■ iihm t^iitgr gnptrtng

Him OUve Barter, of 1085 Middle baamuch and Shining tigh t dr> Thomoa MeOahn <£ Laurel Place tomplke Boat, la taiting n U-dav clea.of Klng’a Daugbtera win have Ortord ParMi (Tiapteg Daughters ABODTJOWN trip otarthig May 8, atoppiag at baa oaeurad a poNtlon aa orderly In street was the wlimer of the. 35 « a joint meeting thia evening at the the New Britain boapltal. Before of tha American Revotutlaii, wtu Santiago, Cuba, Rtngatoa. Jamo- Center Congregational church. pounds of sugar sponaored by the ICaiy C. Keeney Tent, Dnughtera La (3tiba, Hoodurao. cooperated. Mra Georgians Strong, Mra James priae win be given tor the pretUeet meet tonight with Good WUl Grange place, loft yeaterday fpr their home ■ooa and has hop«a of securing bla NIdiols and Mias Emma Hutchinson. baaket of Olaotonbury.. In Lowell, Masa. l ^ f a Ucanaa ooon. He win ro- LOUIS L. GRANT/ Mda at tbs boapltal In New Britain Tbs Married Couples club of the In the future os the job demanda It Second (tongregatiooal church win Mra Sarah Robinson her Baekland Tel. 6370 meet tonight at 7:80 at the T. M. daivhtar. M ia Margaret McKinney, New American Ambulance Unit Off For Spain C. A. tor an evening of bridge and win entertain the members of Lady SHIATORS POSTPONEll More than a dosm Mends c t Mrs. oLhei gamea Mr. and Mra Pater Roberta Lodge, Doubters at St. HUGE BOYCOn Paul B. Klotaer o t 43 Washington Berwick and Mr. and Mra James George, their husbands and Mendo. Cummings compoaa the committee MASS EVACUATION Thursday Specials In The •treat arranged a surprlm party to at their home to Bolton Friday ova* ho* honor last evening at the home of arrangementa ntag. Bingo _ win be playedTTran^ _ _ ___ ACTION ON FINANCE ON ALL MOVIE of her eon. Cherim R Uotaer of pnrtation wUI be furnlMied 'thoea UMk to wwrh agato tomorrow moralBg, aftar the Srat Wedaea- Self Serve and Health Market Wadsworth street. The occaaioo who desire It. Tlie'The party wlU meet Belch Qitofety Tonight at 8 o’clock the lights S ij kalf koM aj Uilo jroar. Sorry that aome of our deUveriea woro w eeber birthday. Guests were and (^irtato club of the Manchester at Center cburch at. 7 o 'l^ k . OF 5,000 CHItDREN h fettle lato Wodneoday A. M. Boaloem waa heavier thaa wo present from Hartford. RockviUe HOUSK URGED Grean school wlU piesmt two pUys, . aezt weeh we will be geared ap to take core of C O P F E E lb . and this town. Bridge eras played AND CONTROL BILL “Uttla Men,” and "UtUe Women.” n S H SPECIALS ^ a buffet luncheon served. Mrs. Orange Toung American Fife and 2 lbs. S S c adapted from the books by the Drum Coirps win practice at Oraags Klotaar received many birthday re- same name^by the late a 1> We wtn have shlpmenta of Freeh Fleh Tharedar aad Frldar membranoea ban tonight. A fuU attendance la HoOjwood Strikers Reject STARTS IN BILBAO thia week. oott. requested. 1 Pound Cellopliane Beg Fancy SLICED COD lb.l 2 ie M Approre Tbte Olh«rlES'I||Q{ ^TIESH FISH SUoed YULYES Prodocers’ Offer; Acton VERY LATEST WORD ECO NOODLES Ido IN THIEVES’ TECHNIQUE Under the Protection of , WHOLE HADDOCK OR POLLOCK lb. lOe May P ro fe Key to the I POLLOCK (Bogton Blue), Pound 14-Ounos BotOs flnnhnsin LIbertytoxvn, Md., May 6.— m e SUced HELEN H O E WIN . SSe 1 1 5 No tapes—no plna—no buttons. SUps on over the ing for an executive budget. the peace plan, adbrnltted by the women aad children bound for lim t COCOA ______c ------e ThIa la a qieclal on a limited amoont of S ^ . It la 9 head to a jiffy. Siaet: Infants to 8 yea rs...... O t I C Senator Raymond Devlin, Demo­ On June 23. President Roosevelt this Loa Angeles Ontral Labor CouncU, refuge to France etoamed out o f tbs . ' worth SSe a poond. ^ e ric a n FederaUon of Labor group Freoh ^ HlGtCh ••••••ooeaaaeeaaeaooaaaaeooeeoaoee S90 crat Floor leader, explained off the ambulance unit expected to Jot^th er AiMricM^unttr^^hul^h T ’ Spanish civil war. The Btocayan xror aone today uadar neutraUty toterpreuSon p re ^ te d m rtto l^ u ^ o ^ i Original with which the striking craftomeh floor that amendment would be pre­ protection of the British Navy's - Vogetableo are coming right along . . . Dondellona . . P E i ^ ______lbs. c pared to strike out from the finance Misa Esther Tulyea, daughUr ef|®®^*’ ^ cIpaUon of Americans to any foreign conflict even to ambulance are amilated. The proposal provld Bptoaeh . . Rarerlpeo . . and tomorrow we otart on fteahlv cot 2 2 3 cd thxt: DEFENSE PLANS brUtUng guns. MEAT SPECIALS ^partment bill a provision calUng, Mr, and------Mra.------Samuel- Tulyea of VI NAT I V ASPARAGUS. Pleaae aak for price aa It win depend •trlklng crafts return to on oatonat on nanrket tomorrow. ^ ^ freoh. Large Bunch • personnel Korence street, w «l be valedictorian The Habena and Isarra beaded fOr smrk Immediately without ptwla Bordeaux xrlth the battlealilp Royal dice, and Nstire Rhoharb, 9c lb. Radishes, 2 bun. 9e! b u n c h BEEF STEW ib.25e WILL OVERRIDE Oak and two British deatix^rara to Bsaatifal. Finn. RIPE TOMATOES...... !?... Ib^ m C A R R O T S 6 c Originally, It was p r o p ^ to ea- ? Mhool, according to the Uat of 3—Negotiations be conducted by convoy them. i DUKE’S WEDDING GIFTS G.O.P. MAY HELP repreaentaUves of each of the 11 The toaurgent crulaar Almiraato ICEBERG LETTUCE p e ^ largo Florldo tabUah a personnel division in the 22?®!; **,“ *???*■ announced today by VaalStewlb.15c.25c finance department The amended SJJ, . **• Bailey. The ■trlklng unions tor eotobllahment of E C 0 N (M IDEAS Oervera hove out of the mist la 8a civil service bUl, however, created a ? J ^ J !“ *,*** on Wednea- wage scales and working condi­ effort to overtake the refugee craft, I^ARM CREST COOKIES— ALL KINDS. «*■ 1 102 Main Street finance department meaaurea. Disguised A s a Gift; Three States Where Aid eealed and delivered, or xve don’t go Manchester, Conn. ------I • ll*t of thirty-two honor stud- beck to xrork.” for Anns; More Than 900 The exilee from the beaiegafi VIII *PPri>»e<• nine boys. The Hat reprearata Edward Composes Wed­ Wfll Be Giren in 1938. ■naU children, boarded tbe Unera la SborUy afterward, Lentog smt decision to‘ divorce tbe dvU service P *' total H ,,. of tbe early moralag. Tbe cblldtea W . 1 JVERTISE IN THE H ERALD- IT PAYSI ____ m a h c h b s t s r C o m m * syftom from tbe Department ot 7t0 atudenta, most of whom are ex­ teiegrama to general beadquartors bad waltod for many hours at tba Finance and Control. of tbe Painters' Union, requestlifg pected to graduate next month. ding March on Ragpipes. Corooatioo Social Season Washington, May 8.— (AP) — long piere, and xrere droxrey-eyed— Any amendment attached to the Other Honors Uiat pickets be atoUoned to front Washington, May 8.— (A P )—The faUtog asleep aa soon as thoir Senator Bridges (R , N. H.), dted main finance department will neces­ . .Tt?. “**'**’ linnor students are the of moxie theaters throughout uis second half of a naUonal defanoe boarded tbe eblpa. sitate aendtog tbat measure back to flo w in g : Felicia PletrowskI, EUen' Indiana, Iowa and Mlasourl today natioo. He also wired labor groupa Moots, France, May S—(A P ) — Opens at Bnckinghani Pal* fund, wrhlc^ appean likely to over­ Pareato Ace I the House. Cude, Sophia Sol-1 oa states where Democratic Sena- In all key ciUea, asking tor coopera­ Each child carried a printed carfi oolk. Florence Dowling, Grace Special precautions were taken to­ tion in movie boycotUnig and plckvt- ride Oongreeslonal economy eenU- Ilie Approved BUlla day to safeguard the Duke of Wind tore opposing the Roosevelt court with bis nams aad dealtoatlon. bold The three biUo approved by the Mnabue, Eliae Beccio, (tester ace With 500 Debutantes. tog. m «it to become the largest In by a etring around hie neck. There aor and WalUa Warfield Slmpeon bill may obtain Republican aid to Senate to concurrence with tbe ObuehowakI, Albina Kaaltl, Arthur 1888 elections. ' Speaking for the Federated Crafto, peacetime history, la ready tor con­ were but few ead partings bctxraea Johnsoi., Donoth] ' Oiarlea Kimberlin aald the atrikere House define the duUes of tbe comp- Hm?°i v ’'2 ^ !"* “ ** P°“ <*>ll“ y of receiving a sideration by the Senate Appropria- parento and ctalldnui—many of tba Smart Fashions For Mothers Of All Ages! troller, the treasurer, and the auiul | " s k i / 1 filft. London, May 8.— (A P )—MllUona Bid), bad received a committment from a parents had dted under toaurgent of'!?’ Bennett. Astrid Beneon OlUetta (D., la.), and caarfc, (D„ Uona Oommlttoe. Members aald to­ tora of public Gccoujiti. . ^ , ------packages aul of doUara worth of jewels and cost­ Mo.), xoea of the court ineaeure, are "poxrerful labor organlsaUon” day they wrould etort xrork on aa air attack or flgbUng In tba »v . » . I ™ohard Peterson, Francis O’Learv dreoeed to the Cnisteau de Conde which be refused to name "offering trenebM. , S ^ t e approved Uw Barbara Cataoon, Bdmurd H a p o ^ ' ly gowns will be worn In the Osro- among 82 Senators coming up for appropriaUon bill tor tbe Army as meosura, Senators Joseph p. Coo- James O’Connell, Sophie FalkMkt vbere Windsor and hla bride-to-be to picket within 88 hours every mo­ Tbe Habana, carrying nearly 4,00fi Mtlon aodal marathon just 'aunch- reflection next year, soon as they complete study of one all good children ney (D) and J. Kennath Bradley Gladys Matteaen' Marlcm Bahiwiri' are reunited, and none were to be tion picture theater In the United of tbe refugees, xraa pointed xrith I delivered ot which Mrs. Himpwnn ^ u d the precious stones promise Brlngtog party alignment Ulk at tor the Agriculture Department criUclatag the work Helen Gudjunla, i>oria Cole, MJehaei tba eapitol to tbe surface, Brtdns States." bugs red eroeeee on hOT eidea Mid waa not aura. to turn somber Weetmlnater Abbey tile Houee voted to grant tba flew tbe Red Cross flag. remember Printed Crepes ?w>rgaalaaUoti oommlttaa. haberaa. Thomaa Mora? aoltf pooBlbUttlea of new organisa' Strikere, attending a mass meat- Army 8418418483. Oongresa bos Sba tospsK:ts them carefully anA it teto a glittering treasure cbeot at MeanwrliUe, inourgeat air raids .Ooonay opanad tbe axchanga dtir- in ptnk Rnd blue. All wool« very 0 1 1 the powrerful screen actore’ guild, state expenditures are being to- W as fionght fo r Voiy Problem Number Two la Edward's owns; Uaras, necklaces and brace Ever Proposed a Stale. PALM IS FACING has tbrnet toxrard Bilbao, xrara Uta- ®f*aaed. The state may have been lets. which are to be resumed tonight, lated on the Bay of Biscay coast, doing poorly before thU, but It wiu bod progreeeed satotfactorlly, Ktm- H^eMeae* On Page Pwe) The famous Koblnoor diamond near Bermeo, 16 mUea noKheaat a t do much worse under reorganisa­ bcrlln said: Bilbao. Tbeir food auppUee xrete SILK BONNET AND COAT SnuO Part of lb Vahe. worn by ()uecn Mary tor 25 year, Harttord. May 8— (A P )—Vigor­ tion.” will flash from the Queen’i new "We don’t need thx ectore out on DEA1H IN CHAIR dwindling exrlftly. SETS AT $1.98 SET ous condemnation waa the rexvatd ■trike to wrto our fight for union A t one point during tbe debate, platinum crown. today of the Senate finance commit­ This defense succeee, together Smocked coats with n Cooney said be was convinced ’’more recognlUon and a closed ebop. with a general halt to tbe inaur- dainty boanau to Washington. May 8.—(A P )—A I It to aet entirely with dlamoads tee of the State. Legislature for Ua than ever that the governor la be­ SoMte committee undertook today COLLEGE SniDENT topped by a jeweled orb and cross NaturaUy, xre’d like to have them drive along a seml-ctreular dlaclosura yeaterday that consider­ front eoat of tbe Basque capttaL A nnart new dress will ing controlled by the editorial writ- to learn all tlm facta about tbe pur- mounted on the summit of gem ation was being given to a tax on with ua, but xre are receiving finan­ Conyicted of Murder of Dep- era.” cl^ of control of the naUon^ studded bands above the purple vel cigxra. cial support from them, and 1 am gave Bilbao a breathing spell In Its efforts to reduce a population please her most of al). We HIGH CHAIR Mlleego Paymeeto r ^ qetwerk by three Invest AHACKEDINROOM yet cap. Queen Mary will wear Because Connecticut le one of the sure we have tbeir moral support. PADS Baby Sweaters During dlscuoston of the bill de­ mant broken tor one-flve-hundredth If they xrto tbeir potato la tbeir die- nty Sheriff at MHford; ■xrollcn to about 550,000, approxi­ jewels estimated to be xvorth more nations chief producers of cigar mately twice normal, by men. xrom- have an unusnailj^ fine se­ fining tbe duties of the state treas­ Of Itj ratliDAtad value. than a million dollars. leaf tobacco, and Hartford county U Back, arm aad seat $1.69 and $1.98 urer and Increasing bis aalary from (Ueatlaaed oa Page Blevea) en and children whe fled Into the lection for youpg mothers cuahlono, rubberised Prlnceeaes’ Coroeels the moot concentrated producing Identified by Two Women. dty ahead of the tosurgento. Button or coat styles. All 83,600 to 88,000, Senator Ctobbardt, . ______w a In the country tor this commo­ with percale covering .<»“ ^nUte<^eB^d I Beilis Off Negro AssaOaot The diadem portion of the crown Ferclga Warebipe Near and older ones foo. that ties on so it can band sewiv (tolors: Ptok. (D ) Inquired If the sUte officers t»r-reachtog legtslatlon — Includtov used for her Coronation to 1911 will dity, leaders In the Industry brand­ white, blue, and maiae. atlU to receiva their mileage the outlawing of railroad poldiiur ed tae propoeal as “criminal” and British and French naval veaseta be easily taken off to top her famous pompadour and a New Haven, May 6—(AP) —John cruised outside the three-mile limit, launder. pdyments. companies—might result from tbe Who Is Later Arrested by brilliant diamond necklace and ridiculous Donaenae.” Gebbardt received no direct reply, inquiry. PLAN TO ORGANIZE A. Palm faced deaUi to OonneeU- ready to p r o t^ the refugee ebipe 3-Pc. Knit Suits bracelets will encircle her throat Hope tor a short life tor the pro­ cut’e electric cbelr today—convicted on the high sees. The evacuation but Devito aald he beUeved the at­ He summoned Robert R. Touna. and wrists. Prtoceaa EUlaabeth posal, which Senator Joseph P. Coo­ Beret, aborts and sllp-oa torney general had ruled on that tbe Police in New London. of the charge be called “a bum rap", ebipe were to fly Red Cross flags oa ®^»nk F. Kolbe, and Allan P. Khtoy heireaa preaumpUv« to tbe throne ney of Hartford, chairman of the tbe first degree murder of Deputy ■till another precaution against to- sweater. SIsea 3 to 4. to queatlon oixl suggested that Geb- to ^ a t a thslr acqulalUon for 88.'- finuce group, said was being con­ INSURANCE HELP copea blue, navy m q « and her eiater. Princess Margaret' Sheriff Peter Karalnakl. torferenoe by warships ot generailo- hardt look up tbe ruling. 375,000 of securlUea oontroUtog the Rose, wrlll wear their first coronets sidered to the oominittce. waa seen and a q u a ...... W I a ^ O New London, May 8 — (AP) __ Tbe three Superior 'Qnirt judges almo Frandaco Franco. Tbe bin pertaining to tbe duties Van Sweringen transportation em­ —of silver gilt for llghtneas, and people to the report from wrho beard bla trial convictad the 28- Basque autboriUes dedarad an ot tbe state treasurer provided for pire from George A. Ball, elderly Frances M. Henretu of Kane, Pa. wrltbout jewels. ^ p lto l Hill that the agridUlturaJ NEMO comely 30-year-old Junior, xvaa at­ yett'-old ex-convlct from Hotmt Ver­ “ Italian deatroyer" had joined seven the creation of an investment com- g l«»«-maker and Republican Diamonds and peerla Were pre­ 2!°f Hto House Is already mob­ State Union Leader An- non, N. Y., late yeaterday after de- toaurgent stalpo. The toaurgent high QUILTED PADS mittse which must approve any m-1 Hauon^ committeeman. tacked to her room at Mary Hark ilising to kill the measure. neae House. Ooimectlcut college this dominant choices of tbe dlsttogulah- llbereUng a littic'over an hour. command has refused approval of vestments before they can be made nroilgh a towering pyramid of ed women who wrill alt to Westmln- Strongly opposed to any proposal Judge Edv/ard J. Quinlan Imme- any evacuation on tbe grotmd It 18x18** at...... 25c by tbe treasurer. bolding companies tbesA securiUas irorntag at 1:80 o’clock by a man. nonnees a Drhre to Bring WonderKft alleged by Police Sergeant John J. •ter Abbey. These do not clash xrlth whic)i wrould Oct, to their opinion, aa dli tely pnmounced the mandatory would strengthen the realatance to Special For A Limited Over Bradley's ob^Uoiu, the ®bny command of 83,000.000,000 Ocmrtney to have been (2arl Phlllipa. the colorful robes. Of course, there a jeopardy to the present rising death sentence and ordered it be Mola’s campaign. 17x30** at...... 50c ate passed a bill penmtung worth of properUes—among them “ lea of c i g ^ growers descrilwd carried out the week of Sept. 27. Time Onlyl •****‘’ K-year-old nwro: will be rubles, emeralds, aapphlrei Office W (wkers Into Fold. The insurgents near Bermeo xrara 27x34** a t ...... 69^' law yen , toacbera, aoctoj seven major railway aystama, ooai . PhlUlpa’ captured txro biocka from and oquamarinea. the contemplated Impoct “aa work- With his final utterance to court. isolated from the 4 main body of bera, nursea and ptaarmaelsta to pita, foohlonable hotels, bus u~rr One countess xrlll wear a neck­ tog torectly against one of the prin- Palm maintained he xroa not guilty Mola’s troops Sunday after they bad Reff. 17.50 Value and midwestern office buUdtoga. I-was presented of tbe crime. Given the privilege to . n to factoriea during the nlgnt. lu tbe Police Court this morning on lace aad beaddreaa of pearls, anoth­ ’f«ricultural pursulU to the Hartford. Hay 8—(APj—A stato- driven rapidly along the Biscay Stockinette Rubber Pads ’ Tliay are now prohltaltsd from These proportloo w en strung to­ ch a rges^ breaking and entering er a tiara, necklace and earringi of speak by Judge Quintan before sen­ coast towrard the Basque capitol. gether on a chain a t 349 Interlock- wide drive to organise all toauronce tence waa passed, the condemned working between 10 p. m. aad 8 JL pearls aad dlanx nds—and so on Aaotker Bordeou company e m p lo ^ Into labor uniona While Hola’a airmen blasted at 18x18** at...... , e'^e^a ’ a f^Te' .29c m. Bradley saaeTted that ha was op­ tog corporaUona by the late Van yullty and tbe case xvaa eonttoued One l ^ e producer aald, “with­ man aald quIeUy: tbe Boaqiiea’ endrcltog line of atoel 27x36** at. .89c through a dazsUng galaxy. of the American FederaUon "Well, all I have to aay. Is that 1 posed to any ” xrhlttltog down" ot Sweringen brotben of Cleveland. until Saturday tor further tovesU- Loot Night's Oeort out question such a tax wrould hurt oounced today by John J. Egan yeaterday. two insurgent trawiera 18x27** at...... the present labor laws. Sold A t Aaetlaa gjjtlon. In dtfault of bonta of 85 - our tobacco farmers, xrbo are al- am Innocent of this crime." attempted to help the beleaguered Tha Om>nation debutaptea receiv­ n tary of tha OonnecUcut FedeiaUcn Palm bad protested hla Innocence Senator Daniel J. McCarthy (L ) When tbalr empire b^an to 000 ^ negro waa committed to the ed the thrill of their Uvea w )»n they neefiy burdened xrith rising material of Labor. t . force from the sea. The Reroute crumble during tbe depreealoo, a county jalL and labor costs.” Onl^rto the past from the witness stand during hla turned artillery on U)e boats aad took lasua with Bradley aaytog cuitated before the King aad Queen *rbe campaign win taka to tbe trial and at the tima of hla prelimin­ 69c 10% WOOL VESTS • -Tha only xrony ef tbe Senator New York bankets’ oyndieata foro- The police aald Mias Henretta. last night. For tbe Americana, who twm OT three yean has the tobacco tbousends of clerks, stenograpben. thev acurriod seaxrord while alx-tocfa $1.00 ALL WOOL SWEATERS cloaed ita mortgays on the oontrol- axraketoKl when the man grabbad jnfiuatry of tbe state begun to redF ary arraignment, before a Grand ahella geysered the xnter amiiui from the 3Sth (Bradley) Is ware preoantod by Mrs. Robert W, buokkeepera and all other office Jury indicted him, xroa beard re- the wrater around n e m o Wcodartlft — tba to- to O rter’s Jiffon and Baby Pak button front to pastel shades and darker shades at browm, there xront be enough luiia for mm Ung aecuritles and sold them at auc­ bm, jumped out of bed end beat »Hm toe better Umea, and t h « only be- workers to tbe Hartford tosurance them. tion. , < « with ^ heavy frame of a Bingham. xvif» of the U. S. amhet- “ uae o t rastrieted produetloa at Bsrktog to u friend that tbe charge nar-balt toundatloo that com- OT double-breasted raodeU xrlth Use. roe* rod aad navy. Sixes: Infants’ to n e * to get up and xrave tha Sag about.' •ador, the brlUiaat ceremony ell companies, Mr. Egxui said. waa "a bum rap." plately aUmtoatm sagging Blase: lofaata’ to 8 y e e re ...... d * I C Flood Oeatrol Beard T b iy were purchoaed tor 83431,- photograph ao that he xraa unable ttoje of Inereaalng oonsumpUoo The movement to put the toeur- CATALONIA QUIET AGAIN. 000 by Boll, a trleiid o f tbe Van to c o a ^ t e the aaeault. Her several weeks o f study to which acted to cut surplus. Wonea's Teatlaioay muaelea, amoothm out ' Tha Senate reoelTed a favorabta deportment aad costume osaem ance companies to the closed shop Standing out prominently to the Valencia. Spain, Hay 6.—(A P ) —; diaphragm . . . supp report on a bUl ,w,Mi.vivg ^ ^ Swartogena. Ha banded the vast ■ersams attractad the attention of Ctotoitog the tax xvill drive SO class, however, may- not begin unUI Revolt-torn Catoionla’a army «»>* ^ Janitor who callad the poUca and bHag. aas of evidence presented by the the abdomen. Made of at­ membar Sood control commioalon to network back to tha brothors to per cent of the stats retailors oat of after May 18. when tha membership state to its fight tor Palm’s convlc- police came under direct control at 39c 10% W OOL BINDERS 79c Babies* Knit Nifirht Gowns maiuga during their W U p a was orreatad by Sergeant drive of the A. F. of L. xrlU be dla- tbe Valencia government today to a tractive meterisL Di­ Hartford. Tbe commlaaiOD is (Oaotlaaed Oa Pags Txro) W^eater-Fmirteld Uon was tbe testimony of txro xrom- vided bust section After their death ha traiiMerrad Oouitaey and T^trolman Dennis J ^tal^«>bacco Dealers AaaodaUon, cuaeed to CtoctoaU at the natlonaj move to reunite all of RepubUeaa with Use; ao ptae or buttons to bother •% ro . V** bottom and opeasd all the xray kuthorlty to lay out or construct M u r^y rcopaoded to a radio' ■n xrbo xrere xrlth the Beacon Falls rayon meab. Comm down the back to oosuro eom fe^ roew Sikes, walla, amhankmenta. high­ bla key stocke and bonds to o fam­ through iU preoident. M. J. Fried meeting of aU taternaUonal uniona. deputy when a hold-up man shot and Spain against tba Faactst toaur- mother hi ilnrolm baby...... o O C for baby...... a *a iro broadcast The aergeant'aald a foot­ man o ^ o n k e n , N. Y , xrlrod Gov- At that Ume. Mr. Egan aspects gento. averaga aad ohorty ways, bridges, pumping staUoos or ily eharltabie foundaUoo. It sold print found outslda the young worn, TREASl'RV BALANCE kiUed him early on the morning ot length. Front cloetog' tham a few xreeks ago at a 100 par etrvw Croos and Senator Cooney in tbe naUonal organiaaUana to oidar The declaioa of the Valaiicia ad- pubUc xrorfcs for the control u ana window xras tound to be an protest last night Its state units to proceed xrlth tbe belt styles M-7e7 anda floods. cant profit to the New York breto- « e c t fit tor Phlllipa' left oboe aad WaMitogtoa. May 6.— (A P )—The Both Mias Nets L. Shaw aad Mrs. mlnUtratlOB—tha highest authority 14-767. Side cloatog Fhlrfleid*s Fraliat. organisatioa not only of maoe pto- Free Balloon To Children With Each Purchase In the Baby Dept A fkxrorable ropoct xvaa alao re­ age firm of Young, Kolba and Cbm- that matches found to hla nockat poaltloa of tbe Trauuiy May 4: LinUa DelGrego, a recent divorcee. to tbe goveramcat-heM portkau e f belt atylee 86-783. pany rloaaiy hlentiflad xvltb Geaar- OpponanU faidicatod that other ro- ductlOQ worker e. but also of xibto dedOTsd they xrere poelUve Palm Spain—to Intervene to bltbvrto-eu- - :^e ceived on a bill provldtog »»««> a4H- r * ” Mmllar to several p lc k s d ^ ReeelpU, 831.158 J 88A 1; expen- collar employas. al Motors and Dupont totarests. from tbe Soo.- of the room. He also dituroa, 830.905.13841; balance. 81.- U il groupe xrould act atmllarly. wraa'the gun-man. Another man tooomoua Catalonia xroa foUoxrad by jW f GREEN STAMPS C^IVEN WITH CASH SAt-giL dala of Stontogton alectad to 1938 Tbe Fairfield protost roads as fol- T am certain that xre xrlD ba able an official announcement tbat Aa- •ban serve unUl the etocUon to Otkor Money involved wUd Hanretta tdentlflad 888.783,43848; cuatonu rocelpta for who wraa to the parked automobile jtvf GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES. kma: to unioniaa the insurance xrorkera.” with the trio at Gulf Beach. MUfonl. arebist rebels against the July, 1938. Although the this* young finan­ Falfilpa from hla voice aad tha the moBth, 88458.444.08. Mr. Egan stated. ciers have InMate dthey acqulrad h r ^ suede jacket ha xrore. Receipts for the flacal year (since “Tour propooed bill on a t n on aald Palm’s voice resembled the regime had been brought uadar coa- Other bills peieed by the Sanau cigars la vary unfair and xviU cauM N et Clet1i*e L’alaa kiUer'e but he could not make poel- trol to Barcckxia. • . provided: control for themnalvaa-alooe. m ne The young woman xras eoniiaod to July 1), 84.143498.778.73; aapendi- Tbe unkmiaaUon of toouranca em- UMtoiwra ot Whaeier’a coaunlttoo the college infirmary today. - turas. 88483.418.538.87. Includtaa • groat hardablp on tba ratallers. tlxi; Ideatlflcatlon. (Travelers raaefatog Perpignan, ea Regulation of touot aceomnoda- Aa ybu a n axvare that ovary pock- ployea xrUl be under tbe -”Fcderai Defease WHaeee the Franoo-Spaaloh border, report-" tlooa on r**r*e**i*tf plantatiowa. have ivpiaast j tha bcUef that "Do­ PbUltan waa btfote tha Superior W.403434488.45 of emergtaey ax- Unions,” a direct effUlato of tbe pant mmiqy" xraa Involved. O ourtTW day for breaktog t o t o ^ pandlUuaa; exceaa of expamhUiraa. •ga of dgaretua sold to yo a rg a o m Ruth Elaine Schumann, ■d, on the other hand, tbat Aaaicblet Fetahllahroent of a toxrn oeurt to to r 15 cento to taxable to the extent A. F. of L. and not under any’ extot^ Palms’ 17-year-oId girl friend end Tha iBvestigatloa o t rallrood O- -tore of N o M tS Irtw . to 53230431.763.14; graas dabt, 834,- ing clarka’ unions. gangs to amored care xroro roamiag The CQBI! T h f CORK Wlndaor. o t 2 cento as xrell aa a 8 cento Fad- now a state farm tomato, xros the tbe streeta of Barostoaa. tbe Cata­ JW.HAL4 uuciag has ecnUrad tor five • 4 ^ •treet on txro racent -—raBraia 987403496.43, on toereoae of 8887,- JW.HAU Mr. Egan said reports of on at- •tol after pieadtag guilty xvns gtvm « n l tax, and If yon anforca your chief defense xritncee. Siie —ki eke lan capital and Spato'a largeat cito. MANCHfeSTtR C o m m * W 838.19 over tha prerloOB day; gold tompt to organlaa 'Travelers Inaur- waa xrlth Palm xrhen tbe aboottog jMl sMtcace of thiW bin on cigars you srin poMtlvsly aaca Company employes, lead blm (Tbe commuaiqae of Catotaakva Ua fhga Txrelvo) ••■aia, 811438483.14, tecludlax ercuirad aad tbat they did not go new governing equBcU, 1806,085,96341 of inactlva gold. I 8B ta gs EXN^ •B rage Blaroa). • fb ga I WelroK .(C rage Btoveal Mr. and Mss. M any Hall. wbo»«» Ur street achool, euspicec of Nortn AT HOSPITAL HERE LOW Wifl Appear With Unit at tteory he quoted briefly from gang, Austria, to buny to his flan- attendsnos, during tea afternoon And Demand Higher Pay • DRAWS M A TH n a i , which arrives at the Terminus at Methodist church school. No Vacancies Now But Sys> cas when her EngUih dlvorca ba- and aaeisted Drs. Stem and Ludm 8:10 and crossed to the east side of Browning s "Saul” . Also dinner raaet ng o f Merehsnu Give Entcrtainaent at Citadel V Barnard School; Has cams absolute, tha Duka permitted ttiiBs to Be Gren for New pofoLble Increase------— In ------revemm- from in tee small animal operaUons. Seattle, May 6 - - (A P) —O mtIm ' * Main street at School street when Exdnsnre Chh in Fort Division of Chamber o f Commerce his suits to announce be had rented the m ' Hinslde, Aria., May 6.— (AP) — Last Night to Boost Guards Sidney Lanier—bis service as a St Oountry club. lem o f Recehrmg Appli* h T h is Yidnity Only New more select rooms, Novel Operttions Performed iturUe bearing tee letters "C. T. A." McOunay drew a oardd Cowboys’ TurUe AasoclaUon," tury. presfot-day cards are mns- of the exclusive Ringside Club there. two famous satirical portraiu ***? presented to tbe com The WssMrieonburg honeymoon '*5^® The Herald delivered to their Helen and Svea Quatafsmi, flhnlly morial hospital, diagnosis Indlcatinf Six days after coming from the bolt m M oners for consideration. would take Edward bLdc to s coun­ Houa®, Bolton Notch and conducted men’s love.—Shakespeare. whose 175 members just about make and Helen Greece. Tbelr numbers terpiecu of good desigB aad qual­ This Is Miss Gerar(j,*8 second visit to "Mlnlwr Cheevy", and "Richard ^drem for ten weeks. The Herald ity of workmanship. a possible fracture of the right arm. egg. a honey bee Is 1500 times C^rey were read. From the works ' TUs Month try ho has come to love. Mountaia will play tbe carrier a bonus: Entertainment la being solicited on inspection tour of Dr. F. Forbes up tee "Who’s Who" of Rodeoland. KANSAS FARMERS were King's "Wslklng in tea High­ tbe Done Stsr state, as tbe troupe thJteilJi*-®" brought before Tbe eost-per-patlent-day at tha "raiEVES WORK 3 MONTHS Bowman, a ranch owner here, w u .. Was Orimsson is the daughter ot aa heavy as when It emerged. of Vachel Lindsay, Dr. Woodruff May 17.—Three-act play, “A WUi ine board was not to bs nresentM climbing, swimming and golf would in addition the carrier who op^ In the homes here for about 100 BushneU's newly constructed small GET THAT RHYTHM way, "Sweat Peace, the Gift of danced at the opening of the Chex and a Way." at Odd Fellows hall, by before the board for flllng.**but wai Ifancbester Uemorlal hospital for ^ u n g people of High school age FOB LOOT WORTH $35 world champion cowboy tn and Marie in Dallas and proved so popu­ chose "General Booth Entera into be readily available and the castle tains the largest number of W »nlmal hospital at 5Ts Woodbrldge 1935 God's Love," "How Harveloue", Heaven'*, a poem of vivid evanaeiis- Sunset Rebeksh Lodge. > r^ n trt with a motion made by 1939 was $4,728. In comparison with who are expected at the Ninth An­ street yesterday afternoon. competee in tee naUim's major "Leave It There", "What a Savior lar that Its contract was extended would make an ideal beadquartere eubscrlbere during this contest wtu rodeos. " Topeka. K u . (A P )—K ansu farm- for a month. tic style. Other "portraltV poems Also Mother and Daughter ban­ Commissioner W, p. Quuh for yachting trips on tbe AtlanUc. receive a Five Dollar cash prlss. six other hospitals in this section, nual Tolland Ooimty Older Boyr Edirtn R, DImock, Commissioner Lincoln. Neb. (A P )—Thlevee who era are swinging it, too. la Mine", and u an enoors, "Can ths quet at Concordia Lutheran church and Girls' Oonferriice, to be held m went to the trouble of removing 200 World See Jesus in YbiiT" HAPPY RELIEF The Modern Age Dancers, who read were William Rose A n e fa “ * supernuiner- Beautllii) Oardene Ths contest will last four weeks ' the local Institution is third lowest, Of DotnetUc AnlmaU and president The organisation, lltUe more than Preston HiUe, ixiunty farm agent, . easie James" and Joyce Kllmer a May 18.—"Post Road." three-act -Chief Ssmuel G. Oor- the Congregational church here. pounds of,,scrap lead from 050 cu - During the program Harold Turk- number live girU, have aU done solo The castle, a 40-room atruciare and all aubScriptlons to count only by the New Britain boe- of tbe aaeoclaaon. presided at the •lx inonthB old, la not x union, Bow- •ays he h u more calls to give work In Broadway They .Martin". Dr. Woodruff also read mystery comedy by Community bosrd that wards the prixe mu*t be In Hay 7 sad 8. It was announced m meeting. Reporta for the first quar- hetopat tee erteopedic hospital here shows. Jo there were more men on the euoer- built In 1250 and rebuilt In 1747, has man said, but Ita members are dancing leasons to farmers, old and their own choreography, design their Kilmer's 'Trees". Players at Whiton Memorial audi­ 'Herald office by noon of 8af 4 and S t Franda hospital, Hart- the churches Sunday that the ter of 1M7 were reed end tbe as- are going to be dlsiqipolnted pledged to "strike" when a rodeo young, than any other acUvlty in FROM PAINFUL numersty Hat than there was X i . beautiful gardens and a stiuple June 5. own costumes, make their own Following these came a few torium, auspices of Young Repub­ chapel. It stands near Arnoldstein. , both of which are supplied with principal speaker will be Dr. Samuel sociaUon voted payment of $50 to Hospital attendants esUmate It management faUs to provide suit­ oonnecUon with hU farm work. FAT GIRLS NOW lighting and musical arrangements. classic nonsense poems, the most lican club. The representative of The He W. OraffUn of White Plains, N. Y. took two months to spirit tea metal able purses. F|sn of naming men to the euper- Carlnthia, near the junction of ths h more free nuralni; service the World's Fair, New York and to The group has appeared throughout popular of which were Lewis Car May 23.—Annual banquet of Sons Trill conUct aU carriera aad pn (is Hanchester’e bospital. He will give addresses Friday arter- the Chl(»go Fair for the purpose ot away. It’s worth less than $25, they WIN THEIR MEN BACKACHE numerary list waa done only after Austrbui, ..Italian and Yugtislav said. *There are so many rodeoo," New Medloal Olsoavery Onanatoee the middle west and has danced - roll's "Ballad of the Oyatermsn" and of Italy at Keeney street ciuh- frontiers. them with subscription blanks The committee is trying to point nooa, Friday evening, and Saturday providing veterinary cluilcs and to Bowman explalnM "teat put up The Triborough bridge of New there had hern a showing of a need the contest. If for any reason .. York a t y h u a series of Weight Radutlofo the Bdgewater Beach Club and Charles Edward Carryl's "Plaint ot houae. Rogers said no preu repreaeota .Alt the real reason tor the need, forenoon. Other tp^iakera wUl be publicise the work being dohe by such small prise money the cowboys truss Blackslone Hotel in Chicago, well the Camel.” The former writer, to for additional men and not unui carrier has not received bis blanks spans over tee Bronx bills. Good news to all troubled with tJ to X .* * , as May 29.—Knights o f Columbus tboee who had applied went through Uvea would be received by the Duke *eaeb year, for public contributions. urn Dorothy Fisher of New York the sasociaUon. nr SEEMS REASONABLE have a hard Ume making expenses. as at many other famous places. M famous always for "Alice In Sports dance st Rainbow hall, Bol­ he can get them at The Herald of­ overwelghti Science h u at laat dis­ for at least a fortnigbL A supersti­ fice. Hera is tbe reason in detail: City, and Peter Hhih of Nanking, Dr- D. C- Y. Moore, chairman of In some cases entrance fees posted c TiJ: Miss Gerard has danced profes­ « onderland', was In real life Rev. ton. proving X Last year there were 1813 patients Oilna. The flrst session will be at Wuhlngton (A P )—TTila U what covered a harmleu easy way ot TU ™ quaiifled. tion that 111 luck would follow his This (mntest is ope»i to Herald tee Manchester Board of Health ot by tee cow'xiys themselves almost bringing your weight down to nor­ sionally since 1931, when ahe was Charles Dodgaon, rector and mathe­ Coming Events In the hospital who were given s to­ 4:30 p. m., Friday. A banquet wui Manchester and Town Treasurer Congress says butter is: c l e a n f a l s e t e e t h - Tomorrow Night — 8:30 with an Albertina Rasch ballet, ahe matical genius. A story is told that The motion to have Mr. Dwver bride If ne and Mrs. Simpson were carriera tn Manchester only. make up the purses. It you hear ot mal in quick time. Thousands ars S n d ! , May 31 June 5.—Tall Cedars "Joy- named at once to the list waisnor tal of 21.635 days care. Of this be served at the Town Hall Friday George H. Waddell addressed tee "Made exclusively from milk or abeet S peeails ei wMie. has appeared -4a several musical when Queen Victoria wrote him to photographed together before th The cash award to the boy Ob­ a cowboy strike It wlU be because dally using SILF prescribed by doc­ M 1^ JTuiaw iSNstjM land" at Dougherty’s lot. wedding was held responsible foi number, 852 patients paid from at 6:30 p. m. About 150 are expect­ assembled veterinarians at tee noon cream, or bote, with or without tee rodeo h u up less than $100 In GET RID OF STMNS shows and played at the Palace on soy she had been enchanted with June 4.—Second annual outdoor taining the largest number o f new $4.00 to $4.50 per day; 167 paid $5.00 tors which normsUaee your body being proper- Edward's decision not to pose with subscribers will be made as soon af­ ed for this event, of whom approxi­ luncheon.. Following tee luncheon common salt, and with or without each major evenL" New Easy Way - Ne Brailiiag Broadway when that theater pre­ "Alice " and would like to have all music festival by 1,000 school stu­ a (toy or more and 794 patients paid addlUonal coloring matter, and con­ setlou so that all axceas weight la TINKER HALL sented tbe finest vaudeville and en­ of his book.s, he promptly sent ner her now. ter contest closes as It la possible to mately one third wUl be local young meeUng stereopU(M>n pictures, show­ The assoclaUon w u formed In quickly consumed. Bat what you dents at Educational Square. ^m ed. On learning thaf it would only $2.50 per day. people. A worship period will be ing various types of animal diseases taining not less than 80 per cent by tertainment available. six learned treatises on mathema­ The Duke learned of the euperati verify subscriptions. Boston last O ^ b e r where the flrst Ilka and become a person of normal J e F i AA M tics. June 14-19. — V terans’ Carnival Uon through on Austrian countess The cash awards for each new $00 Pay HSU held at the church at 9:16 a, m., were shown. weight Of milk fat. aU tolerances strike w u staged. It brought higher No bnislilBs. BoeonuMBAod weight by purchasing a package of at Main and Maple streets. fUe before ^ ere could be any action who acted as a fortune teller a few subscriber will be allowed each week It to apparent that if 794 patients Saturday. Leaders tor the hoys' wui having been allowed for." purses. The emblem is a silver SILF today, at B. J. M u rry ’s Drug PLENTY OP Among short verses and epigrams pay but half the amount of the aver- The afternoon session was devot­ **3^ Good HowSSS v T June 21.—American Legion Car­ Cwyer the following d « days' before he left St. Wolfgang. Ater their receipt, allowing time to be the Rev. Rqecoe H elp er, the ed to small and large animal dimes *■' dnicririe. I? W u S fcu I Store.—Advt. PROFESSIONU WOMEN quoted was a line from Bliss Perry; nival at Dougherty's lot. ^ age cost of dally care at the boe- PRIZES! DOOR PRIZE beMw « ‘*name Tbe slim, athleUc Cmke—In shorts verify subscriptions. Rev. Sumner Johnson and the Rev. at tee Buahnell hospital. OperaUons Hitch your wagon to an old horse July 5-10. — Blueflelds' Carnival pltal, this deficiency must be met If no star U handy." Dr. Woodruff considerauon and blue sweater—and Mrs. Simp­ H. HI Robinson. The girls wUl have were performed on two Shetland PLENTY OF PLAN PICNIC. BANQUET at Dougherty's lot. In some manner. 'The spedsl room as leaders Hiss Elsie Layton, Hiss clos^ Ms Ulk with the reading of » a t has been properly presented son whiled away yesterday after­ coat of $5.00 and over does not ponies by Dr. RI(Uiard GUyatd ot Arthur O'Shaii^hnesRey’s Ode: ‘*W> August 30-Sept. 6.—Knlghts'-of noon on the Chateau de Csnde's 18- Dorothy Fisher, and Hra. B. A, Watorbury and Dr. Joseph S. Barber PUN! Columbus Carnival. °o file. Others wish­ BOLTON CLUB M INSTRa make up tor the heavy loss In reve­ Are the Music Makers/* hola golf course, guarded on ai: L-^wls. wife of the Hebron Congre­ of Central Falls, R L. Dra, Arthur Nominating Committee Is Also ing to be candidates for the vacan. nue accrued through the payment of gational pootor. A luncheon will be PLENTY OF During a social hour which fol- d e . that may later deve“ p T n'S e sides by French and British police. bqt about one-half tbe ,regular hos­ T. snd Richard Gllyard of Water- Named; Dr. Woodruff Talks iw ed, refreshments were served by served at 12:30, and the (Uoeing ata~ have an op- Mrs, Simpson did not plsy but SNOW NEXT TUESDAY pital fees by nearly 800'patlents last bury performed two difficult opera­ SEATS! on ‘Toems That I Like.” the hostesses in charge, Miss Ruth walked around the course, ever near year. Sion will open at 2:30 p. m. Dele­ tions on full-grown horses, s "roar­ Porter ami Mias Huldah Butler. REBEKAHS REHEARSE thJtTt •b',•'‘ bough It seems * 7 5 the Duke. Edward waa matched 'The ward patient, paying but gates are expected from pracucauy er" operation, so-called, removal ot DINETTE SET The Profesatonal Women's Club against Rogers and tbe spokesman Will Be Given in Bolton Centgr $2.50 per day, receives the same all of the churches of the county. tee paralysed vocal chords of a LAMPS RUGS met at the Center church pariah Local people who are entertaming WHAT, NO MANNERS T THEIR PLAY TONIGHT told newspapermen he defeated the Hall; Last Rehearsal to Be' care the hoepital medical and mare and % “pole evil" operation, re­ hwae on Tucaday evening. During former King two up. the girls and boys are asked to keep ELECTRICAL Bondholders Are Requested To On Monday Night. nursing staff and has the same food moval of Inflamed growth from tee the buainsaa aeaaion committees The couple were visible over most that Is served other patients, which them over night and give them a back of a horse's neck which bad APPUANCES were named to plan for the aprlng And Many Other Bring Their Coupons for Their Evanston, HI.—A woman com­ Preparing for Annual 'Enter­ DUKE'S WEDDING GIFTS of the course from s nearby road is to their advantage but Is reflected breakfast. The Hisses Edna formed pus pockets m tee upper picnic to be held May 24. and the plained to Alderman Ward Huston side. Mrs. Simpson, in s pale blue The Hen’s and Women’s club of in tbe annual loss of earnings of the Latham, Oara HUls, Hra. C E. Por­ part of tee animal's neck, near tee Valnable Prites! June banquet A nominating com- tainment for Benefit of the Free Game! rast squirrels in the suburb were Infirmary Fund. summer drees and a darker blue Bolton la rehearsing for a minstrel Institution. ter, and Hrs. A. W. Hlldlng are on head. inlttet waa alao named to present a biting people, peeking Into garbage SCRUTINIZED BY POLICE sweater, part of the Ume carried show and dance scheduled for nsab- In arriving at the cause for the the banquet and luncheon commit­ Mate of officera to be voted on al tee. In tee major operations tee ani­ cans, making faces at dogs and even the Duke's terrier, Snooky, to keep Tuesday night In Bolton Center ball. annOal hospital campaigns each mals were given major and minor SPONSORED BY IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN tbs next meeting. nipping them In the legs. Dr. A rehearsal of the play. "A Will (Contiooed from Page f>na) him out of the line of play. She talk­ 'Tie minstrel program wtll feature year, we find that the

Irlor 4 'charltably oontrlbutlns an Hod up by a ait-down atrike of B9 low Paine. Marie Twain's blogimph- Mr*. OUviae T^Maande, 70, report­ sui^ort o t the DeaaocTmUe UtelrfjBtrr MePARTLAND IS liA IO ^ er, left his Ubraiy and sxtensivt town undua> to road buUdinc employes of the Sanitation Division, New Statements Revive Ovefhisiht News ed missing earlier in the evening committee for renomination. And so it goas. collection ot data on Joan at Are to NEW UBRART BOOKS who took possession of a d ty gar- Washington Daybook NATIONAL UFE A(XNT the NaUonal Institute at Arts and from her West Havau home. Jbrttittg XenUd soppad np an tha isaalth aga and who Insisted on recognition Of Connecticut Letters In New Tork dfo. The Struck and criUcally injured here / The *Livit WHATT NO FEB M AIUf The fonoDowing new hooka hare ' tha old Austro-Buacmrlaa am- of their union, the closed shop and "LivingMummy Case* (By bulk of his estats went to his wid­ b y a hit-run driver. i IVaUnCBD BT THB Rji P r » t t 0u Crener. ow, Dora L. Paine. been addedd tto o the ^ rSouth ] HW>AI.n PKPmNO COMPAITT, n a ptra. It ratad a dtp of immoi various other domanda. ieMAMON WWrrS Manchester YjNmg Man Is Simsbury—Suparrisor o t SUta MePheneo. Raa.—The MePber- torary recenUy: W. A. Bragy. iPlBII BtaaaUBIbaaII atMA*StrMt / Washington—it tBirep ii.if Meriden—A reeoluUou opposing Fire Wardens Edward M. C. Eddy acn county cominlasianera said they Uaaehastar, Conn. waalth. It sneered at the poverty Manifestly such tactics as these, aii^War aeene or something else aa aoon ,^ ® A »T o r CHABACTEBS MonUcMlo. UtaA Hay A—(A P )— 1 he quei Appointed Special Represen­ Hampton—State Police said a Showman; Gwen Bristow, Deep* hour to leani the hlsto^ of the aa present dlaputea end. any change In tha sUiieture of the reported that brush Ursa Wednesday had received thla letter of ^pUca- Semmer; Mrs. L (O.) Fiald, THOMAS PEROUSON and erudeneaa at the rest of the _JOAM BAKBETT, heroine, see that had touebad the gtri’a Ufa arlth obvious JlaapprovaL Utah’s weird “ Uvlng mummy" case, o t what h^pened to the body, kept tative by ^n eral Agent. ^ car'found wrecked at Chuic’s Cor­ Oamral Hansrar which make victims of an entire In the center ot the floor is a «ii»|. officially closed by the state, took Supreme Court was adopted by the in Oxford and Winsted had Uon tor a beer IlcenM: U fa rva Loved; Elisabeth Ooudge, country.. But when It was bereft naUonal eapttol building and what •**••7 ta Asha Haadry. Tbare wan m tha MoUMm* dub (To PhiUp it sremed an many months for resurreeUon at­ ners had been etolen Tuesday night execuUve committee of tba stats Oetobar 1. 1 dtyful of people, caimot fail to ut­ of white marble over which jm a new twist 'today with aaserUooa started by Uow-torChas, eoe in the Deer Sir:— C'ty of Beils; R. & Lynd and H. $L 2 i you lack in facta and atmosphera JOHN HBNPBT. miaiag Invest- a fsw fooUsh mamban wboae tnn- Mias Baldwin returnad tempts. An estranged foUower Harold/dmj^. General Agent for in Shrewsbury, Mass. After the department of the American Legioa. of Its power of absorptioo It became terly discredit, with those vicUms, bodies of all Prealdenta tie in state that the body • long dead wom­ qays be cremated it. Mrs. Ogden car crashed through a guard fence hands of a man cutting up an old E)re would like two open a bier Lynde, Middletotvn in Tranattloa: ittlM IlHIMS Erarr Et m ^ _ B»aapt you make up in exercise while get­ gues flMT faster thim Uiau •trad Information. the & t ^ of Connecticut for the Na­ Middletown—Three union leaders autombotle frams and the other sod BoIldayA Bbitarad at tha tha most pitiably porerty-atrlekaa if they die In office. Similar honors BOB ANDBBWS. Hemlry’s joa- thoughts, and they, had raised thiu an member o t the “Home ot Truth’’, sainTonly that it has "dematerlal- and sldewiped two trees the driver plalse in this cItUe. Bjra woant eel Mrs. B. (W ) EcAdoo and M. Y. Oat- at Maaelaarar, Oeaa, as any major labor organlzatlou which ting it "Thank you. m im tional ^Life Insurance Oo. of Mont- and three KpreaentaUves of Rem­ wielded by a man burning caterpil­ fey, Woodrow Wllsoaa; Fraaees |eqStal in all the worhL are accorded national heroes, tieti tor partaar aad Jeaa’s fiaaoe. volcas in outraged IndignatiMi that cult has been bidden. ized.” Hence, speculation is rife in Vt, .with main offices at 3« disappear^ leaving a spot of blood too know boddle last than 21 yra off ------1 Oaaa Mall Matlar. countenances tbe proceeding. ahaU return this t / you laUr; One bawhiskered MODUcello na­ ington-Rand, Inc., will meet Friday lar neata out at an orchard. Marion, Molly, Bleat Her; j . White-haired men and aleek M Admiral Dewey, and ths gulda,I „ B T M------HENDBV. aodalite, Joka thair children bad bean exposed to this deMri village 3(X> mUes south street Hartford, announcea on the windshield. morning in New York city. Union aige and too no fee mails a taU. Bye When we go Into this question of Mr. ImwIs hsa had phenomenal Mlaa Orealey took/^tha card and tive declared: o t Salt Lake Qty. WaUrbury—RUte Senator George Priestly, Midnight on the Deeart; l u m young girls act aa guides but thwa thought General Pershing and per- Reafiry*. alaee and Aoan’s rtsnl la such aa unplaassat ooataet Ths ^poiutment of Thomas C. Me- Danbury—A daughter waff born Lieader HJalmar revealed, to arbt- shure will runn a furat klaas berr '^Ona Tali' • psasaass aas a8^0S “who earns the money and who pi^rs ■tudlad it oarefUUj/for a moment. “ The mummified body sun is hid­ Mrs. Ogden, wboM doaen-odd M y to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stout of Brew- T. Culhane, (D ), at a tesUmonial wld know tuffs aloud. Eye clothes W. M. Raine, Bucky Follows a OoM a ; if ParTlMili succeaa in the upbuilding of hia a Is nothing doddering or lanquor- J^dbergh would spand soaa " dsuf htsr of a murdsrerl trate differences that have cropped II aaaaaaasaaaaV aC4 tha biUa“ we may find ourselves time thers. BarreU;" aha told Philip den away somewhere. What's lowers appear unanimously toyA ater, N. T., at Danbury hoepital. dinner in hia honor, formally an­ at amid knight What tbe lierenaa Trail; J. H. Robinson, Human saaasaaaaaaaaaf aOS L O. But if bls'Munidpa] Work­ oui in the way they trot tourlet ^ P H H 4 F HBNDBT. SybIPi brtoh- 3ut Miss Oreriay hsd sUanoad praaanUy. up since the signing o< an agree­ Comedy; C. (X Sherlock, Vegetable ' SSf/ YGEF apaasaasaasa 99*^0 tackling a problem far leaa simple pertiee eround the bUlding. The big chamber under the dome to hava been more, some of thoM colonists are admitted funds are low, but denM Stout U a writer ot mystery stories. nounced hia candidacy for the may­ kost? Rite me 3 east fill atashun lor ers affiliate doesn’t make it the them, oaos had tot all. Bbs hsd on# of our studants. Bar da­ ment which ended tha long strike at (hardener’s How Book;-Phil Stong. Small parUea get the beet tiaat- and the hallwraya le..aper here and vowed * Heaiber Aneiieaa Hfwepeper Pab> ward to tbe doma. T b m t "famous la one of the quiet auburban secUons Philip squirmsd uadsr hsi^ piere- I which increases if it does not mul­ merely beating the human creature Italian artist" whose name we the crypt of Martha Washington la man?" signed a death certificate as he would remain in the cult—aoma BsbeiB AaseolalloB. a huge square block of white mar­ ot the city of Seattle. It was aa at­ tag gmae. tiply from irear to lear, do no start to It by a few million yeara. The coultot catch painted George ABything elM ? You old by law. day ^ b e "rejoined” by his wlfo. Pabllebare RaprasaBtatIves: Tbe ble out of which emerge the‘heads tractive building, derigned cIoba “ Something about hei eharac Jallae Matbewa Spaelal Agaaer—Maw themselves. Not often. Once In nest step in human evolution, Dr. Washington surrounded by 1 3 de­ ESngliah Tudor lines, and ita walls tar, 1 should aay," ha/«pliad, ba- PbiUp thought, you haven t ■■ ? >■> JIEFRIGI cidedly bulbous ladles clad in noth- of three historic women, some­ me a blessed thing. Terk, Cbleage, Oatrelt and Boatoa. a long while lightning doea cause a Erederlck TUney, Columbia Univer­ what as If they were^taklng a mud- were covered adth Ivy a geDeration stowlag, adtb an e m rt, one ot hia jn» to speak of beyond a bit or bath. "One snore detail,” ha auggestad, Connecticut is aatimated at $22,< MRMBRR a u d it BURBAU OF forsat fire, but probably far leaa sity sharp on such matters, said In filmy drapery. old. Well-kept grounds surrounded moat grarioua ssriias upon her .CHOP AND LIVESTOCK CntCDLATlONR after a moment. "How long was 238,000 compared with $19,136,000 We once stepped from an riov.^- it on all sides. To one side of Uie “My uncle hat/taken a great in 1935. The IncreaM In total value ______0>s« one-per cent o f all the destruc- a talk the other evening, may b e a . ^Now the guide---- — la —» dlgertlng__ — , „the „ tor in fancy to bar, and naturally are are Mlaa Barrett a student here7” >‘ time to bear a guide s^-y; building, a lovely miniature utke !■ attributed to the increase in pro­ The Herald Prlnttne Cempanv lae. I tion radulUnir from firea atartlne in dome-like forehead to accommodate ’The mirrored the reflecHon of old-world a UtUs intar$ned ia bar back "Two yaara." ncuREs available assaaias eo Saanelar rseponilbllllr I stsrung In where are depicted 450 years ot his­ arches were designed by "And where did she aftand Mhool duction and price of potatoes and (or typesraphleal errors aispaarlag la the open can be attributed to Na­ a huge brain in response to thou-1 Archimedes," wrhlcb seems to be turrets. ground." adveitlseaMBte la tha tory, ending with the discovery ut prior to that?” tobacco, although the prices of other Maaehaettr ture. Human agendea are reapoo- sands of yeara of clylUzatton’s ln-| stretching things a bit as thla noted Although not a private school, it "Why 7" producte were generally higher than Bvealas Ha raid. r>ld In California ia 1340. It ends reflected the atmosphere of Philip /took out a rigarst, pro­ Mias QrsaJey looked at the card State’s Farmers WIH Find dble for all tha reel. creaslngly complex demands. In a dark aplotcb of blank plaster geometrician was killed by Roman e year ago. aoldlers some few years before the small, exclusive junior coUaga ceeded p6 light It. again. “Our recorda do not ladicAta Mach Helpfol InforVnatiim in Copies of tha Connecticut Crop TRX7R80AT. MAT • Tbe number of Uieae wtldland “ filnoe early beginnings,” said Dr. which will be filled with a World that," she lied, it would be far bei- capitol was built. Situated, as It was, in a good cast uncle," be said, "is a very Bulletin Just Issued. and Llveiiiock Review may ba se­ Partland. 186 West Center street *>••**• that have occurred so far Tllney, "man has grown In human­ dentlal district, its young people man. We thought—in the Ur. aha Juatlfled baraeU, If an old cured by writing tbe StoU Depart­ Manchester, aa special representa­ RICH AND POOR STATES this spring in New England and the ity as hIs brain has expanded uid I came from nice homee anq med it—” He waved tbe rigant ex- nuui’s fortuna went to a girl Uks Hartford, May 6.—Connecticut ment of Agriculture at Hartford. tive for Manchester and vicinity. ready to be wrapped In a protec­ eraUly well-to-do, substantial par­ iveiy la the air, apropos of Joan Barrett than to aa Impudent East generally Is puzzling. We his forehead has risen abovo his farmers who are looking ahead and Mr. McPartland was born In Man­ Under the caption “Industrial tive covering before it goes Into the ents. The entire student body had I.otblog. young whelp Uka thla. Even aasum- chester and apent all of hia tile here Statai 8oakad“ there appeared Ib a lisiJ • Ewt winter. The spring rains eyes. Such a eoncluston seema Iimch. Or. get out the cheese, -nit never numbered more than 600, an/ Mias Greeley's eeverity increased ng that bs waa telUng her the planning changes In their crop or with the ekceptlOD of a few yearn ChBoactlciit Bawepapei tha other | hy no mean# meager. Every Irresistible when we place side by off a medium sliced layer of tempt- The Family there waa a close nrighborllness pi- She did not like young men who truth. livestock schedules for the future "WAll ^BRIEFS while he waa attending St. Cniarlea ■wamp is 11111 fun of water. The elde the brain casU of the ape-man' •“B. 3^1k>w American cheese and tween faculty and pupils. / smoked without first aakl^ her 'You can tall your uncle," she will find much valuable Information (Xillege, BiUtImore, Maryland, aim I day aa adltorlal article tbs theme j I P**®* Hie cheese in the sandwich li said furthermore, "that 1 cannot in the 103$ Connecticut Crop and condition of long continued drought For more than 30 yeara, A'm«n. permission. > New Tork, May 6— (A P ) — The later Trinity College,* Hartford, c f wkkdi la a familiar o e*-tb e dls- of Java, the dawn-man of Piltdown, you are In good health, it la all right .D o cto r da Greeley had reigned ov^i* Blast' ' You thought T" aha prompted. praise Joan Barrett too highly. Livestock Review which has Just Edison Electric Institute reported <3onn. He graduated from Manches­ proporHoa batwasa ag^aadlturM ot which so often foreruns an excessive the Rhodsalan, the Neanderthal and use whole wheat bread and c b e ^ man High aa Ita principal. Foi 'WeU—in the event that he might She la worthy of laythlng be may been published by the State Depart­ today for February total revenue ter High school In 1933 and hU ment of Agriculture. This 30-pfige pabae aamay tai low-lneoRM atatea number of woods fires h f not «z the moden who demonstrates this I **'SJ?°°***^' h e r e a r e b u u » t h a t 10 years prevloua to that—from wish to remember Mias Bsfrett in do for her. She was an cxcaUent from ultimate consumers of elec­ many frienda wUl be glad to hear *n fai^ But th'ere are fires steady ezpanaloii." I make toast. T. B. nCTlMS, VUUNU AND Hie very day the achodi had Urst hia arili—he would, of oouraa, want student, as 1 have pointed out to bulletin, complied by the department tricity in the United States at this appointment. sad ia hlgti-iaeonM states and tbe . ’ I ■* recommend to be thorot a-h- to cooperation with the New Ehig- $183,586,300 compared with $171 Mr. McPartland has recently fin­ k and fires and more fires. One has 1 OLD, SHOULD FULLUW opened•V —. lU dooro—sM7 - Hiught to know more about her.' you, and her character waa above O^npocttoaate taxing i t tbe higb- Which Is all very InteresUng. and ly dextrinized, I suggest that ^ thera. The school /waa her ‘te “Tour' uncle eent you here to reproacA i am sure, however, that land Crop Reporting Service, con­ 219,500 in the like 1936 month. For ished an extensive training course to provide tbe money to conclude that there must be probably does prove something. use white bread unUl It la a golden make there Inquiries?” In knowing her you have found that tains many comparative statlaUcd) the 12 months ended Feb. 12 total and la well qualified to handle al! ■fan By OB. MORRIS F18UBELN woven all her life insurance matters. aapauded In the low-income states. | P * * * multipllcauon of special aitua- Whether or not it proves a steady brown. If you try to toast the ^ l o r , Journal of the American d re a ^ and amolUons Philip flushed '.neaally. out for youraelvea.” tables pertaining to various crops revenue was $2,086,080,000 against as well as livestock. $1,929,778,000' in the preceding like Uona from which woods fires de­ expansion In humulty is hardly, whole wheat In this manner it may Medical AModatlon, and of Hyrels, *tudcnta Were her children, "Yea, " he replied, a UtUa heal Yea, Indeed," PhlUp agreed with­ Wa bars btaa raadlng such sdltor- develop a slightly bitter taste. Um The Information, giving state to­ period. velop. one may think, to be taken wholly I the Health Magazine | che^itoed their Interests tanUy. "That la—in a way. my out enthustsam. He roM . Miss Gree­ W a liar maoy yean. HRet long ba- the enUre whole wbcat for lunch aa eloaely a/cha guarded her own uncia sent ma." tals, is tabulated counties and. Alwaya, when there I. aa unusual for granted. Possibly the Javan ley's atUtude Indicated quite plain­ In addition. Includes comparative Interstate Department Stores, ftxa tbars was any New DeaL And M d uac the white bread for toast For the tutorcukMls victim many Integrity. " I do not understand you, young ly that tha interview waa at aa and. Quotatiors— number of forest biases In the fail ape-man or the Neanderthal crea­ for breakiast. figures for principal compeUng areas Inc., reported sales for April totaleo •Iwaya thair taaor is that it is a jwpular hooka are now available She a strong, brilliant wom­ man. Did )rour unela send you or Ha bowed slightly. "You hava $2,190,061 compared wtlh $1 ,990,653 Other wheat products which mav not?" on many crops. While all figures small number of Intanalvety indua- it la a common practice to attribute ture might have been more inhunum that can guide him in bis own per- an. I^ h e r fine brown eyes thsre been moat helpful,’’ he toid her, show 1034-1936 comparison, many In April 1036, a gain of 0)4 per cent. It constitutes disorderly conduct to used are macaroni and spaghetti. ■Hll a^ne courage and vitality and Well—not exacUy—” tilal and commercial atatea which them to gunners; whtn the Area than the round-skulled staff officers ronal hygiene and In preventing and hia sarcasm w u not waatad. of the more Important crops are For the three months ended April 80 when a diner refuses to remove bis Or, you may use whole wheat muf­ him from spreading the.diMase to determination, though aha was naar 1 sec. SuppoM then, you leave 'I am aura" of It," aha repl'ed sales were $5,538,556 against $4,877,- hat in a restaurant or any other bear tbs burdw of nip come In the spring ft is a common and aviators who executed that fins. For breakfast,’ try the cereals treated Separately, showing the '*■ *■ those about him. The hooks ot La w - ing 70 years of age. The blood ol your uncle'a nama and addrcM la the same tone. tTMid for a 10-year period or longer. 216 a year ago. a gain of ig H per pl^ce where Jadles are present- . *mE a f tba aoMatry. -r,- pracH?# to charge- them up to toodent-man -coup lU Gusrniea the made from wheat prepared m van Brown, Hawes, Minor and plonMra raa.la her veina; her

i-w-TT: d O B » MANCHESTER EVENING HERAEB, MANCEXETEB. OOMN. THURSDAY. MAT «, 19ST MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. .UANCRESTTER, 00NN« THURSDAY, MAY «, 198T O tden m«y be placed Beaaoa, William Black. Howard Mra. Dowling. In Gay Hawaii that Intemperate actioo by the street ly to a queation. ntD C K W m i CLOAK Beketuaal TealgM Boyd, MJ>„ Mra. Roaaa Brookings, ------"Wiiat the blank- ROCKVILLE New Temple of Science 4TH CONFERENCE Samuel Burgesa, L. E Burr, H. L. car men might injure the busmen's ety-biaiuc____to I rt This evening, Thursday, there will LONDONS STRIKE chances of winning their fight for a 'SitdowB? Naw—they stands be a rehearsal tn Ellington at Um Carr, Tbomaa Oorttaar. Mlsa liar- Red^ripe luscious Louisanu Jorie Crockett, Mra. A. L. Croweli. half-hour reduction ta their preaent up or they walks!" CO. SUPPLIES BURNS Town HaU for tbs Pomona Chorus eight-hour working day. Everybody laughed heartily — which win alng Grange Sunday Is Dedicated Today ATSOUTHCHilRCH Arthur E Glbaec, Chrtetophar Glen- ney, Robait Gonloo, Albert E Hol­ WILL NOT SPREAD The street car employan* decision Just as they smiled tmderstaadtag- May IS, at Storrs. All Grange mem- -— I to remain at work followed Prime ly when the chairman of the govsni- |S0NS OF LEGION HOLD bera in East Central Pomona who man. Willard N o r t^ Mra George Ptttaburgb, May fi.—(AP)—Msl-aFUniUara ta mada without bolte or E Keith, J. Howard Keith, H. Rosa Minister Stanley Baldwin's plea for ment’s committee Inquiring into the Office Parthioiis Somewhat enjoy singing have been invited to loo Institute today dedleated its screws—only, a rubber mallet is Industrial quiet in an address to the strike called off an Important meet- DINNER THIS EVENING attend the rehearsal this evening. At TRAWBERRIES Rer. Dr. Story Med to Re- Lewis, MUs Ethyl LytUa Raymmii Mouse of Commons. 86.000,000 n«w bulldiiig, ths worM'a needed to take apart laboratory Merosr, W. Frank Mullen. WilBam Street Car Employes and tag with strike leaders because he that time the plana for the second tablea or to add to them. Inadvertently had made another en­ Damaged in Blaze On re h e a r^ wiU be announced. as the motHing dew largMt research instltutioo. Its ex­ Munsic, Everett McKinney, Otto He urged an end to the bus walk­ j Second Annual Banquet to Be Main eerrldon are Bottidno mai^ tnm; Fine Reports Made Nelson. George NiehoU, Fritz out and asked WeUh and English gagement. Oooacll to Meet terior a Greek temple nine etoriea ble, doors aluminum. In the Greek Odiers Heed Baldwin’s coal miners not to call a threatened Before they struck, the bus driv- O r c u id j * Held at Rockville House; Ex­ The regular monthly council high, its interior new laboratory exterior are 63 loiilc columns of Noren, M ia Carl Nyman. Robert E Pine Street Yesterday. meeting of the Vernon Methodist Purinton. Harold Richmond, Herbert strike at a time when all England era got $30 a week for maiwtaininy pect 50 to Attend. magic. Indiana Umitone, each of 60 tons. by Officers On Past Year W. Robb, Fred L Rogers, Sidney Plea to Keep the Peace. waa preparing for King George's an average of ten miles an hour >^Jwey/hSiock church will be held this evening. At It haa three and one half miles of In this magnificent temple the Coronation next Wednesday. through the crowded buataeaa dis­ this Is the last council meeting of corridors leading to 333 laboratory sdentifle wrorkera receive an aver Strickland, MUs Mabel rrottar. A four ton truck owned by Frank ^ k v lU e , May The Sons of the conference year a large attend John L. WtatorbottosB, Charlea Wi- Londoners have taken the bus tricts, with stops every few hundred rooma where at present US sd- • y*"- These men Following a parish supper served strike phUotophIcally. Jtards. The conductors racslvsd Amagio of mra street. New Brit­ wlU hold their eecond annu- ance is desired. 2 ' ® 2 5 * entlsta work. These men have gren, Jamea WtUon. London. May 6— (API—Immedi­ al Father and Son banquet this eve- and the 777 edentiata who have pre­ by the Willing Workers group of $17.50 weekly tor twfciwy change ain, loaded arith office partitions and B'urther plana wlU also be made actually Increased their scientific ceded them since the institute Raobrding atesrard, Edward Ma- ate danger that London's 10.000 "They wouldn’t do it if they didn't nlhg at the Rockville House. Mra. for the Home Coming Service on accompUahroente because of their the Weslejran Guild, the members of cauley; dUburslng steward, Herbert have good reason.” Is a typical ex­ and punching tickets on an average equipment of the Independent Cloak fotmded in 1911 have, by their dis- street car workers irould Join the of every three seconds during rush Company, which is moving from A. L. Cbapdelalne will supervise the May'33. Announcement has been new faciUUea, Dr. Edward F. Weld- ooveriea. eatabllahed ten new Amer­ the Fourth Quarterly Conference, W. Robb; financial secretary. Ever­ pression of the average person's rs- se rv l^ of a turkey dinner which strike of the city's 25,000 busmen sctlon. hours. New Britain to the cravat mill on made'that Rev. Marvin S. Stocking Prunes Banonot 4<^19* leln, director of the institute, told ican induatriaa, aided about 4,000 and others who wrere interested, at ett McKlnaey; assistant financial Now they are home working In Pine street, caught tire a t 4:30 yes­ will be followed by an after dinner of Stoughton, Mass., who was pas­ dlstlngulahed men from all over tended thia open meeting a t the secratqry, Clanacs Turkington; appeared to have passed {today. Neither Is thers any talk of program. It is expected that there American companies, invented about their tiny gardena, fishing in the terday afternoon resulting in ai tor of the Vernon church from 1931 North America who came to the 650 novel proeeasea and products South M etho^t church, laat eve­ oommunlon steward. William Black; Leadors of the strfsr car em­ strike-breakers or tear'gas or dis­ Thames, bicycling or “taU ng a bit alarm being turned in from Box 37, WlU be about fifty in attendance. to 1934, would be' the speaker at dedication. aad been granted 669 U. a patents. ning. dUtrict steward, J. Howard Kaith; ployes. who had said yesterday they orders. Green Peas Frash 2 “^19* In the new laboratories the sd- of a walk." at Pine and Walnut streets, follow­ _ The committee on arrangements that time. Peeches ^ W The dedication today is in honor At the request of Dr. Story, reserve dUtriet steward, WUIard would walk out despite union orders - Bat One Picket. They don’t even talk atriks—they ing a still alarm telephoned a min­ includes Howard HlUer, Seymour Engagement Annoonoed entlat can get the temperature of of Andrew W. Mellon and the late George B. Keith reminisced appro­ Horton; trier of appeals, W. Frank to the contrar>-. decided at a con­ ute or taro before. LAvltt, Richard Gworek and Blarl tropics or Arctic, or the climate of The busmen simply trundled the leave that to their leaders. They Mr. and Mrs. W. Graezyk of Mor­ Kichard B. Mellon, foundera of tha priately about tha cburch hUtory Mullen. ference last night to remain on the vehicles into their huge barns and talk ajwut the Coronation and Tbs truck eras standing on Pine Krause of the Sons of Legion ■ —- rison street snnounce the engage the Sahara for his experiments sim­ InaOtuU. They set it up as “an in­ during the paatorata of Dr. Scriv- Job. street just south of the driveway Oranges Vsr po- 39« ply by turnlEig a thermostat left them there. At the Chiswick whether the Duke of Windsor waa PtNTliVND sUted by William Baer of the Le ment of their daughter, Mias Cath dependent non-profit sdentifle insti­ It waa reported Ernest Bevln. barns, where hundreds of buses are right or .wrong when he quit the leading tiito the receiving doors of gion Post erine Gracayk to Dominick Graezes 0ctMonSoap4>-17* If be wants a vacuum resembling tution wdtose-aole aim would be the WISDOM n /M S tO M T the mill where three other trucks that on the surface of the moon be spokesman for {the transport union, lying idiei one picket—Just one— thtone for Mra. Wallla Simpson's Howard HlUer, who acted m?st kl of HazaidviUe, Conn. toeRraibtet rraeiwianirtan a wmsswi •wch for truth." They bdd. the promised them early settlement of was on duty, slightly self-conscloua love. l70«k3trMfc Phoae4247 arere in the yard unloading. The capably in the capacity of toastmas­ Postponed Meeting Bob Burns and Martha Raye are bringing home the bacon In thin ran get It out of a pipe In any labor­ dedication announcements stated, Omaha, Neb.—A High school boy driver of the truck. Frank Skorup- 8 ^ 0 from "WsUrikl Wedding*’, the gay comedy with muelc which Potatoes 15n:35*" atory. Usually making a vacuum haa proved hU name, wisdom Stew­ the busmen's strike, which bas Jam­ because his white armband with ter at last year’s banquet will again The postponed meeting of the of­ that “the best security for dvillaa- med London's subways and street black lettering marked him aa a skl of 347 W aahin^n street. New be toestmaster. The address of ficers of the Rockville baaebaU lub, openato^rrow a t the State theater for three daye. AcUon above was CocoMiak 23* requires apeclal apparatus with big Uon Is sdentifle reeearrh ~ art, U not a mUnomcr. Some species of spiders build Britain, notieed flames shooting out flnlahed with the winnabe pumpa. Other pipes will give him cars to capacity and left an over­ picket. i*y ■*^11»“ and other prominent business men bolding the wlnnahe. SurpriaegT So ai« the pigs. Since the founding they have In a county 4-H club tatslligence flow to find other means of trans­ ta colonies, M tb several webs from under the hood and up the PhlUip, president of the Sona of which was scheduled to be held on Bteam, gas, hot or distilled wrater given the tnsUtute 811,000,000, not test, Wisdom's aoors was the high­ He chatted occasionally with a united by common lines. Entan­ dash, catching Are to the covering Legion. Celery 2 1 5 * with the turn of a valve. portation. stroller or a policeman. Wednesday evening was postponed including the buUdl^. The wpro- est—a “superior” rating of 95. Bevta waa said to have declared gled prey belongs to the first spi­ on the furniture that was in the Gilbert Martino who was Depart­ ■ Shelvea book Into the wralla. Ten prtatlons for researeh this year an “Qaa bomba?" be replied vacant­ der to reach it. Raid Hie Herald Afffik truck. to tonight because of the meeting ot Clapp’s Baby Food' minutes la enough to change the ment Oommander of the Sons of the Rockville Clvle Assoclstion on more than $800,000. Many indue- He tried to extinguish the flames, L«gion last year ill be the speaker CENTER CHURCH JUNIORS DAMAGE TO SOUTHERN shelf arrangement of an entire room. tries contribute to this fund. but the gasoUne line had broken and Wednesday evening. Spinach of the evening. There wUI be ac­ SUgfat Aoddeat 6 Cum 49* released gasoline on to the hot nuut- cordion selections by Edward Sune- Ifold. The flames spread back gm and piano selections by Donald Automobiles driven by WUUsra H. REHEARSING PROGRAM CROPS ffiNEFIT HERE I along the gasoline Una to the truck Oerich. Felber of 9 Jacob street and Irving body rapidly. DALTON EXPLAINS The Poet*s Column] The Sons of Veterans Squadron im E. Sweet of 37 Eaaf street, were Will Give Animal Entertain­ The call brought out N o.'l’s pump slightly' damaged on Wednesday Peaches Hit by Frost and 1 an acUve organlzaUon and last year ment May 14—^To Give Playa l it t l c b s o w n b u l b s and ladder truck and also No.-4’s received s citation from the Depart­ when they aldewiped at the corner Strawberries by Rain So Lo­ Wbito House Evaporated ladder truck. The fire was extin­ ment Commander for Its excellent of Prospect and Mountain atrsets. and Nnalcal Skita. cal Demand Should Be Big. FEDERAL BUREAUS n . guished by using the water tanka Police CUiptain Peter J. Dowgesrica Little brown bulbs work. M ilk In the basket.lay. from the different pieces of Are ap­ investigated the accident but no ar Children of the Junior Depart­ Raymond Montla, who a year ago paratus aad a small amount of Hospital Report ment of Center church school are “So plain and common" Mra. Agnes Laxzeiin, superintend rests were made. became a fruit aad vegetable buyer chemicals. The damage to the fur- Clvlo Association .Meeting hard at wrork producing their an­ I heard one say, nitura in the automobile wraa not ent Of the RockvIUe City hospital, nual entertainment, the date of for a Providence wboleaalc com­ Special Agent in Charge of But wen 1 knew has issued the following report for Will lam Preust was re-elected Silverbrook heavy and wtm taken from the truck president of the RockvIUe avlc As­ which is set for May 14 at 7:30, tn pany, haa been in the Southern That deep withta them by men employed by the Cloak com­ tbs month at April, 1937: the pariah house. tSvo plays are In atatea tor the paat month buying C ream ery Hidden beauty lay. Number of patients la hosp:.al sociation at the meeting held Wed­ New Hartford Office Tells pany aad carried Into the milL Some nesday evening at the Rockville course of rebearsal, 'The Weather atrawberriaa la North aad South Butter of the glass which was part of the AprU 1, 1987; 17; number admitted Clerk", coached by Mra Raymond Carolina and more recently early I took tham to tha gardener, during the month, 63; out patients, House. Other officers elected were; office partitions was broken. Vice-president, Thomas F. Rady, Huaaey, well-known for her work In vegetoblea la aoutbem New Jersey. About How G-Men Work. Re planted them with can The moving of machinery from ai; total treated, 100; discharged. Masque and Wig, the church drama­ A ralnatorm in the Carolina atates In a soft brown bad of earth, ■ev. Dr. Bm I Story JO; X-raya. S3; accidente,i8 1; births, ir.; financial secretary, Arthur Ed tic club; and "The Sentimental the Fafnir plant in New Britain, wards; secretary, Lester W. Martin did much damage to the strawberry Patiently to wait where the company has done bust' la operations, 81; largest number Scarecrow," directed by Mra. Wat­ crop, making them too soft to ship For aun aad rain ener, who U about to retire from treated, 84; smallest number treat­ treasurer, Harry Flamm; board of son Woodruff, superintendent of the and since then be haa bewi working Hertford. May 6.—(AF)—“There’s office of district superintendent. ness for the past five years, wras directors, Charlea Murphy, Fred To do their ehare. started on Uooday afternoon, or ed, 14; daUy average, paUenta, 35. Junior department. In New Jersey. Ha was home today, no such thing as any one ag«it or One point mentioned was that tha within two hours after aiyitng of Bowling Leagu,. Banquet crick G. Hartensteln, Edward L Both plays are clever and enter­ but la leaving again for New Jersey Pure Lard 2-"29 any single offloe of the bureau get­ first discussion of plans for a asw Newmarker, Rev. George 8 . taining and are sure to amuse both and other points south purchasing Whan jgentla Spring came in church occurred during Dr. Scriv­ the lease. Trucks were kept busy The bowUng league of Maple ting 'credit' for a ease”, It was ex­ Thoae/Uttle brown bulba day Tuesday aad men worked Grove WlU hold lU annual banquet Brookes, Mayor 'Jlaude A. Mills and children and grownups. In addition, in the open market or from Indivi­ ener's period of sendee ta Manches­ an Charles F. Allen. the Junior cboir of 35 members un- dual growers cropa as they are plained today by Jamea U Dalton, Pushed up their heads ter. tn the plant until B o'clock Tuesday this evening. May fl. at the cluo Into the suaUgbt clear night unloading the machinery that house CO Franklin avenue. About It was voted at the meeting last dtr the direction of Mra. Paul Mos­ harvested. special agent tn charge of the newly Dr. Story's transiUoos from one evening to close the stores of the ley and Mrs. Woodruff will give The peach crop from the Caro- Selected Medium opened Southern New Ehigtond di­ And little green sboote’ Item of the' program to another arrived. ■Ixty members of the league are ex- Began to uppoui. One of the representatives of the kttend. A turkey dinner, city during . the months of June. July three musical skits, similar to the llnaa haa been badly affected this vision office of the Federal Bureau were carried out with characteristic and August on Wednesday after musical pantomime successfully year and frost haa done so much Eggs Then on t hose lovely slander stems smoothness and a refreshing s< BompMy aaU yesterday afterpoon under the supervlalon I ef Investigation. that the inarhlhery from the t^afnlr or ncbard SUfkle. *^ - |nooM . Ptesented § year Ago. Their aelec, tihmhge to, the southern grown Briefly he tried to give to a re­ Bloomed flowren, fresh and fair. of humor,-- A detailed approach to tiona this year will be "Round the peaches that there la going to be a porter an Idea of the perfect team­ Shedding fragrance on the summer I^s aport of "fishing," aa being oca plant would be set up as soon as The dinner wlU be toHowad by th-1 " World”, "Whistle in the ThUUe” and ahortage. This, he figures, will be air. poasibla aad that operations would a w n in g of priaea, aeveral abort aoclation. it was voted to close ou G ran u lated work—esprit de corps If you like— of Dr. Scrivener's favorite sources Thursday afternoons as in the past. T Saw the Sea". of aaslitance to the members of the ANNIE RUSSELL ATKINSON. be underway within twro weeks. TTie telka and an entertainment pro- Manchester market when the with which the FBI tracks crime of relaxation, led to the presentation other company that they own and iTUEL Howsvsr, a number of the neighbor The enterteinment promitea to be 'lOLb. Cloth and public enemies. The new red- by Dr. Story of flahing equipment In Ing communities have decided on roost Interesting and parenta and peaches are brought in tor tale next operate tn New Britain would be The le a ^ e Utle thia year waa friends are urged to keep the date In summer. Beg Sle dent headquarters tai the American **DMVB OAMFULLY1 appreciation of hla many aervicas to moved to Uaaefaeater later. John sron by tha team captained by Peter Wednesday afternoon as their bait mind. Su ga Industrial building for the Connecti­ Listening ta tbs other day, the church, both ns pastor and boUday closing and this week the The present outlook for straw­ Bood, head mlllwTigbt tor Cheney CteTOv« who won in the roll-off berries from New Jersey la aucb I cut and Rhode Island territory Is but I heard ths announcer say, aa district superintendent. Brothers is assisting in setting up with Harold Weberia team, defeat­ chain grocery atores posted notices that the market will be short, which | one of 40 offlcea of the celebrated "Drive carefully an the highway*’. One remark by Dr. Scrivener the machinery. ing the latter. that they would close on Wednesday FINAL **BINOO~ GAMES bureau. It is good advice, I pass It on, should be framed ai.d remembered. aftemoona. This Includes the At­ will again assure an Increase of For example, DUUnger was cor­ The company ertll continue to em­ Brwmatie Training Oaaa Tonight Is the final game In the bi.aineaa in the Manchester nmrket "Stop, Look and LiMen” aa you go He quoted among other things that ploy those who worked for them In lantic and Pacific, First National when it opens next month. nered by G-Men In Chicago, but It along. of "Faith, Hope and Love...the The third leason In the Dramatic and PhilUps atorea. . Odd Fellows series of "Bingo." The would violate the spirit of the bu­ New Britain If they wish to come to Training Clasa will be given this committee requests ail certificate O 'c lo c k Do not pass the sign. greatest of those waa a sense of Manchester. It was said, but an offi­ For tUa reason the matter was Statler Tissue 4 *'^23* 8 reau to assume that the Chicago For the other fellow have a care. humor.". And that waa one iMng evening. May 6, at the office of th- holders to be on hand for the free cial of the firm was of the opinion reopened at lasf- night's meeting The chief materials used m field offloe wras solely reaponsthle Be patient, courteoiu, kind, which even a mlnlater needed as T ^ d County Farm Bureau in the game. They aJao wish to thank ail bridge construction today a n car- for the Job, Dalton IncUcated. that it would be necessary to em­ Praacott block. About 35 peoptt which was attended by about 40 also have attended for their fine Ceffea And you Shan reach your deattaa- badly ta hla work aa anyone else. ploy moot of their workers In Man­ have been preaent at theae elarjes merchants, and It was decided to support all seaaoo. bon steel, alloy steels, concrete, An niustraUon of tha agent'a point Uon Reports ta detail were read and chester. The key men and women, have Wednesday tor tha closing hsif and masomy. wraa acen^ a few feet away from his All ta good time, ^ aooapted. They showed a great <*1x1 which are conducted by Mrs. Mabel desk where the teletype has been the tklUad workers. wiU come to Foou Hobba of the National Recre­ holiday. Instead of going to another ellmo. of activity In all organlzationa of A New View of the Hoepitel Showing the Best End aad the Aaaex, Broeted a Few Tsars Aga. Maachsstar but because of the nec­ ational A^Moctarion. To Play At Henry Park BandM Beans 2^29 Installed this week. ‘That machine ANNIE RUSSELL ATKINSON. tha church during tha paat year, «i«h la connected with the 40 field offices essity of traveling 30 miles each way Mra. Hobba baa been atreaalng the The Rockville High school base ta many cases im encouraging la ta and from work It wlU probably ball team wUl play Its games . this and the bureau headquarters In crease ta attendance. rmtit tn most of the former em­ need for more directors and not ac Washlngtoo. We can |alk from TBS POWEB OP LOVE tors. The laat leeaon Included In- season at Henry Park instead of the How wonderful, how wise. Among the various projects oi ployees securing work in other Fair Grounds as In the past. here with aU of them at once, or strucUona for the lighting of stage Red Circle with any stngis one as dealred", he Waa the Man of OaUlee, this laat year, ons of the major oiiea pieces in New Britain. In a day or productions. * Is the new stage contributed large­ two they srUI be able to open an said. Measagea are in code when Ha looked into the hearts of men. In A Matter Of Years Oar Hospital Is Just A Ths final, or fourth class will be Junket 2'^23‘ necessary. And saw what no other eye could ly through the efforts of ths Ep- employment office and be in a poal- held on Wednesday evening, May 13 Coffee An Are ta It see. worth League, and the co-operation Uot to know at that Ume the num of the church members in attending her of local people that will be em at the Farm Bureau office. Ths agent in ebargs, wrho directs Oranges to Compete How kindly. He did say, Uic play they put (m for that pur ployed. ths activities of several other agents pose. Sturdy Youngster In A Race Of Octogenarians Ellington, Bolton and Hebron assigned to Hartford, declared that "Love ons another” Granges will each present a play at when working on a particular case Not only your own dear Moat of the officers wars rs-«lect- the Grange hall In Vernon Centee Super Suds g 17* kith and kin, but others. .hI for the coming year. However, Msaamaa FIbm witk your laHM Pxo lor I boo tov fi«a oacb Ma4 W law awao “every office baa a finger ta the this evening. There will be no ad pie." Bach one looks to every pos­ For all are brothers. there were a few changes in tadlvld mission charge, but a coUectlon will A CHICKS— sible lead which may be d^eloped Tea, if you should have an rntnny ual reaponaiblUty. Miaa Marjorie BUT IN THE MATTER OF SERVICE AND ABILITY TALCOTTVILLE be taken. Bokar ta its territory. A case may break By love he may be wop. Crockett’a resignation from ths Jun­ The contest is being sponsored by best FRIEND into a nation-wide proportions ta a ior department haa left a place <^>en. The foUowlng persons were re­ the SUte Grange. The play Judged few hours. Love destroys an hate. Mra. Roasa Brookings haa taken ' IT STANDS IN THE FRONT ROW WITH THE ceived into membership at the com­ the beat will later be given at the fcv ClaUiaa Love opens Heaven’s gats. over ths Cradle Roll. Mra. Habsl munion service at the Congregatloo- Super Suds Coffee ** 25‘ "Each office gives all It’s got, and ConnecUcut State College at Storrs shoots ths results to Washington." Love makes us strong and true. Rogers requested to resign aa ra- ^^urch: Mar^rie. Jack and Harry Levs maksa men saints cordlng secretary. Among the heads iTwitice. Mias Stanwood was voted The state contest wiu take place in Aceompllahmenta are considered the August. sccompllshments of the whole bu­ and angels, too. of orgsnlxations. only ons change GREAT BECAUSE IT HAS A CLASS ‘A’ RATING!- Into the church by letter. Food Sale Saturday reau. • Love conquers when all elae doth was mentioned, the CeclUan Club, There w-aa a meeting of the B mnIM Btowr Bread 15c U Oa fall The Ladles Aid society' of the Jar Violations of statutes over wrhlcb which baa a new president in frien d ly Circle" on Tuesday eve- Methodist church wUI hold a food 10c ths bureau haa Jurisdiction ta Oon- Love ever triumpba. Leva prevails Hasel Drigga. None Better Can Be Obtained Throughout the Country No Matter How Large Or Heavily EndowedS president. MUs Annla Ruaaall Atklnaen. The church haa also a naw axperi- Doris Rlvenburg. was In charge ' of sale at the church near Dobsonvitla necUcut and Rhode Island, which comer on Saturday, May 8. befrln G g d d L u c k Hurff’s Soups 5c were previously referred to the New ment to Its credit tor the past half I Consider the Tribute Doe the Founders Who Hive Ln- the meeting. Th* boatessea were nlng at 1:30 o'clock. The committee Tork or Boeton offices, should here­ GOD U UNCHANOpiG year which Is doing very well in in­ Mias Carolyn Trask and Mias Bar- : 3c Unchanging aa the everiifttag hills; ^Consider the Future—Can One laugine the Lack ol ■ bars Copping. In charge Includes .Mrs. Henry after be referrwl to the special creasing the Interest of tha various Agilnst Great Odds To Establish and Maintain Rothe, Mra. Adelbert Ward. Mra. C D e s s e r t s ^en t ta charge at Room 907 ta the From everlasting to everlasting, activities ta ons another—the Preaent FadliUcs To Sey Nothing of the Future Needs?, Mm. Kate Smith has returned to lo MiUv • Oood to E it Chocolates GuarmtM ^ 35c Lb. American Induatriai building, tele­ la God's dealtnga with the world. church newspaper, the Mentor. This her home after spending a week in R. Bllnn and Mrs. Lincoln Dowling. 10c And, well ting This Hoapital In Hanchenter. phone 7-9233; paper U alao sent to "abut-tas" aad ^Consider This Fact—How Can Aa InatitoUon So Dcdi- Boston visiting with friends. Mr. Dalton today said soma of the His tore, tin Hla promises Ha ful to people away from the town, who Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Pitkin cele- Tomato Juice 3 ^ 25c $Oa major vtolsUona ta this Jurisdiction flUa were formerly associated with the ^Consider the Service thia Hospital Has Rendered To cated To the Needs of Human Sofferiag—Se Bouad Up brMted their ,60th weddln^f ajuiJvcr- Peanut Butter Jar 13< ar» the National Motor Vehicle And conies tha m i, whan time t<«ii church, aad who still ratala their in­ a ^ Sunday, May 3. They were be no more. In Our Uvea—Fail of Your Support In Ita Annual Quest Tneft Act, tateratate transportation terest ThouMuda of Patlonta. For— pleasantly surprised by friends who SparkkJDNm^ 25c of stolan property valued at $5,000 It means aelfdenial to tollew HIbl Dr. Story waa asked to rotim tor came to help them celebrate the Qt. To many, A rlst’a eonunaadmeBta day- " 'S h o i S q u e e z e Salad Dressing have grown dim; tha coming year, aad eocalderiag 33c proeecutlon or hla splendid report the church peo­ -Mlaa Eloiae Lanz returned to her Tet, Chrlat'a law Is tha ssmt for- testifying, tha White Slave A ct Im- evarmora. ple responded eathualasttcally to home after being in the hospital. i ' r riM Bt ftRltiMg n u t pereonation of Federal ottieiale the suggestion of Us raturn. Mr. and Mri. Blankenburg apent o u t d a ic ! " •"csBy of goods ta Interstate com- The organism ttoBs are vrorkliig a few days last week in Atlantic 3iem i DmpU Speeiais toeroe, kllUng a Federal officer. ^rt^M JvaO oo, they say, “le out of a ty . W ith COUNTRY CtUB MIXERS— bard, abowtag ksac tateraat la thair ' BABY CfQCKS ooald laOc, Ih&f imstUi eo* Tjiw taciuda also taterstate trana- work. Ths spiritual life of the John Lotus went to Washington Tom Collint. Plua S, and W hisker portatlon of kidnaped peraona, theft Bsaca, t h ^ ayea are bitadad. thay **Ghw m Pusitta Stagtma ooolaiiiiag Pw eszuiot 0M ' *■ church is giving aaoouragemact SUSTAINING FUNDS teat week with the senior class. Sour —there's oarjr a lemon to F an cy of government property, anti-trust the leaders. WlUlatt B. Keith, re­to They returned home on h'rtdsv eve- robbery of national banka and Nor reaHne. the Joyful felldty. nlng. •qucerc, no limes to cut, no sugar to a ten*r No gtoxfing fMd hi AoMcica hm Long Island Of those who follow ChrtsL At eav jected lodal preacher, spoke at the mcMure. Just pop off the top, mix, Ducklings ^bar banks of tha Federal re- imt#, high atteedanee at the Uteat Oom- -Mrs. Richard Donovan returned to and SERVT! And smooth! sovwl IIm Mvw of axm chiefa Ekmi Pfetkaa I _ neutrality violations Christ haa aald.'my Joy 1 give unto munloc service aa evidaaoe of the her home after spending a week in •Upment of arms to you: spiritual life of the church. Remember! A Maxium Of Good Has Been Done Rhode Island vtaiUng with relatives Pal, they blend with SlortancL No atcnrtkig food AaMtioa fcf filwdly nations, frauds against the tythimg, retaining government, crime oa the high aaas. r o n w me; and, I win cany you The nominating committee pre­ The Vernon Grange wlU hold i tiiroufb.** sented the tollovlag to the meeting Friday at the I'ernon ily that peppy, lus­ dooo a bote fob of taBlDg fiBR, M , 1M» C h ic k e n s t t e wtatute, 1^ Grange hall at 8:30 d. s. t. .N’eign- tion ef fugitives from Justiea and ooafereoce aad all were clected: , With A Minimum Of Money-A Wonderful Record cious lemon-Iime tang! ebidoi iMo big itedr btaifa hi gfei mmV •ecaped Fadsral prteaosra. 1 6 0 Hw«ygt.. Tnistees: Fred J. Beadalt Lew- bora night wnll be ohseived. KUlng- Moaefaaater, OoBa. reoee W. Chae. Albert L. CroweU. ton Grange wiR bring the Fraterni­ On in/t nl y*nr ntigh- tnao Ihon Paxina Start—a. T h ar* wbqr §Tm Mra. Mabel Rogera, Paul O. FerrU, ty chain and present ths program Utrt. 80s fnr Moogocag art oi tbg ttsslMSt For Manchester—For Any Community! OoodwUl and Suffleld have been tn- a U r f knuU Csstre* Chuck Roast George E Keith. WUUaa E Kalth, vlted. nmfy. fort good ocognoo a—M lo glart 9MT ebioiM POLICE COURT *” toomle iaportaiioa in many Thoraaa J. Rogera, M rc Robert ™*®*vlea, dtxe they eootrel the Rlehmacd. Mra. Rub>- Lov. nn held a card on Stortaoa tea yeori Sm T a r t l y George Tbonee of T raiaten, aad do it to a wen-regu- party at her borne. Thursday t-vc- HnMmtl jtre e t would not let his lated manner. Stewards: Oiailaa Banka, l|laa ning. The procce-ta were for the b r o t ^ WUIlam use his eutom ot^ Pbullaa Baaba. George Beer, Bseklcl Vernon Girl Scouts. S h o u ld e rs to rsCipa to his piaoa of eaployiDent Several members of Vernon to Andover. Somewhat teenaed by Grange attended the all-day aewim; the reft^ . Brother WlUie “beat m bee at the home of Mrs. Wilson of •verythtag he eonld wtth hie h a i ^ $15,000 NEEDED THIS YEAR Vernon on Wednesday, riana wer Checker Board Feed Store w ^ e e r.- aeeordiiig to Brother made for the Home Economics com­ Face Rump Roast WHY I LIVE IN (X)NNECnCUT 10 ,\pcl Ptec* In FoMee Court thia morning ef- mittee. It- is expected that a fair Telephone T ill ?** eountry’a moat famed eartooclata, win be held m the fall and plans are . ^?*?**' •«“> Brothe^-ln- ^®*rtteBed the pages of many a under way. U w Rtehmend Hogg teetillad to the •aatruetion dona hy WUHain. ha waa a ^ a ^ m«tTop.29e The defendant waa arrested by ?*«***«» Oonaactlcut aa a bosse are no daughter, Mary Jane, spent Sunday Haddock PoUcenan Michael Fitageraid aftw to artiate who have elactod Make Checks Payable To The Manchester Trust Company, Treasurer. m WUUmantlc vUtting with rela- With Checker Board ! !ha owner of tha car eomplained to aSiSL^ to New Tort la a g^ tivea. the poltosu aoammrir «0 tt haa a restful, homey charm. Ite BEST LEHIGH BLACK MAGIC COAL SSg? axetOng—Just simple ^ and quiet Without Ita long hind claws, the ■WMW It proteeta the atone- skylark would sink helplessly Into AT LOW SUMMER PRICES vock none eorroekin by adds in PaM Far By W. W. tha ten grasB in which it makes Ita ItoMwash to need exten- —"JOHN CAaSEU Tbod Stozes fiviv 6B Xaatoon hnSldlnga


It^CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStTER. CONN, THURSDAY, MAY 6,198> PLAN TO ORGANIZE Labor Decision LOCAL INSURANCE HASS EVACUATION > INSURANCE HEIP Big News to Hiih Doheny Heiress T h e H ig h S c h o o l W o r l d Closeup and Comedy OF 5,000 CrniDREN HUGEBOY^ YM.IY.N« w49. SUIT OF INTEREST ERSKINE JOHNSON-GEORGE SCARBO to Wed Lawyer CoaplhNi by StndcBii o t MuKhwtar HIgb School (O dotinned from Page One) T--1 MIm Hden Eotco, Fscnlty Adviser STARTS IN BILBAO ON AU MOI to believe the movement cornea from :v the company Itsdf, although not of- H. P. E S. BEWILDERING HUMOROUS PLAY OVEN Cctelly. (Omtiaaed from Page One) IPECIAUZATION NEEDED " I t looks to me Ilka a company HOUSES UR( Staff Nearly Starves move,” Mr. Egan aald. The Wagner yesterday with at least one Anap- Fitzgerald - Holden C u e (Oontteoad tram TO K E S. STUDENTS RY COMMERCIAL CLUB VARIEn OF NEWS GAMES A ct problblte company unions chlst member. Indicated also that all vlotetlont o t the Labor Relations was not yet calm. It asked "an to ON MODERN NEWSPAPER A ct and no company cau aponoer CIo m Ij; Holden Vinner. lay down their arms and forget 7Utea with t is produoKS, waH Find Hartford PnbHc Larger 'On Strange Streets directly any union, Mr. Egan pointed everything before the grandeur of lave their flaandal snppdrt. U “ Not to the Swift,** Enacted by ENLIVENS WORLD PARH lose them, weTl still have and Better Equipped Than out. the goal to be obtained against Fas­ ATTENTION CLASS OF I9S7A Commercial Members, High­ “However, from the reports 1 get. I cism.") moral support, and perhaps M. H. S.; Attend Classes Superior Oeurt Judge Frank P. Hukefl Addressesj To eat or not to eat te a quaaUonA Lunching In a strange town ly Entertaining, Directed by ORAD8 RBCmVB HONOBS It ■eema to me that the company In phirdcal support.” The Somanhla buaineaa staS There Daring Vacation. of vital Importance, especially it McAvoy, who presided tn the suit The Valencia administration ro- doeaa’t seem to be ao had if one Mr. Milbory. this caoe to steering the organisation mo\-ed Gen.. Joee Roldan from com­ The actors are seeUiig li wlahes to bring to tbe attention one, during those noonday boure o t knows the right side of tbe street Ridiard Martiii ^>eaks to o f Ite employes from the outside so Hertford PubUe High achooTs Junao Toman '83. a aenlor at brought by Wimam L. Fltxgerald mand of Catalonia's army, whiidi studio eondltiona. Cnrfmice; Miss Skip- of any graduates, particularly twelve to one, te hunting for a place to hunt on. It seems; but there's a "Oh yes. Dearie, you will have to Clark Untveralty, baa Juat receiv­ os not to be caught tn any vtolation to eat in a stranga d ty. against Thomas V. Holden, of the ^ been battling Gen. Francisco Pat (tooey, labor oondUator fori tba class of 1937A, tbe fact tbat aystem o f bells and recesses is trick to all trades, so they asy. •ome to 6€t up to iny stand- ed an aasiatantehip at Frinceton o t the Wagner Act,” H r. Egan as­ no subscriptions for leather-cov­ Such was the plight of the seven­ Former and Present Mem­ Insurance company o f Holden and Franco’s Insurgents In northeasteni toe produoara, said ths naat m o ^ very complicated one, or ao It seem­ After being fortified by lunch, ard.” With that aentrace Mias'Fos­ "University and has also been serted. Spain. ki|h S u es Resknatioii. ered Somanhla' will be taken teen members o f the World Staff Drive Starto Soon Nelson, Inc., and Mr. Holden's sis­ must be taken by tha strike leadeget ed to a group o f nine M. H. S. eopho- they soon made the proverbial Jump ter, :the flapper "eteno’’ brought initiated into the Clark Scholar­ Part of Regular .\rmy. after this Friday, May 7. No who attended the Conn. Scholastic ship Society becauae of the nlerit bers of W orld Staff; Hn- Tbe labor leader announced that ter, in the amount of $13,000 did tha ship, since the “ required steps to«T orders at aU will be taken after mores who vteltod that school on Press AssocteUon Conference la “ from the frying pan Into the fire.” forth her egottam to the new secre­ UDumial by giving hla decision Im The (totalan force was declared For after waiting on the corner, to o f bte acholoatic record. beginning Monday the campaign for ward the establishment of a *Ta o U «i dajra aiijraiM wtio wroU Friday, May 14. the Wedneaday of their vacation New Britsln cl) April 84. As tick­ tary, tbe Intelligent and accurate mediately after the argumente ou part of the regiilar Republican army Miss Blake. ~ Austin Johnson, MJ1.8. '33 and new members will bring a group o t fill and equitable underati___ The girls wePe guests of Everstt r*. ets bsd, by error, not been reserved which the bus should return, for both aides bad been presented yes­ under the command of Gen. Sebas- Cht lM i quaUflad fo r' naws- several minutes, no bus made Its a graduate of Clark University moroDs Verses Given ' well-known Connacticut organizers have been t ^ e n by the produoergAn Walton, head of H. P. H. 8. biology for dinner at tbe Conference, tha Mtei Foster, otherwise Ehrelyn terday afternoon. Llsh Pozas, leader of the govern­ ' P>P*r work, but today a nawapapar much wanted appearance. Here baa received a reneweo fellow­ Into action. James derkln, presi­ Although the movie pla3'er8 ac$« i department, and all of them bad representaUvee of M. H. 8. found It Getslwltchs, was gradtuttod from The Judge told the lawyers In ths ment troops on the Guadalajara not molest unlea molested and the they were, a band of 17 waiting on ship for next year In the Romance dent o t the New Britain Central ed under orders from produoenh f la Biada up o f a group at apadaliaad zn(»t enjoyable day at the school. necessary to eat lunch tn the heart Buster's Busy Businesa A lle g e and With Prizes. case that ainee the opening of the front to the northwest of Madrid. art of lion spearing (a learned by tbe a corner in an unfamiliar city, more Language department cf the lAbor Union and James Corrigan, refrain from discussing strlka te ' «p arta,” atatad WUUam K. During the first half hour or so, of the city. there attained tbe "marvelous'” rec­ Princeton Graduate achooL Aua- trial, a week ago Wednesday, and Valencia chose Col. Antonio Esco­ \. .I natives only becaaae, when the lloda than two miles from the Confer­ head of the Waterbury O ntral some were wtehing that the ' Baakall. anaiatant to tba Preaidant which is a “Quiet” period at Hart­ Since moat of tbe shops were filled ord o f one hundred and fifty words tlB te working toward a Doctor­ each day after the court saaelon was bar to head the Catalan police. are too old to kill prey m the forest, ence and about eighteen miles from Labor Union, will be the first asslst- " ■= ■' dreesera and makeup artiste tka Naw Tork Harald-Tiibuna, in they come to the village and kill an ford High, and the time when the with their usual customers, tbe a minute—she doesn't mention the ate of Philoa^hy in French. The High School World's “ second ai-t In the state office at Bridgeport. over, he had reirlewed the evidence Although President Luis (tom- ■not on strike. • boms. Their chagrin was not to be number of errors. panyi of (totalonia waa reported to ^a^kla addraaa to tba mamban of tba Ok. "W ild beasts are really very choirs meet, the girls were shown lone foreigners” had quite a search epecial edition” went to press Friday Mr. derk ln represente the typo­ os presented aad was ready after Btaref Halrdreeeera |>borUi Oonnactlcut Praaa Aaaoda- about the school In general. for a place to eat After trudging equated wton they found that all the *not To The Swift," a three-act have recalled some troops from the Caught wide-eyed In one of her nice animals to live among,” said time the bus aad Its driver were pa­ night, April 23 with the help of the graphical union and Mr. Corrigan te the close of the session yesterday Seen about strike headq tkn OaafarMce at StaU TaacUra* Doty, bead of girls' gym, was In­ up the streets a few times In order play, directed by Herbert MUbury, the agent for the Theatrical Stage WM front to suppress the Anarchlet few Krioui moments during the Mrs. Akeley. tiently waiting not more than fifty present staff and their guests who noon to give a decision. Withoul have been Olga CoUtais. w h o' .Oellego of New Britain. Saturday, troduced to them and the girls In­ to find a place spacious enough to had aa Its theme "Accuracy Plajre." VARIETY OF VOCATIONS Employes. outbreak. Valencia officials declared occasion. Lucille Eslelle Doheny Miss Shaplelgli Resigns feet away, in back o t another bus. were former members of the World leaving the bench he founij, against all those curia for Jeannette 1___ A p rflM . spected the different specialty accommodate them ail. It was finslly George Alden aa the brilliant archi­ the government had not suffered. Is pictured at a Venice, Calif., A sad surprise came to the con­ Ob well, experience te the best Staff. Three years ago, about 4,000 Con­ Mr. Fitzgerald saying that "the Donald; Bath Langston, Oreta'-Ckte^ rooms Hartford High’s biology de­ agreed upon that the group should tect, Mr. Wilmont, had for nia gg. '^ey reported heavy artillery party given In honor of her and captain Haakall’a addreaa on tba ference when Mr. Phelan, secretary teacher. OFFERED GRADUATES The guests Included Dcrothy Post, necticut agents, selling Industrial in­ whole evidence eetabllahed the bo’i hairdresser, Maris MamW.I be divided into three smaller ones, slstanta Joseph Maloney as Mr. fighting around Huesca, west of Bar­ her fiance. Attorney Van Niven. i ■‘JoumaUam aa a Caraar", of the Connecticut Scholastic Press partment with eight hundred stu ■36B. Dana Beach, '36B. Nelson surance asked for a^unlon charter non-Ilabillty of the defendant be­ usually assigned to Martens 9“ |,.;i,«aa tba highlight of tba afternoon dents enrolled In tha course, baa 4 all of w h l^ were to find their eat­ It was a aorroarful and happy Staad and William Bergeron aa Mr. Mr. Egan disclosed, but William M. yond a reasonable doubt." celona, but said the government Known to her Intimates as Association read to tbe conference Richmond, '87A. Mary BoUnaky trieb'a oolfirnre; and Louisa Wc laboratories, and 81 microscopes. ing places. Imagine the surprtee group that returned that night, hap­ Burton. Bill, the arlae-cracklng '36B, Felicia Miller, '36B, Alice Green, A. F. of L. president, refused troops had not sustained serioua “ Dickey Dell," M iu Doheny Is "n g c t tba conference, itlaa President Dorothy Sbaplelgh's let­ Various Schools Are Offering The case was of unusual interest tesscA who haa attended to Ginger I o f two of these groups, after meetr py becauae of their opportunity to office boy. was ably played by Louis Mason, 'S6B, Alice Maeon, '36B. to take them In. Mr. Green feared by Shaplalgh, Praaldent of tbe ter of resignation- Miss Shaplelgb The girls saw.an Interesting reptile Courses in Beauty Culture, to all-Insurance agents, as an agent J h iP l-EY DEANE the granddaughter of the late hair to r several years. L. in bitrodudng naptain display In one of the biology rooms. ing In s less crowded luncheonette, go to the conference, sorrowful be­ Della Fera. Manuel Ostrinaky, '87A, Woodrow that the egenta hoped to profit hy when appointed la given a commis­ (TOe insurgents, however, reportr Edward Doheny. oil magnate. stated that her resignation Is not cause they could not remain longer. Marine Training and Nurs­ h bg h t; 6seff7;+iNCHBs. hairdressers earn about $75 a remarked tbat tbe “ cap- H. P. H. 8’ 4 typing rooms con­ across the side of the street they A day spent in the archltecfa Trotter, '36A, and Mary ^ Ic b , '36B. their charters through tha sale ot sion from each company that he e and know the plant consists of two different ^cretary to accompany the delega­ merchant ships. The course Is con­ George Smith. a large additional sum and he claim­ due In 60 days and one for $160, due Into m gs at any time by feeding (totalonia will proceed with full- Kellesrites at their best In every de­ a few points by seconds and thirds, French movements. The group ot Am Horn Prod . ; ...... 44)4 •peed with the war. ers to leave the etreeta "if you wish Its preotdsat le Rfibert pour Mibject thoroughly. There la biiildinga which are connected, and tion of architects to France. Ot ducted on a training ship which Is Felicia Miller was the best In­ Local Stocks ed that It had cost him $13,CK)0, tor In 90‘days were given by Mr. Fitz­ them on thyroid ttesue. partment of play. It was not a but was quite weak In the sprints. which Mias Low was elected chair­ Am Rad St 8 ...... 21% victory Inatead of defssL” ) gomery aad Its memberrtdti { ijffo auch thing aa ‘general knowledge a bewildering number or stairways coura,. Mlsa Bloke la rewarded with one of tbe largest and most modern formed and succeeded in "spelling Am Smelt ...... which amount be brought the suit. gerald A check for $98.71 waa g iv­ G. B. Selden, o f Roebeeter, “ The trouble In Barcelona was not pitching duel but a whole team at "W ally" Plesick. one of M. H. 8. man consists of ‘ eachera from Hart­ ■...... 88% In naming Mr. Holdra'e sister as en at the aame time. N. Y., received the basic patent caused by toe groups supporting cost of toe big aamea of ; aa far aa newspaper work la con- and halls. the Invitation to go u1U. the dele­ sailing vessels In the world. It wsa down” the other winners for the Am Tel and Tcl ...... 168% work for victory. Manchester did main field stars, topk a second m ford, West and East Hartford. Glas­ Furnished by F. B. Shaw, Inc. one of the defendants It was set Up Mr. Holden further denied that be on the automobile for his "road toe government but by gangster When a bird motta, tha (fld I nartiad." A Day’s Program gation. Mias Foster now learns that built In 1920. prize. Am Tob B ...... 81% not make one error throughout the the discus and first In the shot-put, tonbury, Wethersfield. Bloomheld, 968 Farmington Ave, that Mr. Holden bad transferred had transferred property In Vernon engine" In i898. The patent later elements which now have been over­ feathers are pushed out by the ‘There a r e . apprarimataly Fty-Cbstlag Cbanp Edita The first period was spent In an her wise-cracks and lazy indiffer­ There Is no charge for tuition or A search for headlines which were Am Wat WTca ...... 20% new ones. whole game, which helped very with Davis taking a first In the Windsor and Manchester. West Hartford property In Vernon and other necuri- to bte sister, explaining that the was rescinded. thrown.” 000 dogs In Engtead. i.r^ A a aaamplee o f tbeae atatementa srt ctese. 'The ctessea are UBtng ence are not the qualities that push living Quarters on board the ship, pasted In varioiu nooks and corners Anaconda ...... 51% much to win. "Jecky" Fraher Javelin. "Wea” Palmer again ra- The meeting of the Association William R. Martin Uea to her. AU of this waa lone, it property waa from bis mother's ss- (tojada exported wbUkey to the (The new (totateA governing ; jCaptaln Haakell told of many em- powder paints os an experiment this one forward In the biurineaa world- and omy required expenses are for of the room gave the reporters a Armour, T il ...... littcbed a fine four-hit game with peated his victory In the blgn jump began with a gallery talk hy Wlns- meals. Cadets will receive free merry chase. It was necessary to Lsoal Representative ...... 11)4 was claimed because of tbe faUure tata and that he had been the ad­ amount o f $16,288,000 during 1988. council declared lUeU In "permanent >- alqreea of tba Herald-Tiibune. year and the reaulte looked very Our would-bo thesplana gave Atchison ...... 88)4 line support from hie teammates. with a Jump of S fast t inches. Aimes of the AUyn Museum on medteal treatment and will be allow­ obtain three news stories, three Bid Asked of Mr. Holden, an Insurance agent, ministrator for the estate and In President Tyler woe In constant eeaelon" In Its campaign to estab­ ! tAaMrtea'a cha mpion fly-chaaer, . Whan their teat music critic "died team. Joe Sakowske, the Bell City luncheon, and Informal discussion Borden ...... 26 (teurt that the note for $160 wa.i Five of the girls uttended a biology good 80 yards lead In very good play, such as the fact that Miss The summer course will lost from line.” Aetna Casualty .... 98 100 numbers of six trucks and In so do * 1 harness,” the Herald-Tribune con­ pitcher, also did a very fine job In on the problems the French teach­ Can Pac ...... 13% never paid and that there was due class ot Mr. Walton's while the re­ tlma Kra Walker gave Libby of tbe Foster kept the office In the money June 1. to October 1, and all boys With all the necessary material. Aetna Fire ...... 44 46 Ing had bound the trucks against sulted music magazines and orches­ allowing only five scattered hits to ers of the state was conducted by Case (J I ) ...... 168 his office from Mr. Fitzgerald maining four visited a sophomore Conn. Froeh a good battle but was because the junk man came each within the ages of 10 and 26 are It was necessary to go to press. The Aetna Life ...... 38H 30VL liability. It waa further claimed $269.75. tra leaders to find someone to take the Silk C3ty nine. This game Mias Carols Ernst, president of the eligible. Those completing this Cerro De Pas ...... i . 65)4 French class. beaten by a few yards In tbe baU week to buy the waste paper. reporters coupled up and had to run Automobile ...... 29 31 that a payment of $180 had been ^ place. They soon found that the showed Just what the boys Were asaoctetlon, and chairman of the course can then start the regular and tilde over tables. The winning Ches and Ohio ...... 88 William J.'Dhea and Joseph Bar­ Tbe girls met and attended mile. Deardon atho fell short of vic­ —Elsie Becclo. '37B. Conn G en eral...... 36 38 H made on the new policy. Itnly man for the Job sraa a man of capable of doing. Romance Language Departmen. at course which lasts for three years, couple was Louise Chambers and Chrysler ...... 114% ry appeared for Mr. Holden and CANDY home economics class during the Hartford Fire ...... 66 68 tory In tbe 440, coming In third, Connecticut College for Women. (3oca Ckila ...... Mr. Holden, through hte attor­ Wilfred G. Lundborg and Vln;:i:nt J f f t r a x » fortune, who occaaionally The Rockville game was a field third period. There they saw many two of which are spent on the train­ Manuel Ostrlnsky. Hartford Steam Boiler 60 >t 62 ...... 181)4 Libby broke tbe school record tor Some of the other speakers who Ool Gaa and El ...... 14 neys mads a general denial to all Zeo for Mr. Fitzgerald. JVrote muaic eritlcisma for his own day at the West Side diamond. The dreiaes being made which are to be ing ship, and the other on board a The reporters, tired but successful National Flra ...... 62 64 this event In the good time of 00 took part In the discussion were Coml Inv Tr ...... 67)4 claims. The case was before the AasusemenL People said that the final score was seven to six In favor entered In a dressmaking conti regular merchant ship. When this In their special edition, were reward­ Phoenix Fire ...... 86 88 second!. Mile. Pernot, head of French pbo- M. H. S. SENIOR ENJOYS Ctornl Solv ...... 16 court last week Wedneaday, all da> l-Trlbune could never get him of the Kelleyltes but the game was sponsored by Sage-Alien Company. course Is completed etudents are ed with refreahmenta and prizes Roasia Insurance . . . . 1 1 13 The relay which was run last, netlce at Wellesley College; M. eligible to become officera tn the were presented by Nellie Toman who Cone Edison ...... 38)4 Thursday and was again on trial on srrite for them, but the Heraid- not aa d ost as the score looks. Of A fter this period, the visitors .—e Travelers ...... 478 490 MODERNISTIC TRIM the seven runs Manchester did not saved the meet for Manchester. Tbe Araene Croteau of Connecticut State Lnited Statej Merchant Marins. had composed a verse to go with Cons Oil ...... 15% Tuesday and yesterday. •ibiine did and he Is now their a very good lunch, which was made TRIP TO WASHINGTON FubUc t'tlllty Stocks earn one. They received but two relay team made up ot Longaker, College; M. Zxiula Naylor of Trini­ Those boyfi Interested ibould get each prize. Foma of tbe most amus­ Cont Can ...... 86 When the defense took the stami J^usle critic. In the school kitchen. In one of the Conn. L t end Pow .. 88 62 hits to walk around the bases on Rlcharda, Deardon and Kilpatrick ty, and M. Rene Cheney of Loomis In touch with the American NautlcsJ ing were: (torn P r o d ...... 67 It was claimed that Fitzgerald ba-j GIVEN “SELF-SERVl A man who for three years play- smaller lunchrooms of the school. got the lead at tbe beginning and Conn. P o w ...... 47)4 49)4 Del Lack and West AMORCE errors galore. Academy, National Training School ’You certainly do know a lot. no ...... 19 Insured his trucks on September 18. The subjects of tha dlecuaslon Alice Barrett. *37B. Accompan­ Httd. Elec. Lt...... 67)4 • 4 modeled a blue flowered chiffon af­ Serious Offense, Warns Com­ So you sure deserve this, no? Hendcy Mfg. ^Co...... 17 '1 9 b newspaper la to Interpret, amuse, mythical . probably the class was attended the fifth period Table Arrangement, Styles. ternoon dress, a beige sport drees, triln to New Tork aty. After a Kennecott ...... 63% missioner in Letter to Well hop right In thte dandy Royce Landers. Frary A Ok. 36 38 W d Inform In a complete and con- “ 55 "*"* have lost the game and tbe gym work seemed much like and a black lace evening gown. The alghteeelng bus trip around the Leh Val R d ...... 19)4 "Do you know ’-dien you’re get­ Metropolis, they tsaveUed to Phlte- Schools. And shuffle off to Buffalo. Mann A Bow. 9 11 U g g and Myers B tNae way. Captain Haskell conclud- " '* “ •*** between Manchester’s, although the girls other three models were employees (For Elton Oark)...... 99 rols game and the exhibitlan with ting your money's worth?” was the o f Hales. delpblau where they visited Fair- New Brit Mdu. com. 38 37 Loew 'f ...... 78% there are now playing Indoor base­ w ith the increasing number of au­ — Dorothy Sebreiber, 'S7B. do., pfd...... 100 ______■Every litem should be of utmost Bristol. The boys will have to play ball. subject of one of the exhibitions —Louise Chambers. '39B. mount Park. Benjamin Franklin's LoriUard ...... •..... 21 % better ball than this If they want to shown at the Home Economics Ex­ grave, Christ’s Church, and Inde­ tomobiles which have been epeedlng North and Judd ___ 38)4 40)4 M oot W a r d ...... 82% MantJiester Public Market IWteceet to svsiy reader aa far as The sixth and test psriod was psiaalhls. rate better than third In the C C I. hibit held tn the Olastonbury High pendence Hall, tpa resting, place of over the higharays in recent years Peck. Stow A Wilcox. 19 21 Nash K e l v ...... 30 sprat in tha ''emsU" auditorium came the ever-mounting and most Russell U fg. Oo...... 33 37 Nat Btee ...... I ‘ “What evtry newspaper m«n u I*., where they itand now. School April 24, which Mies Gillette, the famous Liberty Bell...... 36% Ing moving pictures on ths Ufa and appalling total of fatal tragedies. HUMAN AND FROG HAVE ScovlII Mfg. C o...... 43 44 Nat Cash Reg . . . . m should be striving for Is a higher M. H. 8. teacher attended. Flooda Oaoaa Delay > ..... 83 bebita of ths beaver which were be­ The exhibition entitled “Wise Dtetreaaed by the eituaUon. tbe Mo­ Stanley W orks ...... 85 87 N at D a ir y ...... ^tvUlsaUon." ing shown to a biology cteaa. The etudente ware late In getting > ..... 33% QUALITY SEAFOOD Cholcee” pointed out that many Into WashlngtoD because of the tor Vehicle Commissioner aad his Torrlngtoo ...... m n s . N at D tetlU ...... 80% Bear Oolambte Press INrector The girls were u^ered around S IM IU R ORGANISMS RED AND WHITE RUNNERS tlmea we do not get our money's flood waters encountered en route. energetic committee made plans, Union Mfg. Co...... lo 13 N Y (tentral...... 46% .Joseph Murphy, director of the during the different periods by mem­ worth when purchasing. A well- The Congressional Library ara gave suggestions and laid doam U S Envelope, com .. 88 __ N Y NH and H ___ ...... 7% AT REASONABLE PRICES Nihimhia fichblastlc Press associa- bers of tbe Olri's Leaders Corps, rules arhlcb, if obeyed, would lessen North A m ...... knoam skin cream te packed In tno the fliat place of Interest visited In Circulatory System and tlii P'**- ...... 12* ' 1»* . ■ 35% UOTKBL'SDAV Idd, ffa*e the second addrew of the SMASH 2-MILE RECORD which corresponds to M. . 8. Load­ thick a Jar. Hence the purchaser the capital dty. Here the original the dangers upon the highways and iVeMer Root ...... 186 m Packard ...... Conn. River Buck Shad iru n. •ftenioon on the subject of school Work of the Blood Is Same...... 974 er's Cteas, with ths exception that te paying for the container, not the copies of ths Constitution and would save the lives of our cltlsra- bltloek (V8I Pipe ..14 16 Param P i e t ...... 31% Conns R^v€r Roo Shnil .. « t lu papers. T h is conference is of only Juniors and Seniors are allow­ cream. The seme te true of many Declaration of Independence were ry. But such efforts on the part of J. B Williams Co. . . . 88 43 Penn ...... 43% a great many meetings that have Manchester's track team again A t the last meeting of the Biology Uve Chicken L o ^ r s ...... ib. IN TOWN proved Its InvlncibiUty by taking the ed to participate aad they must try popular lotions. The buyer pays. In seen. the committee can be of no avail aub. Tuesday. April 20. 1937; in New %orh H u k aad Ine. Stocks Phelps D odge"!!!! ...... 47 tfikan part to discuss Froblems of Bank of New York .. 470 480 n»8t bonora at the Connecticut out In ordsr to belong to It. reality, an extravagant price for the Tuesday tha students visited the unless all the drivers of nu>tor vehf- the Franklin building, the frog and Phil Pete ...... 88% r t f ” » “ **"* — Shad Roes — BoUed Lobsten The Choicest Offerings of the Worid Fkmoos Loote ' MWlcatlons and to maka a batter It te Interesting to note that H richly adorned, thick containers. Pan American and Red Cross build­ clee give their cooperation. Bankers Truat 6n 70 Pub Sarv N J ...... Sherry Candies—attractively boxed—deliciona beyond’ ^ ^ te Relays Saturday, April J4. lU parte were itu d l^ by the club's Chase ...... 41% ...... qts. 25e said Mr. Murphy. J^ery one of the boys did well, but P. H. 8. gave up its February Many powder and baking powder ings and the White House, the Cap­ The following Is taken from a let­ members. 53 55 R *««o ...... 9% description. Oiemleal ...... i["T h a School paper, be lald. Is the ^ two mile relay team stamd. It graduations Just last year, aa Man­ ctmtelners are not filled up. In ten- ital and Washington's Monument. ter recently received from tbe De­ Did you ever think of comparing 66 63 Rem Rand ...... 33% Boston Blnefish...... luct o f aa Ideal community chester High Intends to do in the cent varieties of powders, msny A fter a trip through the Bureau partment of Motor Vehicles arhlch yourself with a frog? Although this Guaranty Trust ... 846 38S Key Tob B ...... broke the old record held by New ('■ooUnaatal ...... 80% The Haan Candles found in every “ Bon-Voyage** baakrt • • Mr. Murphy especially London Bulkeley and Manchester future. times ths bottom o t the box te o t Engraving and Printing, where teachers wets requested to road to seems very odd thing the frog's body 17)4 19H Sean R oebu ck...... M% ...... 15c lb. C o m b i n aod see the r*- Oorn Ehiebange ... 66 Shell U n lo o ...... Fancy P ^ h ^ d e Filet of Sole...... ,S5c Ib. ever packed.______tha point that the school uy 11.6 aecoods. R u m RichartS« Tbe Manchester party, which con­ pushed up so h l ^ thst very Uttle vteltors are aUoarad to arateh the the etudente In thielr home rooms, sjrstem te vety similar to our own. 68 . . . . . 80% First National .... 3380 Socony V a c ...... f t ig m t o t Mosadoo—with iu la quite different from the also did well, garnering first In his sisted of Ruth Hunt. Phyllas Cush' powder te purchssed. The ssnu manufacture of money from a bal­ “It has been reported to the Com­ Let us take the circulatory aystem 3300 ...... 19 Fancy Fresh Boneless Fiiet of Haddock...... 23e Ib. The Whitman Candies—famous for half • century— .->41 1 paper in eplte of their pertsins to msny Ice cream contain' cony overtooklng the machinery, missioner that many young persons for example. Irving ...... 16 18 South P a c ...... • • • 86% "Mphu-powered cold-makiog neat In the 100 yard doob and break­ man. Irens Bsddan. Jessie Dowling, Manhattan ...... yonr “Daddy** no doubt carried a Whitman Samplw Ities. The arhool publlcatlone ing the record for the 120 yard low Janet Elliot, Jean McCann, Esther era. The exhibit clearly demon­ the students went to the gigantic ars operating motor vehicles on our The frog has a three-chambered 34 36 South R w y ...... 38 mechaoism—in JtaxAla interior la called the prma hurdleo. strated that the only safe rule to Smithsonian Institute. Hers thsy etreete and higharays without hav­ heart that consists of two auricles Manufact Trust ... 88% *7% St Brands ...... AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT of Chocolates under his arm when ringing “ Mstheris’*'%- Pitkin, Viola Rica, and Peggy National a t y Bank ...... arraogetncttt with 9 variadoos because R cannot ba Joe MeOuakey, Manchester's fam- Woodruff, srere very favorably bn- follow Is to be obaerving. M.W Colonel Charlea A. Undhergre ing aecured the aeceasary operator’s and one ventricle. It's blood te made 47 49 St Goa and E l ...... 8%' Rone Made Codflsh Cakes...... 9 9 , door bell some years ago—it’s still the correct box to •'* as JounalUm. However, the ?“ • dtetance runner, gave aa exhl- M im e With Flowars. “ Spirit o t 8L Louis" aad WUey license, as provided Jay state stat­ uj ^ ^ j 'e d and white corpuscles and 133 ISO St ^ C W ...... —4tt many other cxclnaive fes. bring along. preesed with Hartford PubUc High PubUe 46 Home Made Potato Salad ...... *...... 16 , to d reporters of school Htloe race in the mile and did* 4:33. and Its etudente, aad hope to be Reflecting mirrors m back of Post's ship, the “Winnie Mae." utes. It te Inccnceivabie that this 48 The human circulatory ly i tem nu« lA Tex (t o r p ...... tores. Bay now and save. Come win become the readers Joe was suffering from s cold ao able to return, at aooM time, tha floarer arrangements seems to ba N ext the group arent to Annapotte practice should be ao general with­ 17 ...... 10c loaf Our Own Boxed Candies — attractive indeed in their coosiata of a four-chambered heart Timken Roller Bear Old Fashioned Raised Dot^hnnta...... 25e doc. . o f the papsra they wlU could not do hie best time. hospitality which was shown them. the trend this year, according to where they again experienced flood out the knowledge o f parents and io and get the dctailsi Mother’s Day wrapping—priced from 60e upwards. ! ths flower arranging sxhibIL Nas­ school authorities. We know of which te made up of two auricles American (Newark) 13 14 Trans America ...... bRylag. Point getters for. Manchester — P offi y Woodruff ’S9B. eondltions, the arater covering tba turtiums, magnoUsa aad budding senior high echoote arbere os many and two ventricles. The blood, with American R eserve . 3S% 80% UiUoo Ctorblda...... Mm. fibMiff mmt A M ea a w : Rlcharda, 120 yard low hur- road during part o f the Journey. A t f r e s h IsBvss wart arraagad, all raflected thte time they hod the opportunity as a hundred young men and women the Mtape of tba cclte the only excep­ -Amarlcao Surety . . . 53% 68% Unit Aircraft ...... VEGETABLES FROJOY ICE CREAM CAKES—not so good as “Matb-*^ t cams to tbs aftenoco LoBgaker. 100 yard dash; tion. te similar la both rsirs Baltimore Araerteaa JOB HtNlEBB srocB sam . by oval or rectangular mimra. o f eealng the raldshlpmen on parade. are driving family ears to and from 7% •% Corp ...... HOIUTOII* COMPfOBaM... er** bakes— but indeed deliciona in their field of Frtmeu'' *a Praaldeut Shaplel^ P a l ^ high Jump; Nlese, pole The blood In both man and frog f vault; Peadk, dtecus and shot i pul. A t the demoBstiation o t prepar­ Before returning home from New school arltbout a permlL 5 6 Unit Gaa I m p ...... Mrs. Oari Akalay, wife haa the same duty to perform. The Fid. aad Deposit .... Ice Cream deaserta. A large Mother’s Day Cska— I In the relay racea Manchester placed A few o t the eenlore have secured ing a meal, many high acboote were Thuraday night, some of tbe T h e Oommteakxter te most reluo- IM 130 U ■ R u b b ar...... wNA $et lAfee dewAy SMV. er. Mrs. Akeley M. H. S. la veiy prood o t WUUaas red corpuscles carry ogygea to tha Great A m arlcan...... M 23 U 8 S m a lt...... Sweet PoUtocs for B a U n f...... ’4 Iba.Hc enough for four perm s—for only SSc. ^ travaled srtth hwh w himhaiid te- •eep ^ la tha 440 yard, the medley, poaltiaoa tn Hartford SBd MsBChaa repseaanted. each competing for tba students v te it^ this aoo e»v< other tant to take stringaoT action eon- teeaertt eeplevSiwetA m SlnnamoB. 'S7A. ont ot six wtn- potete at tetercat. celte and the white eorpuacies des­ Halifax ...... 38 25 Qrder early plea:se-^we far ggeraold last Mother’s Dsjr. - laM trip, the Aketoy and the oBe mile, and woo the first ter during tba past two wsskSi Lucy boBor o t their high acbooL H cenring theos youthful operatota. H , " ...... ners o f tba OUa Sebolanhlp offwad To have them ^ prebended, present­ troy germa. Tbe p tesM carrtaa Hanover ...... 34 86 Vick C b e m ...... Omaroy BxpedttloD to hsK of the two mile and the second Goodate, Ruth Blmsn, FtoralB correct setting of tableware was _____ Sayiuuur. ‘STB.^ g o o d g r o c e r y SPEQALS eeir, relllst newer. HMH nest o f the one mile. pointed out and te addition, msims- each yaar fay Wsaliyaa UWvemty. ed tn court on a charge cf operating (Ugaated food and wastea. When the Homs l a s ...... 35 87 Weatetu Ubtoa ...... Ooago for the study of Dowling, Hetaa Hohl and Fatima BUI was aa hoswr atadsat a t M. H. PERFUME SETS — FTS FOR “M0THE»*4 4 ladas and canned goods were abowa. CARL HULTDrS HONORED a motor vehicle without a Ueenae— frog to injured, the blood clot# over Hoate f ir e Saeurlty . S 6 —■are csW ftrllm am- —Cliartes Robfalna. Pietrowikl ara at tha CuwBactteut S. and an activa maashar tba ten- ths injured part la much the aame Tbsra was also a ooatume oontast te o t thus starting a court record for Maos. B m id ln g...... 86 60 woonvolUi ...... * " a i x f o SS; Abalsy, rela ti d General; Virginia Annstroag. Oon- manner oa la the human body. im* and. OeV Nwte that geciuaa wmeh oottcB, silk and woolen styles ala aad haeketball teaoM. O o o m t- ^ r l E. HuKtee. ‘S3 was otie of the them aa arell aa a record at tbe mo­ Natioaal Uberty .... •« B e e Bond and Share Tinia Fish, ItaUan a t ^ in imre oUve oil, 3 J4-0*. can ... a w a r d TTFCta CER'Ilg lCATES neetlcut Mutual; Franda O’Ltary, olattoat. BOH itanoet BO BOtM a »d that {hay la vogtM this year were modetod. •Igbt Juntors tapped receatiy by tor vebicia department—seems a Pupils who are Interested la learn­ North River ...... 36 » kot (As StH ttir. Hartford Flra; Esther Tttylea, Ftooa- H. B. la tbs estly aebool tat Cea ing tatcrestiag facte like tbeae Prov. Wash...... t bothsr War though iha eftea TIm schools that aatered rapra- Skun aad Serpent, one c f tbe taro barsb mtasure unlesa they eontiaue *4% M% roS hair and flv* ot tay . II. a. P4T. OfY nlx; Evelyn Foley, Barr's Nttrserles; should make an posalbie arraage- thesB. “ OaefllM - ^ typtaff cwtlflcatas Mctient aad. it taballsaad. la tha t e bonotniy onctetias at Wsoley- to flout tbe law. Oos of tba aad Tel.-Aoetdant ...... IS 30 wtirtn wars red-haired. Tha five X** Spread, somethiac new! A The CENTER PHARMACB ■t»tlvaa ware OtesUmbaiy, Bouth Mn. IWalsy MM •* Case 83-3 and Ida- OrfltelU, Royiu Ice O eam Oom- United States, te bant tktoa ot Its Uahreralty. He te a member of moate to Joia the Biology dub, A Seaboard Surety .... S3 34 Odd FcBowa Bloefc Helen Demko. 44-3 la Mias Sulll- Windsor. Middletown. Wethersfield faaturea about this practice to tbat very exteasive program to betog but aay five > Rob M agoBlM Maa. ha arts pany. pnAiataa wta OUa Bcbolanhlpa Delta Kappa Epotion fraternity and Secnrlly las...... 36 38 vaaa third period ctasa aad Porttend. it demonstratea tbe wiuug attitude planned for the coming aemeater. otte ehUdraa, who wars dark-hatr­ and broad...... 8-0*. pkg. 9c —Marjort# Tagler, ‘STB. Horaea Burr '30 aad Jatew OXaary has won two letters os aa end on towards tbe tew.” apriagfleld nreAM a. U« 133 ed. dtod young or la middt^ — Wesley MclZuDaa’ t U i . £7»m C hey, Falmoat, S-oa. pkg...... 2 pk(s. 15c tka pravtow ssBaata. tba Oardteol football team. ‘ —Frances Waltott, ‘3S& U fe ...... 670 710 -Mrw. Sarah »------^ — Oeotga m. Aldan. tflM . U. B. F. aad a ...... 35 87 Oala, wka to The MURPHY DRUG CD? t DIAL 5111 — WK DELIVER WATKINS 4 Depot Squm ^^jmnW'auTM v MAx^jjkijkjittn IV lm nc nKXXSTM XKSIinm THURSDAY, MAT, 8, IJMT MANCHEyrER EVENING HERALD. MANCE|»TER. CONN, THURSDAY. MAY «, 188» PAGE Robin Nests Its Eggs JOSEPH R. CARROLL, What Tha Well-Dressed Bathing Beauty Will Wear IU-. . ' A t Hospital Nursery 'B R O K E R , 6 DEAD OBITUARY iE PLANS Yankees Sign Ruffin and Take Over First Plao DEATHS X ShM* MUM li pitlwUy SMl OVERRIDE k 8oea tha neat wQl be flltod with Osarga F, . k ( m VkTCf bin* <«ga !■ a a«at a two or threa drab, u gly looUaf tk« flra weapi atar tha aorth wtn Wefl Known E ist Hartfon Gaozga Franklin Goodspeed, 65, of n80W « ( tba hoapttal auraarji. Laat pounp robiaa who will wait, open' 88 Northamptoo arenua, Sprtn^eld. E C O N ^ D E A S PORTERFIELDS OUT OF TWILIGHT LEAGUE | w tba aaaa pair o t rebliia tMilt mouthed, for choice worms aad bu(s Maaa., tonnarly of Manchester. TROUNCE TIGERS AGAIN ResJdent Passes Away at Oonn., died suddenly Wednesday (OehttoMd tba aaat and aftar arlatacite la Uia until the day they ventura all on morning. He was bom at Peru. N. Om > aoutb. tbar an back a^ip for their first filfbt nad out Into the : 1 YESTEB0AY*8 RBSULn His Danghter’s Home. T„ on November 5, 1871, but had money tor sisable axpanalah, of tha aantbar aiaaoo aad aaotber fkaaily. world on their own. made hie home In Springfield for WEST SIDES TAKE Irate Dodger Fans Attack Oartalnly thar «hoae tha moat Last year a pair of blue*Jays built manpower and equipment oTths na­ LOU MEYER SEEKS SL Louis la^&etra L I Amettean TO LEAD BY FULL the paet 45 years. He leavee two tion a armed torcea CanclnnaU 8, New York 8. Y, Detroit 8. i appropriate plaoa to raar their a nest In the oak tree over the daugbtera: Mrs. Prank C. Robinson jroaiir for la additlae to the aifety hospital driveway aad reared three Hartford. May 6.— (AP)—Joseph Although the naval amnopria 17. Philadelphia 4. I Philadelphia 7, Chicago 8. and Mrs. > Irene Crockett and 5 ««t providea $1348.724 l l i ^ . thaiv TIRE TEAirS SPOT Owners of Brooklyn Team oOered tram maranittiia cate, the younp durinf the spring months. R. OsrTon, 75, well known East grandchildren, all o f Manchester. HIS 4TH VICTORY Pittsburgh 5. Brooklyn 1. | (Othsr games poet^ned.) boppital nnraaa prorlde food aad Even the birds seem to know the the current appropriation it will RED RUFFING BACK Dizzy Dean Trims Beet 13-1 Hartford resident and broker for Omn., and 8 brothera, Robert E. of pennit the Navy la tha coming fla- STANDLN06 water aad maintain a eonatant boapital Is the place where the best SprlngflelA Maas., Charles Edwin of New York, May 6.—(AP)—Un­ several New Tork life ^ start tha oonstructloo IN BASEBALL LOOP Oitef one, at the momanL appears Natioaal pnard orar their feathered paUenta. Is none too good for patlenU. Elizabethtown. N. T , and Chester IN SPEQ) CLASSIC W. fo r 4th Straight S bb Tri| companies, died this morning at tba o f eight more deatroyera aad four rest Is brewing in Flatbush. to be John Thomas (Long Tom) L. POL w . X V Ooodspeed of Camden, N. J. Wlnsett, the gangling, blg-wristed Pittsburgh . 2 A18 New Tork ...... 8 ON YANKS’ PAYR O U home of his daughter, Mrs. Pauline The funeral wUI be held at the mbmarlnea; to continue the buUdlng The home of the Brooklyn Dodg­ St. Louis ... of two batUeshlpa, three aircraft American Association elouter who 4 .687 D atrelt...... 7 Laberge of West Hartford.'' pvlora of the Dickineoo-Streeter to Lanncli Season at ers. one-time Idols of baseball’s most New York . 6 ,688 mnpli; Pirates D m b! m m c a r r i ^ 11 crulaere, 48 deatroyeni hasn’t dented a soap bubble so far Boston . . . . B oston ...... CLAIMS UNION BARBERS GREEN SCHOOL PLAYERS Mr. Carroll, a field agent fOr the ^m pany. 805-307 Stole atreeL faithful fans, is seething wdth dis­ this season. California A ce, Fatalist and 7 ,5(X) Philadelphia ...... 5 Springfield, Mass., tomorrow after­ 16 xubmorlnaa and a Eunboat: to (Chicago . . . . Aetna Life Insurance for tba past improve tha.battto effldeacy of a satisfaction and strong language, When Long Tom fanned for tha 6 Mia aeveland ...... 4 A ceTw irler’t Holdont Stand i f > noon at 3 o’clock, following an organ Grove On May 28 all aimed at the various over and rhlladelphla 7 .462 ert 5“1 to Stay on Tep^ MISLEADDIGIHEPOBUCI IN TWO PLAYLETS 80 years, was also known as an au­ number of combatant craft; to buy first .time, the cry was "get that Brooklyn ... W aabtogton...... 4 thority on the history of ir.i» Walter H ily or contract tor 307 airplanea -nd untefsoned hirelings who make up tramp outto there Be can’t field Iron Man, Is Paavo Normi 0 J(M SL L o to s...... a will officiate and the Interment will ■4he beat team Manager, Burleigb Cincinnati . 0 a62 Oilcago ...... s Cost Him $1,500; Chib Glantt Lose to Reds. street, Hartford, and wrote a series be at Elaat cemetery, Manchester, two non-rigid airahlpa, imd to I W hhlSrfa Facing PA’s; and be can’t h it" When he struck The assembly ball o f the Man­ of arUcles dealing with tha old firms the acquialtlon of reaervaa of fGa-l Grimes has to offer. out a second time, his return to his of Anto Radns; Expects TODAY’S GAMES Head a t State Board Declarea and family homes once located there But the boys who put their cash left field post wae greeted with chester Oreen school aras filled last Mre. Helena Magnueon. teglc war mlnerato. The Natioaal Amatleaa Concedes Nothing. Bcaatjr Shops Have No Coa- night with a number of parents and as well as the development of many There waa talk of postponing on the line jiren’t sore at Burleigh, Jeers, sarcasm and a ahower of Cincinnati at New York. By BID FBOER of the local beuika ^ Mre. Helena Magnueon died at the also a one-time Flatbush hero. Their New York at Detroit aection'With Barber Shops. friends for the entertainment by hoiM of her eon. Gustave Magnueon additional 8180,000,000 navid c ahredded paper and peanut abeOa New Record. Chicago at Philadelphia. Philadelphia at (Jhleago. B een tbs moat vsteron the Lights aad Curtain club. The A Ufe-long resident of East Hart­ strucUon p rog rw aa aa ecoaoi ire la directed at the directors, offi­ When hoisted a fly hie SL Louis at Boston. !?,*“ ” *''*’**• (tile morning after cers and other hlgher-upa. Bostoo at BL Loula Detroit, May 8.— (A P )-C harley wlth-aJarm oouldnt find a thtwg ttH pla3ra "Little Women" and "Little ford, Mr. Carroll eras bom May 84 an illness of several weeks. Mrs. move. ITia Porterflelda arsrsV removed wray la the ninth, ths fans roes as Pittsburgh at Brooklyn. Washington at aeveland. Hartford. May 6.— (A P)— Miss ibfil, a son of the late Edward j! “It ain’t Burleigh’s laulL’’ said (Red) Ruffing, last major league worry about today. ter thoes Men” from the works of Louisa AI- M ^ u s o n had been a resident of The mecunire already pasaed will from the TariUgbt League lu t night one, sbenUag "Lemrae look lemme By BARRY GRAYSON IJItan A. Landry, bead of tpe State oott were presented in a creditable and Mary Ruth Carroll. Hla father, let the Navy Improve navy yarda one of the few thousand, who grum­ look, I wanna see If the bum can Sporta Bditer, NBA Sorvlee holdout, donned a **ew Tork Yankee York Yanksea. this country for 40 years. She for failure to send a repreaentaUre bled their way out of Ebbeta flaid Oommlaslon of Hairdressers and manner by the boys and girls. One me of Blast Hartford’s best known J?ent three years with her son while and basea on both coasts and la catch a baU.” When be singled ui uniform again today after signing a Barring tha vagus poaslbiUty o f ail •Civil war veterans, established a pa­ to the meeting of the League « late yesterday after seeing Pitts­ IndlanapoUe, May 6.—T. B. (Pop) Oosmetldans, today eharged the scene sufficed for the two acU of ne iiyed in Manchester* and was a Hawaii aad the Virgin Islaada la- the last of the ninth, only to go out 1037 contract to which tbs I'nTfbeU eoupis of broken Tegs or • ehih-' " * .nBioo.embattled barbers of Hartford per company on Btete street, Hart­ _ eials, it waa announced today burgh's Cy Bianton set the Dodgers Myere coneJdere Louie Mayer the sit-down strike, there wasn’t a u Little Women the March sitting * ** ***SP-^?* J***?**”* ahows was advanced several weeks la New le ik ss medeie eewu ^ d e n t of ThompsonvUle for about tenslfy a aecret research program, aa Randy Moore hit into a double club made no concessions. with trying to mislead tha public. room and tha first act o f Little Men ford. Just after the ClvU war. give a preview of the snmmer beach styles, which present many striking beidn training reaarva peraoanel Jack Dwyer, president of the dr- down wrlth five hits and one run, play, they acted as if they didn’t be­ peer of current automoblie racing cloud within shouting dtstancK Early Beoolleetloas. Brooklyn hlttera six times leaving drirera. The general manager of the Derby Favorites Differ Ths big right handed pitcher, who Mias Landry took exception to was in the schoolroom o t Professor >tre. Magnuson leaves besides her from the merchant marine, cuiL who aald tha session was de­ lieve it. Un top of tbe return o t their U On his 75th birthday last year, men^qtranded. IndlanapoUe Speedwray should know. won 20 games for ths world eham- ting power and the unusual Mdll < Btatemeata I7 union leaders that Bhaer’s bouse and the second la the * * ’ ffrendchlldren and two close the fiscal year with 105,000 en­ layed almoat an hour in the hope Moore, a converted outfielder now they would attempt to bring Into playroom. Mr. Carroll said hla earliest recol- he was powerless to extinguish the that tha tire team management "Nabt. he ain’t to blame. Wholnell catching, lost a high pop in the sun. He’e been around ter aU 24 Hooaier pkms last season, signed last night their . euppoeedly quesUo flames. great Emdcblldren. She was a listed men as against 100,000 this 600-mlI# events. Itaa beauty ahopa with halrcutttng ‘Hm casta: lecUoo was that o f being taken down NO INCOME TAX PAID year. would put In apn'arance. could mhke a team outta them "That’s the Dodgers," walled the for 115,000 but waa docked ter lost pitching staff, ths world < to Campfield avenue by his parents iMmlMr U the Methodist Episcopal time. Tbs club managemant of­ eatabllshments. Uttle Woman—Meg, Betty Other BUls KUIed. church in '^om psonvllle, and tto Admit West Sides bums? HeXonly got one ball play­ customers. And the records speak loudly to Widely In Their Makeup ware as full o t cheer as a (____ For the Army, the House agreed to see the Union army soldiers Other bills kiUed Included: ESTHER YULYES, er, an’ tbat’ssMungo," was the re­ behalf of Meyer, who will be out to fered Ruffing 115.000 several weeks punch bowl over the overnight **Bedlity shops,’* tha state ooaa. Dswey: Jo, Bylvla WUcox; Amy. p a a ^ of that^hurch. Rev. E. Dent When Porterfields’ representative The Pirates drove several of their 1 awaiting orders to disband. Esteblishing a closed season on to add 825,037,598 to tha current ago but be held out for 816.000. ing o t cniarley the Red Rn' mlaalmier said, ’’havs no ocoaecUeo Jacquelyn Oocdrlch; Beth, Erls Por- BY RASKOB IN 1930 th ir ty ’ win offtetate at the funeral peace-Ume record appropriation o t did not arrive,'It wae decided to drop sponse. "Whjrxton't they loosen up eleven hits through the sliortatop- win the 500 for the fourth time aa Prior to his entrance into the In­ raccoons from January 15 to Octo­ and buy some ball players?" to a car if you’re running full speed their No. 1 hurler o f 1986. whatever with barber ahops and teffield; Hannah, Phyllis Sherwood; « the home of Tier aon on Maple 8391.375,784. the team from the League aa It has second base sector. "Thst'a not a the Motor Speedway calabratee its without reserve. Then. Just for the Recently Ruffing weakened and surance buaineas Mr. Carroll was ber 31. attended only two of the seven meet' "They" aren’t lobsenlng up, how­ silver anniversary, May 81, offered to compromise at 815,500 but Last year, the Tanka __ beautldana have no Interest la the Mrs. March, Marion Derby; Laurie New York, May (A P )—John HELEN HOHL WIN etreeL HaxardvUl^,Saturday after­ Forchasea and Oontneto keystone bag, it's a keystone gap, glory of qualifying faM, jrou’re out War Admiral aod Reaping connected with R. Q. Watrous A Permitting an open sea.oon on rab noon at 2:30. \ J ingi held to date. The West Sides ever. So the fans cehter their ■ er- Among all-tlrao knights o f the tha managemant refused to concede signs of togging now and then, < barbers* unkm.’* Harold Simons; Mr. Laurence, DS'- J' Raskob, multimillionaire business The bill would let the War De­ quipped a grandstand wag, a of tbe big ahow. So 1 play It safe AH workers In beauty shops are vld Steela Company, batters, on Asylum street bite, birds and smaU game from Oc B u ^ I will be in 0)« Buckland will flU the Porterfields plaoa, thus bal attention on the pnqclpal ’’cul­ Woody EbgUsh and Ctookle Lava- roaring bricka, boards and roads anything. The club pointed out at they were tangling with tailn In 1882, be became head clerk for tober 1 to November I. associate of Pierre S. Dupont and partment purchase or contract for giving the circuit a membership ot prits.” before the race—and run for the But each time they came up i ^ hcenaed by the oommlasioa. she Little Men—Daisy, Jane Hoffman; cemetery and arrangem^ts are In getto made fuUle sU ba Myere rates only Ralph DePalma money." Reward Hare Little m that time that Ruffing reoelvkd O. D. Woodruff A Company, at tb«t The House referred to the Appro­ former chairman of the Democratic H IG H E S m O R S 513 airplanea in the next fiscal year, six toamj, including Manchester 818.000 last season. threatening rivale, they went ^ pointed out, declaring that any at* Nan, Phldlls Chappell; Bess, Jean c h ^ e the Holmes FunCZM Home aad atari building at Taconm, ahead of Meyer. In third place be time tha largest bat and fur dealers priations committees a bill which National committee, paid no income Of this town. Green, the Bluefislds, Pollsh-Amer- plaoee another old-timer. Tommy That’s exactly what Louis Meyer work ttke a gang of * tempt to piedtet beauty shops would Woodward; Mrs. Bbaer, Muriel Dur- In the dty. tax in 1930, It was brought out to­ (Osattmiefi j t m Page Oaa) Wash,, the first of a aerlM of giant is—a money driver. It waa saUmsted Ruffing lost ap- would permit Connecticut to coop­ icans, German-Amarieana aad Mor­ Milton. proximately 81.000 ter reporting They havan't changed a ML ^ hs quashed by police. Iteo; Dan, Wilson Cone; Demi. Wal­ Mr. Carroll recently recalled hav­ erate with Maasachusetts, Vermont day in the Income tax case against defensive air baaen. i s ^ Orioles. started their first wsatsrn t a T _ Y Members of tlis Barbers’ Local 78. ter .Adamy; ’Tommy, Donald Oder- curricular activities at Manchester Fundi are provided alao to im­ The fourth and fifth men, Jim­ oalary was tocreassd ing saved 81,000 with which he and New Hampshire in control of the two Industrialists. ■*n The aeaaon’a schedule, in which three da)(s ago In sseond 'p t a ^ '^.Valmost wholly socoasaful la their s(* mann; Nat, Fred Mohr; Teddy, Wil­ High. Miss Yulyes is a member ot f u n e r a l s prove ezlsUng air baaeA flelda and the teama wrlU meet each other twice my Murphy and Frank LbckharL Horaes to Beat Hug Sat* Eut ha lost bought a horse and all the trap­ floods along the Connecticut river. Mason B. Leming, special counsel TRADE NINE ® G E S OUT were klUed. Behind them, Myers half tha Increase 'jy holding out. game back of tba TIgimL Olvw t :^*^fOrt to orgaiiiss shops here, todap liam Thornton; Professor Bhasr pings so that be could gallop Into The bill calls for an expenditure of the Somanhls staff and High School v^potn ^ in each round, wraa approved and AMBERS IS CHOICE John Chive. for. the Internal Revenue Bureau Mrs. M aty McCann ranks, to tha order named, Kex Manager Joe McCarthy conferred put they love beet to eroek. I ' were entering new flelda Hartford to arrive on time at " M,080,000 during the next biennium and chief of government counsel In World Staff, the Commercial Club, ^.Compand with aa averag# o t wdll be conducted from May 28 walloped the Detrolta twtos to a i sang in the freahmen glee club ana Largely attended funeral aervicea Mays, pole poaltlon wdnner of 1985 orday m Tnrf Classic. several Umea with Ruffing ysatsr- Aoeording to Joseph F. CamUlerl, The combined orchestras of the o’clock each morning. OB the part of Connecticut. the litigation to collect approxi­ 166,M0 enlisted men in the present through August 0, after which ths turning In a 7-8 win yesterda " president, beauty sbops that operate 7th and 8th grades under the direc­ served on the Student Council as a were held this afternoon at SL y o a r ^ .^ bill provides tor 182,000 League plajroff, if necessary, wrlll and ’36; Wild BUI Cummings, the IN u n i DEFENSE day and telephoned Yankee buatnass Organised Growers. Other bills reported favorably in­ mately 81,800,000 from the two in­ Mary's Episcopal church for one of ROCKVILLE HIGH, 7 TO 6, headquarters frequently before the George Selkirk socking , two _ separate haircutting estabUshmeau tion of Q. Albert Pearson furnished •After ten years of service with cluded; Junior. A brother, Herman Yulyes, next yeqr. , take place, followred by the team homegrown who prevailed in 1933; ■nd Monte Pearson posting an < music. * dustrialists for alleged deficiency in was also an honor student at the Its first members, Mrs. Mary (John­ Dario Reeta, who came dowm in New York, May 6.— (A P )—Lou deal waa closed. Observers aald were being vlsltec la an sSort to the Woodruff company, be entered Establishing a commisston on in- their 1029 tax. Introduced Raskob's The HOqse, overriding Budget Bu­ title series between ths L ea^ e vic­ » ■ 0 BEBT8ON hlL sight-strikeout perfon local school some years ago and nas ston) McCann, widow of John Mc- tor ' aa9~'-tbe Groan, last year's front in 1918; Jules Ooux, who scor­ Ambers, a rough-hewn little gent Louisville, Ky., May 6.— ( A P I - ths business office gave in to Mc­ enroll barber emploiras fat the union. the liuurance business. Later, he tentate cooperation. returns for 1930 Into evidence at the Cjann. Rev. James Stuart NeiU the reau recorOmendatlons, added 8200,- That dropped the Ttgsrs into i PlekatiBg, ho said, would follow Pipes of the Papuans of New also organised the Shade Grown Su­ since graduated from Yale Univer­ 000 to fund^^or strengthening Lea- champs. The formal opening ot the AS BECKER PAGES WIN ed in 1913, and Harry Harts. with the energy ot a bumblebee Two horses, bsvtog UtUs to common Carthy’s plea that Ruffing bt put place and pullsd the swat sqnM Continuing the coramUsion to co- hearing before Richard Disney, sity, Miss Hohl has been a member rector officiated at her home, 83 on tha payroll at ones without W failure to enter the union. Quines have long bamboo stems. matra Tobacco company of Connec­ operate with New York and New coast defenses Tor the continental circuit wrlU be held at Jarvis Grove, Meyer U the Paavo Nurmi of tha and the persistency of a mosquito. lisld ths spotlight today as the tba top by a full gams. The natlvs smoker fills tba stem member of the U. S. Board of Tax of the Girl Reserves for two years, Ridge street, and at the church ser­ when ths Green meets the Polish' Is fighting Tony Cansonsri in de­ ing penalited further while be la Mr. CamiUerl said that about ten ticut, with himself as nmnager of Jersey in the study of water pollu- Commissioners. vice which followed at 2:30 o’clock. United States antI8300,000 each for gasoline grinds. He runs strictly ac­ rspidiy toorsaslng Ksntucky Derby Dean Wtaa Hla Pkantk ’< with smoke, removes the bowl the stock company. tion of Long Island Sound. the Commercial Club, the Pep d u b Americans in the first game of the cording to time. fense of bis lightweight title Fri­ getUng Into condition. __ A ope la Hartford are involved. Col. Joseph Hartfleld, Raskob's at­ and the Girls’ Discussion Group Organist John 0>ckerbam played tha Canal Zone andxthe territories. day night, but unless you read the ciowd battled long and- voelferous- AKhoiigh pitchara gansrolly Ibese bea&ty ahopa, he explained, closes the end c f the stem, and Twri campaign. Bunches Six ,Hits m Three | J3QX SCQ^E This trip, Meyer aaya that oia Both Ruffing and McCarthy ap­ Ho was a member of the John F. Under a susperniion of the rules torney, objected to making public sang with the freshmen glee dun appropriate selections. There was a It approved 822K)00,000—about papers carefully jpou'U miss hla outcome or peared in excellent spirits. a dims-a-dosan on jreatsrday*6'l Inhales through the nostrils. Carroll Camp, Sons of Veterans and 86,000,000 over the preqrat appro­ Opening Oerenionles average speed will be in excess by 660,000 turf clMtle nt Churchill Josgus program, tho great T also conduct balrcuttlng shops, al* US House passed a measure giving ths return and urged Commis­ and is a member of the Junior-senior profusion of beautiful floral tributes. Aeeordmg to present plans, all name. though each has Its own antraacs. the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Car- priation—to supply more\tanka, ar­ several miles of the atl-Uraa record Downz Saturday. ‘Red goes on tbs payroll tomor­ Dean and Cy Blanton. aloM ^ G r^ w lch sewer commission the sioner Disney to impound It. chorus. The bearers were Richard Booth, League tearoe wdll be rspresented at Manchester Trade Cansoneri, tbe grand old man ot row but bo won’t be ready to pitch Reference to beauty shops arous- roll leaves bis daughter, Mra La­ right to enlarge ita di.sposal planL George Bellows, Allan and Russell mored cars, seml-automaoc riflsA AB. R. H. PO. A. E. he eatabllehed in 1936—109.069 mayhem. Is taking most of the Samuel Riddles Poarson, ware notobls sxre After a brief bearing In the com­ Plans Incomplete th> opening which wrill start with a miles an hour. for at least a week or 10 days, and itdr sd Miss Laadry. berge; three sisters, .Sister Agnes I by U>* House Taylor. Burial was In the East anti-aircraft .gunr and eqwpmenL flag raising ceremony. Horace Kulazenskl, ss ..3 1 0 2 1 2 bows now, but along cauliflower d™**'*^' rafi-hot favortts, and n osy hod little trouMs wit Today"s Pattern Mary of SL Agnes’ Home. West included: missioner's chambers in the old Fed­ Plana for the commencement cemetery. Mrs. Ethel V. Mars' Reaping Rs- then probably only relief at the Bees, and sided by flvn "U tbs proprietor of a bsauty KW US eral building, Disney allowed news­ ammunitions, motors, and guns Murptaey, head of the Recreation ! Wylie, p-lb .. ..3 2 1 7 0 Meyer the Iron Man row they're picking Luigi as tbe Hartford, and the Misses Margaret Regulating the over-all height of exercises are not completed as yet Zeppa, i f ...... X Because he never has taken reJIei atUI ths second ehoire de- start,’ McCarthy said. Ha grinned fo n t homers, turned In __ ^ .shop runs a barber shop also,” aba papermen to see the return and said: equipped tor high-speed towing. Committee and Park Board, wrtu be ..2 1 1 1 ' 1 man nothing can Btop. mod mdded: " dsciued, ”ths barber abop has no May and Anne E. Carroll of East trucks At 12 feet six inches. At but the main feature of the program Becker, cf ...... 3 a 500-mlIe, Meyer has become •,P*4a defeat In the Derby straight victory, a 18-1 win a tm 1 "The public has a legitimate right will be an addreas by an outstand­ asked to raise the flag. David 3 3 3 0 U The boys give Lou bis due ae a •I suppose Detroit will be Ueklad - more to do with the beauty shop Hartford, a brother, Lawrence L. present there is no limit. Late Rally in Seventh; To Parchiak, o ...... 3 wm aa an iron man, but hs is tar game guy. For along the way to trtei. Fast trials aad previous Boaton Beea. to news. I am not going to bar you ing speaker and the speeches of the Chambers, chairman of tha Board 1 1 3 1 U victoriaa of othsr aliglblss not with­ to hear Red has signed." (Ruffing than a restaurant or a bus Una that Carroll of Kansas City, Mo., and a In concurrence with the Senate YOU K N O W - of Selectmen, wrlll be Invited to i Warren, r f ...... 2 0 0 0 frofii being a heavyv elgbL Ha la tl.e title Lou encountered more w top fUngor of ths Fit from seeing the return.” vr.ledictorian and salutatorian. 0 0 standing, they stack up aa the beat Detroit three tlnss last sea­ hurgh Ptretsa* crack staff, fa n tbs owner mlfht run. granddaughter, Lucille M. Laberxe the House passed the following SELECTMAN MARTIN GETS throw out the first ball wrlth Select- Kerr, 3 b ...... 8 0 0 0 3 u d ow m ^ 164 pounds now, wrUl lose than hie share of rough apote. son. I of West Hartford. DUia. Raakob listed a total income for The dates of graduation exercises Meet Hartford Trade. Blit e^ht and allowed but five hit* ' bring the name of the beauty Mre. Grover Cleveland received man Harold Reed behind the plate rRautenberg, 2 b-p 3 0 1 0 3 0 three oK four pounds by race day, Frltzlc Zlvlc broke hla Jaw when The funeral wUl be held Saturday 1930 of 8799,181.04 against which In the public schools here were an­ Hamilton sands ths score or so ot Detroit n g e r followers epinsd pitching ths Bues to a 8-1 wtoT *' ' Miop into the question is deliberately ProhIblUng the sale of prison the first |>arce] post package in to receive tba delivery. The Legion Davis, 3 b ...... 0 0 0 2 0 u and a n o lm six or seven wUl be Lou was on hla way up; Ambers at 8:30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. made goods except to sUte agencies were deductions of 8867.2S3.M. nounced today by Superintendent of Ip e r m it t o b i e d h o u se won the flghL Tony Bcarpatl died *tom the Ruffing saw tba handwriting on ths w Brooklyn Dodgers, thslr te jntelMdinf jpulidlc.** Schools Arthur H. niing. the United States. Jamaica of­ banS will be sought to play at tbs Hllinski, 2b-rf . ..3 0 0 2 U u peeled froin\hla wrlry frame during wall whan Gomez, Pearson, Malone. with a solemn requiem or political subdivisions, but allow­ Ho gave hla occupation for that ceraraonles. Manchester Trade bunched six tbs race. \ after Lou had knocked him out in P’ *“• (t^ntrai stralghL to keep tbs Plttsbi Three barber shops today remam- year as a vice-president of R 1. The Barnard school will hold Its ficials sent .her a feathered fan on bite in three Innlnge to turn back Hayes, r f ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 standard Time). Hadley, Murphy and Broca began mass in the church of SL TImmas ing Jails to sell until June 1930 to adoption of the parcel poet treaty The Moriarty- Brothera. Matthew Wlenblckl, 1b-2b 1 Mayer U 32 yrere old. tha second the seventh; Lou fought a benefit a itome and a half to front l i t sd on the picketing list of the union. fulfill contract!! on hand. Dupont de Nemours and listed a graduation on Thursday morning, Win Have Home Erected at Rockville High at the Windy City 0 0 1 1 u War Adadral Bmon mowing down opposing batsmen and National Lsagua, ^ Air others, union leaders said, had the Apostle, West Hartford, at 0. June 10. Manchester Green’s exer­ "The founder of the present and Maurice, will present the trophy younges* son of Edm rd Meyer, who for tbe family and kept on coming Burial wUl be in ML SL Benedict Betting up a milk shed, comprisios: salary from this company of 810.- Princeton and Henry Streets V bich they donated'to the Leagtie yesterday afternoon by a 7-6 score, At last he got a shot at Can- ‘ •t seldom have two horasa dif­ appcarlnfi- In no need ot help. Ths New York Otonts* pitdAitfl ^ accepted tba unkm regulations. ' cises will be held on Friday evening, Methodist church. Rev. Charles 34 7 6 31 10 7 now Is a real estate^dealer to Cali­ fe r^ mors widely to dispoeition The Tigers were hitting every­ cemetery. ^ ^ ® ctlcu t and adjacent territory. 000. He alao listed a salary from Wesley, first used the phrase. — Trade School to Bnild It. to the officials of tha circulL Tbs exactly the same figures by wblcb zoneri for tha title. The master was glTeu a thorough gotog-ovtr r * . f '■lie I General Motors—a Corporation In June 18. Oasa Day will be held at Manchester High downed Rockville Rockville High fornia but who to hls'Tounger days thing until tho Yanks moved to. Extending from December 1 to th. High school on Monday, June 21, "Cleanliness'is next to godliness," cup la of sterling silver and is valued was a bicycia racer in Europe. The artisan of Ms day was too smart, ol Uyti^**” "**^*****’ **** mode CInetonati'a aroused Reds Wl December 31. the time for filing the which he baa been interested for in a sermon. Selectman Richard Martin of 38 at more tnon 850. It will be award­ last 3Ionday here. It was the second AB. R. H. PO. A. too strong. So tbe youngster from Gomes and Pearson promptly pinned Alsx Kampourla clubbing taro a i l followed by graduation on Wednes­ Adams, 3b . ,,, ..4 0 0 1 2 1 father is a German. Lou' was born Herkimer went back to the draugh­ ,War Admiral la so small b« looks 17 strikeouts on them to two days. G .O .P. MAY HELP old age tax list. some years with the Dupont family day morning. June 23. The Hollis­ The U. 8. Marine Band fur- Maple street today applied to Build­ ed to the winner of the League title straight victory for the Traders ana u n ^ t like a pony alongside Mrs. four Red homers, ths rmgh-hbi ' SENATORS POSTPONE — of 810,000 .and a total of 84 but it must be won three times tor gave them an even break in four Ashe, 2b ...... 4 1 1 0 1 u in New York, but was taken to ty arenas of the small clubs. But Reds won thslr second victory of I Naming Route Six from the Con- ter Street school exercises wUI be ntahes the music at White House ing Inspector Edward C. ElliotL Jr, Huntley, cf .... California as an infant. \ necticut-Riiode Island Une to the 115.30 in directors fees. receptions; as early aa 1803, the for permission to erect a 1 1-3- permanent possession. games played to date. .4 ISO 0 u they fought again and Ambera won, ■ooson, 8-8, over ths NaUoiinll held Tuesday afternoon, June 22, Stakllnskl, e ,. .4 Eddie Meyer, Jr., was a dirt and took ths flUe. daddy, Mon O’ War, the Kiddie THREE DEMOCRATS I OonnecUcutrNew v-'^rk line as th. with the Buckland school program Marine corps played at prealden- atory, one-family, five room, frame EUglbUlty Usta Becker Leads Attack 1 2 8 1 u colt prefers nothing batter than to league championa Also to. ACTION ON FINANCE Kristofak, ss .. ..3 track driver on the Pacific c o ^ As Champion, bis rsreer ^nny of the Republic High­ the same evening. Ual receptions. dwelling, at an estimated coat of Eligibility lists, a bone of conten­ Raynold Becker, former High slug­ 0 0 3 2 u S^t out 111 f m t u d nxD hit rtvmifi Sports Roundup Mmr-bsmmaiing mood wore I way. The lumpsucker fish has a row tion In the organization of the cir­ ger, paced the local attack wrtth a Sokolov, rf . ... .1 1 0 1 U u and Introduced his famous brother contlnusc in ths same manner. He Cuba who bsitsd the PhUllsn lT-4,1 (OontfaMied firsm Page One) 85200 on Lot 80 ot the Elisabeth Kuhnly, p ...... to racing. Each year that he bas lost non-title bouts to Eddie Cooi BJWMd. That'S tha way Naming the Berlln-Meriden rood of suction cups on its under aide cuit this y ea f, must be turned in to double and a single in two trips to .0 0 0 0 2 u he did It during hla two-yaar-oid l^^y EDDIE BRIBTZ to^ re^ thslr strook to fia^ AND CONRtOL B D l ABOUT TOWN Park tract, at the eoutb-west cor­ League officials not later than May Blinn, l b ...... won In Indianapolis, Meyer bas and Jimmy McLarnIn. The boys tbs ’’CSiamberlaln Memorial Hlen and thus anchors itself to rocks. ner a t Princeton and Henry streets. the piste that accounted for three .3 1 0 7 0 1 aad again to his two sUrts tkms ware being considered both by | way." * 36, when tha next meeting wriU ' be Lima, If ...... competed in as many raesa as it started to call him a cbeesk ebam VIDOW OF FAMOUS During the gold rush in AlaskA The house will be built fay the of Manchester's tallies. Huntley, .2 1 1 2 0 u at Havre ds Oraes before oomlng New Tork. May 8.— (A P )-^ s ck OuUids a t tba Tanks-TIgsm rail groups that belleva administration held at the home ot Joe Hublard Fagan, p ...... were proflUbla to drive. When there pfon. Then a month ago, he came (Osottooed tiraos Page One) Giving the Waterbury Bureau ol The Young People’s society of tbi beefsteak sold for $48 a pound at South Manchester State Trade playing centerfleld Instead ol pitch­ .1 0 0 0 0 0. wesL “ Dempsey U so worn out from run­ do, tha only other Amsilean Loagia'I policies go too far and groups that streete, full control of the city's Circle City. manager of the Green team. Bonds are no races scheduled, be returns fighting back in the final rounds, ning around ths country refereeing gams aras to (Thicago, where Swedish Congregational church will school aa part of the program of tu must also be furnished at that time. ing, featured Rockville's hitting as a cha.nplon should, to gain re­ In contrast Rasping Reward ts , would go farther. Authorising payment of pensions thoroughfarca " sponsor an entertainment at the PUBUSHER IS DEAD Legumes are useful In crop ro­ 28 6 7 21 to bis home at Huntington Hark, stretch runnerf s style ot run­ wrestling matches, ha’s going up to "If the Republican party is to be carpentry department of construct­ The dueation of who is and who is with three safe blows in four at­ tt 7 spect, It not-, the decision, against by Bridgeport to Anna F. Malon^ church tomorrow evening consisting tation because of their nitrogen- tempts. Wylie and Parchiak ot Man- Manchester Trade . . . 203 020 0 - i Calif., and packs for a hunting trip. ning which requires plenty ot early (Tbsrisy Miller’s Maine camp for a tee eighth to top the White Bog T -Z * the vehicle which thoughtful people and Katherine ulcBride, widows ol fixing qualities. ing one home a year for instruction not culglbla to compete in the He shoots golf in the low 8U'» Pedro Montanos. of motion pictures of Esklnra land cheater and StakllnakI and Luaa ol Rockville HiKh ...... 001 800 2—8 Over at Sum'mit. N. J., where P**^ another horse good rest ----- last time Jack waa uu!? i!^.*®*'***’ *^Ie Broavns findl can use against the New Deal. It members of the fire department or HINUENBLRO NEAR PORT Traces of legs, in the form ot purposes. Work on the house, ac­ League probably will not be com­ Lou was married to CaUfomla in Oob McGsrvey, trainer of Mrs. up there be shot three deer « ith sound accompanImenL Elder .Mrs. Adolph Ochs Pa.ases Away pletely settled until the lists are Rockville contributed d>ublea aa the Runs batted in: Becker 3; Warren, be is training, he Ipoki better than Waahington-tneveland Indiana tUtni must develop a positive program — that city. .Vnderson, former Covenant Mlaslon- claws; are fotmd In the foealla of cording to the application, will atart 1926. His wife watches most of bis Mars’ horses, may provids for that Jesse Jamee (not the guy with the wars ralnsd ouL ** ’ something it has not done slnee the New Haven, May 8__(A P )—The Suddenly at Her Home in boas and pytbrma. Monday. aubmitted but It bas been practical­ losers outbit the winners by a '/-« Hllinski, Rautenberg, Stakllnskl, ever. Never t haro puncher, he ary to Alaska will give tha lecture. margin. Lusa, Kuhnly, Ashe, Huntley. Two races. They hare two children, by sending Um fleet Case Acs to horse) but a wrestler from Texas, Mectlon’’, the 38*year*old New Eng German dirigible Hlndenburg, fiy. White Plalna, N. Y. If suburban towns are includ­ ly agreed upoi that Twrl players wdii swarms over his opponent, hitting IN ’TOE HOUSE. not be allowed to compete with Rautenberg aUrtad on the mound base bits, Wylie, BMker, Parchiak. Louis, Jr., 6, and Yvonne, au ' ith both bonds. He is young, i?.^**®** Neaping Reward and has tba yala daffy with bis good lander said in an Interview. . State Capitol, Hartford, May 6. Ing low and slow, passed over New The Young People’s society of ed, the population of Washlngtoo, months. Lika bei husband, Mrs. Military. looks .... be gate almost aa much Haven harbor at 2:10 p. m. (eastern other local teams. If a players for the Tradera and received credit Stakliiiski, Lusa. Hits, off Rauten­ strong and gams. Talk of New Party (AP) —Establishment of a central the Concordia Lutheran church will D. C., is more than 1,000,000. Meyer regards racing ms a busineas, YYis Mon O’ War offspring nos mush mall as tlark G able___ looks Bridges, wrho has been In. touch daylight saving time) today. The New Tork. May 6.— (A P )—Mrs. PALM IS FACING name should appear on more than for the victory although he -was re­ berg 7 In 6 1-3 Innings, Kuhnly 3 in No one Is paying much attention purchasing system was fixed today meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. and Lou bas made it a profitable ai'Othar one of hla sire's traitsiralu in like Lou Ambers will be at least 12 J-eague arith state leaders on speaking trips big airship Is bound for Lakchiirat. Adolph Ochs, widow of the publish­ one list be will become the propefty moved in favor ot Wylie In the 4 innings, Fagan 8 In 3 innings. tc him. It la oil Conzonen, the by leaders trf the reorganisation ot the team that usee hla services Sacrifice bits, Manchester 2, Kock­ one. He bae drawn down about great Tony, making what many /'w ' • “•••" dlsposiuon. to 6 over Tony Consonerl tomorrow through the east and midwest. N. J.. flying from FrankforL Ger­ The Q Clef club will bold a re­ er of the New Tork Tlmea, died DEATH IN CHAIR aeventb as Rockville staged a rally Ones tha rare is underway, bow- night .... Brooklyn, the hoae, like . added: committee as tba next immediate many. first. Each team will be allowed vUle 1. Stolen basea, Mancuester 8, 8200,000 In race earnings stnee ns h< pe will be bis last appearance ®i’Jrctiva in the campaign to revamp hearsal at the Emanuel Lutheran suddenly today at her home “HIU Decorating Street that fell abort by a tingle run. Kubn- evsr, he la aU buatneaa. Reaping his pais the Dodgers, hss naassd *1 have recently been approached eighteen player ly toed the alab for Rockville but HockvlUs 2, Double plays, Zeppa to drove in bis first Indlatiapoils event against Ambers or any fighter (teward, a pet around J ^ e a d e x i the itate’s governmental atructure. church at 7:30 o’clock tonIghL andale’’ in White Plains, Most of ths Twt gamss are ex in 1927. parucuiarly tha little old guy with tha stable, out of ths picture. by several groups of leaders in both To make the smoke more pun­ She suffered a heart attack a (Ooatiaaed from Page Oae) gave way to Fagan in the fifth. WyUs; Parchiak to Wierzblckl to Is as gentle as a tomb. Bie Traynor should havs good ^FJtlCAN LCAGUB House Chairman George L for Coronation pected to be plajred at ths Wesi Parchiak. Left on bbaes, Manches­ tha whiskers and the scythe. ma)or parties for dlacuaslon of Werncke aald work on a bill to place gent, certain Eskimos place a tiny Filed In the town clerk's office short time ago and her death came WyUe Stops Rally Meyer is a fatallsL He was racing Style of Living tough a eoupis of years earlier .... ^ t t l a g - R , Farrell. BaS either a coalition of Republicans and piece of dog’s liair al the bottom near Gulf Beach that nlghL Palm’s Bide. The scoreboard wblcb Mortar- ter 8, Rockville 4. Base or. bells, <-J on the boards at Altoona, Pa., when It will be tougb to sea Tony .6M; Walksr. Tigers. .681. all state purchases under the dlrec- recently was a warrantee deed from Just two days less than two years ty Brothers erected at Mt. Nebo last The tying nm was on third with the ring. Ha baa been arouno Evan their style ot living is dlf- he's tocn what the boys call a hard- XSonstltutlonal Democrats’ or a new of the pipe bowl. A piece of dog’s 1 mother, Mrs. Katherine Gove, sup­ one away when Wylie took over the Rautenberg 1 , Kuhnly 6, Fagan 2. Ray Keech was killed Just a tew (t-renL War Admiral has quarters Runs—Lary, Indians; O. W a d * ’ Uon of a purchasing superviaor Henry J. Zhnmerman to William B. after her husband died at Chatta­ ported her story. year wUI be removed to tbs West a lOM time and never turned in a boiled egg thle eeasoe and look party with the present Republican skin la attached to the pipe stem Ostrinsky for the property at 182 nooga. Tenn., April 8. 1935. pitching burden from Rautenberg Hit by pitcher, by Rautenberg weeks after winning the India­ in a ntw barn of ths rsguisr track where thnae Buccoa are rooeting... Tlge.z; and F. Walissr and - ^ ^ * ' party as a nucleus. would be started tomorrow by a Palm waa arrested early this year Side. Jarvis Grove and tba Pollsn- Lad figbL The only consolation is sub-committee. to make the hair available. Blssell streeL Mrs. Ochs was the former ImpM- Amarican diamond ‘ on Autumn He fanned StakJlnakl, Rockville a (Kuhnly). Struck out, by Rauten­ napolis crown. Meyer’s and several Lou Ambers—another game guy, tJ1>e. Thera are no barrisrs to bis Lee Handley and Johnny Dickshot teal. White Sox, 12. *T have not committed myself to aa be walked out of his mother's berg 8. WyU# 1 . Kuhnly 4, Fagan other oars were wrecked. Tbs acci­ table othsr than a vi^tont stabi* Governor WUbur U O oss has gene- Miriam Wlae, a daughter of candy shop in Mount Vernon where street wrlll also be cbe scene of Twri clean-up hitter, but Parchiak drop­ who will wear Tony's crown have eupplled tha winning punch R i ^ batted to-W slk er. Tigarat ■ any plan. Presumably I was ap­ the late Rev. Dr. lairec Wise of Cin­ gainee and ML Nebo may be used ped the third strike and waa forced 3. Time, 2 00, Umpire, CoUum. dent forced cancellation ot the race Tony would wish it to be worn. boy and fsrociouB look l^ dog. aad Booura White Son, 14. proached because of being one of the been represented as feeling that the they m ov^ after leaving Milford Far away, outside of the track never see Morris proposal to establish a centra] pur- cinnati, founder of tha Hebrew last December. He first was charg­ for a few. Three games wrlll be to throw to third to retU-e the bat­ and the leader, Meyer, was declared ^™®rtch of the PhiUiee again Hits-Walker. Ttgera 28; L o ry .’ younger and more liberal Republi- the winner. ir o p « . Reaping Reward to boused tomans; and Booura and F. Walksr. ’ A PRINCESS dress (No. 8854) chaalng agency U among the most Union college and the Union of ed with armed robbery and later n- pisyed each week on Monday, Wed ter. Wierzblckl returnee the ban Aahe and Lusa and Wylie cam* m will bs soon snougb . he got 18 cans bolding office." neaday aad Friday nlgbu. b a rn -a teal horse W hiu Sox, 17. ^ Is the last word in chic, important recommendations made ( She Has Tempered Her Temper American Hebrew Oongregatlona. dicted on the murder charge. swiftly to get the man trying to to pitch and baited the rally ui Lou spilled during practice at the GREEN OPENS SEASON hits off the nstbueh pitchers In six Talking rapidly as be prepared to She and Mr. Ochs were married Name Six Umbras score from third, ending the game. Aeeot track in Los Angslsa in 1931, cssUe. The doors are locked at an Doubles—Lary, Indiana, 6; Qsbrtr. leave for a New York visit, bridges ^ r r o and modUhness. ScalloK by the reorganisation commiaalon. Only one man, Joseph McESroy of Umc to give Mancbeater the verdict times while a stable boy watches Johnny Marcum button trim and adorable puff There have been some differences February 28. 1883. She was for a New Haven erbo wae executed last Six umplr4z were approved at Manchester UJlled twice In the breaking his shoulder and several of tha A’e went to fill out hie social Taakesa; Cronin, Rad Sox; R o g ^ said: League arbiters. Including two new- Coach Frank Crowley’s charges every ^ s of the vlaftora whan YYgers; Bell, Browns; and F. Walk- ^ C A held in to the arm ^ t h of opinion as to what, if any, econ- time.a book reviewer and dramatic February, liaa died thus far in tba opening frame when Kulascnski return to action tomorro~> ae boat riba. Preparing for ths Vanderbilt AT GROVE ON SUNDAY security blank, be couldn’t remem* “Certain Republican leaders In comers, Sam Kotch and Henry they ask parmlsion to ass ths end Hayes, Whits Rox, 6. smaU tucl^ are smart deUUs of omloa might be effected through critic on the Chattanooga Tlmea. eltctrie chair which replaced Con­ reached on Adams’ error. Wytiq to HarUord Trade at ML Nebo at 8 (Tup raoe at tba new Itooeeveit horse. ^r Us pop’e name ----- "neema to Indiana. Iowa and Missouri have in­ Surviving are one daughter, Mre. "Hank" McCann. Tbs others are Triples—Rosenthal, White dicated by personal statements they this creatiOT. Tiny bows at the centralised purchasing, but some necticut’s old-fashion^ banging drew a pau and Zeppa advanced the o'clock. Raceway on Long Island last fall, Manchester Green, town cham- They are silks to that both are Ban" oold Johnnv • 1*1 ^ add interesL Make it iit sources have placed the probable Arthur Hays Sulzberger, wife of the machine by legislative decree two Jim O’Leary, BUI Breunan, Ralph ruhners with a sacrifice. Then Beck­ be lost control of a foreign car and Benjamin?" aakad his helper... Whlte, Tigers; and Haysa WhUg are considering coaUtions Involving Russell and Jack Dwyer. pions of 1086, will open their base­ listed ss brown colts although Sox, 7. i w a l e gingham, organdie, dot- wvlnga to the state as high as publisher of the New York Times; years ago. er singled to score both players. wrecked it on the guard raU. Rsatong Reward appears to be more T


AUMT ______. COH.'^ ^ V O MEVP 1 TCVL V O O . »** ^TC.9HEM .VF VOO\.\. M A V 3 Q V E O OOVQA .VJU e c a u x ■ m s ) FTT TO e t 0$> . X WOMTT T H C R i'b UV>\ts)6 CAM TMlU THIKKJYb OUER TO O VNU evV O F . Success Oomsa In Doing Difficult SoinsthlBg else the ochoeds might | t a m o k « „ Things That Others Cannot Do. teach la the casual oourtoqr to \ W A K f X ------■trangera which doea so much to AMO MO P L C M T V o r The local woman hater says jrou make life pleasant In small things as w o M o e n Acnoi ACTIOM can’t make him beHeve that kissing we go alo^. has Improved any by painting the lips. LOST AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 BONDS — STOCKS — BEFORE CONDEMNING SALESMEN WANTED 36-A ELECTRICAL APPUANCE8 HOUSES FOR RENT 651 OTHERS TOO SEVERELY, WE ___ RnX. In front qf SUU 1030 HUDSON, sedan, |79; 1020 MORTGAGES 31 RADIO 49 We Spend One-Third Of Our lim e MIGHT PAUSE AND PONDER « lUpnlr Shop, Tnoadoy mom Chevrolet coupe, 830; 1020 Chevro­ WANTED—^MAN with ear to take TO RENT—8-ROOM SINGLE, new­ In Bed And About Two-Tbtnis In WHAT WE WOmjJ HAVE DONE . IlMriurd. Crawford, T * l 7U8. let coach, 840;, 1030 Hudson sedan, over Profltabla Rawlelgh Route. PHUXX) RADIO CLEARANCE ly remodeled, all modem conven­ Psychiatrists Are Told Bad. IN THEIR PLACE. WANTED —FIRST mortgage at EUtablished customera. Must bd ■ale—Retd bargalna, as high aa 840.. No down pa}rments, balance 84,00a Write Box T, Herald. ' iences, garage, garden, landscape. weekly. Cole Motors, 6483. satlafled with eamlnga a t ^ 0 a 876 allowance for your old radio. OaU 3166 after 8:80 p. m. Customer—Have you any good ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 week to atarL Wrlto Raivleligh'a, • Gall 8836, Benson Furniture and To Use Plain English poTic? DID YOU KNOW T H A T - BUSINESS Dept CUE-4IB-101, Albany, N. T. Radio. Johnson Block. Meat Cutter—Good pork! Say. ALDCN — WANTED AUTOS— WANTED TO RENT 63 I ’ve got some pork that will make w d or and palnrtat, Apt. No. 1, a n OPPORTUNITIES 32 WANT A NEW RADIOT For a Atlantfe Oty. N. J., May 6.. bettor chicken salad than any lamb The sweet potati! Is not related to **nia straot, Hartford. Hour* lu a. MOTORCYCLES 12 WANTED—BY JUNE 1ST, 8 or 7 ihaU of them came from flsmlUes the white potato, but U a close FILU N O STATION, Roadside store, LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 real bargain aee Frank Yeomans (A P )—Psychiatrists were urged to­ you can buy. , to 1:80 p. m. No appoliitiiienta W ILL PAT 8100 cash for late model at Brunner's Radio OepL Phone room bouae, single or duplex style. that transmitted defects to deacend- cousin to the pretty morning glory. souvebir-aondarleh shop, Uvlng day to ahun high-sounding termin­ enta. A Ford, coach or sedan, good oon- FOR SALE—-JERSEY cow, Juat 6101, 80 Oakland street. Must be near a s<^ooI, small fami .The Longer You’ve Had What John Hunter, English anatoraisL ■1SSTSVIItASieviCl.lllC. T. M. Ufa I rooms, overnight camps. Heavily ly. Phone 8044. ology and “talk plain English" aa a Offending families existed mostly once transplanted a rooster's spur KWAima>—______LAUNlXtT and cur- dlUan. Write Box X, Herald. traveled highway. Beautiful loca­ freshened. Michael Kotsch, Lake In rural sections and small towns You Have, The Less Thankful You street Dial 8030. VACUUM CLEANERS—a E. Uni­ means of popularising Interest In Are That You Have IL to Its comb. Toonerville Folks r. talna to do at boaw. Will call for tion bordering water. Am a doctor. WANTED TO RENT 8 or 7 room where, he said, "there was no or­ In winter, soo polar beara avoid By Fontaine Fox and (Mirar. Fliono 8810. Have no use for the bualnesa. Price versal, Western Electric etc. AJJ the problems of mental health. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 house In Manchester, aa permanent ganised public optnkm to deal with Man—Say, my wife wants tq water altogether, hi eplte of the 82050—dmall down paymenL Dr, factory rebutlL Just like new. renL In reply glire Phone and ad­ “A t preaenL’’ Dr. Benjamin M. them." , M ic k e y M c G u ir e h e l p s **St i n k y **Pa v is m a k e u p his m in d POULTRY A N D SUPPLIES 43 Baker, superintendent of the New know what you do at the bank. fact that they swim In icy waters FLOWERS AND PLANTS FOR Baker, T h irty Plnei", Penacook, Guaranteed 1 year. All one prtce, dress with price. Address P, o. In western Maaaachusetts.'he ob­ 813.00 car':. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland Hampshire State School at Laconia, Bank aerk —Teller. the year round in their naUve ^AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Mothers' Day, May 0th. We have N. H. DRIVE OVER AND 8EIE our chicks .Box 28. West Hartford. Cmm served. failure to eope with the sit­ land. OUR BOARDING HOUSE a large and varied aasortment at streeL Phone 8101. told the American Assodatlon on uation baa resulted la "so much la. k VOR SAUB—1B34 Plirmoutli coacli, and EuUeta, Reds, New Hampshlrea There Is Small Choice. If You Are The coldest town In the world I everything for mother. Open 8 a. FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS aec* Mental Deficiency, “aU the phraaa- comj eteney and dependency that VEH, A > E W ka Tory good coadition. 250 Weat and White Leghorns from our ology of mental disease Is abstracL L Lively, You Are An Old Ctake-Eat- U Verkhoyansky Slmeria, where | w e 'l l < aive VO U EH ? IKIPEED/ SPUTT-T-SPUT~»-w m. 10 p. m. Come and aee our tion, brick mercantile building, PuUorum clean, trSpnested stock. ROUSES FOR SALE 72 whole families aad large parts on January IS. 1883, the ther­ OP THI PLUGS 2.H MOUFtS TO canter street. Telephone 0a07. to with 3000 ft, ^ grounc floor space. GARDEN—FARM- Involved, redundant and lugubrious.’’ m A r ; And If You Arc (JuicL You Are 1 a c c e p t y o u r CMALLEMfSS/ display. Burke The Florist, Rock Established seventeen years and families have been committed W i n Old Klll-Joy. So What Is One mometer read 90.4 degrees below I APOUMD THIS vUls. Suitable tor light manufacturing. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 FOR SALE—ATTRACTIVE Colo­ " If aU our literature on mental state Institutions to save munlclDa 48 TUNE U P VOUR AMO WILL COVER YOUR going Strong because our birds live, nial home, 8 rooms, aU bard wood disease and defect could be com­ ^ O Dor _ zero. STAH>Le HAVE Apply Edward J. HoU. Itlea the cosL“ 1 -s S -i’iS r* MAiSiC PLUTE WAOER OM OME COUDlTIOM-H FOR SALEl—PANSIES at Krauss lay and pay even when feed U high. EASTERN STATES eertlfled Green floors, Bunporch and 8 car garags, pletely rewritten___ It would be a Franz LlsiL during the last 401 K1CKEI7 IM AMI? CHARM Manchester Fred MUler’a Poultry Farm, North He predicted It would require live' - Diner—Walter! Waiter! There is years of hla life, gave no concerts I -P—KAPP- Oreenhouae, 821 Hartford Road Mountain seed potatoes, fertilizer, Inquirs 64 Lyness street. moat praiseworthy accompltsh- or ten years for public authorities WITH SOME HELP WANTED— Coyentry, Manchester 8a07. Also lime, bone meal etc. Frank V. WU- menL" he said. a button In my soup. for his own financial beneflL and SOMBOWG INTO Telephone 8700. to Investigate the situation nation- SM ALL CMAJOOe Ereninff Herald FEMALE have excellent Peat moes fertiliser Hams. Telephone 7097. Dr. George E. McPherson, super­ (W alter (ex-printer)—Typograph­ did all of his teachings free ot I OIVIAIS TOU TH ' 35 LOTS FOR SALE 73 nUy And determine what measuree ical error, sir; It should be mutton charge. for lawns and gardens that pro­ intendent of the Massachusetts should be taken to prevent propaga- THAT SA VS TO COVEFR CLASSIFIED WANTED— RELIABLE girl aa duces results fjulckly. FOR SALeE—GOOD cow manure, Tiny aromatic beeUes are kept h a w / t h e y PAINTING— PAPERING 21 FOR SALE—BUILDING loU on State School at Belchertown, urged Uop of mentally defective stock. I IT'S A S-TO-I . OUP. dSOwv—w ADVERTISEMENTS kitchen helper, references requir­ 15 a double load, delivered. Tele­ a national survey of families who Yes, Lots of Them! as peta by some species of ants. PALLEM POR m y b a i t ^ PROPERTT OWNERS— Attenuon ed. Apply in person, Oreen KetUe ROASTING DUCKS, broilers, baby phone 5395. Alfred Buma. Strong StreeL Inquire 38 Wood "Some of the persona wo have ob­ "Girls have the right to dress The trro moat frequently struck BET TH'OWE w e 'l l l e t MRS. land street. Phone 6349. for generation after generation have served,” said Dr. McPherson, "came I METHIMKS) MAYHAP, 88.08 repapers room, cei'ing paper, Inn, 138 Deming street. chicks. B. T. Allen, 37 Doane produced mentally defective chil­ they please," by lightning Is the oak. VOU TJOP-E HOOPuE HOl O TM ihdala eeabMe aaO abbrenaUoei street Telephone 7816. from families notorious for genera­ A maiden remarked with vigor. s h o u l d h o l d o u t 1 ••• eeeat, aa a ward aad aoapennd ed or kalaomlned. Material, labor BROOKFIELD STREET, near Cm dren. Bananas have been used In treat­ TO WINJ S T A )-< e s -—-AJOT complete. Inside, outside painting. WANTED—MIDDLE aged woman HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 tions for shiftlessness and depmd- "But some of them lack the nerve ’’ ing certain intestinal diseases. OPDS, , -a**e *wa warda lUalaaw asst la FINEST NATIVE broUera and fowl, ter StreeL In attractive one family Examination of 1300 inmates at en^, to say nothing of more aerloua TH’ DEFABV THAT WE POKlT •Mas a« tkiaa llaaa. Urge savings. Work guaranteed for mother’s helper. Call Rock- his Institution showed, he said, that J said, On July -4, 1879, Louis XVI. IS. A PAW. vlUe 183-6. dressed, fresh eggs, delivered (U- FOR SALE—BED, dresser Slid sev* neighborhood, lot 80x170. Owner offenses against the common good." "And some of them lack the TRUST YOU, BUT r _ j * — tataa ear day far traaatant mg. Phone 3W2. eral pieces of furniture. Ideal for a non realdenL desires Immediate king of France, wrote In bis diary: B U S T ^ rset from Carlson A Sen, Poultry figure." “Nothing.’’ It was on this wiy WE'RE OUT OP Farm. Talepbons 4317. summer cottage. Price reasonable. Bale. Faulkner Co.. 84 PeagI streeL HAKJDCUPPS m — ChaFE* HELP WANTED— Fred Dait, 313 Main streeL Hartford. each of whom now receives that sal­ that the Bastille fell, lOO of the I f J -*1P so AtiREEoTlVViLirX^ REPAIRING 23 proposed 'reduettons “extrsmsly If two Ups were turned up to king’s men were slain, and the MALE 36 ary. Similar aavlnga would be ef­ ■hort-alghted." your own with no one to gossip WRITE THE MAME OP THE ^ LAWN MOWE1R8 put In flrst ci»«« fected in field and office forces. revolution began in earneiL , * ••aoaooowaoaww^ XI MtM) IS 9tM ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 MACHINERY AND T(X)LS 52 Byrd aald. Secretary WaUace told reporters about It, would you pray for en­ The first recorded experiment In ------T p e r b y w i m m e f *. a j o d p l a c e [ .—A® bTsarnlar taaarUsas tkurklng condition; vacuum clean* TWO MEN TO COVER establUhed It would be possible to work out aa durance to let them alone? You’re IT WITMIM A i.W^eaMfad ^^eaa Usm rata. ers cleaned, repaired; key making; territoiiea In Hartford County. FOR SALE—BOX trailer, fully Senator McKellar (D , Tenn.), a liar! electricity took place 60 years be­ ?" SEE DUBLIN TRACTOR Co. WIUI- "ever-normal granary" program to fore the birth of (3hrUL when the SEAuet? EM- • *y *— e^ry lock and gunsmlthlng. Bralthwalte, Milk or bread route experience equipped. Accommodates 4. Inquire mantlc, for your next tractor, you SUGGESTS MERGER proposed as another economy meas­ etart next fall, despite economy de­ *l*aa apaa raai S3 Pearl street. ure that President Roosevelt be em­ Greek, Thales, of Miletus, rubbed VELOPE/TO t Ada atdaiad bsTata mmmtha uiir^Ultd Ofei ftttll helpful. Steady with opportunity 143 Hollister street can select from a large stock of mands. He did not say how It would First Man for advancement Write Box Y, powered to slash 10 per cent from be accomplished. Whatever trouble Adam bad. pieces of amber and observed they I B E O P E K IE O i^ S i i TP* .** ••ly *ST the aa- REUPHOLSTERINO — I do all John Deere, McCormicks, Fordsona, attracted light objects. 7 c ^ : oomaar af tlnis the ad appear- HeralA * FOR SALE—ONE USED gas en­ Cletracs, Case. any approprlaUon for next year aft­ The House, overriding economy No man in days of yore a p t b r -t h e ' SS* -^* * * *a* •* *a* " * • aamsd bot kinds of furniture work. All work gine roller mower with detachable OF LOAN GROUPS er a hearing shows It can be done. If a single day’s supply of fruits pleas, authorized the forest servlca Oould say, when Adam cracked -P /’ i . r \ R A C E IS ■ f ar raraada aaa bs i ids guaranteed. J. HlUman. Tel. 8448. WANTED—10 GOOD laborers. Ap­ » cbt(iting unit, suitable for a large Friends said McKeUar would not joke. and vegeUblea furnished New York , StVaeJ***- **• ■*•**•* “^tsr by a vote of 171 to 183 to spend r3,- city were on one train, the train | R U K i f ply 6:45 a. m. C. L Vanderbrook lawn or fairway. Bralthwidte, 52 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 ask consideration of his bill until all 800,000 to aid farm.irs to begin re­ .'T v e heard that one before." I f s ^ b '• •srMds'i display Haas ast WE SPECIALIZE In lawn mower A Son, 36 Lydall street. Pearl street 1938 appropriations have been would be more than 60 miles long .-CSV / r abarpenlng. Preclatot grinding, foresting their land. FOR SALE—HOBART M. cable Senator Byrd Declares That mada Many A Tired Business Man Gets The planet Mercury plunges to-1 TbaMarald win aat bs rsapsastbls free delivery aervlee. Karlsen and piano, in good condition. Inquire Rep. Maverick (D., Tex.), said ward tha aun for a period o f 44 ' S ' •?“ laaorrsst tassrtlsa Other Prop nils the “economy wave” has made Ooa- That Way Running Down The Bills aay adrartlsaaaaat ardarad far E^lgerton, Depot street. Biickland. 41 Delmont streeL Telephone 4953. His Wife Runs Up. days, slows down to take an abrupt Men tbaa aaa Ubm. Phone 788S. Rockville 007-3. It Wonld Save the Govern The Byrd and McKeUar recom­ greas "stop thinking entirely of mendations followed a number of what is necessary.” curve in lu path, and then speeds up o. Mj^nrtsat * » amtsstaa ~ « ia a srat inaar-laaar- ■gain In another long plunge. KV g f l . f yiaatloa af adrartlslad will bs Real Estate Bargains other proposals to cut expense^ Rep. Fish (R., N. Y.). deploring Wife—John, you had better keep •yewaad aaly by eaaaaUatlaa af tbs WANTED-TO BUY 58 Rient 24 Milons Yearly. chief of which are: your eyes open when you go to New In Sumatra, filed teeth ate what he called the lack of a Federal York. • W ' Mr the aarslas rsadsrsd Everyone wants to pasaess a home,of hla own. Why not bay WE ARE STILL paling highest A flat 10 per cent cut by Con­ thought to be a thing of beauty, I s- '^ —^ '•rUaawaau atast aaararm PHONE 3926 financial policy, declared bualaeis and with a saw, mallet, some files, M f g l A f W M d typesrapby with now before higher prices arrive 7 Don’t bealUte—to regret later. prices for rags, papers and Junk gress In aU appropriations for the confidence and a balanced budget Husband—Why? © •jyalaUoae aafaresd by Ua pablltb. .a t my new location. 182. BisseJI Wife—People would think you and a chisel, the dentist doea the CAB W AM llNcr UB * « /v/b We offer a six-room single house on EIro street Steam heat, Washington. May 8__(A P )—Sen­ fiscal year starting July 1. This "are one and Inseparable." Job for a few cents a tooth. g L *? f.i***' r ^ r r a tba tidbt ta StreeL Wm. Ostrlnsky. Tel. 8870. were a bit off if you went around LUBBICATION .... $ 1 .U U ator Byrd (D.. Va.). laid before the would not be discretionary, as In the with them shuL So intertwined with life ta the SS&ara.iSai;X — garage, large lot. Price bat 88,000. case of McKeUar's blU. • a aleak aaoa: datard^ Y. D. SERVICE STATION steam best frnit trees. Fall price 88800. TENEMENTS 63 Thar# Isn't much to life but this: izations, declaring the merger would the year in such amounts as the A baby’s smile, a vroman’s kiss, At one time, the te^ plant was sav«^ 824,500,000 a year. President finds necessary. grown experimentally In South TELEPHONE TOUR ROBERT J. SMITH, IN C FOR RENT—3 ROOM bested apart­ A book, a pipe, a fire, a friend. ment. Available June 1st, facing Byrd, chairman of a Senate com­ A re-survey of each appropriation By ASSOCIATED m e s s And Just a little cash to spend. Carolina, but It did not become W A N T ADS 088 Mala Street gtSO — 8748 — 6848 Main StreeL Inquire .513 Main mittee on government reorganiza­ in an attempt to effect savings in Am CIt Pow and Lt B profitable because the labor cost j SCORCH Y SMITH specific Items. Bad Riddance street. Telephone 6277. tion, said other suggestions for aub- Ain Gen ...... , It Is the rule rather than the ex- there was so much higher than By JOH N ( ; TERRY , •t‘*lSL*3fiS!?^aT?S.*i?■» » • VOAXuB AATB ClTM ‘•‘•Pbaas MbOTO stantlsl savings "are aure to fol­ Other economy developments: A iY Nat G a s ...... capllon, you probably have noUced. In the Orient. FOR RENT—3 ROOMS furnished, low" If this recommendation Is glv- Rep. Wood rum (D.. Va.), head of Assd Gas and El A The _ admission of light into a I -BUTMDi/ARf NfOOED •Ee^lAsSrYAvrSl will bo MooeMteH but*■ FOR SALE that those who have the least to H O w n o T 'a ! with beat, and constant hot water. .en a hearing. a subcommittee considering next Am Super Pow .... * f * '* . * ^ ‘ ‘atelUgently do most of erroera can be controlled by ad­ OF - r HOFff THEY 6-ROOM SINGLE Can Marconi ...... justing the speed of the shutter i U ai'in f the b® bb boforo th# MVMitb Apply Eklward j. Holl, 885 Main Hla measure would combine the year's relief fund, expressed the be­ ^ talking and talk the loudest WONT th ink n THE u s r J Fnilt treea. Urge gerdea. chick- street. Telephone 4842 or 8026. Home Loan Bank Board, the Home lief the House appropriations com­ Cities Serv ...... This Is Just one of tba things that and the size of the sperture In the 1 infuriated WE'LL SSI OF 1 **?b‘“22’*S— _ %aMarwIas . “T ■*« tba Sn«M2^a? (^AKOB coop. C3Ues Serv., pfd -__ diaphragm of the shutter, usually I MR. KEENE, ...... ar&ument' AUCTION! AUCTION! Owners Loan Corporation and the mittee, usually guided by the Presi­ should be corrected and never let VlN6' KKNr-sJ ll? M aallsetsA Me raapantl- LARGE QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Federal Housing Administration In­ dent’s recommendations, might be El Bond and Share . be. called the leiu or atop opening. ' SCORCHV AND £ *ar w m n la tsiaphpnsd ads Price Only $3,500. Ford Limited ...... A very large portion of the I Few Antiques and A sso rts Glassware BUSINESS LOCATIONS to a single unit called the Federal 'a little more Independent” In this KAY TURN FOR RENT 64 Home Credit Admlnlatratlon. 'The Instance. Woodrum wanta to cut Nlag Hud Pow ...... Bead It Or Not world output of Christmas cards I At Reids* Auction Auditorium (Formerly Rainbow new agency also would supervlae the President’s 81.500,000,000 rellel Penn Road ...... ja®**'*? •>Ave no teeth in the upper Is manufactured In Germany. The I a*CK TOTWE INDEX OF Ballroom) Unit Goa ...... American greeting card business, FAN-AMERlfAN Stuart J. Watley the RFC mortgage corporation. request by one-third. however, 1a no small one. CLASSIFICATIONS Beal Eatate and Ineoranoe On U. S. Route 6, Bolton, Conn., 8 MUes Esat of Manchester FOR RENT—SI ORE at 005 Main One administrator aald 810.000 a Cnto ReUef RoUs Unit Lt and Pow A . PUILDINCS - street. Apply Edward J HoU. UtU Pow and L t __ Canada exported meats to the I State BMg. Tel. 6648-7144 SATURDAY, MAY 8. 1937 AT 10:00 A. M„ p. 8. T. year would replace six executive^ Harry L. Hopkins, works progress If You Love Me. Tell Me So. The value of 824,220,000 during 1935. >m«au A complete line of famltare aultable for home or aummer cottage. administrator, told Woodnim's com­ Real Of Silence la Large Etaough Bird migration baffled nature Bo3rond the Grave. Giraffes con pull leaves off a I ith» ...... Dining room famtohlngs. parlor seta, beds, dreasers, chain and mittee that such a reduction would tree with their tongues. rorkeis, rugs, lamps, atands. mirrors. Oil stoves, wardrobe, put 400,000 persons off the reUel students of early times. Bone au­ ^ of TbaakH ••••••aaaeaa thors thought birds buried them* In photography, the phrase 1 llMMMrtea e. bookcase, sewing machine, Ice boxes, dtohes, etc. rolla He insisted the fuU amount —So your wife Is deceitful ? "stopping down" meant to a^ust rt ABd FOBSd ANTIQUES: Boston rocker, bedside stands, prints, mirrors. selves to mud through the win­ Man—Yes, she allows me to think aaked by the President Is necessary. ter, while some believed that mi­ the diaphragm of the camera t n y , ssoorted glaaeware, candlesticks, etc., etc. AUCTION! AUCTION! Rep. Bolleau (Prog., Wls.), ask­ ■he believes the Ilea I tell her. a smaller opening. AUirriONEEILS’ NOTICE: This Is a wide aasortment of gratory birds spent their vmcatloa ing for relief, called periods on the moon. (O Aateaubllae tor Sato good famltare. Lonch on the premlaes. Fine Farm Property Near Coventry Lake • MMiwa f.l 4«>nn,, Robert G. Brooke, f ir e ? V^DiNNBR SAY, GOLDIE HAS A SAY. DIDN’T I'M— f Mrsi w -TSarrlea—Bterasa ^ . . . » 1« ■ • swatMTsvauatsvieasn. T.aLM.aaMT.ew. - LYDJQ p l a t o n -THE QjUICK! oti they w o nt HE AINT-T^ Owner bell, YE V\AP EK BUMPM, AN’ WE m a k e I '•>>•4 Aatoa—Ifotoreyetoi POLICE STAGE—.'THATS SUPPOSED NINNY, BE NOTHIN left. • aeS Prat^^Val Serrleei* ^ Monday, May 10, 1937, At 10 A. M„ D. S. T. I I& BACIM' o f f f r o m HIM PROMISE SAID ONE P « U toa Sarrlea* Olfarta ...... i| Rain or Shine! TD BE THE Otor Bsat as UP traffic; ■ Far Raat - . . . . S7 5075 •t as ELECTRIC CO. da .M SS ••••• T# ‘ Mr Bala ...... TS 5181 : FssaeitJ ter Bala i* M isr Bala...... Tt EVENING HERALD

5121 O O ttt WNOS MVBA BUSILY S k i A G ^ 7 H aCTIM G HBg MBW------

J 1