07 Council, Facilities, Boards, and Teaching Staff

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07 Council, Facilities, Boards, and Teaching Staff %\u mwmxsty of gUlboum, 1907. Visitor. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. The Council. OEEANCKE.I.OR. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN, G.C.M.G., I).A., LL.D., D.C.L. Elected by tlie Senate, 9th April, 187!); 10th November, 183B; 24th January, 1891; 2Cth March, 1896 ; 2Uth April, 1901; 20th April,19»6. VlCK-ClIASCRLl,OR. THE HON. SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON, K.C.M.G., M.A. Elected 5th April, 1893; 29th April, 1898; 29th April, 1903. JOHN HENRY' MACFARLAND, M.A., LL.D. Elected 23rd March, 1686; 10th April, 1891; 4th May, 1896; 30th May, 1901; 30th May, 1906. MR. JUSTICE A'BKCKETT. Elected ]0tb January, 1887 ; 19th February, 1802; 15th March, 189" ; 12th May, 1902. MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS, M.A.. I.L.U. Elected 3rd Mav, 18ST ; 23rd May, 1892 ; 17th June, 1897 ; llth July, 1902. THOMAS FRANCIS BRIDE, LL.D. Elected TOi June, 1887 ; SOtli June, 1892 ; 24th July, 1897 ; 19th August, 1902. JOHN GRICE, B.A., LL.B. Elected Sth Mav, 1388; 26th Mav, 1893; 18th June, 1898; ISth JiEne, 1903. WILLIAM THWA1TKS, M.A., M.C.E. Elected -21st October,1890 ; 16th November, 1895; llth December, 1900 ; llth December, 1905. MB. JUSTICE HOOD, M.A., LL.B. Elected 17th October, 1891; llth November, 1896; 12th December, 1901; 12th December, 1906. JOHN WILLIAMS, M.D. Elected 6tb Mav, 1892; 29th Mav, 1897; 23rd June. 1902. HARRY BROOKES ALLEN, M.D. Elected 21st January, 1898; 21st January; 1903. DAVID GRANT, M.D. Elected 3rd January, 1900; 3rd January, 1906. EDWARD HOLDSWOHTH SUGDEN, M.A., B.Sc. Elected 14th Septem­ ber, 1900 ; 14th SepteEiiber, 1905. ALEXANDER LKEl'ER, M.A., LL.D. Originally elected 3rd August, 1SS0; resigned, 10th May, 1SS7 ; re-elected, 2nd November,' 1900 ; 2nd November, 1906. JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S.Eng. Elected 10th January, 1901; 10th January, 1900. ALEXANDER MARSHALL, M.A., D.D. Elected 26th Julv, 1901 ; 20th July, 1900. MR. JUSTICE CUSSEN, M.A., LL.B. Elected 20th June, 1902. THE ARCHBISHOP OF MELBOURNE, HENRY LOWTHER CLARKE, - • M.A., D.D. Elected 30tb April, 1903. FRANK TATE, M.A., I.S.O. Elected 29th June, 1903. THE COUNCIL. XXI. WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER, C.M.G., M.A., F.B.S. Elected 31st March. 1904. ARTHUR OTTO SACHSE, M.L.C. Appointed by the Oovernor-in-Council April, 1905. GEOEGE SWINBURNE, M.L.A. Appointed bv thc GoverEior-in-Council April, 1905. DONALD McLEOD, M.L.A. Appointed bv thc Oovernor-in-Council April, 1905. EX-CllANCELLORfl. SIR REDMOND DARBY. From 17th May, 1853, to 23rd November, I860. SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL. From 2nd Mav, 1881, to 8th Mav, 1882. THE RIGHT REV. DR. MOORHOUSE. From 7th July, 1834, to 1st February, 1886. THE HON. DR. HEARN. From 3rd May to 4lh October, 1860. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS. FIOEIE 4th April, 1887, to 3rd December, 1897. 1CX-VICK-CEJA.SCKLI.OEIS. THE RIGHT HON. II. C. E. GUILDERS. From 17th May, 1853, to 12th March, 1S67. THE HON. WILLIAM CLARK HAINES. From Ifitli Mav, 1867, to 31st May, 1858. SIB ANTHONY (MILLING BROWNLESS. From 31st May, 1868, to 4th April, 1887. PROFESSOR IRVING. From 2nd May, 1887, to 27th May, 1889. THF. HON. SIB JOHN MADDEN. From 3rd June, 1889, to 20tli December, 1897. The Senate. CONSISTISE; or AU. MALK PKRSO.NS AEEMETTKE) TO TIEK DKUIEKK OK DOCTOR OK MASTKlt. WAHIIKS— THOMAS PATRICK McINERNEY, M.A., LL.D. EX-WAIEDKSS. THE REV. DR. DBO.MHV. From 10th July, 1807, to Sib Augilst/lSBS. THE HON. DR. HEARN. From 8th August, 1868, to 24th August, 1875. SIR JOHN MADDEN. From 24tb August, 1875, to 14th September, 1882. ME. ANDREW HARPER. From 14th September, 1882. to 13th May, 1880. MR. CHARLES ALFRED TOPP. FrOEn 13th May, 1880, to 12th Septem­ ber, 1890. FACULTIES. Professorial Board. PRRSIDKST- -PROFESSOR SPENCER THE CHANCELLOR. PROFESSOR MASSON. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR. PROFESSOR LYLE. PROFESSOR NANSON. PROFESSOR MOORE. PROFESSOR ELKINGTON. PROFESSOR PETERSON. PROFESSOR ALLEN. PROFESSOR OSBORNE. PROFESSOR KEBNOT. PROFESSOR SKEATS. PROFESSOR TUCKER. PROFESSOR BERRY. ' PROFESSOR LAURIE. PROFESSOR EWART. Faculty of Law. DEAN—PROFESSOR MOORE. SIR JOHN MADDEN. MR. JUSTICE HOOD. SIR HENRY WRIXON. MR. JUSTICE CUSSEN. MR. JUSTICE A'BECKETT. MR. DUFFY. MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS. MR. MACKEY. DR. BRIDE. MB. GUEST. MB. GRICE. MR. WOINAKSKI. Faculty of Medicine. DEAN—PROFESSOR ALLEN. DR. WILLIAMS. DR. JAMIESON. DE. GRANT. DR. SPRINGTHORPE DR. BARRETT. I MR F. T). BIRD. PROFESSOR MASSON. DR. ADAM. PROFESSOR SPENCER, DR. BULL. PROFESSOR LYLE. MR. MOLLISON. PROFESSOR OSBOENE DR. WILKINSON. • PROFESSOR BEBBY. I DE. W. R. BOYD I MR. G. A. SYME > Melbourne Hospital. MR. H. M. O'HARA— Alfred Hospital. DE. G. HOBNE— Women's Hospital. DR. A. JEFFREYS WOOD—Children's Hospital. ME. J. P. EYAN—Eye and Kar Hospital. DE. F. HOBILL COLE—College of I'liai-macy. MR. W. BEATTIE SMITH—Asylums fur the. Insaiw. FACULTIES. Faculty of Engineering. DKAS— PEOFESSOE KEENOT. MR. THWAITES. MB E. J. DUNN. MR. SACHSE. MR. II. II. SCHLAPP. MR. SWINBURNE. MR. P. OAKDEN. PBOFESSOR NANSON. MB. MERRIN. PEOFESSOE MASSON. MR. MICHELL. PROFESSOR LYLE. MR. GEORGE HIGGINS. PROFESSOE SKEATS. MR. MILLS. MB. C. E. NOBMAN. MR. HENDERSON. ME. W. STONE. I MR. LOVE. MR. D. CLABK. | MR. LUPSON. Faculty of Arts. DKAX—PROFESSOR TUCKEB. PROFF.SSOR NANSON. DR. SMYTH. PROFESSOR ELKINGTON. DR. MACFARLAND. PROFESSOR LAURIE. MR. F. TATE. PROFESSOR MASSON. MISS S. WILLIAMS. PBOFESSOR SPENCEB. DR. CROWTHER. PBOFESSOR LYLE. M. MAURICE-CARTON. PROFESSOR SKEATS. HEBE vox DECHEND. PROFESSOR MOORE. MR. MURDOCH. MR. MICHELL. ME. KERRY. Faculty of Science. DEAS—PROFESSOR MASSON. PROFESSOR NANSON. DE. BULL. PBOFESSOR LAURIE. MR. P. BARACCHI. PROFESSOR SPENCER. MR. W. S. LITTLEJOHN. PROFESSOR LYLE. ME. I). AVERY. PROFESSOR OSBORNE. MR. LOVE. PROFESSOR SKEATS. MR. HALL. PROFESSOR BEERY. DE. GREEN. PEOFESSOE EWABT. MR. FIELDER. MB. MICHELL. DE. STEELE. XXIV. FACULTIES AND BOARDS. Faculty of Agriculture. DKAX— PROFESSOE OSBORNE. PROFESSOR MASSON. PROFESSOR EWART. PROFESSOR SPENCER. DR. DULL. PEOFESSOE LYLE. MR. HALL. PROFESSOR SKEATS. DB. GREEN. PROFESSOR BERRV. HON. T. LANGDON, Chairman of Cuunc.il of Agricultural Education. HON. THEODORE FINK, Council of Agricultural Education. MR. E. G. DUFFUS, Secretary of Ayrieulture. DR. T. CHERRY, Director of Aijriculture. MR. 11. PYE, Principal of Dookie Colleye.. Faculty of Dentistry. DKAS-DH. SPRINGTIIORPE. DR. LLEN. DR. BULL. MR. A U. CLARKE. MB. C. H. MOLLISON. DR. A. P. MERRILL MR. H. M. HEWLETT. MR. MCGREGOR. MR. T. F. W. HALL. MR. J. ILIFFE. MR. B. A. COOPER. MR. w WITT. Secretory — MR. A. L. ELVINS. MR. E. .IOSKE, LL.B. PROFESSOR BERRY Board of Public Examinations. C/iainnan PIEOKKSSOR SPENCEB. THE CHANCELLOR. MR. F. TATE, THE VICE-CHANCELLOR. Director of l-'dneatiml. PROFESSOR NANSoN. DR. J. SMYTH, PROFESSOR ELKINGTON. PrineijHii • ot Traininy PROFESSOR TUCKER. Colleye. PROFESSOE LYLE. PBOFESSOR MOORE. MR. R. J. LARKING, PROFESSOE PETERSON. I'hamber of Commerce. PROFESSOR OSBORNE. MB. O. M. WILLIAMS, PROFESSOR SKEATS. Hankers' Institute. BOARDS. ME. A. (J. MOBLEY, MR. L. A. ADAMSON, Incorporated Institute, of >nss BELL. Accountants, Victoria. M]{ (, ',., ul,Av0H. ME. C. R. COLOITIIOUN, 1)R CR(nvTH|il. Insurance- Institute. Mu w ,,. INGRAM. MB. F A. CAMPBELL mv ,, KKAT,N(. H orkmii Men'* Colh-.ae. MB. A. MICA SMITH. MWS M" M0,""S- Dallarat School of Mines. >'"• K- '• HOBSON. Schools Inspection and Examinatiqn Board. (•fiairmnn—PEIOKKSHCR TUCKER. PROFESSOR SPENCER. DR. SMYTH. PROFESSOR LYLE. MR. F. TATE. PROFESSOR MOORE. MR. 0. M. WILLIAMS. DR. LEEPER. University Extension Board. Cfiainitan—PROPKSSEJR LAURIE. MB. JUSTICE HIGGINS, M.A., LL.U. PBOFESSOR PETERSON. J. H. .MACFARLAND, M.A., LL.D. L. A. ADAMSON, M.A., LL.B. ALEX. LEEPER, M.A., LL.D. J. P. WILSON, M.A., LL.D. REV. E. H. SUGDEN, M.A., B.Sc. FRANK TATE, M.A. PROFESSOR KEKNOT. GRESHAM ROBINSON, M.A. Honorary Secretary-M. PHILIP FOX. PROFESSORS. Professors. Mathematics, Pure, and Mixed :— EDWARD JOHN NANSON, M.A. History and Political Economy :— JOHN SIMEON ELKINGTON, M.A., LL.B. Patholoyy :— HARRY BROOKES ALLEN, M.D., B.S. Knyineering:— WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT, M.A., M.C.E. Classical Philology .— THOMAS GEORGE TUCKER, M.A., Litt.D. (Camb.), Hon. Litt.D. (Dublin). Mental and Moral Philosophy :— HENRY LAURIE, LL.D. Chemistry:— DAVID OEME MASSON, M.A., D.Sc, F R.S.E., F.R.S. Bioloqu ;— WALTER BALDWIN SPENCEE, C.M.G., M.A., F.E.S., late fellow of LiEEColn College, Oxford. Xatural Philosophy ;— THOMAS RANKEN LYLE, M.A., D.Sc. Law:— WILLIAM HARRISON MOORE, B.A., LL.B. Music ;— FRANKLIN SIEVEWRIGHT PETERSON, Mils. Bac. Physiology and Histoloyy :— WILLIAM ALEXANDER OSBORNE, M.B., B.Ch., D.Sc. Geolirjy and Mxneralcsjy :— EBNEST WELLINGTON SKEATS, D.Sc, F.G.S. Anatomy— RICHARD J. A. BERRY, M.D., Ch.M., F.R.C.S. Edin., F.B.S.E. Botany :— ALFRED JAMES EWART, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S. Ex-Professors. Classical and Comparative. Philology and Logic :— HENEY EESKINE EOWE, M.A. Died 1855. MAETIN HOWY IBVING, M.A. Eesigned 1871. HEEBEET AUGUSTUS STEONG, M.A. Eesigned 1884 LECTURERS, DEMONSTRATORS, ETC. XXV11. History and Political Economy :— WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, LL.D. Resigned 1873. Mathematics Pure and Mixed :— WILLIAM PARKINSON WILSON. M.A. Died Dec, 1874. Chemistry:— JOHN DEUMMOND K1RKLAND, M.B., B.S. Died 1885. Dean of the Faculty of Law :— • WILLIAM EDWABD HEABN, LL.D. Died 23rd April, 1888. Natural Philosophy .— HENRY MARTYN ANDREW, M.A. Died 18th Sept., 1838. Law:— EDWARD JENKS, M.A. Resigned 31st January, 1892. Natural Science :— SIR FEEDEEICK McCOY, M.A., D.Sc. Died 13th May, 1899. G. W. L. MABSHALL HALL. Tenure expired Dec, 1900. English, French, and German Languages and Literatures :— EDWABD ELLIS MOERIS, M.A., Litt.D. Died 1902. Physiology and Histolotfy :— GEOEGE BRITTON HALFOED, M.D.
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