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Stuck in a revolving door : secularism, assimilation and democratic pluralism

Jansen, H.Y.M.

Publication date 2006

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Citation for published version (APA): Jansen, H. Y. M. (2006). Stuck in a revolving door : secularism, assimilation and democratic pluralism.

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Filmss and television programmes

TheThe Headmaster and the Headscarres (2005) Dir. Elizabeth Jones. Broadcast on 29 March 2005,, BBC 2 SubmissionSubmission part 1 (2004) Dir. Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Theo van Gogh. Broadcast on 29 Augustt 2004, Nl. 3 Sunshi>ie.Sunshi>ie. Ein Hauch von Somienschein (1999) Dir. Istvan Szabó.

Remarkk with regard to quotations from A la recherche du temps perdu

II always refer to the Pléiade edition of A la recherche du temps perdu, unless otherwise indicated. .

Remarkk with regard to quotations from the French

II have onlv given the French originals of those works with official English translations inn the quotes from the work of Marcel Proust. The literary character of his work and myy close readings of it made it necessary to give both the French original and the translation.. Of all other works, I give only the English translation. Translations from Frenchh works without an official English translation are my own. In those cases, 1 also givee the French original.

Remarkk with regard to the illustrations in chapter five

Threee illustrations (figures 1, 2 and 4) were made from digital photos taken of the reproductionss in Pierre Nora's Les Licux de Mcmoire (1992) [Realms of Memory (1996)]. Thee third illustration is a copv of the cartoon from the Internet site listed. If anvone wouldd like to claim copvright over these illustrations, please contact the author. Figuree 1. 'La declaration des droits de I'homme et du citoyen' ['The Declaration oi the Rightss of Man and the Citizen']. Affiche de Charles Foumigault, 1905. Bibliotheque nationale,, Paris. Photo © Bibl. nat. Figuree 2. 'Choisis, tu es libre' ['Choose, you're free']. Drawing bv Auguste Roubille for aa special issue of the anarcho-svndicalist magazine L'Assiette an Beurre, on the freedom off education, 1904. Photo Jean-Loup Charmet. © SPADEM, 1992. Figuree 3. 'Respect'. Drawing by Gustave-Henri Jossot for L'Assiette an Beurre, 1907, availablee at [6 June 2005] Figuree 4. 'Toujours les idoles' ['Idols forever']. Drawing bv Jules-Félix Grandjouan for L'AssietteL'Assiette an Beurre, special issue on the freedom of education, 1904. Photo Jean-Loup Charmet.. C SPADEM, 1992.

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