Download Nuru and Bovis Criminal Complaint
gii==5flEnG.,.i-,:Tf? E ImIf FILrD r, ,-." ,,r,,r a ^" Umrpp SrarBs Dtsrrucr Corrnr susAN y. sooNc ror the NSAiI! Br,',Bf;P,Bl?pJ#,I,^ Northern District of California United States of America ) ) MAG Case No. MOHAMMED COLIN NURU and ) NICK JAMES BOVIS ) I 80 ?0028 ) ) ) Defendant(s) CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. On or about the date(s) of March 22,2018 in the counties of San Francisco & San Mateo in ttre Northem District of California , the defendant(s) violated: Code Section affense Description 't8 u.s.c. ss 'r343, 1346 Honest Services Wire Fraud Honest Services Wire Fraud This criminal complaint is based on these facts: Please see the attached affidavit of FBI Special Agent James A Folger d Continued onthe attached sheet. 4d-**a'Ffu Approved as to form James A. Folger, Special Agent, FBI AUSA Scott . , Printed name and title I I ,.,,11, , Swom to before me and signed in my presence. ,, Date l-t j,'b Judge's signature City and state: San Francisco, CA Hon. Sallie Kim, U.S. Magistrate Judge Printed name and title 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNITED STATES DISTzuCT COI.IRT 11 NORTFTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA t2 SAN FRANCISCO DTVISION 13 LINITED STATES OF AMEzuCA, ) AFFIDAVIT OF FBI SPECIAL AGENT JAMES A. l4 ) FOLGER IN SUPPORT OF CRIMINAL Plaintifl ) COMPLAINT 15 ) v.- ) I.INDER SEAL 16 ) MOHAMMED COLIN NURU and ) 17 NICK JAMES BOVIS ) ) 18 Defendants.
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