Large Scale Solar District Heating. Evaluation, Modelling and Designing

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Large Scale Solar District Heating. Evaluation, Modelling and Designing J y 2 " LARGE SCALE SOLAR DISTRICT HEATING 6 / EVALUATION, MODELLING AND DESIGNING D K o / O ALFRED HELLER Ph.D. Thesis REPORT R-046 2000 ISSN 1396-4011 ISBN 87-7877-050-5 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND ENERGY TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK IBE DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. Preface The Thesis represents the ending of my Ph.D.-project at the Department of Buildings and Energy, Technical University of Denmark. It was carried out between 1997 and 2000 under the supervision of Prof. Svend Svendsen and in the first years, Assoc. Prof. Simon Turbo. The Thesis consists of the current main report and an Appendix-report: "Large Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing - Appendices", R-047, Department of Buildings and Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 2000, ISBN 87-7877-051-3. The most relevant thanks go to my wife Anette and my children Isabel and Philip, who had to bear a large share of the burden for the work behind this thesis. It would not have been possible to carry out the work without the great support from my loved ones. Right after my family, I am indebted to the people from the Marstal Fjernvarme A/S who have shown the world a possibility for future sustainable energy systems, the innovative plant designer of the Marstal central solar heating plant, Ramboll, the consultants for the plant owners Planenergi, and last but not least, the solar collector producer Arcon Solvarme A/S. The thesis would not have had its relevancy without the impressive and futuristic contributions from these people. Thanks, especially to all of you and to all the people making an effort in constructing the sustainable future, the only way capable of being sustainable for a relevant number of generations. Thanks also to my supervisors. Thanks to my colleagues and the staff at the Department, especially to Louise Jivan Shah for her supervision, and also Anne Rasmussen and Kirsten Gammelgaard who have done a great job in proofreading. Thanks to my colleagues from the Department of Energy Engineering and the Dept, for Mathematical Modelling at DTU for their help. Also thanks to the colleagues from the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, and the people from the European Large-Scale Solar Heating Network for their support. A special thank to Hannah Arlaud, WriteNow Communications for her enormous work in proofreading this thesis. Acknowledgements The project was mainly financed by a scholarship by the Technical University of Denmark under the Ph.D.-programme "Society, Planning and Technology". The monitoring and some travelling to conferences were financially supported by the Danish Energy Agency under the Ministry of Environment and Energy. Thanks to these organisations for their support of this rather futuristic work. Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. Summary The main objective of the research was to evaluate large-scale solar heating connected to district heating (CSDHP), to build up a simulation tool and to demonstrate the application of the tool for design studies and on a local energy planning case. The evaluation of the central solar heating technology is based on measurements on the case plant in Marstal, Denmark, and on published and unpublished data for other, mainly Danish, CSDHP plants. Evaluations on the thermal, economical and environmental performances are reported, based on the experiences from the last decade. The measurements from the Marstal case are analysed, experiences extracted and minor improvements to the plant design proposed. For the detailed designing and energy planning of CSDHPs, a computer simulation model is developed and validated on the measurements from the Marstal case. The final model is then generalised to a "generic" model for CSDHPs in general. The meteorological reference data, Danish Reference Year, is applied to find the mean performance for the plant designs. To find the expectable variety of the thermal performance of such plants, a method is proposed where data from a year with poor solar irradiation and a year with strong solar irradiation are applied. Equipped with a simulation tool design studies are carried out spreading from parameter analysis over energy planning for a new settlement to a proposal for the combination of plane solar collectors with high performance solar collectors, exemplified by a trough solar collector. The methodology of utilising computer simulation proved to be a cheap and relevant tool in the design of future solar heating plants. The thesis also exposed the demand for developing computer models for the more advanced solar collector designs and especially for the control operation of CSHPs. In the final chapter the CSHP technology is put into perspective with respect to other possible technologies to find the relevance of the application of large-scale solar heating. A discussion on possible barriers for the breakthrough of the technology results in the findings that the technology is mature for wide application, but that the economical key-values must be improved to achieve a breakthrough of the technology. The thesis is then finalised by a summary and discussion and by an outlook. Keywords: Large-Scale Solar Heating, Central, Computational Modelling and Simulation, District Heating, Energy Planning. Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. R esume pa Dansk De vigtigste formal med det foreliggende forskningsstudie var at evaluere store solvarmeanlasg koblet til fjernvarmesystemer. sakaldte solvarmecentraler, at opbygge et simuleringsvaerktoj til bestemmelse af sadanne anlasgsydelser og at demonstrere anvendelsen af simuleringsvaerktoj et til designstudier og til energiplanlaegning af et lokalomrade. Evalueringen af solvarmecentraler bygger pa malinger pa en Case, Marstal-anlaegget pa JEro, og pa erfaringer fra andre, hovedsagelig danske solvarmecentraler. Evalueringer af den termiske, okonomiske og miljomasssige ydelse for anlaegstypen er prassenteret, baseret pa de sidste 15-ars driftserfaringer. Malinger, gennemfort pa Marstal-anlaegget, er analyseret, erfaringer er hostet, og mindre forbedringer er foreslaet. For at kunne gennemfore detaljerede designstudier og energiplanlaegningsopgaver er der opbygget et simuleringsvaerktoj for solvarmecentraler. Dette vaerktoj er valideret med maledata fra Marstal-anlaegget. Med det validerede vaerktoj er der til sidst udviklet en mere generelt anvendelig model. Ved at anvende vejrdatasaettet, the Danish Reference Year, kan den gennemsnitlige ydelse af solvarmecentraler blive bestemt. For at finde frem til den variation i ydelsen, der kan forventes pga. varierende solindfald, er der fremlagt en metode til estimering af denne variation. Ved at anvende malinger fra et meget solfattigt og et solrigt ar i simuleringeme kan man finde denne variation. Udstyret med det naevnte simuleringsvaerktoj er der gennemfort en raekke analyser , der spreder sig fra simple parametervariationer, over energiplanlaegningsopgaver til designforslag til en fremtidig solvarmecentral. Metoden at anvende simuleringsvaerktojer bar vist sig at vaere en meget anvendelig, relevant og billig metode til design og analyse af solvarmecentraler. Man kommer dog frem til et behov for yderligere udvikling af modeller, specielt for de styringsstrategier der anvendes pa store solvarmeanlaeg. I de afsluttende afsnit diskuteres relevansen af solvarmecentraler i et storre perspektiv og af at sammenligne pris-ydelsesforholdene for sadanne anlaeg med andre solvarmeteknikker. En diskussion om begrundelsen for en manglende anvendelse af teknikken er praesenteret, og afhandlingen afrundes med en opsamlingsdiskussion og et kig ud i fremtiden. Nogleord: Solvarmecentraler, store solvarmeanlasg, computersimulering, modeliering og simulering, ljemvarme, energiplanlasgning. Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. Chapters PREFACE I SUMMARY HI RESUME PA DANSK V CHAPTERS VII CONTENTS- SURVEY IX CONTENTS - DETAILED XI 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 2. CENTRAL SOLAR DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEMS 2-1 3. MARSTAL CASE MONITORING 3-1 4. DATA CONTROL AND ANALYSIS 4-1 5. MODEL DEVELOPMENT 5-1 6. PERFORMANCE OF CSHP 6-1 7. ANALYSIS BY SIMULATION 7-1 8. DESIGN STUDIES 8-1 9. CLOSING 9-1 NOMENCLATURE I REFERENCES IV vii Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. Contents - Survey PREFACE I SUMMARY m RESUME PA DANSK V CHAPTERS VII CONTENTS - SURVEY IX CONTENTS - DETAILED XI 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Definitions 1-4 1.3 Abbreviations 1-6 1.4 The history of Central Solar Heating Plants 1-7 1.5 Genesis and Objectives for the Research Project 1-13 1.6 Methodology 1-15 1.7 Outline of This Study 1-17 2. CENTRAL SOLAR DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEMS 2-1 2.1 Basics 2-1 2.2 Common Characteristics for the Danish CSDHP 2-9 2.3 The First DK-Generation Plant (simple 5%-CSDHPxS) 2-9 2.4 The Swedish Intermezzo (simple 10%-CSDHPDS) 2-10 2.5 The Second DK-Generation Plant (complex 15%-CSDHPDS) 2-10 2.6 Classification of CSHPs 2-15 3. MARSTAL CASE MONITORING 3-1 3.1 The Marstal Plant from 1999 3-1 3.2 The Data Acquisition System 3-1 4. DATA CONTROL AND ANALYSIS 4-1 4.1 Pre-processing of data 4-1 4.2 Solar irradiation measurements 4-1 4.3 Temperature distribution in a collector row 4-8 4.4 Conclusions 4-11 5. MODEL DEVELOPMENT 5-1 5.1 Validation 5-1 5.2 Generalisation 5-43 6. PERFORMANCE OF CSHP 6-1 6.1 Thermal Performance 6-1 6.2 Economic Performance 6-11 ix Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing. 6.3 Ecological Performance 6-15 6.4 Common experiences 6-16 7. ANALYSIS BY SIMULATION 7-1 7.1 Method and Tools 7-1 7.2 Parameter Variation Analysis 7-1 7.3 Sensitivity Analysis 7-10 8. DESIGN STUDIES 8-1 8.1 Variable Flow contra Constant Flow 8-1 8.2 Plant Design 8-27 9. CLOSING 9-1 9.1 Putting the technology into perspective 9-1 9.2 Summary, Discussion and Conclusion 9-4 9.3 Outlook 9-7 NOMENCLATURE I REFERENCES IV Large-Scale Solar Heating - Evaluation, Modelling and Designing.
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