BENEFACTIONS. LIST OF PRINCIPAL BENEFACTIONS MADK TO THE UNIVKRSITY OV SINCK ITS FOUNDATION IN 1853. 1864 SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, G. W. Rusden) .. .. £866 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 6000 Prizes for History and Education. 1871 IEAC'HLAN^ACK^NNON 1 100° "A™a" Scholarship in Engineering 1875 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 100 Prize for English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE 19,140 General Endowment. 1873 GODFREY HOWITT 1000 Scholarships in Natural History. 1873 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL 666 Scholarship in Engineering. 1876 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 30,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1883 JOHN DIXON WYSELASKIE 8400 Scholarships. 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern Languages. 1884 SUBSCRIBERS 160 Prize for Mathematics, in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 2000 Scholarships for Physical and Chemical Re- fiG&rch 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND 20,000 Professorship of Music. 1890 ROBERT DIXSON 10,837 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathe­ matics, and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS 6217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music. 1891 JAMES GEORGE BEANEY 3900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1897 SUBSCRIBERS 760 Research Scholarship in Biology, in memory of Sir James MacBain. 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineer­ ing. 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND ...... 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1908 GRADUATES' FUND 466 General Expenses. BENEFACTIONS (Continued). o 1908 TEACHING STAFF 1160 General Expenses. or. including Professor Spencer .. £268 as Professor Gregory ,, 100 Professor Masson .. ion 1908 SUBSCRIBERS ...... 106 Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland. 1908 GEORGE MeARTHUR Library of 2600 Books. 1$4 DAVID KAY 5764 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 1904-6 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND . President—Janet l,ady Clark Treasurer—Henry Butler Secretary—Charles Bage SPKCIAL FOUNDATIONS— CO K MRS. AUBREY BOWEN 600 Equipment of Pathological Museum. S5 HENEY BOURNES HIGGINS 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. B DAVID SYME 8000 Prize for Scientific Research in Australia. > FREDERICK'SHEPBARD GRIMWADE .. 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. o MB. AND MRS. A. E. Tf PAYNE AND MR. AND' MRS. J.' W.' PAYNE 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. o SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON 600 Exhibition in Agriculture. 2! MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIATION .. 647 Exhibition In Law. SUBSCRIBERS (See., R. J. Larking) .... 1065 Chamber of 'Commerce Exhibition, and Prize at Commercial Examinations. ANDREW CARNEGIE 1000 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD C 100 PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 DAVID ORME MASSON 100 NEIL WALTER BLACK 100 MELB MEDICAL ASSOCIATION . 205 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES .. 100 MRS. ALBERT'MILLER 100 JANET LADY CLARKE'. 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER 100 SIMON FRASER 100 WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER .. . . 100 SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT :. .. 100 GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 JOHN GRICE 100 JOHN TRAILL 100 WESLEY R. HALL 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY 106 ALICE MANIFOLD 100 MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY .... Inn EDWARD MANIFOLD 100 OTHER DONATIONS 1286. BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL .. ..' £1200 George Lansell Scholarship In Mining Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 200 Research Scholarship in Geology. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 116 Equipment of Anatomy School. 1908 HERMAN HENRY SCHLAPP 400 Ore-treatment Plant. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 171 Ore-treatment Plant. 1909 JAMES STEWART 26,624 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy. Medicine, and Surgery, 1909 JAMES CUMING 1000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING , 1000 For Ve-erinary Operatinp; Theatre. 1909 SUBSCRIBERS 260 Dublin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS 134 Jamieson Prize. 1910 GEORGE SWINBURNE 160 For Purchase of Apparatus. 1910 T. EDWARDS Machinery valued at £206. 1910 N. GUTHRIDGE LTD Machinery valued at £140. 1910 PER H. B. SILBERBERG & CO Machinery valued at £160, donated by F. W. Braun and W. Ainsworth & Sons. 1911 X C 0 W S SLTD ^S SL E Y ^ol L?D :.••.:•.•.•;;:: «• Ore-treatment Piant. 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK 2066 At disposal of Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. B. FULTON 969 For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 500 Department of Anthropology. 1911 SUBSCRIBERS 102 Professor Morris Prize. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON 2600 Harbison-HIginbotham Scholarship. 1912 MADAME MELBA 1000 Melba Hall. 1912 BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED Machinery valued at £100. 1918 SUBSCRIBERS 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER BAIRD CURRIE 600 John Baird Bursary. 1918 J. BARTRAM & SON .. Machinery valued at £100. 1918 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST .... 600 Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 622 Physiology Extension, BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1918 £800 Melba Hall. . _ Co Miss MARY L. REID AUB- oc 1918 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 276 Mr. Albert Mansbridgc's Expenses to tralla. 1918 MRS. ROBERT REID 100 Melba Hall. ..„.., ... 1918 JOHN GRICE 1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scnolarsnip. 1914 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 600 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 GEORGE ADLINGTON SYME 250 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 SUBSCRIBERS 104 Clinical Research Fund. 1916 ALEXANDER MORRISON 276 Advancement of Knowledge of Nervous System. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN 1000 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH LEVI 1000 Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship. 1916 WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUSTEES 350 p.a. Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. 1916 SUBSCRIBERS , 220 G. C. Mathison Memorial Lectureship. 1917 PRINCIPAL BASE METAL COMPANIES . A trust formed for the purpose of awarding in the each year two Bursaries In Mining and Metallurgy. 1917 MRS. EDWARD BAGE . 1060 Robert Bage Memorial Scholarship. 1919 MRS. ANNIE WILSON . 2000 B G. Wilson Scholarships. ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL Three First-Class Return Passages annually, STEAMERS from 1909 to 1916 and 1919 to 1920. 1920-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL. OUMING SMITH & CO. PTY. LTD. £6250 ESTATE LATE H. GYLES TURNER 1000 SIR J. M. & LADY HIGGINS 5200 H. B. HOWARD SMITH 1000 . MR. & MRS. F. KNIGHT 5000 J. F. W. PAYNE 1000 SIR JOHN GRICE 2000 MRS. ALBERT MILLER 1000 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. SWEET 1600 UNIVERSITY WAR MEMORIAL NATIONAL BANK OF AUS­ COMMITTEE - 1022 TRALASIA 1000 HON. w. M. MCPHERSON 1037 MR. and MRS. W. H. SWANTON .. 1000 SIR JOHN MACFARLAND 1000 DUNLOP RUBBER CO. OF AUS­ JOHN SANDERSON 1000 TRALASIA 1000 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1920-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL (Continued). VICTORIAN SAILORS AND KODAK (AUST.) PTY. LTD. .. SOLDIERS' INSURANCE TRUST £1000 BALL & WELCH PTY. LTD:".. mo WALTER & ELIZA HALL TRUST 7600 CALEDONIAN COLLIERIES LTD. 250 LEGAL PROFESSION OF 739 AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIPS LTD. 260 SIR JOHN MONASH . 600 DALGETY & CO. LTD 260 SIR G. A. SYME 600 McILWRAITH, MCEACHABN'S LINE 250 MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS 600 PTY. LTD 260 HENRY BERRY & CO. PTY. LTD. .. 500 J. H. GRICE 260 MESSRS. BAILLIEU 600 MRS. J. T. WEATHERLEY 200 „ EDWARD STEVENS BC0 SIR JAMES BARRETT 200 K HERBERT BROOKES 600 AUSTRALIAN PAPER & PULP CO. MRS. F. W. ARMYTAGE BOO LTD. 160 HOWARD SMITH LTD BOO RICHARD ALLEN & SONS PTY. ESTATE LATE G. SWEET 600 LTD 10 > A. T. DANKS 600 NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MER­ "A.N.T." 460 CANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD. .. 160 g JOHN RUSSELL MACPHERSON PROFESSOR ATKINSON 160 m FUND, PER MR. F. A. MOULE 400 MoNAUGHTON, LOVE & CO. PTY. No. 1 REST HOME 307 LTD 106 SUBSCRIBERS FOR SPENCER VISCOUNT NOVAK, 100 PRIZES 299 SIR ARTHUR L. STANLEY 100 M. M. BRODIE 260 SIR W. H. IRVINE 100 WILLIAM G. SPRIGG 260 GEORGE SWINBURNE ;oo GENERAL H. W. GRIMWADE .... 260 MRS. WILLIAM SMITH 100 W. RUSSELL GRIMWADE 250 DR. DAVID GRANT 100 PATEHSON, LAING & BRUCE LTD. 250 E. E. D. CLARKE 100 GEORGE FAIRBAIRN 260 A. S. AUSTIN 100 STEWART G. BLACK 260 D. E. McBRIDE 100 -r MICHAELIS, HALLENSTEIN ft GO. MRS. M. A. MILLS 100 g PTY. LTD MO H. T. WILSON 100 «£> BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1920-1 SUBSCHIBBRS TO TUB UMVEHSITY APPKAL (continued). M. P. HANSEN £100 J. C. TRAILL il00 PHILIP RUSSELL 100 T. R. ASHWOBTH 100 PROFESSOR HENRY LAURIE .. .. 100 AUSTRALIAN MERCANTILE, LAND MRS. M. AND MB. A. B. GRANT .. 100 & FINANCE CO. LTD 100 MISS HILDA GRICE 100 CRAIG, WILLIAMSON PTY. LTD. .. 10U MISS ELSA GRICE .. 100 MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. 100 MR. AND MRS. C. W. MILLER .... 100 MISS MARY REID 100 ALEC. L. LANE 100 "W.H.M." 100 CAPT. AND MRS. S. M. BRUCE .. 100 DR. J. RAMSAY 100 MRS. JESSIE S. FRASER 100 J. G. MELVIN 100 o L. F. MILLER 100 MRS. A. BROWN 100 g DR. J. P. WILSON 100 100 WM. DRUMMOND & CO 100 H JOHN MAY COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING CO. 100 *! ROBERT REID & CO. LTD 100 100 MR. AND MRS. J. A. LEVEY .... 100 > D. M. FRASER ROBERT HARPER & CO. PTY. LTD. 100 H MR. JUSTICE SCHUTT 100 100 GEORGE LUSH 100 3 J. NEVILLE FRASER MR. AND MRS. D. STUART MURRAY 100 Si T. M. STEWART 100 SIB WALTER MANIFOLD 100 GOLDSBROUGH, MORT & CO. LTD. 100 5° C. SIBBALD CURRIE 100 BANK OF VICTORIA 100 J. SHEPHAED 100 F. TATE 100 T. BEUNTON 4 CO 100 A. A. QUICK 100 DR. J. W. GRICE 100 C. G. WORSLEY 100 MR. JUSTICE McARTHUR 100 E. H. MCGREGOR 100 PETERSON & CO: PTY. LTD 100 AMOUNTS UNDER £100 8487 ORIENT AND P. & O. COS. (Jointly) Three First-Class Return Passages annually for 1921 and 1922. 1922 DB. BEATTIE SMITH £1000 Lectures in Insanity. VIC. CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES .. 1600 p.a. General Endowment. SIB SAMUEL GILLOTT ...... 41,248 General Endowment. BENEFAC1 IONS (Continued) 1928 C. E. E. CHILDERS 100 Childers Memorial Prize. SIB JOHN GRICE 800 Architectural Library. SIR JOHN AND LADY HIGGINS .. .. 2000 Veterinary and Agricultural Research. C. D. LLOYD 1000 J. C. Lloyd Exhibitions In Architecture. MBS. WILLIAM SMITH 600 General Endowment COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT . .. 600 p.a. Aerodynamic Laboratory. ABERDEEN, BLUE FUNNEL, COMMON­ WEALTH, ORIENT, and P. AND O. Three Firsi^Class Return Passages annually LINES (jointly) from 1928. 1924 K. A. HENDERSON 100 Architectural School Equipment. SIR JOHN AND LADY HIGGINS .... 600 Veterinary and Agricultural Research. MRS. W. G. SHARP 1000 W. G. Sharp Bursary. SUBSCRIBERS 160 Professor Nanson Prize. TEN METAL COMPANIES 400 p.a. Chair of Metallurgy. MR. AND MRS. R. J. ALCOCK 1000 Alwyn Stewart Memorial Scholarship. MRS. E. R. MORAN 10,000 Placed on Trust to establish five Moran Bursaries. FRED. KNIGHT 1000) M .... „ . . SUBSCRIBERS 1977 J Medical Research. MRS. BESSIE THOMPSON 600 Engineering Bursary. 1926 EDWARD STEVENS Clock for Tower of New Arts Building. SUBSCRIBERS 334 Kemot Memorial Medal. EDWARD WILSON (The Argus) TRUST 9206 Obstetrical Research. MINING AND METALLURGICAL BUBSABIES FUND 100 Research Scholarship. MINING AND METALLURGICAL BURSARIES FUND 858 Electrical Equipment. E. J. B. NUNN 6800 General Endowment. TRUSTEES. RETURNED SAILORS AND SOLDIERS' SCHOLARSHIP FUND .... 800 For Scholarship for Soldiers' Orphans. EDWARD WILSON (The Argus) Trust .. 900 Psychiatric Research. o EDWARD WILSON (The Argus) Trust .. 1150 Gastric Research. to BENEFACTIONS {Continued). O 1926 WILLIAM MACLEOD 400 Pathology Equipment to K. A. HENDERSON 100 Architectural School Equipment. u. SIR JOHN MACFARLAND 100 Conservatorium Building Fund. GEORGE ALLAN 100 EDWARD STEVENS 100 JAMES DYER 100 R. J. FLETCHER 7600 Medical Research "A.N.T." 260 Research. DAVID AITCHISON AND MISS ELIZA CAVE HICKMAN 18.862 Scholarship G. H. SUTTON 500 Classical Museum. W. R. PEARSON 3900 Scholarship in Economies. a W. R. PEARSON 8900 Tubercular Research. B MRS. E. R. MORAN 8000 To Supplement Moran Bursaries. w 1927 SIDNEY MYER 60,000 General Endowment. SIR GEORGE TALLIS 2760 Conservatorium Additions. > E. TRUBY WILLIAMS 6000 Library Endowment O CARNEGIE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK 2060 Adult Education. MINING AND METALLURGICAL BURSARIES FUND 100 Metallurgical Apparatus. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE LIBRARY APPEAL— EDWARD STEVENS 100 "A.N.T.' 1M E. J. STOCK 100 MRS. ALBERT MILLER 100 DAVID SYME TRUST 1060 GEORGE ANDERSON 260 AMOUNTS UNDER £100 427 DR. E. F. J. LOVE Nearlv 500 volumes of scientific works, "A.N.T." ...... 100 Research. BENEFACTIONS (Continued). W. A. E. GRAHAM 600 Memorial tablet to late Dr. Geo. Graham and Medical Library endowment ii. B. RITCHIE 22,186 Ritchie Memorial Chair of Economies. MYER EMPORIUM LTD 100 Furniture of Students' Room, Conservatorium. SUBSCRIBERS 613 Liet Memorial Prizes In French. RDWARD WILSON ("The Argus") TRUST . 400 Canter Researr-h V9Z8 D. E. LEWIS £2000 Engineering Laboratory Extension. MacPHERSON ROBERTSON 500 Bacteriology Department. "A.N.T." 600 University Appeal Fund. MRS. HARRY EMMERTON 2000 Law Scholarship. E. F. MILLAR 4000 General Endowment. R. J. ALCOCK 2086 Medical Research Scholarships. EDWARD STEVENS Stained Glass Window, Wilson Hall. CROSSLE, SCOTT & DUFF PTY. LTD. .. Engineering Equipment to the value of £100. CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES 2028 Two Scholarships in Memory of James Cuming. D. J. McCLELLAND lOO Engineering Library Fittings. MISS M. A. BARTLETT Trust for Research Scholarships of 8100. K. A. HENDERSON 100 Architecture Library. EDWARD WILSON (The Argue) TRUST 400 Cancer Research. VICTORIAN FERTILISER ASSOCIATION 100 Loss on Sir John Russell's Lectures. MaoPHERSON ROBERTSON 1000 Engineering and Bacteriology Depts. FELTON BEQUEST 200 X-ray Rescaroh. 1929 R. B. RITCHIE 6900 Ritchie Memorial Chair of Economies. SUBSCRIBERS S60 Law Library In appreciation of Sir Harrison Moore's work. JOHN BELL 100 Cancer Research. MISS L. E. ARMSTRONG 200 FELTON BEQUEST 500 „ „ DANKS TRUST 100 o H. V. McKAY TRUST 160 to "A.N.T." 260 Research. w BENEFACTIONS (Continued). MINING AND METALLURGICAL to BURSARIES TRUST 160 Metallurgy Dept. H. BROOKES 100 Orchestral Concerts. SHELL COY 100 Engineering Department EDWARD WILSON (The Argue) TRUST 20,000 J per cent. Stock for Chair of Obstetrics. F. A. KERNOT .' .. .. 6062 gineering School. DR. C. W. G. ROCHE 1000 Thalia Roche Memorial Demonstrations In Obstetrics. EDWARD STEVENS 600 Improvement of Grounds. MISSES M. AND G. TURNER ... 600 Sir George Turnur Scholarship in Law. EDWARD WILSON (THE ARGUS) TRUST 400 Gastric Research. a EDWARD WILSON (THE ARGUS") w TRUST 580 Mental Deficiency Clinic. MISS E. E. H. CHRISP 780 J. G. Chrlsp Law Bursary. > 1930 MINING AND METALLURGICAL BURSARIES FUND 200 -Metallurgical Equipment MINING AND METALLURGICAL © BURSARIES FUND 200 X-Ray Equipment. 5! ELECTROLYTIC ZINC CO 200 Research Scholarship. MACPHERSON ROBERTSON - 800 Engineering. Equipment. R. B. RITCHIE 996 Ritchie Chair of Economics. "A.N.T." 250 Medical Research. SUPREME COURT' LIBRARY FUND - 30,000 Chair of Public Law. MRS MARION BOOTHBY- ... - 1000 No conditions. MISSES M. AND G. TURNER - - - 100 Lady Turner Prize in Music. HOWARD GOLL 125 Conservatorium. K. J. FLETCHER 5,460 Medical Research. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 400 Apparatus for X-ray Research. 1981 AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CO. 100 Conservatorium Entrance Scholarships MRS. ANNIE PEMBERTON 2000 Scholarships. "A.N.T." ... .. 250 General Research. BENEFACTIONS (Continued). NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA £100 General. BROKEN HILL ASSOCIATED SMELTERS 200 Research Scholarship. WILLIAM CHRISTIE 103 Appeal Fund. SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT (additional) 400 General Endov.-ment. JOHN BELL 100 Cancer Research. 1932 A.N.T 100 Research. SIR JOHN and LADY HIGGINS . . 2,000 Veterinary Research. ALFRED McFARLANE 745 Cancer Research. HOWARD W. BERRY 1,000 Cancer Research. NATIONAL BANK 100 Press. BROKEN HILL ASSOCIATED SMELTERii 100 Metallurgical Research. NATIONAL BANK 100 Re-erectlon of Old Colonial Bank Entrance at University. *4 MRS. ADA HADDON 1,073 Cancer Research. SIDNEY MYER 10,000 Endowment of Orchestra. > 1933 SUBSCRIBERS' TO THE ORCHESTRA FUND: o HERALD & WEEKLY TIMES LTD. 1,000 Endowment of Orchestra. MYER EMPORIUM LTD. 600 A. VV. COLES 500 NORMAN BROOKES 250 SIR JOHN MACFARLAND 100 W. RUSSELL GRIMWADE 100 MESSRS. R. ALLEN & SONS 100 MR. & MRS. W. G. McBEATH .... 100 H. W. TOMPKINS 100 AMOUNTS LESS THAN £100 488 T. M. RAMSAY 125 Cancer Research. SIR JOHN GRICE 250 Research Prize in Architecture. o " A. N. T." 100 General Research. CO Ol BENEFACTIONS (Continued). VICTORIAN CHAMBER OP MANU­ O FACTURES 1,000 General Endowment, (p.a.) to NATIONAL BANK 100 General Endowment, (p.a.) MINING AND METALLURGICAL BUR­ SARIES FUND 120 Bursaries. ANONYMOUS 200 Pathology Department. "WALTER & ELIZA HALL" TRUST 150 Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. SUBSCRIBERS ....,._ 1,000 Homewood Memorial Scholarship for Piano. MRS. B. H. M. RATCLIPF 100 Cancer Research. G. R. NICHOLAS 500 Cancer Research. H T. WILSONS 972 Orchestra Endowment. 1834 CARNEGIE CORPORATION .. .. 1.930 Adult Education. W. R. PEARSON 100 KUmany Scholarship and Tubercular Research BROKEN HILL ASSOCIATED SMELTERS PTY. LTD 500 Natural Philosophy Research. BROKEN HILL ASSOCIATED SMELTERS PTY. LTD 1,000 Metallurgy Building. BROKEN HILL PTY. CO 500 Metallurgy Building. AUSTRALIAN GLASS MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED 250 Metallmw Building. ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COMPANY OF AUSTRALASIA LTD 250 Metallurgy Building. H. M. STRACHAN 500 Cancer Research. MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL .. .. 250 Cancer Research. "A. N. T." 100 General Research. MR. AND MRS. HERBERT BROOKES 4 000 Marshall Hall Wing to Conservatorium. ANONYMOUS 850 Boat for Anthropological Research. U. R. NICHOLAS 150 Conservatorimn Retaining Fees. MINING AND METALLURGICAL BUR SARIES FUND .. .. 326 Chair of Metallurgy (p.a.) 1935 DR. F. A. NYULASY 1000 Medical Scholarship. BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 250 Chair of Anatomy. G J. COLES & CO 160 ConBervatorium Pianos. PERCY GRAINGER 1395 Grainger Museum. FAMILY OF LATE A. N. SMITH .. .. 200 Journalism Memorial Lecture. W. WATSON & SONS 100 X-ray Research, Qfte ^ImmsiUj of pclbourac.





MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY, I have the honour, in accordance with Section 43 of the University Act, 1928, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past year: —

1.—URGENT NEKDS. The reduction of the Government Grants iu accord­ ance with the general financial policy throughout Aus­ tralia has been met by reductions in salaries and. economy in expenditure. With the help of increased, revenue from fees due to the higher number of students this policy has enabled the University to meet the de­ pression without embarrassment to its finances. But this result has not been attained without some im­ pairment of ite efficiency. Government grants for various purposes this year totalled £51,450, compared with £68,458 in 1930. These totals are made up as follows: — 1930— 1934— £45,000 General . . . . £36,000 Commerce . . . . 2,000 Extension . . . . 1,560 Extension . . 4.250 Research . . . . 840- Research . . . . 2,250 Agriculture . 4,800' ;]098 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Agriculture . . . 5,500 Agricultural Ee- Agricultural E-c- 400 458 Veterinary Fund 2,160 Veterinary Fund 2,000 Veterinary Fund Veterinary Fund (Milk Act) . . 640 (Milk Act) . . 800 Bacteriology . . 2,800 Bacteriology . . 3,500 Chair of Ob­ Domestic Arts . . 200 stetrics .... 2.000 Chair of Ob­ Cancer Research . 250 stetrics .... 2,500 £51,450 £68,458

Although some restoration of the 20 per cent, reduction lias been made by the Government in other directions, no portion has been restored to the University. As mentioned elsewhere a survey of the requirements of the University is being undertaken by the Vice-Chan­ cellor. Until this has been completed the revenue needed to bring the University to a- high standard of efficiency cannot be formulated. The Council is faced, however, with the immediate necessity of providing adequately for the increased number of students. In 1933, when the Government grant to the General Fund was fixed at £45,000 per annum the number of students was anproximately 2300. In the last four years it has averaged 3355. On the 1923 computation the grant should be £67,000 per an­ num, or £53,600 after the statutory reduction, com­ pared with £36,000 at present received. If the Government cannot see ite way to increase the grant to meet the increased number of students there seems to be no alternative to an increase in fees. A University should be a living organism, and should grow with the growth of the community it serves. The wider concept of the functions of a University will be one of the questions which the Viec-Cha.ncellor will ex­ amine during his visit to America and England. The financial implications of this development cannot be stated until the survey is completed, but the need of additional staff and apparatus to maintain the effective •teaching of a larger number of students is urgent. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1099'

Tho stage has been reached when reductions in ex- ipenditurc to meet special conditions cannot continue (without affecting adversely the efficiency of the Uni­ versity. Under the circumstances, the Council felt during the .year under review that some adjustment of the salary reductions was desirable, and half ot the ten per cent, deduction was restored. In addition a reclassification of the staff was undertaken—certain anomalies were re­ moved and provision was made for an increase of the maximum salaries of some grades. The spacing of in­ crements was arranged in such a way that the cost to the University is not heavy. The Council wishes to express its appreciation of the •way in which the Staff has responded to the calls made on it during the difficult conditions of the last four years. During the year the Council considered ite building needs, and reached the conclusion that it could no longer delay the initiation of a campaign to obtain the neces­ sary money to erect a new Union, a new Library, and! a new Chemistry laboratory. In July the Premier, several Ministers, and many other Members of Parlia­ ment, inspected the University, and, at the Premier'a- suggestion, a request for assistance towards the cost ot the building programme was made to the Employment Council. That Council was unable to recommend a grant, but the need remains. The University is itself endeavouring to raise, by loan and subscription, the £60,000 required to enable it to build and equip a new Union : it looks to some generous and public-spirited benefactor or benefactors for the £70,000 that is the least sum required for a new (Library; but it feels that Government assistance is essential, and ought to be given, to finance the building of a new Chemistry Laboratory to replace the present outworn and hopelessly inadequate building. For this it has asked the Government of Victoria for £100,000. A University should be financed sufficiently liberally to enable it to provide to a considerable extent out of income for development and for the replacement of out- 1100 ANNUAL UKPOKT, 1934.36

•worn and outmoded buildings and equipment. If this policy is not accepted—and it has not been followed lucre- occasional! large charges upon the financing authority for capital expenditure are inescapable. If, as in the present case, their justice is admitted, they should surely be met as the inevitable outcome of a policy de­ liberately adopted and consistently pursued. The Vice-Chancellor is planning to undertake in the forthcoming year a Survey of tho University in com­ parison with other Universities in England, America, and iu the Dominions overseas. On this review he will hope to build a programme of development covering the next decade. In three directions especially it would appear tha* progress is overdue. The teaching programme requires reorganisation to enable the staff to devote a reasonable [proportion of their time to what is recognised through­ out the world to be a primary duty of the University, teaching officer: the acquirement of new knowledge in the subject with which he is concerned. More facilities need to be provided for training- in research methods both the University teachers aaid research workers of the [future, and the specialists whose duty it will be to apply the knowledge gained by them to the improvement of processes and materials in the technical and the business world. One of the greatest problems with which the University is faced is the maintenance of touch, outside the lecture room and laboratory, with the great majority of its students who have no College organisation to help them fully to develop their attri­ butes and powers. On all these and many other prob­ lems it is hoped that the Survey will throw imuch-needed light. The Survey will bo financed by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and, in addition to occupying a considerable part of the Vice-Chancel­ lor's own time, will require an additional full-time officer.

2.—NUMBERS OP STUDENTS. The number of students in each of the last six years is shown in the following Table. The figures include Re­ search Students:— ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1101.

Taking Year. Course for Taking Degree or Single Subjects. Total. Diploma 19*9 ... 2,626 493 ... 3,119 1930 ... 2,737 ... 519 3,256 1931 ... 2,800 ... 519 3,319 1932 ... 2,891 ... 533 ... 3,424 1933 ... 2,868 .. 465 3,333 1934 ... 2,889 ... 455 ... 3,344

3. •STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES, ETC. Tho following table shows the number ot students enrolled at the University during the year 1934 (including Evening Lectures) :—

tr. •c c • Schools. Jit *5 V J" .= 3 o CO J" H>s H

Agriculture 25 12 19 12 1 69 Analy. Chemistry 3 3 2 2 10 Arch. Atelier 7 8 4 5 22 Architecture i 1 8 8 11 31 Arts* - 100 958 Commerce* - 21 409 Dentistry 31 13 12 13 73 Education - 68 4 1 69 3 Engineering 31 33 43 2 169 Gynae'gy & Obst. 50 6 10 Law* - 203 ,, Clerks 141 141 Medicine 143 10S 103 81 81 49 ,, Sixth Year. 44 609 Music 34 31 •12 9 •203 Pub. Ad'stration* 107 15 Research G3 Science 89 84 64 16 280 Veterinary . 1 28 1

Total • 367 296 350 184 146 435 3344 *Jn these schools there is no strict division of the course into years. 1102 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Included in the above are the following students who- are not attending the University, but are receiving tuition by correspondence—Arts 1.08, Education 9, Commerce 44, Law 46, Journalisim i. The number attending Evening Lectures was 809 (Com­ merce 365, Arts 408) ; the number of women students was 887 (Music 162, Arts 399, Science 100, Education 30). The number of free Students was :— Nominated by tho Education Department— Agricul- Arclii- . Com- Kdu- Kngiii- Jouni- . Medi- Pub rt Science Total ture tuctura mcrcc cation eerintc alinn cine Admi 26 1 51 15 62 23- 1 17 35 4 28 2C3 Nominated by the University High School— 4 2 2 19 War Bursars— 9 1 11 1 13 285 4.—ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The number ot candidates for degrees ot Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations at the examinations of November, and December, 1934, is shown in the following table:—

First Year Second Year Third Year H'onrthYear Totals. T) •c •c •o •£ cu -Qr c •c .3 •o -o Schools. "a> (ft or.

The following aro tie corresponding figures for subjects passed in those schools in which the course is not divided into years:—

s •JO 30 T3' fj a> it T3o' •u. a, •a ° Schools. §* V. •--t oo." 2-^ j«3 d 3 Hf if 3f PL -J! a, £ un f so i- eini " Arts (Ordinary Degree) - 758 — 45 73 166 328 Arts (Degree with Hons) 153 48 ( — 10 67 16 11 Law - 204, 2*1 20 73 38 33 •28 10 Journalism » — 1 1 1 4 2 Commerce 349 ;") 10 40 95 132 67 Public Administration - it — - 1 0 7 i 1 •Admitted to Ordinary Decree only. The following are the corresponding figures ot the Divisional Examinations in the Medical Course on account of the year 1934-35.



•c _• T3 •o

CH CU cu s I~l cu. i CU cu 131 97 106 94 93' • 93 89 30 73 72

The number who have presented- themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees follows :— EXAMINATIONS FOR. HIGHER- DEGREES. ritet .- Passed. Master ot Arts - 5, - 2 Master of Education; Second,Year - 1. -• 1 Master ot Science - 13. -• 13 Master of Surgery - 3. - 1 Master ot Electrical Engineering - 2. - 2 Master of Civil-Engineering: - 2. . 2 70 1104 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Master of Commerce 1 — Master of Agricultural Science 1 1 Doctor of Science - 5 5 Doctor of Medicine 10 - 9 Doctor of Dental Science G 6 Doctor of Letters - 3 - 2 Doctor ot Veterinary Science 1 1

5.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number ot degrees conferred. and diplomas and licences granted during the yeiu- 1934-35, including admissions of graduates of other Universities, is given below: Bachelor of Arts— Ordinary degree 63 Degree with honours - - 45 Bachelor of Science 40 Bachelor of Laws 37 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 40 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 19 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 2 Bachelor ot Mechanical Engineering 5 , Bachelor ot Electrical Engineering 18 Bachelor ot Metallurgical Engineering 1 : Bachelor of Architecture - - 1 Bachelor ot Music 7 Bachelor of Dental Science -•- . - 12 Bachelor ot Agricultural Science - 10 Bachelor ot Commerce - - - 23 Master ot Arts ...... 41 M aster of Education - - - 1 Master of Science - - - 12 Master of Laws 6 Master of Surgery - - - 1 Master of Civil Engineering - - 2 Master of Electrical Engineering - 1 Master ot Agricultural Science - 1 Doctor of Letters - - ... 3 Doctor of Science - - - - 6 Doctor of Laws - '-..-• - 2 Doctor ot Medicine - -. • . - 9 ANNUAL R1CP0KT, 1934-35 1105

Doctor of Dental Science - - 5 Doctor of Engineering - - - 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - - 1 Diploma in Music - - 11 Diploma of Education 52 Diploma in Journalism - - - 1 Diploma of Analytical Chemistry - 1 Diploma in Public Administration - 3 Diploma of Architecture - - - 1 Diploma of Architectural Design - 3 Diploma in Commerce 14 Diploma of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 7

6.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following table shows the number ot candidates •who presented themselves for and who passed the School Intermediate and the School Leaving Examinations of December, 1934 and February, 1935, and the percentage of passes in each case :— No. of Entries Percentage Examination. to pass Passed. of Entries. Kxam. Passes. DKCRMSKK, 1934 School Intermediate 5037 2252 44.70 School Leaving ] 9257 2548 1089 47.78 FKBROARY, 1935 School Intermediate | 3065 1107 529 47.78 School Leaving 712 307 43.11 Of those who passed the Leaving Examination 833 qualified for Matriculation in December, and 206 in February. CLASS A CANDIDATES. Included in the above were a number ot candidates in whose cases Headmasters' Certificates were accepted as wholly or partially satisfying the requirements ot the -examination, with the following results:— Totally Exempted No Headmasters Passed Allowed Credit Certificates Exam, for certain subjects. submitted. DBCBMBBR, 1034 School Intermediate 1152 515 319 "School'Leaving 425 306 82 " 70A 1 106 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-36.

KKBHUART, 1935 School Intermediate 14 30 no School Leaving 11 24 32

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of subjects tillered for and passed at the Examinations in Music conducted by the University during the year 1934-1935 was as follows ;— i September, 1934— Total number of entries - - 6155 Total number of passes - - 5294 May, 1935— Total number of entries - - 111.6 Total number ot passes - - 955

8.—OBITUARY. The hand of death has fallen heavily on some of the older members of the University during the yea,r. Dr. Alexander Leeper, who had been the first Warden of Trinity College, died on the 5th August, 1934. Sir John Grice, a former Vice-Chauoellor, died on the* 27th February, 1935. I'he Reverend Dr. Sugden, the first Master of Queen'* College, aiid Sir John MacFarland, the Chancellor ahrl the first Master of Ormond College, both died on the G2nd July, 1935. Dr. J. F. Wilkinson, a member of Council, died on 29th March. 1935. Professor W. R. Boyce Gibson, who had retired onljl last year, died on 2nd April, 1935. Emeritus Professor Sir William Harrison Moore, who retired about eight years ago, died on 1st July, 1936. The Council placed on record its high appreciation of Dr. Leeper's services in the cause of higher education* and of the powerful influence which lie exercised during a formative period' in the history of the University, and its ackuQwledgment of his. services to the University as member of Council and Senate, and above all aa Warden of Trinity College for over 40 years. In the case of Six John Grice, his thirvTrfiye! 7$$$* of ser.yioe on the Council was recalled, together wit^ hjp special services in the following matters:—The sub- ANNUAL REPORT,- 1934-35. 1107

-trtantial share he took in the work of rescuing the University from the difficulties in which it found itself in 1903. His support of the public appeal which was made at that time. The fact that his gift of iHOOO in 1913 was the first gift in Melbourne for Cancer Re­ search. His leading part in the appeal of 1920, to which '.fie hiimself gave substantially, in addition to securing many thousands of pounds of gifts from others. In the case of Sir John MacFarland, the Council's record deals with his service over a period of nearly) (fifty years, and of the authority which he exercised ia University counsels, first as Chairman of the Finance Committee, then as Vice-Chancellor, and, finally as Chancellor, of his great work whilst Master of Ormond in helping to build up the College system in the Univer­ sity, and with the wisdom, justice, courage and integ­ rity which characterised all that ho did. It concluded on the following note:—"Few men in any community, and almost no man in this community, can have won Buch universal esteem. No evil was ever spoken of him, or could be thought of in connection with him; before him evil quailed." In the case of Dr. Sugden, the Council's record again recalls his great services iu the building up of the Col­ legiate system as an integral part ot the University— the home of the most vigorous life, intellectual, social and athletic, to be found in the University. It also bore record to his exceptional gifts of scholarship, imagina­ tion, tolerance and humour, to his services as Chairman of the Conservatorium Committee and. of the Univer­ sity Press, and to the exercise by him for many years of one of the really cultural influences in Melbourne. In the case of Dr. Wilkinson, his brilliant University career was recalled, and also his early interest in the opening up of the Mount Buffalo district. For a long 'period he had been a clinical teacher, and in recent years he had been a useful member of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine, and of various committees. In the "case of Professor Gibson, it recalled ^ig twenty-three years of service, characterised by devotion to his subject, and his duty, and a keen and understand­ ing interest in his students, to,whom he was a constant •source of inspiration; and the fact that he had built up 1108 ANNUAL KKPORT, 1934-35

a School of Philosophy which had acquired a high repu- tation for sound work, and had made his name famous- in philosophical circles. In the case of Sir Harrison Moore, it referred to hia reputation as a teacher and a- learned lawyer, which was not confined to Victoria., or even to Australia, but- extended through the , to the works of high distinction ot which he waa the author, and to the manner in which his advice had been sought by Govern­ ments. Mr. Sidney Myer, whose death occurred early in Sep­ tember, 1934, will be known in connection with the University, not as one who helped to build it up, but aa, bv far its most generous benefactor up to the present time. In 1927 he presented to the University 25,000 shares in the Myer Emporium, the income being avail­ able for the general purposes of the University a.t the discretion of the Council; and in 1932 he presented a further 10,000 shares, the income of which was to be • applied to financing free Orchestral Concerts. The first gift has been of the greatest possible benefit to the University. The second is a trust to be spent on pur­ poses outside the University, but it is a substantial assistance in enabling the University to extend its musi­ cal activities to a larger section of the general public.

9.—COUNCIL. Dr. Priestley, the newly-appointed salaried Vioe- Chanccllor, whose office makes him the chief executive officer of the University, arrived from Cambridge and] took up his duties in February last. In the short .period during which he has so fax been with us, he has already by his energy and driving force accomplished a igreat deal, and he has brought to bear on many ques­ tions new points of view, the result of his Cambridge experience. On the coming into force ot the Act creating the .position of salaried Vice-Ohancellor, Sir James Barrett, the honorary Vicc-Chancellor, was elected to the new honorary office of Deputy-jChancellor, and Professor Cop­ land, Chairman of the Professorial Board, was ap­ pointed Acting Vioe-Chancellor pending the arrival of Dr. Priestley. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-36 1109

Sir John MacFarland and Sir James Barrett, having been elected to their former positions of Chancellor and Deputy-Chancellor respectively for the year 1935-6, the Council, after the death of Sir John MacFarland, and in view of the changes which had been made in the provision for the administration of the University by the appointment of a salaried Vice-Chancellor, adopted a statement setting out what would be expected of its honorary officers under the new conditions. Sir James Barrett was then elected Chancellor and the Rt. Hon. Sir John Latham Deputy-Chancellor for the balance of the year. The congratulations of the Council were tendered to Sir James Barrett on his appointment as President ot the British Medical Association; and to the Ut. Hon. Sir John Latham on his receipt of the honour of Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order ot St. Michael and St. George. M>. M. M. Phillips, M.A., has been elected a member of the Council to fill the vacant seat formerly held by the Hon. B,. G. Menzies. The Council placed on record its thanks to Mr. Menzies for his services to the University whilst a member of the Council. Professor Agar resigned his seat on the Council prior to his proceeding to Europe on leave of absence, and Professor MacCafiiun was elected in his stead. Dr. B. T. Zwar was elected to the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. J. F. Wilkinson. Mr. James Menzies, having ceased to be Chairman of the Council of Agricultural Education, ceased to be a member of the University Council, his place being taken by Mr. Thomas Barratt, the new Chairman. Leave of absence was granted to the following members:—Mr. W. M. Buntine and to Mr. Justice •Lowe, each for the year 1935, during which they are travelling abroad; to the Hon. Sir Stanley Argyle and! to the Hon. J. P. Jones, each for six months, to cover the period of their visits to Europe.

10.—PROFESSORS. To fill the vacancy in the Chair of Philosophy caused by the resignation of the late Professor W. R. Boyoa Gibson, his eldest son, Mr. Alexander Boyoe Gibson, 1110 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

B.A. (Melbourne), M.A. (Oxford)), has been appointed. The vacancy was advertised in England and Australia, and five applications were lodged in England and four in Australia, those in England being reported on by a committee of Philosophers in association with the Uni­ versities Bureau. After doing his course in Melbourne, Mr. Gibson pro­ ceeded to Balliol College, Oxford, where he studied for three years. He was then lecturer in, Philosophy and Logic in Glasgow, next a full-time W.E.A. tutor in Philosophy at Tunstall in North Staffordshire, under the University of Oxford, and then for eight years first assistant lecturer and then lecturer in Philosophy in the University of Birmingham. He was very strongly recommended by his English referees, and after the most searching enquiry by a committee of the Council and careful consideration of the local applicants, Mr. Gibson was appointed. Professor Agar was granted nine months' leave of absence to enable him to visit Europe, Associate-Profes­ sor Ticgs being appointed Acting-Professor. Associate Professor Wood was granted seven months' leave of absence to enable him to visit America and Europe. Professor Cherry and Associate-Professor Chisholm have been granted leave of absence for the year 1936, and Professor Laby tor about nine months ot that year, all for the purposes of study abroad.

11.—CHAIR OF BACTEEIOLOCJY. The department of Bacteriology has for many years been of growing importance in the University. Originally it provided a comparatively small amount of teaching to medical students, and was engaged as its major activity on work for the Public Health Depart­ ment. In recent years the teaching has been greatly developed, and extended to other Faculties besides Medicine; and a fair amount of research has been! undertaken; whilst all the tkne the amount of public health work has steadily increased. In view of all these circumstances it was felt that the head of the department, who had hitherto been known as the Director, should be given full professorial ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-36 111!

«tatus. As the finances of the department depend to a. large extent on the subsidy for the public health work, some doubt was expressed as to whether the con­ tinuation of the association with the Government in this work was sufficiently sure to justify the establish­ ment of a Chair. The Council felt that the association! was of such long standing that it was entitled to act on the assumption that it would continue. It therefore took the necessary steps to establish the chair, and appointed to it Professor H. A. Woodruff, who had been Director ot the Bacteriology Department for five years.

12.—LECTURERS. Dr. F. R. E. Mauldon has resigned his office of Senior Lecturer in Economics on his appointment as Profes­ sor of Economics in the University of Tasmania. The Council congratulated him on his preferment and thanked him for his services. Dr. W. A, Merryleos has resigned his office ot Senior Lecturer in Philosophy as from the end of the current year. During the late Professor Gibson's last illness Dr. Merrylees took on new work at very short notice, and, carried on the work ot the Department, and the Council expressed to him ite special appreciation. To Dr. Georgina Sweet the Council tendered ite con­ gratulations on the honour of Order of the British Empire which was conferred on her. The resignations of the following have been received] with regret: — Dr. E. Sweetman, tor many years evening lecturer in British History; Dr. E. N. Welch, Senior Demonstrator in Chemistry; Mr. M. G. Speedie, Senior Demonstrator in Civil Engineering. The Council records with regret the death of Mr. R. N. Johnstone, part-time lecturer in Animal Husbandry. Leave of absence has been granted to the following: — To Mr. H. Burton, Senior Lecturer in Eoonomio History, for the year 1935, tor further study in Europe under the terms of a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow­ ship; To Mr. G. Gundersen, Senior Lecturer in Mathe­ matics, two terms' holiday leave; 1112 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-33.

To Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, seven months' leave, to enable him to investigate abroad methods of Engineering teaching; To Dr. G. V. Buchanan, Senior Lecturer in Zoology, for the year 1936, for the purpose of study abroad; To Miss E. E. Fisher, Demonstrator in Botany, a year's leave for study in Europe; To Mr. S. A. Prentice, Demonstrator in Engineering, leave during 1935 to obtain additional experience in England; To Mrs. Maxwell, Tutor in English, leave for 1935, in order that she might visit Europe. To Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, teachers in the Conser­ vatorium, leave for two terms; and to Miss M. Weston, also a teacher at the Conservatorium, leave tor 1935, inj order that they might visit Europe; The following new appointments have been made: — Arts- Mr. N. D. Harper, Evening Lecturer in British History. Miss D. Davics, part-time Tutor iu Political Philosophy. Science— Mr. A. N. Hambly, M.Sc, Dip.Ed., Demonstra­ tor in Organic Chemistry. Miss Violet Woolcock, Margaret Catto, Scholar in Zoology. Medicine-1— Dr. E. Cooper, Stewart Lecturer in Pathology. Dr. A. J. Phillips, Beaney Scholar in Path­ ology. Dr. Marshall E-cnou, Lecturer in Pathology. Engineering— Mr. G. B. O'Malley, Senior Lecturer in Mining and Metallurgy. Mr. J. A. Slatter, Senior Demonstrator in Civil Engineering. Agriculture- Mr. B. J. de C. Talbot, part-time Lecturer in* Animal Husbandry. ANNUAL RRPORT, 1934-35. 1113-

Conservatorium— Mr. Marshall Sumner, teacher of the Piano­ forte. Mies Isobel Carter, teacher ot the Pianoforte and Clarinet. In addition a number of part-time demonstrators have been appointed in various departments, and the usual appointments of clinical instructors at the Mel­ bourne, Alfred and St. Vincent's Hospitals have been made. 13.—EXAMINEES. The following examiners have been appointed: 1. For the Medical Course— Anatomy- Mr. H. Searby, Dr. J. A. Larwill. Physiology— Assoc.-Prof. W. J. Young, Dr. L. A. I. Max­ well. Surgical Anatomy— Dr. Hughes Jones. Materia Medica and Pharmacy— Mr. C. J. Tonkin. Pathology and Bacteriology— Prof. MacCallum, Actg.-Prot. King, Prof. Woodruff. Forensic Medicine— Dr. E. Cooper. Medicine (Pass)— Dr. W. W. S. Johnston, Dr. W. E. Summons. Clinical Medicine (Pass)— Ward Work: Dr. W. J. Newing, Dr. L. E. Hurley. Pathology: Dr. A. J. Trinca, Dr. A. J. Brenan. Diseases of Children: Dr. S. W. Ferguson, Dr. H. D. Stephens, Dr.. R. M. Downes, Dr. P. K. N orris. Medicine (Hons.)— Mr. F. B. Lawton, Dr. W. S. Newton. Clinical Medicine (Hons.)— Dr. J. W. Grieve, Dr. S. 0. Cowen. 1114 ANNUAL HJ5P0RT, 1934-30.

Commentary: Dr. R. P. McMeekin, Dr. J. P. Major. Pathology: Dr. R. Webster, Dr. C. H. Kellaway. Surgery (Pass)— Dr. V. Hurley, Mr. H. C. Trimble. Surgery (Honours)— Dr. B. T. Zwar, Dr. Murray Morton. Clinical Surgery (Pass)— Dr. J. 0. Smith, Dr. B. St. C. Steuart. Clinical Surgery (Hons.), (Commentary)— Mr. H. B, Dcvino, Dr. W. G. D. Upjohn. Clinical Surgery (Hons.), (Ward Work)— Dr. C. G. Shaw, Mr. W. A. Hailes. Obsterios and Gynaecology— Prof. E .Marshall Allan, Dr. A. M. Wilson, Dr. J. S. Green, Dr. B. M. Sutherland. Dr. A. Sherwin, Dr. R. F. O'Sullivan, Dr. R. Fowler. For the Final Clinical Examination— Medicine— Dr. L. S. Latham, Dr. W. W. S. Johnston, Dr. L. E. Hurley, Dr. W. S. Newton, Dr. W. J. Newing. Surgery— Dr. B. Kilvington Dr. V. Hurley, Dr. F. Maolure, Mr. H. B. Devine, Dr. W. G. D. Upjohn. Obstetrics aind Gynaecology— Prof. Marshall Allen, Dr. A. M. Wilson, Dr. Kate Campbell. ;2. For the M.D. Examination— Part I. Physiology— Prof. Osborne, Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Pathology— Prof. MacOallum, Dr. S. V. Sewell, Actg.- Prof. King. Part II. Medicine, including the History of Medicine— Dr. L. S. Latham, Dr. S. V. Sewell, Dr. A. E. E. White, Dr. M. D. Silberberg, Dr. S. O. Cowen. ANNUAL REPORT, 19S435 1115'

3. For the M.S. Examination— Anatomy— Prof. Wood Jones, Mr. T. E. V. Hurley. Physiology— Prof. Osborne, Dr. J. Leon Jona. Surgical Anatomy— Mr. H. Ii. Devine, Dr. Hughes Jones. Surgical Pathology— Prof. MacCallum, Mr. H. A. S. Newton. Surgery— Dr. B. Kilvington, Dr. Julian Smith, Dr. Wade (of Sydney). 4l. For the Diploma of Gynaecology and Obstetrics— Anatomy- Prof. Wood Jones, Prof. Marshall Allan. Physiology- Prof. Osborne, Dr. J. Leon Jona. Pathology— Prof. MacCallum, Prof. Marshall Allan. Bacteriology— Prof. Woodruff, Dr. E. Webster. Obstetrics and Gynaecology-—• Prof. Marshall Allan, Dr. E. W. Chambers. 5. For the Diploma of Ophthalmology— Part I. Prof. Wood Jones, Mr. H. Searby, Prof. Os­ borne, Sir James Barrett. Part II. Ophthalmology— Dr.' M.' Gardner, Dr. L. J. C. Mitchell, Dr. J. Ringland Anderson. Bacteriology- Prof. Woodruff, Dr. R. Webster. Pathology— Prof.'MacCallum, Dr. J. Ringland Anderson. 6. For the Diploma of Laryngology and Otology— Part I. Prof. Wood Jones, Mr. H. Searby, Prof. Os­ borne, Sir James Barrett. Part II. ' Laryngology and Otology— Dr; S.:A. Ewing, Mr. G. C. Scautlebury. Dr. E. Guttefidg'e. -1116 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Bacteriology— Prof. Woodruff, Dr. R. Webster. Pathology— Prof. MacCallum, Dr. R. Henneeey. '7. For the Dental Course— Dental Prothcsis— Mr. H. W. L. Hunt, Dr. W. J. Tuckfield, Dr. D. Baghel. Materia Medica.— Dr. C. E. Allen, Prof. Amies. Junior Operative Dentistry— Mr. C. H. Down. Mr. J. MoF! Wari. Orthodontia— Dr. K. Adamson, Prof. Amies. Dental Anatomy and Histology— Prof. Wood Jones, Dr. E. B. Nioholls, Prof. Amies, Mr. C. H. Down. Medicine— Dr. E. Downie, Prof. Amies. Surgery— Mr. H. Trumble, Prof. Amies. Dental Surgery and Pathology— Prof. Amies, Dr. J. M. Lewis. Senior Operative Dentistry— Prof. Amies, Mr. C. H. Down. Oral Surgery— Prof. Amies, Dr. S. P. Lumb. Conservative Dental Surgery— Prof. Amies, Mr. C. H. Down. Dr. P. B. Wood. Extractions and Anaesthetics— Prof. Amies, Dr. P. A. Aird. Clinical Orthodontia— Dr. K. Adamson, Prof. Amies. 8. For the Degree of D.D.Sc.— Part I. Surgical Pathology— Prof. Amies, Aetg.-Prof. King. ' 9. For the Engineering Course— Graphics and Geometrical Drawing1— Prof. Kemot, Mr. A. H. Paul. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1117

Mechanical Engineering— Part I.: Prof. Greenwood, Mr. T N. Mir field. Part II.: Mr. E. J. C. Rennie, Mr. T. N. Mirfield. Part III.: Mr. E. J. C. Rennie, Mr. T. N. Mirfield Engineering Design— Part I.: Prof. Kernot, Mr. A. H. Faul Part II.: Prof. Kernot, Mr. A. H. Fanl. Hydraulic Engineering— Part I.: Prof. Kernot, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. L. Galbraith, Mr. W. A. Robertson. Part TI.: Prof. Kernot, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. E. A. Hepburn. Surveying— Mr. E. R. H. Darwin, Mr. G. R. McGowan. Strength and Elasticity of Materials— Prof. Kernot, Mr. L. Galbraith. Electrical Engineering— Assoc. Prof. Brown, Mr. F. G. A. Sublet, Mr. C. E. Moorhouse. Electrical Engineering Design— Assoc.-Prof. Brown, Mr. P. G. A. Sublet. Metallurgy— Prof. Greenwood, Mr. P. P. Thompson, Mr. G. B. O'Malley. Civil Engineering, Part I.— Prof. Kemot, Mr. E. Lang, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. M. G. Speedie. Civil Engineering Design, Part I.— Prof. Kemot, Mr. E. Lang, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. M. G. Speedie. Civil Engineering, Part II.— Prof. Kernot, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. E. Lang, Mr. A. P. Taylor, Mr. A. E. Callaway, Mr. D. J. McClelland. Civil Engineering Design, Part II.— Prof. Kernot, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. E. Lang, Mr. E. A. Hepburn. Town Planning'— Mr. E. B. H. Darwin, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton. Mr. J. S. Gawler. 1118 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Machine Design— Prof. Kernot. Machining— Prof. Kernot. 10. For Essays for the M.Ed. Degree (1st Year)— Mr. J. McKac, Dr. K. S. Cunningham, Dr. P M. Baohelard, Prof. G. S. Browne, Miss A. Hoy, Miss Oilman Jones, Miss I. D. Marshall, Mr. A. Ramsay, Dr. R. D. Coil- man, Mr. L. G. Whiteoak, Mr. H. S. Wyndhaan (Syd.) 11. For a Thesis for the M.Sc. Degree— Prof. Laby, Prof. Cherry, Assoc.-Prof. Her- ous. 12. For a Thesis for the M.C.E. Degree- Mr. C. W. N. Sexton, Mr. A. G. Gutteridge. 13. For a Thesis for the M.E.E. Degree— Prof. Kernot, Assoc.-Prof. Brown. 14. For Theses for the M.Com. Degree— Prof. Giblin, Prof. Copland, Mr. L. G. Mel­ ville, Dr. B. Wilson. 15. For Theses for the D.Sc. Degree- Prof. C. G. Seligman (London), Prof. Wood Jones, Dr. Ezer- Griffiths (London), Prof. Laby. 16. For a Thesis for the M'.D. Degree— Prof. W. S. Dawson (Sydney), Dr. H. P. Maudsley. 17. For Theses for the D.D:Sc. Degree— Dr. R,. S.. J. King, Dr. 3. M. Lewis, Dr. C. H. Kellaway, Assoc. Prof. Young, Dr. J. K. Clark, Dr. C. E. Allen, Dr. E. Cooper. Dr. F. Maclure, Prof. Amies, Prof. Wood­ ruff; Dr. R. Webster,, Dr. K. Adamson. 18. For a Thesis, for. the D.y-.Sc. Degree-^,. Prof. Woodruff; Dr. H. E. Albiston, Dr. J. A... G.ilnuth, 19. For the Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship— Prof. Scott, Profv Bailey, Assoc.-Prof. Ohisholm, Mr.. W. M: Ball. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 111S>

20. For the Syme Prize— Prof. Wood Jones, Dr. W. J. Pentold. 21. For the Mollison Scholarship in Italian— Assoc. Prof. Chisholm, Dr. O. Schiassi. 22. for the Public Examinations in Music— Prof. Heinze, Prof. Laver, Mr. Biggins, Mr. di Gilio, Mr. James, Mr. McKeown, Mr. Middleton, Mr. Nickson, Dr. Price, Mr. Smithers, Mr. Steele, Mr. Thomas. Mr. Siedcl, Mr. Clewlow, Mr. Glide, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Elvins, Mr. Mallinson, Mr. L. Barklam, Mr. Elford Mack. 23. For the Scliool Intermediate and School Leaving Examinations, December, 1934, and February, 1935: — Subject. First F.xaininer. Second Examiner. Agricultural Science— Intermediate - .Mr. A. W. Jcssep Dr. 11. T. Patton Leaving (Pass) - Mr. J. K. Harrison Mr. A VV. Jessep (Hon.)- Mr. P. J. Kae Mr. (1. W. Lccper Animal Biology- intermediate Miss S. Llewelyn Miss K. E. Hall Leaving (I'ass) - Miss E. Mollison Mrs. A. Langtry (Hon.)- Miss E. G. Stillman Miss j, Sutherland Uotany— Intermediate Dr. B. J. Grieve .Miss S. Llewelyn Leaving (Pass) - Dr. R. T, Patton Miss S. Llewelyn (Ilon.)- Dr. K. I. McLennan .Miss D. J. Ross Cliemistry— Intermediate Mr. W. Trudinger Mr A. II. Ramsay Leaving (Pass) • Mr. A. T. S. Sissons Mr. W R. .)amiu*nn ., " (llon.)- Mr. G. A. Anipt Mr j'. J. W.itson Coin. Prin. & Prac.— Intermediate Mr. A. M. llislop Mr. E.-D. O'Doimcll Com. Practice- Leaving (Pass) • Mr. N. L. .lamieson Mr. A. M. Hislop (Hon.) - Mr. A. M. Hislop Mr. O.'K. MacDonald Com. Principles- Leaving (Pass) - Mr. G. L.'Majman Mr.E. 1>. O'Doimcll (Hon.)- Mr. O. R. Mac Donald Mr.-G. L. Mayman Domestic Science- Intermediate Miss B, Keartland MissC.'A.'Pate'fson "Leaving (Pass) - Mrs. I. S. S. Woodruff Miss' B. Kcartlar/d (Hoii.)- Mrs.I.S.S. Woodrii'ff Miss B. Keartland Drawing— ' Intermediate Mr. L. S. Davics Mr. P.'-H. 'Cnreir'-Hinytlt Leaving*(Pass) - •Mr.'J.'Milla Mr.W.'R.Dean (Honi). '•Mr.'-'H. R. Btown Mr. L. iS. l)a\ lea 71 1120 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Subject. First Kxaniiner Second Kxaniiner Greek — Intermediate - Mr. E. \V. Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry Leaving (Pass) - Mr. W. Kerry Mr, E. W. Cornwall (Hon.) - Mr. \V. Kerry Mr. K. W. Cornwall Greek i Rom. History- Leaving (Pass) - Mr. S. H. Z. Woinarski Mr. J. L. O'Brien (Hon.) - Mr. S. II. Z. Woinarski Mr. J. L. O'Brien Hebrew — Intermediate Rev. J. Danglow Mr. N. H. Rosenthal Leaving (Pass) Rev. J. Danglow Mr. N. II. Rosenthal (Hon.) Rev. F. Milne Rev. J. Danglow Latin— Intermediate Mr. E. V. Piesse Mr. W. F. Ingram Leaving (Pass) Mr, H. K. Hunt Mr. E. W. Cornwall ,, • (Hon.) - Mr. W, Kerry Mr. S. H. Z. Woinarski English— Intermediate Mr. (J. R. Bull Mr. A. E. Cwillim Leaving (Pass) Mr. W. A. Waller Mr. A. Richardson (Hon.) Mr. \V. T. Price Prof. Cowling Geography— Intermediate Miss J. McCowan Dr. II. S. Summers Leaving (Pass) Mr. A. James Mr.T. F. Scott Mr. L. S. Davies Dr. E. S. Hills (Hon.) Geology — Leaving (Pass) Assoc. Prol. Summers Mr. F. A. Singleton (Hon.) - Assoc. Prof. Summers Mr. F. A. Singleton A rithmetic— Intermediate Mr. R. G. Bienvenu Mr. S. L. Hughes Algebra- Intermediate Mr. II. M. Campbell Mr. R. Wilson Geometry &Trig.— Intermediate • Mr. A. Bright .Miss W. Waddell Mathematics I.— Leaving (Pass) - Mr. F. R. Potts Prof. T. M. Cherry „ (Hon.) • Prof. T. M. Cherry Mr. J. A. Seitz Mathematics II.— Leaving (Pass) - Mr. A. Hart Miss J. T. Flynn (Hon.) • Mr. R. J. A. Barnard Mr. M. II. Belz Mathematics III— Leaving (Pass) - Miss J. T. Flynn Mr. J. L. Aicken ,, (Hon.) • Mr. J. A. Seitz Mr. R. J. A. Barnard Mathematics IV— Leaving (Pass) - Mr. J. M. Allen Mr. W. Trudinger (Hon.) - Mr. M. H. Belz Mr. R. J. A. Barnard Irench— Intermediate - Mr. L. V. Ottaway Mr. W. H. Frederick Leaving (Pass) - Mr, G. E. Green Assoc. Prof. Lodewyckx ,, (Hon.)- Assoc. Prof. Chisholm Mr. J. G. Cornell German- Intermediate - Miss D. Coverlid Miss E. B. Kastaugh Leaving (Pass) • Assoc. Prof. Lodewyckx Mrs. D. Green ,, (Hon.)- Assoc. Prof. Lodewyckx Hiss D. Coverlid ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1121

Subject. First Examiner. Second Examiner. British History- Intermediate Mr. J. A. Merlo Mr. N. D. Harper heaving (Pass) - Mr. C. A. 11. Searby Mr. W. A. Waller (Hon.) - Miss I. D. Marshall Miss A. Hoy European History-- Leaving (Pass) - Mrs G. Lloyd Mr. O. deR. Foenander ,, ' (Hon.)- Miss A. Hoy Miss F. Penington "Economics— Leaving (Pass) • Mr. G. R. Crowther Mr. N. L. Jamieson (Hon.) - Prof. Copland Mr. 0. deli. Foenander Physical Science- Intermediate - Mr. A. H. Ramsay Mr. R. Bingham Physics - Intermediate Or. L. H. Martin Mr. A. W. Hatfield Leaving (Pass) - Mr. \V..Tmdinger Dr. C. E. Eddy „ ' (Hon.)- Assoc. Prof. E. Hercua Mr. .1. S. Rogers

Additional Examiners. Drawing—Intermediate—Mr. H. R. Brown, Mr. A. Noall, Miss H. E. Palmer lAtin --Intermediate—Miss A. B. deP. Hitchcock. -English—Intermediate—Mr. H. W. Byrne, Miss C. Brennan, Miss 0. L. Derham, Mr. G. B. Osborne, Miss C. M. Warren, Mrs. E. A. Southwell. Leaving (Pass)—Mr, G. A. Osborne, Miss D. A. MacKay, Mr. W. F. Wannan, Mrs. R. M. Waddell, Mrs. 0. L. llooppull, Rev. W. L. Clarke. Leaving (Hon.)—Mr. J. R. Richards, Miss V. C. Jennings. •Geography—Intermediate-Mr. J. S. Kitsou, Mr. T.W.Winn, Mr. H. B. llauser, Mr. F. A. Singleton, Mr. J. S. Mann, Mr. E. L. Wilcock. Leaving (Pass)—Dr. E. S. Hills. Arithmetic—Intermediate—Mr. A. W. Hatfield, Mr. F. G. Jarrett Algebra—Intermediate—Mr. E. J. Lewis, Mr. C. R. Franklin. Geometry and Trigonometry—Intermediate—Mr J. L. I. Griffiths, Mrs. S. Martin. French—Intermediate—Miss F. Barknian, Mrs. L. Gibson, Miss D. Barnard Mr. II. K. Hunt, Mr. J. S. Greig, Mr. F. G. Kirby. Leaving (Pass)—Miss G. Adamson, Mrs. H. W. S Cornell, Miai E. M. Schmctzcr, Miss M. Bernadou, Miss E. B. Eastaugh. British History—Intermediate—Mr. E. Harrison, Miss E. D. Daniel, Mr. 0. R. Long, Mr. W. H. Clayton, Mr. W. F. Wannan, Miss C. M. Warren. Leaving (Pass)—Mr. W. H. £11 wood. European History—Leaving (Pass)—Miss F. Penington. EconcmioB—Leaving (Pass)—Mr. G. W. Irving. 7U : . 11-22 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

14.—REPRESENT ATIVES. The following have been appointed to represent the- ipiiiversity: — University of Queensland, Twenty-fifth Anniver- sary— Prof. Copland. University of Adelaide, Jubilee of Medical School— Dr. R. E. Priestley, Prof. Marshall Allan. Royal Institute of Public Health and Royal Sanitary Institute Congresses— Hon. Sir Stanley Argyle. Imperial Social Hygiene Congress— Dr. Ernest Jones. International Congress on Family Education— Mr. W. M. Buntine. Advisory Boards of the Royal Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals— Dr. Zwar. Advisory Board of St. Vincent's. Hospital— Dr. Zwar, and Prof. Wood Jones. Council of .Melbourne Musical Societies— Prof. Heinze, Mr. J. Sutton Crow.

15.—STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. An important amendment has been made in the regu­ lations governing tie School Intermediate Certificate. The origin of the matter was a desire on the part of tha Schools that the Intermediate examination held in February should be abolished. It was felt, however, thai) if this were done some consideration should be given to candidates in December who entered for a full flange oil Intermediate subjects, who might pass in four and be a very little short of passing in two others. The anfend- ments which have been passed provide for the abolition 'of the February Intermediate examination, but theyj introduce a system of ^passing at a " higher" or " lower " standard, and permit . candidates to secura "the certificate who pass at one December examih-'atioa in four subjects at the " higher " standard and in two others at the.".lower" 'standard. A new regulation to 'establish, 'the 'F. W. hHwnewood iMemorial Scholarship iat the Conservatwrlnan ttas be*a made. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 11:23

16.—UNIVERSITY ACT, 1928. SECTION 34. The published accounts submitted herewith in Appen­ dix. B include accounts showing the income and expen­ diture for the year 1934 under this section. For that year the University received the grant for the second six months only. This was apportioned as follows: Research .£840 University Extension Department ... 1560 Total £2400 No grant for these purposes was received from the Government for the year 1933-34.

17.—RESEARCH. The following Research Fellows and Scholars have been appointed to work on the subjects severally speci- ified. This list does not include scholars appointed to scholarships founded for research in special subjecte. Government Research Fellow: — 'Thomson, D.P. .£450 Anthropological Research in Cape York Peninsula. Russell, R. S. 250 The influence of impurities on Plus 250 •) the properties of lead. Provided from private [ sources. j Government Research Scholars— Atkinson, Nancy A. 50 Bacterial Metabolism Balfe. lima G. 80 A Comparative Investigation of the Gametophytes of Aus­ tralian Ferns. Crapp, I. E. 30 Relation of dental caries and pyorrhoea to salivary, reac­ tion. •Crooks, Kathleen Australian Parasitic Phyoomy- M. 30 cetes. Dadswell, Inez W. 150 Further work on the causes for the low ash content of wheat grown in Australia. 1124 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Further analysis of Victorian grown potatoes, apples, oranges and root vegetables. Analysis of further samples of vegetable foods eaten by tha Australian aboriginal. Gibson, Q. B. 30 The relation of causal effi­ cacy and presentational im­ mediacy as factors in per­ ception. Halsey, Frances J. 80 Investigation of problems in connection with pasture im­ provement in Australia. Eeyward, Leila J. 50 Victorian Algal Flora. Lush, Dora 110 The Action of Bacteriophage on Haemolytic Streptococci and Staphlooocci, with a study of the Relationship of Serological characteristics1 and Bacteriophage suscep­ tibility of these organisms. Man ton, Joyce M. 40 Fascist Ethics, Ethics of De­ mocracy. Murray, Florence Embryology of Calandra ory- V. 80 zea. Embryology of Insect wing muscle. SNicholls, Annie 50 Mineralogy of Soils. Norman, A. H. 15 The nature of religious experi­ ence and ite philosophical significance. Oddie, T. H. 50 Production of Heavy Water, and the investigation of ite properties and those of heavy hydrogen and ite com­ pounds. iPetrie, D. P. R. 15q X-ray spectroscopy. Bewell, J. E. 90 Renal and Nervous diseases. Smith, L. H. 200 The Paraohor of the Triozoles and other Nitrogen Rings. Work on blue colour front Mesitylene. Wooloock, Violet 50 Development of Ampliibiaia Skiu. ANNUAL RKFORT, 1934-35 1125

M. A. Bartlett Research Scholars— Bower, J. C. 100 The Internal Absorption of X-rays in Gases. James, R. W. 100 The Distribution of Atmos­ pheric Radio Interference in different parts in Aus­ tralia. Pincus, P. 100 Local factors affecting caries. Bhaw, F. H. 100 Investigation of action of Acetyl Choline. Toasdale, E. A. 100 Synthesis of cyclic structures. Wark, Elsie E. 100 Surface Chemistry. Fred Knight Scholar— Kannuluik, W. Studies on heavy hydrogen G. 250 using the thermal conduc­ tivity meter. Cancer Research Grants— King, Dr. E. S. Cytology of Malignant J. 450 Tumors. Willis, Dr. R. A. 350 Work on Tumors. The following is a report on the work of the Re­ search Scholars who held in 1934 Scholarships available for general research: — Dr. D. F. Thomson left Melbourne for his new investi­ gations in Arnhem Land on March 16th, 1935. The University ketch "St. Nicholas" was sent to Cairns in advance, and from Cairns Dr. Thomson sailed her to Thursday Island. Later a visit was paid to Darwin to confer with the administrator, and then the journey was made to Caledon Bay and the Crocodile Islands. Dr. Thomson has made friendly contact with the Cale­ don Bay natives, and has already sent to the University the negatives and film of Bloving pictures taken in this region. Previous to his departure for Arnhem Land ho continued his work in the Department of Anatomy, and as a result two papers have been published by the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, two by the Zoological Society of London, ono by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and one by the American Anthropologist. Both at Caledon Bay and Blue. Mud Bay the disaffected natives have given Dr. Thomison a friendly reception, and there is every pros- 1126 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

pect that his visit will not only provide scientific know­ ledge for specialists, but will also produce an understand­ ing of local conditions that may afford the Common­ wealth Government, on whose behalf he is working, a basis for future policy in regard to the natives. R. S. Russell has continued his work on the influence of impurities on the physical properties of lead. Cer­ tain anomalies which he found in the crystallisation time of dilute alloys of lead with silver have been shown to be associated with the dendritic segregation of the latter element. By cold working and1 prolonged annealing this irregularity has been removed. In conjunction with other workers in the -Metallurgy School Mr. Russell has been investigating the influence of atmospheric gases on lead. It has definitely been proved that some gas from the atmosphere (probably oxygen) is absorbed by lead at ordinary temperatures. This 1ms introduced an added experimental difficulty in the work of determining the influence of individual impurities, for it has now been shown to be necessary not only to melt and cast the alloys in a vacuum, but also to keep the solid metals as far as possible from contact with air. This has been done by storing in a vacuum at ordinary or ele­ vated temperatures, or otherwise by a heavy coating of vaseline. The influence of silver, antimony, bismuth, tellurium, zinc and oxygen on the creep rate of lead under different stresses is at present under investiga­ tion. The influence of the same elements on the time taken to recrystallise after a standard cold working treatment has also been studied. Oxygen has given very irregular effects, and further investigation will be neces­ sary.

Miss N. Atkinson has been investigating synergic gaa •production by bacteria. It was shown that two organ­ isms growing together, namely, B.typhosus and B.mor- gani, could produce synergic gas from xylose, and that the amount of gas was greatly increased by the addition of calcium carbonate to the culture medium. Gas was formed by B.morgan! front broth culture filtrates, and killed broth cultures on which B.typhosus had been grown, in presence of Calcium carbonate. Thus the two organisms did not have to be growing together in order to form gas. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1127

Some work has also been done on the production of synergic gas by B.morgan! and various streptococci. This investigation is particularly interesting, since false; positive presumptive tests for B.coli in water are often due to the synergic action of a streptococcus and a bacillus which does not ferment lactose. A report of the work has appeared iu the Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science. Miss D. Lush has been working under the direction of Dr. i'. M. Burnet at the Walter and Eliza Hall Insti­ tute of Research, Melbourne Hospital, on the Staphy­ lococcal Bacteriophages. The work was carried out on similar lines to those followed by Dr. Burnet when in­ vestigating the Dysentery phages. It was found that all Staphylococcus aureus strains will absorb phage, even those which are relatively insusceptible to its action. Three distinct types of aureus phages were found, which are described in detail in a published paper. Several points of interest are still under in­ vestigation. Mrs. Inez W. Dadswell continued her work on tho inorganic constituents of plants and vegetable food­ stuffs. Since the report of last year she has published two papers on her work, one on the food value of certain plants used as food by the Australian aboriginal, and the other on the inorganic materials in Australian wheats. F. H. Shaw completed his work on the action of ethy­ lene on enzyme action, and the results have been pub­ lished. He has also continued his investigation into acetylcholine, and its occurrence in the body; some of this work is ready for publication. Miss I. G. Balfe carried out an investigation of tho gametophytcs of Victorian ferns. She obtained a num­ ber of these in pure culture, studied their development from the spore to the practically mature prothallus, and figured the various stages for future reference. Miss K. M. Crooks commenced a. study of Victorian aquatic fungi. Collections were made from a wide field, and the forms obtained were cultured under suitable laboratory conditions. No previous work of this kind has been recorded from Australia, and the resulte have 1128 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934 35 disclosed some new forms. It is hoped that a know­ ledge of the life history and periodicity of the fungi isolated will result from this research. Miss F. J. Halsey collaborated with Mr. D. Adam, the former Plant Pathologist to tho State Department of Agriculture, in some field' trials in connection with a disease of Raspberries. Laboratory work on this host was also continued, and a further attempt was made to reproduce the symptoms in green-house plants. At the same time an apparent saltant of Hypholoma fas- cicuiare arose in some laboratory cultures of this form. It was a white-spored type, whereas the typical Hypholomu is a purple-spored fungus. As the agarics arc classified primarily on their spore colour, experi­ ments were undertaken to discover whether the change in colour of the spore was due to the artificial condi­ tions of culture or was a genetic phenomenon. Mrs. Philiipson (Miss Leila B. Hcyward) has com­ pleted her work on Victorian Soil Algae, and the resulte have been embodied in a paper published by the Royal Society of Victoria. Some new species are included in this contribution. J. W. H. Nioholls has collected over a wide area in Victoria, including the Brisbane Ranges, Steiglitz, Ranges, Comoidai, Tallangatta, Grampians, Bennison Plains, etc., and many additions have been made to the University Herbarium as a result of this field work. Miss E. M. Shackcll worked on the phototropio influ­ ence of mono-chromatic light as expressed by the growth of etiolated maize seedlings, and also examined and tested the growth hormones responsible for similar cur­ vatures. Mrs. E. E. Wark is studying various problems of a purely scientific nature that have arisen out of the work on the theory of mineral flotation being carried out in tho Chemistry Department for a group of mining com­ panies. The object of this work is to determine the physical and chemical principles upon which the flota­ tion process is based. Many of the reagents added in (practice are adsorbed by the minerals, and Mrs. Wark's work has been mostly concerned with an attempt to determine the mechanism of adsorption. Her work on the adsorption of amines by various minerals was com- ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1129 pleted during the year, and is being published by the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Problems at present being investigated are, firstly, the "' activation" of sphalerite by various heavy metal salts, and, secondly,, jthe stabilising effect of various organic compounds upon) froths. Meaauremente of the life periods of individual bubbles of air at the surface of dilute solutions of the- " frother" have been adopted for the latter problem. It is evident that in all studies of adsorption it is essen­ tial to begin with clean surfaces, but the attainment of such surfaces has proved difficult, and much time has- been spent in seeking a satisfactory technique. L. R. D. Pyko began an investigation with Dr. K. N. Welch on the possibility of resolving racemic alde­ hydes through the action of an optically active orgauio secondary base. For this purpose Mr. Pyke prepared' pure optically inactive valeraldehyde by the oxidation of the corresponding amyl alcohol, but the work, when- showing promise of success, was interrupted by Mr. Pyke's proceeding to Oxford as the Victorian Rhodes Scholar. E. A. Teasdale has iuvestigated, in association with, iDr. W. Davies, the action of alkali metals on aromatic hydrocarbons, particularly benzene. It has been now. shown that benzene is attacked in the absence of air by the metals caesium, rubidium, potassium and sodium. Caesium slowly reacts at room temperatures, and the most inert of the metals (sodium) reacts slightly above' 240 deg. The compounds produced are so reactive that it is impossible to isolate them, but pure derivatives, have been obtained. By allowing these reactive orgauo. metallic compounds to react with carbon dioxide, benzoic acid and 4-diphenylcarboxylic acid have been formed as shown by their isolation in a crystalline condition. Other products have also been obtained which are under investigation. Concurrently with this work Mr. Teas- dale has examined, with a view to the synthesis of cyclic bases of alkaloidal interest, the condensation ot amines with the reaction products of aromatic aldehydes and malonic esters. Ho has very much simplified the pre­ paration of these intermediate compounds, and has pre­ pared a number of new members of the series. Mr. Teasdale obtained industrial employment at the begin- 1130 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 ning of the year, and the two investigations are almost ready for publication. L. H. Smith surrendered his scholarship on proceed­ ing to Oxford with an 1851 Exhibition Research Scholar­ ship; his researches in the Chemistry Department have now been published in the Journal of the Chemical Society of London. An account of his work appeared in last year's report. I. E. Orapp has investigated the salivary hydrogen ion concentration by means of the glass electrode, and has studied the relationship between such concentration and dental disease of hard and soft tissues. P. Pincus investigated the question of the permea­ bility of the enamel body to fluids, and is now doing work on keratolyses at the Boyral Dental Hospital in London. J. L. W. Harvey carried out research into the electro­ magnetic forces in electric circuits. The forces were) determined by measuring small changes of inductance, and after some experiments, an investigation to deter­ mine the most suitable type of A.C. bridge was under­ taken. An Anderson bridge supplied by a valve oscilla­ tor working at 1000 cycles, and used with a specially constructed amplifier and telephone as detector, was finally adopted. E. J. C. Rennie and C. E. Moorhouse have been con­ ducting research on wind motors of the aerofoil typo in order to obtain data for the design of plants for tho generation of electricity by wind power. Some time has been spent in the development ot a method of test­ ing the rotors, and the behaviour, of a series of rotors of similar action but varying pitch to diameter has been studied. M. G. Speedie has been investigating the fatigue strengths of weld metal deposited by the electric arc. The usual methods employed for obtaining fatigue strengths take considerable time, and a study is being made of more rapid methods in the hope that it will be possible to apply them to this problem. A. Coulson has prepared a paper on " Geological Notes on Lake Connewarrc, near Geelong." The depths of silt in Lake Conncwarre have been de­ termined, by the use. of a small hand-boring plant, and ANNUAL REPORT, 1934 35 1131

the track of basalt tongues, covered with silt, have been traced. The information has been applied to the geological history of the lake. R. B. Withers, iu conjunction with Mr. K. A. Keble, published a paper on the Palaeozoic Brittlestars of Vic­ toria. He has also been continuing field work on the Geology of the Kinglake district. Miss Ann JSTicholls has been making a study of the mineral composition of the sand fractions of some Vic­ torian soils. Most of the work deals with soils from the basaltic areas of the Western District, and iu these an attempt is being made to determine the proportion of the different minerals present, and to correlate this with the fertility or otherwise of the soil. T. H. Oddie has completed an investigation of the in­ fluence of the various factors which arc under control on the yield of deuterium (the heavy isotope ot hydrogen) •when water is electrolysed. It is found that a high, current density increases tho efficiency of separation. Variation of other factors had no observable effect. A paper embodying these observations "lias been forwarded to the Physical Society of London for publication. Mr. Oddie's, Dr. Eddy's and Mr. Pugsley's investigation of the action of X-rays on certain bacteria has recently been published by the Royal Society of London. A mathematical discussion of the results which they ob­ tained is given,'and it is shown'that the assumption that one quantum of X-rays will kill a bacterium is consistent •with their observations. Mr. Oddie has been appointed physicist in lthe Commonwealth Radium Laboratory University of Melbourne. During the 'year 1935-6 "R/W. Boswell is holding the Dixson Research 'Scholarship, and lias pursued a rres"earch into the meteorological conditions associated with sources "of atmospherics. It was ; found "that "many atmospherics originate near a cold'front. -Mr. -Boswell -has been ap­ pointed ;pliysicist to 'the 'Radio 'Research 'Board. 'Dr. Webster and Mr. 'Boswell, in conjunction with the Gom- rtnbu'wc'alth Meteorological 'Bureau, hrive Undertaken 'an 'investigation of the correlation rof ^atmospheric sources 'with-cold'fronts, and -'there 'is -evidence -that the'ooirela- 'ton is higher in 'spring Lahd "sumnjer 'than 'in winter. .1132 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

J. C. Bower has investigated, in conjunction with Dr. L. H. Martin, by means of the Wilson cloud track ex­ pansion chamber, the absorption of X-rays in gases, and the Auger effect in the rare gases argon, krypton and xenon. Two papers embodying the earlier result of this investigation have been published, and another has been completed. Mr. Bower was awarded an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, and he is now a research student in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. It is interesting to note that the wave mechanical theory, of the Auger effect has been investigated in Cambridge by Mr. I-:. H. S. Burhop, with the assistance of Dr. H. S. W. Massey, former 1S51 Exhibition Scholars from this University. D. P. R. Pctrie has published in the Proceedings of the Physical Society the resulte of an investigation of long X-raye. His paper contains a valuable discussion of the resolving power of a plane grating spectrometer of new design. Ho used this instrument to determine the structure of the K a line of carbon, and for the comparison of long X-ray wave-lengths. Mr. Petrie is holding tho 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, which he was awarded in 1934, at Cambridge. The giant to R. T. W. Bingham has been used to -construct, according to a design of Professor Laby, an Eagle mounting for a Rowland concave grating. Mr. Bingham proposes to use this spectrometer for the accurate deter­ mination of wave-lengths in the region of about EOOO A. The spectrometer has proved a very satisfac­ tory instrument, and is a valuable addition to the spec­ troscopic equipment of the Natural Philosophy Labora­ tory. The cost of constructing the mounting in the physics workshop was a small fraction of the cost of importing one. Dr. W. G. Kannuluik has carried out an experimental investigation of the thermal conductivity of unsatu­ rated steam at lOOdeg.C, and he has made some pro­ gress with a determination of the thermal conductivity of deuterium gas and deuterium-hydrogen mixtures, iwhich indicates that the thermal conductivity of ^deuterium is about three quarters of that of hydrogen. Dr. Kannuluik has written an account of the develop- ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1133 ment of physical science in the ancient Orient as part of material which is supplied to studente of Natural Philosophy on the history of physics. Florence V. Murray has continued with Dr. Tiegs the study of the embryonic development of Calaudra oryzae, following up the study of the metamorphosis of this in­ sect already published in the Quarterly Journal of ^Microscopical Science. Violet Woolcock has continued her study of the para­ sites of Australian fishes, her second report on the Tre- inatode parasites being in the press. She has also described a new Protozoan parasite of the genus Chloro- myseum in the gall bladder of Pristiophorus. This haa also been accepted for publication. R. VVr. James only held a Bartlett Scholarship for a short period iu 1935, and during that period he con­ tinued and has subsequently completed his calculations of the interference which is to be expected to the recep­ tion of broadcast signals by atmospheric interference. He uses in these calculations the known incidence of thunderstorms in various parte of Australia. The grant made to J. S. Rogers was used to insure .£2000 worth of radium which was lent to him by the Commonwealth Radium Laboratory. This radium haa recently been returned, as it is required for the pro­ duction of radon. Mr. Rogers now uses radon, which does not require to be insured, and is more effective than radium, as a source of gamma rays in wave­ length and absorption measurements. His wave-length measurements, extending from 20 to 230 XU, are nearly complete, and will shortly be published.

OTHER RESEARCH. The increase in the incidence' ot a disease of cattle popularly known as Forage Poisoning and Grass Tetany made it advisable for the Veterinary Institute to com­ mence investigations into ite nature. The disease is common in all dairying districts and is responsible for much economic wastage. A number of typical cases were examined during the year, Mr. Gorrie visiting the •Western District to obtain suitable specimens. The in­ vestigations have comprised biochemical and bacterio­ logical examinations of blood and body fluids from 1131: ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 affected cattle, but so far the findings have failed to relate the Victorian disease to similar conditions which affect cattle in England and Europe. On account of its seasonal incidence, progress in this research is slow, but arrangements are being made lo make an intensive field study during next spring. Diseases ot swine arc increasing in importance every year iu Victoria. Special experimental pens which have been provided tor the study of pig diseases will greatly assist Mr. l/ullar in liis investigations. The study of nasal granuloma is proceeding slowly, and valuable confirmation of the previous work has resulted from the isolation of the fungus from a case which developed in another district in this State. Experiments on the reproduction of the disease have only been partially successful, and it appears possible that some other factor is necessary to enable the fungus to produce the typical progressive lesions ot the disease. Research into Contagious Mastitis of Cattle by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has commenced, aud the laboratory work is being carried out by the Commonwealth Officers located at the Veterinary •Institute. Miss MacLean is continuing her work on this disease and is collaborating with her colleagues on certain phases ot the work. The Officers of the Dairy Products Research Laboratory, in addition to their routine surveys of butter factories in Victoria, have been studying the factors underlying the production of first quality casein. The effect of metallic contamination on the development ot " tallowy" butter, and the cause ot certain " off flavours" iu butter have also been studied. Miss Jean Polglaze in her research under the Kilmany Scholarship made an extensive examination ot the pro­ fits of Australian industrial companies and of their re­ lationship to the business cycle. The results tend to con­ firm tlio anticipatory nature of profit changes, and they •pave ^the way for further investigation of investment and national income. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1135-

18.—UNIVERSITY EXTENSION BOARD. The most important matter affecting the work of tho- Extcnsion Board iu the past year was the restoration iu July, 1934, of the Government Grant, although at a reduced figure. This followed joint representations made by the Workers' Educational Association and the Uni­ versity. The amount of the new, reduced, grant is ,£4,800, and it is to be devoted to Extension Work and Research in Science, the Council of the University being left to allocate the amount between those two activities. 'I'he Council made the allocation in the same propor­ tions as operated for the previous grant, and tho . Extension Board receives .£3,120 of the ,±4,800. The total number of studente in Tutorial Classes was 2046, and in some of the classes it was impossible to accept all tho applications owing to the lack of room. The number of classes was 44, audi the number of tutors was 35. These were the Director of University Extension (Prof. J. A. Gunn), Professors Osborne, Agar, Hartung and Ewart, Mr. A. A. Fitzgerald, Eev. J. T. Lawton, Dr. P. M. Bachelard, Mr. H. Scott Bennett, Mr. W. F. Wannan, Dr. F. R. E. Mauldon, Mr. W. M. Ball, Mr. C. E. Monteath, Mr. D. C. Griffiths, Rev. W. Bottomley, Mr. A. G. Campbell, Mr. F. T. Macartney, Mr. J. How- lett Ross, Dr. Ethel I. McLennan, Dr. R. T. Patton, Dr. B. J. Grieve, Mr. P. A. K. Ewart, Mr. J. A. Merlo, Mr. E. H. 0. Oliphant, Dr. K. S. Cunningham, Mrs. Ian Maxwell, Mr N. H. Roff, Mr. C. A. Cameron, Mr. W. D. Forsyth, Mr. F. Thomas, and Mr. F. T. Pargher. The subjecte included Economics, Psychology, Philos­ ophy, Ethics, History of Science, Physiology, Biology, Public Speaking, the Art of Written Expression, English Literature, Astronomy, Political Science, Musical Appre­ ciation, Nature Study, Australian Literature, Botany, World History, World Politics, and General Science. At the suggestion of Professor Cherry, Professor of Mathematics, a special course of lectures given by him was arranged in July. Three lectures were delivered • under the general title of " Elementary Algebra." Tho lectures were intended mainly for teachers and for members of the Mathematical Association. A few pounds' profit waa shown. 1136 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

A special course of public lectures was conducted at the University in October, the time of year at which the Public Fortnight had previously been held. Six professors dealt with " One Hundred Years of Progress (1834-1934)," in relation to their own special subject. The lectures given were " A Walk Through a Hospital in 1934," by Professor Osborne; "A Hundred Years Advance in Victorian Agriculture," by Professor Wad- ham; " Economic Doctrine Then and Now," by Professor Copland; " Chemistry a Hundred Years Ago," by Pro. fessor Hartung; " One Hundred Years of Progress in .Anatomy," by Professor Wood Jones; and "Tho Grow­ ing Status of Mind," by Professor Gunn. The broadcast­ ing of five of the lectures undoubtedly interfered with the actual attendance. This, however, enabled country listeners to hear them, which was the main purpose in broadcasting the leotures. Sixty-two Extension Lectures were given during the year, the centres concerned being as far afield as Mil- dura, Warrnaimbool, Hamilton, Kerang, Echuca, Bairns- dale and Yarrawonga. A small number of applications was received from individuals and from groups for tuition by correspond­ ence. At the end of June arrangements with the Australian Broadcasting Commission were suspended, the organisa­ tion for such talks now being transferred to Sydney to a special committee in that city. It is to be hoped that the services of the Extension Board may again be utilised in the future. Mr. F. T. McCullough, Tutor of Leeds University, who was passing through Melbourne, gave two special ^Factory Addresses. Factory classes were also held at midday in factories at Preston and Footecray. During the year the sum of .£1,309 was received from the Carnegie Corporation as the first instalment of tha grant referred to last year. In accordance with the terms of this grant, the sum of .£595 was allotted to further library facilities for Adult Education, while the remaining J5714 was allotted to Adult Education. With Tcgard to the money for library expenditure, the Board decided to spend .£95 in the present year, and there­ after £100 per annum for the next five years. Other sums were allocated to country lectures, and the re­ vision of correspondence-tuition notes. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 . 1137

19.—PUBLICATION FUND. The following grants from the Publication Fund have. , been made : — £75 as a grant and £50 as a loan towards the cost) (over £500) of publication of " Localised Rare- tying Conditions of Bone," by Dr. E. S. J. King. £63 as a grant towards the cost of publication in the Royal Anthropological Journal of two papers by Dr. D. F. P. Thomson. £62 as a loan towards the cost of publication of " Electrical Enginering Materials—Tables and) Properties," by Mr. P. G. A. Sublet, M.E.E., B.Mech.E. 20.—STUDiasrrs' LOAN FUND. A separate statement of the Students' Loan Fund] will be found among the accounts in the Appendix, Tho amount of loans outstanding on 31/12/1933 was , £28,884 11 0 During the year 1934 tha following sums were lent— Additional loans to existing borrowers .£1484 3 0 Loans to new borrowers 974 7 0 — 2,458 10 0 Interest added to borrowers' accounts for the year 1934 amounted to 1,350 1 1 £32,693 2 1 The repayments received for the year 1934 amounted to 2515 17 2 T ~__^:_ J.1. "LI J. J. „Ji__ _™ j-Ajavuig" at* rue Da-iance 'OUtoua'HQiiig on 31st December, 1934 .£30,177 4 11 . Tho number of studente assisted during 1934 was 66, and the amounte of the loans made ranged from £10 ta £100.. 21.—THE LIBRARY. During the year 3757 bound volumes were added to the Libraries, which, at the 30th June, 1935, contained ; 90,009 volumes—73,430 in the General Library and

70A 1138 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 branches, and 16,579 in the Medical and Chemical Library. The number of books presented was larger than usual, due mainly to a notable gift of 372 volumes of Parliamentary Papers and Government Gazettes from the duplicate collections of the Public Library of Vic­ toria. It is satisfactory to report that losses from the Central Library were less than for many years past, and that no serious losses from the branch libraries have to be reported. The growth of inter-library borrowing is an important feature of library work. This applies particularly to- science periodicals, and the opportunity to borrow from other libraries is very greatly appreciated by the staff and research studente. In May the Council found it necessary to increase the Library staff. A graduate was appointed to one position and a junior with an excellent school record to a second position. The need for a new,building must again be referred to. The matter has been closely considered during the year, and the urgent need for a new building was made- abundantly clear. It was considered that an adequate site would be one immediately to the south of the Arte building. 22.—UNIVERSITY PRE.SS. The following books were published during the year: Cowling, Professor G. H.—Essays in the Use of English. The Australian Rhodes Review, edited by Profes­ sor K. H. Bailey, Professor G. V. Portus and Sir A. C. D. Rivett, and issued on behalf of the Association of Rhodes Scholars in Aus­ tralia. Economic Record, No. 18, June, 1934. Chishphn, Associate Professor A. R.—Towards Herodiade. Merry lees, W. A.—Descartes: An Examination of some Features of his Metaphysics anrj- Method. Mercer, L. Boyd—Bulk Handling of Whefct. Wood, Associate Professor G. L.—The Costs of Progress. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1139

Hart, Alfred—Shakespeare a.nd the Homilies. Garland, J. M.—Economic Aspects of Australian Land Taxation. Economic Record, No. 19, December, 1934. Cowling, Professor G. H., and Maurice, Furnley— Australian Essays. M.U.P. List of Publications, 1935. ' Australian Council for Education Research. Re­ ports as follow: 21 Cunningham, K. S., and Price, W. T.—Standardi­ zation of an Australian Arithmetic Test. .22 Collman, R. D., and Others—Comparative Intelli­ gence of English, American and Australian Children. 23 Hoy, A.—Teaching ot History and Civics in Vic­ torian Secondary Schools. 24. Cunningham, K. S.—Educational Observations and Reflections. 25 Meldrum, H. J.—Investigation into Secondary School Mathematics. 26 Bachelard, P. M.—Education of the Retarded Child. 27 Parker, H. T.—Development of Intelligence in Sub-normal Children. 28 Bridge, M.—Effect on Retention of Different Methods of Revision. 29 Clarke, G.—Some Character Traits of Delinquent and Normal Children in Terms of Persevera­ tion Factor. 30 Wheeler, D. K.—The Value of Prevention of Erro» as a Teaching Device. 31 Wvndham, H. S.—Ability Grouping. Allen, J. A.—The Old Model School, issued on be­ half of the A.C.E.R., but not included in the Series. This was a record year for publications, and it is pleasing to report that this, our main activity, is so progressive. Reference to the accounts will show that the profit on publications was £576. This is a creditable achievement, especially as it has been, found that agree- tnente with authors are, on the whole, very favourable to them, as compared with authors' agreements with other 1140 ANNUAL RKPORT, 1934-35 publishers. Every effort is made to put books on the- market at ai reasonable price, not always an easy matter when the edition is small. The other activities all show a gross profit. The net profit for the year was £451/17/5, and the assets, valued, conservatively, now exceed the liabilities by £4,235/10/5. The business of the Post Office shows a further- in­ crease. The turnover for 1934 was £6,085/10/4, as com­ pared with £5,827/15/8 in 1933. Telegrams despatched were 2,668 in 1931,, 2,261 in 1933; registered articles handled were 1,699 in 1934, 1,671 in 1933.

23.—CONSERVATORIUM. The work of the University Conservatorium has in recent years greatly extended, and as this has happened? gradually without special record, it seems fitting now to make some report on it. The principal work continues to be the training of students iu the courses laid down by the University for the Degree of Bachelor of Music and for the Diploma in Music. ° Next to this is the work which has been carried on for over 30 years of organising and carrying out, throughout the State, the public examinations in music. This work, which made a very modest beginning, has steadily grown till it is now in more than one way a very important adjunct to the work of the Conserva­ torium. The Conservatorium has always given concerts, but it was Professor Heinze who established the principle of Celebrity Orchestral Concerts, who overcame initial difficulties, including finance, and who raised them to » position of pre-eminence in the musical life of Mel­ bourne. In addition to the Celebrity Concerts a few Sidney Myer Free Orchestral Concerts are given each year; and! there arc also from time to time some Chamber Musio; Concerts. These are all given with an educational ideal in view,, and to stimulate an appreciation of good music. A certain number of students' concerts are also given, the direct object being to give students practice i«i (public performance. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 114-1

Then a number of visits are paid to country centres by Mr. Crow and two young artiste, and concerts are given in each of the principal towns of a district. The extent of this work may be gauged from the fact that in 1935 33 towns have been visited and 115 recitals given. Tho object of these is to educate the musical taste chiefly of the young people. Opportunity is taken ot the visite to discuss matters in connection with the public exami­ nations in music with those interested in them. For some years an Opera Society has existed, and on several occasions has been able to render important ser­ vice in connection with the performance of opera in Melbourne. More recently a Bach Society and a Military Band -School have been formed, and are iu regular rehearsal; so also is the Conservatorium Orchestra, which U chiefly a body of amateurs in contrast with the profes­ sional character of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, which performs at the Celebrity Concerts. These activities have gone to build up a large organi­ sation, and it is only by reason of the fact that it is large that the Council was able to make to Messrs. Jiascha, Tossy and Adolf Spivakovski and Edmund Kurtz offers which enabled thom to remain in Melbourne to enrich our musical lite. The growth of activities was making the accommoda­ tion at the Conservatorium inadequate, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brookes made the Council the handsome gift of £4000 for the purpose of erecting a new wing, which, at their request, has been named the Marshall Hall wing, in memory of the first Ormond Professor. The new wing was completed and opened during the year, and has proved a great boon.

24.—COMMONWEALTH X-RAY LABORATORY. The Commonwealth Government, through its Depart­ ment ot Health, has for a number of years had its iRadium Laboratory established in the University, in charge of its own officers under the supervision ot Pro­ fessor Laby. During the past year, after lengthy nego­ tiations, an' agreement has been entered into tor the establishment in the University of a Commonwealth X-ray Laboratory, for the study of the physics of X- 1142 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 ray therapy. The medical profession has long been ot the opinion that there is urgent need in Australia for such work as the laboratory will provide for. Tho Commonwealth Government is bearing the annual cost of the laboratory, and hae made a contribution towards the purchase of equipment; but the University has undertaken responsibility for internal alterations which were necessary in the Natural Philosophy Department find for obtaining still further equipment. It has dona this with the intention of making an appeal for an amount, to cover the extra cost. The whole work will be under the direction of Professor Laby, who has been partly released from some of his other duties to enable him to undertake the new work.

25.—BURSARIES. The following Bursaries, etc., in the gift ot the Uni­ versity, have been awarded by a special Committee of the Council, after considering confidential information! furnished to it: — War Bursaries to two first year Arts Students. Aitchison Undergraduate Scholarships to two third year Science studente. The Moran Bursary in! Law to a third year student. The J. G. Chrisp Bursary to a second year Law Stu­ dent. Dick Bursaries to a first year Science and a third year Arts student. The W. G. Sharp Bursary to a fourth year Medical student. Tho David Thompson Scholarship to a third year Engineering student.

26.—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize, now of £125, founded in 1905 by the late Mr. David Syme, for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australa for not less than five years, has been awarded to R. A. Willis, M.D., B.S., D.Sc, for hie work on the Spread of Tumours in the Human Body. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 . 114:3

27.—HARBISON-HIGINBOTHAM SCHOLARSHIP. The annual scholarship of £100, founded by the next of kin of the late William Harbison, tor original work in History, Economics, Politics, Administration, Government and Sociology, has been awarded to W. D. Forsyth, B.A,, for his work, " Governor Arthur's Convict System in Van Diemen's Land, 1824-35."

28.—AITCHISON TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP. The Aitchison Travelling Scholarship, which is one of the scholarships founded under the bequest received from the late David Aitchison and his niece. Miss Hickman, has been awarded to Mr. C. J. Home, B.A., of the Teachers' College, who has proceeded to Oxford to con­ tinue his study of English.

29.—RHODES SCHOLAR. J. G. Mann, B.A., of Trinity College, has been selected as Victorian Rhodes Scholar for 1935.

30.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLARSHIP. Each year, the Royal Commissioners of the 1851 [Exhibition offer three Science Research Scholarships to nominees from Australia. J. C. Bower, B.Sc, was nomi­ nated by this University, and was awarded a Scholar­ ship. 31.—FREE PASSAGES. The four Free Passages to Europe granted annually to graduates for the purposes of further study, and] •shared by the following Steamship Lines, namely: The ^Aberdeen, The Blue Funnel. The Orient, and The P. & O., have been awarded to Rosasnna Jones, B.A., C. J. Home, B.A., Q. B. Gibson, B.A., J. C. Bower, B.Sc.

32.—CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS. The University, as one ot the leading institutions in the City ot Melbourne and the State of Victoria, was glad to associate itself with the Centenary Celebrations being conducted during 1934 and 1935 by the City and the State, and the arrangements foreshadowed in the last 1144 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 report were duly carried out. The University had the great honour of receiving and conferring a degree upon H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, who was the principal (Centenary visitor. This took place on the 7th Novem­ ber, in the presence of a distinguished gathering, wheal the then Vice-Chanccllor, Sir James Barrett, welcomed His Royal Highness on behalf of the University; Pro- fessr C. A. Scutt read a Latin address of welcome; and Mr. C. G. 'McAuliffe, President of the Students' Repre­ sentative Council, made a speech of welcome in the name of the students. On tho 10th October, Mr. John Masefield, the Poet Laureate, and Sir John Cadman, both distinguished Centenary visitors, were received by the University, and were made the recipients of degrees by special grace. The Chancellor, Sir John MacFarland, publicly wel­ comed the visitors, and Mr. Masefield delivered an address. Then the two series of public addresses referred to last year were duly carried out as arranged, except that Mr. R-. P. Franklin took the address on Education in place of Mr. Frank Tate, who found himself unable to act. 33.—DONATIONS. The Council acknowledges with gratitude the receipt of the following gifts in money during the year: — Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, £1000, for gene­ ral endowment. Mr. Percy Grainger, £1200, for tho cost of erecting a Grainger Museum of Music; also a number of gifts of music for the Conservatorium Library. Late Dr. F. A. Nyulasy. .£1000, to endow a Prize of £100 in Gynaecology. Broken Hill Associated Smelters, £1000; Electrolytic Zinc Coy., £250; Broken Hill Proprietary Co., £500, for the Metallurgy Building. Anonymous, £850, for the purchase of a boat for Dr. D. F. F. Thomson's work in Northern Australia. Carnegie Corporation of New York, .£620, being pro­ ceeds of a grant of 2,500 dollars for adult education. Messrs. G. J. Coles and Co., .£160, for Pianos. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 . 1145

Mr. G. R. Nicholas, £150; Mr. A. W. Coles, £50, for the fund for retaining the Messrs. Spivakovski and E. Kurtz. A.N.T., £100.for Research. Mining and Metallurgical Bursaries Fund, £35, for apparatus for Metallurgy Department, and £80 for cer­ tain bursaries. Broken Hill Associated Smelters, Imperial Chemical Industries, and The Herald and Weekly Times, £50 each, for the University Appointments Board. Professor Ewart, £15, for Botany Department. Mr. Jas. MacDougall, £10/10/-, for a wireless set for the Education School. Also the following gifts: — Mrs. Walter Rosenbain, a special microscope which had been used by her husband, a number of books from his library, and a plaque, all for the Metallurgy School. Trustees of Public Library, about 400 Volumes of Parliamentary Government Gazettes, etc. Mr. W. Stone, Melting Furnace tor the Metallurgy School. Mr. J. S. Gawler, collection of Marine Shells for tha Zoology School. In addition to Mr. Percy Grainger, Mr. Marshall Sumner, Miss Winifred Francis, Mr. F. H. Johnston, music for the Conservatorium Library.

33.—APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached nereto: — Appendix A.— List of Contributions to Literature and Science. Appendix B.—Statement of Accounts for the year 1934. All of which I have the honour to submit for your Excellency's consideration. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's Most Obedient Servant, JAMES W. BARRETT, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., LL.D., M.D., M.S.. P.R.C.S. Chancellor. 19th November, 1935. ^Unii'frsity of puibourne.


ENGLISH. Professor G. H. Cowling, M.A., and Furnley Maurice— Australian Essays (Melbourne University Press).

GERMAN. Assoc.-Prof. A. Lodewyckx, M.A., Litt.D. (1) Deutsche Sprache, deutsche Schulen und Deuts- chunterricht in Australien (Deutsche Akad­ emie, Mitteilungen, Munchen, 1934, pp. 145- 195). (2) Das Deutschtum iu Victoria, Festschrift zum hundertjahrigen Jubilaum des Staates Vic­ toria 1834-1934, 48 pp. (3) Sterben die austraJischen Eingeborenen aus? (Geistige Arbeit, 20 Juni, 1935). (4) Der Name des funften Erdteils (Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1935, Heft, 7/8. pp. 234-236). PHILOSOPHY. Prof. W. R. Boyce Gibson, M.A., D.Sc.— The Ethics of Nicholai Hartmann (III). Anst. Jrl. of Psychology a

MATHEMATICS. Mildred M. Barnard, M.A., B.Sc— Flexure of an Infinite Plate, having in it a Semi- Infinite Straight Crack. (Zeikchrjft fiir Auge- wamdte Mathematik und Mechanik, April, 1935.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35. 1147

COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS. Prof. D. B. Copland. C.M.G., M.A., D.Sc, Litt.D.— (1) W. E. Hearn: First Australian Economist.. (Mel­ bourne University Press.) (2) .federal Finance in Australia. (Econ. Journal, June, 1935.) (3) Notes on Tariff Theory, with special reference to the Australian Tariff. (Supplement to the Economic Record, March, 1935.) Profesor L. F. Giblin, D.S.O., M.C, M.A.— (1) Farm Production and the Depression. (The Economic Record Supplement, 1935.) (2) Memorandum on the Home Price and the Export Industries, Appendix A to the Supplement of the First Report ot the Royal Commission on the Wheat, Flour and Bread Industries. (Gov­ ernment Printer, Canberra, F.5620.) Assoc.-Prof. G. L. Wood, M.A., Litt.D.— Commodity Control in the Pacific Area.—Section on Control in Australia. (Allen and Unwin.) F. R. E. Mauldon, B.A., M.Ec, Litt.D.— (1) State Agencies of Administration in Victoria. Chapter in Trends in Australian Politics. (Published by tho Australian Institute of Political Science and reprinted in Papers and Proceedings of the Victorian Regional Group, Institute ot Public Administration, Vol. I, No. 6.) (2) Australian Manufacturing in the Depression. Written in collaboration with Miss Jean Pol- glaze, B.Com. (The Econ. Record Supple­ ment, March, 1935.) S. G. Norris, LL.M.— (1) Victorian Editor, The Australian Digest, 1828- 1933. (Law Book Company.) (2) Australian Siipplement to Chiarlesworth: Prin­ ciples of Mercantile Law. (Law Book Com­ pany). Miss J. Polglaze, B.Com.— • (1) Australian Manufacturing in the Depression. Written in collaboration with Dr. P. R. E. Mauldon, B.A., M.Ec., Litt.D. (Supplement to the Econ. Record, March, 1935.) 1148 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

NATTJEAI, PHILOSOPHY. Prof. T. H. Laby, M.A., So.D., P.B.S., and E. O. Hcrcus. D.Sc.— The Effect of Aeration of the Water used in tho Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. (Proc Phys. Soc, Vol. 47, 1935.) Prof. T. H. Laby— The Essentials for Scientific Accuracy in X-Ray and Gamma-Ray (Radium) Measurements. (Report 6th Anst. Cancer Conference, 1935.) 'ITie Staff of the Natural Philosophy Laboratory— General Physics, Mechanics, Heat, Sound, Light— for the Use of Studente of Natural Philosophy Part I.* W7. G. Kannuluik, D.Sc.— Development of Physical Science in Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese and Indian Civilisations.* L. H. Martin, Ph.D., J. C. Bower, M.Sc, and Prof. T. H. Laby— (1) Auger Effect in Argon. (Proc. Roy. Soc, A. Vol. 148, 1935.) (2) Ionization in Gases by X-Rays as shown by Ex­ pansion Chamber Observations. (Jonm. Can­ cer Res. Committee, 1st February, 1935.) W. N. Christiansen, M.Sc, R. W. Crabtree, B.Sc, and Prof. T. H. Laby— Density of Light Water; Ratio of Deuterium to Hydrogen, (Nature, 25th May, 1935.) •C. E. Eddy, D.Sc— (1) Some Recent Developments in the Measurement of X-Rays. (Rept. 6th Aust. Cancer Confer­ ence, 1935.) (2) Homogeneous X-Badiation iu Biological Experi­ ments. (Med. Joum. of Australia, 2nd Feb., and 4th May, 1935.) .Dr. C. E. Eddy and J. O'Sullivan, M.D.— The Use of Composite Filters in X-Ray Therapy. (Med. Joum. of Australia, August, 1935.) T. H. Oddie, M.Sc— The Efficiency of Separation of Hydrogen and Deu­ terium by Electrolysis. (Proc. Phys. Soo., 1935.) •Publiahed'by and obtainable from the Natural Philosophy Laboratory. ANNUAL REPORT, 1931-35 1149

A. H. Turner, M.Sc— X-Ray and Radium Protection (pamphlet issued by the Commonwealth Department of Health, 1934-5). A. T. Pugsley, B.Agr.Sc, T. H. Oddie, and Dr. C. E. Eddy— The Action of X-Rays on Certain Bacteria. (Proc. Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 117, 1935.) D. p. R. Pctrie, M.Sc— Comparison of X-Ray Wave-lengths by the Plane- grating Vacuum Spectrograph, and the Struc­ ture of the K line of carbon. (Proc Phys. Soc, Vol. 47, 1935.) G. H. Munro, M.Sc, A.M.I.E.E., H. C. Webster, M.Sc, Ph.D., A. J. Higgs, B.Sc— Simultaneous Observations of Atmospherics with) Cathode-Ray Direction Finders at Toowoomba and Canberra (Coun. Sci. Ind. Res. (Aust.) Bull, No. 89, 1935.) G. H. Munro and Dr. H. C. Webster- Nature of Atmospherics (Nature, 8th Dec, 1934.) W. J. Wark, M.Sc— Atmospheric Interference with Reception. (Coun. Sci. Ind. Res. (Aust.) Bull. No. 89, 1936.) W. J. Wark, R. WT. Boswell, and Dr. H. C. Webster— A Directional Recorder for Atmospherics. (Coun. Sci. Ind. Res. (Aust.) Bull. 1935.) Physicists of the Radio Research Board (University of Melbourne)— Section in Annual Report of the Radio Research1 Board of Australia on Atmospherics.

CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT. N. S. Bayliss, B.A., B.Sc, Ph.D.— A Critical Review of the Parachor. (Journ. Aust. Chem. Inst., 1935, 81.) G. A. Ainpt, B.Sc— (1) Review of Volumetric Methods for the Deter­ mination of Sulphates. (Journ. Aust. Chem. Inst. 1935. 10.) (2) Presidential Address to Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria. (Journ. Soc. Chem. Ind. Vic, 1933. 856.) 1150 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

G. A. Ampt, B.Sc, and Joan H. Norris, M.Sc.— The Determination of Formaldehyde. (Journ. Soc Chem. Ind. Vic, 1933. 801.) L. H. Smith, M.Sc, and K. N. Welch, Ph.D.— A Contribution to the Chemistry of the Knoevenagel and Similar Reactions. (Journ. Chem. Soc Lond., 1934. 1136.) I. W. Wark, Ph.D., D.Sc, and A. B. Cox, M.Sc— (1) Experimental Study of the Influence of Cyanide, Alkalis and Copper Sulphate on the effect of Sulphur-bearing Collectors at Mineral Sur­ faces. (Amer. Inst. Miu. Met. Eng. Tech. Publication No. 574.) (2) Flotation of Graphite and Sulphur and ite Bear­ ing on the theory of Adsorption. (Journ. Phys. Chem. 1935. 39, 551.) I. W. Work, Ph.D., D.Sc— (1) Zur Theorie der Flotation. (Zcit. Phys. Cham. 1935. 173, 265.) (2) Theories of action of flotation reagents. (Rep. A.N.Z. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1935. 73.) G. W. Leeper, M.Sc— Manganese Deficiencv in Cereals. (Proc. Roy. Soo. Vic, 1935. 47, 225.)

BOTANY. Prof. A. J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.B.S.— (1) The Influence ot Heavy Water on Plants. (Aust. Journ. of Expt. Bio. and Med. Sci., Vol. XIII, 1935.) (2) Provisional List of the Flora of Kinglake Park! District. (Vic. Nat., Vol. LII, 1935.) (3) Disarticulation of the Branches in Eucalyptus- (Ann. Bot., Vol. XLIX, 1935.) Assoc.-Prof. Ethel I. McLennan, D.Sc.— Non-symbiotic Development of Seedlings of Epacris impressa Labill. (New Phytologist, Vol. XXXIV, 1935.) R. T. Patton, D.Sc— Ecological Studies in Victoria, Part IU.—^Coastal Sand Dunes. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVn, Part I, 1934.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1151

Isabel C. Cooksou, D.Sc, and W. H. Lang, F.R.S.— On a Flora, including Vascular Land Plante, associated with Monoqraptus in rocks of Silurian Age from Victoria, Australia. (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Series B, Vol. 224, 1935.) Eileen E. Fisher, M.Sc.— (1) Observations on Fomes pomaceus (Pers.) Big. and Guill, infecting Plum Trees. (Trans. Brit. Myc Soc, Vol. XIX,, 1935.) (2) "Sooty Mould" of the tree terii Dicksonia. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. II, 1935.) Shirley Hoettc, il.Sc— Investigations of Certain Aspects of Blackend Disease of Bananas in Australia. (C.S.I.R. Pamphlet, 1935.) J. Phillipson, M.Sc— Some Algae of Victorian Soils. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. II, 1935.) Kathleen Crooks, M.Sc.— . (1) An Account of the Cultural and Cytological Characteristics of a. New Species of Mycngala. (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. II, 1935.) (2) A Powdery Mildew of Jioronia megastigma Neea. (Proc. Roy. Soc Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. II, 1935.) Frances J. Halsey, M.Sc— A Disease of Cauliflowers in Victoria, Australia. (Gliirosporium concehtricum (Grev.) Berk, and Br.). (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. I, 1934.) lima G. Balfe, M.Sc— An Account of Sclerote-forming Fungi Causing Diseases in Maithiola. Primula and Del­ phinium. (Proc Roy. Soc. Vic, Vol. XLVII, Pt. II, 1935.) W: H. Nicholls— .-. • A Variable Sun Orchid. (Vic 'Nat., Vol. LI, 1934.) 73 1152 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

ZOOLOGY. Assoc.-Prof. 0. W. Tiegs, D.Sc— (1) Observations on the Structure of Striated Muscle Fibre. (Proc. Roy. Soc London, B, Vol. 116, 1934.) (2) A Cardio-depressor Substance (acetyl-choline?) released by Dorsal Nerve-root Stimulation. (Aust. Journ. Exp. Biol, and Med. Science, Vol. 12, 1934.) (3) The Function of Sympathetic Nerves in Relation to Skeletal Muscle: Evidence for Humoral Action. (Proc. Roy. Soc London. B, Vol. 116, 1934.) Dr. 0. W. Tiegs and Florence V. Murray, M.Sc.— The Metamorphosis of Calandra oryzae. (Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., Vol. 77. 1935.) Jean L. Sutherland— Notes on the Histology of the Alimentary Canal in Some Australian Termites (Proc Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. 47, 1934.)

GEOLOGY. Outline of the Physiography and Geology of Vic­ toria. .(Reprinted from the A.N.Z.AJ.A.S. Handbook for Victoria, Melbourne Meeting, January, 1935.) Edited by Prof. E. W. Skeats, with contributions from the staff ot the Geology Department, as follows: — Physiography: E. S. Hills, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.I.C., F.G.S. Pre-Cambrian: Prof. E. W. Skeate, D.Sc. A.R.C.Sc. F.G.S. Devonian: E. S. Hills, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.I.C.. F.G.S. Carboniferous: E. S. Hills, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.I.C., F.G.S. Permo-Carboniferous: Assoc.-Prof. H. S. Summers, D.Sc. Triassic: F. A. Singleton, M.Sc. Jurassic: Prof. E. W. Skeats, D.Sc, A.B.C.Sc. P.G.S. Cainozoic: P. A. Singleton, M.Sc. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1153

With a geological map of South-Central Vic­ toria, compiled and drawn by H. B. Hauser, M.Sc, and J. S. Mann. Prof. E. W. Skeats, D.Sc, A.B.C.Sc, F.G.S.— Some Founders of Australian Geology. David Lecture, No. 1, Nov. 17th, 1933. (Australian National Research Council Publication.) IE. S. Hills, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.I.C., F.G.S.— Some Fundamental Concepts in Victorian Physio­ graphy (Proc Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. XLVTli (n.s.), Pt. I, 1934.) F. L. Stillwell, D.Sc— Observations on the Zino-Lead Lode at Boeebery, Tasmania. (Proc. Aust. Inst. Min. Met. (n.s.), No. 94.) A. B. Edwards, B.Sc, Ph.D., D.I.C.— Tertiary Dykes and Volcanic Necbs of South Gipps- land, Victoria. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vict., Vol. XLVH (n.s.), Pt. I, 1934.) E. B. Withers, B.Sc, Dip.Ed., and R. A. Keble, F.G.S.— The Palaeozoic Brittlestars of Victoria. (Proc. Boy. Soc Vict., Vol. XIATI (n.s.), Pt. I, 1934.)

LAW. ,Prof. K. H. Bailey, M.A., B.C.L., LL.M.— (1) Australia and the International Labour Con­ ventions : in Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Society ot International Law, Vol. I; Melbourne University Press, 1935. (2) The Statute of Westminster; opinion published by the Government of Victoria, 1935.

ANATOMY. Prof. -P. Wood Jones, D.Sc, M.B., B.S., F.E.C.S.. L.B.C.P., F.B-S., P.Z.S.— (1) The Development of the External Ear. Journ. Anat., Vol. LXVIII, Part IV, July, 1934. (2) The Dorsal Hair Tracts of the Australian Abo­ rigine. (Journ. Anat., Vol. LXIX, Part I, October, 1934.) 73A 1154 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

(3) Australia's Vanishing''Race. (Angus and Robert­ son, November, 1934.) (4) The Aborigines -of Victoria. (A.A.A.S: Hand­ book, Victoria, January, 1935.) (5) The Medico-Legal Aspect of Judicial Hanging. (Proc Med. Leg. Soc, May, 1935.) (6) Tasmania's Vanished Race. (A.B.C., May,. 1935.) W. E. A. Hughes Jones, M.D., M.S., F.B.C.S.— (1) Enterogenous Cvsts. (Brit. Journ. Surgery, Vol. XXII, No. 85.) (2) A Rare Anomaly of the Saphenous and Femoral Veins, with a Naevoid Condition in Certain Dermatomes. (Aust. and N.Z. Joum. Surgery, Oct., 1934, Vol. IV, No. 2.) D. F. F. Thomson, D.Sc— (1) A Hero Cult from the Gulf of Carpentaria, North Queensland.' (Journ. Roy. Anthrop. Institute, Vol. LXIV, 1934.) (2) The Dugong Hunters of Cape York (Joum. Boy. Anthrop. Institute, Vol. LXIV, 1934.) (3) Some Adaptations for the Disposal of Faeces. The Hygiene of the Nest in Australian Birds. (Proc Zool. Soc Lond., January, 1935.) , (4) Snakes of the Genus Bhynchclaps. (Proc.'Zool. Soc. Lond., 1934.)

PHYSIOLOGY. Prof. W. A. Osborne, M.B., D.Sc, P.A.C.S.— I, Listerian Oration: Lister as Physiologist. (The Medical Journal of Australia, June- 22nd, 1935.) BIOCHEMISTRY. Assoc.-Prof. W. J. Young, D.Sc.— Some Aspects ot Food Preservation. (Sod. Chem. Ind. Vict., 1935, Vol. XXXV.) Inez W. Dadswell, M.Sc— Some Observations on the Inorganic Composition ol Wheat grown in Eastern Australia. ;:(Aust. Journ. Exper. Biol, and Medical Science, 1935. Vol. XIII.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 1155

Vera I. Krieger, M.Sc.— Observations on the Guanidine, Glucose and Calcium Content of the Blood in Eclampsia. (Med. Journ. Aust., 1934. Dec 8.) F. H. Shaw, M.Sc..-- The Mechanism of the Action of Ethylene on Cell Processes. (Aust. Journ. Exper. Biol, and Med. Science, 1935. Vol. XIII.)

PATHOLOGY. E. S. J. King, M.D., M.S., D.Sc, F.R.C.S.— (1) The Surgical Significance of Epithelial Prolifera­ tion in Cholecystitis. (Melt. Hosp. Clin. Re­ ports, Dec, 1934. Vol. V, p. 60.) (2) Intestinal Herniation through a Mesenteric Hiatus, (Brit. Journ. Surgery, Jan., 1935. Vol. XXII, No. 87, p. 504.) (3) Osgood-Schlatter Disease and Patella Partita. (Joum. ot Bone and Joint Surgery, Jan., 1935, Vol. XVII, p: 88.) R. D. Wright, M.B., M.S.— (1) Some Mechanical Factors iu the Evolution of the Central Nervous System. (Journ. of Anatomy, Oct., 1934. Vol. LXIX, p. 86.) (2) Factors Concerned in Bone Structure. (Journ. of Aiiatmmv, Oct., 1934. Vol. LXIX, p. 89.) (3) The Treatment ot Anal Fistula. (Aust. and N.Z. Journ. of Surg., Oct., 1934. Vol. IV, p. 169.) (4) Anomalous Cases of Leukaemia. (Melb. Hoap. Clin. Reports, Dec, 1934. Vol. V, p. 94.) (5) Reaction of Pulmonary Tissue to Lipiodol. (Amer. Journ. of Pathology, May, 1935. Vol. XI, p. 497.) R. D. Wright, and F. Blois Lawton, M.B., F.R.C.P.— (1) Acromegaly. (Melb. Hosp. Clin. Reports, June, 1935. Vol. VI, p. 44.)

BACTERIOLOGY. '.Miss N. Atkinson, M.Sc.— Synergic Gas Production by Bacteria. (The Aust. Joum. of Exper. Bio. and Med. Science, Vol. Xni, 1935.) 1156 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

OBSTETRICS. Prof. R. Marshall Allen, M.C, M.D., F.B.C.S.B., P.R.A.C.S., F.C.O.G., F.A.C.S. (Hon.)— (1) Tho Hormonal Control of the Female Reproduc­ tive System. (Med. Journ. Aust., 1934, Aug. 18.) (2) The Story of Two Famous Midwives. (Aust. Nurses Journ., 1934, Aug.) (3) The Management of Breech Presentations. (Med, Journ. Aust., 1935, Feb. 9.)

DENTAL SCIENCE. J. Wunderly, D.D.Sc— Modern Alloys in Dental Prosthesis and Ortho­ dontia. (Aust. Journ. of Dent.. Jan., Feb., March and April, 1935.) Ian Crapp, D.D.Sc— Saliva and Psychology. (A Summary of a thesis pre- ' sented for Part II. of the Degree ot D.D.Sc) (Aust. Journ. of Dent., Dec, 1934.) J. N. Barker, D.D.Sc— Tho Sterilisation of Dentine. (A Summary of * thesis presented for Part II of the Degree of D.D.Sc). (Aust. Journ. of Dent., May, 1935.) R. G. Williams, D.D.Sc The Morphological Changes Occurring during the) resorption of the Deciduous Teeth. (A Sum­ mary of a thesis presented for Part II of the Degree of D.D.Sc). (Aust. Journ. of Dent., June, 1935.) David Ellis,-D.D.Sc— A Study in the Microscopical Pathology of Pyorr­ hoea Alveolaris. (A Summary of a thesis pre­ sented for Part II of the Degree of D.D.Sc.) (Amst. Journ. of Dent., July, 1936.)

ENGINEEMNG. A. H. Faul, B.A., B.Mech.E., B.E.E— External Loads at Internal Points of Framed Struc­ tures. (Journ. of the Inst, of Engineers, Aus­ tralia, Jan., 1935.) ANNUAL REPORT, .1934-35 1157

E. Lang, B.E.— Tie Development of the Welded Plate Girder. (Sym­ posium on the Welding ot Iron and Steel,) (The Iron and Steel Institute, London, May, 1935.) METALLURGY. Prof. J. Neill Greenwood. D.Sc. M.Met.E.— The Influence of Impurities on the Properties of Lead: Part II.: Tho Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Com­ mercial Lead. (Proc Aust. Inst. M. and M., No. 95.) R. S. Russell, B.Sc— Part III.: The Influence of Silver on the Rate of Recrystallisation of Lead. Proc. Aust. Inst., M. and M., No..95.) P. P. Thompson— Rapid Methods of Chemical Analysis. (Proc Aust. Chem. Inst;, 1934.)

AGRICULTURE. D. B. Adam, B.Agr.Sc, and A. T. Pugsley, B.Agr.Sc— " Smooth-Bough" Variation in Phytomonas medi- caginis phaseolicola, Burk. (Aust. Joum. Exper. Biol, and Med. Sci., Vol. XH (1934). H. G. Andrewartha, M.Agr.Sc.— On the Effect of Soil Moisture on the Viability of the Pupal Stages of Thrips imaginia Bagnall. (Journ. C.S. and I.R., Vol. 7, No. 4, Nov., 1934.) H. G. Andrewartha and H. Vevers Steele, B.Agr.Sc, M.Sc— Some Observations on the Fluctuations in the Num­ bers of Thrips imaginis Bagnall, in tha vicinity of Melbourne during the period 1932- 1934. (Journ. C.S. and I.R., Vol. 7, No. 4. Nov., 1934.) G. W. Leeper, M.Sc.— Manganese Deficiency of Cereals: Plot Experiments and a New Hypothesis. (Proc. Roy. Soo. Vic, Vol. 47, Part II.) 1158 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35

Janet W. Raft, iM.Sc, F.R.E.S.— Observations on Saw-flies of the Genus Perga, with ( Notes on some Reared Primary Parasites of the Families Trigonalidae, Ichneumonidae, and Tachinidae. (Proc Roy. Soc Vic, 47 (n.s.). Part I, 1934.) D. C. Wark, B.Agr.Sc— An Investigation into the Influence of Sulphate of Ammonia on Stubble-sown Oat Crops in Vic­ toria. (Proc. Roy. Soc Vic, 47 (n.s.). Part I, 1934.) VETERINARY. E. Murray Pullar, M.V.Sc— Enzootic Botulism Amongst Wild Birds. (The Aust. Vet. Journ.. Vol. X, No. 4, Aug., 1934, p. 128.) Harold E. Albiston, D.V.Sc, and E. Murray Pullar, , M.V.Sc— A Short Note on Actinomycotic Granulomata. (The Aust. Vet. Journ., Vol. X, No. 4, Aug., 1934, p. 146.) Dr. Harold E. Albiston and C. J. R. Gorrie, B.V.Sc— A Preliminary Note on Bovine Nasal Granuloma in Victoria. (The Aust. Vet. Journ., Vol. XI, No. 2, April, 1935, p. 72.) I. GENERAL FUND (Being the account ot the only fund available for University purposes generally). STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934

1934 RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE, Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £22,720 13 4 By Salaries £36,569 8 11 Dec. 81. . -Contribution to Provident Funil . 2,166 7 1 To Government Grant- ' Exhibitions and Scholarships 1,568 0 0 General 36,000 0 0 Examiners' Fees .. 6,765 17 0 Examination Expenses .. 4,126 11 6 Fees- Examination Papers 930 10 8 Lectures 62,421 7 2 Library .. 2,962 9 10 Degrees 6,037 7 0 Exchange on Library Account 465 7 7 Certificates 1,838 I 0 Laboratory Votes .. 4,043 6 0 Public Examinations ., 14,971 11 10 Dissections .. 843 1 0 Annual Examinations .. 4,464 10 1 Furniture and Fittings .. 382 8 4 78,732 17 1 Oonatinns— Incidentals and Cleaning .. 1,603 0 8 Vict. Chamber of Manufactures 1,000 0 (1 Gas, Electric Light and Power 1,782 11 U Metal Companies .. 360 0 0 Wood, Coal, Water and Sanitary 653 13 10 Chair ot Anatomy 230 0 0 Grounds .. 22(i 17 9 Broken Hill Assoc. Smelters— Printing—including Calendar .. 1,016 17 6 .Research 250 0 0 Stationery 071 14 6 Broken Hill Assoc. Smelters— Stamps—Postage and Duty .. 620 14 7 Metallurgy Building 1,000 0 0 Advertising 71 17 3 Broken Hill Pty. Co. Ltd.- Commencement .. 173 12 7 Metatlurgy Building 500 0 0 Insurances .. 443 2 6 Aust. Glass Manfrs. Co. Ltd.— New Buildings .. 2,200 0 0 Metallurgy Building 250 0 0 Repairs .. 2,122 1 9 Electrolytic Zinc Co. Ltd.— Special Votes .. 245 13 4 Metallurgy Building 260 0 0 Publication Fund Grant .. 110 0 () Carried forward £137,463 10 6 Carried forward 123,613 6 8 Oeneral Fund—Statement of Balances (Continued),

Brought forward £137,463 10 fi Brought forward £123,618 S 6 Sidney Myer 150 0 Research and Extension Fund Grant 2,600 0 0 Executors of the late S. Myer 150 0 By Balance .. .. 24,015 19 6 Nitrogen Fertilisers Pty. Ltd. 376 0 National Bank of A/sia Ltd. 100 0 Sundries .. i7 5 Other Receipts- Sale of Calendars, Exam. Papers eto. 411 3 0 Interest 6,678 10 10 Sundries 109 3 8 Administration Charges— Trust Funds 621 1 0 Other Funds 823 10 6 1,444 11 6 £160,829 4 11 £150,829 4 11


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1934 1934 Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance £10,000 0 0 By Balance £10,000 0 0 £10,809 0 0 £10,000 0 0 SIDNEY MYER UNIVERSITY TRUST STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 19S4

RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE. 1934 1934 Jan. 1. Dec. SI To Balance £1,246 19 8 By Purchase of Investment ... . £492 10 0 Dec. 31 • New Metallurgy Building: . 1,112 8 0 Dividends 1,500 0 0 Anatomy School Porch 238 6 0 Interest 167 8 8 Heating System . 126 18 9 1,667 8 8 Sports Pavilion 140 0 0

Balance .. 794 0 7

£2.004 8 4 £2,904 8 4 ii. DEPARTMENTAL FUNbS (Statements of the accounts of Departments administered on separate funds). GRANT UNDER UNIVERSITY ACT 1928, SECTION 34. STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934

1934. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE Jan. 1. 1934. Or. Balances- Deo. 31. Research £1,447 16 2 (a) Research- University Extension .. 408 13 8 By Salaries of Fellows and Dec. 31. £1,956 9 10 Scholars £2,910 (aj Research— Apparatus etc. 490 To Government Grant .. 840 0 0 Administration Charge 26 General Fund Grant 000 0 0 3,426 9 9 _ Transfer from General Research 206 0 8 .(b) University Extension— ,, ,, Bartlett Fund 638 6 S By Salaries £1,244 16 2,674 7 4 Contribution to Provident Fund 63 16 (b) Univnily Extension— To Government Grant .. 1,600 0 0 1,298 11 5 General Fund Grant .. 1,700 0 0 Secretarial Salary 91 6 0 W. E. A. Grant—Supp. Classes 100 0 0 Workers* Educational Association 387 10 3 Carnegie Fund Transfer 60 0 0 ,, ,, • ,, —Special 00 0 0 Tutorial Classes—Fees .. 247 6 5 Maintenance of Tutorial Classes .. 291 15 10 Tutorial Classes Fees (Supp.) 302 17 8 Maintenance Tut. Classes Supp. .. 146 16 0 Correspondence Students' Foes 9 9 0 Tutors' Fees 1,407 14 2 Refunds of Expenses from Centres 112 14 11 Tutors' Expenses 48 15 8 Sale of Books .. 6 10 0 Extension Lecturers' Fees 270 12 11 Profit on Special Lectures 3 13 9 Extension Lecturers' Expenses .. 40 3 3 Donation—H. L. Beck 30 0 0 Correspondence Tutors' Fees 19 9 7 4,122 12 3 Books 41 8 « Carried forward £8,553 9 5 Carried forward £8,426 8 9 Departmental Funds—Statement of Halancet (Continued).

Brought forward £8,663 H 6 Brought forward £3,426 9 9 Printing, Stationery, Stamps and - -• Advertising .. • 100-11 C Railway and Motor Fare.i .. 177 13 11 Administration Charge 42 10 0 Telephone Charges .. 4 3 0 Repairs » 11 8 Beck Donation—Pictures 17 0 4,491 6 8 3r. Balances 31/12/1934, Research .. .. 506 13 9 University Extension .. 39 10 3 635 13 0

,£-8,553 9 5 £3,563 9 5


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan 1. Dee. 31 To Balance 6}' Supplementary Classes-Transfer £30 0 0 Dec. 31. , Lecturers'Fees—Transfer ... 50 0 0 To Carnegie Corporation - Factory Addresses 31 10 6 .. 1934 Grant—Adult Educ. Library .. 096 3 7 Week-end Schools .. 37 13 9 Co-operative Programme . Books (Adult Education Library) 61 10 9 in Adult Education .. 714 4 4 ±211 0 11 Balance 1,868 (i 10 1,309 7 11 1935 Grant—Co-operative Programme 620 15 10 Sales of " Psyche and Minerva" 1 U 0 1,931 0 9

£2,079 7 9 £2,079 CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC STATEMENT of BECBIPTB a*d EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934.

1934 RECEIPTS 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Fees- By Salaries- Lectures £4,697 6 11 Teaching Staff ..£3,616 8 6 Entrance Exhibitions 27 16 6 Retaining Fees, etc .. 667 9 7 Secretarial ... 818 18 0 4,626 3 6 Contribution to Provident Fund 19 9 1 Hire of Melba Hall 136 4 0 Deposits on Instruments 9 8 0 £6,021 6 2 Donations for Spivakovsky Bros. Administration Charge . 101 0 0 and Kurtz Exhibitions and Bursaries 87 16 0 •' G. R. Nicholas 150 0 0 Music, Instruments, Hire, and A.W.Coles 60 0 0 Tuning .. 338 8 3 .Donation to Library 8 14 6 Gas, Electric' Light and Power 56 9 6 £4,070 9 II Stationery and Printing 104 6 6 Transfer from Music Examination Advertising 25 12 6 Board to balance 1,190 6 9 Stamps 80 6 2 Incidentals 72 13 4 Repairs 72 4 6 Furniture and Fittings 58 6 6 Provision for Special Fees 100 0 0 Deposits on Music refunded 8 6 9 Loss on Students' Concerto and Recitals 44 4 8 6,169 16 8


1934 RECEIPTS 1934 EXPENDITURE Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £179 16 4 By Fees and Overtime .. £92 12 5 Deo. 1. Incidentals .. 1 6 10 30 0 0 93 19 3 Aust. Broadcasting Com. (1033 Fees) Balance 116 17 1

£209 16 4 £209 16 4


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. | To Balance £166 16 9 < By Gas Radiators and Alterations £162 16 6 Deo. 31 Marshall-Hall Wing 3,104 12 0 To Donation lor Marshall-Hall Wing 4,000 0 0 3,267 7 6 Interest 10 0 0 Balance 008 8 3 4,010 0 0 £4166 16 9 £4166 16 9 MELBOURNE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934.

1934 RECEIPTS. 1934 EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31 Jan. 1. To Subscriptions .. £1,104 10 3 Bv Balance .•'73 6 0 Box Office and Door Sales 685 2 5 Dec. 31 Sale of Programmes 146 0 0 By Salaries and Fees £S56 17 6 Aust. Broadcasting Commission 1,561 I" 2 Orchestra . 1,'.M2 IS Melb. City .Council Centenary Concerts 992 11 4 Attendants and Incidentals . 84. 19 ;4, Interest 208 11 U Kent of Town Hall 20J 14 u Printing and Stationery 187 3 Advertising 242 16 7 Stamps 34 8 0 Music 35 4 11 Cartage 23 6 6 Aust Broadcasting Com. Sundries 21 1 0 i Melb. City Council Concerts 9US) 19 1 4,602 6 9 Balance.. .. 72 19 6



1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1, To Box Office and Door Sales £668 13 10 By Balance .. £35 13 11 Transfer from Conservatorium to balance 44 4 8 Dec. 31. By Fees . 188 16 0 Orchestra 67 0 0 Rent of Hall . 165 10 0 Printing and Stationery 02 11 0 Stamps 1 13 9 Advertising 65 1 0 Attendants and Incidentals 33 17 10 Music 2 16 0 667 4 7


RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE. 1931. 1934. Jan. I. Dec. 31. To Balance £407 16 10 By Salaries £393 3 8 Dec. 31. Contribution to Provident Fund 22 6 '2 To Fees £6,753 2 1 Scholarships 282 4 n Less Public Examination Fees 213 10 0 Administration Charge 200 n 0 Capitation Fees ' 321 6 0 5,639 12 1 . Examiners' Fees 1,793 .9 3 Interest .,, .... 606 7 0 Examination Expenses 436 0 6 . .Sale of Examination Papers' 84 9 4 Printing and Stationery [including . .• •, 'Profit on Country Recitals 6 1 8 Manuals) 405 3 4 (i,136 10 1 Stamps 74 16 3 '• .!• •: ' Advertising .. .. ' 11 3 6 Universities Joint A/c .. 116 6 K . .Incidentals 1 IS 11 £4,065 17 3 Transfer to Conservatorium . . 1,190 6 9 , Purchase of Investments 1,110 0 0 Balance 183 3 11

£6,644 6 11 £6,644 6 11 MUSIO EXAMINATION BOABD—INTX STMENT ACCOUNT for the year. 1934

1934. | 1934 Dec. 81. Jan. 1. To Balance £11,976 16 3 I By Balance .£10,975 16 3 1 Dec. 81. By Australian Consolidated I.S. 1,000 o o

£11,976 16 3 £11,976 16 3


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1 . , To Government Grant £2,160 By Balance Grant under Milk Act 640 Dec. 31. C.S.I.11. 78 By General Account— Pathology Fees 241 19 Salaries £1,68017 3,120 0 Provident Fund 01 13 Balance .- 179 16 Apparatus, etc. 887 3 • • Repairs .. 33 16 Administration Charge 64 0 2,623 10 1 ,, Milk Laboratory- Salaries 526 16 6 Provident Fund 8 13 4 Apparatus, etc. 78 11 0 Administration Charge 16 0 0 630 0 10


1934. •. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Deo. SI. Jan. 1. To Animal Welfare League £500 0 0 By Balance £11 7 8 P Clinical Fees 964 7 6 Deo. 31. By Salaries and Fees £885 18 Apparatus, etc. 483 15 1,369 13 Balance 83 6 £1,464 7 6 £1,464 7 6 BACTERIOLOQICAL FUND- STATEMENT of BECBIPTB and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934

1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dec 81. Jan. 1. To Department ol Health £2,800 By Balance £64] 9 3 M. & M. Board ot Works Dec. 81. Melbourne City Council 60 By Salaries £4,997 12 Prahran City Council (1933) 20 Contribution to Provident Fund .. 176 II Emily McPherson College .. 25 Specimens, Examinations of 1,292 5,174 3 Special Investigations 11 Less charged to QencralA/c. 1,600 0 Interest 121 18 Sale of Lecture Notes and Sets 146 13 3,674 3 3 4,806 1 6 AdministrationCharge 60 0 (1 Balance 977 16 a Apparatus, Materials, etc. 852 17 0 Repairs and Alterations 373 0 7 Furniture and Fittings 76 16 6 Stationery 27 11 10 Gas, Electric Light and Power . 187 0 1 6,241 8 8

£6,782 17 11 £6,782 17 11


1934. 1934. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Balance £3,100 0 0 By Balance £3,100 0 0 £3,100 0 0 £3,100 0 0 AGRICULTURAL FUND

STATEMENT of BECBIPTB and EXPENDITURE for the year. 1934

i 1934.'. ' RECEIPTS. ! 1934. • EXPENDITURE. Jam 1. Bee. 31. To Balance £209 0 11 By Salaries £4,743 5 6 Dee. 31. Contribution to Provident Fund 74 11 2 To Government Grant £4,800 0 0 Apparatus,' etc. 174 6 6 Lecture Fees ,. .. 335 15 4 Furniture and Fittings 7 19 7 Prime Minister's Dept. .. 720 0 0 Dictaphone 92 12 6 Nitrogen Fertilisers 1't.y. Ltd. 72 15 10 Typewriter 26 (1 0 C.S.I.R. .. .. 30 12 11 Administration Charge 126 6 0 Sale ot Furniture .. 26 2 3 Printing, Stationery and Stamps 16 19 8 5,985 C 4 Travelling Expenses 16 14 2 Gas, Electric Light and Power 31 14 4 £6,309 8 4 Balance 884 18 11 £6,194 7 3 £0,194 7 3

AGRICULTURAL FUND—INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the year, 1934 \ (Held as reserve against liability to occupant of chair.)

1934. 1934. Dec. 31. ' Uan.' 1. TQ Balance £9,017 10 0 By Balance /; £8,687 10 0 Dec. 31. _ By Purchase of Australian Consolidated I.S. "330 b' 0

£9,017 10 0 £9,017 10 0 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH FUND. STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934.

1934 RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan, 1 To Government Grant £409 0 0 By Balance £9 6 Dec 81. By Salaries . £190 11 6 Contribution to Provident Fund 2 0 0 Administration Charge 6 0 0 197 11 6 Balance 193 2 1 £400 0 0


BTATBMBNT of BECBIPTB and EXPENDITUBB for the year, 1984.

'1934: RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £186 6 5 By Salaries £1,9C8 12 3 Dec. 31. Contribution to Provident Fund 44 2 6 To Government Grant £2,000 0 0 Apparatus etc. 77 19 5 2,090 14 Balance •.. j 95 11 £2,180 5 6 £2,186 6 6 VISITING LECTURERS' FUND BTATEMBNT of BBOBIPTB and EXPENDITURE for the year. 1934

1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jin. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £84 11 3 By Balance £84 11 3 £34 11 3 £84 11 3


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £236 2 10 By Salary of Fellow £228 3 6 Dec. 31. Other Salaries 96 13 9 To Contribution — Contribution to Provident Fund 9 10 1 W. & E. Hall Institute 460 0 0 Apparatus 126 3 1 469 10 5 By Balance .. 226 12 5 £686 2 10 £685 2 10 APPOINTMENTS BOARD FUND. STATEMENT of HECEIPTa and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934.

1«34 RECEIPTS 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £6 Iii By Salaries £288 16 10 Dec. 31. « Stamps 14 17 5 To Fees £198 19 11 Furniture and Fittings 7 0 0 Donations — Telephone Charges 16 6 0 Imperial Chem, Inds. 50 0 0 Incidentals 7 11 11 Herald fc.W.T. Ltd. 50 0 0 334 10 2 Broken Hill Ass. Smelt. 50 0 0 Balance 121 3 3 General Fund Grant .. 100 0 0 448 19 11

£455 12 6 £456 12 5 III. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS (Being the accounts of fees collected and disbursed for special purposes). BPORTB FEES ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITUBB for the year, 193*. 1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £113 4 0 By amount paid to Recreation Deo. 31. Grounds Committee for Main­ To Students' Fees 2,756 17 0 tenance of Recreation Ground, . Buildings and Sports Clubs .. £2,750 0 0 Administration Charge 33 1 6 • £2,783 1 6 Balance 86 19 6 £2,870 1 0 £2,870 1 0 CLUB HOUSE FBES—BTATEMBNT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITUBB foi the year, 1934

1934. RECEIPTS. ; 1934. • EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £98 13 2 By Amount paid to Club House Dec. 31. j Committee £1,97, 0 0 To Students' Fees 1,986 14 0 Administration Charge.. 1 £1,999 1 9 Balance 86 6 6 £2.066


1934. 1934. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. | Dec. 31. To Fees By Salaries .. £280 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees .. 1,232 I 0 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 500 0 II Transfer to Apparatus Account 20 14 0 Wreath, etc. 5 14 0 Administration Charge 31 14 0 £2,070 3 0 t4,070 3 0 MELBOURNE HOSPITAL CLINICAL FBBS APPABATUB ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934 1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE, Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £126 14 3 By Balance £147 8 3 Dec. 31. To Transfer from Clinical Fees A/c 20 14 0 £147 8 3 £147 8 3

ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FBBB ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and ' EXPENDITURE for the year, 1934 1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Dee. 31. Dec. 31. To Fees By Salaries £200 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees .. 202 6 0 Administration Charge 5 3 0 £407 8 0 £407 8 0

8T. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEB8 APPARATUS ACCOUNT—STATEMENT Of BECBIPTB and EXPENDITUBB for tho year, 1934 1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1.. Deo. 31. . To Balance £6 16 10 By Balance £26 14 9 Dec. 31 To Transfer from St, Vincent's Contingent Account 20 17 11 £26 14 9 £26 14 9 BT. ViHOBNT'B HOSPITAL OLINIOAL FBBB CONTINGENT ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of BECBIPTB and BXPBNDITUBB for the year, 1934.

1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £20 17 11 By Transfer to St. Vincent's Apparatus Account £20 17 11 £20 17 11 £20 17 11


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 31. Dec. 31. To Entrance Fees £173 6 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital £173 6 0 vi • oo £173 6 0 £173 6 0


1984. RECEIPTS. 1934 EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Fees .. £447 6 0 By Transfer to Apparatus Account £5 0 0 Salaries 100 0 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 333 16 0 Administration Charge 8 11 0


1934. RECEIPTS. 1934. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. .. £80 16 1 By Balance £86 16 1 Deo. 31. To Transfer from Clinical Fees Account .. 5 0 0 £85 16 1 £86 16 I


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE 1034. 1934. Jan. 1. . Dee. 31. To Balance .. .. £327 4 1 By Sundries £7,606 17 9 Dec. 31. Balance 1,067 6 3 To Sundries .. 8,246 19 11

£8,574 4 0 £3,674 4 0 V. UNIVERSITY FUNDS BTATEMBNT of BALANCES at 31*t December, I93t.

Fund. Dr. Balance Cr. Balance. Summary of Investments, etc. General Fund £24,616 19 6 Government Securities, etc.,— " ,, Reserve Fund 10,000 0 0 £29,200 Australian Consolidated In­ Grant under University Act, 1928, Section 34 636 13 0 scribed Stock ...£28,698 12 6 Melbourne Symphony Orchestral Concerts 72 19 6 £600 C'wealth Gov. Inscribed Stock 500 0 0 Conservatorium Grand Opera 116 17 1 £6,000 Savings Bank Credit Fonder In­ Conservatorium of Music Appeal 908 8 3 scribed Stock ...... 6,595 0 0 Music Examination Board' 188 3 11 £6,076 .M.M.B.W. Inscribed Stock .. 6,991 0 0 Music Exam, Board Investment 11,975 16 3 £400 Met. Gas Co. Debentures 316 0 0 Veterinary Fund ... .. • 179 16 2 £300 City of Melbourne Inscribed Stock 286 u 0 i, Clinic .. S3 6 1 £10,000 Geelong Harbor Trust Debentures 10,000 0 0 Chair of Obstetrics • 95 11 3 £1511 Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Bacteriological Fund ... 977 16 6 Trust Inscribed Stock .. HJi 0 ( p ,, Investment Account .. 3,100 0 0 £1,075 Shire of BarraboolDebcntures .. 1,009 2 £ £ Agricultural Fund 884 IS 11 ,, ,, ,, Investment Account 9,017 10 0 National Bank Account— 56,587 14 11 ,, ,, ,, Research Fund 193 2 1 General A/c—Credit . £8,612 4 0 Visiting Lecturers'Fund 84 11 3 Fixed Deposits-Credit 7,920 0 0 Walter and Eliza Hall Fellowship 226 12 5 Appointments Board Fund 121 2 3 Total Credits £16,432 4 0 Sports Fees ... • 86 19 6 Club House Fees 86 6 6 Management A/c- Debit 7,485 3 1 Suspense Account 1067 6 3 London A/c—Debit .. 4 19 10 Melbourne Hospital Apparatus Account 147 8 3 St. Vincent's Hospital Apparatus Account 2S 14 9 Total Debits £7,490 2 11 - Alfred Hospital Apparatus Account 86 16 1 8,942 1 1 Carnegie Corporation Fund 1868 6 10 Total ot Credit Balances £66,637 8 8 Less Total of Debit Balances '.." £1167 12 8 1167 12 3 £64,629 16 0 £64,929 16 0 Vl. SPECIAL TRUST FUNDS. BTATBMBNT of BALANCES at 31»t December, 1931

Fund Investments. Bank Cr. Hank Dr. Total. Summary of I nvestmentu, etc. ' Agricul. Equipment £4,476 0 258 .3 4,733 3 7 £463 E. S. & A. Bank Dob. •: ,, Research 3,274 7 182 17 3,457 6 0 Stock £463 0 0 Aitchison' 16,377 0 129 2 16,600 2 0 £217,147 Australian Con­ ^Alcock 2,600 0 40 16 2.C40 16 0 solidated Insc. Stock .. 215,391 IS 9 'Anthropology 956 14 63 6 1,009 0 6 £15,000 Vict. Govt. Stock 11,484 IS I (Architecture 10 0 10 18 20 18 0 £10,000 C'wealth Gov. I.S. 9,955 0 0 Argus 12,711 10 92 19 2,804 £131,206 M. 4M. B. of W. :ArmytageJ • • 645 0 49 19 694 Insc. Stock 129,464 10 0 : Bage Memorial 1,240 0 27 ' 1,267 £7,600 Melb. Harbor Trust :Bainbridgc 3,218 8 41 3,259 Debentures 7,618 0 0 Baird .. • 699 0 602 £65,200 City of Melbourne iBarry ' . .27 0 14 41 Insc. Stock .. 64,804 16 0 Bartlett 660 0 173 823 6 0 :£5,000 City of Sydney IBeaney-r Pathology. 3,110 5 67 8 10 3,186 7 10 Debentures 5,000 0 0 I.'",,"' Surgery 2,617 0 66 10 8 2,073 10 8 £.'1,000 City of Brisbane I.S. 2,917 10 0 Bio-Chemistry Apparatus 449 10 10 16 0 469 6 0 £91)0 City of Colmrg Debs. 872 4 9 Black 2,233 153 11 11 2,386 11 11 £100CityofW'town. Debs. 100 0 0 'Botany Apparatus 224 23 1 2 247 3 2 •£200 Borough of Ararat 'Bowen 197 33 14 7 230 14 1 Debs. .. 170 10 0 i Bursary No. 1 Rest Home 639 IU 9 648 19 9 £100 Shire of Broadtord Cancer Research Fund 2,661 2,551 0 0 Debentures 100 0 0 iCatto .. 2,000 66 13 8 2,066 13 8 £425 Shiro of Barrabool Chamber of Commerce 2,448.16 93 8 11 2,647 3 II Debentures 393 1 2 •.Chemistry Equipment... (1,6111:15 6,608 5 8 £300 Shire of Ilealesville Childers .. '..'.. 100 0 30 8 ;2 130 K 2 Debentures 300 n 0 (Chrisp '930 0 19 9 9 949 9 9 £6,739 • Geelong Water­ Civil Engin. Chair .1,933,10 .0 22 1 1 1,966 II 1 works and Sewerage Clinical Research Fund 1,079 '15 0 1,670 15 ' 0 TrustInsc. Stock 0,428 8 9 Carried forward £64,416 16 0 1,677 IB 0. 66,091 5 11 Carried forward £444,963 16 6 Trust Fundi-Statement of Balances (Continued).

Brought forward .. £64,416 16 6 £1,677 18 9 £2 9 4 £66,091 5 11 Brought forward £444,968 16 Commerce Dept. .. 2,446 0 0 36 4 1 2,408 16 II £38,000 Savings Bank Commercial Exam. Prizes 110 0 0 18 13 0 128 13 0 Credit Foncier Insc. Conservatorium ofMnsic 142 16 0 24 9 4 167 4 4 Stock 37,966 2 6 Con. Students' Loan a/c 63 11 6 68 14 9 122 6 3 £18,800 Met. Gas Com Cuming Memorial .. 2,080 u 0 10 8 0 2,069 12 0 pany Debentures 17,720 8 Cuming Prizes .. .. 1,126 6 0 48 12 1 1,173 17 1 Shares in Company 64,767 10 Curdle 363 1 0 11 6 9 379 6 9 Mortgages 60,747 0 Dick 2,633 10 0 112 18 0 2,646 8 6 Property 50 0 Dixson 13,918 12 6 353 7 8 19,272 0 2 Loans to Con. Students 63 11 6 Dublin 328 15 0 51 13 9 380 8 National Bank F/D 600 0 0 Dwight 6,748 10 9 228 9 4 0,977 0 1 006,862 8 6 Emmerton .. .. 1,960 0 0 23 12 0 1,983 12 0 National Bank of Australasia LtdLtd . Engineering Eqpmnt. .. 1,664 5 0 16 4 7 1,669 9 7 Hastie A/c; Dr. 9,110 6 3 Ewort 766 0 0 2 18 757 1 8 Trust A/c Cr. .. 7,290 18 7 Fletcher 13,760 0 P 488 13 5 14,248 18 5 Free Concerts .. ..10,000 0 0 497 16 4 10,497 16 4 Debit 1,819 6 8 Fulton 1,184 16 0 6 18 8 1,191 8 8 Savings Bank No. 2 A/c General Research .. 7,062 0 0 7,062 0 0 Credit 68 14 Geology Equpmnt. 639 2 0 2 2 0 641 4 0 Gibson 1,710 0 0 60 16 1 1,770 16 1 Net Bank Overdraft Gillott 44,323 13 1 1,944 8 11 42.379 9 2 Graham Memorial .. 660 0 0 550 0 0 Greig 206 0 0 16 2 0 221 2 0 Qriee 260 0 0 7 11 3 257 11 3 Grimwade .. 2,399 16 0 126 11 4 2,626 6 4 Haddon 600 0 0 134 3 I 734 3 1 Harhison-Hlgiiibothani 2,945 0 0 265 0 0 3,200 0 0 „ Publication Fund 173 15 0 63 10 8 227 6 8 Harrington 61 0 0 20 6 3 71 6 3 Hastie 27,130 16 0 9.110 5 3 18,026 Carried forward .. £216,630 2 4 4,806)1 3 11,103 16 7 209,831 18 0 Carried forward £606,101 16 7 Trust Funds—Statement of Balance! (Continued),

Brought forward .. £216,630. 2 4 4,306. 11 3 11,103 16 7 209,831 18 0 Brought forward £005,101 16 7 Henderson 60.. 0 0. 2 13 1 47 6 II •' Higgins . 1,7,41 10. 0. 17, 1 2 1,758 IV 2 | Homewood. 948, 6, 0, 7 6 8 956 10 8 ! Howitt . 4,941 10 0 92 10 11 5,034 0 11 . Jamiesoiii . 119 18. 0 22. 10, 2 142 8' 2 j Kay—Botany.- 4,693. 0, 0. 31 10 7 4,824 10 7 i „. Veterinary . 4,667, 6 0 65 2 0 4,813 7 (! 1 Kernot. Bequest . 6,245 0, u 140.14 9 6,386 14 9 i ,,. . Memorial 440, 0. 0. SO 0 11 470 0 11 ' -,, Scholarships . . 6,894 0 33 13 1 5,932 18 1 ' Kiliuauy . 4,999 6a 0 273 16 10 5,273 1' 11) • Lansell . 1,838 6 0. 30 15 3 1,876 1 8 , Laurie Memorial 2114 15 0 36 4 2 299 19 2 Leggatt . 1,449 0 0 17, 7, o 1,160 7 2 Lav.i, Memorial . 1.060 0 0 1,050 0 II | Library Fund . 7,746 0 0 147 3 9 7,892 3 9 j Liet Memorial 500 Q 0 16 13 2 610 13 2 Lloyd . 1,280 0 0 64 19 10 1,334 19 10 MacBain. . 1-.327 5 0 34 3 3 " 1,361 8 3 Madden 856 10 0 41 6 6 896 Id 0 Mathison Memorial; 130 0 0 45 16 8 476 16 8 Medical Research . 4.942 6 0 68 2 8 4,884 2 4 Melb; Symphony Orch. 6,374 6 0 1 6,374 6 1 Melvin Memorial . l',387 1.0 0 67 2 11 1,464 12 11 Miller Tutorship . 1,120 0 0 73 2 11 1.198 2 II 6,660 10 0 197 18 8 6,482 II 4 Moran. Bursaries .. 10,7.7,7 10 0 26 16 4 111,761 14 8 Morris. Memorial, 1,35 0 0 23 10 2 168 10 2 Myer. Trust 60,000 0 0 794 6 7 50,794 6 7 Nanson ISU o 0 34 2 1 184 4 1 Carried forward 6347,467 18 4 6,433 12 3 11,388 6 4 342,610 6 3 Carried forward t606,101 ID 7 'Irust Funds—Statement oj Eaiancen (Continued). £606,161 16 7 Brought forward .. £347,467 18 i 6,436 12 3 11,388 6 4 342,616 6 3 Brought forward Ncrv. System Rsch. Fd. 989 0 0 40 8 3 1,029 8 3 Netherlands Ch. Com. .. 33 0 0 24 17 1 . 67 17 1 Nevill Scholarship 62 19 9 62 10 9 Ormond Chair .. .. 21,405 12 3 13 18 1 21,451 14 2 Orimind Scholarships .. 8,217 10 0 126 6 6 8,343 16 6 Osborne 4,463 16 0 2 3 1 4,451 12 11 I'ayne 710 9 6 16 17 9 726 7 3 Professors Retg. A/c .. 11,965 0 0 586 7 5 11,378 12 7 Public Law, Chair of ..30,966 15 0 1 9 3 30,965 5 9 Residue 1920 Appeal Fd. 43,633 1 0 96 11 3 43,729 12 3 Ritchie Chair ot Econ. 31,095 0 0 218 10 0 - 31,313 10 0 Roche 1,000 0 0 76 8 2 1,076 8 2 Schubert 92 10 0 10 12 4 103 2 4 Scott 994 11 0 7 15 1 1,002 l! 1 Shakespeare .. .. 1,500 0 0 78 19 5 1,663 19 6 Sharp 1,010 0 0 3 0 6 1,006 19 6 Smith, Beattie .. .. 1,140 0 0 29 6 8 1,169 6 8 Special Prizes 4 3 9 4 3 9 Spencer .. 370 0 0 16 10 8 363 9 4 Stawell 2,103 0 0 36 11 1 2,144 11 1 Stewart, Alwyn .. .. 1,620 0 0 46 9 10 1,566 9 10 Stewart, James .. '..22,610 0 0 389 16 3 22,929 16 3 Sutherland, Alex. .. 104 0 Ii 7 18 3 111 18 3 Sutherland, William .. 60 0 0 30 0 1 90 0 1 Sutton Memorial .. 80 0 0 1 0 4 21 0 4 Sweet Memorial .. 630 0 0 69 15 2 699 15 2 Syme 3,846 10 0 58 16 11 3,904 6 11 Thompson .. .. 600 0 0 2 11 1 602 11 1 Tubercular Research .. 6,398 8 6 61 B 8 6,449 13 2 Turner Exhibition 600 0 0 IS 19 u 618 19 11 Carried forward .. £645,.r>19 19 7 7,941 13 10 12,01) 14 4 541,44:1 1!) 1 Carried forward £605,161 16 Truit Funds—Statement of Balance) (Continued).

Brought forward ,. £646,519 19 7 7,941 13 10 12,011 14 4 541,449 19 1 Brought forward .£605,101 16 7 Turner Prize 160 0 0 •.-•38 12 9 liS 12 9 Turner Prize, Lady 100 0 0 10 2 4 Si)' 17 y Turner Scholarship .. 1,240 0 0 206 17 6 1,446 17 • 5 University Extension 400 2 0 "15 4 11 424 6 II University Press .. 2,400 3 6 12 0 3,406 15 0 University Union .. 6,305 1 2 19 0 3 6,824 1 6 Veterinary Equipment .. 1,217 14 0 1 13 1 1,219 7 1 Veterinary Research .. 8./00 12 4 21 11 6 8,722 3 9 War Memorial 475 10 0 12 2 476 2 o Wilson Hall Completion Fund .. 834 2 0 17 6 3 861 7 3 Wilson Ch. of Obsts. .. 17,322 16 0 2 4 2 17,320 10 10 Wilson, Professor 238 16 u 19 9 0 268 6 0 3,270 10 0 11U 5 9 3,386 16 9 Women's College 89 0 0 10 II 7 99 0 7 Wright, F. J. 080 0 0 37 0 11 717 0 11 Wright, R. A. .. 1,066 9 0 117 IS 0 1,783 7 II 983 15 0 84 2 11 1,067 17 11 Wyselaskie— Classics .. 2,674 6 2 165 17 11 2,730 4 1 ,, Eng, Con. History .. 2,200 10 0 13S 13 10 2,339 3 10 „ Maths. .. 2,092 0 0 121 7 10 2,813 7 10 ,, Mod. Languages .. 2,284 10 U 131 11 3 2,416 1 3 ,, Nat. Science .. .. 2,320 14 9 65 13 6 2,386 8 •2 ,, Pol. Econ. .. 1,771 18 0 110 12 9 1,661 6 3 X-ray Research.. 270 0 0 12 15 4 282 15 •1 Zoology Equipment 630 0 0 47 14 11 677 11 11 £606,862 S 6 9,321 16 3 12,134 13 7 604,039 10 1,062 6 5 1,062 (I 5 Total £606,862 8 6 10,384 1 8 12,134 13 7 606,101 16 7 Total £605,101 16 7 VII. COMBINED STATEMENT. For all Accounts (including Trust Funds) except Provident Fund, Students' Loan Fund and University Press. STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for year ended 31s( December, 1934. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1034 1934 Jan. 1. Jan.1. To Credit Balances- By Debit Balances— Special Trust Funds .. £595,277 13 9 Agricultural Research 9 6 5 General Fund ...... 22,720 IS 4 Bacteriology Fund .. 541 9 3 General Reserve Fund .. 10,000 0 0 Con. Students' Concerts 35 13 11 Research Fund .. .. 1,447 16 2 Melb. Symphony Orch. 73 6 0 University Extension Fund 408 13 8 Veterinary Fund 40 11 3 Conservatorium Appeal .. 166 15 9 Clinic 11 7 8 Music Hzam. Board 407 16 10 717 14 6 M Music Exam. Board Invest­ Dec 31 ment Account .. .. 10,975 10 3 By Salaries £123,431 3 1 Bacteriology Investment Contribution to Provident Account 3,100 0 0 2,707 15 1 Agriculture Fund .. .. 209 0 11 Fellowships, Scholarships, .. Agriculture Investment Ac­ Exhibitions and Bursaries 6,897 6 11 count 8,687 10 0 Examiners* Fees 3,610 7 2 Visiting Lecturers' Account .. 84 11 3 Examination Expenses 4,661 11 11 W. & E. Hall Fellowship .. 235 2 10 Examination Papers (Printing) 939 10 8 Sports Fees 118 4 0 Books and Periodicals 3,453 11 0 Club House Fees .. .. 98 IS 2 Exchange on Library Ac- Hospitals, Amounts in Trust 486 7 7 for 234 S 1 Apparatus, etc. 8,761 5 10 Special Hospital Fees .. 325 4 1 Incidentals and Cleaning 2,113 11 11 Carnegie Corporation Fund .. 147 18 0 Gas, Electric Light, and Power 2,166 3 4 Engineering Test Fees .. 200 14 2 Wood, Coal, Water, and Conservatorium Grand Opera 179 16 4 Sanitary 653 13 10 Carried forward .. £656.010 5 7 Carried forward £164,767 8 4 £717 14 6 Combined Statement (continued)

Brought forward £655,010 5 7 Brought forward £164,767 8 4 £717 14 6 Appointments Board 6 12 6 Grounds 226 17 9 Chair of Obstetrics 186 6 5 Printing and Stationery .. 2,880 16 S 655,203 3 6 Stamps 749 9 11 Dec. 31. Advertising 406 .10 3 To Government Grants— Commencement .. ,. 173 12 7 General 36,000 0 0 '.Insurances 443 2 6 Extension 1,560 0 0 Furniture and'Fittings .. 623 19 1 Research 840 0 0 NewJSuildlngs .. .. 6,798 6 0 Agriculture .. 4,800 0 0 Repairs and Alterations ,. 2,766 11 3 Agricultural 'Research 400 0 0 Special Votes 245 13 4 Veterinary Fund 2,160 0 0 ' Administration Charges .. 1,344 11 6 '•Veterinary :Fund (Milk Travelling Expenses 304 3 8 Act) 640 0 0 PublicationFund 140 0 0 Bacteriology ,. 2,800 0 0 Dissections 843 1 0 Chair of Obstetrics .. 2,000 0 .0 .Workers' Educational Asso­ Cancer'Research 260 0 0 ciation 44,7 16 3 51,450 0 0 Maintenance Tutorial Classes 438 10 10 To'Bcquestsand Donations . llj951 4 7 Pianos and Music .. .. 376 8 2 •Lecture'Feos 57,946 13 3 Sports Fees 2,760 0 0 Annual 'Examination, Degree Club House Fees .. .. 1,975 0 0 & Certificate-Fees 11,339 18 1 W. & E. Hall-Institute .. 760 0 0 ' Public'Examinatiou Fees 14,971 11 10 Orchestral l-'ees 1,909 18 6 •Public Examinations in Music Concert Exp., Rent of Halls, etc. 391 6 0 'Fees 5,539 12 1 Grand Opera Expenses .. 93 19 8 Sports Fees .. 2,766 17 0 Heating System .. .. 126 18 9 'ClmVHouse'Fees 1,986 14 .0 Free-Concerts .191 -8 4 Appointments Board Fees 108 '19 11 Premium written off .. 492 10 0 'Engineering Test Fees 908 4 7 Universities' Joint Account 115 0 8 Bacteriology Test Fees 1,734 9 7 -Vet.'Pathology Fees 241 19 3 192,850 3 0

Carried forward £109,575 4 2 £700,653 3 0 Carried forward £193,667 18 0 Combined Statement (continued)

Brought forward £109,675 4 2 £706,663 3 6 Brought forward £193,667 18 0 By Credit Balances— Vet. Clinical Fees .. 964 7 6 Special Trust Funds .. .. £604,039 10 2 Hospital Clinical Fees 3,051 18 0 General Fund 24,615 19 6 Special Hospital Fees 461 A 0 General Reserve Fund .. 10,000 0 0 Sale of Publications 496 18 10 Research Fund .. .. 595 13 9 27,204 19 9 University Extension Fund 39 19 3 2,100 0 0 Conservatorium Appeal .. 908 8 3 Concert Subs., Takings, etc. 2,676 18 9 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra 72 19 5 Aust. Broadcasting Com. .. 1,561 17 2 Music Exam. Board .. .. 188 3 11 Grand Opera Receipts 30 0 0 M. E. B. Investment Account 11,976 16 3 Workers Eduatioual Assoc. 100 0 0 Veterinary Clinic 83 6 1 Carnegie Corporation Grant 1,930 3 9 Bacteriology Investment Ac­ Prime Minister's Depart­ count 3,100 0 0 ment (Prof. Wadham) .. 720 0 0 Agriculture Fund .. .. 884 18 11 Univ. Press Investment 30 0 0 Agriculture Investment Ac­ Net Gain on Realisation of count 9,017 10 0 Investments 2,321 17 1 Agricultural Research Fund 193 2 1 Administration Charges— Visiting Lecturers' Account.. 84 11 3 Trust Funds £621 1 0 • W. & E. Hall Fellowship .. 226 12 5 Other Funds 823 10 6 Sports Fees 86 19 0 1,444 11 6 Club House Fees .. .. 86 6 5 Sundries 1,146 7 9 Hospitals, Amounts in Trust for 259 19 1 165,695 12 3 Special Hospital Fees .. 682 2 1 To Debit Balances- — Carnegie Corporation Fund .. 1,868 0 10 Bacteriology Fund 977 16 Engineering Test Pees 271 8 5 Veterinary Fund 179 16 e2 Conservatorium G. Opera 115 17 1 1,157 12 Chair of Obstetrics .. 96 11 3 Appointments Board Fund 121 2 3 Anthropological Research .. 104 3 4 Natural Philosophy Research 221 4 0 669,93!i 10 5 £868,6p6£8 6 £863,506 8 5. VIII. SAMUEL GILLOTT UNIVERSITY PROVIDENT FUND

REVENUE ACCOUNT for the year 1984.

1934. EXPENDITURE. 1934. REVENUE. Dec. 81. Dec. 31. To Pensions paid and accrued . £3,786 9 D By Contribution by University £2.719 0 11 5 , 5,828 1 9 Contributions of members .. £2,C98 12 2 * Transfer to Accumulated Fund . .. Less refunds to ox-members . 490 7 1 2,208 6 1 Interest received and accrued 4,137 £9,064 11 0 £9,064 11 0 BALANCE SHEET as at 31st DECEMBER, 1984a LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Accumulated Fund £83,780 8 6 Investments— ^ Transfer from Revenue and Australian Consolidated Inscribed Stock— Expenditure Account . ., 6,328 1 9 £37.050 at 4 per cent £35,821 3 8 Gain on Realisation of Securi­ Met. Gas Co. Debs.— ties 932 4 9 £400 ot 6J per cent £400 0 0 £89,990 15 £100 at 8 per cent 100 0 0 Pensions Accrued .. 6,327 18 BOO 0 0 Melb. and Met. Bd. Wks. Inscribed Stock— £36,360 at from 4 to B per cent 36,161 0 0 Melb. Harbour Trust Debentures— £1,000 at 66 percent 1,000 0 0 State Savings Bank Deb. Stock— £300 at £4 16 10J per cent. 300 0 0 £100 at 4 J per cent 98 10 0 398 10 0 Mortgage at 4 per cent 5,000 0 0 City of Bendigo Debentures— £1,200 at 4J per cent 1,062 0 0 City of Hawthorn Debentures— £1,000 at 4 per cent 900 0 0 City of Heidelberg Debentures— £10,000 at Si per cent 10,000 0 0 City of Melbourne Iiiwribed Stock— £1,100 at B per cent 1,100 0 0 Shiro of Dunmunkie Debentures— £3,216 14 1 at 3J per cent 3,216 14 1 National Bank of Australasia Ltd 64 6 0 £94,223 18 4 Interest accrued 1,096 0 1 £96,818 13 6 £96,818 13 6 Contingent Asset—Amount accrued in contributions and interest thereon due from members—secured by endow­ ment policies—£10,723 3 4. I*. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS1 LOAN FUND. BEVENUE ACCOUNT for the year 198 .

1934. EXPENDITURE. 1984. REVENUE. Dec. 81. I Dee. 81. To Administration Charge £100 0 0 , By Interest on Loans to Students £1,350 1 Agency Charges 5 6 0 Interest on Investments 662 10 Transfer to University Students' Loan ' Fond 1,907 6 1 £2.012 11 1 | £2,012 11

BALANCE SHEET aa at 31st DECEMBER, 1934. LIABILITY. ASSETS. . ., University Students' Loan Fund— Loans to Students Balance, 1/1/84 £48,071 8 5 and Interest there­ Transfer from Revenue on to 31/12/33 . £28,884 11 0 Account 1,907 6 1 Loans during -£49,078 14 6 1934 .' 2,468 10 0 Interest for 1934 1,360 1 1 £82,898 2 1 Leas Repayments 2,615 17 2 £80,177 4 11 £16,626 Australian Consolidated Inscribed Stock 16,625 0 0 National Bank ot Australasia Ltd 8,276 9 7

£49.978 14 6 £49,978 14 ( MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Statement of Accounts for year ended Slst December, 1934.


1084. 1934. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Stock on Hand .. £657 4 1 By Sales £3,357 6 0 i- D-c. 31. Grants 246 0 0 3 To Purchases 2,374 5 1 Stock on Hand . 560 17 4 tc Royalties 485 8 11 Commission 107 6 4 Stamps 48 11 Freight and Cartage 4 19 Fees 10 10 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss Account 675 IB 3 £4,164 3 4 £4,164 3 4 LECTURE NOTES ACCOUNT.

1984. 1934. Jan. I. Dec. 31. To Stock on Hand £132 10 10 By Sales £401 18 10 Dec. 81. Stock on Hand 84 14 11 To Purchases 23 6 6 Salaries 129 0 0 Stamps 9 18 8 Stationery 400 Fees 31 10 0 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss Account ...... 166 3 10 £486 18 9 £488 13 9


1934. 1934. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Stock on Hand £196 18 9 By Hire £220 IS 10 Dec. 81. Stock on Hand 195 18 9 To Salaries 6 0 Stamps and Freight 8 10 Repairs 13 10 Stationery 14 1 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss i Account M3 14 1 £410 14 7 £416 14 7 STUDENTS' REQUISITES ACCOUNT.

1984. 1984. Jan. 1. Dec 31. To Stock on Hand £648 19 6 By Sales £847: 12 9 Dec 81. Stock on Hand 611 6 8 To Purchases 688 3 4 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss ' Account 271 16 2 £1,458 18 11 £1,468 18 11


1934. 1934. Dec. 81. Dec. 31. £649 13 9 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss 108 18 6 £768 12 3 £768 .12 8


1934. 1934. Jan 1. Dec. 81. . To Stock on hand £46 6 7 By Sales £289 11 11 Dec. 31. fniitmlftqlnti 44 16 1 186 18 3 Stock on Hand 28 8 2 6 19 10 1 19 8 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Lou 123 12 10 £862 11 2 £862 11 2 UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS ACCOUNT.

1984. 1984. Dec. 81. Dec. 31. To University of Melbourne £329 6 By Sales £878 12 9 Stamps 4 6 Advertisements 13 6 0 Gross Profit transferred to Profit and Loss . Account ., 58 6 7 £886 18 £886 18 9

PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. 1984:' 1934. Dec 81. Dec. 31. To Salaries • £1048 6 0 By Publications Account £676 19 3 Contribution to Provident Fund .. 19 12 6 Lecture "Motes Account 166 3 10 General Expenses ' 78 13 5 Gowns and Hoods Account 203 14 1 Stamps 24 18 9 Students* Requisites Account 271 16 2 Stationery .. 20 6 6 Indent Orders Account 108 18 6 Bad Debts 8 12 7 Second-Hand Goods Account 128 12 10 Net Profit transferred to Capital Account .. 461 17 5 University Publications Account 63 6 7 Commission on Stamps 63 6 6 Interest 101 0 0 Commission 4 8 4 £1,652 6 1 £1,662 6 1 BALANCE SHEET as at Slsl December, 1934.

LIABILITIES. ASSETS. University Loan £60 0 0 Cash In Bank £453 4 3 Advances tor Publications 245 0 0 £2640 Australian Consolidated I.S 2,406 3 6 Sundry Creditors 307 6 8 Duplicator ...... '...... 10 6 0 Second-Hand Exchange 18 16 6 Furniture and Fittings 78 0 •i Goods Sold on Commission 2 16 0 Sundry Debtors 464 8 4 Economic Record Advertisements 22 10 0 Goods on Consignment ...... 77 1 7 Goods on Consignment 77 1 7 Stock on Hand 1,481 0 8 Goods paid for In Advance •. 10 4 Capital Account £3,783 13 0 Add Net Profit 461 17 6 4,286 10 6 £4,059 19 6 £4,969 19 6

AUDITOR-GENERAL'S CERTIFICATE. - In accordance with the provisions of the University Act 1928, Section 38, the accounts have been audited and the securities have been checked and verified. I certify that the statement of accounts is correct. 16/4/36 J. A. NORRIS, Auditor-General. . CLASS LISTS. 1197


1934 TO 1935.




Inglis, Kathleen Jean \ •c-nn„i Maxwell, Margaret Elizabeth j ^i"3-1 BOTANY. Parkin, Gretna Margaret BRITISH HISTORY. Aird, Andrew Paton ) Eaual Mortensen, Kevin Newman j q CHEMISTRY. Edwards, .William Henry COMMERCIAL PRACTICE. Rimmington, Colin Arthur Special Prize. McAlpin, Colin Hill COMMERCIAL PRINCIPLES. Rimmington, Colin Arthur - U98 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

Special Prize. Metcalfe, Gordon Douglas DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS. Cameron, Mary Lachlan


Bowden, Joyce Florence 7 •ri„1,_i Mann, Ethel Isabel f^Quai

ECONOMICS. Gilbert, Ernest Bert ENGLISH. Wilson, Marian Roscoe

EUROPEAN HISTORY. Cutting, Phyllis Helen

FRENCH. McMillan, Robert Barrie Liet Prizes. First. McMillan, Robert Barrie Second. Gellie, George Henry

GEOGRAPHY. Mullett, William John

GEOLOGY. Armour, Olive May CLASS LISTS. 1199- GERMAN. Dane, Anna ) „ . McMillan, Robert Barrie } ^qual GREEK. Connell, William Fraser GREEK AND ROMAN HISTORY. Scott, William Alexander Gowdie HEBREW. Harlem, Peggy Lois LATIN. Cochrane, George Robert MATHEMATICS I. Leslie, Rupert Thomas


Brand, Lindsay Brownfield 1 •nauai Lormer, Catherine Mary J Jll(Jua


Brand, Lindsay Brownfield ) TV,,,O1 Edwards, William Henry f1^31

MATHEMATICS IV. Barton, John Colin | •ci„„„i Ryan, George rM^al

MUSIC. Parker, James Murray

PHYSICS. Kerr, Frank John \200 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 193485.



KKBHUAUT, 1935. EXAMINATION BOARD'S EXHIBITIONS. Whitelaw, Mollie Phyllis Mary (Violin) Seabrook, Kathleen Mabel - (Singing) Wellington, Marjorie (Singing) ORMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. Copland, Geoffrey Hamilton (Pianoforte) Kenny, Rosemarie (Pianoforte) Seeker, Lucy (Pianoforte) CONSERVATORIUM EXHIBITIONS. Smart, Marie Frances (Singing) Branston, Irene Amy (Singing) Hickenbotham,Vera Alberta (Singing) Schoflekl, Margaret Jean (Pianoforte) BERNARD HEINZE EXHIBITION. Nickson, Noel John Bennie (Violin) CLASS LISTS. 1201


NOVEMBER, 1934 (including Medical and Dental Examinations held during the year).

CLASS LISTS. GREEK, PART I. First Class. Thwaites, Michael Rayner (Trinity) Second Class. Gully, Eunice. LATIN, PART I. First Class. Thwaites, Michael Rayner (Trinity) Second Class. Brown, Horace Plessay (Trinity) 7 TTI„,„I Carroll, Noel Cedric (Trinity) J 1!'qual Canavan, Eunicee Aimee Ronget ] (Queen's) [-Equal Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity) J Gully, Eunice. McLernon, Sheila Mary (Newman) Third Class. Botterill, Alison Jean (Trinity) Speed, Harold Hector (Trinity) Yonge, Colin Eyre ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE,. PART I. First Class. Gilmore, Monica Mary (Newman) )_ , Stuckey, Margaret Agatha (Ormond) J J!'qual Smith, Airlie Alice Townsend 7« 1202 BJAMINATTON RESULTS, 1934-35.

Second Class. Burton, Barbara Esther (Ormond) Thwaites, Michael Rayner (Trinity) Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity). Third Class. Dickins, Nance Yvonne Jones, Gwendda Margaret Speed, Harold Hector (Trinity) Sheppard, Alexander William ENGLISH LANGUAGE, PART I. First Class. •' None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Elmore, Harold Lawrence FRENCH, PART I. First Class. Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity). Canavan, Eunicee Aimee Ronget (Queen's) Burton, Barbara Esther (Ormond) Carroll, Noel Cedric (Trinity) Vincent, Lesley (Trinity) Second Glass. Gully, Eunice, Botterill, Alison Jean (Trinity) • Breen, Mary Campbell (Trinity) McLemon, Sheila Mary (Newman) The following candidates, though not digihte'to appear in the Class List,.have qualified in this sub­ ject as prescribed for the' Degree with Honours:— Bromley, Kathleen Louise (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 1203

Dobson, Thomas Pye. Newbury, Charles Renton. Rogash, Isabel Joyce.

GERMAN, PART I. First Class. Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity) Gilmore, Monica Mary (Newman) • The following candidates, though not eligible to appear in the Class List, have qualified in this sub­ ject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Good, Honor Mary Scott (Trinity). Tonnies, Jean (Trinity)

BRITISH HISTORY B. First Class. Foxcroft, Edmund John Buchanan (Queen's) Crawley, Charles Douglas (Ormond) Colebrook, Merrill Patricia (Trinity) ^ _ . Crozier, Phyllis Rossiter (Trinity) ] b'cia&l Clark, Charles Manning Hope (Trinity)

Second Class. Smith, Airlie Alice Townsend Mackinnon, Ian Dejardin (Trinity) ) Madin, Keith George | E<3ual Clark, Hugh Oliver (Ormond) liTm-mi Ross, Hyrell McKinnon (Ormond) |r,^uaj Carswell, Oswald Alan Bannerman "I Miller, Rhys Albion (Ormond) [Equal Ward, Richard Charles. J Mulcahy, John Desmond Lawrence (Newman) Dickins, Nance Yvonne ] Lawspn, ;Harry Hbrwood (Ormond) [-'Equal Mills, Joy Enid (Queen's) J Sackville, Joseph Wolfe 1204 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35,

Third Class. Tipping, Jean Howell Kiddle, Margaret Loch (Trinity) ] Mason, Kenneth William George j- Equal (Trinity) J Williams, Geoffrey Harold

PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class! Aickin, Keith Arthur ) TTJ-„„I Stuckey, Margaret Agatha (Ormond) ) fi(iual Miller, Rhys Albion (Ormond) Carswell, Oswald Alan Bannerman Second Class. Mardiros, Anthony Manuel Ellemor, Arthur Francis (Queen's) \ " Lawson, Harry Horwood (Ormond) J Equal Third Class. Brewster, William Bruce (Queen's) Williams, Geoffrey Harold The following candidate, though not eligible to appear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Cook, Philip Halford (Queen's)

PURE MATHEMATICS, PART I. First Class. Alexander, Laurie George. Rankin, Donald Joseph Malcolm (Ormond) Second Class Green, Kenneth David McNeill, John James ((Newman ) ( Equal Docking, Alan Robert (Queen's) Sutherland, Keith Leonard , Equal CLASS LISTS. 1205

Hopper, Victor David (Teachers' 1 College) I „ , O'Hara, John Bernard (Teachers' ( *J

Third Class. Kiddle, Margaret Loch (Trinity) Mills, Joy Enid (Queen's) \ Equal Tipping, Jean Howell GREEK, PART II. First Class. Kerferd, George Briscoe (Trinity) Second Class. Moran, Valentine Gerard. Yule, Alexander (Ormond) Campbell, Hugh Maitland (Ormond) Dickinson, James Rodney Rushbrook (Ormond) Third Class. Rees, William Moffat (Trinity) LATIN, PART II. First Class. Kerferd, George Briscoe (Trinity) Austin, Lloyd James Wilcock, Iris Isabel (Ormond) Second Class. Moran, Valentine Gerard Campbell, Hugh Maitland (Ormond) Yule, Alexander (Ormond) Third Class. Dickinson, James Rodney Rushbrook (Ormond) Tonnies, Jean (Trinity) Rees, William Moffat (Trinity) Newbury, Charles Renton ENGLISH LANGUAGE, PART. II. . First Class. ;Ra.dger, Kathleen Woodford (Trinity) 1 TJI_„„I Taylor, Elva May (Ormond) J Jiquai CLASS LISTS. | 207

Second Class. Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce'(Trinity) Smith, Loma Josephine Third Class. Lake, Laurance Spencer ENGLISH LITERATURE, PART II. First Class. Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce (Trinity) Waller, Jean Mary (Ormond) Samuel, John Frederick Brumley, Kathleen Louise (Trinity) Second Class. Taylor, Elva May (Ormond) Graham, Alan Clarke, Viola Marie Lake, Laurance Spencer Kogash, Isabel Joyce Badger, Kathleen Woodford (Trinity) Third Class. Smith, Lorna Josephine Dixon, Janet Freda (Trinity) Douglas, Isabel FRENCH, PART II. First Class. Austin, Lloyd James Dobson, Thomas Pye )j, , Wilcock, Iris Isabel (Ormond) j £j^llal Bottomley, Nancy Winifred Second Class.

Good, Honor Mary Scott (Trinity) t •B««1-,i,i Martin, Grace (Trinity) JJiqual Eckersley, Thomas William Caldwell, Ruth Joy |208 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934.35.

Gibson, John Alexander (Trinity) ' NewTbury, Charles Ronton - Equal Waller, Jean Mary (Ormond) Third Class. Rogash, Isabel Joyce Brumley, Kathleen Louise (Trinity) Tonnies, Jean (Trinity) Albers, Yvonne FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. First Class. Wilcock, Iris Isabel (Ormond) Austin, Lloyd James Second Class. Bottomley, Nancy Winifred Eckersley, Thomas William Third Class. Caldwell, Ruth Joy. GERMAN, PART II. First Class. . Austin, Lloyd James ] •*, , Gibson, John Alexander (Trinity) j ^qual Santamaria, Josephine Mary Second Class. Perry, Harold Bartleet Third Class. Good, Honor Mary Scott (Trinity) Tonnies, Jean (Trinity) The following candidate, though not eligible to appear in the Class List, has qualified in this subject as prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Steel, lima Ruth CLASS LISTS. 1 209>

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. Dean, Robert Henry (Ormond) Third Class. Timpson, Thomas Henry (Trinity) Merry, Isabelle Elizabeth Faichney, Norman (Ormond) ADVANCED LOGIC. First Class. None. Second Class. Corben, Herbert Charles (Queen's) Rowlands, Robert George .(Ormond) Timpson, Thomas Henry (Trinity) POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. Timpson, Thomas Henry (Trinity) Lowe, Stanley Corbett Blewett, Gladys Gertrude Third Class. Collins, Irene Marie Hamil Richardson, Graham Lindley (Ormond)' PURE MATHEMATICS, PART II. First Class. None. 1-210 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

•Second Class. Townsend, Albert Alan McRae, John Neil (Ormond) Miller, Alexander Renfrew (Ormond) Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques (Queen's) Shepherd, Mary Mashford (Queen's) MIXED MATHEMATICS, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques ] (Queen's) \ Equal McRae, John Neil (Ormond) J Shepherd, Mary Mashford (Queen's) Miller, Alexander Renfrew (Ormond) Third Glass. Richardson, Harry Keith (Queen's) COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. First Class. Kerferd,.George Briscoe (Trinity) > pr-,,-! Mann, James Gilbert (Trinity) > ^Q«ai Austin, Mervyn Neville Moran, Valentino Gerard Second Class. •Campbell, Hugh Maitland (Ormond) Waters, William Brian (Ormond) Dickinson, James Rodney Rushbrook") (Ormond) £ Kqual Yule, Alexander (Ormond) )

BRITISH HISTORY, D. First Class. Nbiie. CLASS LISTS.. . 1.21-1)

Second Class. Leppitt, James John Joseph Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce 1 (Trinity) r Equal Landau, Samuel J Terry, Mollie Throne Dobson, Thomas Pye Robertson, Robert Gartshore )_ . Waller, John Keith (Ormond) |M«al' Robson, Essie Lucas, Francis Henry (Newman) Jenkins, Catherine Ceaviney Sweeney, Charles Augustine (Newman) Third Class. Hunt, William Richard (Newman) Graham, Alan Clarke, Viola Marie Ray, Stanley Wallis (Ormond) Douglas, Isabel Eadie, Angus Campbell (Ormond) Legg, Marjorie Elizabeth Clark, Thomas-Russell Hope-(Trinity) 1 _, , Downie, Jean Milton } J!'qual' Collins, Irene Marie Hamil

AUSTRALASIAN HISTORY. First Class. None.. Second Class. • None. • Third Class. Plunkett, Sydney Michael John Dunne

EUROPEAN HISTORY; B. First Class. , > None.,, • 1212 EXAMINATION1 RESULTS, 1934-35

Second Class. Leppitt, James John Joseph Landau, Samuel Lucas, Francis Henry (Newman) Sweeney, Charles Augustine (Newman) Hunt, William Richard (Newman) Waller, John Keith (Ormond) Terry, Mollie Throne Third Class. Kepert, Louis Victor Ward, Eric Edward Jenkins, Catherine Ceaviney Badger, Kathleen Woodford (Trinity) Downie, Jean Milton Robson, Essie Ray, Stanley Wallis (Ormond) Miles, Yvonne Isabel (Queen's) Legg, Marjorie Elizabeth Clark, Thomas Russell Hope (Trinity)

ECONOMIC HISTORY. First Class. Williams, William Kenneth (Queen's) Wilson, Edward Ross Armitage (Trinity) Second Class. Gittus, Joyce Lillian Kepert, Louis Victor Jenkins, Catherine Ceaviney Sheppard, Alexander William Rylah, Margaret Jean (Trinity) Third Class. Miles, Yvonne Isabel (Queen's) McCulloch, Helen Margaret (Trinity) Smith, Mary Lindsay Legg, Marjorie Elizabeth :McAuIiffe, Colin Graham (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. 1213

ECONOMICS, PART I. First Class. Brown, Horace Plessay (Trinity) [ T?,,,,-! Rylah, Margaret Jean (Trinity) J r'quaJ Second Class. McCulloch, Helen Margaret (Trinity) Coates, William George Smith, Mary Lindsay Third Class. Green, Freda Marjorie (Queen's)

ECONOMICS, PART II. (ARTS COURSE), First Class. Anderson, Laurence Henry Crawford Second Class. Kepert, Louis Victor Stuart, Nevil Frank (Trinity) Third Class. Miles, Yvonne Isabel (Queen's) Williams, Francis Peter Thomas, Courtenay Raeder (Queen's) The following candidates, who were not required to sit for a formal examination, have been certified as having reached the standard of the second class on the work done during the year:— Pearson, Alan Gladstone (Queen's) Ward, Eric Edward - Williams, William Kenneth (Queen's)

ECONOMICS, PART IIIA. First Class. Downing, Richard Ivan (Ormond) 1214 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934.36.

Second Class. 1089 Pearson, Alan Gladstone (Queen's) 1030 Eddy, John William Muntz 1291 Jones, Richard Samuel 677 Stuart, Nevil Frank (Trinity) ] 1130 Ward, Eric Edward [ Equal 1136 Williams, William Kenneth (Queen's) J Third Class. 999 Briggs, Norman Leslie (Ormond) 1308 McAuliffe, Colin Graham (Queen's)

MODERN POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS. First Class. • 1049 Home, Robert Ife 1957 McPherson, Albert Clifton. Second Class. 1051 Hunt, William Richard. (Newman)") v„,,„i 1129 Waller, John Keith (Ormond) )Jiqual Third Class. 1945 Lane, Eric Lawrance 1. v , 1100 Robson, Essie j *jqual 1970 Neil, Arthur Cavan 1940 Kinnear, John Howard (Ormond)

CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY: First Class. 1921 Frost, Sydney Thomas Second iClass.-.. 1889 Blarney, Thomas Raymond.,(Trinity)•]. . 1915 Downing, Richard- Ivan (Ormond) \ Equal 1062 Landau, Samuel j 1957 McPherson, Albert Clifton-.).*, , 2005 Wilks, Lewis \ q 1065 Leppitt, James-.John-Joseph 2006 Williams, Francis Peter CLASS LISTS. 1215

Third Class. Edwards, Joseph Keith (Ormond) 1 McCutcheon, Colin Scott (Queen's) ! Equal Pearson, Alan Gladstone (Queen's) J Robinson, George Arthur ] Sweeney, Charles Augustine | Equal (Newman) ' J Jacobs, Peter Acland

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. First Class. None. . Second Class. Terry, Mollie Throne Edwards, Joseph Keith (Ormond) Third Class. Armstrong, Garry O'Dell Coulter, Brian Ross Appleton

EDUCATION. •First Class. Brodie, Hugh Rowell (Teachers' ] College) (-"Equal Shannon, Alfred Ronald J Ault, Lilian Charlotte Cain, Virgil Joseph (Teachers' ] Home, Colin James (Teachers' f q College) J Wells, Mollie Graham (Trinity.) ' Second Class. Davies, Arthur John Merry McShane,' Cornelius Carroll Hardy, Walter Davis (Teachers' College) Coates, Thomas Hampton (Teachers' College) 1216 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

Bryan, Edward Ridley (Teachers' College) Deasey, Maude Kathleen (Trinity) Johnston, Roy William Glover, Margaret Allison (Teachers' College) Third Class. Edhouse, Nancy Evelyn Glover, Alice Jean (Trinity) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I. First Class. Alexander, Laurie George Hopper, Victor David (Teachers' College) Sloan, Bruce Barclay (Ormond) ] Weber, Hermann Puttmann [ Equal Willis, George Mervyn (Queen's) J Chivers, Stanley Derrick Cole, James Henry Foots, James William Gent, Nancy Lovell (Trinity) (Equal Glynn, Desmond Ford Smith, Jack Stanley (Trinity) Second Class. Green, Kenneth David 7 « , Harcourt, Edgar Clive (Queen's) S liquaI Docking, Alan Robert (Queen's) McNeill, John James (Newman) Rankin, Donald Joseph Malcolm (Ormond) [Equal Thompson, George William Harry (Queen's) Sutherland, Keith Leonard Third Class. Smart, Kenneth John Fry, James Edmund "i*v„ioi . Webb, Neill Ivan Alwynne (Queen's) ) J McKillop, George Campbell} Moss, Robert Ian Maxwell > Equal Rees, Albert Lloyd George ' Gill, Thomas Perrott (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 12]7

• CHEMISTRY, PART I. First Class. Willis, George Mervyn (Queen's) Weber, Hermann Puttmann Rees, Albert Lloyd George Sloan, Bruce Barclay (Ormond) Docking, Alan Robert (Queen's) ) T*-, • Glynn, Desmond Ford f aquai Sutherland, Keith Leonard Taylor, Claire Rosailie Henriette (Queen's) - Kefford, Jack Frederick } v , Moffatt, Thomas Stanley (Trinity) J ^qual Gent, Nancy Lovell (Trinity) Gill, Thomas Perrott (Trinity) Second Class. Southern, John Louis Noel Hdwards, Lloyd Sydney "] McAfee, Jeffrey | McKillop, George Campbell ^ Equal Thompson, George William Harry | (Queen's) J O'Hara, John Bernard (Teachers' College) Paterson, Kenneth John •rNicolls, Kenneth Dalrymple Foots, James William Rutter, David (Trinity) Third Class. Homewood, Melville Ian (Queen's) Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry Cole, James Henry ) v„„0, Mott, William Dick (Ormond) j ^qual McNeill, John James (Newman) Henry, Rodney Wilton (Ormond) ) &_„-, McTaggart, Ronald Clive Jliqual Boswell, Jean Edna Willis; Richard Noel Baxter, Rex Ransley Slavin, Benjamin Galbraith, Ian Campbell (Trinity) 77A 1218 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934.35.

GEOLOGY. PART I. First Class. Condon, Maurice Alan Prince, Ethel May Second Class. Dewhurst, Irene Elizabeth McAfee, Jeffrey Third Class. Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry •) „ . Tregear, William George Herbert j tjqual Chivers, Stanley Derrick Mardiros, Anthony Manuel

BOTANY, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Champion, Esther (Queen's) ] Taylor, Claire Rosailie Henriette [ Equal (Queen's) J McDonald, Phyllis Elizabeth (Trinity) Gale, Alexandria Helen Fitzpatrick, Brenda (Newman) Third Class. Condon, Maurice Alan ZOOLOGY, PART I. First Class. McDonald, Phyllis Elizabeth (Trinity) Second Class. Pratt, Marjorie Mavis Rhoda CLASS LISTS. 1219

Third Class, Anderson, Beryl Hilda (Trinity) Champion, Esther (Queen's) Nicolls, Kenneth Dalrymple PHYSIOLOGY, PART I. First Class. Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (Trinity) Smith, Norma Elizabeth Second Class. Smith, Lewis Clifford Hayward, Nancy Joan Pickford, Edmund John Third Class. Bleakley, Horace George Mclntyre, Kenneth Marsden

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART II. First Class. Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques (Queen's) Townsend, Albert Alan Miller, Alexander Renfrew (Ormond) Nicholls, Frank Gordon Second Class. Shepherd, Mary Mashford (Queen's) Meadley, William George Third Class. Rice, Jeffrey Edmund Murray, Lindsay Cyril

CHEMISTRY, PART II. First Class. None. 1220 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934.35

Second Class. Nicholls, Prank Gordon Rice, Jeffrey Edmund Smith, Norma Elizabeth Third Class. Walbran, William Irwin Crook, Eric Mitchell Field, Darragh John Alford, Lucey Ray Bleakley, Horace George Coldicutt, Kenneth John

METALLURGY, PART I. (SCIENCE COURSE). First Class. Anderson, James Sommerville Kelly, Norman John (Newman) Clarke, Aubrey Rex Second Class. Canavan, Francois ] Foster, Edgar Harvey [ Equal McMahon, Brian Clement J Doyle, John Davis ) E , Johnson, Stanley Clarence j M Third Class. Field, Darragh John Blackwood, James Donald Rowed, Douglas Whiting GEOLOGY, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Mclver, Euphemia Alice (Teachers' College) [• Equal Stach, Leopold William UUAS9 LISTS. 1221

Third Class. Blackburn, Maurice (Trinity) Blackwood, James Donald BOTANY, PART II. First Class. Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (Trinity) j g Powles, Robert y g Second Class. Bottomley, Robert Alwyn Third Class. Ryan, Margaret Elizabeth (Newman) Girdwood, Joy ZOOLOGY, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Stach, Leopold William Third Class. Burrage, Winifred May (Trinity) Blackburn, Maurice (Trinitv) ) T7i„„„i Tubb, John Alan J tqual HISTOLOGY (SCIENCE COURSE). First Class. None. Second Class. Candy, Margery Timmins, Janet NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART III. First Class. Hill, Robert Dickson (Teachers' College) 1222 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35

Second Class. Corben, Herbert Charles (Queen's)- Third Class. Aickin, Robert Geoffrey

CHEMISTRY, PART III. First Class. Wertheim, Joseph Second Class. Scott, Thomas Robert (Teachers' College) Clarke, Aubrey Rex ) TTI„„„I Smith, Robert Warren (Jiqual Hudson, Philip Chester Burgoyne Kelly, Frank Heron Churchward Third Class. Acton, Arthur Peter Aickin, Robert Geoff rey

METALLURGY, PART IT. (SCIENCE COURSE). First Class. Worner, Howard Knox Second Class. None. Third Class. Smith, Robert Warren

GEOLOGY', PART III. First Class. Scott, Thomas Robert. (Teachers' College) Jacobson, Reginald Ronald Eric (Teachers' College) CLASS LISTS. 1223

Second Class. Kelly, Frank Heron Churchward ] Wilcock, Arthur Alan (Teachers' \ Equal College) J BOTANY, PART III. First Class. Fawcett, Stella Grace Maisie (Teachers' College) Mather, Colin Rex Second Class. None. Third Class. McNeil, Jean BIOCHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. Millis, Jean Third Class. Hudson, Philip Chester Burgoyne) ] TT, ,„, Meredith, Mary Eva (Newman) (^Qual

BACTERIOLOGY PART I. (SCIENCE COURSE). First Class. Smith, Norma Elizabeth Second Class. Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (Trinity) Haywood, Nancy Joan Third Class. Bick, Marjorie Elizabeth Dulcie Alford, Lucey Ray Bleakley, Horace George 1224 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35

BACTERIOLOGY PART II (SCIENCE COURSE). First Class. None. Second Class. Meredith, Mary Eva (Newman) Mil lis, Jean Smith, Robert Rennie (Ormond)

JURISPRUDENCE, PART I. First Class. Gilbert, Robert Leigh (Trinity) Taylor, Conradina Edith Joy (Queen's) Second Class. Aickin, Keith Arthur ) ,-, , Pearson, Alan Gladstone (Queen's) , ^quaI Jacobs, Peter Acland Mackinnon, Ian Dejardin (Trinity) Ellis, Edward Arthur Bourke, William Meskill (Newman) Third Class. Mulcahy, John Desmond Lawrence (Newman) Robinson, George Arthur Preadman, Paul Mason, Kenneth William George (Trinity) Brown, Horace Plessay (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 1226' Sonenberg, Leopold Pincus Young, Leo (Ormond) Lawson, Harry Horwood (Ormond) Cohen, Maurice Fieldman, Joseph

LAW OF WRONGS (CIVIL AND CRIMINAL). First Class. McPherson, Albert Clifton ^ \J Proudfoot, Alexander Townley (Ormond))-I-. Second Class. Edwards, Joseph Keith (Ormond) Downing, Richard Ivan (Ormond) McCutcheon, Colin Scott (Queen's) Blarney, Thomas Raymond (Trinity) Third Class. Williams, Francis Peter Frost, Sydney Thomas ) w„„-i Wilks, Lewis f tqual Lobban, Alan Robert (Ormond) Neil, Arthur Cavan Ridgeway, Thomas George Fieldman, Joseph Belson, Victor Herbert Lane, Eric Lawrance

LAW OP CONTRACT AND PERSONAL. PROPERTY". First Class. Hill, Edward Fowler Second Class.

Blarney, Thomas Raymond (Trinity) ) T7i„„0i. Frost, Sydney Thomas J J!jqua1' Proudfoot, Alexander Townley (Ormond) Cutts, Trevett Wakeham Hall, Henry Edward Agincourt Hodges J22R EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934 35.

Third Class. Lobban, Alan Robert (Ormond) Edwards, Joseph Keith (Ormond)

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Gilbert, Robert Leigh (Trinity) Hall, Henry Edward Agincourt Hodges Hill, Edward Fowler Third Class. Rogan, Michael Aloysius (Newman) Dickson, Francis Percy Cutts, Trevett Wakeham Lobban, Alan Robert (Ormond) ROMAN LAW. First Class. Levy, Arthur Rosel Second Class. Ket, Stanley Albert Third Class. Adams, Thomas Cranstoun (Ormond) \ •& , Bult, John Alan (Trinity) \ ^qual Cutts, Trevett Wakeham 1 Gilbert, Robert Leigh (Trinity) [Equal Shann, Frank (Trinity) J Lobban, Alan Robert (Ormond) Carter, Harold Percival Mcllrath, Phillis (Trinity) LAW OF PROPERTY IN LAND AND CON­ VEYANCING. First Class. None. CLASS LISTS. ] 227"

Second Class. Proudfoot, Alexander Townley (Ormond) Hall, Henry Edward Agincourt Hodges 1T7„„„I Ket, Stanley Albert {Jiqual Hill, Edward Fowler Third Class. Bourke, William Meskill (Newman) Rogan, Michael Aloysius (Newman) NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (MEDICAL COURSE).. First Class. Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond) Bourke, Alma Berenice (Newman) Wilson, Harry Herbert Barnett, Alfred John (Queen's) Second Class. Fraser, Andrew Noel (Trinity) McMeekin, Hedley Tames Parker (Queen's) Baker, Ronald Gordon (Queen's) ] Chambers, Cyril Harcourt [ Equal Lowe, Ronald Francis J Third Class. Salter, Graeme Foster (Trinity) Finlayson, Jean Stanley Hurburgh, Clifton Maurice Grove, Graeme Lindsay (Queen's) Kelly, Kenneth Melville (Queen's) ] Smith, Gordon Keys [ Equal' Trudinger, Lawrence Robert (Queen's) J CHEMISTRY (MEDICAL COURSE). First Class. Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond) Baker, Ronald Gordon (Queen's) Second Class. Bourke, Alma Berenice (Newman) Barnett, Alfred John (Queen's) :1228 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-36.

Salter, Graeme Foster (Trinity) Trudinger, Lawrence Robert (Queen's) Finlayson, Jean Stanley Third Class. Lowe, Ronald Francis Morrison, Kenneth Hugh Ley, Gordon David McMeekin, Hedley James Parker (Queen's) Fraser, Andrew Noel (Trinity) McMullin, Robert Norman (Trinity) Strang, Roderick Frank Arthur (Trinity) Wilson, Harry Herbert Roberts, Ivor Gwilym Sutherland, Geoffrey (Trinity) Rohan, Matthew (Newman) McNab, Donald McKenzie ZOOLOGY (MEDICAL COURSE). First Class. Barnett, Alfred John (Queen's) Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond) Second Class. Baker, Ronald Gordon (Queen's) "j Fraser, Andrew Noel (Trinity) [Equal Gunson, Jean Mercy (Ormond) J Witts, Louis Binney (Trinity) McKenzie, Derek Napier ] Turner, Elizabeth Kathleen (Ormond) Equal White, Alexander John Middleton (Ormond) J Bourke, Alma Berenice (Newman) ] Lowe, Ronald Francis [Equal Pope, Harry Campbell (Trinity) J Third Class. Ley, Gordon David "Hurburgh, Clifton Maurice . McMeekin, Hedley James Parker Equal (Queen's) 'Trudinger, Lawrence Robert (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. . 1229

BOTANY (MEDICAL COURSE). First Class. Borbidge, Eileen Veronica (Newman) \ •& , Gunson, Jean Mercy (Ormond) f uquai Second Class. Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond) Baker, Ronald Gordon (Queen's) McKenzie, Derek Napier Fraser, Andrew Noel (Trinity) Craig, Ellen Meeson (Ormond) 1 Grove, Graeme Lindsay (Queen's) I v , White, Alexander John Middleton ( ^qual (Ormond) J Barnett, Alfred John (Queen's) }„ , Turner, Elizabeth Kathleen (Ormond) J ^qual Finlayson, Jean Stanley Third Class. Edwick, Jean Olive ) -,-, , Shergold, Una (Newman) JJiquaI Elder, Nairne Guthrie (Ormond) Anderson, Keith Daubert Wishart, David Sutcliffe (Ormond)

ANATOMY (INCLUDING HISTOLOGY). First Class. Hellings, Brian Lister (Trinity) Leslie, Douglas Robert (Trinity) Abrahams, Clarinda Blodwin Second Class. Murphy, Leonard James Thomas Smith, Margery Elizabeth Blackwood, Kathleen Katrine (Trinity) Jones, Cyrus Arvon (Ormond) Devine, John Berchmans Cole, William Harold James Reid, George (Queen's) McKechnie, George Colin 1,230 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-36.

Bell, Joyce Margaret Euphan -. Gild, Jack Lawrence (Trinity) Hutchings, Jean Alison (Trinity) -Equal Kurrle, Ernest Nicholls Sawrey, Clifford Ernest j Bishop, John Dean

PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. Hellings, Brian Lister (Trinity) Reid, George (Queen's) Second Class. Bell, Joyce Margaret Euphan Devine, John Berchmans Liddelow, Aubrey Godwin (Queen's) 1 Woodruff, Michael Francis Addison [ Equal (Queen's) J Leslie, Douglas Robert (Trinity) Third Class. Blackwood, Kathleen Katrine (Trinity) Kurrle, Ernest Nicholls Smibert, Richard Stanley (Trinity) Jones, Cyrus Arvon (Ormond) Thomas, Lena Amy -Lysbeth (Queen's)

GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOGY WITH BACTERIOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Gilchrist, Marjorie (Ormond) 1 Ryan, Michael Hugh Mulvihille [Equal (Newman) J Brown, James Grayton (Trinity) Clough, James (Queen's) ' Ferns, Allan Aveling (Ormond) CLASS LISTS. 1231

Macaulay, Frederick Charles (Queen's) }j-Equa: l Woodruff, Philip Scott (Queen's) J

Third Class. Sewell, Sidney Arnold (Trinity) Osborne, Yrsa Elizabeth (Trinity)

MEDICINE (INCLUDING CLINICAL MEDICINE). • First Class. Eddey, Howard Hadfield (Ormond) ) •&„„„, Rank, Benjamin Keith (Ormond) j £'qual Hutson, Andrew William Medwyn (Queen's) Dunlop, Ernest Edward (Ormond) Agar, Wilfred Talbot (Trinity)

Second Class. Panting, Rona May (Trinity) Kenny, John Joseph Martin (Newman) Prendergast, Francis Michael Gerald (New­ man) Third Class. Cade, John Frederick Joseph Gumley, Albert John Briglia, Emilio Angelo (Newman) ) ™m,„, Hudson, Leslie Charles (Ormond) |1!j(lual Charles, Ivo William Webster Outhred, Kenneth Gilbert (Queen's) Heseltine, Mary Jermyn (Trinity) Franklands, Herbert Malcolm ] (Trinity) [ Equal Sweeting, John Stretch Deane J Abrahams, Elsie Louisa Hopkins, Charles McTaggart (Ormond) Claridge, Eric Julian Carre Latimer, George Wilfred (Ormond) O'Loughlin, Stanley Joseph (Newman)

78 1232 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35

SURGERY (INCLUDING CLINICAL SURGERY). First Class. Kenny, John Joseph Martin (Newman) Hutson, Andrew William Medwyn (Queen's) Clarke, James Eric (Ormond) Agar, Wilfred Talbot (Trinity) ) v , Dunlop, Ernest Edward (Ormond) J ^qual Second Class. Eddey, Howard Hadfield (Ormond) Briglia, Emilio Angelo (Newman) ) T?_„„I Hudson, Leslie Charles (Ormond) J JLqual Rank, Benjamin Keith (Ormond) Cade, John Frederick Joseph 1 Prendergast, Francis Michael [ Equal Gerald (Newman) J Panting, Rona May (Trinity) \ F , Richards, Alan William (Ormond) S q Heseltine, Mary Jermyn (Trinity) "I O'Loughlin, Stanley Joseph |- Equal (Newman) J Latimer, George Wilfred (Ormond) Hutchings, Mildred Margaret } nml(,i Peake, Harold Vernon (Ormond) J ^qual Charles, Ivo William Webster Third Class. Little, George Gordon (Queen's) Abrahams, Elsie Louisa ) ^ , Outhred, Kenneth Gilbert (Queen's) J c'C|ual Butcher, Beresford James Sweeting, John Stretch Deane Gumley, Albert John ) v„„0, Peters, Evan Seifert (Ormond) J ^qual

OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. First Class. Dunlop, Ernest Edward (Ormond) Heseltine, Mary Jermyn (Trinity) Hutson, Andrew William Medwyn (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. 1233

Second Class. Eddey, Howard Hadfield (Ormond) Briglia, Emilio Angelo (Newman) ) r^„0i Finger, Alan Henry (Queen's) J £jqual Clarke, James Eric (Ormond) Hutchings, Mildred Margaret Kenny, John Joseph Martin (Newman) Agar, Wilfred Talbot (Trinity) Third Class. Rank, Benjamin Keith (Ormond) Gumley, Albert John Latimer, George Wilfred (Ormond) ] O'Loughlin, Stanley Joseph • Equal (Newman) J Richards, Alan William (Ormond) Cade, John Frederick Joseph 1 Prendergast, Francis Michael )• Equal . Gerald (Newman) J Butcher, Beresford James Hopkins, Charles McTaggart (Ormond) GRAPHICS. First Class. Harcourt, Edgar Clive (Queen's) ) -FT,,,.,,,! Smith, Jack Stanley (Trinity) J ^qual Second Class. Green, Kenneth David 7 •ti,r,„a-i Sloan, Bruce Barclay (Ormond) j Jiqual Rudduck, Grenfell (Queen's) Third Class. Webb, Neill Ivan Alwynne (Queen's) Foots, James William Ritchie. John Gowar COrmond) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART I. First Class. Richardson, Alan McDonald 78A 1234 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

Second Class. Meadley, William George Third Class. Boadle, Campbell Dean ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Boadle, Campbell Dean Garrioch, Leonard Telfair Third Class. Richardson, Alan McDonald Murray, Lindsay Cyril Anderson, Maxwell Barnard Valentine STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. First Class. Moffatt, Thomas Stanley (Trinity) Edwards, Lloyd Sydney Second Class. Meadley, William George Doyle, John Davis

SURVEYING, PART I. First Class. Murray, Lindsay Cyril Second Class. Meadley, William George Boadle, Campbell Dean Third Class. Flattley, James Celliers James, Harry (Queen's) Powles, Robert CLASS LISTS. 1235

SURVEYING, PART II. First Class. Drumrnond, Richard Second Class. Black, Keith Stuart (Trinity) Lewis, Thomas Vernon Third Class. Henshelwood, John Edward

HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Paterson, George Third Class. Drumrnond, Richard

•CIVIL ENGINEERING, PART I., WITH CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART I. First Class. Paterson, George Second Class. Bird, Alan William 1 TP_,_I Drumrnond, Richard J tqual ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class, McDowell, Ronal!onald RalpRalph (Ormond) lj>oual Tilson, Charles Frederick 1236 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35

Third Class. Groves, John Edgar MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART; II. First Class. McDowell, Ronald Ralph (Ormond) 1 Vn.,„i Tilson, Charles Frederick | aquai Second Class. None. Third Class. Burnet, Ian James (Ormond) ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. O'Donnell, Geoffrey David METALLURGY, PART II. First Class. Thompson, John Ward Orr, Charles William Second Class. Simmons, Aubrey Lewis Third Class. Arblaster, Harry Elphinstone NON-FERROUS METALLOGRAPHY. First Class. Arblaster, Harry Elphinstone CLASS LISTS. 1237

Second Class. Hannah, Third Class. Simmons, Aubrey Lewis Orr, Charles William

FERROUS METALLOGRAPHY, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Arblaster, Harry Elphinstone

ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Collard, Max Ernest Third Class. Paul, John Galium

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS. First Class. None. Second Class. Atyeo, George Francis Third Class. Collard, Max Ernest Paul, John Galium 1238 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-36.

ESTIMATING. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Collard, Max Ernest

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Paul, John Galium Harris, Frank Donald Collard, Max Ernest

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, PART II. First Class. Harding, Thomas Jeffery Schmerberg, Raymond Second Class. None. Third Class. Rolland, John Henry Maitland

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, PART III. First Class. Coffey, William Henry (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. 1239

Second Class. None. Third Class. McConnell, Jack Hobbs FREE DRAWING, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. McLean, David Hugh Third Class. Harcourt, Edgar Clive (Queen's)

FREE DRAWING, PART III. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Harding, Thomas Jeffery

FREE DRAWING, PART IV. First Class. None. Second Class. Colbourn, John Bertram FREE DRAWING, PART V. First Class. None. Second Class. Coffey, William Henry (Queen's) 1 ™ „, McConnell, Jack Hobbs J ^qual 1240 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 193-35

FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Williams, Verdon George Edward Greer, Joyce May Lovick, Olga Eveline ] Eoual Summers, Marjorie ) M Second Class. Brown, Howard Leyton Anderson, Eleanor Mavis Smitten, Myra Frances Allan, Corrie Euphane McDermott, Paul Joseph \ Equal Neate, Elisabeth Alice Beamish Harris, Frank William Baynes, Margaret Mary Waten, Fanny Maloney, Helen Third Class. Simpson, Ella Woodhouse, Mary Kathleen FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC. First Class. Valentine, Peggy Constance Starling, Edith Jean Eddy, Vera Loveday ) F , Flint, Maidie Eunice J l"'qual Amadio, Judy Second Class. Lee, Beatrice Winifred Barry, Margaret Mary Surridge, Belle Bonnie Hunt, Joyce Margaret SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Bennett, Edna \ •& , . Walsh, Catherine Agnes.) iqual CLASS LISTS. 1241*

Second Class. Ogilvie, Marion May Marks, Glen Julian Lawson, Joyce Barbara Harris, Enzie Sheridan, Nellie Phyllis Braid, Ian Leslie Gale, Freda Maude Friday, Alma May Jeffree, Catherine Helen [ Equal Robinson, Amy Selina Thompson, Ainslie Rose Third Class. Lidgerwood, Ellen Ruth Upton, Mavis Snell, Hazel Louise SECOND YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC. First Class. Jones, Heather Mary Gatenby (Trinity) Second Class. Edwards, Jean Charlotte Lucas, Ruby Josephine Chisholm, Leura Betty Edith Macdonald, Mary Magdalen Third Class. O'Loughlin, Constance Marie THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Thompson, Alan Alexander "I (Newman) \ Equal White, Charles 'J de Oleveira, Bernard Raymond Steele, Mabel Eileen Second Class. Johnstone, Valda Genevieve "1242 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 193-35

Third Class. Brown, Joan Valerie Collis Bryan, Nancy Rosalind


METALLURGY. First Class. McMullin, Robert Norman (Trinity) Second Class. Hurburgh, Clifton Maurice Roberts, Ivor Gwilym Third Class. • Foley, Reginald William Jacobs, Ian


ANATOMY (INCLUDING DISSECTIONS). First Class. Hexter, Allen Walton Second Class. Pickford, Edmund John Mclntyre, Kenneth Marsden

HISTOLOGY. First Class. Hexter, Allen Walton Second Class. Mclntyre, Kenneth Marsden .Pickford, Edmund John Westwood, Ian Menzies CLASS LISTS. 1243*

PKOSTHETIC DENTISTRY First Class. None. Second Class. Johnson, Frank Rowland Third Class. Rattray, James Smith, Lewis Clifford Pickford, Edmund John Mclntyre, Kenneth Marsden Hexter, Allen Walton


PATHOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond) Third Class. Gray, Benjamin Gordon Treleaven, William Joseph Kinsella Robinson, Robert Stuart

BACTKKIOLOUY. First Class. None. Second Class. Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond) Gray, Benjamin Gordon Robinson, Robert Stuart Third Class. Treleaven, William Joseph Kinsella Spring, Donald Francis H'244' • EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934.1935

DENIAL MATERIA MEDICA. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class.

Treleaven, William Joseph Kinsella lFm,„i Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond) j £iqual

JUNIOR OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. .Parker, Alan George Third Class. Treleaven, William Joseph Kinsella Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond) Spring, Donald Francis Marshall, Gordon Carlyle

ORTHODONTIA. First Class. None. Second Class! None. Third Class. Spring, Donald Francis ) ^ , Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond)'j'1!'qual

DENTAL ANATOMY (INCLUDING HISTOLOGY) First Class. Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond)" CLASS LISTS. 1245

Second Class. Robinson, Robert Stuart Treleaven, William Joseph Kinsella Third Class. Gaylard, Lindsay Gray, Benjamin Gordon FINAL EXAMINATION FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OP DENTAL SCIENCE. GROUPS I. AND II. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Airy, William John Redvers (Ormond) (Distinction iu Clinical Orthodontia) Newton, Jack Ellis (Trinity) (Distinction in Medicine and Surgery) Willsmore, Noel Marston

AGRICULTURE, PART I. (INCLUDING ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRYING). First Class. Holmes, Leslie Carter Second Class. None. Third Class. Downes, Ronald Geoffrey- Swaby, Raymond John


Second Class. Downes, Ronald Geoffrey Holmes, Leslie Carter } F_„„i McKeon, Brian Fisher • ^qual Third Class. Swaby, Raymond John

AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY, PART I. First Class. Burrage, Winifred May (Trinity) Downes, Ronald Geoffrey Swaby, Raymond John Holmes, Leslie Carter Second Class. Hogan, Thomas Witcombe McKeon, Brian Fisher Major, William Charles Thomas (Ormond) Third Class. Itzerott, Archibald Graham Fraser Pearl, Bertram Altson

ELEMENTARY" ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. Swaby, Raymond John. Third Class. Downes, Ronald Geoffrey Holmes, I-eslie Carter


Second Class. Lindsay, Eder-Amelia (Trinity) Aitken, Yvonne (Trinity)- Ballantyne, John Stuart Third Glass. Shew, Derek Innes Bishop, Albert Henry

AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Glass: Kneen, Thomas Hugh ") „,„„.. Lindsay, Eder Amelia (Trinity). > liqual Third Class. Marriott, Philip Frederick Shew, Derek Innes Miller, Leonard .William Aitken;.Yvonne (.Trinity)

AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. First Class. Lindsay, Eder Amelia. (Trinity) Second Glass. Aitken,, Yvonne- (Trinity) Marriott, Philip Frederick Third Class- Shew, Derek limes

AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY, PART II. First Class. Aitken, Yvonne (Trinity) n 1248 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934 36

Second Class. Lindsay, Eder Amelia (Trinity) Marriott, Philip Frederick Younger, Mabel Isola Mary Coombs Third Class. McAlpin, Mary AGRICULTURE, PART III. First Class. Baldwin, James Graham Second Class. Cannon, Murray James Third Class. King, Frank Eion AGRICULTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY. First Class. Baldwin, James Graham } -p,™,,! Dann, Margaret Jean (Trinity) J •B'

ACCOUNTANCY, PART I., AND BUSINESS PRACTICE. First Class. Craig, Felix Lovell Gardner, Arthur John Alliance COMMERCIAL LAW. First Class. Langenbachen, Vera Margaret Second Class. -Abbott, Percival Royce. Phelan, Bernard Kirwan Third Class. Holdsworth, William Thomas Holgate, Merrick Sadlior ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. First Class, Anderson, Laurence Henry Crawford Ralston, Keith Malcolm Second Class. Boughton, RussellNeish (Queen's) Slattery, Reginald Joseph Third Class. Burston, John Page : . ECONOMICS, PART II. ,.,,.. First Class. Anderson, Laurence Henry Crawford Second Class. . f,. Madders, James Coupar '•''" Wheeler, Frederick Henry Third Class. !: Rosier, Claude William Oscar (Queen's) 79* J250 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 193* 35.

-••• COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION. First Class. Downing, Richard Ivan (Ormond) Second Class. Grover, Raymond Chaplyn Rosier, Claude William Oscar (Queen's) Bayne, Mary Moore ACCOUNTANCY, PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. McLaren, Donald Wesley Third Class. Carroll, Leonard Vaughan AUDITING. First Class. . " Coxall, Reginald Arthur Second Class. None. Third Class. Carroll, Leonard Vaughan COMPANY LAW AND INDUSTRIAL LAW. First Class. Langenbacher, Vera Margaret Second Class. Simpson, Constance Clair (Teachers' College). Third Class. Snell,, Norman Roy CLASS LISTS. ' '1<25'1

STATISTICAL METHOD. "First Class. Hedley, Kenneth John Jones, Richard Samuel Second Class. JMitchell, Leslie John Stocks, John Allin Amhurst Third Class. Mudie, William Keith Rosier, Claude William Oscar (Queen's) • Equal Slattery, Reginald Joseph

BANKING CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE. First Class. None. Second Class. Hedley, Kenneth John Gardner, Arthur John Alliance Habersberger, John Cobell Third Class. Coxall, Reginald Arthur

MARKETING. First Class. Mitchell, Leslie John Second Class. Madders, James Coupar Third Class. Candy, George Vernon Mitchell, Thomas Herbert Edward • 1252 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35


GREEK, PART I. •. ,.; (H. B. Higgins Exhibition).' Thwaites, Michael Rayner (Trinity). LATIN, PART I. ' ': " ' '", (John Grice Exhibition.) Thwaites, Michael Rayner (Trinity), ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, PART I. (John Sanderson Exhibition). Gilmore, Monica Mary (Newman) I,-Banal . Stuckey, Margaret Agatha (Ormond)'j' q FRENCH, PART I. (Baillieu Exhibition.) Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity). GERMAN, PART I. > Lodewyckx, Hilma Dymphna (Trinity).

BRITISH HISTORY, B. : Foxcroft, Edmund John Buchanan (Queea's).

PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC, AND ETHICS. (Hastie Exhibition.) Aickin, Keith Arthur \ „ ., Stuckey, Margaret Agatha (Ormond) J ^l"81

PURE MATHEMATICS, PART I. (John MacFarland Exhibition.) Alexander, Laurie George. CLASS LISTS. 1253

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PART I. Alexander, Laurie George..

ANCIENT HISTORY. Crawley, Charles Douglas (Ormond).

GREEK, PART II. Kerferd, George Briscoe (Trinity).

LATIN. PART II. Kerferd, George Briscoe (Trinity).

ENGLISH LANGUAGE, PART II., AND ENGLISH LITERATURE, PART II. (Edward Stevens Exhibition.) Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce ] (Trinity). [ Equal. Taylor, Elva May (Ormond) J (Alexander Sutherland Prize.) Bennie, Alexander Peter Bruce (Trinity). Taylor Elva May (Ormond).

FRENCH, PART II. (Mrs. William Smith Exhibition.) Austin, Lloyd James.

GERMAN, PART II. Austin, Lloyd JameJamess } ^jaual Gibson, John Alexander (Trinity)

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Exhibition.) Dean, Robert Henry (Ormond). 1264 EXAMINATION • RESULTS, 1934-35

ADVANCED LOGIC. (Hastie .Exhibition.) Timpson, Thomas Henry (Trinity). POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. Timpson, Thomas Henry (Trinity).

PURE MATHEMATICS, PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) Townsend, Albert Alan. MIXED MATHEMATICS, PART II.. (Dixson Scholarship.) Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques 1, (Queen's) ^ Equal McRae. John Neil (Ormond) J BRITISH HISTORY, D. (R. G. Wilson Scholarship.) Leppitt, James .John Joseph. EUROPEAN HISTORY, B. (R. G. Wilson Scholarship.) Leppitt, James John Joseph. MODERN POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS. McPherson, Albert Clifton. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY.

Eerferderd,, George Briscoe (Trinity) } •F_„.1i Mannn,, James Gilbert (Trinity) 5 J^quai. CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY. (Wright Prize.) Frost, Sydney Thomas. CLASS LISTS. T2B5

EDUCATION. (Dwight's Prize.) Brodie, Hugh Rowell (Teachers' College) ") 1 Shannon, Alfred Ronald, ) £ (Hugh Childers Memorial Prize.) Ault, Lilian Charlotte. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I. (Dwight's Prize.) Alexander, Laurie George. CHEMISTRY, PART I. (Dwight's Prize.) Willis, George Mervyn (Queen's). Proxime accessit. Weber, Hermann Puttmann. GEOLOGY, PART I. (The Argus Exhibition.) Condon, Maurice Alan. BOTANY, PART I. (J. F. W. Payne Exhibition.) Champion, Esther (Queen's) "1 Taylor, Claire Rosailie Henriette !• Equal. (Queen's) J Brunning Prizes. McDonald, Phyllis Elizabeth (Trinity) (first). Gale, Alexandria Helen (second). ZOOLOGY, PART I. (Georgina Sweet Exhibition.) McDonald, Phyllis Elizabeth (Trinity). ,1256 EXAMINATION ' RESULTS, 1934-35.

(Baldwin Spencer Prize.) McDonald, Phyllis Elizabeth (Trinity). • PHYSIOLOGY, PART I. Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (Trinity). NATURAL.PHILOSOPHY, PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques (Queen's) CHEMISTRY, PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) Nicholls, Frank Gordon. METALLURGY, PART I (Science Course). (Dixson Scholarship.) Kelly, Norman John (Newman). GEOLOGY, PART II. Mclver, Euphemia Alice (Teacher's 1 College) } Equal Stach, Leopold William J BOTANY, PART II. (E. P. Millar Exhibition.) Anderson, Charlotte Morrison") (Trinity) [ Equal Powles, Robert J ZOOLOGY, PART II. Stach, Leopold William. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART III. (Dixson Scholarship.) Hill, Robert Dickson (Teachers' College). ; . CLASS LISTS. \2'?7'

CHEMISTRY, PART III. (Dixson Scholarship.) Wertheim, Joseph. (James Cuming Memorial Scholarships.) Major. Wertheim, Joseph Minor. Clarke, Aubrey Rex ) vm-,*,) Smith, Robert Warren ( ' ^l"31- METALLURGY, PART IT. (Science Course).. Worner, Howard Knox.

GEOLOGY, PART III. Scott, Thomas Robert (Teachers College).. BOTANY, PART III. Mather, Colin Rex. "BIOCHEMISTRY WITH BACTERIOLOGY, ( PART II. (Dunlop Rubber Company Exhibition.) Millis, Jean. JURISPRUDENCE, PART I. (Sir George Turner Exhibition.) Gilbert, Robert Leigh (Trinity). JURISPRUDENCE, PART I., AND CONSTITU­ TIONAL AND LEGAL HISTORY. (Harry Emmerton Law Scholarship.) Jacobs, Peter Acland. LAW OF WRONGS (CIVIL AND CRIMINAL). I (John Madden Exhibition.) McPherson, Albert Clifton ] Proudfoot, Alexander Townley f Equal (Ormond) J. i'2'58 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35 LAW OF CONTRACT AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. (Jessie Leggatt Scholarship.) Hill, Edward Fowler. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, PART I. (John Madden' ^Exhibition) 'Gilbert, Robert Leigh (Trinity). ROMAN LAW. (Jessie Leggatt Scholarship.) Levy, Arthur Rosel. LAW OF PROPERTY IN LAND AND CONVEYANCING. (Jessie Leggatt Scholarship.) Proudfoot, Alexander Townley (Ormond). STATURAL PHILOSOPHY (Medical Course). (G. A. Syme Exhibition.) Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond). CHEMISTRY (Medical Course). (Dwight's Prize.) Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond). ZOOLOGY (Medical Course). (W. H- Swanton Exhibition.) , Barnett, Alfred John (Queen's). (Baldwin Spencer Prize.) Nelson, Alan John Mark (Ormond) | White, Alexander John Middleton }• Equal. (Ormond) J BOTANY (Medical Course). Gunson, Jean Mercy (Ormond).. CLASS LISTS. 125» ANATOMY, INCLUDING HISTOLOGY. Hellings, Brian Lister (Trinity). PHYSIOLOGY. Hellings, Brian Lister (Trinity). GENERAL AND. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY WITH BACTERIOLOGY. (Walter and Eliza Hall Exhibition.) Gilchrist, Marjorie (Ormond) "j Ryan, Michael Hugh Mulvihille \ Equal. (Newman) J MEDICINE, (INCLUDING CLINICAL MEDICINE). (Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship.) Eddey, Howard Hadfield ] (Ormond) , • Equal Rank, Benjamin Keith (Ormond) J SURGERY (INCLUDING CLINICAL SURGERY). (Beaney Scholarship.) Kenny, John Joseph Martin (Newman) OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. (Fulton Scholarship.) Dunlop, Ernest Edward (Ormond) . CLINICAL MEDICINE. (Jamieson Prize.) Eddey, Howard Hadfield (Ormond) ) p.-,,., Rank, Benjamin Keith (Ormond) J £jqual FORENSIC MEDICINE PRIZE. Cade, John Frederick Joseph , . GRAPHICS. ' :' ••'• ; (Howard Smith Exhibition.) •J260 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19343-fi.

Harcourt, Edgar Clive (Queen's) 1 p„"liai Smith, Jack Stanley (Trinity) j £jClual- MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART I. (Wright Prize.) Richardson, Alan McDonald. ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART I. (Wright Prize.) .'Boadle, Campbell Dean. ;STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS. (Herbert Brookes Exhibition.) Moffatt, Thomas Stanley (Trinity). SURVEYING, PART I. (H. B. Howard Smith Exhibition.) • . ., Murray, Lindsay Cyril. SURVEYING. PART II. Drumrnond, Richard. i. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, PART I. (W. M. McPherson Exhibition.) Paterson, George. CIVIL ENGINEERING, PART I., WITH CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART I. (A. T; Danks Exhibition.) Paterson, George. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PART I. (John Monash Exhibition.)

McDowell, Ronald Ralph -'(Ormond) 1 F_,1Qi Tilsoni'Charles -Frederick r-^B) ] ^^^ CLASS LISTS.. 1261 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) McDowell, Ronald Ralph (Ormond) ,"_, , Tilson, Charles Frederick f tquai. ENGINEERING DESIGN, PART II. (Dixson Scholarship.) Not awarded. METALLURGY, PART II. Orr, Charles William. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, PART II., WITH MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, PART I. (John Charles Lloyd Exhibition.) Collard, Max Ernest. FIRST YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC (Ormond Exhibitions.) Williams, Verdon George Edward Lovick, Olga Eveline Anderson, Eleanor Mavis FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC AND SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions.) Valentine, Peggy Constance Eddy, Vera Loyeday } Equal Flint, Maidee Eunice Bennett, Edna. Walsh, Catherine Agnes "WRIGHT PRIZE IN INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Starling, Edith Jean SECOND YEAR BACHELOR OF MUSIC AND THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibition.) Jones, Heather Mary Gatenby (Trinity) I;2fi2 EXAMINATION" RESULTS, 1934-35.

(Maude Harrington Prize for Accompanying.) White, Charles FIRST YEAR BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. (John lliffe Scholarships) Hurburgh, Clifton Maurice (First) McMullin, Robert Norman (Trinity) (Second) SECOND TEAR BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. (John lliffe Scholarships) Group I. Hexter, Allen Walton Group II. Johnson, Frank Rowland (Two-Thirds) Rattray, James (One-Third) THIRD TEAR BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. (John lliffe- Scholarships) Group I Walsh, John Patrick (Ormond) Group. II. Parker, Alan George ) ^ , Walsh, John Patrick. (Ormond) J aqual FOURTH TEAR BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE (John lliffe Scholarship) Group I. Mann, Kenneth Joseph Henry ) j-, , Shanasy, Frank Henry | Lqual.

AGRICULTURE, PART II. (J. M.. Higgins Exhibition.) • Lindsay, Eder Amelia (Trinity)?. CLASS LISTS. 1265

AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. (James Cuming Prize.) Kneen, Thomas Hugh ' ) w„„a.i Lindsay, Eder Amelia (Trinity) ) ^qual AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. Lindsay, Eder Amelia (Trinity). AGRICULTURE. PART III. (Wrixon Exhibition.) Baldwin, James Graham. AGRICULTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY. (James Cuming Prize.) Baldwin, James Graham 1 Frll]„| Dann, Margaret Jean (Trinity) (. c'(iual- AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. (Dixson Scholarship.) Baldwin, James Graham. HENRY GYLES TURNER SCHOLARSHIP IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Baldwin, James Graham. COMMERCIAL LAW. (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) Langenbacher, Vera Margaret. ECONOMICS, PART I. • (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) McCulloch, Helen Margaret (Trinity). ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. (Francis J. Wright Exhibition.) Anderson, Laurence Henry Crawford. 80 1264 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934 3*.

ECONOMICS, PART II. (Francis J. Wright Exhibition.) Anderson, Laurence Henry Crawford. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION. (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) Grover, Raymond Chaplyn. ACCOUNTANCY, PART II. (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) McLaren, Donald Wesley. STATISTICAL METHOD. (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) Hedley, Kenneth John.

RANKINGTCURRENCY, AND EXCHANGE. (Chamber of Commerce Exhibition.) Hedley, Kenneth John.






Austin, Mervyn Neville ) w , Mann, James Gilbert (Trinity) ] £,quai Second Class. Waters, William Brian (Ormond). HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. First Class. Davies, Dorothy Mary (Ormond) ' Wilson, Edward Ross Armitage (Trinity) Second Class. Santamaria, Bartholomew Augustine Michael (Newman) Lawrence, Margaret (Trinity) Ford, Wilfred Joseph Patrick Gittus, Joyce Lillian . Goldenberg, Philip. Third Class. Green, Eleanor Margery Young, Winifred Edith '$0A 1266 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

The following candidates may be admitted to the- Ordinary Degree:— Homer, Arthur Geoffrey (Queen's) Wilmot, Reginald William Winchester PHILOSOPHY'. First Class. None. Second Class. Lade, William Richmond (Queens) Dennes, Nellie Myrtle MATHEMATICS. First Class. ; None. Second Class. Angus, Lilian Jessie (Teachers'! College) V Equal Bainbridge, Alan Edmondson j Third Class. Glancy, Kathleen Margaret (Trinity) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. First Class. Hill, Elsie Mary (Trinity and Teachers' College) Soilleux, Henry Manby Argyle (Trinity) •Second Class. Mitchell, Loma Mary Maltravers (Trinity) Morey, Elwyn Aisne (Trinity) Riddell, Thomas Frederick (Ormond) Third Class. Morris, Alice Lesley (Newman) : ; CLASS LISTS; P2$7

FRENCH LANGUAGE AND. LITERATURE. First Class. Canart, Paul Leon Joseph Ghislain- (Newman) Palmer, Aileen Yvonne Second Class. Picken, Jean Gumming (Ormond) GERMANIC LANGUAGES. First Class. Elmore, Harold Lawrence COMBINED COURSES. LATIN AND FRENCH. First Class- None.. Second Class. Ingwersen, Leo Patrick (Newman) Bennett, Joyce Lilian (Queen's). Knight, Margaret (Trinity) HISTORY AND ENGLISH. First Class. Barker, Charles Leslie (Teachers' College) Second Class.. Moore, Andrew Leslie (Teachers' College) Third Class. Pearson, Margaret Illenden Jenkin, Mavis (Teachers' College) Shaw, Patrick ) TTm,oi Wood, Donald Stanley (Ormond) J r'qual FRENCH AND GERMAN. First Class. McMillan, John Mill (Trinity.) 1268 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35.

Second Class. Sobell, James Otto "1 Tittensor, Edna Mary (Teachers' \ Equal College) J HISTORY AND FRENCH. First Class. None. Second Class. Satchell, David Vincent (Teachers' College) ENGLISH AND LATIN. First Class. None. Second Class. Trangmar, Nancy Jean (Queen's) Stubbs, John Welford (Trinity) Bond, Elsie Gertrude (Teachers' College) ENGLISH AND FRENCH. First Class. Radford, William Cropley (Teachers' College)! Second Class. de Steiger, Elden Werner James (Trinity) Gardiner, Joan Morison (Trinity) ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICS. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. ... 1 Briggs, Norman Leslie (Ormond) GLASS rJSTS. 1269

LATIN AND HISTORY. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. 1133 Whitfeld, Lloyd Francis (Trinity) FINAL HONOUR EXAMINATION. LAWS. First Class. None. Second Class. 95 Levy, Arthur Rosel 89 Bradshaw, Frederick Maxwell (Ormond) 93 Comans, Charles Kennedy 94 Laurie, Edward Andrew Hevingham (Ormond) Equal 99 Stock, Reginald Leslie (Trinity) Third Class. 100 Wickens, Peter Charles (Ormond) CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class.

104 Muller, Desmond Otto I Fml_i 106 Tilson, Charles Frederick ( ^qual MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. First Class. None; 1270 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1»84 35

Second Class. . Black, Keith Stuart (Trinity) ) •&„„„•, Coutts, Noel Fraser J ^qual Third Class. Dann, Howard Ernest. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class-. Boadle, Ronald Dean, ) -r, . Pollard, Edward James f at|Ual Third Class. Flew, John William METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. First Class. McNeil, John Frederick- (Queenjs)

Examination for ibiaher Degrees,, etc. MASTER OF ARTS. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Passed. Johnston, Alice Maude (Ormond) Mathias, Reginald Collis (Queen's) MASTER OF SCIENCE. CLASS LISTS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Boswell, Robert William McGregor (Teachers' College) Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Trinity) CLASS LISTS. 1271

CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. Hibbert, Sydney Donald

METALLURGY. First Glass. None. Second Class. Sussex, Alan Grantville

BIOCHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. Allen, Russell James Laurence Dale, Nelva Irene

BOTANY. First Class. Crofts, Amy Letitia (Teachers' College) Second' Class.

Refshauge, Lyly Dudley } F , Shackell, Ethel May (Queen's) J aquai ZOOLOGY. First Class. Woolcock-, Violet. Second Class. Davies, Margaret Millicent 1272 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35

BACTERIOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Tolhurst, Jean Christa

DIPLOMA OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Passed. Kerley, Lucy Frances (Newman)

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Passed. Alexander, James Buchanan (Ormond) Benjamin, Philip Joseph Rosenfield, Marcus Melbourne (Ormond)

MASTER OF SURGERY. Passed. Lawson, Robert Sutherland (Ormond)

DIPLOMA OF GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. Passed. Bearham, George Bankin (Ormond) Charlton, Robin Brett (Ormond) Farran, Egbert Armytage Cunninghame (Trinity) Hayden, Francis Joseph (Newman) Johnstone, James Walter (Queen's) O'Donoghue, John Gregory (Newman). Warden, Ramsay CLASS LISTS. 127;t

DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Passed. Barker, John Norman . Crapp, Ian Edwin Ellis, David Hearman, Cecil Douglas Martin, David James Williams, Raymond Gordon 4274. EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-35



Austin, Mervyn Neville ) Fri110i Mann, James Gilbert (Trinity) j ^qual HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. (Dwight's Prize.) Davies, Dorothy Mary (Ormond) PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Scholarship.) Lade, William Richmond (Queen's) (Laurie Prize.) Not awarded. MATHEMATICS. (Dixson 'Scholarship.) Angus, Lilian Jessie (Teachers' ] College) [ Equal Bainbridge, Alan Edmondson J ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. (Dwight's Prize.) Hill, Elsie Mary (Trinity and Teachers' College) FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. (Dwight's Prize.) Canart, Paul Leon Joseph Ghislain (Newman) SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 127f>

GERMANIC LANGUAGES. (R. G. Wilson Scholarship.) Elmore, Harold Lawrence

FINAL HONOUR SCHOLARSHIPS. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (Dixson Research Scholarship.) Boswell, Robert William McGregor (Teachers' College) (Professor Kernot Research Scholarship.) Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Trinity) CHEMISTRY. (Dixson Research Scholarship.) Not awarded. (Professor Kernot Research Scholarship.) Not awarded. METALLURGY. Sussex, Alan Grantville BIOCHEMISTRY. Allen, Russell James Laurence BOTANY. Crofts, Amy Letitia (Teachers' College) ZOOLOGY. Woolcock, Violet LAWS. (E. J. B. Nunn Scholarship.) Levy, Arthur Rosel CIVIL ENGINEERING. ("Argus" Scholarship.) Muller, Desmond 'Otto ) -BWIQI Tilson, Charles Frederick J £'qual 1276 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-36.'

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Research Scholarship.)

Black, Keith Stuart (Trinity) ) F„llol Coutts, Noel Fraser J ^qual ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Research Scholarship.)

Boadle, Ronald Dean ) r.v„0i Pollard, Edward James | ^qual METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Research Scholarship.) McNeil, John Frederick (Queen's)

SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS ANfD PRIZES (The date appended to the name of the Scholarship or Prize is the year in which it was first awarded.) SHAKESPEARE SCHOLARSHIP (1865). Not awarded. BOWEN PRIZE (1874). ENGLISH ESSAY. No candidate. COBDEN CLUB MEDAL (1882). ECONOMICS Pearson, Alan Gladstone (Queen's) PROFESSOR WILSON PRIZE (1885). • MATHEMATICS James, Robert William \'"\ SCHOLARSHIPS AND FRIZES. 1277 WYSELASKIE SCHOLARSHIPS (1886). MATHEMATICS. Corben, Herbert Charles (Queen's)

ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Santamaria, Bartholomew Augustine Michael (Newman) POLITICAL ECONOMY. Downing, Richard Ivan (Ormond) lir~,„i Williams, William Kenneth (Queen's) f^^*1 MODERN LANGUAGES (German) Elmore, Harold Lawrence ) T?„„„I McMillan, John Mill (Trinity) j JM*uai CLASSICAL AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY AND LOGIC Mann, James Gilbert (Trinity) W. T. MOLLISON SCHOLARSHIP (1889). ITALIAN. Sobell, James Otto MACBAIN RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP (1898). BOTANY. Hoette, Shirley H. B. HIGGINS SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THE STUDY OF POETRY (1905).

GREEK, AND LATIN. Austin, Mervyn Neville

FRENCH AND GERMAN McMillan, John Mill (Trinity) CAROLINE KAY SCHOLARSHIP (1906). ' BOTANY Shackell, Ethel May (Queen's) 1278 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1934-36





HOWITT NATURAL HISTORY SCHOLARSHIPS (19i9). GEOLOGY Jacobson, Reginald Ronald Eric (Teachers' College) Scott, Thomas Robert (Teachers' College)


BOTANY. Fawcett, Stella Grace Maisie (Teachers' College)


FRED KNIGHT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS (1922). BOTANY. Fisher, Eileen Elizabeth (Queen's)

FRENCH Sussex, Ronald Thomas (Queen's)




NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, Bower, John Crawford (Teachers' College) Crabtree, Raymond William Kannuluik, Walter George

BOTANX Fisher, Eileen Elizabeth (Queen's) Hoette, Shirley

PHILOSOPHY Gibson, Quentin Boyce (Trinity)

HISTORY. Hall, Henry Lindsay (Teachers' College)

PATHOLOGY Norris, Joan Howard (Ormond)

FRENCH Quaine, Francis Patrick (Teachers' College)

METALLURGY Russell, Reuben Sussex

COMMERCE Taylor, David Gordon (Trinity)

ANTHROPOLOGY Thomson, Donald Findlay Fergusson RANDAL AND LOUISA ALCOCK SCHOLARSHIP (1931). MEDICAL RESEARCH. Frank, Theophil Johannes Friedrich MARGARET CATTO SCHOLARSHIP (1932). ZOOLOGY. Woolcock, Violet DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934 35 1281


22ND DECEMBER, 1934.

BACHELOR OP ARTS. (Ordinary Degree) Elva D'Alton Coleman. Gwendoline Alice Margaret Hargrave. Blanche Edith Margaret Lacy. Eileen Mary Loughran. Ella Margaret Kearton McLean. Emily Pascoe. Edna Mary Payne. Jessie Jean Turrell. Hugh William Hastings Andrew. Bert Fredrick George Apps. Leonard Robert Hall Beaumont. Gilbert John Brooksbank. John William Brown; Montague Brown. George Downing. Francis Reginald Gordon Jenkin. John Ernest Listen. Wilfrid Gordon Mein. Neale Gordon Molloy. Ion Stanislaus Mullen. Joseph Russell Orton. John Gordon Radford. George Stewart Taylor. William Henry Taylor. Edwin Lyall Williams.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Una Bernice Sloss. Janet Timmins. Christina Rosalind Trood. Lionel Sydney Andrew. Robert Alwyin Bottomley. 1282 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934.35

Herbert Charles Corben. Howard Hadfield Eddey. John Hogan. Philip Chester Burgoyne Hudson. Frank Heron Churchward Kelly. Frederick Bruford Kitchen. Herbert James Prentice. Frank Charles Neville Wigan. Howard Knox Worner.

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Isla Victoria Murphy. Charlotte Ada Ridgeway. Penleigh Lambert a'Beckett. Frederick Maxwell Bradshaw. John Alan Bult. Colin Hicks Caldwell. Harold Percival Carter. Charles Kennedy Comans. Alfred Thomas Tampion Daglish. Joseph Eugene Daily. Brian Kirwan Donaldson. Howard Winston Gaylard. Lloyd Pym Goode. Albert Brandon Grutzner. John Francis Hogan. Norman Ellis Jones. Herbert Allan Kaw. Thomas Joseph Kennedy. Frederick Algar Ladbury. Arthur Rosel Levy. Francis Anthony Roger Misell. Stanislaus Arthur Nankivell. Keith Weedon Pearce. John Frederick Riordan. John Lionel Smalley. Reginald Leslie Stock. Alfred Newton Super. William Andrew Thwaites. Raymond Joseph Triado. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-35 1283

Herbert Fitzgerald Walsh. Peter Charles Wickens. Matthew Stewart Willis. BACHELOR OP MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Elsie Louisa Abrahams. Mary Jermyn Heseltine. Mildred Margaret Hutchings. Muire Geraldine Lally. Rona May Panting. Margaret Heggie Troup. Wilfred Talbot Agar. Stanley Mark Boan. Einilio Angelo Briglia. John Frederick Joseph Cade. Ivo William Webster Charles. James Eric Clarke. Ernest Edward Dunlop. Howard Hadfield Eddey. Alan Henry Finger. Justin Richard Vernon Foxton. Herbert Malcolm Franklands. Myer Goldenberg. Alan Frederick Griffiths. Albert John Gumley. Lowen Alexander Hardy. Leslie Charles Hudson. Andrew William Medwyn Hutson. John Joseph Martin Kenny. Newall Ferguson Laidlaw. •George Wilfred Latimer. George Gordon Little. Stanley Joseph O'Loughlin. Kenneth Gilbert Outhred. Harold Vernon Peake. Evan Seifert Peters. Francis Michael Gerald Prendergast. Benjamin Keith Rank. Alan William Richards. Heriot Roland. 1284 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934.35.

Ronald McKenzie Rome. John Stretch Deane Sweeting. Andrew Tolmie Taylor.

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Jack David Boyd. Conrad Finn Kirby. Ralph Carnegie Simmons.


BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. John William Flew. Victor Stanley Healey. Howard Herbert Hinton. Francis Richard Kirby. Alan Houston Reid. BACHELOR OF MUSIC. Lilian Penuel Smith. BACHELOR DENTAL SCIENCE, Beatrice Rosalie Woodcock. William John Redvers Airy.


BACHELOR OF COMMERCE. George Vernon Candy. Richard Samuel Sellars Jones. Donald David Letham. Leslie John Mitchell. Keith Alexander Muirden. Joseph Shatln. Brian Hogan Taylor. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934.35. 1285

MASTER OF ARTS. Sophie Isobel Borland. Rosanna Gertrude Jones. Brian Charles Fitzpatrick. Alan Roy Wilson. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. William John Harris. Walter George Kannuluik. George Vincent Rudd. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Edith Elizabeth McComas. Thomas Joseph Daly. Leon Eric Rothstadt. James Erskine Sewell. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. John Norman Barker. Cecil Douglas Hearman. Raymond Gordon Williams.

DEGREES CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree) John Bernard Longthorn. BACHELOR OF LAWS. Edward Cohen. Leslie Eyre Parker. Robert John Davern Wright. BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Beresford James Butcher. Charles McTaggart Hopkins. Jack Charles Laver. Robert Wallace. . 1 1288 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-85.

Graham Henry Lawton. Ewen Charles McLean. Francis Jacob Perry. Hector Baden Reynolds. Robert George Rowlands. Horace Webber. Henry Thomas Wells. Gillam Albert McConnell Wood. James Marshall Young. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Degree zvith Honours) Lilian Jessie Angus. Joyce Lilian Bennett. Dorothy Mary Davies. Joan Morison Gardiner. Joyce Lillian Gittus. Kathleen Margaret Glancy. Eleanor Margery Green. Elsie Mary Hill. Mavis Jenkin. Margaret Knight. Margaret Lawrence Lorna Mary Maltravers Mitchell. Elwyn Aisne Morey. Alice Lesley Morris. Jean Gumming Picken. Minerva Marion Louise Staveley. Edna Mary Tittensor. Nancy Jean Trangmar. Gwendoline Mary Wainwright. Winifred Edith Young. Mervyn Neville Austin. Alan Edmondson Bainbridge. Charles Leslie Barker. Elden Werner James De Steiger. Wilfred Joseph Patrick Ford. Philip Goldenberg. William Richmond Lade. James Gilbert Mann. John Mill McMillan. DEGREES CONFERRED, 193435. 1289-

Andrew Leslie Moore. Francis Thomas Nankervis. William Cropley Radford. Thomas Frederick Riddell. Bartholomew Augustine Michael Santamaria. David Vincent Satchell. Patrick Shaw. James Otto Sobell. Henry Manby Argyle Soilleux. John Welford Stubbs. William Brian Waters. Lloyd Francis Whitfeld. Edward Ross Armitage Wilson. Donald Stanley Wood.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Bernice Beckwith. Margery Candy. Constance Jean Downing. Stella Grace Maisie Fawcett. Harriet Elizabeth Finney. Alvie Loftus Hicks. Jean McNeil. Mary Eva Meredith. Jean Millis. Elaine Florence Newton Speed. Dorothy Nancy Wellington. Arthur Peter Acton. Robert Geoffrey Aickin. Thomas Rowland Brydges. Fran ois Canavan. Irvine Cederholm. David Richard Harrison. Robert Dickson Hill. Frederick Theodore Kiellerup. Arthur Grant Pringle. Thomas Robert Scott. Robert Rennie Smith. Robert Warren Smith. Joseph Wertheim. Arthur Alan Wilcock. 1200 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934 36.

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Lenard John Dooling. Edward Andrew Hevingham Laurie BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Eric Julian Carr6 Claridge. Russell Hughes Oxby Donald.

BACHELOR OP CIVIL ENGINEERING. Kelvin Robert Banks. Roland McNaughton Brazier. William Thomas Burnett. Peter Robert Gilmour. William Roy Hamill. James Richard Hocking. John Brian Kenneth Ley. Francis Michael McDonough. Ronald Ralph McDowell. John Frederick Miller. Desmond Otto Muller. Charles Denis Murphy. Harold James Trudinger.

BACHELOR OP MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Noel Fraser Coutts. Howard Ernest Dann. Peter John Bckersley BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. William Channing Bayliss. Ronald Dean Boadle. Harold George Caddy. John Lewes Whilton Harvey. John Llewellyn Lewis. Thomas William Martin. Angus McLean. Leonard Royce Ninnis. Oharles Raymond Heddington O'Brien. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934.35 1291;

Edward James Pollard. Charles William Sangster. Alan Arthur Trenwith. BACHELOR OP METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. John Frederick McNeil. BACHELOR OP ARCHITECTURE. William Henry Coffey. BACHELOR OF MUSIC. Dorothea Jean Beddoe. Kathleen Winnifred Brebner. Alice Valentine Dickson. Kathleen Mary Hughes. Margery Mary Murray. Thomas Elwyn Brown. BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Florence Lyla Miller Randle. Alan James Patrick O'Toole. Ernest Jack Sainsbury. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE.. Stephanie Eadith Ramsay Clark. Margot Ernestine Hannah Cowen. Margaret Jean Dann. James Graham Baldwin. Murray James Cannon. Harold Rivers Dickinson. Allan Clifford Doery. Charles James Rupert Johnston. BACHELOR OF COMMERCE. Vera Margaret Langenbacher. Constance Clair Simpson. Donna Kathleen Pascoe Webbe. William John Cornell. '1292 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-35

Howard Dare. Raymond Ohaplyn G rover John Cobell Habersberger. John Alfred Heenan. Douglas Alphonse Herbrand. William Frederick Joyce, Thomas Herbert Edward Mitchell. William Keith Mudie. Edwin Peter Rogan. 'Charles Ramsay Rose. Harris Nosbit Warren MASTER OF ARTS. Ruth Barling. Alice Maude Johnston. Wilma Jean Knee. Isla Victoria Murphy. Elisabeth Marian Pearson. Maude Blanton Pitts. Alice Mary Roche. .Frances Mary Synnot. Constance Mary Tryhorn. Rudolph Herman Altus. Allen Stanley Brown. John Alan Bult. William Henry Ellwood. John Brisbane Harper. Albert William Ladbrook. Keith Campbell Lang. Francis Anthony Roger Misell. -James Ferguson Nimmo. Gordon George Powell. Alexander Townley Proudfoot. Leonard John Pryor. -John Espenett Romanis. Reginald Harry Sing. Reginald Leslie Stock. Alfred Newton Super. Stanley Irvine Weeks. Peter Charles Wickens. Robert John Davem Wright. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934 35. 1293

MASTER OF EDUCATION. John Arthur Cole. MASTER OF SCIENCE. Amy Letitia Crofts. Nelva Irene Dale. Margaret Millicent Davies. Ethel May Shackell. Jean Christa Tolhurst. Violet Woolcock. Robert William McGregor Boswell Wilbur Norman Christiansen Robert William James Alan Grantville Sussex. MASTER OF LAWS. Allen Stanley Brown. James McConnell Hambleton. Murray Vincent Mclnerney. John Malcolm McKee. Clifford Inch Menhenhitt.

MASTER OF SURGERY. Robert Sutherland Lawson. MASTER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Alan Hamilton Munro.


DOCTOR OF LETTERS. Douglas Berry Copland. William Andrew Merrylees. 1294 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-35.

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. James Buchanan Alexander. Joseph Ringland Anderson. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Ian Edwin Crapp.

DEGREES CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree) Claire Bertha Danglow. William Doyle Fanning. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Degree with Honours) Betty Constance Laura Doubleday. Aileen Yvonne Palmer. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Geoffrey Francis Hudspeth Charles Frederick Tilson. BACHELOR OP ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Kenneth Stanley Brown. BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. David Edwards Davies.

BACHELOR OF COMMERCE. Albert Allan Tregear.

MASTER OF ARTS. Barbara Cohen. Arthur Rosel Levy. Arthur Howard Norman. • DEGREES CONFERRED. 1934 35 1295

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Russell James Laurence Allen. Douglas Orr. DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. Richard Thomas Bonfield Green.

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Marcus Melbourne Rosenfield.

DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. David James Martin. • DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. Cyril Spottiswoode Moy Hopkirk.

DIPLOMAS. DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. -Margery Campbell Ashley. Lilian Charlotte Ault. Dorothea Mabel Cerutty. Mary Davies. Maude Kathleen Deasey. Alice Jean Glover. Winifred Amy Hurst. Alice Maude Johnston Bertha Anne Moran. Alma May Murray. Eunice Maisie Procter. Joyce Maxwell Dimond Fyke. Hilary Windeyer Skillman. Minerva Marion Louise Staveley. Constance Mary Tryhorn. Mollie Graham Wells. Harold George Caddy. Virgil Joseph Cain. Thomas Hampton Coates.

S'.' 1296 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-36.

John Charles Harkin. David Richard Harrison Colin James Home. Harold Arthur Kinross Hunt. Roy William Johnston Douglas Orr. Reginald Harry Sing. Hector Baden Reynolds

DIPLOMA IN JOURNALISM. Warren Edwin Denning. DIPLOMA OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Lucy Frances Kerlcy DIPLOMA OF GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. George Bankin Bearham. Robin Brett Charlton. Egbert Armytage Cunninghame Farran. . Francis Joseph Hayden. James Walter Johnstone. John Gregory O'Donoghue. Ramsay Warden. DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Ruby Culhane. Lillian Rangecroft Rofe. Mabel Eileen Steele. Bernard Raymond De Oleveira. Alan Alexander Thompson.

DIPLOMA IN COMMERCE. Gabriel Athol Bums. William Randell Champion. Kenneth John Hedley Geoffrey Leo Homewood. Norman Victor McTavish. Arthur Burton Paton. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-86. 1297

DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. Geoffrey Thomas Farries. Ross Lewis Stubbs. DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Vincent William Quealy.



2ND SEPTEMBER, 1935. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Ordinary Degree) Eileen Hiatt. BACHELOR OF ARTS. (Degree with Honours) Margaret Illenden Pearson. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Denis Anthony O'Donnell. BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Clive Miller Corbet. Kenneth Joseph Henry Mann. Philip Richard Neville Sutton. S'ii 1298 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934 35

MASTER OF ARTS. Harold Benjamin Freeman. MASTER OF SURGERY. Thomas Harry Ackland. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Adelaide Gertrude Gault. Cyril Fortune. Leslie Proud Wait. , '[ DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. David Ellis.


DIPLOMAS. DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Leila Baillie Tulloh. William Charles Low.

11TH SEPTEMBER, 1935. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. The Right Honourable Lord Border, K.C.V.O.,. D.C.L., B.Sc, M.D.(Lond.), F.R.C.P. Sir Henry John Gauvain, M.A., M.D., Ch.M.(Cantab.), F.R.C.S. John Shields Fairbaim, M.A., M.B-, Ch.B.(OxOR;'<), F.R.C.P., F.R.G.S., F.C.O.G. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-35 1299

Robert Hutchison, LL.D., M.D.(Edinburgh), F.R.C.P. Edwin Bramwell, M.D.(Edinburgh), F.R.C.P. Sir William Henry Willcox, K.C.I.E., C.B., C.M.G., B.Sc, M.D.(London), F.R.C.P. Sir Henry Lindo Ferguson, C.M.G., M.D.(Dublin), F.R.C.S.(Ireland). Sir Ewen John MacLean, LL.D., M.D.(Edinburgh), F.R.C.P., F.C.O.G. Ernest Kaye Le Fleming, M.A.(Cantab.), M.D. (Trinity College, Dublin). DOCTOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Eric Wilfred Fish, M.D., L.D.S. (Manchester), D.Sc. (London).

9TH DECEMBER, 1935. BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF'SURGERY. March Ermyntrude Avery. Nancy Lewis. Vivienne Mary Newbold. Frieda Elsa Plarre. Alison McQueen Wright. Tom Charlton Anthony. Alan Joshua Beaumont. •Geoffrey Frederick Beck. Francis Joseph Cahill. Archibald James Campbell. Alfred Henry Randell Champion. Colin Woolner Clarke. Thomas Richard Brian Courtney. Eugene Francis Fitzpatrick. John Lewtas Frew. Edward John Gallagher. William Robertson Gayton. John Harcourt Hurt. Alan Vaughan Jackson. Graeme Paul Jeffree. Alexander Thomas Hicks Jolly. 1300 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1934-35

Colin Percival Juttner. Alan Joseph King. Leonard Langmore. Dudley Owen Longmuir. Frank Haighton Lord. Alexander Dougald Matheson. John Patrick Millar. Bryan Willis Monahan. Francis John Xavier Mulcahy. John Noel Nish. Ronald John Parker. Harry Kendall Pawsey. Kenneth Fitzpatrick Russell. Richard John Salts. Roman Shatin. David Buick Skewes. James Smibert. Thomas Heron Steel. Sydney Sunderland. Everton Rowe Trethewie. John Watson. John George Glyn White. Howard Ernest Williams. Norman Vincent Youngman.

DEGREES CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA.. James Boulder Lyon Johnston. Geoffrey Rosevear Kurrle. Robert John McAllister. Giuseppe Pasquarelli. John James Woodward.

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Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1936

Date: 1936

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