Onsrmrow Shire
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MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1926. VOL. XLIV., NO. 284. Olaaslfled AdTcrtlBlng on-P«ge 0 AUSTRALIANS BAN TWENTY-YEAR OLD HEN Beauty from South America ALL-AMERICAN FILMS HATCHES 14 CHICKS b e t tC h o io SCOLD R A m K COOUDGE MAN Melbourne, Aug. 81. — Tne London, Sept. 1.— Notwith- I Victoria legislative council has standing the fact that all poul- | passed a bill providing for film try experts say that the domes-1 OF AIR CRASH, censorship, and also specifying AFTER HEARING tic hen “Is too old at three,” a WINS ON COURT that there must be shown at twenty-year-old hen . has just least 1,000 feet of British film hatched a brood of fourteen in every program. chicks at Heppershall, Bedford IN C W O R N IA DIES W HURTS ONsrmRow shire. i Mother and family are all do- ing well. i Soldiers Today Face Strikers PoBce Commission Warns ----------- — ------------------ » Sen. Shortridge Sweeps the Army Ace Who Crawled for HORTA BADLY HIT In R. I. Town; State Police Officer Not to be Hasty G. 0. P. Primaries on Is M3es in Hoantains After BUT NOT IN RUINS PROMOTE ROBERTS Fire on Mob That Shoots With Respectable Citizens; sue of Adherence; Dry Fall, Snccombs as Recoy- TO REGULAR RANK And Stones. Mast Stop Rowdyism. Rons a Bad Third. ery Was Expected, ^ Many BniUmgs Bat Slightly Damaged by Qnake; Prob Manvllle, R. I., Sept. 1.— Two Patrolman San Francisco, Sept. 1.— United Washington, Sept. 1.— ^Lleut. An argument five weeks cold be Sapernomerary companies of state militia marched States Senator Samuel M. Short- Cyrus K. Bettis, cr "k army avia tween Patrolman Aaron Raddlng ably Under 20 Dead. into Manvllle today and were post ridge who based his campaign for tor, who crashed Into a fog-ob of the Manchester police depart Commended for Good ed on guard behind barbed wire en lenomlnation largely on his advo scured mountain near Bellefonte, ment and Paul Pallsieper of Pros tanglements and machine guns, cacy of the World Court and sup Pennsylvania, last week, died at pect street a well known local Lisbon, Sept. 1.— Relief work and near the mill of the "Manvllle- Work in Police Dept. port of the Coolidge adn,inistra- Walter Reed hospital this morn young man was threshed out before efforts to check up on the damage Jenckes company, where 1,700 tex tion, has won the Republican nomi ing at 9:05 o’clock. the Board of Police Compilssioners done in Horta, Fayal Island, by tile operatives are on strike. nation by a large majority over Lieut. Bettis bad been thought last night. Ballsltper had brought Albert R. Roberts, a supernume earthquakes yesterday, are in pro The militiamen were summoned Judgr Robert Clarke, of Los Ange to be recovering from the Injuries the matter before the commission rary patrolman in the Manchester he received in the crash until last gress today. as a result of a series of disturb police department for nearly two les, who campaigned as a foe of so that he might be vindicated in night, when his condition sudden The full extent of the damage is ances that came to a climax daring years, is today a regular on the the W’orld Court. the eyes of the public, and not Congressman Walter Lineberger. ly took a turn for the worse. In still undetermined and the number the night when- blood was shed force. Roberts was given th"? pro addition to internal injuries he classed as a rowdy. He believed motion last evening by the Board “ a dry” whose candidacy in a of casualties is indefenite. during a pitched battle between suffered a broken leg and both his The more conservative estimates he had been treated unjustly by the of Police Commissioners. measure Injected that issue in the state police and deputy sheriffs and primary campaign, was a poor jaws were fractured. fix the dead at not more than twen strikers and their sympathizers. patrolman. third. Mother Summoned ty, and possibly less than this. The Before the militia was called, ths The hearing last night had all In one of the hottest guberna Pending the arrival of the dead number of Injured is estimated at troopers and deputies, with tear- the earmarks of an interesting torial primary campaigns in the flyer’s mother from Port Huron, more than 200. One report today gas bombs and riot guns, had history of the state Gov. Friend W. Mich., no funeral ar’-ngements will placed the number of dead as low weathered an attack of rocks, court trial. There were witnesses, ba made. She Is reported enroute cross-examinations, testimony that Richardson has been defeated for as six. while another number given bricks and shotguns and still held renomlnatiou cn the Uepuhlican here, having been summoned by was corroborative, and some that was ten. a bridge leading to the mill, the t’ cket by a margin of between ” 0.- army authorities last night. Horta was seriously damaged, connecting link between Manville was not, and there was a verdict. 000 and 30.000 votes on the face Suffered From Overe.vertIon. Patrolman Raiding and Ballsieper but it seems probable that early re and Cumberland. People here con of incomplete returns. The death of the a'vlator was In ports that the city was in ruins tend that the bridge is a pnblie were before the board first. Ball Lt.-Gu\einor a Wiiuu i. no small part attributed to the ter sieper was asked to relate his story were exaggerated. highway and can not legally be C. C. Young, present lieutenant- rific strain he underwent In making Some Slight Damage closed. of the street argument. governor ana toe of che Richardsbn Senorita Valentina Lecuna, daug hter of Dr. V. Lecuna, president of his way from th"* obscure spot in An Argument. A report received from the gov Fourteen Injured. administration, is the apparent vic the Bank of the Republic of Venezuela, is one of the most charming the mountains where he crashed to Fourteen persons were injured It seems that Ballsieper had ernor of Fayal stated that every tor in this race with Rex B. Good visitors in Washington, D. C. She, w ith her two sisters, accompanied a highway, some five miles away, building in Horta. was damaged, before the battle subsided— seven taken some of his boy friends to cell a poor third. their father on a business trip to th e Capital. where passing motorists*found him strikers or sympathizers, one a an out of town dance. Returning but in many instances the damage Strictly state issues were involv and took him to Bellefonte hospi was comparatively slight. bystander, two deputy sheriffs, two at about m. night the rendezvous ed in this campaign. tal. Despite his broken bones and state troopers and two mill execu was a down town restaurant. Here The damage done was not con Althouglf at an early hour today internal Injuries he crawled over fined to the town of Horta alone, tives. * the gathering amused Itself in an Richardson headquarters n;iintaln- rough country, through under Last night’s trouble began at argument about “fast cars.” It HARLEM HIVE FIRE OPENS BATTLE ON but buildings throughout the Island ed late returns would pull the gov brush and woods, to a point where of Fayal were either badly damaged 8:30 o’clock when a crowd assem was late. The air was chilled, even ernor through for renomination by he could hope for help. bled in f jrce at the bridgehead and though it was the middle of sum or entirely ruined. a comfortable margin. Lieut^Gov. The War Department sent a Relief work and reconstruction assailed troopers posted there with mer, and voices carried far. Young issued a statement'thanking TAKESTOLLOF NINE U. S. RESERVATIONS hospital plane to Bellefonte to abuse and stones. A sympathizer Patrolman Raddlng, covering his Is reported progressing in an or the people of the state for the bring him to Walter Reed hospital derly fashion and it is not antici tried to force his way across the Main street beat did not take a lik nomination. here, where the army specialists bridge and was thrust back. The ing to the arguments, or rather, pated that there will be any need could treat him. for aid, other than that which the crowd then rushed the barricade, the noise that was being made. The Canadian Cites Third Article Won Pulitzer 'Trophy. and the state police hurled tear fellows in the group didn't realize Six Burned to Death in Tene Portuguese government will give. Bettis was not only considered Enough Doctors bombs into the mass, driving it they were talking loudly nor were one of the best pilots in the army tack. they admonished in a friendly spir — (Elite Stuiio Photo) MINISTER HELD FOR Local physicians in Horta are re ment, Three Who Leaped As Bar-^Germany Wins air service, but % as one of the most ported to be able to handle the situ A little later the troopers fired it, they said. Raddlng walked in popular as well. -He first sprang their first volley from heavy service to the group, seemed to single out Patrolman A. R. Roberta ation, although Red Cross relief is KILLING MOONSHINER into prominence by winning the being sent. The hospitals are re revolvers, and one man was carried Ballsieper. told hlin to “ cut out the Are Dying. In Committee. away bleeding. Shortly afterward The patrolman was recommend Pulitzer trophy at Baltimore last portedDurttsu notUUt totu haveU C kT tS beenUOCU soow serious- 1 - — loud talking,” and like a snap of ed for promotion by Chief Samuel year from Lieut.