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31136bindex.qxd 5/22/07 8:30 PM Page 349 Index Note to the Reader: Throughout this index bold- dissolves, 258–265 faced page numbers indicate primary discussions filters, 215–220 of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate FotoBooth application, 270–277 illustrations. masks, 199–206, 207 Media Player, 152–154 metadata A reading, 160, 161 video duration, 163–164 abstract objects, 58 progressive delivery, 48–49, 50 access control lists (ACLs), 308 streaming delivery, 51–52 access control to streams and recording, 308–309 transitions, 225–230 Accordion components, 132 video snapshots, 239–245 ACLs (access control lists), 308 videoconferencing application, 300–305 Action Message Format (AMF), 187 ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2), 65 349 ActionScript 2 (AS2) versions addASCuePoint method, 166–167 ■ vs. AS3, 64–66 addEventListener method INDEX bandwidth checking, 111–114 Component, 332 cue points VideoPlayer, 254 captions, 173, 174, 175 Administration Console, 296 chapter links, 178–180, 178 Adobe DevCenter, 313 dynamic, 171 Align property, 79 reading, 168–169 alpha channels dissolves filters with, 207–208, 208 bitmaps for, 246–254 vs. masks, 193 transitions class, 254–257 transparency, 19–20, 193 filters, 210–215 video settings, 34–35 FotoBooth application, 266–270, 267 alternatives in proposals, 12–13 masks, 193–198, 198–199 AMF (Action Message Format), 187 Media Player Animation Codec setting, 20 structure, 94–98 animHandler method, 195, 205 XML playlist in, 149–151 file, 200 metadata file reading, 160, 161 AS2, 248–250 video duration, 162–163 AS3, 258–260 progressive delivery, 46–47, 47–48 Application class, 291 streaming delivery, 50–51 applyFilter method, 233 transitions, 221–225 archiving, 127 video snapshots, 235–239, COPYRIGHTED235 arrays MATERIAL videoconferencing application, 298–300 cue points, 165 ActionScript 3 (AS3) versions in ListBoxes, 137–138, 138 vs.
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