People and things

graphy at IBM's own research source i$ being designed and built On people centre. for IBM by Oxford Instruments in X-rays, with their shorter wave­ the UK, and a $20 million contract length, overcome the resolution has been awarded to Maxwell-Bro- Helen Edwards, Head of Fermilab's problems inherent in optical litho­ beck of San Diego for a source for Accelerator Division, has been graphy, and the development of the Center for Advanced Micro- awarded a prestigious MacArthur new compact X-ray synchrotron structures and Devices at Louisiana Fellowship by the Chicago-based light sources for chip manufacture State University, Baton Rouge. MacArthur Foundation in recogni­ is being pushed hard in several tion of her key9role in the construc­ countries. Brookhaven has been tion and commissioning of Fermi- hosen as the site for a new super­ lab's Tevatron ring. conducting X-ray lithography The face of chips to come. Electron micro­ scope picture of a chip developed by IBM source in a $207 million US De­ using an X-ray beam from the US National partment of Defense programme Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven. The 1988 Dirac Medals of the In­ (story next month). Metal lines, less than a micron across, con­ nect to transistors (seen as small dark cir­ ternational Centre for Theoretical Meanwhile a compact X-ray cles) half a micron in diameter. Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, have been awarded to Efim Samoilovich Fradkin of the Lebedev Physical In­ stitute, Moscow, and to David Gross of Princeton. Fradkin's award marks his many fruitful contributions to quantum field theory and statistics: function­ al methods, basic results applicable to a range of field theories, the quantization of relativistic systems, etc., which have gone on to play a vital role in modern theories of fields, strings and membranes. Gross, with F. Wilczek, and in­ dependently H. Politzer and G. 't Hooft, discovered 'asymptotic free­ dom' in the theory of quark fields, thus explaining how quarks can be both locked inside nucleons under ordinary conditions and be tracta­ ble as free particles in field theory calculations. Later he went on to contribute to the invention of the 'heterotic' string, opening the door to new understanding in the quest to unify the basic forces of physics through the theory of strings.

John Peoples becomes Deputy Di­ rector of Fermilab. Research Divi­ sion Head from 1975-80, Peoples went on in 1981 to become Head of Fermilab s Antiproton Source Project.

CERN Courier, October 1988 31 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FACULTY POSITION IN The Department of Physics, EXPERIMENTAL RELATIVISTS University of Wisconsin-Madison anticipates one or more tenure track HEAVY ION COLLISIONS positions at the assistant professor level to begin Fall, 1989 or later. The Department of physics at the University of California, Applicants should provide evidence of Riverside expects to make a faculty appointment in the area teaching skills and ability to carry out of Experimental Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions during the an independent research program. 1988-89 academic year. Preference will be given to nuclear Individuals with a background in experimental nuclear/parti­ physics experimentalists, to cle physics are invited to apply. The level of appointment will condensed matter theorists, and to be that of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or, for an excep­ tionally qualified individual with an established record in particle theorists/phenomenologists. research, an Associate Professor (tenure) appointment can Apply to be considered. Martin Olsson Chair The individual appointed will be expected to join the ongoing Riverside research program in relativistic heavy ion colli­ Department of Physics, UW-MSN sions. 1150 University Avenue Madison Please send a resume and request that at least three letters of reference be sent to Wl53706 Chair, Search Committee, by November 15, 1988. The Experimental Relativistic Heavy ion Collisions Department of Physics University of Wisconsin is an equal University of California opportunity/affirmative action Riverside, CA 92521 employer and especially encourages The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportu­ women and minorities to apply. nity, Affirmative Action Employer.

For the discerning customer it's MAINTENANCE ENGINEER Battig Valves. - Everytime!

I am seeking qualified candidates for a full- time permanent position as Maintenance Engineer. Equipments to be maintained are Fastbus and VME modules and power supplies manufactured by Dr. B.Struck & Co. of Hamburg and installed at CERN. The candidates are expected to be experienced electronics engineers, familiar with Fastbus and/or VME. Fluency in English is essential. Knowledge of French and German are an advantage. The successful candidate is expected to relocate to the French "Pays de Gex" nearby CERN after an initial training period in Hamburg. Letters of application, including a CV, must be sent to:


CROZET Alfred Battig AG 01170 Gex, France CH-8400 Winterthur/Switzerland Phone: Telex: Telefax: Candidates of any nationality may apply 052/25 27 69 896 371 valv ch 052/25 02 24

32 CERN Courier, October 1988 Simon van der Meer of CERN at this year's gathering of Nobel laureates in the Bavarian island town of Lindau, Lake Constance. In­ itiated in 1951 by Count Lennart Bernadotte, these annual Lindau Nobel meetings alter­ nate between chemistry, medicine and phy­ sics. Bruno Pontecorvo - 75 this year (Photo Jacobs, Lindau)

In August scientists at the Joint In­ Humboldt Foundation. He has TRIUMF reorganization stitute for Nuclear Research, Dub- spent most of his career at Bonn, na, USSR, celebrated the 75th where he was a prime mover be­ birthday of Bruno Pontecorvo, De­ hind the electron synchrotron, the With $11 million in pre-construc- partment Head in the Laboratory of first European accelerator to use tion funds for the proposed KAON Nuclear Problems. From the illus­ the alternating gradient technique. Factory, a major reorganization trious Fermi school, Pontecorvo At CERN from 1964-7, he was first took place at the Canadian TRIUMF has spent most of his scientific car­ joint Head of the Nuclear Physics laboratory in Vancouver on Sep­ eer in the USSR. Well known for Division, then Director of Physics I tember 1. Alan Astbury heads the his fundamental contributions to Department. He was Chairman of new project, organized in three di­ neutrino physics, where among the Scientific Policy Committee visions: Accelerator (M.K. Crad- other things he has played pioneer from 1975-77. dock), Science (P. Kitching), and roles in the quest to measure the Technical (E. W. Blackmore). The neutrino's mass and in the idea of existing programme is reduced to neutrino oscillations, he has also four divisions, with the old Science and Experimental Facilities Divi­ furthered our understanding of the 1982 Nobel Prizewinner and Direc­ sions amalgamated under J.-M. muon and other particles. tor of Cornell Theory Center Ken­ Poutissou, who also acts as Asso­ neth Wilson is leaving Cornell for ciate Director. Larry Trueman is Brookhaven s Ohio State. new Associate Director for High Energy and Nuclear Physics, replac­ ing Robert K. Adair, who returns to Luis Alvarez Yale. In addition to his particle phy­ Stanford's CERN Courier corre­ sics accomplishments Adair is offi­ spondent Michael Riordan is the Berkeley pioneer and 1968 Nobel cial physicist to the US National 1988 winner of the American Insti­ laureate Luis Alvarez, who deve­ Baseball League. tute of Physics Science Writing loped Donald Glaser's bubble Award in Physics and Astronomy chamber idea into a versatile phys­ August marked the 75th birthday for his book 'The Hunting of the ics tool, died on 1 September, of Wolfgang Paul, President of the Quark'. aged 77.



As part of a planned expansion in the area of astrophysics, the Physics Deparment at the University of California, River­ SENIOR SCIENTIST side is seeking outstanding candidates for a faculty position in experimental astrophysics beginning July 1, 1989. The IN THEORETICAL ELEMENTARY appointment will be at an open level. Qualified candidates with established records in research and teaching are invited PARTICLE PHYSICS to apply. Existing programs at UCR in this area are gamma ray astro­ It is intended to appoint a scientist whose re­ physics from MeV to TeV, solar and atmospheric neutron observations, and neutrino astrophysics. The successful search is closely related to experimental particle candidate will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and physics. graduate levels and to lead a vigorous and significant re­ A tenured position is offered with a saiary equi­ search program. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and arrange to have valent to that of a full professor at a German three letters of recommendation sent to: university (C4). Chair, Search Committee Applications and proposals for candidates are Experimental Astrophysics invited to be sent before Nov. 10, 1988, to Physics Department University of California, Riverside Prof. V. Soergel Riverside, CA 92521 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Completed applications received through December 31, NotkestraBe 85, D-2000 Hamburg 52 1988 will be screened. Further information about the position in ques­ The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportunity tion can be obtained from Prof. V. Soergel. Affirmative Action Employer.

34 CERN Courier, October 1988 Heinz Pagels

As announced briefly in our pre­ vious issue, Heinz Pagels, particle physicist, gifted popularizer of science and executive director of the Academy of Sciences, diedJn a climbing acci­ dent in July with his former student at , while they were attending the Aspen Physics Centre. While Pagels was at Rockefeller, his book The Cosmic Code' was published in 1982, and he turned to fresh pastures at the New York Academy of Sciences. Subsequent books were 'Perfect Symmetry' (1985) and more recently 'The Dreams of Reason - The Computer A One of the recipients of the US National V At a meeting at CERN on 1 September of and the Rise of the Sciences of Medal of Science this year from President the Delegation Suisse-Romande of the Complexity'. He was also President Reagan (September issue, page 32) was Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, of the International League for Jack Steinberger, head of the Aleph ex­ Israel, former French Minister and Presi­ Human Rights. periment now being assembled at dent of the European Parliament Simone CERN's LEP electron-positron collider Veil (left), as Honorary President of the (see page 4). Pasteur-Weizmann Council, presented (White House Photo) CERN Director General Herwig Schopper Meetings with the Israeli Institute's Gold Medal. Right is J.-J. Brunschwig, the Delega­ The 1989 European Physical Socie­ tion's chairman. ty High Energy Physics Conference will be held in Madrid from 6-13 September. These biennial EPS conferences (Bah 1985, Uppsala 1987) have parallel sessions with individual contributions and plenary sessions with review talks. Further information from F. Barreiro, Dept. Fisica Teorica, C-XI, Univ. Autono- ma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain.

A EULIMA (European Light Ion Medical Accelerator) workshop on the potential value of light ion beam therapy will be held at the Centre Anthoine-Lacassagne, Nice, France, from 3-5 November. Furth­ er information from the EULIMA Workshop Secretariat, Bibliothe-

CERN Courier, October 1988 35 que, Centre Anthoine-Lacassagne, 'Collider, Physics - Current Status 36 Voie Romaine, 06054 Nice and Future Prospects', edited by Cedex, phone 93 81 71 33, ext. J.E. Brau and R.S. Panvini, is the ti­ Viktor 2514, telex 470 344 F, bit net far- tle of the proceedings of the mee­ Weisskopf 80 ley at fron'\51. ting held at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee in October As a tribute to Viktor Weiss­ The 1989 International Symposium 1987 (December 1987 issue, page kopf on his 80th birthday, an on Heavy Quark Physics will be 5), published by World Scientific, international colloquium held from 13-17 June at Cornell. Singapore. 'Science, Culture and Peace' Attendance will be limited - further was organized by CERN and information from Mary Wright, 'Charm Physics', edited by Ming- by the 'Ettore Majorana' Cen­ Newman Laboratory, Cornell Uni­ Han Ye and Tao Huang, is the title tre for Scientific Culture, Eri- versity, Ithaca, New York 14853, of the proceedings of the China ce, Sicily, at CERN on 19 and USA, bitnet symp89 at crnlns. Centre of Advanced Science and 20 September. Paying tribute Technology (CCAST, World Labo­ to the great man, distin­ guished speakers - collea­ An advanced accelerator physics ratory) Symposium/Workshop held gues, friends, admirers, for­ course, organized jointly by the at the Institute of High Energy Phy­ mer students - from all over CERN Accelerator School and Upp­ sics, Beijing, in June 1987, publis­ the world had plenty of mate­ sala University, Sweden, and pla­ hed by Gordon and Breach. rial to cover. cing special emphasis on the pro­ blems of small rings, will be held from 18-29 September in Uppsala. Further information from Mrs. S. Wart burg, CERN Accelerator School, LEP Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, bitnet casuppa at cernvm.


'Physics at LEAR with Low Energy Antiprotons', the proceedings of the Workshop on CERN's LEAR Low Energy Antiproton Ring held in Viliars last year (December 1987 Particle physics issue, page 11), are published by and industry Harwood Academic Publishers. The November issue of the The UK Institute of Physics Publish­ CERN Courier will feature the ing Division has recently published growing involvement of parti­ (under its Adam Hilger imprint) - cle physics with front line Interactions and Structures in technology. Stories from Nuclei, edited by R.J.BIin-Stoyle CERN and other leading re­ and W.D.Hamilton, as the proceed­ search centres will illustrate ings of a conference held last year the close links with industry to celebrate the 65th birthday of which are an integral part of Sir Denys Wilkinson (November many new research projects. 1987 issue, page 35).

CERN Courier, October 1988 37 !; • I! 1 , 1 .: i'!, • i i I ! , ; I ^:. :' 11 • , ; ;::!' • : i • •• 11 •, i • 11 ,' i ! 111:, i1M i!! 1111 i! i i I i 111111,111111 i 11111,!! I! I i I! 111111M1 i 1111! I! 11^

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38 CERN Courier, October 1988 PEARSON MS P.u.0. Elektronik GmbH Very High Voltage & Very High Current Pulse Quality from Germany! Transformers

Pearson Electronics specializes in We develop and manufacture low and high voltage the design of very high voltage (to power supplies for any appliance as e.g. 1,000,000 volts) and very high cur­ rent (to 1,000,000 amperes) pulse transformers. Typical applications are for units supplying power to high high-voltage power supplies power microwave tubes, particle ac­ chopper-regulated celerator injection systems, pulsed x-ray tubes, high power lasers and plasma physics. More than 70 standard types from 3,5 kV-150 kV, Other Pearson pulse-modulator components include preci­ up to 10,5 kW. sion current transformers and coaxial capacitive voltage di­ viders. The current transformers for high voltage use feature • Voltage and current regulation with automatic double shielding and high voltage stand-off capabilities. Units for use with high currents are rated up to 1,000,000 and sharp transition; each regulated status is amperes or more. The voltage dividers are rated up to indicated by LEDs. 500 kV. • Options: pole changing, analog programming Inquiries regarding specific requirements for these components are welcomed. • Residual ripple: PEARSON ELECTRONICS, INC. 1x10~4 ss of rated value 5 1860 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303, U.S.A. typ. 5x10~ of rated value Telephone (415) 494-6444 Telex 171-412 • Deviation: at ± 10% of the line voltage change ± 1x10~5 of rated value for no load/full load: 2x10~4 of rated value FOR over 8 hours: ± 1x104 of rated value HIGH in the temperature range ENERGY ± 1,5x10"4/°C of rated value PHYSICS An example out of this series: * FAST CUSTOM- BUILT PC-ATs * TOWER - 386 CPU: 80386 20, 25, 27 MHz 2Mb RAM Slots: 1 x 32-bit, 5 x 16-bit, 2 x 8-bit AT - 286 Ports: 2 serial, 1 parallel CPU: 80286 10,16, 24 MHz HD: 40, 80, 130 Mb 1 Mb RAM HCN 35-20 000 Floppy: 5 1/4" 1.2 Mb, 3,5" 1.4 Mb Slots: 6 x 16-bit, 2 x 8-bit 0-20 kV, 0-1,5 mA, with pole changing Display: Hercules, EGA, VGA Ports: 2 serial, 1 parallel Quality: SWISS FINISH HD, Floppy, etc same as 386

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OMNICALC S.A. F.u.G. Elektronik GmbH Florianstr. 2, 8200 Rosenheim, W-Germany Hardware - Software - Accessories Telefon 0 8031/8 1093 Telex 525 712, Telefax 0 80 31 /8 10 99 20, avenue Luserna (entree ch. Villars) CH-1203 GENEVE T6I: (022) 44 09 50 Fax: (022) 44 09 58

CERN Courier, October 1988 39 Techniques d'elastomeres

Lorsque le bolide prend le virage a tres grande vitesse, il se confirme, que rien n'a ete laisse au hasard e+ maagtechnic que le plus petit detail, quelque soit son insignifiance, fut serieusement etudie. Notre competence au nivea^| Une en treprise affiliee au Datwyler Holding de la technique d'elastomeres est le resultat d'une experience de longue date et nous permet de denouer chaque probleme technique. En tant qu'entreprise Suisse d'avant-garde nous attribuons une grande importance a toute «solution sur mesure» tout en se mesurant ainsi avec les defis que Pavenir nous reserve.

Nous sommes connus pour notre «travail sur mesure» dans les domaines: Techniques d'elastomeres, Technique des matieres plastiques, Techniques de transmission, Techniques d'etancheite, Oleohydraulique, Pneumatique, Installation de graissage central. Protection au travail. A la pointe, hier, aujourd'hui et a I'avenir.


/ Priere de m'envoyer votre documentation / Firme: / a I'att. de: / Rue: / NP/Lieu: / Maag Technic SA, Ch. de I'Esparcette, 1023 Crissier Dubendorf - Crissier - Aarburg - Bern - Birsfelden - St-Gall

40 CERN Courier, October 1988 THE FURTHER WE GO,

THAt Ethe cuttinFURTHEg edge of scientifiRc YOU GO. research there's a demand for RF and microwave energy that, existing tech­ nology can't deliver. At Thomson-CSF we undertake major projects to develop new technology work­ ing in close collaboration with our and long life of our tubes. customers. This high performance means im­ What's vital is that we have the know- portant cost savings for the end user. how to supply you with For special needs - including windows the very high power and oversized components capable of sources you need for handling the required energy - we tailor particle accelerators our products to your requirements. and plasma heating. In radio and television, telecommuni­ Know-how acquir­Thomson-CSF is cations, military and civil aviation, as well ed in fields such as as in a wide range of scientific and medical high-power radars and applications, Thomson-CSF know-how broadcasting where gets your systems moving. Fast. a leader. Our high-energy tubes have been chosen The successes obtained in these areas for the world's most important projects. are due to Thomson-CSF technological innovations such as Pyrobloc® grids and THOMSON-CSF our Hypervapotron® cooling system ELECTRON TUBES which guarantee the efficiency, reliability THOMSON-CSF Division Tubes Electroniques 38, rue Vauthier - BP 305 F-92102 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT CEDEX Tel.: (33-1) 49 09 28 28 - Telex: TH0MTUB 200772 F Brasil: SAO -PAULO Canada: MONTREAL Deutschland: MUNCHEN Espana: MADRID France: BOULOGNE BILLANC0URT Tel.: (55-11)54247 22 Tel.: (1-514)2884148 Tel.: (49-89)78 79-0 Tel.: (34-1)405191Fax: (33-15 ) 46045209. Tel.: (33-1)49092828 Tx: (111 24226 TCSF BR Tx: 5560248 TESAFI MTL Tx: 522916 CSFD Tx: 46033TCCEE Tx: TH0MTUB 200772 F

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HERA is a proton/electron storage ring NOELL fabricates and assembles mag­ which will provide scientists at DESY with new nets and cryostats including the helium and opportunities for research into matter. vacuum vessels. The helium vessel has to be of The first industrially fabricated super­ particularly high quality, as it must achieve an conducting magnet for the HERA storage ring extremely low leakage rate. was supplied by NOELL to DESY in December NOELL is also fabricating 240 12-pole INDELL 1987. correcting coils, which are directly mounted at an enterprise of the Salzgitter Group The order comprises a total of 120 su­ the beam tubes. perconducting quadrupole magnets of various Contact us for information about com­ NOELL GmbH, Dept. V 29, P.O. Box 6260 lengths and types. The three pre-production ponents for vacuum engineering and particle D-8700 Wiirzburg 1, West Germany magnets have already been successfully tested research, in particular cryostats for low tempe­ Phone: 09 31/903-3 18, Telex 68 822 at a temperature of 4 °K. ratures. Telefax: 0931/9 03-282

Environmental technique * Hydroelectric power plants * Warehousing and material handling * Engineering for nuclear plants SULZER Cryogenics

Nitrogen in Helium Detector Sulzer Nitrogen in Helium Detector TypeWF3D Measures the concentration of nitrogen in helium (ppm range) Measurement and indication both continuous W^- No dead time Remote indication, relais output Easy to operate - connect and measure No carrier gas required High degree of stability Inlet pressure 1-20 bar gauge

1. Application 4. Range and accuracy of 6. Dimensions, weight

Measurement of nitrogen (N2) in measurement Equipment size suitable for fitting into helium (He). - Standard range of measurement 19" rack to IEC 297/DIN 41494. 2-50vpm N - Height 177.8 mm (4 units ^ 1") 2. Measurement principle 2 - Indicated range 0-199.9 vpm N2 - Casing depth 305 mm Optical emission spectroscopy. - Resolving power 0.1 vpm - Weight ca.13 kg Excitation of the gas is obtained by - Reproducibility ±0.1 vpm, use of an electrical discharge typical value for range 2-30 vpm 7. Power supply, between two metal electrodes. - Accuracy without re-calibration ambient temperature Analytical line emission is selected ±2 vpm - Supply voltage 220 V, 50/60 Hz by an interference filter. - Permissible variation in supply Measurement of radiation is by 5. Indication, outputs voltage ±10% 1 means of an Si photo-diode. - 3 /2 position liquid crystal indication - Power input max. 150 W (LCD) - Permissible ambient temperature 3. Data of gas to be measured - Analogue signal 4 to 20 mA, range 0 to 40 °C - Inlet pressure 1-20 bar gauge corresponding to a measurement

- Outlet pressure 0.05-0.3 bar gauge of 0 to 50 vpm N2. Resistance load - Rate of gas flow 0.03 Nm3/h min. 250 Q, max. 500 Q - Relais output adjustable over the whole measurement range. Maximum loading: DC 30W, 50V, 1 A AC 250 VA, 250 V, 1 A Cryogenics

SULZER Sulzer Bros (UK) Ltd. Sulzer Brothers Limited Sulzer Bros Inc. Blackwater Way, Aldershot CH-8401 Winterthur, Switzerland 200 Park Avenue, New York Hampshire, England GU12 4DR Contracting Division NY 10166, USA Telephone 0252 331 351 Telephone 052 81 11 22 Telephone 212 949 0999 Telex 858 400 Telex 896 060 25 Telex 620 219 Telefax 0252 343 062 Telefax 052 23 0740 Telefax 212-37011 38 88/680