MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Preprint 31 October 2017 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0

Multiple Mechanisms Quench Passive Spiral

Amelia Fraser-McKelvie1,2,3?, Michael J. I. Brown2,3, Kevin Pimbblet4, Tim Dolley2,3, Nicolas J. Bonne5 . 1 School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, U.K. 2 School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia 3 Monash Centre for Astrophysics (MoCA), Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia 4 E. A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU6 7RX, U.K. 5 Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Dennis Sciama Building, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth PO1 3FX, U.K.

31 October 2017

ABSTRACT We examine the properties of a sample of 35 nearby passive spiral galaxies in order to determine their dominant quenching mechanism(s). All five low mass (M? < 1 × 10 10 M ) passive spiral galaxies are located in the rich cluster. This is in contrast to low mass spiral galaxies with star formation, which inhabit a range of environments. We postulate that cluster-scale gas stripping and heating mechanisms operating only in rich clusters are required to quench low mass passive spirals, and ram-pressure stripping and strangulation are obvious candidates. For higher mass passive spirals, while trends are present, the story is less clear. The passive spiral bar fraction is high: 74±15%, compared with 36±5% for a mass, redshift, and T-type matched comparison sample of star forming spiral galaxies. The high mass passive spirals occur mostly, but not exclusively, in groups, and can be central or satellite galaxies. The passive spiral group fraction of 74 ± 15% is similar to that of the comparison sample of star forming galaxies at 61 ± 7%. We find evidence for both quenching via internal structure and environment in our passive spiral sample, though some galaxies have evidence of neither. From this, we conclude no one mechanism is responsible for quenching star formation in passive spiral galaxies - rather, a mixture of mechanisms are required to produce the passive spiral distribution we see today. Key words: galaxies: evolution – galaxies: general – galaxies: stellar content – galax- ies: spiral

1 INTRODUCTION Toomre 1972; White & Rees 1978; Kormendy & Ho 2013), and tidal stripping. There do exist environmental mecha- In the established picture of evolution, a galaxy is nisms that can quench a galaxy without impacting its mor- likely to be quenched if it is massive (e.g. Kauffmann et al. phology, however. Ram-pressure stripping (Gunn & Gott 2003), or located in a dense environment (e.g. Peng et al. 1972; van Gorkom 2004; Bekki 2009) occurs in large galaxy 2010). Low mass quenched galaxies are preferentially satel- arXiv:1710.10843v1 [astro-ph.GA] 30 Oct 2017 clusters and strips the halo and disk of cold gas used as fuel lites (e.g. Geha et al. 2012; Davies et al. 2016), and the vast for star formation without destroying the disk (e.g. Wein- majority of quenched galaxies possess early type morphology mann et al. 2006). Strangulation also acts to cut off the gas (e.g. Strateva et al. 2001; Bell et al. 2012). This implies that supply from the galaxy’s sub-halo, causing star formation to the mechanism(s) responsible for quenching star formation cease when its gas reservoir is consumed (e.g. Larson et al. in most galaxies also result in morphological transformation, 1980; Balogh et al. 2000). Mass quenching mechanisms such or vice versa. as AGN heating also act to cease star formation without de- Quenching mechanisms that alter morphology include stroying a galaxy’s disk (e.g. Tabor & Binney 1993; Fabian processes that strip a galaxy of its gas upon entry into a et al. 1994). denser environment, such as galaxy harassment (Lake et al. 1998; Moore et al. 1996), galaxy-galaxy mergers (Toomre & There exist galaxies that do not conform to the above quenching paradigm, such as massive, star forming disks (e.g. Ogle et al. 2016), and spiral galaxies that show no signs ? [email protected] of star formation (Fraser-McKelvie et al. 2016). Passive spi-

© 0000 The Authors 2 A. Fraser-McKelvie et al. ral galaxies are rare but intriguing objects, as their existence sample of passive spiral galaxies, along with a mass, red- asserts that morphological transformation is not always re- shift (z), and T-type-matched comparison sample. quired to quench star formation. While red spiral galaxies This paper is organised as follows: in Section2 we de- have been discussed in the literature for over 40 years, (e.g. scribe the sample of passive spiral galaxies used for this van den Bergh 1976; Goto et al. 2003; Ishigaki et al. 2007; work, and in Section3, we detail the control sample of spi- Bamford et al. 2009; Skibba et al. 2009; Wolf et al. 2009; ral galaxies used for comparison. In Section4 we examine Bundy et al. 2010; Masters et al. 2010; Rowlands et al. 2012), the quenching mechanisms responsible for the formation of these earlier samples often showed evidence of nebular line passive spirals by splitting our sample into high and low emission, ultraviolet (UV) light from young stellar popula- mass bins. Throughout this paper we use AB magnitudes tions, or infrared (IR) excess from warm dust (e.g. Cortese and a flat ΛCDM cosmology, with Ωm = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7 and −1 2 2012). For this reason, we define spiral galaxies that are op- H0 = 70 km s Mpc . tically red as red spirals, and those spirals without any signs of star formation as passive spiral galaxies. In Fraser-McKelvie et al.(2016), we presented a photo- metrically and spectroscopically confirmed sample of passive 2 PASSIVE SPIRAL SAMPLE spiral galaxies, selected using a mid-IR colour cut to ensure To create our passive spiral sample, we use a similar method quiescence. These galaxies spanned a range of stellar masses, to Fraser-McKelvie et al.(2016), with some added refine- yet were uniformly passive and contained undisturbed spiral ments. We begin with the catalogue of Bonne et al.(2015), arms. Given that the mechanism(s) that cease star forma- which is an all-sky sample of 13,325 local Universe galax- tion in passive spiral galaxies must do so without disrupting ies drawn from the 2-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) Ex- spiral structure, we may question whether the traditional tended Source Catalogue (Jarrett et al. 2000). This cata- quenching mechanisms that often destroy internal structure logue has a redshift and morphological completeness of 99% are occurring within these galaxies. The alternative hypoth- to K = 12.59, with the majority of morphologies (in the esis is that unique quenching pathways may be invoked to form of T-types) coming from the PGC catalogue (Paturel quench passive spiral galaxies, and this is the topic of this et al. 2003). paper. We limit our analysis to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Alternate quenching mechanisms that do not require (SDSS) imaging regions, to aid in accurate morphological high stellar mass nor dense environmental regions have been classification using a large sample of uniform imaging. We characterised in the literature: for example morphological select galaxies with −3 < T-type < 8, which allows for the quenching (e.g. Martig et al. 2009), or extra heating pro- misclassification of spirals as lenticulars, and perform the vided by the winds of dying low mass stars (Conroy et al. mid-IR colour cut of M − M < −2.73, where M and 2015). These mechanisms have only been described in early K W 3 K M are the 2MASS K-band and Wide-Field Survey Ex- type galaxies, however, and it is unclear whether they are W 3 plorer (WISE) 12 µm k-corrected absolute magnitudes re- also effective at quenching disk galaxies. In low mass galax- spectively. Fraser-McKelvie et al.(2016) showed this mid- ies, supernovae winds can expel a large fraction of interstel- IR colour cut is effective at separating passive spiral galax- lar medium on short timescales, also quenching star forma- ies from optically red galaxies suffering from dust-obscured tion (e.g. Dekel & Silk 1986; Yepes et al. 1997; Scannapieco star formation. We confirm spiral morphology by visually et al. 2008; Bower et al. 2017). inspecting each passive spiral candidate using SDSS colour The role of bars in galaxy evolution and quenching is images. Edge on galaxies, shell galaxies, merger remnants, well studied (e.g. Kormendy 1979; Kormendy & Kennicutt and elliptical and lenticular galaxies are rejected from our 2004; Ellison et al. 2011; Cheung et al. 2013). By channelling sample, leaving 35 bona fide spiral galaxies with passive mid- cold gas into the central regions of galaxies forcing a short IR colour. lived starburst, bars are one of the most efficient redistrib- Our passive spiral sample spans the SDSS DR13 cover- utors of gas in the disks of galaxies (e.g. Combes & Sanders age region, and: 1981; Weinberg 1985; Friedli & Benz 1995; Athanassoula 2002; Knapen et al. 2002; Masters et al. 2011; Athanassoula • 0.0024 < z < 0.033 9 10 2013; Holmes et al. 2015). • 3.9 × 10 M < M? < 8.5 × 10 M Simulations show strong bars are difficult to destroy • 1 < T-type < 8, once created (e.g. Shen & Sellwood 2004; Debattista et al. 2006), and are capable of driving gas into the nuclear regions where stellar masses are sourced from the NASA Sloan At- 1 of galaxies (e.g. Shlosman et al. 1989; Martinet & Friedli las . 1997; Jogee et al. 2005; Spinoso et al. 2017; Khoperskov We note there is no crossover between our passive spi- et al. 2017). The resultant quenched galaxy retains its spi- ral sample and that of the optically-identified red spirals of ral structure (e.g. Cheung et al. 2013; Gavazzi et al. 2015). Masters et al.(2010). In an effort to produce a sample dom- Therefore, naturally we may suspect bars (or the mecha- inated by disky spirals, Masters et al.(2010) selected only nisms that create them) as being involved in passive spiral red spirals with a small bulge size using the SDSS quantity quenching. fracdeV< 0.5, where fracdeV measures the fraction of the Given the above quenching pathways, we wish to deter- galaxy light fit by a de Vaucouleurs profile. In Figure1 we mine whether passive spiral galaxies have particular mor- plot a normalised probability histogram of the SDSS value phologies or environments that clearly distinguish them from other spiral galaxies, and thus identify or constrain their quenching mechanisms. To achieve this, we define a 1

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• 1 < T-type < 8. We additionally require that all galaxies are within the SDSS DR13 imaging regions to ensure ease of morphological classi- fication, and with axis ratio greater than 0.4, to enable easy feature identification. We clean the sample to remove any lenticulars or merging galaxies that have been misclassified. In Figure2 we provide some examples of SDSS images of the passive spiral galaxies in our sample in the left column, and the mass-matched comparison galaxies are shown in the four right columns. All galaxies not already shown in the body of this paper are included in Figure A1. We use this comparison sample to compare the trends seen in the passive spiral sample.

4 QUENCHING MECHANISMS Figure 1. Comparison of the fracdeV quantity, a proxy for bulge size between the red spirals sample of Masters et al.(2010) in blue, We search for viable quenching pathways for our sample and the passive spirals selected in this work (orange). Just one of passive spiral galaxies by determining their mass, en- galaxy from our sample has fracdeV<0.5, and this is NGC 4880. vironmental, and internal structure properties. Given the We expect the almost bimodal distribution in bulge size between dichotomy in galaxy properties and traditional quenching this work and that of Masters et al.(2010) is the reason that our pathways present in mass-selected samples of galaxies (e.g. passive spiral sample is more passive. Geha et al. 2012), we split our analysis into low mass passive spirals in Section 4.1 and high mass in Section 4.2. fracdeV of both our passive spiral sample, and the Mas- ters et al.(2010) red spirals. Just one galaxy in our sample 4.1 The Low Mass Regime has fracdeV < 0.5, highlighting the dichotomy between the Masters et al.(2010) sample and our own. We suggest that Environmental quenching can account for nearly all quies- the reason our passive spiral sample is more passive than cent low mass galaxies at low redshift (e.g. Bamford et al. the red spirals of Masters et al.(2010) is simply because by 2009; Peng et al. 2010; Geha et al. 2012; Kawinwanichakij making a cut in fracdeV, they excluded the most passive et al. 2017). Motivated by studies such as these, we examine spiral galaxies. the environmental properties of the low mass passive spirals in our sample. Wolf et al.(2009) found that optically-red low mass spiral galaxies are rare – indeed, there are only five with 10 3 COMPARISON SAMPLE SELECTION M? < 1 × 10 M in our sample. These five galaxies - NGC In order to analyse the trends seen in our passive spiral 4440, NGC 4277, NGC 4880, NGC 4305, and NGC 4264, are sample, we create a control sample of spiral galaxies. As bar shown as postage stamp images with their four comparison fraction is correlated with stellar mass (e.g. Cameron et al. galaxies in Figure3. 2010; Melvin et al. 2014) and T-type (e.g. Nair & Abraham As a first pass, in Figure4 we consider the positions of 2010; Martinez-Valpuesta et al. 2007), we elect to match our the low mass passive spirals (gold stars) and their mass, z, control sample in stellar mass, T-type, and z. To create the and T-type-matched comparison galaxies (gold squares) on control sample, we take all galaxies from the Bonne et al. the sky. Immediately from their right ascension, declination, (2015) catalogue, the parent catalogue of the passive spi- and distance listed in Table1, we notice the low mass pas- ral sample, and select the four galaxies that are closest in sive spiral galaxies are all part of the . This is z and mass to each passive . We impose the in line with results such as Bamford et al.(2009), who found constraint that the T-type of the comparison galaxy must that low mass spirals in the densest regions are mostly opti- match that of the passive spiral galaxy it is being compared cally red. While the low mass passive spiral galaxies are all to. If the T-type of the passive spiral galaxy is listed as < 1, satellites, as predicted by the Peng et al.(2010) model, none we re-classify the galaxy, and select comparison galaxies ac- are located in groups, and are instead all members of a rich cording to the new T-type given. We note that to ensure cluster. The same is not true of the low mass comparison a meaningful comparison can be made between passive and galaxies, which are spread across all environments. Of the non-passive spirals, we include the restriction that a galaxy comparison sample galaxies that are satellites, some show already designated as a passive spiral galaxy cannot be used obvious star formation in their colour images (e.g. NGC 3380 as a comparison for any other passive spiral galaxy and each and NGC 4413 in Figure3). It seems that being a low mass comparison galaxy may only be used once. We select the four spiral galaxy in a group or cluster is a necessary, but not galaxies nearest in mass and z range to each passive spiral sufficient condition for quenching. Therefore, the fact these galaxy with the same T-type for a sample of 140, spanning: low mass passive spiral galaxies are all in Virgo (and not just any sized group), is very significant. • 0.0027 < z < 0.043 There are many low mass passive satellite galaxies in 8 10 • 7.1 × 10 M < M? < 9.0 × 10 M , groups in the Bonne et al.(2015) sample, but these are

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Figure 2. SDSS cutout gri images of some example passive spiral galaxies (left) and their four galaxies from the comparison sample closest in both z and stellar mass with the same T-type in the right four columns. While some of the galaxies in the comparison sample are red (a consequence of matching by T-type), the comparison galaxies generally show evidence for star formation including blue stellar populations and dust lanes. mostly T-type<1 galaxies without discernible spiral struc- there is only a small chance that the passive spirals may be ture. The obvious inference is that upon entering a group, located in Virgo by random chance. spiral galaxies that have their star formation quenched via From the above analysis, we may infer that cluster-scale environmental processes will also transform their morphol- gas stripping mechanisms such as ram-pressure stripping ogy from late to early type. Given the only place we have and/or strangulation may be the mechanism(s) responsible 10 found low mass passive spirals is within the rich cluster for ceasing star formation in low mass (M? < 1 × 10 M ) environment, we question whether the quenching mecha- passive spiral galaxies. nism that preserves spiral morphology occurs exclusively in galaxy clusters. Alternatively, gas stripping in rich clusters 4.2 Higher Mass Passive Spirals may occur so quickly that we observe passive spirals be- fore their morphology is transformed. Ram-pressure strip- If prior literature on red spiral galaxies are a guide, it is 10 ping has been shown in simulations to act on timescales as unlikely higher mass (M? > 1 × 10 M ) passive spiral short as ∼2 Gyr (Fillingham et al. 2015), for low mass galax- galaxies will occupy specific environments or display unique ies, and could certainly explain our results. Either way, we morphologies. Previous samples of red spiral galaxies de- speculate that the only way a spiral can avoid the violent fined by optical colour selection criteria place red spirals group processes that transform its morphology is by instead in denser regions on average than their more star forming entering a cluster. Cluster-specific processes such as ram- counterparts (e.g. Bamford et al. 2009; Masters et al. 2010), pressure stripping or strangulation can then act to strip gas and are more likely to be satellites (Skibba et al. 2009), but gently and quench the galaxy whilst preserving its morphol- with considerable spread among these trends. Optically red ogy. spirals have been found at all environmental densities, and indeed we see a range of environments listed in Table1. We note here that a significant portion of our nearby To quantify this, we match the passive spiral and com- galaxies are located within the Virgo cluster. All of our low parison sample to the groups catalogue of Tully(2015), mass passive spirals and 5/20 of their comparison sample which is an all-sky groups catalogue using the 2MASS Red- counterparts are located within Virgo. We also note that we shift Survey as an input catalogue. While the fraction of have a small sample size. We therefore determine that the passive spiral galaxies in groups (defined as two or more chance that five galaxies are randomly located in Virgo given members) is high at 74 ± 15%, it is comparable to the con- that 25% of low mass comparison galaxies are within Virgo trol sample of spiral galaxies with 61 ± 7%. The fraction to be 0.1% by the binomial theorem. From this we determine of brightest group galaxies (BGGs) and fraction of galaxies

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Table 1. Passive spiral galaxies in our sample and their properties. A horizontal line separates the five galaxies in the low mass subsample discussed in Section 4.1 from the higher mass passive spiral galaxies in Section 4.2.

1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 Name RA Dec z D Stellar Mass T-type Ngroup Galaxy Bar? Ansa Bar? (J2000) (J2000) (Mpc) (M ) Environment NGC 4440 186.9732 12.2932 0.0024 25.69 3.89×109 1 197 Satellite yes yes NGC 4277 185.0154 5.3414 0.0083 27.60 5.36×109 1 39 Satellite yes no NGC 4880 195.0439 12.4833 0.0051 25.55 6.85×109 1 1 Isolated7 no – NGC 4305 185.5150 12.7408 0.0064 26.59 8.84×109 1 197 Satellite no – NGC 4264 184.8991 5.8468 0.0084 27.61 9.28×109 1 39 Satellite yes yes NGC 4260 184.8427 6.0988 0.0060 38.58∗ 1.97×1010 1 39 Satellite yes no NGC 2692 134.2418 52.0660 0.0126 30.03∗ 2.12×1010 1 3 BGG yes yes NGC 0357 15.8412 -6.3392 0.0078 27.22 2.13×1010 1 1 Isolated yes yes NGC 7743 356.0881 9.9341 0.0055 20.70∗ 2.27×1010 1 2 BGG yes no NGC 2648 130.6658 14.2855 0.0069 34.01∗ 2.45×1010 1 1 Isolated8 no – NGC 656 25.6135 26.1431 0.0131 48.77 2.51×1010 1 1 Isolated yes yes NGC 4608 190.3053 10.1558 0.0062 20.18∗ 2.95×1010 1 197 Satellite yes yes UGC 12800 357.5797 10.7574 0.0180 68.52 3.05×1010 1 1 Isolated yes yes NGC 4643 190.8339 1.9784 0.0044 26.44 3.22×1010 1 1 Isolated yes yes NGC 7563 348.9831 13.1962 0.0144 58.76∗ 3.28×1010 1 7 BGG yes yes NGC 2878 141.4477 2.0896 0.0243 117.63 3.30×1010 2 2 BGG yes no NGC 109 6.5610 21.8074 0.0182 60.16∗ 3.34×1010 1 18 Satellite yes yes UGC 01271 27.2502 13.2112 0.0170 65.76 3.46×1010 1 10 Satellite yes yes NGC 538 21.3585 -1.5506 0.0182 66.26∗ 3.59×1010 2 43 Satellite yes no NGC 345 15.3421 -6.8843 0.0174 67.93 4.07×1010 1 9 Satellite no – NGC 4596 189.9831 10.1761 0.0062 26.38 4.19×1010 1 197 Satellite yes yes PGC 047732 203.3438 54.9491 0.0250 114.77 4.30×1010 2 1 Isolated yes no UGC 8484 202.4019 32.4007 0.0247 117.32 4.47×1010 3 7 Satellite yes yes NGC 0015 2.2603 21.6245 0.0209 122.30∗ 4.50×1010 1 1 Isolated yes no PGC 070141 344.5540 25.2209 0.0251 99.78 4.81×1010 1 9 Satellite yes yes UGC 06163 166.7132 23.01627 0.0214 104.45 4.94×1010 1 4 BGG no – NGC 3943 178.2358 20.4791 0.0220 107.65 4.95×1010 2 18 Satellite yes yes PGC 67858 330.4222 -2.0983 0.0269 109.82 5.07×1010 3 7 Satellite no – NGC 7383 342.3986 11.5564 0.0270 108.39 5.14×1010 1 10 Satellite yes no NGC 7389 342.5670 11.5662 0.0264 105.51 5.70×1010 3 10 Satellite yes yes PGC 029301 151.4473 14.3387 0.0312 148.71 6.27×1010 5 6 Satellite yes yes UGC 12897 0.1581 28.3845 0.0290 126.28∗ 7.64×1010 2 6 Satellite no – NGC 550 21.6773 2.0224 0.0194 92.57∗ 7.75×1010 1 8 Satellite no – NGC 2618 128.9731 0.7072 0.0134 61.05∗ 8.17×1010 2 1 Isolated no – NGC 3527 166.8258 28.5278 0.0333 107.39∗ 8.52×1010 1 27 Satellite yes yes 1 From Bonne et al.(2015) 2 * denotes redshift independent distances from NED, collated by Bonne et al.(2015), otherwise these are flow-corrected distances, calculated by Bonne et al.(2015). 3 From NASA Sloan Atlas. 4 Compiled by Bonne et al.(2015), most of which are from Paturel et al.(2003). 5 Group information from Tully(2015). 6 From visual inspection by the authors. 7 Whilst listed as isolated by Tully(2015), we expect this galaxy to be within the Virgo cluster (e.g. de Vaucouleurs 1961; Eastmond & Abell 1978). 8 Whilst listed as isolated by Tully(2015), this galaxy has a close companion confirmed by SDSS imaging and spectroscopy.

Table 2. The environments of both the passive spiral and mass, z, and T-type-matched comparison samples as matched to the Tully (2015) catalogue. There is no significant difference in group fraction between the passive spiral and comparison samples.

% in groups of N ≥ 2 % BGGs % in clusters of N ≥ 10 % Isolated Passive Spiral Sample 74 ± 15% (26/35) 14 ± 6%(5/35) 20 ± 8% (7/35) 26 ± 9% (9/35) Comparison Sample 61 ± 7% (85/140) 20 ± 4% (28/140) 19 ± 4% (26/140) 39 ± 5% (55/140)

Table 3. Bar fractions in the passive spiral sample and the mass, z, and T-type-matched comparison sample. The bar fraction and ansa bar fraction of the passive spiral sample are much higher than those of the comparison sample, suggesting bars are involved in the quenching of passive spirals.

Bar Fraction Ansa Bar Fraction Passive Spiral Sample 74 ± 15% (26/35) 69 ± 16% (18/26) Control Sample 36 ± 5% (51/140) 29 ± 8% (15/51) located in clusters (ten or more members) are comparable ing mechanisms, and examine the internal structure of the for both the passive spiral and comparison sample galaxies, galaxies in our sample. though passive spirals are slightly less likely to be isolated (26 ± 9% compared to 39 ± 5% for the comparison sample). The environment fractions are listed in Table2, and the pas- 4.2.1 Passive Spiral Bar Fractions sive spiral and comparison sample group properties listed in Tables1 andA respectively. Given the lack of environmen- Bars are an important component of disk galaxies, thought tal trends seen in the passive spiral sample when compared to have the ability to transfer angular momentum and gas to the comparison sample, we turn instead to other quench- from the disk to the central regions of a galaxy (e.g. Combes & Sanders 1981; Weinberg 1985; Masters et al. 2011). The Masters et al.(2010) red spiral sample had a bar fraction

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Figure 3. SDSS cutout gri images of the five low mass passive spiral galaxies (left) and their four galaxies from the comparison sample closest in both z and stellar mass with the same T-type in the right four columns. The five passive spirals are all located in Virgo, whilst the comparison galaxies with varying amounts of star formation are located across a range of environments.

∼ 40% higher than a similar sample of blue (or more obvi- bars within a galaxy are easily visible. The subtlety of these ously star forming) spirals. They suggest a correlation be- objects may have made them more difficult to see in older tween bar instabilities and the quenching of star formation photographic plate images. in optically red spirals. Motivated by this result, we check We find a significantly higher bar fraction in the pas- the bar fraction of both our passive spiral sample, and to sive spiral sample of 74 ± 15%, compared to the comparison mitigate any selection issues in bar identification, the mass, sample with 36 ± 5%, shown in Table3, where errors are bi- z, and T-type-matched control sample. nomial. Local Universe bar fractions have been stated to be We visually examine the SDSS colour images of each anywhere from 20 − 30% (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991; Mas- galaxy to determine bar fraction, including both large and ters et al. 2011), up to ∼ 50% (Barazza et al. 2008; Aguerri small bars. We note that due to the quality of the SDSS et al. 2009). Our result is in line with the red spiral bar images coupled with the low redshift of the sample, small fraction of 67 ± 5% for the Masters et al.(2010) sample.

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Low mass passive spirals 80 Higher mass passive spirals Low Mass Comparison Sample Higher Mass Comparison Sample Underlying galaxy distribution 60


Dec (deg) 20



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 RA (deg)

Figure 4. The position of passive spirals and comparison sample galaxies in the sky, with the underlying galaxy distribution for z < 0.01 from the NASA Sloan Atlas to accentuate local superstructure. Low mass passive spirals are marked as gold stars, while higher mass passive spirals are red stars. The overdensity of the Virgo cluster is clearly seen in the underlying galaxy distribution, and all low mass passive spirals lie in this region.

Ansa bars are bars that terminate with two distinct 6163), satellite galaxies (PGC 070141) and isolated galaxies enhancements of light at either end of the bar (or a ‘han- (NGC 2618). dle’, e.g. Martinez-Valpuesta et al. 2008), a good example of which is shown by NGC 4440 in Figure3. The origin of ansae is unknown, but it is thought to be related to the growth of galactic bars, with ansae appearing in simulations The one unbarred, truly isolated galaxy in our passive 10 only after a few Gyr of evolution (e.g. Martinez-Valpuesta spiral sample, NGC 2618, has a stellar mass of 8.2×10 M . 13 et al. 2006). Ansa bars are prevalent in Sa spirals, but almost This implies a halo mass of ∼ 10 M (Hopkins et al. 2014), non-existent in later types (Martinez-Valpuesta et al. 2007). at which star formation is largely truncated and consistent Interestingly, the ansa bar fraction of the passive spiral sam- with virial shock heating (e.g. Dekel & Birnboim 2006; Dol- ple is much higher than the comparison sample (69 ± 16% ley et al. 2014). While by definition we can invoke mass of all barred spirals in the sample, compared to 29 ± 8%), quenching to explain the most massive passive spiral galax- despite being matched in T-type. Bars (and ansa bars in par- ies, it provides few, if any, insights into the underlying as- ticular) are far more common in passive spiral galaxies than trophysics. Furthermore, all of our massive passive spiral comparable star forming spiral galaxies. However, whether galaxies are matched to star forming control galaxies with these bars are responsible for, or a effect of, quenching is comparable stellar masses, so mass quenching is not deter- unclear. ministic (at least for our mass range).

Combining mass quenching with another mechanism is 4.2.2 Other Quenching Mechanisms not particularly satisfying either, given passive spiral galax- 10 10 From the previous sections, one could paint a picture of ies with masses in the 1×10 −8.5×10 M range include quenching being a consequence of bars and environment in galaxies with and without bars, isolated galaxies, and group combination, perhaps with unbarred galaxies being satellites members. Only passive spiral galaxies with masses below 10 while barred galaxies are brightest group galaxies and iso- 1 × 10 M , which all reside in Virgo, show evidence of all lated galaxies. This is inconsistent with the data however, as being quenched by the same cluster-specific mechanism. For passive spiral galaxies without bars and with stellar masses now, we conclude that the mechanism(s) that quench the 10 of ∼ 5 × 10 M can be brightest group galaxies (UGC most massive passive spiral galaxies remain a puzzle.

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7 5 STELLAR AGE AND METALLICITY Higher Mass passive spirals with bars Higher mass passive spirals without bars DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LOW AND HIGH 6 Low mass passive spirals with bars Low mass passive spirals without bars MASS PASSIVE SPIRALS Brown et al., (2014) SED sample

5 Given that low mass passive spiral galaxies appear to be quenched by cluster-scale environmental processes and higher mass through a combination of mechanisms, we inves- 4 tigate whether evidence of the quenching mechanism shows up in a galaxy’s stellar population. We examine both the 3 integrated colours and the central stellar age and metallic- 0 Observed NUV-r (AB)NUV-r Observed ity derived from Hβ and [MgFe] Lick indices of the passive 2 spiral sample. Figure5 is an optical and UV colour-colour diagram, 1 with passive spiral photometry remeasured using matched- aperture photometry of archival NASA Sloan Atlas images. 0 − We ensure that any foreground features are masked in this -r (AB) process. The SED sample of Brown et al.(2014) with reli- able multi-band photometry is also shown to illustrate the Figure 5. Optical/NUV colour colour diagram of the passive spi- general shape of the galaxy distribution in this colour space. ral sample in order to determine whether we can see evidence of particular quenching mechanisms showing up in their stellar pop- High mass barred and unbarred passive spirals are system- ulations. Photometry for the passive spirals is taken from matched atically redder in g − r colour than their low mass coun- aperture photometry of NASA Sloan Atlas images, and the un- terparts. Given the well-known age-metallicity degeneracy derlying galaxy population from Brown et al.(2014). The low (e.g. Tremonti et al. 2004), this suggests either a younger mass passive spirals are mostly bluer in g − r colour than the or more metal poor stellar population in low mass passive higher mass sample, indicating either younger stellar populations, spiral galaxies. or lower metallicity (or both). In an attempt to separate out the effects of stellar age and metallicity, we also present an index-index diagram of both the passive spiral sample and the comparison sam- 0.079 Gyr Higher mass passive spirals ple in Figure6.H β and [MgFe]0 are Lick indices sourced 7 Low mass passive spirals Higher mass comparison spiral sample from the SDSS-II MPA-JHU Galspec catalogue (Kauffmann Lower mass comparison spiral sample et al. 2003; Brinchmann et al. 2004; Tremonti et al. 2004) 6 for both the passive spiral sample and the mass, z, and T- type-matched comparison sample, which provides emission line-subtracted line index measurements using the Lick IDS 5 Age

) system for a large portion of the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic Å (

sample. Here we define

H 4 [MgFe]0 = pMgb (0.72 × Fe5270 + 0.28 × Fe5335), 3 1.12 Gyr as in Gonz´alez(1993) and Thomas et al.(2003). We use these particular indices as Hβ is a good indicator of re- 2 -1.31 10.0 Gyr cent star formation, and [MgFe]0 of metallicity. We note [M/H] -0.40 0.00 that these indices will be measured for the nuclear regions 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 only, as they are derived from fibre spectra. To convert the [MgFe]′ (Å) index measurements to estimates of stellar age and metal- licity, on Figure6 we overlay the single stellar population Figure 6. Spectroscopic index-index diagram for passive spiral model predictions of Vazdekis et al.(2010) using Padova galaxies and the mass, z, and T-type matched comparison sample 2000 isochrones and a Chabrier(2003) initial mass function. using the Lick indices Hβ and [MgFe]0 measured with SDSS-II 300 We see that all but one of the high mass passive spiral galax- fibre spectroscopy of galaxy nuclei. The single stellar population ies with measurements in the Galspec catalogue are clus- model predictions of Vazdekis et al.(2010) are plotted as black tered around a similarly old stellar age and approximately lines for comparison. Of the passive spirals that have SDSS Lick Solar metallicity. This is distinct from the mass-matched index measurements, all but one of the higher mass galaxies have comparison galaxies, whose bulges span a range of stellar similar metallicities and ages, while lower mass galaxies have a broad spread of ages and metallicities. The lower mass passive ages and metallicities. These galaxies are perhaps similar to spirals have on average, younger stellar populations than the high comparably massive early type galaxies. mass passive spirals. Given the lower mass passive spirals are In contrast, the four low mass passive spirals are spread located in a rich cluster, we may speculate that they have fallen across a range of metallicities and stellar ages. The low mass into the cluster relatively recently. passive spirals have younger stellar ages than all but one of the higher mass galaxies, and while one is more metal poor than the higher mass spirals, the other three are more metal rich. From their comparatively young stellar ages, we postulate that the low mass passive spirals have fallen into Virgo and quenched relatively recently, within the past ∼1-

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Passive Spiral Galaxies 9

2 Gyr. The low mass comparison sample are also spread the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field Spectrograph throughout stellar age and metallicity space. galaxy survey (SAMI; Croom et al. 2012) will provide in- The tight clustering of the higher mass passive spirals sight into the star formation and quenching history of low around a common age and metallicity is perhaps surprising, and high mass passive spiral galaxies, in turn, confirming given their lack of coherent quenching model. We suspect the the relevant quenching mechanisms and timescales. similarly old bulge stellar ages and rich metallicities mean these galaxies quenched a long time ago, and any signature of quenching is no longer visible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the anonymous referee for their insight- ful comments that improved the quality of this manuscript. 6 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS AFM acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgrad- uate Award and a Monash Graduate Education Postgradu- We investigate what quenched star formation in passive spi- ate Publications Award. Funding for the SDSS III has been ral galaxies, using a sample of 35 z < 0.033 passive spiral provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. De- galaxies and a comparison sample matched in mass, z, and partment of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating T-Type. Institutions. This publication makes use of data products All five low mass (M < 1 × 1010 M ) passive spiral ? from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a galaxies in our sample are members of the Virgo cluster, and joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, thus environment driven quenching is the most likely expla- and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of nation for these galaxies. A large spread in both [MgFe]0 Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space and Hβ Lick indices implies a range of central metallicities Administration. This publication makes use of data prod- and stellar ages, though the oldest of the low mass passive ucts from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is spirals is younger than all but one of the high mass pas- a joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, sive spiral sample. Given the implied ages and metallicities and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of from the Vazdekis et al.(2010) models and the similar en- Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space vironments of the low mass passive spiral sample, we sus- Administration. This publication makes use of data prod- pect these galaxies have fallen into the Virgo cluster and ucts from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint quenched more recently than their higher mass passive spiral project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared counterparts. Ram-pressure stripping and/or strangulation Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Tech- may be the relevant quenching mechanisms. nology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- The bar fraction of passive spiral galaxies is high: ministration and the National Science Foundation. 74 ± 15%, compared to 36 ± 5% for a mass, z, and T-type- matched comparison sample of spirals. The bars of passive spiral galaxies feature ansae 69±16% of the time, much more frequently than the comparison sample at 29±8%. From this APPENDIX A: PASSIVE SPIRAL we conclude that bars or the mechanism(s) responsible for COMPARISON SAMPLE PROPERTIES AND creating them may also be quenching star formation in pas- HIGHER MASS SAMPLE IMAGES sive spirals. This is consistent with a bar quenching scenario, where gas is funnelled via a bar to the central regions of the galaxy, promoting pseudobulge growth, and inducing a star- burst, followed by eventual quenching (e.g. Friedli & Benz 1995; Knapen et al. 2002; Jogee et al. 2005). Higher mass passive spiral galaxies are amongst the old- est and most metal rich spiral galaxies. While many high mass passive galaxies have bars and all low mass passive spiral galaxies are Virgo satellite galaxies, a simple combi- nation of bars and environment driven quenching does not explain passive spiral galaxies. Passive spiral galaxies with- out bars can be brightest group galaxies (e.g. UGC 6163), satellite galaxies (e.g. NGC 345), be interacting (e.g. NGC 2648) or isolated galaxies (e.g. NGC 2618). We thus conclude no one mechanism is responsible for quenching all passive spiral galaxies in our sample. Bars (and ansa bars) seem heavily involved for many galaxies, and environment driven quenching (perhaps ram-pressure stripping or harassment) best explains the lowest mass passive spiral galaxies. While future studies with larger sample sizes will be able to address this question in a more statistical way, large- scale galaxy integral field spectroscopic surveys may also be employed to determine stellar populations and metal- licities across an entire galaxy. Surveys such as Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA; Bundy et al. 2015) and

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Figure A1. SDSS cutout gri images of the thirty galaxies in the higher mass passive spiral sample.

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Passive Spiral Galaxies 11 6 Ansa 6 Bar? 5 Galaxy 5 group N 4 1111 11 9 197 1 satellite satellite satellite yes isolated no no no no – – – 1 7111 satellite 1 3 65 no isolated BGG satellite yes – no no no – – 11 2 1 BGG isolated yes yes no no 11 15 11 satellite satellite no no – – 111 1 197 1 isolated satellite isolated yes no yes no – no 1 5 satellite no – 111 1 8 1 isolated satellite isolated no no no – – – 1 197 satellite yes no 1 1 isolated no – 1111 1971 11 21 satellite 11 31 isolated 51 11 no BGG isolated 31 satellite 71 no satellite 21 isolated 2 yes no1 satellite 2 no1 satellite 15 no1 – 11 no BGG 1 no1 BGG – yes 11 BGG satellite no 11 – isolated yes 21 – isolated yes 11 – no 10 isolated no – isolated 1 yes – Satellite no 3 yes isolated 2 yes satellite no yes yes isolated no satellite – yes – no no BGG no no no no yes no – yes – – – – T-type 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 ) Environment Bar? 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × Mass 2 D 1 , and T-type from the sample of Bonne et). al. ( 2015 The horizontal line separates the five low mass passive spiral z PGC 38885PGC 40306 183.0492PGC 56334 186.0065 13.2464 12.2050 0.0062 238.5581 0.0063 57.27* 14.6012 29.33* 0.0073 3.28 5.02 19.99* 7.56 PGC 30059 154.4107 21.6882PGC 0.0060 55480PGC 35711 27.54* 233.6350 8.23 173.4556 15.1938 53.1255 0.0082 0.0047 22.77* 22.69* 8.30 8.27 PGC 30445 155.8775 19.8650 0.0052 23.57* 1.46 PGC 72128PGC 29009 355.3712 3.7400 150.3580 0.0078 15.7700 0.0106 33.59 35.50* 7.86 8.36 PGC 40705PGC 26979 186.6344 142.5707 12.6108 29.5400 0.0059 0.0077 22.47* 33.20 7.10 2.93 PGC 24829 132.5492 35.0764 0.0095 43.35* 4.92 PGC 5679PGC 42174 22.9035 189.4517 -6.8937 5.3684 0.0050 0.0061 21.23 17.50* 3.80 4.93 PGC 40396 186.1508 39.3830 0.0045 19.14 3.86 PGC 41383 187.7489 8.0779 0.0062 26.62 1.56 PGC 38031PGC 36158 180.6761PGC 70348 174.9271 1.9768PGC 34883 31.9094PGC 72639 345.8153 0.0010 0.0114 170.5614 8.8737PGC 28.43* 36907 357.8615 46.73* 20.2085PGC 33371 1.98 0.0142 20.5862PGC 1.96 0.0173 54110 177.2668 49.72* 0.0158 165.7967 59.4327 74.64PGC 39724 227.3815 2.01 46.93* 27.9725PGC 0.0121 6993 2.11 54.5064PGC 2.14 0.0075 3563 184.9611 52.13 0.0122 17.87* 29.6147 28.3054PGC 49604 2.17 65.03* 14.9171PGC 1.84 0.0036 28631 4.1958PGC 2.04 70118 209.2333 20.67* 15.3310 148.8900 0.0045 29.1643PGC 1.56 0.0164 37497 344.5018 16.4328PGC 19.13 0.0101 23855 71.59* 6.0698PGC 0.0152 55993 179.0299 42.86* 1.49 2.22 127.5105 56.68* 0.0141 55.3907 2.59 236.5682 21.4885 2.42 0.0208 60.98 2.4155 0.0172 90.32 2.49 58.57* 0.0140 2.60 2.36 39.97* 2.84 , and T-type-matched comparison sample of all spiral galaxies and their properties. The left most column denotes the passive spiral galaxy, followed z NGC 4264 PGC 26501 140.4501 40.1512 0.0068 43.75* 5.50 NGC 4305 PGC 43798 193.3716 2.1683 0.0061 43.57* 9.67 NGC 4880 PGC 40988 187.0643 28.6203 0.0027 11.73 6.33 NGC 4277 PGC 32287 162.0507 28.6018 0.0079 33.90 5.86 PassiveNGC 4440 Comparison PGC 41376 RA 187.7381 Dec 11.4836 0.0060 z 25.63 7.12 NGC 4260 PGC 43254 192.0955 8.4872 0.0060 28.24* 1.95 Spiral Galaxy (J2000) (J2000) (Mpc) (M NGC 2692 PGC 49431NGC 357 208.6214 54.3307 PGC 29855 0.0167NGC 7743 153.5629 72.25 PGC 35440 3.4661 2.12 NGC 2648 0.0041 172.5311 14.62* 9.2766 PGC 70098 2.21 0.0038NGC 656 344.3314 19.79* -1.0490 PGC 1.59 6982 0.0086 36.77 28.2487 2.63 12.7085 0.0135 57.97* 2.33 Table A1: The mass, by its four comparisons matched most closely in mass, galaxies and their comparison galaxies from their higher-mass counterparts.

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) 12 A. Fraser-McKelvie et al. 1 3 BGG no – 1111 11 11 11 11 isolated 11 isolated 31 isolated 11 isolated 11 no isolated 21 no 1361 no BGG isolated 41 no isolated 1 yes2 satellite satellite 32 9 yes no2 – 1 yes2 BGG – 30 isolated yes1 yes – 301 BGG – satellite no 41 isolated yes 11 no satellite yes 71 satellite – yes yes 1 no1 10 no yes yes1 BGG no isolated 41 no satellite 212 isolated no 12 satellite – 4 yes no2 satellite yes yes 12 satellite – yes 2 yes1 yes isolated – 41 satellite – 1 no1 yes isolated 31 satellite yes 1 yes1 – satellite no 1 no1 isolated no 11 no no 2 no1 BGG isolated yes 82 – no 39 isolated2 no isolated yes 12 2 yes no2 BGG – satellite 2 yes3 satellite – 53 no – isolated no 13 1 no no3 BGG – no 11 BGG satellite yes 1 yes1 – isolated no 1 isolated 1 no – isolated 3 no no isolated 5 no – – isolated – no isolated yes no satellite no no BGG – no – – no – – yes – – – – – no 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × PGC 26008 138.3983 12.4408 0.0185 82.43* 2.86 PGC 31701PGC 32472 159.8827PGC 22962 162.5900 5.1075PGC 35594 41.4640PGC 27926 122.8462 0.0301 0.0258 173.0900 3.6331PGC 131.54 45757 146.2379 112.22 0.8040PGC 45542 2.84 0.0153 16.7074PGC 3.14 69449 197.7571 0.0230 0.0226 66.11 197.1137 29.5783PGC 99.85 70455 340.0711 28.3206 97.96 2.95 PGC 0.0265 49598 3.04 8.0537PGC 0.0242 7322 346.4512 113.35* 3.07 209.2126 3.68 104.97 0.0229 3.5451PGC 38338 29.2408 37.797PGC 2.68 99.59 26606 0.0145PGC 26665 181.4588 0.0120 -5.4029 2.62 39.77* 140.8979 20.4770PGC 0.0149 51.59 25225 141.1621 3.47 24.7616PGC 0.0252 6633 56.1296 64.19 2.30 PGC 0.0275 70819 134.7103 109.54 0.0264 109.38* 3.45 27.1378 6.2931PGC 3.29 50986 348.7644 4.25 114.88PGC 24230 0.0153 12.6138 18.9734PGC 2.45 46633 214.0995 0.0165 0.0151 65.80 129.3608 39.5023PGC 38634 200.3463 71.28 40.0355 64.94 3.41 PGC 0.0212 33040 0.3426PGC 0.0253 24152 3.52 182.3871 3.26 92.02 164.6870 109.84 0.0212 17.0142PGC 47180 128.9521 3.67 59.5107PGC 3.63 63.84* 0.0251 23441 1.7217PGC 0.0230 698 201.9456 3.17 109.08 125.3526 101.42* 0.0161 17.7789PGC 3.57 40490 3.56 19.1477PGC 53.20* 0.0245 42743 2.4725PGC 0.0284 3486 186.3254 2.91 106.49 190.7249 126.28* 25.9238 4.9251PGC 4.07 71258 4.07 20.9897 0.0132 14.5992PGC 51439 0.0064PGC 0.0244 28984 55.18* 350.6911 -8.4078 21.73* 216.0316 115.34* 3.93 29.1379PGC 0.0128 38441 150.2631 3.75 4.22 34.8589PGC 0.0172 53817 36.6186 55.19PGC 0.0148 51283 181.7644 89.79* 0.0240 226.1691 4.46 18.5317 63.81PGC 4.26 55243 215.3047 104.24 12.6335 0.0268 4.36 29.9936 3.93 0.0307 232.4375 107.39* 0.0325 114.35* 4.00 42.9187 123.30* 4.51 0.0194 4.43 59.56* 4.59 NGC 4608 PGC 43451 192.6109 25.5008 0.0047 20.99* 3.00 UGC 12800 PGC 29631NGC 152.6664 4643 20.0702 PGC 43074 0.0154NGC 7563 60.16* 191.5646 3.04 8.3484 PGC 49563 0.0243NGC 2878 209.0694 100.43* 47.2356 PGC 3.73 38288 0.0075NGC 109 181.3663 26.05* 20.3088 3.28 PGC 52261 0.0271UGC 1271 117.99 219.3423 PGC 3.29 36.5678 23630 0.0159NGC 538 126.3003 50.71* 20.3348 PGC 3.38 44557 0.0168NGC 345 70.20* 194.7871 2.80 37.3103 PGC 4906 0.0177NGC 4596 76.48 20.3193 PGC 23993 3.60 -0.5445PGC 047732 128.3242 0.0157 PGC 42137 41.2595 67.85 0.0243 189.3377UGC 5.07 8484 105.57 28.2081 PGC 4.18 38271 0.0281 124.29*NGC 15 181.3114 4.21 38.2355 PGC 366 0.0257 111.76 4.47 1.3079 6.7720 0.0189 94.16* 4.21

MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Passive Spiral Galaxies 13 1111 51 11 611 11 satellite 21 isolated 11 satellite 1362 isolated 6 no2 12 no BGG no isolated satellite 42 4 yes3 136 satellite3 isolated 7 yes no3 yes satellite 13 – satellite satellite 5 no1 – – 9 yes1 satellite no 1 no1 isolated yes 11 no yes 4 no 3 BGG – satellite yes 23 16 isolated3 no – isolated yes 33 2 no no5 BGG – no 15 no BGG satellite – 9 yes5 satellite 18 no 5 yes 22 BGG – no isolated yes 12 satellite 4 no2 satellite – – 12 – no 1 no1 no BGG isolated yes 11 yes no 41 BGG isolated no – 31 43 isolated no2 no – isolated 72 satellite 3 no2 no – – 16 no 2 no BGG satellite no 31 no 197 satellite no1 satellite 11 satellite – – yes 1 no1 17 Satellite yes BGG – – 10 yes – no isolated 2 – isolated 9 no satellite – no satellite no no – no yes BGG no satellite yes yes – – no no – – no – no – – 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × PGC 28452PGC 69780 148.1235PGC 33012 2.1544PGC 40768 342.2421 164.6050 0.0197 7.2190PGC 50042 186.7311 24.2264PGC 63.54* 40783 0.0226 37.9089PGC 0.0241 47953 210.7543 4.30 0.0247 98.01 186.7478 107.39* 34.7579PGC 45358 203.9511 4.77 107.19 22.6395 4.87 PGC 0.0145 55601 2.9989PGC 4.70 0.0254 50750 196.5720 63.04* 234.1757 110.75 0.0243 29.0631PGC 4.95 70877 213.1589 43.5394PGC 4.97 105.44 0.0260 7259 39.3102PGC 0.0198 51108 349.0029 110.37* 5.10 0.0271 5.18 25.5567 85.74 29.0908PGC 40192 214.6165 117.96PGC 0.0251 47961 4.88 -4.4676 12.8830PGC 5.25 31572 185.7985 109.19 0.0161 0.0271 203.9583 6.0722PGC 4.72 31729 159.4078 119.32* 64.43* 34.9988PGC 70250 4.98 0.0267 37.4557PGC 5.05 0.0270 37264 159.9914 116.05 0.0251 345.2045 117.57 24.0913PGC 26059 178.3347 5.20 109.19 26.7409PGC 5.08 0.0236 43504 20.7516PGC 5.96 0.0244 32078 138.6555 90.48* 0.0234 192.7480 92.37* 8.1172PGC 5.66 69172 161.2155 102.41* 47.6715PGC 5.99 51167 5.77 0.0335 6.5969PGC 0.0313 49280 338.5282 146.35 214.8191 105.40* 0.0307 5.5703PGC 47131 208.1112 6.89 6.13 26.2986PGC 90.68* 25875 0.0132 14.4909PGC 0.0390 2279 201.8202 6.52 51.52* 0.0433 137.6652 171.31 32.0307PGC 41024 7.13 190.92 50.3798PGC 6.80 0.0265 9.5516 53508PGC 6.99 0.0184 916 187.1235 154.12* 2.7286 224.6501 7.82 17.0850 79.39PGC 55817 44.8836 0.0156PGC 0.0061 52171 6.78 3.4491PGC 0.0374 36348 90.98* 235.4758 20.45* 218.9405 -4.4751 164.15 8.42 28.1341 8.43 175.5989 24.7258 8.45 0.0346 0.0347 10.2641 0.0381 125.28* 151.44 0.0246 8.77 167.05 7.80 143.18* 8.96 8.40 PGC 49244 208.0347 14.1163 0.0253 91.88* 4.53 From Bonne et al. ( 2015 ) * denotes redshift independentFrom distances NASA from Sloan NED, Atlas collatedCompiled by by BonneBonne et et), al. ( 2015 al. ( 2015 ), otherwise most these of are which are flow-corrected distances, from calculatedPaturel et by Bonne). al. ( 2003 et al. ( 2015 ). 1 2 3 4 PGC 070141 PGC 36436 175.8523UGC 6163 19.7498 PGC 44144 0.0231NGC 100.09 3943 194.1160 5.07 26.9875 PGC 33126 0.0240PGC 067858 164.9711 104.27 PGC 27666 50.0153 5.16 0.0276 145.3192NGC 7383 120.22 35.8822 PGC 4.97 22445 0.0251 103.41*NGC 7389 120.0874 5.16 26.6135 PGC 38227 0.0284PGC 029301 181.1808 120.31* PGC 2331 5.15 31.1772 0.0274UGC 12897 9.7477 119.51 PGC 54861 5.70 -9.0027NGC 0.0185 230.5327 550 13.9282 80.01 PGC 5628 0.0320 6.27 NGC 2618 140.05 22.6696 7.52 PGC 354 -1.9944NGC 3527 0.0180 1.2760 PGC 77.93 32872 6.9201 6.99 164.0645 0.0184 9.7544 79.25* 0.0362 8.47 158.84 8.81

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