PENNEY's -19 - N»W Hatuftes This Year, Including Cus Which Will Be at Canton for Aft- Plus Control

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PENNEY's -19 - N»W Hatuftes This Year, Including Cus Which Will Be at Canton for Aft- Plus Control FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1937 THE F,VENlXn INDEPENDENT. MASSTT.T.OX. OHIO NINETEEN form, Chick Hafey prepared today at AMUSEMENTS RMnehart, Mrs. Wayne Greene, Mrs. The Ladies Aid society of the Sa- his Walnut Creek, .Cal., ranch to re- \,f\nt\L.CANAL FULTOrvi.iwi-Nj Nevln JoncS( CHICK HAFEY Mrs> lem Reformed church will meet Wed- join the Cincinnati Reds:at Philadel- > TALES IN TIDBITS Rnv <?rr,,it tiwm wn i* h.w « Cullen Mays ami Mrs. Clyde nesday afternoon in tbe church an- TO JOIN REDS phia on May 8. He said he would Boy Scout troop No. 15 held *Jaesaman. Refreshments were served nex. leave Tuesday. meeting in the community hall Thurs- by the hostess. The club will be en- Hafey and General Manager War- Sore Arm Nothing in Feller's Young Life day evening. Scoutmaster Kenneth tertained in two weeks at the home Veteran Outfielder Says ren C. Giles completed negotiations Fisher was in charge of the business of Mrs. Clyde Gesaman. Approximately 15.000 homicides are Admiral Is Worthy Son of Man O'War committed in the United States each yesterday in a telephone conversation session. A recreation hour was held. Mrs. H. E. Greene has returned He's Ready To Go and the hard-hitting outfielder in- Those present were: Donald Swigart, year. Hank Greenberg Shy Because of Injury Jack Dugan, Jay Butler, jr., Richard after spending a few weeks with her CINCINNATI, April 30 (#>)—Confi- formed Giles he felt capable of per- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. King, of NOTICE TO BIDDERS forming regularly. He retired volun- By BILL BRAUCHER Bunvell, Emil Seifert, John Blank, Clarksburg, W. Va. The Clerk or th« Villaee of Brewster. dent he could regain his old baseball tarily in 1935 because of his health. Ralph Laughlln. Raymond Nichter Staru County, Ohio, will receive until Central Press Sports Editor and Jcnc Fellmeth. The group will Mrs. Pearl Jolliff and son Teddy !2:00 o'clock noor. eaftern standard During the two months he played are spending several days with her time. May l^nd, 1937, at his office in that season, Hafey batted .339. NEW YORK, April 30—Reports of Master Feller's sore arm must not meet again next Thursday. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. VonWil, of the VIIIaRp of Hrewster. sealed bids for Hafey asked the same salary he re- be taken too much to heart . Robert has been throwing more curve ba>j. Mr. and Mrs. John Gesaivmn, sr.. the following mater9*! to be used on a Justus. the streets of (ho Village dui'ins- th* ceived in 1935, understood to have this spring than usual, and lie gets it where all curve-bailers get it, a pain ! "d daughter Ethel, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fellmeth and year I'JOT. nil material to be" delivered CANTON been $12,500. Giles countered with a in the elbow ... he has had a sore arm before .. last midsummer his flipper i Mrs. John Gesaman, jr., spent Tues- daughters, Patricia and Barbara, and to tho streelx when, where and as need- provisional offer based on his re- was so fretful he couldn't lift it... but it got better quickly enough . and day evening with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph son Paul, of Cuyahoga Falls, spent id during the year 1937. Dycus, of North Lawrence. aftO lin ft., more or .less, 30-inch .V. ONE gaining his old time form. it was after recovering from a woe-stricken wing that he whiffed all those Thursday afternoon with Mr. and C. pipe, dotiblfl strenclh, second grade. WED. Browns and Athletics . he's young . and has been working very hard Mrs. Harry Bolgrin entertained Mrs. Albert Pellmeth. All bids must bo accoinpuniod by a DAY this spring ... a little rest will renew his whip. members of her bridge club at her Mrs. Etta Fletcher and son Rich- :*>rtificd check on a solvent bank in ONLY WESLEY AN WINS Also, a word about the stories to the effect that Robert pitches with a thf- amount of ten 1'er cent of the bid MAY home Thursday afternoon. The aft- ard spent Thursday afternoon in iiv. jerky arm motion ... he isn't as jerky as the critics paint him . and ernoon was spent in playing bridge, Massillon. The Council reserves the right to «c- FAIR GROUNDS OBERLIN, April 30 (/P)—After he gets plenty of body behind the ball ... he lias a beautiful follow-through. with high score honors going to Mrs. Mrs. Robert Bradford and son Rob- eepl or rojoct any or all bids. scoring an early season 24 to 6 victory Wesley Perrell has resumed his pet- W. rr. 1..KWEK. Villas* Clerk. Clyde Gesaman. Those present were: ert, of Canton, visited Mrs. E. Flctch- | Published in The Evening Independ- over Oberlin, Ohio Wesleyan's base- ulant practice of walking unbidden is shy on balls thrown to his right by Mrs. William Ivins, Mrs. Celcus er. Thursday. ent Anril 2". 30- May 7. M. 1937. ball team needed a five-run rally in from the box when the boys get rough the infielders it was in fielding the seventh inning yesterday to win, inflicting upon Joe Cronin no end such a throw that his wrist was snap- WALLACE. 6 to 4. ' of pained surprise .... Mr. Dykes HIGHEST CLASS MON TRAINER'S PET ped .... Alice Marble, oiir national SHOW ON EARTH seems to have found another good tennis champion, regrets the Davis More than 120,000 square miles of Being married to a lion trainer has pitcher for the White Sex in the per- Cup committee named Joe Hunt in- territory can be seen from the sum- its advantages and disadvantages ac- son of J. Dungan Rigney (note to stead of Bobby Riggs for the fifth mit of Mount Diablo, Calif. cording to Dolly Jacobs, the pretty compositor: the Diingan is okay, and CIRCUS wife of Terrell Jacobs, one of the place on the sound Alice says slip Rigney likes it) J. Dungan has a regrets she never had the pleasure of Pr*MntlR« HUNDRIOS of THRILLING stars of the Hagenbeck-Wallace cir- zooming fast one end a nice curve, meeting Helen Wills Moody in. a PENNEY'S -19 - N»w HATUftES This Year, Including cus which will be at Canton for aft- plus control ...... Heinie Manush -has tournament but cheer up, Alice, DANCE SATURDAY ernoon and night performances and a become Brooklyn's hero by reason of don't let that get you down some TERRELL JACOBS huge street parade on Wednesday, a couple of four-base belts This of those who have met Mrs. Moody THE LION KING EDDIE JUENEMANN May5. War Admiral looks like his pappy, old in tournaments didn't get much fun Saturday Features Battling. the Largest Group of Last spring just before the Hagen- Man .O'War and that's saying a out of it. Fighting Sungle - Bred LIONS and His Orchestra beck-Wallace circus opened in Chi- lot ' he appears to be a powerful and LIONESSES Ever Assembled cago, Terrell, who is known universal- critter': strong, well-formed body, Tony Canzonerl is a busy guy, with Europe's .Darling, of the Air ADM. 26C PERSON ly as the Lion King decided to make a and sound legs a rugged baby ...... his new daughter, his restaurant and pet of a young lion cub. Not to be with a, hard eye, too just judging his farm over in Jersey When Con- Men's Scout Shoes | Girls' White Children's JEANETTE MAY outdone and also to keep harmony in fr'onv locks, this writer believes the nie Mack gets excited He says "By White Straps 98c Hi* Vonui That Walks Upside Down the house, or to be exact the state- colt will win tile Derby and every- George!" For unusual stances at MOCCASINS Riding Davenporti —Flying Vcmar» room of the Pullman car, the good thing else they ask him to win this the plate. v,-e give you Jack Hayes of Children's Black Th» LeVards wife selected a baby Jeopard, which year; the White Sox, who stands at the Rubber sole, spring heel. Due Patent Straps 98c HUNDREDS OF CIRCUS CHAM. she added to the household. Up to That broken wrist Hank Greenberg plate looking for all the world like PIONS —ARMY OF CLOWNS —5 the present, there have been no casu- suffered last year has wrought a men- the guy on the cover of the ancient Heavy Comp. Sole to the demand we are offer- Children's HERDS OF ELEPHANTS — «o alties and Mrs.. Jacobs insists she is tal hazard the big Detroit first base- Spalding guide except that Jack Plenty Wear— A Value ing these shoe* again at the Black Oxfords 98c THOROUGHBRED HORSES — going to keep the leopard-as long as man is fighting to overcome Hank i hasn't a mustache. MAMMOTH MENAGERIE low price of TW!M Daily: 2 & 8 P. M. the husband has his pet lion. Boys' Sizes, $1.59 Boys' Brown Whie Dolly Jacobs is by profession Sizes 1 to 5!i Sizes S to 8 . $1.98 Tennis Shoes ... 49c Golden Parade 11 a.m. a circus performer,' as yet she has CL New Cases Filed not taken' up animal training. She prefers to let one person in the fam- In Stark Court ily tackle this hazardous profession. SHOP THESE ITEMS Mrs. Jacobs appears in the menage New cases filed 'in common pleas EARtT numbers being an accomplished court, Canton, include: equestrienne and also. a finished 'Carl Dahler, of R. D. 1, Canal Ful- Torch Club aerial artist.
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