1Er Juillet 2003
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GAZETTE DU GOLFE ET DES BANLIEUES Nouvelle série @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Numéro 26 -- 1er juillet 2003 >[email protected]< >http://ggb.0catch.com< News in French, Spanish, Italian and English Established 1991 by Serge Thion @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ LIBÉRATION DE TOUTE LA PALESTINE ABOLITION DE L'ETAT SIONISTE RÉINTÉGRATION DES JUIFS DANS L'HUMANITÉ ORDINAIRE SONDAGE: TOUS LES ARABES VEULENT LA DISPARITION D'ISRAEL BOUBOUCHE FAIT TROIS PETITS TOUR AU-DESSUS DE BAGHDAD CE TROUILLARD N'OSE MÊME PAS SE POSER 150.000 HOMMES, CE N'EST PAS ASSEZ POUR LE RASSURER "IRAK IS NOT JUST ABOUT IRAK" (NYT) LA RÉSISTANCE IRAKIENNE EN PLEIN ESSOR LA GUERRE D'INDÉPENDANCE A COMMENCÉ EN AFGHANISTAN Ce numéro de la Gazette a été réalisé avec l'aide, volontaire ou involontaire, de George W. Bush, Chris Floyd, Rupert Cornwell, Richard Bennett, Olivia Zemor, Gilad Atzman, Gideon Levy, Will Dunham, Steve Fainaru, Hossam Al Sayed, George Wright, Randa Habib, William Bowles, Gazette du Golfe et des banlieues / 26 / 1er juillet 2003 ____________________________________________________ Syed Saleem Shahzad, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Robert Faurisson, Bernard Ravenel, Dominique Vidal, Ota Benga, et beaucoup d'autres... Propaganda, like dairy products, should come with an expiration date. It's usuallyabandoned once it has served its purpose. The WMD story worked very well when it was needed to whip up war fever. It provided a temporary excuse, disarmed skepticism, isolated critics. Now it isn't needed anymore and should be discarded before it becomes too ridiculous. Joe Sobran, 3 juin 2003. The US chief occupation administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, has issued a proclamation outlawing any "gatherings, pronouncements or publications that call for opposition to the US occupation." (June13, 2003, ACN) But give them time. They are getting the hang of it. They may yet look around State or Defense or the White House for someone to run Syria, then Iran. In fact, it might be a good idea to build a Colonial Service to run the world. You cannot trust the locals. Charles Glass, Harper's Magazine, July 2003 Few Iraqis mourn the fall of Saddam but there is a growing, at times almost visceral, hatred of the occupation. "They can take our oil, but at least they should let us have electricity and water," said Tha'ar. The Independent, 22 juin 2003 Tuerkheimer also pointed out to the Senate panel that even the EncyclopediaBritannica includes detailed bomb making information. Further, a publication called the Blaster's Handbook, which contains a detailed recipe for an Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel oil bomb like that used in Oklahoma City, is available for free -- from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forestry Service. Bush, emmerdé par les critiques, s'en prend aux révisionnistes Lundi, [16 juin] le président américain a affirmé que la guerre contre l'Irak était justifiée par le besoin d'assurer la sécurité des Etats-Unis, s'en prenant aux "historiens révisionnistes" qui mettent en doute sa nécessité. "Ce pays (les Etats-Unis) a réagi à une menace représentée par le dictateur irakien. Maintenant, certains aimeraient réécrire l'histoire, je les appelle des +historiens révisionnistes+", a déclaré M. Bush dans un discours à Elizabeth (New Jersey, Est). AFP <http://fr.news.yahoo.com/030617/202/39ctb.html> Extrait du discours en BO (bushais original): "This nation acted to a threat from the dictator of Iraq. Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history -- revisionist historians is what I like to call them. Saddam Hussein was a threat to America and the free world in '91, in '98, in 2003. He continually ignored the demands of the free world, so the United States and friends and allies acted. And one thing is for certain -- (applause) -- and this is for certain: Saddam Hussein is no longer a threat to the United States and our friends and allies. (Applause.) " Discours aux PME d'Elizabeth, New Jersey, 16 juin 2003. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/06/20030616-2.html> Mais d'autres le traitent, lui, de révisionniste ! Revise and Conquer By Chris Floyd Holocaust revisionism took decades to rear its ugly head, but the whitewashers of war crimes in the Bush Regime are trying to pervert the facts of history mere weeks after their Leader triumphantly declared "mission accomplished" in the war on Iraq. "Weapons of mass destruction?" Never heard of 'em. Never mentioned 'em. Maybe we'll find some. Not that important. Time to move on. Hey, how about a tax cut? – 2 – Gazette du Golfe et des banlieues / 26 / 1er juillet 2003 ____________________________________________________ But even as revisionist-in-chief George W. Bush was staging his somber photo-op in Auschwitz last week, the web of lies he and his little buddy Tony Blair concocted to "justify" launching an act of military aggression -- on the very Hitlerian grounds of "preventive war" -- was being shredded by their own intelligence services. In an unprecedented move, U.S and British spies went public to denounce the cartoonish manipulation of professional intelligence data by the war-hungry leaders. Reports of Saddam's "imminent threat" were "sexed up" on Blair's order, said British spooks, while American agents said Bush was spoon-fed a stew of uncorroborated confabulation by a "special team" of ideological hatchet-men overseen by Pentagon honcho Don Rumsfeld. [...] Thus revisionism -- panicky, cynical, maladroit -- was the order of the day. Rumsfeld -- whose smirking rictus of iron certainty was a mainstay of the drive to war -- began backing off big-time. Maybe there weren't any WMD, he shrugged; maybe Saddam destroyed them before the war. Unfortunately, the British press dug up a quote from St. Tony himself on the subject: "We are asked to accept Saddam decided to destroy those weapons. I say that such a claim is palpably absurd." But to be fair, Blair's broadside was fired long ago, practically in cave-man times: March 18, 2003, to be exact. It's certainly irrelevant in our go- go modern world, where history is written with water and each day is a new blank page. So it was most apt that the only question Bush was heard to ask during his Auschwitz tour actually dealt with Holocaust revisionism: "Do people challenge the accuracy of what you present?" he asked his guide, The New York Times reports. This might seem a rather bizarre question at first glance -- but then, Bush has a personal stake in the cultivation of historical amnesia. His own family fortune was built in part by a long and profitable collusion with the Nazis -- an ugly story oft told here, and raked up again by Newsweek. [...] So perhaps George Walker Bush felt uneasy treading on the bone-ash that lies beneath the soft, green grass of Auschwitz. Or perhaps not. For quietly buried in the back pages last week was news that the Walker-Bush tradition of war profiteering carries on. A small brief in the Financial Times revealed that Bush-connected "reconstruction" firms Halliburton and Bechtel, now in control of Iraq's oil fields, want to raise massive bank loans using future oil profits as collateral. In other words, these Establishment grandees will pocket billions in free money that will have to be paid back later by the Iraqi people, if and when their oil fields are returned. The Moscow Times.com, Friday, Jun. 6, 2003. <http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2003/06/06/120.html> Now Bush Blames Failure To Find WMD On Looters By Rupert Cornwell in Washington 22 June 2003: (The Independent UK) [...] In his weekly radio address yesterday, Mr Bush was forced to produce a new explanation of why the US has not found Iraq's alleged chemical and biological weapons. He told listeners that suspect sites had been looted in the closing days of Saddam Hussein's regime. [...] édito Pour une fois, l'édito est composé de deux articles commentés. A Paris, 40 000 personnes ont fêté l'amitié entre la France et Israël MM. Sarkozy et Madelin vivement applaudis Vingt-deux ans qu'une telle manifestation n'avait pas eu lieu en France. La dernière en date remontait à 1981. Depuis, la communauté juive de France avait bien connu les Yom – 3 – Gazette du Golfe et des banlieues / 26 / 1er juillet 2003 ____________________________________________________ Hatorah (journées de la Torah) organisées par le grand rabbin de France, Joseph Sitruk. Mais elle n'avait pas revécu ces "douze heures pour l'amitié France-Israël". Si c'était un pari, il a réussi: 40.000 personnes, selon les organisateurs, ont participé, dimanche 22 juin, à cette manifestation au parc des expositions de la porte de Versailles, à Paris. Les initiateurs étaient le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), le Fonds social juif unifié (FSJU), le Consistoire central et le Consistoire de Paris. [organisation 100 % juifs algériens ] Une grande partie de la communauté juive éprouvait le besoin de manifester son attachement à Israël, et de se réconforter après une succession sans précédent d'actes antisémites. Mea culpa de la gauche A l'entrée du hall d'exposition, des personnes distribuaient un guide pratique, expliquant comment procéder lorsqu'on est victime d'un acte antisémite. Des loubavitchs proposaient aux hommes de passer les phylactères. Mais c'est le "look chalala" qui dominait chez les plus jeunes: bustier moulant et bijoux en or pour les filles, tee-shirt noir et cheveux gominés sous la kippa pour les garçons. Mais l'accessoire qui avait le plus de succès était la plaque d'identité du soldat israélien gravé à son nom porté en sautoir. Le hall de conférence était envahi par un public passionné, qui applaudissait Enrico Macias et chantait La Marseillaise. Le président du comité d'organisation, Meyer Habib, a exprimé à la tribune son "incompréhension face à la politique de la France, qui ne reconnaît pas le Hamas et le Hezbollah comme des organisations terroristes, qui ne reconnaît pas Jérusalem comme la capitale d'Israël, éternelle et indivisible".