Westcombe NEWS Est. 1973 Free to 3800 homes, also available in libraries & some shops May 2012 Issue 4

A community newspaper commended by the Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies Monthly newspaper of The Westcombe Society: fostering a sense of community New Heart for East GEOFF GARVEY reports on a massive project we had almost Virgin given up on – the old Greenwich District Hospital site London t long last plans have been Mace impressed us by demonstrating their Marathon announced for the re-development commitment and ability to deliver the PHOTOS: Aof the former Greenwich District scheme. We will ensure local residents are 2012 Laura Finch & Neville Grant Hospital at the foot of Vanbrugh Hill –a kept fully informed during construction.” development hailed over seven years ago Councillor Chris Roberts, Leader of as a “New Heart for East Greenwich”. Greenwich Council said: “It is great news The hospital closed eleven years ago for Greenwich. The scheme is a key part of and the original scheme to develop the area the Council’s drive to ensure residents was put on hold because of the financial have access to quality homes and modern situation. services in first-class buildings. It will see Now the scheme has taken an important the revival of a part of Greenwich, which step forward with the appointment of the also looks forward to the arrival of a cruise preferred development partner. liner terminal in time for 2012, and a new Hadley Mace will work with the Homes hotel. Residents, visitors and businesses and Communities Agency (HCA), will all benefit from the major regeneration Greenwich Council and NHS Greenwich of this part of the borough.” The Virgin took place on April on the Heart of East Greenwich project. Hadley Mace will work with award- 22nd. A record 37,00 runners were registered. Many The 645-home scheme already has plan- winning architects Make to deliver a fami- were charity runners, and wore novelty outfits; they ning consent and will transform the former ly-orientated, eco-friendly development included stilt-walkers, clowns, rhinos – and Bagpuss! Greenwich District Hospital site into a that includes private gardens and a large modern complex offering high-quality public square. A start on site is scheduled homes and new community facilities.These for before the end of the year and it is vision include a library, leisure facilities, an anticipated that the first phase of homes NHS health centre, and a new Greenwich and community facilities will be ready by ransport for London has revealed fig- based at the tunnel since 2011, and has Council service centre. late 2013. The entire development will be Tures showing that a vehicle breakdown reduced tunnel closure time by 32 percent. completed approximately three years later. in the Blackwall Tunnel is likely everyday The policing unit tries to intercept Dick Allard, of the Westcombe Society during the London 2012 Olympics. “potentially sub-standard” vehicles to stop Environment Committee said: “In many Between July and September 2010, them entering the tunnel. ways this is a well designed scheme which there were 96 breakdowns in the tunnels. As our report on page 7 of this issue should integrate well into the local neigh- This means that on average, there was points out, LOCOG’s transport plans for bourhood. But despite some measures to more than one breakdown per day. London 2012 still need council consent as limit car ownership, if nothing more is The data was made available following a condition of the original planning appli- done it will still make terrible local con- a Freedom of Information request to TFL cation. Quite apart from the Blackwall gestion even worse. As a start, how about a made by the website Greenwich.co.uk Tunnel, serious question marks over bus shuttle bus service to North Greenwich?” The tunnel forms an important part of routes, parking arrangements and “Zil” Almost a third of the new homes will Lorraine Turton of the East Greenwich the Olympic Route Network, which is lanes in Greenwich remain. have three or four bedrooms in order to Traders’ Association (EGBA) comments: designed to ensure that athletes and VIPs accommodate families. “We have waited far too long for this great can get to venues. Normally, the tunnel Antiques, Collectables The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, news. It was about 4 years ago that we first carries around 50,000 vehicles a day in said: "This is fantastic news. It is a land- met with the original developers (First both directions, and there are worries about & Craft Fair mark regeneration scheme, as part of a Base). It was an exciting design and with a breakdown during the Games Time. Speaking before the Council’s The John Roan School determined effort we are making across the extensive residential plan, we recog- , SE3 7UD London to bring forward public land for nized that it would mean new customers in Overview and Scrutiny Committee in development. As well as bringing some our high street. However, also highlighted April, Council Chief Executive Mary Ney Sunday 20th May vital new community facilities it will to the developers, was the need for consid- said: “We’ve got outstanding issues with 9.30am - 3.00pm TFL around the Blackwall tunnel and deliver quality housing that will make a erate planning of the available commercial Admission £1.00 real difference to families in the area." space so as not to turn the development contingency planning ....” Enquiries TFL point out that the Met’s Safer Jackie Jacob, HCA London Director into an ‘island’ community, and we hope 07766331998 / 07774407406 Transport Command Roads Policing Unit, said: “This is a massively important regen- the new developers will see the importance www.r-and-t.co.uk eration project for the borough. Hadley and value of working closely with EGBA.” funded by TFL, has been permanently < < < NEWS BRIEFS > > > The Westcombe Society OUR AGM: NEW LEADERS WANTED! Diamond Jubilee in Greenwich Sunday 3rd June. On that day, the Year, is a winner of a Greenwich Sun. May 20th 12.30 - 2.30- pm (inc. Wine and cheese lunch) There will be an extended bank Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant – up Shopping Park’s award for services to At the AGM members must elect the Society's new committee and officers – holiday from 2nd – 5th June to to 1,000 boats, assembled from across sport and athletics. And well done especially a new Chairman, as Gordon Baker is retiring this year. celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. the UK, the Commonwealth and Christina Ashworth for coming second Some members are standing for re-election but we urge members to come However, the celebrations were around the world – will sail down the in a public speaking competition. forward and stand for all these offices. We would welcome due to start before then: as we go to Thames. The Queen will lead the The John Roan Girls Football some new faces and fresh ideas so that we can continue to evolve. press, HM The Queen was due to visit flotilla in the Royal Barge. Team have won matches against Tallis This will also be your chance to meet the new manager of Mycenae House Greenwich on April 25th, to relaunch The Big Jubilee Lunch takes place and Crown Woods, and won a free Community Centre, Mark Johnson Brown. The full agenda is on page 2. the after four years of in Cutty Sark Gardens from 11.00 am Nike football kit. Meanwhile, the restoration work. (See p.3) onwards, when local people will be Roan Boys have reached the Final of Meanwhile, The National Maritime encouraged to bring lunch to share the Greenwich Cup. Well played! MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT SPONSORED WALK Museum is delighted to announce that with neighbours. A good day too to There is still just time to sign up for the walk in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support in – to mark the Diamond Jubilee – Her see a fully-closed ! Olympics Live Site Kent (Cobham) on Sunday 6th May (8 miles or 3 miles) Registration fee £10. Majesty has formally approved Royal Lewisham will have a 7.6m x 4.8m Dogs on leads welcome too. If not a walker, sign up to sponsor our team! Museums Greenwich as the new over- Greenwich market screen on Blackheath showing live To participate in either, ring Caroline 0208 8530948 asap all title for the Museum, the Queen’s Friday late night shopping at BBC coverage of the London 2012 JUBILEE CELEBRATION ON SAT. 16TH JUNE House and the Royal Observatory. Greenwich Market kicks off with a Games from 27th July to 12th August. From 1.00 - 5.00 pm. in Mycenae House and Gardens. To celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, very special Craft & Design Market on STOP PRESS A letter from Seb Coe This is a family event, and is combined with a the 11th May. Friday late night shopping to residents living close to Greenwich Senior Citizens’ Tea Party (by invitation). opened the spectacular exhibition, runs until the end of September. Park provided a contact number for Also included: a BBQ, cake stall, live music, races for the children, Royal River: Power, Pageantry and LOCOG’s community relations team. face-painting, Punch & Judy and much, much more the Thames which will run until 9th John Roan successes LOCOG apologise that this number for young, old and in between. Please come along and join us September. Ella Statham, already 2011’s London was incorrect. Residents can contact to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Mycenae House & Gardens. In Greenwich, the big day will be Football Association Volunteer of the the team by calling 08000 722110. COMMUNITY NEWS

WESTCOMBE NEWS The Westcombe Society AGM Adult learning ALL EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: The Annual General Meeting of the Westcombe Society is on Sunday cores of courses for adults are listed in Neville Grant, The Editor May 20th 12.30 - 2.30 pm in Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road. Sa new brochure published last month. [email protected] A wine /soft drink and cheese lunch will be provided. The latest edition of the Greenwich Learns Tel. 0208 858 8489 AGENDA Adult Learning Brochure 2011/12 includes information on a huge range of part-time 1. Apologies for Absence ALL MATERIAL TO BE SENT TO: courses. These offer local people the 2. Approval of and Matters Arising from Minutes of 2011 [email protected] chance to gain new skills, qualifications, 3. Reports: * The Hon. Chairma * Events Sub-Committee experiences and opportunities, and can Deadline for the June issue: * The Editor of Westcombe News * Environment Sub-Committee help jobhunters get the skills and experi- 15th May 4. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Audited Statement ence they need to find a job. News Editor: Geoff Garvey of Accounts for Year Ending 31.03.2012 A wide range of courses are on offer at Environment Editor: Sarah 5. Election of Officers Greenwich Community College, Winterbottom 6. Charity of the Year Ravensbourne City Lit, The National Reporters: Denise Scott-McDonald, 7. Talk by Mark Johnson Brown, the new manager of Mycenae House Construction College, Community Paul Carter 8. Future plans Systems and Flower Skills this summer. 9. A.O.B. ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Subjects covered include improving your Jan Barnett Hon. Sec. Dick Allard All queries and skills and employment opportunities in comments to: 020 8858 7305 business, construction and DIY, digital The Planning and environment sub- Spring media, languages, creative arts, health, committee: [email protected] Love versus Duty catering and hospitality, horticulture and http://westcombe.gold.ac.uk Events many more. ho would have thought that Edward Some price concessions will be avail- DISTRIBUTION It’s been a busy time VIII would feature on a Royal Mail Myles Dove & Barbara Henley for the Westcombe W able for residents on reduced incomes, stamp in 2012 – almost exactly 40 years Jean-Jacques and Maureen Aune Society. while ‘basic skills’ or ‘skills for work’ after his death? There is increasing interest Volunteer distributors please phone April 7th saw the traditional Easter Egg courses are usually free. 8853 3740, we need your help! hunt in Mycenae Gardens, which, despite the in the life of Edward and his wife, Wallis Look out too for news of Adult Simpson: they have featured in at least ADVERTISING MANAGER weather, was very well-attended. Many Learning Week, taking place 12th - 18th three films in the last three years. Marilyn Little, 163 Westcombe thanks to Joanne and Patricia for organizing May. More information can be found on Time then for a revival of the play Hill, SE3 7DP 020 8853 1312 this – and to Jan and Caroline for the yummy display in libraries. Easter cakes. Many children wore Easter Crown Matrimonial, depicting the real life (email:[email protected]) For more information, visit www.royal- bonnets, not forgetting the boys – one had drama of the fascinating story of Edward greenwich.gov.uk/adultlearning All advertisements payable in advance an Easter Viking’s helmet! VIII’s abdication. This powerful drama by cheque to The Westcombe One hunter left behind a very beautifully provides an engrossing and moving study Local Art Festival Society. Costs: decorated basket, please ring 07709571777 if of both a major constitutional crisis and an Blackheath Art Society’s Spring Festival DISPLAY: Single column 6cm x 6cm: you would like it returned. overwhelming issue of private and public continues in the Mulberry Tea Rooms at One - four issues £35, five-plus issues £30 The Westcombe Society quiz night hosted each. Other sizes: please inquire. conflict love versus duty. until 19th May. Classified Ads (Market Place) charged at ten teams who set to with enthusiasm, high A review of a recent revival says the spirits and determination to be Brain of There are also “Open Studio” events 30p per word (A telephone number = one play is even more relevant today than when it on the weekends of 12th – 13th and 19th – word. Any email/web address = 3 words.) Westcombe Park 2012! We were pleased to was first staged in London 40 years ago. 20th May from 12.00 – 6.00 pm. Leaflets Deadline for all adverts is 10th day of the welcome a number of new faces including Crown Matrimonial will be presented at preceding month some Greenwich Society members. The fish with full details of the artists are available the Alexandra Hall, Bramshot Avenue, from libraries. In addition, members’ work and chips were provided by Mr Fast Fry, for Charlton SE7 7HX on June 7th, 8th and Printed by: Trojan Press is on display at . the second time under the new management, 9th at 8pm. Doors open 7.30 pm. Tickets Contact the Westcombe Society: Visit www.blackheathartsociety.org.uk and were much appreciated. The first prize £8 (£7 Concs). Tel 07867 627 987 or e-mail [email protected] was won by ‘The Marrakech Mob.’ [email protected] or contact 020 8853 2269. Publisher: The Westcombe Society Chairman: Gordon Baker Tel.8858 Letters to the editor may be edited through lack of space. Any views expressed are those 3675 Letters of the writers only, and are not necessarily those of the Westcombe Society or the WN. The views expressed in the Westcombe News are not necessarily those of the From: Caroline Owens Beaconsfield Road gate " is now due to be unlocked", at the time of writ- From: A local resident Westcombe Society or of the Editor. I have realised that the time has come this year to ing access between Seren Park and Maze Hill station I haven’t seen in your letters page anyone praising the include in the WN a message about the regulations for still remains closed. All of us, local representatives brilliant display in the windows of the Cats’ Protection Back-numbers (in colour) can be accessed having bonfires. During the weekend we were com- and residents, who have been lobbying for this means Charity. I think they should get an award. A on: pletely smoked out from before 3.00 in the afternoon of access to be opened up, as marketed by the Seren picture would be nice! http:// westcombe.gold.ac.uk/westnews.html by a very smoky and putrid smelling bonfire which Park developer, would be delighted if that were the Ed: A lot of local traders deserve an award – there Westcombe Societys Blog: had been lit by our new neighbours. We had to aban- case by the time the May WN lands on the doormat. are a number of quite outstanding displays in local http://westcombe.blogspot.com don any thoughts of using our garden, instead having Seren Park residents have every right to feel shops, and it might be invidious to single out any to sit in the house with all windows and doors closed. aggrieved by the continuing delay and prevarication one of them! That said, if you think your window WESTCOMBE SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Ed: Please see page 7. while their neighbours in Tom Smith Close recently deserves wider publicity, send in a photo! petitioned Greenwich Council – they are concerned Please send this membership form to: From: Cllr Alex Grant (Lab) Blackheath & that their estate is being used as a substitute means of From: Sarah Winterbottom Westcombe Park Rd. Mrs Margaret Ellis, 4 Ingleside Grove Westcombe ward access. However, there appear still to be a number of The Standard end of Westcombe Park Road was London SE3 7PH There are understandable concerns about the MOD’s hurdles to overcome involving the main protagonists closed off as well as the top of Westcombe Hill well Name...... plans to site surface-to-air missiles on the south side of Network Rail, Southeastern and the developer. after midday after the Marathon, and when we asked the A2 on Blackheath as a security measure during the woman who was on duty she said that they weren't Address...... the Olympic Games. From: Joseph Beale Vanbrugh Fields allowed to open the roads until 3.00 pm. When I ...... I was misquoted in your report on the matter in the I was disappointed to read Cllr Wilson's support for asked her for a number / details of whom we could April issue of the WN. Your report quoted me as say- Boris Johnson's damaging Thames estuary airport pro- contact to get the road open she wasn't able to provide Tel...... ing that "the plans will not endanger anyone, and any posal. Adding yet another airport is not in the interests either. Where is the common sense in keeping roads Email: ...... presence of military installations on the heath is not of Londoners or our environment. closed – hours after the runners have gone? going to cause any damage. Access will not be imped- The Thames airport idea has already Please enclose payment as appropriate: ed any more than necessary.” been rejected. I refer to the Cliffe airport I simply cannot give this reassurance – the site of idea, and similar reasons exist to reject Family Membership £12 [ ] the missile launchers would be over the border in the this latest crazy plan - the high costs Individual Membership £8 [ ] Lewisham side of the Heath, and are a matter for involved, increased carbon emissions Senior Citizens/unwaged £4 [ ] Lewisham Council and the MOD. and severe environmental damage. The The statement I sent to the WN had said "The local area is also internationally important for community needs to be assured that the plans will not tens of thousands of migratory wading endanger anyone and that any presence of military birds and wildfowl. There are not many installations on the heath is not going to cause any places left for such a spectacle in this Sue Whimster damage to the grass and that access is not impeded any country. Must we concrete over every- more than necessary". The selective quotation of my thing just to satisfy economic greed and Curtains & soft furnishings statement in April’s WN reversed its meaning. political posturing? Even if you don't care made to order Local councillors and MPs are seeking reassur- about the wildlife, you might remember Wide range of fabrics ances from the MOD that missile launchers are strictly the plane that had to crash land in New available necessary, and that they will not result in any local peo- York's Hudson River, was brought down Free estimates ple being placed in greater danger. These may be an by a flock of geese - well, thousands of essential part of the security arrangements to protect Brent Geese winter in the area near the Phone: 0208 293 0737 the Olympic site from terrorist attacks, but after some proposed airport, along with thousands of Mob. 07714 215 713 testing in March, it is essential that the MOD explains ducks, wading birds, herons and more, all why missile launchers need to be put on the heath, of which constitute an unacceptable risk. 7 Delacourt Road how much land will be taken up, and for how long. Any new airport will quickly fill to Blackheath, London SE3 8XA ED: We apologize for this editorial error. capacity and the skies will be busier than ever. We need to look at our lifestyles, www.suewhimster.com From: Cllr Geoff Brighty (Con) Blackheath & why we "need" to fly so much, and [email protected] Westcombe ward whether we really want to pay this very Although the WN reported in its April issue that the heavy environmental price. (See also p.7)

2 Westcombe News May 2012 LOCAL NEWS

Road rage killers GEOFF GARVEY The Cutty Sark: ROAD-RAGE spat over a clipped control of his Vauxhall Corsa, crashing into a GEOFF GARVEY welcome back this much-loved vesssel wing mirror which escalated into a roundabout at the Standard. A'Starsky and Hutch' style car chase Witnesses said he appeared to be “driving Like a Phoenix, the saw an innocent pensioner mowed down at for his life” as he sped away from the co- Cutty Sark has risen the roadside at Stratheden Road, a court defendant Marcus Bailey, who was following from the flames – and heard. As a result two men were jailed. at speed in his Vauxhall Astra. what a grand re-birth! Jaswant Bains, of Cambridge Row, Bailey, 22, also denied causing death by This stately sailing , was jailed for six years after dangerous driving. ship, one of the world’s being found guilty of causing death by dan- “Wanted to be hidden” last surviving tea gerous driving of Miss Audrey Walker, aged clippers, was ravaged by 79, from . Marcus Bailey, from After crashing through the iron railings and landing on the roundabout, an injured and fire five years ago as Clapham, was jailed for two years for caus- restoration work was ing death by careless driving. bloodied Bains crawled from his car and fled being carried out. The two men were sentenced at Inner to a nearby estate agents, where he asked At first it was feared London Crown Court on Friday, March 23. staff to help hide him from Bailey. Detective Inspector Mark Cam, who led A jury heard how, a short time afterwards, that the ship was lost the police investigation, said: “Miss Walker Bailey and a friend pulled up at the scene forever – but she has lost her life because of Bains and Bailey's asking where Bains had gone – telling returned … brighter and reckless behaviour, which started from a witnesses they were going to “––– him up.” better and more beautiful minor dispute on a public road. Witness Victoria Penner was overtaken by than ever after a £50 “They both drove dangerously, recklessly, the two cars moments before the fatal crash. million make-over. SPOT THE ODD ONE OUT . . . ? above the speed limit and without any con- She described the chase as like “something Before the Queen’s “relaunch” of the Geoff Garvey, the news editor of the WN, who sideration for members of the public. from the movies..... It was mental driving, ship on April 25th., the WN’s news editor visited the Cutty Sark in his role as a member of I've not seen anything like it in 20 years of the Greenwich Tour Guides Association, pic- “This wasn't just a case of bad driving, Geoff Garvey had a look round. driving. I couldn't believe it.” tured with the world-famous collection of ships' there is no excuse for either man's behaviour “Even though workmen were still scur- Defending Bains, Richard Bentwood said figureheads on display on the tea clipper. - I am pleased with today's verdict. I hope it rying around, fixing up cables, manhan- goes some small way to providing comfort to his speed was motivated by fear. A witness, who helped Bains from his mangled car dling bulky displays of wool and tea and training ship, and then she was spotted by Miss Walker's family who have acted with putting finishing touches to the dramatic a retired sea captain, who mounted a great dignity throughout.” immediately after the crash, described his frenzied state. Michael Singlehurst told the display of ancient ships’ figureheads, it was campaign to bring her back to Britain. Pedestrian Audrey Walker, 78, was killed obvious the ship has been transformed. I’d After first being employed as a training by the first of two cars being driven at what court he went to Bains' aid, but said the not been on board for many years - and ship at Greenhithe, she ended up in a was described as 'lethal speed' after an argu- Indian man seemed “confused and scared.” the new look is breathtaking. specially built dry-dock in Greenwich. ment between the drivers escalated into a Dripping with blood “Particularly eye-opening is the fact the Work was being carried out to conserve deadly pursuit. After helping Bains into an estate agents on a ship has been lifted three metres above her her when the disastrous fire broke out. Bains, aged 30, who denied a charge of nearby road, Mr Singlehurst said he was dry dock, so that visitors can now walk Thankfully her masts, sails, rigging, fig- causing death by dangerous driving, approached by Bailey and a friend who had underneath the 963-ton vessel and admire ploughed into the elderly woman after losing pulled up in his Astra. He said the pair were ure-heads and other fittings were away at aggressive, saying they were going to kill the elegant lines of her hull.” Chatham Historic Dockyard. The hull and Farmers market relocated Bains after he “clipped his mirror.” Naturally, in these modern times, the decks were very badly damaged – but she’s “They were agressive, shouting 'where space will be let out in the evening for come back sailing fit. he farmers’ market which takes place the –––– is he, I'm going to kill him' I told ‘corporate events.’ But for visitors to the So why is she called Cutty Sark? Tevery Sunday in Blackheath station car them to calm down, the man had been in a ship, it is all freely available. Well, the name is from a poem by Robert park is due to relocate to the Heath for the crash.” It’s a new chapter in the extraordinary Burns. She was named after Cutty Sark, weeks of the Olympic Live site, i.e. 22nd As the police took Bains away, Bailey is life of one of the world’s most famous the nickname of the witch Nannie Dee in July to 12th August – and also to allow for alleged to have carried on the verbal threats, ships. The last surviving tea clipper and the Robert Burns' 1791 poem Tam o' Shanter. work being done in the car park. saying he was going to “–––– him up.” fastest and greatest of her time, she is a The ship's figurehead shows Nannie in a The recent increase in car parking Representing Bailey, Nicholas Corsellis living testimony to the bygone, glorious stark white carving of a bare-breasted charges, has had a clear effect on trade, so claimed that even after colliding with an eld- days of sail – and a monument to those woman with long black hair holding a grey erly woman at high speed, Bains had had no this may be just the injection of business that lost their lives in the merchant service. horse's tail in her hand. In the poem, Tam thought for her safety. that the market stall holders need. She was originally built in Scotland in spotted the witch dancing in a church as he He said: “He (Bains) did not show any While a farmers’ market on the Heath 1869 to bring tea back from China, but in was riding his horse nearby. concern for the woman who he had just hit - 1871 the Suez Canal was opened. She wore a linen sark – or chemise - sounds just “perfick” (sic), there are some only himself. He did not ask about her, but The result – the graceful sailing ship that she had been given as a child, which concerns around the Heath’s fragile soil, wanted people to help him leave the scene.” was becalmed in the desert-skirted water- explains why it was cutty, or in other and its ability to support a market on a Prosecutor Zubair Ahmad said that both way as steam ships raced past. Without any regular basis without sustaining lasting men should be held accountable for the tragic words far too short. The erotic sight of her damage. death of Miss Walker, who had been to a wind to fill her sails, she had to find dancing in her short undergarment caused Log on to: http://www.lfm.org.uk/mar- bank and some local shops when the crash a new role – bringing wool from Australia. Tam to cry out "Weel done, Cutty-sark". kets/blackheath/ for more information. happened. After that work ended she became a In a fury, Nannie and her fellow witches Westcombe Park chased after Tam through the graveyard. He was hotly pursued and as he reached Westcombe Park Dental Practice In memoriam a stream he recalled that witches couldn’t Treatments Available cross running water. He spurred his steed Treatments Available A special Thanksgiving Service in memory of Spencer Perceval, the only British Prime on to jump the water, but as he did so, ZoZoomom T Toothooth WhiteningWhitening Minister to be assassinated, will be held in Nanny reached out and grabbed the horse’s tail – which came off in her hand. DentalDenta Implantsl Implants St Luke's at Charlton in 3pm on Saturday 12th May. The service is open to anyone, Luckily, Tam escaped – and the legend Invisalign Invisalign but an official invitation is required as the is depicted in the ship’s figurehead that Smile Makeovers t shows the witch holding the horse’s tail. Smile Makeovers Duke of Gloucester will be attending. Tooth Colouring Fillings To get an invitation ring 8856 7373. Tooth Coloured Fillings Tickets for the Spencer Perceval THE POINTER SCHOOL Anti-Wrinkle Treatments & Dermal Fillings Anti-wrinkle Treatments and Dermal Fillers Concert at 7.30 in the church that “Doubles in size” evening are for numbered seats 13 Station Crescent, • First Class Examination Results 13 Station Crescent, Westcombe To book, ring 8856 7373 to • Organic Food Westcombe Park, London SE3 7EQ Tel. 0208 853 3304 Fax: 0208 858 1784 • Breakfast Club & After School Care Park, London SE3 7EQ See Rick Newman’s article on page • Christian Evangelical in outlook Tel. 0844 375 6996 • Numerous Extra-Curricular Clubs six of this issue of the WN. • Large variety of outdoor and PE activities Located next to Westcombe Park Train Station Fax. 0208 858 1784 • 3 languages taught Mycenae House OFSTED: OUTSTANDING IN ALL AREAS community centre

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Westcombe News May 2012 3 FEATURES

Bringing history to life The hand of history 25 years CLARA DALY, TOM GRAY & SARAH LEWIS of Tour Guiding

his year The Greenwich Tour Guides with its Royal and Maritime connections, TAssociation is celebrating 25 years of along with the importance of time. guiding in Greenwich. Entertaining and informative guides will The Greenwich Tour Guides is an tell you about Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Association of fully trained local history both born in Greenwich, the building of tourist guides working within the Royal the as a retire- Borough of Greenwich. They are full of ment home for sailors, and tell you why enthusiasm about Greenwich, and their time starts in Greenwich. Tailor-made main aim is to show off this amazing group tours and specialist walks can also Borough to the world. be arranged. The Association was formed in 1987. The future is looking very exciting for The founder Fred Sage, who died in 2005, Greenwich, and for the tour guides. The Hamilton Scott-McDonald displays work worked on the river and on retirement honour of Royal status given to Greenwich done by him and other pupils at Halstow PHOTOS: Clara Daly turned his attention to a subject that had has attracted world wide attention and will f you go into the Painted Hall down in Take One Picture, so they wanted to always fascinated him – local history. bring more visitors to the Borough. The IGreenwich, look at the picture of King develop this at a local level in this, the Fred saw the need for tour guides for eyes of the world will also be on George I and his family. But wait – there’s year of the Diamond Jubilee. this major tourist destination. Through Greenwich as a host Olympic Borough. someone missing: Mother! Having looked at the painting of the hard work and persistence, a training Tours run daily from Discover Greenwich Or is she? Look carefully and you will royal family portrait on the West Wall of course for local history tourist guides was ,( subject to availability) at 1400. For see the ghostly image of a hand sticking the Painted Hall, the teachers decided that set up with the help of the ILEA and the groups of 15 people or more, call 020 8269 out from the rug beneath the king’s feet. the story behind the painting had many local community college. Fred Sage was 4799 or email [email protected] to arrange This faintly drawn hand is thought to be elements which would intrigue children group tours coach drops, and catering the course tutor until 1993. The course that of Sophia Dorothea, wife of George I, and inspire their writing. packages. was a great success and continued to run himself involved in numerous affairs. She The children went on trips to the on a regular basis until 1998. In 2006 and was divorced for her alleged infidelity with Painted Hall, one class at a time, over a again in 2011 the Association ran its own Want to “meet” figures from Greenwich’s rich and varied history? Try the following a handsome Swedish count named Count two-day period. There they studied the very successful training courses. free events, in which character actors Philip Christoph Von Konigsmarck (who painting, and developed theories and ideas The Association is based in the perform in the Painted Hall: was later murdered). She was locked in a about who the people in the painting were, Greenwich Tourist Information Centre and Meet Joe Brown – life as a Greenwich castle until her death, 32 years later. and what the mystery could be. from there conduct two walking tours Pensioner Sunday May 6th 12.00, 13.00 According to the story, Thornhill, the The teachers said that it was lovely to daily. These walks take place at 12.15 pm 14.00 & 15.30 artist (later Sir James Thornhill) asked the do a whole school project in which fami- and 2.15 pm and last 90 minutes. Meet John Deman – a black Greenwich King if he wanted his estranged wife in lies with both young and older children International tourists, UK visitors along pensioner in the early C19: Sunday May the picture. “For all I care, you can paint and groups of different age children could with many locals are welcomed to 13th, same times. her under the carpet,” declared the king. talk about what they had learned. Greenwich. On the tours they discover the Meet Samuel Pepys – tales from the Thornhill took him at his word; the There were many instances of children main history of the World Heritage Site famous diarist Sun. May 27th same times ghostly hand is said to reflect how the taking their families down to visit the The Old Royal Naval College has a series of events celebrating the matter was 'swept under the carpet'. Painted Hall over the weekend to explain Queens’s Diamond Jubilee. They include: It was this picture that caught the eye of all the things they had learned, and the teachers from Halstow School as they project inspired some beautiful writing and Choral Pilgrimage 2012: The Earth Resounds on Wednesday May 9th: prepared for a school project, working with a whole school display. The children also The world-renowned choir The Sixteen’s UK tour comes to the College singing Jo Hall, Learning Manager at the Old enjoyed lots of drama activities as part of Renaissance music. Tickets: £16/£26/£36 at the chapel. Royal Naval College. the literacy teaching sequence. For information, ring 01904 651 485 The project was assisted by Greenwich And the project led to an exercise in The Big Jubilee Lunch Sunday 3rd June: Celebrate to Queen’s Diamond Jubilee for Learning Consultants Team and was co- persuasive writing: the children wrote free: with free entertainment, and spectacular views of the pageant passing by at the ordinated by the Maritime Greenwich letters from the queen to her children, Old Royal Naval College. World Heritage Site Learning Group which asking them to intercede with their father, The Greenwich+Docklands International Festival runs for ten days from 23rd June, assists schools in using local resources. and to free her from the castle. and there are many events over the first weekend in Greenwich. Halstow pupils had previously worked Sadly, these letters are some 300 years on projects such as the 's too late ... We welcome participation by lo cal schools in the Westcombe Local music rules! News, as they are an important part of the community. ‘‘excellence through effort’ The WN looks forward to receiving other contributions uphonia Works (President Prof. Robert JAMES REMOVALS BAR MEMBER NO. JO28 EWinston) was founded in 2010 by JR .com. com from local schools in the coming months. Alisdair Kitchen and Joseph Timmons and, G Fully trained with Tamsin Waley-Cohen is already uniformed staff making waves in the music world. G Full insurance included in Invited to perform at Rye Arts Festival ALL quotes G Prompt free in 2011, this summer they have been invit- estimates ed back to Rye, as well as doing a tour of G On-site containerised Call Suffolk, including a performance in storage G Discounts for 0800 0157775 Aldeburgh. long-term storage for a free survey or visit Local musician Joseph Timmins says: G Well-established jamesremovals.comjamesremovals.com family business toto requestrequest aa “We are delighted to announce that our G Pianos – our forte quotation online Tamsin Waley-Cohen inaugural chamber music series is taking place here in Blackheath.” Morden College Care Home – Cullum Welch Court The recitals themselves will be given Cullum Welch Court is an exceptional Care Home with a CSCI ‘3 Star

by some of the countries finest young pro- Rating’. Situated in the peace & tranquillity of the award-winning grounds of

fessionals in the beautiful surroundings of Morden College, Blackheath, it provides spacious, attractive and affordable St Mary’s Hall, Cresswell Park, ensuite accommodation; delivering high quality nursing & personal care for elderly Blackheath SE3 9RD (a minute from the people. With a wide range of activities, excursions and facilities provided to station). the Residents in our Care Home, they are also able to enjoy our private Tickets are £12 (£10 concs) per concert. Chapel, Library, Clubhouse bar & Restaurant. Cullum Welch Court The dates are: May 5th at 4.00 pm and is able to accommodate a certain number of private respite residents June 9th at 7.30pm. For more information and also a small number of permanent private residents. or to reserve seats or to join the Euphonia For further information please contact: Works mailing list, contact: Mrs Sharon Herd (Matron/Registered Manager) [email protected]. on 0208 463 8399

4 Westcombe News May 2012 National Maritime Museum “Titanic Remembered” To mark the centenary WHAT’S ON of the Titanic disaster Until September

ARTS COMMUNITY THEATRE & OPERA BLACKHEATH DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS The Westcombe Society THE ALEXANDRA PLAYERS SOCIETY, St Mary’s Church Hall, Cresswell Park, 6th May – Macmillan Cancer Research The Alexandra Players: CROWN MATRIMONI- Blackheath 4th Thursday of every month, 2.00 for AL by Royce Ryton at the Alexandra Hall, 2.30. Next meeting: Janusz Karezewski- Sponsored walk in Cobham, Kent 20th May – AGM Bramshot Avenue, SE7 7HX on Thursday to Slowikowski Are you sitting comfortably? The Saturday June 7th to 9th at 8 p.m. Tickets £8 (£7 16th June – Jubilee Tea for Senior Citizens development of the chair from ancient times to the Conc.) Box Office 07867 627 987 (Also to be the Summer Picnic) 19th century Non-members £5 on the door. See THE Crooms Hill, www.artsinblackheath.org.uk or ring 83187550 22nd Sep – Members’ Evening Greenwich, London SE10 8ES 020 8858 7755 GREENWICH DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS 28th Sep – Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Tues 1st - Wed 2nd May COFFIN UP by the SOCIETY King William Court, the University of Morning Village Idiots theatre company. Superb farce Greenwich NEXT LECTURE: Monday 11th Jun 29th Sep – Nearly New Sale Thurs. 3rd May ON THE TRACKS 1890: a train Rock Around - Stonehenge and British Stone 17th November – Dickensian Christmas Bazaar pulls out of Moscow swith three fretful passengers … Circles – the history, art and archaeology of these Printing in Blackheath BLACKHEATH SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Fri 4th May BIG DADDY VS GIANT since 1978 great landmarks - William G Forrester see www. May 18th 7.45 Wildlife Photographic Techniques HAYSTACKS At 4.00 pm every Saturday, from 1976 gdfas.org or ring 020 8852 6248 Non-members £8.00 Mr David Pressland MYCENAE HOUSE, 90 MYCE- to 1988, millions of Britons, and countless more From your ideas or Artwork BLACKHEATH ART SOCIETY NAE ROAD, SE3 7SE Visitors are welcome at all world-wide, were in the grip of an extraordinary we can print at a SPRING FESTIVAL OF ART www.blackheathart- meetings, and are requested to donate £3 sports phenomenon: watching two fat men (aka reasonable cost: society.org.uk or contact 020 8853 2269 BLACKHEATH BRIDGE CLUB welcomes all Shirley Crabtree and Martin Ruane) pretend to fight • Business cards Open Studios Taster Exhibition 2nd April -19th players to duplicate sessions in Mycenae House Mon. each other. This is their story. May Mulberry Tea Rooms, Charlton House, Charlton • Invoices • Letterheads & Thurs. 7.15 pm & on Wed. at 1.15 Tel. 8851 2609 Thurs. 10th - Fri. 11th May MY SECOND LIFE • Books • Brochures Road SE7 8RE, 020 8856 3951 open Mon - Fri. WESTCOMBE WRITERS’ CIRCLE 1st. Thursday by Anna Jefferson and Alice Trueman 9am-10.00pm (caf 9-4) Sat. 9am -5 pm (caf closed). each month, 2.30-4.30 at Mycenae House. Ring Joan Monday, 14 May THE SEAGULL EFFECT Idle • Forms • Invites Open Studios 12-13th and 19-20th May from 12 - Paice on 8305 1652 or Rosemary Gill on 8858 5088 Motion present a stunning visual kaleidoscope of • Wedding StationAry 6.00 pm. 11 venues across Lewisham, Greenwich and BLACKHEATH & GREENWICH WOMEN’S images and stories to captivate their audience. Bexley. Leaflets with full details are available from INSTITUTE: First Wednesday of every month at 1a Li zban St Wed. 16th. May THE VANISHING HORIZON Bl ackheath, Lo ndo n SE3 8 SS libraries and community centres from April. 7.30 pm at Sunfields Methodist Church, Old Dover Idle Motion's show selected for the British Council Spring Exhibition 3rd - 31st May 10.00am-5.00 pm Road, SE3 8SJ [email protected] Mon. 21st - Wed. 23rd. May MACBETH Tel: 020 8853 2268 and one hour before evening performances at SECOND CHANCE CHOIR We rehearse Thursday Tues 29th & Wed 30th May FEAR AND MISERY evenings during term time, in Blackheath. Email: dave@trojanpress. co. uk Blackheath Halls, 23 Lee Road, Blackheath, SE3 9RQ OF THE THIRD REICH New members welcome, contact Margery Nzerem www. trojanpress. com Tel 020 8318 9758 www.trinitylaban.ac.uk/black- THE SPACE 269 Westferry Road, London, E14 heathhalls or see www.blackheathartsociety.org.uk or 0208 858 3544 [email protected] POETRY ON THE WATER 3RS www.space.org.uk 0207 515 7799 contact 020 8853 2269. Fri 4 May, 7.00 pm Poet and performer Patience Nearest tube: Mudchute (DLR) Buses: D3, D7, 135 CHILDREN Agbabi reads at Greenwich Yacht Club. Also read- KING LEAR Dates: 1st May – 2nd June ings from Greenwich Poets; open mic. Free entry, Time: 8pm (Matinee 4pm) in repertory with WOODLANDS FARM panoramic river views, bar. Greenwich Yacht Club 1 AS YOU LIKE IT Lazarus Theatre Company 331 Shooters Hill. Tel. 0208 319 8900 Peartree Way, SE10 Info:[email protected] Cost: £12.50/£10 Highly innovative productions Every Thursday Toddler Club 10am-12pm EVENTS AT DAVY’S WINE VAULTS. through the use of text, music and movement with £2 per adult, children free Summer tasting and four course lunch – Saturday over 15 actors to create a re-imagined world ... Meet the animals, enjoy some crafts or just play. 12th May 10.30am -1.30pm MUSIC SUMMER SHOW July 1st Details TBA A superb selection of wines will be open to sample GREENWICH HERITAGE CENTRE with experts on hand to advise, followed by a chef ST MARY’S HALL Artillery Square, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich SE18 inspired four course meal. Tickets cost £47.95 Cresswell Park Blackheath Village (one minute 4DX 020 8854 2452 Cigar and Wine Tutored tasting – 30th May 7pm from the railway station) Euphonia Works FREE Saturday mornings: 10.30am to 12 noon. Free Davy's Wineshop and Segar and Snuff Parlour join present The Mozart Chamber Series art and craft activities for 5 to 12 year olds. forces for the first time to host a tasting that will pair May 5th 4.00 pm Mozart Piano Trios The Greenwich ’48 Club brings our senior citizens vintage Havana Cigars with different styles of wine to together with young people to talk about the past and bring out the best in each other. Tickets cost £25 June 9th 7.30 pm Mozart Violin Sonatas change. To share memories contact the Greenwich BLACKHEATH HALLS £12.00 on the door (£10.00 concs.) Heritage Centre. Tel: 020 8854 2452 Wed 16th May , 8:00 pm - Dickens of a Year – To book email [email protected] MEfA MONTESSORI AT MYCENAE HOUSE c.1848 Compiled and presented by Gabriel Woolf BLACKHEATH HALLS Wednesdays during term-time CHARLTON HOUSE, open on Sun. 13th May for Blackheath Sundays: 9.30-11.30 Montessori Preschool (2-4 years) guided tours by The Friends of Charlton House: 13th May 11:00 am April Fredrick (soprano), 10.30 -11.00 Developmental Dance (3-6 years) 10.15 am, 12.15 pm and 14.15 pm. Pre-booking is Emma Johnson (clarinet), Amy de Sybel (piano) 13.30-14.30 Baby Montessori (0-12 months) essential . Tickets: £10, includes tea and cake. Sun 27th May , 11:00 am Carolin MacPhie, 14.45-15.45 Toddler Montessori (12-24months) GREENWICH HERITAGE CENTRE soprano & Joseph Middleton, piano 16.30-18.30 Inclusive Montessori After-school MADE IN GREENWICH, the new gallery and ENGLISH FOLK MUSIC Nurture Group (4-11years) events space is focused on local and locally inspired 9.00 pm every Tuesday at the Lord Hood pub, To register your child or for more information please creativity. exhibition runs into May Creek Road; mainstream jazz every Thursday. call Wendy Fidler on 07710 433 994 or visit From May 24th: the Thames. GLOBAL FUSION MUSIC & ARTS www.montessorieducationforautism.com www.madeingreenwich.co.uk. 324 Creek Road. Fri 25th May 7.30 - 10.00 pm AFRICA DAY IRISH DANCING CLASSES at Mycenae House Charlton House Charlton Rd £6.00 on the door taught byTanya Dirrane-Hobbs ADCRG a very well established teacher and adjudicator. Please contact Tanya for further details on 07775 943723 GREENWICH INDUSTRIAL HISTORY SOCIETY 15th May at the Old Bakehouse, Blackheath: Diana Rimel on BAZALGETTE TODDLE WADDLE AND FUN DAY in Mycenae House Gardens, 30th May. Face painting and games, all profits to the Meningitis Trust. PLUMBING

LOCAL COUNCILLORS GAS Labour: Cllr. Alex Grant Tel. 8855 7292E-mail Alex.grant @greenwich.gov.uk All plumbing, boiler and gas Surgeries: 1st. Friday of each month, 7.00 - 8.00 pm, Mycenae House; 3rd. Saturday of each work. Local references. month, 3.30-4.30 pm, St James Church Hall, Park Rd. Call CWD Heating Conservative: Cllr. Geoff Brighty Tel. 8921 5663 (Town Hall) or 8858 9731 0208 856 2234 (Home) [email protected] 07799003545 Learning is fun Cllr. Alex Wilson Tel. 07783 611607 Email: [email protected] Surgery: 1st Monday of the month 6 - 7.00 pm Blackheath St Olave’s is a Prep School in Library, Old Dover Rd. Don’t forget – New for boys and girls aged 3-11 years you have childcare options!

! Broad, child-centred curriculum Childcare places for children from 3 months – 5 years ! Excellent results in the 11+ Choosing the right kind of childcare is one of the biggest decisions selection that you will ever have to make. ! Clubs, outings and residential At Zoom, we believe nursery childcare could be the best way of supporting your whole family. With the right nursery, you’re able to trips enhance your child’s development and add to your experience as a ! Excellent pastoral care parent. ! Small classes We have gone to great lengths to ensure that our well-equipped environment, exceptional team, healthy planned menus, additional ! Specialist staff for PE, IT, Music, classes and planned curriculum all meet and exceed you and your French and Drama child’s expectations. ! Sibling fee reduction Childcare at Zoom could be more affordable than you think. The term after your child turns 3 means you are eligible for The Nursery ! Before and after school care J & M RANDALL Education Grant. We also have access to the Childcare Affordability (Established 1966) Programme (CAP) and Working Families Tax Credit. General Builders. Roofing & Plumbing Specialists Tel: 020 8294 8930 Why not call us for an informal Telephone: 0208 302 3676 Mobile: 07956 681488 discussion, or to arrange a visit? We Email: [email protected] www.stolaves.org.uk could be just what you are looking for! 33 Lamorbey Close, , Call me, Justine O’Hare, Manager, on Kent, DA15 8BA 0208 331 6703. Alternatively, email me Plastering – Glazing – Interior & Exterior Decorating – Carpentry – Central at [email protected] Heating – Conversions – Bricklaying – Pebble Dashing – Electrical Installations – Paving – New roofs – Plumbing – Extensions We’re based near to the Yorkshire Grey Roundabout, bordering Kidbrooke, FREE Estimates – Fully Insured – Blackheath, Lee & Eltham, just off the A2 Members of Federation of Master Builders

Westcombe News May 2012 5 Job No: ZOO/1/187 Media: Westcombe News Size: 120x120mm Proof: 1 Date: 11/4/2008 FEATURES RICK NEWMAN on the life, times and untimely Spencer Perceval: In memoriam death of Spencer Perceval f you go to a Quiz Night, perhaps one Duke of Portland was in poor health, and home at 59 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. organized by the Westcombe Society, Perceval was effectively the first minister Even after he entered Parliament he Ior in a local pub, sooner or later you and moved into 10 Downing Street, then as continued as a lawyer, and he distinguished might hear the question “Who was the only now still the official residence of the First himself in his ongoing legal career (his British Prime Minister to be assassinated?” Lord of the Treasury. (The Prime Minister only source of income – MPs were not There may be a number who in your has no official residence apart from paid) when he defended Princess Caroline, view might deserve such a fate, but only Chequers in Buckinghamshire). On 4th the estranged wife of the Prince Of Wales, one did so – and he did not deserve it: October 1809 Perceval formally succeeded against accusations intended to secure a Spencer Perceval, who lies buried, along the Duke of Portland as First Lord of the divorce for the Prince. The princess set up with his wife, at St. Luke’s in Charlton. Treasury; he declined the knighthood that house first (in August 1797) at The Born in London on 1st November 1762 was traditionally offered to ‘commoners’ Vicarage or Old Rectory in Charlton, and Spencer Perceval was the seventh son of who took on the position. later at Montagu House in Blackheath. John Perceval, 2nd Earl of Egmont, and the Perceval proved extremely capable: he second son of his father’s second marriage had to address the consequences of the Murder! to Catherine Compton. Educated at Harrow serious illness of King George III – what When Spencer Perceval was assassinated and Trinity College Cambridge, he was by we now know was porphyria, but what was in the lobby of the House of Commons at profession a lawyer, and a good one at that. at the time seen as his “madness”. Spencer 5.15pm on 11th May 1812, it quickly He trained as a barrister at Lincoln’s Perceval played a key role in setting up the emerged that the murder was not the start Inn and was called to the bar in 1786. was changing the nation and followed upon arrangements for the Prince of Wales to of any insurrection, as was first feared, but Much of his legal career was spent in the the earlier transformations brought about in rule as Prince Regent. was the act of one man, John Bellingham, East Midlands. He entered politics as agriculture and transport. The population In addition, his economic wisdom a bankrupted merchant who had been Member of Parliament for Northampton doubled in number in a generation; towns enabled the country to fund Wellington’s imprisoned in Russia and who felt he had and, as with his legal career, his ability, and cities expanded rapidly. The British campaigns in the Iberian Peninsula. been abandoned to his fate by the dedication and integrity saw him rise to the Empire was growing despite the recent loss Government. highest offices in the land. However, it is of the American colonies. All this was Links with Charlton Bellingham made no attempt to escape the misfortune of Spencer Perceval to be against a backdrop of constant threats both Perceval had strong links with this part of and his only defence was that he had meant remembered principally for the manner of at home and abroad. London. He spent part of his childhood in to kill someone else. Although the sanity his untimely death on 11th May 1812. Across The Channel, Europe was in a Charlton when his father, who was First of the assassin was questioned, Bellingham To be strictly accurate, he was not state of rapid change as Napoleon brought Lord of the Admiralty, was based nearby at was immediately put on trial. He was called “Prime Minister”: the term Prime order first to post-Revolutionary France Woolwich Dockyard. Perceval was chris- hanged on 15th May, 1812. Minister only gained formal acceptance and then sought to impose himself on the tened in the parish church in Charlton. Perceval had died within minutes of when first mentioned in a royal warrant in rest of the Continent. British trade thrived A decade later, when he and his older being shot. He was taken to 10 Downing 1905. At the time of his assassination in and the wealthy prospered – but there was brother Charles rented a house nearby, they Street and remained there until 18th May the lobby of the House of Commons, the ever-present threat of invasion and returned to visit Charlton House, by then when the funeral procession made its way Spencer Perceval was not only the First challenge to the supremacy of the Royal occupied by the family of Sir Thomas to St Luke’s. The funeral at St Luke’s was Lord of the Treasury (the office later Navy that protected both trade and shore. Maryon-Wilson – including his daughters. a private ceremony at his widow’s request. referred to as Prime Minster) but as with It was an epic period of British history. Spencer’s older brother, Charles, was Perceval’s assassination occurred at a other commoners he held up to 1826, he Despite the massive growth in trade the attracted to Margaretta, and they married in time of the Luddite riots and elsewhere in was also Chancellor of the Exchequer. government struggled to maintain order the Chapel in Charlton House in 1787. the country the news of his death was He had previously served as Solicitor and security at home. In 1811 Luddites Spencer was attracted to her sister, Jane, greeted with celebrations. General (1801) and later as Attorney rebelled against new technology. Many but Sir Thomas was less well disposed to However, the news was greeted with General (1802) before becoming smallholders and farm workers had been the younger brother, a lawyer of seemingly shock and disbelief in the capital. He was Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and driven off the land, and forced to seek limited prospects. mourned as a man of learning and integri- Leader of the House of Commons. employment in the growing towns and Nevertheless, Jane and Spencer con- ty, a man George III said was “the most Spencer Perceval is buried here at St cities. Government wrestled with issues of trived to marry the month after Jane straightforward man I have ever known.” Luke’s in Charlton, interred in the Egmont Catholic emancipation and slavery, with became twenty-one in June 1791. They At the time of his assassination, Spencer family vault in the crypt (now sealed). Spencer Perceval a leading voice against married in secret in East Grinstead on 10th Perceval lived in Ealing. His ascent to high There is a modest monument at the back of both. An admirer of William Pitt the August. According to legend, Jane exited office had brought scant financial reward the church beneath a portrait bust by the Younger, Perceval entered Parliament as Charlton House by a rear window, and and he reportedly had only £106 5s 1d in celebrated sculptor Sir Francis Chantry. MP for Northampton in 1796 aged 33. married still wearing her riding clothes. his bank account when he died. Parliament In time her family accepted the mar- immediately ensured that his wife and chil- Troubled times Perceval in office riage, which subsequently produced six dren were provided for with a settlement of He lived in troubled times: Britain had When the Duke of Portland put together a sons and six daughters.(A seventh son did £50,000 for his children and additional been involved in wars on and off for thirty coalition of Tories in 1807, Perceval served not survive.) By all accounts he was a annuities for his wife and eldest son. years. At home the Industrial Revolution as Chancellor of the Exchequer and leader good man and loving father. By July Jane Perceval subsequently married of the House of Commons. But the 1792, Perceval’s circumstances had so Peninsular War hero, Sir Henry Carr, in improved that he was able to move into a 1814, but was widowed for a second time The NMM exhibition in 1821. She died in 1844 was interred Royal River: Power, alongside her first husband in the family May Fair Pageantry and the vault in St Luke’s where there are memori- Thames brings together als to her and other members of the family. & Craft Market nearly 400 beautiful Perceval is remembered in a bequest by objects. Created to mark his daughters, and, on the site of their for- Entrance: Her Majesty The adults £1 /children free mer family home, in 1905, was consecrat- Queen’s Diamond ed All Saints, Ealing - the Spencer Sun 27th May Jubilee, Royal River Perceval Commemoration Church. presents the historic (The story of Spencer and Jane Thames in all its glory, 11am - 4pm Perceval is told in Hugh Gault’s book, from Royal and City Living History: a family’s 19th Century – events to London’s Cambridge: Gretton Books 2010). famous watermen, and the river’s transforma- ForFor ChildChildrChildrenrreen tion after the notorious Maypole Dancing Sensory Garden ‘Great Stink’. Woodlands Childrens Crafts & Games Donkey Ride Dates: 27th. April - 90 Mycenae Road H o u s e P A Blackheath SE3 7SE Puppet Play 9th. September Face Painting Can free your time from household For You tasks such as office filing * managing second DDeliciouselicious Home Made FFoodood & Cakes Miles Campbell FestiveFestive Musical PPerformanceserformances homes * de-cluttering * eBay sales Maker of spring & weight driven clocks seasonal wardrobe For Gifts general household admin Hand-made Crafts and much more. Fair TTraderade & WWoodenooden TToToysoys Clockmaker • Woolwich, London Let ME do it Children’sChildren’s & Natural PaParentingrenting Books Repairs and house calls undertaken so YOU have the time to enjoy Weleda & Hauschka Cosmetics life! With current references 020 8 858 4404 Contact Olivia for more information www.greenwichsteinerschool.org.uk 0208 331 0201 www.milescampbell.co.uk cCCashaashasshh && ChequChequeschequese onlyonly [email protected].

6 Westco mbe News May 2012 Size 10 x 4cm Font Baskerville

Any queries or resizing please contact Miles Campbell Planning applications can be viewed in the library, or at Strategic Planning, Peggy Middleton House, 50 Woolwich New Road. They ENVIRONMENT may also be viewed on www. greenwich.gov.uk/planning LOCOG’s travel plans . . . Thames Gateway - or ‘Borisgate’? Local resident KENNETH MAY gives a personal view GORDON BAKER asks “What plans?” on new road proposals for SE London. eflecting growing local concern over the * The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not llr Wilson (Letters page, April) really has one of the core problems? Rcontinuing lack of proper consultation appear to have taken the trouble to under- Cswallowed ‘hook, line and sinker’ the Air pollution in Greenwich is already too about Greenwich Park Olympic transport stand local concerns, let alone defend them. Mayor of London’s recent so-called 'consulta- high. Indeed, concern is already being planning, Westcombe Society Chairman * Nor has the Borough displayed a sense of tion' about additional Thames crossings –a expressed by the authorities about the poten- Gordon Baker has written to Nick Raynsford, urgency in dealing with the situation. When shallow piece of work which purports to be a tial impact of poor quality air on the forth- M.P and local councillors pointing out that: are the Planning Board considering the consultation on major roadworks and con- coming Olympics. * No serious effort has been made to engage Olympic transport planning application? Why struction in the East Greenwich area and fur- The evidence shows that all new 'road the local community in a constructive dia- has that meeting so often been postponed? ther downstream on the River Thames. improvement' projects significantly increase logue about Olympic transport planning. * Any information about Olympic transport I can only conclude that this flimsy docu- traffic in the local area and often lead to the * The Royal Borough of Greenwich has plans has been handed out as a fait accompli ment is some cynical pre-election device and reduction of usage of public transport. made no systematic attempt to set up the rather than as a proposal for discussion. stunt (published prior to the period of 'purdah' Additional public transport schemes pro- Olympic Transport Group as a forum for con- Gordon Baker added that the Society which applies before local elections) to mis- viding a reliable alternative to the use of cars sultation with local amenity societies about doubts that the plans for traffic circulation in lead residents in Greenwich, Bexley and have been shown to have had a major impact transport plans, as envisaged by the March the centre of Greenwich will be workable. into thinking that such a set of on improvements to air and noise pollution, 2011 Planning Board Decision. Severe consequent disruption is likely to be proposals would not impact on their local safety for pedestrians and cyclists and regen- It is still not clear which organisation has caused in surrounding areas. Having had no roads and their quality of life. eration and job creation. overall lead responsibility for co-ordinating access to TfL traffic modelling, the Society A fact – all road studies show that new My view is that the consultation was a Olympic transport planning cannot judge the validity of the assumptions roads, instead of solving traffic congestion, sham, was poorly publicised, provided insuf- * Local amenity societies have had no con- based on it, but the Society is not confident simply create additional journeys and impact ficient time scales for appropriate response tact whatsoever with TfL or any of the bus that local bus services can cope with demand. on a wide area including what would become and presented a narrow view of the alterna- companies involved about their Olympic The reduced train services will not meet local 'feeder roads'. Thus all of us would be affect- tives. And, simply an attempt to 'bounce' pub- transport plans and timetables. needs. More should be done to clarify the ed negatively by this ill - conceived proposal, lic opinion and to influence the forthcoming * The sole contact with SE Trains has been Council's parking plans. which ignores huge swathes of data. Mayoral election. one meeting about the closing of Maze Hill With the opening of the Games only The evidence produced for past consulta- Even the online consultation document Station, from which it was obvious that the months away, the Society is fearful of the tion exercises has shown the negative impact was flawed and unbalanced in terms of its company had no intention of listening to consequences. Gordon Baker contends that of any road developments in South East construction, making it easy for the policy local concerns or changing its plans to failure to provide soundly-based traffic London such as the Thames Gateway Bridge, makers to create a favourable response even accommodate local needs. planning with full local consultation risks East London Crossing. if there was none. Well done Cllr Wilson for * The whole thrust of LOCOG planning has severe embarrassment to the Royal Borough, No alternatives are given in the report! following the party line. Sorry the evidence been to meet the requirements of Olympic as well as to the Olympic authorities, and Why has no consideration been given to doesn't support your case! contestants, officials and spectators without lasting damage to the reputation of the UK develop policies to reduce the need to travel - ED: Other readers’ views welcome! sufficient regard for the local impact Olympic effort. The Boundary Commission – End Bonfire Misery! which side are you on? We've all been there – it's a lovely sunny day, the garden, opening windows or hanging out ideal for hanging out the washing, perhaps, washing, bonfires can cause health problems he Westcombe Society has written to the keep Greenwich in one constituency. We or sitting out in the garden with a cup of tea, for people with breathing or heart conditions. TBoundary Commission registering objec- also support the inclusion of Blackheath or a drink, and a chat with your friends. A lot of bonfires may be unnecessary – a tions to the Commission’s proposals to split Ward in the Greenwich and Woolwich con- And then you smell the acrid smoke from compost heap deals with most green Greenwich. In particular they split West stituency. Our area shares close links with a neighbour's bonfire! waste, and municipal green waste bins Greenwich from East Greenwich and the Blackheath and we often work alongside the “It happened to us after a long cold and solve a lot of problems these days. World Heritage Site – and bundle Westcombe Blackheath Society on issues that are impor- grey February,” said one resident. “It was the But if you feel you really need to have a Park in with . tant to residents on both sides of the heath....” very first day that one could enjoy the sun- bonfire, it would be courteous to warn the The Society’s objections to the proposals Nick Raynsford’s proposals would main- shine. And it was ruined by a neighbour neighbours – and to avoid having them on a are the same as those given by Richard tain the current links between East and West burning a lot of damp stuff on his bonfire!” sunny day: thoughtful neighbours will have Baglin in his submission on behalf of the Greenwich, and Westcombe Park, with the Bonfires generate around 30,000 nuisance their bonfire as the sun goes down, when Greenwich Society and those given by our added benefit of including Blackheath. These complaints to local authorities each year. people are not out enjoying their garden. MP, Nick Raynsford. In a letter to the areas collectively include the Maritime As well as preventing one from enjoying It's as well too to take a few precautions, Commission, the Chairman of the Westcombe Greenwich World Heritage Site Buffer Zone. too, like having a bucket of water ready in Society, Gordon Baker says: The proposals also retain Charlton, which has PLANNING APPLICATIONS “We fully support the alternative propos- similar concerns and is linked by proximity (See also http://westcombe.blogspot.com/ case a fire gets out of hand, and not lighting it near sheds or fences. Items such as paint, als put forward by Nick Raynsford as they to the others and by shared interests. 178 WESTCOMBE HILL ref 12/0491/F Construct rear infill extension, new shop front, and plastic, household or commercial waste relocate airconditioning units should never be disposed of in a bonfire. 27 VANBRUGH PARK ref 12/0871/V If your neighbours have a bonfire and it Christopher’s column Extend use of timber outbuilding as classroom for fur- affects you, speak to them and explain the ther 10 years until 2026 problem. They may not even be aware of the You can’t always get When it comes to choosing real garden 100-102 HUMBER ROAD ref 12/0807/CP distress they are causing – and may have not plants, then, the species or old varieties often Access to garages - install iron security gates thought about other ways to dispose of the what you want give a better shape, or scent, with a more nat- 41 FOYLE ROAD ref 12/0790/F waste, like composting. ural look. I've been using more 'herbs' (with a Construct single storey rear infill extension and rear Recently I've been trying to dormer window If speaking to your neighbour fails, you track down plants specified medicinal or culinary use) which can be could contact the council's environmental bought from a specialist grower. 'Sweet cice- 15/15A ULUNDI ROAD ref 12/0357/F for a highly 'designed' border. Many nurseries Install hardstanding and front boundary treatments health department. Usually, they will try to list them but few actually have them. They ly' (myrrhis odorata), woodruff (galium odor- TREE WORKS deal with the problem informally. have the latest variety, dwarfed or unusually ata) and angelica are amongst my favourites 20 HUMBER ROAD ref 12/0925/TC To be considered a nuisance, bonfires and are easy to grow. English mace (achillea Fell eucalyptus in rear garden coloured, but not your ‘ordinary’ version. need to be a regular occurrence and seriously Novelty value has reached out to plant nurs- ageratum) and orach (atriplex hortensis) are 17 WESTCOMBE PARK ROAD ref 12/0863/TC interfere with your well-being. If the bonfire both lovely and edible, while sprinkling herb Reduce by 30% holm oak, eucalyptus, holly and yew eries it seems, not just to garden centres. In is only occasional it’s unlikely to be consid- consequence, the original plant often seeds from the cupboard (fennel, dill, car- 7 CHARLTON ROAD ref 12/0838/TC ered a nuisance in law. If the council consid- away, coriander) will produce a mix of Fell ash, sycamore and laburnum. Reduce height of becomes a rarity. two eucalyptus by 50%, and birch by 30% ers a bonfire to be a nuisance, it can issue an A good example is our native, dirty blue, heights and shades. Add marigolds or nastur- ‘abatement notice’, and your neighbour must tiums for a pretty edible ‘meadow’anywhere 24 GLENLUCE ROAD ref 12/0840/TP Gladwyn Iris (iris foetidissima). A pale yel- Crown reduce chestnut in front garden by 30% stop having bonfires or risk paying a fine. which gets some sun. low version 'Citrina' appeared everywhere in Christoper Raven the 1970s (but apparently dates from 1877) and the blue one is now hard to find. Then A & A LANDSCAPES there’s a mythical white flowered version... The history of hybrid roses is a similar Landscape Specialists one - bred to produce flowers, many lost their INDEPENDENT PERSONAL and scent in the process. Thankfully, there has CORPORATE FINANCIAL ADVISERS been a rethink, and scent is once again seen Investments - Pensions - Estate Planning as an integral part of the appeal of roses. Colourwise, breeders seek the impossible Free advice & Qualified 2 Charlton Road. Blackheath Standard estimates horticulturalist (blue roses or tulips ) or produce varieties in London SE3 7EX (T) 020 8853 7160 All aspects of soft & hard landscaping email: [email protected] fashionable shades (often maroon or ‘black’), work carried out including website: www.starkeyfinancialplanning.co.uk which fade or lose their flowers very quickly. * Maintenance *Site clearance Such plants - roses included – are often stunt- * Turfing * Tree surgery HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR FUTURE * Fencing * Patios ed and so top heavy with flowers they quick- * Brickwork Starkey Financial Planning Ltd. is authorized and ly fade. Or so highly bred they can’t survive Tel. 020 8318 2530 regulated by the Financial Services Authority the slightest frost, drought or neglect...

Westcombe News May 2012 7 Please send ads for the Market Place with pay- ment by the 10th day of the preceding month to: Marilyn Little, 163 Westcombe Hill, SE3 7DP 0208853 1312 email:[email protected] ALL classified adverts 30p per word. Please make cheques MARKET PLACE payable to The Westcombe Society

FREELANCE CURTAIN TRACK FITTER. PIANO TUNER Prompt friendly service from an experi- BUY LOCAL! AACCCCOOMMMODATIIOONN Bay window specialist. Good quality, made to meas- enced, fully qualified tuner technician. For tuning and Discounts available on production of your GOOD RELIABLE HOST FAMILIES wanted for for- ure metal tracks used. For free advice, free quotes, repairs call Jim Kimberley 0208 305 0033 Westcombe Society membership card. eign students. For more info. please contact Lynne phone Mike – 07930854905 A MAN AND A VAN on 01732 822649 or email [email protected] SHOW YOUR COMPUTER WHO IS THE BOSS Tel: 020 8858 3889 Mobile: 07885 917 842 NEED GUEST ACCOMMODATION? Are you looking for some extra help working with EXPERIENCED PAINTER AND DECORATOR BLACKHEATH VILLAGE: Charming self-contained holiday apartment with dou- your computer? Need some help with your digital Interior and exterior work, wall papering a speciality. BLACKS OF BLACKHEATH - JEWELLERS ble bedroom in Vanbrugh Park. Call 020 8858 8375 photos, online shopping and the jargon? To discuss Free estimates. Fully insured. Friendly and reliable. 10% OFF purchases over £100, excluding sale or visit www.holidaylettings.co.uk,home204670 the options, call Paul on 07958 251 448 or email James Leslie 07973 491 264 Email address: goods and repairs HOLIDAYS/WEEKENDS IN 2-BEDROOMED MEWS [email protected] [email protected] CACTUS PIT - TEX/MEX RESTAURANT APARTMENT with terrace close to Greenwich Park. AFFORDABLE, LOCAL PICTURE FRAMER - 20% OFF for two or more, Sun. to Thurs. £500.00 per week, weekends £300.00. Telephone collection & delivery possible. Happy to quote or TUITION CHAPTERS RESTAURANT 0208 293 9035/07538 080815 or email advise. Email: [email protected] 10% OFF lunch/ dinner for two Mon. to Thurs. [email protected] DECORATING, ELECTRICS NEED HELP WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Local tech- PARES FOOTWEAR nician provides home technical support & tuition. No GARDENING Plumbing and Property Maintenance. Established 25 10% OFF all shoes over £20, excluding sale stock years. References available. Phil McNamara 020 job too small, all in your own home. Glenn 84734091 RAFFLES DESIGNER WEAR. TREE SURGERY AND ARBORICULTURE 8857 5480, mobile 078 1436 0862 PIANO LESSONS Enjoy playing your instrument 10% OFF all non-sale goods All aspects of tree work undertaken, from pruning NEED HELP DECLUTTERING YOUR HOME? For a from the first lesson - favourite pieces and much RIGHT ANGLE RETAIL - GIFTS delicate specimens through to the removal of mature free appraisal or more information call 0844 846 more - a holistic approach to teaching & learning. 10% OFF special goods plus free delivery giants. Contact Duncan Wright on 020 8395 2535 or A.B. exams taken if desired. Tel: 8856 1200 5854 or visit www.home-space.biz CAVE AUSTIN WINE BAR & GARDEN 07941 890 897. email: [email protected] or DAVIDSON PLASTERING AND DECORATING ITALIAN TUITION Native Italian teacher offers les- 5% discount at any time visit www.duncantrees.co.uk for more information. SERVICES Ceilings repaired or renovated. Artex sons at all levels.Preparation for GCSE, A-LEVELS BORDERS, BEDS AND CONTAINERS planned, ceilings skimmed to a smooth finish. Painting and courses, Grammar, Conversation Tel 07788 743371 prepared and planted by local experienced qualified Decorating. Insurance work undertaken. C&G quali- MATHS & ENGLISH TUITION (aged 8-16) and GREENWICH: gardener. Call Leslie on 0208 858 6541 fied. Small jobs welcome. Free advice and esti- preparation for secondary school selection tests by NORTH POLE RESTAURANT GOODGARDENING . . . For hands-on gardening, mates. Phone 8316 0990/07746 121510 qualified & experienced teacher. Mary Bauckham 12.5% OFF Meals only for two practical advice, or low-maintenance planting TOM ELLIS BESPOKE CARPENTRY Alcove units, 07709 089838 [email protected]. 3D DIVING designed for you & your garden, call Christopher bookcases, wardrobes, dressers and tables. Happy ENGLISH/PRIMARY/11-PLUS TUITION All ages 10% discount on all scuba diving courses. Raven 020 8691 2240 to quote. 0208 51 98947 (mobile) 07540579027 welcome. GCSE, A/S-Levels, Common Entrance, Offer excludes scuba diving equipment. GARDEN MAINTENANCE: mowing, weeding, pruning, HOMEWORKS All-round handyman for those DIYs you Primary, etc. Fully qualified, experienced teacher. GREENWICH COMMUNICATION communal garden contracts, fruit and vegetables, Call Hellin Halliday BA(Hons), PGCE on 020 8858 have no time for! General repairs. External works CENTRE at 164 Trafalgar Road offer 10% gardening tuition, RHS qualified, also domestic cleaning. and maintenance. Painting, decorating. Flat-pack 7704 / 07928 017762 to discuss how I can help. discount on all Computer Maintenance and Call John and Rachel 0208 316 0990 / 07746 121510 assembly. Light plumbing and general carpentry. MULVIHILL ACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE Adult and Smaller works charged at an hourly rate. Contact Child Irish Dance Classes available in theBlackheath Repairs (including Laptops!) Your local HOLIDAYS Matthew Barron 0790 338 8658 Area. Come along for a fun all-in-one workout. For friendly independent computer shop! WHITSTABLE WEEKENDS / WEEKS Sea wall house ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR DESIGN more information call Rachel on 07707100521 between Oyster Warehouse and Harbour. Sleeps 5. Liz Bull Design specialises in innovative and inspira- SPANISH TUITION One-to-one or small groups, all HUMBER ROAD: Fantastic views. 8858 6578 or 013 0436 7443 tional interior and exterior design. Complete service ages and levels, at your home or office. By qualified BODYWORKZ - THE FITNESS CLINIC NORTH YORKSHIRE MOORS from concept through to planning permission and Latin American teacher. CLTA.Call Miguel:020 8305 109 Humber Road.10% OFF all treatments costing The Georgian House Delightful period house in completion. Services also include bespoke furniture 0874 0r 079 1031 8513. [email protected] £30 or more except Chiropody; exc.Saturdays. charming Pickering market town. Sleeps 10. & landscape design. Call for a free consultation. MATHEMATICS TUTOR For secondary level, ROYAL NEPALESE RESTAURANT www.thegeorgianhouse.co.uk Tel: 07876 385189 Email: [email protected] GCSE and A-Level by qualified teacher, Tom (Station Crescent) 20% OFF meals for ST IVES CORNWALL, IN OLD QUARTER. Tel. 07739903752. www.lizbulldesign.com McNamara [MMath]. £30 per hour. 07595348976 or two or more Sunday - Thursday. Character cottage, sleeps 4/5, close to beaches, har- HOUSES CLEARED of unwanted items. Tel: 020 Email [email protected] THE CURIOUS COMB bour, Tate and School of Painting. Very reasonable 8858 3889 Mobile: 07885 917 842 KUNDALINI YOGA CLASSES Connect to your 10% discount on services over £30 Weekdays rates 020 8852 0434 MATURE VERSATILE HANDYMAN Decorating, car- spirit through breath, meditation and yogapostures. 8am-10am, 2pm-4pm (excludes retail purchases). KENT COASTself-catering lodge on 5-star child- Teacher with over 10 years experience. Beginners pentry, fencing, light building etc. Always looking for that CORIANDER RESTAURANT (Station Crescent) friendly holiday park, indoor pool, sleeps 6+ sofabed, more interesting task. Steven 8985 2922/ 07890 005 150 welcome. Wednesdays, 20:00-21:15, John Roan 25% off Sunday to Thursday. Bookings only! www.kingsdownholiday.co.uk Tel: 07876 114530 WESTCOMBE PARK KITCHENS AT TRADE PRICES School, Westcombe Park Road, £10/class. Contact NORFOLK HIDEAWAY Traditional cottage in rural Free design & delivery. Tel. 8305 1263 or 0788591 7842 Satwant on 07971217770 or [email protected] hamlet - sleeps 5/6. Easy access to the coast, MALCOLM TIERNEY, CARPENTER THE STANDARD: Burnham Market, Holt. Great location for walking, Specialist in refurbishment, repair and replacement COTON & HAMBLIN - OPTICIANS cycling, bird watching, visiting castles, stately homes. of sash windows. 077 7565 7371 5% OFF frames, sunglasses & accessories Tel 01485 528108/07768 340477 ANDREW FLETCHER Painting, Decorating & Tiling KARAN CHEMIST 10% OFF Weds. only PERSONAL CARE & THERAPY services. Over 20 years' experience, fully insured. MARNELLS - DIY 10% OFF Wednesdays References available. Call 077 0209 4382 WELL BEAN - HEALTH GOODS BLACKHEATH HOLISTIC HEALTH SERVICE. S.S.D BUILDERS LTD. Long established Building 10% OFF all purchases over £20 (no credit cards) COUNSELLING, COACHING, POSTURAL YOGA, & Roofing Company available for free estimates & BLACKHEATH EYECARE CENTRE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, tel: 020 8858 5969 / advice. ALL works undertaken, from guttering to 25% off 2nd pair of spectacles. (same prescription. 1991, www.bhhs.selondon.co.uk Refurbishments. All works viewed within 24 hours, Not in conjunction with any other offer. (Complete BLACKHEATH LOW COST PAIN CLINIC fully insured & guaranteed. Call us today on 07931 glasses start from £49.95 with single vision lens- provides discounted and Tui na mas- 536533 or 020 8305 1039 es). 5% off contact lens solution and accessories sage focused on pain management. Fully qualified PUBBLE PLASTERING Need a plasterer with excel- GAMBARDELLA’s CAFE 10% off meals from practitioners. Wednesday mornings. lent references? Work is of high standard. Qualified Monday to Thursday for members of the WS Blackheath Complementary Health Centre C&G. Plastering-Rendering-Plasterboarding - Repairs. TROJAN PRESS 10% OFF all quotations 184-186 Westcombe Hill SE3 Appointments 020 Free quotes! Call Alex on 07547468459 / 0208 465 8293 5380 www.healingpath.co.uk S.S.D PLUMBING AND HEATING WESTCOMBE HILL CRYSTAL HAIR & BEAUTY Friendly local plumber available for free estimates and A * Driving School £5 discount on the price of one 156 Westcombe Hill, SE3 Special opening offer advice. All works undertaken, no job too small, from WARNING: x 2 hour lesson for WS members. £20.00 cut and wash and BD. Call us to find boilers to bathroom suites, all works viewed within 24 THE WONDER WOMEN NETWORK more Tel. 0208 293 9753 Mobile. 07766817455 hours, fully insured and guaranteed. Call today on Inefficient Boilers Are Not Just Offers a 10% discount LONDONHOLISTICCOACH: Cognitive 07931 536533 or 8305 1039 Bad For Your Wallet… Behavioural Therapist & Life Coach; Need SMARTT SOLUTIONS... for the jobs you don't have guidance on Relationships, Emotional Eating, time for. Friendly, reliable and trustworthy handyman They are bad for the environment too. Career, Confidence Building & Parenting? Call service for your home. £2 million liability insurance. By replacing your Band G rated boiler with Today M: 07886088062 Plumbing (not gas), electrics, carpentry, decorating. a Band A rated Condensing boiler you will, E: [email protected] Contact us if the service you require is not listed. Website: http://www.LondonHolisticCoach.com 07912 549 662 – 020 8858 6679 info@smarttsolu- according to the energy saving trust*, save an average of £235 per year and our SERVICES & TRADE tions.co.uk www.smarttsolutions.co.uk CARPENTRY AND JOINERY atmosphere around 1.26 tons of CO2. TRAINED CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Friendly Happy Alcoves, wardrobes, radiator covers & general For a free quotation call to Work! Call Anthony 07772449577 household woodwork. Showroom: 0208 852 7222 Stephen Wristw orth on: email: [email protected] www.carpentryandinteriors.co.uk SIMMONDS HANDYMAN Property and mainte- DECORATOR & TILER 07725008280 nance services. Electrical, decorating, telephones, Experienced and reliable service. Free estimates and Or email me at: general repairs. 079 4198 2895 CallCFall NNowow F!Foror A FFreeree EEstimate!stimate local references. David Birch 07956 264011C.S. wristworth@ho tmail.co.uk BLACKHEATH AND GREENWICH WINDOW AND CARPENTRY-JOINERY Decorating and all building TheThe GGovernmentoverovernment BBoilerBoiloeirl SScrappageecrrsa ppa– Cgeen SSchemetcrhaelm He eoofaf t £400£i400ng oonly–nSlye aappliesrpplvicieisn ttog o – GUTTER CLEANING Mike Smith 07791 465052 work undertaken. Joseph McNamara boilersboilers withwith eefficiencyfficiency rratingsatings wwithinithin tthehe SSedbukedbuk BBandand G bbracket,racket, but www.blackheath-window-cleaner.co.uk 02088575480, mobile 07947155366 untiluntil MMayay 1st 2010 IL willwailnl deductdeductlord s££250 2–50C ffromeromrti fanyica rreplacementteepliplonacem – Pelnut mbboileroiblerin g *Source: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk INTERIOR DECORATOR & CARPENTER with over 20 quotationquotation wSwithinithin tthe he SSedbukedbuk eefficiencyffici ency bbandsa ndsnds F ttoo AA..  years experience. A member of the guild of master- craftsman. Free quotes & friendly advice on all your CCallall SStephentephen WWristworthris twtwworth n5nowo oonn 0077250082807725008280 OrOr eemailmail mmee aat t [email protected] hotmail.co.uk  decorating requirements. Local references available.  R. G.Austin Tel. Ashley Greaves 8858 2981 Full Heating Installations - Gas Safety Certificates - Servicing - !"#$%&'(#)*+,-./01 Plumbing           

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