序號 期 刊 名 稱 館藏紙本起迄卷期 備註 E: electronic / P: print 1 Abstracts and Reviews from Zentralblatt f_ur Mathematik. Probability and Stochastic Processes 8-20(1988~2000) P 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 16-28(1990-2002) E+P 3 Acta Informatica 1-37(1971-2000) E+P 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicae Sinica. English Series. 13(1997)- E+P 5 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum current P 6 Advances in Applied Probability 1(1969)- E+P 7 Algorithmica 1-28(1986-2000) E+P 8 Aligarh Journal of Statistics 11(1991)- [lack 20-22(2000-2002)] P 9 American Journal of Human Genetics 1(1949)- E+P 10 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1(1981)- P 11 American Journal of Public Health 83(1993)- E+P 12 American Psychologist 1(1946)- P 13 American Statistician 1(1947)- E+P No.91(1983)- [lack101-165(1984-1990)] 14 AMSTAT News E+P [lack 329(2004)], [lack 350(2006)] 15 Annales De L'Institut Henri Poincare - Section B: Probabilites et Statistiques 1(1964)- E+P 16 Annals of Applied Probability 1(1991)- E+P 17 Annals of Economics and Finance 1(2000)- E+P 18 Annals of Eugenics 1-18(1925-1954) P 19 Annals of Human Genetics 19(1954)- E+P 20 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 1-43(1930-1972) E+P 21 Annals of Probability 1(1973)- E+P 22 1(1973)- E+P 23 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1(1949)- E+P 24 Annual Quality Congress Proceedings 48(1994)- P 25 Annual Quality Congress Transactions 39-47(1985-1993) [lack 44(1990)] P 26 Aplikace Mathematiky 31-35(1986-1990) [lack 33:6, 34:2] P 27 Applicationes Mathematicae = Zastosowania Matematyki 21(1991)- P 28 Applications of Mathematics 36(1991)- E+P 29 Applied Mathematics: a journal of Chinese universities. Series B. 19(2004)- E+P 30 Applied Psychological Measurement 1(1977)- E+P 31 Applied Stochastic Modes and Data Analysis 1-15:1(1985-1999) E+P 32 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 15:2(1999)- E+P 33 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 40(1998)- E+P 34 Australian Journal of Statistics 1-39(1959-1997) E+P 35 Austrian Journal of Statistics 28:3(1999)- E+P 36 Behaviormetrika No.1(1974)- E+P 37 Bernoulli 1(1995)- E+P 38 19(1977)- E+P 39 3(1947)- E+P 40 Biometrics Bulletin 1-2(1945-1946) E+P 41 Biometrie-Praximetric 1-34(1960-1994) [lack 20(1980), 23(1983)] P 42 1(1901)- E+P 43 Biometrische Zeitschrift 1-18(1959-1976) E+P 44 1(2000)- E+P 45 BIT 31-34(1991-1994) E+P 46 BIT.Numerical Mathematics 35(1995)- E+P 47 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 1(1947)- E+P 48 British Jounal of Psychology. Statistical Section. 1-5(1947-1952) P 49 British Journal of Statistical Psychology 6-17(1953-1964) P 50 Bulletin in Applied Statistics 2-10(1975-1983) P 51 Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society 1-45(1979-2008)- 46(2009)-online E+P 52 Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics 23(1988)- P 53 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica 1-33(1973-2005) E+P 54 Bulletin of the Institute of Statistical Research & Training 1-3(1966-1969) P Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute = Bulletin de l'Institu International de 55 41-54(1997-2003) [lack 42,43] P Statistique 56 Byte 15-23:7(1990-1998) P 57 C/C++ users journal [electronic resource] 8-19(1990-2001) E 58 Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 1(1947)- P 59 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1(1973)- P 60 Chance 2(1989)- E+P 61 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 27(1995)- E+P 62 Chenese Journal of Mathematics. Chung-kuo Shu Hsueh Tsa Chih. 1-24(1973-1996) P 63 Cognition 1(1972)- E+P 64 Cognitive Psychology 21(1989)- E+P 65 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1(1992)- E+P 66 Communications in Statistics 1-4(1973-1975) P 67 Communications in statistics: Econometric reviews 1-2(1982-1983) P 68 Communications in statistics: Sequential analysis 1-2(1982-1983) P 69 Communications in Statistics: Part A - Theory and Methods 5(1976)- E+P 70 Communications in Statistics: Part B, Simulation and Computation 5(1976)-[lack 22:1(1993)] E+P 71 Communications of the ACM 1-45(1958-2002) E+P 72 CompuMath Citation Index: CMCI 1976-2001 E 73 Computational Statistics 7(1992)- E+P 74 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1(1983)- E+P 75 Computational Statistics Quarterly: CSQ 1-6(1984-1991) P 76 Computer Journal 34-43(1991-2000) E+P 77 Consumer Reports current E+P 78 Contemporary Clinical Trials: Design, Methods, and Analysis 26(2005)- E+P 79 Control and Dynamic Ststems: Advances in Theory and Applications 15-17(1979-1981) P 80 Controlled Clinical Trials 1-25(1980-2004) E+P 81 Current Index to Statistics, Applications, Methods and Theory 1-25(1975-1999) E 82 Current Mathematical Publications 19(1987)-[lack 20:14,17(1988),1990:9(1 P 83 Cybernetics 22-27:3(1986-1991)[lack 24(1988)] P 84 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 27:4-36(1991-2000) E+P 85 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 36-50(1986-2000) E+P 86 Discover(電子全文需密碼, 限統計所人員使用) 14(1993)- E+P 87 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1-124(1979-2002) E+P 88 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 7(1997)- E+P 89 Dr. Dobb's Journal on CD-ROM 1988-2001 E 90 e-Business Advisor = Data Based Advisor = Mobile Business Advisor 18(2000)-[lack 21:6(2003)] P 91 Econometric Reviews 3(1984)- E+P 92 1(1985)- E+P 93 : Journal of the Econometric Society 33(1965)- E+P 94 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 8(1989)- E+P 95 Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1(1994)- E+P 96 EnvironMetrics 1(1990)- E+P 97 EOQC quality 26-27(1982-1983),1987-1993. P 98 ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 1(1995)- E+P 99 European Journal of Operational Research 72-143(1994-2002) E+P 100 European Quality (incl: EOQ Annual Report) June(1993),1(1994)- E+P 101 Financial Analysts Journal (電子全文需密碼, 限統計所人員使用) 56(2000)- E+P 102 Functional Analysis and Its Applications 20-36(1986-2002) E+P 103 Genetic Epidemiology 1(1984)- E+P 104 Genetical Research 73(1999)- E+P 105 Genetics: [journal] 151(1999)- E+P 106 Human Brain Mapping 1(1993)- E+P 107 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 1-10(1993-2002) E+P 108 IEEE Control Systems Magazine 14-22(1994-2002) E+P 109 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 15-45(1970-2000) E+P 110 IEEE Transactions on Computers 1-49(1952-2000) E+P 111 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1-10(1993-2002) E+P IEEE Transactions on Information Theory / Professional Technical Group on Information 112 9-46(1963-2000) E+P Theory 113 IEEE Transactions on Reliability / Professional Technical Group on Reliability 12-51(1963-2002) E+P 114 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1-26(1975-2000) E+P 115 IIE Solutions 27-34(1995-2002) E+P 116 Industrial Engineer 35(2003)- E+P 117 Industrial Engineering 14-26(1982-1994)[lack 18-23(1986-1991) P 118 Information and Computation 90-163(1991-2000) E+P 119 Information Processing Letters 1-76(1971-2000) E+P 120 Information Science and Engineering 1:1, 2:1, 3:1-2, 4:1 (1985-1988) P Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin = Bulletin - Institute of Mathematical 121 1(1972)- E+P Statistics 122 International Abstracts in Operations Research 24(1982)- E+P 123 International Economic Review 29(1988)- E+P 124 International Journal of Information and Management Sciences current P 125 International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 1(1994)- E+P 126 International Statistical Review = Revue Internationale de Statistique 1(1933)-[lack 3-5(1935-1937),7-8(1939-P 127 IRE Transactions on Information Theory IT1-8(1955-1962) P 128 IRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control 1-11(1952-1962) P 129 Israel Journal of Mathematics 60-120(1987-2000) E+P 130 Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 1(1996)- E+P 131 Journal of Algorithms 1-37(1980-2000) E+P 132 Journal of Applied Probability 1(1964)- E+P 133 Journal of Applied Statistics 11(1984)- E+P 134 Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1(1991)- E+P 135 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics: a publication of the ASA 1(1983)- E+P 136 Journal of Chemometrics 11(1997)- E+P 137 Journal of Chronic Diseases 1-40(1955-1987) P 138 Journal of Classification 1(1984)- E+P 139 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 41(1988)- E+P 140 Journal of Combinatorial Theory 1-9(1966-1970) P 141 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A. 10-100(1971-2002) E+P 142 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B. 10-80(1971-2000) E+P 143 Journal of Combinatorics, the 1-4(1994-1997) P 144 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1(1992)- E+P 145 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1-61(1967-2000) E+P 146 Journal of Data Science 1(2003)- E+P 147 (incl.: Annals of Econometrics) 37(1988)- E+P 148 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 20(1995)- E+P 149 Journal of Educational Measurement 1(1964)- E+P 150 Journal of Educational Statistics 1-19(1976-1994) P 151 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 1-7(1975-1981) P 152 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 8(1982) E+P 153 Journal of Finance, the 25(1970)- E+P 154 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 34(1999)- E+P 155 Journal of Financial Economics 51-66(1999-2002) E+P 156 Journal of Forecasting 1(1982)- E+P 157 Journal of Information Science and Engineering 5(1989)- E+P 158 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1(1964)- E+P 159 Journal of Mathematical Sciences 68-102(1994-2000) E+P 160 Journal of Memory and Language 24(1985)- E+P 161 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1(1971)- E+P 162 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1(1991)- E+P 163 Journal of Official Statistics 1(1985)- E+P 164 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1-115(1967-2002) E+P 165 Journal of Probability and 1(2003)- P 166 Journal of Propagations in Probability and Statistics current P 167 Journal of Quality Technology 1(1969)- P 168 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 32-67(1986-1993) P 169 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1(1972)-[lack15-16(1982)] E+P 170 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1(1977)- E+P 171 Journal of Statistical Research 4(1970)- P 172 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1-15(1988-2002)[lack 2(1989)] E+P 173 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1(1988)- E+P 174 Journal of the Association for Compting Machinery (Journal of the ACM) 3-49(1956-2002) E+P 175 Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 47(1995)- P 176 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association 31(1993)- P 177 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society. 1:2-9:3(1992-2000) P 178 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society current E+P 179 Journal of the Japan Statistical Society = Nihon Tokei Gakkai Shi 1(1970)- E+P 180 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 25(1982)- E+P 181 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society 1(1838)- E+P 182 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology 1(1934)- E+P 183 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics 1(1952)- E+P 184 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1-13(1953-1965) P 185 Journal of Theoretical Probability 1(1988)- E+P 186 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1(1980)- E+P 187 Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 1-23(1962-1984) P 188 Journal the Operational Research Society. = OR 33(1982)- E+P 189 Knowledge Management Research and Practice current P 190 Lifetime Data Analysis 1(1995)- E+P 191 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 26-40(1986-2000) E+P 192 Macworld : the Macintosh magazine current P 193 Manufacturing Engineering 108(1992)-[lack 124:1(2000)] E+P 194 Mathematica Journal, the 2-7(1992-2000) E+P 195 Mathematical Biosciences 1(1967)- E+P 196 Mathematical Finance 1(1991)- E+P 197 Mathematical Geology 4(1972)- E+P 198 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR) 43(1996)- E+P 199 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1(1992)- E+P 200 Mathematical Notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 39-68(1986-2000) E+P 201 Mathematical Reviews online E 202 Mathematics of Operations Research 1(1976)- E+P 203 Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik 1-7(1970-1976) P 204 Mathware & Soft Computing current P 205 Medical Image Analysis 1(1996)- E+P 206 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 71(1988)-[lack 77-82(1989)] E+P 207 Memory and Cognition 17(1989)- E+P 208 Methodika 2-7:1(1988-1993) P 209 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1(1999)- E+P 210 Metrika 1(1958)- E+P 211 Metron: Rivista Internazionale di Statistica 1(1920)- P 212 Microelectronics Reliability = Microelectronics and Reliability 1(1962)- E+P 213 Multivariate Behavioral Research 1(1966)- E+P 214 National Geographic current E+P 215 Nature 361(1993)- E+P 216 Naval Research Logistics = Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 1(1954)- E+P 217 Networks 13-36(1983-2000) E+P 218 Neuroimage 1:2(1993)-[lack 1:1, 5:4(pt.3), 13:6(pt.2) E+P 219 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 35(1988)- E+P 220 Omega 13(1985)- E+P 221 Operations Research 1(1952)- E+P 222 Operations Research / Management Science 22(1982)- P 223 Operations Research Letters 13(1993)- E+P 224 Opsearch 19(1982)- E+P 225 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1(1951)-[lack 94:1(1981), 101:2(1982),1E+P 226 Pakistan Journal of Statistics 1(1985)-[lack 8:2(1992), 14:3-15:3(1998P 227 Pattern Recognition Letters 1-23(1982-2002) E+P 228 PC Magazine: Independent Guide to IBM - Standard Personal Computing current E+P 229 Pliska. Pliiska. 12(1998)-[lack 14-15(2001-3)] P 230 Prevention: the Magazine for Better Health current E+P 231 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 19(1999)- E+P Probability and Stochastic Processes: Abstracts and Reviews from Zentralblatt f_ur 232 1-7(1981-1987) P Mathematik 233 Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences 1(1987)- E+P 234 Probability Theory and Related Fields 71(1986)- E+P 235 Proceedings of the Biometrics Section 1995-2000 CD2001- 236 Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section 1983-2000 CD2001- 237 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section 1983-2000 CD2001- 238 Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section 1989-2000 CD2001- 239 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 77-99(1980-2002) E+P Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part A. Physical Science 240 7-15(1983-1991)[lack …] P and Engineering 241 Proceedings of the Natinal Science Council, Republic of China. Part B. Life Sciences 7-15(1983-1991)[lack …] P 242 Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science 1993-2000 P 243 Proceedings of the Section on Epidemiology 1994- P 244 Proceedings of the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences 1992-2000 CD2001- 245 Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity 1991-2000 CD2001- 246 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education 1983-2000 CD2001- 247 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics 1986-1999 P 248 Proceedings of the Section on Statistics and Environment 1991-2000 CD2001- 249 Proceedings of the Section on Statistics in Epidemiology 1994-2000 CD2001- 250 Proceedings of the Section on Statistics in Sports 1992-2000 CD2001- 251 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods 1983-2000 CD2001- 252 Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section 1983-1996 P 253 Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section 1983-1999[lack 1991] P 254 Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section and Section on Statistical Graphics 2000 CD2001- 255 Psychological Bulletin 57(1960)- E+P 256 Psychological Methods 1(1996)- E+P 257 Psychological Review 1(1984)- E+P 258 Psychology Today 25(1992)- E+P 259 Psychometrika 1(1936)- P 260 Quality (incls quslity directory and buyers guide) 26(1987)- E+P 261 Quality and Quantity 26(1992)- E+P 262 Quality and Reliability Engineering International 1(1985)- E+P 263 Quality Control & Applied Statistics 9(1964)- P 264 Quality Engineering 1(1988)- E+P 265 Quality Progress 15(1982)- E+P 266 Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association 1-17(1888-1921) E+P 267 Random Structures and Algorithms 1(1990)- E+P 268 Reliability Engineering : an International Journal 10-19(1985-1987) P 269 Reliability Engineering and System Safety 20(1988)-[lack 29:1(1990)] E 270 Reports of Statistical Application Research 34-38(1987-1991) P 271 Review of Economics and Statistics 70(1988)- E+P 272 Review of Educational Research 20(1950)- E+P Revue de l'Institute International de Statistique Review of the International Statistical 273 1-39(1933-1971)[lack 17:1-2,19:1,3] P Institute 274 Risk Analysis 1(1981)- E+P 275 : THE Indian Journal of Statistics 1-22(1933-1960) P 276 Sankhya Series A 23-64(1961-2002) E+P 277 Sankhya Series B 23-64(1960-2002) E+P 278 Sankhya Series C 36-42(1974-1980) P 279 Sankhya Series D: Quantitative Economics 40-42(1978-1980) P 280 Sankhya: THE Indian Journal of Statistics 65(2003)- P 281 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (incl.: Supplements) 1984- E+P 282 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics: Theory and Applications 1(1974)- P 283 Science 259(1993)- E+P 284 Scientific American 262(1990)- E+P 285 Sequential Analysis 1(1982)- E+P 286 Serdica. Mathematical Journal current P 287 Short Book Reviews current P 288 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Dicrete Methods 1-8(1980-1987) E+P 289 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 14-62(1966-2002) E+P 290 SIAM Journal on Computing 1-29(1972-2000) E+P 291 SIAM Journal on Control 1-13(1962-1975) E+P 292 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 14-38(1976-2000) E+P 293 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1-13(1988-2000) E+P 294 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1-31(1970-2000) E+P 295 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1-13(1980-1992) E+P 296 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 14-21(1993-2000) E+P 297 Siberian Mathematical Journal 27-43(1986-2002) E+P 298 Significance: Statistics Making Sense 1(2004)- E+P 299 Sociological Methodology 1(1969)-[lack 5,10,12-13,15,19] E+P 300 Software: Practice & Experience 21-32(1991-2002) E+P 301 Soochow Journal of Mathematics = Tung Wu Shu Li Hsueh Pao 1(1975)- P 302 South African Statistical Journal. Suid-Afrikaanse Statistiese Tydskrif 1(1967)- E+P 303 Statistica 5(1945)- P 304 Statistica Neerlandica 1(1946)- E+P 305 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1(1998)- E+P 306 Statistical Methodology 3(2006)- E+P 307 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1(1992)- E+P 308 Statistical Modelling: an International Journal 1(2001)- E+P 309 Statistical Papers / Statistische Hefte 29(1988)- E+P 310 Statistical Science: a Review Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1(1986)- E+P 311 Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts 1-42(1959-2001)[lack 40:4], 2003(cd)- E+P 312 Statistician, the = Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D. 33-52(1984-2003) E+P 313 Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics v.1(1970)-[lack 22,33] E+P 314 Statistics and Computing 1(1991)- E+P 315 Statistics and Decisions 1(1982)- E+P 316 Statistics and Probability Letters 1(1982)- E+P 317 Statistics in Medicine 1(1982)- E+P 318 Statistische Hefte. Cahiers Statistiques. Statistical Papers. 1-28(1960-1987) P 319 Stats current P 320 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1(1983)- E+P 321 Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 1(1973)- E+P 322 Stochastica 1-13:1(1975-1992) P 323 Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 38-41(1992-1992) E+P 324 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 3(1968)- E+P 325 Survey methodology 13(1987)-[lack 15:1] E+P 326 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1-7(1997-2003) P 327 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 27(1996)- P 328 Teaching Statistics 14(1992)- E+P 329 1(1959)- E+P 330 Theoretical Medicine 14-18(1993-1997) P 331 Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19(1998)- E+P 332 Theoretical Population Biology 1(1970)- E+P 333 Theory of Probability and Its Applications 1(1959)- E+P 334 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 15(1978)-[lack 22-23] E+P 335 TIMS/ORSA Bulletin 16-48(1983-1999)[lack 20-23] P 336 Total Quality Management 1-13(1990-2002) E+P 337 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 14(2003)- E+P 338 Transactions on Mathematical Software 16-28(1990-2002) E+P 339 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 28-52(1986-2000) E+P 340 Unternehmensforschung: Operations Research - Recherche Operationnelle 1-15(1956-1971) P 341 Zastosowania Matematyki = Applicationes Mathematicae 21(1991)- P 342 Zeitschrift f_ur Operations Research 16-42(1972-1995) P 343 Zeitschrift f_ur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1-70(1962-1985) P 344 中國統計學報 = Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association 22(1984)-[lack 25-26] E+P 345 中國統計通訊 = Newsletter of the Chinese Statistical Association 1(1990)- P 346 中國財務學刊 = Journal of Financial Studies; 自2001起改名, 財務金融學刊 1(1993)- P 347 應用概率統計 = Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 1(1985)-[lack 7] P 348 數理統計與應用概率 = Mathematical Statistics and Applied Probability 5(1990) E+P 349 數理統計與管理 = Application of Statistics and Management 12(1993)- E+P 350 系統科學與數學 10(1990)- P