1864 SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, G. W. Rusden) £866 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 6000 ( EDWARD WILSON - ( Prizes tor History and Education. 1871 ( LACHLAN MACKINNON ) ' 1000 Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 1873 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 100 Prize for English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE .... 19,140 General Endowment. 1873 GODFREY HOWITT 1000 Scholarships in Natural History. 1878 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL ess Scholarship in Engineering. 1875 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 80,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1883 JOHN DIXON WYSELASKIE - 8400 Scholarships. 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern Languages, 1881 SUBSCRIBERS .... 160 Prize for Mathematics, in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - 2000 Scholarships for Physical and Chemical Re­ search. 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND 20,000 Professorship of Music. 1890 ROBERT DIXSON - 10,837 Scholarships in Cbemistry, Physics, Mathe­ matics and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS 6217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music 1891 JAMES GEORGE BEANEY 8900 Scholarships in Surgery and . 1894 DAVID KAY - ,- 6764 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 1897 SUBSCRIBERS 750 Research Scholarship in Biology, in memory OS . of Sir James MacBain. fcS 09 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). to 00 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineer- ing. 1903 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND - 466 General Expenses, 1908 TEACHING STAiFF .... 1160 General Expenses. including Professor Spencer £268 Professor Gregory 100 Professor Masson 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS 106 Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland, 1903 GEORGE McARTHUR - Library of 2,600 Books. 1904-5 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY •a FUND H President—Janet Lady. Clarke z Treasurer—Henry Butler s Secretary—Charles Bage o SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS— 58 MRS. AUBREY BOWEN - 600 Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry.. DAVID SYME 8000 Prize for Scientific Research in Australia. FREDERICK SHEFPARD GRIM­ WADE . - - - 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND MR. AND MRS. J. W 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. PAYNE .... '} SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON 600 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIA­ TION 647 Exhibition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, R. J. Larking) 1Q65 Chamber of Commerce Exhibition, and Prizes at Commercial Examinations, BENEFACTIONS (Continued). DONATIONS OF £100 AND UPWARDS— ANDREW CARNEGIE - - - 1000 PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 Buildings and Equipment. NEIL WALTER BLACK ... 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - - - 100 SIMON rRASER .... loo SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT - - - 100 JOHN GRICE - - ... 100 WESLEY R. HALL .... 100 ALICE MANIFOLD - - - 100 EDWARD MANIFOLD ... 100 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD - - 100 DAVID ORME MASSON - 100 SB MEDICAL ASSO­ CIATION 206 Q MRS. ALBERT MILLER - - - 100 9 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - - 100 M WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER - 100 O GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 SB JOHN TRAILL ...... 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY - - 10B MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY - 100

OTHER DONATION!!— 1288 1200 George Lansell Scholarship in Mining 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT - 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 200 Research Scholarship in

ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.



HAT IT PLEASE Yotm EXCELLENCY, I have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of the University Act, 1915, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University -during the past year:—

1.—NUMBERS OF STUDENTS. The number of studente in each of the last six years is -shown in the following Table, in which students of the Oonservatoriunii of Music are cot included. The figures include Research Students:— . Taking Year. Course for Taking Total. Degree. Single Subjects. 1916 ... 994 ... 143 ... 1,137 1917 ... 1,072 ... 132 ... 1,204 1918 ... 1.244 ... 76 ... 1.319 1919 ... 1,739 ... 101 ... 1,840 1920 .. 2,163 ... 208 2,366 1921 .. 2,244 ... 282 ... 2,476

2.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of students Attending lectures at the University during the year 1921 (including Evening Lectures):— ANNUAL RKPORT, 1921-1922. 835-

JZ SC.IIOOIH,' JZ * J 3 1* fit- .5 3 26 6S6 Education - - 63 - - 10 63 Science 68 69 48 10 - 34 219 »*«• ------214 „ Clerks 79 79

Medicine 151 151 224 122 106 41 79 V Dentistry S3 43 E9 25 - - 14? Engineering 61 67 43 S3 - •7 141 Architecture 10 -16 9 - - 27 6? Agriculture 18 - - 2 - 2 17 Veterinary - 4 6 4 - 25 4 4

Total - 332 334 422 96 106 232 2476

* In these schools the rtlvbion of the course into years has been abolished. The number attending Evening Lectures was 231, tfae- number of women students was 600; the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was-For Education, 39; for Agriculture, 12; for Mining, 18; for Veterinary Science, 18. There were also the following Free Students nominated by the • Advisory Committee of the University High School:— For Law, 2; for Science, 8; for Medicine, 4; for- Engineering, 3; and in addition War Bursars:—For- Science, 1; for Medicine, 3.

3.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium ofT Music are aa follow: 636 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

•o . a) Course. U o

Degree of Mus.Bnc. 6 6 2 12

Diploma in Music • SO 20 12 62

Other Students 104

Total - - 178 Of these 27 were men and 161 women students, one of the latter being a War Bursar. . 4. - ANNUAL .EXAMINATIONS. The number of candidates fpr degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations at the examinations of December, 1921, and March, 1922, is shown in the following table:—

First Second 1 Tliird Fourth Year. Year. Yeor. Year. Totals.

•8 1 Schools. +J tc •6 3e "8 s to V to •8 s c S 01. ' S a1. 2 I I i Cu s d 0. s- b • 0, a. a, Arts . • • 739 616 Education • 71 64 71 64 Science 76 48 68. 43 40 32 174 123

261 244

Dentistry - 36 28 38 36 42 34. 21 19 136 117

Engineering 58 26 46 31 38 81 33 26 176 113

Architecture 17 12 8 5 13' 11 38 28

Agriculture 12 7 2 2 14 9

Veterinary - 4 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 23 21

Uuelo • 86 28 26 20 IS 10 74 68.

* In these schools the divlgion of the course Into years has been abolished. ANNUAL BBPOBT, 1921-1922. 837

The following are the corresponding figures of the Divisional Examinations in toe Medical Course on account of the year 19^1-22.



•6 • V 1 1 i • B a ns •o o •6 § £ I a1, Cu a. 01. a, 01. D. £1 m 98 HI 6 162 . 161 118 139 74 The number who have, presented themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees is as follows:—

EXAMINATIONS FOB HIOHBB DKOBEZS. Presented. Passed. Master of Arts ... - 14 - 10 Master of Science - - - . - 13 11 Master of Surgery - . - . - 8 - 2 Doctor of Letters ... o 2 Doctor of Science - - - 2 0 Doctor of Laws - - - 1 0 - 29 16 Doctor of Dental Science 4. 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - 1 1 6.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1921-22 inoluding admissions of graduates of other Universities is given below: Bachelor of Arts— Ordinary degree 67 Degree with honours 86 Bachelor of Science 27 Bachelor of Laws - 40 Bachelor of Medicine and } Bachelor of Surgery )'. 74 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - II Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 1 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 8 838 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 4 Bachelor of Music - ... 2 Bachelor of Dental Science -• -20 Bachelor of Agricultural Science - 4 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 6 Master of Arts .... 87 Master of Science - - - - 11 Master of Laws - - - 8 Master of Surgery 2 Master of Civil Engineering - - 2 Doctor of Letters - - - - 2 Doctor of Science - - - - 1 Doctor of Medicine 12 Doctor of Dental Science - - 2 Doctor of Veterinary Science 1 Diploma in Music - - - - 6 Diploma ot Education 32 Diploma of Publio Health - - 3 Diploma of Architecture - - 7 6—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following table shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and _ who passed the School Intermediate or Junior Publio, and the School Leaving or Senior Public Examinations of December, 1921 and February, 1922, and the percentage of passes in each case:—

Entries Per- Number to Number oentag Examination!*. of Pass Passed of Entries Exami­ nation. Posse

DECSMBSB. 1 0 School Intermediate 1 7009 2772 774 27.92 I 1 100 1699 667 82.78 FSBRDAST. School Intermediate 1 8660 1016 603 49.51 686 863 62.99 Of the candidates Included above 78 were Class A candidates, who. ID addition to the subjects presented for examination, produced Head­ masters1 Certificates on which they, were granted passes in other subjects. In addition, 681 candidates entitled to complete exemption from examination produced Headmasters' Certificates, and were grantedthe In­ termediate Certificate; and 180, on the like production, were credited with certain passes towards the completion ot their qualiflcation tor the Intermediate Certificate. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921192a 83$

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of subjects entered for and passed a the Examinations in Music conducted by the University during the year 1921-1922 was as follows:— September, 1921— Total number of entries • • 8318 Total number of passes - - 8621 May, 1922— Total number of entries - - 646 Total number cf passes • • 480

a—COUNCIL. In March, Sir John MaoFarland was elected Chancellor, and Sir John Grice Vice-Chancellor for the ensuing year. The Council is gratified at the honour of knighthood which has been conferred on two of its members during the year, viz.. Sir Leo Cnssen and Sir Thomas Lyle. Sir Leo Cnssen has been a member of Council for 20 years, and was. previously a Lecturer in Law. Sir Thomas Lyle has beea a member of Council tor only six years, bnt was Professor of Natural Philosophy for 26 years. Professor Osborne resigned his seat on the Council at the end of 1921, in consequence of his having retired from the Presidency of the Professorial Board. The Council placed on record its high appreciation of the valuable service he had rendered during his period of . membership. Sir William Irvine resigned his seat in March, as he found he was unable to attend the meetings of the Council. Professor Skeats, .the new President of the Profes­ sorial Board, has been elected to the seat vacated by Professor Osborne; and Mr. J. G. Latham, K.O., to- that vacated by Sir William Irvine. Mr. Syme, Sir John Monosh, Sir Leo Cnssen, Mr. Justice Higgins, and Dr. Bride, whose terms of office- had expired, have been re-elected for five yean. Leave of absence for two months was granted to Mr, Justice Higgins. .68 840 ANNUAL BBPORT, 1921-1922. 9.—PROFESSORS. It has been arranged that Professor Nanson shall retire at the beginning of 1923. He. came to the Uni­ versity as a very young man, and will have held his chair of Mathematics, Pure and Mixed, for 48 years. The good wishes of the Council, his colleagues and the many generations of his students, will accompany him into his retirement. Professor Masson also desired to retire early in 1923, but at the request of the Council has consented to re- lain office for a further year. Professor Atkinson, who . had been absent on leave -for some months, resigned as from the 31st May, and his resignation was accepted with regret. Mr. J. H. Miohell, M.A., F.R.S., for many years Independent Lecturer in Mixed Mathematics, has been Appointed to succeed Professor Nanson in the Chair of Mathematics; and Dr. A, C. D. Rivett, Associate Trofeasor in. Chemistry, has been appointed to succeed Professor Masson in the Chair of Chemistry, Professor Osborne has been granted leave of absence for ten months, and Professor Moore for the year 1923. Professor Ewart has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, And has received the congratulations of the •Council on the honour. Dr. A. T. Strong, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, resigned consequent on his Appointment to the Jury Chair of English Language and Literature in the. University of Adelaide, and was congratulated on all hands on nis well-merited prefer­ ment. , Associate Professor Sweet has been granted twelve months' leave of absence on the ground of ill-health. Under the Statute providing for the appointment of Associate-Professors, the following additional appointment iias been made :— - Dr. Lodewyokx, Associate^ Professor in German.

10.—LECTURERS. Mr. .-George Higgins, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, and Mr. J. T. Lupeon; Lecturer in Surveying, the two ANNUAL REPORT 1921-1922. $41

.members of the staff of the Engineering School who had been longest in office, retired at the end qf 1921 They Jiad each been on the staff for 17 years, and they .had taken their full share in building up the high .reputation which the School has attained. Mr. J. R. Maguire, Lecturer • in the Law of Wrongs and Procedure, will retire early in 1923. Dr. Hartung, Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, has been granted twelve months' leave of absence for the purpose of study and research in Great Britain. Miss Webb, Lecturer in History, has been granted leave of absence for 21 months, to enable her to visit Africa, Greece, Italy and British and American Uni­ versities. Dr. H. R. Seddon, Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology, was granted four weeks' leave of absence. Miss Raff, Demonstrator in Zoology, has been granted leave of absence for 1923, to visit Europe. The following new appointments of Lecturers' and .Demonstrators have been made during the year: — Natural Philosophy—Lecturer— J. L. Glaesori, D.So. Civil Engineering—Lecturer— T. Haynss Upton,. O.B.E.. M.So., M.C.E., A.M.I.O.E. Surveying—Lecturer— H. E. S. Melbourne, B.E. English—Lecturer-— Enid Derham, M.A. Tutor- Beatrice M. Berry, B.A. Law of Wrongs and Procedure—Lecturer— W. K. Pullagar, LL.B. Anatomy—Stewart Lecturer— C. J. O. Brown, M.U.. B.S. Uio-Chemistrv—Demonstrator— Bertha D. S. Young, B.Sc. Pathology—Stewart Lecturer— C. W. Ariey. M.D.. B.S. • Beaney Scholar— W. H. J. Moore, M.B., B.S. ",' .63A 842 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

Operative Surgery—Guy Miller Tutor— W. G. D. Upjohn, M.D., M.S. Surgery—Stewart Scholar— H. C. Trnmble, M.B.. B.S. Medicine—Stewart Scholar— P. B. Lawton, M.D., B.S. Botany—Demonstrator— Mary Gordon, B.Sc. Animal Husbandry—Lecturer— W. A. N. Robertson, B.V.Sc. Agriculture, Part I—Lecturer— H. C. Wilson. Dairying—Lecturer— R. T. Archer. Agricultural Entomology—Lecturer— C. French. Perspective Drawing-r-Lecturer— E. J. Clark. P.R.V,I.A. (Mr. P. Meldrum, acting). In addition, a large number of part-time Demonstra­ tors have been appointed in the various departments. The following new appointment at the Conservatoriunv of Music has been made:— Singing—Chief and Second Study—Miss I. Biddle. The usual appointments of clinical instructors at the Melbourne, Alfred, and St. Vincent's Hospitals have been, made. The following new appointments on the staff of the Australian College of Dentistry have been approved:—' Anatomy and Dissections—Lecturer— E. W. Ghenoweth, M.B., B.S. Operative Technique—Lecturers— C. H. Down, B.D.So., F. A. Aird, B.D.So, Prosthetic Dentistry—Demonstrator— D. Baghel, B.D.Sc. Anaesthetist— F. A. Aird, B.D.S0. ANNUAL REPORT, 1931-1922. 843

11.—EXAMINEES. The following examiners were appointed :— .. For the Medical Course- Anatomy— Dr. J. H. Anderson, Dr. W. G. D. Upjohn, Dr. R. M. Downee. Mr. B. W. Chenoweth. Physiology— ... Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Dr. W. J. Young, Mrs. Maxwell. Miss B. D. S. Young. Regional and Applied Anatomy— Dr. H. D. Stephens. Materia Medica— Dr. C. Bage. Pathology and Bacteriology—Dr. R. J. Bull. Therapeutics—Dr. A. £. R. White. Publio Health—Dr. C. L. Park. Forensic Medicine—Dr. R. U. Cole. Medicine—Dr. E. Hiller. Clinical Medicine— Dr. E. R. Stawell. Dir. A. V. M. Anderson, Dr. 8. V. Sewell, Dr. H, H. Turnbull, Dr. M. D. Silberberg, Dr. H. Laurie. Mr. A. Lowers, Dr. S. w. Patterson, Dr. P. B. Law ton. Diseases of Children— Dr. BL D. Stephens, Dr. S. W. Ferguson. Surgery—Mr. B. Quick. Clinical Surgery— Dr. J. Gordon, Mr. J. 8. Buchanan, Mr. H. B. Devine. Mr. R. C. Brown, Dr. T. h. V. Hurley, Dr. B. T. Zwar. Obstetrics and Gynaecology— Dr. G. Home. Dr. B. H. Fetherston l. For the M.S. Examination— Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Mr. A. Newton. Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen, Dr. B. J. Bull. Surgery— Mr.. B. Eilvington, Dr. J. Gordon: ;. For the M.D. Examination— Medicine, including Opthalmology— Dr. L. S. Latham, Dr. J. F. Wilkinson, Sir James Barrett. 844 ANNUAL REPORT, 1021-1922.

Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology— Dr. B. H. Morrison, Dr.- Oairns Lloyd. Diseases of Children— Dr. S. W. Ferguson, Dr. H. D. Stephens. - Diseases of the Nervous System, including Insanity— Dr. E. A. Stawell, Mr. W. E. Jones. 4. For the Dental Course— Chemistry— Mr. A. T. S. Sissous, Dr. A. C. D. Rivett. Dental Anatomy— Dr. E. B. Nicholls, Dr. J. E. Clark. Dr. O.­ Buchanan. Anatomy and Dissections— Professor Berry, Dr. J. H, Anderson. Histology— Dr. L. E. Hurley, Professor Berry.. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Mr. W. J. TuckfieW, Mr. E. J. Wise, Dr. A, J. Prytz, Mr. D. Baghel, Dr. E. J. B^ Yule. Physiology— Professor Osborne, Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell. • Operative Technique.— Dr. T. Shuttleworlh, Mr. P. A. Aird. Metallurgy— Dr. G. B. Pritchard, Mr. A. J. Higgin. Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Dr. J. T. Tait, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood, Dr. 3. E. Nibill, . Mr. P. S. Barrett. Operative Dentistry— Mr. G. Finlay, Mr. D. Baghel, Dr. J. M, Lewis.' Orthodontics— Dr. W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. H. H. Ham. Medicine— Dr. J. W. Springthorpe, Dr. J. E. Nihill. Oral Surgery— Dr. F. Machire, Dr. E. Yule. Dental Surgery and Pathology— Dr. J. M. Lewie. Mr. G. M. Allen. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 645

Practical'Dental Mechanics— Mr. W..J. Tuckfleld, Dr. E. J. B. Yule. Bacteriology— Dr. B. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Extractions and Anaesthetics- Mr. P. A. Aird, Mr. F, 8. Parrett. 5. For the D.D.Sc* Examination— Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen. Dr. J. T. Tait. : Bacteriology— Dr. E. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuokfield, Dr. J. Polack. Dental Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Dr. J. K. Clark. Dr. J. H. Lewis. Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. P. Greenwood, Dr. C. E. Allen. Orthodontics— Dr. W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. H. H. Ham. 6. For the Engineering Course—. Graphics and Geometrical Drawing— Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. J. T. Lupson. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design* and Drawing — Professor Payne, Mr. W. N;Eernot, Mr. W. E. Bussett. Civil Engineering, Part' I., Hydraulics andi Hydraulic Engineering, ,:Part I.—' Mr. C. W. W. Sexton, Mir. E. A". Hepburn.. Mr. F. B. Kitbhin, Mr. C. W. Joy. Civil Engineering Design and Drawing, and Civit Engineering, Part II.— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. W. R. Eennick, Mr. W. A, Callaway, Mr. G. Eermode, Mr. W. Bromby, Mr. P. W. Box, Mr. J. A. Laing, Mr. E. W. C. Godfrey. Mr. J. C. Miller.. Mr. A. E. Kelso, Mr. A. P. Taylor. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering, Part II.— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr, A. P. Taylor. Surveying— • Mr. J. T. Lupson. Mr. H. B. Coane. Electrical Engineering— • Mr. E. B. Brown, Mr. E. J. C. Eennie. 846 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

Electrical Engineering, Design and Drawing- Mr. E. B. Brown, Mr. W. N. Kernot. Mining -Mr. A. H. Merrin, Mr. D. Clark. Metallurgy—Mr. A. J. Higgin, Mr. D. Clark. 7. For the D.P.H. -Examination— Professor Masson, Dr. Green, Professor Osborne, Dr. T. W. Sinclair, Dr. E. J. Bull, Dr. E. Robertson, Dr. J. H. L. Cumpston, Dr. W. Summons, and Mr. F. E. T. Cobb. -8. For theses for the degree of M.Sc.— Mr. P. F. Thompson, Mr. D. Clark. -9. For theses for the degree of Litt.D— Professor Scott, Dr. R. C. Mills, Professor Mitchell of Adelaide, Assoc.-Professor Stewart, Professor Grierson of Edin­ burgh, Professor Tucker, Dr. Giles of Cambridge, Mr. S. H. Ray of London 10. For theses for the degree of D.So Professor Ewart, Professor Osborne of Ade­ laide, Professor Lawson of Sydney, Pro­ fessor Skeats, Professor Richards of Bris­ bane, Professor Sir D. Mawson of Ade­ laide. 11. . For a thesis for the degree of LL.D.— Mr. J. A. Strahan, Mr. Cyprian Williams, both of London. 12. For a thesis for the degree of M.D.— : Profeesor Osborne, Dr. Latham, Sir J. Barrett, Professor Chapman of Sydney. 13. For a thesis for the degree of Mus.Doc.— Professor Laver, Profeesor Davies of Ade­ laide. 14. For the Syme Prize— Professor Masson. Professor Ewart, Professor Osborne. 15. For the Bertram Armytage Prize- Sir Harry Allen, Professor' Osborne, Dr. 8. W. Patterson. Dr. L. S. Latham. 16. For the Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship- Professors Moore and Scott, Assoc. Professor Stewart and Dr. E. C. Mills of Sydney. 17. For the Morris Prize—Professor Wallace, ANNUAL. REPORT, 1821-1922. 847

18. For the School Intermediate and School Leaving examinations, December, 1921, and February, 1922:— Subject. First Examiner. Second Examiner. English— Leaving (Rons.)- Prof. R. 8. Wallace Hr. W. E. P. Austin . .. jPass) • Mr. W. T. Price Mr. A. Richardson Intermediate • Mrs. J. HaKellar Stewart Rev. A. R. Osbom iLatln— Leaving (Pass ft Mr. \V. Kerry Mr. E. W. Cornwall Hons.) and Intermediate •Greek— • Leaving (Pass ft Mr. E. W. Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry Bona.) * Inter­ mediate French-- Leaving (Hons.)- Dr. Lodewyokx Miss M. Connell (Pas.) Mire M. Connell Dr. Lodewyokx Intermediatdla e • Mrs. E. Wood Mrs. Boyoe Gibson •German—Leavlng(Pots Dr. Lodewyokx Mr. L.J. Wrlgley ft Hons.) and Intermediate History— Leaving (Hons.)- Mr. E. C. W. Kelly Mr. O. de R. Foenander (Pass) • Mr. E. C. W. Kelly Mr. C. A. H. Searby Intermediate - Mr. O. de R. Foenander MUa A. Hoy Arithmetic ft Algebra- Intermediate Mr. L. Griffiths Mr. R. O. Bienvenu •Geometry ft Trig.— Intermediate • MteW. Waddell Mr. F. W. Campbell, Algebra— Leaving(Bon8.) • Mr. D. K. Pieken Mr. J. B. O'Hara (Pass) • Mr. D. K. Pieken Mr. L. J. Griffiths •Geometry— Leaving (Hons.)- Dr. C. E. Weatherhnrn Hr. J. B. O'Hara „ (Pass) • Mr. A. Hart Mr. P. W. Campbell •Trigonometry- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. E. J. Lewis Mr. E. J. C. Rennie Hons.) •Geography— Leaving (Pass & Mr. R. W. Armltage Miss K. Mclnerny Hons.) Intermediate Dr. Summers Mr. J. T. Jotson "Geology- Leaving (Pass ft Dr. Summers • Dr. Pritohard Hons.) •Physios— Leaving (Pass ft Mr. A. L. Rossiter Hr. J. 8. Rogers Hons.) Intermediate - Miss J. T. Flynn Mr. J. L' Aloken .Mechanics— Leaving (Pass ft Hr. K. J. C. Rennte Mr. C. W. N. Sexton Honti.) 848 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921.1923.

Subject' First Examiner - Second Examiner Chemistry- Leaving (Rons.) Dr. Green Dr. Campbell „ (P»ss) Dr. Green Hr. W. II. Jamtesom Intermediate— Mr. A. T. 8. Sissons Hr. W. Trudlnger Botany—Leaving (Pass Professor Ewart Dr. E. I. McLennan. and Hons.) and Intermediate A.M. and Physiology— Leaving (Pass ft Dr. O. Buchanan ' Hiss B. Brewster Hons.) ft Inter­ mediate Agricultural Science- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. A. E. V. Richardson Dr. Green Hons.) ft Inter­ mediate Domestic Science- Leaving (Pass ft Miss B. Sutherland Mrs. T. a'Beoketb Hons.) ft Inter­ mediate ' Com. Prln. ft Prac— Leaving (Past ft Hr. L. J. Welch Mr. A. O. Morley Hons.) ft Inter mediate Drawing- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. J. T. Lupson Hr. P. Carew-Siiiytrr Hons) ft Inter­ mediate Military Science- Leaving (Pass ft Brig.-Gen. 0. H. Jesa UJr. H. 6. H. Robertson- Hons.) Additional Examiners. English—Leaving (Hons.)—Hr. J. E.Richards, Mr. L. van Boer, Hr. C. W. W. Webster, Hr. K. A. Mackenzie. Pass— HissC. Bronuan, Miss I. D. Marshall, Hr. A. Hart, MissV. Kosenblum, Miss E. Macdonald, Mr. R. McDonald. Intermediate—Miss O. K Williams, Miss A. Wheat, Miss G. van. Nooten, Hiss I). Derham, Miss O. O. Robaon, Mr.. A. A. Buley, Mr. O. A. Oshome. Kev. A. W- Tonga, Miss E. M. Waddell, Mrs. L. V. Harford,Miss D. A.. MocKay. Latin—Leaving (1'oss)—Mr. W. J. Foote. • Intermediate-Mr. W. F. Ingram, Mr. W. J. Foote. French—Leaving (Pass)-Kev. A. K. Oaborn, Hiss £. M. Schmetnr, Mr.. H. K. MoO. Walker, Hiss Barkman. Intermediate—Miss F. Barkman. Miss M. Bcrnadoii, Mr. A. R. Book, MissE. a Easthaugh, Miss M.S. Scholllck, Miss E. M. Schmetzer, Miss C. van Nooten, Mr. H.. K. Mn O. Walker, Mr. L. J. Wrlgley. History—Leaving (Pass)—Mr. N. J. Shankly, Miss H. Shannon, Hr. J. W. Gray. Intermediate—Mr. F. Green, Hr. O. A. Osborne, Dr. II. T. Pestle,. Mr. a H..Roberts, Mr. R McDonald. Miss I. D. Marshall, Hr. C. R. Long, Miss A. M. Frusher, Mr.. 8. W. Frassr. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 8491

Arithmetic and Algebra—Intermediate—Rev. E. Nye, Mr. U. P. Bennett,. Mr. W. I. Hayward, Mr. 0. Moscrop, Hiss K. S. Kelly, Mr. D. McLachian, Hr. H. Tomllnson, Dr. H. Green, Mr. C. P. HcCortny, Miss 8. Quhdersen, Mr. F. Gallager, Hr. A. D. Gilchrist Geometry and Trigonometry—Inteimediate—Mr. O. 8. Steele, Mr. W. Trudlnger, Mr. A. Bright, Hiss K. Flynn, Hiss U. Hutton, Hr. A. J. Donald, Hr. F. Gallager, Hr. J. H. Dewsnap, Mr. N. 0. Harris. Algebra—Leaving (Pass and Hons.)—Mr. E. J. O. Pitman. Geography—Intermediate -Mr. A. James, Mr. T. Scott, Dr. Pritchard, Mr.. F. Chapman, Mr. J. 8. Kltson, Hr. L. 8. Davlcs, Mr. J. Vroland, Mr. F. A. Singleton. Physics —Leaving (Pass)—Hr. J. L. Alckin. - Intermediate—Mr. 8. 8. Addison, Hr. W. R. Jamieson, Hr. T. O- Graham, Mr. A. W. Hatfield, Hiss H. Gundersen. Chemistry—Intermediate—Mr. O. Ampt Drawing—Intermediate—Mr. A.. B. Cattanoeh, Mr. A. Noail, Hr. T. F- tavlck, Hr. J. A. Bowell, 19. For the Public Examinations in Music— Professor Laver, Mr. D. J. Coutts, Mr. E. Goll. Mr. A. E. H. Nickson, Mr. F. W. Homewood. Mr. J. A. Steele. Mr. A. di Gilio. Mr. O. F. Sobell. Mr. H. Thomas, Mr. L. Hattenbach.

12 UNIVEBSITY EEPBESENTATTVES. The following gentlemen were appointed to represent- the University:— Council of Legal Education— Mr. Fink, Sir John Mackey. Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— The Vice-Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen; Professor Osborne, Professor Berry. Council of the Working Men's College— Mr. W. N. Kernot. Recreation Grounds Committee- Sir Leo Cnssen, Sir Thomas Lyle, Mr. H. W. Allen. Council of Dental College and Hospital— Mr. C. H. Mollison, Dr. W. J. Young. University Extension. Board— Sir James Barrett, Mr. Adamson. Workers' Educational Association— Sir James Barrett, Dr. *Leeper. •$50 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921 1922.

Trinity College Council— Sir Harry Allen. Professor Kernot Memorial Trust— Sir John Monash. 13 OBITUARY, The year has witnessed the deaths of former officers of the University in the persons of Emeritus Professor ZLaurie, the first professor in the University of Mental and Moral Philosophy, who had retired in 1911; of ex Professor Elkington, formerly Professor of History and IFolitioal Economy, who had retired in 1912; - and of Mr. E. F. a'BecKett, for many years Begistrar ot the University, who had been living in retirement for .about 20 years. In additiou, Mr. D. J. Coutts, Mus. Bac, Vice- Director of the University Conservatorium of Music, died in June; and Mr. A. J, Uiggin, Lecturer in Metal­ lurgy in July, and their loss is greatly regretted. Mr. Coutts had been a member of the staff of the. Conservatorium since its inception, and had been •devoted to his work. 'I'he Council placed ou record iu -appreciation of his long, loyal and valuable services. Mr. Higgin had held his office for about eleven years; his department was very efficient, and bad in recent years attracted many more studente than formerly. He had not been in good health for some time, and died in London whilst on sick leave.

14.—STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. In order to secure somewhat greater clearness in the -setting out of the Begulations, certain adjustments as between Statutes and Begulations were made, and the .Regulations were then classified and renumbered. A new medical curriculum has been adopted, extend­ ing the course from five calendar years to five years and two terms for candidates who take merely the Pass -examination, and to six academic years for candidates who take the Final Honour examination. One extra term's work is devoted to the. subjects of Anatomy (inoluding Histology), and Physiology (including Bio­ chemistry and Pharmacology), and one extra to Hospi­ tal practice in the latter part of the course. In making ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 86 b this extension of the course the University is marching- with the times, similar movements being in progress- elsewhere. The Appeal made in 1920 having practically closed, a regulation has been passed appropriating to their* special purposes sums concerning which the donors had asked that they be applied to particular objects; and as to the rest capitalising it and providing that the income shall be used in support of the teaching work and equipment of the University. A feature of the- regulation is the provision made for perpetuating the names of the donors of sums of J25O0 and upwards.

15.—COUNTRY BEQUESTS. Last year the Council recorded a request from Ballarat- for the establishment of a University College in that oily. This year a request has been received from Bendigo for the holding of annual Degree Examina­ tions there. These requests indicate a growing appre­ ciation of the value of higher education and of the importance of the public trust committed to the Uni­ versity. The Council in its Report for 1920-21, dealt with the problem, raised by Ballarat, pointing out that work at- tbe Ballarat School of Mines was already recognised to a large extent; that the sphere of recognised work might be extended; and that classes might be estab­ lished in provincial centres for certain first year subjects. The request from Bendigo for local holding of Annual" .examinations for degrees and diplomas gave rise to- much discussion, and received careful consideration. In general, the Council desires that every student seeking a Degree should come to the University and enjoy all ite advantages. In' many courses attendance' on- Lectures or at least on practical work is compulsory. In the Faculties of Arts and Law, however, there is at present no such absolute requirement, though the num­ ber of students who do not come to the University, at least for part of the curriculum, is comparatively small. In view of these considerations the Council has-, granted the request, from Bendigo for the holding of" local examinations, subject to certain necessary safe— -862 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

guards; but it has also asked the Professorial Board to consider the question of modifying the regulations which in some Faculties permit total abstention from attendance on lectures.- If all students were required to attend the University during at least one year of their course, it would probably be-greatly to their own .-advantage, and the University would in some measure be freed from.unfavourable comparison with other Uni­ versities in this respect. It is interesting to note that 20 per cent, of all students actually working in the University and attend­ ing its classes are country students, and:the Council is very unwilling to pass any regulation which would en­ courage them .to take their degrees without such attend­ ance. It must always be remembered that University life does not -consist. merely in attendance at set lec­ tures. Of even greater value are the personal contact of studente with highly qualified teachers, and with research work, the intercourse of students with one another, the association together in University Societies, and the full use of the laboratories, museums, and libraries available in the -metropolis.

16.—UNIVERSITY PRESS. For very many.years the supply of books for use in the University has been a source of trouble and dis­ satisfaction to staff and students alike. At difierent times various firms of booksellers have been given the appointment of Booksellers to the University, but. the arrangement has not proved satisfactory either to the booksellers or to the University. In these circumstances. it was decided to take pre­ liminary steps towards an organisation which should aim at supplying the requirements of students for all University work, viz.: texts-books, note-books, materials «nd apparatus,-and the University Press was estab­ lished and began operations at the beginning of 1922. For the present-the' Press is not directly importing text-books, but is confining itself to dealing in second­ hand books, in which there is an extensive business; in other books, .which can be purchased locally; and in other supplies. In' these ways it has already rendered .great service to students.' Added to this, it has been of ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 863 service to the University generally as a purchasing .agency, and has helped the colleges in a similar way.

17—AERO DYNAMICS.. On the strong recommendation of Professor Payne the Council took advantage of the fact that Mr. W. E. Bacsett, M.C., BEE., an experienced air pilot, was .going to America for private reasons, to ask him to go via and to purchase in. England equipment for an Aero-dynamic Laboratory. The opportunity - was a unique one, which could hardly recur, as the British -Government was disposing of, huge stocks of aircraft ;and equipment. Mr; Baeseit was successful in buying a quantity of most valuable equipment at many times less than its cost, and the new laboratory is now almost ready for use. The Commonwealth Government has assisted in the equipment of the laboratory, and in return ite officers -will, by mutual arrangement, be allowed certain rights in using it..

18.—LOANS TO STUDENTS. The system of loans to students instituted by the jGovemment in 1919 has been continued, and the follow­ ing figures show the extent of the assistance provided by this means- in the year 1922. Forty-three students who had previously, had loans were granted a further .£2696, and 41 new applicants were granted .£2202. This system has now been in operation long enough for some general conclusion to be drawn concerning its operation. It is clear that it is helping a very deserv­ ing class of student and serving a very useful purpose. It is too early yet to speak, regarding the repayments by those who have completed their courses, but there is every reason for believing that this obligation will be faithfully observed.

19.—BURSARIES. On the'recommendation of a special committee of the •Council, made after -considering • confidential ' informa- 864 ANNUAL REPORT, 1631-1942.

tion furnished to it, the following Bursaries, etc., in the gift of the University have been awarded:— Four War Bursaries, providing for the remission of fees for lectures and examinations for a University course, to the children of Victorians who died on ser­ vice with the A.I.F. The No. 1 Rest Home Bursary. Assistance to six students from the Sailors and Sol­ diers' Fund. In addition, the usual two free studentships to pupils from the University High. School have been granted.

20.—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize of JB100, founded in 1006, by the late Mr. David Syme for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not leas than five years, has been awarded to Mr. H. G. Smith, of Sydney, for his work on The Chemistry of the Essential Oils of the Eucalypte.

21.—HARBISON-HIGINBOTHAM SCHOLARSHIP. The annual scholarship of £100, founded by the next of kin of the late William Harbison, for original work in History, Economics, Politics, Administration, Gov­ ernment and Sociology, has been awarded to Mr. A. D, Ellis, Litt.D., for his thesis. History of the Fifth Aus­ tralian Division.

22.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLARSHIP. Mr. J. S. Rogers, M.Sc., has been awarded the Science- Research Scholarship provided by the Royal Commis­ sioners of the 1851 Exhibition.

33.—ORIENT AND P. & O. FREE PASSAGES. The free passages annually granted by the Orient anot P. * O. Companies to graduates proceeding to Europe for purposes of further study were awarded for 1922 to> Mr. A. GK B. Fisher. M.A., Mr. J. 8. Rogers, B.A-r M.Sc. and Mr. E. H. Derrick, M.B., B.S. 'ANNUAL REPORT 19U-1921 855

24.— DUBLIN DIPLOMA IN GYNAECOLOGY AND- OBSTETIC8. The annual exhibition of £100 at Trinity College, Dublin, provided for a period of five years for gradu­ ates of the University of Melbourne, proceeding to the Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics has been awarded for the fourth time, the exhibitioner' this year being Mr. H. S. Jacobs, M.B., B.S. 25.—RHODES SCHOLAR. Mr. Liudsay T. Ride of Ormond College, a fourth year medical student, and President of the Students' Represen­ tative Council, has been selected as Victorian Rhodes Scholar for 1922. 26—RESEARCH. As a result of the appeal, and due principally to the generous gift of £5000 by Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Knight, the Council is once more in possession of a fund for the promotion of general research. The amount avail­ able annually amounts only to a few hundred pounds as compared with the £2000 per annum provided* by the Government for this purpose prior to the War, but as there has been no provision whatsoever in recent years it is a relief once again to have even a small fund. The following have been appointed Fred. Knight Research Scholars for 1922:— Mr. F. W. J. Clindinnen, B.Sc., for research on Solubility work under Professor Masson. Mr. J. S. Rogers, M.Sc., for research on X-Ray Spec­ troscopy under Professor Laby. Mr. Z. A. Mirfield, for research in connection with the Grayson Ruling Machines, under Sir Thomas Lyle. In addition Dr. K. D. Fairley has been appointed Cancer Research Scholar in place of Mr. E. H. Derrick, resigned. The total number of graduates and research students (excluding whole-time members of the staff and senior students doing, some research as part of their course) who have been engaged in research in the various departments 'is 11. distributed as follows:—Botany 1, Zoology 4, Natural Philosophy 1,. Pathology 2, French 1, German 3.

2Z.-BENBPACTH0.NS* The Council desires, to' acknowledge the following donations in money:—• £1000 from, the estate, ot the late Dr. W. Beattie Smith. £25 from, Dr. Punbar Hooper., for the Clinical' Research Fund; Also of the following gifts.:— 500 £1 shares in Quick Gears Proprietary Ltd., the donors being Professor Atkinson, 160 shares; Mr. A. A. Quick, Mr. E. H. McGregor, and Mr. C. G. Worsley, 100 shares each; Mr. R. T. Lennon and Sir James Barrett, 25 shares, each. -200 Volumes by the Medical Society of Victoria. Apparatus Models and Slides, illustrating: the Mechan­ ism of Lubrication,, by Mas. W. Stone. Show Case and Cable Sections, by Mr. J. H. D. Brearley. "Model Biplane, by Mr. C. E. Crooke, B.Agr.Sc. Standard Type Drawings, by Metropolitan Gas Co. Drawings of Aircraft; by Air Board, Defence Depart­ ment. Also the the Air Board, Defence Department. of a Liberty Aero Engine, spare parts and. drawings.

28.—APPENDICES. . The following.appendices are attached hereto:— Appendix A.—List of- Contributions to Literature and Science, Appendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. Appendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the year 1920. All of' which I have the honour to- submit for your Excellency's consideration. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's moat obedient servant,

J; H. MACFABLAND, ChanoeUor. 2nd October^. 1322., ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 85?

APPENDIX A!. LIOT OP CONTRIBUTIONS TO LITERATURE AND SCIENCE PUBLWHED' BY MEMBERS1 OF UNI­ VERSITY STAFF AND STUDENTS WORKING IN THE UNIVERSPfY LABORATORIES, FOR THE YEAR! ENDBD' Sler JULY, 1922. FRENCH. A. R. Chisholm, B.A.— " Artistic Transpositions, An Appreciation of three Sonnets, by Jose-Maria de Heredia." French Quarterly (Manchester Univ. Press), Vol. III., No. 1. BOTANY. M. Gordon, B.Sc— "The Development of Endosperm in Cereals." Proc. Boy. Soc. Vict.. Vol XXXIV. Prof. A. J. Ewart. D.So., Ph.D.— " On the Changes of Volume in a Mixture of Dry Seeds and Water." Proc. Roy: Soo. Vict., Vol. XXXFV. CHEMISTBT. -Assoc. Prof. A. C D. Rivett, M.A.. D.Sc.— The Graphical Representation of Certain Hetero­ geneous Equilibria. Chemical News, 1921, 123, 251. Australian Patent 991/21 (Sealed 18/7/22). Im- provements in and relating- to the Manufacture of Ammonium Chloride, anhydrous Sodium Sul­ phate and/or hydrated Sodium Sulphate. The Quaternary' System Ammonium Chloride- Sodium Sulphate-Ammonium Sulphate-Sodium Chloride-Water. Jburn. Chem. Soc., 1922, 121, 379. B. J. Hartung, D!Sc.— The Action of Light on Silver Bromide. Journ. Chem. Soc., 1922, 121, 682. Observations- on. th* Oonstrnction and Use of the Steele-Grant Microbalance. Phil. Magr, 1922; [vi.]; 43, 1066. MA 858 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

F. W. J. Clendinnen'. B.Sc., and A. C. D. Rivett, M.A., D.So— The Ternary System Ammonium Chloride-Man- ganous Chloride-Water.. Journ. Chem. Soc., 1921,. 119, 1329. F. W. J. Clendinnen. M.Sc.— Mixed Crystal Formation in Ternary Systems con­ taining Water, Ammonium Chloride and Fer­ rous, Cobaltous or Nickel Chloride. Journ. Ohem. Soc.. 1922, 121, 801. I. W. Wark, M.Sc.— *A Rapid lodometrio Estimation of Copper and Iron in Mixtures of their Salts. Journ. Chem. Soc. 1922, 121. 358.

NATTJBAI, PHILOSOPHY. Prof. T. H. Laby. M.A., Sc.D.. F.I.P., and W. Mepham, M.Sc " The Isotopes of Mercury," Nature, Vol. CIX., p. 207, Feb. 16. 1922. . J. S. Rogers, B.A., B.Sc. Fred Knight Scholar- High Frequency Spectra—K series of Plati­ num." Proc. Boy. Soc. Vict. Vol. XXXIX, p. 198. May. 1922. By the Staff of the Natural Philosophy Department— " Practical Physics for the Use of Students of Natural Philosophy, Pt. II." Melbourne Univ. Frees, 1922. GEOLOGY. Professor E. W. Skeats— 1. Evidences of Past Volcanic Action in Australia. Official Year Boob of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. 14, 1921, pp. 46-53. Reports of Research Committees. 2. Alkaline Rocks Committee. Section C. Auat. Assoc, for Adv. of Science. Hobart Meeting held in Melbourne, January, 1921, pp. 305-308. j. A. Dunn, B.Sc.—, 1. The Petrology. of the Ordovician Sediments of * The anal part ot thia work was carried out at University College London. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 859 the Bendigo District. Proc. Roy. hoc. Vict., Vol. XXXTV. (new series), 1921, pp. 55-64. 2. On an inclusion- of Ordovioian Sandstone in the Granite of Dig Hill, Proc. Boy. Soc. Vict., Vol. XXXIV. (new series), 1921, pp. 65-70. 3. The Economic Geology of the Mount Bischoff Tin Deposits, Tasmania. Economic Geology, Vol. XVn., No. 3, May, 1923. pp. 163-193.

ANATOMT. Prof. B. J. A. Berry. M.D., Ch.M., F.B.C.S., Edin., P.R.S.E.— 1. " Practical Anatomy," 2nd revised, and illus­ trated edition, 1922, 3 volumes. 2. "The Modern Psychology,'' being the Stewart Lectures of the University of Melbourne. Pub­ lished for the Univ. of Melb. by Messrs. Robert­ son and Mullen's, 1922. 3. "The Physical Basis of Social Inefficiency," British Medical Journal. July, 1921, p. 72.

PHTSIOLOOT. Professor W. A. Osborne, M.B., B.Ch., D.Sc.— 1. "A Primer of Dietetics," (Ramsay, Melbourne, 1922). 2. "Some New Aspects of the Function of the Skin in Temperature Regulation. Transactions Australasian Medical Congress, Eleventh Session, Brisbane. ANNUAL fiEPQET, 1921-1922.


LIST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARIES For the Year Ended 31st July, 1922.

GENEBAL LIBRARY. From Governments:— BRITISH. AUSTRALIA: Census and Statistics, Bulletins, Re­ ports, T ear-Book; Gazette; Historical Records; Institute of Science and Industry, Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports; Meteorology, Maps, Reports; JV. Territory, Bulletins; Papua, Bulletins; Parlia­ ment, Axsts, Bills, Debates, Papers; Trade and Customs, Reports; Uniform Railway Gauge. CANADA : Geodetic Survey • Geological Survey; Mines; Water Power. CETLON: Marine Biology- GEEAT BRITAIN: Agriculture and Fisheries; Geological Survey; Scientific and Industrial Beseareh. INDIA; Agriculture; Epigraphia Indioa; Epigraphia Lndb - Moslemica ; Geo­ logical Survey. IRELAND: Fisheries. MADRAS: Diary of A. R. Pillai ; Fisheries. N. S. WALKS : Agriculture; Botanic Gardens, Forest Flora, Re­ ports, Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus; Fisheries;• Geological Survey; Mines; Public Instruction; Statistics. N. ZEALAND: Agriculture: Census and Statistics; Dominion Laboratory; Geological Sur­ vey; Journal of Science and Technology; Lands; Mines. QUEENSLAND: Geological Survey; Mines- 8. AUSTRALIA: Cliemistry. Geological Survey-r Mines. TASMANIA: Geological Survey; Mines. VICTORIA: Agriculture, Journal; Country Beads, Report; Education, Record of War Service, Re­ ports ; Forests, R«port;; Geological Survey, Bulle­ tins, Maps, Memoirs, Records; Melbourne Harbour Trust, Report; Mines, Reports; Parliament, Acts, Bills, Debates, Papers; Rivers and Water Supply> Report; Statist, Year-Book. ATOUAL BKPOHT, 1921-192*. 861

FOREIGN. BUENOS AIRES: P. Ameghino, Obras Completes y Correspondencia Cientifica. FINLAND: Commission Giologtque, Bulletin'; Les Froutieres de Finlande. • FORMOSA: loones Plantar um Formosanarum. FRANCE: Biblographie Sdentifique Franoaise. JAPAN: Imperial Earthquake Commission, Bulletin, •Seismologies! Notes. UNITED STATES: Agriculture^ Bulletins, Experiment Station Record, Journal of Agricultural Research; Coast and Geodetic Survey, Reports, Special Publications; Education, Bulletins, Report; Standards, Scientific Papers.

Prom Institutions, . Societies:—

BRITISH. AGRICULTURAL Research Institute (Pusa). ASTRO­ NOMICAL Society of S. Australia. AUSTRALASIAN As­ sociation-for the Advancement of Science. AUSTRAL­ ASIAN Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. AUS­ TRALASIAN Antarctic Expedition,, 1911-14. BrBmNO- HAM Natural History and Philosophical Society. CAMBRIDGE Philosophical Society. • CANADIAN Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. CAPE of Good Hope Royal Observatory. CARNEGIE Trust for the Universities of Scotland. CLASSICAL Association of Victoria. FIELD Naturalists' Club of Victoria. COMMON- - WEALTH Institute of Science and Industry. DOMINION Laboratory (Wellington^. GREENWICH Royal Observatory. HISTORICAL Society of Victoria. INSTITUTION of Civil Engineers. INSTITUTION of Mechanical Engineers. LTNNBAN -Society' of N. S. Wales. MANCHESTER Steam Users' Association. MELBOURNE Observatory. NATIONAL Physical Labo­ ratory. N. ZEALAND Institute. ROTHAMSTED Experiment Station. ROTAL Colonial Insti­ tute. ROYAL Australian Historial Society. ROTAL Dublin Society. ROTAL Geographical Society - of Australia, S. Australian Branch. ROTAL Institution of Great Britain. BOTAL Irish Academy. ROTAL Societies of Canada, Edin- 862 ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

burgh, London, N. S- Wales, Queensland. S. Africa, S- Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, W, Australia. ROTAL Victorian Institute of Architects. ROTAL Zoological Society of N. S. Wales. UNIVERSITIES Bureau of the British Empire.

FOREIGN. AMERICAN Academy of Arts and Sciences. AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science. AMERICAN Association for International Concilia­ tion. AMERICAN Historical Association. ASSOCIA­ TION de la Paix par le. Droit. ASSOCIATION pour 1' Encouragement des Etudes Qrecques. CARNEGIE Endowment for International Peace. CARNEGIE Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. CARNEGIE Institution of Washington. EUGENICS Record Office. HAWAIIAN Volcano Observatory. IMPERIAL Academy of Japan. INSTITUTE of Inter­ national Education. IKSTITUTO Geologic© (Mexico). INSTITUTO Oswaldo Cruz. INTERNATIONAL Institute of Agriculture (Rome). JAROIN Botanique de 1'Etat '' a Bruxelles. LABORATOTRB de Carlsberg (Copen­ hagen). LAWS Observatory. LEWIS Institute, Struc­ tural Materials Research Laboratory. MICHIGAN Academy of Science. MICHIGAN • Schoolmasters' Club. MISSOURI Botanical Gardens. NATIONAL Academy of Sciences of U.S.A. NELA Research Laboratory. OHIO Agricultural Experiment Station. PAN-PACIFIC Union. SMITHSONIAN Institution. SOOIBTB Asiatique. SOOIXTE de Linguistique de Paris. SOOIBTB Francaise de Mineralogie. TOKTO Zoological Society,

Prom Libraries, Museums: — BRITISH. AUSTRALIAN Museum. BANKIPORE Oriental Publio Library. BRITISH Museum and Natural History Museum. CAMBRIDGE University Library. EDIN­ BURGH University Library. MADRAS Oriental MSS. Library. National Museum of VICTORIA. Publio Libraries of N. S. WALES, S. AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA. QUEENSLAND Museum. S. AUSTRALIAN Museum. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 863

FOREIGN. AMSTERDAM University Library. B. P. BISHOP Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural His­ tory. FIELD Museum of Natural History. JOHN CREBAR Library.- Library of CONGRESS, Musee d'Histoire :Naturelle de MARSEILLE. Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde en Maritiem Museum Prins Hendrik te ROTTERDAM. UNITED STATES National Museum. UTRECHT University Library.

Prom Universities (in addition to exchange calendars):—

BRITISH. ABERDEEN: Review. ADELAIDE: Joseph Fisher Lec­ tures in Commerce. BENARES : Sanskrit College, List of MSS. BOMB AT: Economic Studies. CALCUTTA: Sanskrit College, Descriptive Catalogue of MSS. CAMBRIDGE: Library, Report. DUBLIN: Trinity College, Hermathena. DUNDEE: Reprints' of 4i Papers. EDINBURGH: Library, Catalogue of Printed Books. GLASGOW: Geological Department, Papers. LONDON: Roll of Service, 1914-19. MEL­ BOURNE: Newman College, Newman; Ormond Col­ lege, Chronicle; Trinity College, Pleur de Lys. OTAGO: Reprints of 4 Papers. QUEEN'S (Kingston): Quarterly. QUEENSLAND: Collected Papers. ST. ANDREWS: Gifibrd Lectures. STDNET: Reprints of Papers from the Science Laboratories. TORONTO: Studies. FOREIGN. ABO: Acta Hnmaniora. AMSTERDAM: Library, Guide, Catalogues; Reprints of 3 Papers. BUENOS AIRES: Centenary Addresses, Facsimiles of Mes- - sages. History, Plaquette. CALIFORNIA : Agricul­ tural Publications; Semicentennial Publications. 47 vols. CORNELL: Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletins, Memoirs, Report; Islandica. FREIBERG: 2 Addresses. GRENOBLE: Annales. GRONTNGEN: Tercentenary Commemoration. HABANA: Revista. ILLINOIS: Engineering Experiment Station, Bulle­ tins, Circulars; Bicker Library of Architecture 664 ATTNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922.

(Curtis). KYOTO: College of Engineering, Memoirs; College of Science, Memoirs. LELAND STANFORD: -University Series. MICHIGAN: Monographs, Occa­ sional Papere, Studies, Theses. MINNESOTA: Agri- imttural Experiment Station, Bulletins; Botanical •Studies, Current Problems, Geological Survey Bul­ letins, Studies in Engineering, Language, Social • Science; Symposium on the University and the Commonwealth. MISSOURI: Bulletins, Laws Obser­ vatory Bulletins, Studies. NEW Y-OSE: Secondary Education Report. OHIO: Biological Bulletins, Ohio Journal of Science. PISA: Annali delle Uni- vereita Toscane. TARTU. (Dorpat): Acta «t Com- mentationes; Das .Altchristliche Martyrium {Sild). TOHOKU: Mathematical Journal, Science Reports, Technology Reports. TOKTO: College of Agricul­ ture, Journal; College of Science, Journal. ' URU- - GUAT.: Anales. UTRECHT: Library, Niederlandische* Bibliothekswesen, " Pamfletten."

From Authors, Editors:— ABBOTT,

National Finance. TXTROK, I. A. "V.: Origin of Modern Calculating Machines.

From Publishers: ALCAN: Revue Philoeophique. tomes 89-91. AMERI­ CAN Book Co.: H. F. Cleland, Geology, Physical and Historical; Coulter, Barnes and Cowles, Text- Book of Botany, vol. I.; W. J. Milne, Advanced!. Algebra; Shakespeare, Macbeth, edited by W. J- Rolfe;. H- W. Smyth, Greek Grammar, DELA- ORAVE: Revue de Geographic, tome 8; Revue- Fedagogique. tomes 78, 79. GRIFFIN, The Centenary Volume of. LE LAIT: I Alnnee. LEROUX: Revue de I'His'toire des Religions, tomes 81-84.. LOTHIAN: B. O'Dowd, Alma Venus; Shakespeare, The Tempest, edited by W. H. Williams. OXFORD University Press, Some Account of, 1468-1921. Miscellaneous: — AUSTRALIAN Comforts Fund, History of. BENGAL. Government: C. A.. BeU, English Tibetan Collo­ quial Dictionary, 2nd Ed.; Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan, 2nd Ed. BOTANICAL Society of America: Report of Committee of Nomenclature. BRITISH Science Guild: Catalogue of British Scientific and Technical Books. CBTLDERS, C. E. E.: Official His­ tory of Australia in the War of 1914-18, Vol. I. CROW, S.: F. W. Sims, Public Works of Groat Britain. GUARAKTT Trust Cp.': How Business with Foreign Countries is Financed, GUTHRIE, J. F.: 0- W.ister, A Straight Deal. INSTITUTE of Chemistry of Great- Britain and Ireland: Lectures on Modern Applica­ tions of Chemistry to Crop Production. INTERNA­ TIONAL Harvester Co.: 0- B. Zimmerman, Internal . Combustion Engines and Tractors. KERRY, W.: A. Hillsen, Map of Ancient Rome; Ptautus, Comedies- rranalated by E. H. Sugden. LAST, Professor T. H.: British Antarctic Expedition, 1910. Terrestrial Magnetism. LEWIS, Mrs. L. L., and MASSON, Mrs. Orme: The Complete Peerage, 2nd edition. Vols 1-4. LIEGE University: J. Brassine, Les; Depredations Allemandes a Liege. MEDICAL Society of Victoria: G- Bainey, Experimental In­ quiry into Ascent and Descent of the Sap of S66 ANNUAL. REPORT, 19-21-1922.

Plants. MILAN University: 0- Mortara, Proepet- tive Economiohe, 1922. MUSTARD, Dr.: TibuUus, Elegies edited by K. F. Smith. ONTARIO Govern­ ment: Report of Royal Commission on University Finance. ROBERTSON AND MULLENS: Canadian Annual Review, 1903. SEERRARD, H. M.: 11 Blue Prints of Centrifugal Pumps. S. AFRICAN Associa­ tion of Engineers, Proceedings, VI. (1, 2). SWEET, Associate-Professor G.: 30 volumes. WAKEFIELD, Col. Sir Charles: Pearl, XTV. Century Poem reset in Modem English by I. Gollancz. VVESTRRN Theo­ logical Seminary: J. H- Dennis, The Work of the Church Among the Mormons.

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY; (I).—Journals. Acta Medica Scandinavica; Australasian Journal of Pharmacy; Bookseller; Boston Medical and Surgical Journal; British Medical Journal (presented by Sir Harry Allen);- Dutch-Indian .Medical. Civil Service; Evans' Journal; Folia Anatomioa Japonica; Indian Journal of Med. Research; Internationad Journal of Public Health; Lancet (presented by Sir Harry Allen); , Health Section; Medical Journal of Australia; Metabolic Research, Vol.. I.; Mitteilengen nber Allgemeine Pathologic. und Patholigische Anato- mie; Repertoire de Pharmacie; St. Bartholomew Hospt. Journal; Speculum; Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine; Tohoku Journal of Biochemistry; Univ. EU Sendai: Arbeiten audenv Anatomischer.

(2)J—Transactions and Proceedings. American Asso. of Genito-Urinary Surgeons; American Asso. . of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; American Laryneological Association; American Laryn. Rhino and Otolo. Society; American Surgical Association; American Urologioal Association; Association of Ameri­ can Physicians; Association of American Surgeons; Australasian Medical Congress, 1920; Chicago Patho­ logical Society; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Inet. of Chem., G.B. and I.; Philadelphia Academy of Surgeons; University of Otago. ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922. 86T

(3).—Reports. Assam Dispensaries, Jail And • Sanitary: Bengal. Sanitation and Vaccination; Bihar and Arissa; Buruia —Hospt. and Dispensaries ;. Lunatic Asylums; Sanitary Administration; Carnegie Inst, of Washington; Coll. of Phys. of Phil.; Commissions in Lunacy, Eng. and Wales; Commissioners in .Lunacy, Ireland; Commis­ sioners in Lunacy, Scotland; Commonwealth of Aust., Quarantine Service; Dutch-Indian Med. Civil Service; Imperial Cancer Research; King Edward Vll. Sani­ tarium;. Local Govt B.d.; Massachusetts Gen. Hospt.; Nairobi Lab., East Africa; N.S.W. Lunacy Dept.; New York: Orthopaedic Hospitals; Philadelphia Coll. of Physicians; Philadelphia Episcopal Hospital, Vol. V.; Rockefeller Foundation; Surgeon-General U.S. Army; Surgeon-General U.S. Navy; United Fruit Comp., America; West Aust. Govt.; Women's Hospt. N.Y., 1921. (4).—Vital Statistics. A.B.C. of Queensland; Commonwealth of Australia— (a) Official Year-book, (b) Population and Vital; Fiji Government Gazette; Fiji Royal Blue Book; New South Wales; Queensland Govt. Gazette: Queensland Vital Statistics; Statistical Register of West Australia.

C5).—Bulletins. Ayer Clinical Laby., Pennsylvania, 1922; Bollettino Sambario Anno; De La Societe de Chimie Biologique, Tome 3, 4; United States Naval Medical; United States Public Health Service; University De Montevideo; University of Toronto.

(6).—Calendars, Catalogues, and Registers. . Harvard Univ.; Inst, of Cham., G.B. and I.; Johns Hooking; Medical Register (U.K.); Middlesex Hospital Peking Union Med. Coll.; Royal Coll. Physicians, Lond. Royal College of Surgeons, Eng; Bush Med. Coll. University of California, Chicago, Durham, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Southern California and Toronto: Welsh National Sch. of Medi­ cine. SSB ANNUAL REPORT, 1921-1922;

(7).- Books. From the Authors.—Bassler, Dr. A.: 6 Monographs; Berry, Prof. R. J. A.; The Modern Psychology; Br

1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. J»q. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £2,160 9 1 By Salaries .. £61,885 2 1 Dec. 31. House Allowance 100 0 0 To Government Orantg . .. 23,376 0 . 0 Exhibitions and Scholarships .. 1,776 0 0 Fees- Kxaininers* Fees 4,499 14 9 Lectures .. £37,424 6 10 Examination Expenses 2,018 8 8 Degrees .. .. 2,476 19 l) Examination Papers 933 4 8 Certificates ..969 16 Books 1,818 8 S Public Exams 11,969 4 6 Apparatus 6,582 8 4 Annual Exams. . • 8,833 10 4 Dissections 638 2 0 6ft,663 1 2 Furniture 1,867 1 S Other Receipts— Cleaning and Incidentals 864 1 7 Sole ot Calendars QBS ana Electric Light 814 6 0 and Exam. Papers 260 19 2 Water and Sanitary 262 4 6 Interest .. .. 8,826 18 10 Wood and Cool 72 6 1 Trust Funds( Admin­ Grounds :. 219 16 0 istration) 77 9 0 Printing—including Calendar .. 1,871 IS 11 Sundries .. .. 123 15 11 Stationery ...... 2,663 14 7 ^T • A TOO A ,1 Stamps—Postage and Duty 488 IS 8 Tpmslep from Departments for Advertising 118 14 0 4dmioistraUpn, etc.— Commencement 63 17 6 Musio ISxamlha- Insurances .. ... 71 10 6 tlo'n Board .. £100 0 0 Repairs 1,980 6 6 PqnsetvatPTfum N«w Buildings ... 8,822 9 9 h> Of Music .. 101 0 0 Special Votes .. .. . 60 0 0 Veterinary Ho­ Department .. 166 0 0 ld Bacteriology Department .. 60 0 0 o r-pr) frrw iff ° •-I Balance 6,662 4 1 •' M £91,044 17 3 £98,044 17 8 C0N8SBVAT0BIVU OF UVSIC—STATEUBBT of BSCBIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the veor,*1921.

1921. • RECEIPTS. 1821. EXPENDITURE. Deo, 81. Jan. 1. To Fees— By Balance £783 II 11 Lectures .. £4,364 0 Dec. 31. Entrance Exhlbs. 19 10 Bv Salaries- £4,383 11 Teaching Staff . £8,693 1 6 RlreofHnsio 12 12 Secretarial 370 0 0 Hire ol Melba Ball .. 69 12 -£4,063 •! Concerts 63 6 Administration Charges, etc. .. 101 0 Donations and Proceeds Special Concert 71 3 Exhibitions and Bursaries 66 4 Sundries 2 8 Music, Instruments, Hire, Tuning Balance 778 I and Repairs.. .. 46 19 9 Oasand Electric Light.. .. 24 1 6 Stationery, Postages and Printing 74 IS 8 Advertising .. S3 16 6 i- Telephone ... 23 7 9 Insurances . 14 8 Incidentals .. .. 89 12 6 Interest .. 16 12 0 Repairs, Furniture, eto. .. 16 7 6 4,605 1 2 Repayment Loan on Melba Hall 83 0 0

£5,370 16 1 £6,370 16 1 UVBIC SXAUINATIOS BOABD—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year, 1921.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 182L 1821. Jan. 1. Decffl. To Balance ..£1,289 7 10 By Scholarships £280 6 4 Deo. 81. Administration Charges 100 0 0 TO Fees £2,832 17 10 Secretarial—Organising 666 0 0 Interest 67 14 0 Organising; Expenses . 82 16 2 Royalties and Sales Exam. Papers 121 8 8 Examiners' Fees and Travelling Expenses 761 8 2 2,641 16 6 Examination Expenses 86 14 10 Printing 605 18 6 Stationery .. 66 9 11 Postages .. 68 7 2 Advertising .. « 10 0 Preparing Syllabus 11 0 $M Balance 1,462 U S

£8,831 3 4 £3.m 9 4


Un­ REflEHjTB. EXPBWIXUBE. ion, i. Deo. 81: To Balance .. £1,840 0 0 By Balance .. £1,840 0 £1.840 0 0 £1,840 0 0 tSTBBtNABf rVNb—SfiTBMENt 6/ RECEIPTS and BXPBSMTVBS for the year. 1W1.

1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Dee. 81. Jan. 1. To Government Grant £4,200 0 0 By Balance £869 8 6 Hospital Fees 240 10 2 Dec. SL Lecture Fees 214 13 6 By Salaries 8,863 Interest 80 0 0 Administration, etc. .. 166 Balance 1,544 6 8 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 1,266 Special Research 126 16 8

£6,279 9 II £6,279 9 11


1921. 1921. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £1,990 0 0 By Balance £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 u BAdtBBiotdaidAL FUND—STATEMENT of BBCBlPtS and BxPBUbttVBB for tho year. 1911.

1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. BXPENDI Jan.' 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £733 11 0 , • By Salaries £8,000 2 8 Deo. 31. Less charged to General A/c 600 0 0 To Department of Health £2,000 0 0 £2,600 2 8 M. & M. Board of Works 163 16 0 Administration 60 0 0 Melbourne City Council 60 0 0 Apparatus,. Materials, eto. . 1,114 S 1 City of Prabran 40 0 0 Balance Homowpatblo Hospital SO 0 0 Specimens, Examinations ot . 463 19 8 wasserman Tests, etc 118 17 3 Interest 132 14 u 09 ~-—^^ 2,899 6 11 CO £8,782 17 11 £8,782 17 11


1821. 192|: Jan.1. Deo. 31. To Balance £2,990 0 0 By Balance £2,980 0 9 S £2,990 0 0 £2,990 0 0 TUTORIAL CLASSES FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year 1921.

RECEIPTS. 1981. EXPENDITURE. Deo. Si. Jan-L To Government Grant , £8.668 10 0 By Balance £816 16 1 Sale of Books <£ 11 0 Deo. 8L Balance . 84 19, 8 By Salaries ... 1,188 0 0 Workers' Brtriimtinnst Association 80S 6 8 Lecturers'Fees 686 18 0 Stationary, Postage* and Sundries 99 8 7 Books ' 200U 10

0 t £2,638 0 8


198L RECEIPTS. 198L EXPENDITURE. Deo. SI. "' ' Dec. SI. To QoTernmsnt'Onnt £4,660 0 0 By Salaries £622 18 4 Apparatus and Furniture 728 IS 6 Bounce ... 8403 8 8 £4,660 0 0 «4,6W 0 Q UNIVERSITY EXTENSION FUND-STATEMENT of BBCBtPTS and EXPENDITURE for. thfl yeor. 1021.

1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. ' Dec. 81. Dec 81. To Gorernment Grant £2.126 By Salaries £166 12 4

Fees .. ' Leotaiera* Fees •• • .. ' 499 16 4 Workers* Ednc Association 328 10 0 Stationery, Postages, etc 201 12 2 Travelling Expenses ... 40 10 8 Advertising 67 IS 8 Balance .. 898 7 6 £3,177 3 8 £3477 S • os o>


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1921. 1921. Jon. 1. DecSL To Balonce .. £662 4 1 ByOosh £7,998 9 3 DecSL 824 0 3 TOCosb .. 7,766 S 4


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance £88 9 10 By Salaries . £650 0 0 Dec. 81. Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 2,090 6 0 To Fees 8.118 5 0 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 600 0 O Transfer to Apparatus Account 69 9 10 £3,199 14 10 £8,199 14 10


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance £126 18 8 By Apparatus .£106 3 3 Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 59 9 10 Balance 81 0 8 £186 8 6 £180 8 6


1921. RECEIPTS. 1021. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £l26 0 0 By Balance £125 0 0 £126 0 0 £126 0 Q ST. TINCBNT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FBBS ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and BXPENDITVRE for the yeor, 1921.

1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £20 8 7 By Salaries £125 0 0 Dec. 31. Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees .: 408 18 8 To Fees £633 18 6 Transfer to Apparatus Account 20 8 7

£664 7 1 £564 7 1

ST. VINCENTS HOSPITAL CLINICAL PEES APPARATUS ACCOUNT.—STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year. Wil. 5 1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance £116 18 7 By Apparatus £98 0 6 Transfer tram Clinical Fees Account 20 8 7 Balance 41 6 8 £137 7 2 £187 7 2


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec 81. To Balance £186 10 0 By St Vincent's Hospital £188 10 0 Deo 81. 263 0 0 To Entrance Fees • 2*2 0 0 £886 10 0 £888 10 0


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Dec 31. Dec 81. To Fees .. £643 18 0 By Transfer to Apparatus Account £82 6 0 Salaries 60 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Pees 461 It 0 £643 18 0 £848 18 0 ALFRED HOSPITAL CLINICAL FBBS APPARATUS ACCOUNT.-STATEUSNX of BBCBIPTS and EXPSNVtTVBB for the year. 1921.

191L RECEIPTS. 1921, EXPENDITURE. Jan.l. Dee. 81. To Balance £78 II 7 ByAVparatas £20 .0 0 Doe. 81. Balance .. 91 0 7 To Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 83 « 0 £111 0 7 £111 0 7

SPORIS FBBS ACCOUNT-.STATBUENT ot BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB for the year, 1921. 1921. RECEIPTS. 192L EXPENDITURE. Jon..L. , Dec. 81. A* To Balance £44 17 6 By Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee 3} DecSL tor Maintenance of Recreation Ground Ruildlngs Students' Fees 1,685 8 0 and Sports Clubs ..£1600 0 0' Amount paid Students' Representative Council.. 40 0 0 Balance 70 6 6 , £1710 6 • 6 £1710 6 6


1911. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. DecSL To Balance £100 7 4 By Amount paid to Club House Committee £1850 0 0 Deo. 81. Balance .. 66 19 10 To Students' Fees 1616 12 6

£1716 19 10 £1718 19 10 SPECIAL BBSEABCB OBAST—SI ATEUENT of RECEIPTS and BXPBNDITVBB tor the year, 1981.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1921. 1921. Jon, 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £36 7 8 By Balance £36 7 8

£86 7 8 £36 7 8


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1 . Deo. SL To BaUnce £7 19 3 By Salaries £245 10 0 Apparatus, etc. 18 12 11 OB Dec 31. . Balance .. 93 16 4 To Cash .". 360 0 0 8 £367 19 3 £357 19 3


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1921. 1921. Dec 31. Jan. 1. To Fees .. £221 0 0 By Balance ... £1119 7 Balance 816 Dec. 81. Salaries 169 12 0 Interest .. .. 82 4 3 Apparatus .. .. 2068 £224 1 6 z224 1 6 ARCHITECTURAL ATELIER BUILDING ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECElPTSand EXPENDITURE for the near, 1921.

1821. RECEIPTS. 1921 EXPENDITURE. Jon. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £644 5 0 By Balance .. £644 6 0 £644 6 0 £644 6 0


1921. RECEIPTS. 1921. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec 81. To Balance £31,138 16 0 By Balance £31,133 16 0

£31,188 16 0 £31,138 16 0 UNiVERSlTY FUNDS-STATEMENT of BALANCE'S at 1st Dtctmoer, igii. bee 81,1921. Fund. Dr. Balance, Or. Balance Summary of Inmtmenti, etc General Account.. £6682 4 1 Debentures at Face Value- Conservatorium ot Music Account . £778 1 11 City ot Melbourne Debentures .. £200 0 0 Musio Examination Board Account 1,462 18 8 Government Securities, etc, ot cost— „ „ Investment Account 1,840 U 0 £1240 Western Australian Government.. Veterinary Fund Account.. L544 6 8 Stock 1.202 16 0 „ „ Investment Account 1,990 0 0 £2250 Oeelong Waterworks and Sewerage Bacteriologloal Fund Account L 68 7 2 Trust Debentures 2,165 0 0 „ ,, Investment Account 2,990- 0 0 £26,836 Victorian Government Stack .. 85,411 0 0 Tutorial Classes Fund ; , 84 19 2 £4000 Savings Bonk Credit Fonder De­ University Extension Fund benture Stock .. 8,980 0 0 Agricultural Fund 8403 Mortgages 6,000 0 0 Suspense Account .. 824 Melbourne Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 81 £87,858 16 0 ,, „ ,, „ Contingent Account 126 Bank Current Account— St. Vincent's Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 41 General—Debit £2,883 7 8 ,, „ ,, „ Contingent Account 20 17 11 Less Bank Current General „ „ Entrance Fees Account 262 0 0 Account Management Alfred Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account .. 91 0 7 —Credit 214 6 10 Sports Fees Account 70 6 6 Club House Fees Account 66 19 10 2,611 1 10 Special Research 0 rant Account .. 36 7 8 Walter and Eliza Hall Fellowship 93 16 4 Architectural Atelier 1 6 „ „ Building 5 0 General Investment Account, 31,188 18 0

Total ot Credit Balances £44,984 12 1 Less Total of Debit Balances £9,6o8 17 11 9,666 17 II

£36,817 14 2 £8M17 14 2 TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of BALANCES ,at SUt Dettabtr, 1981.

Deo. SI, 1921. Fund. Investment: Rani Or. Bant Dr. Total. Summary of Investments etc. Anthropological £639 16 0 £16 14 1 £666 10 1 Dec 81,1921. Appeal Fund 25,663 11 0 106 7 2 36,748 18 8 Bank Deposits, etc. £696 0 0 Architecture 10 0 0 8 4 10 8 4 Government Securities, eto., Argus 2,201 M 0 80 10 10 2,828 6 10 . ot face value- Armytage 600 0 0 81 U 11 631 16 11 City ot Melb. Debs. .. 8,600 0 0 Bage 1,060 0 0 10 14 8 1,038 14 8 M.tM. RotW.Dabs. 30,880 0 0 Baird 618 14 6 7 18 0 621 11 0 Viot. Gov. Stock .. 69,801 0 0 Barry .. 26. 0 0 8 11 8 83 11 8 Government Securities, etc, Beaney—Pathology 3,608 10 0 20 16 0 2,685 14 0 at cost— „ Surgery .. 2,206 0 0 18 4 2 3,192 15 10 £26,240 Commonwealth Block 2,188 10 0. 8 IS 7 2.170 18 6 Inw. Stock .. 26,166 0 0 Bio-Chemistry Apparatus 440 0 0 16 3 9 466 8 0 £0,090 W. Aust Gov. Botony Apparatus.. 40 0 0 10 10 0 SO 10 0 Inso. Stock 6,080 14 0 Bowen 1S6 0 0 0 0 8 144 0 8 £67,892 Viot Gov. Stock 66,784 16 9 Bursary So. 1 Best Home 800 0 0 81 7 3 331 7 2 £16,850 M. a. M. B. of W. Cancer Research Fund 98 14 1 « 14 1 lose Stock .. 16,828 16 0 Cnamb. of Commerce 1,887 t 0 69 1 11 1,898 6 11 £7.400 M.&M. B.ofW. Chemistry Equipment 6.00U 0 0 76 3 11 6,079 8 11 j Debs. 6,110 10 0 OUnteal Research Fund 1,248 6 0 82 3 0 1,276 8 0 < £18,000 City ot Melbourne OommeniaJ Exam. Prize 60 0 0 8 0 0 68 0 0 6}% Debs. .. 18,000 0 0 dons. Students' Loan a/c 20 7 9 81 3 6 81 11 2 £8,260 Oeelong Water­ Oontejvatorinm of Musio 24 0 0 1 0 10 86 0 10 works and Sewerage Cuming .. 1,249 6 0 21 16 0 1,887 10 0 Trust Stock 8,283 S 9 Danks Industrial Sobol. 10 0 10 0 £250 Qeelong Water­ Dent, ol Commerce 1,010 0 o 48 10 0 1,068 10 0 works and Sewerage Otok 1,032 0 0 5io t i 1,613 0 8 Trust Deb*. 240 0 0 Dixson 16,449 16 0 16,788 4 8 £1,000 Savings Bank Dublin 829 16 0 286 0 8 338 14 10 Credit Fonde! Stock 996 0 0 Dwight ,. 9,611 14 » 8 19 10 «J60Q 7 8 £100 Savings Bank Dob. 88 0 0 Engineering Eqpmnt. 960 0 0 . S673 1136 141 1.017 16 4 £100 Shire ot Oobutg Deb, mo o. o. 1 04 8 9 74,883 tf 3 Carried forward .. £78,897 4 0 {760 ]l 0 Carried forward, ' 4131,686 3 6' Trust Funds— Statement of Balaneee (Continued).

Fund Investments Ami Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Summary of Investment*.

Fund. Investments. Bank Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Brought forward £243,133 9 6 Brought forward .. £176,856 16 10 3,674 3 11 8,238 8 3 170,191 Shakespeare 1,498 0 0 • 3 18 7 1,494 Special Prizes 50 13 6 50 18 6 Spencer Prize 800 0 0 21 0 0 321 0 0 Slaved - .. .. 1,677 0 0 6 19 2 1.682 19 2 Stewart .. 80,488 10 0 27 6. 2 80,461 4 10 Suspense 826- 6 0 325 6 0 Sutherland (Alex.).. 107 0 0 3 10 6 110 10 6 Sutherland (William) 60 0 0 11 6 9 71 6 9 Sweet Memorial .. 600 0 0 7 18 7 607 18 7 Syme 3,260 10 0 266 IS 1 3,616 Turner 1,000 0 0 3 18 one is University Extnsn. 676 0 0 7 12 3 12 8 University Union .. 600 0 0 8 2 6 508 2 .6 Veterinary Eqpmnt. 600 0 0 21 11 3 621 11 3 VlcSallors ft Soldiers Ass. 080 0 0 68 .6 10 1,048 6 10 OS War Memorial 1,033 0 0 60 18 6 1,083 18 6 OS Wilson (Professor) 176 18 0 8 10 ,2 178 7 10 OI Wilson (R. O.) 2,480 10 0 16 12 0 , 2,447 2 0 Women's College ..' 40 0 0 2 5 3 51 6 8 Wright (R. A.) 1,367 10 0 14 17 0 1,332 7 9 Wright (F.J.) 600 0 0 I 10 10 498 0 3 Wrlxon 844 16 0 14 13 3 859 8 2 Wyselaskie—Classics 1,010 6 0 40 14 0 1,869 „ Eng. Con. History 2,346 10 0 35 6 6 2,311 „ Maths. 2,841 10 0 2 17 7 2,844 „ Mod. Languages 2,123 0 0 81 IS 8 2,091 ,, Nat Sci. .. 2,881 10 0 79 16 11 2,301 „ Pol. Econ. 2,061 10 0 2 II 8 2,081 Zoology Equipment 600 0 0 21 18 5 521 £237,378 14 10 £8,519 14 6 £8,427 6 7 £232,471 2 9 Professors'Retiring a/c 10,348 2 6 304 4 3 10,652 6 0 Total .. £247,726 17 4 £8,821 IS 9 £3,427 6 7 £243,123 9 6 Total £248,128 9 6 TRUST FVNPS—SUMMARISED 91 ATEUENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the ysar, 1921.

1931. RECEIPTS. 1981. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 81. Jan, 1. To Bequests and Gifts and other additions to Trust By Balance £10,360 18 8 Funds .. .. £86,877 16 6 Pec 81. Sales or Transfers ot Investments .. 20,191 4 10 By Purchases or Transfers ot Investment* 60,623 I 0 Interest 7,689 14. 8 Scholarships, Prizes and other paymenu In terms Balance 4,603 7 10 ot Trust 6,848 17 1 Incidental Expenses 144 6 7

£87,888 2 10 £67,861 1 10 atfMMABt OF VNtVERStTT BSCBtPtS from aU sources for the Year, 1921.

Government Grants £38,912 10 0 Lecture Fees 42,276 8 4 Annual Examination, Degree, and Certificate Fees 7,289 1 4 •Interest—On Funds available for General Purposes .. £8,626 6 10 On Trust Funds,' for Scholarships and other specified purposes .. 7,689 14 8 11,316 I 6 Public Examinations Fees ll.ft.o9 4 6 Public Examinations In Music Fees 2,332 17 10 Sundries •2,207 15 9 Sports Fees 1,665 8 0 Club House Fees 1,616 12 6 Clinical Fees in Trust for Hospitals 4,443 1 6 124,018 16 8 Bequests, Gifts, and other additions to Trust Funds, including amounts set aside by the University lor Retiring Funds .. 35,377 15 6 ' £169.396 11 9 •The interest on the Hastie Fund is included in the interest on funds available for general purposes.

Audited and found correct, 2/10/22 J. A. NOKBIS, Auditor-General 688 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922



ENGLISH. First Class, (In Order of Merit.) Keith Lament Macartney Joyce Bobertson Semmens Kathleen Derwent Massey James Gladstone Cornell \ jjoual Joseph Francis Mulvany ) " Florence Cederholm ") w • Theodora Maodhail Harper ) iiquai Alexia Brown Bichardson ~) Edward Graham Robertson [ Equal Vernon Howard Tomholt ) John Charles Mitchell Canning "} Francis Field / _ . Florence Mary Grant > iqual Gwendolen Elizabeth Kaines ) Henry Kemple Byron Bailey \ Brian Charles Fitzpatrick I Katherine Douglas Meldrum I Eonald Atkinson Beed pqual Salome Jean White I Constance Ellis Whitehead / Second Class. an Order of Merit.) Eulo Comer Marion Christina Fry Arthur Machen Hill Francis Patrick Vincent McManus EquaP Marian Matilda Tyers Margaret Wren SCHOOL LEAVING. 8«»

Clara Augusta Brisbane Maurice Barton Carroll John Gamble Porster Rosalie Woodruff Joyce John Harold Ritchie Equal Colin Wallace Boss Linda Maud Mary Taasell Robert Benjamin Withers Ednal Swallow Wood Gwen. Evana ~j Hilda May Lanyon Mary Nicholson . Equal John Munro Whitehead ) Edward Gregory Bannon Muriel Elizabeth Oannam Lorna Mary Bureau Alan Brownlie Gilroy Eileen Kayo Douglas Maofarlan Little J-Equal Alan Morgan Deborah Rush Proctor Arthur Eaton Prytz Dudley Ormond Southby Mary Margaret Coffey William Joseph Duck John Daniel Kinniff Adela Miller ^ Equal Vivian Percy John Adrian Redmond Lindsay Melville Walker Claire Geraldine Henry Anderson - Lillian Batson Mary Moore Bayne Hilda Agnes Beeby Robert Blackburne Constance Coleman John King Joyce John Edward Lennon Equal Kathleen Popham Lusdombe Dorothy Alice McLean Minnie Monteith . Eileen, Mary Murphy William' Frederick Patau Archibald Maitland Sogers Allen- Ernest Winter .66A 390 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.

John Alfred Blair Linda Helena Canovan Leila Jean Heyward Enid Madge Huttley Dorothy Lynch John Robertson Macriillan Gladys May Meikle. Charles Bernays Melville S Equal Eileen Anne O'Brien Jean Prances Officer Alice Muriel Keartland Palmer Dorothy Grace Reynolds Bertrand John Roberta Albert James Williams Frank Henry Williams Aubrey Wilfred Baker John Daniel Barron John Laurence McCabe Doyle Edna Pearl Fryer Stanislaus Joseph Kelly Margaret Morton Loudon i Doris Violet Milk f Hquiil Marjorie Lois Parkinson Frank Leslie Sholl John Hugh Sutton Isabella Hepburn Thomas Horton Robert Williams Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). !EDvia Grace Adams .Beryl Kathleen Adoock Sydney Walter Addinsall Francis Elizabeth Allan Fiona Boss Anderson James Aiughterson Annabelle Aylwin James Wingfield Barnaby Helen Macfarlan Barnard Helen Beatrice Black Harold Alfred Body Dorothy Beatrice Bona Evelyn Bond Xeo Patrick Branagan SCHOOL LEAVING 89b

Maisie Rachel Lindsay Bridger Edward Bonaventure Heffernan Brotohie Philip Lawrence Brown Mariorie Fiddes Brown Enid Alice Jean Bruhn Stanley William Byrne Hubert John Clifford Bryan Tobyn Keon Cohen Francis Donald Coutts Margaret Rose] Curdie Myrtle May Daley Mary Veronica Dalton Bryan Joseph Deegan Gwenneth Edith Dixon George Downing Victor John Francis Doyle Rosamond Mary Ecclea Leila Ada Ellis John. Patrick Evans Geoffrey Orr Ewing Winifred Fanning Norman William Fell John Howard Fisher Claud Michael Dudley Flinn Henry Edward Foo Florence Elizabeth Ford Matthew Vincent Gargan William Allison Glover Jean Florence Elizabeth Green Anna Eleanor Oribble Edward James Grieve Patrick Leo Grogau Nathan Groaby Stanley Paterson Grounds 'Owen Moore Hall Elsie Margaret Henderson Lilian Thomson Houston William John Leach Humphris Dorothy Mitchell Ingram Richard Samuel Jones Frieda Wilkie Kendell Ian Langlands Mary II <'n Lazarus Louis Peter Le Grand 392 EXAMINATION EESULT8, 1921-1921

John Llewellyn Lewis Elaine Sheila Stewart MacCoU Annie Louis Mackay Alexander George Mancy Catherine Eileen Mannes Jessie May McClymont Bernard Howard McColl Walter James Barclay McDonald Elsie Margaret McGaw .Florence Jean Mcllroy Gwendolen Jean MoLellan Jean Munro McLennan .Nellie Beatrice Millane Alma Lillian Millard Marjory Alexandra Mary Montgomery James Joseph Murphy Robert John Murphy Margaret Mary Alice Murray Anna Margaret Neale Minnie Newton Laurence William O'Brien John Mackey O'Connor Lawrence Edward Odium •Gladstone Rule Ofiborn Rhoda May Parker • 'Thomas Leslie Quinn Thomas Allan Rank William Joseph Patrick Bawlings Peter Armstrong Reid Jack Alpen Richards Marion Leonora Doreen Bigby Milvina Maud Crittenden Robertson Edgar Kenneth Rodda Angus John Boffey Edgar Argent Ross William Trevor Rowlands Gideon McCrae Rutherford Allison May Scott Iris Beryl Scoullar Alan Stewart Seaxle Leonard Clinton Shaw Edith Cicely Sheldon Marjorie Olive Smith JSric Mitchell Campbell Smyth SCHOOL LEAVING 893

.Kathleen Madge Stafford Ethel Mary Slandish Ruth Elizabeth Janet Stephens James Geddes Stewart Mary Olive Jean Stewart John Geoffrey Stonham 'Marjorie Helen Strong Gwendoline Agnes Swaan

LATIN. Fust Class. (In Order of Merit.) Severin Howard Ziohy Woinarski James Gladstone Cornell Geoffrey Orr Ewing } _ . William Frederick Patou j ^l"*1 Constance Ellis Whitehead John Hugh Sutton Michael Seymour Hawter 1 _ . . Elsie Margaret Henderson j 1!'

Arthur Charles Adams ) „ , Thomas Allan Rank j ^aal John Adrian Redmond Lindsay Melville Walker John Edward Briggs Stanley William Byrne } „ . Leslie Kneale Corteen ) '"Vaa.i John Munro Whitehead Mary Margaret Coffey ) Dorothy Alice McLean > Equal Percy George Weston ) John Laurence McCabe Doyle ) „ . Marjorie Lois Parkinson j i!'

GREEK. First Class. Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski1 Second Class. Geoffrey Orr Bwing 1 i?„„.i. William Frederick Paton ) ^l"1" Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order> Michael Seymour Hawker Allen Ernest Winter SCHOOL LEAVING. 89f>

FRENCH. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Stanley Paterson Grounds James Gladstone Cornell ) Keith Lament Macartney > Equal Constance Ellis Whitehead } Mary Margaret Coffey 1 -p„„.i Praicis Field j E<*ual Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski James Wingfield Barnaby ~> _, . Joyce Boberteon Semmens ] Ji?,lal Katherine Douglas Meldrum Second Class. (In Order! of Merit) John Charles Mitchell Canning Albert James Williams John Munro Whitehead Doreen Mary Dunn James Aughterson Florence Mary Grant Dorothy Beatrice Bond Hilda Agnes Beeby ~) Ethel Mary Irwin > Equal John Hugh Sutton ) Henry Kemple Byron Bailey Eulo Comer Marion Christina Fry Harold Leslie White Eileen Anne O'Brien Salome Jean White Brian Charles Fitzpatrick Lilian Thomson Houston ) _ , Bessie Webster ) J!'qual Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Sydney Walter Addinsall Frank Augustus Barrett John Daniel Barron Henry Edward Baxter Helen Beatrice Black John Alfred Blair Evelyn Bond 896 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Ellen Bemadette Brady- Maurice Barton' Carroll Dorothy Seymour Chappell Alice Margaret Coverlid Myrtle May Daley Mary Veronica Dalton John Beynon Dwyer Geoffrey Orr Ewing Winifred Fanning Egbert Armytage Cunninghame Farran Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty Elizabeth Bertha Hughes Helen Katharine Irving Budolf Urban Jones Stanislaus Joseph Kelly John Daniel Kinniff Ian Langlands Hilda May Lanyon Louis Peter Le Grand Kathleen Popham Luaoombe Elaine Sheila Stewart MacColl Gwendolen Jean MoLellan Alma Lilian Millard Violet- Bosalind Ming Mary. Moore Joseph Francis Mulvany Viva Murphy Anna Margaret Neale Mary Nicholson Laurence William O'Brien Mary O'Brien Charles Edward O'Connor Lilian Ellen Osborne Marjorie Lois Parkinson Thomas Joseph Power Deborah Rush Proctor John Adrian Redmond Albert Fercival Gordon Rhodes Jack Alpen Richards Bertram! John Roberts Archibald Maitland Rogers Gideon McCrae Rutherford Richard Blamire Sewell .Leonard Clinton Shaw SCHOOL LEAVING. 897

;Edith Cicely Sheldon Marjorie Olive Smith •George Francis Taylor .Marian Matilda Tyers Lindsay Melville Walker Helena Alberta Wood Norman Cleaver Woods Margaret Wren GERMAN. First Class. None. & Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Carmela France* Wallace Ethel Mary Irwin Margaret Wren HISTORY. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty Henry Kemple Byron Bailey Florence Mary Grant ) _, , Keith Lamont Macartney > ^l"*1 Joseph Francis Mulvany "1 - . -John Adrian Redmond > i^qual John Daniel Barron Francis Field } John Edward Lennon > Equal Lindsay Melville Walker ) -John Edward Brigga } _ , Bonald Atkinson Eeed ) J1'UBl ^Sydney Bex Kelson Alan Brownlie Oilroy Marian Matilda Tyers 1 „ . Frank Henry Williams 3 q Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Oonstanoe Coleman -\ .Nathan Grosby (_ . WiUiam John Leach Humphris [^V*1 Enid Madge Huttley J 898 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.

Sydney Walter Addinsall Eulo Comer Mary Nicholson Equal Manon Leonora Doreen Bigby Vida Louisa Rowland George Stevens Ellis Douglas Macfarlan Little , _ .. James Rogers Thomson ( ^l"*1 Frederick John von Sierakowsk.!i • William Joseph Duck } „ . Gwendolen Elizabeth Kaines > ''I"*1 Francis Patrick Vincent McManus } „ , John Burstall Turner \ bquat. Ian Webster Morley Gwen Evans \ Joseph Francis Qanim ^„ , Isabel Agnes Hodgson I ** John Harold Ritchie J Owen Moore Hall ) „ , Harold Clive Gordon Welch .( ^l,al John Hugh Sutton Mary Moore Bayne Beryl Kathleen Adcock } Gwenneth Edith Dixon ( Equal George Francis Taylor ) Eileen Kayo } „ Walter Jamea Barclay McDonald ) iL(iual Marion Christina Fry '\ Margaret Mary O'Neill / William Joseph Patrick Bawlings p1* William Trevor Rowlands ) John Alfred Blair } o« Lindsay Charles Brittingham > t,(iaal Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Wilfred Agar James Aughtereon James Wingfield Barnaby Hilda Agnes Beeby John Amies Benjamin May Agnes Bennett Mervyn Wellesley Britten Maurice Barton Carroll SCHOOL LEAVING. 899

.Dorothy Seymour Chappie' Margaret Bosel Curdie Victor John Francis Doyle .John Laurence McCabe - Doyle ' John Beynon Dwyer John Patrick Evans Brian Charles Fitzpatrick Florence Elizabeth Ford -John Gamble Forster George Edward Gilligan Elsie Margaret Henderson Lilian Thomson Houston Elizabeth Bertha Hughes :Stanislaus Joseph Kelly John Daniel Kinniff William Bowen Victor Knowles Ian Langlands , Leo Patrick Lawrence Loorham William Arthur Lucas -John Robertson Macmillan Kathleen Derwent Maseey Bartlett Woodbridge Mcflroy ' Katherine Douglas Meldrum Frederick John Meyer .Alma Lilian Millard -James Joseph Murphy Viva Murphy. Isabella Benwick Neikon Francis .Theodore Hurley O'Grady John Campbell Pickering Deborah Rush Proctor . Thomas Allan Bank James Joseph Ravenscroft "Dorothy Grace Reynolds Jack Alpen Richards Alexia Brown Richardson Archibald Maitland Rogers Beryl May Sanders Allison May Scott Frank Leslie Sholl 'Kathleen Madge Stafford Vernon Howard Tomholt Annie Vaughan Robert Gasquioine Warren 900 BXAHINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Salome Jean White Albert James Williams Evelyn May Williams Horton Robert Williams

ALGEBRA. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Cnarles Joseph O'Malley Richard Ormond Cherry Annie Wilson Francis Elizabeth Allan Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Leonard Albert Cooke Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Reginald George Worcester Edith Rita Lowenatem Makeby Mushin George Eric Barham ) „ . Ian John O'Donnell ) ^l"*1 Ronald Stanley Miller Hughes Peter Mitchell Buchanan Doreen Mary Dunn Margaret Morton Loudon Edna Pearl Fryer . } E 1 Francis Patrick Vincent McManus j ("ua Norman William Western John Edward Parker Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order; Thomas Lambert A'Beckett Charles Stewart Barbour . Ronald Walter Bradbury John Edward Briggs Andrew Russell Buchanan Rosamond Mary Eccles Winifred Fanning Beatrice .Margery Gerrand Leila Jean Heyward David Victor Isaacs SCHOOL LEAVING. 90H

Patrick Alphonsns Kennedy WiUiam Matthew Kerrigan Colin Campbell Mansell Hugh Henry Martin Bernard Howard MoCoIl Bobert Charles Mears Eileen Anne O'Brien Harry Gordon Poole Keith Hargreaves Price Leslie Carl Benzow Alexia Brown Richardson Frank Robbing Dulcie Sophia Bokahr Harold Edgar Sholl Viola Grace Taylor Ernest George Thurlby George Barrand Tindale* Ralph Cuthbert Traill Esther Beatrice Tucker Janet Faterson Watt. Otto Abrecht Tunckeu

GEOMETRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit; Charles Joseph' O'Malley John Edward Parker Ian John O'Donnell Vernon Howard Tomholt Richard Ormond Cherry John Maurice McOntcheon ) _, . George Barrand Tindale ) *-q«»«-, John Edward Briggs Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Florence Marion Giddings John Edward Lennon 1 „ , Esther Beatrice Tucker 3 **lutLl John Frankland Hughes Leo Thomas Grattan Geraghty") David Victor Isaacs > Equal Frank Bobbins ) Godfrey Bernard O'Mallev -903 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922

Francis Elisabeth Allan ") Ellen Bernadette Brady > Equal Norman William Western ) Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Helen Macfarlan Barnard Lillian Bateon Hilda Agnes Beeby Maurice Barton Carroll Lilian Irma Debney Kathleen Grace Hardy Leo Patrick Lawrence Loorham Edith Rita Lowenstern Francis Patrick Vincent MoManue Robert Charles Hears Philip Thomas Redmond Dulcie Sophia Bokahr. Lynton Alfred Seedsman -Cecil Kenneth Shields Lillian Beryl Stillard Viola Grace Taylor -Harrie Dundaa Tobias Balph Cuthbert Traill Vincent Edmund Vibert

TRIGONOMETRY. First Class. in Order of Merit) J Parker Charles Joseph O'Malley Oodfrey Bernard O'Malley Richard Ormond Cherry WUliam Matthew Kerrigan "t _ . - Albert Hector Moroncy ) ^ual Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Peter Mitchell Buchanan Edith Rita Lowenstern Ian John CDonnell Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) . Frances Elizabeth Allan Francis Edward Collings SCHOOL LEAVING. 903

Doreen Mary Dunn • Rosamond Mary Eoclee . • John Frankland Hughes David Victor Isaacs John Maurice McCutcheon Robert Charles Hears Leslie Carl Renzow Harold Edgar Sholl Esther Beatrice Tucker

MECHANICS. First Class. (In Order of Merit) David Victor Isaacs Lionel Norman Jamieson ) v , Charles Joseph O'Malley j\ M™ Eric Evan Price . "l v , Reginald George Worcester $ a^ml Ceorge Eric Barham Albert Hector Moroney Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Godfrey Bernard O'Malley John Maurice McCutcheon Robert Charles Mears William Matthew Kerrigan Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) John Llewellyn Lewis Alexander Elder Mclntyre Otto Abrecht Yuncken

PHYSIOS. First Class. (In Order of Merit) David Victor Isaacs John Maurice McCutcheon Richard Fleming Courtney "} Eric Evan Price f „ , Frank Henry Williams C -B-'ua-, Reginald George Worcester ) Andrew Russell Buchanan .67 904 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Charles Joseph O'Malley"»•„ , Ernest George Thurlby j i!,

Frank Adam Green Norrie Nelson Harrington Arthur Machen Hill Paul Jones Alexander George Mancy Bernard Howard MoColl Albert Hector Moroney Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Gladstone Rule Oaborn Harry Gordon Poole Keith Hargreavea Price Thomas Percival Pring'e Angus John Roffey Eugene Sandner Lynton Alfred Seedsman Dudley Ormond Southby Willem Lodewyk Bosschart Stephens Ralph Outhbert Traill Vincent Edmund Vibert Neville Piokernell Wilson Edna Swallow Wood

CHEMISTRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Ronald Walter Bradbury Hugh Henry Martin ) „ , Eric Evan Price \ E1nftl John Charles Mitchell Canning *\ Florence Cederholm f Equal Alexander George Mancy ) Paul Jones Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Hubert John Clifford } Lionel Norman Jamieson [ Equal John Mackey O'Connor ) Harold Alfred Body William Adamson Bossence Frank Adam Green [-Equal James Alexander Simpson Frank Henry Williams 67A 906 EXAMINATION UKSULTS, 1921-1922.

Andrew Russell Buchanan ) Makeby Mushin V Equal Rutherford Kaye Scott ) Annie Wilson Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Charles Stewart Barbour Leonard Albert Cooke Alan Finlayson Dunbar Howard Carlyle Forster Edna Pearl Fryer Beatrice Margery Gerrand Edward James Grieve Norrie Nelson Harrington John King Joyce Margaret Morton Loudon Gladys May Meikle Horatio Vincent Ockley Gladstone Bule Oeborn Frank Penman Henry Anthony Phillips Harry Gordon Poole James Joseph Ravenscroft Ronald Atkinson Reed Frank Robbins Edward Graham Bobertsoii Angus John Roffey Gideon McCrae Rutherford Eugene Sandner Dudley Ormond Southby John Geoffrey Stonham Ernest George Thurlby Ralph Cuthbert Traill Horton Robert Williams Robert Benjamin Withers Edna Swallow Wood

GEOGRAPHY. First Class. None Second' Class. Joseph Francis Mulvany SCHOOL LEAVING. 907

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Robert James Amor William Alfred Bunn Matthew Vincent Gargan Harry Hope Gylea Mary O'Brien John Harold Ritchie Daniel John Booney Mary Leeson Thorn

GEOLOGY. First Class. Barry Hope Gylea Second Class. Florence Elizabeth Ford

BOTANY. First Class. Marion Murray Randall Second . Class. (In Order of Merit) Beryl Kathleen Adcock May Agnes Bennett Eileen Mary Murphy Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Constance Coleman Alice Margaret Coverlid Eileen Eva Hamill Green

ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Edward Graham Robertson Eric Evan Price ~\ Rutherford Kaye Scott > Equal Joyce Robertson Semmens ) Second Class. Andrew Russell Buchanan 906 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 192M922.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Bryan Tobyn Keon Cohen Eileen Eva Hamill Green Charles Bernays Melville Doris Emily Parry Colin Wallace Boss

AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. First Class. (In Order of Merit) Fetor Armstrong Reid Alan James McTaggart Albert Percival Gordon Rhodes I Equal Second Class. Mary Elizabeth Goodin \ „ , James Ian Nieh > ** Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Henry Edward Baxter Rowland Murray Hill Christopher McNaught .KelsaU COMMERCIAL PRINCIPLES. First Class. None Second Class. None Third Class. Harry Hope Gyles COMMERCIAL PRACTICE. First Class. None Second Class. Harry Hope Gyles DRAWING. First Class. Florence Mary Grant •SCHOOL LEAVING. 909

Second Class. (In Order of Merit) Elva Grace Adams Bobert James Amor Harry Wason McCutcheon Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order) Muriel Elizabeth : Robinson Alexander Margaret Allen Horace West Briggs Leila Ada Ellis John Hall David Victor Isaacs Bichard Samuel Jones Mabel Bertha Lane Katharine Douglas Meldrnm

EXHIBITIONS AND PRIZES. ENGLISH. Keith Lamont Macartney LATIN. Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski GBEEK. Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski FRENCH. Stanley Paterson Grounds Special Prize. James Gladstone Cornell } Keith Lamont Macartney • ( Equal Constance Ellis Whitehead ) Alliance Franqaia Prizes. Stanley Paterson Grounds (First) Constance KIlis Whitehead jSecond) James Wingfield Barnaby (Third) James Gladstone Cornell (Fourth) GERMAN. Ethel Mary Irwin 910 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

HISTOBY. Leo Thomas Grattam Geraghty

ALGEBRA. Charles Joseph O'Malley GEOMETRY. John Edward Parker TRIGONOMETRY. John Edward Parker MECHANICS. David Victor Isaacs PHYSICS. David Victor Isaacs Proxime accessit. John Maurice McCutcheon CHEMISTRY. Ronald Walter Bradbury GEOGRAPHY. Joseph Francis Mulvany GEOLOGY. Harry Hope Gylea BOTANY. Beryl Kathleen Adcook



COMMERCIAL PRINCIPLES. Harry Hope Gyles Special Prize not awarded.


DRAWING. Elva Grace Adams 312 EXAMINATION RESULTS, {1921-1922.

CONSEBVATORIUM OP MUSIC. ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS, FBBBTMBT. 1922. EXAMINATION BOARD'S EXHIBITIONS. Vera Florence Bradford (Pianoforte) Reginald Gamier Bradley (Violin) Doris Katherine Formby (Violin)

ORMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. 1. Sadie Myrtle Jar vie (Pianoforte) 2. Teresa Mary Green (Pianoforte) 3. (Open) Violet Livingstone Jackson (Singing)

CONSERVATORIUM EXHIBITIONS. Mary Monica Nugent (Pianoforte) Anne Halliday (Sin"--* Marie Terese Hosier (Singing) Lilian Jessie Finster (Pianoforte) CLASS LISTS. 913



CLASS LISTS. GREEK. FART I. First Class. Oeorge Whitecross Paton (Ormond) Second Class. William Keith Gibson (Trinity) Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond) Third Class None.

LATIN—PABT I. First Class. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond) Second Class. Oeorge Oswald Reid (Ormond). Charles Alexander Ramage (Ormond) Henry Peter Richard Morganti (Newman) Jean Margaret Randall (Ormond) James Richard William Purves (Trinity) Kathleen Muriel Chomley (Trinity) Clement Reginald Hill (Teachers' College) . Third Class Sydney Henry Heymanson Bruce Boncaut Morris (Ormond) Adelaide Clarice Esther Pizer (Trinity) • ENGLISH—PART I. First Class. Helen Walker Sinclair Martin' Oeorge Oswald Reid (Ormond) ) - . Dorothy Steel (Teachers' College) 3 ii^ual 914 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Loma Elizabeth Josephine Taylor John Frederick Poster (Queen's) ) Pnn-, William Keith Gibson (Trinity) ) ^l"1" (Second Class. David Clyde Griffiths ^Teachers' College) Henry Peter Richard Morganti (Newman) Mary Alice Williams John Raymond Brew (Newman) Third Class Dorothea Catherine Hoy (Newman) Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) Mary Mcintosh Hercules Charles Sydney Carsa (Trinity).') v t Leo Charles Clinton (Newman) ) a

FRENCH—PABT I. First Class. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) } E . Gertrude Agnes Dahle ) 1 Georgette Ida Itttz Helen Walker Sinclair Martin Jean Margaret Randall ' (Ormond) ) „ . Dorothy Steel (Teachers' College) )Jiquai Henry Bupert Pottage Second Class. Bhoda Myrtle Clark (Ormond) Kathleen Muriel Ohomley (Trinity) ) 7 William.Lloyd Williams (Teachers' College) 3 g Marjorie de. Freyne Bishop Amelia Gladys Brew (Teachers' College) ") „ Margaret Kent Hughes (Trinity) i 3 Henry Peter Richard Morganti (Newman) ) w" Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) Dorothy Catharine Japp (Teachers' College) Frank Murray Alexander (Teachers' College) Roy Bruce. Shankly. Ada May Bickford (Teachers' College) Third Class Anthony Cornelius Jordan ) _. ; Alfred Frederick Walker J M™' . • CLASS LISTS.. 916

Alice Margaret Allan (Trinity) Hilda Constance Old (Teachers' College) William Harold Williams (Teachers' College) Gwyneth. Laura Fox .beryl Florence Lindsay The following candidate, though not eligible to appear in the class list, has qualified in ihia subject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Kathleen Margaret McDonald (Teachers' College)

GEBMAN—PABT I. First Class. Gertrude Agnes Dahle Second Class. Julia Mary McCormack (Newman) Wmnifred Watsford Maggie Donovan (.Newman) Third Class None. BBITISH HISTOBY—PABT I. First Class. . Sydney Henry Heymanson John Frederick Foster (Queen's) George Whitecross Paton (Ormond) Mary Ellen O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) John Horwood Wightman Lawson (Ormond) John Raymond Brew (Newman) Ada May Bickford (Teachers' College) Second Class. Robert Alan Baird (Ormond) James Richard William Purves (Trinity) Graeme Murray Castles (Trinity) Bruce Bouoaut Morris (Ormond) Vivian Johnston Saiosbury (Teachers' College) Elizabeth Marion Schneider Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond) David Clyde Griffiths (Teachers' College) James Burt Aitken Norman Melville Engel (Ormond) John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) Hercules Charles Sydney Carss (Trinity) 91o EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922, »

Third Class John Stanley Coltman (Ormond) Robert Tweeddale Breen (Queen's) Qwynnyth Annie Archdall (Trinity) Roger Edward Webb Ware (Trinity) John Demetrius Morris (Newman) Leo Charles Clinton (Newman) Marjorie. Loveridge (Trinity) Mary Heywood Shaw (Trinity) Vincent Leo Donaghue (Newman) John Fox Pauline Pusterla (Newman) The following candidate, though not eligible to- appear in the class list, has qualified in this subject,, as prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — Eugenie Owen Daviee

PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class. Norman Desmond Grant (Teachers' College) } 1 George: Whitecross Paton (Ormond) ) ^ William Keith Gibson (Trinity) Robert Alan Baird (Ormond) Sydney Henry Hcymanson Hilda Constance Old (Teachers' College) Alexander Duncan Grant Adam (Ormond)") Francis Thomas Fargber [ Equal Ethel May Tovell ) Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ) „ . Francis Thomas Borland (Ormond)) M"*1 James Burt Aitken r? Frank Murray Alexander (Teachers' College) 3 JT Alexander Rowan Macneil (Ormond) ") _ Henry Peter Richard Morganti (Newman) i = Flora Fraser Rae (Ormond) ) S John Horwood Wightman Lawson (Ormond) Ida Joan Bainbridge S John Frederick Poster (Queen'e) V Equal David Clyde Griffiths (Teachers' College)) Second Class. Dorothy Catharine Japp (Teachers' College))? Elizabeth Marion Schneider j S> CLASS LISTS « 91T

John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) Margaret Kent Hughes (Trinity) Adelaide Clarice Esther Fixer (Trinity) Mary Ellen O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) Rhoda Myrtle Clark (Ormond) Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College), I •= Gertrude Lucy Grigg (Trinity) J J. Gwynneth Isabell Steane ' " Alan Seddon Inooll (Teachers' College) John Stanley Coltman (Ormond) George Oswald Reid (Ormond) ' } f Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' Coll.) > jjf Alice Margaret Allan (Trinity) "\ Wilfrid Henry Frederick (Teachers' College) f 1 Ada Isabel Mallalieu (Teachers' College) tS Dorothy Steel (Teachers' College) ) Ada May Bickford (Teachers' College) Bertram Russell Wyllie Norman Melville Engel (Ormond) Frances Annie Tighe Third Class Leo Charles Clinton (Newman) Bruce Boucaut Morris (Ormond) Marjorie Loveridge (Trinity) } 1 William Jcffery Trende (Teachers' College) 3 g' Robert Tweeddale Breen (Queen's) Charles Alexander Bamage (Ormond) Ernest Leslie Bennett } p 1 Dorothea Catherine Hoy (Newman) > B'1aal William Harold Williams (Teachers' College) Dorothy Mary Crosskell Edwin Francis Sullivan (Newman) ) „ . Charles Eodney Woollacott > J!'qual Alfred Robert Gardner (Queen's) ) | Harriett Harrison Wo- ack (Teachers' Coll.) 3 g The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has quaUfied in this subject a* prescribed for the Degree with Honours: Andrew Delbridge Osborn •918 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

PUBJi MATHEMATICS—PABT I. First Class. Geoffrey Winthrop Deeper (Trinity) ... . Second Class.' William Somerville Milne (Trinity) John Xavier O'Driscoll (Newman) Arnold Eugene Calame Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College) John Boss GaJbraith (Ormond) Third Class. Winifred Gawley ((,,, ' . .. } „ , Edward Brian Lester J-riquai Also Henry McCutchan (Queen's)

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PABT I. First. Claea. Austin Harvard Smith (Ormond) Harold Burston Seekamp (Ormond) Second Class. Oeoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity) Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' College) Arnold Eugene Calame John Boss Galbraith (Ormond) Third' Class William Somerville Milne (Trinity) Alec Henry McCutchan (Queen's) Frederick] John Daniel Syer (Teachers' College) Edward Brian Lester William James King (Ormond) ANCIENT HISTORY. First Class. William Norris Muntz (Trinity) Elmer Benjamin Howells Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond) Second Class. Arthur Tom Pidd (Trinity) Mary Ellen O'Driscoll (Teachers' College) Vincent Leo Donaghue (Newman) Graeme Murray Castles (Trinity) Mary Heywood Shaw (Trinity) . CLASS LISTS 919

Third Class. John Fox John Demetrius Morris (Newman) . The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject as 'prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — 1264 Neville Hamlyn Williams.

SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. First Class. None. Second Class. Francis Patrick Walsh (Newman) Third Class. Marjorie Helena Grenness' (Teachers' College)

GREEK—PART II. First Class. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) \ „ , Reginald Richard Sholl (Trinity) j li

LATIN—PART II. First Class. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) Reginald Richard Sholl (Trinity) Second Class. Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' College) Bertha Amelia Jones (Queen's) Third Class. None.

ENGLISH—PABT II. First Class. Lilian Lelean Sendee (Queen's) Thomas Weetman Smith (Trinity) -68 920 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Second Class. Alma May Eddy (Teachers' College) Loma Pretoria Bishop (Queen's) ~) Francis Thomas Fargher > Equal Elmer Benjamin Howells ) Third Class. Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) } „ , Stasia Slattery (Newman) 3 ^l"81 Qwynnyth Annie ArchdaU (Trinity) The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject a» prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — Clifford James White (Teachers' College)

FRENCH—PART II. First Class. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College) Rae Bland (Teachers' College) Francis Patrick Walsh (Newman) WiUiam Charles Groves Second Class. Wilfrid Henry Frederick (Teachers' College) Ernest Henry Homann (Teachers' College) George Rennie Phillips ) "| Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' College) 3 S' Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) Adrian Hay Burbidge Third Class. Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' College) Kathleen Margaret McDonald (Teachers' College). Norman Percival Le Couteur Mary Cantwell (Newman)

GERMAN—PABT II. First Class. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College) Second Class. Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' College) Third Class. Andrew Delbridge Osborn CLASS LISTS 92P

HISTOBY OF PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Arthur James Henderson (Ormond) WUliam Macmahon Ball Frank Leslie Oliver (Trinity) • Second Class. Louis Morton Humphery (Queen's) Third Class. Eric Deacon Kent

ADVANCED ETHICS. First Class. William Macmahon .Ball } ,,„„„, Arthur Langan Haddon j Kj(iaM Lilian Lelean Scholee (Queen's) Gordon Frederick Connell Ian Ramsay Maxwell (Ormond) .) _, . Prank Leslie Oliver (Trinity) 3 Ji

PURE MATHEMATICS—PABT U. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) Second Class. Cardiwell David (Tames Zachariah McQuillan^ (Teachers' College) .68 A 522 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922

Third Class. Frederick John Daniel Syer (Teachers' College) Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' College)

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) William Alexander Johnson Third Class. Ian Robert Goto (Queen's) Frederick John Daniel Syer (Teachers' College) Cardwell David James Zachariah McQuillan (Teachers' College) Alan Andrew Lorimef (Ormond)

BRITISH HISTORY—PART II. First Class. Russell HaJlel Keon Cohen (Trinity) Second Class. Lloyd Robert Maxwell Ross John Henry Cleary (Newman) Allan Leigh Hughes Sylvia Leah Rothstadt (Queen's) John Robinson Peart (Teachers' College) Harold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge (Teachers' College) Kathleen Mary Strachan (Newman). Third Class. Nicholas Thomas O'Donohue (Newman) Horace Edward Lawson Jones (Queen's) Bice Hopkins Clayton Margaret Isabell Morrison (Queen's) Geoffrey Francis Adeney Eugenie Owen Daviea

EUROPEAN HISTORY. First Class. None. CLAfcS LISTS. o 925

Second Class. Louis Arthur Anderson Russell Hallel Keon Cohen (Trinity) Lloyd Robert Maxwell Ross Allan Leigh Hughes Neville Hamlyn Williams John Henry Cloary (Newman) Sylvia Leah Rothstadt (Queen's) Geoffrey Francis Adeney John Robinson Peart (Teachers' College) Elarold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge (Teachers' College) Rice Hopkins Clayton Ursula Mary Clinton (Newman) Kathleen Mary Strachan (Newman) Third Class. Beatrix Waring McCay (Trinity) Mary Lea Wright (Newman) Horace Edward Lawson Jones (Queen's) Margaret Isabell Morrison (Queen's) Nicholas Thomas O'Donohue (Newman)

POLITICAL ECONOMY. First Class. Louis Arthur Anderson Sylvia Leah Rothstadt (Queen's) R'ussell Hallel Keon Cohen (Trinity)) Percy Victor Feltham (Ormond) £ Equal William Norris Muntz (Trinity) ) Second Class. Gordon Frederick Connell Arthur Langan Haddon Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity) } „ James Fone Rodger (Queen's) 3 M«<" Arthur James Henderson (Ormond) Ian Ramsay Maxwell (Ormond) John Gerald Norris (Ormond) Third Class. Ernest Henry Homann (Teachers' College) ) f Deste Arthur John Macleod Kibble (Queen's) ) g' Thomas Weetnian Smith (Trinity) 524 . EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

John Robinson Peart (Teachers' College) > g - WUliam Charles Lynott Townsend (Queen's) )§ Colin York Syme (Ormond) Wilfrid John Osborne

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PABT I. First Class. Richard Randolph Garran (Trinity) Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity) } Wnlial Austin Harvard Smith (Ormond) 3 ^l1"" James Bell Frank West Second Class. Basil Richard Abery Alec Henry .McCutchan (Queen's) ") Reginald Rupert Newlands f Equal Harold Burston Seekamp (Ormond) ) Hector Robertson Adam (Ormond) ~) Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) > Equal James Richard Vickery (Queen's) ) Alfred Leslie Hopkins

Third Class. Walter Newling Bickette Herbert Marshal Cummins (Ormond) Arnold Eugene Calame ) ., . Norma Aileen Thomson 3 i^"al John Patrick Bose Frank Charles H'ulme John Ross Galbraith (Ormond) Edward Brian Lester. Traill Alexander Sutherland (Teachers' !• Equal College) '' Charles Maurice Tattam William James King (Ormond) Percival Jamea Van Every (Teachers' College) •Gladys Olive Conabere Richard Frederick Archer Fred William Gilmonr (Ormond) ) „ . Alan Archibald Rowan (Newman) > ^l11*1 CLASS LISTS. 926

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY—PABT I. (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class. Alan Thomas Murray (Ormond) Walter Raymond Martin (Newman) Second Class. Leslie John Westaoott (Queen's) Harold Russell Love (Ormond) Third Class. James Montague Bomwick ) w , Alfred Boy Cousen (Ormond) j B^wu

CHEMISTBY—PABT I. First Class. Biichard Randolph Garran (Trinity) ) „„ , Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity) j Ka-Uai James Bell Herbert Marshal Cummins (Ormond) William Lloyd Williams (Teachers' College) Alec Henry McCutchan (Queens) Gladys Olive Conabere Second Class. James Bichard Vickery (Queen's) Charles Maurice Tattam Prank Charles Hulme Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) Third Class. Vivian Johnston Sainsbury (Teachers' College) Philip Orosbie Morrison Annie Muriel Wishart (Trinity) Bee Bland (Teachers' 'College) Mary Lillian Condron (Ormond) Edward Woodall Gault (Queen's)

CHEMISTRY—PART I. (MEDICAL COURSE). First Class. Bobert Jeffery Long l _ . Alan Thomas Murray (Ormond) 3 ^ual 926 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922..

Raymond George Penington (Queen's) Harold Russell Love (Ormond) } Kauai Stafford Fraser Sutherland (Ormond) 3 4 Second Class. Norman T'tvi^"1^" Dodd (Queen's) Henry Erskdne Downes (Queen's) Thomas a'Beckett Travers (Trinity) 1 v„„.i Leslie John Weetaoott (Queen's) j ^V*1 John Strahan Bothroyd (Ormond) George Robin Adlington Syme Third Class. Robert William Cooper Walter Raymond Martin (Newman) Abraham .fryberg (Queen's) Frederick Charles Middleton (Queen's) ) „ r Charles Henry Prouse j E1uaI Frederick Keith Bush (Trinity) James Montague Bonwick

GEOLOGY—PABT I. First Class. Charles Maurice Tattam Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Second Class. Norman Thomas Harding Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman William James Rodah (Ormond) John Adrian Fargher Walter Newling Ricketts Third Class. Ivan Stanley Ridd (Teachers' College) Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) *;dmond Joseph Wareham Keith Philip Henry Lawrence (Trinity) Louis Francis Loder (Queen's) John Wolaeley Strong Herbert Marshal Cummins (Ormond)

BOTANY—PABT I. First Class. Nancy Gwynne Kerr (Ormond) CLASS LISTS. . 927

Second Class. Ivan Francis Phipps (Ormond) William Bunting Miller (Queen's) Edward Woodall Gault (Queen's) Third Class. Margaret Endora Long Nancy Gregory Heath

BOTAlNY^MEDICAL COURSE. First Class. None. Second Class. Henry Erskdne Downes (Queen's) Robert WilUam Cooper Raymond George Penington (Queen's) Robert Jeffery Long Third Class. Maslen Mackenzie Deane (Trinity)} _, Abraham Pryberg (Queen's) 3 q Mary Arnell Beauchamp John Strahan Bothroyd (Ormond) ZOOLOGY—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. ' Edward Woodall Gault (Queen's) Nancy Gwynne Kerr (Ormond) Arthur Roberts Moreton Philip Crosbie Morrison

ZOOLOGY PART I. (MEDICAL OOUBSE). First Class. Baymond George Penington (Queen's) Robert William Cooper Second Class. Henry Erskine Downes (Queen's) ~) Robert Jeffery Long ( Equal Stafford Fraser Sutherland (Ormond)) 928 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1921.

Third Class. John Strahan Bothroyd (Ormond)} „ , Alan Thomas Murray (Ormond) 3 q AGBICULTUBAL ZOOLOGY. First Class. None. Second 'Class. William Bunting Miller (Queen's) Third Class. None. GBAPHICS (SCIENCE OOUBSE). First Class. James Bell Second Class. Richard Randolph Garran (Trinity) Third Class. Mary Lillian Condron (Ormond) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PABT H. Pflxst Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) William Shaw Mathieson (Ormond) Second Class. Duncan McBachran Bales Cardwell David .lames Zachariah McQuillan (Teachers' College) William Jeffery Trende (Teachers' College) Sheila Agnes Robertson Third Class. Sidney Frederick Ernest Liebert Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' College)

CHEMISTRY—PART II. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) Second Class. .Frank Harry Hempel 'William Shaw Mathieson (Ormond) CLASS LISTS. 929

Tliird Class. WUliam Jeffery Trende (Teachers' College) iFranklyn Victor Stonham

METALLUBGY—PABT I. First Class. Nome. Second Class. •Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) .Frank Harry Hempel Third Class. None.

GEOLOGY—PAST II. First Class. None. Second Clasa. William Edward Ccrutty. Russell Barton Pretty Third Class. Frank Nethercote Betheraa

BOTANY—PABT II. First Class. None. Second Class. Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) Third Class. None.

ZOOLOGY—PABT II. First Class. None. Second Class. None. . Third Class. •Catharine Elizabeth Eales '930 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

PHYSIOLOGY—PABT I. First Class. None. Second Class. Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) Third Class. Beryl Audrey Pickering Splstt

APPLIED MECHANICS. First Class. Percival Alan Jenkin Second Class. None. Third Class. None.

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY—PABT HI. First Class. Leslie Harold Martin (Teachers' College) Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond) Second Class. Cyril Gladstone Edwards (Teachers' College)} 1 Jean Victoria Odgers ) gr Third Class. Thomas Arthur Leigh Farr ) _ Alexander McDonell (Teachers' College) 3 ^quia

CHEMISTBY—PABT IH. First Class. John Arthur Blaokett Foratez George Vincent Rudd (Ormond) Second Class. Melbourne Thomas Oowlea Helen Ada Lyell John David Rogers (Ormond) Third Class. , Harold William Strong Jean Maggie Robertson CLASS LISTS - 931

Eric Decimus Connor Alfred Stephen Fitzpatrick (Queen's)

^METALLURGY—PART II, WITH METALLO­ GRAPHY. First Class. John Arthur Blackett Forster, "> „ , George Vincent Budd (Ormond) j| ^.l™. Second Class. None. Third Class. Erio Decimus Connor Melbourne Thomas Cowles John David Sogers (Ormond)

BOTANY—PART m.. First! .Class. None. Second Class. Lesley Buth Kerr Third Class. None.

LAW OP PBOPERTY IN LAND AND CONVEYANC­ ING, AND LAW OP CONTRACT AND PER­ SONAL PROPERTY. First) Class. None. Second Class. Eustace Halley Coghill (Trinity) Third Class. Donald Mill Campbell Philip David Phillips Gavin Laver (Ormond) James Raymond Augustine O'Keeffe (Newman) Maurice Aahkanasy 932 EXAMINATION RESULTS, I92M922.

GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, First Class. Austin Harvard Smith (Ormond) ~> „ , Frank West 3 " Alan Archibald Rowan (Newman) Second Class. Frank Gordon Albert Sublet (Ormond) Alfred Leslie Hopkins WUliam James King (Ormond) Arnold Eugene Calame Alec Henry McCutchan (Queen's) Third Class. Basil Richard Abery Hector Robertson Adam (Ormond) Fred William Gilmour (Ormond) STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OP MATERIALS, First* Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Second Class. James Coulter McKenzie Gilbert Frederick Busden (Trinity) William Walter Miller (Trinity) Edgar Henry Browribill (Queen s) Third Class. Adolf Theodor Ahlston SUBVEY1NG—PABT 1. First Class. None. Second Clas« Gilbert Frederick Busden (Trinity) Fronds Mark Lee (Ormond) Third Class. William Walter' Miller (Trinity) James James (Queen's) MECHANICAL ENGINEEBING, PABT I.. AND> ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DBAWTNO. PABT I. First Class. None. CLASS LISTS. 93$

Second Class. Francis Mark Lee (Ormond) Third Class. James James (Queen's)

HrDBAULIOS AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING— PABT I. First Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) ) w__.i William Walter Miller (Trinity) j Iiqn,u Second Class. William Joseph Taylor Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) Keith Philip Henry Lawrence (Trinity) ) EouaL James White Young (Ormond) j Jwjnai. Third Class. John Wolseley Strong Louis Francis Loder (Queen's) John Adrian Fargher Ernest Keith Bayley (Queen's)

CIVIL ENGINEERING, PABT I. (WITH DESIGN AND DEAWING). First Class. Bobert Hugh Aitken Cochrane John Adrian Fargher Second Class. None. Third Class. Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) John Wolseley Strong Keith Philip Henry Lawrence (Trinity) James White Young (Ormond)


Second Class. Harold Frederick Stokes (Trinity). Third Class. None.

SURVEYING—PABT n. First Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) Second Class. John Adrian Fargher Third Class. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman) John Wolseley Strong Eric Leigh Iredale (Queen's)

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING—PART I. First Class. Thomas Henry Peters Arnold Raymond Miller Ernest Keith Bayley (Queen's) ) ,, , William Thorn ' ' \ E1ual Second Class. Alan Andrew Lorimer (Ormond). Third Class. Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond)

ARCHITECTURE (2nd Year Dip. Arch.). First Clasa. None. Second Class. Percival Alan Jeukin Third Clasa. None.

FIRST YBAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First. Class. Lindsay George Biggins Bdwyn Herbert Hames CLASS LISTS. 936

Gordon Wyndham MoKeown ~\ Maisie Evelyn Owen > Equal Bosa Emilie Grace Pinkerton ) Avice Trcwin Kimberley Hornidge Mavis Sarah Cuddihy Second Class. Alice Ann Banfield Ethel Thelma White Third Class. Claire Ursula Brennan .' Dora Camm JIBST YEAR BACHELOB OP MUSIC AND SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Constance Mary Neville Johns Aileen Estoonrt Ellen Lafferty } • -- Clarence Beresford Morna V Equal Augusta Stone ) Second Class. Kathleen Mary Dwyer Gladys Maud Elaine Bull Flora MacBae Bunning Beryl Tolstrup Pearis Margaret Rodger Eileen Mussen Third Class. Dorothy Martin .SECOND YEAR BACHELOE OF MUSIC AND THIBD YBAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. •First Class. Elizabeth Constance Adeline Ziebell Isabel Mary Biddle Phyllis May Allineon - Amy Beatrice Dickinson Madge Carleton Gladys Israel Second Class. Hazel Agnes Schlesinger Third Class. William John Mallinson

.59 936 EXAMINATION RESULTS 1921-1922.

EDUCATION, First Class. Ernest Henry Carter Second Class. Simeon Cyril Stone (Teachers' College) Cecil Ernest Eddy (Teachers' CoUege) {Ea^1 Marjorie Isbol Ramsay ) " Ronald Ernest McQuie William Thomas John O'Connor (Teachers' ) ~S College) > 5, Henry Francis Tonkin (Teachers' College) J H Elsbeth Greta Alma Gorier (Teachers' College) Third Class. ' None.

ajBOOND YEAR BACHELOB OF VETEBINABT SCIENCE. First Class. None. Second Class. Thomas Screen Gregory Cyril Spotteswoode Mory Hopkirk ) _, , Claude Weric Toop ] E<*ual Daniel Murnane Third Class. None.

PARASITOLOGY, PABT I., PATHOLOGY AND- BACTERIOLOGY. (3rd! Year B.Y. So.). First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Arthur WUliam Turner John Edmund Thomas CLASS LISTS. 93T

VETERINARY HYGIENE AND DIETETICS, PHAR­ MACOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS^ AND TOXI­ COLOGY (3rd Year B.V.So.). Jbteet Class. Arthur WiUiam Turner Second Class. John Edmund Thomas Third Class. Wesley Giles Bennett

PARASITOLOGY, PABT LL, PATHOLOGY AND1 BACTEEIOLOGY (4th Year B.V.So.). First Class. None. Meoond Class. Howard Bankine Tinney Armagh Robert Grayson Third Class. None.

VETERINARY SUEGERY VBTEBINABY MEDI­ CINE AND OBSTETRICS (4th Year B.V.So.). First Class. None. Second Class. Howard Bankine Tinney Armagh Robert Grayson Third Class. None. '938 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922


GREEK—PART I. George Whitecross Faton (Ormond) LATIN—PART I. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ENGLISH—PAlRT I. Helen Walker Sinclair Martin

FRENCH—PART I. Bertram Charles Ballard (Ormond) ) „ . Oertrude Agnes Dahle 3 E1ual

GERMAN—PART I. Gertrude Agnes Dahle

BRITISH HISTORY—PABT I. Sydney Henry Heymanson

PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC AND ETHICS. 'Hastie Exhibition). Norman Desmond Grant (Teachers' ) College) [ Equal •George Whitecross Paton (Ormond) )

PURE MATHEMATICS—PART I. •Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper (Trinity)

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PART I. Austin Harvard Smith (Ormond) ANCIENT HISTORY. "WilUam Norris iiinntz (Trinity) CLASS LISTS 939>

SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. Francis Patrick Walsh (Newman)

GREEiK—PART U. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) "> -, , Eeginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity) 3 ^l1""

LATIN—PART II. NeviUe Garland Berriman (Trinity)

ENGLISH—PABT II. Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's)

Alexander Sutherland Prize for English. Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's)

FRENCH—PART II. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College)-

Proitme aeeessit. Sae Bland (Teachers' College)

GERMAN—PART H. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College).

HISTORY OP PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Exhibition). Arthur Jamea Henderson (Ormond)

ADVANCED ETHICS. (Hastie Exhibition). William Macmahon Ball > _ . Arthur Langan Haddon 3 ^l"*1 Proxime aeeessit. Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's) "940 EXAMINATION RESULTS 1921-1922.

PURE MATHEMATICS—PART II. (Dixson Scholarship). NeU Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's)

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PABT II. (Dixson Scholarship). Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman)

.'BRITISH HISTORY, PART II., AND EUROPEAN HISTORY (Dwight'a Prize). Russell Hallel Keon Cohen (Trinity) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PART I. (Dwight's Prize). Richard Randolph Garran (Trinity)

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I. (MEDICAL COURSE). Alan Thomas Murray (Ormond) CHEMISTRY—PART I. (Dwight's Prize). Richarfl Randolph Garran (Trinity) ) „ , Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper, (Trinity) ] *,


Robert Jeffery Long. } P„„0r Alan Thomas Murray (Ormond). > ^V&1

GEOLOGY—PART I. Charles Maurice Tattam Proxime aeeessit. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's)

BOTANY—PABT I. .Nancy Gwynne Kerr (Ormond) CLASS LISTS 941

(Brnnning Prizes). Ivan Francis Phipps (Ormond)—First. William Bunting .Miller (Queen's)—Second. BOTANY (MEDICAL COURSE). Henry ErsMne Downes (Queen's) ZOOLOGY—PABT I. Not awarded. (Baldwin Spencer Prize). Pnilip Crosbie Morrison

.ZOOLOGY, PART I. (MEDICAL COURSE). Raymond George Penington (Queen's) (Baldwin Spencer Prize). Raymond George Penington (Queen's)


(William Sutherland Prue.) Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). CHEMISTBY—PABT II. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's)

METALLURGY—PART I. •Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's) GEOLOGY—PART H. William Edward Cerutty

BOTANY—PART LT. Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) 942 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.

ZOOLOGY—PART H. Not awarded. PHYSIOLOGY—PABT L Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) APPLIED MECHANICS. Percival Alan-. Jenkin NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PART III. (Dixson Scholarship). Leslie Harold Martin (Teachers' College) CHEMISTRY^PART III. .(Dixson Scholarship). John Arthur Blackett Forster METALLUBGY, PABT II., WITH METALLO­ GRAPHY. John Arthur Blackett Forster ) „ . George Vincent Budd (Ormond) 3 ^l™" GBOLOGY--PABT III. Not awarded. BOTANY—PAST III. Lesley Buth Kerr ZOOLOGY—PABT HI. Not awarded. PHYSIOLOGY—PABT U. Not awarded. THE LAW OP PBOPEETY IN LAND AND CON­ VEYANCING AND THE LAW OP CONTRACT AND PiiBaONAL PROPERTY. Eustace Halley Coghill (Trinity) CLASS LISTS 945

(Jessie Leggatt Scholarship). Not awarded. FORENSIC MEDICINE PBIZE. Beryl (Enone Bowman GRAPHICS AND GEOMETRICAL DRAWING. Austin Harvard Smith (Ormond) > „ , Frank West . 3 EqUaL STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. Charles Melbourne Fooken (Queen's) SURVEYING—PABT I. Gilbert Frederick Busden (Trinity)

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, FART I.. AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING, PART I (Wright Prize). Francis Mark Lee (Ormond) HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, PABT I.. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's)) „ William Walter Miller (Trinity) \ Mual.

CIVIL ENGINEERING, PART I. (WITH DESIGN AND DEAW1NG). Robert Hugh Aitken Cochrane Proxime aeeessit. John Adrian Fargher

MECHANICAL ENOINBEBINQ, PART LT... AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING. PART n. (Dixson Scholarship). Harold Frederick Stokes (Trinity). 944 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

SURVEYING—PART II. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's)


PLBST YEAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions). Gordon Wyndham MoKeown } Maisie Evelyn Owen > Equal. Rosa Emilie Grace Pinkerton )

PIBST YEAB BACHELOB OF MUSIC AND SECOND YEAE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions). Aileen Estcourt Ellen Lafferty ) Clarence Beresford Morna > Equal. Augusta Stone )



EDUCATION. (Dwight's Prize). Ernest Henry Carter CLASS LIST'S. 945

PARASITOLOGY. PARTS I. AND II., PATHOLOGi AND BACTEEIOLOGY (4th Year B.V.So.). (Dwight's Prize). No Candidate.

VETERINARY SURGERY, VETERINARY MEDI­ CINE AND OBSTETBICS (4th Year B.V.Sc). (Payne Exhibition). Howard Rankine Tinney



AUODST, 1922.

ANATOMY, INCLUDING HISTOLOGY. First Class. John Oarew Eocles (Newman) Ralph Whitburn Nicholle William Thomas Greening (Newman) T>avid Braham Rosenthal Second Class. Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond) John dark Spencer John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton (Trinity)> WUliam Eric Archer Hughes Jones Third Clasa. James Mayo Buchanan (Ormond) Thomas Joseph Daly (Newman) William James Burns Robert Ernest Ralph Skinner

PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. John Carew Eccles (Newman) Second Class. Eric Leonard Cooper John Clark Spencer Ralph Whitburn Nicholls Leslie Proud Wait Inglis Hall Cowling (Ormond) ) Harry Maeel (Queen's) ! Equal Harold Arthur Maunder ) Third Class. David Officer Brown (Ormond) ) v T James Mayo Buohanan (Ormond)) Mual Cecil William John Bait CLASS LISTS. 947

03ENEEAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOGY, WITH BACTEBIOLOGY. First Class. Albert Ernest Coates Ernest Joseph Burton (Newman) Robert Samuel William Thomas (Ormond)' Boy Graff Richard William Johnson Second Class. Kenneth Francis O'Donnell Tom Alliatair Falconer Eeale Francis Esmond Browne Kenneth Howard Hadley (Queen's) Timothy John Cotter (Newman) Clifford Craig Tames Alfred Broben Third Class. Mona Margaret Blanch (Trinity) William James O'Loughlin (Newman) Walter Mario Butler FJric BaUhache (Ormond) Ernest Francis Stanley Scanlon (Newman) Paul WUliam Hopkins (Queen's) Colin Warden Anderson (Ormond) Mary Elizabeth Waite

THEEAPEUTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. First Class. Henry George Judkins Richard William Johnson Bobert Samuel William Thomas (Ormond) Tom Allistair Falconer Heale -Clyde Douglas Gillies Albert Ernest Coates Second Class. James Alfred Broben Paul WUliam Hopkins (Queen's) Alfred Lothian Mclnnes (Ormond) 948 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

Third Class. Noel Vernon McKenna Norman James Parker (Queen's) Hugh Glasson Mitchell ) v i Minnie Prances Vorley j Ji'ual Bobert Martin Smith (Queen's) William Henry Hinrichsen Arthur Lionel Bridges Webb (Ormond)



PHYSIOLOGY. John Carew Eccles (Newman)




. MARCH, 1922.

CLASS LISTS. FINAL EXAMINATION IN AETS. SCHOOLS. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Class. Frederick Baden Longford (Trinity) Second Class. None

HISTOEY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE.. First Class. None Second Class. Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity) Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond) Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity) Third Class. Neville Hamlyn Williams

PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's) George Calvert Barber (Queen's) Second Class. Walter Bawden Davies (Queen's) Harold Joseph Rouch (Queen's) D50 EXAMINATION RESULTS 1921-1922.

Third Class. Robert Brodie Knox (Ormond) \ Eanal Thomas Feather Stanley (Queen's) 3 H Martyn Arnold Buntine (Trinity) VEQUOI Carlyle James Vernon MoKeown (Ormond) 3 a'ium MATHEMATICS. First Class. Alan Douglas Rosa (Ormond) Second Class. Ian Robert Goto (Queen's) Third Class. None. ENGLISH. First Clasa. Bobert Cecil. Bald (Ormond) Beatrice Muriel Berry (Trinity) Arthur Angell Phillips (Trinity) Second Class. Marjorie Jean Service (Trinity) Howard Aylwin Gregory } Ada Mary Hazel Betts V Equal' ' Ina Winifred Miller ) Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers' College) ~t M Mary Theresa Morganti (Newman) 3 Equal? Third Class. Joyce Harriet Hall FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. First Class. Alfred Thorpe Stirling Second Class. Brenda Victoria Bhodes (Trinity) Leslie Vernon Ottaway Third Class. None GERMANIC LANGUAGES. .first Class. None CLASS LISTS. 951

Second Class. Christina Rodger (Queen's) Third Class. None


LATIN AND FRENCH. First Clasa. Christopher Ralph McRae (Trinity and Teachers* College) Second Class. Herbert Russell Hudson Third Class. None HISTORY AND ENGLISH. First Class. None Second Class. Jessie Mona Stuart Grant (Queen's) Third Class. None

FRENCH AND GERMAN. First Class. None Second Class. Alan George Daws Third Class. Constance Mary Quirk Henderson

GREEK AND ENGLISH. First Class. None .60 952 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1912.

Second Class. None Third Class. Geoffrey Kdginton Davis (Trinity)

HISTOEY AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None Second Class. Louis Arthur Anderson Third Class. None

ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHY. ' First Class. None Second Class. William Fraser Sutherland (Ormond) Third Class. Margaret Annie McVean Begg Allan Joseph Wedd

ENGLISH AND FEENCH. First Class. JMone Second Class. 'John Peter Bourke Lucille Mary Bloink (Newman) Third Class. None

LATIN AND ENGLISH. First Class. Amy Bertha de Putron Hitchcock (Trinity) Second Class. Mona Jenny Hazel Nugent (Ormond) Third Class. None CLASS LISTS. 96$

SINGLE SUBJECT. SOCIOLOGY. First Class. Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's) George Calvert Barber (Queen's) Second Class. Louis Arthur Anderson Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity) Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity) Allan Joseph Wedd Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond) Bobert Brodie Knox (Ormond) Thomas Feather Stanley (Queen's) Walter Bawden Davies (Queen's) Third Class. Harold Joseph) Rouch (Queen's) Margaret Annie McVean Begg

EXAMINATION FOE ©EGEEE OP MASTER OF SCIENCE. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. First Class. James Stanley Sogers. > Harold Carsten John. Asche Second Clasa. William Gordon Mepham Third Class. Denis Anthony O'Donnell (Newman)

CHEMISTBY. First Class. None Second Class. None Third Class. Kenneth Sutherland Reid (Ormond) .60A 554 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.

METALLUBGY. first Class. None Second Class. Theodore William Tobe (Queen's) Third Class. None

GEOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Howard Bothwell Archer (Trinity). Third Class. None.

BOTANY. First Class. None Second Class. None Third Class. Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick

ZOOLOGY. First Class. None Second Class. Harley Scott Baird (Trinity) Third Class. None CLASS LISTS. 9&-

FINAL HONOUR EXAMINATION. LAWS. .first Class. None Second Class. Neville Vicars Henderson (Trinity) ) _, , Henry Bruce Stewart (Ormond) )• 1M1 Eliae Godfrey Ooppel Third Class. David Gordon Taylor (Trinity) Allan Roderick Henderson Herman PhUlip Levy (Ormond) Patrick Francis Joseph O'ColUns (Newman) George Alfred Vines Home (Ormond)) _ , Frederick William Robson > nqnai

MEDICINE, SURGERY, OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. First Class. James Moore Andrew (Ormond). Frank Macfarlane Burnet (Ormond). Annie Jean Macnamara. Kate Mackay. Second Class. Stewart Clifton John McRae. Gordon Roy Cameron (Queen's). Oby Willans Rawson. Kate Isabel Campbell (Trinity). } v . Geoffrey Alfred Penington. 3 ^H"1" George Simpson (Ormond).. Mary Journeaux Humphrey. Annie Mildred Mocatta. Frederick John Clark. ) _, , v Jean Littlejohn. 5 ^uttl Lucy Meredith Bryce. 566 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.

Third Class. Leslie Ernest Le Souef (Trinity). WUliam Stanley Cook Donald Geddes Stewart. Reginald Dalton McKellar Hall (Ormond). Stanley Arnold MacKenzle. Mark Ashkenasy. Alexandra Margaret Annie Clark. Kathleen Elizabeth Phipps. William James Flynn. Ian Thomas Cameron (Ormond). } „ Henry Rupert Hawkins (Trinity). (^l**1 William Morton Lemmon. WUliam Raymond Dudley Griffiths.

CIVIL BNQINEEEING. First Class. None. Second Class. WUliam Alexander Robertson Lewis Ronald East Andrew Ernest Cromb Clifford Alexander Masterton Alec William Bond (Queen's) Francis Vibert (Queen's) | Equal Third Class Albert Charles FleetwooFl< d ) v , Oilbert Munro MembreM. y j *'^ual Eric Ashton Croll

MINING ENGINEEE1NQ. First Class. None Second Class. WUliam Edward Cerutty Third Class. Frank Nethercote Betheras CLASS LIST'S. 957

ELECTBICAL ENGINEBBING. first Class. None Second Class. Bene Gabriel CriveUi Third Class. Alan Charles Bede Kelly

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. First Clasa. None Second Class. John White Traill (Ormond) ) v , Francis Sydney Wright 3 Iiqual Third Class. None

\GRICULTURB AND AGRICULTUBAL ENGIN­ EERING. First Clasa. None Second Class. Alexander William Jeasep Third Clasa. None

AGBICULTUBAL CHEMISTSY AND BIO- CHEM1STEY. First Class. David Bonar Adam Second Class. John Allan Aird inird Class. None 968 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19211922.



FINAL EXAMINATION SCHOLARSHIPS. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. Frederick Baden Langford (Trinity) HISTOBY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. (Dwight'a Prize.) Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity)

PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Scholarship.) Allan George Barnard' Fisher (Queen's) (Laurie Prize.) George Calvert Barber (Queen's) MATHEMATICS. (Dixson Scholarship.) Alan Douglas Rosa (Ormond) ENGLISH. Robert Cecil Bald (Ormond) FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Alfred Thorpe Stirling GERMANIC LANGUAGES. Christina Rodger (Queen's) SOCIOLOGY. (Dwight's Prize.) Allan George Harnard Fisher (Queen's) SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. . 969>

FINAL HONOUR SCHOLARSHIPS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (Dixson Scholarship.) James Stanley Rogers (Frofesson Kernot Scholarship.) Harold Carsten John Asche CHEMISTRY. (Dixson Scholarship.) Kenneth Sutherland Reid (Ormond) (Professor Kernot Scholarship.) Not awarded METALLUBGY. Theodore William Tobe (Queen's) GEOLOGY. Howard Rothwell Archer (Trinity) (Professor Kernot Research Scholarship.) Howard Rothwell Archer (Trinity) BOTANY. Not awarded ZOOLOGY. Harley Scott Baird (Trinity) LAWS. Neville Vicars Henderson (Trinity \ Vnna, Henry Brnoe Stewart (Ormond) » ^l"1"

MEDICINE (INCLUDING CLINICAL MEDICINE). (Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship.) James Moore Andrew (Ormond)

SUBGEEY (INCLUDING CLINICAL SURGERY). (Beaney Scholarship.) Frank Macfarlone Burnet 1 Eauai Annie Jean Macnamara j 4 960 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1921-1922.

OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. (Fulton Scholarship.) James Moore Andrew (Ormond) CLINICAL MEDICINE. (Jamieson Prize.) James Moore Andrew (Ormond)

CIVIL ENGINEERING. (" Argue " Scholarship.) William Alexander Robertson

MINING EN6INEEEINO. (George Lansell Scholarship.) William Edward Oerntty BLECTEICAL ENGINEBBING. (Dixson Scholarship.) Ban4 Gabriel Crivelli MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Scholarship.) John White TraUl (Ormond) 1 ., . Francis Sydney Wright J ''I11'1'

ENGINEERING. (Stawell Research Scholarship.) William Edward Cerutty AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER­ ING. (Wrixon Exhibition.) Alexander William Jessep AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND BIO- CHEMISTRY. (James Cuming Prize.) David Bonar Adam SCHOLARSHIPS AND PEIZES. 961


SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. <^The date appended to the name of the Scholarship or Prize is the year in which it was first awarded.) BOWEN PRIZE (1874). ENGLISH ESSAY. No Candidate COBDEN CLUB MEDAL (1882). POLITICAL ECONOMY. Louis Arthur Anderson WYSELASKIE SCHOLARSHIPS (1886). MODERN LANGUAGES (GERMAN). Annie Marion Osborn





S ECOND—BOTA N T. Lesley Ruth Kerr




23rd DECEMBER, 1921.

BACHELOE OF ARTS. {Ordinary Degree.) Janet Newman Barker Jessie Gibson Gordon Herbert Burleigh Howard Russell Heath .Frederick Holmes In dbsentid. Thomas Clement Came Louis Lucas Oliver' BACHELOB OP LAWS. John Henry Brian Armstrong Herbert Ralph Birch FJias Godfrey Ooppel Cuthbert. Elvers Dickinson Thomas Meiklejohn Dickson .Henry Tunstall Kggington Reginald | Scott Gardiner Allan Roderick Henderson Ueorge Alfred Vines Home Charles Edward Howlett Edward Emanuel Jones Louis Sydie Mendes Archibald James Norris Trevor Donald Oldham Willie Boss Richards

In absentid. NeviUe Vicars Jaenderson BACHELOR OP DENTAL SCIENCE. WiUiam Henry Beischer .Ripley Kingley Dawborn 964 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22

Hugh Samuel McDonald Thomas William Snrman Raymond Gordon Williams MASTER OP ARTS. Edith Helena Beeck In absentid- Wilfrid Joseph Ryan MASTER OP LAWS. John Michael Cullity Charles Holbrook Ford Henry Hooppell Gray MASTER OF SURGERY. Mervyn Athol Stewart John Thomson Tait MASTER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Alexander Edward Kelso Clarence William Newsome Sexton DOCTOR OP MEDICINE. William Wallace Stewart Johnston Leonard John Cole Mitchell DOCTOR OP VETERINARY SCIENCE. George Gordon Heslop DIPLOMA OP EDUCATION. Joseph James Dunstan Frederick Holmes Stephen Llewellyn Hughes Ronald McDonald DIPLOMA OF PUBLIC HEALTH. George Edward Cole Frank WUliam Augustus Fonsford Christopher Paul Rowan DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE. Kingsley Ussher , DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22 966

29th APRIL, 1922. BACHELOB OP AETS. (Ordinary Degree.) Esther Eoee Arnold Christina Mary Officer Brown Marie Cleary Helen Margaret Hume Guest Gwendolen Kent Hughes Ada Emma Joachim Valentine Alexa Leeper Violet Matthews Hilda Bubertra Mayo Valerie Vuna Poling Eileen Bloke Peorcey Helen Griffith Bule • Hilda Mary Scorer Katie Eleanor Simpson Louisa Stafford Taylor Daisy Uma Topp Marion Walker Elizabeth Daisy Wallace Elinor Marion Webb Ware Jean Winchester Wilmot Arthur Mason Arnold John Ponsonby Blennerhassett Edward Bright Harry Egerton Brittain James Alfred Broben John James Brodie Henry Alfred George Clark Bobert Corbett Leonard Dook Walter George Don George Richard Drummond James William Edmondson Louis Gerald Egan WUliam Henry Ell wood Raymond Frencham Donald McRae Gillies Henry Hooppell Gray Hugh Smyth Hawes Timothy O'Callaghan Higgins "966 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1821-2 .

Arthur Balshaw Jones Norman Percival Le Couteur James Raymond Augustine O'KeeSe Stanley Edwards Orames Edgar De Jersey Robin Percy George Samson Harry Elvins Trathen Hector Wallace Vernon Henderson Williams In absentid- Mary Alice Sullivan

BACHELOE OP AETS. {Degree with Honours-) Margaret Annie McVean Begg Beatrice Muriel Berry Ada Mary Hazel Betts Lucille Mary Bloink Ada Margaret Callinan Erena Landy Gellatly Jessie Mona Stuart Grant Joyce Harriet Hall Constance Mary Quirkl Henderson Amy Bertha de Putron Hitchcock Sidney Victoria Knox Ina Winifred MUler Mary Theresa Morganti Mona Jenny Hazel Nugent Brenda Victoria Shodes Christina Rodger Marjorie Jean Service George Calvert Barber John Peter Bourke Mortyn Arnold Buntine Walter Bawden Davies Robert Brodie Knox Frederick Baden Langford Carlyle James Vernon McKeown Christopher Balph McRae Alan Douglas Boas Harold Joseph Rouch Alfred Thorpe StirUng DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22 967

"William Fraser Sutherland Allan Joseph Wedd Neville Hamlyn Williams Philip St. John Wilson In absentid. Louis Arthur Anderson Mary Drury Clarke 'Thomas Feather Stanley

BACHELOB OF SCIENCE. •Catharine Elizabeth Kales Beatrice Wanliss Irvine Helen Ada LyeU Cecil Grace Maudsley -Jean Victoria Odgers Jean Maggie Robertson Katharine Maud Sugden Laura Grace Trickett Joseph Aberdeen .Mark Ashkenasy Eric Decimus Connor Bobert James Cowan Melbourne Thomas Cowles Thomas Arthur Leigh Forr Alfred Stephen Fitzpatrick Walter George Kannuluik Oerald Basil Venner Keogh Ronald Bannatyne Lewis Leslie Denis Alphonsus Lyons John Samuel McCann Gordon Wells Pitcher John David Sogers George Vincent Sudd Howard WiUiam Strong

In absentid- John Arthur Blackett Forster Theodore William Tobe

BACHELOR OP LAWS. Marie Cleary Mary Frances Tiernan .Uric Thomas Asche 968 DEGREES CONFERRED, 192122.

Paul Joseph Carey Frederick, Rupert Ernest Dawson Henry Leo Dunfcley William Antonio Fazio Arthur Edgar William Field Waldetuar Phillips Goodwin Frederick Falkiner Knight Herman Phillip Levy Joseph Ignatius Lynch Francis Alfred Ross McBain WUliam Henry Moule Patrick Francis O'CoUina Francis Keith Sampson Horace Leighton Sandars . James Colin Stedman Henry Bruce Stewart David Gordon Tavlor Hylton Ernest Williams In absentid. Alexander Penman Drew Oedric Ernest Park BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR: OF SURGERY. Kate Isabel Campbell Alexandra Margaret Annie Clark Maggie Hewitson Mary Joumeaux Humphrey Jean Littlejohn Kate Mackay Annie Jean Macnamara Kathleen Elizabeth Phippe Fanny Reading James Moore Andrew Mark Ashkenasy Trevor Samuel Montague Barnett Frank Mocfarlane Burnet John Edward Byrne Gordon Boy Cameron Ian Thomas Cameron Frederick John Clark Cook Arthur Basil Corkill DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22.

Francis James Bain Drake Cedrio Duncombe Litton Arthur Armitage Forbes William Baymond Dudley Griffiths Reginald Dalton McKellar Hall Henry Rupert Hawkins Arthur Robinson Home William Morton Lemmon Laurence Reuben Lennon Leslie Ernest Le Souef Harold Selby Link Clifford Schofield Mallalieu Douglas Duncan McCowan Stanley Arnold McKenzie Stewart Clifton John McRae Geoffrey Alfred Penington Oby Willans Rawson Douglas George Renton George Simpson Donald Geddes Stewart Leo Michael Tighe Gilbert Reynolds Troup Malcolm Claude Curwen Walker Clive Gowan Williams Rupert Allan Willis In absentid. Lucy Meredith Bryce Constance Alice Finlaysou Annie Mildred Mocatta Cyril Edmund Cook Lancelot Miller Corbet William Albert Fleming William James Flynn William Bobert George Frayne BACHELOE OP SDE6EBY. Richard Murray Buntino BACHELOB OF CIVIL ENGINEERING- Henry George Caine David Hugh Eakins Horace Charles Kermode ,eu 370 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22.

Ronald Bannatyne Lewis Clifford Alexander Masterton Heywood Waring McCay Allan Terence O'Meara William Alexander Robertson William Alfred Turner In absentid, Francis Fytche Byatt

BACHELOB OP MINING ENGINEERING. Robert Belshaw Paterson BACHELOB OF ELECTEICAL ENGINEERING. Bene Gabriel Crivelli Norman Tregonning Jewell Archibald Johnston McComas Stoney

BACHELOE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEBBING. Neville Eupert Anderson Henry Barton Berwick In absentid. John White Trail Francis Sydney Wright BACHELOR OF MUSIC. Martha Brake ivra May Corben

BACHELOB OP DENTAL SCIENCE. .Sybil Begina Obbinson Frederick Axel Breidahl Henry Thomas Chapman James Gerald Dalton. .Rupert McKenzie Doull Francis Herbert Jackson Norbcrt Basil Moss Arthur Reginald Russell .Sidney Muir Smith Norman George Wallace .Seymour Airth Wilson DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-23. 97 £

In absentid. Frank Arthur Davy Harry Kelly

BACHELOE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. David Bonar Adam John Allan Aird Alexander William Jessep

BACHELOE OF VETEBINABY SCIENCE. Harry McAlister Elder William Henry Blackmore Finney Armagh Bobert Grayson Beginald Harriman Heywood Horace Dudley Le Souef Howard Bankine Tinney

MASTER OF ARTS. Ethelwyn Gladys Bates Rhoda Eunice Brown Nellie Frances Carrick Alice Newsomi Clark Ada Constance Duncan Olga Dorathea Agnes Ernst Vera Crowther Jennings Mary Killeen Stella Mary Langford LUa Victoria McDonald Doris Pittard Dorthy Stewart Eobertson Mary Sampson Dora Beatrice Taylor Mary Frances Tiernan George Calvert Barber Edward Villers Butler Kenneth Stewart Cunningham John Regis Cusack Percy Hensby Dicker James William Elijah Karl Forster Waldemur Phillips Goodwin Frank Edward Grieve 372 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22

Alexander David Hollyhoke Philip Acland Jacobs Herman Philip Levy Leslie Clair McCailum Keith Alexander McKenzie William Fraser Sutherland Francis John Watson In absentid- Jooelyn McCailum Charles Stanislaus Dunne Arthur Campbell Garnett MASTER OP SCIENCE. Bertha Muriel Hope Keartland Ruby May Mercer Harold Carsten John Asohe Frederick William Jeffrey Clendinnen William Ralph Jewell William Gordon Mephsm John Packer James Stanley Rogers In absentid. Percival Bartlett Nye Ian William Work MASTEE OP LAWS. George Alfred Vines Homo PhUip Acland Jacobs Patrick Francis 0'Collins Frederick WiUiam Bobson Clarence William Willoughby Webster DOCTOR OF LETTERS. James Sykea Battye

»• DOCTOE OF MEDICINE. Charles William Adey Ernest Wesley Ohenoweth Keith Douglas Fairley •John Shaw Mackay DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22. 973

DOCTOE OP DENTAL SCIENCE. Athol Claude Mason Cox .Kenneth Russell. DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Minnie Clarice Bull Winifred Eleanor Fone Olga FuUerton C-ladys Israel Dorothy Evelyn Taylor William John Mallinson DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. .Esther Rose Arnold Olive Adeline Atkins Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes Phyllis Margaret Evans .Mary Killeen iila Victoria McDonald Dora Helen Powley .Marjorie Isbol Ramsay Hilda Eayward Eveline Mary Bimmington Mildred Irene Vial Douglas Gordon Bain Edward Earnshaw Baldwin Beginald Bowell Kenneth Stewart Cunningham Bobert Cyril Dean Walter George Don James WilUsm Elijah Karl Forster Raymond Frencham Ronald Ernest McQuie Norman Frederick Mitchell Thomas Henry Scambler Francis Cecil Thompson Harry FJvins Trathen DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE Clifford Lane Cummings Austin Bramwell Smith ^Bernard Palmer Sutton Ronald Morton Taylor 974 DEGREES, CONFERRED, 1921-22

DOCTOE OF SCIENCE. {By Special Grace.) Wilfred Bade Agar

3rd JULY. 1922.


18th SEPTEMBER, 1922 .

BACHELOB OP ARTS. {Ordinary Degree.) Dorothy Fields Allan Stanley Bobb William Whittle In absentid. Mary Leahy Mary Isabell McPhee BACHELOB OP SCIENCE. Alan William Greenwood Clyde Cornwall Fenton BACHELOE OF MEDICINE AND BACuELOR OF SUEGERY. Eileen Muriel Higgins Florence Marjorie Hughes Elizabeth Ellen O'Keefc Inez Josephine Parer Ethel Kathleen Pitt Arthur Gordon Abbott Roderick John Aitchison James Buchanan Alexander Claude' Ewart Backwell Irving Buzzard Roderick Alfred Campbell Basil 'Nicholas Orr Colahan Harry LyaU Elderton Davie DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-22 975

Leslie Francis Edmunds Charles Soy J^nticknap James Gibson Duncan Thomas Gilbert Richard Thomas Bonfield Green Thomas Alexander Britten Harris Ernest Kirsner' Thomas Urban Ley Alfred Eric Mason Edwin Thomas Meagher John Henry Nioll Albert Lewis Julius Peters Fabian Franz Fincus WiUiam Pook Reginald Ernest Richards Ashcroft Derrinall Speed Bobert Allan Spence Boy Halford Stevens Hedley Frank Summons Reginald Innes Sweetnam Frederick John White Harold Chisholm Worch In absentid. Philip Jacob Alpers Frank John Audas Grant John Bernard Keiran Alexander Walters


BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. In absentid. Frederick Oliver Purphy George Henry Clifford Nioholde

MASTER OF ARTS. Alexander Somerville Houston Bobert Brodie Knox 7.6; DEGREES CONFERRED, 1921-23


DOCTOR OP MEDICINE. Charles James Officer Brown In absentid- Edward Holbrook Derrick Alan Edward Lee Eric Eccles Mackay

DIPLOMA OP EDUCATION. Harold Carsten John Asohe Allan Stanley Sobb

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Isabel Mary Biddle Nina Muriel Seager

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Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1923

Date: 1923

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File Description: 08_Annual Report

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