
Rambler Nudge Poston Chronicle Delano Smothers Apaches 9-- 8 Glendale All Star 15 - 4 In Thriller Jr. High Boys T. Yamaguchi Decathlon Connects for Mutineers Chucker Endo 4 - Bingles PAGE THREE SUNDAY, June 13, 1943 Completed Wins Own Qame o With Pitcher K. Arlta fanning Comes fourteen holding the from Eighty-seve- n boys of the sev- batters and The rambling Rambler "C's" put enth and eighth grades participat- opposition to four hits the Delano Poston I Junior High team easily subdued the visitors Behind to on a last Inning rally to edge ed In a mass decathlon contest out the pennant favored Apaches conducted recently by the Physical from Glendale 15-- 4 in a hardball game Win 11 - 8 9 to 8 in a practice affair. Girls Decathlon Meet Education Dept. of the Poston I on June 30. Although pitcher R. Endo of the elementary school during the P. E. Getting to pitcher A. Yamamoto 0 Ramblers was touched for a total for 15 hits, Delano scored five A rally In the sixth Inning periods of May, ith Roy Koike of eleven hits he scattered them In the third, four in the fourth, gave the pre-seas- favorites, the very effectively Results Compiled supervising. to force the three in the second and three in Mutineers an 11-- 8 win over the 308 Apaches to leave ten runners Yoshl Morinlshl, eighth grade o the seventh a of 15 The ran-o- ff for total Globetrotters Tuesday evening on stranded. Ramblers got a the High Girls Decathlon: student of Classroom 39 total of nine hits off com Following are the results of Jr. runs. the 330 diamond in the PC3AA the Blk. Tot. with the honors in the majority of bined deceiving of K. Sakeml and events, Glendale scored three In the softball elimination 1. Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade 26 684 the garnering a total of tournament i. iNaxanara. 860 2. Klyoml Noguchl 7th Grade 22 645 points out of a possible 1000. sixth and one in the seventh for opener. The Ramblers pushed across Jun- 3. Setsuko Kobata 7th Grade 39 607 Second place honors went to a total of 4 runs. Fujlmoto, starting on the mound three runs In the Takenaga, third off of 4. May Hokama 8th Grade 39 563 ior a seventh grade Box score: for the winners alllowed 7 runs to Nakahara when Endo walked, 39 555 student of Classroom 26. 5. Jayne Fujlmoto 7th Grade Delano cross the plate in the moved to second on T. Kobata's 39 546 second 6. Helen Chljkahlsa 7th Grade The results of the contest were: AB R H stanza on four walks and a error of J. Otsu's line drive and 26 544 trio 7. Elaine Momlta 7th Grade EVENT WINNERS R. ss 5 2 2 of safeties by the Pukumura bros. scored as K. Kawaratanl singled 22 530 Fukumura, 8. Tomoko Ikuma 7th Grade Running Broad Jump M. cf 5 3 2 and G. Miyamoto. The Globetrot- to left. Otsu scored on Nlshl 26 529 Takakl, 8. Peggy Nakamlne 8th Grade Points Ikemia, 1 0 1 ters added another tally in' mura's fly to right field. 39 525 J. cf the 10. Michlko Sakon 8th Grade 1st Morinishl, Yoshi 80 .4 3 4 third when T. Morlkawa got on The Apaches came back with T. Yamacruchi. 3b BASKETBALL FOR DISTANCE 2nd Yamashlro, Mas 75 S. Eddow, 3b 1 0 0 base on a safe bingle and scored two digits In the fourth when J. 1st May Hokama 8th Grade 39 74 3rd Uchlyama, Hiroshl 72 on Fujlmoto's long fly Into got life on two B. Yano, If 4 2 1 ceter Sakurai a base Klyoml Noguchl 7th Grade :..22 74 Basketball Throw (2 Minutes) 0 0 to go into an 8 run lead. error by K. Inouye, followed by Kukumura, If 1 3rd Irene Nakamura 8th Grade 26 73 Points .6 1 1 a single to by G. Tanlguchl. M. Miyamoto, c The Mutineers retaliated In the left BASKETBALL FOR GOAL 1st Morita, Isamu 78 1 Tanlguchl moved up to on K. Sato, 2b 2 1 fourth to drive home 3 runs on second 1st Shlzuko Tanaka 8th Grade ... 26 40 2nd Iketani, Hiroshl 75 3 1 a pass ball and scored on W. K. Yamaguchi, rf 2 that many straight hits by Honda, 2nd Nobuko Okuma 8th Grade 39 36 3rd Shigemasa, Fred 70 M. Oklno, 4 1 1 A. Hiroto's single to left. 26 36 lb Takeshlta, and P. Ozaki and a Sally Nlshloka 7th Grade Basketball Throw (Distance) G. Tatsun, 3b 1 0 1 long fly into center by Okamoto. J. Sakurai opened the first half Nanako Sakeml 7th Grade . 39 36 of Points K. Arlta, p 3 0 0 Again they scored 3 In the fifth with a single to right JUMP AND REACH 1st Morinlshl, Yoshi 95 tallies and on the following frame on 2 walks, scored Tanlguchl's double 1st Emlko Kamlya 7th Grade 39 100 2nd Iwamoto, Masami 86 a to left. Tanlguchl was TOTALS 40 15 15 couple of singles and aided by sev- out trying 2nd Kay Yamashlta 8th Grade 39 100 3rd Takenaga, Junior 80 to Into . Glendale All Stars eral errors to come to within 2 stretch it a Naka- 3rd Nanako Sakeml 7th Grade 39 95 Softball Throw (Distance) hara then came up poled a AB R H runs of the ball club. and BASEBALL ACCURACY 1st Morinlshl, Yoshl 114 T. Okabayashi, 2b 4 1 0 Then In Its big inning, sixth, homer Into left field for a four 1st Kay Nakamura 8th Grade 39 100 2nd Kawashlma, Keijl 97 the to three lead. A. Matswnoto, 3b 4 1 3 the host team started their Fusaye Yamada 7thr Grade 26 100 3rd Chlno, Jun 94 K. Ikeda, bb 4 1 0 rally with a walk by Aklyama The lead was short-live- d how- 3rd Kimiye Itano 8th Grade 26 97 High Jump J. Sakato, If 4 0 0 who was put out at second on S. ever, as the Ramblers came back BASEBALL FOR DIST. 1st Morinlshl, Yoshl 78 M. Chlno, lb 4 0 0 Takeshita's fielder's choice, and with a single tally In their half 1st Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade... 26 100 2nd Morita, Isamu 71 Tsuboi, cf ...4 0 1 then 3 additional consecutive pass- when f. Sugimoto got on through 2nd Helen Chikahlsa 7th Grade 39 88 3rd Yamashlro, Mas 68 J. Kubara, rf ...2 0 0 es to Honda, Takeshlta, and Ozaki. an error and scored when Endo Nanako Sakeml 7th Grade 39 88 Soccer Kick (Distance) F. Nakatsukasa, rf ....2 0 0 Okamoto got on on ah error and placed one Into centerfleld. SOCCER DRD3BLE 1st Morinishi, Yoshi 85 G. Nakasu, c 4 0 0 Shinmoto and Fujimoto walked to With the count tied at four all 1st Elaine Momlta 7th Grade 26 74 2nd Hiral, John 84 A. Yamamoto, p 3 1 0 bring In 5 unearned runs to give going into the seventh the 2nd Irene Nakamura 8th Grade 26 73 3rd Mlnato, William 73 them the ball game, 11-- 8. Apaches rallied for four runs, 3rd Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade - 26 70 PuU Up TOTALS ..35 Takeshlta, who got credit for Shlmamoto started it when pitcher SOCCER KICK 1st Nakama, Tom 117 the victory relieved Fujlmoto on Endo fumbled his grounder, fol- 1st Mary U. Kagitanl 7th Grade 22 86 2nd Kawashlma, Kelji ...... 113 Push Up the mound In the first of the third lowed by hits off of the bats of 2nd Mary Yamashlro 7th Grade 22 77 3rd Uchlyama, Hiroshl , 90 1st Chlno, Jun 103 stanza and allowed a Sakurai and Ohta with two walks 3rd Ruth Watanabe 7th Grade 26 72 Softball Throw (Accuracy) 2nd Morinlshl, Yoshl 98 but lone hit 92 and run the remainder of the and two long flyball sandwiched STANDING BR. JUMP Points 3rd Oki, Shlg game. in between. Is Kay Yamashita 8th Grade 39 94 1st Mlyagishlma, Kaz 86 Standing Broad Jump 85 As the Ramblers came up in the 2nd Tomoko Ikuma 7th Grade 22 88 2nd Ito, Ray ... 84 1st Morinlshl, Yoshl last half of the seventh. It looked 3rd Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade :. 26 87 3rd (tie) Morinishi, Yoshl ....83 2nd Uyeda, Sam 74 Gundar Haegg very dark as pitchers Sakeml and BASKETBALL SPECIAL EVENT Takenaga, Junior 83 3rd Asamen, Tatsuo 70 Ml rtaxanara had allowed only four 1st Klyoml Noguchl 7th Grade J. 22 ;eo FOLLOWING ABE THE TEN HIGHEST hits up to that point 2nd Tokuko Tanaka-t- h Grade hi. 26 67 NAME Points ade Classroom To Run 3rd Helen "Tamura 7th Grade 7ST. L..26 63 1. Morinishi, Yoshi 860 8 39 A.U.U The Inning mildly ..L'.'. started out Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade 26 53 2. Takenaga Junior 705 7 26 W o as drew Kawaratanl a walk. Then RUNNING BROAD JUMP 3. Kawashlma, Kelja 687 8 39 Three bis: meets remain on the the bombardment started. Nishl- - 1st Fusaye Yamada 7th Grade ... 26 685 7 11 mura tripled to 56 4. Okl, Shlg schedule before the closing of the right bringing 2nd Sakaye Naretoku 7th Grade 26 42 5. Tom 674 7 26 Kawaratanl home scoring Nakajaukasa, tracK and Held program this year and, Kimiye Itana 8th Grade 26 42 6. Asamen, Tatsuo 650 8 39 himself when W. Hlroto fumbled or maybe for the duration of the Elaine Momlta 7th Grade .: 26 7. Roy .'. 635 7 22 the ball. S. 42 Minaml, war. Yamada singled to Mary Kobayashi supervised the girls. 8. William .625 7 11 center scored as Minato, Dyche Stadium on the campus and K. Kinoshita 9. 613 7 11 doubled to to pull Iwamoto, Masami of the University of Northwestern left the Ranv 10. China, Jun 607 7 26 In Evanston, biers with in one run. Sugimoto Illinois is the scene advanced Kinoshita with a short Couger Cubs Unit 3's Girls of the forthcoming National Col- single to left K. Inouye drew in legiate Athletic Association and i mrmnTrn itti' m track a walk to fill 8sBssVMMRRJSatsL bhW.BKVK 0 and the sacks with none AVOID MHPROKI MIAOWS field carnival to be held on gone. Whereupon Wallops Softball Rules June 12th. pitcher Endo stepped up and won his own game r uSwsWBHsKKPI 8-- The University of Southern Cal- with a line single through second. Cheyennes 1 Established HPBslill ifornia previous winners of eight Box score: meets will be out to defend its o BsnSi?LJKJBSRra!aK&SBssSKgfe&ai Ramblers "Cs" Girls LINENS crown which will likely be copped One of the pre-seas- favorites, Ahletlc Department points by the Golden AB R H out the following rulings to be j Bears who have J. Otsu, 3b 4 1 the Cougar Cubs, humbled the produced one of the greatest track 0 observed during the comlne soft- - CONSERVED H. Fukuda, c 4 0 0 Cheyennes 8-- 1, on Powell-Evan- s ball season: and field aggregations in the coun- - try this year. K. Kawaratanl, rf 3- 2 2 Field, Saturday afternoon, in a 1. Team must have 9 players. CAN YOURS IAST TNI DURATION? Uae it, too, to clean and disinfect K. Nlshlmura, ss 4 1 1 . . kitchen, bath. At your grocer'. The following week at the Na- practice tilt. 2. Runner may leave base just ! Wash with minimum rubbing S. Yamada, 2b .3 1 1 as mt tional A. A. U. meet will feature The Cougars drew first blood soon as the ball leaves pitch- and machine agitation. has CwtralM K. Kinoshita, cf '...... 4 1 1 er's hand. MUX m two of the greatest middle dis- in the second stanza, scoring a run Purex, HI tance T. Sugimoto, lb 4 2 2 3. infield or 2. Whiten safely with - i runners in Gundar Haegg, on two hits and an error. Then An flv cauerht Intra-ii- k; K. Inouye, If 3 0 0 dropped the only bleach made by l route to the U. S. and superman the Cougars amassed four markers is an automatic out when Process. Used as directed, &. Greg R. Endo, p 2 2 there Is two or more on Rice, formerly of Notre l in the third period .connecting for base lets linens last full lifetime. 81 Dame, defending champion runs. The fourth and less than two are out. in the TOTALS .31 9 9 four hits and four 5000 meter run, who is credited canto opened with two additional 4. Batter must bat according DISINFICVANT BLRACH CLRANSRI with sixty-fiv- e consecutive victor- Apaches runs for the Cougar Cubs, topped to line up or an automatic out ies since April, 1940. They are to AB R H by another in the sixth. unless proper Is K meet E. Hiroto, 5 0 1 taken before being at Randalls Island, New lb Tak Murase pitched a tight ball completed. i...T....,...... jtti.t..iititt 19-2- 0. W. Hlroto, 3 0 5. Regulation game York, on June rf 1 game and held the Cheyennes at shall be 7 Haegg Imported K. Sakeml, r 4 0 1 innings' but umpire may call off fcY. from Sweden, one bingle six in- will R. Ohta, ss 4 1 bay with for game (W run a series of races to raise 1 nings. period, the at end of fith inning If T. Kobata, 3b 2 0 In the final with or war funds. He will remain in the 1 two outs, "Smiley" Kail slammed darkness wind is peril to play- T. Shlmamoto, 4 ers. ' United States If 1 0 four-bagg- l& for about a month. er over center-field-er The J. Sakurai, 2b 4 3 a Player changing Carnival of Champions will 2 Hide head to tally lone from one team climax G. Tanlguchl, cf 4 1 Nishi's the to another must file the season in the Coliseum 2 marker for the Cheyenne Nine. a notice a SPORTS EQUIPMENT on July 3, when Haegg will R. Chikahlsa, c 3 0 1 week ahead and must receive aD- - again Batting Tamlo meet Rice and possibly Gil Dodds. T. Nakahara, p 1 2 1 laurels went to proval of the governing board. Higashl, with two blngles in three 7. Rooters and boosters show- TOTALS ..34 8 11 chances. ing any uhsportsmanshlp. like con- Battery: duct will brine forfeit to team In shot aimed for, la held by that Cheyennes J. Kawasaki, L. ar volved. potent "Yankee Dickshot Clipper," Joe Dl Cubs T. Murase, T. 8, Games will becln 6:45 n. m. Stopped Magglo, former Coast GET QUICK SERVICE - O leaguer and Nagaro. snarp. that record seems to be safe for Versatile Pete Mallory "Angel long many seasons to come. Di on your needs in twirler" stopped Johnny Dickshot, Magglo Hollywood not only holds the Coast star right fielder, con- league record but while playing for Baseball Softball secutive hitting streak 33 games at the New York Yankees of the by blanking him in 4 trips , set a new rec Badminton to the plate. The 61 consecutive Tennis game ord of hitting in 56 consecutive hitting spree, which Dick-- games, which stands up to date. Golf Archery Etc.

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