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IffSreknt ffiij K=pJ------er Groüig CaA

4 N P ! c h r o n i c ^ î L ?" No. < a ^ ¡¡E u k i k iimDii'lM?j2îr iHirr Î1flÎ. Mfern.ttir 10 ‘>n** § * NtirU»« ln* I*. nf Wll. ai« PIVE CENTS «fitrn r tf»Bvtnt ,lf*',ur'^ tiii* îoùi ■ "P bneaM tm I r VÎ..h *în,W. ‘f t Wednesday Mon. ' lu b fo r jo n in e force*« in ih i« T eey M 'natter. Hr InviiaiUm Ì1.’ .,hi* 1 Orna aad PUH at A rtto t, r Ä * Ä ti ' MMor A “* »»<* •» rER,— The Season oi I * ¿LiÄ“ **■ •enual me« *" **®k ***• Saturday -Night ¡The trah,Tc!,«h,T \Vw.hlnT',''l<,n .hi! n Appeal to Tewa IISS ä I * WWUW or office** on «h p ComtalUee. -Olein Up- Cain V'V ^'l-'ri w,!!' a ^ C T ' " , ìTàl'r" "i" 1 I'1’»'»-li hV at "larÌ-*- neaa—of Resaurection_ *!«h c rU tü iÄ S , t” * v" r i ‘rh* ■•■ * "rt rV"|dto the ,wrty . P*‘*B *» be Startad. d  « k ï , , r ,î r . »->»r -t;. time 'of, times to send 'th^u " ’“ î'Ingtoni hi '**'* •«! the Tton- J , » " » T1.I* .¡,ll' '■'•'..mltlec at tlft. „„tung t messages of friendship j r k lt,(ifi*î'r""on *"d i S * ? E i S i S ■MteiV ^,* il f°r •'rmakl.i, ol Mr. a ;1 ::;1' '‘"ï * "> »»i- -•*** ose we love. PgjiiesLrss tnerVu lin ih il« » 7 '.7 ,,ltln* 'v«rk- inf At oJifht tlilrfv ,°^owinf mom- i.icm* ffî.nT thrvJ'ttidi'w ln'"ruvi'- 1 Ji L " ork dune llw lM.l.'| for l*,.y|*f*yt '«’»y«'» ï ï &Æ ï & t ï - Ve have the newest t a Ä b u Ä ± eritlH'iiti f ht* "ml-. ha* »crtlon*,^ (Mltiml I " » " !1 r«'*l«lentlal \STER’ CARDS now Ovok Park Wie V i 1 ?h^ »" r k ...... l i / f t t l f f “ •‘trAjiutl but tiiit JSS ìr ï- y h,B»"-tt»hl|. - » '*'« Mwi*|,,n. , ’Vi, rV aimulmcinl policy of l.1,”' ”^ rd~. fT tar that Uff» le,. theatre, ami ûv, . r . f'tniihl. t onmiitteo r , t | t 1'iuii*hlp l*,r’tc,,r"il.^"""ll',"U""T itegg* ri, ï and Home Decorations •mm.,, N.il,||,.r r I'd' j ’n. tobiI*, - 11,1* M wi.l«y,Tt 0,,i ' ,rt aid in making your home La£ '•"t rary h'lp ,Ul' * lvl"* rr *m “< th- trill -k,*, io.V'i! ','l,l»r..iirc* nui, Mimll "r'" r I, :rlike in appearance. Also ] ocy tii-tlie Inuno !* !), ,J',"lr I .vlndiiM\,lllt,»...... *«ii,| ,t, , *,f H‘rn''t. En. isortment of party novel- ...... «Ili li, m got ri,| rrfl a letter from the face water tthi-i.* .: r|d tf»' *ur w ca— WIIM, t’o.. statoti tfio ' " r r r'- shouotl thal Amlrmi. i, , , dootor* isenberg’s «fili, cm h " " tr « IMwi, . rear, nwU^ »--■• - Vear. MllJ ,VJ ! . fio» ln*t lie Store of Quality ami again heiicoVi!., *»!*' ,l''" o( ■„,« noy ifi ivoJkJ 1 "»'l'nny „ili JVXOlf A VENITE, NORTH 1)11» u.„.L m , ^ ((IO nJ «.»e*- ° 1 “ “ Apdftor. M^^T? ORANTORD, N. 1. ^ c ï.;ii UIIW MIli 2 t mUUllìl w,‘h "thrr • nr*w report Telephone 460-W retd » £ « « « colline,laatton. 11 f >'v«r * **» “ Mlowedbv Muwea by ■iationtrta «s^rtV’io'u fe v;:;1 fo,v; ^fn.: ä !o*'ilrs, Wg¿7ìTfT**11oIì'■''**; f“ the dlffl- tfMln at .five oVlock ,‘v‘n" 1 lm|l" l| ,|'h" fMinr,iltteo ag?««"'^tìì* 'Var.l Alili, . 1 ^ , l.l) «trect, Dr. i tVfcfcT™TO owd^ra J y * new tram» -^.«tefi-k, L***“ « «P the wort of MnT - S l S Ä Ä DIMMING" o^Pied that t S Z 1 ■ * ' i , a r i ^ a g ? ay Evenings at the Plalnfiddl • ior her ySw-* rot* °* Hlgfii School Pool ’ |U’4* MUSIC CLUB IXL 14 th to JUNE 2nd, 1925 ourse ot 6 lessons, 16.00 lenccourt,- Howar,/vina'‘«.'ins. Joan' ,>BM M,m-M"„- Several imjiMiu. Bourse ot 6 lessons, 63.00 J t’hambor^r"/”'!,. vÂî1li,,rtv*itiMl T*Ä A }\W « ‘•ml .'l«.,;!.,11î/IOor)^ " 1'),''îf o t *00’ klonlng* iu,d grouHi /i''"',11",,1’’'' ORANTORD SCHOOL OjP i , l Ä J § i 3 ,lr,ve- the PulshcN (¡rori/c if,"!1'11 Alliliinwe ship, or a ,i/iaÏ mÎÎ*^ 0,i J w rf»wn. organisation!, invïtod V„ i ®“'11'1* TXDHAL GYMNASTICS 1HK iS -iK S Jasg y 2Æ E ai?°i£»L»>î-^ j <—*— -  i ÿ “ a m w $ i tlicfl't' »tatter h„P,ÂImhiiTrY^,, r ' î nn^. ®» Pel «ml thelrthalr ei d ,L L r1 •xlireaa!,.* ..Î2mPSP«'*» ' I? »"ff«»fio atral Avenue, Cranford, N. J.l — . «onml»t«5L*'K^2LÌ5s! ^ 3 s : II- *T to he used in hehìff^j’ 2 *! f t w m t d l l g i «tpenæsn .. __, fiS5?’defiSrÄo J-Jn Lobster Pute' .■ ... V. 1er New Management! H M ltÄ ft".1” ¡7"-»*SÄ .Men’s Hall îo ,*Eri,/l^e^------n* *n- -Rod s j ì t4 cte tfr? S t 'ï " *uPi>i<ôd MbJor Oray Chutney clean« up weekSHH pm X5eroy GriUnânr 'Ì,!rÌrt "»rosa and S'& â ï S Uucoln SchoSr iS? at ‘h® ®wrty Jel miniljcr* * »«re among u,o Ish to announce that I lurel vere visited hv Ï Î ‘he schools ^aryeary Beconiinodataeconiinodatlon. on* 7 f '- r 1 t “n^ ««■ OM' «“n'1 d the Goo,! (Jot*i ami11an,l Jîiv,UfÎ.y'J',r" . Æ /W « «'«I,«•'»- wed the __ Canton OUiger » s s a s s «* Crab Maat Ä”ÄSs'iir,,l,li? ar.jHa„v?WÄ- 10E REPAIR SHOP S g r a s j s u s s two block» of thil Wh wlt,'fn field. Pl»|if/i,.|,| ,fr‘"" vv"*t- 16 SOUTH AVEJ6UE, E., «serKK J-H. McMAHON Ä .r » "A fta » ss- .EffiKtt Thff" ' ¿ letama v r Ä w rS ^ Ä J?3 donor, K ^wfcCUids Grocer « H * w ».„»* uth Of the North lag made. . 10 Topics pf Day' “SO BIG!7 (»■RIDAT ' ’ ' l/ofifiy Verm,,, |n (J|, w „.ÏZZI - ' “ «” «« »«»•» 5|% Participation Certificates . Double Testure I Eox Now* avoiding Urn wait at ^ ^ * 0« * lhÌm ,n y"'‘r t,m* ** Pluu» » Jn WED. ■ * ■ i v iMnad I»* sL*> r* J» . _ ° I J v 1* D»»gerotu Blond” • « I b r U « Càafrford T n u , C » ^ , I»..,. HAMMERSTEIN la , , 4 „ • “Th* Midnight Egprai*” ' or Gang In mmonemnent |y8v- ™ 1UBK ...... w to ^ ■ -Modgo 1'odgo ’ “ “ » '¿ » R 50% of the A * Oanftfrd Trust Company. pert,“ i he,d and owned by kHONa- ^ - ^ *«t Utaf. lo„W in *st k T E D ;' A» o f issuance of certificate«.- . v of Cranford One Walnut Avenue PAYABLE: 5 J4 % semi-annually January |8t and July |8t. _ 'AL PAYABLE; ^ e n mortgage ia paid principal will h*. r«,M tificate in an eaualluw^ _ WIU °® Paid or a new cer­ m i* h o ld ^ tt y go°^ mortgage will be iaaued; optional

TAX: 2% tax to be paid by the holder, IT’S Just Ilka renting out your DOMINATIONS: Sold in multiples of 5500.00. coal Wn for so much a month -th at'* what buying and storing Par and accrued interest to. date of delivery. ■ ’ • w 1 » » » » fW V yyy your coal now i» Jlko._ You got IRÜST FUNDS: Legal Investment for Trust Funds. J A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT the same depondablo coal at flumniertimo prices.- We can fit -r?i- Gdl or write for further information: Coal P rices A re REDUCED your furnace with the also . i need»—NOW I JG SO BU Y NOW

mine. ^ ‘ #t- th* * * * * '• * < * LLLW ELAND & SOM lno. ' »hose bias are filled — * 7 or ® V aot be a strike. Those Cranford Trust 'adTAneo in price. Under ths'riieSiifo*“*'^?^ wioUr.€°»l or an ‘* ^ ^ t t t i t l |iaiVoo(,t tnins7iinfii ' ■ °*ANPORD, N- J. PRONE ONE THREE Walter W. Moonej Cos ine. ^ ...... J 1 ¿2' —1, —-?• ■'■ - — r~, < ... -

' : V : -, “On* of tne oaist i nmng vmuss - tha potato Which baa made it the lead­ ing vegetable product In northern Eu­ rope and northern United State* Is Famous Forts in Potato Greatest that It g ows to perfection hiireglona too coo. and too moist for satisfactory U. S. History wheat culture. Anolhef-advantage ls the tremendous amount of food, mate­ rial per acre contributed by p-itatoe*. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON Food A hundred bushel» per acre Is an averag. yield In the United States, hot In Germany tha yield la nearly twice Ukl. W—liro M*w*p»»*r L'au.,1 , li One of Amene»’» Many rii a I bed la U<« World war more than a 7rar or so. as great. The greatest yield In any Wfeera John Jecob Astor's .“Enroll« baa made norh greater uae country Is In the Netherlands, where Valuable Gifts to Na­ Great Plan Failed 7 of_t))talo thaii tb.r.Ucd of I'f.Jj]«- more than 250 bushel* per sere are ...... tion» of World.— — cover.*. Approximately six billion., produced. Under exceptionally favor T w o leading objects of commercial bushels sre now grown In the world able conditions a single aire has been gain have given birth to wide and IVa*lilngton^—Ireland had-» poor po- each year. If this production could known to produce 600. bushels. daring enterprise la tbe early hlitory lutu Imnest last fall, and a* a reau.H be brought to tine jdat-e It would fid* a . Lands Both Hies and Wheat. of tbe America«: the precious metals parts of the,Island are reported to be gigantic bln It) miles P ng, a mile "Aa a world crop time-potato, the of tbe south and the rich peltries of .i,u the verge of famine. . . wide and 2» feet deep. If a partition upatart vegetable from the New World, the north," writea Watbmgtpn Irvin* "It tukca such tragic occurrence« a* were placed across such a bin at the haa ahouhlered tu way ahead of both In tbe opening cheptef of “Astoria," lreliiml's /»ml shortage to bring home nlne-mlie poet the potatoes In the rice and wheaL Mora pound* of po­ the chronicle of one d f the mint ro­ to the average man the tremendous larger ooro|«irt«nent would represent tatoes nre now produced than of any mantic of all these daring enterprise*. importance of the potato." says n bul­ the production of Euro(ie and Great other single domestic vegetable prod­ For the story of Fort Akturla it ths letin from the Washington headquar­ Britain- Seven lenfhs of the potatoes uct. 1‘otatoes have won first place Mory of. how-John Jacob Astor. once ter» of the National Geographic ere In the »miller division woulil represent In the world, too, In the mutter of dif­ a German Immigrant boy In New York clety. “Half a doxen other countries the cv'Ctrlbutlon of the United States fusion. They-dSave become an impor­ founded- the American Fur company of Kurop« would be In a similar plight to the world crop, and the remaining tant crop In the temperate and cool In 18U9 and bow the'next year fu> or­ If their poluto crops fulled;’' continue» three-t*nth». would represent those portlone - of every continent—from ganised the Pacific Fur company to the bulletin, "ulthotHfh t fe w .centuries produced in the rest of the world. France to Scandinavia,'In-Siberia, the compete with tbe lordly Northwest ago potatoes haa not been heard of Germsny, Hunts (It hid i greater Americas SoutF Africa, Australia. company of Canada. \ GM jin iinyTif tfieje land». ‘ > acreage than Germany before the New Zealand. .. Associated with him were three ■ of .America's Valuable Oifta. World war), thé lands that made u;> “1'otatues’i.re nnr alnne a food vege­ foniieremployeesol'theNorth we*t Into la one of tho many val- Austrla-liungary. and France, each table. They already .fill an Important compuny, Alexander McKay, Duncan pluce In industry and undoubtedly will uoblpcTfi.ti of America to the world. produce« more potatoes than the McDougal and Donald McKenxle, and (. histories, busy chronicling wa'ra United'State«. . become more Important In that field- Wilson Price Hunt of New Jersey, «lections and perhups Inventions, Early in 1811 a post was established full to emplmslxe the Introduction of on the Columbia river In Gregun as Lho potato from America to Europe, Want Hunting Rights Restored the central trading point and named or else mention It quite Incidentally. Fort Astoria In honor of llie KconumUt* and aoclologlata, however, founder: * could make a good cuse for the potato The short history of Fort Astoria is as the New W'orfd product which baa full of tragic Incident—of the lo»» of moat deeply affected life In I be Old the ship Tonqulo, of the perilous ScientificVíew World. , trip overland made by, Hunt and Me- “When Spanish nnd English ex­ Kenzle and of the questionable con­ of Easter plorers and settlers found the potato duct of McDougal which resulted In It was grown In a desultory sort of tbe loss of the post. , way along the Atlantic coast of parts At the outbreak of the War of 1812 of North America nnd the I'acfic coast the Northwes. company convinced the IIIC feitlvnl now known «* of Houtb America. It had probably British fleet operating In the Pacific Knstar w** celWimtwl by spread to those regions from I’eru. for ■ri that the store of fur* at Fort As­ Un» J í'wii for tuuny ei»n- It Is believed to have been developed toria would be a rich prize and a /'tari«'* ln-fom tliu birth of Into a domestic plant In the moun­ wur vessel was dispatched to capture \ JoKua tu Ilo» l'atmmT, tain valley» of that land aonie thou­ It. In the meantime other agents of lm»wl on tbit mrlking evonl sands of years ago by pre-lncan (he company had appeared before the intMitlonifd In ICxoiJun 12:27, farmers. Tho world did not take to fort and persuaded McDougal thut It wbon dent run ton ftfil on the potuto at first, either In America would be best to sell out before the 'the ICcyi'tinni uni) not on or Europe. Not until well after the post Waa taken forcibly. The one I ho lii'linmi, American Hevolutlon did It become e humorous Incident In all of Ibe trage­ 'i in* i-uator foNiivul, nu »*• now ota* crop of major Importance In North dy of Fort.Astoria was.the Indigna­ brut«* li, any»« ICÙ^ur LucIimi Ijirkln. -America; and about the time of the tion of the captain >of ■ the British «tlrwtor, Mount 1/owo obi>orviitory, reach Hevolutlon a 1’nrlatan philan­ •loop-of-war when he found that Ills mur unknown j In „II,m4 t^irly t'hrlKtlun thropist, Parmentler, warlike expedition had been fore- ceuturlr*. Th<| firm riirtatliuw, hoi»« work to Induce the poor ztalleil by a snug commercial agree­ Urcvl.v dorlyed from Ilio Jewl/ib metropolis to ent the ment nnd thaf the anticipated booty soup kitchens. , - - . c lmrcTi, rfbntlnuotlTór. f»n¿:fói nbw*rv Frank Seelatse. RI»-Ellte-I‘olmer, ¡Youkosh-Qwllr and Loula Manu of tb«- had 'become British property In ths regular course of traffic; i When he the 1’uiuioYiT, ua well a* other orient The popularity of this ‘Apple of the Yakltna tribe of Washington, who visited the Great White1 Fnthir at tha saw what a miserable little stockaile cemiionles. earth' grew with e rush when Its vir­ White House where they presented tbelr claims for renewal of tbe hunting was this post which he had been led Hut tho raaaoror very erndrfally In*» tues once became known. Ireland waa treaty giving them rights over certain lands in the. Northwest. . come trnn«fvnmMf to KuMvr wbon converted early—ao- nmcb so that a to believe was s formidable military knowledge of the tuber spread front fortification, he exclaimed "la tUo. jA'aui'wup’iuliitUuted for the pnarbat concerned about, however. Is whether Inmh of Israel whlloyfn ICgypt. Thou that Island to other European lands, Indians Look Askance ^ the fort about which -I have beard) and It thereby acquired the misnomer, the sovereigns are to have the same ao much' talking! Damme, but I'd a differirne »rn»e/h* to the. time'of council aont Ilio Jnh over to tho natron- to tlio certainty of their conviction at “Dragon” Sovereign designs as formerly. Irish potato.' JTbe potato created an batter It down In two hours with » celebrating helWen the Chrlitkuna of onion In Alex mutria. The«« .good that lie whom they had seen taken In prewar times there were two agricultural revolution In northern Calcutta.—Ileportj from England four-pounder 1" . ■ • Hebrew and/Oentlle deaeent. Tfd* brethren could not decido, for' thoy from the erase, whose body had been kinds of sovereigns—one with King Ruropo and soon became the dominant that the. government has under .con­ Fort Astoria was' renamed Fort cootentlpiyálated for centurlea. Imil no lunar tables Tfku.wo now have lulil In Joaeph’a tomb, aurvlved aa a George's profile on the obverse anu crop. It even made - possible an In­ sideration turning out golden sover­ TbowTof Jewish demvnt licit! 'that computed hy mnutor nmlliciiiiillclnn». real and living presence lit their mliiat. SL George .killing the dragon on. the George when . the British - flag m i crease In population la a number of eigns again has aroused much Interest the dny of the death of Jesus should ■ho Alexandrians muchi mio», but tho This faith brought together the fright­ reverse, and tbe other with the royal hoisted over It. Although John .Jacnh European countries. Now It Is to that among the natives, who for many year» t»o>fie ilute of the ending of the pnsclml moon would not. obey ; Hunter would ened and dejected group of .dlaclplea atnndard Instead' of 'St, George. Aatpr'e grand enterprise, had failed, part of the world what rice la to the h a v e -always been eager to pay a pre­ which, In Hebrew r l t a lw a y s not fall on Monday moro than any In the aplrlt of conlldent rejoicing; It he lived to see It become Fort As­ Orient. It Is more truly the stiff of mium for certain of tho gold pieces, The coins hearing the dragon were wus on the fourteenth du y of the tmum other dnjr. nrrled them through ■ nriiuoua labor not In favor among the Indians, who toria ngeln, after -the' cry o f. “54-w life'-In large areas of the West than which they used for personal adorn­ In the evening; then“fore the subse­ nnd hitter peraecutlon; It won to them avoided them on every occualon nnd or Fight” had resulted In Great Bri­ llut all wonted It to come on Hun- heat Itself. But for the pottto Ger­ ment. ‘ quent, or Küster festival. would follow Increasing adherents; It triumphed Would not accept them on any ac­ tain's giving up her claim t<> the I'*- liny, ao each nutlnn then celebrated to many probably could not have' re- What the Indiana are principally Irrespective of the day of the week. ault, Thu« In A. I). !W7 they, had over every difficulty, ovor all oppoal- count. . clflc northwest nnd acknowledge Hut the Christinas i who tmd been hi.itor In Guul on March 21, In Italy linn, It-became the power of the life . The dragon, coins, were In disfavor the sovereignty of the United Stale« flentllcM him! strungers to Jewish rim* on April 18, mill In Kuypt on April SB, eternal, giving new significance to all also among the Chinese, and tbe prej­ “where rolls the Oregon." ■ taw* wanted .the first duy of the week, over a. month'll*-dluorcpunoy. Ituaala, life, new meaning to 'all the lessons sty Tumble for Giri Rider* udice was so great at one time in or Sunday, to be the tlrat duy of the < Irocco and Ihi^lund had trouble for they hud learned from the Master's eastern trading circles that they were resurrection festival. It* Builders Received coniurloa , Up«. • virtually barred from.business in many 18 Cents a Day Thus the Frlduy iirwedluk would l»e Klnnlly thl» rule waa adopted, hut We mny build this faith upon the parts o f the Orient. On August, 18, 1840, Gen. Slepti? . observed as the date of the crucifixion hot hy Ituada and Urooco: ICaater empty tomb, hut, In fact. It had deeper W. Kearney’s .“Army of the West,' . wit turn) paying any ; attention to the »hull ho the Brat Sunday nftor tho foundation tlinn Hint. . It went hack Survives 72 Helpings . day of th e'iïiimth,. the («st continuing fourteenth duy of the inoon which behind the tomb and the crass to tho marching to tnke part In the iln lii” until midnight of SaturTtnyl war, arrived In the “drowsy old town happen* on ur next uftcr March SI living Christ na they had known IHm. of English Meat Pudding . This ineiiiorabte dispute wn* ohe of of Santa F? anil took possession. Ira llut England would not agree to thta To lmve known Jesus win to have London. — Francis Bourn fins Just the most noted lu the history of titan* uhlll »0 late a» 1B8S. Abmduto accur known Hint there la a spiritual renllty completed a run of 72 annual helpings mediately afterwards cannon kind und was caused Ity the Irregulurl ncy I» no,t yet aecureih fur tha per which transcends tho mntertnl nnd the of the famous but heavy meat pud* placed on an eminence overloukln Ilea of the lime of full. nioou In refer­ turlmtUma »till make trouble. temporal. 'T his conaclmtsneas hnd dings, the product of the “Olde the town nnd these guns roared tort ence to the year. a salute to tbe Stars nnd Stripes: Thcae oro minute, however, ao been quickened In the auula of Ills fol Cheshire Cheese” of Fleet street. The Hebrew sacred year, Kxody Imvora. The Jealous hntred of Ills The puddluR"!* served free at th$ . A month afterwards Kearney ,vn)i 12:2, began, us ours ought to, at^he Kinder tahlea are nlreudy computed for more thun n century In tho future. foes, the brutal cross of ltoinhn power, hostelry to all customers at the open" to Brigadier General Jones, uiljuin tnstunv of the. vernal equinox. This tho acnled tomb—these were the Ing of the *ea*on each yeur. Mr. general of the army, ns follows; time Is subject to alight change» due -Futuro your» on vVliieh K.uatrr will fall on the »utno day_of thevniuhth : ymii'sceiit, the Illusory mentis where­ Bourn1 Is ninety-two years old and stlil this Is the cdpltnl of the ti-rr;:-. to the astronomical fact of perturba by It wns stupidly sought to destroy healthy. He has been a constant cus­ n new fort Is. being built under t) ■'March SB, SIKIS, 2100, SSSS, SBSO. lions of the motion of ull bmlle* In the the ojerrinl renllty inf His love. Ills tomer nt tho Cheshire Cheese, he says, direction of Lieutenant Gilmer it fi jolnr systetn. • ' • Mtiroh 111. 1020, 1001, 2002. SOI#. wisdom, Ills soaring fnlth In (led. And since 1S51. . / engineers und Is called, stihjwt t April 1, 11KH. HM\' 1050, 2018. dlut the variations are ns nothing The. effort hnd failed, llow could It The Inaugural ceremony In usually your approval. Fort Marcy.". Ev April 4, lOSll, 1090, 2010. ' , compnr«M| with tito wide vurlalUm* In he otherwise! llow can It ever be presided over by Borne noted figure, dcntly tha adjutant general ai'pmve times of full Jnoorf April 7, 10)85, 1900, 2075, 2080. otherwise! . April 8, 1928, 2007,-2012, 2001. such as the, premier, a cabinet’ minis­ of this meGiod of honoring Willin The Hebrew y based their years on And the meaning o f.Jtls life' .wns ter or an ambassador, and p place of Learned Marcy, secretary of u i.r lunar chunges/ while we now find the April 12, 1925, Hh’iO, 1998, 220«. Juat tlits—that the renllty In the life .honoris always reseryed for the per­ that Jtlmo, and so Fort ■ Marry, exncl h-ngtli'ofuf. t|»i your by watching April 10, IOTI, 1905. 22tk>. of ull men la the possibility o'f'becom son who can claim to be. oldest cus­ name remained as long as It ex.ist U ii''aun und «tiir* with exceeding ar- April SO, Ih'«.', 2008. 2004. lag like Him, of -expressing beauty curacy. Confusion always hnrniwod April SB. SIHHt, 2079. tomer of ttie Inn, Mr. Bourn has re­ Perhaps no other fort in the C and goodness nnd truth, of living now ceived the first helping In this seat of tln> uticlctit Hebrew* In chronology, 1 «1 Stules wns ever built by the': and always In the power of the life -• I .j honor for the last nineteen years and ernment nt such a small cost, because they tin sed the beginning uf eternal. ... . «inti mouth ut first-sight or the now has hod his pudding served by the late work on the fortification was d"n;- It Is the revlrnl ot tflnt resurrection American ambassador, Walter Hines union. ■ ‘ * fnlth which the world not'd« todny, a the volunteer trbops! li» Kearue: Tin*, by. applying the undent Jew- llli- avaaon of tho llraaurertlon ■Page, and Ambassadors Davis and army, a certain number of whom »< fnltlv In tho reality , of the continuing Ceorge Farvey., ' ' lali rules to Fitster,The "effect ws* that Tatory hna come nsuln. ThnniKheut detailed to this duty etich day. E>' life nnd the things which belong to It. ‘ Miss Lorralno-Liggett, daughter of Louis K, Uggett of Brookline, Mass., The fumous pudding Is known to tin- iluto* of thè crucifixion jinil re*ur- the Chrlatlnu world the nilmla and Nothing else can save us from the per­ man who worked 10 days or more c ' reti Ion, two duy* »uiilMwedfto be fixed liearta of men nre turntnl to' dwell photographed ns site toilk a bad spill when her meant missed a hurdle. Miss contain rump. steak, kidney, lark and seeutlvely; got the mngnlllceiit sum verted sense of value* which curse« Iflggell nus thrown heavily but by good fortune-missed seridus Injury. oysters. ~ .. for ull tinte, varied. upon" a- fact which 1 no nulunillatlc Immunity, from the circling pursuit of 18 cents n duy extra on his par: TI10. iroublo lu duo to tho fort thut critic of Ihe gosiH'lu hairTver succeed llluidon, from the vnln struggle for The fort was further’ Improved Ilio inoon revolves armimi Ilio ornili In ml In explaining aivay. that which cannot satisfy. ' ) Col. Edwin V. Sumner ofjlhe -7 liny* 7 honra lit minutos UH »ec­ fnl,' was given to the star soon after ■ Faith- mny.dUffcr oyer, whether the The vital messnge of this Easter, MIRA, THE SECOND LARGEST the discovery of Its .remarkable varia­ dragoons, who took command " f : . aitili!*, mul tho earth around Hie aun reported reJurreetlon experlencea iif season Is-the call to every man to live tions of light by Fabriclus ln 1590. It military department of New .V»t . Ill 81,538.149 seconds. Therefore the the follower» of Jeaua were ohJoeUve In -the-' light and power of the life KNOWN STAR, IS MEASURED Is the most noted example of a class In- July, 1831, nnjl .some of the n " mixm miiko» 1S.3US7 rovolulliiii» to Tho or auhJecUve, but history recorlia be­ eternal., and the assurance that. to ments who . garrisoned J t -later ■ oartli'» one . . - ' ■ of variable stars of similar type, of yond 'ertectlve contradiction the com­ every, man such a life Is possible. some stirring service during’ the i ■ Then . fu ll, moon tlnioa arc tint In Throuqh Obasrvatlons at ML Wjilton which there are about lOQ known. pelling nnd Iranaforuilng rrimlt upon JcsuS lived It supremely. Those who f^rometef attached io the observatory's war. “ » , ' liamuony with the spring equinox. Scientist Finds Body Has Dtam- 100-Inch telescope, the same with They nre deep red-In' color and nre life and character of those expert- ilure to follow where lie-leads may Fort .Marcy was not tbe Thta furl cauaoil ¡.Trat trouble with .U r of 250)000,000 Mils» which the first measurements.o.fBetel- doubtless all stars, of Immense size, fir-t cncea Whatever doubt may .be held know Its Joy and when the world ac­ erected on this' hill in San;» limo In all antiquity. Tho illfllrulty aa to whether the men' ant} women guese were obtained. ■ - • low temperature and exceedingly low cepts Ills leadership It will find both density. Away, back: hi tbe. beginning .»t coiitlnded for 825 years until aottloil who testlfed to neelng thd Haen ChrlM Wa»hInglon.—Sioa»uh.-mcnts at Ibe Announcement of the measurement righteousness and pence—these treas­ .Serenteelitb century, before the the (’ounrll of Mro. looked, with the. eye’« of the body upon Mount Wilson observatory of tho Care was made by the Carnegie institution “As a class those stars’ are moving ures It citK never find while It gropes grims landed- on Plymouth U’« (■ . Noi being alilo to decide hoiv to Jin', nil actual physical manifestation of nogle.Institution have established that on the basis, of. atlvices from Mount very rapidly In the sky, some of them amid the shadows of Its pasting pride Spanish “xplorere who pushed..»■ diet the roourronco of Kantor, tho their Master, there can bo no doubt aa and pomp. ■ 5 ' Mira, the remarkable variable star dis­ Wilson. "The results Indicate,"“ the having velocities of . more than 100 from Mexico foupfl on this nte covered by David Fnbriclus In IKK! lo announcement.saysl “an angulpr oiam-_ miles a second toward dr away from tho constellation- Cotu*, Is the second-fter for M ira'of ahont six one-hun- the earth." dences of a Pueblo ru in ,which Day Devoted to H ope jemphnsla upon Its promise lo personal over the law of force. To the Chris­ largest known star, theleby displacing dredlhs of a second of arc, a value been abandoned many years I*' ■ Immortality—“Posth Is swallowed up tian, Easter, is the proof that‘the con­ the noted Lletelguese for that honor. but which evidently had one u r e a f i y W orth W hile ,a T|Ct<1I7 Th#t n,„e lm, br„URilt ^ about 25 per cent larger than Retel- ception of Ull&»*hlch Jesus brought to With an angular diameter of about Four Cured of . Leprosy used hy these peaceful .’ people,» ASTKH DAY brings a hvaefit »|iart Juicing lo many a hedrt, and ths ImpU- gue»e. The most probable value of mm has behind It the power of Goil. 250,000,000 miles, It Is exceeded only : the distance Is 165 light years,. Assum- defense against, the wild, tribes « from siierltlc religious- lieUef cod- ‘ in Louisian»!- U, S. Says E ratlou* Involved In the.belief that man \\ hen,.those who give., allegiance to Dy Amare», chief »tar of the ismstella- ! lug this .distance: the diameter of the sent raiding parties against th>a corning Its significance. To have at 1* Immortal, that the ImUxIdunl nur- Jesus are willing to take up the cross Washington.—'Four tqen who entered' Although 81. Augustine, Fla- ■ least one . day In the year devoted to lion Scorpio, with a diameter of 400.- j star I» 2.'*UW.COO miles. vlte* the grace, ire of great lm* and follow Him. that power will work the national home for lepers at Care- the predecessors .. of Fort M- hope, the highest and most daring jHirtnocf*. 300,000 tulles. It Is larger hy »bout 25 | 'The star vi'rles gtvaily In light another resurrection. It wilt bring per cent than lletebeiese In the rea- J through a period oT about eleven vllle. L a, several ye^rs ago, have been seem to have the beet claim is ; hope. la greatly warth while. To en­ But Easter hold* « further promise. hsck from The-grave which Mammon itellatlon Crlon, which waj. measured i months.- Its brightness - changing q«s discharged from the Institution as distihctlon of being the first , ’ .cesirage the faith that life wlll’eventu- I t 1* the «Bsurnnco thnt the Ideal* and haa tpade and scaled all that Is best cured. The United States public health *^fDj;,'»wallow up death it needed with (or tho first time aboirt four years agre I much ss 2r*Mold in.that Interval. The and first fort built on .he >■ program of Jeeu* will be realised In and most beautiful Is the capacities of service announced.that' the men have our Appearing hut a speck In the sky to measuremeats of the stab's diameter ’ American continent by the ’ •ptrlt the human soul, and men will lire the the naked ‘ eye. the measurvniema of Santa Fe and the ■ progenitors ref' « M ...... elk». life for which God destined them—the were mad#whet, the .«tar was ne«r ! f Z r ,• ah.d'duri^“th^mlreTlme ^6 premll Mira were made by Dr. Francis' E, Its recent maximum.- Marcy , can claim a generous Uft of too* of CfcxL ;v . .. S ta te with the 20-foot JUchcUoo Inter- **Prt?y baccllus had been absetit tram ^ V Jh e^ am e Mira. « The Wonder- \ their Jody tissu«*, In the -honor of -being relics cl to e of-Spain In the New World r mM;>ì 1 L - - - 4

/ W-- 4 ' • • ...... S£3£&S¡f'" f*- r '/

■ *<



tmoi» Forts in

LJ. S. History ^r.r^ T ! .Mnaro*- V%~ *dmittel d* li. n ***** deducted rsreetty -^ 1,^ ,1^ T- ELMO s o m WATSON

till. Wt i r t N«w«p**«r Uaiwn i

era J«hn Jacob Aitor’« Great Plan Failed leading (Ejects of commercial ave gtven birth to wide .od enterprise la the early blitorj Two Vrry Inumrtant divisioni Americas: the precious metals comidetml lastsicuson to thè tllader south and the rich peltries of Irall «yiteiu. one thè allgnmont Into rth," writes’.Wasblngtpn Irvin* northevu |,sk„Ia,aI1,t ,,.e nther opening chapter of “Astoria." Inroufh tht* I^ke |»Mrk regton «if Min- ronlcle of one o f the moil ro­ neM ta tu W limlpeg, .\IUnlio|,n. 'rtirss* dlvtilhns wlll M-rve IhoUsauds o f trav . of all these daring enterpriser • ie r i in urjft. . • s story of Fort Astoria is the if. how John Jacob Aitor. once 3 «*urvi «.•cuumluie.l front th,. «talW of Mluourl. ho.u. Mlnnmoti. Vi.rth inn Immigrant boy In New York ind S..ulh Dakota «ad Montana tndl- J- the American Fur company cat» th it thè romito-,t uf ( ii,o.u r and bow the'next year or­ I the Pacific Fur company to .¡ r f ! 11 ezcptlonally Ko<»j ; ».oUO lulles Of well nuirke.1 nllgnment e with the lordly Northwest la corupitsed o f :i|o "m llr, ,,r ,„ 1V|ng, ty o f Canada. \. 1.4U7 lu lles o f grinl.-ij Eyavi-I, tari dated with him were three ■ m ll.i of i-rmi.sl ,llrt hlglm-ay. nowt of em“ployeea” of~the.fiorthwcst thè Ut ter heing under ii.nim.t fnr ty, Alexander McKay, Duncan •'Tracina . la Ilio ncur future. Tue gal and Donald McKenzie, and mini,iti.dollari »H« irne,n-,| in r.vi lo Price Hunt of New Jersey, pernmiiehi Cnnsiructlou ul.>ng ito- in 1811 a post was established mllea of thla iiopulnr trnll ’fieni st. Colombia river In pregun as i.'yuli lo Ilio aorlhivest otral trading point and named A d slre i fnuu ilo. «mte h|Khwny ile- Astoria In honor of the partineati linllmlo tlmt Mi,,oli ri leadi r: In |ir*u«i«e,l ilevelotniiem nini |n 11103 short history of Fort Astoria Is W ll h» Ih» ...... itale'.In. accmn- tragic Incident—of the loss of 250,000 Memorial Half Dollar» pllihed rond conitructlon, nini that lip Tonquln, of the perilous towi II.Meli idvanctsl, eicept for iur- erlttnd made by, Hunt and Me- fiiclng In thè miuthern pnrt of thè and of the questionable con- • * W '*«• team. Tbc «tri. ar. .« „sek .ll#u . uj ^ state, hut thit radicai clmngei In-thè f McDougal which resulted In •ilinlnlatratlon of ilo. towB rmul-pru-' n of the post. , «ratti nonr under tuniMeralluh'by ili« he outbreak of the War of 1812 leglilalure .vili brlng uhoiit tli«) ilo- irthwes. company convinced the Like Mammoth «Ireil rem iti. - ■ fleet operating In the t’acltle th è MlsnoUrl im i Intra niad lieveI- he store of fura at Fort As- npinent Oli thè (llnci.-r Trall h.-get, nn would be a rich prize anil a * f c ' epodi tiniklng pertod In a dnimted tssel was dispatched to capture trend of travul to thu inirlh inni imrlh- " ' the meantime other agents of £?* w eit. • , . mpany had appeared before the Illinois pavcinent now eiirrlra |hB ad persuaded McDougal thut It m hundroili or llmiisainls of Ifutòlors . be beat to sell out before the ivlio ulti ioon tie piis..|ng. t)vi*r tira Was taken forcibly. The one I ...... 'l’riill 70)1 11,11« user to thelr ous Incident In all of Ibe trage­ liortliera olij.-i'llvci. ' Fort. Astoria w as.the lndlgna- i Aulhorlilea emne.le tlmt INI per cent if the captain >of ■ the British of Un. olitomi,mie |„„r|,lM lir„ d, >f-wnr when he found that his frinii lourlng Imre« 11« )n thi-tr travela.' e expedition had been fore- It li. Dicrefore, coii»l*|l-m ||mj ,|lfc I by a snug commercial agree- iinirked lilgliwiiy», „Ideii T cily K|Vn and tha|' the Anticipated booty • Mine recolveil, timitilnlii imirlng Ini- ecome British property In ths timui'nt striitoile pyliiis, ( r course of truffle! j When he I i.iim «liison Ilo. ( II,odor Trilli umili, that a miserable little stockade I tuliied tlires leiirlng huroini«, lontleil his post which he had been led J «dviinliiKi'oinl}- fr.r il,« irmelera' e.,11. • levs was a formidable military [ icn leiieo In Hi. I.iiiiIs, VI,,. ; st Paul M ltm .,'and M inile,ipoli,, '-| |,(.só cation, be exclaimed “la tta. I h* " r Mprf,‘l ,r" '^ 1 ■'* wèigh.rVia lon^uí uam ,u V,M" - 10 art about which I have beard! Ihfw.hiireain Iminlleil HI.77H l.mrlng pari lei t„ 11121, «Iti. , ,1, „ver,.«,, .«f ich talking! Damme, but I'd* WARNS OF NEW QUAKE It down In two hours with, »rf threv.) persoli» tt, Ali,, pnrly. or 11 torni ounderl" . ■ • of rit),.TJ8. l orly lwo per cent of Ihes» Peoria Woman Now a Duchess triiveleil all, or ji pari „r (In- m iy, mi t Astoria was' renamed Fortl frican coin*“ 0t 0enera'* Le. «nd Jack«» on h o m e ta ^ h ,"j» ^ « T lz a tlo a o f tb. go» e when. the British flag wml 1 ______» . ' • is equestrian figure« ever placed o* t ie fltuelcr Trall, ils dlrected ...... d over It. Although John .Jamtil th e ie htirenui. More timo |i) per rem coiiij.leted u tour to Un oinelnr Na- a grand enterprise, had falle-lj thniiil pnrk, Momuim. . «1 to aee It become Fort A*J - [.g e t s * 1 1 , 0 0 0 f r o m c h i n a 'Itili yeiirmor» Inireiiu» aro lo |>n again, after -the' cry o f. "¡vt-wl Biggest Sailitig Ship on Her Way eitahllihed timi iiiiinngeil hy thoroiigh- tl>t” had resulted In Great B rli !y coiiipetent altendnrili, wl.o wlll giving up her claim to the I“h-I bave iiviillulile nccuriito toiirliig |t|. northwest and acknowledgls» formati,in. wlll, rm„| eotolltloa. «od iverelgnty of the United Stute«| w en iher re|NiIla. mnl w lioio h iiR In eiilt e rolls the Oregon." \ I» lo direi I Just «* inimy tmvelers ns liosilliln over thè rinite o f‘ili» Illuder It* Builders Received Trilli. 'Umiligli nlllllnllon wlll, thè Noli,in- al lllg h w iiy i iiNNodfiiloii o f IV/ishlng- fon, II, C „ Uni (||„e|er T roll-lin a he. ■ •• - - |ih rt ni - fin* |>ro|>o>««j<| y.vi.ooo- inlle a.vsti-m ,,f miiloiml lilghwiira lm hiiljt nnd fnrover luiiliiinliieil |,y Ihe.l.iiHeil Hlnlea goferniiiciit r /fhroiigh thls niilloiiul nssivehitliin || Imi hei-fi imselhle lo |mt out Usi issi iwn and these guns'roared fortl) urge „m i ne,.-urini, United Hlntes tour­ ite to the Stars and Stripes; Ing liuips. w Pirli set out thè nllgn- iionth afterwards Kearney wniti oient of il.» (Under Trnll, un n ell . Igadler General Jones, udjutril «Il Ilio othei limili nuioiiiohlle Unir- al of the army, us follows: ■ oliglifar«. -In, A i,ieri« . Theae wlll he Is the capital of the terrltoi umphiyeil In „|| primi,,nl |o,irln« Ini- v fort Is. being built under til nttiUK, hulirls unti giiriigi^ Ion of Lieutenant Gilmer uf 111 eers and la called, atibjwt ti ■3 approval. Fort Marcy.". E 'J \ l-rof. Klrtioy K. Mather of the de- rtviriK federai Hoad r the adjutant general ayproveft lx;rtn‘(,pl uf e,',,lnKy- Harvard uni- .SyHtom Kpòchal FJvent' la method of honoring Will»« W,l° *« -ji» the -I nlied Hlntes Departincnt of A--- a certain number of whom »<| Bn t|»e world, the hiirquc Is-niunned I:° "do°* Th«. lurgest »alllag rlr-ijlforF.. . ** ed to this duty ehch day. K‘ f miiny of them sous of nobl. mrn oft '1" cn> k. Mfil |(||* uNHuf^tiiou rtf (hi* fiNicrui «OV- ish “xplorere who pushed o -' frnim«/i|f w lildi j»nyH up rA) p«-r rrnt Mexico foupfl on this sde is of a .Pueblo ruin „wlfidi }ver sir 8.,,_,SC-'r1' aillos i l ' " ” were 1"* "completed l“ '» « » ™ |„ .l abandoned many years Is-J i s h ji>. b rin g in g f fu* infill f'DinplotFd vblch evidently had once «Irne im o ,o nr,. 137.m ile* P ' by these peacefulpeople ‘J ise against, the wild/tribes «F G asolin e Tax Favored ' ■aiding parties against theo-j nough St. Augustine, KIs,- More than three-quart,>ra ,,f 'the predecessors .. of Fort Mas Mates In the Unhinjis well hi the District of Columbia have.ndopted ths to have the beat claim to J tvmikni E. Boctfèèii. head ^oodol gasoline tax as nn cqilltiihle mean* of ctlon of being the first tfl* Wluto House has workad June Casfleton of Boston, prot-iiring funds.for highway develop, first fort built on .he >T out an economy plan which cut* down Mat*, th» expense of official entertatntoz at wjfe u f'D a a Caawelt; heir to-m lJ. went. In practically every case i t , lean continent by the ■ **f funds^ secured through this laxf 'tfrt Fe and the■ progenitors off the executive nmnalon. Mr. B o d rtri HODS, wbqybaA agreed that their “peri twoelveda au h prlie for hU p r^ o*u . Illinois fioio(f|fM /i T «t.i i» i ' . ly. can; claim a generous ™ nor *® Perfect, and p r the, college of agriTOlW. ■ ^ ,,*“r’ í'ure'í're0 “ «'»'dn, bred nod ttevejoped “X X r°ttJ iT rove,"l5F1t. cither con-'I p ss'sssar“'* « y » » w L which wo« the beat of the A O ^ jrl ‘k y have ,a “nice frtetidly »(ruction or rnslntengnce. Mt,hy_L, ''',!T e-honor of ,bfInf relics cl | i«tloiu offasfwL , . ffirtiiB* . June -U a former Folttes -record la milk andjbquer fit ò r i , r - >l ,llluo1" ' ,lil* "ct « new Illinois». ^wsy-oflidals ; predict tliat,'^ if-Spain to t^ N ew World - by producing » Jk fM lU ir t* otX lT^j74X ’r- '» '" y o ' dd« of all breed*.,.Y* f«w years this tneaoa .cif rah 1* ^glvaleat to 8flOAB% !L ^ . ^ pouníto-^.f^t .1« a jraar. .Jb|, for highway work wl.'t be I ‘ li• H rj ft t t e In thiTiitlon. ' i ■ “is - ico• , ^: ;y -fei , ■ e -e*r L-V.-:C 4 ^ I V-i-i J-i t Vi1 ^/, ^T^J1 j J1"

v i As jfCíSfrWiS a » di: w 7

TES CUSTOM) crm ** »«ltírrw-^l lo Un- Ho*M of Kdrna Study tha Chiggar ASO CHRONICLE tlon mw!<*r d*t<» of April 2. Ctilgfrn ir« acarcatj tira a°rt of II»» ^ - April ‘¿. 1íC* D itrrliJ you would cars l» bring IM» Published I w j Thursday í íloarri of K«!u« »tloJi your- wbo»lrootn for ftudj 1 M l * Id T — X—J-----:------“iölw hói*a fb»t ao vtllflöor Isasaa m«J □ay oi m « ngw ciroirn Unión“ AreoníT Cranford. Tí. J. íirritU'Hii’n: I»»d I» the unwilling »tquliltlo» of á reopening and «dedication ut Ine W«. %t i«lt lo mknoM I# m ojp t llding. Th« audltorlfnn I* on* of JAME» t ttAiS*» of voiir of rn-i-nt ■upply- O» lb« other bind, Editor «od ruUttM* tit« prettiest and rmwt cliurchly of REVEN room It»«- t<» tlw mi i I inn tjf tile, eviim«* , would b« tilunbl« I» id 1 cto». ddf* IM ui» to Ira-found anywhere: ana | beat. Ove lum of tin- Mo riimn ScIh'hiI for 8 Nature Maialine.- Tou»g»t»ni kdow* the remark, “What a transform* able. TeL T H l’RNDAY. a b k i l gytiiouMli' ila«» for tin* rifl/i-tt« of. log vlion und wlior* tbo ding or at st- lion!" lu frequently Irasrd- A very Grafitarli. -At «nr lu*t iilw thir <¡1 incb 1» wren««,greatest. .ou»nd »tbo . »bout ... molds — ■ ...... —rh Turns Two Dollars » Tour. " X f'i'r "'» "'1.'? n. » » .< » » * anil's verj happy mlnüter preaelied HAVE Mg dcmgad tpV honaeajaad Cutwnl .1 lb* CrsirwO r»te OB« M Uy n “Triumphal entry" aermon. »tres»- bungalows InyTkaktonL - What • RKmd c u * a»*»» • tiiKtr» your lumril print l*aHy pro ; f*al »ufftnng. ,/ Ing Jesns ttirtot1» rule In the -null- havfiYouT f t f Oftf c 101 Ceoten- ______- - — httMf«mI tit«* furllirrann* of till* pro-[, ...... “ “ rlilual life of tlm church aa the par­ BrookfieldButter, 49c nUI avenue, CranintML ' * , . din*«* MÚn no »Itrrnalivf- fo r’ Spirit mí IÄ> A g * amount thing. HAVE client who would Uke to boy Tin* Township rommliHo I« to aliaioloi. tlo* M*»» T»lit which «»• call tb# »plrtt •I’ll»# g,«Hl wot It for t'r*tifoni by ord.rta^ ,.,„-trU< . «V ^lnr.-rr lr regret that wnu" w Paator Chadwick then called the a honm la good condition, not leas .; l.|rtrl)' - tV(. i gg». U UUldOlU t dOfltllt* ltd COOPTO» trustee« to the altar anil prtmeeded than four bedroom«. Moat he a repair« end ndayfnr «Idewalk« on 1th the Imiireaalve Detllcatlon rib mull) «lii-et« in town Tlie Intent w'im - furred to take thl« itt io li’ henil*« thing, like 1 bargain. What have you? Frltx ■ KeaimïSthXttof uallatlc aervlee. . . , of the rm nnilttee I« to get rid of «mild Ira* alt Ideal-thing for IHe J'ti-j '• » : «..«a » * 1925 Spring Lamb Boffo, 104 Centennial avenue, Cran­ The Flrat. Methodist Kplscoital ford. ' ' - - luul sidewalk' rondinoti». In inai» fir«’ foifinninily. • ■ ! whkh ili* bwwi uf llfbt fall apart Church enters upon a new era. .full « ÿ ^ a a dA ùnantfty ofBrnSraeSi , ««e» nlinoet ilbueputahte Stranger» A* you » if already-'aware, «ori «r» they hurdljr hire rorapletud tbelr of I tope and ctK,iteration, and cor­ Lamb is a delicious meat and it may be cooked in 7 ' ftMlûÛQ ÌB locftÉBd'm' in town on some, »irret« «tumide Idea u s , to give the men, women, Alì thés» yarylag colèra dà rom over uneven «Idewàlk« and wonder dially Invites everyone wltlwut a so many ways— appetizing in any lorro. ’ : SIX room flat All Improvements. 2useW» stre4 er t * n<’ '***'"* aDth Ä —W*»rraBi«f« rr— Ufur * mMara v t n 11 ... g )imm-imu 'lining the day, an '¡U ! form the reprusentatloa ef aa aga, church 1 home to fellowship and - JnaAlaro „A Vw_ . - . <*. ■ , . I _ ■ .. ' " - ' . what kind of a Idwti we liave. .Out nnd bov. win. eoulil uot utlllre tMe tnd wht„ (hfj 0OJ,iUtgt« 1U dlitaat |3S per month; 37 Burnside ave commune here. , ñue'alao a loor, room flat. (30 per own insude learn In lltne Jujt »hen ,Kvr t unit y to gel »ometliltig wldrh/ •vaneaeeat expression,— Ha- 2SSA2S5Sir*0r¿*N»I1,í- ‘‘LS*™* A ccount^. to .li p high tint thi not feel kindly , |„,y neeiled, l. e . the prope/; Special ' Holy Week services are month;------30 Burnside ■ - avenue. * TeL tminrdH tin- owner .who allow* tli<- ¡.j',,,, ~ ,4 “¿y„mn»tlc' training m iih-r genbarh. being held every night this week 1925 Spring Ducklings Cranford 425. ■ . / eidewalk to get out of ufmrk J run-' s „|(|an,,. of « i.gpihKi Initriif. - . ------— — ~ except Saturday. On Sunday, Ras­ STORES and Apartment*, all ini ford Is all rigiri bui In tb ” ig« our'ineiiiberK III mnklng Iffuuii ; Early Shaving Implantant* ter services will be held An the Finest Long island stock, grown and fed right and provementB, new building. For lu not live tip to Itigli «laudarti« jj s („„„„g (In, e|||/en« nf (Xtinford.: — church at 1»:30 o’clock In the morn­ term*, apply Ehmllng Bcoo, wwb According to llerodotua. ■ the KgyP4 ing and at 8 o'clock In the evening in other matter« found that In prartliyilly every In flans «hived continually, only let .. killed at the right time. , «tatué, the iM-ople whom /they Hit and the Castor . preaching at both ser­ N^W modem two-family house, up­ 1e r—many Cranford- Iiroarheil were im!|ii«IJfledly...... In the hah : and beard grow when they vices, Tim Junior Choir will render per apartment. *lx rooms and aun — Anot her mat ter two anlTtenw In-the morning. Mrs. l«m|de apparent ly are very Indlfler |nl„ r ,,f «neh n eia*« a n d 'ln 'luui.t i were In mourning. The barber of Abe porch; 57 Burnside avenue. Phone ent on («’keeping '■ their " preiul«' 1 » .free...... |I,,Vi*h«i» eiprekM-il.*prek«ei‘ tlm ' opinion ■ . that [ unrient Egyptian« waa known aa tha Joseph ilrown will be the soprano W9-R- • tt from litter and wa«!,'^ lAikruipt . ,||(.v j,,|( {pf, work wit« of «tlfflclent j haq. He etnployed ' ‘ vsrlous ‘ ‘Inatru- “ ' soloist, Mr. bester Thomas,- tenor, Fresh Killed Turkeys . SIX room house, 155; five room hl« wotl Mr. (Its,. K. \ynrner, bass, and .Mr. tear yartl« ami vacant lot« Imrf » . imiHirtauce to warAatit otir lit-part minis, a rssor lametbasa la tbo apartirient, $55; five room apart­ town scrloipdy ami there I« m> good: ,,f Kihicalltdi tuaklng this a Kenneth I-ofgron, violinist. None better to be had anywhere. . ment $45; «oven room house ftii.. shape of a amali abort hittbit with a The evening’s program will In­ excuse to oner. Cranford easily |1|ir( ,ff g|,|.fj- curriculum.- We fed recurved handle, and other Inatru- Rankin Real Estate, 101 North rnulfTAM.Anade Spotless ’l^twli anil ,|l(lt entire’ board lilts made a dude all of the, above with substi­ avenue, West. ' . 49 menta shaped like a knlfe were moat tution "of Miss Rlsie Orl as soprano kepi “s o w in m tererm in at Ion to do 1(.1V .ét ions mist ake hy not encour- SIX room upper apartment, all 1m- be- arreats for 5SS It and a comiiaratlvely «mall „ying thl« \)brk. e«|ieclally when It genernOy usetl. soloist. Raster services will be held Fresh Killed provements. Six minutes from amount of .'effort. The Toun»hl|ittl,n|(| lm| (tsuilie any outlay of ail- it the Sunday School. Children's statioh, north side. Vacant May I. »0 0 t a i n ^ ? î L 0rîlplS “ 4 Mfi tal fine* eoHected^fJi«. Comtiilttee ha«, thl« prdlilfin lu-fore, ,||t|i,nal trioliey, luit would sllnply Indian M ontoons hour at 1>:80 a. in., and In fho upper Fed by experts and packed specially for our trade. Phono Cranford 550-W. grades at noon. '' ft hut It would .not tie any problem ; r(M|i,}r«. iippiinitu» I lint Is now III the ' The heavy rainfall la India Is caused FLAT for rent, live rooms, $30 per A public invitation Is cordialty ex­ m ut all If thé people lhem«elve« «I ltr>i.l - ...... ami otined hyAhese.... «ame cl' by the monsoon} or wtnda blowing month: 340 Centennial avenue, n ^ l& S S b S * * * + iü**«? ^®ñ“0°íuidK*th«^ thl wouïd do their'part. ■ tirons/ ‘ • . . tended. Midweek service on Wed­ inquire 31 Henley avonue, Cran­ We sjiicerelv hofie that you will part of Ilia yaar .from one dlsectlon, nesday, 8 p, in. . ford* " • . ( nltcrnotlng with winds from tha oppo­ Roasting Chickens V ‘•Ÿ1?1 "r i ta This Spring.there will be much gl\,< this m ailer flirt her thought NOTtOK or ISTÍSTIONEMTION FLAT for rent, six rooms with bath, J « » Special Npeetal Marshals ata'K ^ tto IS'JST* ami consideraiIpn wl.tlt.the prospect site direction. Tlie aoutliweat monsoon Let all improvements and heat, re- doing |n the matter of (onnfy I atk lilow* from April to September and (a KoUre Is h«r«br *1»« that It Is the Ini You get the finest when ordering from us, Jr-...... il lien**««! Ä^^^.Bbtoiha! made tau SIBoroúihí Impnivements In Cranford and .xl td Inaugurating-'glieli a class this I top ef the Board of Health of the Tuwnslilp eeutly remodeled, $45 per mantli: _Arthnr, George Oonklin «ul - l*re«- SOCTII KlIlK.CIVIC ASSO helglits of Abe Cliete and forffls tha adopted b> the Locil Bond ot IImIUi of the will satisfy you. . • . CIATION O FCIfA N FO Ifl), S. J. Teunahlp of Cranford, Ui tbo County of Union, th» raffi' ®onduri«5« vxi^uieiu To ot>en i. rlver to ...... of Cranford rivers which (low to the. east. Now J«f»oy,jw«*o4 January IS, 1X1. and that P0RHX8HKD ROOMS FOR RENT ¿ ¡¡J g J j J been pro-, track Oftily in ^ wonderful Pleasure ground fop «h.- „^.TliSBUAV. Al'Rlfc XI. " “ .W O pleasant furnished rooms lor egred by » member of the Cbunty to Hrftif oauiden w hïïh^ IMiopie. It hail Iteeti platuietl to take Whora Two Rivera Moot .. at «as P. M„ ' light housekeeping;- 102 Union over.Aor Park pur|Mises a large set­ _ tba lima and tha townahlp Itoami. corner avenue, N., Cranford. . - t i l Ä '!Ä l ’ÄfÄraiÄ At Khartoum, Alio capital of the Union Atrnua and Aldrn HUM. la lb» place Milk Fed Veal t Ion of what Is known as Normandy: uhrre a final hearing will be (Iren to all per­ LARGE room suitable for two gen- Park hut the greed of the l-andi TîSnity Anglo-Egyptlan gudan. tha two Nlloa, eons bitrtntrd In utd propoaed ordinance aa One of the tastiest meats you can serve, It may tlernon. Price reasonable; 1(M I the White iind the blue, moat. Thl follbwa i - Union avenue. North. Cranford. I Company will probably make neces-! AN ORIIINANCS to amep.d an ordinance sary a change of plan «villi the re-! water of the one river, la of a grson- entitled, "An ordinance to regulate the olurab* be used in many ways too. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for suit that money Hit; Omimlsslon \ Ish-gray color; that of tbó other la Inf and drainage el bulldlnga, adopted by the gentlemen; near station, excellent I ina« Mt-ellnhln will lie suent- mi Ilici Cn Oootl Irltlaÿ there will lie a Local Board of Iteallb of Uit Towgablp of clear and blue, except when In flood, Cranford*’ In ths County of Union. N. 1.'* location. References. Phone I m e? St e of Ti e river If Allis lui tliree-lùtuf Passion Service;; from * ‘ “*■X IMI. done and tentative .plans carrie d i1» noon .until .’f.p . tit.: children* when It gains s chocolate brown from psaaed January tilb. ----- Its nil ovini burden. Be 11 ordained by lb«, local Heard ot UcatUi Beef from t the FU RNI8HED single room for gen- I out It will tirnv'e 'a great ittilillc f service at 4 |t. in., nnd 'Ovetilng of tbo Townahlp of Cranford, In Uta County tleman. Private family. Near uta-1 Itene fit for the'W hole /County as prayer, anil address nt 8 li.tu .^ ^ _ ' Union i I ; hcncIH for the whole /County Section I. That SMlon l of the ordinance tlon. Box R, care of Ultlzen anil I widl as for Cranford: j Services on Raster Sunday will hé Art of Quoting I mllUod "An ordinance to regulate Uta plumb­ Chronicle.1 ‘.i I ’ *•* f*» iifiiic oi Wfi as follows: Sunrise celebration of ing nnd drain«.« of bultdlnaa, adopted, by Uta Sblectefd Cattle LARGE rand small rooms, with o rl tlie Holy CViimmiiilon at 11:80,«. We are as much , Informed of Local Board of Health of the Town :>lftter connect with i ,Tltls year New Jersey elects seconti celehratltiin at 8 a. in.; late writers genius hyiwhat h»ha selects aa Crnnford, In tbo County of Union, .. Our-expert selection of -Bee(f Cuts gives A g rb a t without «board; • 8 Alden, street. 1 (lovernw arid hy changes' <" We reail the psaaed January XSUi, tall, be and It hereby Cranford. Plioue Cranford; 236. tf:I . .. j - PotaS which'u is^i^ eelelìrallon. wlt'li sermon, at II by what h» originate!. Wt a amended to read aa follow!: ] ’rlmary luiws the nrltnary to none a. in.: rile of Holy llnpllsm at ‘2:80 quotation with bis ayes, and find Sect ton I. That Uta office of utd Local advantage in quality which our :cu8tomers have NICELY furnished room, all eonven-1 inate camlldates will Ire held In Board of Health shall be In the Townahlp lences. Meals If desired; 115 North I l ^ ^ ^ ’T ta r a lto as tb wheth- iUman OTlrieS8wtatcS* ^ 7 p. in.: children’s festival Kervlce at now and fervent aenau; aa a. passage Wtanroiito'* -Arthur could bold the Pfr ®ont. of property hold« June, The lieiiioerats ap|tear to I p. in.; evetisong. with ndilress,„ut Itooma. And that tha abort UUe by which the benefit of. avenue, West; 49 f have concentratetl on ' candidate from one of the poets, well recited, Ihte ordinance may he deelgnated .end referred E i 1* nomination “,1?ek ip'rid demand'the i! 8 II. III. borrows new Interest from the. ren­ to than ha "1’lumblnx Coda.” - ■ But Mr. Gow refused to fhlewslks but Inasmuch as Moore, hand-picked liy Prank Hague Beet Ion IL ThalBeclloo I of aeld ordl TOR BAUUMXSOKLLAXaOITS ■ mlused tolTÍ*1“" * ' " but toasmueh as The Oréen 'I'rlattgle w ill hold Its dering.— Emerson, l^ .taanhto amname e to be conafderadcotuTdered torfo r]p ‘he etitio petitioners n ers ow n ed any of-ltudson County, Tlie Itepuldlcans April social, on Monday evenlni nance be end It hereby la-amended to read aa. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Including ptrlet Clerk wlll havo three candidates to choose follow« I' . Calves Liver - Squabs piano,- ehlna closet, chiffonier, and u e r i W^ whlch i» le,k^left Mr. .r’ Ar- *“? ¡»lock Í In5 Questtanquestion itmIt w. u April 18, In the Parish House, % ftf BUsUr' pluab« twfor« 4ob)| ftttv r ther - i ^ F candidate. Whether “P tato taking u n to adv^ from. Fortner Attorney tleneral Me- will take - the form- of - a «nltnnguiHlI “Quit* a Few*’ plumbing...... work* • In'the ----- Township “ of * " Crenfoe * «t . andirons. Reasonable; 409 CaalnoA Crann of Passaic. Senator Whitney shall ep«par In person at the office of the avenue. Phone Cranford 91-R. f I? * 1 l|“n a«n the Board could he ‘ »«y would be saddled wfi |tarty. Itofrcshmoiits will lio serv­ . "Quito a few*' la an Idiomatic ex­ Inapector of the Board ot Health of tho Town «tarred to ™ «»pease due to tho cJ ” of Morris and Judge Moore of Iter­ ed. ami a silver offering taken. ship of Cranford, to pees satisfactory essml- CRANFORD FRESH EGGS, 40c BEAUTIFUL carved English desk I “«ate Commissioner Stra-lPomnL eta, fn ' gen. Judge Moore Is senrrely known pression meaning a considerable num­ and chair. Jones.-care Aamodt, I [han The extension and mleeorntldu of ber, llotti Webster's International and nation by s hoard cone Latina of three penons, Iteroatxmts. Senator Whitney Is chief­ .the Parish House will ho completed of whom one shall ha a PlunbUif Inspector In 20 North avenue. East, Cranford I ! tendentÄ -w i ' ^ ^ Ä rmtaiotea Th0 M,J,or w*» of It ly known as a lienehmaii of Hamil­ the Standard dictionary recognise the tbo tmploy ot the. Local Board of Health, one FOUR pieces— ettee, two:rockers,l hy R aster’ Uay. There ure n more a master plumber and ana a Journeyman J. 8 L TWnsrtonitei*-H'o.tagAlthe headl1?* “ o*ot thetegal division of thothe LI . Mayor KosmutraKosmutm stateds is is j 1 ton F. Keait.Jn last year’s" primary commodious anti uttractIvo nssem- Idiom." It In cldascd as colloquial, plumber, and register hla name, residence and straight chair, tqpestry cushion! contest for Culled States Senator. Idtco of bualaeea on the blank forma furnbkrd ^ j Bducatloa " Bel S?®11 ta communication u lily room, a Hew und turgor kitchen, 'which means that It should he used Market mahogany finish. Price $25.09.1 ,Mr- Arthnr Moyor of Unlon and the c MeCrnnn has been Assemblyman. new stairway, nnd an mhlltlonnl only In Informal apeocb or writing.— 'or that purpose, and, In case of remoral, George Jlackenzio, 75 Newark ave-1 • State Senator and Attorney tleneral «lull make a-change Ln said recLater accord­ bothpoaltlona. This ?f i 1»« Points* to “Kenllw room upstairs, with it hotter nr. Pathflnder Mugaxlne. billy...... ; ' be shall maintain an office itflce with tele­ 4 UNION AVENUE^ CRANFORD nue, Kenilworth. Telephone Cran-T means~ that"*7 * one« w r ofm tnethe oflieesonees must I i?n i7n Junction”junction ’ was Ulscusaeddlscium» pf thé State. " In experience ami rangement of the second floor, ludo for accessibility to the public, and. ford 673AV, 4-23 I ability he ^anks the other candi­ store doing any work In said Township, glee f h i be vacant and it: ’wfil winl HonUon along thisthu lta iin«T;!if.T: o ^ iw ^ Tim Junior Itrolhoilimid of SI. Are Not for tho Wicked bondE to the Bald Board ot Health In the penal TELEPHONES 398-394 CO.MBINATlON coal and gas range, I I offtoF ^ to «leclde whlifir I «“¡Tn the very near fottno. dates and It now looks ns It lie w ill Atnlrow wlll bave a 'tollowshlp, sum uf «3t0, with two freeholders, or some Thatcher grey enarneL Like now. I ■ omra he wUl rctaln. Mn Gow. thel Tlio committee rinSiS,?! win thé primary. breakfast In tho Parlslt liotmo oli They ara the mnne beams that ahlne surety company, acceptable to eeld Board of Also Burrows pool table, % size:! Health fdr tha faithful performance of hla holds pfflee until July! ve*t|gate tho proposktan^ Kaster Stilidny. nt 9 a.'in., 'attor tho and'enlighten Which ure apt to scorch, work. In accordance with tha terms of this or­ 118 Walnut avenue, Cranford. TcLl «filial Gtfre; Is-plenty of time to! ongh Hall site reported no Tito pub-jpoined lettor« wlll- l>o ót seeoiid oolohrbt loti of tho lloly too; and It la lnipoaslhle for a tuna en­ dinance, said bond to be approved-aa .to form IVI7-R. ; I taraighten the matter out Which- ** ret. ‘Tortea no lutorest In vlow of u unirli illsvussorl ( ’omunuilnti. gaged In any wicked way, to have by the attorney of said Board of -Health, CHICKEN HOUSE, portable, sub-1 upon complying with tbe-foregolng-conditions, Arthur selects will) There was much speculate inuUor,. vlz., tho "closlng" of two Tlio Senior llrothorhood of SI. Alt- clear understanding of It, and a quiet a. license shall ba Issued by said Local -Board ;«tantlal, price very reasonable.! “* * • * varaney In the.other. Icbarges against o n to ’11 r u privato «troots on,prAulU furnished1 by it and shall ba accompanied b; trat so far as Kenfiworth pmceedtags ta Mils had been Inforumtlim glvon l»y Knglneor (bol­ tho Parlslt llouso: ,lt wlll ho sorvoli 111 In December, nnd the English wer« a 1 Loanee fee ot III, which eppllcetlo ' COAL range In perfect condltioal ifonperaed,. the townoro - has noverinever I ¿““ r «»•“ chragescnargt„, ; HW1Ushould^ Iraft H n lili« «hmilit «olilo tho uinttor In tho hy tho -ladies of thè Puristi t'Irolo. anxious ubout hla recovery, by/com­ he.. retered foe- eiamlnsllon ______and__ report__ o Jha Cheap. Foster. 447-öowher stretd.fi J® becomeirriga evena v a » Inter-jjgutaiinAea 1 MntfWf fnto., fhthe e police««.U __ __ commR - f r mimi» of ufi: . ' ' Tito Wumtm's Atixllltiry .w lllm oot mon consent It was decided to hav« said Board ot Ptumbtoa Bsamlnera, WtKr-enatl Westfield. N. J. °°tn l*«t Mon- îï^ ib eR findings répond hi ilio fa r ls lt llouso òli r Tnosilay, notify the applteant whi ' where ' to' an- ('ranturd, N. J.. Murch 19. 1925. a silent Ohrlatmaa, without bait*, pwr tMifor* U for «saiatStiw^ , . BABY carriage and' nuraery. elnirl g-Zewnlngst 8 p. m , when « huge ‘ be Ooniwtt -nils piocedur . 'liiwxishlp.tVimnilttor-. -Aprii ti, at 8 p. in. carola or marry making. Bald bond* to «xplrt on the Slit daj ot 1 in excellent condition; 7 Burcb| K î 'Î Î L î * ? * .añudtíñhfBuuoeoij UlumtastedUiomiûi «»ufonnlty with__ tlm Poll» Crnnforil. N'ow Jorsoy. . , Decoubor foUowlog tho daU of tone. 8akl Telephones ■ field avenue,. Cranford. - ot 8th JStreeteet and the ! J “ “ and must ofof‘ñec¿sitv necessita? - Attentlon Mr. (Xillin«, ' , Hcoqmo «hall «tplr« on tho 31*1 dap of 1 North Ave« Business, Cranford 777 December following the date of lanie; but may llour Klr: ' c • Priton Raxtd by Mob ' F re quant ly b» rca«wed upon renewal of -the correapondlai Cranford, N. J. Residence “ ' 3 - LOST . Tito South'Siilo Clvlr .V*«oclullott The Hustllr, celelimtod aiuto prtaon Dp In Watertown the other flay ona bond without re-examination for qualification, LOST last Sunday afternoon, lad;il ut tliolr ln«t inootlng illsrussoil thè •nd upon payment of a renewal fee of IS.po. tB Parla, V i i hegun In 1970, .nnd addi af the "teat” questions In a class Such Itceneee may be revoked for - violation pocketbook at or near bungaloel . ä s “ sassa&’jölS rlòslng up ol l.lnroln Park West tlona u ere made ut InU-r iicrlmla. pi) school was "Whitt la M arsf' One of thla ordinance or any othw ordinance of being erected bn Orange avenue! .er088 "¡a» constructed of 2 by | be ■ would cal] a spectalmee ami l.htroln Purk Ka«t-unti illroctoil utd Board of Health or of the Townahlp of opp. Linden Place. Reward 1« offi ^»_and pyer ten feet high. Burlap "Mch Officer HM gTZnM ft í! ino to roipiost n Jtloo prlnt or trac- Julr 14,1789, It naa tnken hy tilt rev’o the gnawers was "Mura la th« scratch aa Cranford rvculatini. or pertatnlnx to. plumb» FAMILY WASHINOS latlontsta. By May 21, 17P1. It wn> you gut on the parlor furniture."—Naw Inf. or plumbtaf v^k. or any of the term» or fered for Its return to 209 Walnu! log ot tho «troots In quest loti, tuadu coodittona thereof. « CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED avenue, Cranford. fumi thè originai tunp. ' ' «•mtiletelr d«moll«ln'il York. Sun.' No phimber «hall allow hU name to be need Real Estate Wanted All"clothes washed ln rain 'soft Aee by wire. ” on« œm Thanklng you In antlrl|tatinii of . NOTICE. ' by any other plumber or party, either for the ivatfec with Ivory and Amber Soaps. HELP WANTED—Female ita^jM jPtollee Vardalls pushed I »»»erahals w aï’b i S ’ ânMtato rocolvlnr «amo at nn oarly date. I purpose of obtaining permita» or doing any I HAVE" CLIENTS wUxO .WANT Î Nelke te brretiy alben that the pnlcned Cq«c for thm S. ^P. C. C. workMr» ur-*—under hta*■*' *•llcenee.----- , ... . SEMIFINISHED SERVICE. GIRL for general housework, go « E f M>«¡ ««‘ ta- ¿ ‘ta“.»» »hé Pólice ò f f ia S atti ” ' ¡ comíalas km eta sp|d Diikm Airtiu»- on flvo.dollara ahall bo charged to defray the ex SALK, KINDLY LET ME LIST IT. all tor 10 cents per pound; no BOY wanted, about 15 years rtnTrtrH TTr.. maen ■Poeulattan "»“ « « r a 10 do relie 1 • WCDMC8DAY. A HU I. ÎÏ \ W > . Santa Claua had comraltted aulclde«— pedate of Impeding the plans and apeeiflea package lesa than $L Slight ad- full or part time. C. O. llcli. pi? Ìbb^rt-there ara any "K. K as? js&’SFè■te.Kís Mr. K. W, Helincr. Secretary. *i » oVlrnk I*. W . rellratC - tkrna or filing the same and euper Intending b -KenOworth o r not Tl» South Side Civic Assttciation j *| which Um» and piar» ali oi’p*>rttntUjr - to the teatlng of the work. NEARY dltlonal .charge should you desire South' avenue, W est Cranio.^ ,* *£ « r " o t Tlwl jollhr tlientT ta order wi t hranl In r«?ar\i tit »aid jiroiMx«p matter «otaly every- - - marshal^— « • appoli r wl 894 ltetfonl Avenue. • 1 »ruta, will iw »Uw all t'ftitlea- liitrr«a1»kt Section IV, The! thla ordinance ahall take J J jp to.ltad the parties r e l^ Cranfonl. New Jersey. . 1 Ihfrtltt. . «" affect Immediately, REAL ESTATE and INSVRAN0E PHONE 1200 WESTFIELD AND E x tr e m a in Pointed Shoes AlafUD H- klUsLXB, r My dear Mr. Ketiner: . - I AtllKilT II. (UUtWKMe. Secretary Board of Health. 17’Alden St.. Oranlord Phone 636 OUR,YELLOW AUTO WILL CALL , i Mr.Van Der Eee-’appeared ANTHONY A, HKNRK'll. In the reign of KUwanl 11 of Kny* Van. Doren Laundry Service, OARAGES FOR RENT Answering-your foqneat of March JAMKH K UAHNKR Dated March II. IMS. - , iSSuSäS*“ ‘belimi 19th. for blue |irlnt ot the originali land, lS0T»132T(’lhadandlM word ahoM 612 North Avenue, Westfield, tf GARAGE space, 205 North avene g t a J what he knew ^ f CwhinlMltwirit whose panted foes were ao long that PUBLIC M it—BUILDING» . map silo wing IJncotn Jhirk K a s t i A*’fM i. »»s^« Tlie t'nlon Countr l>vk Commlnlon will hohl W est Telephone Cranford 1« I MarearyMaa No Air . connected Wi they had to be caught up and fsitened GARAGE for rent, 25 Grove streil and Lincoln Park Went a public ule at Ita office, WarUtaitro. Dark. Spick and Span EXPRESS, TRUCKING, ETC. plaast Mercury,' according t* '"'ta'Jog that bit Mr. Elko’? l prefinió by "orignal map" you PROPOSALS FOR ftlDCWALKtl to the knees with ribbon» ©c chatna Acme and Canton Streeta. Elisabeth. N. J„ at Cranford. Telephone 163-J. —ameni, bsa Unis U sar, air. a which KtibM refer to the niait which wan inad- Cra«t»rd. H. J, 4 l\ M.e ’. DAILY . EX PR ESS SERVICE to h.vehd HU* will Ihp rtxvlréil hv the Tonti ADttlL 14, IMS, . Washing and Cleaning Tablet?.^ made Kuvêabcr T, 191A whan 5?? b“ be abot. He stated Z • mm from Now York. Trunk and PAINTING E n d d eco ra tin sI notdeem jt A Board of xertcntly used «.«authority for pl.c «."SÜSTro"» of building« ou park property, comprising -Are Finest Kvor for Kino Faliric«. 151: mi-rehandi.se; special trips made. -cary {laroait liMweenta, ‘ his being .of transfer of this property have tM^th »Mr of «aï Atmue. about 1 liaral OFFICES TO LET . CLEANING . and Dyeing, Pleating, - CATERING the Council advised -Mr*ij! tiocn described by metes and bounds fMl ■ ------hing a______PARTIES and luncheons serTf PLUMBnro .«a UMb ahWe of tYaufurd Terrace aa ahown Mixture o IN CHANCKay Or^NBvf jEESKT Tl> Unita without recognition of thb streets «« map* .atout MS UbmI ferì • f, Nomfi . isla Now msn. Badie Newmss, hla wife, end tha Raw Shapiro Building ing. Mrs. P. Christiansen, 30 South every day except Friday and ! * ' ,WI ■“ you name. A cntlftrd check f«r »tee» aliali accom- Perth Amboy, N* J.. wu artttod In. Matite Dnm - - Union - Avenue, Cranford. Tele­ day. Call Cranford 180-31. md-.Ba^e.iWesk; Tlie original map* rlclit tho original Indian name, waa after* fusi BuUUUia 4 busa Assactotloa ts roatptsla- A M. SHAPIRO, MAN desires tb fill In spare tii ‘..A*»».":1 KENILWORTH I« r»W aiiy or all )4di aa to thrlr ophltou ward added. ‘ sat, sa* Brontola Nssaasa Diti othrrs «ro ■ for summer on lawns, garden».1 a tracing wc might V able to for­ • Ul W*t eme the lntm«u of the Tuwuahlp ertroduis. yoa «r* froulmt in »iiimr sml REAL ESTATE ward you a print of this private P. V. N. IXIUIN», «astato to» Ulti of «sld riroi'lslnsnl an or . CRANFORD- handy to paint, kalsomlne. etr- ■{ map. - 6«'“« , >>♦ I«* 0sy «Uro», i»». „ Ih»..ss PHONt 6 9 5 . side or out work.N Referend hff?'«Maydr also- stated 1 F o c u s o n the S p a u k a r . .. MH-itaUl to tskro ss l-Mlnacd sxsttui imi ' Rod«» Remted Very truly yours. • ■ Dawd ^ U Sad. » Tm^ ’ *n,U,.W' TU* soie Bill Is Bini to Btatolus» l a tu tía POST OFFICE BUILDING ...... -VW Henry Cruickshank, 317 Am»tf b tjon ch with tt D. C S. UOI4 .INS. ’ 11, who obaertea the apeakar mure rimi 6y Jsroli II—Hit «Win snd slf» tn «sii . dam avenue, Roselle, N. J- L-| » e p ^ m witojepimaervatlon ______auaaosATrs notice. l'rsalnrd Mutasi BuUdito sml tavn Assot-n' Township Engineer. HSTATK o r EDWAan L. IIEUEXREKi:. It«.- than tha sound of Ms words wtll sel­ Offices for Rent Q * Ñ » C n n e d dom meet with dl««|';>olntn)euL— }Ì“ '.»ÌU'to »13,h '***•- 6» >»nd* W . V .rwnuaiu to the seder ot Chsrlrs X to Ito T1i«n«lil|i i>f tosai,«d. in u,, (all outside exposure) CURIOSITY SHOP u Codding.- BufTogste «I (be Couotr of llotoif. Lavater. IVntoU' »1 luisa, »«il SUI» ni Ni« i««.,- -1--C1 THE Curiosity Shop announceita W o* Abb Done. SSS“ • Several month* ago there was a «tos on th* arncteroth day ot Mslrh. A. I»».! '/wF*? !yU' fralsislu Xetasisa ir» Sud» s drlrod - classes are being formed to te* -well backed movement to cstahlish ItXX. «*6« Ute «rtrtleslloo of Ui« uodwtlsned. | , *^*nt nfthM »r* ihe rvconl imnrr oí mMi Ot^hs esute ot said decròted. f r a i l o f a Snob CHAS. DARSH, P O S T o m c : bLPC , the old-time art of making Hoob grinnaahim claa»es. open to all. lit naOes la harto ele» lo th* ceedllors of asid ' Rugs. For information andjia the. new Sherman School gym. The dwssMH to eshthtl to the «otorrtbee utoto osto Be who forcéis hla own Mn *"* pf MU »«Smllil Call Oranlord 695 JJ «Efnoeifea tosta- etohaa sod drouLOds stilasi friends riIH»**# ' J ”1 .‘'.r «n Inchnau* culars, telephone 1737, or H5 Moj^ road m-wfakh- he stated tt 1 Onwdele faeUevea axich ito ssttto of ss Id derasssd «tlhln sU moo ito merely to Mion- «fier those of a bigiIh- pWBlft*'#. and ym. Mol» c enzie jtaitaary work ■ fa pro»»»u>sini l;J W W 4(j»at*tlviin- J*ft U™**» ar# tui)t » ih>f«^dftRf brraufta ri»o tain avenue, Westfield. M* * 1 MK ly. and that R n g to m ^ ttj ----- ej «a orda-, «s itoy olii to er degree la u «nob.—Tharkuray. ‘ FO R SALE! ■ Mosher. - - — ^ *— mstcoiliia 6e reromfn» Í Í *"•ihÌ un*littori** ot «ahi '? morte»«» **W eiad* *uU>rdl»aiP to mu W ord From Brother Dickey 2 i s t s t r e e t JW bo rtoly to-make his ‘ » ¡ S oi» S Tmufrr.courANT, ? ^ bn s ? ' " * Mutimi Bultdlnf tml Loau Ef ynu Is got fmt-li xi*n ii umi Hin-« NEW BRIC K BUSINESS BITILD- .which - ^ordinances pr ' " .o tth e or csA&roiD. x. j . - Bsing Idsthodical i HWI • , . . » , , * || - 1 WANTED , lumi Harro-siti, ili'. . ‘ , ——l-^P-dp, an’ once, jou »turf in. you \\, in J WANT space in attic to store i Kiecutor. , MeUiod la like packt eg (Mugs la a lKG—3 stores. 2 apartment*, all 7 j . w p r i h I t Säj * g t * * v X * a eoofi l box; a good packer will gat ia«haU aa ' • BkBKKuy. C Alism , waste lime wonderin' Hun- tin-il vou’ll Improvements. Terms.». ‘ ' * trunks, etc. -Also two rooms.,» housekeeping, not t oexceedT iffij-.t. ~ ■- a1 <- ttoa-tma Moh«g*lHaaaba^«M.»-QMiL -, «S!toSîtjîtaî"'- be* when.de »un ,enys '-gootl niglu-U FRED a FREEMAN ä *s —V j - . ** „ ';? r 7 « r :^ -| A tliM a ’..Qoa*UtH^im.'!' ’ ' ' per weeK Refined people- <1 f P. a Box 408 Westfield,* N. J . lS,.eAre Cltixen and Chronlcli-J 1" .

* <•'* f - *:^r -T .«'•-.î,' '.

1 , w m &

7°! E.T^'.v-:1«?*'ú;--,v . ;¡ -.„'■.T¿' -.-;.-'J5. i,'-ï.’.:Vi;,:-i»i! •--". Ar.-i*-.-

; I Ì Ì 2 5 Z.1*^ * L A S S l f l E D 'S ' - a

«o#tA»r*B«B,Edita,. ¡ $H» XMlhNftk.-N. J. P AG E r v denjaSlit—■- -. ——— UQv o s FotnroiN wb in\ »• TO# s*So5T;TSiJLiwAIoOO li Wk— m VW g. e?‘l1. ■ ...... ------tor^ e sarne^S T "® 1* kfeathly. The Ughi » u r o n U R M ^ ^ A v e m m between 20th Sri Mstaraemento ,8^U>* neebtae ertth a strep i fla t All Improvement*. « M * tm Cttmk H t. Btmm month; 37 B anuido «ve­ ï i " J Md « pair of tolta and »tag- ía a lone, room fla t (SO per Factard aad Betamt. Um flrw „ "--M . tr.* Sîïiî.0“ UUt tkr” * «h* 39 Burnside avenue. TeL ^wwrant0^ !? ! ^ ^ "umen et ||t Blsac, ibe ¡^««tot^dlhoum te whoa tho Ught d 425. J Î S * * • ** t* oa August fa »A TO ft.W SJt“ .“ *1- » ¡ » ’¿ A M ^ .1 M O T O T and Apartment«, all Im- [Stay, K 1925. Mhfa stayed up ao sunataa. Tbs th«e> enta, new building. For Ved HI ' i J t t l . l î2 ?U* 0‘ î, w ° » «ew tee NglMerad 14 Mew end ara- ^M CXeag» Banef Clean lpplyEhmllng Broa, Wéat the »h o n i befataSTths ¿ m JSernm eà ‘ «ommfltee rei ft« « tu thfar peek «t a * , J* ? * Hide oeesctatloa eeya “ * r " “ r —- i ^ * «U teatdue of enokol idem two-family house, up- «fok hot was frustrated irtiuent. six rooms and sun III h b lt*j ^ . CW#t Otden MMvtmi #»...! I could not be' fonèmi U f a P U lm r ffarm ir l í r J " * *“ b*,r*t Tiia IMM al- 57 Burnside- avenue. Phone hsrZL - . ¿ T * “ d ‘h* ^rrol ha. *n,i ,“ « * • »A « a i m i o ™ o x u iw t» With '" • : ■ ■ . tt ™ * fi»* 4 "« « a g «.a be duo. to ^hsm ?t 7 ^ îa,nI11 n*1 %Mt Ut* * ° * «b* it house, 155; five room :. ---¿_---- - , COJBinUtO^ fif • inaiy 'fin* t«P et lefty pUlara or the umels of »*•• • “« pie ent, $55; five room apart­ «v» Pfat of whie.' ind ¿m tNympta, bus, asar Atkaafa- Ureacfa JAMES ARTHUR ‘ 0flWr“ ApplT *“ as; Beven room bouse: $85.. rlne. in ïô u ë i1» I}*'*.berausci f e N ? » « ' tbèïr'm their work had ettdeii IM flrite14 i^.Cl!* 0,d •“»•dlately of- PHOTOPLAN r e a l t y CO. , Wnt o f gfaj. according ‘ ■ - It fo not ended i»ntfl we get service «Byd abeut the year lfan, M álaga !*T •• boot to owab tho bar Owner aad Builder i Real Estate, 101 North Thfar evldienee to the police) Michigan and**Talrflêid Annua! I îi “nt<> ' Jfa with warm «atar . « , waa aent to damagemMie. - A W U ^J{® .« b Street.'; (buiIbuncllman Stahl ■traage aM little uadeteteod «nateai. dry cate- NEW OBfaBOB FfaBK 0 * U MOBTB ATE. WEST , West. « muy, thM apply a hcevy n upper apartment»-all Im- ¡ greeae te KBira.WOETB. N. J, *n*eit« fur month *%t î” ” wrurli h u rirrJül unaniiuoul am ruat. OkAiw ifa fa * ...... icnts. Six minutes from ^ r‘R « ^ V H ^ * M d ,theíd ‘tai I ^ M e k m m m n é m ü o e g * # Tslephoae "Orsaford llir . north side. Vacant May 1. The minerete of llot»,oin.«l,a Telepkeae Hraafard M r Cranford 550-W. Publie Service AA«e « É m U H * m é operatili, ‘ «U- ,ow»r* from which ir rent, live rooms, $30 per the oOctr whose huslbees It .Is Issdm r.T?* cu.rlau,-»PPo«rsBce that the bald ; 3J6 Centennial avenue. i ü î î “ d P?®* of ilia »«Id Itila gires Is ¡ 31 Henley avenue, Craii- I to .ü * !? 1? #r Î * '110 t,r,r*r' •» which *J*”J * , ^ true. MohsumedsBe fece te- f o r t i r e s , t u b e s a n d o t h e r ir rent, six rooms with báth. wuru the eeet sad eagege la devoUoa, *: ,b* ,®i ®$ the heed ead the pale iprovements and heat, re­ Johnaon. James Artbmv Jr^AUen w - % ! 2 r M " V * * °r ,h* h«*A a u t o accessories remodeled, $45 per month: ***■ ” **01» Mi i m Im Tbe n o»m W»* Afarrew ¿aco p e NKK Ion avenue, N., Cranford, A« Irishman 00 boertag that the ^ |°1i l*fr.,1!?,,''“n,,,*o I* Wotslllc green. iatti, Roselle -953. T^la rare Ibla Is a aatlve of tho tuoua fo*u eavtuge bank had gena up» ex­ talaotii ports of South Africa. It t* bel 01'd beeftto Im - comparatively little kB0wn. - ISO BOOM* FOB BSHT fo* WBfa thta. if 01 badai beai iebh«| asant furnished rooms for I KRAEMER’S . r , ^ . . K - .í™asas“;»sSr?; r^w w ií'íss'^ of tt m me way ta Uto bank.1* " ¡miHckoeplng; 102 Union I Carfa B/oncAe .. ON t h e b o u l e v a r d N.. Cranford. ... - tf I Chestnut Street, The carte blaache was a "bleak We take plessure la glvlag you , u^ Uy •oom suitable tor two gen- I account of the AN Ul. ^ merehaadtse st the leweet Price reasonable; 1M I s r being Mil °frai HrurUna. •■»»orto* wd rwtlriiii^r . passible aeit. Try U1 avenue. North. Cranford. I æ & x 'a ris a a atasTUi* Of•i*»»»}“ kBaUvonb, « Mrtsln' ' stmt. 1. u» ïïïîush “ ‘matol to some- . had be coaviaeefa JRNISHED ROOMS for »5 h 5S1Ï^VM£" n !F n !Z T ! “ **^e alll*4 UP as be niay think ■en; near station, excellent I iy*!' 1940 Cbsriss II tried to i. References. Phone I S K f â aW f iïo.ûIÆ i 1“" *îx 1*’ ï ' _«onsiroc(«l' snd told* •sra his father's lift by m a i k t from >♦♦>44 rrlv ^ •■•Mrijf.iml Um WrM. J ? ' " : , ™ '0 “ * P*rll*“ *nta signed 4 M SHED singlé room for gen- I 5*^* blsach# to be aiisd up With say n. Private family. Near sta-1 vehicles n*UlXár!LfBi br1wm* lh* Box R, care of Citizen anil I îii, lele. I t s x j s s r ^ ^ ^ K. G. GEORES ; and small' rooms, with or 1 i H. Enz; - O u S S ^ " ' dt oncc- 4nd bo M aterial •! Drtmm* _ ut ¡board;. 8 Alden, street. 1 hur. Jr. FLÜMBING- ord. Plione Cranford; 236. tt I r. Jr. »I "Rorolvod.'That^lieseT «l^'b °f droaming l ( if « h e a t in g Í furnished room, all conven-1 K * ! ü ■_Pb*uomMpn of alght and i. Meals if desired; 115 North I mS A « **$b wheth.I^-ii®afa^O’Brten°gJoLnteSI^lJfj^’t j S 1^jto^hrMr'*jn‘ í s r *-d T 'a s •¡••P- They should know hatter, vtn Arthur eonid bold the « n t of property holdlr» i^ xe. Phone Cranford 91-R...... t u o n i m i «OH V if ^aS^W hlBa^ PV* riFU L carved English desk I b^ta* State Cbmmisaloner Stra-I Round, „ f » * •» N— Orl—to » ♦♦♦♦»H M M lIiedH ■hair. Jones.-care Aamodt, r It^ tJ^ u tou by Oounty 8uperto-| Wuob- ■ "6w SIú>^1!í : *j ntw OrtM&a, r«t«d U>« ««coBd >rth avenue. East, Cranford. I ‘«iden^jStoi«“/ M ra^;K .rl?:IS¿tofon *1,0 M,íor * » «Í tb® a-iSI B^i¿oOH MOTES Oil On Uw J " * Mtl,P°rt ta the United States. 1« pieces—Settee, two: rockers, | teS i-^ efe??*- Air. stratum- i °Pbiloa tht chair, tqpestry cushion ] a^betegml divlsíon of thoÍ, 5isyor Kosmutza stated hn h.HI.„T*l° now*y orguízediíeboól board H® from , the Oolf of Mexico >gany llnlsli. Price $25.00.1 promSthrdwwLx ■;ftS.*^uh?n'.^J??lkSSie 5S a v A h S ^ a 4e* ¿Ü S ■nd loGstMl Mstwsrdjv * P1*™! *r* v*l«** public wharvaa parallol _.>W. 4-23 I i v : „ . ^ ‘J "® T*cani «nd jt ^»nii uon aionr ui ■SriSurea.-ff'as £^ £»1^ 1 a / . **f» Aw moro tbsu MOVING [NATION coal and gas range, I [ nSiilfi.0 ^'„A rthur to decide which) ®d In the rpr Pétrir'- ...... « & TRUCKING ¡her grdy enamel. Like new. I [ offlae-¡¡»¿sr■g.-ffararSS he will r*»>in Ma O o^ tfiSI Tho commi Pettit on 22„d Street « - •imtf ■,,,h Burrows i>ool table, % size:! Smian tl. * ■ Vadean*a C r o w n t F « w STORAGE i’alnut avenue, Cranford. TcLJ “ ‘ o'Slh'wiS. tb,? proposition t . v. - - - matter out. Whlchl)«» yet. * e reported no progress TsTOw?!««*»* «bea la thV k e n il w o B th ÍEN HOUSE, portable, subj ,r * *W® erown*. ose NEW J B X t t r lal, price very reasonableT Smîinii NS.P° ,*on ,0 t’0M eial at 100 Centennial avenue, | contalnln* Oi* largo« emerald In the Fboaa 296-M Oraaford TO ï s SS ï s s worlfa aad another girM by Queen tone Cranford 213-R. . IFXBBTjOBOtt AT XEBXLWOBtH lsst $ton§Sy;^The^ehm t^ haa,la -jd on. hilf lo nVL ‘ï ï î h ^ ï* “Z “ • •«,two .^ ^ V *****i***********^ **^ yt t '6 n on i t * g , , TONE Cord tire and tube,I |.sMflc^h*a been heard or sild iboat I uP°n order of the M i i ? » new. Cheap;. 17 Alden street| l r t t e 't o í S f ,^fcPop8'IlM a : n * «Ifutartfon known “ the Mu made S oni0»{!2i s'oae to M to k* wora> » , ooo.ooo ibone Cranford 636. ^ ^ f^ la n fmts o far aa - KenHworth pfoceedlnga in ^ l s had 5000° ! ™ ^ Æ si/'oi;*« »a a®- range In perfect condition! ^ dhidSÍ,,W..“«í*. hr. «>î^ b*-I ” Much spdcutetioo |®«f* member« to bo roRevId^lf tssffl*a?5e1' * , „ «bord, C S. gOHMUVZA. T o l t o'aatoM M atch Morha Sanitary Conditions or . part time. G O. Hell 5? f c T « r C ,,,erB **• any "K. K.) their office.... -end that tliA eMrir.i^ X °* ...... «áíff.íreassífeii,sums:. Mspor. fa*, fo Kenilworth or not The notify them -Li!?9 £!««* bo ÎS u ? ,,br tltrm¿k «rtebw I i* avenue, W est Crantod h T ‘íTî-M “ “ " siu « « * .-*«. « r not* -ia.ia»-ika;BgsdÆ n » | *'« ‘if¡r them., Hi'fa order »5 n rS.a^SSi'M! X a S !? e ^____ ^ St'Ji!upon otrsTar r, uxoo, ptlated wÿta should be rubbed e 157-J. ; tL«? B ^yeaHgating »»y®»tl««tfaig the mattermatter! featnenríy W ______’ - Boroosf, Clsrfc, YjP®f $P-And the parties ZÜdothm ai dRyodÜ ÏÏ*. la whltealng.4 Idmon' *h®n Tb. with spot a « T a . ?íl,eh oí m o«biw“ c« 8“c£ J !2 : !*■ fc • should thM bo washed with ABAOES FOB BENT KXÿrtCowwr, H o i r s ÏÏ? J warm. 3E space, 205 North arena •«•»y water. / J. F. Doremus Telephone Cranford 1« I M orwyM aa No Air . GE for rent, 25 Grove stre dM B aa«a Week. fngCM l"^ ?V ^ ÌSlón Jb0y w : ... ogoigagcmn h . PUid; "A foot caaaot bold hls tonaue" CaU Cranford 180-M. *f| . Î S L ^ L r “ «PPolnted a oedWseee-siiUwristBg n i en —Boston Transcript . . - 1 / Fbone Ckanford 368-R • » to rn e á is ¿dT“r cïïivK.îîe feat sf,¡T kwe for 0,, PvTiSLE!*?*!"•!** I ORK WANTBD-MALK ff»®n?l ,®«tfa«nM of reJSS,t«rl«fa of them lfite d ^ ert,< <«17 ZINGALESDRUG STORE leslres to All to spare ti* ‘ A w . • BEHZLWOBTÎB -S U % Ii,Y f Ping Whomt ip Amortem , _ * ■ * 1A1B AMP IkWT-TaWry *•- - iramer on lawns, gardens< prfl ist£ * xw*-5 k.‘h8 h ®«* 4>f| § * • * * , C to paint, kalsomlne. e tc-l . ft “ ”rt dufadtoly known who OrsfJ - — DESCRIPTION PHARMACY ^ or out work.'! Reterenj .JhévMfafdr also ¿tated that he i S f C ^ J r * * * 2 !? 4 5 ii« £ 5 ot jBt,*a?c®a *rh—‘ Into-imoHea. Bis-1 y Cruickshank, 317 Ant-tv Rocfan Reaeated Fyh with «¡»State Í S Í Ford Coopg: - fi srritBMd ¿v m w.. ,. .1 toryT s* "fawws, v 1^ n*W however, 9l*tt .that that itIt w«fwas sotnot The Best Drugs Oarohilly Ooapouadod. A Fias U a e i f W o a tá m avenue, Roselle, N. .1- **! n ^ Vr ’zte??*8Jtn tr : ¿ S i I ^ ? r ^ f"*** P « * C I U dlacov- ■■, ■ ' ,. a«4 .Toilet EraanHslg T a n G m a i ! ETtirttfa*%S!i,0g,85 S J921 F« j S o S Z - tkM nr c u r i o s m r s h o p , urlosity Shop announces w Work Abb Done. g^BVaalgg ^ nW lw > Drug {Store is are being formed to te* Utrtaaa Information T WALNUT AVBNUB,*OOBNBB BOUTB AnOfUB I Id-time art of making Hoott fll vttbt U»Aleara something ■ . - flUSOMUiU-y j ' ■ ' - For information andj!£] overy dsy. But l| doeao't eeem to bo 9, telephone 1737, or 115 M°r McKENZIE ot any particular advantage to know »»♦» ♦♦♦♦l«>»M tM ¡m M »«MM>>Brt,|inwnss ..s,rr n fl ||l; avenue, Westfield. Mrs. ‘ ^faruwfwe-l «■at tho octifrrlf ttTm Om a E T ¡%i!££irn‘*‘n** Toledo Blade. . j or. . .-■■■ / : i i s r s t r e e t * * lo e » Z Z jj^ X «US «rdhUoea shall ukp wa. a . w ...... /WANTED Pssssg Asrll T, |»B. 1 / MkfaaciKFabsCKrslkr space In attic to store 1 ?■ C A. KOSMUTZA. ¡Syfe^^-m .««tíM |^»n® «4., : ,0páfa¿^¿5^ ! . . ' ■ Msw»; Oomoa t •aartntU ai'iat tit n«w ’ ; -.Jail ' " ’' a. etc. Also two rooms 1 :•..•••' W H I«—gyy m -gcaieslab' ______¡keeping. : not t oexceeu r !? 5 ? :r T !9 lai.-’»ot,,ii-ii. i“vv■2CTvt----S*r IHm wii Bp^aafeS^ lae: o v...... a tta w. - u oo, - ...... •■ ' .... .-l reefcl Beflned people- J r 5*i„.>^da fate Catixenand Chronic J

5.h,-Wí -,v «í - 1 i t> > 5 » - * 4 s ^r1*£f?=? v*5 » ..^’■l-i^j^.'yM'T'i“* ^ i » g 8#i?|? yS?>

|f> ••s ÎHË CRANFORD CITIZEN/MD CHROMCLE. THURSDAY. APRIL 9. 1923, —* ',*-©*»- . ni. ^ -,.

,ir . •• lo- «'»mbar of emplojreso « , r ■ m .I'lTjaiy and lh’ >«•> SALARIES TRIPLE rol- prnpr-rtlrDelely. There are w as ware "to take ap the slack, be added. : ï Meaalrk promis'd to proda«« a dopll- eat« copy e f atara payroll (oribe con-, IN A FEW YEARSBitta*’* aerottay to show »bo 1» ra- -VI aatr'aa tha atata-i money. mi Simpson Calcdatw/That Sama •tato Arahitoat ff»p*ti»lve Oraat tmprorament. Mr. Mesuira Ratio Will Mako/Payron 2 $ statad, had b—n made In 'be m i', tar ef kaadUag payroll« during ib- MillionV1928. past law years, doe largely 10 ro oparatloa batwaaa tha budget com mlaatou SSd the appropriation« com FIR ST QUIZ GENERATION S mtttaa. , - Senator Bright renewed the crlti THE FOWLS OF THE AIR ! ..'tú Allenta Bays Maat Issane Ara' Cer- •tarn be had mad« at the opening of There is no other car built like the Ford* sa well ta tha eattla on s tbouaaod able—Or. M. A. Catta« Saya the leglstatlv« saailon with reipect nue HAUL MAHK OP lillla all contribute thalr share et to expend Itur«« by tha 8l«te Oepart- Many widely used lubricating oils do St. Par' Cant ef Demented maat of Inatltatloa» sod Agencie» „ PUKITY . MEAT FOR TOO TO BAT. ." Can Sa RehahlUutsS. Tha lacrea«« la cost to that depart­ not always do a good job on a Ford., LKARN to «««opiate Young Hairy Tills market handles none but the ment, he Mid, seamed u> be beyond ehnlea-(radea of all reason...... ’ because of its different transmission. non> «millng, . liraltliy laoo with POULTRY AND KBAT Traaton. — Testimony that the Tha arefaltaet*« department. Renalor Cranford Dairy* Grade A Haw It'i price* are baaad on tbs many state's payroll had Ineraaaad from Bright <>I<1, «earned to bare exhausted «ale» and amsll profit prlnepla., It ll.00d.000 to f f ,100,000 "during the the voeaboUrly la eeektag titles for Its W e ovfn and operate a large, number o f. Milk. Ha la a symbol nf It* purity want* your regular trade and wall peat three years will be followed by large anmber of employe« and of our llespomdblllty. gut It It you will only give us detailed «kpUnatldas- or~lba raaasa. Wanta doggaatlena by Public Fords which are put through gruelling t rial. The quality of the meats and If plus of the special legistatlve eom Senator Bright announced tbst tba the moderate price» are what pe mlttse to Invsetlget* state expeadl- TELEPHON! rely on to build buatneaa. committee will welcome Informa tloo service over all kinds of roads and In all turn are carried out, Whet taform- o r suggestion! from any cltlxen of Ml Flab and Clans Every Friday tlon was brought out earns tram Maw Jersey with respect to any que» kinds of weather. W e kept at this lubri* single official, Secretary' Char Us F, MILCH’S ' MARKET lions of public Interest He hoped Hoaalek of tha Civil Sands* the people of tha slate would under­ cation problem until we have an oil that I. [IHKNWA8SKR, Prop. mltaiop. gland they will be gireo opportunity CRANFORD. N.J. The commlialdn bad orgaataad by t UNION AVENUE, NORTH Telaplionaa MO, Ml . tobare tbelr day In court -> - , . . . ' Tel. Cranford Trust Co. . . p u r e Ho m em a d e ic e crea m OAQKB FEEDS - Jobbing .and- Repair Work. something will happen. Blmpeon said “Sixteen hyn^jed patient* bar« something would aurolr happen to/iha b*an dtsebarged trom tha Institution Xetlmatej Furnished ..•■■■ . --i . Granfor^ N. X -.v . ” . t ' IN FANCY FORMS MS Morrii Ara., Xlliebsth. N. J. US Burnside Avenue, Orantord, M, J, atata.lt tha Increase eoatlnaad. aa recovered In the last aaven years, Bnomipue Inoraaees / and thoaa "patients have remained Consult your insurance agent as you woold your lawyer er doctor Jn l.p h o n . year ordera. .Lamgdiit# D Bnormoue lncreasaa of tha laa normal during this time. Rocurrsncaa Ofllee and Healdunro Phono 874 FLOWERS year», Mty Meeslok stated, waa due burn bean surprisingly «mall - and ter all ocaailona . mainly do (ha axpanalon of^tha stale thare are only about 140 patient« In tha hospital lo<|ay who have recur- O*WOW44444444444440044tt4tt4t444 m 4t» 4 t44tttt4» 'DOTSON’S EXPRESS Artiatla and Latest Dealtna »ctlrltlei along' many Unas For ax- Funeral Work a Spaalalty anjpio, he etid. thé, preïant payroll, of rnneaa ot mantM. trouble, tt we can ALL OKDEUS PROMPTLY e Stele lttxhwgy Commission hag necompllah such results otter Ihe dla- WESTFIELD CANDY KITCHEN, b e - —at the— Incireyisd frem aboot lOO parsons'tu aaia has progressed to the point CAMILLO MASSA ATTENDED TO OOR. UNION AYR. AND Ali*N «T,* CRANFORD Rivartida Rower Shop. approxlmatsly .7,504. Tha BUta Da- where serious mental tronbla has oc- ' General Contractor LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE ' IS Berth Ave, R partment ot Institutions and Agan(l«s ewrrad.- It la. not nnreuonable to au- Tolophon* tu ' . Tolcphono 813 has sjtom a similar ^larga ,tncr* .asrt that had tho foci of chronic In Play Ball ^ Grading , - Ooneretn Work Telephone G21 and multiplication of..state oommla- faction hnep eliminated during echool ■■ . w ■ « • ...... f 441 j oomliuij •Iona, board» and department!- barn yaan. these patients whuldnhot hare CRANFORDYELLOW also contributed to tha totaL developed mental trouble."’;. _ Cellara Excavated ■M Henry Bergner tn diseuislng tha.cmtMl axarotaad Dr. Cotton offered as onr ot the - ..Sewers, Sidewalks, Etc. William B. Hanna, John Kieran,^V.^J. Slocum, ...... CAB SERVICE by the Civil Barvfoa mmtsaiaa.HMv necaiaary meson for'aolrlng tlfe^prob­ P. O. Box 53 CRANFORD TAXI SERVICE LARVAR a sons ‘ Meaolck said Ha tnnctlona ara'Umltbd lem for adequate car* and traatment W. O. McGeehan, and Grantland Ricé *— seasoned ^ DAT AMD NIGHT OBce: S2xNorth Avenue, Cranford by the atpt’ita eraattag tt Tha eom- Of abnormal children thn plan tor a QUALITY RADIO mtgalon hat no.power to limit-tha Central Psychopathic and Rentora- Bathroom and Kitchen baseball writers of The Herald Tribune’s *D - ^ Two 7-passenger Sedans anc Slgp^’alntlni * Varnishing number ot employees ta a «apartment tlon Hospital. D*.: Cotton pointed —-TILING— It star sport staff — will report the games and* ” ^ SPECIAL or to’datermlne how jnnch'wOrk they ont that hie results had been corrobo­ Xveready 45 volt, large one 7-passenger Touring Paper Hanging Graining «halt turn out. BUCh' tunctlona i am rated by the wprk ot Dr. W. II. Mc­ Ftroplacea. Porche* and Vestibülaa ■ # - fights thisseason..------t o t all occasions CHAS..S. GIVENS purely within tha fwrvlaw of tha verb Clellan of the Ohio 8tate Hospital THOMAS H. ROSS ' oui departments. , - '' and Dr. Baberm of the Longview 9M HlUcrost Avenas «Sundays, Kvnrnady gRi volt, largo. 15 UNION AVK, CllANFO INTERIOR DECORATOR ...The commiaalen'a work covers tha Hospital.'Cincinnati. Toi 3367 PLAINFIELD, N. J. greatest sport'sectíc Phone «B-R fixing of the rating ot state nmployea* Old Trenton Anus« done ' y silent Plione Haliwsy .420. \V ^ other than thoan Included la atatntaa Tha Trenton Hons*, the most fa- New.YogkjtvUhtwopages 74 Burnilde Avenue, ORANTORD and determine« tha llUaa of tha posi­ a 4 . JA N SE N ■l...... - ' • .... - ALL KINDS OF aaoua aa :wall na one ot the oldest of Jast minute pictures of tions they hold. hoetetrles ot Now Jeraey. Is now hot Caqranter Rad Builikr ------wMWMinaw »X r a v v i DXLn . Dual Salaria« FELIX DI FABIO / • a maea o ' tii'h but..Its memories win Parquet Floors. Jobbing a Specialty P^wt'evénls. AHD Bf»TAZXXD nUUB OF OBABOK Peotoy Feed, Hay and Grain Though he knew ot «oma'tastanebi Vamaln vividly alive In/ the mind* of Prompt Delivery - In which offleera or amployaas ra- all of the .prasent generation of men ; Telephone 53S-R - Contractor and Builder celred- dual -aalarlai. Mr. Matilck OEOROE HOLLAND —of pobl'c men who havebbeen Iden 114 Booth Ava, X, CRANFORD ROBERT E. SCOTT - Tel 11S-R Telephone 47M4 ■hqught tha number wna not lu re tllloi with the state ot Now Jersey, (Editor Radio Col oían) He bettered money eo rtd be uvM tha its legislature and He politics and In­ «lata by cutting down duplications 118 Akten Street CRANFORD, N 14 South Ava, B , Cranford. R. stitutions. particularly. What bygone end dnai «atariaa. bat not a'grnnt deal aeenaa. what great gathering« of ROLF FOR SERVICE 60S FOR IRRVira H e McCarter School Tel Ul . ‘ . of agfinay. . state Importance, what political ma­ ...... , | | n g » 44 a p 5 ll 11 n I) t) uu tin. 1U Cranford Ava, Cr aal erd. R, g. No Urga dadncUens -ooald ba.mada. nipulations. what plottings, deals and Carpenter end Builder CHAS. LANZA Mr. Meaatck said, without curtailing canny device« of power« that were, 5I h c lY c tn Dork verarm«, nm. i« w iw mu ano*. JOBBING OF' at.t. KINDS Choice Fruita and Vegetables Important atata activities. are recalled by the tire. Banator Blmpaon Inquired If the It to trne that of lata the Trenton . promptly attended to ALICE MoCABTKR, Principal FERÌ BEUVERIES Civil Service Commission bad checked Honaa waa not tha place, with respect Screen« repaired and now one» made up' on tha atata employees drawing ' TalfpkouSH-W ' • UNION AVENUE, NORTH lo batag the toco« point of tba public to order , substantial salaries jtrom the atata and man and politicians. It once was. Re­ Üierald ©ribuác 1HE SAN TAR r BARRER SHOP ORANTORD. N. g. alio noting na rScalvara tor eorpem- cant years, hav* witnessed tba coming Estimate» Furnished u n io n a v e n u e n o r t h tlona tn the court ot Ckaaenry. I l , Automobile 'Painting Telephone» JO and 850 of rivals with mar* attraction* to be­ P. O'. Box 111 . CRANFORD temethlng Rattan, %ay| Slmpaea gad* tha visitor to tha Capital. It X _ - Up-to-date and Sanitary in Xverr Parti.ñi.. Tat URB A latter trom Mr. Msatiek wna -next P L I n , ...... À - _ ...... MM»»M4>e4 JOHN GABBETT mnat ha remembered that the original ephtmin-J ; AttonUon Given to Ladles' ánk CfcOdron’a Hair dati taken u > by Banator'Stmpaoa, Inn, although effaced amid later dav HAROLD F. BENNER “You admit there ti eomathlag rot- bou ler CqDääeTXoastrQ(tion Co. : ' A Separate Room for the Ladle« • ; ' T A X I - S * I V I O l 8 addition and embellishments- dated 154-155 Ftelinghtsysen Avenue, - Tho Cranford Pnblio la Invited to Giva Us a Trial tea, la-Danmark,'*’ aald ta paon. “W* back n fnll lBO yearn, prior to thr CLYDE C. BELL NEWARK, N. J. law Few An 'Occasioni era- attempting to oorract that situa Christmas [ttilit when Washington Uml" ' crossed .the Delaware and surprised X REGISTERED ARCHITECT ^ ALTE R ATI ONfS FRED C A>S ON 1 ÏRDr HEW gRRfiST Uaaskh iald thatn was got daltbar- __. 8tueeo- Oarpontei, Haion and Ottaernio Werk U UNION AVXNUX, NORTH • , ORRNFOi th« Haaitana . I loatk Avtoq Wv ^ | | | | y o ù ft Ä. ‘S1 ‘*1,

‘ ¿ b : »ä


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fc.-A*^/^' 8£Îhï**3^ SWV TtetauasiH TE RADIO skì^ * ■ r * 0BltU “ «Mktws w » n*Hnl* t >r Fwmtr Atitr _ **~ *wi--vu»e»_ »11111 - - COLUMN > a u f ^ J ^ “ *1*** Aasoaltu**. M . jfe? Onmty Tubereutud* r*?ff* , *” eooperattat «tifa thè fa» eonermln* the radio~ »club ¡ P *TlchL « . he«h, n . L 4fHl tu, rtoîfcî'l ? “f®“"«. «hat »ÏTiî n irJL k ìr * I*cu «hout it hÙo.!Han’lVl>,h American «SS to ^dÆ ah“ Ä ^ u rUr «ui  * ‘£v 2 * .£ ? a s m r e ^ t t £ 3S périment er or -r.* ^ ' n * r l* ^ 'f !r T B.q,' T n ,'‘w « " « e d a n ^ L .Z^r

ÌSSM rT1^ UD** ,wt,to' ITfai^mher, i ¡11 be "for ^ teat'■ ì a r ' i S n "«'«» *>f iir.rI C iprare they tlieiuneiv,.^ contrari JLb m m °fllllrr»hi?** director» of thr {“V!S i»t laxeit.uj.«™- S îï ‘«n,« lltM mat reelii.feelln* lui‘ uf _ |irote»t uf un Ì2SK ft?l.*h*t .,h*rB are net *m »m‘hew e\wi •Wttrn oi thè m t jr or inctolent 22?ï. . ■ilemoon at llevelanU ; ui‘" uif11" '«'7 m-re ofthèi *•*» of tuberruloaj» f e l n ^ m * .hrhijol. «livre talks ail) be »Iven h» Amerlean ihmiiIi- « lire'rrully «tld lim ..,îK*rT o'Pi'tieneed fan*, and J W ** JL UimMiM eierutlr» « » £ * hin?? «■«fried oil The Mnml. Mlitle* of aurh a cluB are i-.---.n-.. Ì K ( * i ^ tuberculasl* o rn a ti* ' «  tïito a s i; ,n vfc* •* « S h S 'Hdn, over, tlnveltlret, ai 10 «»duet tbb ^ r lî « e î î ^ i n K,Wy l,t“l,lr ^ fjmp*t|tn coverlng thè «hai« cimo- 'to m w i. and'Tii dèmoni ,Cl|  î ass^àV t^sî >.ier> eftort of «nvortiiiteiit. fi-di-raLI deht r r S f iL fh 'r,ir^î!;1v:,Tr:v,.r .tr'"* MMIt InitltUthin are far adt-BiusLl TIPS ,ta£«| Hfh a *T ‘i,n» wUI h e ^ f ^ s i S f c Ä f f 10 * » • Ih - _ w,t,h * 'l e * of «mphasUinv P u b l ic S e r v ic e e u f f e r e i n T * ? f ? t , hlr .»uapeetad mi•mnerenS u 17^ a fro»pfrotta «UberrnltuWrrnlosi« to th* eltal« h‘r fnr elimination.'-Màminatton!- 0 *he M en and W om en toTlwve mo0óf‘!K ' « “PMgn will be hv iT® of ,h? «uree» employed ?,* u'“ l|e®*ue. devote her entire The Lineman , Oh Boy! But ¡5“ « w iter (hity i “ h e S 'S « S '« Ä 'Z 'Z in ;; “? flw|dieSlavln*‘ur "f ,,m‘ h",n,‘ ®,w*'ht Is That Good! Iret itUrhiiM it to w-Vaj/j i,*”(l«|pl'T t(>,ììtovld,ì' «l,fi*,|1? ’"‘"h ire ; In "nier Uta VWfc-LSfr V ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ f . superintendent of JBmnte^Smii ®f"*«or,u'n and tir. O. St^lurhiman ¿.is-teraiS si' *■:- I olallnta»¡ST in .ii C. . f& aoetot» lS’S are ape- -rSsSìtkì^t’S Eh** V? che»t and luna dlaeaiuw Mr. H. Redfield SLe ^ l « ! " « ‘rvlre and J i ^ T ^ L^f® rllnlf* will be ahaolutelr free c o ^ o iS k v I»j?»aa8:,~I of ìuTolSonZtì? t-k0 ^-* « « -» -« ¡S -“a rtffii'Ä “ »; E ;r > iS Z t » A ^sSSSSifSSrS: uf ronUuit laid. «now than twenty rniica 230 Centennial Ave. SC s a r / 5SII5i5rn“ u"™~ ■• from Ernest Poppe, who for four years has added rr,„ 3 t : fc iifc -* • -¡s s s s : 11 .omaf . y»rè « * . » 1 Snaer . «»tiU ^*ïS»t.fa Th» Ì7» " * r a « . Tubo»r e e J»Ä^SSüft.wS trem o; n w o «trill him duty! « * • to • Iiruvldo ‘•»viuii «»Vki«.* *1 . te d F ln fo rvir*’i7V‘ WB 1U,‘ *u r«««timuni vòlumo.. ___,.._ à *..« a S ' W t i : ^ t,mn ' » È i s ; . . . no mèdium- — . . mu Ulof eachVI ___ town_ tbrouith the I lr 11 J* necemary to dò tìii« àniToLe l |i»'rt of tVi?.”.. * K < > . no the local paper* iKWtere ?,1.'^?,«1”" on the forM1«' left to lili iUb,«. M,lJol‘ g a' r t e a «'igwint ^ . Urn...... pub; ril''^ ,*Pt v«>lhuie,, iil0 tub« nhoui.l «nffeUctl to \{ « «?«,„ t',! ll: ri'n »•* Z ST i.“Sl”b~T* rfSCS .trie support and I?? r®«"nic«l to the «leale“ rad by wav «.*/ ot Sow J,,r- he ehurehie* tra- T^, 11,0 lu,*e »Itould ho burned mi|oiitat«i« ^lo tlui*i-.t-,Ì..-lil ,lwlemcÆi!rV. CbtdJd;I'l/fu 1» leadingSïSLÎl'P tim way »W in r n X kî«.*,,polntnie,,t now and bo ’■■’*** ** i m u ipvyyy QDRSTXÖH8 ARD AH8WXRS' I r,>W«r

••'■ •'1.1 ■ . “ * • * ■ * ■ » Room a ttfurt f .A- . v«w Th« WESTFIELD CANDY H T USEP GAR, IÄ Amb'Sitt o o r . u n o * a v x . im A iiw sr." c r a w »» r ’"'2SSSS& m "* A Ye* Of courre, Ute volume SALE TolophesoSU * I »M h 1** ^«fm In Rosolie JV o have some lino usmi cars on h >* ft n i H 1 1 h i m o c o t o o »< ^ 0M0“i»BS (VÎSJ,.C?D,p.aITn tfl m tal.'il'V w,111 h« «umeta w hflnihf S “® lynched on May » I diain-six«d rooin.jf te /u r ^ — - fi- layfng^f ““ ending tta wqpMfr: , W o m e n ’s Boy«’, Children*» & Misses* !8 ? 3 Hupmobile Coupe Walk-Over „ QUALITY RADIO 1823 Chevrolet Coupe Washington Ui- Posner’s - -HI.* - l ,x r ¿ d -a The Cross Shoe J u^*r Brown, v SPECIAL teli me «hat i 1820 Willys-Kojght Sedan Trot-Moc Shoes *T#r»fdy « volt, large..____ ■ ______; . old m - Buick Coupe Men*» S?w5SS^â^,ï,^QSA”—3£1í^^al",,,“ clear. -■ Rveready t f volt, heavy duty__ ;___ ;______, mother or Idn J n i J L i . , J ather or larcliltAct » 2 - °®e*,h Anderson, tlie -ÌJ/ly*T~*nterferencc. MRN’S Walk-Over ALL OOR - ■ ■ . Rvaraady StH volt, larg»__^__ ~~ rS*wd«i Ford Roadster Q“ l«eri Roadster 7VRMXSRIR0S NI«** A Lynch MRR0HANS1SR Balldte Oharger». abaolataly «u«»t — ~ ~ ~ J( : ^ Ä ^ ^ ner- Beacon Shoes OVRANTXRD t lfafnavox Sptaken, aaw tvpa - ■■ : >• „ J J “ t a t r r n t s th^Ä'^^^ntm enUof m ^ e m ld ™ J™ inh' 0v"^ 'n « ty with m a t b r ARRa n o r D ,, UR0HAKD18R PDBCHA8ED BT PHORR DRLXVRRRD lay Ixa*uì.a ~American Radio Re- ment» of thore »h£ endorse- ARD JH8TALLRD PRRR OP ORAROR ' »tndy of th e«? niS. bav® made a QDRSnONABXJE QURRIRS , ROBERT E. SCOTT ta.ß ll.„,. r ..... 29 dish L N. STEVENS Oditor;Radio Colma) Fsu '.fsA 'Ä Ä ereed» ta re »IrainiSlh!?-m®n S* ■« 118 AldenSbeet CRANFORD, N. J. «reed» ta re » S K ' t ó ! ™ " « » * ■» er.w two rnockoin Ä **, r1^ Ä1® ¡twnjifoniji, S “™HUPMOBILE SALES AND POR SXRVXOR 605 POR 8RRVZ0R SERVICE ...... 1 I tflis QIQI? '21£ S s h s f t r t S & ’a S ö —u RA8TMAH STSRRT ,1 _G ». FIRSTBROOK ~ ~ r . f a r o Ä 5 S " ~ « - C Cranford Talaphoa» 633 lngon the altar ttn a a*Ì!2* ^ K th# S nnW«- r o M è * t to4P ^ Civil Engineer And Surveyor 1 I jMUlt of thl» aurvertr « l * 1 * ■ Ito èreet thè ^ iu L. * ■ * decided 2 ^ Ä * “ 4 5 « THE SANiïARY BARBER SHOP would f U H a r i ^ L j T ’ t h « it 2n . e TÄ ..*‘rJr BratL t0?11““^ nrnl IneJud- MINER'S 11 UNION AVENUE» NORTH 3 méh nombra» ^S°^Snnen.' WatSlaftM are Mart»« sta, »mwa- Club;» M n f f X r t J i Ml)2 i?^ftr0 oJ? violJ? ¿ob ‘-S** '♦ r' tip-tostata and Sanitary la Rvarr P a r t i a l .. 1 1 «n «tmospbere of *ff?rife •nd two .Vew Eo. fara*« r * . „ „ M(übtrn ! ^ 4peeU 1 AtfnUon Olv.n to Lr^.' «mài cSdr.^ ^ o ^ - I « faÎÎÏ t*» » w M gM lk HATINCr D4ILV • JOHN E REffil ^ ««ton of thhel2SliiiSLÌ0i.*i» hm t No Happlnssj g», W u. ; ; / _ _ A Separata Room for tta Lmtlre ^ p K t f Ä b SSS Week Son. Mat. April 13th * 1 1-,. ' ( TA XI ' S E R V K E y ^ l _ ' Givo Da a Trial . T|the «etting.*^endaii..... •ir ■? :■• " - •> • ■'• > ; .togto “ttalr radtoZuSeS! m “t£ following m i a y a w S ^ A ^ t t ^  ΠΠΠi f s s s a a g a f i ' * í ;»í . * i ææÊ£m.iÊ& iV v9

‘r-srx aHjjgjäysFZ&^SZ*^-****^ e#* THE CRANfdft£> Cm 2£N AM> CHRdrtíCEE. THURSDAY. APRIL S 1925 - ^ h- n - V m -ßr ,

GUOS' OST AT UlUUIt ; Sairier' Rotea SCENT OF MAN IS SCHOOL , ! Pina stri certUbatas from, the I ^ VB i a i á g a i q g i Palmer Wrltins Cta, , hare asalu Thum lay. Apr* Kb. the Benlora tor bedifiniSiWdiNbnrifleB-» » ' A DEATH SENTENCE Tlu' G ran H Icn 'lai.:! l'mront- • of the Cranford High’ School leave alw 'attci|il4lli;B»^QIf^»wn 7V*< Iw .W crlaU on and Uh; Mn-j cons t« Rliertosn School. Stndenta' „ ______Wedn«Ki«y i«etm<■ «Iti'iiHHiii tu tlu; enter-: ...... ion Garli _ Anna Oriflltlta Notent Coot naimtmg. - and Isabel)« Agar. onea Tlie Hen lora liavo earnestly la 11L Any member wl tainhiir <>l airi? ni tim » rm itb and). the nnrse may do so by A iirimi gl»,Im, and ttir hlah «drf»td i —Th*--frtlowta»-received--Improve­ itrugglcsl ail year to obtain ( t o U;B«l it^e «< ¿whÍT amount needed t o t this three-day tordîST- „•, ^ - rr^t.u«; »*•■* A |in»i:iHni »*« » lim In ttir sixth] ment eertilleat««: Rosemary (bn­ We wlah th lnform our gkrOftta Jb L**uiioo. .» 'V, li.Viuiii and iliiliidid IWO » n iiij* of] nJog, KUaatotb...... RaOeedy,, Mike M t o - tripdwl at laat their eflorta arc to à it<‘ to rewarded. The train polla out of that on Friday momtog, lIay 32iri. servad Liier «>i u '^ W*ÎU» Ly AJIn Kli'di iiliiir* ul XiiW'j t a t i Kttol Wealgban. Leona Prn- tto annual meeting of thl» Aasoela- « u « n $ 4 i o Burt'CM alili h*-i. WU ID Miri WedrnLiirg I* a »Indent I dort. Pearl Oimberledge. Alice,. Alts- (to Cranford station at e:33 o’clock \ m l Thursday morning and arrives In tIon will t o told at 10: » * l- in, at lerttii ìm Lr .*> Uj-* itiiJfiT n»-r ' D­ under Mi M lilirr»i«Hin and .)*. *1 karael and Charles Eaton otr t h »A tto library, for the election of tto buwau mmis, j« u^; mj H ,» v ' r ‘Hi UiH »miiiUitift >mm* artMil nitti deHyht- “ * class:' Jessie Croft and <1 Marlon Washington about one o'clock. While in Washington the party will Board of Director»- We wookl like w brip* »-Wie u».v Ji* miti-M ¡iii'iiM'f« (ui and iri«*jit U m* Bchult* of the 7A class, and Arthur as many members as possible to at­ Jackson ot the 7B claas. stay at the,-Leo.«ot, ^ooae.'Hooae.' fTJieyfTto! will ebene ln th* l>**i im« “f . »onjr» h>' Mia« Muh'lihur* iiirlildi'd visit all jpo point*ilntt of [Interest,|lnt. . includ tend this i meeting. No further no­ »Ci*™, uni J'I -.. .sili >».n.r» wul'i- i.sni|i 1 'Tlin U -t llotir. KfM t Progress Pins were awarded to in* ihethe CbngTMsionalCtK______Library, ... . the tice* wM to moiled, so- kindly bear Ukr a I..V *l Um cue. «I"» ‘kr er; lnw Ilm vllii«, llorera. II the following: Franc la Canning, Ed­ Mbit, the Lincoln Memorial. Ari Ing- the date In mind. - ,■ ith Caldwell. Helen Tergeraeu, Goo. n o O t a liad Orra ~ M a « . ) ’ fiAu...... “•s’V'Duma"* «idilli: "Tliet ton Cemetery, Mount Vemtm, the KJiouri, Martha Crawford, Cornelia CapItoL and tto White House. «araro inr cu(Jdi«ou«n' r|..m.u m - Ti u> 'nirae numbers Hopkins Regina Boaykl. Catherine fmau wer» «ft iuwfwl lai*» int mM uà M,,j, <>nrr>!<'« \wr»* i'ntliu*] Vanity Aggregation Wins SCHOOL BANK NOTES Herrmann, Paul Lowery and Henry The High School . won Its ft rat How many times have you »aid to festst wbu tt'Uid feaiai £1**»'.* tJ**'»** jl l’ ** - jhmichII)' nM'i'ncri. : ^ Mhatoen of the 7A .class. Wajter ora cart'»»: u»ks • m *•** l*"** 'll»- ilrlightful a»Hun|isijlinW»la, nlptuiTH'of fe|tat game Hatunlay, April A hy defeat­ yourself,—it take» money to make Father and Justh and Wesley Griffith of the ing tto Cranford A. to the tune money. This le tnie. The only way duú Oirouin». t<» w»r«l n«n-i< im i*' i.d«¡M "> *{/*;\ Hon iHnnrr ari* r*Ody,____and may be 7B el*as. of H-’i The High School took the to have this money I» • to accumu­ Weil, li ai affivii‘nni * “* í'wiii«» of i Ninfonl, ¡ «btali)«l from tiloi HKroutulaater.poii.. Tile I*almsr metliod button» were lead In the first inning by scoring late’ It; and the way la open to ihelr deatb a*-úie¿j v UM« Uh- uf .»«) an »M i-f i* n* i '$mj»*iiM, Mr*. ' • |>ietur<*a-aro oapcefally dealraUlo ln- awarded to Haymond Boyer. Jerry 1- 1, ... un In-IIK till Id Un- , Lniili'li aa ‘ l l l r lllll- TUifl'li I» ln‘ three run». Coach “Door Holmes. everylmdy. - . •d **01*0 sceOt' »»u u**i» tohato, (hrrll Houglitun? Walter Marteil the vanity team and after You have often had the winirrel EASTER,*!—”The Seaton of Fur hoddred» t»i nrud*«i<'l •I -I'. ... í i'linli'd. Tini 'Sconta of Cranford Fleming of the 7A CIaiui. III., pinera n i «I«. Ini'liiiliH « '« '■ ¡ ,|I((UM fi'i-d pnilid of Hila photo- it had obtained a good lead he gave liolnted out to you tut on example Gladiw -r-of Ro—urac.tion— cbas has been Uu* «si* la»*<«’? "f Inc- l.y Mira .li'rnli* Affluir aa f"> grapj,, for |t |a aeldoin that any Cla»» 8A and Class fill are each other candidates for the team a of THRIFT. Nuts are hU moat vaL muh chance to show their mettle. liable .(MMsesalon. Money la y ocra. wild ere»lure* > v'" .lou»: ... troop 1» «o' filfflilyly honored.. giving a . Norway maple to the the ,tiine o f times to «end tag tto period (bora tov. ttf ktl] off lo Mtif fit fcit- .1 i " I i ir liHotflnif for tin* Flay, ih» school for Artior Day. Tho day 1» The losing team gathered live hits You should be accumulating It. Tlie f-rMiiford ( ’»no« Club 1* «ly- from which they obtained two runs Cr'ross-word puzzles‘ are great fun, tweet message* of friendship t a y oaaonaioaa a t um k». bunted fur L«”i it foi U' Hi*« Too Kovi*». In« » |H'rforiii*ncii of "Tho G lin t’» also being relehrated with A»»omhly «ad tto iaanaaa ta da ikfA«r"jW î. hu > in liH ty »I tin* linai* .Hall exorcise*. while tho school team gathered six Imt It la just aa much tun and much the smel) of ll*< Stair,' «t tho ('»»Ino on Aprii I7th, lilt* from which they »dored eight, more profitable to puzzle out way* to those we love. *waigononu aia a t alaep UstlBctlv» tetr * l/| Hif Ih II I 4>f HU t iuiiH- " tin ‘ i'olíMrd ha n l»t nmf eHitleil nuny tier uUdlence anil Helen Torgcrison of 7A, Cather­ Tho pitching of Morris for.'tho world. He started In business with JaaaasT l i * Í !l ,0? OPMr‘* maaldpallUoo la wbtel beast for tl»» *u*c)i <>f iuhi»-*** i .1 u•#» , (tax Ineliuleil). unit may Im olitalnod ^ " I c o oporatoa. with Iter rondín«» nuil several eti­ front any Scout. There will lie dan- ine ’ Fuclw, Elsa Rolinor, Itoselyn High School was tto feature ot the a few dollars he had managed to lay EASTER CARDS now U O m oJectrtc sad gas motora. the altemMtl tu' in,*.«tb of tbo oloctrie lado brlD*« berk prlmMtv** feMi** 'JtHff. ,id ln the dotticMle science numi h) fanned six men. The High School dollars? •. - . I'lie 'I’riaip II Ihaakcthall team ww it Hnyilor Citarle» Downey ami Jua­ MtaBtarity fore, wh»n the li‘»n«v* nturn* t»* Ut , n very rHpnbh' coiitiiiiltee under plioioKtaiihial laat Monday night at nita de Ominan, of 4A. can expect much from Morris if lie The opiiortunlty to save and to Table and Home Decorations f£S3?ftw keeps pp the nace lle show«) In his make bank accounta grow la just aa talclly for llgbtlag sad do aureer) end U‘* tltrmii -1 IhIi»i .•Mt» In-nnliitf und Mr». *1. Ktlwanl tho' f-urlali llouae, Tim team lamio Tto Klaon Art Exhibit waa -a fi­ gas tadnatry la making hai Wolf. of thè moat aiirrcaafiil onca In tlie first game. Trio other pitchers also much the glrls^-and tto to y s of to- that aid in making your home ä s cagpamoat r w # ehe either d***«r<»)i» her <»« | nancial success. Tho picture» were deserve much credit for they also “ í '« ItfeTPS them to dir. . j The next meeting of tim I.lllHdll- hlatory of thè Sconta, aa «reti a» mio enjoyednjoyoi’ anil...... likewise the entcrtaln-' day aa It waa In the boyhood days |iM a «a._ P w lif by mor», than Sliet MiHM . Ifonie lutti Siduml l/4*URiie struck out three men each. Tho of...... the rlchdst man in ' tto ' worl Id. Easterlike iH appearance. Al*o a»«« for basti A Wolf inoth* r at llie r*“» uuw ! of tho beat uniformai onea In Ilio monlnoni». w ill he held mi Muy *. at ■ «diflit pitching of Hennessey for the A. C. Tho-School Bank provides the op- (“sV** '* N* " ■>««•» ta proved h t w l f uro^junl to Mm* ImsK " f [ Connly...... Class Ml made candy, and sold It an assortment of party novef- *’ U the «art* oclock In Uittoln Schotd. finti will The Tllilcn and Amloraon patrola was excellent hut tils mates offered liortunlty for the glria and boys of rettridf e feiuiiy. Uhni tl«* itr^i l*1 j at tho Klson Art entertainment. him llttlo support. Tho High Hcliool Cranford and vicinity. Htop In and p « o r y or the llgnUngfhihìin/**"• «purposoa *,,d ha« *,ll|ta tosa 16 he thè nnitUHl Inedite»» nieetliiK. aro planning a Joint Iilko d.urfng tho The profits. , which amounted to ties- ter arrived Lie soo taJlrd tu u m*«ttis-r } Kuatcr vacation. MamliorM of tlieao Plays the 'Marshals from Elizabeth upon an account, deposit regularly mperwdod by «lectrlelty. | ly cullle. There ««to fimr iii«-h *t"l A 00ÌDENT 8 , 110.45. will help to defray the ex­ this Friday In another practlco each week and watch your account patrola allunili ho proannt at Scout penses of a trip up the Hudson. log «mployod moro and m four puppies. Win A .MolTett, of Newurk, ilrlver to bo held, at throe o'oldck on tho grow. The hank Is open every Sat­ 'ooklog «ad moro recoaUy h meeting Saturday night, to decide Monday, April H, was Girls’ duy, B. A O. Field on .South avenue. As SB experiment II wa« dtv Idnl it of a titiek for lliiiitheiKer, loft Ulti ou a aultahle (leatlnatlon, dato, and urday morning from 9:00—12:00. waking .rapid progresa aa a ttiMk pioperly purketl at ^y»iitral and the Parent-Toaeher Associa­ ■ " Honor .Boll. ■.. ■ leave one cuh wltii tin* wolf motiirr, otlicr parllculara. tion entortained all the Cranford iute for fuel io industria) 1 and. In addition, to tlvo io r throe ut AvfMiieiuul Ka»ln»«n Mreet al lll.*»d Troo|i III la acliedlllod to play VUOTINO NURSE ASSOCIATION Following Is flio honor roll for Eisenberg’s " A M 011 l'iieMlny, uhlle he tlellv- girl» of High School add Junior Tho regular monthly meeting of Saturday, April 5. 1925: . the puppiee to *e<* if-»in* would tour J-laiiilleld Saturday;h. Aprii . litio " ‘ High Hchool ago In tho Nherman cicli kuhiI» ut li iicnrliy lioiiHc. Tlii' I nt l’Iiiiullelil 'ho gamo will he tho Visiting-Nurse Association was Kherman Hchool—Roselyn Hpecht, The Store of Quality thMDr Hbt WB* Hhllt ullt of her (IMI ijn r.c. MUulini lo .MIl«> M«r- auditorium. - A soloist and reader hohl on Friday morning at the Pub- H. Warren Lansing. ... sleepldff hoi wltlL* Ihr thimp- M.iv aliud promptly at 2 p. in. Tltoro contributed toward tho program kev'« iIiiiii|i n»Kun. itrlvcii t,y Au­ III he'no a'dnilsslon o\iarg» and lt Ilo Library, most of tho officers and Lincoln Hchool—Arnold Jonos, Nor­ S UNION AVENUE, NORTH iBide sod the phppi«*H wen- ^heu tuori lire« McAiiley nf WchI Drimid'. ibii anil. afterward" the ■ girls enjoyed a directors being present. hoped that a goodly iiumhor of treat of Ire cream and cake. man Juno», Holpn Gross, Robert this eo hour to miuKUh< in Mir > til*'* iiwhv «leu 11 KuNtiimn Sliei.it unii outers will turn out. The chairman reiiorted that our Tlmonoy. ORAHTORO, H. J. Beat of hey end get thorr>ui*M> ' wolfs' mlllitei! ivitli Ilio frolli ni tini trili'k. nurse, Ml»» Lofgrpn, had ,mado-l:tO -Grant Hchool—George BlUler. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. visit» during tho month ot March. ' TaUphon« 4IOW Is scene Then the wolf mother wio Iirenkiii)! l'olii lienililKlitH inni Ine - HOLT NAME SOCIETY Flag; Winner—Lincoln Hchool. readmitted. . rliflil tiimlKtiHnl. ami ilunniKlnK Ine The regular monthly mooting of There were four anlfTa and Him- rtnllater...... tlume lloly Namo Socloty. held' ■' Mon- nape—and only the wolf-cub lived. At 1 I*. M , 011 -1-iiuHilny, CliHrles l ’einlorf, of Cranfnnl, inw truck li» day, April fitli. waa well attended, Another case in |>oint. While tin* llremiHHHer's ilellvory truck, ivlileli ~l momhora being iireaont when roahlont Crowley called tho moot­ mub! keeper of the 100 dwr wan uw t»y « bh lielinc drlven liy Joo Ke«i, ttl*u B vubttitut» found e butiy fawn totter of rr«nford. Tini lirrident occurred Ing to order. • ‘ ' • Tho unllnlahod hualtioaa docket tB| Is til: open paddfK*k durlns tmd nt il’ott'B corner. Mr. i’enilorf * w weather. T!ie min1'plu’kiul M up end kiKM’keil iloivn. »lui »nono llmiitn«, uHjflnlahod In »hört order, tho only Imi refiiHMl nicillcnl, atlenllon. mining uinatter being ...... tlio_dl»chargo carried It Into aheltrr ! From tlmt mo of tho Arrmigomont Committee of iBfnt the mother refuted to £o mar the recently hold Communion ‘Keep the LmesOpi har baby, fend the uilir hud Id fhc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Uroiikfnat.si...... Tilla waa dono ■ with tho*■' - - L e '- • 4 r , - , ’ ‘ ■ J t . reared by hand. The Woman'» Mlaalonary Society thank» ol 'the Society. 7 A R in . J . ■ Even the tame domestic ruhhlt will met In the chanci Jaat Monday af­ Under noiv hiiHlnoaa the Proal- A ^°cknunW «'4öw nthehigfa. kill or abandon her youmt aimuld tin* ternoon, and enjoyed un Intoroatlng di nt aniKiInted a vommlttoo under tho oblo guidance ut llrothor Ted Dole« .1.« 7 * • 7 -Ladders, owner 'tandl* tl^m In tin* nest und talk by Ml.«» Kllr.ahetli (’onkllng on ppl<^ »hovels, w)re, crossanns, brackets- leave a trace of the fatal ‘Tnun scent." tho apread of Ctirlatlunlty hi Aliui- Doyle to arrange for a amokor to bo pcL ■Lvidm' ka. »luco Uh purchnaii troni Ituaala ' Id May Uth. ' Lsav* .all baby anlunds to. tteli flic Invitation of tho Memorial Md a crew ofgtaJwart «trouble »hooter»" aotfcem and do not tsnich them unless by. tlm United Stilli'» In IM17. The aiihjed «u» llluatrnted by heniltllul Day Committee to participate In ***dy *o «pair breaks causcd br «Jeer or pen mean to take them away for «ood colored atereoptlcon violi» of. tho tho am vice» and . parade waa accept­ \ / •now,wind,floodiorfiief” ' ' "^ - country Tho Trenaiiror. Mr», Irving ed and a (10 dunatlon voted tu holp . ScHooi of Fisheries (irceli, remi Iter .minimi re|Hirt, alio« defray uapunana...... su lug a htilance In tlie treaaury of An hiNtruotlvo lecturu by Fathor !!£ ? the °Pea” Í* «he «ed of die A acheol of flahcrle* to tu* c»tnh lloiiliHchniaim treating on ChrlHtlun liahed at Hsllfax. Nova Scot lit, M , (mono Minute» «ere remi liy Mr». I ? K.p ld r men-« n d chey live upto llcgcuinii. Necrelary prò tem. A leuco wa» dollvored tollowoil by He&ry ItoiHrrtJMm, • Amcilcou coi«»\d reperì ot Ilio acwlng coiiilillttco the regular (Question -and Answer « « ^ ,^ L th e? ce o f ^ *3 gaaeral at Halifax, it do^Tlhrd er of Hctu»d Life t pot Ihc niimlier ot gariuentN inaile for l’lioro uro »till »uvoral »oat» that tiun of King'a wlmrf will lu umi» Umililo lliirn limi for Mr». Ilarpor, onld he llllod to mutual advantage ferred lo the hlologicul tmerd tiiitl u Ilio inlHHlonary 111 Inditi. Mr». Alile by Purlali momhora. Í S S S f them « w o A “ your large building rruiodehil and coim-rt urged tlmt thè onvelopo »yathm lo; udoptod nt tlie uieetlng» ef thè So. T, W. B. 0, • . * • t a M • ed into a sc1h*o1 bulldluc ami bhdt^ictd . " « ‘W “ to tovra. These men are servina station. ' * clcty. Mr».' llohia tuli! ot thè me- Tho Young Womon’» Hlblo Clau m 's,I 1 / A staff of BcIrettM« will In* up morìa) fluid «tild i limi hoou xtarted hold It» April bulanoM mooting at live ymir» ago, III nieiuory ot di» tho homo of Mr». L. A. ltlco on pointed by the hlohijjlcivl. tmurd of purlcd niemlier», Ilio Intonmt of SylvoNtor »troot, Mlaa Hharploea, our Canada, and the school will function Ì» " * ‘ - c • irlilch I» to he iikqi! for provldlug lemlor. uotlng aa bouton». At thta < In co-operation with.lhdhoUMc uitivcr olothlng for ddldreu. Mr». Knowlea mooting tho now oOteors tor the 1 Bity and with the Nmu Stolbi ’Uu'h »uggoHtod »tortIng a reference IS cmidng year took , up their work. Blcal colics^. A in ictiiiOc atulloii will hrary In the chapo!, oltertng to con» ho da»» I» loukln forward to a 'f t ? ™ ' -Sy «—OT. »¡.«job be maintained ut Si. Andrew*. New trllmte a »et «t inl«»l(mary report» : tear of lino work al around under « e r ? h ^ P you * i“ “ open so that you Brunswick. * el the ivorfil, mul . ml»»lon »tudy ho 1tS now prosldont, Molas aft? f It U expected that the «cImnvI will t><- hiHik», a» a mirlen». Mr». Heavy Its new prosldont, Mlss.Marlon Han- ándañrk^ an^ °"e ■oy^bere at will— valuable as an cxi*rim cni »tutlon. pro »poki' oT tho work of the Weatiiihi sen. Tho other now -pfllcora aro: and so that others may talk with you. »ter (luljil, which In cmixtautly In VlcivProsIdont MlaSTCdltii Qrultt-. ' vldlof InfoHiuohm and mlvtce for Ipe creaalng In nuuiher» and ootlvlty tier; treasurer, Miss Gladys Nottlo- ftablng tnduKtry. . . Mrs lllhstm'» reimrl of tho (flirta. ship, and Hoorotary, Miss Dorothy (Inn Kielmiver waa read hy Mr». Adauis. . ■ ÏB W YORK. TEZEPHOXSTB GOMP> ‘ H i* IV oy .. Green, In tile nhownre of Mr», Hlb- At this mooting vory hniirosslvo m u i . Annual eteetldti-of olllcer» re-. Installation service»-wero hold tor "Oli) Uilvv Uczf.htf u wn* In i vrv n huIHmI a» folio«»: I’reHlileiit, Ml»» tho now officors ot tho olawi. ,p»l| »go, crxivdlti» illuni[ 11 lem 1,-t KIlMihotli (Vniklliig: l'lr«t Yirtv At tho oloso ot tho buklnoKs moot­ Itr" talli llir lindi,mi «r Un; IVIiililn l-rexldenl, Mr». II. .1-, Van Clove ing a short but Intoroatlng Chinese tavrm . Second Vlccvl-roaldent, Mr», «lanío» irogrnm was -given hy our loader, ., MLa«l aneli,rr lrllcr te» «u* ei'ci' Adle: Third Vlool‘re»ldont. Mr», ollowed by Clilnoso rofroshmonts, 1« inali, riiV' retmiicit s,|iilr,‘ K iiiii. .lohn Udii»; TreiiMirer, Mr». F,. (1 unich enjoyed by. all. tiottom. - , . Marmiey: Secretary. Mr». Hay Chv Wo would llko to see our class •-Te-ah] Ite »udii icmiin In* limi ment : Secret ary of Literature. ' Mr». grow hi number»: 'All who are In­ b eta In tOc indcl ì , i c , Imi In. n ...- G. It. Mcjierimitt. Mr». Orr of \Vo»t terested In s Bible Class oumo out Held, liavo t«(i vocal Mdo». accolli on Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock. tryl&f tu Vt«l1 all' II« liltu-t'. Im Ini,) lianlcd hy Mr». Elmer K. Dey. after ‘ very cordial «'olcopio awaits you. bota, and «n» preli'h p'di; te «Iddi ceffee and »auilwldio» - were he hadiit \t»lo»l «nd i.n.-in^ le m-v served, and a sodai hour, enjoyed . CABIN O BOWUNO m i he. limi ll»ltcd. ..sunne Inr,- The hoxtesxea for the afternoon I-list week's howling hi tho Club «round tim ir In- hitd I,,h| ili,. I. iinr were M;rn. Van IliiNklrk. Mr». 1’. W I’ourimment did not have any effect . and (he la»] I kn e" he li»,le I intuì e Hull, Mrs. W. I tod I ne, Mr». VViHid on the »tending of the. teams, but Aa he conduci» utt ,,f le» Imimii,...* in ward mid Ml»» Elsie Geminili. 'IVuui 7. which already halt first Springs Shopping Time Juati about timi fuddon. tic Imi« all piece cinched, wero trimmed tor thè tirar in ih c- "erld le deli »un,.,. ST. PAUL’S M. Mf. CHURCH two close games, getting tho third, of the series by a Wide margin, - thè po*t ottica fer thè fonli«)i u n MouduK worship nt 10:45 o'ohdfk, «Llhey run thrlr tui-inr-v'- k.uis.i- teams 8 und 9 each howled ono man Endilng norslip lat .eight o'clock and .Team 8 got two . out- of the ’anford Ice Co. Q ty S tar. Sunday Sellimi nt IÏ noon. throe games. ■ Midweek prayer and praise see Taam IQ vice. Wednesday eveiltngAat eight Dates ...... When the warm days o f Spring; ValaabU Thtrmomrter o'clock ...... -467 117 .- , . , arrive, the people of this cVmiunity Hli'lianls...... HO 124 \l& Th* lrapruToii ihcrmonietcr, known Kpwmlli devotloiiiil service I» held Milieu ...... — 127 141 just naturally want to buy things.to wear, things to fix up around the as Doctor llura Kota ihermomoier. I« mi Wednesday evening In chnnoc Warner »...... « ...134 ■ 192, ao dctn-alc lo Ila coiotlmctUm ihm n lien with the prayer meeting. Green ....«4—»445 145 o i au M on II» own rale of (««dint The liny Hangers meet tho Ur»t house and different things to eat! It stands t9 reason that they will go « b o r ita leui|icnttuiY. approiümiite« und t lilnl Frlday «venhigs wltli Mr. Totals ...... 883 loi C. ('. I«'w 1» n» (uildo, - to the merchant who tells them about his new Spring offerings to (bat o t a human body. The ordlnun Tlieti; will liy iio dlver tea thl» Team T Ibrnuoractcr Is not satl»fnc «eok eiy account of Good Frlday ...»»»152 161 tory far arudylng çoodlüna» for hodll.' Tho ladles’ ot St. Pani'« will hold Moody _____.,..„.„.131 ton ;upply their needs.. Through the columns ofthis paper you can tell CMafart. "and for that rvasea tlic tiu a nmunage »alo aoon aftor JEaster M cIntyre______:_„122 115 /raon wi m in« la ledng tlw improved and all thoso liavlng cast-otT.doth Stephens 14 159 them all the.news of your store in an econom ic and intelligent man­ |:|Eata ^tbcraKanooMn lta atudy of ecu Ing. iKHik», hrldcbrac, e tc , to ilonate MacKomdo ______Utl 173 « U r t -a iM n baco lo «III khidly inform Mrs. C. K. IVKIom ner. Ask us to aid you in the preparation of your copy. - - - - tsTi North avonuo, K Tdophono JBt Totals_____ ..6A5 Nevt Kunday tho,momlag^mrvlco , . T*aia * will ho taken ‘up hy tho Sunilay: Lovell ______U9 School and, an approprlato. ■ Kastor MlUer ______program will he remlercd. • tog an ------£ L J X Ti MutIof ______„^.,154 H o y c e ______«.^ 450 ICE Cranford Citizen nnd Chronicle Wheeler Service


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v ' •»"ST* i, ' ,«•» M S '


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. . *im * .. V»” -» « . anse» ta r«% n « r « « » u Gndug ùrih -IS** a. T. Mult TMetr-t«e mBUas tSMM — «*e»wrbd*mrd Bern. r u n g » u r b * IS tajnrta, nobody hy

izfM r ¿Setidír7ÍIl^íLle ^ * * * * mapweed poada M,w«, ft 5 *2*tH •« bm iLnx^M u ■ * » , « t^atnn abeet bOOO Prùsefet. M M s s m t , . y .* !* * « wr at ft sew ttee . *,*“ arr '* the power to netré e m . »«Maat « M u n our miad« then Id»«, whlfJ **?™ Imiirtatlnt have .lla«rpc,nd. o» ^ i - -*aLeioSfíí. Is salted the fbeeetueJ^ “***1 dlak. *“• It lena laid aelde ubi of al*hl. ___ Fi* y Tonto l a y j m . — »*• of Onta by *re*a es »»ifiib hook • «li. i. i - m iUlu sMy year» m . _ C ysicei Indm d R,*<—The Seuaon of “A won', rreiy to marry lire or el. ■aay (ah la thè rtrer. - The mea r». MHH#f Roaauraction— I ^WUaj but B*eik rrntarkrO .he (h«.u«htful m,B Ile» m ty to luarry ou.-n" Crow|«| tu T V r *°t. *f h , , d *** «he w of times to send Iwir^^ tS T S f * * * *•« *• « “ »• »bas- 'hr t-yol«'.—Cincinnati Knaulrrr. m y,ur t^.--,u«. ft*®»»*®«,fc** ^ -'» messages of friendship mZ T . ^ T * * 0* * * *»• 'territory d a ä w ^ T >* m M d «Í »• s»a Wo ineneeo ,(• doe to tho Stt.7iíTL7.to roureetr and UreeU- Cn.r Em Too Fo m al t we love. “ « • SoBeral aie «Í electricity aad lí?¿d S !f^ ü e*,t*ta bt* * * Oo»*- The -o.crr ,n„aI", „f,..,, a„,w |o „„ .SSrSFaft« am -rnac. fru .tra tc hu>in. . „ |lv S !? ¿*?lc •»< MW su • «■ W u trlal SZù au ’rM*- “ • " T have the newest ' srovtS of tbe nore than J00 Inlurj. Ic|i..un rlri'tiltuur >\a. . «BBldpaUüu la «bleb PabUc p - Ä Ä _ MedU,U* • udut-llntr lite -.Imple: tran.u,-n„Ui l i e * « » ■ t • iwad total of TER CARDS now U»,SO? electric aad ( u meter*. ^ " I c e operate«. . i PMtsd JfbtfsfM I • i ■ ,■ . X I * • r £ ^ f t W -s s s s i« : L wSfszs* nd Home Decorations ££r&^.v£ I ■■wS~~«**toe S * ' pJent, «rowlns b*» producedIn a pot. M t in making your home «'•«.ration. The mlatletoe Alma u i « * rw ^ f by nor*, th is SSttÄSTÄ l e f s a i S i n . ^ ,p *ftod We top ¡re iik appearance. Also need lor beatine «nd i" " " 'A ¿ 7 IfhUas la Ne« Jeraey for about You’ll Need a rtment of party novef- Ijrafted aiadeto« b “• Ä W ' 2 lU h u L T * * * ’ " ,d “ N** lù °ae for atjtorr of the dopinocene* ,0 “ * llsbtln* .purpoui bei bann Uraal* Good Electric Iron 0! e d* ,nty »ceessorles that make ^ *T* lncrea.ed br 114.904. ins employed more and mai« for the spring outfit a thing of beauty. gE* «M» . J?, M . eent-or m and p«r *“ o,nL »»« year» ^ rtta í m u e” ^*C9nU, h“ » * « s e n b e r g ’ s iute ror fuel lo Industrial Ut«. Putting Up Prescripti ons w /r l thMe ai;U for *H ironing need« 4 we recommend the Simplex, with £ 1 Store of Quality ?o ot„e: ,: nbrU"k#b, Csll 349 for prompt^ervice 1 A ^°dcnunhlej'dusmthehigh Is' 0oLTYh,/7e,*71Cy *PP“ Mu*1 Isd S , pple*. *hovel^ wtre. crosssnns, brackets- APOLLO DRUG STORE ««d a crew of atsJwart «trouble shooters" ^ ,n i * CalL,o r *"**> food or Trust Building, Cranford IP?"if*.C*k® ° f * c* ke with **adjr to repair breaks csuscd br «trrr nr * “jllcate marshmallow icing. *now,wind,floodorfi«f^?^ ?y“ - - ■ * MoYeng D ay ' ev#ry »«man knows Pitfalls in the ^ “P^^opM '-irtheoeedofthe fl^klnSf 0 t dainty tri- !*le^ nf r*P^m en-snd they live Up to * calendar*^ U t S|v* y on the Si- You wni hMd.elec- t»iudn. B***le Swann, who hni! and trn® “crvlce the very tells us so many culinary se- st« great^ ,^Lthe?personal sacrifice. ce of \fyntyourJ1ome nuine.homey° Wew r are v° t0 anxiou* your"«w prog over the radio, is gqins PtoW dy you-vem^n them st work in your £ ° >L0U “n," ‘««Tuptod aerv. •ndind sponge«noT* * b0Llcakes ■n«*l and other food 80 Ploaeo notify ua i t ’ ¿ O J fa n tA ^ou r^ rtri,,«*to move, so that a? «I«?* ne* toPriday morning lottun^ into town. These men are tervinir at eleven, Station WAAil we enn arrange to give you nervlco without waiting? y ^ » “ro to listen in. *- SL’^"ia,8,“y “ «*« •*!*■>» Diincuitiea vanish when pllflcdn?lfl/

l v “ " P " " d“ t ?“ / “ JP“® "»ywhete at will— // No More Rearon for Dingy-Looking Linen, and so that others may talk widryou. / gE A U T IP Y and protect your When Yo u Can Buy hop», inside and out, with B W YORK TEZEPHOISTB c o m p a n y tu>es* Puhit made: Devoe.' r A e Thor Elect! ic DonA let lock of ready money - ttopydu! Paint now—pay later. W asher - Consult the Devoe Authorized' F o r Only t C.00 Agent in your community about ^ J D ow n - ^)evoe Home Improvement dflhteen months to pay *7®°. by which you can paint your, home NOW, aad take ten finiry*a8u0nde rhe0d7ln?.?aer,Ti.0 k^ w you ,lk« —, s months to pay. ' . eng f K a a , C„r

. A- C- ftte Hardware Co., Joe.' iogNmithod°n Hot' w iS ? d ,B ft? Thor Wash- -...i* 0*711 a v ** o k w suds, Is sent whirling?«’ ®pf rkl‘n» with soap ^ “ ^ H O Il* joi the cloth^"in?gb ch la^wayathftt,«nfl?u.^i,r?Uk” ‘anfortf Ice Co. ened and washed out. V that * d rt 1°°*- B«r «be Thor on th«M »nd are w ta” reaJgUng6^ 81 p*‘e«d®d feature to0^ . ‘' rnU' ^ d° wn- u aio.ufi fao&axs Atm nooa o u rn o r Make Your Ruga Look ®©tter and Last Longer Du»t and dirt dull the pleaahw color* «r . i ^ b r n d and lint imp ,n d flatten a . th* « The H oover ft - sstw K Lja s v : *r ICE

tíhT b«! “ ■ d**truct,ve m ot«,ini. 0 . ^ ° - - Wheeler Service

TELEPHONE 180J . |l . n w u * ::ÄI - «r oBTÍTiginc oboi ...... H. OHEOBAB -**P OOOO XCAV20Ì ,+ ^ s . . . . O H orr AlfD '»ifliHT ' , , T; -H y " Small sum mootfify r . <. Z-" t ’ ^ ^ (u 1$' *+ - - ^iJ^^S'Viix.1' T ’ 1 ‘ ' te tts H o& m r o o m . ~ ‘ '


'■ ' .■■■TTJ lnp r^ r‘^rp9rQP,T '.I ', S-,-..---..; y T . > / <

««U . B*H of South Be g e r r a bridge party last I ------a ------R*rUle Turk, of Cranfonl fjG tr^ f oa Ttoesday from * Booster & OOOD. th* O ra l vacation. Mrs. John Garrison, of No £***■ will «M id the Ea*ti *«d at Beachvrood. N. D r m e t S o n lid S k e t c h L t g e n d * COONOTL il vue uauc R- Wemef. _^àRT EXHIBIT JîATBS - MYSTERES CLOSE «DOCEMFUL _ Scotti Patron Sau * u n it e d W E STAND SEASON .fjorough tkmncll *“ « ‘u o f London Slam L ilt l’-Ô N g'tfig« i m U c Iik-'Is). 'niiirwImy Sfiit Krt- regular meetwg Turaday, April -, h(«.l riullding. fin exhibition of pie- the Council. A. Dow. preaided. All poaetuato the Obaeara facades of rba rated. H* first cornea. in- oar,- Jinawt- 5 ?* *Wday at the alarm Ikcwim« oí » p*«*ini? frtlxht turc* of"trofm t lian .ordinary Inter- »canori. A »inumar» of Ilio game» iUs* Susan Benedict, of Wl won and io»t »bow that tlie Myatery the member« of the Council were long tenement roars Ifko big limps, are edge through tha goapaU, whit* Ytat* train ■ ! fin* O iito r i-truH «-rowd»*. (Kt. IÍ ■i-illnd»!» of Mill»' two liiind- Alls* Frances Garrison, oi Th«. fin- «*> l'Rf’k iti tl.c fin* dwitogr« rive Hr», won 15 and loat 6 tame* precent. — . crowdad with ' woman- and cblldra# that h* was the'brother ef. Simon rod (Hrlm.'i |ihñtngl»l>h*. I . A hearing on the aewer on Oak carrying dlahoa and basketa *ritM Avenue.avenue. East, wUIw have aa 1 ImiiM Im-íimi1 tío* flfiülit limi I»«** eiT- for a lien outage of'.WO. The Junior« Fatar, and a eoo of JMMk • ; MW** VUM print« In full color«- won It and lo«t 4 for a percentage atreet and. fifth avenue waa read Alfoos Faqoat.la tha rraakforter Zslt- Paulino Ml is! aft»*r going atnl r<*juriiiiiK froii» piani il i.y Ilio KU.m Art Publication and adopted on Itg third and Anal man of Mhaalda. so th* northwoM- t e w * “ th¡‘ Hu tía I.lwoli» aW*mi«5. <>n « V> In c . »1 Ih Jmoni, Ma»*, and con of .77* CoiiKldedng that they play ang. ■ ; am ahora of tha Baa of Galilea B * Ai»ríl r.tli a train t»lork«*il tlio ml- «onte of the 1*0«t team« in the reading. No obJectUm« were pre­ . Evan aa lata as ten o’cfock children .^ • “ Beatrice F. Whipple, i limi« only ilio wry l"‘*‘ ropfowdita- rented. . ' - . bad bean a diari pie of John tha Bap- at Columbia University. !» iro-MtjE inlnutv*. Till* Unit* rv<*n tin o ut Iho ma*tor|dooOK o f Art of Count)', tire leeoni eatabU*hedbr play on the pavements and wasry, the Myatery» I» not to he belittled. Bid« for the removal of gariiage tlet, but laft hla former master and at*. Uu- <*n*i..4- un> uiKinipIfd. I.rnki > djlpii'iil riiiuitrlo«. and different dowdy women alt on the afep* of tbalr Uched hlawrif m onr Lord, to whom lio gira! ilaiuaifó Mnklly Tho Myatery Five Mklfeta won their adn refuae which were returnable 15 game« for a percentage of 1.000. that night were opened and" read. tiny onllghted hoaaea, whore windows b*" brought hla brotbar, Simon Few , ail»« Florence Tripp of B- hIh» im> (Vniral J<- K. «*f N ** °"i' 1 «mail aduil«*tou too will bo There bid* were for tlm balance of í lalí* live In I«ar*ath In a raodenr sahKntir.'-upfo- U rtoiimrt!. It i* trun that vorv oí a* will a« m any of Urn private Art In the middle of a row of darkened U-n thing* ami. piare# t lint navi' Alystery 21*. Colonials of Elizabeth A resolution waa Introduced and labore tttme the areaufoa of oar Lord; date bathroom, with open plumb- „ ^ a -.U lllM Cowman of New fJullcrlc» would have tu ho vl«llod adopted to pay tlie Board ot Eilura- show window« electric lights shine formerly of Cranford, «pen lirlpotl In tlu* drvrlopmvnt oí a to «oc tlio 'original» of the»« pic­ »I. and he la »aid to tuofo boen crodfiad log, porcelain tub and lavatory. It Atystery 27, Setirakner Memorial» tlon »5.000 taxes. brightly on the vamlahed coffin of at Patna In AcfaaU on a croa» la the looks no bright and - Inviting and w.fej'fnd with Sirs. A. V. C 1 town aro pr«**rrv«Hl ln»cauf*o oí^cn* The ilro committee wa* author ztf Ellxsbeth avenue. liment for them» place*. No Mich " M l or ded ind In« tho oxjien»oK of ol Newark !kl. , an undertaking parlor. All three form of tho IMtor X known drive* away that, ttred1 feeling Ilk* Alystory.57, K(»mnrvHlc Big Five 25. Ized to have the fire hydrant« anil little details stand out sharp and rutb- mule- The goat-of: such '-a, bath­ Hampton Hall gave a bridge M'iitliiMiit H*etin* to W M ln tiar- ho pvhlldt, Ilio proceed« will ho >o!ea on which the Oro bozo» are then as 8L Andrew** croen.’ w«mmI. Imwever, Immwim? fíanviKMl Mystery :tl, t'ranforil Collegiate» lem, as they do In.China. room has of late year« been much gir it* guests last Friday UKcd I» purchHKo picture» lor ocated painted, cost not to exceed Two hundred and olgbty year* later Prizes were won by Mrs. Cble did not develop hecnum* óf the t ’en­ «riiool. each »clmol »haring otjually 12. Until eleven o'clock the comer pubs reduced, and If you will eonmilt Alvstery Ài, I ’nlillc Service of Plain- 450. . hU bonae were removed to Constantl- Hew Bros, sanitary- plumber*, you Spencer and Mrs. Rose. trai K. H. of X. .1., Imi In *plte of In llie piinocd*. Tho pjirpo»o of Iho Borough Recorder Colon renorted are packed with humanity. Each has nopl*. About the year 600 they wore it. 1Y¿hap* M irli M*nUii»eiit *\*I«I* Held 41. ... ran know- oxactly what It will cout Town Note«. Robert A. Marshall ant oxhlldl. 1« lo givo Ilio people in op fines in the amount ot 420 collected three or more entrancea leading to a egaln Sxbumed and committed , to the In' U,e „flirtai r|r<-|r*'of Ilio Central iHirlunlly to »ee a collectloi| ot the Mystery. 7U, Cranford Ace* 13. to have one‘Installed. In your home. u „ Ak!3 i?r',,hall’V c h i l d i Itallioad Surely then- mimi, be .Mystery 2t. t'mullet lllhlo Class of for March. little narrow room separated from the cere or a pioni-mah'named Bule-or last Saturday for "New U[H vim Id « fiiimiil» ma»tol'pioco» ot Building Inspector Flowery re­ private bar by a light partition extend­ w Orleai aonii* roaMUi for retaining Kuril -a palili lug. «dilpluro and archltocturo, •»alpnllebl...... 2i. Regulas, who after a,stormy voyage Al) story 5».Ilaptlst Church of ported 15 penults for buildings. Iiav- ing from tho wall to the-counter. Tho liter .Wehfiian. who ha* had f,orwabout *»* inoliaci' lo Ilio. IM -Oplo »nil ■ »Imi l<> to oiiconlago mid fo»ter the »tuny _ . - _ * :_t...iik*. .* «'Kiorji In« of a year and a half, waa wredf*d.on “e of auditing tho Township Oharle* Hans« tlio treasury of Ilio 1 VMt rfll it. It, W cat field 21. ng a total valuation of 4‘l8,i50 for bartender with hlg barmaids presides HESS BROS« of Art In the »chimi», a» well a» tho March and fees for sanie fit. the promontory of tho Wild Boar on nts for several year», ha* been, on,» J "Jr, H*nAel. of Spflngflcli through damage». oaching of Art,appreciation and to Mystery 20, ( 'mullet Blblo Claa* i4. In the middle of thle horaeehde coun­ th r North eea, now tha coast of Fife- Numbing, IHcating, Tinning Why rnn't «oniellilng ho dono? I* Alystery 21. E. t . K. 8. of E liza Commissioner Kaylor rci*ortofl 4W iged for this work for 1925. .r e if’,./ t£,Urnei1., 481 w ce|t trx al»e fumi» to place picture»'on tho for ‘ two street . openings during ter. directing tblngi .In a fog of to­ ■hire, ScoUand. Out of tho wreck to n.iii „ . *laz at oomervllle, 8. C. thlN 2x4 toy railroad, thin unvpprp- all» of tho varimi» »chimi Nanna- belli 21. \ , Telephone 314J »larch. . ... bacco smoko and whisky fumes. ’ BefUlM eared the bag containing the M cciureh^^fn1.,«’ Robert Wwne rlatlvo. uiKixiprrntlvo illHlntorpHtod rhe «alo of ticket» will ho handled Mystery fifi,*' Alpha Delta PI of . Hen stand aa closely together on the T ‘8. Ijpioa AvenUt, CRANFORD Clmrch noxt Sunday. Sevcnth Str'^t, *retornod"from railroad tiH» Idg to forco .thorn to do Westfield 22. A peddler’» license was Issued to bones, of a t . Andrew...... by die varimi» «dumi» and In orilor Dominic Karaco to peddle vege­ sawdust-covered floor aa their half- of I?ntt *• nt iYi Tho .g V Ch ,ll‘* f®1* y©«terday. They will m what Ik right ? Do wo yot have a radutalo Ilio «ahi of ticket» »he .Mystery 24. Kngll»li I.utheran» of Beguine was received with gratitude Of .Mary will attend Holy (V,, esternali to protort our II vok oven Elizabeth .m . ’ table« within the Borough limits. drained glasaee on the wet, narrow and affection by the people; * piece on Co. lui» given one largo photo­ 11. Assin applied for a peddler's li­ ln Ä liody-it t Ä Ä M Ä 1'11' attor Ilio U»t accident? The |Hillry gravure picture to ho. glvon a* » Mystery 21.. Itoseli» National» 15 ledge In front of them. Dirty hand! of ground wan gifted by the king to TER or tlio C. It. It. Ili regard-to Gar­ .Mystery |U, English Lutheran* of cense to peddle.dry goods within empty again and again the pot of prl/e to Ilio »dumi »oiling till! gfoat- i ho Borough limit« Till* was 're­ Ood and I t - Andrew, and the, ben*« ‘ d? -ocomr Æ Ä a y ^ n ^ T o m t r ” wood «coni.« to. ho. “lo t IlygonoH Ik* »t number ol ticket» ba»eil "fi tlio Ellzubpth 18. highly salted shrimps beside the door. were again interred. Ia a cava. In a TltlCS -^,of {ho Woman’s Choral of llygonos" or "Let tlio dead past, bury Aly*tery 35, Chandler A.- C, Linden ferred to tho street committee for per capita enrollment. Do nut fall Investigation and report Mudatone - «mr hard by Bagni ua .took OW. a t Hheruran School a w*itu7ilan‘1’ h o T x S It« dead " Tin y prolutldy think that o «oc till» womlorful exhibit. 2fi. ’ A theti.tItVp.r ,nt.';', J Ie wi» ™ • tlio timo will again «inlet Ilio olauinr .Mystery 31, (!runtonl Eagles 20. The contents of tho municipal Yard Dutanco From up Ms abode, to guard th* place-where building were Insured through W, the treasure lay and to preach - tha ümfi?E nifiAuiKii Ä ._ _Trion t « W - ♦ *' Jestlc. file..i‘ ttCrV»î‘ »'t «»Y óñHtho for pnitortlon to Uro tini property, CHIEF OREEV ISSUEB Mystery 30. English Lutherans of Dingwall a* aid*. If m> they think, they are wrong. f i r e H. M eeker of Elizabeth, through ‘ Royal Nora 'to Thumb gospel of ObrUt Through the preach­ WARN IMO ■ ■ their local agent. R; Watt. the con- Randolphïî.'JlÂ: w e r e ««a^ I ^Mre, T ^R*F ’^ Tlie |*eople want till« tluro a gale­ lire Chief.Green requested the co­ Mystery 45,-Cranford-A.'.(V 52, Mora than eight hundred year*, ago ing of tha holy man maay of tho Ficta mail llr«t. anil »ecenilly they w aul Bills amounting to 41.260 were pre­ wer* converted and th* UtU* monas­ 2îi<1„lco cream btwlne»» d a y '.to T h e .'iid w 'S jd in-ration ot the police In cheeking sented -and ordered paid. there tired a king—an English king, the grade rro»»ing eliminated. They it* tiunilier of small gras»" lire* The leeoni of the .Mystery Jr*. Is one Henry, sarnamed Beauderc, Alex­ tery of wicker work or chapel of rado S S . f0r. . 8-0-V.er81 ï ears J t 230 ‘h® Pirat SL R Church ® t! are right In wanting It. There I» no ns fnllow’s: Borough Clerk McManus was In­ Moneo gathered from the neighboring t a t e t hnlal avenue, .’by Ernest «„«hohôme S M raH M l'en 'l rranoii why’ they »fioul»iiotlld not have »1 arieti by children. lie pointed .Mystery 41, East Orange Tlgora 29. structed to write to the Central R. ander UcAdla relates In the Atlantic oxper- nut Aveque. The business mee mil that there wa* an■ Increasing R. of N. J. Informing! them that on Monthly. Early In. bis reign gray- bench, which had been ballt over " It. The plea that tho expíame I» tro» number of «neh lire* and llm enuse ■Mystery 20. Plainfield Aomos 25 sine»« iS 0? h°w *o niako »¿» followed by a sliver ^ great or any other plea heconie*become* Ihotho .Mystery :I5, Berwyn Big Flvp of April 6th, between 8:30 and 9:30 bearded councilors declared that In placeTwhtre the bonee of the a; J fä m k u m . inoat «ucce**fui one - - lea’ often' wa» «lue tu children, i He ab >. in, a freight tralir Mocked tlio had been laid,-became a placo i« if ^ ¡ ,#r* . ? ? nk.Rn of Lin lrre»t*on«llde iiiouthlngK moul.....„ of. a . »tule »rt'Ttwiinied- lint "tlmtTtho-fiietir-ln Hnselle 30. - I______their opinion it would_bo___nlce to bave_ Imrn rhllll when an«wel-ed by the .My»tery 2l, ('ranford A. C. 25 : - ?cnror atreer cro»ftng"Tr,.B“ ®r «^vacation spent at ho parent», the protection ot our 20. steps to' prevent a reocciirrenco ot St AndraWf. The rraat cathedral of Ä W 10«* ^'ñlf «Öd none work, and that these »mall Idnzes tills In the future. tween the Up of royal • Henry’*, nose s e a s o n In whlelil ^ ‘M PrMkHn. Jr., came ht home». - ■/ presented a great wturee of diiiigor. .Mystery Jtí. Sprlngfiejd A. C. 2H. and the end of tho royal thumb. fit Bagnino tha ruing o t which «Oil I building starts of? I I put ní l,e»- On the »ime»amo from Yale-for the Easter holl, Every time a freight (rain |*h«»oh .Mystery III, Hnselle liirk High dominate th* old town, was erected In with ■ a boom.. Let -u* I ïlô Z âohm‘, o Y0 * , gootl-slzod orookbrook ,Bat Tuesday. 11 each day there 1» n po»«!hlllty that Tho„polleo. will In the future take School. 23. . . - Tha king's nose may have been »neh «top» a» aro necessary In those Changing Tiitife - large or small or' tilted upward. More­ honor of him who had BrOqght to th* see that building plan! L‘? „ ^ .h®*îf!ie_Lb7 >ok- Cran- a home oil tho North Side might rase* It the panuif* cannot control Mystery 39, ItèsOvillo A, C. 31 plat* tha bone* of tht apoMle, and 1 you havo evolved. We evotees of tho WlöTlioutdlo should bí,’bo fortí*Htohi »!SSÍÍ c1*** °.f ■2I’ 01 hum to the ground. The plea that Alystery SI, Ooseont A. U of Ho- Jod Tunhlne stye nowaday* a man over, the distance , may have-been. ^ *how- 8omo o f those these11 next »t í the children and keep them troni renown. In' thU way-fit Andrew bo- I.can assist-.you with | tf®y when the lew off. » --- AL • AUVUUU1UI7, IS ( it ha» never liappencd 1» uncle»». selle 27. . V w hay* to much education to com-, assured when the king’s npaa waa | valuable-iatjvlfe...... - g o e s Alimt we wait till it doe*? Would It plaving with fire. , • Mystery 30. Rahway Y. M. C. A. rollen, for royal noaea can h it's cam* th* patrdn' saint of Scotland! ’ ' tiro Chief Green also pointed out riet* for a pria* that la remo respect* -Ut III Belli tor Vee” i.?„"*!înînerit.0? handwovon Sdto'atoSfî make any dWerenee? It would that at till« timo the firm hazard Ueserves 29. the old Louisiana Mate lottery seemed SdoorpoM In the dark just tike , common *n a variety of beautl- not. Tlie lo»» of life and the paint .Mystery 19, Vigilants of Kllxabeih noaea. And the royal thumb may Ä h « arrived, "àmT'wfil is greatly Increased because ot tho 29. mora Uberai.—Washington Star. ' Scraan' Opara Plannad' ! A. D. HOUGH, Jr. Ing of the C. It. If. right of way activity of pciiyle Immlng olT the have bean stubby or spatulate. Henry, ^ .aPP°ín^uw>nt tp any* Gnuid Ballroom of the Hotai Am through (¿arwood with hiimnu hlroid Alystery 27. .St. Joseph's Catholic A new departure In movlng-plctnre I‘ Building. Oontraetor lias failed to lm-rea«e pnitertlnh. acant lot».' He urged that the tini* of Rosella 8. Pomp, ami Hump - too, might have playfully extended his production Will take place shortly on   ïf i 5V“ ““Ä1 î! How then would the mere hurtling greatest care he. taken In enter to fingers and wiggled them with his 304 Sprlngflsld Ave. prevent a great loss of property. Mystery «2. DeMelay of Wcstflidd If you wiatywaWw to rito sbovo Ita tha landing Pari* Mage, for U. Roucbe, jju vetoran« of the World War, of M iln e thumb not quite at, but vary near, OBUUnrORD, N. J lumber called our borne» 20. wares) yen nfejt puta*. If you want director of the- opera, la arranging to M>rved 1» move till» dragon from Alystery 39. Rosobud A. O. of. Ro­ the end of Unroyal nose; or he might TCLgFHOHg 4M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH bastases ta tire above Ita visible op­ show films with a muVcal accompani­ our inJilKt. 1» their no Siegfried solie ,15 have wiggled eight fingers with the ment of special significance. The plan among u» to give battle to till» Tlie pastor!«- cin*» will meet for Alystery 31, Royals of Elisabeth portunity you mnM hump.;—Otala thumb of one hand touching, the Ut- dragon? . ■ / Its final lustniethm* on Thursday Daalanf Journal. , has been under special consideration swfc¿,ege of Mu*,c a‘ îfew ‘ hrêplc .institutions!' Next 8ati at 7 n. m. tla -finger of [the other. Twirling hla for n cbuple of yean, hat thyre were The C. It. It. ha* repeatedly by-1)«, Mystery 28. Ht. Joseph’» Catholic fingers thus he could., delicately con­ Woman’s Missionary Society í?..Á,i íM?on action« asserted It» jHilley uf, “(lar- Du Friday night the c.xiunluaUon» lot* of RoseJIo 11. ■ ... - Dividad Effort ' objections not sasy to ov«rcome, iays I Ppzmkit4iittla> «res__’ •' .A wd_ to orphan children, MOn>t • tlicM- tiling*. It 1». true that It will a|i|iear before the Noaslon and marked, "that when a man alaga at ju t what he thought of them. But acle dee Loupe” Is .the film selected, candle tlinse ndiidttcd Into clmrcb nuun Mystery 15, Buund Brook A. a 11, ^Saturday morning: baked cake» and cracker^" d(M>»>rt hurt their engine» very tüi work. he doesn't seem to bo doing at all . costs the deed was done and for which H. Henri Itebtnd of the In- potato salad, clam chowder, — ’ much when yon are lilt. -It I* true bcrsblp-'w111'-ho conllrmrol on Hun The Imllvhlual scores of tlio Mys­ either of the Joba vary waU."—Boston the Englishmen of the Twelfth cen­ it mease* thing* op a Idl nlong tlie day mernlng. after which they will ■Unite, - director of the Oonierratolre bre“di ,brown bread, OHBI8TIAW AND MI88IONARY tery Kr», was as follows: ' ’ Transcript - tury achleved a yard,. - of Maslc end s well-known composer, biscuits, cookie», cold boll- » m . « « . right of way-hut a good ruin »torm partake »? their first comnumUm G ALLIANCE CHURCH Tliereliiere are« fifteen * mendier»" 'In the ' Tot. le farnlehtng an original mnsical ecore. Remember cand,eg- 51«. ' During the absenc“ of*th?pasto will wash tho .blood oil their truck». E. Nurgtmt, furward...„....j55 119 Jo y in Imagin ation And it iH'rehiuice your autoumlille class. L .latilowskl, forward.....i6l Dog Carriad Dangar Signal This blending of the oldeM and th* Green xvill haye aprons on 5i/rn ®^-DavW whn haa Mason, uia on SundayP^nr (Joed Friday service» .will ho held 137 By Imagination, a man ia s dungeon doe* injure their engine* or train« F, Cowell, forward ...... 19 55 A tnotortot who waa driving through youngest of the arte naturally will In- MlnA ^ Ä i ei ‘..i°VM''»re,.poll, they can m e you in’ the. court». So at 8 p. in. The publié I» cordially In­ E. Kumblgbml». contor....50 HI to capable of entertaining himself with tareM both the va«t public of the Mÿ Hobby 5e' Ä f 1..dln"®r df “ 'o Men’* Üi,1!?"'’ ,'vho,re, ho will deliver «èveri why should the (\ It. If. race? They vited to uttoml this sendee and wit scenes and landscapes more beautiful a small town In Canada on* night was i tî5 »Ul_tako víJíJffif0?. hÿf’re a- tìilaslonary cot nés» the public nxamlnuUen of the C. Sehuhort, gaurd, capt. 35 aatontshed to see a Uttla red fight -opera end that of the film halle, where PRESCRIPTIONWORK J O thoJPaílsh Hóuyo on i w ventlon ln that city, tlm lulplt wí . don’t.. . J. Dane, guard.,.,.«...... » pff« any that, can be 'found. In the the musical: program has com* to be It makes no dlHereuee to the C. K. class of cateclnmimi«. Tliic class con dancing nbont dose to the ground on |Aprtl fßth. The speaker, will occupied. both at the momim whole conipaM of Watnre. . recognised as of great. Importance to The years I have.beep right here II. If you,are delayed ut bight by «1st« of the following t*or»on»: The Individual records ot tho Mys- tha road ahead. As h* drew n*«rer ¡Rôy- W .W . Gilo», from East a ‘ 11:00,- and at the ovenlni ’MIkkc» Aufm Wallilon, Tina llag- the effect prodneed by the pictures In. one spot, catering.to tlio .“ame Sir. Harry Polk will give n nÍP® ? .°ciock, by the Rov, B »Igtial« that do not work for tlio toryiry Five 'Jrs,, was as tollovCs: ' ha mw that It- waa- on alactric-bnlh ■ ■ »•- — - - D. camDbell. Homo n i - .. ,.__ * \ ir protection of tho |>coplc hut for tho Ktixiiu, Frunce* Hch\iaii, Kathleen Toko Tima tor Study people and putting. up , tho sam e us songs. Jfr. W. W.~Àngùs ^ P b e l l . Honie Director, of 'th! . G* fkd'from w’dry-ccfi battery tutonad outertalu m ent'of ttieuv evidently, GroeiihHI, Josophluo Bentson, t’liar- Than can ba no study without time, doctors’ prescriptlonfi; Is a good slfn ihone solo. and Mr, Daniel B. Africa Inland Mission. . i'll lrw I right of way. a Southern constellation situated near greened. Yet I only recollect one man Company and own and opci-an P™“ hy Dunbaden's Or­ . burn and die. ' •or: ho»», C. K. S*dlom and L M Ba It area toad by tka Baretwh Connell at i. Tickete may be obtained On arrival at the-tiro they» found (kt- ol tiaraoedV' - > th* Antarctic circle,, and therefor* mentioned aa an Illustration of that ab their own factories for tin pr* •well, ill»* Frnnco» Vim Natta Is, Borough i Mr; Kerner, of Roselle, and pularlty as a vamplíe.she lsdroSnSd tho organist. It to ho but ot a »mall nature and Sect tan J. That. U rn ahaU M caaetnieM never vtolbl*. In northern latltudaa. surd theory—and he was Darwin.— ductlon o t the finest uualitj oi I BOARD OF EDUCATION OROAN returned to tho fire house again via - Oak StrrH-Waat m rtk Anaaa la VUUt London TIt-Btts. ¡rank McCullough, of Cranford. . . B E 8 ' ;■ • '■ Tlio Sunday School was largely at Äwaa# end I» Mdh Anaaa troai Oak atra« ft conatota ot four bright Mar* Drug Store merchandise.— P ° u b Ä J r .r0le*' 0r e!- - Ä 2' tomlrol. last Sunday and tho utter- Lincoln avvinto. ; After- putting tho «aslaardtr la Uu Creata* VMnuhl* Uaa oa which fancy, aided by ChrtothuL as- . ^ ^ f h u r c h e s , and other f C o llii;'however, has never ptoy. i Supervising l’rlnclpal'w. \V. Hal Maa, tug for .Mission» was tho-largest ot engine away, tho flronton went up •Wht Taci VSttad a r e MtMMr *Uk eodafiona, glvM the cruciform aha pa. You Save, because— - - , of Bonnie Burn, are provid-lprevid i edeu òneone role consistentlv.con»I*fnnHv’ "'.'^.i"“ «n.i -'." *ey lenderetl'the Hoard of Educa­ tfitd watched tho tall end ot the an T nr*-'— ood oUue apaandaoiim nqalred "Hold the Fort” the year. Tho school has adopted for Uu pneer «attract*» af aaWt’a t m . , Two brilliant Man, which mark the Rexall goods eomo direct’ from J ? ? ® « . f°r. ‘ he^.patients her popularity “ on tauis to grow tion a dinner in tho Franklin School freight train which- had' blocked ■ SeaUea L llu l tka eaal a» Ita aáld la- "Hold the Fo^t." one o t the most |,*h^ Year. Throiigh the Inter- tho envolopo.system for contrlhut- tummtt and foot of the 8outh0ra' the factory without the ta(l'!it|0,> | enormously. While ffaBw? S?e^ on Holiday evening. After enjoying inc toward both loral sclirod and them, pass Center street. „vnaut *k«lt t« axcaad, tha «um of popular of religious song«, was first ■of middlemen’s profits. the Rev. Mr. Hopper, the the dinner, which wa* prepared and z.aea.aa. ahk-h » a u » t ta bwakr apmrouwd. croaa, have nearly the earn* right u - r ‘frifn Church will send a !?“I® .heen her forte recently, she Is missionary support. or UmI itunoMt ‘ .... sung by "its author, Philip Paul Bliss, «erred liy the-domestic »donee do- aactm J. That aatd ta m a n m l .»halt ke ceniton. The constellation, there- You are itale because onh I ,0 1 singers for a musical Scr­ .partment of the school, tho Hoard ’Hie Moil's Ululi .will have a social SUES PUBLIC SERVIOS FOR 14,000 the "singing evahgellst," at a revival K Ä ß t r tenÂë: meeting on Thursday evening. -ada oadar tha a »m W aa aC aad ta ae- ford to atmoM vertical when pzaaing very best *of quality • I- x"“' *. ‘ he afternoon. A potted autres. - ‘*ire® person- - tamed It* attention to organizing Mr.-and Mnu'Chrl* Hlldontoyor ot -afdaan «Uh Maat aad a n O a iK in m - meeting presided over by Dwlgbt enough tor jo u r Rexall Drojj » ulug plBut will be placed at Teacher Training Claw also meets Garwood filed suit for 95000 m tho iarrd hy tha »aroaah Saataaer.-. x the meridian, and these two (tare set Moody. :fo r the year.. ■ Stailaa «. That tha ctat a t-Yhk.saU b>- _Store- to recommend anil guz tbedside, anj a standard ol Jn.e Ä J é - Bd*P‘a‘lon from [ter church on Friday night. The Common Floss Court on INtoaday. aa pointer« to the Antarctic pole Ä r e r a m on life -v-'-J)avld Tulloch wa* reelected as truifteen.also meet at the same hour. arenacaX ahaU ha arenato ankM tha Mo*, / ’ffhe author of this and many other antee. lilies In each tvard, while HSXS Vpiecldent. and John T. HIM was April 7th, against the Public Her­ reta remdalto bretotto a n atolrel ta tha bma- famous devoUonal eonga was born In patients whovare able to be «ettiement Tito Sacrament of the Lord'» Sup- vico...... ltallway Oompany,“ Mra. Hilde- eta aMoaUz. »retotaihr aad aorelanr recetn d Sv»? igleeted-vlcp-prcsldcnt. Tlioma* Fan Pennsylvania. His boyhood was paAed the community room will be C h i^ n “>d to-hteWMSSSttfeta % -Jrrfl waa elected dlatrlrt clerk. jicr will-be celebrated i t i l a nu on meyer rets forth that while »he waa Early Monopoly 1 Sunday.. Srll««r fc TO» tràtoftM!* Uto «flfwi on a farm. At the age of nineteen he' REAY ted with flowers. This Ts the dent Tullocli appointed the alighting from a trolley : car at Monopoly In America began _ iccasion on which Cranford standing committee»; The subject of the pastoia Easter South ax-enue and Center street, on XmIm Ir tottto tim to (to Uajot and 1624, declares Edward UacMihon. a*- attended a singing school and waa In­ sermon CMwrn49f to to n n i m t Oarwaad that tbr ken charge of the Easter cele- tnd Grounds, Wyckotl, will he-“Ho la-Risen." Text Febntary 14th; the ' rar: - auddenl: - »ocUt« profeasor of htotory in tho spired with the ambition to become i S tarr « « done!^lssa íd b“ f f i I Cor. 15:14. started, throwing ,her to the wround atora ordtoR»c«WRa fm td ato uktoto *m lu l for the sanatorium. r.'Hund; Teachers and In- itoto «to toi m to -n i to m thtmr Unlreratty of Washington. A cow was composer of songs. He entered a mu­ a her w/oiïe ot most « u . xfaylor. Smith; The choir will render special Eas­ and dragging her a oonaldorahlo dis­ ------" ito mtaik da? «f April. His (Consul-General in NewYork ' Bta™ on 'stage or screen. v m i i l % DAUOCH, brought to s Pilgrim cplozty from sical college and In 1800 commenced IS Union. Avenue • » Natta, Con- ter. anthems at. both morning and tance.-Shp claims, to have sustained ■Ico. Senor Rocl. will send a zvS. Lzi. R®?1*- Phyllis Haver evcnlnj^eervlee* r IncludingIng - 'They?Thi severe laccretlona ot -the faro and Ma?ur. England, Professor UacUehoa Mid, hla career aa a composer, singer rfnd " i Mr. Haberman. to. Cran­ (uditine, Van / ; N hou'lSI FVjl Sterling, John Bowers and oth-’ _ 5 T h e mootings Have m Away ,My Loro," by J. body and to have . become - hlgMy W. ft. UtHAXVB. and allotted to several fa mill ee. In­ teacher. Some’ years later he' met , April 28, to address the Awake -Thott That Sleep. nervous since the accident. she : . : t o t o b Ckrk. Dwight L.. Moody, the fnmous evangel- Its organizations of the town FImU on the aee- eat," by P. q Maker: Aprtt K tm . - * cluding OepL Mile* Standlsh, ■ bach­ ^jg^oleaélimonth, asks tor 45000 damages.: H er hus­ elor. Captain Standtoh soon bought 1st, and was Induced to Join the' MToody ( subject o_f Mexico, Its present Charles i ■ — • under £sr] Hudson^ k\-ah tlta .dinner aa band demands (LOOO .for ...medical ~ s control of the cow, share1 by share, staff. To this work'he devoted thy Re­ Hons and ancient cnlture. and persona] supe rv la fon. * ; Wor - Wtn. Darroeh, . , F. O. YOUNG expenses. The mitt will be listed.: at mainder of ht» life and became Inter­ MARTIN SCHAFER Ytions with the United States. htCrident'Ot Bthoola tho May term: o^'pourt. and he and. hto relatives enjoyed an f l u m r im r ;. 4 Cokfs Express nationally, famoua. - : — - -— i»®‘ jf>g Will be held in Trinity Moving, Trucking, Storage. Bisser »m mdp! abundant supply Of milk while neigh­ I. House, and has been arrang- "RRAYXNO - • HEAVY TRUCKING! bors went without, "related the his­ Mason and '* Contractor iwlth a view to furthering un- Ä SE alai;KdanaroM^^" -, «»-

-, torà/' - • « îV " -C -V ; ■ièÉìii KdGAf35ilS5i/i r a

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4 ,


MMORXAl «BIT TO MX. FAULT TO REPEAT “THE (MANTI MAXES DEBUT AB PIANIST ^ j daughter of Mr. and jira. Henry! ia n • bridge party last Friday ev­ Dramatic Hub «ULprewnt ening. der Urn aM» lewAcrabip mt ttw late "The \\ srren Whipple ot l*rus|»ect street, ,w *s 't o m Rev. Ot W H- Roth. S t P»i;!'» M «Hanl- Stair' at the Owiuo. Th<> awl nupJlof Wynne l*yt<< and liar- < T f ,5 i -i ftÿteasuns* tt*- - Revltte Turk, of Cranford Avanoa, & Cbarrii of ttsa lu n i has been occasion will be of Interest, as the old Bauer, made her debut as a pro­ I w o rr m u m ,tr returned on Tuesday from Tale ter plm kig ntm dw repairs and 1m- author. Wd.mr Daniel Storie, will fessional pianist at the annual ttiu- Garwootl the'spring vacation. - pnWMSh, soar ot which,,are- ex­ be prenent. Thl* entertainment Is sleafe of ttie Noga ttassare a Cliap-j < Æ |A BUBIMBM OTMat* pected! to m th -k s ith n ituf y«ar.| repeated to eKable the Canoe Club ter. .Daughter« of the American! 1 t a naamoiq Mrs. John Garrison, of North Avn. A vary d we personal tripod and to rali» fund*'for the Tilden-Mat he y Revolution, at the Roseville Ave­ East, will spend the Easter week­ admirvr of Dr. Rnth. wSshmg to ltd i t o m i « etMsfpeR. end at Bearhwood, N. J.- tenni* mal rii. nue Presbyterian ITiurrh In Newark, m B W a M u » U t» in th e xrark started by filltu. -has This strong one-act iday reveals the afterniHMt of April.3rd. p §rinttg CiU|urrf| Mrs. Spencer R. Wamar, of Sev­ made a gift of tsap to St;: Paul's tl>e...... tragedy.. in a small mountain Tlie Newark Sunday. Call . of April-.ii H UNI m m c 6 o b o enth Street, entertained her bridge through'Dr. “Bucht widow. ; B ib b> farm itouse In a way that Imlds and) 5th. alluded to Mis* Whliiple's “tine ...... (EPISCOPAL) ?£**$[j .WßÄVöN**rt*wr club last Thursday evening. to tm wsed hi rrdeetwatjpg the thrills the auilienre from start tot work whielt more than met tlie ex Mai* OKAtmw church, an a aseasorial to isr. Ruth. finish i iwvtation* oi the apprwlatlve au The West End Neighborhood With this added inerat ve. the The plav has been pronouneeti theidlenre. Miss Whipple wa* heard In Raa. KENNETH D. MARTIN. Ractor 'tOM Ufe Club met last Friday at the home of work will undoubtedly be carried best tlMHTnb'lias given this season.la st-rond group of thrtv t'lioplnj Ulna S u m -Benedict, of Willow 8t. forward more rapMiy than at first and lias been selecttsl to enter theiM'loetions to which was added an1 ‘ " V i Mia* Frances Garrison, of North contemplated, and the anonymous l.lttle Theatre Tournaments In New I encore, the gTuui^presmitlng "Vlalr Avenue. East, will have aa her Eas­ doner may not only feel that be York. - l de l.une” by. Ih'missy»» and “Etude ter guest, Miss Pauline Miller, of has the dnrenst thanks «! the Tickets at 41.10 tor the Panoe Club!by Liszt, the''dellgblhillili young musi. Philadelphia. members and trieml* of M. Paul's, Benefit ran tm profumi from Ueay'sIrian playlning a thintblnl mimtier In re- Mias Beatrice F. Whipple, a senior but ran rest assured that his kind­ and A|m>IIo Drug St<)rr>*, the Hoy siMinse to the Insistant rveall," at Columbia University, la at her ness will aid In increasing the Scouts and members of the Cantre Ttie Newark Et'ening News of home. Prospect street, for the Eas­ rharsn of what is already one of the Club Entertainment Committed. Ajirll Ith, statist as follows: “Miss most a tn a rtite of the smaller Whipple, who bas »Imilt'll with liar-! Easter Services ter vacation. churches in the Newark tVnfercnce WEDNESDAY MORNINO CLUB ohi ilauer, playetl ...... Chopin's S-lierzo Mian Florence Tripp of Berkeley A regular meeting of the Wednes­ In C Sharp Shanp Minor,Nliiior. the ilalladtllallatle In ti Buarisa Oommunloa Ser vie a...... 1:30 A. M. Place, returned to Smith College. day Morning Chili was held at tlie and two Ktutles out of (>|i. 21 last week, alter a stay at home fol­ hussy's Clair tie l.une aiid ïdsit's lowing a visit in Boston t o u t s UDE OTIC ASSOCIATION library. April 8th, at 9:45 a m.. the Saeoad Oeltbralloa ...... t 00 A, M. i a u x x a n o n u r a About hi member* attended the president. Mr* E. T. Towler, presiti, Ktiiil» In D Fiat, as nell a* a eoiiple Miss Jane Chamberlain returned ing. Mr*. K. K. Heston, was hostess. nf romikisitious atltletl In resimnse Late Oelebratloa, with Musi* aad Sanaea ...... 0 0 « f regular meeting of ,lhe Association It .00 A M. to Waterbary, Conn, last week, af­ held at Sherman School last night. Tlie program was opened by Mrs. to plamiits. Mio is a unii seliooletl Inadequate 0 « *® *i°iL®? ter a vacation spent ot her home Trustee» were elected a* .follows. R U ISivell, who gave • brief re­ pianisi. Iler llngerlng N elean eut. Maly BapUata...... •.....- ...... i...... ■...... 1:30 P. 4L ifhttnl »en«»Uott,ftJi»t.-InT»- on North avenue, East, . For the l-year term Anthony lien view of various events of current fat ilo ami mire. Mio phrasns sigili- loth txxty and « ¿ 4 •t*er. * Mtsa Lillian Cowman of New York, rich JUid Louis Auersbach; i-Jctr Interest. The subject fur the mone fieantly and show tri illustrai Inteltl- OhUdrea'a Festival Barrie«...... -...... 4.00 P, M. i* njodeni annRair.-uit'to- . formerly of Cranford, spent the termTA. 11 Caldwell and Janies ti. ing was "New Biographies." and two enee and tasto in everytlitng «he broouo, -with open, plutn£ week-end with Mrs. A. V. V. Hibson lieggw; 1-year term. DarM Brown. very Interesting and delightfully ÌId.’’ Kvahlna Ftayer aad Addreee...... B OO P. M. ol»ln tub and -4-x*f Elisabeth avenue. The prlnripal subject of discussion written paimrs were presented by! Miss. Whlpplo s a|i|iearanee hefore bright and’ Inviting *nd Hampton Hall gave a bridge party was the proponed publication b> the Mrs. J. It. Turk and Mrs. H. W. Des­ tho H. A. R was (leruliarly ajinro Irar t& t, t l r ^ toejto* ilk * for Its guests last Friday night. Association of- the nanplete tax as- mentí. urlate hccausv ni Iter dtstlngulslied ALL ARE WELCOME Tne )Co«t ot weh -a bath- Prizes were won by Mrs. Ckile, Mrs. scusinent-ilst of the Ttownshlp. Tills Mrs. Turk selected Warner's “Life rolontal aneestry. Site ls a linoni i o! itite yea» been much Spencer and Mrs. Rose. was approved provided enough sub­ of- Brigham Aoung.' in which not deseeudant of tiovemor Mimili Brad- and it V « will eonsnlt scriptions-are received. only Y’oung’H life, but tlie tnmuling Street, wbo marrletl Anne Imdley. ),*; sanitary' plnrobwa you Town Note». Mrs. Robert A. Marshall and Mrs. anti development ol Mormoiilsiii daugliter of Unvernor Joseph Unti R. A. Marshall. Jr., and child sailed The Entertalnmmt t1t)OIInllUH, Exactly what it will cost stated arrangement* hail born uiadi- were set forth. ley. Aline Dmlley was tue llrst me “installed, in your home. last Saturday for New Orleans, to Mr*, lies monti chuso a* her topic ¡ Amei lean imeless. MUs Whlppb' is be gone for about six weeks. for a poet I-enleti dance to he held at Sherman School Friday. April 24 the new lights east tin Robert I a'1*41 a descendant ol Governor }ltor Wehfnan, who has had Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansel and Louis Stevenson by Ills new blmlKyiimmls ol Massnrlmsett*. and her The Church'a Great festival of Life and Hope of auditing the Township ,\| llirenger* orchestra ha* Ix-en Miss Joy Hansel, of Springfield Av- engaged for the dance. , graphies, principally (hat by Jahn 1 ancestors were nlllpers ip the colon­ ESS BROS» nts for several years, has been, onue. returned last week from ie Stewart- Kliii nlsn touched iirltif-1 i«*' "ars of the Mnssnolmsnlts col aged for this work for 1925. stay at Somerville, N. C. Tlu' Association ha* donated $5.(S> a g , IKeating, tauiing to the Memorial Hay i\ind and rv- lv on Hammond's ’’Htelmiiets, th«!'*1»’ «ml In the Revohillon, re will ho four Masses at 8t. Donald and Robert Warner, of V YEAM 8TANDINO IN THE 0ABIN0 nery and Ico cream business that the none wa* rolled away, for this means a large silk American BOWLING TOURNAMENT choir will aitla th* mutle of this itrv t r Bted for several years at 230 tho First i t R Church, which met It was very great. And entering Btdpw wo give the standing at tho home of Mrs. Reel, oil Wal­ Hag was- purrhnsed, on the staff nf _ of Bnlat avenue, . by Ernest into the sepulchre they.faw a young which has been engraved Mm mom- teams In date’ In Cthe Club " ’ ‘ tourna. l Mr. RodfloUl brings ext>er- nut Avenue. The business meeting M C t ' man sitting on the right side, ory of David Millar, slxljh jgrnile ment ’I 3:00 P. M.—Jj/6. MirkTSaerAd Oahtata, "Vtefity Divina,’’ by tha nd the know Itow to1 make wak followed by a silver tea - j clothed In a long white garment: pupil. Grant Sellimi.” Team Wen ■Lost slness a most successful one. Miss Barbara Franklin of Linden and they were affrighted. «sol ■< 1 ■ ' m quartette and chorus choir, astlsted by the violin and 'callo. 7, Friday tlie llag- wo* formally pro­ O II Dlraejad by F. 0. Woodruff. ^MODELING. Brday Game Warden Dackcr- Place....will..return to school _r Jesus of Nariuretb which was Irrori Seri led to Grant School The tmys' ti 111 lUccd several hundred rain- Pride’s Crossing, Mass., next TMes-' fled. He I» risen. He U not here choir of Trinity K|ilseopa) Clmrcli 4 io It p ' l1 / — Dut in the river, some of day, after a vacation spent at home. Behold the place where they labi were joined by Hie school In the 5 ' 12 "12 elng 15 Inches long and none Frederick Franklin, Jr., came homo Him.“—Mark 16:44 «(■eiilng hymn. Following ebani)) ii II) 11 ÉT CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL WHO i f ï ï i W i S û p eight Inches. On the same from Yale- tor the Easter holiday We cordially Invite you to wor­ exercise*, John Kobrer recited ’The ! ■ 20 7 NO DIRECT 0HUR0H CONNECTIONS IN CRANFORD. i put a lot of good-sized brook last Tuesday. ship with us on Easter Sunday. “Tlie Flag Goes lly.".. At Ills conclusion H lb ti pin «Clio Lake brook. Cran- Alston Rodgers, class of ’ll, Cran­ hours of public worship aro 11 a in the Junior Follcii Fat nil marched 1> n 10 and 8 p m . . 10 ui 11 liei i W that w building S “ V plan “ | evotees of the angle should be ford High School a senior at Ste­ as an escort for Henry .Millar. Ntan- sto show somo of these next vens Institute of Technology, Is one The Communion of The lord’* ley Millar and Allan Woodward,flag l’hiimner hns high avprage wltli Good Friday Service in the Church at 8:00 P. M. ou lmvo eyolved We of the authros of the annual Varsity Supper will be .celebrated at tlte hearers. Ifev. Orlon C, llopiMir, In 171 unii AlacKenzIo Ih mix! wltli I7H in assist .you with' day when the law goes off. ew consignment of handwoven show, “Who's Hugh,” and Is also one morning servire, and (hero will be an Interesting address on flag sym- Phiimners Digli scure bf 221) st laluable-advlce. of the leading members of the Baste. special music by a chorus choir. Imlism. li resell ted the, (lag. <)n sig­ stanils. MI teli liss uveraged jrfvv f scarves In a variety of beautl- sparus. i-Ut u« BalM fw Vs«” leolorlngs has arrived, and will The show will be presented In the The evening service will be a mu­ nal tlie sellimi. roso to salute Hie ilhown by aptiolntment tp any- Grand Ballroom of tho Hotel Astor sical service, appropriate to the new cmhlnm. Au esimolally line y D. HOUGH, Jr. I {Interested, by calling Tel. No. on tlie evening of Monday, April theme of the day. The quartette, iart of tlie program was the sing- BOARD OF EDUCA1 Building Ooatraetor These senrves, made’by dts- 13th. and chorus choir, assisted by the ng of “Tlie Reeesslounl’’- by Rtihurf OROANUED veterans of the World War. Mrs. A. 1). Govo of Union avenue. violin and cello, will present J . C. Hobbs. As tini olitili' sang llm d os­ Alonday night Ilio Board of Kdu Buy in Cranford and ng sold at $3, and the small Is winding up her charities for the Mark's Sacred Cantala. ‘ Victory ing hymn the school marched put. nil Imi (irganlziiil by /e-electlng N. Ulvlhh." R. Jones, preshlent.y'faiid Win, il. |t accruing to the handlers will season among Old Ladles’ , Homes, Williams, vlre-proshlent. Tlie |)|s- Be Sure of Service TtUPHOat 4M »voted to the foundation of the Orphan Asylums and other fihllan- Sunday School and Men'« Bible BASEBALL NEWS College of , Music at New throple Institutions. Next Satur­ Clam convene at 9:45 a m.; Junior On Sunday. April i'lltli. the Cran­ (rlet Clerk |s solqctod In 'June. . ■ ■ ' . _ ’ - A swiclc. ' day the circus in Madison Square Endeavor at T u rn: Young Peoples' ford Base Ball Citili, will open tlm The llrst ineptlng uf tho now Garden will be given ior poor chil­ Society of Christian Endeavor at season with the strong l'fallillohl Board for Imslnos* udii li« Tuesday Convenient Terms Woman’s Missionary Society 7:15 p. m. Regular evening .service idglit fiext. / . A? \ . . Be Presbyterian Church will dren. Ice cream, cakes and candles Catholic chili. Tho Cranfortl Club Is' have been donated to the Homes, at eight o'clock. Special Easter Mu­ unirli stronger this year, with a new the following articles on sale sical Service. ' 7 i pure food market In the.Chap- and to orphan children, candles, pitcher and two new outfielders. • •rgmncy Rattorti * \ • . - cakes and crackers.. ' This evening and Friday, evening, The Club members say It will have Saturday morning: baked the 9tTi and the lClh. special ser-' H'Ii/r.,''» iny eMsk liroom. MuryT potato salad, clam chowder, to be a league .Ceum to beat them asknrl III* pVofcssnr. "Voo lite II ter CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY vices In commemorai km of - the tills year. Tho make-up Ot the Club > pies, nut bread, brown bread, Passion of our Lord. Thcwe service* this year is as follows: breakfast, str,’’ repllctl ilo- umili, '"rii* biscuits, cookies, cold boll­ ALLIANCE CHURCH During tho absence of the pastor. are meditation» on the la s t Week President, Jesse (1. Wheeler. ^ellicr cercai wa* all gonc.”—Ainurlciiii , meat loaf and candles. Mrs. of Christ’s Earthly Life.' The Fri­ X 1CIS1 Lcglon Weckly, member Green will have aprons on Rev. David Mason, on Sunday, April Vice-President, William MeMnbotC I2tli, who has left for Aflnneapolls. day evening servire will be In the Tireasiasurer, Fred II. Jahn. Minn., where ho will deliver several nature of a Preparatory Service in MY rettary, <’. C. Harris, Hobby annual dinner of the Men’s addresses before a-missionary con­ connection with the CUmmunkm Otliorior ineuiliers are Frank Tallisco, 'o f Trinity Church will take vention In that city, tho pulpit- will Service on Easter Sunday- There I. Diamond, F. Rolf. John Dpyle. Al. SCWPTION-WORK i in the Parish House on Thurs- p o occupied.both at the momlqg will be a meeting of the Session Stuuipf. R. A hornet by. |April ffith.1 The speaker will service at 11:00,-and at the evening after this service. On Wednesday, Aprll/fend, tin ears I have been right here Rev. W. W. Giles; from East service at 8 o'clock, by the Rev, H. Wednesday evening. April Ulti, (Tuli Is going to |mve aJienellt show Sir. Harry Polk will give the Annual Parish Dinner of the spot, catering to tile same D. Campbell, Home Director.ot the at tlie Crarilord 'i'llmure and they £xibc ous songs, Air. W. W. Angus Africa inland Mission. members of the church and congre­ hoim the townspeonfo will turn out tnd putting “Up . the saw ■phone solo, and Mr, Daniel B. Mr.- Campbell Is a gifted speaker gation. The tickets are fl-25. and that day and make It a big success. I prescriptions; 1» a good "ign tenor solos. Mr. Collins Is and a man of. wide experience, be­ the dinner will be served at 7 p. m. BATTERIES laxwell-CtiFjsleF structor in voice culturo. In A splendid musical program ha* /orth in the work. ing the late Associate -and Mission­ CRAHrORp'ROTARY: CLUB I ■ .. *•• —v .'•■•.•■■■ .. eth. The special feature of | ary fcastor of the Moody Church In been arranged Following the din­ "U t profiliamoti who tenni betI venlng will be community sing- ner. the annual parish meeting will Chicago, and formerly a missionary H ie lunch meeting o f . the Club xlth Freddy Hleckman at the to Africa. - be hold, at which time the regular ^ Tickets, which may be obtalti- order of procedure will be followed, today at lfayashl’s was well at­ tended with several visitors present bna Mr. Carl Hoe, Jr., are selling COLLEEN SMASHES 80REEN which will inelude report* from our various church organliatloas. All from Roselie and Westfield. No TRADITION set program was carried eut hut Motor Cars , Chapter No. 87, O. E. S., Çollecn Moore has smashed more members and friends are requested to remain for this meeting, and any Lyman LovcJund, who was In charge ilts regular meeting last Frl. screen precedents than any other called, on a number ot members to Venlngjn the Chapter Rooms, actress in fllmdoin. Her latest members who cannot attend the din­ ner are urged to corse to tide meet­ tell o f the first job they had. It Bed by games. The next moet- smash Is In her ncw-EIrst-Natlonal wa* quite Interesting to hear the On the job—In jrlll bo on April 17,- at Which picture, “So Big,“, at the Oanforil ing. Ì ■. ■ .<■„.* varied exiierlenccN relatedwith re­ your car—that’c ’ ^Initiation-will take place. Oil Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, Apr. This Saturday The Woman* Mie­ where Balde Bat­ ■i s a sionary Society will hold a Pure gard to that ‘ first juh.” It Is uri- 114. Azure Chapter will give Its 13 and 14. .derstemd all the member* In turn teries earned their t “Aunt Deborah's First Lunch­ It has been motion picture tradi­ Food Sale in the ehspeL will’ tie called on. reputation "th e DRUGSTORE : in the Sherman Schdol. under tion, almost, that if Soand-So made long-life battery." Irectlon of Mrs. Jane Holm, of his first success while wearing a We Bandì* onfy gsimln* Istds par n De Park. This will bo follow­ beanl, he must continue to wear a -BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Sugar Cane.M ult Aga Roxall Prog Stores are 1'»^ , ’ a dance, the music for which beard In order to hold his following. The sixth anniversary of the Rex-. It rcqiutV* « '.'Mr fur sugar cao* ta Goodrich “S3verlown” Cord in the,groat Unite 1»"« provided by Dunbaden’s Or- And it Wbat's-Her-Name gained po­ . 8. Reavb, D. D, pastor of thf.- aisinrc' I« i u1' ' :,nd 17 tiKSIthl la kpany and. ovro and < i * Tickets may be obtained pularity as a vampire, she la doomed Flrst Baptist Church, wasjtsleferated H aw aii ■ Tire* Irown factories for tin tr(J i Mr. Kerner, of Roselle, and to vampire roles, or else she loses on Sunday, April 5th. and Monday lion o t the finest uuaUjs i Bank McCullougtt, of Cranford. public favor. . - April,fith, and a large number of ! Tubes and Accessories , ¿ Store merchandise.— I Cranfortl churches, and. other COllcen, however, has never play­ member* wa* added to the church. ' of Bonnie Burn, are provld-] ed one role consistently, and yet Under the: administration of. the I 8ava because--- , stcr flowers for. the patients her popularity continues to grow pastor., the parsonage ha* been re­ James G* Middleton GÌranford Phone all gqods eomo direct jjV I this year. Through the Inter­ enormously. While flapper roles modeled and Uiodernly equipi*»] and North Ave., at Lincoln Ave, factoirwlthout the a>hhtW " the Rev. Mr. Hopper, the have been her forte recently, she Is all department* of the various de- Easter Auto Sales Cranford 378-R CRANFORD, N. J. now. In “So Big,” portraving a tense­ iartim-nl* uf the church low greatly j liiddlemen’s profits. ivterlon Church will send a Telephone Westfield I5M of singers to r a musical Ser­ ly emotional role of three person- ncreased. ' are Sals because onb $ j " the afternoon. A potted allttOs. Rev. Mr. Philip«. I>ean of tbe j bcst*of quality ■'> , Ding plant will bo placed at The story is an adaptation from Northern University of Rabaay.i Candies FOR COLDS O B ORXPPE Edna FerbeFs novel, based on life preached the suinlversary -sermon l»gh (or jour S I ~ ildo, and a standard of at 6 ’ to recoiximond ftou ^ lilies In each Ward, while in the old Dutch settlement near Sunday afternoon a t 3:71. At * *x m. 1(0. ' •'_. ■' ' “■ .J-. ; ■ patients who-are able to be Chicago, and Is highly dramatic in Rev. Mr. Green of Jeroeylaod Park Try Chiropractic Its action.. . preached. . . . i b community room will be -Chlropractl« Kplnnl • AdJustirnintH with flowers. This Is the Colleen’s assumption of this new .Monday evening a platform meet-1 The Apollo Drag Store FLOWERS type.- entirely foreign to anything Ing was held and all the auxiliaries, will get rid uf tbat nulil nr grlmxi . R. REAY .cession on which Cranford FRESH TODAYI ! ken charge of the Easter cele-j she hw yet done, is said by critics of the church made a gift in appro-1 very effectively and very quickly, What is more appropriate for EA STER GIFTS than . for the sanatorium. to establish her as one of the most elation of Rev. Keavl* service*, the because they ptit the nerve forces » • 3 ssaSfe**^ versatile stars on'stage or screen. Rev. W. T- YVatklns. D. D, of Or ! PAGE & SHAW nf the body In splendid condition to ‘ Flower*? ■ [. Consul-General in New. York combat dlseaso. ■ o. Sen or Rocl, will send a' Wallace Beery, Phyllis Haver, angC. being the preacher. - ) ' ' and ' ' i 15 Union Avenue Fqril Sterling, John Bowers and oth­ The MlnDterial Conference of thei Colds will settle In weak.«pots. / ' STOP IN ANP-SEE, OURS AT .. . Jlr. Haberman, to. Cran-| BELLE MEAD SWEETS Fhoae'133 .. ■ Bn April 28, to address the er favorites are In her supporting State sent greeting* through Rev.: Weak 'spots are caused by spinal , 2 UNION AVE., NORTH; CRANFORD x’s organizations of the town cast. .’Hie pleture wss'dlrected by Mr. PhllfpB. he acting as master of ! subluxatlons. Correct the spine, get Charles Brabln. under Earl Hudson’s ceremonies., ) , t < BUTTER 0RXAMB the nerve force flowing and the . FROM APRIL 1 TO APRIL U " , ) subject of Mexico, Its present personal supervision. ' - NUT CBOOOLATES dons and ancient culture, and A reception under the direction of j weak spots and th e . effects of the the Pastor’* Afd Soelety. Mrx. Im tU t] NUTB AND JtRUITS cold quickly, disappear. . With tin: Tslsphon* 1W : 0 • M. É. McEWEN. “ ations with the United State». Movlng, Trucking, Storage. Kisser VRTIN SCHAFER . et{pg will be held In Trinity Tucker, president, wa* held in the' ABBORTED CHOCOLATZS woak H|sit* gone Innate Intelligence I,- :s\.v.----!s .V ,j* * - . . Bros.. Express. Somerville, Plaln- chureiL . ■ ■ ’,!' quickly gets rid of the cold. I House, and has been arrang- field, New York.—Adv. - Beginning Monday, the 13th. » HARD AND 0BEW ZY GENTERS on ! and v Gmtractor Ith a view to furthering lin­ two weeks' revival will be iwddL The i ing and sympathy between A full assortine»! à i High Ctrsde DR. A. F. FISCHER countries. Mr. Haberman Hoüywamd Vornan pastor will be aaelsted by the Rev.; Chocolatez. , -.o r a e f o r d . * * - . K. C. Lamb of. the-Shiloh Baptist■ Chiropractor xperlenced speaker, and1 the Laagb and the world Daiha 'whb Church of Plainfield. - j l i , 3 Ib.x-Boxes interesting and “somewhat ÿoo. waep and paopto will say tbat DINQ,.CRANFORD . FUNERAL DIRECTORS tea Furnished on aB «»ff 1 Jar. ;to- the generality. Aj year ' 'taon aro.. glycerin.—Broton dm; 2,00 to 8:00 P. JL t tendance la hoped for by the Job Priuting of the Better Kind] « 1M Veto* Ave, Earth . Tal SI ORAEFOE litaaacript. , at ItetCRtoànaieii ONta. I APOILODRUG STORE A M- to 4 P. M. -■¿.'.-¿'."j'.Tii Ä ä ' - - ' i t e ?"ts US/.-’ L in H m . S m WLK

■ . ■ ’’p : S§m aLè- ‘VftfeVxitìiL,. Vrt.' x«¡ axM'ii-âmXgth .tiëaishrè. •us'jrz. S ‘ * '— ------JÍ. - i * <■ * :



hi* O'tififr» * r i’ji# h» n'! vf fh* I* (hi* wìk)1 [jri'firaM y flao- EKT5 CROSS-WORD PUZZLE oMii'f. - 0 £ count* there la a reaapfl foy LessonT nr,mi*'S dny iitifi fimi ft.-r jri/ r. fisin* di i or J•■ri»*.,« of utrupìii-tr;. A (Ma n**w fud, and it J» thia—the eo- EXPERIMENTS SHOW &XV.„ *»• rmWATUU. ù I) r-w. By HELEN E, HASKELL -J te & s . , 8cb««L. Mm4f Bib-»- rancor t UTiï "*jrrév>n{»^ l*ettn %k«r — F O.a, k *l«**p. . | «'luti** M>th. • HIGH FEED VALUES - w— Uni Xgwiptpif Uutyii , i W M»of I hU- rlilMT fh** gown o r the hat, the tunic THE FARITS SPRINGTIME '■*) J*u U Co. > b<**r¿|. • rock rr<*w In i ),p di* Of rourw «*» nt« #*nrhij»i«Kt}r «iW sit «orn»rhint( about then»*- W V r Tha result« of the feeding experi­ -Ì T 7 T 7 T AY 'Mould brvak in iu bour. iftpi1»». 7 h e hoim-Jj? in,und-1 sugg«**it»*d Ibf* fi»*w i'riM'initli-N »mi iiifiht of n i ni> rum« If iim to ni«i<-h. tlirn the a<*arf t o r n a * . Hl* S'il to hi. ftH f, îi.rn .fou.) ni*ir*iflaiinj: fot th,. j.unliuMf H ment» conducted during the ' past When everyone was fast aaietp ta Lesson for April 12 Adulf Sirek*b*»n. rniiwd Mw- U .iifctíítfncíl llie taNk of fciipptxing ih** the farm bouae and an the flznak. SOe' r , , « ” f r iB H r i ■ •rill. pffrJflH<| «itb horror, f or in rhe *»iTUiij|itIi«(jK” fini* ni riil«» i«*ry tno- da»»h ‘»f rolor whic h a aeter**!/ tailortd ^hree year» by the poultry department of the Idaho Agricultural college show / trea. ^riasgBtam« E C',,PPLe * T TH E BEAUTI ­ D* il* on 'liU élbut» ta,) Iffáhf. ■« arming up th* filli f,t,. y„u finnr.* | fr»Mk* «f Nini -alt '»w iik tf. recpilre. la »(her word« Mili» 111;« FU L GATE , Uuun at ,(lie figure, wrspjxnj io ».Arila. Im- —aliUiils-I t»ju re..iJifiJiiia.-uiUMte-xuu^.'. !• • mr»*t important m.atter •h* I_the ration containing pea meat 1 waved her apetar- r t i ------,.lis.^w^Mmiiret,-d7hTithe dim llatu li look«) tWTOFTnm: like.» roll ut «bell wblrrr-d »through lb. tn*. (opa. anif aour skim milk wai on latanding la *•” * . LESSON TEXT—AcU X Belili lunii'i) rurth «ml Irfyond bursting alinoH, nf h|« feet. 2 making ben« lay. A ration In which over them adl ue i o o l d e n t e x t —- i i * , i „ that whra they | h— tank :Bm .~—Ex. * Horí --t¡ «err oilier Mill*, lu.n.ruliite i f.r r-eit uiotiii-nt gun« . w ere pop­ the dry ma«h contained 20 per cent riltl.i- Hiele»». . ping like firecracker«, j oilleer» rushed peameal and unlimited'aotir aklm milk cot up! the next ! . TOPIC—Th» Story Middenly Ui» Mi-irri! mio developed bore and Ibere, roaring order« wbb b gave higher percentage egg production, morning they an ! j^ io ìT -rv iP ir- — arriik, more egg» per pullet, cheaper egg« and felt that «pilât I o*» * ' ■■ * Cmr* ot » Cris. " ' I l,rr »trucked Imi un) ilio »ky nidyody biwNled or lii-iird. *w greater profits- over feed coat thau any Aiu.ibt-r moment, th* Mentivi «,,» ■ Kor the hUlaMe find lo-eotiie « dentb w u IB the nlr. * " * » SENIOR ti , - ■-MB ■ KriH ■ of the other ration» In the experiment. "Netgh.-u eìgh r 1 PEö2SPil5?d' ,u «««l^ toron n li ode ani) i m , ,,,„ j Mil trap, Iteslstnuce,, was narb-s«. They up. yawned, «ru ck Jila einst were outnuuil.ercd.n-n, tiveniy lo one. This ration made the hena "lay a large aaitl, the gpoat otd > IC—Tn« C h u rch '."M l»!'? ADULT Ti p. lightly number of large egg«. horae-'.-SprtBg to js-id. b • Wat.try io Bo4r i .a «Uli lija lista and lutm-ilt tuuiird ’I be one Ibing twits to miv« tlu-ui AiMf. sehe«. Itonts, clonk«, gum, were uhun- I'eaa are available or may he grown In the air. I fee) i •• ■How toe* I,. cotiMnr p|U((.Äi dom-d In the'retreat Hint Win, a r„ut. In nearly every part of Idaho. , The IL 1 m a t h e ! T h e . indication» Hi teeth gleaming like , „ ),„* otreok and In t he midM^of wlilcb Adol f Si rob expense of grinding them Into pea- raady to piow the | Md elapacd since fentcco.; meal and placing them lu the dry ll,,rk Oce. ■.■Dilater* any bet­ cben »loud dumb, imud-nlc»« In Ida Setda now. | The believer« were belngtaught bv h,! terror, bla U run. gone »mlilenly use I ma»h le small. * ' -There is to»» S who . were «honing ^tbeir cr^ Adolf fain lod a covert «ne*r In the Ics«. almost rlouldlng beneuib bla During the present year, the pen In that am t he n Ida knee«, blit the flag 1« N,)|| In U* outer‘ ' to, . f tthe * ^ inner _ Whlch from ll— i'rrMRRi »rtw iR pftfFfl to those of one not. getting the •Irr mrprmimttm for bourn? HI» ,md anything e lse ' but the wood*, and Owor o »4 «B o t o hi« hand«. rl«mtiing it, color« In the peikjieal or aour aklm isaillt. they show »V t * s » lk n menti-d Witt, tim nlghttn.re of ilielr very face« of the shrieking honle flowers that might be oat. and birds *•■»!«« ,0 Mira W—A comm»* llq«U M time the peatueis) and soup slclm milk of its magnificent bronze door* JJ-N fkH ri** tRiaal grumi*, a. the Une. had plunged over »warming the hills),li-~hl„ck men. that might have arrived for the sas»- ! f"Mste »ird rlakta« ve««>| 41— Sfahhr ' » y tbcm In Hull headlong advum-<>. Twice PCB laid over three time« the total mer, and walk« that would «tranre 4*— Ta treese Irrt» With gleaming .while leelli. wearing iraad« that ««id , ihre.sh « nurpber of eggs, over »even time« ns lovely, and games to be played o n Z Í a wow btcauae »bon IBM b« bad fnllvn. only to be dragged to the iiiilfnrnia or English siddlera w ith (e .| 45— llla teH e a»aaalala Id« tod again by Fritz von I'nu. u|,„ 1 mwiy marketable, egg*, or eggs over doors now that It.seemed w piem^t. feema d te a to iT r 'i 06d he also "Adoir " «0*-Sla«l» ^h*„T‘ »‘-DUT«-« ■ bud loiiuiii like a tiuiilinun a."llicy lui — ounces per dozen, gyve *1.B7 great­ “Spring has come, great.' W - vv o’ Im mt Kastrat ««ala W(iut uipuhere In that slngbdword ibiiicod im,, ih « burrliane of «bot er profit over feed coaj per pullet and oald Orandfather Porky Pig. “l h ate j This | J ^ r ; i*' vaa salsh - ai- A* Ihul sent Hie ldm.ll romping, rioting «Im ««—a . provluciul egga nt 7.5 cents cheaper -Vm "fifofalUforoaa h HI and «boll, oluirgod and charged ugni», through the veins of Adolf 'Streli hen n good aprlng appeUte." I birth. He . from hhstlaa»# «erara «lulo the rapid fire gun» of tin- enemy feed coat per dozen, . “So have L squeak sqaoal," said i by the r-eouli- , m ar flt t)re, known' •I—T i «e t • . lamed his muscles from Jelly to su- 'areal *1— * **"• o» rhaarr tt*A R fOri«RtR| wtlfkt bud UM.» Od I Ill'll) down until, ut Ilio fmiml him astraddle ids ....min's pros Master Pink Pig. ' i «V feiS , 7 T " 1 ' Vl1™ !>• throtr ' ,or feil*».*.follower» -•of «Ä— T o qo Ib i * tbo buttle tlolil 4 1 •T“ A 8o»k for piotare« «ml >1 dny,..the bnd irate furfn, 'fighting wllli Ids »word, Undersized Pullet Will Td enjoy a good meat now.“ said . The M >h °/° ,ie.B?lied Alins. fo w o d r b"d i d like o «ou with aorthl,i*. 4 f~ U n w H SM—Tolaform' " - ' bl» clubbed rifle, atrlklng out madly, -.1 Porky Pig. “Really the spring U gtv- ! n f t w S ? t 81- • *mtt abile Metal id liuiMiin Itosli tbttt bad but a little Ing me »n appetite.“ ,, “ d !“ * Man* Attention (V JÌ~yo.,kl«k I«_leelee. , »houllng like a detuon, words lliat ^ Make Poorest Egg Layer ’ * / * * " « SZ— AIO *» A >RR||RR(t .. TT—H •. . » bllo Indore been mon. • . - «ere but liiilf lnti-f.llKltil<-. words that “Experience Is (he keynote In proflt- Pd’ like u bite m yself,- said Mrs. : l o i w i l o J"b n coinulun«Il,i hi,;, I ? ~ * ■ ■ ■ ‘ »«re • - ■ SO— T e 0« AM dny they had fought, tlo-lr ablo egg production," declares J . Q. Pinky PI*. , i 1 ^ ‘’m- The sinner's ""SÄT ÏÏT“Ï* ■ .. ' « 4— T a i run like n subterranean Mrenm In* ' « - E l S w e * «0— Negative s t —T, tbroiit«- pnrrhoil with tlilrat. 'their nt'itth Hie noise of Ilia yinlllet? ' Halpln of Hie University ‘of Wisconsin S o , would I." said Pinky Pt*"s f ra‘0 * ^ ured before a,rl»t, brain« numbod with tbo awful.thunder poultry depurtiucut. , tuotiier. r • j [A . j“ secured his m« ' T«o Mlatlea wilt appear la aest ttf Iti«* IlilintMltìllllUa*. * ■ " "I'll show you the sitiif of u innn] Simplicity It the K«ynot«.| . . • lodrfete* «# His hlude sent a. blitek fiend reeling. An Jn .mapy other thbg*. It Is eosy Spring certainly b In the air, I 1 ^ e JT '? J!.'lm, n,ore ,hun 1,1 Tild-n i.ii'l nitrent—hoiy long had that lean woman. You nave the spirit of T®— S e o »iré I'll «bow you, Krlt i von Paul .»lien one 1» u**eii||illng|onU* wiirdrobe, to any It should be" den«, but quite hadn't any appetite for qnlte a while I nsoeev and tmTewu " * Uske(I i for i - . _ ' f ^ W c a r U o n e Solution of Laot Woo Ida Puzzi youth, you are h o becoming, no prue- 1 Pe^r*w Pw>tl»ot mj|— Aiiii.1 dulled? Iljidjit br'eti'tine hour or ten TlirtiNI I A black man on hla face, I and om- cannot own too i|itiiiy of them; * different «latter, whe» It Come» to nnd n o w j. feel my old « I f »gain.- I . heallnf ' \ ■ tbut tliey had gotto miijulhling back Ileal, »,. ihoiIIbIi, In fact/ everything said Miss Hum. j I v,^ . *7 ^"mman at the lillt, had found nu enemy's but of u reuumnt of .this und a rem­ feed; yet one will lose, while the other Ami In . anuthpr liour dny troulQ cloth frock which »a dominates the wl|l make a profit. . , mine, squeal, squeal." said Brother | Vertical* vitals, ‘Tin euvlng your Ufa now. nant of that, hemstitched together ^ t W - not U,ls "‘«king hi •biomo Ir arltlimotlo tireuk. ‘th e «laughter wuuld begin prenum mode l« shown In the picture Dacon, “But I .think I could irsi »p i * ^tm polencyj No ! Noi for It ,vu, ► opoalt mime you, giving my llfo for youral’.’ Now Hint n scurf la often na much a "Immature and undersized pullet« 4Hv«e ta Ifaly again, Wna there no way o f eaca)ie? n Its styling, subtle detail«* have been now.” . , . . . .. to .the name of Jesue \ylth „ * oard rhud of a rifle butt wrenched from • pnrt of the droas as the sleeve, and «re the cause of low egg production Its -. 5— Ed ge Again he roue on Ida elbow, peering Introduced which give It that cachet «sand went the ability tó do. . i-Who eoaaaaiM falling foe, and another man down! even more so, for often the scarf many flock»," continue« Halpln. “Some “I have a springtime appetite," said furtively Imo the «lindotty holoa nf tlm which stump* It ns a hlgli-cnato pro­ 1 (3> P « tr Took Him; by the nicht -r e e poetilo« serves In place of sleeves. It seenu a people try to make themselves believe Bammy Sausage “Squeak squeal. , »«naaat »raaea« * roe«, that had given Ida detachment ‘Shrugged your »boulders, culled me a duction. Attention la moat certainly have," ' particularly wise thing to buy. an extra length of that they have a flock of good-sized »■* . IX—Fires 1«— T h . ale toiniioruiv «heller. Homewhero lie- coward, did you? dolt I I'm saving called to the little yoke, for yokes are , Tl!T aCt " as n,eant '■> -f r e e . ' your life, that's what I Fighting them material over that required for th* ptilleta by.weighing the largest one«. “So have I. grunk grant." laid little IT— llaaOhag .vend tile tree* Hiere were wntor-nllcd nn outstanding stylo-point- In the new- Grunter. • . «■to «her» . VX—- T « 4 «4 a e « twenty to one!" Thud, thudl dress Itself. It Is quite the fashion to A pullet which la undersize or imma­ 0* 1* yellowish «lay leenetiea If It wore not for F rit, von o«t frock*. AI»o plena* dike note of trim the ends of the senrf with n band ture will not lay enough to be profit­ “1 could eat a morsel of food, too, 5. The Man's Response (v. 8) " h" »lupi lightly, lie might «lip A bullet tore through hla forage cap. the low-po*ed belt, the button* nnd-th* squeak squeal." said little -Black The blood lu hla eyt-a wna blinding or flotmeo of lace uiutchlng Hint which able. Whnt one man coiuldegs a smnll ^ ^ r e m e to hi, feet and .n1d,S nwiiv. Ill« wound* would be eicUHO long-flowing tie. They „re nil mark, Squealer. « » e s at once. H« stood; he wall him. Hut what of It? lie could still nriornfl tho tiros*. • .... • pullet, may be considered large enough, enough If they found bini, lie pu.hcd of dlRlIiiiiloQ. The white pearl hut­ “Ah, for a nice rest In thè mud and i ‘«R ed and shouted praises to r J »«■lug Ida gun. and he ivaa allowing Tim ncnrf 1» the left In the pictur® by nnolher man, Hut thgye are aland- bark bl« blanket. He wna n aoldlcr, ion* us placed on the tie nml sleeves imod banquet,"- said Sir PerdvaJ | «»wughly advertised the mlrm-l* hi» cousin. .Fritz you Pnii, favorite of 1» n half a width of apricot colored flat ards of weight which era 'about right • mu a butcher, and be bud enough of for egg production." ork. He sscTibéd the honor to God for hi* HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE «liiughter, kuutloualy tie drew up bln that hug, Fortune, verdnmml! Show­ The time which the chicks should “Not a had idea, not a bad Idea." ^ H ln r. and walked into th* house ut ktlH’V i ing him I That's wh.at tie wna doing. said Sir Henjutriln Bacon, 1 -■ be hatched depends upon *lio man who %*H "»vlt word« botiV enlédiJm ft?.1! ,m 4*M* wfc" * •»**»* Ih la »a s s i« And ugniti tbo nmn beat'df litui And he had not yielded.« foot—nn -o r- t. feOtesfed hy a ,* » « J S 2 Is doing the feeding....Chteia under'one ‘Cock-a-doodle-do. a pleasant day" a. Thè Effect (vy. 9-11).' ' ' Mined.. Opened hl« evo», «al up nm| Inch! He wn* giving It to them—the said Red Top the Rooster. *• a pnsaTe. Tha. No. J »»dar the rol„_ x' .,k «ed«ltl., n«,eg «,),— innn'a caro may mature,Jiuch enrller mV * i w i ',f »ere Oiled with, won,hr onj vekleh wlll SII Ih . whll. «r.^^*?*'*1’’ *-»».. a íaiod Adolf, whole guilty ' purpose nf devils—though Ida llfot.lood spurted “Cackle, cackle," said Mrs. Hen. •*- than under the enro of nnolher. rfullet* hlVé • »««■hef aàder -vertlral- dedaes a.wlJd*'"«? "*■*»* «• th« a moiiiem ‘ before H'oiooil audilotlly from a dozen wound*. He wna fight­ pleasant day indeed. Red Top.’ The multitude r„a hlle ««aarek to thè Beat blaek aae Sel.è whieh wlll gn ,x. should he mntured nt a tlite when they , tW b e r to see this fe,markable thing. Hgldttl up and undendood. ing on Id* knee* now, drunk with the “Quack, quack,** * •eoo. A ll w o rta «a r4 •w dte”tÓatra0,^ .^ r '* 'he hlark will come Into I ay I rig in the early win­ ‘'' ou i you slwp, old man? Wlint'a” lust to kill—Itlll—while Fritz von l’au »? «"««on ns to the gem,- ter month* when egg prices are Ugli­ «ad ohseut« («au aro the-row?" 1 -, . «iia alive to see. lie wn* allowing lleveZ * Tn III "T give BhTk one.' ^ . 'Í \ i k u t - w *»f . the^XcVfer i Iorr this I'fit* ut hint. tlKhttni; to oyo with est, udvisea the poultryinitn. . i : " I bo. nirsial bhrlieii vvire cula linve ^AH the, ducks waddled a f t e r ^ f w H w s ^ W e n t ^ M ^ "Z (lie hlni-k llends that surrounded hint.' : s ...... b'ver." Adoir rcurbod for Duck, who led the »ay down t*' the ] sofwraainrsl had occurred SOmL‘lb,ns Id* >anteen. . . whnt did he euro .that: the roet of "the I >00(1. occurred. dotacllment had retreated with the Cure Egg-Eating Hens "ll'ird luci;. iMliirnilt- " . life. em-my hot nt It* heels? He was show* To slop hens from entlug eggs pro. (OPER COOKING OF He Is lying on g couch, a coa Agua Adoir foil cl dd the covert «neer otherwiseÄ known1*“as Billy Goat. ¿h- .'"Ä -a Ä IÄ “ n” in to* ciiualh'a tune. - ... Ing Fritz von Paul Single-handed he vldo plenty of oyster shell and feed FISH IS IMPORTANT "LuT* ‘°«ed lightly over him «, was lieldlug Pack a dozen beast* of the scratch grain In the litter, so the must have a walk, around t i i e " w ! " re *plrIt,lal|f neither sublimity nor unearthly ••Another uoViï m óild he In the hos- upontinnii hishla face.4..1 ,. . . - » peai hell!. " ' ’ . hens will be kept busy aa much of the W ? a»d »ce »'hat there is to eat. a ^ b^,n*: 8lnn* « 10 -■tor McCollum of John« Hopkins Just Sleep. A tin ¡I.tai rill Until for duty. Hut tld» war time as possible. . Feed a balanced ra­ walk will help my appetite and make I m«n—resting. 1* hM fnii.rlilNin and politic»..,': . ' Ilia aenaea reeled. Ilia head fell sses the Importance of fish In forward on hla neck. They'd cut him tion containing plenty of meat food- It soriietlilng of whlch'lim¡y"b^j - h~ l>i ,he h»»«> sl'ox9 diet and,gives some points as to •lion t talk like an Idiot." lnterrupb proud. ! t e c nt - C h ris« an help. Minis­ cunnlm‘'^ PrOCe” ”f mot ed I in/ yon Pan, drawing iiln watch to lilt*. Swarm over him. He no 20 per cent—und darken the nests so *7 preparaUnn. In Introducing cunning than anything th* Efft-nttai tho lien» will not be so likely to see Í -f 5? rist ma-T not .have silver ur ever devised, It I, claimed i w T l rr..io to*, nnny «hlrt and annpplng It longer scared. He haif shown Fritz, l*10*,, ^,aa' *ïaa* the um©little -, ipwti hot have something iñflnítel’y in' recipes, lie snys: the eggs. , limbs, «e love to play thL* l.„ety | ter mnn body can be preserved ^definite!; ,,|",n ...... red Into'a pictured face Sneered, had he, and shrugged hi* day.' sr*re.‘ • • • , ■ ■ ?he ways In which.yon should-cook «ho'uldors? Strange vengeance, tills; ,r In II* m*«. cliiKod It, and «ettied to «C* depend upon the kind of llsli they Ilia life the price, lie gloried In It. "Me-ow-nte-ow," thI,^ ^ i ! VitTi“ aed of J “ u* Brlort, uknUi tbo. watch luncuth tils »nid Jota, the ■ ••»«Stfttide <\*v, 32-20), . , Oily or 'fut' fish should not be EXTREMES OF LIFE iU'i-k For he had shown Fritz vou l*au, cut, “I must have, d ln fat. Fat flsli, such ns salmon Áijiilf verfluclit 1 «hewn 1dm at luatl Poultry Notes ■D“ « irscle focused -the ntteminn IN AIR ANDr0CEAP •»round htn tw th ; a nice sleep ln mackerel, tire best when baked Adolf Streleheh opened hla eye». I t , . "P«n Deter anir.Inlin. l,r ...... Hie war,11,1,1 ,.v,.n mure lie Hie sunshine. It died. Oh the other hand, white Somebody, wna holding water to hla i - _“r _!lI'nicdistp]y turned tlielr tdi.-n- The condor o f ,the Andes has beei bated tin, count, who slept with tlie will tin nie' good. n' fish, such as cod, halibut aud Up«—nnd those black devll»«-where Duck* are usually mntod In flocks observed soaring at tremendous height _ I'litiire (if little liarle vim Scbtdlcrn Then a cupful qf toSelf"-t0 Christ' IV,:'’,r :k, may he fried or sauted, since . limier .Id* iliia-k. Hr rnuld not look had,they gone? Away In the dlMnnca of n.hout thirty females with five or six 1 — . opportunity to present- are dryer. When you cook fish hove p¥aks themselves exceeding 20, there, wn* the aoiind of cannonading, niales 1 wann milk und C bT sr io The people. Who had „sseui-. 000 feet, ifnturailsts say the condo baci, over t-lie twenty.four yetir* of bl. all will be welt."' ter, qs boiling, you . will find .them lire „ml rcamiuhcr an hour when the hut hero among the trees where a mm I f ^ -, J * ,olfl Uiem .that If wriv i-t can fly ut an altitude of flve mllei "0 o b Ii I e, gol)- If they. are served with rlrh tboimbi of I'riu.inn.Pun bnd not boon tnent tiefori- lie had fncoil those— ' Animal protein tn tho form of ment f * h 1 **• « « rist whom the G.*i of above sea level. To go to the other ex ble;" said thriuN If you bake th e*, tliey‘should like a sore spot „„ |,|, s(1|ll< ||k,. „ Only tie wnaii't among (he trees. Ho •crap,; tanknge, fish scrap-dried butter* *" k-ad glorified, whom .j.li-y sled and frequently, larded. \ feme, it Is known that life exists It keys, “the little the-greatest depths .of (¿e ocean It It ker. bom ,il emy Mill fostered li.v tbo wn* no longer on the gn-imd’ W|,h milk, or serai-solid 'buttermilk is very i J?. - -e*vd up and denieiTNp-fi rey cnmjjig ,flsh Is perhaps' better turkeys are -die­ other inali* iadltfcrcni'r. For Krlt« Fritz von Pan under him. There were e esscntlul. to heavy egg production. i - ~ r wi"'n he desired to set bulling, since It does not tnke •aid that the b l a c k e s t ; ^ « and re coming stronger molest abysses are tenanted by flsh ol von l'.iu ton« bla cousin with u ahnig blankets and a pillow *\nd—‘ \vi,nt 1 . * J f-ad desired a 'murderer ns much of the delicate flavor or every one of these of.Hie..«boitillera. 11,. de»|il«ed him for » a» tile chill thing mtiler'’lil* lingers ? Guineas will rentnln closer- to th« i .f tq them instead. He slu-.< i-l [tent us boiling does. After tile fine spring days. beine a welcher nnd a cflivnrd. If the With an effort iie lifted it farm buildings If only one .male bird «owiples were also wltm -». * is thoroughly clean, wrap jt In a •lui-sii.in. or rivalry betweeu tbeni bad Iron cross 1“ III,» mice rang out In a Is kept for every three or four fe­ "Hobble, gob­ i *«<> .raised Jesu s from tha of gauze or cheesecloth, place It lavnlred to him he would have piercing cry: "Fritz voa Vnu; Iron males. < ble, gobble, they're ••«iVrf e - - ‘ <-«il and charged nom home e upon <>f the. stm^li^"re thfo™We|a,Pe0ra °of Cl\»!»8r . steamer and steam until tender, strata of life.. Of the lowest 7 .y re laughed, [or be liuiglied eu.lly, taking a lovely littie iot l £ :rn " m SBHt' Tor'they bad .l-m.-d dune, remove the .010111 and life wt,b trunk lightheartedness. Men of turkey eqst has been learae.I, yet It I, kn<)wn How did H ïmpjHH» to be thoro In Certa n disease* of turkey, are oh- „ . ! M«H Now- i 'f o m s y o=e and chosen nnrtiblu,*. H the fish on rhe platter. Steamed . lived bllo for hi. courage and tine Id* tlngors?- * • - \ that creatures which dwell In ,he talnetl from chickens and, vice vers«. bo. evprything and evervone on the ! S-'r^T^x ot <*'«*.■ ami • better with a. sauce."—McCall'* , *|iiiriMeanslilti. women adored litui for ■ ^rxMW ^vtiiit Mvnust to be & sr+Ht . Fanciful Scarfs Become Hobby, The best way to hatch them is under f«nn felt Sprtnetta^hèS ^ I ^ ^uce of Ufe. ne. impiumili,- I V-i i Bremen fPWlally ?,a * »ppèalejl to them t ci i Pvrasures, and are pro- movement ‘■D'pe.. It I* two nnd u huir yards long 1 .vying.b'ettyiMurle von Sclinllern, who »peaking. • know ofo f impiter vieuvisit *.-.t * .them . _. V i i ^ ,txf7- **- - 39>-— Store they had rh»fd*hWltb lumlnot/s appendages so •r had been courted ateadfuatl.v and use und I* uniquely hemstitched In petal­ before d Soviet Leader Cunningly contrived sim plicity Is not Re snre 'the hen Is thoroughly de- • they all said that spring na* i * " s a* ioi..rrllne In Ignorance. 1 1 tewaly tor u your by Adolf Strolchen »nul"* * " Urs‘ All“lf' U'be buried with like iHiltips with - fanciful interhem- ct'rtaini ^ e r ^ r i t y be ™ lble ,0 0De  .ÏÎ."™ !’r .,hla f y»"h frock. ‘l-v.ln the air. * ** * “ . ] «?=*•» Pscdoo their sin if ni.-y wouM mill « lio««, engagement to Krlt« von the- nisterlsl /»Htcblng descrlhlna « designed border loused before setting, and also the*first - Lies as if Asleep Another volee murumred something •«•exdnlsUe. being and second week after setting. Do n”t ------— ^ ***nred th« " that th.-,» .Pall bad been announced two da)a mte.llnnncl. beige color, If vou w I ' i U ’* '*"• arrangement in's tomb Is a tempopify struc Ibat sounded like. 'Gr,«K-r love hath put any lire pmvder on her Just be­ G o o d C a r ' . -I . . >*J « n enjoy - - refreshing'------.-...... f* Fensea»"!)* ■ Thrifty immigrants : after Ilielr flrat meeting. tnsn «1.10. Impar,, u clever touch.to he‘ ' ' | tTY'CS *r4* '( »-i**4 w~v «_■ , • built bf tv odd, sotuewbat Egyptian , ‘ r . I ’ ' " “Ul " l', > he made fore the chicks hatch, however ■--"Da. doe Before the World war the gt«r.W Adolf Streichen doubled Ida n«l* of «mil Jersey, ,,r whnt 1» newer, cosh- M-nrf a, the right. These pocket! are the Lord (m-tt « ct' ! v’ ^ w h e n (iod wnnlil - nil it its broad, squat base and wall* 1-ove ! Ilow strunge the word Six. too?" . a Simple ! J**sm Christ to earth to ennsuar ecelpts In Italy from Immlgranu In . at the recollecUdn of hl« humiliation, sounded. uii-ro twill, Kush« Is nlso greo iv f«. achieved, b.v turning- o „ „ „ tip ,„e the mateHal Inpex! up In conical slant. . «ait up and again looked diiWHTt hi« He wlshed. he had the .0 nn.l »inching’ It a* one Sickness must b.e expected In flocks V “Great. Scott, ^ Ln t<1'1 St"le s was «13.000.000. In * |Yi|gt , to leu the» It w a, not lo,w voreo. I, tweed. |i«t„,C coloring „ fjishiona -the where the house»'— ■ . . ,u B0CM 1Wv#K, , • "«• *°U- ■ Whatever ^ ^ redemption. - ' -h«» neither the whiteness nor th? vteeping cousin'. Already, although enters largely Into pockets In a • into yourr head?** ' ■ ! 1 . , P tt!’erage receipts In Italy of hut-hate. llut lie wat too tlred. H t. wloff ttppun. ty tt|iu vye' are accustomed to ns . the war hud endured but A month,' One te with fiiej mausoleum 0f a great American funds sent, by the tmml- ¡'.ver viere lieitvy. R.wa« very hsrd to haft tM*en _____ ^ x at Shtday school we ha.l Vowr Conscience ' : P rit* wan «eating the Iron fH rar for her undTuM h>‘ m l mm "Hier derail,'of 'liie!^' driven out of the tH)uitr, »rwitha, i\u\ sor» »pot in hli le r and mt th ej^ stel shadranW. used.- your (’«'n* iffal figure, writes Fanny Hurst, In i»m fvvi "vruT t'Tn,tcd Stoles was «til. , ' rwbir 'm e sigh t o f It In the dlnr light business by tolerating tilth. T '!8 ’"crease Is In the fare 1 he*e youthful' „n>, « cnralde cloth _ ll's, and yet somehow.'-some way. ‘ .frenalrd,Adolf. If he only dared, he ,lro '? niwr ‘befe- For the h u ì X Z T » h «rrt'tíd to oa f - a law—no; G«'d Is • f immigration restrictions set up by ^tlr»t time slnce he eoúld remember he '•oh.. ."«■ 1,0 "''HsUon to dainty 1|D. Karlv a aces farmer. • I . - - =5ade- --.^ theme law,mw. and-and He j>‘:irvdp a sfranpe brooding beauty '. aninlii »end hla clenched Osta amatblng «'.rlo 1 ''lints nnd cuffs to add « further hatched , chicks wltt (lift small wooden tomb, set out ihe United States which to bolding l°*vd |^ L<; ‘•*ep wUh no tonnenl of m ate I willen you to detrrin:ii' -J te tutn Ida couiln'a handaome yogpg face. ne cvbtjleBtdne aridity of Red down the number of new arrivals. kbllHk..Ittlb he to dMdid nutnot dsre.daaa Vas"In 11 — Mb« ^ i i’ll • > I i ‘"¿y ln hls. eoul. n. „ught hi. »el* i"n f•"brïèiïnf Here Btands the shrine of the '.falg slwuldera «nd hnll-llkw rlMk tron e ro » .. . l.;.me ci.Hsr, «„d tuffs, high-colored- ,twk .“*.to to a decided advantage. eta. « .• " ' ; * O ' .. "• Gaiteau’e Determination "¿¿iretcben '»'«• » coward,^ 11 ?»» t Jn< louche« st throat «nil wtlsi ml ,o t ■* Tlse Treasure-Chest. * hn^ been dead almost a year «he blsnket wp «ver hit ihr scurf Itseir' lml>ort«nt «» * / ta,™ *nt '»"ed by. District At­ Sf ’he tky wafmed •owilhute great Ctisrni to tlv,-se fn ck a i bub*Fntfdeiiiyi you.come upon him. ‘ “ «otueichat like ikat ltf ^ she «*arth tn Rupplv hnn>!>n ’ Co/.kt,R| «ays that Gnltesu had brokea. JUI-IA rottom ley. ; there ao in the casuni attitude of reme to AVashlngton,. M srch 0.. igsi, '® l,u CM2,îan,ïJ we'are provins it ‘«eer I'otoa) Ir li? '0' * »>?»«T3re-chesT. We Have » ut pg a nnp. that you are almost com- dett-rmlnM; to • assassinate' the- Presl- iœ â f? *U1Pe"^,,'l ths xhlcken^ A ï to tiptoe. ^ vRuoltoo. In ,|ie Jata-Jar.“. . !T ai»<3 beip oursulvi*jt— dent on May J8. secured.his weapon a chemical process, of prefferva- rin i ““ e 8; and f°I'qwed the President |there ilea Lenin ln the flesh I Not * flesh. ^ But upon hla cheeks before he roufid .the opportunity be mmt -that o/sterious. poUetT of sought on July 1 ;.... v “

Llv >4¿J a s s e " ------«?#•-• wssâw&ËÊÈffî í M Í T J ^ ¿ ¿ r


as tft* esravanoa* of Tat-AskBdasi» tomb sr* to Europe . (Iro rit G. ll*y«k founder of tb* Story-and-a-Half Design Provides CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Ruined City of museum and lu director. s«id th# ««1*1» tb««.-— Ex. , - Bt. -Thomas, NVv.—Cleopatra and thrills of gwmbUhg. ' Oue of the most Important disco»- PRIMARY TOPIC—Th« Story o< . . Mark Antony were carrying j»a the ■jo b * Mats. . • Evidence that claim distinction pre­ erUw Harrington oisde. sahl lley**. w as JCNIOK TOPIC—T b . Car« of a Cr:-,. moct notorious lov* affair of th* age*. vailed among_ the \»nqviish<-d , . Nevada . that l b# giants burled (heir detid un­ 4^1. •’ , . _ beneath the Kamilaii__muon,—wUUe- ^ew-wa»-fuihrt5h*d“wii%n \i~ w.as (dv- der tb# fioor* of luiu.ses, which api^sp INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR Tor.. thousand« of uiilea away (q what 1« served that sutue of tpe gUnt skele* C— C u b of a Cripple and Ita Iteiiunr- ently were «bsudoned after tb# Inter- TOTNQ PEOPLE AND .ADULT Ti p. now Nevada; « fcath^r>t»«d«cke(i tons were round to have far more ob­ tuvtu. p—tb« Omrch'a Ministry to Boar I*uebio chlvfiHln, »wen fw*t loll w ii jects of art surrouudiug thorn -than »m l ■> ■ . Another thing pmoklng the belief wooing a hnmio-aU&oed. tukldtn In th* average burial niound contained. that the tribe was v%*ry ancient was the lost city o( t'ueblu tiraude. ^ In the unearthing of this tost city, the fact that most of the bouses wer« T h e . Indication« are tfaat. some This is evideiu*ed by excavations be­ which waa eight miles wide and which small. . ■njiha had elapsed since Pentem-t. ing carried oo tn the muddy and virgin extended thirty-five mile# to the smith, Not once did the excavator* wtne be believer* were being taught by the i r '-r i river valley* near hero, which «bow has been found proof that the once acrtMM glass beuda, metal or types of ro stí« who were showing their cr.~ that Pueblo Grande wus th« Urge»!, thriving melTviHdls was from iMXk) to crockery that would Indicate/ lh# t*tial* by tbelr mighty works (M u tingle prehistoric »ettleraent ever 2,300 years old. Harriiigten said: white man had known these gluftta. :-*SK ' . . found on the western hemisphere. city 2.500 Yssrs oid. L Tha Lama Man Haalcd (V. 1-11), Culture hud not found Its way Into *Th* corrUKnhM and- pnimet! in»t* -■ NEEDS LITTLE SLEEP 1. The Occasion (v. 1). n r th* barbaric cltylvR» countries to the terj* ulone Would lie enough to iden­ Teter and John were 'going to the north of the lutlan penimtula, and tify the vanished mcc a* Pueblo 'In­ I ¡se of worship. They were friend, Chriitlauity wns unheard of' at the dians, and then *hen Jo that is add o mere mutual -complenlenti—each time the ancient IMutes of Neradu tfd their home building, Mgricullurv tibd 1 n t that which the other lacltei) wer* worshiping the sun. use of tunjuolse und »tone griddle* la fellowship n i according to the 1 1 r i i l m They shaped graceful urns embel* such ns the modern Pueblos u»* to rtfa own arrangment and was most f Utdied with colored geometric de­ cook their famous wuter bread, (here lag. They were going.up to Jeru- (.Copyright, tit«,) sign«, weaved rugs of f cut hero, wool run be no doubt that prehistoric nn to wonthlp.. though they knew • Hortxonta). 33— A amia, c h m and fur, cultivattHl corn and squash, Pueblo . Indians dwelt lu -pueblo I well the corruption ot Judaism. l i t l t m • ’ ST— Parto* at (tm spun threads of «Ilk made from k then Cm tule. mllsi »la«« . S3 i F aaaaaalea promam* “The bottom- has not.bt'en renclu^l h* hate ft U « a ú «r« |M t S3— T o much# a mlatmkm common desert shrub. e la « •• ’ • »1 — Paraoaal promomm They were wearing tunics after tha yet. Itcuyy erosUm In U»e ruin» Indi­ stir «riN»iK|n S3— O v e r'a a * ahoea . fashion of early Greece, living-in or­ cat* that Pueblo .Grtuwiv was pre­ 3 8 - J eam «•CRthcr W cammam tl*mld historic. . Thut houses here were l«lRtR«.toam 13-N t-lH riac aalmal derly, well-plttuned cities and writing ifnutehtrd . 41— Hobhr 43—A Irria poaa» history, cupled for (»erhaps (Vuturies Is shown iakta« Tcutl .. 43— To freaaa . 44 M-iltllla o by deep beds of 'ash** in numerous bread« that «a id e tfcraagfc a aaRaa 43— motoria marnatala ' Unorth layers ofr City. ' fireplace* .. " . »ata with feat 4d— T o root 31— P U e aaad pera#» v Indications are that human beings "We have found countless fragments •*v*a . . 9»—Stasia 53— Cheat 54— A parami Kata of Maaleal aeala BA—A calf tank . 3T-Am halal had been Jiving hi Pueblo Grunde for of flint and juitUTy mn\ evidences that 1 vaagalah -> ' . ' BS—T# raeada . . centyrles, fur thu eipcdition from the the houses of Pueblo Grande hud been aela# 34— Aa S3— Ua "U atalUtarama aarlh Museum of the AmericHU Indlun, head­ remodeled lignin and again. The hhatlaata Hiua . . «1 — T a c r i ' ed by M. It. Harrington, widely known First Floor Plsn, - The Place (». 2). 41— A sam a of ehaaea 43— A a 'O rie a ta l w á lsh t scarcest jrtlcle Is a colled basket und l was at th* gate which leads from ♦■•ral term ' far fall'awara af 63— To sa lalo anthropologist and archeologist, I» some sandul rcc zohie containing us ninnjr a , twenty ■ IVter and John lie asked pirns. d rla k af feét aallfc eardled w ith ing up of the country. , hour» sleep a week sine« his feet wer* The Method Ívv. gg), . ' • ropniA" «Itli liard glnziwl floor*, have The Iiulluns could no longer get suffi­ cut off In a railroad accident five y*ar* 1) tíalned the Man’» Attention (r. been excavated, revealing under tholr cient water for .their crops mid they ago.' Fry Ublert nnd extremely active Vertical« ' circular courtyard* . the grave* of a Peter and John comnlundetl him perished. Tho wind of the ^desert In coltegq life,*, lu-lpg a litetober of oblema la arlthaaatle r vaniahed race, with the average height ook to them. The sinner's at t en. ► »peak S— RWar ta Italy erodml their dwelllngA . the swlmuilmr tenlu,' despite his, Us­ ■keleton* found to measure over sevea must tie secured before Christ *ard k A—Edge Weeds grew In their gardens, tem­ ability, cheer lender, aud manager of r hfco eoaaaaaea , ' ■ feet- ■ '. ' ’ ■ • . heal blm. Haring secured his at- ples caved In, and the relentless des­ the college paper. »>• • . 3 - r rapoRltlam A woman wrapped In *■ feathered ion they gave him more thun h • , paraoaal proaomm , ■ * ert sand drifted In and covered th# sd or expected. He asked for »I« 13— Fleea 14—Tha air blanket wn*' found In one circular whole city, burying all evidence of -a Cro»»*Word( Hit Japan; 6*c«nd Floor Plan, evand got healing. i . tree ' IT—Ilaadhas burlul place, with a aet of new-born once-great ruco and keeping the se­ ♦m ala ahaep S3— T a dadme# twin* burled with her. ■. • • • cret locked In th* depths for centuries. Adapted to Ideographs By WILLIAM A. RADFORD stairs. Two of these rooms ar« light­ I) Teter Commanded Him 'in the pala rallowlah ciar ... / In many mound* ulready unearthed ed by dormer window#. w of Jesus Christ) of Nazareth to Equal to TuPs Tomb. . Tokyo.—Now. Jnpull bus becu In- Ur. WlUtetn a . i u 4 fn all tir#bt#tna i r « t r Took Him; by the night' Nord lo Ipdlrnlrd br « ««»bar. «k W «Cero lo Ib'o dokatltoa llotrd M .ir Small, but Able Oil Operator university hi Tokyo, ndupted tlm cross­ HL, and ont» tncU*«/ tau-t-oA »Laiitp. Water Supply Pipo Shöuld . a ■•>>«. InllUD, trrbalral Irrw . «ad ak.ol.ta fono» aro' Kalu Knna Is (lie plioncllc Ideogram Efpdlcalrd la tbr drflaltloao. " ...... th * DtfW h»>m«>ihS5** at t b f raid*- lim o reMÌdrt)i‘e» onc-lmiMni'h dliiniPler J s ■ i at once. lie stood; hé wnlkeh; alpbnbct. of forly *lx cliarader* jn thvy rv'iulr# !>«* fútppnswl to b# sufilident, and so It was sped and shouted praises to.find, which ' any Jii|>iini>*u ayilnldc sound cans« «f at tho fumi!) to be in the btd days when a ninglffyjrplgot »roughly advertised the nilrm lo. may’ lie exprwavd. It I* Inllnltely more arrunmuxlutâHtmuxlutrtt' -For U Ip rim kHcben flnswervd »II purposes «Tibéd the honor to God for Ms simple than llie highly roiiipllcaled m dhliig ttyitnr H.ao tb«- ; »ml à «f « water supply, ’ • : « , and walked Into thy house ot life. He la lying on ■ couch, a coun­ •yslein of C'lilnese charaflera nnd muy lOPER COOKING OF h alf hotjR^e «fî kUm In th##e «luya, however, people want terpane tossed lightly over him and h* readily mnslrred'liy foreigner, In a la a con/pl^tjfmv rbara»-i«'rJ*tlf: of lid» rte Effect fvr. P-ll)." FISH IS IMPORTANT neither sublimity nor nnearthly peace fe'hvmonth, of assiduous study, while n Httle mure in (he wwy of ndHjuut# . typ# rsf^dwriling *,f th# l«rg«‘ «itii-r supply, and a one hulMneh sup* ‘ f « 1!'1' were filled with, wonder upon hia face. Just sleep. A tired tlie thousands of Chinese Chnrueiers sp in v y lt afford« In pr«.fM.ftPm lo tho )ctor SicCoIIum of Johns Hopkins mnn—resting. ' . , used In clnjalcnl Japanese writing re- l*ly pip# 1# hardly birg« enough even tmaxemcnL th e multitude run sses the importance of fish in smoUfd of viali rc'p d rH . la the moderate #i*ed lihus«. * f to see this fieptarkahle thing, 1 Ily this process of embalming, more dulre years And years of study. Along'wirb thU a " largo iiliet andrglves. some points as to cunning than anything the Egyptians The ususil »rriingcmeni of the ximill was no question as to the genu­ When the puzzle wus printed In a ■ mount of ^•unfttra. fWtxrtii+tiw and |er preparation. In Introducing ever devised, It Is claimed fta t the hu­ foreign newspaper Uie*lef!nl(ions were hotiM<'U to huvo a htuudry In the hu»«* * of the miracle for this 'mail »ttrttctlr**n»-«'* r i o I**- afhP-i«-d hi Hip recipes, he enys: man body can be preserved ^definitely. printed In Engl Isti, ¿(¡¿it If the Idea Is ment, kUeheii -un the first floor, nnd era a familiar figure for many th e ways In whltfi.you should^cook slory and u-haff h*»u*< if du** fF-gHrd It was evident that somethin? taken up by the Japanese newspapers Is given to ih# d*ai¿ro.,.and .mori»«! o f bathroom- op... the seeomh tm wa#b |(fiephnd upon the kind of fish they Mie [ii|Z_z!e.Jt.oi^ ho prlnliil entirely In _d«yiTlt I# h hard'job to «et wutvr tec utlural had occurred. - EXTREMES OF LIFE consrru« ihm. A ll ih«-»# hai*-. j»*«Ndv»'d Oily or (fnt' fish should not be Japanese anil' wlihprotier' explanations run in the bathroom when It (a being, The helpless beggar had to I» attention in th# hern««* « h P h 1» dfu»- Sd in fnt. Fat fish, such as salrgon IN AIR ANDrOCEAN of Hie prlrielple Involved Inuy be solved .used In the laundry. - 3 to the temple gute. Men unil |jnuckerel. are best when hnked. trnj#«! b**r# wp.fo a m out of Christ nrc spiritually oiled. Oh the other hand, white suit. (i . •• . " • Tlie condor o f ,the And« has been English or ot thv American cross-word more lai« mu», and a one ami one half ss. We should bring sinners to an' fish, such as cod, halibut and T liis hnn*# is st«o s fin# r-mud'i** Observed soaring at tremendous heights puzzle. ■ " . Inrh '»upply. pipe Is not lurgu enough . ck, muy be fried or sauted, since of wluit p r »i* r Vt«**r.rion lo th * «úr- above peaks themselves exceeding 20,- for the voltimi» of water really needed. Taking him by the hand shows Ji »re dryer. When you cook fish rouodtng grounds n.*> m*-an io s r«-*i- 000 feet.' fiaturallsts say the condor A sickly sprinkle is not ’ what 1« m o«-of . Christian help. Minin­ ¿ter, ns boiling.1 you will find »them .Acid Shampoo Burns ' ifivíK*. Ka^h- f«-wiGrT- b»» t»*vn «'‘ffiwM* can fly at an altitude, of five miles Columbus, Ohio.-— Mins Irma Wag- wanted. . ' Christ may not..have silver or If they. are served with rich above sea level. To go to the other ex­ #r*lriiI us a result of a sham­ give.* • • • - _ . asted and frequently larded. I carri**» itQ air o f rh irudcig tnforn(»lî*v. service pipe (»..so very atntill that If the greatest depths of tjie ocean. It Is poo. Affording lo Itrforimirloo fur- ¡teaming #flsh is perhaps' better said that the blackest, coldest and re­ At- *m** »Id# Is a d^'-ornfiv«» really cui» no figure whatMwver—If eter Witnessed of Jesus Before nlsbcd hospilul nfl/icbcs, sb« kiis latitude .{vv, 3Ü-Ü0). • . boiling, since It does not tuke motest abysses are tenanted by fish of w hirl, adds dni*- to L-didm«: but has Ju"t heen a cuso of not know'ing burned si*vcrely wben un «unployf** o f much to th# opi»#;irar.ir* of tb«- bom**. what to do. -i . . .. mirad# focused -the-attention ' ns much of the dellcute flavor or the strangest of sh u t« and by colossal Herbert^Harnett, wlm makes Ills home In Wichita, Kan*.,'la' the world a a "beauty purlor’* act.lclonrnljy poured fJh# paltdJo) *ood+n Ir an nr In be alllb*» w here burr! water Is sup- people upon Peter and .1 n‘ n. Plmcnt us boiling does. After the replmlopods. Muallt'H »11 operalur, In physical size nt Icnal. What Barnett lacks In simure arid Instead uf n sbump«m b*tlon upon tlsllc- tour'Ii* which U gn-utly * t«h»nr«>d t'lJeil, tbe u*«» of wafer softeners |rç ^mediately tunned their ntf*;n- 0 » thoroughly cleun. wrap It In a Ocean, earth, and the lower portions he makes up m. ouslneaa,ablllty. His chief delight Is to sninke giant stogie» her bejd preimratory to giving her s by rii»? phm ung « f ffowF-rmg »lirub »wen. small residence» Ih coming Into » a binisdf- to Christ, ivtcf • of gnuse or cheesecloth, place it of the atmosphere form layers of ueurly a* large sb himself. Barnett 1* aliown here with Dr. E. 8. Edgerton. shampoo. ■ • . - h**ry b«»ld# lr. At th«* wind'.,«« bo**» everyday line- for the simple renson the opportunity to prc>«nf > steamer and steam until tender. strata of life. ■. Of the lowest layer with bright /b>v rr» add »«.lor «nd duri 1# In an economical apparatus for to the people. Who had »sseii!-. done, remove the cloth and least has been learned, yet It la known the jivvn'rr do be-supplied with. lie told them .that \v»> i .T i the fish on the platjer. Steamed that creatures which dwell In the alalPfl In hi* wnrk by l-rof, T. E. l.ayna, shrubbery ’ Is ig«m u*e«4, around the ■ porrh, * Christ whom the Cb>nr!ui<-ut 7if rli«ml*iry, who Another little point In connection• ihers had glorified, whom ,jh*'i 32lne. tbe tremendous pnwsures, and are pro­ v- M Illinois University In Production special Iron, nickel and chromium al­ IHiInlol Arot-rlcan-'adltur of ihn lnn-r ff he front d»/#>r oj»#*n* «UrwtJy fruta m**ul for emergency. Instead of using dt*dptos were also ' vUno-*** Bin's tomb Is n tempopiiy «true Thrifty immigrants of Domestic Fusi. loy, which are heated externally by national imigazlnn Kuol, and la wall the porch Into th# b ig livin g r«e,m wjrii so many coupling» bVr connectionvii»e d had raised Jesus from r built bf viKlfl, soiuvwhst Egyptlsi; Before the World war the average gas. In addition to the primary prod­ known for hla rakt-ari-lia* In alt pha*« Its fircpJn*'* sa d with window« on liiMoad. here »ml there. T» with ouf* ad charged home upon t'o.’tv.•rut- It Its hroud, squut base and wall.- ecelpts In Italy from Immigrants In Urbuna, III.—The realization of uct—coke—several by-product's or# ol> of coal manufacture, reaourc« and three shh-s. A t «>r.e sp > rii*- riving b*t jduitged and If any connection la fui guilt; for they had d“n¡*'>í j. tn[K’j , up ln conical slimt. . the United States was il.T.OJO.OOO. In smokeless cities is seen Jn the success talnetl which are theinselvps worth as conUfuL ■ ‘ room opens Into a pox»#?* landing to to he made f,ir any future* purpose it * one and chosen Barahtu«-* H IJis* neither the whiteness nor the 1924 the average receipts In Italy of of a series of experiments of a semi* much or more as the original cost of a bedroom #nd an extra l*Htbr»«m) can be easily don# without taking the r. instead of Christ, and Sty tliut w»; nre accustomed to ns American funds sent, by the Immi­ the coal. . . commercial scale by the University of This arraogoment Is A Job baa b»en ■ her this: that your '»’"fl* sll's, and yet somehu*-. some way. where there are elderly people. The-n-oM eroufUdlenl to ll»e for u’Htnf 19). Since they had conn^ T­ >f immigration restrictions set up by; One oT Professor Parr’s theories Is which Is chemically different from the found oV-ltim for the former Herman symcMj«. even rfi'itigh tp# cost of In- < not a la w — n o ; <,»*'! awful crime In Ignorance, • the United States which la bolding that smoky cities are dua. lo domestic ordinary by-prodio- •••’ e-oven (ar and riailatff.n.i^ hlghftr,—lluJMItig Age ami irdooade the their law, sin and if thVv He p m* ! fit this small wooden tomb, set out down the number of new arrivals. fir/-« rather than factory fires. He which offers gr^m -i > rtunity for re­ In the kieraey since belbg dAlIvered (tilling roimi open« «,ir th# living «temi and behind It Is rite klícita. The lat­ .Vntb'Dul Hutblcr. '. . ih! within he assured jou to them detennm* that duy fihe cobblestone aridity of lied v ------■ . '------, itnrted .hift experiments which led to search and rheiiio.d de#3lppm*0t f under the peace treaty. The admi­ fit enjoy refresh{n¿—rf\'i':1^ e. Here stands the shrine of the I Ids /new process of nurnufaeicre. In light oils, which may be used as motor ralty has decided to ,end it ti Malta ter Is not large but [# mtru etSctenily ' Gaiteau’s Determination *1-r ar# found work of redemption. , but.'StnMeiily, you come upon him Uomestlc fuel for this locality,' some of the most important and In­ u-inikinr* tliut may tw mhpi) In a linme, came to AVashlngton.- ilarch 0. 1S31. de: he earth to .supply hnmf»*1 ! there so In the casual attitude of The fo?l is dojv being* muDufartured teresting by-prudtMt* of tha pew | Mohater Cat ■ . In the passage »Jready RMdiiloneiU tivrlliifi* ike rami commun ivpe la th« determined ; to assassinate the- Presi­ cstanîly we are provins Dg a imp. that you are almost com- it the unfrerrttV In such quantities process. , s " Bahgor, Maine.—A cat ownej i,y On the second floor th#r# ■one vvlileli aiiite, tip «nil down t|kÿ dent on May J8. secured.his weapon r«i«ure-chest; We-liflve .'»u* to tiptoe. , that It epa be tried out In several ■ Tlie experim^gC# ar* bring carried Mrs. Lillian Dodge 'la bettered : i o, f#od-*Ued berlrriomst #jid .another ll.e Frenclmiaft*» ^tiHlotlne..- \y* on June 8. and fallowed the President e Ifd and help ou rsel'^ “' a chemical process of preserva- house furnaces and grates and a local on In the «fxperiinental fuei plant of one of the larg «t In NeW England. bathroom.. Ka eh--bed row» t* provjde>i ihl* a double bun* window. ' It on several occnslobs, énee to church, Ù Tidings.- ; . ' | there 11« Lenin In the flesh I Not gas company to .determine its-value, the engineering experiment Station at The cat haa been’ In 'th * family for with a large ctoset and these wml» by .yotinterhalanrln* we/*W* \tyhfef1 before he ^ouhd. the opportunity be ■ dead1 flesh. ( But upon hts cheeks only JJJUHrfo coal 4a used, ii la car« the tfnJrtnJty« jProfeaaor Pattr/Ji^■ t*, •lx year» andj weigh» SO pound». ■■ are ali grobped ^rpañartly shoot à are attached, to it br tñealM uuet that mysterious. p61Tea\of aoniht on July X ■' ...... ; . > «aurai passage ’at tbe btmd of the HJinUaí «oyvt*. . . . ' ~ * « x . :Wf\' - « c àiïiàâ " ” ' " • . *

•ffgS^S^S^i-«»tuv* i«éSkfÌÌ*3!fiÌ-Ìf-'ì*-*i£Ì »** ■’""'

TÎÆ CRAÎtfOftfr cHlÄH AND OgM»HCI^>7Hlffl8DAVr^A^UIkeftr~t92S -

' rw eri m* ttxkiniag this polJcy, JUtd lei Burr: Treaaurer. Mr«. •»] \[r, J . |v Mintin' and Ui« "ft* in lor «w rmr. U) Hilit number o f. hand woven woolen test to eoae, iftwtlon* as to prices , Ma • »»riuktaM Avtam «carve* on exhibition, made by die- anil quality o f commodlHe* were afternooa Aprll 7th, whieh provod In unison with ut her organization» Kianct-* Walker. A**I*tarit gbm* to dclraylng the cost of the next asked d>y liatenera, which Mrs. a most enjoyable and eredJtable af­ In 'various way* ami at various ' eiMimliria Sw rita rr Mr» M»-»»i*k f Iti-rmiai.. a w adopted. Mention abled aoldiera, the profit from hand­ OBJUfTOBX», á I. i <* ling which would be devoted to the Heath answered: and she expressed fair. The program included- baby time*. Till* quarterly, meet In* tn Van Treasurer uf the V. I. A. Un «a» aaade ni deceased member«, and great hope of what would be effect­ work, social, classical, aesthetic and October a i l observed a * .Murin ¡lay. i seventeen year«, anil » 0« prottrinent eierritoe prewnt stood for a mo- fumi for the State College uf Music. win ha ages frana ICaaday, Aprii u, and ■the^clioi'U» irfrihe t ’iin i'hlit of In ft/**!—works. The Executive «*** *» a triinit*- tn tlwrir memory. Halite* left over from fluì' decora­ ed by the newly-organized National toe .dancing, covering a groat' va­ > ¿ £ t ± - Producers and Consumers. riety of Interpretatloa augmented ItosclJc nan* on that in-eanion. Mr»., lt»»nl attended the funeral c r tie«-« It «ae arri-cd that a coiiim.lttee ol tion of tlie annual Inneheou were batwooa tha kean a t U A M. uq * r r tlakly CMoke, rhalnnan ol Munir, In a Ixsly. and a w t of., rrwdaikun* -tfe**»- f«e appointed to fill a basket also on «ale. Mr*. Ileardalee are The V. L A. thanked Mrs. Heath by beautiful and appropriate eo*- F x x v i a . n o . t ú lor the State federation, wan theiof sympathy »ere adopted and an »JO* tS<»t»er*. iffelerably garden mtunced that tlie laat concert of (or her. talk.jjnd the formal meeting turnes aiut wait appreciated by a ( M l o t i f . . . -■ . tlie Woman'« Cliofal would occur adjourned after which tea waa large and enthusiastic gathering of -speaker. Iteporta hy delegate« to cngm —cd ropy presented to Mi*, ft»«***. « » tl«e iir*t Monday In May mothers and frleiuls. Pupils showed the State ami lllennial ronventloii» ; Messirk’» family A »per I* I rututott of each i car. ami plane It In Trinity on Tuesday, May 5, at-the Sherman served and general conversation en­ BSOtfLAK «.mfOHtff UBVID y ere given. At tin* January ipiar lié I* not* making, arrange ment» to n a itrh # * « memorial to Mr*. Me»* «cliool, on whlen oecaalo/i the Clior- joyed. • ; •» .. their appreciation and respect by f « à i » a u n ' : present Ing-both Miss Sanderson and jetly meeting. a Dim-Art piano eon plant ’a memorial tree in'Kaatmaa *r*k. al would bo aaxlited by a harp, vio­ • . " T - - . -- AT 1C« eert «a* given, through the cour- Street Tark. .Mr* Winrkler* e.irel The l*ie*ident then ap|a>liite«l aa liti and flute. The leader I* Mr*. her accompanlsL Mro 0>rti»-€K-Cki* Mmplm fmr Dumb-Bmlla OÍ le»y ol the Aeolian (Vj., with the aa-. lent report »«» — arrepted «Mb telle»* Mr* Itanker, Mr*, t'harlea Andrews, of Elizabeth, and there lin, J r , with very lovely flowers, r r - ---- W | N i siMaim of vocal a(>lol*ta. At thisithank*. ■ y Ifœ * Cif.err* were voted for, and pro thirty member*. Ml*» Lakey When you awing tha lodlaa dub« FOR SALE OR RENT! i n mtm M va. A lan i =^W Ü 5TÜ meeting u net of resolution« ««»; A conimimlcatlon ua* real from the folk«« ing tieket wa* tmanjmmnj «poke strongly on tlie value and ne- sad Ilf* tb* dumb-bells, says Natura Coffon’s a to m y U to » > ' Oa» * rs e h e á a l UMU- b Ii- UagaaJac. your ex arrise la ivitb sugar tABASOVAX. J^-New Bunga I adopted ctnlHHlylng recognition of the Cir-are Isrige Hotel In Washing ly tim ed : President. Mfaa Alice ec»«lty of good mu*lc- In a communi' Cotton Is used by American factories aro on the V mapla, -wblcb I» heavy-and bxikf welL lows—nve rooms,, fireplace, lain -.to®.practice, and to the fallhfnl nervier given by retlr- ton. «tying that it had done «Way la ir) Hi at Vie«* Président, ,M r*. ty. tn making 300 art Iris«, according ta a Ing Mayor John fi. Koarli. during » m, the tipping system, amf l*k lr K t Wlnekter: Meeond Vice» fh'legate* to tlie animar State Tha tra p « « demand* elm. ash, and . porch; furnished or unfurnished- :% yro»h r tha Ida nine year* of «filer, anti a cofiy Ing for a ataleinent of opinion from J ‘r»--Jdc5d. Mr*. A. If. Warnoek: Ho- Convention to l*> held at Atlantle hickory. . list recently nude np by the Ameri­ Improvements; garage; S minute __tfi5tFW I.ulO .be p la y e d wa* sent to Mr. R o a c h .______llic munen'» organizations of ttj »*«rdrng Si^ri iary. Mr* P: M. finch; City were ejected a* follow*; Mia* can foreign trade gonadi. It la ostb to.beach. Terina. Five member* have been loaf by ,rotm tty. Tlie Aaaoriatioo went on »>»!r*-»i«*i»ling Secretary. Mr«, flan Ikkey, Mr*. 0. C. Little,.Mr*. kVInek If you want to buy, rent or sell, mated that cotisa has at Isaac one , ru n o. vmsaMAM. l g ro W a«» were thrròjyl ler. Mr*. I.lttlebale; alternate*, try our t . a. w. columa thousand distinct, naca. - P, 0 . Box 408 Weatflekl. N. i. Mr*. CuIJn. Mr*. Fay, Mr*. Hein», Mr*. W’arnock. Announcement wa* py bight. Thara w e re — * t«iiiiiir, (vine made of a conference of the’ Fifth . member* of the claaa i theiy l» aaah » weaü th «T iilatrict to be held at Ifahway; and to ihooM from It haw not b the regular burine»» of the meeting ¡ P » daeUad who shall waa closed. fha^taan, but It la rar« Tlie Proeldent then Introduced HPSSHL.arvlred hom. sat- Easter Mrs Julian Heath, Prmddent of the Jttin beeai National Housewives' League, wlio liJSf* * »Pedal ear both tew ted when he saw the « gave .an amusing and instructive KaiuLeomlitg rod left the ata. «hai Hydrangeas talk oft What »he termed the prac­ *■ »- Wday. With S3 rod tnatead 0 tical buainesa of housekeeping.. She Flowers in FP artrthe ear waa tality W«U ttT«ald, ^!W asserted that thero should lie but i * 1 Plenty of room ... Cyclamens one manager of a household, and Sprune to stretch and be com. srasys&M that one should organizeand con- "’ll»*«’ t**» waa rojwod toto the pitcher's duet it on. business principles. Not - Funiculas only so, but all housewives should hS-tr organise as a body, to study market Their Beauty This m ar the Club win «w rUiiatA which will reports, and the legitimate prollts which should accrue to retail deal­ otTT^>00,11 ticket» lo go ^°“ ®r toagrand stand sent trow, the (tand is in « . r ers, and to see that they themselves I S f “ver* • »roond count wero not overcharged. Stic said 1 that one p enta had hero , erection and will no doubt that all the trades are organized; J^Wlro^vanilng the mlx-tta ■gro* hroeflt. a* it will aff Roses ñyeb and that they, really want to know Speak of Easter *• l*»» that the dtoer n f n % y*» »“n and i what their customers deslro, and, "liin^hh?iS!T,rM »wltclrod off E™ ta .»■»» of a quick it« when met by an organized demand,, kiK?. ‘ i?“®' ®J»abody car­ tag UP during the course of DafikBs will satisfy It. She also said that1 t Itmehea which were do­ wlahlng to buy changed conditions of life necessi­ : •^®ot ten-thirty. A-dlner !K{*.®Mhaae season ticke tate household systoms, and that Sbtof ii^ÄL •* a Hartl the use of outside laundries and And .especially will you find this true in the rorod. or from any member bakorlos, and of good canned goods '»¿■«sarsM, was not only legitimate hut iloslr- jc Ibeselged with demands ftorl AND EVERYTHING able In the circumstances of mod­ collection of« cut and potted Rowers we are Of *SrnA«tK8I,05 ^ Orontr em llfo. Men who talk-of the lazy whleh were readily frorivLSSii Ä?**11 «hu bo IN FRESH CUT FLOW ERS housewife who will not spend all -• Bscauss of tbs i h m u ; theCranford Theatre. There her llfo in the kitchen aro behind ..‘atiffement it was not noses* roout 110 presents given a the times, Womon of today, active- displaying, They, are now ready for your ¡rHÍ!S,ÍS^C^ . * n(, w.b«> the l? r? >nn!in-fe4' »W Walk a block and save a dollar and aee inlnded and Interested In taking drived -at. Wayne Junetkm. oonew st ^ 7 end 9 iltii hold of tlio various problems of the r jn a sidetracked rod vnu nerwfn to rcml t s t how pretty things look down here. We alio time, are not going to limnuro choosing. ¿•‘»d °P by a Baltimore and r«a«vaw UWHUlir . )Vm l e Blue Line train. Thi* abort ¡ t a * and not havliig mad theinselvca In the pantry, or the for same t Siam do planting of evergreens and shnibs, design private laundry. Tlio Idea is, to In­ | « v e the Senior» a chance yet, to do so i and lay out fancy gardens and rockeries. vestigate conditions surrounding "»MPod limbs and to get the public laundry, bakery) and del­ l f»21?,„«lr.J >efi,re “totin g on l : « l of the Journey, TRE V. 1 A. icatessen shop, and Insist th atjhthi cy ,.Tho Y’ .L .A . draws atte shall be sanitary, and the food lieilo 1of giving at Waahtagtro in the good quality well prepared, andllitt tlio to *5® weBk of clothes properly handlèd. .Women Crocket’s Shoppe * i/**laan t Coolldce as a Riverside Flower* can" soeure good n o d conditions, because Bpreat Week,.for nation-« t I the tradespeople want their patron, FHOmU ffM AMD M J d ■ V . — y ' ■*;; • i'- ■■■ »errane«. All reading s ^ age. Mre. Heath, addressing 76,000 women over the radio, was onthlg. 100 UNION AVENUE, NORTH - Ä Z * £ £ °íü, lastlc about Its possibilities as a CRANFORD, N. J. “ ¡¡P*5 ril fa s sleeping, quro reckleaalydepl liome economies missionary,' and Mt,vth*io w an aoroim w d cited eaaes ol Its- apyeeiatlon by 1. Jomai-aaaw- tlllr tjf a taetaotretor " ‘ (Ml ttae

ovlddd™ with- . t u a a bath and the Kjr was, excellent from begln- threequarten o ftlS ijfi W t ™ * - The food waa°rorr huid^ni^fc“ 1®' ronslrtlng p ro d everyone had plenty. ¿roO/Ptae barrena, old hi Armstrongs Linoleum i.U'S afternoon Of the first day f » *î. rod other ..itimi .- f t * Ew ry /«Mr im ihtUmm -Proty adjourned to the N an t^ tf-lt can all raise Mmb 'j*bero the Mayflower, the JÎS'Çfotae to the owner an HR* K'i'lle. When It Is conalde dent a yacht, was Inspected. the State Imports nlno-tentl F„nna^m r,el1“ were Intem ttag Ian added feature waa a very tambor alie uses, paying on Furniture Renewals freights thereon, the prac! ~ * * U(° aurine ifsnd lue of putting these Idle wo »tag a hearty dinner the Km?parti 7 «rty work la- evident. JExp, Follow Spr|ng Housecleaning ' | ^°Uuctod to one of tho finestnest that our soli and ellmato t «(continued on laat page) duco good quality timber1 IN ALL ITEMS WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOU. CRANFORD NOW HAS AN UP-TO-DATE AND WELLSTOCKED . FURNITURE STORE. PRICES LOWER THAN.AT CITY STORES. mmw RA Axminster, Velvet and Tapestry Rugs; ^ RUGS FOR THE PORCH. Combining, both comfort and convenience, since it does not harm them to become wet. A hum­ 1 . ■ ■ . .i ^Jer -°f patterns and colors from which to choose. , . ■ STATEMENT OF CO FOOD ECONOMY APB1Z. Ith, im _ It Is truu fot«l M-imomy to.hav« O r d lw a y y A Fine ¿election of Patterns a rotrlgornfor that actually main­ BMŒYDURCAIŒ L h i u v e l reso urces l i a tains a. temporaluro that will' pro- •| a>s »Faff WE HAYE AN EXPE&T TO LAY i« serw fond. The Odor lew llyt-bnc Reed WITH ltolrlgcrator wlll -nml It Is oco- Simmons ' UNOLEXJMS . ■aORlTIEg0m*nd “ d Ttae—— »«R M I CAPITA!_____ nomlral.wlth Ice. 1 •> , / 1 ^¡»Jatlng of U. a Government. S S r M i T GASTURNBOFF Ballroad, Public UtUltlea,TSuni. V tO U nD KD P clP?* and other high-grade Bonds —- D EPO gm ,65 f l o o r e amt 00 ifj Jff and Fodcral Reserve Banktatock. ... TKZAJtUBEK’S POUSHINC * Furniture UtU W»W r ° w ? i ^ h ° * to a o es. «iraiM c h e c k s — * 6 OUTFIT Beds First Liens on Cranford properties .BILLS PATABL It1» the new, easy way to l\«Ve ABH on Hand-and In Banka.„‘ meara*. BEDOCOinr beautiful waned floor« and linoleum. T o p ^YEROKAPTS ...... ___ r e s e b y e d P '■ Thi§ Outfit Com ut« oft ' SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES I—Qm f |JoAinaan'g tr u ja lW«i J).#o T““ i-fshMM'i Rn J,M for |»*i/akiiNri>i RrifMgffJtaf &...•• •, .'. ■ . TJKNITUBE AMD PIXTUREA_ ^ 1ATIS4S -. fa liik lH f JímiaA ,.«••.* Lft J tklUa» '* IssA an //«mi B —Mtity4ng J| TOTAL...... ------U J X L m u . ' www ar. HAS * 5.*- (je s las «f Homes g. 0ur tangible assets are no more hlchlv nrir«i „ * b Y issisa sr--5-^'A s-«-:

and ‘ ■ T l XBYZTB T O U R BTTSIMKgS / . . ■. and offer yon DIggJip “»VERY MODEM BAMKIMO PACTLTT

trunks Porches For every window ~ COMPARATIVE in your home IAUREL g a s R A N G E S s u I T c ASES For room, for *Kr but* *Hy» fcr tfic bedroom. BreflUa WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORT­ siBatewitK Conserved wAei t)m window «halle i« J J S J ...... :-$ i !577SS .65 cnQy;cconomimi • TRAVELING BAGS MENT TO CHOOSE FROli Ordinary window ntiuerial £ l S J “ ‘ ...... 2,130,060^1 ’ TR IP L E HÏeXt t r S v e l •' . .. • " • i "' ' ' cracka afid breaks. But Brrnlin w»Jl * ■...... %2?7,16&59 , - 'TER»» YI PCRWCCK In Great' Variety ciana twice m much hard wearj Urti twice as kmg. •»*•■ - 1 Come xn and let os show you these uttdes. • sv - mK*1, ' ; Cranford Trust Com «• m n o M > ~pfi j a nlîüiaÔN cou^TYjy FREE DELIVERIES 1 « M P P t 4 ALLISON, EVERY MODERN BANKING FAO l 12 NORTH IN UNIÓN COUNTY CRANFORD, N. i .

i-- J.™ Pr-.7-r>- WM i1 & rX ■ iTn V r i W V

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