CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E790 HON
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E790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 7, 2018 Mr. Speaker, at the height of the Civil War HONORING ANGEL ANDERSON 238). Had I been present, I would have voted in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln wrote, Yes on final passage. ‘‘Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everywhere, HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON This bill is the result of a strong bipartisan who bravely bears his country’s cause.’’ Each OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA process, and includes multiple projects bene- of us in this chamber and in this nation should IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ficial to Colorado. be humbled by the courage of these brave f veterans who put themselves in harm’s way Thursday, June 7, 2018 for our country and way of life. As a nation, Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HONORING GORDON L. ‘‘BOX’’ we can never fully repay the debt of gratitude ask the House of Representatives to join me BOCHER owed to them for their honor, commitment, in congratulating Angel Anderson and her and sacrifice in defense of the freedoms we store, The SpiceSuite, on becoming the 2018 HON. THOMAS MacARTHUR have today. District of Columbia Small Business of the OF NEW JERSEY My colleagues, please join me in thanking Year. This distinction is awarded as part of our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 21st annual District of Columbia Small Busi- these veterans and the volunteers of Honor Thursday, June 7, 2018 Flight of Central Oregon for their exemplary ness Fair, which we are holding today at the dedication and service to this great country. Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today This year, we are proud to honor Angel and to honor the service, scholarship, and con- f The SpiceSuite, a store located at 6902 4th tributions of Maj. Gordon L. ‘‘Box’’ Bocher, Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20012 where United States Air Force, retired. Specifically, THE ASTRODOME: THE EIGHTH customers can customize spice blends and I’d like to recognize his recent essay based WONDER OF THE WORLD AND find unique products like coconut vanilla in- upon his experiences during the Vietnam War. NOW A TEXAS STATE HISTOR- fused honey and blueberry sugar. Angel A resident of New Jersey, Maj. Gordon L. ICAL MARKER opened The SpiceSuite just two years ago as ‘‘Box’’ Bocher served in the United States Air the manifestation of a dream she did not know Force from January of 1968 until June of she had, and has since cultivated it into a 1980. HON. TED POE community staple. A D.C. native, Angel grad- From February of 1972 until February of OF TEXAS uated from Banneker High School, and went 1973, Gordon. served in the 16th Special Op- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on to earn both her bachelor’s and master’s erations Squadron as a Fire Control Officer degrees in psychology from Howard Univer- (FCO) assigned to fly the AC–130A Gunship. Thursday, June 7, 2018 sity. After completing her studies, she worked During that year, he flew over 170 combat sor- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as the in education for nine years, focusing mainly on ties. He was in-theatre when the armistice was Houston Astros lead their division, underserved communities. Angel began her signed in Paris on January 27, 1973. While Houstonians can’t help but look forward to an- teaching career at the District’s Oak Hill Youth compiling research for his book and doing other exciting season of Astros baseball. As Center, eventually moving on to be a coun- speaking tours, Gordon found a great deal of the home of the reigning champions, the peo- selor and later an assistant principal at the misinformation regarding the last year of the ple of Houston have a lot to be proud of, and Cesar Chavez Public Charter School. Vietnam War. He felt compelled to tell his a lot to remember. The SpiceSuite is an extension of Angel’s story through an informative essay detailing Today Astros games are played in the passion for community service. She operates his experiences. beautiful Minute Maid Ballpark, however many the store as an avenue to promote other Mr. Speaker, the people of New Jersey are of us old timers remember watching the women-owned small businesses by sharing its tremendously honored to have Maj. Gordon L. team’s first game in the Astrodome in 1965. space with these businesses to launch and ‘‘Box’’ Bocher, Ret. as a dedicated member of There was simply nothing else like the Dome. sell their products. She has offered this oppor- our community. It is because of his honorable The players would stand in centerfield and try tunity to over 200 small businesses to date, at service to our nation, his dedication to his to hit balls straight up to see if they could hit no cost to them. Angel continues to employ community, and his work to honor the memory the roof. It was a marvel for both the players the various platforms at her disposal to en- of all who served alongside with him, that I and fans. It was the world’s first domed sta- gage the public and advocate for the under- rise to recognize his scholarly contributions dium, the only stadium in sports to offer luxury served. before the United State House of Representa- suites, and—since everything is bigger in Our fair highlights the importance of small tives. Texas—the largest dome on Earth. businesses to the District’s economy. It pro- f vides critical information, counseling and re- Home to the Houston Astros for three dec- EMBRACING AUTISM ades, the stadium has seen thousands of peo- sources to aspiring and current D.C. small business owners. Small businesses are a cru- ple from all over our country. But Mr. Speaker, HON. TED POE baseball fans were not the only ones making cial lifeline in our local economy, and the Dis- OF TEXAS their way through the iconic Dome’s doors. trict thrives because of the expanding success Elvis Presley performed seven times in the of small businesses throughout the District. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stadium, the Battle of the Sexes tennis match We thank the Washington Convention Center Thursday, June 7, 2018 for hosting us again this year; the workshop was played here, and the world famous Hous- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ton Livestock Show and Radio was held in the experts who are providing valuable information and assistance to small businesses; and, of transitioning into adulthood from high school to Dome for many years. Though the Dome has college can be a difficult time for anyone. Bal- seen its fair share of cowboys, movie stars, course, all of the small business participants. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- ancing things such as what classes to take for and baseball players, perhaps its greatest mo- your major, meeting new people, and finding ment was when it was transformed into a atives to join me in congratulating Angel An- derson, as well as in celebrating small busi- time to study can be overwhelming. Now home for over 60,000 refugees fleeing the de- imagine doing all of those things while having struction of Katrina. nesses across the District. In the District and in districts around the country, small busi- autism. The Astrodome is not an abandoned base- nesses continue to make indispensable con- Shaelynn ‘‘Shae’’ Castle was initially diag- ball stadium; it is a part of Houston and Texas tributions to our economies and communities. nosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis- history. Nicknamed the Eighth wonder of the order in elementary school. It wasn’t until mid- f world, the Dome is a landmark loved by all dle school when she was properly diagnosed Houstonians. Just recently it received its fitting PERSONAL EXPLANATION with autism. Shae struggled socially and aca- designation as a Texas Historic Landmark. demically, but with the support of her family Though it has gone its many years without of- HON. JARED POLIS and the Humble ISD Mosaic Program, she ficial recognition, the Astrodome has always OF COLORADO worked hard to learn the skills to advocate for been admired by those Houstonians and Tex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES herself. ans who know its history. Now, the Astrodome The Mosaic Program helps people with dis- takes its proper place in Texas history as an Thursday, June 7, 2018 abilities from ages 18 to 21 transition from official Texas Historic Landmark. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I was absent for high school to become more independent And that’s just the way it is. the vote on passage of H.R. 8 (Roll Call No. adults. While attending Mosaic, students have VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:05 Jun 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K07JN8.003 E07JNPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS.