malcolm Parton, Mr/s R Rolston, Mrs Betty Marum, Mr J Moss, Ms E Paterson, Mrs Jean Daphne Ross, Mr Andrew Marx, Ms Gay Moss, Ms J Paton, Ms Toni Ross, Mr Laughlin Maslen, Mrs Fay Moss, Ms Penny Pattinson, Mrs J Ross, Ms M Mason, Mr Peter Mossop, Mr Rex Paul, Mrs U Ross-Jones, Judge B Mason, Mr W Mountfort, Mrs Pamela Pawlak, Mr Richard Rothe, Mrs Daphne Matthews, Mr and Mrs John & Mavis Moxham, Ms Catherine Pawson, Mr G E Rotherham, Mr & Mrs John & Val Mattingley, Mrs V Moyle, Mrs G Paxinos AO, Professor G Rothwell, Mrs Barbara McBaron, Miss Sonia Moynihan, Mrs L Pearson, Mr Cedric M Roussac, Mr R McCall, Mr & Mrs M & Y Muir, Mr T Pender, Mrs Winsome Row, Mr Bradley McCaskill, Mr & Mrs Trevor & Elizabeth Muir, Mrs Carmel Pengilly, Ms Anita Rowe, Mrs MJ McColl, Justice Ruth Mulholland, Mr & Mrs M & J Pentecost, Mr F N Rowe, Ms E McColl, Mr Danny Munro, Mr/s Pat Pepper, Ms Patricia Rowston, Mrs Margaret McCormick, Mr H Munro, Mrs D Percival, Ms Loretta Rudd, Mr James William McCorquodale, Ms D Murdoch, Mrs A Perera, Mr N Rudman, Mrs M McCulloch, Ms Margaret Murphy, Mr R D Perpetual Private Clients Rudolph, Mr Sandor McCully, Mrs P Murphy, Mr T Perram, Mrs Elsie Rummey, Mrs Susan D McDonagh, Mr/s L Murray, Mr KS Perrott, Mrs Eve Russon, Ms F McDonald, Mr Barry Murray, Mr/s M Perry, Ms Pamela Ryan, Mr Bill McDonald, Mr W Murwillumbah Bridge Club Pertsinidis, Mr Perry Ryan, Mr Reginald Dudley McDonnell, Mrs P Musgrove, Mr Tony Petersen, Mr J Ryan, Mrs L McDonough, Mrs Enid Muysken, Mr & Mrs Bill & Edith Pezaro, Mr D Rye Beach Bridge Club McDougall, Mr/s N Pfi zer McDowall, Mrs Rachel Naccachian, Mrs M Pheasant, Mr W F S McDowell, Mr J Nankervis, Mr Paul Phillips, Mr/s M Sae Lee, Dr K McElhinney, Mr Albert Narrabeen Bridge Club Phillips, Mrs Doreen Sakker, Mrs Elizabeth McEwen, Mr Hunter NEDIGI PTY LTD Phillips, Mrs M Salter, Mr Phil McEwin, Dr R Negus, Miss Joyce Phillips, Ms Christabel Same, Ms A McFadden, Mrs Ruth Neil Marshall Tax & Business Advice P/L Phillpott, Mrs Kathleen Samuels, Mr G McGarn, Mr Phillip Nelson Bay Bridge Club Pilgrim, Mrs V Sandilands, Mrs Mavis McGregor, Mrs Lynete Nestor, Mr M Piper, Ms Kaye Sankey, Mrs Jean McIlroy, Ms J Neumauser, Ms A Pizarro, Mrs M Sarks, Drs John & Shirley McIntosh, Mrs Wyn New, Mrs Heather Plummer, Mrs L Saunders, Mr Warren McIver, Mr/s Sumner Newcastle Bridge Club Polese, Mr G Beppi Saunders, Ms Coral McKay, Mr Frederick Newing, Ms Philippa Pope, Mrs Valerie Sawilejskij, Mr A McKay, Ms Deborah Newlands, Mrs A Popov, Mrs L A Scales, Ms Dimity McKean, Ms Joy Newman, Mr & Mrs K & J Port Macquarie Hasting Bridge Assoc Schalkoort, Mr C McKenzie, Mrs E Newman, Mr Andrew Port Macquarie Panthers Bridge Club Schmoll, Ms Liselotte Mckenzie, Ms R Newman, Mr Raymond Porteous, Ms Kathryn Schneider, Mr & Mrs R & E McKinnon, Mr I Newman, Mrs R O Post, Mrs June Schneider, Mr John McLachlan, Prof Elspeth Newman, Mrs Rosie Poulos, T Schofi eld, Prof Peter McLaughlin, Mr & Mrs B & J News, Mr Jack Pout, Mr & Mrs Denis & Rosemary Schulz, Mr Paul McLean, Mr/s P Newton, Mr E Power, Ms Patricia Scobie, Mrs Jill McLellan, Mr/s E Newton, Ms Audrey Preda, Mr O Scobie, Ms Susan McLennan, Mrs Shirley Nguyen, Mr V Prescott, Ms Sue Scotford, Mr & Mrs R & S McLennan, Ms Jeanette Nicholson, Mr/s N Priest, Mrs P Scott, Mr M McMahon, Miss Catherine Nickolls, Mrs Roslyn Pritchard, Mrs Monica Scott, Mr Paul McMahon, Miss Margaret Nitchell, Miss Dianne Procter, Mr/Ms E Scott, Mr Richard McMahon, Ms Merralyn Niven, Ms Enid Proudfoot, Ms Sally Scott, Mrs Helen McMahon, Sister Sheila Nixon, Mr & Mrs R & S Pruden, Ms Wilga Scott, Mrs Poppy McNamara, Mr Terry Nixon, Mrs L Pullman, Ms Nancy Scott, Ms C McNulty, Mrs Barbara Noosa Bridge Club Pullman, Ms Sue Scribner, Mr & Mrs Ross & Jean McPhedran, Mr I Northern Suburbs Bridge Club Pye, Ms J Seaman, Mr L W MDSA Northey, Ms Beverley Ann Pyers, Ms A Sedgwick, Mr Craig Mead, Miss Laura Norton, Mr Peter Sempf, Mr S Mead, Mrs Ruth Noske, Mrs Lyn Q Severino, Ms Connie Mealey, Ms Lyn Noss, Mrs Elizabeth G Queensland Bridge Association Sewell, Mr R Medhat, Mr J Novis, Mr & Mrs R & R Queensland Contract Bridge Club Sexton, Mr A Medlow, Mr Robert NSW Bridge Association Quercigrossi, Mr Conrad Shackman, Ms Mary Mehrs, Ms Marea Nuthall, Mr Scott Quinlan, Mrs Valerie Shalala, Mr Andy Melinda Groups P/L Nyngan Bridge Club Quinn, Dr & Mrs Brian & Anne Shanley, Ms Cheryl Meller, Mr George Quinn, Mr Kevin Shannon, Mrs J Mellick, Mrs Hinda Quirindi Bridge Club Sharp, Mrs Margaret

50 Shaw, Mr Robin Swaffi eld, Mrs Alma Warwick Bridge Club Shaw, Mrs M Swain, Mr R Washburn, Mrs G Shaw, Mrs Stella Symbion Health Waters, Mrs M Shearston, Mr D Watkins, Mr C Sheehan, Mrs Eula T Watson, Mrs Audrey Shepherd, Dr Bruce D Tamar Bridge Club Watt, Colonel Alfred David Shepherd, Miss Thelma Tamvakis, Mrs Anne Watt, Mrs Joyce Shepherd, Mr Barry Tamworth Bridge Club Waugh, Dr Ian Shepherd, Mrs K Tanner Architects Webb, Mr and Mrs William & Marjorie Sheppeard, Ms Vicky Taplin, Ms Dawn Webb, Mrs I Sherriff, Ms Jennifer Target, Ms J Webber, Mrs W Shields, Mr Jeff Tasker, Mr George Webster, Mr & Mrs Bill & Heather Shipley, Ms Lillian Tasmanian Bridge Association Webster, Ms Joy Shmith, Mr David Tate, Mrs Janet Weir, Mrs N Shoard, Mrs D Tatham, Mr D Welch, Mr John Shoebridge, Mr Grant Taylor, Mr Owen Weller, Sir Arthur CBE and Lady Weller SHSG Parkison’s Syndrome Society Taylor, Ms Melissa Wellington, Mrs J Sider, Mr Roy Taylor, Ms Wenban, Ms Judith Sidorczuk, Ms R Taylor’s Wines (NSW) Pty Ltd West Coast Bridge Club Sim, Mrs Helen Tearne, Mrs G Weston, Mr G Simart, Mr & Mrs J-M & L Tenterfi eld Contract Bridge Club Whiddon, Ms C Simkus, Mrs Merle Teo, Dr Charlie Whitaker, Mr & Mrs NA & PF Simmonds, Mrs A Teo, Mr C White, Mrs Gwen Simmons, Mr John Thaine, Mr Daniel White, Ms Susanne Simms, Ms Joan Thakkar, Dr P White, Ms U Simons, Ms Phyl The Fremantle Bridge Club Inc Whitlam, Hon Antony P Simpson, Mr Michael The Kensington RSL Sub-Branch Whitney, Mrs Elizabeth Simpson, Ms M The Rodney & Judith O’Neil Foundation Wicht, Mr Bob Sinclair, Mrs E The Rotary Club Windsor Inc Wickham, Mr/Ms BJ Sivewright, Ms B The Steven Moss Foundation Wilcox, Ms Joan Skewes, Mr David Theobald, Mrs D Wild, Ms Penny Skinner, Mrs B Thomas, Mr & Mrs David Willcox, Ms Debbie Slater, Mrs P Thomas, Mr Michael Willey, Dr Glenn Slaughter, Ms Cathy Thompson, Dr & Mrs R & J William D Butler Slavich, Mr A Thompson, Mr David Williams, Ms Susan Sligar, Ms Helen Thompson, Mrs June Williamson, Mrs C Slough, Miss Pamela Thompson, Mrs Pamela Williamson, Mrs J Smith, Mr D Thompson, Ms Mildred Willis, Miss Norma Smith, Mr Greg Thorpe, Mr John S Willis, Ms June Smith, Mr H Thurner, Miss Karen Wills, Mrs AM Smith, Mr Paul Tidow, Ms Joy Wilshire, Mr Clive Smith, Mrs J Tighe, Mrs KM Wilson, Mr William Smith, Mrs M Tilligerry Bridge Club Wilson, Ms C Smith, Mrs Norma Toms, Mrs M Windle, Mr Peter Smith, Mrs Ruth Toomey Pegg Drevikovsky Windle, Mr/s Smith, Mrs Ruth Tooth, Ms Patricia Windsor, Mr/s R Smith, Ms Jean Townshend, Mr/s F Winfi eld, Ms Ruth Smith, Ms L Tozer, Mrs J Withey, Ms Alleyne Smith, Ms Mary Tracey, Mr Paul Witts, Mrs Gordon Smith, Ms T Traralgon Bridge Club Wittus, Mrs Nancy Smith, Prof Peter Tregea, Mrs Jean Wivell, Ms F Smyth, Mr B Tregoning, Mr Simon Wivell, Ms G Solway, Mrs Mary Trumps Bridge Centre Wodonga Bridge Club Soulos, Mr Mark Tucker, Mr R Wolf, Mrs Enid Souter, Mr Andrew Tucker, Mrs B Wonders, Mrs Moira South Gippsland Bridge Club Tucker, Mrs Mona Wong, Mr Peter South Perth Bridge Club Tuckey, Ms Judith Wood, Mr & Mrs Peter & Robyn Southwell, Ms Beth Tulloch, Mrs Ada Wood, Mr Peter Spargo, Mrs Jean Tumut Bridge Club Woodfi eld, Mr & Mrs Dick & Barbara Sparks, Mr J Tunbridge, Mr John Woodward, Mr & Mrs R & M Speciale, Mr Rick Tuttle, Ms J Woolcock, Mrs Grace Spinaze, Mr & Mrs J Tynan, Ms C Wooley, Ms L Spliet, Mr/s H Wouter, Mr Spode, Ms Barbara U Wright, Mr S J Sponberg, Mr P Uildriks, Mrs Shirley Wylie, Mr John Spong, Mr & Mrs R & J URSA Communications Sprang, Mr J P Y St George Bank V Yandle, Mr Roger St George Budapest Bridge Club Vail, Mr E Yarrawonga Bridge Club St Vincent Contract Bridge Club van de Scheur, Mr W Yates, Mr David Stacey, Mrs Norma Van de Velde, Mr Peter C York, Ms Margaret Stafford, Mr/s J Van Den Bout, Mr C Young, Mrs Betty Stamell, Mr/s NJ van Dort, Ms Roncevelle Young, Ms Kathleen Stanbrook, Mrs Janet Van Ingen, Mr/s Vere Yow, Mr Kim Standen, Mr & Mrs N & W Van Niekerk, Mr Anthony Yuill, Ms Anne Standish, Mrs M Varga, Ms Dianne Stanger, Mr B Vesey, Mrs Susan Z Staniforth, Miss Claire Vickery, Mrs Sheila Zanon, Mrs D Staniforth, Mr/Mrs P Victorian Bridge Association Zheng, Mr/s Y Z Staniforth, Mrs Marjorie Vidler, Mr Albert Stanthorpe Bridge Club Vigor, Mr E Stapleton, Mr/s K & J Stark, Ms R W Starkey, Mr I Wagner, Mr J Staughton, Mrs Josephine Wakeling, Mrs B Steel, Mr G Walker & Eastman, Ewan & Joanne Stegman, Mr/s F Walker, Mr & Mrs B & N Stephens, Mr Donald Walker, Mr Rhoderick Stephens, Mrs Ruth Walker, Mrs A Steven, Mr Russell Walker, Mrs D Stevenson, Mr Alfred John Walker, Mrs M Stevenson, Mr B S Wallace, Mr J Stewart, Mrs Diana Walpole, Mr Francis G Stewart, Mrs Lois Walsh, Mr Stoneham, Mr Raymond Walsh, Mr Guy Strong, Mr Bill Walsh, Mr J Struik, Mr A Walton Enterprises Pty Ltd Studdy, Mr Walton, Mr C R Suban, Mr F Wansey, Mrs Joan Subasinghe, Ms Belinda Ward, Mr & Mrs D & D Sullivan, Mr A Ward, Mr Reg Summers, Mrs Carolyn Ward, Mr/s G Sundstrom, Mrs R Warlters, Mr J Surfers Paradise Bridge Club Warman, Mr & Mrs G & S

51 Our People Institute Staff and Students OUR PEOPLE In 2006 the Institute had seventeen staff at professorial or associate professorial level, and nine staff holding NHMRC Research Fellowships.

During 2006 there were two Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science on the Institute staff, Professors Simon Gandevia and Elspeth McLachlan. One of the Institute’s staff is a former President, Professor George Paxinos, and one is current President of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Professor Glenda Halliday; Professors Elspeth McLachlan and George Paxinos have been awarded the Ramaciotti medal recognising excellence in medical research; Professor George Paxinos has also been made an Offi cer of the Order of Australia (AO) for his service to neurological science; and two of the Institute’s senior scientists, Professors Tony Broe and Shirley Sarks have been awarded Member of the Order of Australia (AM). Members of the scientifi c staff also occupy senior positions in national and international Left to right: Professor Peter Schofi eld, Erica McAuley, Dr Jan Fullerton organisations concerned with nervous system function and dysfunction.

Executive Director & CEO Research Fellows Dr Gunnar Wasner Priv.-Doz. Dr. med Prof Peter Schofi eld BScAgr(Hons) PhD DSc Dr Jane Butler BSc(Hons) PhD (NHMRC RD (Feodor Lynen Research Fellow, Germany) Wright Fellow) Deputy Director & Co-Director SIRC Dr Brett Garner BSc(Hons) PhD (NHMRC RD Senior Research Assistants Prof Simon Gandevia BSc(Med) PhD MD DSc Wright Fellow) Ms Julie Brown BSc FAA FRACP (NHMRC SPRF) Dr John Kwok BSc PhD (NHMRC RD Wright Mr Ping Hu BMed MM Fellow) [from Jul 2006] Ms Heather McCann DipHlthSci BMedSci(Path) Senior Principal Research Fellows Dr Tom Weickert BA MA MPhil PhD (UNSW Ms Kerrie Pierce BSc(Hons) [from Jul 2006] Prof GA (Tony) Broe AM BA MBBS FRACP Senior Lecturer, Psychology) [from Nov 2006] Mr Steve Turner BAppSc(MedLabSc) BSc(Hons) FACRM (POWH Ageing Research Centre) MSc GradCert (Mgmt) [from Jul 2006] Prof James Colebatch PhD MD FRACP Senior Research Offi cers Ms Hongqin Wang MBBS (China) (Director of Clinical Research, POWH Head Dr Robert Boland BAppSc(Phty) GradDipAppSc Mr Collin Yeo Neurology) (ManipPhty)PhD [from Feb 2006] Prof Glenda Halliday BSc(Hons) PhD Dr William Brooks BA MBBS MPH Research Assistants (NHMRC PRF) Dr Richard Fitzpatrick BSc(Hons) MBBS PhD Ms Miriam Abeshouse BSc(Hons) Psych Prof Elspeth McLachlan DSc FAA (Co-Director Dr Janice Fullerton BSc PhD (NHMRC [from Jun 2006] SIRC, UNSW Professor) Howard Florey Centenary Research Fellow) Mr Amr Al Abed BSc(Hons) [from Apr 2006] Prof George Paxinos AO BA MA PhD DSc [from Jul 2006] Ms Kerrie Atkins RN [to Nov 2006] (NHMRC SPRF) Dr Woojin (Scott) Kim BSc PhD Ms Claire Boswell-Ruys BPhty Prof Caroline Rae BSc(Hons) PhD (UNSW Dr Yuri Koutcherov BSc(Hons) PhD [to Jul Ms Rachael Brown RN NSGlobal Professor) 2006] Mr Bob Bryans Prof Shirley Sarks AM MD FRCS FRANZCO Dr Penelope McNulty BHMS(Hons) PhD Mrs Danielle Burton RN (Honorary) (NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellow) [from Aug 2006] Prof Cynthia Shannon Weickert BA PhD Dr Peter Nickolls MBBS BSc BE(Elec) PhD Ms Anne Butler BA(Tourism Mgmt) (NISAD Chair of Schizophrenia Research) Dr Olivier Piguet BPsych MA(ClinNeuropsych) Ms Francine Carew-Jones BSc(Med) [from Nov 2006] PhD (NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairley Fellow) Mr Hilary Carter Dr Tertia Purves-Tyson BSc(Hons) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellows Ms Heidi Cartwright BSc Dr Claire Shepherd BSc(Hons) PhD Assoc Prof Lynne Bilston BE(Mech)(Hons) Mr Michael Cartwright BSc MSE(BioEng) PhD (NHMRC SRF) Dr James Tu MBBS MSc PhD (POWH Senior Hospital Scientist) Mr Shaokoon Cheng BMechEng(Hons) Assoc Prof James Brock BSc(Hons) DPhil [from Jul 2006] (NHMRC SRF) Research Offi cers Ms Kim Dilati BPsych [to Jun 2006] Assoc Prof Matthew Kiernan MBBS(Hons) Dr Albert Chetcuti BTechBiotech Ms Marcelle D’Ugo [to May 2006] PhD FRACP (UNSW Senior Lecturer, POW [from Jul 2006] Mr Elias Glaros DipAppSci BMedPharmBiotech Consultant Neurologist) Dr Vadim Dedov MD PhD Ms Elissa Gilbertson [from May 2006] Assoc Prof Stephen Lord BSc MA PhD DSc Ms Marianne Hallupp BSc [from July 2006] (NHMRC PRF) Dr Kim Delbaere MPT PhD Ms Anna Heath BSc(BiomedSc) BAppSc(Hons) Assoc Prof Vaughan Macefi eld BSc(Hons) PhD Dr Carol Dobson-Stone BSc DPhil (EMBO [from July 2006] (NHMRC SRF) [to Nov 2006] Research Fellow) [from Jul 2006] Ms Sarah Hemley BBiotech(Hons) Assoc Prof David McKenzie MBBS BSc(Med) Dr Paul Foley BSc(Hons) PhD (ARC Australian [from Apr 2006] PhD FRACP (POW, Head, Respiratory Medicine) Postdoctoral Fellow) Ms Catherine Kirkham BPhthy [to Oct 2006] Assoc Prof Marcus Stoodley MBBS(Hons) PhD Dr Michael Green BSc PhD FRACS (POWH Neurosurgeon, UNSW Senior Dr Claire Heise BSc(Hons) PhD [from Sep 2006] Ms Marcella Kwan BSC GradDip(Biotech) Lecturer) Dr Yue Huang BM MSc PhD GCHSM MPH Dr Cindy Lin MEngSc BE PhD (NHMRC CJ Mr Francesco La Tella BSc(Maths) Senior Research Fellows Martin Fellow) Ms Rachel McBain BMedSc(Hons) Dr Jacqueline Close MB BS MD FRCP (POWH Dr Renée Morris BSc MSc PhD Ms Maaike Mintjes Drs (Neth) [to Feb 2006] Staff Specialist, Geriatric Medicine) Dr Farid Rahimi BSc(Hons) [to Nov 2006] Ms Karen Murphy BSc(Hons) Dr Kay Double BSc(Hons) PhD Priv.-Doz. Dr Daina Sturnieks BAppSc(Hons) PhD Ms Sandra O’Rourke BMedSc(Hons) (NHMRC SRF) Dr Nivan Weerakkody BBiomedSc(Hons) PhD Ms Teresa Orr RN MN [to Oct 2006] Dr Janet Taylor MBiomedE MD (NHMRC SRF) Dr Ingvars Birznieks Dr. MedSci, Dr. Biol Ms Svetlana Pianova MScMs Kate Plumb (Swedish Medical Research Council Fellow) BA(Hons) 52 Assoc Professor James Brock Principal Research Fellow James is studying the effects of injuries that damage nerves controlling blood vessels. Modifi ed excitability of blood vessels following nerve injuries can change in the function of organs like skin and can lead to high blood pressure that increases the risk of damage to the heart and of strokes. Understanding how injuries produce changes in blood vessel function helps devise ways to preserving normal function

Ms Mamta Porwal BHMS MPH Fundraising and Events Christine Song BSc(Hons) Ms Rathi Ramasamy BSc(Hons) Ms Stephanie Barker BA(Comm) [to Apr 2006] Rebecca St George BA BSc(Hons) Ms Layla Roberts BA(Hons) [from Sept 2006] Ms Angela Fury BA LLB [from Apr 2006] Anne Tiedemann BSc GradDipBiomedSci Ms Emma Schofi eld BSc(Hons) [from Oct 2006] Ms Catherine Rienmueller [from Nov 2006] Alex Voukelatous MA (Psychol) Ms Connie Severino [from Mar 2006] Lolita Warden BAppSc Biotech(Hons) Ms Janette Smith BPsych Bequests Vanessa Young BSc(Hons) Ms Robyn Maher Ms Rebecca St George BSc(Hons) BA Wei Shin Yu BE(Hons) Ph.D Ms Julia Stevens BBiotech(Hons) PhD Candidates Henry Zheng MEcon MComm(Hons) Ms Anne Tiedemann BSc GradDipBiomedSci Dr Svetlana Cherepanoff BSc MBBS Masters Candidates Ms Diana Tripovic BSc(Hons) Dr Jacob Fairhall BSc(Med) MBBS(Hons) Rachael Brown RN Dr Esther Vance BSc (Hons) PhD Dr Athula Karunanayaka (P/T) MBBS Amy Watling BSc Mr Lee Walsh BE(Hons) BSc(Hons) Dr Jack Liao MBBS Fatma Nasrallah BSc(Biochem) Ms Amy Watling BSc [to Mar 2006] Dr Clement Loy BA MBBS MMed(Clin Epi) Mr Lajos Weisz FRACP [from Jul 2006] Honours Candidates Ms Tanya Wiendels BSc DipEd [to Nov 2006] Dr Nicholas Murray MBBS(Hons) FRACP David Beck [from Aug 2006] Dr Kingsley Storer MBBS BMedSc(Hons) Clement Cheung [from Aug 2006] Laboratory Assistants Dr Connie Vogler MBBS FRACP Ms Ariel Luo MSc(MedSci) [from Nov 2006] Jason Fung [from Aug 2006] Dr Steve Vucic MBBS(Hons) Mrs Kathy (Ping) Wang BSc(Chem) MEnvStud Ameya Hattangadi Jason Amatoury BE(Hons) MBiomedE [from Sep 2006] A lvin Kamili Claire Boswell-Ruys BSc BAppSc(Hons) Ms Jacqueline Zheng BSc(Med) Comm(Acct&Fin) Karl Leung BVSc(Hons) [from Nov 2006] Daniel Brooks BSc(Hons) Elizabeth Newton Julie Brown BSc Elizabeth Pham-Ly Administration Alexander Burton BSc(Hons) BNursing RN Anna Sokolova Ms Ursula Daniels Annie Butler BA(Tourism Mgmt) Aldwin Suryo Ms Rosalie Dworjanyn BSc GradDipInfoMgmt Sharon Chan BSc(Hons) [from Jul 2006] Mrs Karen Gobbe Shaokoon Cheng BMechEng(Hons) Mrs Lee Hilton John Chew BE(Comp Eng)(Hons) MBiomedEng Ms Deborah McKay BHlthAdmin JP Elizabeth Clarke BSc BE(Hons) Ms Roslyn Nickolls BA DipEd Stephen Duma BEng(Elec)(Hons) MBiomedEng Mrs Andrea Riley Carlotta Duncan BSc(Adv)(Hons) [from Jul 2006] Dr Liz Temple BA PhD DipEd David Elliott BSc(Hons) Guangqiang (John) Geng B Biomed Eng M Finance Biomed Eng Mr Andrew Dermott BEc CA, Company Erica Han BE(Hons) Secretary Phu Hoang BAppSc(Phy)(Hon) Ms Ruby Wang MCom Anna Hudson BSc(Biomed Sc) BSc(Hons) Cindy Kersaitis BSc MA GradDipSci Information Technology Agnes Luty BMedSci(Hons) [from Jul 2006] Dr Andrew Cartwright BSc PhD Billy Luu BMedSc (Hons) [from May 2006] Peter Martin BHMvt(Hons) BA(Comm) Gunawin BIS [from Sep 2006] Erica McAuley BA BSc (Hons) [from Jul 2006] Mr John Hales BSc MBiomedE [to Mar 2006] Jasmine Menant BSc(Hons) Mr Jonathon Ong BSc (Comp Sci) [to Aug 2006] KhuenYen (Ian) Ng MSc Troy Rubin BSc(Hons) Public Relations and Marketing Ms Anne Graham RN MFIA Julian Saboisky BHMv(Hons) Emma Schofi eld BSc(Hons) Design Graphic Surgery Photography Anne Graham Printing Focus Press

Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Barker Street, Randwick NSW 2031 Australia Telephone 02 9399 1000 Facsimile 02 9399 1082 [email protected]