Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2019. 8(1):67–80 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08113 Two new species of Gymnomitriaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the North Pacific Yuriy S. Mamontov*1,3, Anna A. Vilnet2, Nadezhda A. Konstantinova2 & Vadim A. Bakalin1 Yuriy S. Mamontov*1,3 ABSTRACT e-mail:
[email protected] Two new liverwort species, Gymnomitrion kamchaticum sp. nov. and Marsupella aleutica Anna A. Vilnet2 sp. nov., are described based on integrative taxonomical approach derived from e-mail:
[email protected] mor phology, phytogeography and sequence data. Gymnomitrion kamchaticum is mor- Nadezhda A. Konstantinova2 phologically most similar to Gymnomitrion brevissimum, G. mucronulatum and G. pacifi e-mail:
[email protected] cum, but differs from them by leaf insertion, shape of leaves and leaf cells. Marsupel la aleutica is morphologically somewhat similar to the Holarctic M. emarginata s.l., M. Vadim A. Bakalin1 funckii, M. sprucei, M. ustulata and the East Asian M. minutissima and M. pseudofunckii, e-mail:
[email protected] but differs in leaf shape and occasional presence of a tooth at antical leaf base. Keywords: Hepaticae, taxonomy, new species, Aleutians, Kamchatka, ITS1-2 nrD- 1 Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS NA, trnL-F cpDNA Vladivostok, Russia РЕЗЮМЕ 2 Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Kola Science Centre RAS, Kirovsk, Russia Мамонтов Ю.С., Вильнет А.А., Константинова Н.А., Бакалин В.А. Два 3 новых вида Gymnomitriaceae (Marchantiophyta) из Северной Пацифи- Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden RAS, ки. Два новых для науки вида, Gymnomitrion kamchaticum sp. nov. и Marsupella Moscow, Russia aleu tica sp. nov.