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Banestorm Book.Qxp INDEX Acid swamps, 220. Bardic colleges, 53. Cities, see Ruins, Towns. Djinn and Djinn Lands, 120, Adrien Dorilis, 145-146. Basilisks, 219. Citizens, 49. 125, 174-178; Ascended Ah, 153. Battle Wizard template, 204. City guards, 49; template, One template, 188. Al-Ab’ra, 125. Bears, 219. 217. Dogs, 229. Al-Abyad, 125. Beggar template, 211. City of the Dead, 97. Dolphins, 180; template, 189. Al-Haz, 120-128. Benedictines, 106. Claudius Maskill, 94. Donlis, 117. Al-Wazif, 129-137. Bilit Island, 78, 108. Clerical Investment Dragons, 20, 31, 97, 108, Alchemists’ Guild, 51. Blacksheep, 229. advantage, 67, 75, 119, 145-146, 153, 226- Alchemy, 23, 28, 153; Blackwoods, 16, 18, 98-99. 79, 183. 228; meta-trait, 227; as alchemist characters, 206; Blainthir VII, 162. Code of Honor disad- PCs, 228; religion, 83; skill, 186. Blind Lars, 172. vantage, 41, 185-186. templates, 227-228. Alcohol, 68, 118, 124, 125, Blueshoal River, 137. Coins, 44. Drift Abbey, 13, 105. 142. Blythe, 118. Comic fantasy, 232. Durham, 116. Alhallabad, 128, 129. Bounty Hunter template, Company of Adventurers, Durinann II, 162. Aliar, 140. 204. 146. Dwarves, 17, 18, 100; arts, Alimar, 141. Bronwyn of Durham, 116. Company of Merchants, 36; in human society, 39; Alternate Identity Brothers of Mercury, 101. 146. outcast, 14, 160, 166; advantage, 183. Buddhism, 79, 80. Conall VI, 16, 110-111, 114; religion, 81; template, Amalric ibn-John Bulgaren, 164. see also Caithness. 189; women, 158; see at-Ten-Tiri, 142. Bushwolves, 219. Conspiracies, see Secret also Zarak. Amnesia disadvantage, 185. Caithness, 13, Societies. Dwarvish language, 33. An’Fo’Tama monks, 80; 14, 36, 47, Constantinians, 65. Eagles, great, 194. template, 213. 109-119. Control Rating, 84. Earth, 16, 186. Anglish language, 33. Caius of Minder, Cost of living, see Wealth. East Tredroy, 143-144, 146. Animal Handling skill, 224. 143. Cottars, 38. Economics, 44. Animals, 218-229; intelligent, Calder, 141. Courtier template, 205-206. Ekarron III, 161. 194; PCs, 222. Calendar, 5. Craine, 98. Ekhans, 97. Ansonne, 105. Camels, 228. Crazy Ghalib, 125. Elves, 18-19, 119; arts, 35; Anthemius Crivelli, 140. Campaigns, 230-237. Creatures, see Animals. High Council, 6, 19; Arabic language, 33. Cantors, 75. Crime, see Law. in human society, 39; Aralaise language, 33. Cardiel, 13, 47, 137-148. Criminal guilds, 51, 147. religion, 81; ruined cities, Araterre, 12-13, 31, 47, Carrick, 115. Crusades, 9, 66. 174; template, 190. See 103-108. Carrier pigeons, 229. Cults, see Secret Societies. also Dark Elves, Djinn, Architecture, 38. Castle Defiant, 14, 164. Cultural Familiarity Half-Elves, Sea Elves. Arenas, 87, 96-97. Catherine “la Noire,” 107. advantage, 183. Elvish language, 33. Armsmen’s Guild, 51, 90. Catholicism, see Christian Curia, 61. Emperor, see Diophrates XII, Arnod de Sauvons, 105. Church. D’baajori, 219. Simon Menelaus. Artifacts, 23, 26; see also Cats, 108, 218, 229. Dance, 35-36. Ental Island, 103. Relics. Cattle, 219, 229. Dark Elves, 6, 7, 18; religion, Entertainer template, Artisan template, 211. Caustiguses, 220. 81; template, 191. 206-207. Arvey, 98. Centaurs, 22, 142, 167; Dark fantasy, 231-232. Epic fantasy, 232. As-Siyassi, 133. religion, 83; template, Deer, 218-219. Eternal, 83. Ascended Ones, see Djinn. 188. Deerwood, 115. Exorcism skill, 186. Assassin template, 202-203. Channeling advantage, 183. Defenders of the Shaded Eyes of Heaven, 155. Assassins’ Guild, 51, 72, 147. Characters, 182-217, 235; Woodlands, see Dark Falcons, 148, 229. Asteroids, 6; see also playing yourself, 236. Elves. Faramon of Aliar, 140. Meteorites. Charlatan template, Dekamera, 97, 134. Fealty, 45. Astronomy, 6; skill, 186. 204-205. Demons, 53, 57, 77, 92, 186, Fencing skill, 104. Autheuil, 134, 135. Chemistry skill, 186. 220. Ferrier, 118. Azer, 96. Chinatown, 148. Deneral of Mershall, 116. Feudalism, 45. Balikites, 72-73, 128. Chivalry, see Knights. Denton, 117. Firuz, 127. Banestorm, 5, 7-8, 12, 125, Chocolate, 108. Dervishes, 67; template, 213. Fordham, 116. 158, 179, 180, 234, 235; Christian Church, 10, 13, Detect Banestorm spell, 25. Franciscans, 62, 63. spells, 25. 57-65. Diophrates XII, 86, 89, 92. Freelance Wizard template, Bannock, 136. Christianity, see Christian Disciplines of mysticism, see 207. Bard template, 203. Church, Protestants. Mysticism. Friedrichites, 61; template, Bard-Wizard lens, 204. Church, see Christian Diseases, 32, 127; magical, 213. Church. 28. 238 INDEX Frontier Wars, 16, 136. Hidden Lore (Earth) skill, Languages, 33, 183. Mershall, 115. Gabrook, 7, 21, 82, 192. 186. Law, 34, 44, 87; Al-Haz, Meteorites, 25, 26, 112-113. Gambler template, 211. Hidelban, 93-94. 124-125; Al-Wazif, 132; Michaelites, 64; template, Gargoyles, 190; template, High TL advantage, 183. canon, 58-60; Cardiel, 211-212. 190. High fantasy, 230-231. 139-140; Dwarven, 160; Milkfish, 229. Geb’al-Din, 66, 124, 126. High war, 152. Islamic, 67-69, 124-125; Min, 97. Gebel Thamad, 134. Hinduism, 78-79. Judaic, 74-75; Northman, Minder, 142. Gebel al-Hikmah 120, 126. Hippogriffs, 221, 224. 171; Orcish, 165; Ministry of Serendipity, 26, Genetics, 29. Hisham ash-Sharib, 132. Sahudese, 152-153. 30, 88-89, 97; agents, 205. Ghazi orders, 70. Hobgoblins, 21; religion, 83; Legal Enforcement Powers Minotaurs, 22; template, Ghouls, 28; template, 200. template, 193. advantage, 45. 196. Giant spiders, 220-221. Holy orders, 61-65. Legions, 47, 87, 96, 139. Missionaries, 214. Giants, 22, 167, 169; religion, Horses, 229; noble, 194; Lightbush, 94. Money, 44, 185, 187. 83; template, 191. pegasi, 224; unicorns, Literature, 36. Moneylending, 59. Ginnargrim III, 162. 225-226. Loren’dil, 7, 22, 83. Monks, 61, 80. Gnomes, 18; in human Hospitallers, 42, 61, 62, 99, Low TL disadvantage, 185. Monsters, 219-228; monster society, 39; religion, 82; 100. Low fantasy, 231. races, 197, 200-202. template, 192. House of Oak, 115. Low war, 152. Moon, 6. Goblins, 20, 98, 100; arts, Hunt Tower, 94. Lycanthropy, see Morkagast, 162. 37; in human society, 39; Hybrid animals, 224. Were-Creatures. Mosques, 67. names, 20, 88; religion, Hydras, 221-222. Maelstrom, 125. Music, 34-36, 53-54. 82; template, 192. Hyrnan, 98. Magery, 23-24; advantage, Muslim lands, see Al-Haz, Good Neighbor advantage, Identify Newcomer spell, 25. 183; genetics, 29; Al-Wazif, Islam. 184. Illiteracy disadvantage, 185. in nonhumans, 24. Myrgan, 96. Government, 45-49. Indulgences, 60. Mages’ Guilds, 51, 140, Mystery cults, 53. Great Desert, 173. Inheritance, 59. 146-147. Mystics and mysticism, 23, Great Eagles, 194. Insect Men, 162, 192; Mages’ War, 14. 26, 27, 67, 80; lenses, Great Forest, 120. template, 192. Mages, 23-24. 213; template, 212. Great Games, 132, 133. Intolerance disadvantage, Magic, 8, 16, 23, 28-29, 124, Myth parallels, 14. Greco-Roman cults, 77-78. 185. 131, 139, 152, 160, 165, Names, nonhuman, 20; Gryphons, 115, 221, 224. Islam, 65-73. 170, 236; cults, 78; Aralaise, 106; Caithness, Guilds, 50-51, 146-147. Isle Entelle, 103. diseases, 28; on Earth, 16; 112; Cardiel, 139; Gunpowder, 12, 26, 30-32, Jesuits, 64, 96, 103; lens, items, see Artifacts; Megalan, 88; Muslim, 53, 233. 215. necromancy, 65; and 122; Northman, 169; GURPS Dragons, 227. Jewels, 158. religion, 28; and science, Sahudese, 150-151. GURPS Fantasy, 4. 28. Natural Philosophy skill, GURPS Fantasy Mamoun al-Mansur, 123. 186. Adventures, 4. Mana, 6, 23; fluctuating, 24; Necromancy, 65, 97, 230. GURPS Fantasy: mana levels, 24, 176. New Jerusalem, 99, 100. Harkwood, 4. Manites, 94. Niall of Fordham, 117. GURPS Fantasy: Map key, 86. Nightstalkers, 223. Tredroy, 4. Jews, 9, 33, 123; characters, Marriage, 58-59, 68. Ninja, 153. GURPS Infinite Worlds, 14, 74; see also Judaism. Martial Artist template, 209; Nobility, 41-42, 45, 88, 150; 236. Jihads, 12, 13. Exotic Martial Artist purchased, 46; titles and GURPS Magic, 23, 25, 236. Jordan Siegebreaker, 63, 92, template, 210. fiefdoms, 46. Hadaton, 141. 93. Master Merchant job Noble Horses, 194. Half-elves, 39, 191, 200; Judaism, 73-75, 147; see also description, 211. Nomad Lands, 167-172. template, 191. Jews. Medicine, 32; see also Nomads, 128; 167-172. Half-orcs, 197, 200; Julnari dervishes, 67; Diseases. Norse cults, 78. template, 197. template, 213. Medium advantage, 183. North Tredroy, 134, 144. Halflings, 22; in human Jumper advantage, 183. Medusas, 194; template, 194. Northern Barbarian society, 39; religion, 83; Kethalos, 96. Megalos, 9, 85-102; City of template, 212-213. template, 192-193. Kharijites, 71. Megalos, 89-93. Northern Marches of Hardings, 229. Kinkaku, 154. Mehan, 94. Megalos, 94. Harkwood, 118. Knights and knighthood, Mercenaries, 168; Northland language, 33. Harpies, 221. 40-41, 42, 45, 70-71; Mercenaries’ Guild, 146; Nuns, 61. Hashish, 72, 125. female knights, 40, 112; Mercenary Captain job Nyodo, 153. Hashishin, 72. Knight-Errant template, description, 210; template, Oakwood, 118. Healer template, 208. 208-209; lenses, 209. 209-210. Oaths, 59, 68. Heavenking, 80, 149, Kobolds, 21; religion, 82; Merchant template, 210-211; Oceans, 178-180; see also 155-157. template, 193. Master Merchant job Maelstrom, Pirates, Ships. Hellsharks, 221. Kosher, 75. description, 211. Octopus folk, 196; template, Heolford, 168. Krakens, 223. Merchants, 40; see also 196. Heraldry skill, 41, 186. Laborer template, 211. Trade. Ogres, 20; religion, 82; Heresy, 60-61, 68, 71, 94. Ladino language, 33. Merfolk, 22, 180-181; template, 196. Latin language, 33. religion, 83; template, 195. Old Religion, see Paganism. INDEX 239 Olokun, 7, 22, 83. Rank advantage, 184. Skill tech levels, 186. Thaumatology, 29. Olybrians, 62-63, 214. Raphael, 100. Slavery, 42-43, 59-60, 68, 87, Theater, 34-35. Orclands, 163-167. Redhall, 116. 113, 122, 144. Theology, see Religion. Orcs, 14, 19-20; religion, 82; Reeks, 224. Snatcher advantage, 184. Thieves’ Guild, 51, 101, 147. template, 196; see also Relics, 59. Social Regard advantage, Thomasites, 64; lens, 215. Half-Orcs, Orclands. Religion, 56-83; and magic, 184. Thransiravst, 163. Orcslayer, 4; see also 28; nonhuman, 81-83; Social Stigma disadvantage, Thulin X, 163.
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