rd 3 transnational meeting



21 – 28 May 2017


The activities carried out during the first year of Erasmus+ project were included in three shorter projects. The theme of the 3rd project was ‘’Monuments and Sculptures’’.

In this eBook you can find the presentations carried out by the students who took part in the 3rd Transnational meeting in Karpenissi, Greece. It is important to point out that the 6 teams worked collaboratively and in pairs they presented each other’s monuments. Moreover, each country presented the projects they carried out for the past three months regarding famous sculptors.


Ocna Sibiului Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Ocna Sibiului

Καρπενήσι 3ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Καρπενησίου - 3rd Primary School of Karpenissi

Луковит НУ" Инж.Георги Иванов Вълков"

San Bartolomé-Orihuela CP SAN BARTOLOME


Mikołów Szkoła Podstawowa nr 8 im. W. Korfantego w Mikołowie



Page Part 1: Monuments and Sculptures 5 i. Romania 6 ii. Greece 12 iii. Bulgaria 17 iv. Spain 22 v. Turkey 30 vi. Poland 35 Part 2: Male and Female artists 38 i. Romania 39 ii. Greece 43 iii. Bulgaria 46 iv. Spain 49 v. Turkey 51 vi. Poland 55 Part 3: School Activities 59 i. Romania 60 ii. Greece 62 iii. Bulgaria 64 iv. Spain 66 v. Turkey 68 vi. Poland 70



According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the largest, most expensive and heaviest civil admistirative bulding in the world. The palace was planned and constucted during the Ceausescu regime as a political and administrative campus.

1 million cubic metres of marble, 480 tonnes of crystal chandelier were used to build it. It has huge doors, windows, columns and chandeliers for which up to 700,000 tonnes of steel and

bronze were used.

6 The state building was built in the area of west Unirii Boulevard .

The palace was consturcted in th 19th century in the historic area of the Christian Orthodox Church,in Bucharest

The house has a base of 240 m lenght 270 m wideness and it has at a height of 86 m and 92 m of depth. It has 1,100 rooms and 12 floors with 2 underground parking areas .

Some parts of the building were completed in 2010.The indoor parking area is still in construction. The Tunnel, 13 Septembrie Boulevard will tied up with the basement of the building.


1.King Carole bought this piece of land and built the Peles Castle in 1873.He mainly used this place for his hunting holidays in summer. Inside there are a guards room,next to it there is an economato building ,a Foisor hunting lodge and the Royal Stables.

During the construction of this castle some plans of the palacaes of western europe were shown to the king but they were too costly and he wanted something original and unique thats why he rejected the suggestions.


8 German architect Johannes Schultz, presented the King's taste by offering something that was more original.

The work was led by architect Carol Benesch. Then, between the years 1893-1914, the port side and main central towers, which have a height of 66 meters, were designed by Czech Karel

Nowadays is is used as a museum,as it has a very romantic style and it is also used as a citadel


The bridge was built between 1890 and 1895 to connect Bucharest and Constance .The bridge is over the Danube and Borcea rivers and when the bridge was completed it had a total length of 4,087.95 m , it became the longest bridge in Europe and the second longest in the world.

The Cernovada bridge has the railway link between Fetesti and Cernovada and has a length of 21 km.The commencement of the bridge took place on 26 November 1890 in the presence of

King Carol I. 10 Design and execution was led by the engineer Anghel Saligny. All the parts including the bridges were made in a simple way.

Danube Bridge 190 has a central opening and the other four openings meters 140 meters, with a viaduct with 15 openings of 60 meters. The bridge is 30 m above high water level of the Danube to allow passage of vessels with the highest masts.

The total cost of the section of track Fetesti-Cernavoda, including railway lines and stations, was 35 million lei gold


Ancient Greek architecture is mostly known for its temples, many of which are mostly ruins

Ancient Greece is regarded by historians as the fundamental culture of Western civilization


The Acropolis - the most significant ancient monument in the western world

The sacred rocky hill of Athenian Acropolis rises above the town square - the agora. The court was sitting there.

The Acropolis is a flat rock peak - rising 150 m above sea level in the city of , Greece.

It is believed that a royal palace was located on it. It is a place of great religious and social significance in the culture of ancient Greece


The ancient city of Delphi was about 120 km northwest of Athens. In antiquity it was a leading religious center for Ancient Greece.

There was the famous sanctuary, oracle of god Apollon. The sanctuary is the most revered in ancient times throughout the Mediterranean.

In Delphi there are temples of gods, a stadium, a theater, and treasures that have kept the gifts of God.


Today, Delphi's ruins are a tourist site and part of the UNESCO World Heritage List

15 It is located in the south- west of Greece and is the

place where the Olympic games started in the 8th century BC.

The Games were held every four years, as it is today. During the Games, wars stopped!

Nowadays you can visit the museum and the archeological site with the temples and the stadium.


The Madara Rider is a carved medieval bas- relief on a rock. It is located near the village of Madar, not far from Shumen.

It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is cut at 23 meters in a vertical rock. It depicts a horseman, a dog,a lion and an eagle.

17 The horseman is standing upright, wearing a long robe. In one hand he holds the reins of the horse, and with the other he spears a lion.

It is believed that this horseman is Khan Asparuh, the creator of the Bulgarian state.

There are inscriptions in Greek.They give information about events of 14 centuries ago.

Under the horseman there is a cave with a sanctuary. This relief is the only one of its kind in Europe.


The temple was built in memory of the Russian soldiers who died during the Russian-Turkish War of Liberation and in honor of Emperor Alexander II. The patron of the temple is Alexander Nevsky, a saint from the 13th century.

The temple is built on a cemetery. The first stone is laid on a part of the necropolis of Ancient Serdika in 1882.

19 The temple was completed in 1912. Its foundations included a metal box with the names of the members of the government at that time.

The temple can accommodate 5000 people. There are 12 huge bells delivered by Moscow. The ringing of the bells can be heard 15 kilometers away. The total weight of the bells is 23 tons. The church is made of white stone and the domes are covered with gold. There is a museum with icons in the crypt of the temple-monument. It is the second largest Orthodox temple in the Balkans.


It is located 14 km from the centre of Sofia. It symbolizes children’s hope for a world without war and violence.

The United Nations Organization declared 1979 as the Year of the Child and their problems. The basic idea was to hold a meeting for children from all over the world. Later this meeting turned into an international movement.

Lyudmila Zhivkova suggested the creation of the Monument. It was built in just 30 days.

A sphere at the top and the four pylons represent the world. In it there are seven bells,the seven continents. More than 95 bells from different countries are put in the rings around the base of

the monument. 21 SPAIN

• Attractions in Spain are as diverse as the whole country itself. • Spain is among ten countries most frequently visited by tourists.

There are lots of great architectural monuments. You’re most welcome to watch our presentation.

Barcelona is the second biggest city in Spain. It has fantastic architecture, mostly monumental. SAGRADA FAMILIA by brilliant Gaudie. Antoni Gaudí was born in 1852 and died in 1926. He was an architect and engineer from Catalonia, famous for his ingenious constructions. Lots of proves of his devotion to God have been gathered, therefore the process of his beatification has been in progress since 1992. Year 2002 – 150 years after the birth of Gaudi was announced by the authorities of Barcelona the international year of Gaudí.


SAGRA DA FAMILIA Sagrada Familia is a large Roman Catholic basilica in Barcelona built in the gothic and art nouveau style, designed by Antonio Gaudí and considered his greatest work. The construction of Sagrada Familia began in 1882. The architect wanted it to be as one integral organismus. The towers were finished in 1920 but six years later Gaudi died run over by a tram, leaving only one of the designed facades. Beacuse of the uniqueness of the details (each of them is to be unique like in nature and has to be carved indivdually) the church has not been finished yet. On 7th November 2010 Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the church announcing it a basilica.


Park Güell is a big garden with elements of architecture in Barcelona. It was designed by Gaudi. It was supposed to be a closed housing development for rich people but only five buildings were constructed and in 1922 the authorities of Barcelona bought the area and converted it into a public park.


Let’s quote a Spanish saying - "Quien no ha visto Granada, no ha visto nada" (Who hasn’t seen Granada, hasn’t seen anything.) An absolute ‘must-see’ in Granada is Alhambra. When you enter you feel as if a genie has trasnferred you to the most beautiful palace from

the „Arabian Nights”. 25


The Lady of Elche or Lady of Elx is a limestone bust that was discovered in 1897 at L'Alcúdia, an archaeological site on a private estate two kilometers south of Elche, Spain. It was hidden in a haven made of stone, to protect it from some kind of danger. The work portrays a young woman with delicate artistocratic features, richely dressed. It is currently exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum of Spain in Madrid. It is from the 4th century BC. According to The Encyclopedia of Religion, the Lady of Elche is believed to be connected with Tanit, the goddess of Carthage. Dama de Elche is considered one of the most outstanding works of the Iberian art.. 27

The Spanish say: "quien no ha visto Sevilla, no ha visto maravilla” which means that who hasn’t seen Sevilla, hasn’t seen a miracle. It’s one of the most fascinating cities in Spain. It was the favourite residence of kings and for many years controlled the Spanish trade with the whole world. Sevilla was also the main seat of the Spanish Inquisition. Now it’s the unquestionable capital of flamenco and corrida.

is the biggest and one of the most beautiful and splendid gothic cathedrals in the world.


Saragossa is the capital of Aragonia. It’s full of monuments and it’s very charming. It’s also very special for Poles mainly because of the great descriptions of the city written in the book ‘Ashes’ by an outstanding Polish writer Stefan Żeromski. The architecture of the city - in the mudejar style – has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.



The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultan Ahmet Camii) is a historic mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Blue Mosque, was constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I

30 After the Peace of Zsitvatorok and the crushing loss in the 1603–

1618 war with Persia, Sultan Ahmet I, decided to build a large mosque in Istanbul to reassert Ottoman power.

Architectural style – Islamic, Late Classical Ottoman

The interior of the mosque is lined with more than 20,000 handmade İznik style ceramic tiles, made at Iznik (the ancient Nicaea) in more than fifty different tulip designs.

The court is about as large as the mosque itself and is surrounded by a continuous vaulted arcade. The central hexagonal fountain is small relative to the courtyard.

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is one of the three mosques in Turkey that has six minarets.


The Mevlana Museum (Mevlana Müzesi), also known as the Green Mausoleum or Green Dome, is the original lodge of the Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes, a mystical Sufi Muslim group. It containes the tomb and shrine of the Mevlana, or Rumi, which remains an important place of pilgrimage.

The cylindrical drum of the of the dome originally rested on four pillars. The conical dome is covered with turquoise faience. Several sections were added until 1854. Selim I decorated the interior and performed the woodcarving of the catafalques.


Is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, It is located in Ankara and was designed by architects Professor Emin Onat and Assistant Professor Ahmet Orhan Arda The period of Turkish architecture between 1940 and 1950 has been classified by architectural historians as the Second National Architecture Movement

The site chosen for Anıtkabir was known as Rasattepe (Observation Hill), which, at the time of the architectural competition for Anıtkabir, was a central location in Ankara and could be seen by all parts of the city.


The entire structure of the monument is made of concrete with different coloured marble decorating the interior and travertine completing the exterior of the monument.


One of the most important Poland monuments is the Gothic Castle of Wawel situated in Krakow. It was built by request of Casimiro III El Grande, and consist of several structures situated around a central courtyard.


Wawel castle and Wawel hill form the most important and cultural place in Poland.


The Salt Mines are declared a world Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978. They were visited for the first time in the 15th century and currently they constitute one of the most visited places in Poland with over 800 visitors a year.



His words… I have polished matter to discover the continuous line. And when I realized I can’t find it, I stopped; as if an invisible being Slapped my hands.” – Constantin Brâncuşi

Brancusi decided that in Targu-Jiu a “Never-ending Column” of large proportions was the best suited monument to comemorate the war heroes.

“The Torment” appears in different versions in 1906-1907, each having a slightly modified form and created out of different materials. This is a study of the “child” theme, the sculptor trying to show the mood of the model.

“The Gate of the Kiss” looks like an Triumph Arch, symbolizing the triumph of live over death.

39 The sculptor said: »the line governing The Table of Silence suggests the curved closed line of the circle that gathers, draws near and unifies things.»

“Miss Pogány”, also known by the French name Mademoiselle Pogány, is a statue created by Constantin Brancusi in 1913. Its name comes from the Hungarian painter Margit Pogány, that he met in 1911.

“The Goodness of the Earth” reflects the philosophy of Brancusi which has roots in a pre-Christian goodness. The sculpture represents a woman, very focused on herself, her face revealing a mystery that makes her a universal portrait. From her attitude one can see her attachment to Mother-Earth. 40

She was the one who convinced Brancusi to give up major projects in France and come back to Romania to build the famous compound in Targu Jiu, dominated by the Endless Column.

Milita Petrascu: The Bust of George Bacovia - The Classics Alley in the Public Garden "Ştefan cel Mare", Chişinău

Brâncuşi's bust in the Dorobanti Square park


Colored and washed terra- cotta from the painter Spiru Vărgulescu collection


Horses under the moon

A horse rider – modernist glazed

terracota sculpture


From antiquity to modern times

Ioannis Phidias Avramidis

Praxiteles Natalia Mela

Phidias (480 – 430 BC) was a Greek sculptor, painter, and architect. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 43 For the ancient , two works of Phidias were the most important: the colossal golden and ivory Statue of Zeus which was in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Greece...

...and Athena Parthenos ("Athena the Virgin") in the Parthenon in Athens.

Praxiteles was the most famous of the Attic sculptors of the 4th century BC. He was the first to sculpt the nude female form in a life-size statue.


He was born in 1922, in Georgia and he died in 2016 in Vienna. He lived in Austria and Greece. He worked as a sculptor and professor. He moved to Vienna were he studied Art and started his career. He worked with metal, plaster and bronze. In 1973 he was honored with the Grand State Prize in Austria.

She was born in 1923. She is the granddaughter of , who fought in Macedonia in 1904. First she worked with marble and stone, and in the late 1960s when returning from , she turned to the use of metal.Her works depict the natural world, birds and animals and Greek mythology. 45 BULGARIA

Sculpture is a type of fine art whose works are made in bulk spatial form from solid or plastic materials. Sculpture is defined as one of the plastic arts because it involves the use of materials that can be cast or molded.

One of the most famous Bulgarian sculptors is Andrei Nikolov His is a revered bronze lion at the Monument of the Unknown Soldier in Sofia.Born on April 29, 1878, in Vratsa, in a poor shoemaker's family. It is his merit for the Bulgarian sculpture to receive European recognition.


Vezhdi Rashidov was born on 14 December 1951 in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria. Minister of Culture (16 August 2005 - 27 July 2009)


Vaska Emanouilova was born in 1905 in the village of Komshitsa, Godechko.She works with gypsum, bronze and terracotta (roasted clay), mainly in the area of small sculpture in the naked body genres, historical and folk composition and above all portrait.


Cristina Iglesias, a Spanish artist and sculptor. She works with many materials, including steel, water, glass and bronze. Iglesias was honored with the Spanish National Prize for visual Arts in 1999.

Eduardo is another important Spanish sculptor

49 Famous sculptures of Spain

One of them is the lady of Elche which was found in La Alcudia in 1897. It is one of the most famous sculptures in the world.

AUTHOR: the author could have been both a foreign Iberian or a sculptor.

MATERIAL: sandstone from the local quarry “Danger”.

MESUARES: she is 56 –centimeter- height and the perimeter of her shoulders and chest 115 centimetres.

Francisco Salzillo is the most representative Spanish image maker of the 18th century. He worked exclusively on religious themes. Most of his pieces are in Orihuela.


He was born in Istanbul in 1928. After finishing Istanbul Sultanahmet Commercial High School in 1948, he entered the Academy's sculpture department.

Belling's a student. He then worked in the workshop of Ali Hadi Bara and Zühtü Müridoğlu. In his student days he was influenced by Bara's artistic understanding and led to abstract work. The artist made ; Iron, nail, wire and wooden sculptures, used lyricism combined with abstract understanding and produced different works from other colleagues.

51 In 1962 he exhibited his work at the Museum of Modern Art in

Paris and in 1966 at the Rodin Museum. Through these exhibitions, he was also recognized in European art circles.

The masks produced for

theater plays and

the panos connected to the

architecture have

an important place.

The masks he made for the play of the Caucasian Chalk Circle were staged by Mehmet Ulusoy in

Paris in 1975.

The most important work in these areas is the relief of the bronze Bird which is in front of the Istanbul Manifaturacılar Çarşısı and Ankara Emekli Sandi Gökdeleni. Kuzgun Acar lost his life in 1976 ...


Sabiha Bengutaş, who came to the world in 1940, made her education in Damascus by her father and afterwards did her education at the French Catholic School in Damascus

After returning to İstanbul, she continue to Fuat Paşa School of Köprülü and graduated from there. At the age of 16, she was enrolled in the painting department of Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi.

Sabiha Bengütaş's sculpture teacher saw this work and helped her to be accepted as the first female student to the sculpture section of the school . 53 Bengütaş, who soon realized her talent, finished the school first.

She also did a residency at the Fine Arts Academy of Rome. Sabiha Bengütaş won great experiences in Italy.

She was one of the first female artists to participate the exhibition in Galatasaray in 1925.In this exhibition,her Atatürk and Inönü sculptures came first in the competition.

The statue of Atatürk is now in the garden of the Çankaya Palace and the Inonu statue is located in Mudanya.

Continuing her work for long years, died in 1992 Sabiha Bengütaş.


He was born on 24th November 1875 in Cracow, died on 26th January 1964 in Warsaw. He was a Polish sculptor, painter and educator.

During the interwar period he received a lot of prestigious awards, made numerous works which brought him international fame. Among his works from this period we may name: • The Four Evangelists on the building of the Silesian Seminary in Cracow from 1927 • The Wawel Heads from the years 1925–1927 For most of the occupation time, after being arrested in 1940, he was a prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Dunikowski participated in the resitatnce movement. After the war he was a professor and head of the sculpture departments of art academies – first in Cracow and then

in Wrocław. 55


She was a Polish sculptor and fiber artist.

Magdalena Abakanowicz was th born on 20 June 1930, in Falenty, th Poland, and died on 20 April 2017 in Warsaw. She was a Polish sculptor and fiber artist. In her youth she was an athlete.

She was notable for her use of textiles as a sculptural medium.

She was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland from 1965 to 1990 and a visiting professor at University of California, Los Angeles in 1984.

She specialised in creating big, figural compositions based on fabric with the use of other materials, as stone, wood and bronze. Her works were called after her name: ‘ABAKANs’. In 1965 Magdalena Abakanowicz was rewarded a gold medal at Biennial in São Paulo, which was the beginning of her international carrier.

















This ebook was created by Tziovara Theodora and Ntousiou Stella (3rd Primary School of Karpenissi, Greece) for the ARS LONGA project. It is composed of the presentations carried out by the students who took part in the 3rd Transnational meeting in Karpenissi, Greece. 72