and Network Security

Spring 2012

Lecture 3: Block and DES

Ion Petre Department of IT, Åbo Akademi University

January 17, 2012 1 Data Standard

 We focus now on the most widely used symmetric : DES  DES has been replaced by AES as a standard  We will use DES to illustrate the principles of modern symmetric ciphers  Adopted in 1977 by the National Bureau of Standards (US), nowadays NIST  Originates from an IBM project from late 1960s led by Feistel  Project ended in 1971 with the development of ( 128 bits)  LUCIFER was then refined with the help of NSA to produce DES (key 56 bits)  Immediate criticism: the reduction in key length was enormous and the internal details of the design were (and remained) classified information  1994: DES is reaffirmed as a standard for 5 more years  1999: DES should only be used for legacy systems and 3DES should replace it

January 17, 2012 2 principles

is one that encrypts a digital data stream one bit (or byte) at a time  Example: autokey Vigenère system  Block cipher is one in which the is divided in blocks and one block is encrypted at one time producing a of equal length  Similar to substitution ciphers on very big characters: 64 bits or 128 bits are typical block lengths  Many modern ciphers are block ciphers

January 17, 2012 3 Principle: Substitution-Permutation Ciphers

(1949) introduced idea of substitution-permutation (S-P) networks  These form the basis for modern substitution-transposition  S-P networks are based on the two primitive cryptographic operations we have seen before:  substitution (S-box)  permutation (P-box)  The goal is to provide of message

January 17, 2012 4 Confusion and Diffusion

 Cipher need to completely obscure statistical properties of original message  A one-time pad does this  More practically Shannon (1949) suggested to combine elements to obtain:  Diffusion – dissipates statistical structure of plaintext over bulk of ciphertext  Makes the statistical relationship plaintext - ciphertext as complex as possible  Achieved by requiring that every digit of the plaintext affects many digits of the ciphertext (equivalently, every digit of the ciphertext is affected by many digits of the plaintext)  Confusion – makes relationship between ciphertext and key as complex as possible  Makes it difficult to discover the key starting from the ciphertext  The principles of confusion and diffusion are the most essential concepts in the design of modern block ciphers – they defend against statistical attacks

January 17, 2012 5 Structure

 Most modern block encryption algorithms use the Feistel structure  was the leader of the IBM team that worked in late 1960s on LUCIFER  He devised the so-called “feistel cipher”  Algorithm structure – perform n rounds, each round has the following structure (for encryption and decryption):  Input is of length 2w (bits), key is K

 Divide the input into two halves L0 and R0

 L1= R0, R1=L0 ⊕ f(R0,K)

 In the next round use (L1, R1) instead of (L0, R0), etc.  Function f is the same in all rounds but uses a different subkey in each round – the subkey of each round is generated from the key

January 17, 2012 6 ⊕

Feistel Cipher Structure ⊕

January 17, 2012 7 Feistel Cipher Design Principles

 block size  increasing size improves security, but slows cipher   increasing size improves security, makes exhaustive key searching harder, but may slow cipher  number of rounds  increasing number improves security, but slows cipher  subkey generation  greater complexity can make analysis harder, but slows cipher  round function  greater complexity can make analysis harder, but slows cipher

 fast software en/decryption & ease of analysis  are more recent concerns for practical use and testing

January 17, 2012 8 ⊕ ⊕

Feistel Cipher ⊕ Decryption vs ⊕ Encryption: the same algorithm (with keys in reverse order) ⊕ ⊕

⊕ ⊕

January 17, 2012 9 Feistel decryption Decryption  Decryption is the same as encryption and does not require any property for function f (not •Input: The ciphertext (LD , RD )= (RE , LE ) even to be invertible) 0 0 16 16 •Round i (1 to 16) performs on input (LDi-1, RDi-1) the  LD/RD – left/right half in the decryption algorithm operations: –LD =RD , RD =LD ⊕f(RD ,K )  LE/RE – left/right half in the i i-1 i i-1 i-1 16-i encryption algorithm –This is the input to next round  ⊕ denotes XOR: 0⊕0=0, 1⊕1=0, •The key of round i is K16-i, 0⊕1= 1⊕0=1 •This algorithm is CORRECT – after round i we have LDi=RE16-i, RDi=LE16-i: Encryption •PROOF: •Input to the first round:

•Input: the plaintext (LE0, RE0) –LD0=RE16, RD0=LE16 •Round i (1 to 16) performs on input •Induction: assume it holds for i-1, prove it for i

(LEi-1, REi-1) the operations: –LDi-1=RE16-i+1, RDi-1=LE16-i+1 –LEi=REi-1, REi=LEi-1⊕f(REi-1,Ki) Then: –This is the input to next round –LDi=RDi-1=LE16-i+1=RE16-i •The key of round i is Ki, –RDi=LDi-1 ⊕ f(RDi-1, K16-i)=RE16-i+1 ⊕ f(LE16-i+1, K16-i)= •Output: the ciphertext (RE16, LE16) =(LE16-i ⊕f(RE16-i,K16-i+1)) ⊕f(RE16-i,K16-i)=LE16-i –Result: (RE16-i, LE16-i)

•Output: the plaintext (RD16, LD16)=(LE0, RE0) January 17, 2012 10 DES

 DES encryption/decryption  Strength of DES  Design principles 

January 17, 2012 11 DES encryption scheme

 The plaintext (64 bits) passes through an initial permutation IP (on 64 bits)  Then follow 16 identical rounds – in each round a different subkey is used; each subkey is generated from the key  After round 16, swap the left half with the right half  Apply the inverse of the initial permutation IP-1 (on 64 bits)

January 17, 2012 12 DES encryption scheme

January 17, 2012 13 Initial permutation and its inverse

January 17, 2012 14 Details of a single round of DES

 Consider L the left half of the input to the round and R its right half – each of them have 32 bits  As in any Feistel cipher the overall processing is

Li=Ri-1, Ri=Li-1⊕ F(Ri-1,Ki)  The round subkey Ki has 48 bits (details later on how it is generated)  R is expanded from 32 to 48 bits using an “expansion permutation” E – this is a table that defines a permutation, duplicating in the same time 16 of the bits in R

 These 48 bits are XORED with the subkey Ki  The 48-bit result passes through a substitution function that produces a 32- bit output  Apply then a permutation P

January 17, 2012 15 A single round of DES

January 17, 2012 16 The scheme of the function F(R,K) in DES

January 17, 2012 17 Details of a single round of DES

January 17, 2012 18 The substitutions in the DES rounds: S-boxes

 There are 8 S-boxes, each of them accepting a 6-bit input and producing 4-bit output  The S-boxes are 4 x 16 tables (shown on the next slide) and are used as follows:  The first and the last bit of the input to the S-box form a 2-bit binary number that selects the row of the S-box (rows are from 0 to 3)  The middle four bits select the column of the S-box (columns are from 0 to 15)  The decimal value in the selected entry of the S-box is converted to its 4-bit binary representation to produce the output

January 17, 2012 19 Definition of S-boxes

 Example: consider the input 011001to S-box S1  The row is 011001: 01 (i.e. 1)  The column is 011001: 1100 (i.e. 12)  The value in the selected is 9  Output is 1001

 Note that each row of each S-box is in fact an invertible substitution on 4 bits (permutation of numbers from 0 to 15)  Note also that the output of the S-box is immediately permuted in DES so that it spreads in the ciphertext

January 17, 2012 20 Subkey generation

 In the general scheme of DES is shown that a 64-bit key is used – the bits of the key are numbered from 1 to 64.  The algorithm ignores every 8th bit – thus, the key for DES is effectively 56-bit long  Before round 1 of DES, they key is permuted according to a table labeled Permuted Choice One (see next slide) – the resulting 56-bit key is split into its two 28-bit halves labeled C0 and D0  In each round, Ci-1 and Di-1 are separately subjected to a circular left shift of one or two bits according to the table on the next slide – the shifted values will be input to next round  The shifted values serve as input to Permuted Choice Two (see next slide) which produces a 48-bit output: the subkey of the current round

January 17, 2012 21 Subkey generation

 In the general scheme of DES is shown that a 64-bit key is used – the bits of the key are numbered from 1 to 64.  The algorithm ignores every 8th bit – thus, the key for DES is effectively 56-bit long  Before round 1 of DES, they key is permuted according to a table labeled Permuted Choice One – the resulting 56-bit key is split into its two 28-bit halves labeled C0 and D0  In each round, Ci-1 and Di-1 are separately subjected to a circular left shift of one or two bits according to the table on the next slide – the shifted values will be input to next round  The shifted values serve as input to Permuted Choice Two which produces a 48-bit output: the subkey of the current round

January 17, 2012 22 DES decryption

 Like in any Feistel cipher, decryption works just like encryption with the subkeys used in reverse order

January 17, 2012 23 Analysis of DES

: this is a desirable property of any encryption algorithm  A small change (even 1 bit) in the plaintext should produce significant change in the ciphertext  Example: consider two blocks of 64 zeros and in the second block rewrite 1 on the first position. Encrypt them both with DES: depending on the key, the result may have 34 different bits!  A small change (even 1 bit) in the key should produce significant change in the ciphertext  Example: a change of one bit in the DES key may produce 35 different bits in the encryption of the same plaintext

January 17, 2012 24 Strength of DES

 Two main concerns with DES: the length of the key and the nature of the algorithm  The key is rather short: 56 bits – there are 256 possible keys, around 7.2 x 1016  In average, only half of the keys have to be tried to break the system  In principle it should take long time to break the system  Things are quicker with dedicated hardware: 1998 – a special machine was built for less than 250 000 $ breaking DES in less than 3 days, 2006 – estimates are that a hardware costing around 20.000$ may break DES within a day  DES has no export restrictions from NSA!  40-bit RC4 key is also insecure  128-but keys seem to be secure  Important difficulty in breaking any system: unless the plaintext is known, we have to recognize when we have broken the system: we have to recognize the plaintext when we find it  This is not trivial if the file is binary, compressed, etc.  Automated procedures to do that are needed (and indeed some exist)

January 17, 2012 25 Strength of DES

 Nature of the algorithm  There has always been a concern about the design of DES, especially about the design of S-boxes – perhaps they have been designed in such a way as to ensure a trapdoor to the algorithm – break it without having to search for the key  The design criteria for the S-boxes (and for the rest of the algorithm) have been classified information and NSA was involved in the design  Many regularities and unexpected behavior of the S-boxes have been reported  On the other hand, changing the S-boxes slightly seems to weaken the algorithm  No fatal weaknesses in the S-boxes have been (publicly) reported so far

January 17, 2012 26 Cryptanalysis of DES

 There are ways to break DES significantly quicker than with the brute-force attack: differential and  Differential cryptanalysis  Published in the open literature after 1990: Murphy and then Biham and Shamir (published a book on this)  Idea: Knowing the XOR of the message halves before and after a round, one may try to deduce the subkey used in that round  DES can be broken in 247 steps, requiring 247 chosen  The need for so many chosen plaintexts makes its applicability limited  This attack seems to have been known to the DES design team and NSA 20 years before it was published in the open literature!  Linear cryptanalysis  More recent attack (Matsui, 1993): find linear approximations to describe the transformations in DES  Can find the DES key given 247 known plaintexts  Still impractical method

January 17, 2012 27 DES cryptanalysis chronology (Wikipedia)

Biham and Shamir rediscover differential cryptanalysis, and apply it to a 15-round DES- July 1990 like . Biham and Shamir report the first theoretical attack with less complexity than brute force: 1992 differential cryptanalysis. However, it requires an unrealistic 247 chosen plaintexts. The first experimental cryptanalysis of DES is performed using linear cryptanalysis 1994 (Matsui, 1994). The DESCHALL Project breaks a message encrypted with DES for the first time in June 1997 public. July 1998 The EFF's DES cracker (Deep Crack) breaks a DES key in 56 hours.

January 1999 Together, Deep Crack and break a DES key in 22 hours and 15 minutes.

November 2001 The Advanced Encryption Standard is published in FIPS 197 May 2002 The AES standard becomes effective May 2005 NIST withdraws FIPS 46-3 (see Federal Register vol 70, number 96) The FPGA based parallel machine COPACOBANA of the Universities of Bochum and April 2006 Kiel, Germany, breaks DES in 9 days at $10,000 hardware cost. Within a year software improvements reduced the average time to 6.4 days.

The successor of COPACOBANA, the RIVYERA machine reduced the average time to November 2008 less than one single day. 28