How to be a Successful Home Learning Middle School Student

1. Set your schedule and stick to it. ● We suggest starting your school day by checking Canvas and making a daily To-Do List between 9:00 to 9:30 AM. ● Teachers will be uploading lessons for each week on Monday mornings.

2. Organize your work space. ● Set up a dedicated and uncluttered space at a desk or kitchen table. ● Eliminate distractions ● Clean up and pack up when you are done for the day.

3. Check your K12 email ● Reply to your Monday email from your tutorial teacher or other assigned teacher reaching out each week to check on your well-being, learning progress, and needs. ● Reply to any Canvas email messages or feedback from your teachers. ● We want to hear from you!

4. Ask for help when needed ● Re-read the lesson directions and use the tools at your disposal. ● Teachers will have their available hours for help posted on their Canvas pages. Reach out to your teachers for help and connection as needed.

5. Stay motivated and positive. ● Give yourself small rewards for staying focused and completing/submitting assignments. ● View the challenge of home learning as an opportunity to build your skills and become a more independent learner.

Scroll for two schedule options - fill them in as your planner


Example Schedule #1 - Weekly Schedule Sample Kellogg Middle School Student Schedule

Out of bed and dressed for the day BEFORE 9 AM. Check Your weekly assignments Monday morning on teachers’ Canvas pages. Make your “To Do” List While You Eat Breakfast. ​ Time Frame Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:30 - 9:50 AM English/Reading

9:50 - 10:10 Math AM


10:15 - 10:35 World Language or Elective AM #1

10:35 - 10:55 Science AM


11:00 - 11:20 Social Studies AM


Example Schedule #2 - Weekly Self-Guided Checklist ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Activities M T W Th F Online Learning

Physical Activity


Math practice

Writing practice

Brain Breaks (Be sure to take a few during the day!)


Social Studies/History

Electives and/or Self-Directed Learning

Virtual Human/Community Connections (online from your house!)

Lunch (11:30-12:30)


AVID Lesson 5/11-5/22


Fill out your schedule for all your classes: Continue using last week’s schedule but if it did not work well for you then you can select a different schedule to try.


Daily To Do’s ❏ Set up your study area with your packet, pencil/pen, and a

glass of water ❏ Check each of your teacher’s Canvas page & messages ❏ Check your school email


Your task is to write a letter of advice to a 7th grade AVID student. I would like you to use a template and then add your own information.


● Write your letter to 7th grade AVID student. ● Fill in the sentence starters on the worksheet. ● Optional: you can add additional helpful information, make sure to keep it positive and focused ● Click spell check and have someone proofread your letter.


Email Mrs. Young a picture of your letter at [email protected] so she can give it to a new ​ AVID student.


What are you most looking forward to next year (9th grade)? What are you looking forward to in AVID? How will you introduce yourself to your AVID 9 teacher? What

4 © HyperDocs

might you say? What do you want to share with them? (learning style, goals, interests, favorite classes, things you want to work on?)


How can you connect to others when you get to Shorecrest? Brainstorm a list of clubs, sports, activities, etc.. that you would like to explore at Shorecrest.

5 © HyperDocs Kellogg AVID Family Letter

Hi, my name is ______and welcome to the Kellogg AVID Family! Last year I was just like you, coming into middle school and joining the AVID family for the first time. I learned a lot in my first year of middle school and from being in AVID. I want to give you some helpful hints to start the year off right! Here are three things you should know about transitioning to 8th grade: 1) ______2) ______3) ______Here are three things you should do to be successful in the AVID class: 1) ______2) ______3) ______

Finally, we could all use a little help when we’re coming into a new place where we don’t know many people, especially the adults. So here are three adults you should look to for help in the coming year. 1) ______2) ______3) ______Being part of the AVID family is special so you should be proud of the work you did to get here. Although 8th grade may be different from 7th grade, you are already prepped with everything you will need to succeed. I hope your time here at Kellogg is full of fun and success! Don’t forget to show VALOR all year long! Good Luck!










PARENT INITIAL 1______2______3______4______5______6______7______8______

7 8 9 10 11 Name (first & last): ______Band: _____ Practice Goal Sheet – Home Learning Pick one practice session from this week DUE: Weekly – if you can, take a pic and email to Mr. Wilmart and give me a snapshot of it below. You should be practicing 6 times a week for a total of 60 – 120 minutes per week.

Warm-up (3 - 5 minutes): Warm- Describe what exercise(s) you used for your warm-up and how ups should build fundamental skills they help you: (scales, arpeggios, lip slurs, #1. articulations, percussion rudiments, etc.) and/or relate to what you will work on in your practice session today (such working on exercises in the same key as a piece from band, a chromatic scale because a piece in band has a chromatic run, etc.)

Main Practice (15 – 20 minutes) Process (What steps did you take to reach your goal? How did Pick one of your practice goals and you break it down? Describe your process.): write it below, then on the right #3. briefly describe your process and reflection. You may have multiple goals in one practice session, but just tell me about one.

Today’s main goal is to: #2.

Reflection (Did you reach your goal? How can you tell it

improved? Do you need to continue working on it or is it

complete? Be specific - tell me what you heard.): #4.

Next Steps (3 - 5 min): Think ahead: #5. what do you plan to focus on at your next practice session? Is it a continuation of today, or something different? What’s your next starting point? If you haven’t already, this is a great time to do a run through of what you worked on today to see what can still be improved, and/or to just play something for funsies. 12


So, Ludvig thinks my jokes are bad and my wig is old-fashioned. Well, then, help me out! Color me & make me look hip, then turn me in to Mr. Adamo for a fabulous prize!






18 Ever noticed how frequently Brad Pitt’s characters eat in movies? Here’s why — and why we like to watch

Sep. 30, 2019 at 6:00 am Updated Sep. 30, 2019 at 6:28 pm ​

Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Pacino do a lot of eating and drinking in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.” (Andrew Cooper / Sony Pictures Entertainment / Columbia... More


The Washington Post

Nachos, popcorn, sandwiches, dumplings, peanut butter, a possibly poisoned pot roast and rat blood.

These are things that Brad Pitt has ingested on screen over the course of his three-plus-decade career. They are things among many things because it seems that while Brad Pitt might not chew the scenery in his films — he’s often praised for restraint — it seems that he’s always eating.

On YouTube, you can find videos showing clips of Pitt, in various roles, shoveling, tossing and otherwise cramming various foods into his mouth. There are lengthy versions, like one simply titled “15 Minutes of Brad Pitt Eating,” as well as a snappier three-minute compilation (together, these two videos have been viewed almost 1 million times).

There are supercuts chronicling the food the actor eats in individual movies, including “Ocean’s Eleven” and “Moneyball.” Some viewers even saw a scene in the recent Quentin Tarantino

19 movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” in which Pitt’s character whips up and then devours a box of neon-hued mac and cheese, as a sly meta-style wink to Pitt’s reputation for cinematic noshing. (Tarantino’s ode to the end of Tinseltown’s golden era is littered with so many self-referential touches that such a read seems plausible.)

Maybe Brad Pitt doesn’t eat any more than any other actor out there. That’s possible, says Fabio Parasecoli, a professor of food studies for New York University at Steinhardt who has studied food on film (and even wrote a dissertation on men eating in blockbuster movies). With the exception of food-focused films, such as “Chef” or “Big Night,” he notes, most eating that goes on in movies is overlooked. “Food is so embedded in scenes of everyday life, so you don’t notice it – but it’s there,” he says.

When you hyper-focus on the eating that’s going on your screen, he says, you might find there’s more than you’d think. In other words, if you go looking for a particular actor eating, you will likely find examples of it. And Pitt’s oeuvre is relatively vast, spanning some 60 movies – and a lot of chewing.

Let’s stipulate, though, that Pitt does eat more than your average actor. In which case, maybe it’s just time to face it: We just like watching Brad Pitt eat.

But why?

Caroline Liem, a casting director and professor at Pace Performing Arts, says one reason might be that Pitt is just really, really good at on-screen eating. “He’s the Laurence Olivier of eating!” she says.

Even talented actors sometimes screw up what seems like a simple task, she says. They might take bites that are too big. Or tiny bites — a dead giveaway that they’re dealing with multiple takes. But

20 Pitt? “He makes it look like an actual human being eating, and you don’t get that a lot,” Liem says. “He’s just one with food.”

Some of Pitt’s eating is central to a scene. Think of him in “Interview With the Vampire,” in which his brooding undead Louis is trying to kick the habit of human blood and instead chomps into rats. Or in “Meet Joe Black,” when his titular character – who is death itself inhabiting a human body – eats peanut butter for the first time.

Other times, eating has been a way to subtly express something about his character. As Rusty Ryan in the Ocean’s franchise, he’s forever snacking. Pitt has described in interviews why that was – Rusty’s a con man and always on the move, he said, so he figured he wouldn’t have time for a proper sit-down meal. And in 2011, he told NPR’s Terry Gross that his “Moneyball” character’s snacking was a way of showing his intensity and “need to accomplish something.”

Liem says actors can use food to develop their characters in ways that might not even be called for in a script. “As a casting director, I know that an actor knows the character inside and out – better than anyone else on set – and so if the actor says the character needs a sandwich, he needs a sandwich,” she says.

Asked in a recent interview about the mash-up video of his chomping, Pitt described it as just that: part of his craft. “I like to busy myself,” he said.

Parasecoli sees the fixation on his eating as an overlap of our collective obsession with food and celebrities. “Food is at the forefront of culture,” he says. “Now, depending on where we shop, whether we’re vegan or paleo or shop at Walmart – it’s all a sort of performance of our identity.” At the same time, Parasecoli says, we like to see famous people doing normal human things (which might

21 explain why tabloids are filled with pics of grocery-shopping stars). Pitt’s “humanity is more visible if he’s doing something we all do,” he says.

Ultimately, perhaps we can simply blame our brains’ ancient hard-wiring for this not-so-guilty pleasure. After all, millions of people watch mukbang, the genre of videos depicting people eating gut-busting quantities of food. And others tune in to videos meant to trigger ASMR, or “autonomous sensory meridian response,” a pleasurable sensation that can be brought on by watching people do mundane things like drumming their fingers, brushing their hair – and eating.

Craig Richard, a professor at Shenandoah University and the founder of ASMR University, says the experience of watching Pitt eat is different from either of those categories, though it can trigger the same response. “With mukbang and ASMR videos, they are meant to relax you – so the intent isn’t there, but the effect might be,” he said.

There’s a reason watching someone eat can be pleasurable, he says. Millions of years ago, when our ancestors might have encountered someone who looked friendly eating in front of them, the cues were clear: Here is a nonthreatening person in possession of food that is demonstrably edible. “When you see that, that is reason to switch your brain from fight-or-flight to a calm state,” he says.

And maybe it’s just that we . . . you know, like to watch hot people do stuff? Blame science for that, too. Richard described experiments where even infants trained their gaze longer on certain people: “We do seem to be hard-wired to prefer to stare at people determined, through whatever cultural definition, to be attractive.”

22 Fictional Food Quest

th th Lesson 1 (May 11 ​ – 15 )​ ​ ​ “Food is so embedded in scenes of everyday life, so you don’t notice it – but it’s there.” - Brad Pitt Food has played an important part in countless movies, television shows, books, and comics. For this lesson you will be taking a closer look at a piece of fiction to see how food fits into the story.

Step 1: Choose a movie, television show, book, graphic novel, or comic book. ​ *This may be one that you have read/watched before or something new. Title of Choice: ______

Step 2: List everything eaten by characters within your piece of fiction. ​ ​ ​ *You may need to rewatch/reread sections if possible. *If you do not know the name of the food, then describe it as best as possible. 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

BONUS #1: Find a recipe for one of the foods eaten and prepare it at home. Pick ​ something that has at least 3 ingredients and at least 3 steps. BONUS #2: Read this article from the Washington Post about why there is so much ​ eating in movies: -pitts-characters-seem-to-eat-on-screen-heres-why-and-why-we-like-to-watch/


Mr. Gallon Man Art Project Lesson 2 (May 11th – 15th)

Your task is to make a picture that visually represents the liquid measurement conversions from gallon to cups.

1 Gallon = ____ Quarts = _____ Pints = _____Cups

Optional: add on “=_____Tablespoons = _____Teaspoons” after Cups


1. Make a poster/ paper using your imagination and Example creativity. Use bright colors … markers, crayons, paint, paper, wrappers…endless options! You may use an online tool of your choice to create a document.

2. Make sure each measurement is correctly identified & labeled like the example.

3. When you are done, take a picture or screenshot and upload your picture or document into Canvas.

Bonus: Take pictures of measuring equipment or other items that you have at home that represents each unit of measurement (i.e. quart of milk, gallon of juice, liquid measuring cup, etc.)

24 Lesson 2 - “Mise en Place” (everything in it’s place)

Using the following recipe to write down ALL the kitchen tools/equipment needed to prepare this recipe. Hint: read through the directions for clues.

Blueberry Muffins

INGREDIENTS: Example of Mise en Place ● ½ cup softened butter ● 1 ¼ cups sugar ● 2 eggs ● 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ● 2 cups flour ● ½ teaspoon salt ● 2 teaspoons baking powder ● ½ cup milk ● 2 cups blueberries, washed, drained and picked over ● 3 teaspoons sugar

PREPARATION 1.​ Preheat the oven to 375. ​ 2.​ Cream the butter and 1 1/4 cups sugar until light. ​ 3.​ Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla. ​ 4.​ Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder, and add to the creamed ​ mixture alternately with the milk. 5.​ Crush 1/2 cup blueberries with a fork, and mix into the batter. Fold in the ​ remaining whole berries. 6.​ Line a 12 cup standard muffin tin with cupcake liners, and fill with batter. ​ Sprinkle the 3 teaspoons sugar over the tops of the muffins, and bake at 375 degrees for about 30-35 minutes.

25 7.​ Remove muffins from tin and cool at least 30 minutes. Store, uncovered, or ​ the muffins will be too moist the second day, if they last that long.

Equipment needed:












What else should you do during mise en place before making blueberry muffins?

26 Chef School Lesson 1: Home Kitchen Equipment Scavenger Hunt and Uses

Step 1: Find as many of the common kitchen tools from the table below ​ as you can in your kitchen.

Step 2: Put a picture of each tool into the table. ​ ​ *You may hand draw, take a picture, or Google a picture.

Step 3: Write down what you would use each piece of equipment for ​ ​ while cooking. Be as specific as possible (Ex: “open a can of refried beans to make burritos”)

Bonus: Find a piece of equipment to challenge your teacher! Take a ​ ​ photo of a piece of equipment, or several pieces, you have in your home kitchen that we did not have at school and email it to Mr. Norton to see if he knows what it is and/or what it is used for. Good Luck!!

Tools Picture of the tool Use of the tool?

1. Measuring spoons

2. Chef knife

3. Rubber Spatula

4. Liquid Measuring Cup

27 5. Baking sheet/pan

6. Wooden spoon

7. Can Opener

8. Strainer

9. Cutting Board

10. Sauce Pan

11. Saute’ Pan

12. Whisk

13. Cooling Rack

14. Box Grater or other grater

15. Rubber Scraper

28 PE/ Heath

Fight or Flight Response Relaxation Response Dr. Walter Bradford Cannon Dr. Herbert Benson “A quick and unconscious neurological “is a physical state of deep Response to a perceived threat that rest that changes the physical Stimulates defensive behavior” and emotional responses to Stress.. And is the opposite of The fight vs flight response”

Physical effects of both responses

29 PE/ Heath

Try these two techniques to reduce daily stress

30 PE/ Heath


32 Tabata Workout #2 ● Tabata workouts are 30 second intervals, 20 seconds active, 10 seconds rest ● Today's workout will alternate between 2 sets of Aerobic activities and 2 sets of Core/Strength activities

Today's workout will include 2 Sets of: ​ ​

● Jumping Jacks/Squat Kicks (2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● Front Plank/Sit-ups(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● High Knees/Burpees(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● Push ups/Leg lifts(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● 1 Minute rest ● Jump Rope/ Lateral hops(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● Side planks left/Side planks right(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● Squat Jumps/Lunges(2 sets)= 2 Minutes ● Standing Bicycles/Russian twist (Abs)(2 sets)= 2 Minutes

Cool down with 5 minutes of stretching!

Congratulations! Your body thanks you!

33 5/6/2020 The Impacts of Stress.docx - Google Drive

The Impacts of Stress.docx Open with

Page 1 of 2

The Impacts of Stress

EQ: What is stress and how does it aect the body?

Follow the slides in order from le to right and answer the questions at the end of the page.

Reect and Assess (2-3 sentences)

1. How has the “Stay Home” order impacted your overall level of distress (negative stress)?



2. List 3 specic examples of distress in your life and 3 examples of eustress in your life.

(Negative) (Positive)

Page 1 / 2 1/1

French 1-Mademoiselle Stegner

Bonjour tout le monde!

In this packet, you are going to get some new vocabulaire and learn how to conjugate a new verb. Chouette!

This packet is all about talking about learning new vocabulary about la chamber, and learning how to talk about what you have (avoir) in French.

1. To start, take a look at the vocabulary. Then, choose some of the vocabulary activities to complete to practice it. 2. Next, look at the new verb to learn how to conjugate, “avoir”. Then, choose some activities to practice it.



35 Vocabulaire 1 –Chez moi

1 dans la chambre il y a... In the bedroom…

2 un lit bed

3 une table de nuit nightstand

4 une armoire armoire 5 une commode chest of drawers 6 un bureau desk 7 une étagère Bookcase

8 une lampe lamp 9 un placard closet

10 une chaise chair

11 une porte door

12 un ordinateur computer

13 un portable Cell phone

14 une affiche poster

15 un vélo bicycle

16 un appareil-photo camera

17 un stylo pen

18 un crayon pencil

19 un livre book 20 un cahier notebook

21 un sac bag 22 une raquette tennis racket

23 une fenêtre window

36 Label the Picture in French by using the new vocabulaire.

Ecrivez cinq phrases telling me what is in your bedroom. Or if you would rather not tell me what is in your bedroom tell me what is in the bedroom pictured. Make sure that you use full and complete sentences. Start each sentence with dans ma chambre il y a…..


2. ______


4. ______

5. ______

Create your own bedroom and label it in French. You could do this by drawing it, cutting out old magazines to make a collage, or use an app. Try to use as many of the new words as you can.

37 Avoir-to have

J’ai Nous avons

Tu as Vous avez

Il/elle/on a Ils /elles ont

Special exceptions: 1. Avoir faim……to be hungry 2. Avoir soif……to be thirsty 3. Avoir____ans… be___years old

1. J’ai faim (I am hungry) 2. Nous avons soif (we are thirsty) 3. J’ai quartorze ans. (I am fourteen years old) 4. Tu as une chaise? (do you have a chair?)

Pratiquez! Practice conjugating avoir here:

Je/J’ai Nous

Tu Vous

Il/elle/on Ils/elles

38 Place the correct conjugation of avoir in each of these sentences:

1. Tex ______une soeur et un frère.

2. Tex et Tammy ______beaucoup d'amis.

3. Bette: Tex, quel âge ______-tu?

4. Tex: J' ______26 ans.

5. Rita, est-ce que vous ______des enfants? Oui, j'en ai 4.

6. Tammy: Tex, nous ______besoin d'étudier ce soir.

7. Tex ______une petite amie, Tammy.

8. Joe-Bob et Corey ______envie de regarder la télé.

9. Corey: Tex, est-ce que tu ______une télévision?

10. Tex: J' ______rendez-vous avec Tammy.

11. Bette: Tex et Tammy, vous ______de la chance ('luck').

12. Tammy et Bette étudient: Nous ______beaucoup de devoirs

39 French 1-Mademoiselle Stegner

Bonjour tout le monde!

1. In this packet, you are going to get some new vocabulaire about food. Chouette! Take time to go through the new vocabulaire. Then, choose which activities will help you best practice the new vocabulaire. If you think of other great ideas to practice this new vocabulaire don’t be afraid to do them. 2. You will also get a chance to review the passé composé.

Merci, Mademoiselle


A table At the table un verre glass une tasse cup un bol bowl une assiette plate un couteau knife une fourchette fork une cuillère spoon la cuisine kitchen, cooking un repas meal le petit déjeuner breakfast le déjeuner lunch le goûter snack le dîner dinner, supper

Au marché / Au supermarché At the market / At the supermarket des fruits (m) fruits des bananes (f) bananas des cerises (f) cherries des citrons (m) lemons des fraises (f) strawberries des framboises (f) raspberries des oranges (f) oranges des pamplemousses (m) grapefruit des pêches (f) peaches des poires (f) pears des pommes (f) apples du raisin grapes des légumes (m) vegetables de l’ail (m) garlic des asperges (f) asparagus des carottes (f) carrots des champignons (m) mushrooms des choux (m) cabbage des concombres (m) cucumbers des courgettes (f) zucchini des épinards (m) spinach des haricots verts (m) green beans des oignons (m) onions des petits pois (m) peas des poivrons verts (m) green peppers des pommes de terre (f) potatoes de la salade salad lettuce des tomates (f) tomatoes


A la boucherie At the butcher shop Chez le boucher, on achète... At the butcher’s, you buy... de la viande meat du boeuf beef du porc pork du veau veal du canard duck de la dinde turkey du poulet chicken

A la charcuterie At the pork butcher shop/delicatessen Chez le charcutier, on achète... At the pork butcher’s, you buy... du jambon ham du pâté pâté des saucisses (f) sausages du saucisson hard sausage (salami)

A la poissonnerie At the seafood shop Chez le poissonnier, on achète... At the fish merchant’s, you buy... du poisson fish du saumon salmon du thon tuna

A l’épicerie At the grocery store Chez l’épicier, on trouve... At the grocer’s, you find... un oeuf, des oeufs eggs des noix (f) walnuts des produits laitiers (m) dairy products du beurre butter du lait milk du fromage cheese du yaourt yogurt de la glace ice cream du sel salt du poivre pepper

A la boulangerie-pâtisserie At the bakery-pastry shop Chez le boulanger, on trouve... At the baker’s, you find... du pain bread une baguette baguette une brioche brioche un croissant croissant un petit pain roll

Chez le pâtissier, on trouve... At the pastry chef’s, you find... des pâtisseries (f) pastries un gâteau cake un gâteau au chocolat chocolate cake une tarte tart une tarte aux pommes apple tart une tarte au citron lemon tart 42 une tarte à la fraise strawberry tart

Au café At the café Au café, on commande... At the café, you order... du café coffee du thé (chaud, glacé) tea (hot, iced) du coca-cola cola de l’eau (f) water de l’eau minérale mineral water du jus de fruit fruit juice un sandwich jambon beurre sandwich with ham and butter un croque-monsieur toasted cheese sandwich with ham un croque-madame croque-monsieur with a fried egg une quiche (lorraine, au saumon, etc.) quiche (lorraine, salmon, etc.) une omelette (aux fines herbes, au fromage) omelette (with herbs, cheese)

Au restaurant At the restaurant Au restaurant, on commande... At the restaurant, you order... une entrée appetizer/first course un plat principal main course un dessert dessert une boisson drink, beverage

Des plats typiquement français Typical French dishes

Des entrées appetizers des crudités (f) raw vegetables plus vinaigrette une salade(avec des lardons, des noix, etc.) salad (with bacon, nuts, etc.) de la soupe à l’oignon onion soup

Des plats principaux main courses du boeuf bourguignon beef stew un steak-frites steak and French fries

Des desserts desserts de la mousse au chocolat chocolate mousse de la crème caramel caramel custard de la crème brûlée crème brûlée du fondant au chocolat rich chocolate flourless cake


Adjectifs adjectives délicieux / délicieuse delicious frais / fraîche fresh épicé(e) spicy grillé(e) grilled hâché(e) chopped salé(e) salty


Quels ustensiles ?

Directions : Vous avez commandé (ordered) les choses suivantes. Dites de quels ustensiles vous avez besoin.

Modèle : pour le steak… Pour le steak, j’ai besoin d’un couteau.

1. Pour la soupe… 2. Pour le beurre… 3. Pour le café… 4. Pour la glace… 5. Pour le thé 6. Pour la viande… 7. Pour les spaghetti… 8. Pour la limonade…

Qu’est-ce que vous préférez ?

Directions : Indiquez vos préférences (you can go « off book » and chose a different option as well if you’d like)

Modèle : Pour le petit déjeuner : un œuf ou des céréales ? Je préfère des céréales.

1. pour le petit déjeuner : un pamplemousse ou une orange ? 2. après le déjeuner : une pomme ou une poire ? des cerises ou des fraises ? 3. avec le poulet : les haricots verts ou des petits pois ? 4. avec le steak : des pommes de terre ou des carottes ? 5. comme salade : une salade de tomates ou une salade de concombre ? 6. pour le dessert : une tarte aux pommes ou une tarte aux poires ? 7. comme glace : une glace à la vanille ou une glace au chocolat ?


Un livre pour des enfants

Tâche : Utilisez le nouveau vocabulaire (nourriture) pour créer un livre pour les enfants

- Use the food vocabulary to create a simple short story about food. - be creative ! - You should have a title and cover to your book - 10-15 sentences (you may put more than 1 sentence on a page) - Use the Passé composé - Each page should include a colored illustration. - You may create your story by hand and upload pictures to Canvas, - you may create your story on the computer there are lots of apps that can help you do this such as :

* Don’t use translate to do this activity. Keep it level appropriate. In order to do this you’ll have to remember to keep it really simple. Keep it simple silly.

chassez l’intrus

Create three different sets for chassez l’intrus. You will choose three words that go together and one that does not. Think of different categories that three words could belong to. The idea is that someone would have to try and guess which word does not belong. Be sure to tell me what word doesn’t fit.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______


Japanese 1 – Dederick/Antoncich ​ Week 4 – May 11-22

By the end of this lesson, I can... Lesson 10: Katakana NA-HO 1. Read and write katakana NA-HO with modifications 2. Know about Golden Week in Japan

1. Mini-lesson

Complete katakana worksheets NA-NO and HA-HO:



2. Student Work Time

Read the katakana words below and write them on a separate piece of paper in romaji and ​ ​ English: ​

ケニヤ ツイスト ナイス

サウナ ナイト ツナ

シニア ネクタイ ストア

ソナタ カヌー ノア

ネット カナダ ソファ

ハイク ハイチ ファイト

ヘアカット ホッチキス

3. Mini-lesson

Reminder: ten ten and maru work the same for katakana as they do for hiragana! ハHAー> バ BA ハ HA ー> パ PA ヒHIー> ビ BI ヒ HI ー> ピ PI フFUー> ブ BU フ FU ー> プ PU

ヘHEー> ベ BE ヘ HE ー> ペ PE ホHOー> ボ BO ホ HO ー> ポ PO


4. Student Work Time

Read the katakana words below and write them on a separate piece of paper in romaji and ​ ​ English: ​

バナナ ピザ パイ

ペット ハッピー バースデー

ブーツ バイク ビスケット

ビデオ ベッド ボックス

パーティー パスタ ペア

ポテトチップス ペニー ポケット

5. Challenge

Optional Activity: Hand-write all the words from parts 2 and 4 above.

Write 3 sentences with the words above and this pattern:

______が すきです。

I like ______.

6. Warm-up

Use the attached pages to make katakana flashcards for NA-HO + modifications. 1) Write the pronunciation or hiragana on the back of each flashcard in pencil ​ ​ ​ ​ 2) Practice for 15 minutes a) Look at the katakana and say the character out loud b) Look at the pronunciation and write the character


7. Mini-lesson GOLDEN WEEK IN JAPAN MAY 6, 2013 Golden Week was last week. You may have heard of it, you may have not. Golden Week takes place in Japan at from April 29th to May 5th. People take vacations, travel the country or go abroad, and ​ ​ generally have a great time regardless of the crowds.

But why all this week-long holiday fun? Why do Japanese people get a full week off to do whatever they like and we don't? Let's find out what this Golden Week business is all about.

HOLIDAY OVERLOAD Golden Week is a collection of four national holidays in one week. Instead of just giving people those four holidays off, many offices end up closing for about 7-10 days, giving their employees a full week of freedom. Even if they're not given the whole week, many employees will just take time off anyway. The holiday week starts on April 29th and goes through May 5th. Since everyone is pretty much free to do what they want during this time, many will take the opportunity to travel. Since everyone is traveling at the same time, places get pretty crowded and travel conditions can be less than ideal. Airports and train stations become flooded with more people than ever and reservations fill up fast. You need to plan way in advance for Golden Week.

Unfortunately, Golden Week in Japan also brings a spike in suicides for whatever reason. Suicide hotlines are specially set up during this time in an attempt to prevent these sad and unnecessary deaths. The four holidays that make up Golden week are exclusive to Japan, so they might not be all that familiar to you. Those holidays are Showa Day, Constitution Day, Greenery Day, and Children's Day.

APRIL 29TH: SHOWA DAY (SHOWA NO HI しょわ の ひ)​ ​ April 29th was the birthday of the Showa Emperor Hirohito who died in 1989. Until 2006, Greenery Day ​ ​ (see below) used to be celebrated on this day. The purpose of this holiday is to remind Japan of Hirohito's 63 years of rule and the hardships they faced during those times. This means that the day is more for reflecting on Japan's past than honoring Hirohito himself. During his reign Japan saw the end of Taisho Democracy, the May 15th Incident, the February 26th ​ ​ ​ Incident, the rise of Fascism, World War II, the post-war occupation, and Japan's rise as a world power. ​

MAY 3RD: CONSTITUTION DAY (KENPO KINENBI けんぽうきねんび)​ ​ As you might have guessed, Constitution Day celebrates the Constitution of Japan. It has been a holiday since the Japanese constitution came into effect on May 3rd, 1947. On this day, Japan is called to reflect on democracy and government. Sounds like a party to me.

MAY 4TH: GREENERY DAY (MIDORI NO HI みどり の ひ)​ ​ This day is a celebration of nature. Japan is supposed to become more in tune with nature and thank mother earth for her many blessings on this day. This holiday indirectly acknowledges Emperor ​ Akihito because he has a great love of plants. However, most people in Japan just see this as another day ​ that keeps Golden Week going and are thankful for that.

MAY 5TH: CHILDREN'S DAY (KODOMO NO HI こどものひ)​ ​ Designated as a national holiday in 1948, Children's Day is a day to celebrate children's personalities and their general happiness. The festival is also celebrated in a handful of other Asian countries as well. It was originally just for boys, but has since been expanded to include girls too. The symbol of this day is the carp, and you'll see many carp shaped flags flying around during this time.


The carp is part of a Chinese legend stating that when carp swim upstream they eventually become a dragon. The carp are said to represent the children swimming to adulthood and growing as human beings. When the carp flags flap in the wind, they look as if they are swimming.

MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH GOLDEN WEEK This street in Tokyo was so busy they had to close it off to cars.

When I was studying abroad in Japan, it was during the spring so we were all there during Golden Week. Fortunately my friends and I planned in advance, so traveling to Yokohama and Tokyo from Kobe wasn't too much of a headache. Again, I highly recommend planning and booking things as far in advance as you can for this time of year in Japan if you decide to travel during it. You'll be glad you did. Now I've never been to Tokyo when it wasn't Golden Week, but I never felt like any place was too crowded or like I missed out on anything or became overwhelmed because of it. I'm sure it's a different story if you're flying in or out of the country or don't already have plans set up, but maybe we just got lucky.

Our lavish two person hostel in Yokohama. Yes, that is the whole room.

I didn't really see anyone out and about actually "celebrating" any of the individual days comprising Golden Week, so I'm fairly confident that not too many Japanese people really take notice of the individual days and are just stoked to have an entire week off from work. Here's what some of my friends currently living in Japan have to say about Golden Week.

Golden Week is a blessing and a curse. Sure the extra days off from work are great, but try to actually go anywhere and you're going to have a bad time. I just use Golden Week to relax and recharge.

I went to the aquarium in Nagoya last Friday. Every restaurant in the city had lines out the door, even fast food places. The aquarium itself felt like it was going to be my final resting place as I was slowly consumed by the mass of Japanese people talking about how delicious the fish look.

And since Golden Week is such a hectic time for travel in Japan, I wouldn't recommend going there at the end of April or beginning of May. Instead, you should look into Tofugu's best times to visit Japan. ​ ​ Koichi knows best, after all.

8. Student Work Time

Hand-write the name of each Golden Week holiday in hiragana. Hand-write the date of each holiday in hiragana or kanji. Illustrate each holiday with an appropriate image.


ナ ハ バ パ

ニ ヒ ビ ピ

ヌ フ ブ プ

ネ ヘ ベ ペ

ノ ホ ボ ポ



Japanese II – Home Learning May 11-22 By the end of this lesson, I can... School Subjects & Kanji 1. Say what subjects I’m taking in Japanese 2. Write my daily schedule 3. Understand Golden Week in Japan

1. School Subjects

Read the vocabulary below and write them in your Japanese notebook.


2. Ken’s Clases

Dialog: Read the Ken & Emi dialog and answer these 2 questions: 1. What classes does Ken have today? ______2. When is Ken’s lunch break? From ______to ______.


3. Your Class Schedule

Write your class schedule in Japanese in the spaces below. You can include your lunch break and tutorial/pride class (aka Homeroom) as well.

Remember: = subject = from = to


4. Questionnaire about your classes

Answer these 5 questons about your classes:

1. (Choose your answer.)

2. (==like)

3. (Write answer in blank.)


4. ( = weak in)


5. ( = strong in)


5. Golden Week

GOLDEN WEEK IN JAPAN Golden Week was last week. You may have heard of it, you may have not. Golden Week takes place in Japan at from April 29th to May 5th. People take vacations, travel the country or go abroad, and generally have a great time regardless of the crowds.

But why all this week-long holiday fun? Why do Japanese people get a full week off to do whatever they like and we don't? Let's find out what this Golden Week business is all about. ☞


HOLIDAY OVERLOAD Golden Week is a collection of four national holidays in one week. Instead of just giving people those four holidays off, many offices end up closing for about 7-10 days, giving their employees a full week of freedom. Even if they're not given the whole week, many employees will just take time off anyway. The holiday week starts on April 29th and goes through May 5th. Since everyone is pretty much free to do what they want during this time, many will take the opportunity to travel. Since everyone is traveling at the same time, places get pretty crowded and travel conditions can be less than ideal. Airports and train stations become flooded with more people than ever and reservations fill up fast. You need to plan way in advance for Golden Week.

Unfortunately, Golden Week in Japan also brings a spike in suicides for whatever reason. Suicide hotlines are specially set up during this time in an attempt to prevent these sad and unnecessary deaths. The four holidays that make up Golden week are exclusive to Japan, so they might not be all that familiar to you. Those holidays are Showa Day, Constitution Day, Greenery Day, and Children's Day.

APRIL 29TH: SHOWA DAY (SHOWA NO HI ) April 29th was the birthday of the Showa Emperor Hirohito who died in 1989. Until 2006, Greenery Day (see below) used to be celebrated on this day. The purpose of this holiday is to remind Japan of Hirohito's 63 years of rule and the hardships they faced during those times. This means that the day is more for reflecting on Japan's past than honoring Hirohito himself. During his reign Japan saw the end of Taisho Democracy, the May 15th Incident, the February 26th Incident, the rise of Fascism, World War II, the post-war occupation, and Japan's rise as a world power.

MAY 3RD: CONSTITUTION DAY (KENPO KINENBI ) As you might have guessed, Constitution Day celebrates the Constitution of Japan. It has been a holiday since the Japanese constitution came into effect on May 3rd, 1947. On this day, Japan is called to reflect on democracy and government. Sounds like a party to me.

MAY 4TH: GREENERY DAY (MIDORI NO HI ) This day is a celebration of nature. Japan is supposed to become more in tune with nature and thank mother earth for her many blessings on this day. This holiday indirectly acknowledges Emperor Akihito because he has a great love of plants. However, most people in Japan just see this as another day that keeps Golden Week going and are thankful for that.

MAY 5TH: CHILDREN'S DAY (KODOMO NO HI ) Designated as a national holiday in 1948, Children's Day is a day to celebrate children's personalities and their general happiness. The festival is also celebrated in a handful of other Asian countries as well. It was originally just for boys, but has since been expanded to include girls too. The symbol of this day is the carp, and you'll see many carp shaped flags flying around during this time.

The carp is part of a Chinese legend stating that when carp swim upstream they eventually become a dragon. The carp are said to represent the children swimming to adulthood and growing as human beings. When the carp flags flap in the wind, they look as if they are swimming.

58 名前 6. Kanji 9かA 日づけ 曜日 漢字 ワークシート 1) Read the meaning of each new Kanji, and say the pronunciation. 2) Read the examples next to each new Kanji. A Practice writing the new kanji. 3) Practice writing the Kanji using the correct stroke order. Write each kanji by first tracing each stroke in the correct order shown below. Complete all of the boxes by writing the entire kanji in the correct order in each box.

37 せん せんせい せん 先 先生 teacher 先しゅうlast week first, previous 先先先 38 せい せんせい がくせい 生 先生 teacher 学生 college student be born, せいと person 生徒 student (pre-college)

生生生 39 いま いま いちじ こんばん 今 今 一時です。 It’s now one. 今晩 tonight now こん いまだ けさ 今田さん Mr./Ms. Imada *今朝 this morning こん きょう 今しゅうthis week *今日 today

今今今 漢字 40 まい まいにち まいとし まいねん 毎 毎日 every day 毎年 毎年 every year every まいつき まい 毎月 every month 毎しゅうevery week KANJI


NOTE: Irregular readings are indicated by *.

漢字 Kanji 237

2237-Workbook-Kanji37-Workbook-Kanji LessonLesson 9.indd9.indd 237237 59 22014/6/5014/6/5 6:39:366:39:36

41 とし ことし らいねん 年 今年 this year 来年 next year year ねん まいとし まいねん いちねん 毎年 or 毎年 every year 一年 one year ねん さんねんせい きょ年 last year 三年生 third grader

年年年 42 やす(み) やす 休 お休み holiday, day off rest, absent 休休休 Recognition 生徒 せいと Kanji 生徒 student (pre-college) student

New Reading らい らいねん らいげつ next 来年 next year 来月 next month

B Match each of the English words in the chart below with the letter of the corresponding illustration and the number of the corresponding kanji character.

first, be born, child now every year rest. male previous life absent



a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

1. 今 2. 休 3. 毎 4. 子 5. 先 6. 年 7. 男 8. 生

238 Adventures in Japanese 1 • 9か School Subjects

2237-Workbook-Kanji37-Workbook-Kanji LessonLesson 9.indd9.indd 238238 22014/6/5014/6/5 6:39:376:39:37