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Benefactions BENEFACTIONS. LIST OF PRINCIPAL BENEFACTIONS MADE TO THE UNIVEBSITT OP MBLBOUBNB SINCE ITS FOUNDATION IN 1868. 1864 SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, G. W. Rusden) £866 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 6000 ( EDWARD WILSON - ( Prizes tor History and Education. 1871 ( LACHLAN MACKINNON ) ' 1000 Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 1873 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 100 Prize for English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE .... 19,140 General Endowment. 1873 GODFREY HOWITT 1000 Scholarships in Natural History. 1878 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL ess Scholarship in Engineering. 1875 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 80,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1883 JOHN DIXON WYSELASKIE - 8400 Scholarships. 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern Languages, 1881 SUBSCRIBERS .... 160 Prize for Mathematics, in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - 2000 Scholarships for Physical and Chemical Re­ search. 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND 20,000 Professorship of Music. 1890 ROBERT DIXSON - 10,837 Scholarships in Cbemistry, Physics, Mathe­ matics and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS 6217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music 1891 JAMES GEORGE BEANEY 8900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1894 DAVID KAY - ,- 6764 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 1897 SUBSCRIBERS 750 Research Scholarship in Biology, in memory OS . of Sir James MacBain. fcS 09 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). to 00 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineer- ing. 1903 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND - 466 General Expenses, 1908 TEACHING STAiFF .... 1160 General Expenses. including Professor Spencer £268 Professor Gregory 100 Professor Masson 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS 106 Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland, 1903 GEORGE McARTHUR - Library of 2,600 Books. 1904-5 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY •a FUND H President—Janet Lady. Clarke z Treasurer—Henry Butler s Secretary—Charles Bage o SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS— 58 MRS. AUBREY BOWEN - 600 Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry.. DAVID SYME 8000 Prize for Scientific Research in Australia. FREDERICK SHEFPARD GRIM­ WADE . - - - 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND MR. AND MRS. J. W 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. PAYNE .... '} SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON 600 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIA­ TION 647 John Madden Exhibition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, R. J. Larking) 1Q65 Chamber of Commerce Exhibition, and Prizes at Commercial Examinations, BENEFACTIONS (Continued). DONATIONS OF £100 AND UPWARDS— ANDREW CARNEGIE - - - 1000 PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 Buildings and Equipment. NEIL WALTER BLACK ... 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - - - 100 SIMON rRASER .... loo SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT - - - 100 JOHN GRICE - - ... 100 WESLEY R. HALL .... 100 ALICE MANIFOLD - - - 100 EDWARD MANIFOLD ... 100 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD - - 100 DAVID ORME MASSON - 100 SB MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSO­ CIATION 206 Q MRS. ALBERT MILLER - - - 100 9 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - - 100 M WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER - 100 O GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 SB JOHN TRAILL ...... 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY - - 10B MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY - 100 OTHER DONATION!!— 1288 1200 George Lansell Scholarship in Mining 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT - 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 200 Research Scholarship in <ieology. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS Equipment of Anatomy School. ' 1908 HERMAN HENRY SCHLAPP ne Ore-treatment Plant 00 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 400 to 171 BENEFACTION^ .(Contihuea). 1909 JAMES STEWART .... 26,624 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, o Medicine and Surgery. 1909 JAMES CUMING 1000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING 1000 For Veterinary Operating Theatre. 1909 SUBSCRIBERS ..... 260 Dublin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS ..... 184 Jamieson Prize 1010 GEOROE SWINBURNE ... - 160 For Purchase of Apparatus. 1010 X. EDWARDS Machinery valued at £205. 1010 N. QUTHBIDQH LTD. - . - - - Machinery valued at £140. 1010 PER H. B. 8ILBEEBBBG & CO. - Machinery valued at £150, donated by F. W. Braan and W. Alnsworth & Sons. 1911 ALEX; COWAN & SONS LTD. i . .„ n ,.m . _..„. CROSSLEY BROS. LTD. - I l6° Ore-treatment Plant. 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK - - - 2066 At disposal of Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. B. FULTON .... 969 For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - - 600 Department of Anthropology. 1911 SUBSCRIBERS 102 Professor Morris Prize. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON - 2500 Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship. 1912 MADAME MELBA 1000 Melba Hall. 1912 BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED - Machinery, valued at £100. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER BAIRD CURRIE 600 John Baird Bursary. 1913 J. BARTRAM & SON .... Machinery valued at £100. 1913 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST 500 Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 622 Physiology Extension. 1913 MISS MARY L. REID • 800 Melba Hall. 1913 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - - 276 Mr. Albert Mansbndge's Expenses to Aus­ tralia. 1913 MRS. ROBERT REID .... 100 Melba Hall. 1913 JOHN'GRICE .1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scholarship. 1914 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 600 Clinical Research Fund. BENEFACTIONS (donti»ned). 1914 GEORGE ARLINGTON SYME - - 260 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 SUBSCRIBERS 104 Clinical Research Fund. 1916 ALEXANDER MORRISON - 276 Advancement of Knowledge of Nervous Sys- ton. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN 1000 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 1916 MR AND MRS. JOSEPH LEVI - • 1000 Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship. 1916 WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUSTEES 360 p.a. Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. 1916 SUBSCRIBERS 220 G. C Mathison Memorial Lectureship. 1917 PRINCIPAL BASE METAL COM- A trust formed for the purpose of awarding in PANIES the University of Melbourne each year two Bursaries in Mining and Metallurgy. 1017 MRS. EDWARD BAGE. - - - 1060 Robert Bage Memorial Scholarship. 1919 MRS. ANNIE WILSON .... 2000 R. G. Wilson Scholarships. ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL Three First-Class Return Passages annually STEAMERS .... from 1009 to 1016 and 1919-20. ORIENT AND P. & O. COS. (jointly) Three Flrst-CIass Return Passages annually from 1921. 1980-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL. COMING. SMITH & CO. PTT. J. F. W. PAYNE .... 1000 LTD. 5250 H. B. HOWARD SMITH - - 1000 MRR l MRS* FASNIHHTGINS " 6000 MRS' ALBERT MILLER - - l()t» SIR JOHN GRICE - -' - 2000 ME. & MBS. W. H. SWANTON - 1000 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR O. NATTSSAV»„?ANK OV ATJS" ,,«, SWEET .... 1B00 TBALASIA - - - 1000 UNIVERSITY WAR MEMORIAL DUNLOP RUBBER CO. OF AU8- COMMITTBB - - - 1037 TRALASIA - - - 1000 HON.. W. M. McPHBRSON - - 1022 VICTORIAN SAILORS AND SIR JOHN MACFARLAND - - 1000 SOLDIERS' INSURANCE JOHN SANDERSON • - - 1000 TRUST 1000 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 00 xo 1920-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL (Continued) t>s ESTATE? LATE H. GYLES TUR­ MICBAELIS, HA'LLENSTEIN & NER .... 1000 CO. PTY. LTD. ... 250 LEGAL PROFESSION OF VIC „ KODAK (AUST.) PTY. LTD. - 250 TORIA - • 789 BALL & WELCH PTY. LTD. 250 G. A. SYME - - . - O00 CALEDONIAN COLLIERIES MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS 600 LTD. 260 HENRY BERRY & CO. PTY ,„ AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIPS LTD. 600 ' LTD. 250 MESSRS. BAILLIEU 600 DAlLGETY & CO. LTD. - - 250 EDWABD STEVENS - 600 SIR JOHN MONASH - - - 250 HERBERT BROOKES - 600 McILWRAITH, McEACHARN'S MKS. F. W. ARMYTAGE 600 LINE PTY. LTD. - - 250 HOWARD SMITH LTD. 600 J. H. GRICE .-.:•- i>30 ESTATE LATE G. SWEET 500 MRS. J. T. WEATHER LEY - '200 A. T. DANKS - 800 A.N.T. .-•-... 200 WALTER & ELIZA HALL TRUST 600 SIR JAMES BARRETT ... 200 JOHN RUSSELL MACPHERSON AUSTRALIAN PAPER & PULP FUND, PER MR. F. A. CO. LTD. .... loo MOULB - 400 RICHARD ALLEN & SONS PTY. NO. 1 REST HOME - 307 LTD. - - - - - 150 SUBSCRIBERS FOR SPENCER NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MER- PRIZES - - • - - - 299 CANTILE AGENCY CO. M M. BBODIB - 250 LTD. ..... 1B0 WILLIAM G. SPRIGG 250 PROFESSOR ATKINSON - - 150 GENEBAL H. W. GRIMWADE - 260 McNAUGHTON, LOVE & CO. W. RUSSELL GRIMWADE 250 PTY. LTD. .... loa PATERSON, LAING & BRUCE VISCOUNT NOVAR ... 100 LTD. - - - 250 SIR ARTHUR L. STANLEY - 100 GEORGE 1-AIRBAIRN - • - 250 SIR. W. H. IRVINE ... 100 STEWART Q. BLACK - 25Q GEORGE SWINBURNE - • 100 BENEFACTIONS. (Continued). 1910—21 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL (Continued). MRS. WILLIAM SMITH 100 PETERSON & CO. PTY. LTD. 100 DR. DAVID GRANT - 100 J. C. TRAILL - - . - 100 E. B. D. CLARKE - 100 T. B. ASHWORTH 100 A. S. AUSTIN - 100 AUSTRALIAN MERCANTILE, D. E. McBRlDE - 100 LAND & FINANCE CO MRS. M. A. MILLS 100 LTD. - - 100 H. T, WILSON 100 CRAIG, WILLIAMSON PTY, M. P. HANSEN - 100 LTD. .... 100 PHILIP RUSSELL 100 MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO, PROFESSOR HENRY LAURIE 100 LTD. .... 100 MRS. M. AND MR. A. E. GRANT 100 MISS MARY REID 100 MISS HILDA GRICE - "W.H.M." - - . - ; - 100 100 DR. J. RAMSAY - - 100 MISS ELSA GRICE 100 J. O. MELVIN - - 100 MR. AND (MRS. C. W. MILLER 100 MRS. A. BROWN - 100 ALEC. L. iLANE - 100 WM. DRUMMOND & CO. - 100 CAPT. AND MRS. S. M. BRUCE 100 COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING MRS. JESSIE S. FRASER 100 - CO 100 L. F. MILLER 100 MR. AND MRS. J. A. LEVEY 100 DR. J. P. WILSON 100 ROBERT HARPER & CO. PTY. JOHN MAY - - - 100 LTD. - - 103 ROBERT REID & CO. LTD 100 GEORGE LUSH - .100 D. M. FRASER 100 MR. AND MRS. D. STUART MR. JUSTICE SCHUTT 100 MURRAY - - 100 J. NEVILLE FRASER - 100 GOLDSBROUGH, MORT & CO T. M. STEWART - - 100 LTD. - - - . - 100 SIR WALTER MANIFOLD 100 BANK OF VICTORIA - ,- 100 C. SIBBALD CURRIB - 100 F. TATE 100 J. SHEPHARD 100 A. A. QUICK - - • - 100 T. BRUNTON & CO. - 100 C. G. WORSLEY - 11)0 _. DR. J. W. GRICE - 100
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