Citation: Than Sein, Htay Lwin, Wai Phyo Kyaw and Kyaw Zin Latt (2020), Case Study on tobacco cultivation and cheroot industry in Myanmar, 2020, People’s Health Foundation, Yangon, Myanmar @ People’s Health Foundation, July 2020 People’s Health Foundation, Yangon, Myanmar
[email protected] b Case Study on tobacco cultivation and cheroot industry in Myanmar, 2020 Than Sein, Htay Lwin, Wai Phyo Kyaw and Kyaw Zin Latt People’s Health Foundation Introduction Myanmar as a party to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)1, enacted a national tobacco control law on 4 May 2006, known as “Control of Smoking and Consumption of Tobacco Product Law” which came into effect after a year, by 4 May 2007.2 According to the Global Youth Tobacco Surveys (GYTS) done in Myanmar for 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2016 successively, the prevalence of tobacco use among the 8th, 9th and 10th graders (13-15 years old students) was relatively high around 35%. The overall current cigarette smoker rate showed an increased from 4.9% in 2007 to 8.3% in 2016.3 Exposure to second-hand smoke at home, inside enclosed public place, and any outdoor public place were reported by student 33.2%, 28.4%, and 29%, respectively, in 2016. In 2016, two in five students who were ever cigarette smokers reported that they first tried a cigarette at the age less than 10 years. Mostly, two in five (40.8%) students initiated cigarette smoking between aged 12 and 13 years, followed by 30.9% of students started between aged 14 and 15 years.