Clark Terry Name Discography Compiled by Tom Lord This Clark Terry name discography is an extract from The Jazz Discography by Tom Lord. The Jazz Discography is the only general jazz discography compiled in a database. It includes almost 39,000 leaders, over 196,000 recording sessions, over 1.1 million musician entries and over 1.2 million tune entries. Details can be seen at . This detailed name discography of Clark Terry has been prepared as a companion piece to Clark Terrys autobiography. A summarized version of this name discography is included in the book. The discography includes 902 recording sessions from February 1947 to July 2008. It includes 788 sessions with Clark Terry as a sideman and 114 sessions with him as a leader. Included are 2584 unique musicians (total 12,604 entries) and 3403 unique tunes (total 7735 entries). The discography is organized chronologically by recording session. The leader of the session is listed at the top of each session in large bold print. Each session is organized with a session number (for easy reference) along with the group name, musicians including instruments, the recording location and the recording date. Tunes are listed with matrix numbers in a column to the left and releases to the right. Album titles are shown in underlined bold print after the session number or in the footnote to the session. The following five pages list abbreviations used throughout the discography. Then the 172 pages of the discography are listed. November 5, 2010 Tom Lord
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