Asparagus the JW.HAL4 CQBI! Thf JW.HAU CORK

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Asparagus the JW.HAL4 CQBI! Thf JW.HAU CORK FACTTOPETBBH ■ iihm t^iitgr gnptrtng Him OUve Barter, of 1085 Middle baamuch and Shining tigh t dr> Thomoa MeOahn <£ Laurel Place tomplke Boat, la taiting n U-dav clea.of Klng’a Daugbtera win have Ortord ParMi (Tiapteg Daughters ABODTJOWN trip otarthig May 8, atoppiag at baa oaeurad a poNtlon aa orderly In street was the wlimer of the. 35 « a joint meeting thia evening at the the New Britain boapltal. Before of tha American Revotutlaii, wtu Santiago, Cuba, Rtngatoa. Jamo- Center Congregational church. pounds of sugar sponaored by the ICaiy C. Keeney Tent, Dnughtera La (3tiba, Hoodurao. <m tha SR. At^ obtaining hla new be waa am American Eagles Athletic club. Tha b ^ Its May meeting tomorrow pipyad hy (3ieney Ebotbero. He Is of Union Vetersas, at Ita meeting laaUda, of the Standard Fruit drawing took place Saturday aftar* afternoon at 3:50 at the T. M. (X A. John J. OUdee and hla daughter, • "wnber o f Oom^may “K”. tha lo- noon at Hose Oo. No. S on Spruce Mra G. E. wnua has prepoMd a hl^ tomorrow night la the State Armory Steamahlp Cb. ___' < - Asparagus Mra. r. C McNeUl of LowoU. m — cal NaUofial Guard unit aod s stretfl. The Eagim wiah to ex- torleal taUr on Mancheoter tor this will have a Maybaaket - party, re- who have been vlalting Mr. aad Mra. inembm- of ita Bring h 2 prem their thanks to aU those who tooettog. Tile hneteaaea win be freohmenta and a oodal time. A East (Central Pomona Orange win Cyrua Blanchard of 54 Mount Nebo taking regular flying laa> cooperated. Mra Georgians Strong, Mra James priae win be given tor the pretUeet meet tonight with Good WUl Grange place, loft yeaterday fpr their home ■ooa and has hop«a of securing bla NIdiols and Mias Emma Hutchinson. baaket of Olaotonbury.. In Lowell, Masa. l ^ f a Ucanaa ooon. He win ro- LOUIS L. GRANT/ Mda at tbs boapltal In New Britain Tbs Married Couples club of the In the future os the job demanda It Second (tongregatiooal church win Mra Sarah Robinson her Baekland Tel. 6370 meet tonight at 7:80 at the T. M. daivhtar. M ia Margaret McKinney, New American Ambulance Unit Off For Spain C. A. tor an evening of bridge and win entertain the members of Lady SHIATORS POSTPONEll More than a dosm Mends c t Mrs. oLhei gamea Mr. and Mra Pater Roberta Lodge, Doubters at St. HUGE BOYCOn Paul B. Klotaer o t 43 Washington Berwick and Mr. and Mra James George, their husbands and Mendo. Cummings compoaa the committee MASS EVACUATION Thursday Specials In The •treat arranged a surprlm party to at their home to Bolton Friday ova* ho* honor last evening at the home of arrangementa ntag. Bingo_ win be playedTTran^_ _ ___ ACTION ON FINANCE ON ALL MOVIE of her eon. Cherim R Uotaer of pnrtation wUI be furnlMied 'thoea UMk to wwrh agato tomorrow moralBg, aftar the Srat Wedaea- Self Serve and Health Market Wadsworth street. The occaaioo who desire It. 'TheTlie party wlU meet Belch Qitofety Tonight at 8 o’clock the lights S ij kalf koM aj Uilo jroar. Sorry that aome of our deUveriea woro w eeber birthday. Guests were and (^irtato club of the Manchester at Center cburch at. 7 o 'l^ k . OF 5,000 CHItDREN h fettle lato Wodneoday A. M. Boaloem waa heavier thaa wo present from Hartford. RockviUe HOUSK URGED Grean school wlU piesmt two pUys, . aezt weeh we will be geared ap to take core of C O P F E E lb . and this town. Bridge eras played AND CONTROL BILL “Uttla Men,” and "UtUe Women.” n S H SPECIALS ^ a buffet luncheon served. Mrs. Orange Toung American Fife and 2 lbs. S S c adapted from the books by the Drum Coirps win practice at Oraags Klotaar received many birthday re- same name^by the late a 1> We wtn have shlpmenta of Freeh Fleh Tharedar aad Frldar membranoea ban tonight. A fuU attendance la HoOjwood Strikers Reject STARTS IN BILBAO thia week. oott. requested. 1 Pound Cellopliane Beg Fancy SLICED COD lb.l 2 ie M Approre Tbte Olh«rlES'I||Q{ ^TIESH FISH SUoed YULYES Prodocers’ Offer; Acton VERY LATEST WORD ECO NOODLES Ido IN THIEVES’ TECHNIQUE Under the Protection of , WHOLE HADDOCK OR POLLOCK lb. lOe May P ro fe Key to the I POLLOCK (Bogton Blue), Pound 14-Ounos BotOs flnnhnsin LIbertytoxvn, Md., May 6.— m e SUced HELEN H O E WIN <AP)—Thlevea not only stole 80 British Gniis, Two Swinish K E T C H U P S bottles Featured at HALES During'^^^^^_ Crafts’ Fifht for Benefits. of Walter PitUnger’e chickens H AUBUT SALMON . FILET OF SOLE HALIBUT lb. c ■ad seven barrels of corn to feed FhBcy Fresh SCALLOPS................................ pint 44c 2 5 Steamsh^ Start for I'/i-Pooad Ooa Dfaty Moore ^ fip ia m s Finance Chanfet IDGHES^ONORsI them, but they also borrowed his Fnet of Haddock. We expect Conn. River Shad. If yon want horaes to pull their truck out of year Shad boned, pleaae order one day In advance. The booing HoIIywrood, May 8— (A P )—strik­ the mud. B E E F S T E W c ing moUon picture craftsmen ap­ France; Rebel Warships charge la SSc extra and only the larger Roe Shad are boned. 1 5 SW ORDFISH lb. 2 3 c State CapltoL Hartford, May S.— Valedictorian and Sahitator- Leaving Pttttoger’a farm at PhllUpe' Filet of fA P )—Three reorganisation bills of- . , pealed today for a natlon-xride boy­ night, the thieves’ truck stuck to a muddy tone. They returned to Do Not Try to Interfere. PINEHURST FRESH MEAT fecting *.he state's financial adminis­ cott and picketing of movie tbaatera inn at High Sdiooi Named; after rejecting a peace proposal that PltUngeris barn, hitched up tbe .......................................... Tomato Soup can S c HADDOCK lb. e ___ Carter’s tration were approved today by the Itorses and got the truck out, Native Bib Veal Chopa . lb. 84e 18 omitted mention of the closed abop Senate, but action was deferred on breaking a set of harneos to the Bilbao, Spain. May 8.— (A P ) — Lola (Native) Veal Chopa .,. lb. ISc H-Pound Boa Herahey JIFFON SHIRTS a major bill creating a Department and union recognlUon. Producers ac­ ■aagh Sab Onm Chop Soey . Graduation to Take lia c e i'vxS'- proceaa. ITien they turned the SSe N o . SM ELTS lb. e F ^ combed cotton, abort aleevea Time saver tor mother: of Flnanee and Control and provld cepted unequivocaUy the terms of horses Into a nearby field. Two Spanish liners loaded xrlth 5,000 Itoagh Chickea Chop Soey .. .......... ............. n>. SSe 1 1 5 No tapes—no plna—no buttons. SUps on over the ing for an executive budget. the peace plan, adbrnltted by the women aad children bound for lim t COCOA ________ c ----- ----------------------------------- e ThIa la a qieclal on a limited amoont of S ^ . It la 9 head to a jiffy. Siaet: Infants to 8 yea rs.............. O t I C Senator Raymond Devlin, Demo­ On June 23. President Roosevelt this Loa Angeles Ontral Labor CouncU, refuge to France etoamed out o f tbs . ' worth SSe a poond. ^ e ric a n FederaUon of Labor group Freoh ^ HlGtCh ••••••ooeaaaeeaaeaooaaaaeooeeoaoee S90 crat Floor leader, explained off the ambulance unit expected to Jot^th er AiMricM^unttr^^hul^h T ’ Spanish civil war. The Btocayan xror aone today uadar neutraUty toterpreuSon p re ^ te d m rtto l^ u ^ o ^ i Original with which the striking craftomeh floor that amendment would be pre­ protection of the British Navy's - Vogetableo are coming right along . Dondellona . P E i ^ ______ lbs. c pared to strike out from the finance Misa Esther Tulyea, daughUr ef|®®^*’ ^ cIpaUon of Americans to any foreign conflict even to ambulance are amilated. The proposal provld Bptoaeh . Rarerlpeo . and tomorrow we otart on fteahlv cot 2 2 3 cd thxt: DEFENSE PLANS brUtUng guns. MEAT SPECIALS ^partment bill a provision calUng, Mr, and--------- Mra.-------- Samuel- Tulyea of VI NAT I V ASPARAGUS. Pleaae aak for price aa It win depend •trlklng crafts return to on oatonat on nanrket tomorrow. ^ ^ freoh. Large Bunch • personnel Korence street, w «l be valedictorian The Habena and Isarra beaded fOr smrk Immediately without ptwla Bordeaux xrlth the battlealilp Royal dice, and Nstire Rhoharb, 9c lb. Radishes, 2 bun. 9e! b u n c h BEEF STEW ib.25e WILL OVERRIDE Oak and two British deatix^rara to Bsaatifal. Finn. RIPE TOMATOES.........!?... Ib^ m C A R R O T S 6 c Originally, It was p r o p ^ to ea- ? Mhool, according to the Uat of 3—Negotiations be conducted by convoy them. i DUKE’S WEDDING GIFTS G.O.P. MAY HELP repreaentaUves of each of the 11 The toaurgent crulaar Almiraato ICEBERG LETTUCE p e ^ largo Florldo tabUah a personnel division in the 22?®!; **,“ *???*■ announced today by VaalStewlb.15c.25c finance department The amended SJJ, . **• Bailey. The ■trlklng unions tor eotobllahment of E C 0 N (M IDEAS Oervera hove out of the mist la 8a civil service bUl, however, created a ? J ^ J !“ *,*** on Wednea- wage scales and working condi­ effort to overtake the refugee craft, I^ARM CREST COOKIES— ALL KINDS. <i I tions. , O R A N G E S d o z e n c pwaonnel department and provided 8***® T H M DEMOCRATS wrhUe still to view o t shore, but tba 3 9 VEAL CHOPS lb.
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