Essays In Political Economy FROM THE LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE The Revolution of 1935: The Secret History of Social Security By Gregory Bresiger1 Social Security was not just about the provision of publicly funded old-age pensions in the name of social insurance. It was designed as a tool of macroeconomic policy, a social arm of central planning passed in age of boundless faith in the power of the state. As such, the program was steeped in economic fallacy and became an integral part of the discredited Keynesian plan to turn stones into bread. Far from achieving its stated aims, it helped prolong the Great Depression and has contributed mightily to the decline of American liberty. 1 Gregory Bresiger is assistant manger editor of Traders Magazine and a business and financial writer/editor in Kew Gardens, New York.
[email protected] Brad Edmonds helped with editing. © 2002 Essays in Political Economy 2 _______________________________________________________________ Section I: peaks and valleys of deflation and 4 Introduction inflation.” Social Security was representative of A second American revolution national planning schemes, some of occurred almost 70 years ago. On which had been tested during World August 14, 1935, after very little War I and regained popularity with public or congressional debate, intellectuals after the crash of 1929. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Many intellectuals believed the signed the Social Security Act into government could wage war on law on. Many of his allies were poverty and, by using the techniques disappointed because they wanted of wartime planning so popular with more than the act provided; FDR progressives during World War I, assured them much more was manage the business cycle.5 coming.2 He said, on signing the bill into law, that Social Security Social Security was a Keynesian “represents a cornerstone in a device meant to ensure that buying structure which is being built but is 3 power would remain strong in times by no means complete.” In the midst of high unemployment.