PACLIC-27 Reduplication across Categories in Cantonese Charles Lam Linguistics Program, Purdue University Beering Hall, Room 1289 West Lafayette, IN 47907
[email protected] Abstract ity and quantization, the interpretations of redupli- cation are predictable. This paper investigates the formal seman- In what follows, section 2 lists out the distri- tics of reduplication in Cantonese, i.e. how bution and characteristics of reduplication in Can- the meaning of reduplicated forms are en- tonese. Section 3 reviews previous studies and coded and computed with the given mean- ing from the base forms. In particular, points out that they cannot account for the be- this paper argues that reduplication denotes haviour of reduplication across categories. Sec- a summation function that adds up argu- tion 4 discusses the formal property of cumula- ments (be they object-, event- or degree- tivity (Krifka, 1998; Rothstein, 2004), which pro- arguments) and return a collection of the el- vides a basis to account for the surface differences ements. The surface difference across cat- across categories. To test the hypothesis, section egories is accounted for in terms of cu- 5 provides the details of the proposal and shows mulativity and quantization (Krifka, 1998; how various interpretations can be handled by the Krifka, 2001; Rothstein, 2004). The present approach makes use of scalar structure and present cumulativity analysis. Section 6 discusses summation as formal tools to model the the advantage of this approach and also the theo- cross-categorial behaviour of reduplication. retical implications. It provides the advantage of a unified theory for lexical composition across categories 2 Data nouns, verbs and adjectives.