

Report Title South Ease Green Chain: Proposed Extension into the London Borough of Southwark

Key Decision No Item No. 8

Ward Sydenham, Forest Hill, Crofton Park, Telegraph Hill

Contributors Executive Director for Regen eration ( Ecological Regeneration Manager and Head of Planning Policy)

Class Open Date: 16 January 2008

1. Summary

1.1 The report provides an outline of proposals to extend the existing South Green Chain in and into Southwark Borough . Th is would provide a significant extension of the Green Chain in its 30 th year, with the addition of over 60 hectares of open space and the creation of a 7km extension of the Green Chain Walk. These proposals were endorsed by the Green Chain Joint Committee on 4 September 2007 and recommended to the four existing partner Green Chain Borough s (, , & Lewisham) for agreement.

1.2 The report sets out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.13 how the proposal meets the extensions to the Green Chain criteria agr eed by the Green Chain Joint Committee. It concludes that the proposed extension does meet the criteria and recommends the extension of the SE London Green Chain into the Borough of Southwark.

2. Purpose

2.1 The proposal to extend the existing South East Lo ndon Green Chain in Lewisham and into Southwark Borough was endorsed by the Green Chain Joint Committee on the 4 th September 2007 and recommended to the four existing partner Green Chain Borough s (Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich & Lewisham) for agreement.

3. Pol icy Context

3.1 The concept of ‘Green Chains’ is incorporated in the (Policy 3D.10) and Lewisham UDP ( OS 3 ) and defined on the Proposals Map. The designation of, Syden ham Wells Park and Telegraph Hill Park which are Metropolitan Open Land, additionally as Green Chain will be addressed through the emerging Local Development Framework documents.

4. Recommendations 4.1 The Mayor agree s the proposed extension of the South East London Green Chain in the London Borough of Lewisham and into the Londo n Borough of Southwark and the inclusion of Southwark Council as a member of the Green Chain Joint Committee.

5. Background

5.1 In 1977 some 300 open spaces in South East London were designated as the South East London Green Chain to give extra protection against inappropriate development in the London Borough s of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham. The Green Chain project includes: responding to planning matters affecting the open spaces; managing the sign posted Green Chain Walk to a quality standard ; securing external funding; hosting a Green Chain walking festival; promoting the scheme through a range of publicity material and; maintaining beneficial relationships between the partner Borough s.

5.2 The four Borough s contribute to the Joint Operatio nal Fund, which includes financing signage of the network and a dedicated Project Officer. The proportion paid by each Borough is calculated by the size of the population living within 2 miles of the Green Chain.

Southwark Extension

5.3 Southwark Council in 2 004 (through the Community Council) agreed to fund £20,000 towards a feasibility study to consider an extension of the Green Chain into their Borough . The proposed extension would add some 60 hectares of open space to the existing Green Chain and i ncludes a number of key landmarks, open spaces and places of interest that will enhance the Green Chain. Open spaces include Crystal Palace Park in Bromley , Sydenham Wells Park and the Horniman Gardens in Lewisham Borough and and Dulwich Wood in Southwark. Cultural features/visitor attractions include the Horniman Museum, , Cemetery and the dinosaur sculptures at Crystal Palace Park .

5.4 The final draft of the consultant’s feasibility study was published in July 2006. The study incorporated a detailed review of the proposed extension, the primary green spaces and landmarks, a schedule of costs and - in response to issues raised by the Green Chain Officer Working Party - the criteria by which extensions to the Gree n Chain should be evaluated and how these would be addressed were made explicit.

5.5 It was presented to the Green Chain Officer Working Party in January 2007 and there was broad support by representatives of all the four partner Borough s that it met the extension criteria as agreed by the Green Chain Joint Committee.

5.6 The Chair man of the Working Party forwarded an “in principle” letter of support to Southwark Council stating that the extension proposal would be recommended to Members of the Joint Committee . It was considered by the Green Chain Joint Committee on 4 September 2007 and it was agreed to recommend the extension for agreement to the four Green Chain partner Borough s – Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham. Assessment against extension criteri a

5.7 The extension criteria agreed by Green Chain Joint Committee provides the “benchmark” by which Southwark Council’s request to join the partnership has been considered. These criteria are outlined below under their respective elements, and to what extent Southwark Council has addressed them.

5.7.1 Principle:

• Extension must add to and enhance the concept and brand of the South East London Green Chain network of open spaces. As set out above the proposed extension will add some 60 hectares of open space t o the existing Green Chain and includes a number of key landmarks, open spaces and places of interest that will enhance the Green Chain brand. Open spaces include Crystal Palace Park , Sydenham Wells Park and t he Horniman Gardens in Lewisham and Dulwich Par k and Dulwich Wood in Southwark. Cultural features/visitor attractions include the Horniman Museum, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Nunhead Cemetery and the dinosaur sculptures at Crystal Palace Park.

• It must form a physical extension to the existing Green Chain network. At present the Green Chain Walk culminates at Crystal Palace Park. Its designation as Green Chain would link the existing Green Chain open spaces with those of the proposed extension.

• It must form, or be capable of forming, a network of linked open spaces . The majority of the open spaces that form the proposed extension are contiguous i.e. they are adjoining open spaces. Where not, they embrace the Green Chain principle of linked open spaces.

• It must provide an opportunity for an extension of the Green Chain Walk . The Green Chain Walk would be extended by approximately 7.4km.

5.7.2 Constitutional: (applies if extension is outside one of the existing four Green Chain Borough s)

• Request for extension must come from relevant Borough Council. These cr iteria apply - representatives of Southwark Council ha s liaised with the Working Party and its Members have formally endorsed the proposal.

• Borough must commit to the Green Chain objectives. In joining the partnership, Southwark Council ha s committed to supporting the Green Chain Objectives as set out in Joint Committee’s Terms of Reference and 5 year Management Plan .

• Borough must make commitment to attend at Member level the Green Chain Joint Committee and at officer level the Green Chain Officers Worki ng Party . Southwark Council ha s agreed that it is committed to attendance at both Officer and Member level.

5.7.3 Financial

• Council must contribute on an annual basis to Green Chain Joint Operational Fund on the established calculation . Southwark Co uncil ha s agreed to make an annual contribution to the Joint Fund. The initial contribution in 2008/09 would be £13,839. This is consistent with the established calculation. This funding will be sourced from a growth item within its forthcoming budget.

• Council must pay all of costs (or a relevant proportion of the costs) of changes to:

Green Chain Walk Signage (resulting directly from the extension) . Southwark Council ha s secured £150,000 of funding that is ring -fenced for capital improvements identified in the feasibility study. This would pay for all high and medium priority improvements to the strategic walking route required within the Borough . Any additional improvements required to the Green Chain Walk as a result of the extension will be secured th rough Transport for London funding , i.e. it will not be funded through the Joint Operational Fund.

Promotional material – e.g. overview leaflet, route guide, web site, notepaper, travelling displays, information boards. These costs will include an initial payment for the immediately needed changes e.g. notepaper, then phased in as the items above are changed in the normal course of maintenance and updating e.g. information boards. Southwark Council will fund an initial sum of £5,000 to meet any immediate costs to include items such as stationary. Any additional costs will be phased in over a 5 -year period as and when this is required. It is anticipated that (as in previous years) this will be funded primarily through external funding sources.

Green Chain GIS extension . The Green Chain Project has secured funding of £20,000 for improvements to the GIS system through SELTRANS. An estimated £2,000 of this secured funding will be used to provide additional GIS support for the extension into the Southwark Bou ndary.

5.7.4 Planning :

• Extension land is or is proposed to be designated as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and Green Chain in Borough s Unitary Development Plans (UDPs) / Local Development Frameworks (LDFs). All the proposed open spaces identified in the f easibility study are currently MOL in the recently adopted Southwark UDP and the relevant plans of Bromley and Lewisham.

• Planning Policy in UDP / LDF supporting Green Chain objectives. The Green Chain objectives will be identified and reflected in the e merging planning policy of Southwark Council’s LDF.

• Green Chain Walk to be shown in UDP / LDF . The proposed extension of the Green Chain Walk will feature in any revised LDF of the relevant Borough .

Other issues 5.8 A consequence of the extension pro posal into Southwark is that additional open spaces within Bromley and Lewisham that are currently MOL would need to be designated additionally as Green Chain .

6. Financial Implications

6.1 The Council’s contribution to the Green Chain Joint Operational Fun d (currently £15 ,762.21) will not be altered by inclusion of Southwark into the Green Chain. Southwark Council will contribute an additional proportional sum to the Fund.

6.2 Capital enhancements detailed by the Southwark feasibility study made various rec ommendations. The Green Chain Officer Working Party have identified that these works can be phased in over time and that the priorities should be determined by the Working P arty . It has been agreed that the London Borough of Lewisham & L ondon Borough of Br omley shall not pay directly for these capital works as it will be funded from T ransport for London sources such as, The Strategic Walks Network.

7. Legal Implications

7.1 The Green Chain joint committee was established to promote and achieve the ob jectives and policies set out in the 1977 Green Chain Policy Document. It is not a joint committee for the purposes of S101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and therefore has no power to carry out functions on behalf of the Boroughs of which it is comprise d. Any recommendations made by the committee have to be referred to the individual Boroughs to be considered in accordance with their respective decision making processes.

7.2 As identified at paragraph 3.1 the need for designation of Sydenham Wells Park and Telegraph Hill Park as Green Chain will be addressed through the LDF process which will include all necessary statutory consultation and procedures.

8. Crime and Disorder Implications

8.1 The crime and disorder implications are positive as one of the main objectives of the Green Chain is to encourage greater usage which when achieved helps to deter or drive out antisocial or criminal behaviour.

9. Equalities Implications

9.1 Access to and use of the Green Chain and the Green Chain Walk is fr ee throughout the year. All residents and visitors to the Borough have a right to enjoy, learn about and make use of the Green Chain. All the promotional material is available in other languages on request and this helps ensure the right of access and enjo yment is there for all cultures, ages and abilities and that information and knowledge about the Green Chain is promoted to the widest audience possible without preference, prejudice or prior assumption.

10. Environmental Implications 10.1 The environme ntal implications of the Southwark extension are positive as the new route will require the phasing in of associated infrastructure such as, interpretative signage, seats, drop kerbs and crossings.

11. Conclusion

11.1 The proposed extension of the South East London Green Chain in the London Borough of Lewisham and into the London Borough of Southwark and the inclusion of Southwark Council as a member of the Green Chain Joint Committee will strengthen the existing network and partnership. It will form a p hysical extension and help to enhance the concept and brand . The Joint Operational Fund will benefit from the London Borough of Southwark’s additional annual contribution. If members agree the proposed extension there will be no new revenue implications fo r Lewisham and the Borough will not pay directly for the capital works needed which will phased in and funded from TfL sources .

12. Background documents and originator

12.1 For further information please contact Nick Pond on 020 831 7 2007 or nick.pond@lewish am.gov.uk

12.2 Joint Committee Extension Report 04.09.07

12.3 Extension of the South -East London Green Chain into Southward Feasibility Study July

12.4 Green Chain Management Plan: 2003 – 2008

12.5 Green Chain Policy Document, 1977