Supplement to the London Gazette, Ist January 1966
32 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, IST JANUARY 1966 Miss Olga Mildred PATTERSON, Teacher, OVERSEAS TERRITORIES Anglican Primary School, St. Lucia. Sydney Aloysius ANDERSON, Chief of Police, Algenor MOREL, Coxswain, Ferry Boat, St. Vincent. Seychelles. Thomas Edwin CLUNIE, Senior Assistant Com- Te Bereti NAOU, Magistrate, Tamana Island, missioner of Police, Hong Kong. Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, Western George Bernard McCAFFERY, Commissioner Pacific. of Police, Mauritius. HOME OFFICE WHITEHALL, LONDON S.W.I , HOME OFFICE 1st January 1966 WHITEHALL, LONDON S.W.I The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to 1st January 1966 approve the award of the Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service to the undermentioned: The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the Queen's Fire Service Queen's Police Medal Medal for Distinguished Service to the under- ENGLAND AND WALES mentioned: John Maxwell HILL, D.F.C., Her Majesty's In- Queen's Fire Service Medal spector of Constabulary (lately Commander, ENGLAND AND WALES Metropolitan Police). Frank Stanley GALE, Chief Constable, Stanley LAMBERT, Assistant Chief Officer Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police. (Deputy Chief Fire Officer), Sheffield Fire Eric Arthur ABBOTT, Chief Constable, Brigade. Worcester City Police. Hugh Lloyd ABBITT, Divisional Officer, Grade Thomas Christopher WILLIAMS, Chief Con- I, London Fire Brigade. stable, West Sussex Constabulary. Rowland NOBLE, Chief Fire Officer, Newcastle Arthur HAMBLETON, M.C., Chief Constable, .and Gateshead Joint Fire Service. Dorset Constabulary. Albert Edward LEIGHTON, Divisional Officer, Frank GREEN, M.B.E., Assistant Chief Con- Grade I, London Fire Brigade. stable, Kingston-upon-Hull City Police. Stanley Wilfred SHEAT, Chief Fire Service James JENNER, Assistant Chief Constable, Officer, Ministry of Aviation Fire Service.
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