I^ Pi* T 4Iiдpe

I^ Pi* T 4Iiдpe

r ' jf & - - r ‘ — : ^ÿ**^VÎS* -v >Y*sg* SfèâT^fî?* «■ &»* •,.r &p ï?4f / / 'S’*■. .¿.. > *i ■., - fi, yZSP j i ÿ i ^ -. i - IffSreknt ffiij K=pJ------ er Groüig CaA 4 N P ! c h r o n i c ^ î L ?" No. < a ^ ¡¡E u k i k iimDii'lM?j2îr iHirr Î1flÎ. Mfern.ttir 10 ‘>n** § * NtirU»« ln* I*. nf Wll. ai« PIVE CENTS «fitrn r tf»Bvtnt ,lf*',ur'^ tiii* îoùi ■ "P bneaM tm I r VÎ..h *în,W. ‘f t Wednesday Mon. ' lu b fo r jo n in e force*« in ih i« T eey M 'natter. Hr InviiaiUm Ì1.’ .,hi* 1 Orna aad PUH at A rtto t, r Ä * Ä ti ' MMor A “* »»<* •» rER,— The Season oi I * ¿LiÄ“ **■ •enual me« *" **®k ***• Saturday -Night ¡The trah,Tc!,«h,T \Vw.hlnT',''l<,n .hi! n Appeal to Tewa IISS ä I * WWUW or office** on «h p ComtalUee. -Olein Up- Cain V'V ^'l-'ri w,!!' a ^ C T ' " , ìTàl'r" "i" 1 I'1’»'»-li hV at "larÌ-*- neaa—of Resaurection_ *!«h c rU tü iÄ S , t” * v" r i ‘rh* ■•■ * "rt rV"|dto the ,wrty . P*‘*B *» be Startad. d  « k ï , , r ,î r . »->»r -t;. time 'of, times to send 'th^u " ’“ î'Ingtoni hi '**'* •«! the Tton- J , » " » T1.I* .¡,ll' '■'•'..mltlec at tlft. „„tung t messages of friendship j r k lt,(ifi*î'r""on *"d i S * ? E i S i S ■MteiV ^,* il f°r •'rmakl.i, ol Mr. a ;1 ::;1' '‘"ï * "> »»i- -•*** ose we love. PgjiiesLrss tnerVu lin ih il« » 7 '.7 ,,ltln* 'v«rk- inf At oJifht tlilrfv ,°^owinf mom- i.icm* ffî.nT thrvJ'ttidi'w ln'"ruvi'- 1 Ji L " ork dune llw lM.l.'| for l*,.y|*f*yt '«’»y«'» ï ï &Æ ï & t ï - Ve have the newest t a Ä b u Ä ± eritlH'iiti f ht* "ml-. ha* »crtlon*,^ (Mltiml I " » " !1 r«'*l«lentlal \STER’ CARDS now Ovok Park Wie V i 1 ?h^ »" r k ......l i / f t t l f f “ •‘trAjiutl but tiiit JSSìr ï- y h,B<i «wn »I M il'itin e * 1 * " 1 ” *>»"-tt»hl|. - » '*'« Mwi*|,,n. , ’Vi, rV aimulmcinl policy of l.1,”' ”^ rd~. fT tar that Uff» le,. theatre, ami ûv, . r . f'tniihl. t onmiitteo r , t | t 1'iuii*hlp l*,r’tc,,r"il.^"""ll',"U""T itegg* ri, ï and Home Decorations •mm.,, N.il,||,.r r I'd' j ’n. tobiI*, - 11,1* M wi.l«y,Tt 0,,i ' ,rt aid in making your home La£ '•"t rary h'lp ,Ul' * lvl"* rr *m “< th- trill -k,*, io.V'i! ','l,l»r..iirc* nui, Mimll"r'" rI, :rlike in appearance. Also ] ocy tii-tlie Inuno !* !), ,J',"lr I .vlndiiM\,lllt,»...... *«ii,| ,t, , *,f H‘rn''t. En. isortment of party novel- ........ «Ili li, m got ri,| rrfl a letter from the face water tthi-i.* .: r|d tf»' *ur <li.iroil nr rm/l h!„ "..Yry ""rl.m* UllCh« llllivlhtf Iilkatn«! Hl 1,1 PhllMW «wi'/Lirusfe' »¿•"•KKiiirp-s? ■ S - a g a V >w ca— WIIM, t’o.. statoti tfio ' " r r r'- shouotl thal Amlrmi. i, , , dootor* isenberg’s «fili, cm h " " tr « IMwi, . rear, nwU^ »--■• - Vear. MllJ ,VJ ! . fio» ln*t lie Store of Quality ami again heiicoVi!., *»!*' ,l''" o( ■„,« noy ifi ivoJkJ 1 "»'l'nny „ili JVXOlf A VENITE, NORTH 1)11» u.„.L m , ^ ((IO nJ «.»e*- ° 1 “ “ Apdftor. M^^T? ORANTORD, N. 1. ^ c ï.;ii UIIW MIli 2 t mUUllìl w,‘h "thrr • nr*w report Telephone 460-W retd » £ « « « colline,laatton. 11 f >'v«r * **» “Mlowedbv Muwea by ■iationtrta «s^rtV’io'u fe v;:;1 fo,v; ^fn.: ä !o*'ilrs, Wg¿7ìTfT**11oIì'■''**; f“ the dlffl- tfMln at .five oVlock ,‘v‘n" 1 lm|l" l| ,|'h" fMinr,iltteo ag?««"'^tìì* 'Var.l Alili, . 1 ^ , l.l) «trect, Dr. i tVfcfcT™TO owd^ra J y * new tram» -^.«tefi-k, L***“ « «P the wort of MnT - S l S Ä Ä DIMMING" o^Pied that t S Z 1 ■ * ' i , a r i ^ a g ? ay Evenings at the Plalnfiddl • ior her ySw-* rot* °* Hlgfii School Pool ’ |U’4* MUSIC CLUB IXL 14 th to JUNE 2nd, 1925 ourse ot 6 lessons, 16.00 lenccourt,- Howar,/vina'‘«.'ins. Joan' ,>BM M,m-M"„- Several imjiM<rVl«- J1'0° Toimelilp,Totmah p, I. Merino*, k* of wer» named, rin. lng and Limbering Exercises! ^B üssi»i^pi*t 4iiä P E | g of U,««„ had h,«n M®r” “•"»•d. One J Ä S s r ^ Ä si Dip In the Pool included! niNbiiniMl** I*|k„y .ï., wrote *ho Mayor,ul' Shirei>iu. Bourse ot 6 lessons, 63.00 J t’hambor^r"/”'!,. vÂî1li,,rtv*itiMl T*Ä A }\W « ‘•ml .'l«.,;!.,11î/IOor)^ " 1'),''îf o t *00’ klonlng* iu,d grouHi /i''"',11",,1’’'' ORANTORD SCHOOL OjP i , l Ä J § i 3 ,lr,ve- the PulshcN (¡rori/c if,"!1'11 Alliliinwe ship, or a ,i/iaÏ mÎÎ*^ 0,i J w rf»wn. organisation!, invïtod V„ i ®“'11'1* TXDHAL GYMNASTICS 1HK iS -iK S Jasg y 2Æ E ai?°i£»L»>î-^ j<—*— -  i ÿ “ a m w $ i tlicfl't' »tatter h„P,ÂImhiiTrY^,, r ' î nn^. ®»<lt«Mn Jn forman“„lormanee ,n,iand Tth.» ,}0utZ OU, .° Ite1,3 »or­D*r* SPORTS , , f ile» and virn0 i'iJ f* f ,.w,,fi t*|‘> Pel «ml thelrthalr eid ,LL r1 •xlireaa!,.* ..Î2mPSP«'*» ' I? »"ff«»fio atral Avenue, Cranford, N. J.l — . «onml»t«5L*'K^2LÌ5s! ^ 3 s : II- *T to he used in hehìff^j’ 2 *! f t w m t d l l g i «tpenæsn .. __,fiS5?’defiSrÄo J-Jn Lobster Pute' .■ ... V. 1er New Management! H M ltÄ ft".1” ¡7"-»*SÄ .Men’s Hall îo ,*Eri,/l^e^--------- n* *n- -Rod s j ì t4 cte tfr? S t 'ï " *uPi>i<ôd MbJor Oray Chutney clean« up weekSHH pm X5eroy GriUnânr 'Ì,!rÌrt "»rosa and S'& â ï S Uucoln SchoSr iS? at ‘h® ®wrty Jel miniljcr* * »«re among u,o Ish to announce that I lurel vere visited hv Ï Î ‘he schools ^aryeary Beconiinodataeconiinodatlon. on* 7f '-r 1 t “n^ ««■ OM' «“n'1 d the Goo,!(Jot*i ami11an,l Jîiv,UfÎ.y'J',r" . Æ /W « «'«I,«•'»- wed the __ Canton OUiger » s s a s s «* Crab Maat Ä”ÄSs'iir,,l,li? ar.jHa„v?WÄ- 10E REPAIR SHOP S g r a s j s u s s two block» of thil Wh wlt,'fn field. Pl»|if/i,.|,| ,fr‘"" vv"*t- 16 SOUTH AVEJ6UE, E., «serKK J-H. McMAHON Ä .r » "A fta » ss- .EffiKtt Thff" ' ¿letama v r Äw rS ^ Ä J?3 donor, K ^wfcCUids Grocer « H * w ».„»* <n*| M ïü f i i l ü I will do all kinds ot RcpaL, mitten. C hZ tnu? \ ^ r*Tri,®*, °°tn- in first class order at inqderj Irmao for the C h a ri^ a w ^ S JJ Uaiea Ava, N. Tel 878 Ices. Give us a trial. OP*"1«! Nith^thi^ JOHN 8ANTOKO. V 433.W rodacer’a Plana Upaat THURSDAT reducing a dog drama with il _ __ One Day. ¿alyl , MON, TUBS. You Gan Help Yourself hero and villain In Bn|lsil| the director had dtfflcoltjl ‘“'“ÄÄK-”' ’ A N D OTHERS- e the anlmtlji having these rolsl First Mortgage .... <•' "BABBIT" i cloae (rleada while the plctun| " W " 11» "*>uth Of the North lag made. 10 Topics pf Day' “SO BIG!7 (»■RIDAT ' ’ ' l/ofifiy Verm,,, |n (J|, w „.ÏZZI - ' “ «” «« »«»•» 5|% Participation Certificates . Double Testure I Eox Now* avoiding Urn wait at ^ ^ * 0« * lhÌm ,n y"'‘r t,m* ** Pluu» » Jn WED. ■ * ■ i v iMnad I»* sL*> r* J» . _ ° I J v 1* D»»gerotu Blond” • « I b r U « Càafrford T n u , C » ^ , I»..,. HAMMERSTEIN la , , 4 „ • “Th* Midnight Egprai*” ' or Gang In mmonemnent |y8v- ™ 1UBK ........ ... w to ^ ■ -Modgo 1'odgo ’ “ “ » '¿ » R 50% of the A * Oanftfrd Trust Company. pert,“ i he,d and owned by kHONa- ^ - ^ *«t Utaf. lo„W in *st k T E D ;' A» o f issuance of certificate«.- . v of Cranford One Walnut Avenue PAYABLE: 5 J4 % semi-annually January |8t and July |8t. _ 'AL PAYABLE; ^ e n mortgage ia paid principal will h*. r«,M tificate in an eaualluw^ _ WIU °® Paid or a new cer­ m i* h o ld ^ tt y go°^ mortgage will be iaaued; optional TAX: 2% tax to be paid by the holder, IT’S Just Ilka renting out your DOMINATIONS: Sold in multiples of 5500.00. coal Wn for so much a month -th at'* what buying and storing Par and accrued interest to. date of delivery. ■ ’ • w 1 » » » » fW V yyy your coal now i» Jlko._ You got IRÜST FUNDS: Legal Investment for Trust Funds. J A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT the same depondablo coal at flumniertimo prices.- We can fit -r?i- Gdl or write for further information: Coal P rices A re REDUCED your furnace with the also . i need»—NOW I JG SO BU Y NOW mine. ^ ‘ #t- th* * * * * '• * < * LLLW ELAND & SOM lno. ' »hose bias are filled — * 7 or ® V aot be a strike. Those Cranford Trust 'adTAneo in price. Under ths'riieSiifo*“*'^?^ wioUr.€°»l or an ‘* ^ ^ t t t i t l |iaiVoo(,t tnins7iinfii ' ■ °*ANPORD, N- J. <rd, N. J. m u » * * . * * ■ »«eons, foresight to 1 It Is jnst plain com.

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