Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-04-24

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-04-24 fESTIVAJ, '. PL,UL1SH1ilU BY T H ri :, l' U U E N T T H l~ u ~' .0\\ A VOLBr IOWA CITY, IOWA, ~"""":"'r' MORNING, APRIL 1910 Number 134 ZET·.HlW PLAY ON TUESDAY: lUORNlNGSlDE'S TE1U1 HERE; ~RY(f HfRf TOMORROW; IOWA CITY PEOPLE IN OAS,], MUSICAL ASSOCIATION }1EET HA WI(EYES TO}tOUROW 600D OUTLOOK AHfAD JO Bf 6UfST Of HONOR [,'irst Amateur Oomedy or the Yeat· COMPLfTfLY ORGANllfD ,j iOOl's !\laking Long Tour of State fOR SCHOUL OflMUSIC Will be Presentet\ TIlls Week. MANY FUNCTIONS PLAXNED l<~ OR EFFICIENT Sl'STEl\1 IS HEADED OOLLEGE OF FTh'E.ART I THE BY COMPETENT COUNCIL. HOPE OF DR. C. R. FISHEll. FMlOUS VISITOR. An evening of fun is scheduled for (By D. A.) local tbeatre g0ers next Tuesday Rested and refreshed after th ir ong Writing Being Encouraged- tilt with the hitless blunderers from I'Jans lire Being Made fol' ExptlJ18Jon I:ngllsh Ambll8sador HIlS Long List night. when the annual Zet-Hep Play of Honors--Will Deliver Oon· will be glvan at the Coldren. Thr.t Commlttee of Judges is Appoint· Coe, the eleet will tackle Morning- of 1\Iusical Interests Along Pl-o. ed to Select Winners June 1. gressive Line . "ocntlon Address. clever English eomedy; "Christophflf slde's aggregation tomorrow after­ .Juntor." is the vehicle which has noon at 3: 45 on Iowa Field. th~ (By Prof. C. H. Weller) (By Dr. C. R. Fisher.) England's "first citizen" in tal~ tetln ehosen for the best e1forts of tile weather man permitting. Gentle Jan· country. Rt. Hon. James Bryce, to- amateur stars. and the play In lt~elf The University Music association uary blizzards drifting softly down The state University of Iowa has . of the State University of Iowa, to use all through the long afternoon ye~ter- fully established its elaim to be one morrow wIII be a b e gues t 0 f h onor Cl is enough to recommend the entll''3 " the university and of Iowa City. As ],Jroduction to those who enjoy tho the official title, is organized, as the day brought back sweet memoril'fI of the fir&t of American universities a speaker at the forty-fourtil eonvo- lighter side of life. It will be the preamble of its constitution declares. ot the days of the fireside circuit aDu as an educator in the professions and CO) "to promote the musical interests of in the general utilitarian branches of ration. on The art of pub ic speak- first pure comedy presented by any the hot stove league. • the University and of Iowa City." Its scholarship. ing." he will command an audience university organization this year; Morningside has been preparing {OJ' tbat will tax t~e capacity of the aud- and it wlll be genuine comed"y of the component parts are the Choral soc!- the fray for a long time. staging reg. During the past three or four years itorium. He probably will consider better sort-not the farcical kind in ety. the Men's Glee club. the Wo- uJar combats with Towne's Sioux some endeavors have been made to hiR subject as exemplified by English which the fat man draws a laugh by men's Glee dub. and the Orchestra. ('Ity Packers in the practice seao;on. introduce subjects of the acknowledg orators of the last generation. fnlilng over a barre!. Every act The association was first organb~tld During the past week the team j,U!! ed aesthetic order. such as the study !n April, 1908, and was ineorporatell of drawing and music. Ambassador Bryce is best known abounds in wit. with a clever plot been touring the state. piling up a The new state board of education tJ students and townspeople because concealed under the humor of the under the laws of the state of Iown. cheekered career. On Tuesday tll~ iu fully allve to the value of this of his "American Commonwealth," a play. In the following fall. Provision is 1\lethodistt! met tbe Aggie bunch a~ standard text-book since 1888. Uti- It would bardly be possl'ble tor thl3 made for the recepUol' of additional Ames in a. cruising tcn-lnning battle pbase ot education. both as a means ireraity authorities have been trylng poorest cast ever put together to musical societies which may be form- "'hlch tbe farmers managed to drag ot mental development and as a refin 'nl- A-"-ft d D f ed later. "own the best end of a 5 to 4 count. ing agent to brlgbten the communal to 0 bLAU4 ILI.UQAsa or ryce or a spoil "Christopher Junior" entirely. u The affairs ot th association are in life f the state at large. tonvocation partly because he Is an and the cast which w1ll present it 'J'he next day they took on Kirl{' ~ In authority on American institu- Tuesday evening is hardly of the charge of the MUSiC Council which ilii Simpson prodigies at Indianola, At the present moment It is not composed of the senate board of quite certain how much can be ac- HODS. kind mentioned. Miss Blanche "Chick's" men coming out 10sres 4 to The program for Ambassador Bloom. who is in charge ot the pia.!'. music. the secretary ot the alumni !! . Morningside was easy for Hlgh- compllslled towards establishing a nryce as arranged is. for Monday. b lieves that the members are as association. tbe presidents of the sev- land Park's three-quarter pro. bun('h complete college of fine arts next ses- - PHI ) t b b iii eral music societies. and the occupant 011 Thursday. while Frid .. y .... game at sion, in the university, but all is in 3::1 0 • m. arr va, 0 e met y pro tic ent n the r parts as It is pos- n '" of the chair of music in the universi- Leander Clark broke up In a severe favor of a wide expansion of the pres &nJverSity regiment and band. sible for amateurs to be, and that ty as a member ex-officio. The pres- ent limited factors. at present In evi· 4:00 Received by President an] one of the most effective and best­ difference of opinion with the scorll ent members are Professor C. H. tied in the ninth. The invaders were dence. \\l1. MacLean at the PresideDL's cbosen troupes which ever appearE'd Weller. chairman and president ex- The fiue !lrt are generally under· !OIlSe. In a university production will be unable to play yesterday. so Ulbsvp officio of the association. Prot 'e,.3or G. two days of rest before tnckling thtl stood to include music, drawing. 6:00 Dinner tendered by President se('n in this_ play. _ painting, architecture. schulptllre anll and Mrs. MacLean to Rt. Hon. James Iowa City. as usnal, furnisiws F. Kay, Dean A. M. Kllngenhagell. Hawleeyes tomorrow afte)'noon. Professor E. Morrow, Lieut. M. C. poetry. The teaching of these sub­ nrree as guest of honor and members r.~l1 cb of Lhe talent for the produc- The most important trip of tilt' I\lumma. Professorf C. R. Fisher. Mr. jects will embrace the theoretical. 0: the state board of education and tloD. Harold Thomas as Bellemy, the y-ear is scheduled to begin Wednes­ E. C. Robbins, as secretary of the day when the wbole encampmt:-nt historical, analytical, synthetical ami President of colleges of Iowa as other young and busy lawyer Dorothy Fluke alumni assOCiation. Miss H. E. Howe. boards the rattler and heads for Be- technical, in each of the above men- !Ue8ts. v as I\lrs. Glib. Edith Rigler as Neill?. as president of the Choral societ.y. loit, where the local experts ,viII be tioned arts. 8: 00 Add ress b y A m bassador Bryr.e L. V{. Sp ncer as Simpson. and C. A. " e Mr. E. L. Consoliver. ItS president of Last session the musical courseEl II'O bably on " The art of Public Corey as Whimper. the butler. are all met on Thursday. Speaking," in DAtural science audl- natives of this place. Other prom!- the Men's Glee club, Miss M. lIfoor~. Thence the route leads to Madison. weremapped out along these lines, so I ~rl um. nent characters are Hilda Ellyson and as president of the Women's Glee and deadly combat with tbe Badgers thAt the scheme gave the &tudent art The dltltfnguished visitor will proll- Ray Beebe in the parts formerly club. Mr. E. W. Christopher, as pres- there w111 be the program on Fri- opportunity to qualify for graduation Ident of the orchestra. The council day. Another one-day stand at tl:e in any branch of music, with such ably remain in the city untll Tuesday played by Maude Adams and John holds monthly meetings and a quor- stronghold of the dreaded ILlJini in soUd education for the foundation as lOon when he will go to Grinnell. Drew, T. L. Brookhart in a comed), um consists of seven members. Urbana w111 complete the journey. w1ll assume solid musicianship by tuesday morning he will make a 'Phrt, and Otis Gilbrecht as GUb, the Among the duties of the council the tim a diploma b bt I d lour of Inspection of the unlversi- man who never speake but once. all hands returning to Iowa City tor e can e 0 a ne . are to appoint managers for each the third local game of the season The new bulletin still more eom- \! as be Is greatly interested in ed- music society and a treasurer of the pletely calls for both thoroughness of tiona) matters.
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