SCONUL Focus Number 38 Summer/Autumn 2006
SCONUL Focus Number 38 Summer/Autumn 2006 Contents ISSN 1745-5782 (print) ISSN 1745-5790 (online) 3 The 3Ss 4 The Learning Grid at the University of Warwick: a library innovation to support learning in higher education Rachel Edwards 8 The Learning Gateway: opening the doors to a new generation of learners at St Martin’s College, Carlisle campus Margaret Weaver 11 Middlesex University: the impressive rejuvenation of Hendon campus Paul Beaty-Pownall 14 Poor design equals poor health questionnaire: the final results Jim Jackson 20 Human resourcing in academic libraries: the ‘lady librarian’, the call for flexible staff and the need to be counted A. D. B. MacLean, N. C. Joint 26 Taking steps that make you feel dizzy: personal reflections on module 1 of the Future Leaders programme John Cox, Annie Kilner, Dilys Young 30 Evolution: the Oxford trainee scheme Gill Powell, Katie Robertson 34 A week in the life Kim McGowan 36 Got the knowledge? Focusing on the student: Manchester Metropolitan University’s (MMU) library welcome campaign David Matthews, Emily Shields, Rosie Jones, Karen Peters 41 Ask the audience: e-voting at the University of Leeds Lisa Foggo, Susan Mottram, Sarah Taylor 44 Information literacy, the link between second and tertiary education: project origins and current developments Christine Irving 47 Review of how libraries are currently supporting the research process Ruth Stubbings, Joyce Bartlett, Sharon Reid 51 Researchers, information and libraries: the CONUL national research support survey John Cox 55 Creating a new Social Science Library at Oxford University based on reader consultation Louise Clarke 58 The use of personal scanners and digital cameras within OULS reading rooms Steve Rose, Gillian Evison 60 Copyright, digital resources and IPR at Brunel University Monique Ritchie 64 Secure electronic delivery: ‘get the world’s knowledge with less waiting’ Alison E.
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