Birds Of Quakertown Swamp Checklist Keep track of the you find on your birding adventure through Quakertown Top 10 Interesting Birds Of Quakertown Swamp Swamp by checking them off here. This is a list of all birds observed during 1. American Bittern – Known for its 6. Red-shouldered Hawk – Returning to surveys conducted in 2000, 2003 and 2014 in Quakertown Swamp—that’s loud call “oonk-a-lunk” and distinctive the same nesting territory year after year, this markings that provide camouflage, this over 140 species! If you are an eBird user, we encourage you to report your hawk relies heavily on habitat preservation to elusive is very cryptic. When startled, keep its home safe. With a distinct barred red findings after your visit. it may freeze in place with its pointed breast and translucent crescents near the BARN OWLS FRINGILLINE AND OLD WORLD SPARROWS WAXWINGS skyward and sway slightly to blend in with wingtips, this hawk is a great year-round __Barn Owl CARDUELINE FINCHES AND __House Sparrow __Cedar Waxwing the wetland grasses. resident to spot.

BITTERNS, HERONS, AND ALLIES OSPREYS WOODPECKERS AND 2. Great Blue Heron – A large and ALLIES __American Goldfinch __Osprey ALLIES distinct bird, it has a specialized oil gland that 7. Yellow Warbler – A beautiful North __American Bittern __House Finch PIGEONS AND DOVES __Downy Woodpecker it uses for preening to aid in waterproofing of American summer breeding bird, the male often __Black-crowned Night Heron __Purple Finch __Mourning Dove __Hairy Woodpecker its feathers. Surprisingly, the Great Blue Heron performs a “circle flight” to defend its territory. __Great Blue Heron GNATCATCHERS __Rock Pigeon __Northern Flicker only weighs about 5 or 6 pounds (thanks to Breeding pairs may be monogamous for a season __Great Egret __Blue-gray Gnatcatcher PLOVERS __Pileated Woodpecker the hollow bones that all birds share)! A or more. __Green Heron GOATSUCKERS __Killdeer __Red-bellied Woodpecker __Least Bittern __Common Nighthawk RAILS, GALLINULES, AND __Red-headed Woodpecker heron rookery can be viewed on the west 8. Wood – Feeding in litter for invertebrates and on BLACKBIRDS __Whip-poor-will COOTS WOOD-WARBLERS side of Muskrat Road, especially in March shrubs for fruit, the wood thrush is a very unique in that it can __Baltimore Oriole GREBES __American Coot __American Redstart and April before the are out. sing “internal duets” with itself. Its y-shaped voicebox allows it to __Bobolink __Pied-billed Grebe __Common Moorhen __Black-and-white Warbler 3. Wood Duck – With lovely ornate lines harmonize notes with itself. Males tend to do more feeding of the chicks __Brown-headed Cowbird GROUSE, TURKEYS AND __Sora __Black-throated Green Warbler on their bright green heads, they are __Common Grackle OLD WORLD QUAIL __Virginia Rail __Blue-winged Warbler in the first part of the year to allow females to start a second brood. beautiful birds to view. As a cavity nesting __Eastern Meadowlark __Ring-necked Pheasant SANDPIPERS AND ALLIES __Canada Warbler bird, they are one of a few duck species 9. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher – This is the only __Orchard Oriole __Ruffed Grouse __American Woodcock __Cerulean Warbler truly migratory gnatcatcher and may rebuild up __Red-winged Blackbird __Wild Turkey __Least Sandpiper __Chestnut-sided Warbler that can grip bark and perch on branches to seven nests in a single breeding season in CARDINALS AND ALLIES GULLS __Spotted Sandpiper __Common Yellowthroat thanks to the claws on their feet. an attempt to raise a successful brood. By __Blue Grosbeak __Great Black-backed Gull STARLINGS __Hooded Warbler 4. Baltimore Oriole – With blazing orange __Indigo Bunting __Herring Gull __European Starling __Kentucky Warbler flicking its tail from side to side, the blue-gray __Northern Cardinal __Laughing Gul SWALLOWS __Louisiana Waterthrush colored feathers, the adult male is a striking bird to gnatcatcher is able to scare up bugs to eat. __Rose-breasted Grosbeak __Ring-billed Gull __Bank Swallow __Northern Parula see. They build distinct hanging nests out of 10. Common Yellowthroat – It predominantly __Scarlet Tanager HAWKS, EAGLES, AND __Barn Swallow __Ovenbird woven materials. forages on or near the ground and will even eat CHICKADEES AND TITMICE ALLIES __Cliff Swallow __Pine Warbler 5. Willow Flycatcher – Like other Flycatchers, its song is innate __Black-capped Chickadee __Bald Eagle __Northern Rough-winged Swallow __Prairie Warbler dirt to possibly aid in digestion or add minerals to __Carolina Chickadee __Broad-winged Hawk __Purple Martin __Prothonotary Warbler (inborn), not learned like the songs of most other . As with its diet. Males have a bright yellow throat and __Tufted Titmouse __Cooper's Hawk __Tree Swallow __Worm-eating Warbler a few other bird species, the Willow Flycatcher may deal with Brown breast plus a thick dark mask. Females have a CREEPERS __Northern Harrier SWIFTS __Yellow Warbler -headed Cowbird eggs in their nest either by covering them in nest yellow throat and more of a dull olive-gray color __Brown Creeper __Red-shouldered Hawk __Chimney Swift __Yellow-breasted Chat lining or simply building a new nest on top of the first one. over their body. CUCKOOS __Red-tailed Hawk THRUSHES __Yellow-rumped Warbler __Black-billed Cuckoo __Sharp-shinned Hawk __American Robin __Yellow-throated Warbler __Yellow-billed Cuckoo HUMMINGBIRDS __Eastern Bluebird WREN DUCKS, GEESE, AND __Ruby-throated Hummingbird __Veery __Carolina Wren Tips For Your Visit SWANS JAYS AND CROWS __Wood Thrush __House Wren __American Black Duck __American Crow TYPICAL OWLS __Marsh Wren  During the hunting season (approximately October through January), please wear orange outerwear __Canada Goose __Blue Jay __Eastern Screech-owl __Winter Wren and be careful when visiting any properties. __Common Merganser __Common Raven __Great Horned Owl  We all need to steward and care for the land to ensure its longevity for the future, so take out Pennsylvania Endangered or __Hooded Merganser __Fish Crow __Northern Saw-whet Owl anything you bring in with you. No littering please! Threatened Species __Mallard Duck KINGFISHERS TYRANT FLYCATCHERS  In order to protect important vegetation in this habitat, please stay on trails where available. __Mute Swan __Belted Kingfisher __Acadian Flycatcher  Please note that many areas within the swamp are temporarily or seasonally flooded, so wear your __Wood Duck AND __Eastern Kingbird EMBERIZIDS __Eastern Phoebe muck boots and please be careful. __Chipping Sparrow __Brown __Eastern Wood-pewee  Do not feed or harass wildlife. __Eastern Towhee __Gray __Great Crested Flycatcher  Take only pictures and memories. Do not remove any plants, rocks, or other natural items from the __Field Sparrow __Northern __Willow Flycatcher swamp. __Grasshopper Sparrow NEW WORLD QUAIL VIREOS  There are no restrooms available in the swamp, but there are local restaurants and stores in __Savannah Sparrow __Northern Bobwhite __Red-eyed Vireo Quakertown Borough, which is located about 3 miles away from the swamp via Rte. 309 or Rte. 313. __Song Sparrow NEW WORLD VULTURES __Solitary Vireo  If you intend to have more than 10 people on the State Gamelands, please contact the Southeast __Swamp Sparrow __Black Vulture __Warbling Vireo Division of the State Gamelands at 610-926-3136 or 610-926-3137. FALCONS __Turkey Vulture __White-eyed Vireo  __American Kestrel NUTHATCHES __Yellow-throated Vireo The Heritage Conservancy property trail is maintained by staff and volunteers. To get involved, __White-breasted Nuthatch please contact us at 215-345-7020. Get To Know Quakertown Swamp

Quakertown Swamp has long been recognized as an exceptional wetland For The Birds! habitat, encompassing an area of approximately 518 acres of land in Richland, To preserve and protect our natural and historic heritage East Rockhill and West Rockhill Townships, of which Heritage Conservancy 215.345.7020 owns and preserves 70 acres. Quakertown Swamp is one of Heritage Conservancy’s Lasting Landscapes®, an initiative that unites open space 85 Old Dublin Pike  Doylestown, PA 18901 protection and historic preservation comprehensively at the “landscape level.” The protection of this vast area of contiguous land helps to sustain this important natural resource for the benefit of the entire ecosystem. Heritage Conservancy has facilitated in the preservation of over 12,000 acres (and counting!) of Quakertown Swamp is among the largest inland wetlands in southeastern farmland, forest, watersheds, wildlife habitats and Pennsylvania, and it is home to a diverse array of plant and life. The open space in this region. This land will remain intact diverse habitat includes open water along Bog Run, shrub wetland, cattail for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations. marsh, wet meadow and forested swamp, which provide a haven for a variety of wildlife species, in particular—birds! The swamp supports several Heritage Conservancy also identifies, documents, rare bird species and has been designated by the National Audubon Society and protects structures that characterize this region as an Important Bird Area. In fact, the swamp is home to what may be the and its rich history by recognizing their architectural largest Great Blue Heron rookery in eastern Pennsylvania. integrity and historical significance. Visit our website or reach out to us at 215-345-7020 to learn more Because of the swamp’s unique nature, it is also listed as a Wild Plant about how we are helping to provide a better quality Sanctuary by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and it’s categorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as Parking of life for our community and how you can get an all-important wetland area. Heritage Conservancy involved. Property State Gamelands #139 and other preserved ______Not only does Quakertown Swamp open space support plant and animal life, but it also Quakertown Swamp

This project was funded in part by a grant from the provides a benefit for our community. Railroad Swamps store water during floods, Community Conservation Partnerships Program Municipal Boundary preventing costly flood damage to Pond under the administration of the Pennsylvania downstream areas. Also, their dense Department of Conservation and Natural plant growth absorbs pollutants from Resources, Bureau of Recreation in support of water, which helps to maintain our the Schuylkill Highlands Mini-Grant Program region’s water quality. administered jointly by Natural Lands Trust and As you tour through Quakertown the Schuylkill River Heritage Association. Swamp and admire the sights and sounds of its flourishing bird population, keep in mind the importance of preserving this vital natural resource and the work that goes into maintaining it. We hope that Access Areas: The key areas for bird viewing are at the 70-acre property owned by ______Heritage Conservancy and the Pennsylvania State Gamelands #139. Parking for access to you enjoy Heritage Conservancy’s For The Birds! A Birding Guide For portions of these properties are off of Paletown Road near Route 313 for the Heritage Thank you to our volunteers who helped with Conservancy property and a small gravel pull-off on the State Gamelands at Muskrat Road collecting bird data and to Diane Allison for Quakertown Swamp. and Rich Hill Road. sharing her expertise. Thank you to Diane Allison and Curtis Cowgill for contributing the **Note: The Heritage Conservancy parking area is a grassy driveway with room for about one or two cars. Please be careful when turning photographs for this brochure. Photos are around to avoid disturbing the vegetation and watch out for wet spots to avoid getting stuck. Much of the land in and around the swamp is copyrighted. privately owned, so please do not enter private property unless you have been given permission. Park on road sides at your own risk.