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Thursday, June 28, 1894.


CONCORD, N. H.: Printed by the Republican Press Association, 1895. —


Vermont— Hon. J. S. Morrill, George S. Worcester, Esq., Miss Margaret Fletcher, Miss Kate L. Dodge. — Hon. Ira Colby, Prof. T. W. D. Worthen, Mrs. S. A. Cobb, Mrs. H. S. Currier.

Massachusetts—Hon. H. J. Boardman, Miss Eliza P. Hood,

Mrs. I. B. Swift, Mrs. A. M. Clough. Rhode Island—Hon. T. W. Bicknell. Connecticut—Rev. William S. Palmer, D. D. New York Wilson Palmer, Esq. Washington, D. C.—Gen. John Eaton.


Thomas W. Bicknell, 145 William Street, Providence, R. I. Prof. Thomas W. D. Worthen, Hanover, N. H.

George S. Worcester, Thetford, Vt. 1501

It is natural that both those who were present at the Thetford Academy seventy-fifth anniversary and those who were not,

should desire what is reported as nearly as possible as it occurred—a plain, unvarnished tale—therefore the day's pro- ceedings are given in their order.

The first price named for the pamphlet would not, on the orders given, cover the cost of printing, and would not war- rant the publication. The price now named will barely do

this, postage to be added. Fortunately the lowest prices have been secured for engraving and printing of illustration and text. ^ There has been no fund to draw upon. All the work of prepar- er ing for the anniversary and that of preparing the record has -^ been performed without compensation. The extended corre- spondence by different ones has been no little expense. The

^. reward must be the pleasure afforded those interested, and the

^Sl aid which it is hoped may accrue to the renewal of interest in

"^ the Academy and its enlargement for the future. The fullness of "Notes of Doings " varies with the data furnished either by g. the persons themselves or by some friendly acquaintance, always ^ remembering that the whole has been subject to severe reduc- ".^ tion on account of the limited space allowed. The illustrations ^ may be said to be an afterthought. One and another expressed 6 a desire for Dr. Orcutt's picture, those wanted Mr. Hood's, and

then others were asked for, when, after consideration, it was M decided to start a Thetford gallery and include all whose pict- ' ures would be furnished and the printing paid for either by ^ themselves or their friends. This entailed delay and a great Q amount of correspondence. No one can regret so much as the editor that dozens and dozens of others addressed by him,

,,j. have not responded favorably, or that space and expense have

'^ so limited the notes attempted. How abundant and rich the 420840 material for a history ! The result is before you. In all this gathering of personalia there has been the feeling of special regret that so little can be given at this time to those loved ones who have left the school of life before us. May be, if the Academy rises in the future as we hope, there will be those personal records and aids which will render this possible. This publication can only attempt to be a report of the anniversary and of the personal doings furnished by those who have taken a greater or less degree of interest in it. Without this aid, the roll of the fourteen hundred students still alive would be im- possible. Brief and imperfect as it is, how many memories it

will revive ! how many friendships renew ! May it all bring fruit in the renewed and prolonged vigor of the Academy. The Editor. :


The survival of Thetford Academy, substantially without an endowment, through all depressions and vicissitudes, is under God a triumph of wisdom, devotion, and sacrifice. The story of the efforts of those who have stood by it can never be told. In their prayers and efforts they turned to the multitudes of former students. Several years ago George S. Worcester, Esq., consulted with Dr. S. C. Bartlett, president of Dartmouth col- lege, and later, at his own expense, went to Boston to confer with Hon. Messrs. Hood and Boardman, Drs. Orcutt and Bick- nell, and others. They encouraged his efforts and the result was Dr. Bicknell accepted the invitation to deliver an address at the closing exercises of the Academy in 1893. Friends began to look up lists of former students and solicit their attendance. A class of seven graduated. Some old friends gathered and letters came from others. All agreed something could and must be done. Messrs. Hood, Bicknell, Worthen, Churchill, Farr, and others made stirring speeches. Dr. Bicknell threw himself into the effort with his usual enthusiasm and read a poem at the banquet under the title of " The Old Mill," whose lessons were heartily appreciated. Its first and last stanzas were

"'Twas only a day or so ago,

I came by the old stone mill

Where in boyhood's days I carried my grist.

But the mill was grinding still.

Thank God, I said, with all that's changed

The old stones are grinding still. And memory blesses the golden day

When I carried my grist to mill."

It was unanimously voted to hold a reunion of former teachers and students in 1894. It was noted that Dr. Orcutt and all but 6

three of his successors were living, and it was hoped they would be present. Mr. Hood, who had been eight years connected with the academy as student and teacher, by his presence and en- couraging words added much to the strength of the movement. Immediately Mr. Worcester and his family began to secure the addresses of former students, and the committee led by Dr. Bicknell stirred up the enthusiasm by letters and circulars. THE DAY.

Thursday, the 28th of June, 1894, the day appointed for the reunion, opened auspiciously. Those who had arrived the night before began their personal greetings at dawn. Old buildings and places of interest were visited. The arrival of extra coaches and private carriages constantly added to the happy multitude.

Rev. Mr. Slade, a native of the hill, describes the scene. "As the hour of 11 a. m. arrived, the time appointed for the reception to former teachers in the old Academy Hall, the greetings of teachers and pupils was made the freest and heartiest gathering of that full day. The recognitions and hand-shakings began in front of the Academy and continued on the worn steps and up the crooked stairways. When the company finally reached the familiar hall and saw the old table and the well known black- boards and bell rope, and many of the old seats where their backs had ached in unison, it seemed as if the years had fled and they were back again at school. Yet old memories came so fast, dear faces were there that they loved when they were young, and had never ceased to love, and others as dear were invisible, whether to laugh or cry they hardly knew. On mo- tion of Dr. Bicknell, General Eaton was called to preside, and Rev. Wm. S. Palmer, D. D., offered prayer. General Eaton guided the introductions and greetings so that the whole occa- sion was kept on the glad side of the scales. And all knew each other very quickly, though perhaps separated by many terms in the life of the school. The old teachers, so far as present, each recalled some pleasant memory and gave a word of good cheer. Among those present we recall, Mr. F. W.

Newell, the present principal, J. N. Mallary, Mr. French, Wm. S. Hazen, Mr. Hood, and Mr. Cummings, who brought his greeting in the evening. When " King Hiram," as the com- pany persisted in calling him, though he has many an honorable title attached to his name, arose there was such a hubbub as he never allowed within those walls. This welcome he returned with words so vigorous and full of friendship and good will that his old friends were confident he had sometime drunk of the fabled fountain of immortal youth. A few of the assistant teachers were present. Rev. Charles Caverno, Mrs. Carleton Frost, Miss Eliza P. Hood, Prof. Woodworth, Miss Etta F. Morse, with the present assistants. Miss Margaret Fletcher and Mrs. F. W. Newell. These and many other friends of the academy were present whom the genial General compelled at least to face the laughing company, while he gave their names and a pleasant word of introduction. No shorthand notes were taken of the speeches of the day. As an illustration of the brief responses in the hall, we are able to give the following substance of the remarks by Prof. Wood- worth of the University of North Dakota, and of Dr. Caverno

of Colorado :

Rev. Charles Caverno, LL. D., of Boulder, Colorado, spoke

of the delight it gave him, after forty years of absence, to return to Thetford, and look once more on the familiar academy build- ings and the beautiful hill country round about. It was a joy beyond measure to meet some of the pupils with whom he had toiled in No. 3, over the rudiments of Latin, Greek, and the higher mathematics. It was here that he met her who after- wards became his wife, Abbie H. Smith of Waitsfield, who was also an assistant teacher during the year Mr. Caverno taught. She has gone to the reward of all faithful work here, but not till she had seen her children far advanced in their educational career. There was a wealth of tender feeling that came to him out of the memories of his connection with Thetford Acad- emy, which is priceless. Prof. H. B. Woodworth of the University of North Dakota at " Grand Forks, after a happy word of greeting, said : The thing

I dreaded most was declamation day, and when it was announced that only volunteers would be called upon for the first Wednes- —


day, it was a great relief, for there was a respite of a week at least. But alas for my dreams, for forthwith one Hiram Orcutt came around (and we all know he was very liable to come around, sometimes at unreasonable hours), with a book in his hand. He had a piece for me to speak, and so I was compelled to volunteer. The declamation began, Mr. President,

Happiness is like a crow perched upon the top of a far distant moun- tain, which some fisherman vainly strives, to no purpose, to ensnare, etc.

This did not make me an orator, but it did help me to break the ice and helped me to get over my squeamishness. I think of no better way to express my thought of the work done by this Academy and its honored principal when I was a student here. To energize a boy or a young man with the thought that he can do something, and because he can he must, and to per- suade him to take the first steps, which are often the most •difficult,—this is a very important part of the educator's work; in that way lies success. It seems to me now, in the review, as if some of us almost thought the existence and dignity of Thet- ford Academy rested on our shoulders. I am sure I, for one, never dreamed that any other institution could equal it. If I could have foreseen that I should ever reach the dignity of occupying the chair of associate principal I suppose that even the building itself could not have contained me. But how we grew, while we were students here ! How meek we felt when we entered, and after our first effort at debate in the "trundlebed" lyceum ! But, Mr. President, do you remember when we went out, after our masterly efforts in the Greek and Latin dialogues and the rotund English orations that the door was scarcely wide enough ? And have we not been shrinking ever since ? The president introduced me as coming back from what was so recently a wilderness larger than the wilderness of sin. I sup- pose he meant the great American desert as outlined in the old

(Olney's or Malt de Brun's) atlas. Well, there is sin enough out there, but it is largely the result of immigration from the

East, and I see, as I come back, that it has not all emigrated. There is still a little hanging around New York and Washington. That reminds me that the world's greatest need, east or west. 10 north or south, is men and women who not only know their rights and dare maintain them, but who know their duties and have the courage of their convictions. My conviction is that

Thetford Academy is worthy of all honor for her share in the contribution of that material which is the world's greatest need.

For one I can say, I shall ever have grateful memories of him who was so large a part of Thetford Academy in those old stu- dent days, and whose personal influence and efforts laid me under lasting obligation."

Before adjourning those present voted to form an association

of former students and elected the following officers :

Honorary President—Hon. Justin S. Morrill, U. S. Senate. Honorary Vice-President—Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, U. S. Senate. President—Thomas W. Bicknell, LL. D. Vice-Presidents—General John Eaton, Washington, D. C, Rev. Wilson Farnsworth, D.D., Caesarea, Turkey, Horace W. Thompson, Esq., Bellows Falls, Vt., Rev. Wm. S. Hazen, D. D., Northfield, Vt., Hon. Edward Conant, Randolph, Vt., Mrs. Ada E. Worcester, Thetford, Vt., Prof. T. W. D.

Worthen, Hanover, N. H., Prof. J. S. Angell, Lewiston, Me.,

Hon. J. Halsey Boardman, Boston, Mass., Mrs. Isabel B. Swift, Wellesley Hills, Mass., Mrs. M. A. Talcott, Provi- dence, R. L, Rev. Wm. S. Palmer, D. D., Norwich, Conn., Hon. A. W. Tenney, New York, Rufus O. Hazen, M. D., New York, Rev. C. B. Hulburt, D. D., Ohio, Hon. C. C. Conant, Greenfield, Mass., Wm. L. Worcester, M. D., Flint, Mich., Orlando C. Blackmer, Chicago, Mrs. Mary C. Leavitt, California, Mrs. Jonathan E. Fletcher, California, Wm. E.

Barnard, California, J. Edwards Fay, Esq., Chicago, Hon. Henry A. Morrill, Cincinnati, Ohio, Rev. D. D. Marsh, D. D., Connecticut, Hon. S. R. Bond, Washington, D. C, Prof. H. P. Montgomery, Washington, D. C, Rev. Alvah Hovey, D. D., Newton, Mass., Rev. E. F. Slafter, I). D., Boston, Mass., Hon. Fred Bates, Titusville, Penn. Secretary—Geo. E. Kinney. Treasurer—Geo. S. Worcester.

The assembly, on breaking up, participated in a picnic lunch, thoughtfully and generously provided by residents of Thetford

'jfiJ =i%.i4 .. "41


11 and neighboring towns. The most was made of the flying moments for renewing old acquaintances and recalUng memories of other days.

Hiram Orcutt, LL. D., of Boston, Mass., was born in Acworth, N. H., February 3, 1815. In early childhood he was frail. His minority was spent in labor upon the farm with short intervals, each year, in the poor district schools of that day, and two or three terms at the academy. After fifteen months of preparatory study, extending over a period of three years, he entered in 1838, and graduated with his class in 1842, having been absent teach- ing six terms during his course to earn the money with which to pay his expenses. Immediately upon graduating he entered upon his life work, as principal of Hebron (N. H.) Academy, having taught ten terms in district and high schools before graduating. From the summer of 1843 to the autumn of 1855 he was principal of Thetford Academy. From 1855 to 1880 he was principal of three ladies' seminaries, North Granville, N. Y., five years ; Glenwood, West Brattleboro, Vt. (he was the founder of this school), eight years ; Tilden, West Lebanon, N. H., six- teen years. Three years of this time he ran both Glenwood and Tilden, seventy miles apart. During the forty years of his school life Mr. Orcutt had under his charge more than five thousand different pupils. In 1880 Mr. Orcutt left the schoolroom to engage in business in Boston, where he has been the last fifteen years, as one of the proprietors of the New England Publishing Company. He has seen eighty summers yet he is doing full work in his place every day, storm or shine, at 3 Somerset street. His life has been laborious and eventful. He has taken no vacation for mere rest or recreation. He has enjoyed his toil as a summer's holi- day. The teacher's life is necessarily full of care and labor, yet Mr. Orcutt found time to write extensively for the press on the current topics of the day, and several books which have been published from time to time. In connection with a college " classmate, he published the " Class Book of Prose and Poetry (for use in schools). Then followed " Gleanings from School Life Experiences," " The Teacher's Manual," " Home and School " " Training," School- Keeping : How to do It," and Among the Theologies." All these have passed through several editions, and some have reached a circulation of more than a hundred thousand copies. 12

Mr. Orcutt was active in forming educational associations and lecturing before institutes in Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York ; was for four years editor of the Vermont Sc/ioo/ jfoiirtial, and for four years superintendent of schools in Brattle- borough, Vt., and Lebanon, N. H.

During 1869, 1870, and 187 1, Mr. Orcutt represented the town of Lebanon, N. H., in the general court at Concord. Among the bills which he drafted that became laws were the bill to establish the normal school at Plymouth, the bill to make attendance upon public schools compulsory, and- the "Enabling Act," which authorized the towns to change the district to the to7vn system. For six years he was supervisor and trustee of the normal school. Mr. Orcutt received the degree of A. M. from Dartmouth in in in 1845 ; LL. D. from Bates College in 1880; and 1892, the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation, he was elected honor- ary member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society by the Dartmouth Chapter at Dartmouth College. Mr. Orcutt has been twice married. First in 1842, to Miss Sarah Cummings. The children of this family, born in Thet- ford, were J. Frank, who died in infancy, and Mary Frances, now Mrs. Goold of Lebanon. Second in 1865, to Miss Ellen L. Dana. The three children of this family were born at West Lebanon, N. H.—William Dana, a graduate of Harvard, and author of the much commended " History of Dorchester; " Laura

Ames, now Mrs. Charles R. Webster of Chicago ; and Nellie Wallace. For sixty years Dr. Orcutt has been an active member of the Congregational church, and for the last six years deacon. His influence as a teacher was of that rare order which it is difficult to describe in terms, and which to be understood must be felt. His own purposes and character, his example, the atmosphere about him, were adapted to arouse one to make the most of himself. Time and talent were gifts to be used to the utmost advantage—no room for idleness, nothing for waste. He sought to know what was in a young person —what he was capable of doing, and he had rare power in arousing one to do his utmost. How many under his influence first felt in their souls the touch of fire from heaven ! He aroused the dormant intellect, created within the individual new aspirations, and helped to form the purpose towards the highest results. How many, until they became his pupils, never thought of going to college, or never thought of Christ as their Saviour ! He was a great character builder. He helped many young men and women to positions where they could not help themselves. And


13 how many received pecuniary aid from him no one can tell. How many in these pages give loving testimony to the aid they have received from him ! Nay, look over the land and see how many there are to rise up and call him blessed ! (See historical discourse and notes.)

Gilbert Edwin Hood, son of Deacon Harvey and Rebecca (Smith) Hood, was born at Chelsea, Vt., Nov. 21, 1824, and lived upon his father's farm until he was twenty-one years old. He attended district school summer and winter until he was eleven or twelve years old, and winters until he was seventeen, then a private school in his native village one winter and two fall terms—Randolph Academy the fall term of 1843, and Thet- ford Academy one year, 1846-1847. He entered Dartmouth College in 1847 and graduated in 185 1. He taught school winters from the time he was eighteen years old until he gradu- ated from college, working on his father's farm every vacation until his last year in college. He was associate principal of Thetford Academy from the beginning of the summer term of 1851 until the end of the summer term of 1854, and principal from 1855 to 1858. He then went to Boston, completed the study of the law, which he had commenced at Thetford, was admitted to the bar and prac- tised one year. (See historical discourse and notes.) He then removed to Lawrence, Mass., and began there the practice of law in April, 1859. Since that time Lawrence has been his home and he has been identified with the best interests of the city during his entire residence there. He has been city solicitor, associate justice of the police court, and has held other minor offices which did not interfere with the work in which he was at the time engaged. He has been superintendent of the public schools of the city for twelve years, president of the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation ten years, and president of the Lawrence city mission since 1876. He is a member of the executive committee of the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society and a member of one of the Congregational churches of the city, of which he has been one of the deacons since he first came to Lawrence. He has been treasurer of the Broadway Savings Bank since 1877. He married Frances Elizabeth Herrick of Peabody, Mass., May 13, 1852. She was born September 17, 1828, and died September 18, 1891. They had no children. In 1861 he was made chairman of a committee of the enrolled men of the city and remained such during the war. He is one of the best known and most trusted men in Lawrence. 14

Rev. Prof. Horace Bliss Woodworth, son of Urial and Amanda Allen Woodworth, was born in Chelsea, Vt., March i, 1830, attended Thetford Academy, and leaving in 1850, gradu- ated at Dartmouth in 1854. He was one year principal of

Gilmanton Academy, Gilmanton, N. H. ; two years associate principal in Thetford Academy; three terms principal Chelsea

Academy, Chelsea, Vt. ; two years in the Theological Seminary at Andover and East Windsor Hill (now Hartford Seminary, at

Hartford, Ct.), graduating in 1861 ; from i86i to 1869 he was pastor of the Congregational church in Hebron, Ct., and of the

Congregational church in Ellington, Ct. ; three years pastor of the Congregational church in Charles City, Iowa; about eight years pastor of the Congregational church in Decorah, Iowa. His health failing, he engaged in farming three years and a half in South Dakota ; after this he became professor of psychology, ethics, and history, in the University of North Dakota, at Grand Forks, N. D., where he is in his tenth year of service. He married, August 6, 1857, Phoebe, daughter of W. B. Clark, of Lyme, N. H. His daughter is teaching with great success in Minneapolis.

Rev. Leonard Tenney, son of Captain Benjamin and Betsey

Taylor Tenney, was born in Groton, N. H., August 5, 1814. He worked on his father's farm or attended the district school till the spring of 1833, when, under the instruction of Rev. Henry Wood of Haverhill, N. H., he began the study of the Latin grammar. A year later he entered Kimball Union Academy. From that time till the summer of 1836 he was pre- paring to enter college or earning money with which to pay current expenses. After graduating from Dartmouth in 1840, he spent one and one half years teaching school. In the spring of 1842 he entered Andover Theological Seminary. Graduating in 1844, he began a ministry of thirteen years in Jaffrey, N. H. In September, 1857, he began a pastorate in Thetford, Vt., which contiuued ten years and had close connection with the work of the Academy. (See historical discourse.) His third pastorate was in Barre, Vt., beginning January i, 1868. Re- signing in May, 1886, he purchased a home in Waterbury, where he still lives. During his college and theological course he instructed some twenty-five hundred pupils in vocal music. He taught a select school, one term, in Lyme, N. H., and was prin- cipal of Hebron Academy two terms in 1841. He was school commissioner for Cheshire county two years from 1855, and a superintendent of schools twenty-five years. He represented the town of Thetford in the legislature in 1866 and 1867. REV. LEONARD TENNEY.


June 26, 1875, ^^^ '^^^^ joined in marriage to Miss Malvina Baker, of Lebanon, N. H. Their children are one daughter and three sons. These are outlines of a noble, successful, and useful life. Mr. Tenney, as a teacher and superintendent of schools, was wise and popular, as a preacher always interesting and instruct- ive, and as a pastor he had no superior. He easily gained and held the love and confidence of his people, and for years after leaving his parish has, in many instances, been called back to conduct the funerals of the dead.

Rev. Charles Caverno, LL. D., was born in Strafiford, N. H., in 1832. He fitted for college at Gilmanton, N. H., and gradu- ated in 1854 at Dartmouth. (See Historical Discourse). He taught one year at Thetford with marked success. On leaving Thetford Mr. Caverno entered the Law School at Albany, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1856. He then went to Lockport, N. Y., and entered the office of his uncle, Sullivan Caverno, Esq. There he received the appointment of superintendent of schools of Niagara county. He held this office until 1857. He then removed to Milwaukee, Wis., where he practised law for five years, and was president of the Young Men's Literary Association, whose library after- wards became the nucleus of the city library. In i860 Mr. Caverno was elected to represent Milwaukee in the state assembly, and did important service on the judiciary, bank and banking, and railroad committees. Owing to serious trouble with his weak eyes, and nervous prostration, he was compelled to abandon his profession and retire to the farm. Thus engaged he began organizing Sabbath- schools, and was frequently called upon to officiate in the pulpit. This turned his attention to the ministry. He was licensed and preached one year to the Congregational church in Waukesha, Wis. He then spent a year in the Theological Seminary at Chicago. On leaving the seminary his first pastorate (for five years) was at Lake Mills, Wis. His second was (for three years) at Amboy, 111. His third was (for fifteen years) at Lombard, 111. The last seven years he has been pastor of a church at Boulder, Colo. During his ministry Mr. Caverno has been a constant contributor to papers and periodicals, on topics of public and scholarly interest, and has prepared several treatises on social science and other subjects, some of which are not yet published. For two years Dr. Caverno occupied the chair of psychology 16 and ethics in the State University of Colorado, from which he received the degree of doctor of laws. Dr. Caverno has been twice married,—first to Miss Abbie H. Smith, with whom he became acquainted while teaching at Thetford Academy, She was a graduate from the Academy and for nearly three years a prominent teacher. (See Historical Discourse). A beautiful memorial by her husband was with a portrait printed for private circulation. It has been given to few women to show more marked ability and consecration than she did in her sphere. To her husband she was companion in every study and labor, and even eyes, when in the legislature and elsewhere his sight failed him. Appreciative of all the amenities of life and entering into the most trivial duties as performed unto the Lord, she had a mind which enjoyed the abstractions of mathe- matics and the severer refinements of logic. Her labors in the family and the parish were above praise. Their children, now living, are Julia H., a graduate of Smith College and now an assistant teacher of Greek in the college ; Doratha R., still a student in the college, and Xenaphon, gradu- ated from the University of Wisconsin, now superintendent of Coke and Gas Company of Kewanee, 111. His second marriage, in 1886, was to Miss Anna C. Matson of Lombard, 111. Dr. Caverno has led an active, earnest, and successful life, and is still a power in the pulpit and parish, and through the press.

Rev. Wm. S. Hazen, D. D., Northfield, Vt., was born, Hart- ford, Vt., August 18, 1836; graduated from Royalton Academy, 1854; from U. V. M., 1858; taught two years in Thetford Academy graduated from Andover Theological Seminary, ;

1863 ; began his ministry in Northfield in September of that year; ordained and installed October 12, 1864; town superin- tendent of schools two years ; member of the county board of

education two years, president one year ; chaplain of the state senate in 1884; in 1891 received D. D. from his alma mater. (See address in the evening.)

The time was too crowded for reading letters, but we are able to give the following from those formerly teachers : Prof. John W. Norton, at the last moment unable to be present, wrote from " Rutland, Vt. : I remember no work of my life with greater satisfaction than some I did at Thetford." Speaking of certain " classes, he says : The members were worthy of a medal. In them were iVlbert Porter, George Rogers, and William and Kitty



Worcester, Fjrankie and Julia Closson, Kate and Maggie Fletcher, and Miss Sherman. I have heard only good things of them ever since, and should be glad to take them all by the hand. I am sure of this, that they have illustrated well the fact that the good and faithful scholars in school make the good and faithful men and women."

Rev. Arthur Little, D. D., wrote from Dorchester, Mass. : I beg of you to let the friends who assemble this week to do honor to old Thetford Academy know why I am not there. An en- gagement to attend the commencement exercises at Berea Col- lege, Kentucky, this week, makes it impossible for me to gratify my wish to join in the celebration. My connection with the Academy, as substitute principal for my cousin, Charles Little, was only for a winter term, but, in the Providence of God, long enough to change my whole subsequent career. Thetford Academy and Thetford Hill are very dear to my heart. Very much indeed did I enjoy that brief winter of instruction, though I had some pupils who knew more than I did, especially in algebra. I remember once sending to Prof. Loomis of Yale College and the author of the algebra I tried to teach, for the solution of some problems that were too much for my non-math- ematical brain. A more rigorous winter I do not recall than that of i86o-'6i on Thetford Hill. Snow five or six feet deep and thermometer forty below zero. That is what makes men. Then there are other experiences and memories too sacred and personal for public reference. My heart turns back to that dear spot as the heart of a Jewish exile turned towards his be- loved Jerusalem. It is preeminently fitting that the seventy- fifth anniversary of Thetford Academy should be observed. What a centre of and fountain influence it has been ! It has blessed the whole earth. What an incredible amount of work it has done on a small, insignificant money capital ! What strong, self-reliant young men and women it has sent forth to work for humanity and God ! I wish it were possible for me to show my reverence for this honored mother by my personal presence. Assure all the friends of my presence with them in spirit and my sympathy with them in all the observances of the auspicious and august occasion. May the dear old Academy, which has stood a beacon light among those beautiful Vermont hills for three quarters of a century, round out the hundred years with increasing strength and usefulness. With glad salutations to all, I remain, etc. 18


At the appointed hour the happy multitude gathered at the church, falling it to overflowing. General Eaton presided. The

Rev. Alvah Hovey, D. D., S. T. D., president Newton Theological Seminary, offered prayer. Music was furnished by the band, and by Miss Julia F. May, a former Thetford student, now a favorite singer in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Accom- panied on the piano by Miss C. E. Worcester, Burnham Classi- cal school, Northampton, Mass., she sang with special effect

" When the Heart is Young." The historical discourse, re- quiring many months of research, was delivered by the Rev. Carlos Slafter, and the poem by Hon. Edward A. Jenks, A. M. HISTORICx\L DISCOURSE.

]]Y THE Rev. Carlos Slafter.

The Rev. Carlos Slafter, of Dedhani, Mass., son of Sylvester and Mary Johnson Slafter, was born in Thetford, Vt., July 21, 1825; became a student in Thetford

Academy in September, 1S41 ; began to teach in Fairlee, Vt., December 1841 6, ; taught in Lyme, N. H., four winters and one fall term; in Maiden, Mass., 1S46 to '47; '51 in Dedham, Mass., 1847 to ; in Framingham, Mass., High scliool, 1S51 to July '52; then forty year-s, 1852 to '92, in Dedham High school: entered Dartmouth College graduated, ordained deacon in Boston, i^'55 preached 1845; 1S49; ; occasionally; occupies his leisure in studying and writing. His uncompensated, careful studies in the history of Thetford Academy, and his able discourse cannot be too highly prized. January 11, 1895, ^^ '^^ celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the free school at Dedham, he delivered the historical discourse.

The planting of Thetford Academy which we, its students and friends, have come here to-day to commemorate, can be more intelligently treated if we consider briefly the preparation of the ground in which it was planted. For this Academy was not an accident, any more than was the golden wheat that covered the field of the first settler at the end of his second summer of toil. In fact, to comprehend the causes which in due time estab- lished on this hill that school whose light has never yet been hid, we must take into consideration the settlement and previous growth of the town. The geographical features of the township had a deciding influence on the order of its settlement. Along its eastern border were rich meadows and table lands which attracted the enterprise of the first immigrants. John Chamberlain, "the first that came on," the only settler in 1764, the Hosfords and Howards, the Smiths and Gilletts, and their friends, planted themselves along the bank of the Connecticut. The first mills for sawing and grinding were built on streams which then flowed copiously, but have now almost ceased to flow, into that beauti- ful river. The first place of worship, a log meeting-house, had its outlook upon the same river valley. To the west of this long stretch of inviting farm lands the 20 ground rose into a high, irregular, even mountainous, ridge, ex- tending from the north line of the township to the place where the nois}' Ompompanoosuc passes into the territory of Norwich. West of this long ridge, across which a road was practicable only at one place near its middle point, another attractive region was found. This offered to settlers excellent timber lands and much productive soil ; and the Ompompanoosuc, whose murmur is always suggestive of kinetic energy, promised an exhaustless supply of mill privileges. Into this diversified region settlers flocked during the eighties.

Wallace and Hubbard led the way, the first to establish homes west of the Ompompanoosuc. And when the Rev. Asa Burton had been the minister a few years, six or seven, and the log meeting-house of 1781 had been outgrown, and a new meeting- house was to be located, the control of affairs was found to be no longer in the hands of those living in the eastern section of the town. If the location was to be decided by a majority vote, there was danger that the new meeting-house would stand in sight, not of the Connecticut, but of the Ompompanoosuc river. Consequently, after much contention and bickering, a commit- tee of disinterested men from other towns was called in to determine the site of the proposed structure. The inhabitants of Thetford could not think of dividing into two separate parishes or societies, for the Rev. Asa Burton could not be divided, and his influence was controlling. Hence the decision of the committee was accepted as final. They located the prospective house of worship on the ridge dividing the two contending parties, about half way between the locations favored by the east and the west factions. In 1785 "the stakes were driven " at the highest point of the road which crosses the ridge. This determined the location of the oldest village in Thetford which was to spring up around the new meeting-house. Other things followed easily and naturally. The postoffice was soon established here, and Thomas Hopkins was the first postmaster. Joseph Reed and Loved Gary opened stores, Oramel Hinckley and Jedediah P. Buckingham law ofiices.

But the little village was verj^ quiet, stationary we may say, till 7. That year two enterprising young merchants consti- 18 1 21 tuting the firm of Latham & Kendrick removed hither from North Thetford, erected a store, a large one for those days, and a house which is still the largest dwelling house in the village.

This new enterprise attracted others to the place ; several new houses were built, and Dr. Burton himself had already trans- ferred his residence to the hill. The town meanwhile had become prosperous, and, with the ablest clergyman in the state for its minister, was ready for new enterprises. Dr. Burton's ministry, then of nearly forty years, had banished all local strife and divisions and had moulded the scattered inhabitants of the large township into a united and harmonious community. His influence had been deeply felt in matters connected with education. He had exerted himself to waken in the young a high regard for learning and a personal interest in it. He did this by visiting the schools regularly, conferring with the teachers, and keeping himself familiar with improvements in books and modes of instruction. Benevolent activities had been awakened and fostered by his faithful preaching and personal influence and example. A library was collected and a village lyceum organized in which the interests of education and other vital topics were earnestly and intelligently discussed. A benevolent society was formed and contributions were made in aid of an academy recently founded in Meriden, a village in the town of Plainfield, New

Hampshire. The records of that institution show, says its treasurer, " the receipt of several such donations from the Female Charitable Society of Thetford, and also $5 each from Silas and Mahlon Follet. These sums were sent by the Rev. Dr. Burton."

But in August, 1.8 18, the following entry was made in the " treasurer's book of Kimball Union Academy : By forty dollars from Simeon Short, Esq., treasurer of a charitable society in Thetford, Vt." We have been careful to verify this record, because it shows when, and by whom, the first conception of an academy in Thetford was formed. When Mr. Short, then a young lawyer, was returning from Meriden, whither he had gone simply to deliver the donation last mentioned, and was thinking over the errand he had ridden 99 so far to perform, his enterprising spirit suggested this question,. "Why not have an academy in Thetford, instead of sending our students so far away to one in another state and contributing " money also for its support ? This question having been once suggested occupied his thoughts during the rest of his solitary ride home. He debated with himself the possibilities of ac- complishing such a work. The more he considered the needs of Thetford and the neighboring towns, the spirit of ihe in- habitants, and the advantages of such a school, the more earnest and hopeful he became. After reaching home he took his tea that evening with Judge Buckingham. At the table he gave an account of the journey he had performed and its object, and then broached to the judge the subject which had employed his thoughts during his equestrian journey homeward. Judge Buckingham, always- eager to enlarge the educational privileges of young persons,, entered into the project at once, and even with enthusiasm. That same evening they called on Judge Loomis and Fitch. These gentlemen both thought the scheme good and feasible. The next day Dr. Burton was consulted, and then Judge Reed and the firm of Latham & Kendrick. All gave the object their earnest approval, and a meeting of the leadings citizens was held in Judge Buckingham's office the next evening. Mr. Short explained the purpose of the meeting, and Dr. Burton and Judge Buckingham advocated the project. There was no opposition or hesitancy. A subscription was then and there be- gun with liberal contributions, and at the end of a week sufficient means had been secured for the erection of an academy building.

The timber was all given, Colonel Lyman Fitch claiming the principal share of that generosity. Others who had little money gave work ; and there was no small emulation in carrying for- ward the enterprise. It is to be deeply regretted that no record of these contributions was preserved.

These facts relating to the first suggestion of an academy and the mode of carrying the plan into effect, were given to me by Judge Short in the summer of 1875. He was then in his eighty-ninth year, but his memory was still vigorous and accurate. Other persons have corroborated his statements 23

in all essential points. Therefore I do not hesitate to give him credit and the high honor of being the prime author and founder of Thetford Academy. The zeal and promptness of those who gave material form to his idea can be best understood from the fact that what was first thought of by a young attorney during a horseback journey from Meriden to Thetford on an August afternoon of 1818 went into full opera- tion on the 8th of February, 18 19. Six months after Simeon Short dreamed of an academy, the Rev. John Fitch took posses- sion of the completed building and began a successful term of six years' service. The immediate prosperity of the school depended largely upon the first preceptor. The testimony of those who were under his tuition is uniform in his praise. Senator Justin S. Morrill, who was a member of the Academy in 1824, says, " Preceptor Fitch was very able in Latin and Greek, and was a very thorough teacher." Mrs. Cheney, who, as Miss Lucy

Fletcher, was under his instruction in 1820, writes as follows : " He was one of the best of instructors ; had the gift of impart- ing knowledge to his pupils. I think he was a good disciplina-

rian ; never had any trouble with his scholars. He always gave them a short lecture Saturday noon before the close for the week, and these lectures were excellent. Monday mornings he always called on one of the students to give an account of the sermon of the previous day. One morning he called on a young man who began and went on and on till the preceptor said to " him, 'That is sufficient.' The Hon. William Childs of Fairlee once exhibited to me some very ingenious methods of working in the higher arith- metic which he had learned from Preceptor Fitch.

It is not necessary to adduce more testimony of his ability and worth. But you may be interested to know that he was the oldest son of the Rev. Elijah Fitch of Hopkinton, Mass., graduated honorably at Brown University in 1790, and settled as pastor of a Congregational church in Danville, Vt., about 1794. The Rev. Nathaniel Howe of Hopkinton, in a famous

centennial sermon preached in 18 15, when speaking of the family of the Rev. Elijah Fitch, whose early death was greatly 24

'* lamented, said : Rev. John Fitch is now one of the most respectable ministers of Vermont." A failure of health in 1816 led Mr. Fitch to resign his pastor- ate. To occupy his thoughts, he engaged in fitting young men for college, and soon had an abundance of students. His health improved, and when he came to Thetford several of his scholars came with him, to complete their preparation for col- lege. This gave the Academy at once a measure of dignity and respect. Even in its first year it was patronized by many of the neighboring towns, both in Vermont and New Hampshire. We are informed that one young man came from Canada to fit him- self for the University of Vermont. His name was Lucius

Doolittle ; and though he did not complete his college course with his class, he so far belied his name by a life of successful work that his Alma Mater gave him an honorary degree in 1838.

The number of students in attendance during the first year of the Academy we have no means of stating definitely. From the treasurer's book, however, we are able to make a reasonable estimate. Judge Buckingham, by his excellent system of book- keeping, made the first year of the Academy quite intelligible, though no other record of it exists. He received all the money paid for tuition and gave the students certificates for admission to the school. It appears that the tuition was generally paid in advance, and he opened accounts with those only who did not so pay. The money received for tuition from the 8th of February, 1819, to January 10, 1820, was $422. The tuition per quarter was $2 for English studies and $3 for the languages. Prob- ably not more than a fourth part of the school studied the languages; so that the average tuition would be $2.25 per term, or $9 a year. Dividing the total tuition received by nine, and allowing for a few who had not paid, we find the average attend-

ance about fifty. A school so large as that would of course require more than one teacher. This want was ably supplied by Miss Amy Smith of Chelsea. She was connected with the Academy about three years, and was very efficient in her department. Says one who looks back upon her school days from her ninety-second year, 25

' Miss Amy Smith was a refined lady and a very good teacher." Leaving Thetford, Miss Smith established a young ladies' she married the school in Woodstock ; but after a few terms Hon. Henry C. Denison, who, by the historian of that town, is said to have been " a man of thrift and industry, an influential citizen, prominent in politics, and judge of probate several years."

It is pleasant to remember that, from the beginning, the school was summoned to its work and regulated in its exercises by the same bell that swings in the Academy tower to-day. One who began his studentship on that famous eighth of February, the school 1 8 19, assures me that it rang out cheerily to convoke on that bright, frosty morning. What other thing, connected with the Old Academy and with this town, has the same voice

to-day which it had in 18 19? Faithful old monitor! For

seventy-five years it has called the students to their devotions and to their work: for thirty-five years, also, it summoned a devout community to their Sunday worship. It awakens precious memories in many souls to-day. May its tones long

•continue to remind us of the privileges here to be enjoyed ! The exact form of organization which was at first adopted by the managers of the enterprise we have no records to show. We only know that Judge Buckingham was treasurer, and we may reasonably presume that a voluntary association was formed adequate to promote the interests of the school. The oversight of such men as Dr. Burton, Judge Reed, Esquire Short, and their associates, could not fail in efficiency. Doubt- less every dollar contributed was wisely expended. In fact, every person in the village was devoted to the welfare of the

Academy and shared the responsibility of making it successful. But a charter was soon found to be desirable. In 18 19 the Hon. Joseph Reed represented the town of Thetford in the General Assembly of the state, and was instrumental in obtain- ing an act of incorporation. Those who had already been chosen to manage the enterprise were doubtless made trustees of the incorporated Academy. " The Rev. Dr. Burton, Jedediah P. Buckingham, Joseph Reed, William Heaton, Lyman Fitch, Thomas Kendrick, Simeon Short, Elijah Hammond and Tim- 26 othy P. Bartholomew with their associates and successors " be- came the governing body.

The destruction of their records by fire in 1843 makes it im- possible to give a complete list of the original board of trustees to the full number of fifteen, or to name all who were added to the list previous to that unfortunate loss. Of course all those who appear as officers of the board were members of that body ; so that we may confidently name Thomas Hopkins, Esq., and Capt. William Harris Latham as among those who constituted the first board. The Hon. Beriah Loomis was probably one, and also James White, Esq. The Hon. Jedediah H. Harris of Strafford, and the Rev. Baxter Perry of Lyme, N. H., have been named to me as early members. Dr. David Palmer was a mem- ber in 1827, serving as one of the prudential committee of that year. Other names, unfortunately, must remain unrecorded. In 1820 the legislature passed a supplementary act which gave to Thetford Academy the rents and profits arising from the rights of land originally granted for the use of county grammar schools in the towns of Chelsea and Washington. This brought the school an annual income of a little less than a hundred

dollars, beginning the first year with ninety-six dollars. In 1821 another act was passed which made the Academy "to

all intents and purposes " a county grammar school, and gave

the trustees all requisite power for controlling the lands reserved for grammar schools in the towns previously mentioned. AD this beneficent supplementary legislation was the result of efforts put forth by Col. Lyman Fitch, who represented Thetford in the legislatures of 1820 and 1821. We have been careful to explain that the idea, or original suggestion, of this Academy came from the mind of Simeon Short when he was returning from an errand of charity. Charity

has pervaded its whole history. During the first year of its

existence, Treasurer Buckingham opened an account, in fact it

was the second opened in the treasurer's book, with this title, '• Charitable funds of Thetford Academy." The first credit on

this account reads as follows : "By cash received of Dr. Burton towards contributions the last year, per my rec't, $8.25." On the eighteenth day of August, 1825, the balance on hand of the 27

charity account was one hundred and twelve dollars and twent}'

cents ; and there had been paid for the tuition of meritorious students two hundred and thirty-two dollars. Surely the Thet- ford church under the lead of their revered and faithful pastor showed most effectively how charity could begin at home. But

it was not to end there ; it followed the beneficiary to college and paid his tuition there also. Judge Buckingham's accounts are the most instructive early record we have of the Academy. They extend through the first six years, covering Preceptor Fitch's term of service. From them we learn that the salary of Mr. Fitch was three hundred dollars per annum, together with his house rent of thirty dollars.

This seems to us a small compensation ; but we must bear in mind that Dr. Burton himself never received more than $283.33 per year. During the latter part of Mr. Fitch's term Miss Mercy Burton was employed as preceptress. She was the only surviving child of Dr. Burton and a lady of varied attainments. She became

the wife of Presbury West, Escj., who was for a time treasurer of the Academy.

The Rev. Mr. Fitch closed his labors as preceptor on the first of March, 1825, three weeks after the expiration of his six years term of service, for which the total payments amounted to four- teen hundred and fifty-two dollars and seventy-five cents. After his time there was a different management of the finances of the institution. The tuition of the students was evidently paid directly to the preceptors, and the treasurer's duty was limited to receiving the income from the charity and other funds of the Academy, and, after defraying some necessary expenses for repairs, paying the residue over to the preceptor.

In estimating the results of the first six years of the school, it seems proper to say that besides the several hundred young men and women fitted to discharge more honorably the various duties of good citizenship, the following twelve persons were prepared for college and afterwards graduated therefrom : The Reverends Isaac Cummings, Asa Brainard, Isaac Hosford> Roger Strong Howard, D. D., Edmund Otis Hovey, D. D., Asher Bliss, John Stocker, Lucius Doolittle ; Drs. Leonard Mellen 28

Fitch and Roger Newton Lambert; Charles Chapman Marsh, Esq., and Charles Hopkins, Esq. One of these. Dr. Fitch, was prepared to join the junior class of his college, and doubtless some of the others entered college in advance.

This record was creditable to the teacher ; and the trustees of the Academy must have felt gratified with the success of the enterprise on which they had expended so much care and enthusiasm. Thetford Academy had established a good repu-

itself worthy of a generous patronage. tation ; had proved On the recommendation of Dr. David Palmer, Carlos Smith, a native of Hopkinton, N. H., was chosen to succeed Mr. Fitch. He had graduated from Union College in 1822, and since then had been teaching a classical school in Virginia. He was an excellent teacher, a refined gentleman, and not a little fastidious in his tastes. Such is the testimony in substance of one whom he trained in the studies preparatory for college. He remained in Thetford two years. In 1827 he married Miss Susan Saxton of Hanover, N. H., and removing to Catskill, N. Y., had charge of a classical school six years. While there he became person- ally interested in religion and resolved to devote himself to the ministry, though he had previously been preparing to enter the legal profession. In 1832 he settled as pastpr of a church in Manlius, N. Y. Four years later he removed to Painsville, Ohio, where his ministry continued eight years. His next pastorate of three years in Massillon, Ohio, was interrupted by illness in his family resulting from climatic influences. Thence he removed in 1847 ^o Tallmadge, Ohio, where a ministry of fifteen years was crowned with abundant success. His last pastorate was in Akron, Ohio, from 1862 to 1873, and during these eleven years the church under his care increased from 60 to 275 members. He received the degree of doctor of divinity while in Akron, and died there April 22, 1877- A memorial service, in which the clergy of all denominations in that city participated, was held on the Sunday after his funeral. On this occasion many words of eulogy were spoken which it would be pleasant to repeat; but we have time only for a most significant remark of one of the speakers, who, in praise 29 of Dr. Smith, said, " No man in Akron was ever so respected by all classes."

During a part, or all, of Dr. Smith's preceptorship in Thetford Academy, he was aided by his sister, Miss Grace Fletcher Smith, as preceptress. She was born in Hopkinton, N. H., in 1803, and was named after Miss Grace Fletcher, who became the first wife of Daniel Webster. Miss Smith married the Rev. Job Martyn and died at Haverhill, Mass., in 1840. It may be proper to say here that the father of these two teachers was the Rev. Ethan Smith, a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1790, who studied divinity with Dr. Asa Burton, and in addition to constant labors in five successive pastorates, including one at Hopkinton of twenty years, and finally as city missionary in Boston, he wrote and published six theological works, four lectures on baptism, and ten occasional sermons. It will be pleasant to remember that the industry of the father was imitated by the son, both whose lives, so long as bodily powers per- mitted, were devoted to the spiritual good of their fellow men. Dr. David Palmer, subsequently a distinguished professor in the medical college at Woodstock, Vt., came to Thetford in 1825 and for the next six years was a devoted and active friend to the Academy. He often manifested his desire for its pros- perity by giving before the school and the citizens valuable and interesting lectures on various branches of natural science

Chemistry was his favorite subject : and it is needless to say that there were many sincere mourners in Thetford in 1852, when he lost his life by an accident connected with his work in that department of study at the medical college in Pittsfield, Mass.

The Rev. Abram Marsh, who prepared for college at the Academy, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1825, was the pre- ceptor in 1827 and 1828. He was a man of dignified and min- isterial mien, and the school prospered under his care. The record of his life was honorable, a ministry of thirty-eight years in Tolland, Ct., where, after holding other important offices, he died in 1877. When he came here to visit his wife's kinsman. Judge Short, his sermons were occasionally heard in the Thet- ford pulpit, and always with much interest and satisfaction. 30

Mr. Marsh's co-laborer in the Academy was Miss Sarah Poole, the daughter of the Hon. Benjamin Poole of Hollis, N. H. A lady who was then under her instruction remembers that she taught, besides the ordinary school studies, ornamental needle work; and that many specimens of her pupils' work decorated the walls of the recitation room. Miss Poole married Mr. David Hoyt of Hartland, went to reside in Muscatine, Iowa, and died there in 1864.

Charles Hopkins, the son of Thomas Hopkins, the first post- master, graduated at Dartmouth in 1827 and is said to have occupied the preceptor's chair a short time while waiting for a favorable opportunity to study law. This was probably in 1828-9. Dr. Samuel Long, a graduate of Dartmouth in 1824, and for many years the beloved physician of Plymouth, N. H., was in charge of the Academy for a few months ; but the exact date of his service has not been determined. The Rev. Dr. William Coombs Dana, a graduate of Dart- mouth in 1828, was employed as preceptor a short time in 1829.

This is his own statement and therefore trustworthy. He was a son of the Rev. Dr. Daniel Dana, who was for a short period the president of Dartmouth College. In 1836 he became the pastor of the Central Presbyterian church of Charleston, S. C, and held that office till his death, November 30, 1880. In the Academy Dr. Dana was said to have been ably assisted by a Miss Holmes of Massachusetts. There are so many of that name in the Bay State, all capable and "cultured" of course, that you will be obliged to excuse us if we do not point out more definitely the one who favored our Academy with the instruction which several have had the kindness to commend. Sherburne Blake Piper was preceptor in the Academy two terms before his graduation at Dartmouth in 1832. The law was his chosen profession, in which he had a long and honorable practice in Lewiston, N. Y., where he died in 1885, 78 years of age. Loammi Sewell Coburn graduated at Dartmouth College in 1830 and came immediately to take charge of the Academy. 31

He was of small stature, but full of learning and life. We can- not find that he had any preceptress to lighten his labors. A correspondent has suggested that his competency and the small- ness of the school made it possible, and of course profitable, to dispense with the services usually performed by a lady teacher. He probably left the school in 1831. He was not averse to change, as may be judged from his many engagements and fre- quent removals. He was a professor of Greek and Latin in Norwich University from 1851 to 1857, was acting pastor in Weston from 1858 to 1866, and is supposed to have resided there till his death, about 1885. An early student mentions William Withington Thayer as one of the occasional teachers in the Academy. A payment of money to him by the treasurer in 183 1 indicates that his ser- vices were obtained for a short time. He was a native of Thet- ford and studied for the ministry at Bangor Theological Semi- nary. Another payment to " A. Perkins" may be for his services also as teacher. This doubtless means Apollos Perkins of

Lyme, N. H. ; if so, the money was paid to an excellent teacher, one of the best of that time. William Craige Burke, an undergraduate of Dartmouth, had charge of the Academy during the spring and summer terms of

1832. He graduated in 1833 ; was a teacher for several years in various places; studied at Andover Theological Seminary in

the class of 1838 ; but finally became a physician and practised his profession, first in New York city, and afterwards in Skane- ateles, N. Y. He now resides in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Miss Mary White, the sister of Dr. Nathaniel White, at one time taught French in the Academy, as we often heard her relate. Probably her instructions were given in 1831 or 1S32. In 1832 James Kent Shipherd of Granville, N. Y., an under- graduate in the senior class of Middlebury College, became the preceptor. He was an excellent teacher, of refined and gentle bearing; but his work was interrupted by illness in the autumn of 1833. He died at Judge Short's, February 17, 1834, at the age of 24 years, and was much lamented by those who had been under his instruction. 32

His place was supplied through the winter of 1833-4 by Mr. Jacob Chapman, then a junior in Dartmouth College. Even in so short a term of instruction, Mr. Chapman showed undoubted ability. The rest of his life has not been wanting in variety. He spent three years at Andover in theological study, and after that alternated between preaching and teaching, having, evi- dently, a fondness for the latter occupation. Had he bestowed his abilities upon our Academy, it is thought that his success would have been such as to satisfy himself and largely enhance the interests of the institution. He is still living in Exeter^

N. H., and is the author of several valuable publications. In the spring of 1834 Mr. Jonas De Forest Richards assumed the duties of preceptor, though then but a junior in college. He was in his twenty-fifth year, and, for a student no nearer his graduation, was very mature. He had experience in teaching, was a gentleman in manner and of good presence. He man- aged the school admirably and did very much to elevate its character and give it a becoming dignity. Those of us who can remember events so remote know very well that he was highly respected and commended, both in Thetford and in the neigh- boring towns. He was, in fact, an excellent type of the acad- emy preceptor of that day. He graduated at Andover Theo- logical Seminary in 1840 : his life as a clergyman was highly respectable, and was supplemented in 1869 by a professorship in the University of Alabama, at which post he died in 1872. We find Miss Laura A. Washburn associated with Mr. Rich- ards as preceptress in 1834. She was the daughter of the Rev. Azel Washburn of Royalton, Vt. It is not easy to deter- mine the exact date of her appearance at the Academy, but it was probably in the spring term, when Mr. Richards became the principal. She was a most acceptable teacher and contrib- uted largely to the popularity of the school. After three pleas- ant years at Thetford she was for an equal term in charge of a female seminary at Uxbridge, Mass. During that time she became acquainted with Mr. Horace Maynard, a graduate of Amherst College in 1838. They were united in marriage August 30, 1840, and went to reside at Knoxville, Tenn., where he was to achieve national renown by his ability and patriotism. 33

After a long and loyal experience in congress and various high and responsible offices, he became a member of the cabinet of

President Hayes in 1880. He died very suddenly in 1882 ; and our former preceptress has lived to deplore the sad termination of her husband's honorable career. She now resides in the city of Washington, and would doubtless be gratified to know that she is still remembered by some of us as our well-beloved teacher.

Mr. Richards continued in charge of the Academy till the end of the fall term of 1835, in which he was assisted by Mr. Samuel Peirce, who had just graduated at Dartmouth. But the graduate assistant was six and a half years younger than the

undergraduate preceptor ; and when Mr. Richards resumed his studies in the college, Mr. Peirce became the principal of the Academy, in his twentieth year. The school prospered under his youthful care, and the next summer, that of 1836, five young men of the Academy entered Dartmouth College. Mr. Peirce continued at the head of the school another year; and in the fall term of 1836, Miss Wash- burn being still the preceptress, he was assisted by Mr. Abner Jones Phipps, a junior from Dartmouth of excellent standing, especially in the classics. Mr. Phipps was a teacher in various

positions for many years : afterwards was employed as an agent

of the Massachusetts Board of Education ; and finally was superintendent of schools in Dedham, Mass., which office he resigned a short time before his death in 1886.

Mr. Peirce completed his theological studies at Andover in 1840, and was ordained pastor of the Congregational church in Atkinson, H., N. April 19, 1843 ; but he lived less than a year to fulfil his promise of eminent usefulness. The school now numbered over a hundred students, and the prospects of the institution were most encouraging. Under the influence of this prosperity Judge Short engaged in an effort to increase the funds of the Academy. This resulted in what was called " The Subscription Fund," which consisted of promissory notes given by nearly sixty individuals, these obligations to pay varying from five to one hundred and fifty dollars, the whole amounting to about eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars. 3 34

The sums indicate that the donors were persons of small means, but of large and overflowing generosity. The interest on these notes gave an annual income to increase the teaching force on which the success of the school depended. In the winter of 1836-7 Miss Sophia Sparhawk assisted Mr.

Peirce, and so continued till the end of his administration. She was connected with the school in subsequent years, not continu- ously, but as late probably as 1842. She was an efficient teacher and highly accomplished. A native of Walpole, N. H., she was educated at a select school at Greenfield, Mass. After leaving Thetford she taught at Bardstown, Ky. From that place she set out to return to New Hampshire, but died on the homeward journey. In the autumn of 1837 ^^^- Eliezer Jewett Marsh assumed the duties of preceptor, assisted by Miss Sibby Ann W. Davies of Massachusetts as preceptress. In the fall term of 1848 Miss Sarah M. White was the preceptress. But in the year 1839 Miss Davies and Miss White were both teachers in the Academy Mr. Marsh was a graduate of Middlebury College in 1833. He remained in Thetford till the spring of 1840. His pupils speak earnestly of his wise and faithful instructions, and the influence he exerted on their character was salutary and permanent. His

life was chiefly devoted to the work of an instructor : seven years as the principal of an academy in Milton, Mass. ; and eight or nine years as assistant in Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. He published in 1887 "The Genealogy of the Family of George Marsh," a work of much labor and research, credit- ably performed. Miss Sarah M. White was the daughter of Thomas R. White of Franklin, N. H., and the grand-daughter of James White, Esq., one of the original trustees of the Acad- emy. The summer of 1840 in Thetford was devoted more to national politics than to education. The school numbered only about twenty-five, and Mr. Cyrus Baldwin, a Dartmouth graduate of 1839, an amiable man and an accomplished teacher of music, had charge of it. The place did not offer sufficient induce- ments to retain him ; and after several other engagements in teaching, the longest being fifteen years at Meriden, N. H., he 35 entered upon a mercantile life in the city of Providence in 1857. His last residence was in Hill, N. H., where he died in 1893. Mr. John Edward Stanyan graduated at Dartmouth in 1840 and took charge of the Academy in September of that year. While waiting to enter upon his theological studies at An- dover, Mr. Edmund F. Slafter, a classmate of Mr. Stanyan, was assistant for six weeks of the first term. Mr. Stanyan was scholarly ; and as long as he devoted himself wholly to the school was popular and successful. But, becoming interested in legal studies, the school held a secondary place in his thoughts, and suffered accordingly. In May, 1843, he closed his work in the Academy, and soon afterwards devoted himself to his chosen profession, first in New Hampshire, and later in Massa- chusetts. Through the autumn term of 1842 six of us were under the instruction of Judge Short in chemistry ; and I look back upon it as one of the pleasantest experiences of our Academic life. In May, 1843, Hiram Orcutt began his more than twelve years of successful labors in the Academy. His reputation as an instructor had preceded him. He occupied the Thetford pulpit with the Rev. Mr. Babcock the Sunday before his school was to open, and from a discourse he there delivered we prospec- tive students gauged the man at once as "competent for the situation." The old Academy began to catch the popular

breezes as soon as he took the helm ; the number of students

increased rapidly ; about ninety reported at the beginning of the fall term.

Mrs. Orcutt was preceptress and rarely absent, for seven full years. By her efficient labors and quiet dignity she ably sec- onded the work and plans of her husband.

Miss Mary Farrington of Walden, Vt., a beautiful and bril-

liant young lady, added an attraction to Mr. Orcutt's first fall term. She taught music, drawing, and painting. In 1844 she married the Rev. H. L. Bullen, sometime professor of mathe- matics in Iowa College, and subsequently pastor of a Congrega- tional church at Durant, la. Mrs. Bullen's life was a short one, but her memory is still cherished by many of her pupils. As the school increased, the number of teachers was gener- 36 ously enlarged. In the second catalogue issued by Mr. Orcutt the board of instruction consists of eight teachers and lecturers besides himself. Thus every department of the school was made efficient and attractive. In the autumn of each year a course of lectures by the professors of Dartmouth College and other literary men was given in the Academy open to the public.

It would be a pleasure to speak at length of the lectures de- livered by Drs. White, Thayer, and Worcester, on their special subjects; but want of space forbids such indulgence. Fidelity to history, however, demands that I should mention with some comment, according to the knowledge I have been able to obtain, the teachers who were associated with Mr. Orcutt and contri- buted to his remarkable success.

Miss Matilda J. Baker of Lebanon, N. H., was an assistant for the fall term of 1844. She soon after married the Rev. Loren Thayer of Windham, N. H., and was not living in 1850. Miss Mary Elizabeth Denny, another assistant of the same term, was connected with the Academy seven years as assistant or preceptress. Hundreds of her pupils would commend her accuracy and fidelity in instruction, and her sincerity and kind- ness as an adviser and friend. In 1862 she was married to the Rev. George Ainslie of the Choctaw mission and went to reside at Rochester, Minn., having herself previously been five years a missionary teacher among the Choctaws and Cherokees. Her life on the border was often a severe test of her patience and

all hardships and perils ; courage ; but she has survived and, though her husband has been called home to his reward more than nine years, she still abides where they settled thirty-two years ago. Instrumental music was taught in 1844 by Miss Sarah A. Latham, a gifted daughter of Captain William H. Latham whose term of service on the board of trustees is the longest on record. The same year the Rev. Elisha Guliver Babcock gave in- struction in singing through the fall term, probably without compensation, to show his interest in the school; and Charles French Latham, the Academy's largest benefactor, then a student fitting for college, led the Academy choir and had a class in 37 vocal music the rest of the year. Thetford fifty years ago had no better singer than "Charley Latham." Dr. Nathaniel White, for five successive years beginning in 1844, lectured on physiology. He had a happy faculty of in- teresting and instructing an audience of students, and, as we remember, was justly appreciated.

Dr. Samuel W. Thayer, Jr., lectured on chemistry, geology, and various other topics, much to the entertainment and im- provement of the school. He was a man of superior ability, and his affability made him "the brother of us all." Mrs. Sarah L. Thayer, his charming wife, gave instruction on the piano two years, assisted a part of the time by Sarah M. and

Charlotte S. Hough. The latter married Baxter E. Perry, Esq., and her blind son is now a prominent musician in Boston. Miss Caroline White of Franklin, N. H., a niece of Dr.

Nathaniel White, the smallest, and I might almost say the brightest, of Mr. Orcutt's teachers, will be remembered as she sat in the low chair adapted to her diminutive size. But those who recited to her had frequent occasion to look up to her in the branches she taught. In 1850 Miss W^hite was united in mar- riage to the Hon. Austin F. Pike of Franklin, who died while a senator in the congress of the . Joseph E. Hubbard, musician and mathematician combined, will not soon be forgotten by those who were specially trained by him to keep the lungs well intiated as they sang. His mathematical explanations of pitch and tones were too deep for " most learners ; but when the order came to swell up," we all knew what to do. George W. Gardner, a student preparing for college, from which he graduated in 1852, taught penmanship two years. He subsequently was president of the Central University of Iowa. Dartmouth College honored him with the doctorate in 1867. ]Miss Emmarenza Carlton gave instruction in drawing two years. How much we inartistic youth were wont to admire the

works which her class exhibited ! Dr. Ezra C. Worcester, for many years secretary of the board of trustees, as teacher and lecturer on chemistry and botany, was connected with the school nearly twenty years. He began 420840 in 1846, and his last teaching was in 1865. His earnestness and fidelity are pleasant things for us all to remember. How admirably he could illustrate the beauty of the floral kingdom from the products of his own garden and conservatory! Orpheus T. Lamphear, just graduated from the University of Vermont, was associate principal in the autumn of 1845. A man of brilliant talents, his labors have been acceptable in many churches. Before 1880 Dr. Lamphear held pastorates in Derby, Vt., Lowell and Beverly, Mass., Exeter, N. H., and New Haven, Conn. He was a native of West Fairlee, born in 1820. The classical attainments of the Rev. Dr. Roger Strong Howard, as associate principal, were made useful to the Aca- demy in 1847. He was one of Preceptor Fitch's most diligent students, and was, in fact, a diligent student all his life. His alma mater honored him with the doctorate in 1868. His eminence as a teacher, his profound learning, and his fidelity in the sacred duties of the ministry, should bring honor to his name in this his native town. The Rev. Luther Baker Whittemore, while a student in Dart- mouth came to assist his former teacher one or two terms, and, in addition to other compensation, was rewarded by an intro- duction to Miss Elizabeth H. Denny, whom he subsequently married. Want of health and a shortened life prevented his attaining that distinction which his natural gifts seemed to promise. He died in 186 1. Horatio E. Mann was the teacher of penmanship in 1847 and 1848. In 1847 Mr. Solon G. Smith began to teach music in the Academy. How many years he taught we cannot say, but by a catalogue we see that he gave such instruction in 1870. It is superfluous to say in Thetford that he belonged to a musical family. The oldest of us remember his father, Col. Harvey Smith, the chorister of the church many happy years.

Stephen Bean Stinson, as his first work after graduating at Dartmouth in 1848, assisted Mr. Orcutt a single term. He had proved his ability by teaching with him the previous spring term. He is now Judge Stinson of Sycamore, 111. Daniel Dwight Hitchcock of Amherst College, 1844, assisted 39

in the summer of 1848. He entered the military service, but we have ascertained nothing of his subsequent history. Miss Emily Pearson began to teach in the fall term of 1848 and was thus connected with the school three years. Benjamin M. Munn instructed the singers in the spring of 1847, and of 1848. Austin Adams, a graduate of Dartmouth in 1848, was associate principal at Thetford in the spring and summer of 1849. Though he was an enthusiast in this work, he soon abandoned teaching and devoted himself as earnestly to the law. He settled in practice at Dubuque, Iowa, and rose to a high, if not the highest, judicial position in that state. He died in Dubuque,

Oct. 17, i8go. The Rev. Andrew Butler Foster, a former minister at East Orford, N. H., was associate principal with Mr. Orcutt in the autumn of 1849 and so continued till the spring of 185 1. He graduated at Amherst College in 1840. An accurate scholar and interesting preacher, we may assume that he was a good teacher. Enoch Charles Augustus Woods, a native of Newport, N. H., and a senior in Dartmouth College, was an assistant in the fall term of 1849. He afterwards graduated at Andover Theological

Seminary, and as a missionary went to reside at Wapello, la., and died there just one year after his arrival. He was a pattern of honesty and fidelity. He married his schoolmate in the Academy, Miss Jane B. Porter, of Lyme, in 1853. Miss Laura Slade, afterwards Mrs. Snow, gave instruction in drawing in 1849, ^"d, as Mrs. Snow, in oil painting i

Dr. Carlton P. Frost, Oct. 5, 1857. Her husband and two sons are now professors in Dartmouth College.

Jacob Dalpe, a teacher of his vernacular, was the first native of France employed in the school. He began his instructions in 1850 and continued three years. Mr. Jonathan Cass was writing master in 185 1. 40

As soon as Gilbert Edwin Hood completed his course at

Dartmouth in 185 1, Dr. Orcutt found him a place in his corps of teachers, thus illustrating the principle, that it is a part of good generalship to select able lieutenants. The same year Dr. D. P. Putnam lectured to the school on anatomy and physiology. In the autumn of 1852 Alfred Gaudelet, A. M., was secured as instructor in modern languages, of which he was proficient in several. Mrs. Gaudelet took charge of the students in instrumental music. They both held their positions to the end of Dr. Orcutt's term, or through the summer of 1855. Miss Catherine E. Conant was an assistant in the spring of 1852, and Mr. Horace B. Woodworth, a junior in Dartmouth College, was also called to a similar office. He again became a teacher in the Academy after his graduation, being associate principal from 1853 to 1857. In 1890 he was the professor of mental and moral philosophy in the University of North Dakota at Grand Forks, and is still there. In 1853 Miss Louisa F. Belcher was an assistant teacher, Joseph Y. Cheney had charge of vocal music, and Oscar Taylor was the instructor in practical surveying. Mr. Charles Caverno, a graduate of Dartmouth College, was the associate principal one year from September, 1854. Rev. Dr. Caverno has been successively teacher, lawyer, farmer, and preacher, and after thirty years of faithful service in it, still exercises the last vocation at Boulder, Col. He received the

degree "of doctor of laws from the University of Colorado in

187 1. His daughter. Miss Julia Caverno, is now an assistant professor of Greek at Smith College. The Misses Ellen R. Putnam and Abbie H. Smith were assistants in 1854; the latter, of Waitsfield, Vt., remained till the end of the summer term of 1855 and became Mrs. Caverno in 1859. Also in 1854 Mr. E. K. Prouty taught vocal music; Nathaniel Burnham, surveying; and George A. Bucklin, pen- manship. The Rev. Edwin Hyde Alden, while preparing for college, taught writing in 1855. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1859, and in 1890 resided at Lee Heights, South Dakota. This completes the list of Mr. Orcutt's forty-eight co-laborers.



They all exerted themselves to sustain the character and popu- larity of the institution. It certainly speaks well for the wisdom of the master that so many worked together harmoniously under his direction. The reputation of the Academy can be best illustrated by the analysis of the school as it appears in the catalogue of 1854, the whole number of different students being an even four hundred. and seventy-five Of these Vermont furnished one hundred ; seventy-four Massachusetts, one hundred ; New Hampshire,

eleven ; Rhode Island, seven New York, fifteen ; Connecticut, Maine, five; Texas, four; Canada, three; Indiana, Maryland, District of Columbia, Nova Scotia, France, and Syria, one each. Such wide-spread popularity and influence are difficult to explain. The time was indeed favorable to the success of such an enterprise. The country towns were full of young persons to be educated, and the high school had not yet begun its career of usefulness in New England. But the cause of this phenomenal success was, after all, chiefly in the man, an inde- fatigable worker, who never for a moment lost sight of his aim. Dr. Orcutt's resignation was accepted by the trustees March

17, 1855. He continued to be actively employed in school duties till he had completed forty years of educational labor. Now in his eightieth year, he is still the responsible head of "The New England Bureau of Education" in Boston.

But when Dr. Orcutt left the school it did not die. In fact, it is not going to die for a long while to come. But the times have changed, and I do not think the same Dr. Orcutt, under the present circumstances, could do again what he did then.

However, I must not stay to discuss this subject, but must go on with the history of Thetford Academy as it has been. Mr. Gilbert Edwin Hood gave the school three years of the best part of his life. During that period fourteen new teachers were called into the service of the institution. His sister. Miss Eliza P. Hood, was preceptress for the entire term of her brother's service. Miss Lucinda R. Hood assisted in the fall term of 1855. Miss Sarah G. Heath was associate preceptress and teacher of music in i855-'57. Modern languages were

taught by S. A. Buteau, and the " ornamental branches " by ;


Mrs. S. A. Buteau, from the fall term of 1S55 till the end of the winter of 1855. In 1855 George E. Herrick was the teacher of surveying, and A. L. Chatterton of penmanship. In 1856 vocal music was taught by Wm. H. Beals, and penmanship by O. W. Smith. The Rev. Henry Martyn Frost was associate principal in the autumn of 1857, and so continued for a year. Mr. Frost served as a chaplain in the army, and was rector of St. Stephen's

church, Middlebury, in 1864; but his health failed, and a life of much early promise ended in 1866. Also in 1857 Miss E. S. Worcester gave instruction in instrumental music. Miss Charlotte Weston in the ornamental branches, and the primary department was in the care of Miss Jane M. Holden. Singing was taught by Mr. George F. Walker, and writing by Mr. E. E. Boardman. Mr. Hood closed his labors in the Academy with the summer of 1858. His graduating class of that year was thirty-two who had completed a three-years course of study. We think this is the largest graduating class on record. Mr. Hood resumed his legal practice in Lawrence, Mass., where he still resides

but his present business is that of a banker. Mr. George Kellam Bartholomew took charge of the Academy in the autumn of 1858, immediately after graduating at Dart-

mouth, having as his assistant William S. Hazen, who had just graduated at the University of Vermont. Miss Abby L. Pad- dock was instructor in music, Mr. B. F. Osgood and Mr. D. T. Ames in penmanship. Mr. Ames, a native of Strafford, has acquired a wide reputation as the head of a commercial college in the city of New York. Mr. Bartholomew closed his work in Thetford in the spring of 1859 ; but has continued to be a teacher, chiefly in Cincin- nati, O., and his alma mater recognized his superior merits in 1888 by bestowing on him the honorary degree of doctor of philosophy. His associate, Mr. Hazen, became the principal in 1859 and

so remained till the end of the summer of i860. Graduating at Andover Theological Seminary in 1863, since October 12, 1864, the Rev. Dr. Hazen has been the pastor of a Congrega- tional church in Northfield, Vt. 43

His assistant for tlie fall term of 1859 was Mr. Henry Edward Butler, who graduated at the University of Vermont in 1861.

He is now the pastor of a church in Jacksonville, Ills. Miss

Nancy McFarland was preceptress in 1859 ; Miss Sarah E. Hazen, with Miss E. E. Garey as assistant, had charge of the primary department; and Mr. E. H. Russell gave lessons in elocution. During the spring and summer of 1859 Miss Mary E. Closson gave instruction in drawing and painting, also in i860 and 1861. Other teachers were employed whose names have been already mentioned. Beginning with the autumn of 1859 Mrs. S. D. Stoddard was

preceptress three terms ; and during the same period instru- mental music was taught by Mrs. Harriet Hosford Cushman, the sister of the Revs. Isaac and Benjamin Franklin Hosford, early students of this school and graduates of Dartmouth Col- lege.

Dr. Charles Little graduated from Dartmouth in i860 and at once assumed the duties of principal at Thetford, to hold them for a year. He was from Boscawen, N. H., and his sister, Miss Priscilla Little, was preceptress. In the winter of i86o-'6i Dr. Little's health failing, his classmate, Arthur Little, took his place for the term. Miss Elizabeth Frost had charge of the primary department during that year. It occasioned no surprise in Thet- ford when not long afterwards the accomplished Miss Frost became Mrs. Arthur Little. Her early death was greatly lamented. The Rev. Dr. Arthur Little is now the pastor of a Congregational church in Dorchester, Mass. Dr. Charles Little died at Acton, Mass., Nov. 16, 1869. In the autumn of 1861 Mr. John Wright Norton, a recent graduate of the University of Vermont, became principal of the Academy; Miss Isabella G. Farr, preceptress; Miss Mary Heaton, teacher of the primary department ; and Mr. E. E. Board- man, of penmanship. Music, both vocal and instrumental, was in the safe care of Mr. Solon G. Smith. Mr. Norton is now engaged in in business Rutland, Vt. ; Miss Heaton has for years been a very successful teacher in Boston. Of the 102 students, thirty-six were in the classical department, which fact indicates 44 that the school had not degenerated in character, however much it had contracted in size. But young men at that time were imperatively demanded for the sterner duties of war, and few, comparatively, could indulge their desire for collegiate study. Miss Sarah E. Sherman assisted Mr. Norton in the winter and spring of 1863, when his engagement in the Academy terminated. The Rev. George Henry French, now of Meriden, N. H., was at the head of the school from September, 1863, to the spring of 1865, one term short of two years. Miss Jennie Sargent was preceptress ; Miss Cynthia C. Ranstead, the teacher of art studies; Miss Louisa A. Rugg was general assistant the first

year, Miss Sarah A. Closson the second ; Miss Katharine

Fletcher was the teacher of French the last year ; and Mr. R. T. Rawson, of penmanship.

The war was still raging ; but the school increased some- what, still bore good fruits, and sent to Dartmouth one of her present professors. During the spring term of 1865 the Academy was in charge of the Rev. Leonard Tenney and Dr. Ezra C. Worcester. They were its proper guardians, being the president and secretary of

the board of trustees ; and we know that it was well conducted. In the autumn of 1865 Mr. Alvah Sereno Howe of Amherst College, class of 1862, became the preceptor for one year, Mrs. Howe being the preceptress. We find no record showing the number of students, or whether other teachers were connected with its management ; therefore we infer that there were none.

Mr. Howe is said to have died in 1877. During the fall term of 1866 the Academy was in charge of Charles Henry Chandler, then a senior at Dartmouth, now the professor of mathematics in Ripon College, Wisconsin. He was aided by Miss Eliza F. Dwinnell as preceptress ; and in " music by Miss Emma Sherman. In a recent letter he says : I carried through the term successfully, making, if my memory is correct, one hundred and fifty dollars net." On account of this success when working with so efficient a helper as Miss Dwin- nell, we dare to guess that Professor Chandler selected her as his helpmate for life ; nor can we doubt his sincerity when he wrote, "I have very pleasant memories of Thetford Hill." 45

Three months in the winter of i866-'7 John Henry Patterson, a senior of Dartmouth, was principal of our Academy. In a letter he says: "I look forward with much pleasure to a visit, at some future time, to the kind people of Thetford-on-the-Hill."

Mr. Patterson is now president of " The National Cash Regis- ter Co.," Dayton, Ohio. Charles Parker Chase, an undergraduate of Dartmouth Col- lege, class of 1869, assisted by Miss Cynthia C. Ranstead, had charge of the Academy the fall and winter terms of i867-'8, and of i868-'9. Mr. Chase was tutor in Greek at Dartmouth from 1870 to 1872, and instructor in the same language in 1880. Since 1890 he has been the treasurer of the college. John Henry Wardwell, then a senior at Dartmouth, taught in the Academy without assistance during the spring term of 1868. He has since devoted himself chiefly to the work of instruction, and is now a resident of Williamstown, Mass. Theodore Moses Barber, a junior in Dartmouth, was principal of the Academy in the spring of 1869. He was professor of the Latin language and literature in Western University, Penn- sylvania, from 1873 to 1879. The constant annual or more frequent changes in the man- agement of the school, had weakened its influence ; and the trustees now welcomed a prospect of more permanent control.

Mr. David Turner, Jr., who had had a long and successful expe- rience at the head of a select school in Richmond, Va., had returned at the close of the war to Lyme, N. H., his native town, and was ready for an engagement to teach in New Eng- land. Negotiations were opened with him ; and his terms, which included some important improvements in the buildings, were acceded to, and the Academy was placed under his direc- tion. The results were entirely satisfactory ; a quiet and well- ordered school, more in the nature of a boarding-school than ever before. This was made necessary on account of the unwil- lingHess and inability of the village residents to fill their houses with young strangers as lodgers, or boarders. Mr. Turner entered upon his duties in September, i86g, and continued to discharge them acceptably till Nov. 25, 1881, Avhen. on account of impaired health, he sent to the trustees his resignation. 46

Catalogues were not issued by him after 1870, consequently there is not so complete a record of his work as we should now find useful. The school is said to have numbered from fifty to seventy students. Mr. Turner was chosen president of the board of trustees in 1878 and held that office till his death in 1882. This mark of respect indicated plainly the high esteem in which he was held.

Mrs. Turner was preceptress the first year of her husband's term of office. She was a native of Lyme, N. H., the daughter of the Rev. Baxter Perry. Before her marriage she was asso- ciated with her brother as preceptress of Chester Academy, where she was highly esteemed. Dr. William Leonard Worcester, a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1869, then resident of Thetford, but now of Little Rock, Ark., gave instruction to a few classes of the Academy in the autumn after his graduation. Miss Mary H. Parker was preceptress three years from 1870, in which year Miss Alma M. Sawyer assisted during the fall term. In 1872 and 1873 the Misses C. Idella Plimpton and Alice M. Snow were teachers in the Academj^, the former one year, the latter two. Miss Mary Redington, who was after- wards Mrs. Millikin of Maynard, Mass., gave instruction in the school in 1874 and 1875. In 1875 ^^'^ 1876 Miss Sawyer was preceptress a second term. Miss Katharine Fletcher, a grand- daughter of Dr. David Palmer previously mentioned, was pre- sister in ceptress in 1876 and 1877 ; her Margaret, 1877. Miss Helen V. Cochrane, now of Chicago, but a teacher in Akeley Institute, Grand Haven, Mich., was the preceptress two years, from 1878 to 1880. The last preceptress associated with Mr. Turner was Miss Georgia M. Dudley from the autumn of 1880 to the close of the spring term of 1882. She is now Mrs. Gil- man C. Whipple of Lebanon, N. H. Owing to Mr. Turner's failing health, his son, Charles Humphrey Turner, a graduate of Williams College, performed the duties of principal during a large part of the autumn of 188 1. Knowing that many of you who are here to-day could mete out just praise to all these teachers, I have gladly mentioned their names, that you may call to mind their individual virtues and merits. 47

Mr. Benjamin Massey Weld of Middlebury College, class of 1S77, was at the head of our Academy from December, 1881, to the close of the spring term of 1884. In 1882 Miss O. I. Conland as preceptress, Mr. O. T. Montague and M. Vertner Kenerson, as assistants completed the board of instruction. Miss Susan S. Worthen gave instruction in French and music in 1883, and Miss Minnie Bell Bean, in mathematics. The students numbered eighty-nine. In the autumn of 1884 Mr. William Henry Cummings, now principal of Kimball Union Academy, became the preceptor at Thetford. A triennial catalogue, issued in 1887, gives full information in respect to the board of instruction. Hearing their names, you will doubtless recall their good qualities. Miss Etta F. Morse was permanently the preceptress. Miss Lucy E. Nelson assisted in the fall and spring terms, i884-'5.

Miss Adella A. Esterbrook two years, 1885 to 1887 ; Miss Nellie Coote and Miss Florence E. Pringle in 1887 and 1888. Music was not neglected. Mrs. Cummings gave instruction on the piano and organ, and Mr. George S. Worcester in singing.

Penmanship was taught by Mr. E. J. Wheeler. It is needless to say that Mr. Cummings's departure from the school in the summer of 1888 was an occasion for deep regret. When Thet- ford Academy shall be properly endowed, such embarrassing interruptions will be less frequent. Mr. Julius Nathan Mallory, a graduate of Middlebury College in 187 1, was fortunately ready to fill the vacancy for the next three years. He had experience gained at Brandon, Vt., and at Winchester and Keene, N. H. Miss Morse still retained her position as preceptress, but Miss Harriet A. Blood took her place for a year in i889-'9o. Miss Abbie Garfield assisted in the autumn of 1888 ; Miss Helen F. Slade for the year 1889 ; Miss Alice Douglass for two in terms 1S89 ; and Miss Alice A.

McDuffee in i89o-'9i. Instrumental music was in charge of Miss Nettie Sargent. A glance at the triennial of i889-'9i shows that creditable and systematic work had characterized those three years, and the interests of the school demanded no change. Nevertheless, a change came. In the autumn of 1891 the Academy came under the care of 48 the present principal, Fred Webster Newell, A. M., a graduate of Bates College in the class of 1889, who had educated himself for the special work of an instructor and had the advantage of a successful experience in the schools of Maine, New Hamp- shire, and Massachusetts. Under his judicious guidance the school is conducted on an excellent system, sufficiently elastic to meet the requirements of every student. Four courses of study are open to the election of varying needs and tastes. Thoroughness was never more decidedly the aim of the Acad- emy. And that this is attained in a high degree is evinced by the acquirements of the students. The school has been fortunate in having constantly the devoted cooperation of Mrs. Newell, as preceptress. Miss Alice Anna McDuffee gave valuable assistance in several branches for two years. Miss Margaret Fletcher then brought to the Academy that intelligent enthusiasm befitting one that may claim kinship to the able physician and man of science who in the early days of the institution did so much gratuitous work to advance its welfare. Effective work for the school in elocution was done by Mr. Edward Kent Hall of Dartmouth,

class of 1892 ; and by Prof. D. Clinton Gardner of Lebanon, N. H. Instruction in instrumental music was ably given by

Miss Mary Gillett Niles ; and in oil painting by Mrs. Sophie Gerry; while vocal music has been, as in past years, under the direction of Mr. George S. Worcester.

It is indeed a great pleasure to be able to say that the Acad- emy to-day is doing its work with a vigor and effectiveness worthy of an institution whose past record is so honorable. As a well-ordered, earnest, hard-working, progressive school, well adapted in every respect to the wants of the surrounding com- munity, it ought to prosper and receive a generous patronage —a patronage which will encourage the fidelity and permanency of those who must live as well as labor. A moiety of the zeal and devotion which established this Academy will keep it strong and nourishing. In completing our historical review of the dear old Academy it seems proper to consider briefiy the results of these seventy- five years of educational effort. Several thousands of men and 49 women have here been equipped with the advantages of a higher here been awakened to higher aims and aspi- education ; they have rations. They have here been subjected to a discipline whereby they have been quaUfied to exert a benign power in the home, in the school, and in society. The salutary influence of the school has been carried by its students into many lands ; and this influence will continue to be felt increasingly as time rolls on. This Academy has also sent out 184 men to graduate from the colleges and professional schools of New England. Many of these have merited and received the higher honors which our colleges can bestow. Of course the Academy did not make these men what they became, or what they are to-day : but it gave them their opportiuiity, and in many cases roused and prompted them to their noble career of usefulness and honor.

Nor let it be forgotten that in the coming years woman will be here fitted to participate in collegiate study. She is already displaying her talents and competing for honors in collegiate halls. The girls of Thetford Academy must therefore be ready to improve the new privileges proffered them at Middlebury and Burlington, and, when the more conservative Dartmouth, under the pressure of new ideas, shall throw open her doors to all minds capable of doing her work, they must be the first to accept her generosity. The daughter of a former associate principal of our Academy is now a teacher of the Greek lan- guage in a Massachusetts college ; and the tuition of high schools and academies is coming more and more into the hands of edu- cated women.

Thus it appears that the opportunities and responsibilities of this institution are constantly enlarging. Therefore, let the citizens of this fortunate town and the friends of the Academy everywhere see to it that the beacon light, placed by the fathers on this beautiful eminence, shall always be kept burning brightly, to enlighten and cheer the vigorous sons and daughters of Ver- mont and prepare them to go out into our broad land to share its achievements, shape its destiny, and enjoy its honors. 4 ;——



[Hon. Edward A. Jenks, A. M., of Concord, N. H., was born in Newport, N. H., October 30, 1830. His father was a farmer. He was a student at Thetford Academy in iS50-'5i. In 1852 he became one of the proprietors of The Manchester (N. H.) Aniericati, and continued one of its publishers for four years. In 1858 he became proof-reader in a large printing establish- ment in New York city, where he remained until 1S61 ; then for four years was connected with Alexander Swift & Co., Cincinnati, O., who built four monitors for the government. At the close of the war he went to Vicksburg, Miss., as a purchaser of cotton for a Cincinnati house, and remained there until called to the business management of the Republican Press Associa- tion of Concord, N. H., October i, 1871. In this position he remained for twenty-one years—to 1S92. Mr. Jenks was twice elected state printer, and he was appointed by Gov- ernor Prescott reporter of the decisions of the supreme court, which office he held several years. In 18S9 he received honorary A. M. from Dartmouth College. Mr. Jenks married, in 1852, Miss Harriet S. Stickney, of Concord, N. H. He has three children.]

In a far Eastern land—the splendid Sunrise land There lived a King, three thousand years ago So wise was he, so gentle, and so large of heart.

That all the kings of earth would come, and go. And come again, to question him, and catch the pearls Of wisdom that, like gleaming drops of dew. Fell from his rich, ripe lips. His fame spread over all

The lands ; —and once a queen, with retinue Of camels that bore spices, and much gold, and stones Most precious—the most beautiful and wise Of women—came to prove him with hard questions. But

half not told ; she veiled her eyes The had been — ; There was no spirit left in her. She sadly turned This proud and noble dame—back to her own Fair land, with ail her train of servants, cattle, gifts. And stores of wisdom hitherto unknown, A nobler, sweeter, purer, queenlier queen Than wise King Solomon had ever seen. HON. EDWARD A. JENKS, A.M.

: ; ——


But once—so runs the tale—the great King Solomon Received command from a far Greater King To build a palace—a grand temple— to His Name, Whose richness and magnificence should ring Adown the laggard ages—unapproachable By king or potentate, ere yet the tide

Of Time should drift us all upon the farther shore And close the record on the hither side.

The great King called his builders and his architects Into close counsel, and his plans were told

But there were not, in all his realm, artificers In wood and brass and ivory and gold

With skill and subtle wisdom equal to the task Of inlaid work and carved cherubim. Gigantic pillars of bright brass, a molten sea With just three hundred knops beneath the brim,

And lions, massive oxen, brazen wheels, and all The thousand other weird and wondrous things That made this palace of the Greater King divine A wonder of the world, as history sings.

The great King's heart was sorely troubled, and he went To the high tower where he was wont to pray, And drew a soft divan to the —great window, where He could overlook the city ; 't was broad day But he was weary, sad, and sick at heart, for he Could see no sunshine brightening his way. Some unseen finger touched his tremulous eyes—he slept. A voice familiar fell upon his ear

" O King ! take heart of grace : thy father's dearest friend.

The King of Tyre, will help thee fear ! ; never

Awake ! e'en now his servant standeth at thy door With kindly messages for David's son."

The king awoke : the dream was true—the problem solved : The building of the palace was begun.

Meanwhile (the king was very near the hearts of all His loyal subjects) a vague rumor spread Throughout the city that his heart was troubled sore Because he had no artisan with head — —! —— !


Sufficient for the royal task ; and sympathy And tender helpfulness and kindly words Came up from every side. But one bright early morn A flock of brilliant-plumaged, white-winged birds Came flying o'er the city from the smiling west,

And all the air was full of sparkling song,

Which seemed to say to all those eager ears, — " Cheer up,

For help is coming, and 't will not be long !" Look to the west ! Cheer up —and then they circled round

And o'er the expectant city, till the hearts

Of all grew lighter than the lightest thistle-down :

E'en merchants came from all the crowded marts

To join the throng : and as they gazed, came winding down The hills, with rapid, graceful, easy swing, A long procession—horses, camels, men—and at Their head the grand old man from Tyre—the king As this great retinue approached the wide-eyed throng. And recognition came like lightning flash !" " Hiram of Tyre they cried—"The King ! Hiram the King I Hiram our Benefactor!" Crash on crash The shouts rolled back in thunder peals, wave after wave. Over the city, over hill—and hill Dying away in faintest echoes, as dies the storm !" At the great Master's mandate— " Peace ! be still

So Solomon and Hiram, friends and lovers, built That wondrous pile. Their fleets sailed side by side To Ophir, and brought back great store of ivory And gold and precious stones, and fabrics dyed In the rich colors of those fabled Eastern climes.

To decorate the temple ; and the King

Of Tyre denuded Lebanon of cedars, firs. And everything of worth, that he might bring

The oil of gladness to its humble worshippers. And when the task of that seven years was done The twice one hundred thousand laborers at rest That regal dream stood flashing in the sun, The grandest epic of the ages, and the best.

Thus runs the strange old story; — it is quaintly told On dim and musty parchments, in the deep And dark recesses of an ancient monastery ;— —: —


In the far East, where strangest legends sleep, And only curious travellers, who dig and delve For hidden gems, can rouse them from their slumbers: Let them sleep.

Alas for that grand pile ! Where—where is it to-day? No human eye for eighteen hundred years

Has gazed upon its towers and peerless pinnacles : 'T is buried******in a soundless sea of tears. Another temple—not so grand and beautiful

We sing to-day ; a temple reared by hands And hearts and brains as true as ever struck a blow

For love of God and man in Eastern lands ; A temple round whose modest pillars cUng the loves Of thousands who have worshipped at its shrine. Whose tender memories, quivering through the haze of years,

Dress it in robes that seem almost divine A temple reared to Education, Truth, and God,

Most of whose builders lie beneath the sod.

And yet this temple groweth still—it is not done

Of years three score and ten and five, it stands

Baring its white, cool, youthful forehead to the sun.

Gazing adown the centuries, its hands Outstretched in passionate welcome to the splendid sons And daughters of the future, whose clear eyes

As full of sweetest laughter as your mountain brooks Shall aye reflect the nations' destinies. Here shall they come, in troops, to taste the cooling spring. And thirsty souls shall drink, and drink again, And, passing out these academic doors, shall go To raise to higher planes their fellow-men.

Another Hiram, too, we sing—and every inch A man—a king—yea, every inch a king No whit the less than he of fragrant memory Whose praise the Poet has essayed to sing. The strength and wisdom of his ripe and golden years. His forceful, guiding hand and teeming brain, Helped fashion here a fane so grand, we could but think The King of Tyre had come to earth again. ! :—— —


To-day we saw a long procession winding up

The hill, in gay attire, and at its head A form and face familiar in the years gone by Our hearts were lighter—baleful fancies fled

For in that noble form we saw Hiram the King ! And warm hearts greeted him with silent cheers. No crown of gold sat heavy on his brow—instead. The rime of wisdom and of four-score years, As light and airy as the fleecy clouds of June

Afloat in ether ; and an easy grace,

Born of a life well spent, spread o'er his countenance : We thought he had a wondrous lovely face. Welcome, King Hiram, to your own!—a kingdom won

By the sheer force of duties nobly, grandly done !

And here, upon the summit of this sun-crowned height, A beacon light, this modern temple stands. And hearts of gold will turn to her their eager feet, Drawn to her altars by her high commands.

Her gracious light shall not be hid ; —like Joseph's kin- The sun, the moon, and the eleven stars And the encircling mountains feel their pulses thrill With humble homage, and shall leap the bars That stand between them and old Thetford Hill.

The Poet, from the vantage-ground of his high tower Upon the rocky, thunderous coast of Maine, Looks out of his wide window on the turbulent sea And sees uncounted ships—an endless train Go sailing by, and every canvas swelling with The hope and faith that high endeavor knows. How eagerly their white arms welcome every breeze,

From softest kisses to the hardest blows ! See how the salt spray leaps and flashes in the sun,

And falls in cooling drops upon the prow ! See how the parting waters humbly step aside To leave a pathway for the gleaming plow And you can hear the jocund voices of the crew

Come lilting o'er the waves—/ hear them now I So each fair ship goes sailing on—and on—and on Bound to some far-off port—God only knows ; : —


The where, or whether its great anchor ever will Be cast where never more the wild wind blows

Or whether, as the full ripe years go marching by. These brave craft, weather-beaten, canvas-torn,

Will proudly sail across the harbor-bar of home And cast their anchors where their hopes were born.

Old Thetford Hill has sent her noblest craft to sea Where are they now?—Sometimes she cries, with tears, "When will my ships—my splendid ships—come back to me? When will my ships come home?" But darkest fears

Give place to triumph ! Look ! This early morn a soft

Brisk breeze across the white-capped waters blew : A fleet of bellying sail came flying down the wind. On every deck a bronzed, stout-hearted crew.

And look around you now ! These faces—do you know? Are but the ships Old Thetford launched—her ships of long ago.

Rev. W. J. Tucker, D. D., LL. D., president of Dartmouth Col- lege, was then introduced, and spoke with especial appropriate- ness and marked effect upon the relation of the academy and

college, and of the consideration which is coming back from the far West to seek opportunities in the East, pointing to a revival of interest in New England enterprises and institutions. :


An ample tent had been erected on the common by the enter- prising committee. After exercises in the church two hundred and twenty-six sat down to dinner provided by Mr. Lawrence, proprietor of the Wheelock Hotel, Hanover, N. H. Dr. Bick- nell presided in his usual happy manner, introducing the speak- ers with apt allusions. The following are some of the speeches in substance

Dr. Alvah Hovey said, — I esteem it a very great privilege to be present at this time, and, with others, pay my respects to

Thetford Academy, The hill on which it stands was dear to me from childhood. On it the militia of the town were accus- tomed to meet for parade and drill when the "training day" came round. On it stood the ancient meeting-house where Dr. Burton officiated during half a century. Here was the store of "Kendrick & Latham," with the post-office and the village tavern. Here was the residence of Dr. Palmer, our family phy- sician. And here was the Academy, just across the common from the office and home of "Esquire Short," the only lawyer of the place, a genial and upright man, who, as we have heard, was one of the founders of the school. North of the Academy stands the house of Mr. and Mrs. Watson, where I boarded and studied during my second term at the Academ}^, " doing chores " for the aged couple in payment for board. There I took, with some hesitation, my first cup of tea, to gratify the kind-hearted lady who insisted that I must need the effect of the gentle beverage to guard me against the winter's cold. Well do I remember the daughter also, whose modest and cheerful ways added greatly to the pleasure of my residence there. The principal of the school at that time was Mr. Richards, a young gentleman of fine character and bearing. Without spe- cial brilliancy of manner or fluency of speech, he understood the art of teaching, and commanded the respect of every pupil. 57

What he said was always to the point, and under his instruction the difficulties 6f arithmetic and grammar vanished rapidly away. The work of composition was more exacting, yet attrac- tive, but the practice of declamation was a terror not easily subdued by a farmer boy of sixteen summers. Thus the weeks sped swiftly by, and the first six months of academic life were gone. On the whole they were busy, delightful, profitable months; and though I was led by a variety of reasons to complete my preparation for college on the other side of the Green mountains, I remember Thetford Academy, which is almost in sight of my boyhood home, as the school where I first learned to study in any true sense of the word, and where the direction of my life was really fixed. From that period dates my desire to know more than could be learned at the plough or the carpenter's bench, and I shall never cease to love and bless the school which awakened the purpose that has shaped my life. Others may have learned more at the academy, but none have a more sincere regard for its prosperity in days to come. Mr. Hood said, — It is pleasant to be once more on Thetford hill. To be surrounded by the faces and listen to the voices with which we were once so familiar. Character which was in part formed here has shown with a healthful lustre from Maine to California, from Montana to Georgia, and in lands far away. As we meet here to-day, some of us coming from so far, and recall our younger days, with their struggles, their joys, and their hopes, and remember, with a better judgment than we then had, what Thetford Academy has done for us, and for so many others perhaps more worthy than we are, does it not become us to ask what we can do in return ? How can we in some meas- ure pay the debt we owe ? May there not come out of the influences of these renewed associations that which will enable the grand old school to do in the newer life of to-day that which it was doing forty or fifty years ago? Certainly we would all rejoice to see in this beau- tiful location, surrounded by the green hills and fertile valleys of Vermont and New Hampshire, Thetford Academy, a perpet- ual fountain of everlasting good. 58

The president called on Judge Chester C. Conant, who for more than twenty years past had been a judge in active work in Massachusetts, to represent "The Law."

He said, — I am happy to meet so many of the former Thet- ford students and once more look them in the face. I have looked forward for weeks in anticipation of this meeting, and as I look around here and see these familiar faces, the old gradu- ates, the Reverends, the Honorables, and men with long military titles, and the dignified matrons with them, I am reminded of what old Grandpa Frost once said in those good old days. As he went into the parlor of his boarding house and found a couple sparking there, when he turned and found another couple on the piazza, and still a third couple .on the lawn, he quaintly remarked to Grandma Mehitable, "They say that matches are made in heaven. If that 's so I must confess that

Thetford hill must be a very heavenly place." And so many of my good friends have found their mates here that I am inclined to think that the old man was more than half right. [A voice, " How was that yourself. Judge?"

"Well, I shall have to plead guilty to the soft impeachment."]

After all, my friends, how common it is for unthinking people to indulge in slanderous remarks concerning law, lawyers, and the practice of the law. And in behalf of the many Thetford students who have become lawyers I feel bound to say that I do not know of any other profession or business that could live and endure such slanders and so much abuse. And if half of it were true the legal profession would not survive. But the fact is, there is no other profession that I know of that has so many and such noble representatives as the law, or where more pains is taken to prevent fraudulent or dishonorable transac- tions, and to keep its ranks pure. No dishonorable lawyer can thrive. No rascal can practise law a great while at any rate.

The courts and judges at once bounce him when he is found out. And the people whose best and dearest interests are com- mitted to the care of the lawyer, whose money, reputation, and domestic happiness are often involved, depend upon absolute fidelity and honesty. They soon know whom to trust. It is also —

59 true, whenever a man of learning, honor, integrity, of pure life and character, is sought for as a judge to'administer the law, he is always found in the legal ranks. And I am glad to know that so many of our Thetford boys have achieved distinction, and made their mark in the law. They have blessed the com- munity in which they lived. Their honorable and useful lives have reflected honor and credit on this venerable school and the good men who have planted here the seeds of usefulness in life.

Rev. Wm. S. Palmer, D. D., of the class of '50, was called to speak for another profession. He said,

My profession needs no defence, as my friend Conant seems to feel that his does, and I have nothing to prevent my saying at once what I want to say on this occasion. Yesterday, some of us heard a good deal said at Dartmouth about how greatly indebted we are to the college. I am at the farthest remove from wishing to substract in the least from that great indebted- ness yet I feel very sure that many of us owe no less to the ; academy—especially to Thetford Academy. It has l^een suggested to-day that this institution did not come into being by accident ; but was the outcome of determined and dauntless endeavor on the part of earnestly devout men. My coming to this Academy, fifty years ago next autumn, was in no sense an accident. My mother had been from time to time, before her marriage, in the families of Dr. Burton and other influential men on this hill of Zion. She knew the spirit breathed in those honored households ; and w^hen her boy became old enough to go away from home to school, her only thought was of Thetford Academy. She felt that here he might be led to breathe deeply the Spirit of our only true Master.

For years past, I have had hanging in my study photographs of the three persons to whom I owe more than to any others outside of my own present family. Strange as it may seem, neither one of these three photographs is that of my venerated college president. Dr. Lord, or that of any member of the grate- fully remembered Dartmouth professors of my day. The first ;


of the three, I need not say, is that of my sainted mother,

and how I wish I might now tell her how more and more as

the years roll on I realize my debt of gratitude to her. When

I was but a little child, I knew perfectly well what sphere of life

she wished her only boy might find and fill. I knew it as well

as I knew she was alive. Not that she often said it. I cannot

remember her ever saying it or praying for it in so many words

but somehow it "went without saying." She breathed it in her spiritual breath. She wrought into her boy the feeling that no

sacrifice could be too great if thereby he could make his life tell for the spiritual and eternal good of men. That fact was the inspiration of my childhood and youth.

But, at length, I came to need a type of influence which my mother could not bring to bear upon me. Her native trend of mind often led her to despair of realizing the noblest ends of

effort. Often what she most longed for, she dared not hope for. An inspiration of fresh courage and determination, was a primal result of my coming to this Academy. Our honored principal's

face is the second of the three that have looked down upon me from my study walls. His kindly laying his hand upon my shoulder one afternoon, only a few rods from where we

are gathered this hour, and earnestly asking me if I would pronounce myself purposing to be a Christian the first oppor- tvmity.that offered, and adding, "It may be the turning point,"

led me to that public confession of Christ, which I have reason to believe determined the course of my life-work, and mayhap my destiny for time and eternity. Ever after that hour, Dr. Orcutt was constantly bringing me a needed courage to undertake the

utmost I was capable of doing. Without that help, I tremble

to think how much more useless my life had been than it has proved. A schoolmate, however, especially in academy days, often exerts an influence scarcely second to a principal's. More than I can

tell, I needed the constant companionship of those whose influ- ence, like Dr. Orcutt's, was fitted to drive out of my being a native tendency to give up trying to overcome serious obstacles. The third face on my study walls is that of one who, alike in youth and manhood, in academy and college, in war and peace, —

61 in pulpit and on the platform, has been habitually trampling under his feet every type of hindrances to sublimest success in his life-work—my academy and college room-mate, and my life-long friend, General Eaton, To him, and not less by any means to my still closer life-companion, I owe not a little of whatever constancy and energy have marked my course.

I have dared to dwell so minutely upon these personal par- ticulars, because they illustrate what type of influences begin to be decisive during the academy course of study. The most decisive influences of life, in the great majority of cases, are met earlier than one's college days. The academy is called with a calling transcendently high. The Christian academy is simply indispensable to the best interests of our rising race.

It is preeminently indispensable in such a place as this, remote from the valuable helps of high schools, supported at public expense. The academy alone must be the heaven-chosen source of inspiration to highest endeavor on the part of that gifted boy or girl in yonder obscure home, to whom President Tucker so tell- ingly pointed us earlier this afternoon. The light of Thetford Academy, on this delightful eminence, encircled by yonder mag- nificent mountains, cannot be spared by these townships on either side of the river. So long as it continues to burn on its lofty watchtower, it "cannot be hid."

Judge Morrill said,

I am somewhat overwhelmed by this very complimentary introduction. At home, where I am better known, I am not accustomed to such flattering words. Really, sir, I am taken a little by surprise by this call, for you stated at the outset that you intended to call only upon the good-looking old Thetford boys, and therefore I was feeling assured that I should escape.

I am, however, glad to be with you to-day. I hardly need say this for I have come a thousand miles, in part to revisit these scenes and to revive the memories of this hour.

About a year ago I received a circular announcing some sort of a reminiscential gathering here. At first it brought confu- sion to my mind, for the busy cares of more than thirty years life in a great city had somewhat dimmed the recollections of 62

old Thetford. But memory soon did its work, and incident after incident was revived, so that some of the pleasantest thoughts of the year have centered upon the events of those early days spent here. A few weeks ago another circular came, urging those who had sown seeds of learning and knowledge at this institution to return, bringing their sheaves with them. Not all of us have

reaped a large harvest, but such as it is we cordially and grate-

fully lay it at the feet of this our foster mother. Especially do

I acknowledge my obligation to the instructors of my day, Orcutt, Hood, Woodworth, and their associates, whose presence happily graces this occasion. Yesterday my attention was called to the old motto of the Academy, which I had forgotten, " Firmiim fimdamcntum pone.'''' A waggish Dartmouth alumnus suggested that this meant, "Laying the foundation firmly through a pony." Cer-

tainly this was not the construction given to it in my day. It is

President Eliot, I think, who says that the object of education

is fourfold; to teach the power of observation, of memory, and

the application of knowledge, and the ability to express it. With me in some of these lines the very foundation was laid

in these halls. Did time permit I would gladly dwell upon the great work achieved by this institution in the seventy-five years

of its existence. Through evil and good report, in times of its

adversity as well as prosperity, it has moved steadily on its way, standing like a beacon light on this beautiful summit,

shedding its beneficent influence in all directions. What \york has been done by this long line of devoted teachers, whose honored names have been recalled in the his-

torical address to which we have just listened ! All are familiar with the wonderful progress made in educational development during this period in the great West. Some of us sons of Thetford have taken some part in this and know how much that great movement has been inspired and moulded by the example of this and kindred institutions of the East, and by the rich- ness and flavor of culture incident to your superior age and experience. And while in no wise denying our allegiance to those newer agencies we confess that our hearts turn toward and 63 our best affections cluster around these gray old institutions founded in the early days. It may not be foreign to this occa- sion to allude to some phases of the wonderful progress we have witnessed during the more than a generation that has passed since some of us went forth from this place. The great Civil War has brought universality of freedom, equality of right before the law, and forever settled, we may hope, the Webster- ian doctrine of the indestructibility of the Union. It has broken down the barriers between the North and the South, social, commercial, and political, and given us a more perfect union. But let us not be deceived. Great social and economic questions are pressing hard upon us, touching this very hour the boundary line of extreme socialism and anarchy. This is inci- dent perhaps to our marvellous social and material progress, with which higher education has hardly kept pace. We may well inquire what is the remedy for this evil. We answer that for the moment it is in the speedy and resistless application of force. But ultimately I believe it is to be found, not in that great money power which is overshadowing the country, nor on the other hand in the great masses, who, armed with the ballot, are struggling over these questions with zeal, but without knowledge. In my judgment it lies in that mighty impulse toward higher education, of which President Tucker has just spoken, and which is quickening the pulse of the nation throughout every fibre. It is the young men and women whom we are to-day sending forth from this and similar institutions, and those of a higher class, who are to solve these great ques- tions and save the people from themselves in their mad spirit of unrest. To the end that they may do well this work and settle these questions upon a permanent, sound, and national basis, there is need of renewed interest in higher education, and of closer sympathy between, and greater unity of thought, method, and action on the part of, our institutions of learning through- out all parts of the land. In a sense a new contest is before us for national unity and safety.

May I not take back to the educators of Ohio, in one line of whose work I am engaged, the greeting of these friends of edu- cation, and the assurance of this large' body of graduates and 64 the supporters of this honored institution that they are ready to unite in that which is wisest, be^t, and most expedient in this great contest ?

Dr. Orcutt spoke in substance as follows :

A well-known law in hydraulics, that "a stream cannot rise higher than its fountain," has seemingly been violated in the history of Thetford Academy. In the twelve of the seventy- five chapters of the history of this academy, this exception to nature's law, has been forcibly revealed. The Preceptor of the old academy, during these twelve years,

I will assume, was the fountain, and his boys the streams flow- ing from it. Then Preceptor was the tallest man in the academy. Now look at the presiding officer, at the head of this table. He was one of these boys, but he has grown so tall that he does not know whether he lives on earth or in the heavens. His expla- nation of the fact was that Preceptor started his growth, but did not stop it. A more reasonable explanation is: He was born and reared in Rhode Island, a state so small that he could grow only in one direction ; and his head is bald because it reaches beyond the region of vegetation. Again, from 1843 to 1855, Preceptor was more portly than any of his boys, but now what a contrast between him and the

general, over yonder ! His physical greatness, as a specimen, is due to the fact that he has enjoyed the freedom of the nation, and has been well fed. In another and more important sense, these streams have risen above their fountain. Where do we now find these men who were boys in Thetford

Academy, forty years ago ? Many of them are foremost in the active life of the nation.

The profession of law is honored, not only by many of these now able advocates at the bar, but by leaders in the courts and upon the platform. As examples, I may mention Anson S. Mar- shall, district attorney for New Hampshire ; Baxter E. Perry, for more than thirty years a prominent lawyer in the city of Boston and now mayor of the city of Medford Judge Samuel M. Glea- ;

son, one of the trustees of Thetford Academy ; Hon. A. W. Ten- ney, U. S. district attorriey, at Brooklyn, N. Y., and president of 65

Dartmouth College alumni, and orator at General Grant's tomb on the last Memorial Day; Hon. Lyman Hinkley, lieutenant- of Boston, for two governor of Vermont ; Hon. H. J. Boardman, of the Massachusetts senate Judge James B. years president ; Richardson, of Boston, one of the trustees of Dartmouth Col- E. Hovey and S. R. Bond, of the Washington lege ; Gen. C.

; Sanborn of St. Paul C. C. Conant, of bar Gen. J. ; Judge Greenfield, Mass., and Hon. Ira Colby, of Claremont, N. H.

The medical profession enrolls among its able practitioners and distinguished scholars many Thetford boys. I may men- tion among the scholars. Dr. William L. Worcester, for sixteen years assistant superintendent in the insane asylums at Kala- mazoo, Mich., and Little Rock, Ark., and an able writer upon medical subjects, and Prof. C. P. Frost, M. D., LL. D., for many years and now, at the head of the medical department of Dart- mouth College. The profession of the ministry has welcomed to its pulpits many of our boys, as able preachers and useful pastors, at home and abroad, who have reflected much honor upon the Academy. Among those who have been and are prominent, I will name Rev. Wilson A. Farnsworth, D. D., who for more than forty years, has been a kind of bishop among the missionaries of Turkey, Rev. William S. Palmer, D. D., Rev. Alfred Putnam, D. D., Rev. George W. Gardner, D. D., and Rev. Calvin C. Hul- bert, D. D. In the profession of teaching, Thetford graduates have held conspicuous and honored positions. Three college presidents are among this number. General Eaton (who was also for six- teen years at the head of the National Bureau at Washington, D. C), Dr. Gardner, and Dr. Hulbert. Also, at least, three col- lege professors. Professor Perry of Williams College, Professor Ruggles of Dartmouth College, and Professor Woodworth of North Dakota University (Professor Perry, the author of a popular treatise on political economy, and a champion of free trade against protection, who was once pitted against Horace Greeley in a public discussion upon this subject. The last time

I met the professor he spoke with great earnestness upon his favorite subject, alluding sneeringly to " a duty on hides " which 66 was then under discussion in congress. I said to him that he doubtless knew more than I did upon this disputed question of public policy, but one thing I did know, I did my duty on hides, while he was a student in Thetford Academy, and to this fact he doubtless owed his success).

I will further mention Hon. Gilbert E. Hood, my honored successor as principal of Thetford Academy ; Dr. T. W. Bick- nell, the teacher, state supervisor, and editor; Edward A. Jenks,

A. M., our honored poet, of Concord, N. H. ; Hon. Edward Conant, state superintendent of education, and principal of a

normal school in Vermont ; Hon. Frederick Bates, superin-

tendent of schools, and mayor of Titusville, Pa. ; Rev. Carlos Slafter, our honored historian, and for forty years high school principal ; Mr. George C. Mack ; Mr. Henry Babcock, the dis- tinguished botanist, and Mr. S. W. Burnham, the astronomer, both each an acknowledged authority on these subjects in this country and in Europe. Mr. David L. Petegrew of Worcester, an expert in insurance, and Mr. Horace W. Thompson of Bel- lows Falls, Vt., a prince among business men. Thetford Academy also shared in the sacrifices and honors of the Civil War. Gen. John Eaton gained his title by his official connection with the grand . Gens. Charles

E. Hovey and John B. Sanborn ; Majors E. W. and E. P. Farr;

Col. Samuel Adams ; Capts. George Farr, Thomas Sanborn, and Edwin B. Frost; surgeons, Professors C. P. Frost and Samuel

Thayer ; Dr. H. H. Gillett, Dr. John M. Eaton, and Dr. R. O. Mason, assistant surgeons,— all did excellent service on the field, in the camp, and in the navy. General Hovey was severely wounded, and Capt. Edwin B. Frost shot dead in battle. All these and many more of Thetford boys have earned honorable distinction in public life. Hence you see the Pre- ceptor, who was the fountain head in the days of his glory, is now nowhere, while the streams are flooding the nation, and fertilizing the fields in every department and sphere of life.

But the Preceptor is not envious but proud of the success and

merited honors of his former pupils ; for he remembers that he was once their teacher and that they are still his friends. 67

I must not fail here to recall and honor the noble women who were school girls at Thetford Academy during the time under review. They were, at least, the equals of the boys, in character and scholarship, in fidelity and loyalty. The charm of their influence was constantly and everywhere felt for good, in these relations, as it has been since in the family, in the school, and in society. As wives, mothers, and teachers, they have not only honored their Alma Mater, but have blessed the nation and the world. A faithful record of their lives would require volumes. I can only allude to the honorable positions some of them have filled, and the great work they have accomplished. Many deserve honorable men- tion, but I can name but few.

The home is a little kingdom of which the wife and mother is the queen, the central light and the moulding power. The school is an expansion of the family, and the teacher ranks with the mother as the educator of our race. Both in the family and school, woman holds the most important and influential position. She educates every generation of children and moulds the char- acter of the nation. For these important positions Thetford Academy fitted many of her daughters. Most of the wives, whom I here mention, held responsible positions as teachers before their marriage : Mrs. Mary (Clemant) Leavitt, Mrs. Eliza (Du Bois) Frost, Mrs. Fannie (Walbridge) Palmer, Mrs. Susan (Fisher) Mack, Mrs. Kate (Gillett) Niles, Mrs. Caroline (Palmer) Farnsworth, Mrs. Mary (Woodward) Hulbert, Mrs. Lizzie (Frost) Little, Mrs. Nellie (Frost) Parmalee, Mrs. Julia (Farr) Parmalee, Mrs. Elizabeth (Bates) Jewett, Mrs. Lucy (Marsh) Dustan, Mrs. Susan (White) McKay, Mrs. Char- lotte (Hough) Perry, Mrs. Carrie (Eaton) Pennock, Mrs, Susan (Page) Currier, Mrs. Abbie (Smith) Caverno, Mrs. Isabella (Babcock) Swift, Mrs. Arabella (Babcock) Goodwin, Mrs. Frances (Babcock) Bigelow, Mrs. Frances (Herrick) Hood, Mrs. Lucinda (Hood) Smith, Miss Alice Worcester and Miss Kate Fletcher (expert teachers of deaf mutes), Miss Kate Worcester, Miss Hannah Gillett, Miss Jennie Sherman, Miss Celia Sherman, Miss Ellen R. Putnam, Miss Harriet Hinkley, Miss Mary Heaton, Miss Eliza Hood, Miss ! ; ; ;


Louise Gillett, Miss Lucy Brown, Miss Sarah Closson. Of these Mrs. Caroline Farnsworth, the Mrs. Nellie and Julia Parmalee, Mrs. Arabella Goodwin, and Miss Sarah Closson, were missionaries in foreign lands.

In this allusion to my former pupils, I have coupled the living with the dead. Each deserves equal recognition and affectionate regard.

The living " The joy of meeting not unmixed with pain. Where are the others? Voices from the deep

Caverns of darkness answer me, ' They sleep.''

I name no names : instinctively I feel Each at some well remembered grave will kneel, And from the inscription wipe the weeds and moss,

For every heart best knoweth its own loss.

I see their scattered gravestones gleaming white Through the pale dusk of the impending night

O'er all alike the impartial sunset throws

Its golden lilies mingled with the rose We give to each a tender thought, and pass Out of the graveyards with their tangled grass, Unto those scenes frequented by our feet When we were young, and life was fresh and sweet."

Here I may suggest, the secret of the success of these students is revealed in their character, and ability, when they entered the Academy. The material furnished the Preceptor to work upon was of the best (juality. No academy was ever favored with a better class of students than were found among the two thousand five hundred who entered this institution, dur- ing these twelve years. They were not the heirs of fortune their capital was brains, character, energy, and enthusiasm. They were determined to make the most of themselves. Another fact may here be stated. The character of the old Academy was suited to develop, cultivate, and mature this class of noble minds. It was a Christian institution, recognizing the truths of the Gospel and the example and teachings of the Great Master, " who is the chiefest among ten thousand and the One altogether lovely." 69

It was the purpose and aim of Preceptor to bring his students under the influence of Christian principle, and to guide them in

the duties of the Christian life ; to inspire as well as to teach ; to make men and tuonien, conscious of their obligations to God, and

qualified to solve the hard problems of human life, and to make

themselves felt and useful in the world. Though this work of Preceptor and his assistants was done very imperfectly, grand results have been realized in the lives under review.

I will also speak with emphasis of the loyalty of my Thetford students to their Preceptor and to the school. Some of the boys were roguish (in the better meaning of this term), but never dis- loyal. This fun-loving, boyish propensity sometimes manifested itself in horn blowing, convivial entertainments, and boyish tricks in violation of known and necessary school regulations. But no hostility or insubordination was ever intended. If they could gain a point in collision with Preceptor, they

enjoyed it, but when caught, they submitted patiently to the punishment inflicted. One man told Preceptor, twenty years afterwards, that he would not have caught him in Parson

Babcock's door-yard, blowing a horn, if he had not worn another man's hat, and carried in his hand a horn captured from some other fellow. Another rogue, who was caught carrying eggs and dishes from the store to his room, preparatory to a night supper, when he had deposited them in Preceptor's office, and by his orders retvirned them to the store the next day, reported at his breakfast table that he should have to keep a hen in his room to lay the eggs, as it cost too much to have them pass through the custom house. Still another bore patiently the mortification of exposure of the fact that he had been pulled out from under the bed, where he had attempted to hide himself, leaving behind his hat and one shoe as silent witnesses of his guilt in violating a well known school regulation. And yet even this class of students were among Preceptor's most loyal friends, and always ready to sustain him in maintaining good order. For all these expressions of loyalty and affection then and now, I am profoundly grateful. "


Thetford Academy has a noble record from youth to old age, has done a great work, and deserves well of its numerous children. It has now a claim upon their sympathy, combined cooperation, and material aid, to enable it to renew its age and perpetuate its usefulness.


The immigrant ancestor of the Hoveys in America was Daniel Hovey, who settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1637. Where he came from is not certainly known, but presumably from England or Holland. Amos Hovey, of the fifth generation from Daniel, was one of the pioneer settlers of the town of Thetford, whose "clearing" or homestead lay about a mile, as the crow flies, south from the village of Thetford Hill. His son, Alfred, who married Abigail Howard, a lineal descendant from the Cushmans and Allertons of Pilgrim memory, suc- ceeded to the homestead, where his and Abigail's four girls (Clara, Mary, Leantha, Frances) and seven boys (Amos, Alvah, William, Leland, Oramel, Charles, Eleazer) grew up, and from which they, or most of them, trudged to the academy on the hill, for schooling. It is pretty safe to say that the influence of the academy made of Clara an excellent " district school teacher and sent Amos, Alvah, and Charles to college.

Clara, born August 13, 18 13, and educated in the Academy, was a successful teacher for a number of years, both in Ver- mont and in Wisconsin. She married Rev. Solomon Chaffee, and had one child, a daughter, named Clara.

Avws, born July 4, 1S18, fitted for college at the Academy, and graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1842. He has devoted himself chiefly to business pursuits, but for several years was principal of a literary and scientific institution in Brandon, Vt. He has been twice married, first to Josephine Mary Scofield, by whom he had two sons, —James, an accomp- lished scholar and lawyer, and Edgar—both of whom died in early manhood; and second, to Henrietta Brown Trembly.

Alvah, born March 5, 1820, fitted for college at the Academy, and graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1844. After a few years' service as instructor in secondary schools or acade- mies, he went to Newton Centre, Mass., to study in the well known Baptist Theological Institution located there. Upon


71 the completion of his studies he entered the ministry and con- tinued to preach until called back to the institution in 1853 as professor of church history. Two years later he was promoted to the chair of theology and Christian ethics which he still holds; and in 1868, he was placed in executive charge of the institution as its president, which office he still holds. He has received the honorary degrees of S. T. D., and D. D. He has written books, which are published, with titles as follows : "The Life and Times of Rev. Isaac Backus, A. M.," pp. 369 (1859); "The State of the Impenitent Dead "(1859); "The Miracles of Christ as Attested by the Evangelists," pp. 319 (1864); "The Scriptural Law of Divorce" (1866); "God With Us; or the Person and Work of Christ," pp. 271 (1872); "The Bible" (1872); "Religion and the State," pp. 175 (1876); "The Higher Christian Life" (1877); "Manual of Theology," " " ; Commentary on the Gospel of John pp. 437 (1878) (1885) ; "Biblical Eschatology," pp. 192 (1888); "Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians " (1890); editor of the American Com- " mentary on the New Testament (i88o-'9o) ; "General Intro- duction to the New Testament" (1881); "Studies in Ethics and Religion," pp. 573 (1892). He has also written pamphlets (which are published) with titles as follows: "State of Men After Death (1874); "The

Holy Supper" (1880) ; "Evils of Infant Baptism; Close Com- munion;" Semi-Centennial Discourse at Newton (1875); "Progress of a Century" (1876); "Election; Future Punish- ment; Theological Propaedeutic" (1894). He was a member of the executive committee of the American Baptist Missionary Union for fifteen years, from 1869 to 1884. He has been many years and still is trustee of Worcester acad- emy ; a fellow of Brown University ; a trustee of Wellesley col- lege ; a trustee of the New England Conservatory of Music ; president of the National Divorce Reform League ; a trustee of

the General Theological Library of Boston ; and president of the Gardner Colby Ministerial Relief Society. This is rather a remarkable record. It is not given to many men—even Thetford Academy men—to serve an institution of such character and rank as Newton Theological Institution for forty-two years as professor, twenty-seven years of this time also as president, and yet accomplish so much other work. President Hovey was married in 1852 to Augusta Maria

Rice. They have two daughters : Helen, married to a mis- sionary now in Japan ; and Hattie, married to a clergyman of

Chicago ; and two sons : George, a professor in a college ; and Frederick, a lawyer and a champion in lawn tennis. 72

Charles, born April 26, 1827, fitted for college at the Acad- emy, and graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1852. He has been successively a pedagogue, soldier, and lawyer. After leaving college he took charge of the academy and high school at Framingham, Mass. ; and two years later, accepted a like position in a private school at Peoria, 111. ; and on the passage of a free school law for that city, organized, graded, and put in operation the schools under it. While at Peoria he served one term as president of the great Educational Association of the state, and edited its organ, the Illinois Teacher. When the state established a university for training and educating teach- ers and set aside the income of her college and seminary funds for its support, he was called to the presidency, and for four years (i857-'6i) conducted this important institution. Then the war broke out, and he, together with over two hundred of his students and three of the professors, volunteered as soldiers for suppressing the Rebellion. Volunteers from other colleges and institutions in the state soon joined them in Camp Butler, swelling the number to a thousand men, or enough for a regi- ment. At an election held in camp he was recommended to the governor for colonel, and was so appointed and commis- sioned. At first his regiment, the Thirty-third Illinois, was spoken of sarcastically by other commands as the " Brain Regi- ment." But this soon wore off. The Thirty-thirders fought themselves into favor in due time, —their first engagement as a regiment being at the Battle of Fredericktown, Mo., in 1861. During the ensuing winter, i86i-'62, he commanded the Union out-post at Arcadia, w-here " Fort Hovey " was built. On the march down through Missouri and Arkansas to Helena on the Mississippi, he was assigned to the command of a brigade ; and on that march he won promotion to the rank of brigadier- general for his conduct of the battle at Cache river, where his advance, hardly five hundred strong, ran up against " about five thousand effectives," under the rebel General Rust, and defeated them. Rust's command "retreated," says the rebel report (General Hindman's), " in great disorder across White river." " The rebels did not stop running," says the Union report (General Steele's), " until they had gone eight miles south of Little Rock." He commanded the brigade on the ex- treme left of Sherman's army at the disastrous assault from the Yazoo and Chickasaw bayou on the rebel works back of Vicks-

burg, near Haines's Bluff ; and the brigade on the extreme right of McClernand's army at the capture of Arkansas post, where he was wounded. He was brevetted a major-general for " gal- lant and meritorious conduct in battle, particularly at Arkansas


(from a war-time photograph.) THOMAS WILLIAMS BICKNELL, LL. D.

73 post." Since the close of the v r he has resided, most of the time, in Washington, D. C, eng, ged in the practice of law ; and has held no public office except that of trustee of the public schools of the city. He married Harriette Farnham Spofford in 1854. They have had three sons : Edward, who died while yet a child ;

Alfred, a ranchman in Idaho ; and Richard, who is devoting himself to literature and has, though yet a young man, already distinguished himself as the author of " Launcelot and Guene- " vere," a poem based on the King Arthur legend ; of Seaward," " an elegy on the death of the poet Parsons ; and of Gandolfo," an Italian tragedy of the twelfth century. He has also trans- lated from the French a volume of the plays of Maurice Maeter- linck, and from the German, Uriel Acosta by Karl Giitzkow.

Thomas Williams Bicknell, LL. D., Providence, R. I., son of Allan and Harriet Kinnicutt Bicknell, born in Barrington, R. I., September 6, 1834, married Amelia D. Blanding of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, September 5, i860, student and teacher until 1869; state superintendent of education from 1869 to 1875; editor and publisher 1875 *^ 1876; legislator, and in business and banking, 1866. He studied in common and select schools in Rhode Island, and at Thetford Academy, graduating there with the Greek oration, in 1853; entered Amherst college and remained one year; then during three years was occupied as principal of schools in Elgin, 111., high school, Rehoboth,

Massachusetts ; secretary of a Kansas relief expedition, and prisoner with border ruffians. He took the remaining three years of his college course at Brown University, graduating in i860. He was principal of the high school, Bristol, i86o-'64, and large grammar school at Providence, 1864 to 1867, and

High school, Bristol, 1867 to 1869 ; 1866 to 1867 he was pres-

ident of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction ; 1869 to 1875 he was state commissioner of common schools. During this time he was also editor of the Rhode Island School-master, member of the board of education, and trustee of the State Normal school. During this interesting educational period in Rhode Island his energy and zeal were everywhere felt. Old activities were infused with new vigor. School affairs took on new life ; the Normal school was reestablished, never again to be overthrown. In 1875 he may be said to have introduced a new era in edu- cational journalism. Up to that time, journals of education had relied in some form upon public subsidy for support. He started 74

\}cvQ. Neiv England Journal of Education. His plans and efforts received the hearty co-operation of many educators, and the journal not only inherited the field occupied by the Massachu- setts and other New England journals of education, but rapidly won national and international circulation. He then founded, at different dates, as editor and publisher, the Primary Teacher, and a bi-monthly magazine known as Education. He continued to devote his great activity to these publications until 1886. Meantime, in 1876, he founded the New England Bureau of Education, Boston, Mass., now under the charge of Dr. Hiram Orcutt, and the National Council of Education in 1880, and was its president from 1880 to 1883; he was president of the National Educational Association at the Madison, Wis., meet- ing, 1884. And by his well directed and untiring efforts began the great series of national educational meetings, creating a fund for the support of the association. The next year he was first vice-president. He was nominated for the ofiice of Chief of the Department of Liberal Arts of the Columbian Exposition, by U. S. Commissioner of Education, Hon. W. T. Harris, and sup- ported by a great body of educators in the country. Aside from his official reports on education, and his editorial issues, he has published many addresses, biographical, histori- cal, memorial, and educational, and has now in preparation the American Monthly of Education. Now and then a poem from his pen has attracted attention. He has long been active in church work, becoming a member

of the Congregational church in Thetford in 1852 ; was organ- izer and deacon of the Harvard Congregational church, Dor- president of the Congre- chester, 1887 to 1893 ; organizer and

gational Sunday-school Union of Rhode Island, i873-'75 ; co- organizer and president Congregational Sunday-school Union,

Massachusetts, 188 1; president International Sunday-school Association, 1884; and superintendent of Sunday-schools at Bristol, Barrington, and Edgewood, R. I., and Dorchester, Mass. He was delegate from Massachusetts to the Raikes Centen-

nial, in London, Eng. ; trustee and co-organizer of the Congre- committee gational Publishing Society, Boston ; member of the from Rhode Island to organize the National Congregational Council, 1866; and delegate to the triennial council at Detroit, 1878. He is president of the Thetford Academy Association, and trustee of the Academy, and the leading promoter of its new life. He has traveled extensively at home and abroad. He was delegate from Rhode Island to the Vienna Exposition in 1873. He is a member of a large number of most impor- tant historical and literary associations in the country, and was



75 president of the Chautauqua Teachers' Reading Union, Chau- tauqua, N. Y., 1886 to 1890. He has received LL. D. from two institutions. In civil affairs he has been justice of the peace nine years in Massachusetts, member of the house of representatives in Rhode Island, 1859 to i860, member of the house of represen- tatives of Massachusetts, i888-'89, chairman of the committee on woman's suffrage. He was founder and president of the New England Publishing Co., founder and president of the Teachers' Mutual Provident Association, Boston, i88o-'83, co-founder and first editor. New England Magazine, under the title of Mag- azifie of New England History, Boston, 1882, president of interstate commission of education, Louisville, Ken., 1882 ; founder Providence Business Bureau, R. I. ; co-founder and manager of Teachers' Educational Exchange, Providence, R. I. was member of the United States Postal Congress, New York,

1878 ; owner, editor, and publisher Massachusetts Dorchester Beacon, i88o-'9o; is now manager of the Rhode Island Depart- ment of Co-operative Saving Society of Kentucky.

Rev. William S. Palmer, D. D., Norwich Town, Conn., son of Stephen West and Nancy (Stratton) Palmer, was born August 6, 1827, at Orfordville, N. H. He closed his studies at Thet- ford Academy in 1850,' entering the sophomore class at Dart- mouth college and graduating there in 1853. February 5, 1855, he was married to Fannie Parish Walbridge, a Thetford student, and a student at Abbott Academy of Andover—a native of Brookfield, Vt. They had both taught during the time of their studies, and from August, 1853, to July, 1855, had charge together of a classical seminary in Kingston, R. I., and later taught together at Berwick Academy in Maine, and a num-' ber of years in the Central high school of , O., of which Mr. Palmer was principal, and teacher of Greek and Latin. Quite a number of their Cleveland pupils took the col- lege course at Western Reserve, and several at Dartmouth—in both institutions acquitting themselves with distinguishing honor. As teachers, both Mr. and Mrs. Palmer entered most fully into the welfare of their pupils, and were favorites, win- ning high encomiums. In 1859, they resigned their positions in Cleveland, and Mr. Palmer entered upon studies preparatory to the gospel ministry. Mastering the Hebrew without a leader, he was licensed to preach by the Orange Association, at the house of President N. Lord in Hanover, N. H. After supplying the church in Lit- tleton some months, in the autumn he commenced attending 76 lectures in Andover seminary, where he remained something over two years, in addition to careful study, supplying vacant pulpits with special acceptance. Meanwhile the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer was a favorite home for students of both the academies and seminary. February 19, 1862, Mr. Palmer was ordained pastor of the church at Wells River, Vt., under peculiarly favorable circum- stances. The church was small at the beginning of his pastor- ate, but during the twelve and a half years of his ministry there it became one of the strongest churches of the state, drawing to itself, in devout self-consecration, the energetic business and professional men of the community, and signally transforming the tone of society in the village and parish. From time to time, from no suggestion on his part, his salary was increased, and their "tin wedding" was celebrated with social demonstra- tions, and generous gifts of the people, the marriage knot being facetiously retied by his college classmate. Dr. Burton. Declining other calls, in 1874, he was installed pastor of the Second Congregational church in Norwich, Conn., his class- mate, Dr. Hulbert preaching the sermon. There his labors were greatly blessed—one hundred and seven being added to the church in the first four years of his pastorate. After fifteen years of arduous work in that field ; his health failing in Octo- ber, 1889, he resigned and retired from all work. By advice of physicians he went to Europe, and, Mrs. Palmer accompanying him, spent nearly a year—some part of the time, deemed by those who met him, little likely to be able to return to America. But a favorable change coming at length, he was enabled not only to return, but to supply for six months the pulpit of the late Dr. Post's church in St. Louis, with such acceptance as to waken the unanimous desire that he should remain as perma- nent pastor; but he deemed his health inadequate. In June he delivered the annual address before the Y. M. C. A., of Marietta college, O. The following autumn he took up his residence in Norwich, Conn., and supplied several different pul- pits—perhaps the longest time that of Dr. Merriam in Worces- ter, Mass. In July and August he supplied the Plymouth church. Rev. Dr. Wells's, in Minneapolis which numbers over one thousand members, and is said to have over one hundred college graduates in its congregation. The next summer, he was invited to supply the same church during the pastor's vaca- tion, and also urged to supply the pulpit just vacated by Dr. Stimson in St. Louis, till a permanent pastor might be secured. But, with steadily improving health, he had meanwhile accepted a call to the church in the historic town of Lebanon, Conn., and

HON. H. A. MORRILL, LL.D. T7 felt that the deepening interest in many hearts there forbade his prolonged absence from his charge. He is still enjoying a pros- perous pastorate in that church, though residing a few miles away, at Norwich Town. In all his ministry, he has been much called to the sick room and to serve at funerals and marriages outside of his own pas- toral responsibility, as well as within it. Both he and Mrs. Palmer have been wise counsellors to many of every age, who have appealed to them. They have emphasized all agencies helpful to the education of the young. Dr. Palmer has served on school boards and boards of library trustees with special acceptance, and Mrs. Palmer, in every appropriate way, has shared his interest in these activities. She has been with him an ardent promoter of missions, both home and foreign —in all possible ways his help-meet—a successful Sunday- school teacher of large classes, a chief officer in woman's associations and gatherings for educational, religious, and philanthropic purposes. Both have been peculiarly happy in winning the young to religious activity. Dr. Palmer has served as examiner at Andover Seminary and Dartmouth College. He was a member of the Congregational Council in Boston, in 1865, and in New Haven in 1874. He delivered the anniversary sermon before the graduating class of Tilden Seminary in 1869, and the annual address in 1873. In 1880, Dartmouth College conferred on him the honorary degree of D. D. For more than forty-five years, he has been a frequent contributor to the daily and weekly press. Though not often consenting to the publication of his ser- mons when desired, there have been printed his " Sermon at the Funeral of Conductor Fisher," his "Address at the Ver- mont State Convention of Y. M. C. A.," a paper upon " Church Work Not Distinctly Religious " read at a Connecticut state conferences of churches, a " Centennial Review " of his Nor- wich church, a " Review of Fifteen Years' Pastorate," a " Memo- rial of Dr. Silas McKeen " in the Congregational Quarterly, and numerous articles in the National Simday-School Teacher, one of which was re-published in a London journal of kindred char- acter, and another in a state educational journal.

Henry Albert Morrill, LL. D., Cincinnati, O., son of Samuel and Martha Tilton Morrill, was born in Potsdam, N. Y., Feb- ruary, 1835. At four he came to reside with his paternal grand- parents on a farm in Danville, Vt. In 1853, he was for a year employed in a mercantile house in St Louis. He fitted for 78 college at Thetford Academy, entering Dartmouth in 1856 and graduating in i860. He immediately went to Cincinnati and engaged in teaching, and commenced the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1863, and became assistant city solicitor under the late Gen. Edward F. Noyes in 1865. In 1867, he became chief of the office. Serving out his term, in 1869 he formed a law partnership with Alexander H. McGuf- fey, whose eldest daughter, Anna, he had married two years pre- vious, which partnership continued until 1892. In the year 1869 he was made professor in the Cincinnati Law school which posi- tion he still holds. In 1876, he was a candidate on the Repub- lican ticket for judge of common pleas , but was defeated with the balance of the ticket. During the last fifteen or twenty years he has been connected as counsel with some of the most con- spicuously litigated cases in southern Ohio. At times he has been active in political and social movements as a speaker and writer for the press and magazines. Mr. Morrill has five children, Elizabeth Drake, wife of John

C. Edwards, a lawyer of Boston, Mass. ; Ellen Campbell ; Albert

Henry, now a student at Dartmouth ; Alice McGuffey ; and Geni- veve Tilton.

In 189 1, Mr. Morrill almost entirely lost his sight, but quickly adapting himself to his new conditions he has continued with- out interruption his work as a practitioner and instructor of law. In the last named year the University of Wooster, O., conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL. D.

Judge Chester Cook Conant, Greenfield, Mass., son of Jona- than and Clarissa, was born in Lyme, N. H., September 4, 1831. at Dartmouth in After leaving Thetford, he graduated 1857 ; read law with Abijah Howard, and graduated at the Albany (N. Y.) Law school in 1859, and began practice in Greenfield, Mass., and there continues. He married Sarah Boardman, daughter of Dr. Roger S. Howard, June, 1858. He has been active in the church, and in promoting all the better interests of the community. His long service as judge won for him great public favor. When in practice his name is among the most conspicuous in connection with important cases on the Franklin county docket, and is frequently found in cases before the supreme court of the state, and occasionally in those before the supreme court of the United States. As a lawyer, he stands high for ability, knowledge of law, prompt- ness and honesty of purpose, he has been called to practice in nearly every county in his state, and nearly every state in New



England. As a judge, he has had the rare fortune of never being over-ruled by a superior court. He has been member of the school committee, active officer of the Young Men's Christian Association, and superintendent of Sunday-school. In politics, he has often been called to the stump, and he has been urged to accept a nomination for congress, and was delegate to the Republican presidential convention which nomi- nated Blaine, and was also state presidential elector. In 1892, he was married to Miss Mary H. Havens. Two daughters by his first wife survive. Charlotte H. Conant is principal of the Walnut Hills school at Natick, Mass., two miles from Wellesley College, conducted mainly as a school preparatory to the college, where she has had rare success, and is this year the president of the Wellesley College Alumna; Association. Miss Martha P. Conant takes the A. M., or second degree, at Wellesley this year. Many of the students of the period will be specially grate- ful that he furnishes the picture of his brother, David Sloan Conant, one of the most worthy and promising of the stu- dents of the Academy, who was persuaded by the advice of an acquaintance not to take a college course, which he always deeply regretted. He studied privately with Dr. E. C. Worcester and Prof. E. R. Peaslee, and at the Dartmouth Medical school, and graduated from the Bowdoin (Me.) Medical school in 1848. He rose rapidly. He united with the church at sixteen, and his Christian character was manifest in all he did. He settled in New York city in 185 1. During the prevalence of cholera in 1854, he had charge of the Mott Street Hospital. He had a large private practice, and became also a professor of surgery in the Medical College, Burlington, Vt., and at Brunswick, Me., and surgeon of the Demlite Dispensary, New York city, and member of the leading medical societies of the country. He died suddenly October 8, 1865, of blood poisoning, greatly lamented. A memorial, a touching and eloquent tribute to Dr. D. S. Conant, by Dr. A. B. Crosby, was published. Dr. Abel B. Conant, also a brother of Judge Conant, born 1837, died 1864; graduated in medicine at Burlington; en- tered the Union Army in 1862, and saw difficult service as surgeon of the Fourth Kentucky Infantry. He was left in charge of the Union sick at Cumberland Gap when that post was evacuated by General Morgan, and was captured and taken to Libby Prison. After his service in the army, he joined his brother, David, in New York city, and also became professor at Burlington, but was attacked by the diphtheria and died suddenly cutting short a life of great promise. ;


Judge C. C. Conant presided. Prayer was offered by Rev. A. A. Smith of Barre, Vt. Miss May sang "Allah ; " Hon. T. W. Bicknell, LL. D., delivered the address on "The Future of Thetford Academy;" Miss May sang "Creole Love Song," and " " as an encore, Celeste ; Rev. W. A. C. Converse read a short poem, and short addresses were delivered by Hon. Fred Bates of Titusville, Pa., Rev. William Slade, Williamstown, Mass., and Prof. Edward Conant, Ph. D., Principal, Normal school, Ran- dolph, Rev. W. H. H. Cummings, A. M., Principal, Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., Rev.. W. S. Hazen, D. D.,

Northfield, Vt. ; when General Eaton gave a word of testimony " " Miss May sang "Ecstasy;" Miss McDuffie read Partings ; and the audience united in hymn by Rev. A. J. Pike, class 1851, to the tune "America," and benediction was pronounced by Rev. William Slade.



In the Athenaeum at Providence, secure in its locket, is a gem of art by one of our Rhode Island painters, Malbone by name.

It is a small picture on ivory and is called "The Hours." Three graceful female figures are before us, side by side. Their names are the Present, the Past, and the Future. They

are full of sweetness and beauty,

"And ne'er did Grecian chisel trace A Nymph, a Naiad, or a Grace, Of finer form or lovelier face." 81

The Present, the central figure, has a regal character, an earnest mien, and a consciousness of power and of opportunity. Her whole being seems instinct with the life and inspiration of the passing hour, and seems to speak to each looker-on Longfellow's exhortation,

"Act, act in the living present, Heart within and God overhead.'"

On the left is the Past, her arm locked in that of her sister, the Present. She has equal grace and beauty, but her head is partly averted as though looking over her shoulder at and into scenes and experiences that have passed. Seriousness, medi- tation, and reflection, mingled with repose and a tinge of sad- ness, are seen in her face. She seems to be living over the days of "Auld Lang Syne," drawing from them comfort, strength, wisdom for guidance in present duty. On the right of the Present, and peering gladly, almost saucily, over her shoulder, is the Future, her face radiant with laughter, and her whole being that of a queen coming to con- quest. It is all sunshine in her eyes and over her face, and hope speaks out of every lovely dimple and each auburn curl. Troops of joyous beings seem to be her unseen attendants.

From her vision the Present is veiled, and over it the Past throws no shadows. As I looked upon this beautiful piece of poetry and painting,

I seemed to see in it a fit representation of the day we cele- brate. Here are joined in one scenic array the earnest Pres- ent, the serious Past, and the hopeful Future ; not wholly divested of the poetic element, for real life and sober duty have in them the most real fiction and deepest poetry that the heart of man has felt or tongue expressed.

Our able and accomplished historian has presented to us in clear and strong outline the history of this old Academy, and we rejoice in the past which is so honorable and so secure. An Academy with sixch a history, running through three quarters of a century, has earned a full right to live for a full century more a life of larger possibilities and successes. Its past is a guaranty of its future. Other academies and many of them 6 82

have yielded to the inexorable logic of events and ceased to be. Our Alma Mater still lives a vigorous life, and having come through the severe changes which the last twenty-five years have

wrought, has proven that, by the law of the survival of the fit-

test, she is fit to be a mother in Israel of educational forces for

years and possibly centuries to come. For how many years, it

is for us her sons and daughters to say, here and now, as we gather at the homestead and partake of the home feast and talk over the virtues of our Alma Mater. With our historian,

we have taken a backward look. May I ask your indulgence for a brief forward look into the future of Thetford Academy, premising what I have of prophesy by a word as to the relations of the Alumni to the Academy, and the vital need of their

co-operation and support in all measures that shall make its

future more successful than its past has been.

The school which has helped to educate a man is a part of his most valuable possessions. It belongs to him in a sense more personal, more distinct, more real, than those things which we call real, as estates, houses, railroads, or even family inheritances. These we can alienate, assign, lose, or the sheriff may sell at public auction. Esau might sell his birthright, but he could not dispose of his nomadic education, for the desert

has its seminaries, and Bedouin or American, whatever we may

happen to be, there comes into every life what makes all life successful or otherwise, the inspiration which seizes and con-

trols young life, enters into it as iron enters the blood, and becomes the essential of the personality, we call ourselves. Rightly used, the school, the academy, the college, not only are a man's choicest possessions in reality, but they also become the means of one's obtaining a measure of material as well as spiritual fortunes, and the men and women who climbed Thet- ford hill twenty, thirty, forty, or more years ago, for the rudi- ments of an education, really found here the magician's wand which has changed crude, raw material of all sorts into fabrics of utility and beauty, in the work-shop of physical as well as spiritual things. We came to Thetford Academy poor, most of us, in purse, and all of us in mental endowment. We left, pos- sibly poorer in pocket, with other possessions, which we have —


learned the value of in the years that have intervened ; and gold could not to-day purchase the inventory of treasures that we call our own, the possibility of which Thetford placed in our hands, and which by the alchemy of assimilative, constructive force, we have made our own. As Emerson says, " Humanly speaking, the school, the college, society, makes the difference between men." "When a man stupid becomes a man inspired, when one and the same man passes out of the torpid into the perceiving state, leaves the din of trifles, the stupor of the senses, to enter into the quasi-omnipotence of high thought,

up and down, around, all limits disappear." Translated into Scripture thought, the idea might take the form of a quotation sent me in a letter from Mr. Orcutt, soon after leaving the

Academy, " Bicknell, a live dog is better than a dead lion." The power to be a live dog in the world is ours because we here or there come in contact with another living agency, which, call it energy, spirit, pluck, enthusiasm, genius, or what- ever you please, has made us what we have been and are, to do what we have done or are now doing. The school, the teachers, these surroundings, nature's greatest show on earth, the pano- rama of scenery at Thetford, are ours in fee simple, ours to enjoy, ours to use, ours to transmit in the great conservatory of rich and enduring force and wealth. This glad return of the sons and daughters of the old Academy to the scenes of youth- ful study and service is but a grateful recognition of the debt due to an institution for what it has given us in the past, and which shall be ours in geometrically increasing values as time passes.

But not only is it true that we, the alumni, own Thetford, the Academy, its traditions, its gifts to us in varying measure, some- what in proportion to our ability to possess ourselves of them, but the Academy also owns us, the alumni, and all our belono-- ings, for we have all been bought with a price, the labors and sacrifices here made for us. A school may have splendid equipments, all that wealth may furnish, and be very poor, if it has not sent out men and women from its halls to do service in the world. Another school may own but little of the world's wealth and be as rich as fable in all that consti- 84 tutes the true and abiding riches,—men and women, who have made the world the richer, by consecrated lives and devoted service. The wealth of Thetford Academy as men count wealth is small indeed, for I suppose that a few thou- sand dollars would buy out the material institution to-day, but the hundreds of young men and women, who in the seventy-five years have come hither to get their start in life, are the real treasures and endowment of the old Academy. " These are my jewels," said the mother of the Gracchi, and so says Thetford Academy to-day as she welcomes you and me back to receive her warm grasp once more ere we pass on and up. Yes, brethren, we own Thetford Hill, Thetford Academy, all that it has been, is and is to be, in severalty as well as in co-partnership. Its history is ours, its traditions, its present, its future. No man can take them from us. Moth and rust may corrupt other things, and thieves may steal material possessions, but these are ours yesterday, to-day, and forevermore. And we individually and collectively, belong to the Academy, by the right of eminent domain. It owns our manhood and our womanhood, our reputations, our successes, and, thank Heaven, our failures, too,—for we all want a sharer in the profit and loss account of life, and so far as our earthly possessions go, it has a mortgage on these to the extent of a full and fair return for value received, always obeying the prin- ciple that to whom much has been given of such much will be required, and in the inventory of a man's life, most men put fully an average assessment on their mental and spiritual estates not subject to municipal taxation. What God has thus joined together in mutual ownership,—the man, the

Academy ; the Academy, the man,—let no man put asunder in spirit, in purpose, or in act.

I assume this close relationship, this ownership of the man and the Academy as the basis of what I am about to say as to the future of this Academy. She must rely upon the loyalty and devotion of her students and alumni to aid her to accom- plish what it may be her mission yet to do in this northern New England world. When Daniel Webster defended his alma mater in the great case that won for him his most enduring fame, he touched a chord which vibrated in every true student's heart when he said, " Dartmouth it is true is a little college, but I 85

love her for what she has done for me." And when the

same devotion fills the soul of every son and daughter of Thetford, the question of what her future shall be will be

no open question at all. " If ye love me ye will keep my commandments." "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?" " Feed my lambs." In the brief time allotted me, I can but give the faintest outline of what I think the Thetford of the future may be. " But as the value of a nation to the human race does not

depend upon its wealth or numbers, so it does not depend upon the distribution of elementary knowledge, but upon the high-

^ water mark of its educated minds."

Education is the growth of man through educative forces. A striking analogy between mental and vegetable growth.

The child plant is forced upward from below and drawn

upward from above. The two great forms push and pull it

into its best normal development. The child mind finds native power and primary education at work from the inner and substratum, while above are the higher agencies of suns and systems drawing him outward and upward. In the revival of education at the opening of the century, the academy and col-

lege were the two greatest uplifting forces in the intellectual life of New England. The academy came into existence to meet the drawing want or need of the college, and the pressing need of the primary

school below it. It filled a long felt want which no other agency could satisfy. Academies multiplied. The evolution of the high school and the subsidence of the academy. The high school sphere. The place of the academy as well as the high school. Vermont has thirty-eight free or public high schools, of which

still eight bear the name of academy ; Vermont has twenty-two endowed academies.

New Hampshire has thirty-six public high schools ; New Hampshire has twenty-five endowed academies. Massachusetts has one hundred and eighty-six public high

schools ; Massachusetts has seventy-five endowed academies.

'Higginson. 86

Maine has ninety-five public high schools ; Maine has twenty-four endowed academies.

Connecticut has forty-seven public high schools ; Connecti- cut has thirty-nine endowed academies.

Rhode Island has ten public high schools ; Rhode Island has five endowed academies. New England has four hundred and twelve public high schools—sixty-nine per cent. ; New England has one hundred and ninety endowed academies—thirty-one per cent. It needs no argument it seems to me to prove that Thetford

Academy is properly located for a permanent and prosperous school not only for this section of northern New England, but also for a class of students from our cities and larger towns who need the physical, mental, and spiritual grace and salvation that may be found on this glorious hill, with its magnificent sur- roundings. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord in the abundance of his gifts is forever round about Thetford Hill. Like Harrow on the Hill in Old England, the school of Sir Robert Peel, Lord Byron, Richard Brinsley Sheri- dan, Lord Palmerston, and other great names, Thetford Hill may be the joy of the whole earth, the Mount Zion of educa- tional blessings. Its nearness to the great college centre at

Dartmouth is a special good fortune in its location. Espec- ially so since this ancient seat of collegiate learning, distin- guished as it has been by great names in the past, is destined to see more favored times under the presidency of Dr. Tucker, its new and most accomplished head. Under the inspiration

of the new education that is to fill the college with new life and its halls with a multitude of students we may expect its direct influence to be to give force, direction, and elevation to all that pertains to the success of a secondary school of high grade in

its immediate neighborhood. The college needs the school

and the school needs the college, and it is most fortunate that a goodly number of the alumni of this old Academy are also alumni of Dartmouth and the University of Vermont, and that several of her most honored sons are on the faculty of Dart- mouth, as well as among the leading men of thought and action in the Granite and Green Mountain states. The intimate con- 87 nection of the Academy at Thetford with Dartmouth, Vermont University, and Middlebury should be continued and made more useful to the Academy in the future. Its courses of study should be fashioned to meet the demands of these col- leges, and the graduation made so easy that the transition from one to the other should be the real and natural course of student life. [Dr. Bicknell proceeded to discuss with great force and elo- quence the increasing demands of industrial and technical edu- cation and to point out what might be expected of Thetford

Academy when its friends were ready to give it an endowment of two hundred thousand dollars or more. Indeed it would greatly delight him if he could see such a superb plan realized at once. After enumerating the sciences and industries that would thus be taught, touching upon the methods of instruction and alluding to the great advantages to be derived from them, he declared that music, vocal and instrumental, will have its place and work as well as its votaries in our coming Academy, and art and architecture will speak from its pictured walls, and its collections of American and foreign works of art.] In Physical Culture, the new Academy will take a leading position by her well appointed gymnasium and her well ar- ranged system of manly sports. Foot-ball, cricket, tennis, bowling, boating on the Connecticut, and all other forms of healthy physical development should have large encouragement and full scope. Military drill and practice in the carpenter's and blacksmith's shop will alternate to give skill, strength, and health to mind and body. But why emphasize the so-called utilitarian work of the Acad- emy .'' Not certainly at the expense of the broad culture studies such as Language, History, Civil Government, Moral Science, Philosophy, and Psychology. These must be made the sub- stratum of all true academic study, but I shall not be faithful to the spirit of coming events in American life, if I fail to recog- nize the near advent of a time of "sweeter manners, purer laws," when society shall revert to some of the simplicity, the sincerity, and the honesty of rural life and labor ; when the ambition for great wealth, which is becoming gross, vulgar, and autocratic, shall be supplanted by the desire for excellence of attainment in all the virtues of wisdom and science. When the hills and valleys of Vermont, New Hampshire, and New England shall not only give birth to and rear great men and women, but shall find for them home pursuits in the culti- vation of the soil, in fruit-culture, in the production of herds of cattle, sheep, and horses, and in the many handicrafts which can be nourished and sustained among these healthful scenes and fair surroundings. Goldsmith's

»' Sweet Auburn loveliest village of the plain, Where health and plenty cheered the laboring swain,

Where smiling Spring its earliest visit paid,

And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed : Dear lovely bowers of innocence and ease, Seats of my youth, when every sport could please,

How often have I paused on every charm, The sheltered cot, the cultivated farm, The never failing brook, the busy mill, The decent church that topt the neighboring hill, The hawthorne bush, with seats beneath the shade For talking age and whispering lovers made,-'

is a part of a rural picture " E'er England's griefs began," des- tined to be realized again when our deserted villages shall receive back to them the children of fortune who have travelled

far and wandered long to find that " Be it ever so humble,

there 's no place like home." Every study of our modern

academy shall find a large field for its exercise and best possi- ble utility at home, and every talented boy and girl need not go ten miles from the old hearthstone to find a sphere for the use of his best energies of mind and body. The grievous times on which we have fallen teach the most instructive lesson as to the normal uses of education and the delusive character of pursuits which have only money-making as an end. When the days of hardship come, then " Fancy reverts to my father's plantation."

" And sighs for the bucket that hangs in the well."

It is not two years since Mr. Rockefeller, the oil king of the world, was compelled, by reason of failing health, to retire 89 from the scenes of a terrible struggle with business, to spend a year behind the plough and to a communion with nature, at the fountain head of life, on the old boyhood farm. The New

Academy is to teach us that character building, not money-mak- ing, is the true business of life, and that a hill-side farm in

Vermont is more valuable for soul development than a seat in Wall Street. In what I have thus far said, I have hinted at the present evolution of educational methods by which the brain and the hand are to become co-workers in the work of life, each doing parts honor to the other ; that all educational schemes are but of one great whole, and that,

"From Nature's chain whatever link you strike, Tenth or ten thousandth breaks the chain alike."

That the primary school, the academy and the college have one and the same work to do, varying only as the different stages in the process call for new forces fitted to the character of the development, and that Thetford Academy is by reason of its locality—near a great college, and in the midst of native forces of great value—peculiarly well fitted to do an important work for education. It is great good fortune to be possessor of an historic past with an alumni of wealth and distinction whose interest in their Alma Mater may be counted on to aid it in the accomplishment of some higher purpose and mission than it has yet achieved. In order to do this larger work, it is evident that Thetford Academy must be established on new and solid foundations. And first it must have a new home suited to the new conditions and needs of the hour. The old Academy building and boarding houses have had their day, having served well their generations and ceased to be of use except as temporary shelters until more permanent struc- tures can be secured. The first step for the successful estab- lishment of the Academy is the purchase of land sightly and suitable for the location of new buildings and the needs of the

school as it shall advance along the various lines of progressive

development. Thetford Hill and its environs have many such sites where students would receive the education that comes 90 from noble scenery as well as from teachers and school work. But land would be useless without buildings and the need of commodious and modern school buildings for halls of instruc- tion, library, laboratories, etc., is apparent to all. It is not necessary that these buildings should be at the outset very extensive, beyond the immediate requirements of schools of one hundred and fifty students, but the plans should be drawn so that the enlargement that might follow would be architecturally harmonious with the beginnings. Nor need the buildings be expensive, although they should have the air of permanence, but not of cheapness. The laws of fitness, taste, and a wise economy should rule in their location and construction. They must be fitted to the workshops, for students and their adorn- ments should be of the interior capacity and equipment, rather than of any special classic order, other than the true American type of essential utility, squared to chaste proportions. But to have land and buildings requires a moderate amount of money, and you practical people have begun to ask in your own minds how much it will cost to build and equip such a school as the times demand. Well let us figure a little and see what the value of

X is in this new problem for the alumni and friends of this

Academy to solve. It has been stated that sufficient land can be purchased on or near Thetford Hill to meet the various needs of an Academy of the present and future for ^3,000.

An Academy building for instruction, library, laboratories, etc., may be figured at any sum you please, from $10,000 to $100,000, according to the sum at disposal, but a fair estimate of a struc- ture which shall be the promise and content of the larger hope would reach $15,000, with a possible $5,000 added. Although Thetford was a boarding-school town for two hundred or more students forty years ago, and yet may become one again, it would be wise and necessary to provide two dormitories at a cost of not less than $6,000 each in proximity to the main building, although, as at Wellesley, it might be wise to attach these dormitories and the boarding department, which would be self-supporting, to the main building and thus economize in the cost of the structure. We have thus wrought from $25,000 to $30,000 into our new 91

Academy, site, and buildings. But the schools are few that are or can be self-supporting from the tuition of the students, and to sustain the life which we have created we shall need the endowment of teacherships or chairs of studies, which it will be the glad privilege of our wise and wealthy alumni and friends to establish. Scholarships will also add to the invested funds of our New Academy, so that before its first five years have passed may we not hope for an endowment of $100,000, and possible $200,000? Truly is it too much to hope that some wealthy alumnus, who has come up to the old Academy with a desire to see the new regime inaugurated, will here and now consecrate a part of a successful life-work in winning favor or fortune, or both, to the increased power and usefulness of the

Academy that gave the possibility of great success ? He who would have the largest blessing is he who has the largest and most generous heart for his Alma Mater in the hour of her new dedication. The Academy of the future needs and will have the generous support of her alumni, but they must have a voice in the control of that which is the object of their noble con- tributions and sacrifices. I am sure that these trustees (although

I do not speak officially) will gladly welcome to seats in their board the chosen representatives of the Alumni association this day organized. A lively interest must be awakened and kept burning in the hearts of the thousands who love Thetford Academy, by inviting them to share in the management of the institution, and in bringing to it the wisdom of their counsels and the influence of their social, intellectual, and business rela- tions. Let the alumni of Thetford Academy, every one and all of them, understand and feel that they have a voice and a vote in its management, and every son and daughter of hers, from Eastport bay to the Gulf of California, would respond with a new zeal and intent as each year they were to vote for a trustee or a director on the official board of the Academy. I venture the assertion that no academy in New England or in the country has a body of alumni more devoted, more sincerely affectionate than has this good old school, and to hold their esteem and love we want to make the relation of the child to the mother a real, a vital, and an inspiring one. And when in —

92 the summer of 1900 we shall gather here to celebrate the in- coming of a new century, it shall be our pride to feel that the head, the heart, and the hand of every alumnus is indeed con- secrated to the new education which has been established within its walls.

But Thetford Academy of the future while it will have, as we trust, hosts of friends and moneys to meet all its wants as they arise, needs the man to energize and guide its forces to success- ful issues. Could we roll back the hands on the dial of time forty years, we could call again to the mastership of afifairs the man who from 1843 to 1855 conducted the Academy so vigor- ously, so manfully, so heroically, and with so self-sacrificing a spirit. Thank heaven that Hiram Orcutt still lives to bless us with his presence and prayers, and that his memory is fresh and green in the hearts and lives of such a multitude of men and women. But his mantle, on whom shall it fall ? or on whose shoulders shall rest the great responsibility of being the creator of this new agency that shall bless the world with life and light .-'

There is toil ahead. There are lions in the way. There are mountains of difficulties to be overcome before the true acad- emy of the future shall be a reality, but somewhere is the man who will laugh at the toil. Somewhere is a man stronger than the lion. Somewhere is the man who, with giant step, shall tread down the mountains or cut his way through them and stand as the real founder of the greater Thetford Academy. We wait the coming man for the establishment of the coming Academy on broader foundations, and we trust with confidence in this great representative assembly of Alumni to aid in mak- ing Thetford Academy of the next seventy-five years a great power for strength and blessing to the coming youth of New England.

Rev. W. A. C. Converse was introduced, and gave, — ; ; — ;



T 'was first in 'forty-seven I felt the wondrous thrill,

That all who once have known remember still,

Quickening with life the heart and brain and will,

As ye have felt who know the power of Thetford Hill.

What was it? Ask yon wider Earth that now inclines, And shows "neath higher skies extended boundary lines

' What was it? but that we with newly opened eyes, Saw more of Earth extend beneath the receding skies?

We stood with heads uncovered on each uptrending road, And with unsandaled feet the springing mountains trod. And with cleared vision read the glory of our God Then to our work we went, nor ever quite forgot What Thetford had made clear to us, and while we wrought, We formed all to the pattern the mountain vision taught.

If aught is good the impulse from our teachers came,

If aught is poorly done we bear ourselves the blame.

But good or ill all left behind we haste. To join the unreturning legions of the past.

God bless you, teachers whom we knew of old, And make your swift approaching sunset glow with gold.

And when your voices and your pupils, too, are still,

God of the fathers and the sons ! bless Thetford Hill.

Hon. Fred Bates, Titusville, Pa., being called said,

One of the most genial poets of this Green Mountain state once said, on an occasion of this kind,

" How joyous, my friends, is the cordial greeting Which gladdens the heart at a family meeting When brothers assemble at Friendship's old shrine

! " ' To look at the present and talk of Lang Syne '

We have spent this very busy day looking at the present, vi^hile banqueting in yonder tent,—perhaps an hour ; the balance of the time from early morn until this late hour, we have lived over again the school days of nearly half a century ago on Thetford Hill.

When I received the first circular announcing this anniver- sary, it went into the waste basket with numerous other adver- ; —;


tisements ; and nothing more was thought of it, until the second circular came which assured me "King Hiram" (the man who forty-three years ago drove me, a poor farmer boy, to college)

was to be here : that General John Eaton was to be here, who

even in his school days I thought ought to have a big title,

it was my wonder even then how " one small head could carry " all he knew ; that Hon. Gilbert E. Hood was to be here, the man who polished us off in Latin and Greek at railroad " speed ; for inspired by the energy of King Hiram," and the pure mountain air of Thetford Hill, we needed no long course of study,—such as the gentleman who has just preceded me has spread out to us,—why if we had that then we should all be in Thetford Academy to-day. And others were to be here, —you, Mr. Chairman (Judge Conant), why I had you down for

the bench over forty years ago ; and Rev. Palmer w^as to be here (more boyish to-day than he ever was in days of yore) and Professor Frost was to be here, who would come up very often from Dartmouth and pretend to assist Mr. Hood, but we " now know it was to "woo and to win the highest prize of his most successful life. When I looked over all this array of talent, I wrote to my sister (who was my companion and confidential adviser at this Academy), to meet me here for this anniversary, and sent orders to Mr. Worcester for beds and "coffee and muffins for two." Now while it was a long journey from my home on the western slope of the Alleghenies to this shrine, I am more than repaid for the time and expense. This has been an eventful day to me and I think to all of you. Many, very many old faces I see before me, and happy reminiscences come crowd- ing upon my memory. I would like to speak of them,

" . . . but the hour would fail, To bring them all up in historic detail

And yet I would give, ere the moment has tied, A sigh for the absent, a tear for the dead. There's not one of them all, where'er he may rove, In the shadows of earth, or the glories above, In the home of his birth, or in lands far away,

But comes back to be kindly remembered to-day ! — — ;


One little word more, and my duty is done ; A health to our Mother, from each mother's son! Unfading in beauty, increasing in strength, May she flourish in health through the century's length And next when her children come round her to boast. " May Esto perpetiia then be the toast !

Rev. Wm. Slade of Williamstown, Mass., was introduced and remarked,

I remember a white-haired man. He w^as almost blind. With the aid of his cane he often walked before his neat cottage in the sunlight and fresh air. I used to make a noise with my feet as I went by him on the sidewalk so he would hear me. He would come and put his hand on my head and ask "Whose little boy is this ? " I would tell him and he would give me a pleasant word with a fine old-fashioned grace. It was Judge Short, out of whose heart this institution sprang, whose age we celebrate to-day. To-night another presence, invisible, bends over me, the strong and worthy presence of that institution, and asks "Whose " boy are you ? I answer " Thetford's boy." Therefore what- ever interests and profits this town attracts and holds me. You, too, who are gathered here are largely sons and daughters of Thetford. This school, whose history and good deeds we have heard, claims your allegiance and your generous support. The enthusiasm which these alumni have brought with them to our town will be quickly dampened, unless the trustees and the people of the town respond with a like enthusiasm. This is Thetford Academy. For generations the young men and young women of the town, from all its scattered villages have been helped and trained in this institution. The Academy sup- plies a training which the towns usually offer in a high school supported by taxing the whole town. Thetford must stand by her Academy for the sake of her young people, or send them away to be educated at great ex- pense, or let them grow up in ignorance of the higher learning.

Now is the time to act. Now is the time to rally, for your own sakes and for the future welfare of the town. You have — !

96 with you all the interest and just pride awakened by this cele- bration. You have with you the enthusiasm of those who have come from a distance to keep with you this honorable birthday. Let us not quench this new life by any coldness in our devotion to the old Academy, we who are native to these glorious hills and who inherited at our birth the advantages of this institu- tion. Let charity begin at home and it will not end there.

" Act, —act in the living present Heart within, and God overhead."

Prof. W. H. Cummings, principal of Kimball Union Acad- emy, Meriden, N. H., was called and said,

Thetford Academy occupies a unique and an important place among the academies of New England. It is eminently the poor students' school. Here he may practice the old-time economy of self-board and self-help, and maintain his social standing among his fellows, for all are on an equality in this respect. The school has been an inspiration to hundreds of poor boys and girls who have begun a course of education here with hardly a dollar ahead, and have completed their course by their own unaided efforts, and meanwhile have acquired a self-reli- ance that has given them the courage and means to secure a college training and fit themselves for great usefulness in a world where there is so much need of the strong intellects and pure hearts that these Vermont hillsides produce. These trained minds and noble lives would have been lost to the world had not our Academy existed. More distant and more expensive schools were beyond their means and thought. The noble purpose of securing an education would never have been awakened and fostered by them. But Thetford Academy, nearer, within the reach of their limited means, was a daily call and inspiration to nobler effort. As student and teacher here

I have had opportunity to observe how the school is appreciated and the opportunities it offers are used by the community and surrounding towns. I have never seen a better spirit anywhere toward any school. 9T

Thetford Academy has in its own vicinity warm loyal friends, who have sacrificed for the school and are ready to sacrifice further. The people patronize it loyally and depend upon it for the education of their sons and daughters.

There are still in these hillside houses other strong young bodies and brains and pure hearts, whom Thetford Academy, and Thetford Academy only, will prepare for noble service if her existence is perpetuated, but if not, the needy world will never feel the uplift of their influence.

Shall the old school continue to do its beneficent work ? Her alumni must answer the question. Let us recall what she has done for us and then shall we not deem it a privilege to contribute what we can in loving remembrance of the kind Mother that has nourished us, and in grateful recognition of all that she has done for us. Prin. Edward Conant, Ph. D., of the Normal school of Ran- " dolph, Vt., said : I am loyal to Thetford Academy. Its past is secure." He spoke particularly of the excellence of its work in recent years, and congratulated it and its friends on its pros, pect of increased usefulness. He assured Thetford Academy of the friendship of the Randolph Normal school.

W. S. Hazen, D. D., of Northfield, Vt., spoke of the pleasure of being there, renewing old associations, revisiting old, famil- iar scenes, of the sadness there was mingled with the joy on account of the changes which these years have witnessed, the many vacant places because those who filled them so worthily are not, for God hath taken them to Himself. He then spoke of the work of institutions like Thetford Academy in laying the foundation for intelligent Christian citizenship. The great want of the times in every walk of life is well disciplined, thor- oughly instructed men and women, such as possess genuine character, "who stand four square to every wind that blows." General Eaton said, " You understand why the address ex- pected of me this evening has given place to others. It is too late for a speech, but bearing testimony may be admissible. The two men who had the most influence in shaping my course in life. Dr. Hiram Orcutt, as my teacher here, and Rev. Dr. 7 98

William S. Palmer, as my companion here, are present to-night.

I can never duly express my obligations to them. I am forci- bly reminded, too, that here at this altar I became a member of the church of Christ. There are moments of peril to life when all the past seems to rush as in judgment before the mind. I have experienced those moments, and I may be per- mitted here to testify that it has never been other than a joy to recall that act or the influence of these friends." Miss Edith McDuffee of Thetford, class of ]S92, gave


Partings I and must we part again?

Must we say it over again to-morrow?

The meetings are full of joy, and then The partings come with their shade of sorrow. Year by year, to one after another, In the same old place, our fostering mother

Is saying it o'er and o'er, Speaking the message low, " God speed thee, Go thy way, the world doth need thee."

We have heard it oft before.

Long years ago, in the dear old days, After the close of a week's confining As we parted, and sought our homeward ways Who ever thought of an hour's repining? Little we noticed what we were saying, Little we cared for a fond delaying, Adieux were easy to speak. Careless the voice and light the laughter. As some gay schoolmate shouted after, "We'll meet on the Hill next week."

And there were times when we said farewell When the ties that bound us were growing stronger.

In some loved spot where the sunlight fell. We tarried and lingered a moment longer. And in our minds there were strange thoughts waking. As friends around were their kmd leave taking And said with hopeful cheer, !


then, sir ! "What ! are you off? Well good-by Wish you good luck in all you try, sir

We '11 meet on the Hill next year."

A parting came when hearts were sore. Of which this night may, perchance, remind us, When sweeter than all that could lie before Seemed the long, bright days that lay behind us. Grave were the voices and hushed the laughter, These were the words that came ringing after, Sweet as a silver chime, " Old friend, good-by! and may God speed thee! We give thee up. The world doth need thee. We'll meet on the Hill sometime."

Sometime! Ah ! when will sometime come? In vain we look for the absent faces,

In vain we list for the voices dumb. In vain we mourn o'er the vacant places.

Brave, happy hearts ! they were quite forgetting That afar beyond the last sun setting

Doth the land of " Sometime" lie. But to-night with a sudden, swift returning Our minds go back with a strong, deep yearning, To the time when they said good-by.

Perhaps, through the years, you can see the flowers. That bloomed that day out there in the meadows, And how through the sweet, sad parting hours Those same old maples cast their shadows. Say, what would you give for the hopes of morning, Untouched as yet by a proud world's scorning, The hopes that you took away?

Unfrozen then by its cold contriving.

Its cynical hate and its selfish striving.

Whose scars you can feel to-day.

Since that farewell in the long ago.

Through strange, strange scenes hath the Master led us, O'er barren moors where the cold winds blow, By sparkling fountains of pleasure fed us.

And yet, through all, like a far bell calling. !


Like a mother's tender accents falling, The old days lured us back. For once just to meet and to greet each other.

To lie at the feet of our fostering mother. We have left the beaten track.

To-day, as of old, we have plucked the flowers That bloomed for us out there in the meadows, We have walked and talked a few happy hours. Where the watching maples cast their shadows.

And now, again, is the fair dream over,

Again, with a grief it is hard to cover. Again we are going away. To the dear old scenes, to the time-worn buildings. Made fair to us by memory's gildings. At parting, what shall we say?

Let us say this, " New courage give.

Ye Northern Winds, with your message laden !

Speak as of old, ' It is grand to live,'

Oh, tell it oft to each youth and maiden !

Ye mountains, farewell ! from your silent glory

In the years to come, tell the same old story,

' Be patient, O restless soul ! Not to the swift is the victory given. But to the one who hath steadfast striven Toward an unchanging goal.'"

" Ye buildings, farewell ! ye are full of grace To us, love-blind, there is little lacking,

Yet can we say, ' Give place, give place,' That the mighty work may go on unslacking.' Our mother must live. The years flown o'er her Are naught to the years that are now before her, Of work for New England youth. May the gracious God that hath fed, long feed her

Great is her task and the world doth need her Teacher of hope and truth."

And what shall we say as with heavy heart Again old friend from old friend must sever? As standing here on the Hill we part ;


For a week? for a month? for a year? forever? While Duty calls with beckoning finger, And we needs must go, and while yet we linger

What shall we say to-night ? Let us part as of yore, " Now may God speed thee !"

The dream is past. " The world doth need thee." We'll meet on the Hills of Light.

The audience then sang the following hymn written for the

Seventy-fifth anniversary of Thetford Academy, by Rev. A. J. Pike, Thetford class of 1851.

Dear Alma Mater, true, The past we now review

With filial joy. We greet thee on thy hill,

Our hearts are loyal still, And with a grateful thrill Our songs employ.

Bright hours we spent with thee, When climbing Learning's tree With youthful zeal Our future then seemed bright Along the path of right, And Fame's most lofty height We deemed our weal.

The teachings just and wise, Up pointed to the skies In Virtue's way.

And in life's labor wrought,

In all life's battles fought. The truths which thou hast taught Have won the day.

Our schoolmates all we greet. Where'er on earth we meet Our chums of yore. True courage on the way. Steps upward every day ; The goal for which we pray Growth evermore. 102

Our thanks to Heaven we raise In songs of grateful praise

For guidance still. May learning yet increase. Advancement never cease, Led by the Prince of Peace, On Thetford Hill.

Benediction was pronounced by Rev. William Slade. :


Mr. Slafter contributes from his studies, the following notes of Judge Buckingham, Hon. B. Loomis, Dr. Palmer, Judge Short, and Rev. Dr. Burton, also the list of trustees, the list of instructors, and the list of students who fitted for college at Thetford Academy and received A. B. or other advanced courses or degrees

Hon. Jedediah Parker Buckingham, son of Capt. Jedediah and Martha (Clark) Buckingham, was born in Lebanon, Conn., April

7, 1758; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1779. He read law with Judge Theophilus Parsons at Newburyport, Mass., and with the Hon. Sylvester Gilbert at Hebron, Conn., and spent two years in England studying at the Temple, London. Soon after his return he located in Thetford. He married, first, Ann Cook,

May 7, 1788. She died July 18, 1835 ; second, Mirabah Springer, September 20, 1835. ^^ "^i^*^ September 20, 1841. He was the first Treasurer of Thetford Academy, Judge of Probate, and

Chief Justice of Orange county court, Vermont, from 1 799-1805.

Hon. Beriah Loomis, son of Beriah, of Bolton, Conn., was i, born March 1753 ; married Mary Benton, of Tolland, Conn., July 14, 1774; died at Thetford, Vt., November 29, 1820. Resided in Tolland, i774-'79, then removed to Thetford in 1780. He was a judge of the Orange county court 1797-

18 1 1 18,13-' in all. and 1 7, eighteen years He was one of the trustees of Thetford Academy.

Dr. David Palmer was born at Castleton, Vt., June 17S9 15, ; educated at Castleton Academy, having previously learned to read from the Bible only, and then reading Plutarch's Lives, Rollin's History, and the Spectator; at nineteen began to study medicine with Dr. Clark, of Middletown, Vt., teaching school in the winters. In 1812, he settled in Clarendon; in 1822, removed to Poultney; and in 1825, to Thetford. In 1828, delivered lectures at Thetford ; and in 1830, gave a short course of lectures on materia medica at the Medical school at Wood- stock. In 1 83 1 he removed to Woodstock to be an instructor in the Vermont Medical College ; and so continued till his death in Pittsfield, Mass., October 22, 1840, the result of iulialing a gas while performing an experiment. 104

Hon. Simeon Short was born in Hartland, Vt., December I, 1786; died in Thetford, February 25, 1877. He was admit- ted to Dartmouth College, but was obliged to give up a col-

legiate education ; however, he continued his studies through the requirements of the sophomore year. He studied law with Judge Hubbard, of Windsor, and was admitted to the bar in in represented Thetford 1814. He settled Thetford, 18 1 5. He in the legislature for the years i828-'3o ; was in the state senate in i838-'4o; was register of probate i824-'36; also in 1849; was assistant judge of the county court in 1838, and judge of probate in 1840. He was a trustee of Thetford Academy more than forty years.

Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., was born in Stonington, Conn., August 25, 1752, the son of Jacob and Rachel, and the sixth child in a family of thirteen. The trustees of Dartmouth Col- lege met at his father's house in Norwich, Vt., and this suggested to him the thought of a collegiate education. He began to prepare for college after he was twenty years old and was admitted to Dartmouth College on his twenty-first birthday, graduating in 1777. He preached his first sermon in Norwich; subject, "Justification by Faith." He was ordained in Thet- ford, January 19, 1779. In 1824, he published his "Essays on Some of the First Principles of Metaphysics, Ethics, and Theology," designed to elucidate what is usually called the "Taste scheme," in opposition to the "Exercise scheme," of which Dr. Emmons, of Franklin, Mass., was the champion. He also published fifteen occasional sermons, two of them having been delivered before the legislature of Vermont. Dr. Burton was one of the original trustees of the University of Vermont, and afterwards a trustee of Middlebury College. He was the first President of Trustees of Thetford Acadeni}', and so continued as long as he was able. He preached a half- century sermon, and soon after his mental faculties began rapidly to decay. He died May i, 1836. TRUSTEES OF THETFORD ACADEMY AND THE TIME WHEN CHOSEN.

Rev. Dr. Asa Burton, Hon. Jedediah Parker Buckingham, Hon. Joseph Reed, WiUiam Heaton, Hon. Lyman Fitch, Dr. Thomas Kendrick, Hon. Simeon Short, Dr. Elijah Hammond, Timothy P. Bartholomew, Hon. Beriah Loomis, Hon. Jedediah H. Harris, Strafford, Thomas Hopkins, Gen. Frederick Smith, Strafford, Capt. William Harris Latham, 1819. Dr. David Palmer, James White, Rev. Baxter Perry, Lyme, N. H., 1825. Presbury West, 1827. Rev. Elisha G. Babcock, 1833. Rev. Erdix Tenney, Lyme, N. H., 1835. ^^- Nathaniel White, 1836. Abijah Howard, Jr., Esq., 1837. Enoch Slade, Esq., Rev. Daniel Campbell, Orford, N. H., Prof. Ira Young, Hanover,

N. H., Prof. Alpheus Crosby, Hanover, N. H., Eliezer J. Marsh, A. B., 1839. Morrill J. W^alker, 1S40. Dr. Harry H. Niles, Hiram Orcutt, A. B., 1843. Dr. Samuel W. Thayer, Jr., 1846. Dr. Ezra C. Worcester, 1847. Rev. Timothy F. Clary, George Denny, Westborough, Mass., 1850. John Lougee, Davis John- son, New York City, Rev. Hubbard Winslow, D. D., Boston, 1852. Charles White, Worcester, Mass., 1855. Gilbert E. Hood, A. B., 1856. Samuel Fletcher, Rev. Leonard Tenney, 1857. Bela Child, David W. Closson, 1858. Willard W. Baker, Benjamin Frost, Col. Solomon G. Heaton, Jonathan Farr, 1 86 1. Ralph E. Hosford, 1862. William Slade, 1863. Rev. Moses T. Runnels, Orford, N. H., 1864. Rev. Isaac Hosford, A. P. Closson, 1865. Rev. Augustus Chandler, Strafford, Rev. William Sewell, Norwich, 1866. Solon K. Berry, 1867. Rev. R. T. Searle, Rev. Prof. Henry E. Parker, Hanover, N. H., Rev. Henry Hazen, Lyme, N. H., Samuel Mills Gleason, Esq., 1868. David A. Turner, Jr., A. M., 1869. Henry M. Latham, 1872. Rev. C. F. Morse, 1875. H. P. Cummings, E. P. George, West Fairlee,

1879. J. J. Conant, 1880. William L. Murphy, Solon G. Smith, 1881. Rev. Harry Brickett, William H. Long, Fairlee, 1882. Rev. H. Cummings, Strafford, William A. Dodge, 1883. Fred E. Garey, George S. Worcester, 1886. Dr. Heman H. Gillett, A. V. Turner, 1887. Rev. S. V. McDuffee, Prof. T. W. D. Worthen, Hanover, N. H., W. L. Paine, 1891. Thomas W. Bicknell, LL. D., Gen. John Eaton, Ph. D., LL. D., 1892. Frank P. Golden, 1893. Gilbert E. Hood, A. M., 1894. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION.

An alphabetical list of the " Board of Instruction " in Thet- ford Academy from 1819 to 1894. The dates following the names indicate the beginning and ending of the instruction which was not in all cases continuous. In doubtful cases an interrogation follows the name. A

Adams, Austin, associate principal 1849 Alden, E. H 1855 Ames, D. T., penmanship i8s8-'59 B

Babcock, Rev. E. G., vocal music 1844 Baker, Matilda G., assistant 1844 Baldwin, Cyrus, principal 1840

Barber, S. M., principal . 1868 Bartholomew, George K., principal i8s8-'59

Beals, William H. . . . 1856-57

Bean, Minnie B. . . . 1883

Belcher, Louisa F. . 1853

Bliss, Don C. . 1884 Blood, Harriet A., preceptress i8go

Boardman, E, E. . 1857

Bucklin, George A. . . . ' 1854

Burke, William C, preceptor . 1832 Burn ham, Nathaniel 1854 Burton, Mercy, preceptress 1825

Buteau, S. A., teacher of modern languages 1855-58

Buteau, Mrs. S. A., ornamental branches . 1855-58

Butler, Henry E...... 1859

Carlton, Emmarenza, drawing 1846-48 Cass, Jonathan 1850 107

Caverno, Charles, associate principal 1854 Chandler, Charles H., principal 1866 Chapman, Jacob, preceptor 1834-35

Chase, Charles P., preceptor i867-'69 Chatterton, A. L. 1855-

Cheney, J. Y. . 1853 Closson, Mary E. i859-'6i

Closson, Sarah A. . • . 1864 Coburn, Loammi, preceptor 1830-31 Cochrane, Helen V. i878-'8o- Conant, Catherine E. 1852

Conland, Miss O. I. 1882

Coote, Nellie . 1887 Cummings, Wm. H., preceptor Cummings, Mrs. Wm. H., teacher of music i887-:88 Cushman, Mrs. H. H., teacher of instrumental music i86o-'6i D

Dalpe, Jacob, teacher of French 1850-52 Dana, Wm. C, preceptor 1829

Davies, Sibby A. W., preceptress ? 1837-39 Denney, Mary E., preceptress i844-'5i Douglass, Alice M., 1890

Dubois, Eliza A., preceptress . 1850-54 Dudley, Georgia M., preceptress i88o-'82

Dwinnell, Eliza F., preceptress 1866 E Esterbrook, Adella A. i885-'86 F

Farr, Isabella G. . . . 1861-62 Farrington, Mary, assistant 1843 Fitch, Rev. John, preceptor 1819-25 Fletcher, Katherine, preceptress i864-'77 Fletcher, Margaret, preceptress 1S77-94 Foster, Rev. A. B., assistant principal 1849-51 French, Geo. H., preceptor i863-'65 108

Frost, Henry M., assistant principal . . . i857-'58

Frost, Laura E., teacher of primary department . i86o-'6i G Gardner, D. Clinton ...... 1892

Gardner, Geo. W., teacher of penmanship . . i845-'46 Garfield, Abbie 1888

Gaudelet, Alfred, modern languages . . . i852-'55 Gaudelet, Mrs. Alfred ...'... 1852-55

Gerry, Mrs. Sophie ...... 1892 H

Hall, Edward Kent ...... 1891

Hazen, Sarah E...... 1859 Hazen, Wm. S i8s8-'59

Heath, Sarah Y...... 1855-57

Heaton, Mary, teacher of primary department . 1861

Herrick, Geo. E...... 1855 Hitchcock, Daniel D., assistant .... 1848 Holden, Jane M 1857-58 Holmes, Miss preceptress 1829 , .... Hood, Eliza P., preceptress ..... i855-'58 Hood, Gilbert E., preceptor ..... i85i-'58 Hood, Mrs. Gilbert E 1852 Hood, Lucinda B., assistant ..... i855-'56 Hopkins, Chas., preceptor ..... 1828

Hough, Charlotte S., assistant in music . . . 184S

Hough, Sarah M., assistant in music . . . 1845

Howard, Roger S., assistant principal . . . 1847 Howe, Alvah S., principal ..... 1865 -'66 Howe, Mrs. Alvah S., preceptress .... i865-'66

Hubbard, Joseph E., vocal music . . . . 1845-46 K

Kenerson, M. Vertner, assistant 1882

Kingsbury, G. D. . i849-'so

Latham, Chas. F., music 1844 109

Latham, Sarah A., instrumental music 110

Pool, Sarah, preceptress . l827-'28 Pringle, Florence E. i887-'88 Prouty, E. K., music 1854 Putnam, Dr. D. P., physiology 1851

Putnam, Ellen R. . . . 1854 R

Ranstead, Cynthia C, preceptress . i863-'69

Redington, Mary, preceptress . 1874-75 Richards, Jonas De Forest, preceptor 1835

Rugg, Louisa A. . . . . 1863

Russell, E. H. . 1859

Sargent, Jennie ..... i863-'65 Sargent, Mrs. Nettie .... 1891

Sawyer, Alma M. . i87o-'76

Sherman, Sarah E. . . i863-'66

Shipherd, James K., preceptor . 1832-34 Short, Hon. Simeon, teacher of chemistry 1842 Slade, Helen F., assistant i889-'9o Slade, Laura (Mrs. Snow), drawing and paintin 1849

Slafter, Edmund F., assistant . 1840 Smith, Abbie H., assistant 1854 Smith, Amy, preceptress i8i9-'25 Smith, Carlos, preceptor .... i825-'27

Smith, Grace F., preceptress . i825-'27 Smith, O. W., assistant .... i856-'S7

Smith, Solon W., music? . i847-'7o Snow, Alice M., preceptress i872-'74 Snow, Mrs. Laura (Slade), art 1870 Sparhawk, Sophia, preceptress i84o-'42 Stanyan, John E., preceptor 1840-43 Stinson, S. B., assistant .... 1848 Stoddard, Mrs. S. D., preceptress i860

Taylor, Oscar, assistant 1853-54 Ill

Thayer, Dr. S. W., Jr., lecturer on chemistry 1844-45 Thayer, Mrs. Sarah L., instrumental music 1845-46 Thayer, Wm. W., preceptor 1831

Turner, David, Jr., preceptor . i869-'8i Turner, Mrs. M. C, preceptress i869-'7o W Walker, Geo. W., assistant 1857

Wardwell, John H., preceptor . 1869 Washburn, Laura A., preceptress 1835-36

Weld, B. AL, preceptor . i88i-'84 Weston, Charlotte, assistant 1857 Wheeler, E. J i887-'88 White, Caroline, assistant 1845 White, Mary, teacher of French ? 1835 White, Dr. Nathaniel, lecturer on physics 1844-50 White, Sarah M., preceptress . 1838 Whittemore, Luther B., assistant i847-'48 Woods, E. C. A., assistant 1849 Wood worth, H. B 1852-57 Worcester, Dr. Ezra C, chemistry and botany i846-'65 Worcester, Miss E. S., instrumental music 1857 Worcester, George S., vocal music . 1857-58 Worthen, Susan S., assistant . 1883 STUDENTS.

Students who fitted for college at Thetford Academy and graduated at college or theological institutions, or without graduating received collegiate honors.

Abbott, Rev. Benjamin Henry, Amherst College . . 1857

Alden, Rev. Edward Hyde, Dartmouth College . . 1859

Alden, Rev. Ezra Judson, D. C...... 1852 B

Baldwin, Dr. Thomas Porter, D. C. . . . . 1849

Ball, Rev. Jasper Newton, D. C...... 1849

Baker, John Richards, D. C...... 1855

Bates, Frederick, D. C...... 1855 Barnard, William Edward, D. C 1856

Bicknell, Thomas Williams, LL. D., Brown University . i860 Bixby, John Herbert, D. C 1883

Blackmer, Orlando Cullen, Williams College . . . 1853 Blake, Joseph Albert, Williams College .... 1862 Bliss, Rev. Asher, Amherst College .... 1829

Bliss, Don C, D. C...... 1892

Blood, Edward F., D. C...... 1892

Boardman, Hon. Halsey Joseph, D. C. . . . . 1858

Bond, Samuel Robert, D. C...... 1855

Brainerd, Rev. Asa, University of Vermont . . . 1826

Brindlecom, Henry, D. C...... 1869

Bruce, Thaddeus Walker, D. C...... 1852

Burnham, Dr. Coeleb, D. C...... 1865 c

Chamberlain, Rev. Joshua Metcalf, D. C. . . . 1855

Chase, Rev. Levi Gilbert, D. C...... 1862

Chase, Thomas Noyes, D. C...... 1862 113

Child, George Henry, D. C. . 1877 Clement, Charles Henry, D. C. 1872 Clagston, John Henry, D. C. 1894 Coburn, Samuel Perrin, D. C. 1849

Colby, Ira, D. C. . 1857

Cole, David Farnham, D. C. . 1861 Conant, Hon. Chester Cook, D. C. 1857 Conant, David, M, D., Medical Conant, Samuel, Norwich University Converse, Rev. William Amherst Coult, D. C. 1857

Cook, Edmund Curley, D. C. . 1892 Coombs, Frederick Leslie, D. C. 1883 Coombs, Harry E., D. C. 1892 Corey, Dr. Charles Granderson, D. C. 1857 Cotton, Samuel Carlton, D. C. i860 Crane, Royal Southwick, D. C. 1857

Cummings, Allen C, D. C. . 1892 Cummings, Rev. Isaac, Middlebury College 1824

Cummings, William Henr}', D. C. . 1879 Cushing, Rev. James Royal, Bangor Theological Sem., 1828 D Dalpe, Jacob, D. C. 1855 Dana, Rev. Judah, D. C. 1845 Dewing, Elijah Francis, D. C. 1856 Dodge, Rev. George Webb, D. C. 1850 Dodge, Samuel Delano, D. C. 1863 Doolittle, Rev. Lucius, University of A^ermont 1838 Douglass, Dr. Henry Shotto, LTniversity of Vermont 1881 Douglass, Melvin Lorin, University of Michigan 1889 Douglass, Edmund Peaslee, LTniversity of Vermont, Medi cal Department ...... 1889 Dudley, Rev. Joseph Francis, D. D., D. C. 1858


Eaton, Gen. John, Ph. D., LL. D., D. C. 1854 Eaton, John M., M. D., Harvard Medical School 1856 114

Farr, Evarts Worcester (honorable A. M.), D. C. 1872 Farr, George, D. C. 1862 Fay, George Whitefield, Williams College 1857 Fay, James Edward, Williams College 1856 Farnsworth, Rev. Wilson Amos, D. D., Middlebury Col, 1848 Fellows, Col. Stark, D. C 1862 Fitch, Dr. Leonard Mellen, University of Vermont 1826 Freeman, Dr. Andrew Washington, D. C. 1854 Frost, Dr. Carlton Pennington, LL. D., D. C. 1852

Frost, Edwin Brant, D. C. . 1858

Frost, Rev. Henry Martyn, D. C. . 1857

Frye, John Franklin, D. C. . 1859

Fuller, Abraham Lincoln, D. C. . 1885 G

Gardner, Rev. George Warren, D. D. D C. 1852 Gleason, Hon. Samuel Mills, D. C. 1858 Goulding, Frank Putnam, D. C. 1863 Grant, William Cutting, D. C. 1851

Graves, Galen Allen, D. C. . 1854

Griswold, Rev. John Bunce, D. C. . i860 H

Hale, Oscar Adrian, D. C. . i860

Hanson, John, D. C. . 1859

Hazen, Rev. Allen, D. D., D. C. . 1842

Hazen, Rev. Norman, D. C. . 1840 Heaton, Rev. Austin Carpenter, D. D., D. C. 1840 Hebard, Rev. George Diah Alonzo, D. C. 1854

Hersey, Albert James, D. C. . 1859 Hinckley, Hon. Lyman Gillett, D. C. 1856

Hood, Gilbert Edwin, D. C. . 1851 Hopkins, Charles, D. C. 1827 Hosford, Rev. Benjamin Franklin, D. C. 1838

Hosford, Rev. Isaac, D. C. . 1826

Hosford, Dr. Willard, D. C. . 1838 115

Hovey, Rev. Alvah, D. D., LL. D., D. C. 1844

Hovey, Amos White, D. C. . 1842 Hovey, Gen. Charles Edward, D. C. 1852 Hovey, Rev. Edmund Otis, D. D., D. C. 1828 Howard, Rev. Roger Strong, D. D., D. C. 1829

Howard, William Wallace, D. C. . T853 Hudson, Rev. John William, D. C. 1858 Hulbert, Rev. Calvin Butler, D. D., D. C. 1853


Johnson, Henry Larned, Yale University i860 Joyslin, Rev. William Royal, D. C. 1856 K

Kendrick, Charles Edward, D. C. . 1841

Kidder, Samuel Bass, D. C. . i860 Kimball, Charles Augustine, Amherst College 1854

Kinney, George Edward, D. C. . 1893

Lambert, Roger Newton, M. D., D. C. . 1825 Latham, Allen Crafts, University of Vermont 1858 Latham, Charles French, D. C. 1848 Chatham, Dr. William Harris, D. C. 1836 Lord, Rev. Amasa Converse, D. C. 1843

Lord, Francis Brown, D. C. . 1856 Lord, James Brown, Amherst College 185s Lord, Rev. Samuel John Mills, D. C. 1844

Lund, Charles Carroll, D. C. . 1855 M

Mann, Lewis, D. C. 1832 Marsh, Rev. Abram, D. C. 1825 Marsh, Charles Chapman, D. C. 1828 Marsh, George Hubbard, D. C. 1861 Marshall, Anson Southard, D. C. 1848 116

Marshall, Jonathan, D. C. .

Mason, Dr. Rufus Osgood, D. C. . Merrill, George Franklin, D. C.

Morrill, Henry Albert, D. C. . Morse, Charles Herbert, Amherst College

Morse, Etta F., Boston University N

Newcomb, Rev. Homer Sackett, D. C. .

Niles, George Washington, D. C. .

Norton, Rev. Edward, D. C. .

Palmer, Alanson, D. C. . Palmer, Dr. Benjamin Rush, D. C. Palmer, Rev. William Stratton, D. D., D. C.

Palmer, Wilson, D. C. . Patch, Rev. George Bela, D. D., D. C. Patten, William Robie, D. C. Patterson, Rev. Webster, D. C. Perrin, Henry Martyn, D. C. Perry, Rev. Arthur Latham, LL. D., Williams Perry, Baxter Edwards, Middlebury College

Pierce, John Sabin, D. C. . Pierce, Maris Br)'ant, Indian Chief, D. C.

Pike, Rev. Alpheus Justus, D. C. . Pike, Rev. Gustavus Norman, D. D., D. C.

Pixley, William Randolph, D. C. . Porter, Albert Hezekiah, D. C.

Porter, William Gove, D. C. . Pratt, Rev. Jacob Loring, Amherst College Pringle, Rev. Henry Nelson, D. C.

Putnam, Rev. Alfred Porter, S. T. D., Brown Putnam, Nathaniel French, Bowdoin College R

Read, Charles, D. C. .

Reynolds, Benjamin Miles, D. C. . 117

Richmond, Rollin Marsh, University of Vermont 1857

Ross, George Eugene, D. C. . 1859 Ruggles, Professor Edward Rush, Ph. D., D. C. 1859

Sargent, Abiel Cooper, D. C. 1857 Searle, Alonzo Thurston, Amherst College 1877 Searle, Charles Putnam, Amherst College 1876 Senter, Rev. Oramel Stephens, D. C. 1848 Simmons, David Goodrich, Middlebury College 1849

Slade, Rev. William, Williams College . 1884

Slafter, Rev. Carlos, D. C. . 1849 Slafter, Rev. Edmund Farwell, D. D., D. C. 1840 Smith, Azro Andrus, University of Vermont 1856

Smith, Baxter Perry, D. C. . 1854

Stacy, John Baldwin, D. C. . 1880

Stanley, Charles Herbert, D. C. . 1859

Steele, George Henry, D. C. . 1845 Stocker, Rev. John, Middlebury College 1830

Tenney, Asa Wentworth, D. C...... 1859

Tenney, Rev. Leonard Baker, D. C. . . . . 1875 Thayer, Dr. Samuel White, LL. D., Vermont Medical College 1838

Thayer, Rev. Loren, D. C...... 1840 Thayer, Rev. William Withington, Bangor Theological Seminary ...... 1838

Thomson, Homer Alexander, Brown University . . 1852

Turner, Charles Humphrey, Williams College . . 1S81

Turner, David, Jr., D. C 1841 Tyler, Charles Converse, D. C 1876 w Waterbury, Julius Henry, D. C...... 1850 Walker, Dr. Augustus Chapman, D. C 1862 Walker, Hon. . Lyman, Middlebury College . . 1858 White, George Thompson, D. C i860 118

White, Randall Hobart, D. C. 1862

Whittemore, Rev. Luther Baker, D. C. . 1849

Woodworth, Rev. Horace Bliss, D, C. . 1854 Woods, Rev. Enoch Charles Augustus, D. C. 1850

Worcester, Dr. William Leonard, D. C. . 1869 Worthen, Harry Niles, Norwich University 1857 Worthen, John Albert, D. C 1876 Worthen, Hon. Joseph Henry, D. C. 1873 Worthen, Professor Thomas Wilson Dorr, D. C. 1872

Total, 187. " Selections from Letters and " Notes of Doings by Thetford Students.

" There is no life of a man faithfully reco7-ded Imt is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhy^nedP :

Senator Justin Smith Morrill, of Strafford, is one of the men in Congress of longest public service, but his biography in the Congressional Directory is one of the shortest, as follows

Was born at Strafford, Vermont, April 14, 1810; received a common school and academic education ; was a merchant, and

afterward engaged in agricultural pursuits ; was a representative in the Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-seventh,

Thirty-eighth, and Thirty-ninth congresses ; was elected to the as a Union Republican, to succeed Luke

P. Poland, Union Republican, and took his seat March 4, 1867 ; was re-elected in 1872, in 1878, in 1884, and in 1890. His term of service will expire March 3, 1897. But these few words embrace a great history, and the senator recollects with great interest his short student life at Thetford. His roommate was Edmond Otis Hovey, who graduated at

Dartmouth in 1828 ; became a minister ; received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and was for many years professor in Wabash College. Mr. Fitch was principal, and Mrs. Smith his associate. He desired to attend college, but circumstances and friends influenced him to enter upon business life. For a time he clerked in Portland, Maine, with a firm who were ship- pers of sugar and molasses, and later was engaged in a whole- sale dry goods store. Latham & Kendrick, merchants in Thetford, had also a store in Strafford, and the man in charge died, and Mr. Morrill was selected to close out the business. In partnership with a large house he bought a remnant of the stock, and before twenty-one years of age he went to Boston to buy a stock of goods. He went out of active trade in 1848, and entered congress in 1854. Mr. Morrill has been distinguished as a financier. His in- fluence upon tariff legislation has been prominent for nearly half a century. He has never been carried away by visionary views. His experience in handling various commodities enabled him to see just where tariff touches the commodity on which it is levied. His views therefore are most practical. He counts it an advantage, too, that in his early observations the trade quotations gave with the prices the rate of tariff imposed. Among educators Mr. Morrill is known as the father of agri- cultural colleges, and greatly revered. He has been especially helpful in legislation in providing for public buildings at the

Hon. William K. Chandlkk. 121 capital and elsewhere in the country. Space will not permit mention of the numerous important measures he has either originated or promoted.

Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, of Concord, N. H., recalls his attend- ance upon Thetford Academy with interest and gratitude. He has long been a national leader in the Republican party. He has recently been re-elected, by a flattering vote, by the legislature of New Hampshire for a term of six years. He has been un- usually favored among the statesmen of New Hampshire. He was born in Concord, New Hampshire, December 28, school education studied at 1835 5 received a common ; and

; law graduated at Harvard Law School, and Thetford studied ; in re- was admitted to the bar in 1855 ; 1859 was appointed porter of the decisions of the supreme court ; was a member of the New Hampshire house of representatives in 1862, 1863, and 1864, serving as speaker during the last two years; on March 9, 1865, became solicitor and judge-advocate-general of the navy department ; was appointed first assistant secretary of the treasury June 17, 1865, and resigned that office November con- 30, 1867 ; in 1876 was a member of the New Hampshire in 1881 again a member of the New stitutional convention ; was Hampshire house of representatives; on March 23, 1881, was appointed by President Garfield solicitor-general, but was re- jected by the senate ; was appointed by President Arthur secre- April served till March tary of the navy 12, 1882, and 7, 1885 ; was elected to the United States senate June 14, 1887, as a

Republican, to fill the unexpired term of Austin F. Pike, which ended March 3, 1S89; was first re-elected June 18, 1889, and again January 15, 1895. His term of service will expire March 3, 1901. Mr. Chandler's administration of the navy was marked by the vigorous promotion of its improvement as a defence of the rights and honor of the United States. Through his energy and promptness General Greely and his associate survivors of the Greely expedition were found and saved when at the point of death.

Rev. Allen Hazen entered Thetford Academy in 1835, Jonas DeF. Richards, principal, and Miss Laura Washburn, lady principal. The Academy building was new, or had been recently built over. The building was filled to crowding with students. Later he studied at Meriden, under the instruction of Cyrus Richards, and in 1838 entered Dartmouth College, and gradu- ated in due course. He graduated at Andover in 1845, hav- 122 ing also attended medical lectures at Dartmouth. He was ordained at Berlin, Vt., July i, 1846, and was married Sept. 18, 1846, to Miss Martha R. Chapin, of Somers, Conn., and sailed as a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. for Bombay, India, Sept. 26, where they arrived Feb. 27, 1847. His work as a missionary was preaching and overseeing schools. He was a member of a translation committee of the Bible society, and did work in the revision of the translation of the Bible in the Manithi language. He carried through the press two editions of the entire Scriptures, and two editions of the New Testament. He returned from the mission field in 1872, broken down in health, but after a season of rest, when comparatively restored, he began preaching again. In 1891 he was sent to London as delegate to the Interna- tional Congregational Council, and went on to India to visit the old field, and returned to this country in 1894.

Hon. William Watson Niles, attorney, 1 1 Wall street. New York city, born at West Fairlee, Vt., March 26, 1822, was the son of Judge William and Relief (Barron) Niles, and the grand- son of Judge Nathaniel Niles, the first member of congress sent from the Green Mountain State, who was, withal, dis- tinguished as a lawyer, inventor, and poet. He fitted for college at Thetford Academy and Newbury Seminary, and graduated from Dartmouth in the regular course in 1845. He chose the law for his profession, and studied with his brother. Judge John B. Niles of La Porte, Ind. For the pur- pose of gaining a broader culture he now attended lectures at the Indiana Medical College, and acted as assistant with his brother, who, though a lawyer, was the professor of -chemistry. Later he prosecuted his law studies in New York, and was ad- mitted to the bar. After a tour of travel in Europe he returned to this city and settled in active practice of the law. He married in 1855 Isabel, daughter of Hon. Hugh White of Cohoes. He has practised law in Wall street more than thirty years, and conducted some of the most remarkable cases with distinguished ability. Mr. Niles was one of a dozen instrumental in organizing the "Loyal League," out of which sprung the Union League Club. He also shared in organizing the "Young Men's Christian Association," the "American Museum of Natural History," and the "American Geographical Society." He was first to suggest, and was chairman of the Greeley Monument Committee which placed the great editor's monument in Greeley Square. HON. W. W. NILES.



Mr. Niles was on the judiciary committee in the assembly with Governors Tilden, Hill, and Prince, and reported the im- peachment of the judges and other measures for the overthrow of the Tweed" ring and dynasty, and was one of the managers who tried Judge Barnard before the court of impeachment. Mr. Niles has also done much to secure public improvements in and about the city of New York. He was one of the com- missioners appointed to locate the parks, who have added to their area nearly five thousand acres. He collected and con- densed park literature on which the public judgment of parks has been formed. He was instrumental also in securing to the city rapid transit and larger ferry accommodations. Mr. Niles has travelled extensively in every state and terri- tory and abroad. As a man, citizen, and lawyer, Mr. Niles has a record which may well be remembered with pride.

Rev. Edmond F. Slafter, D. D., was born in Norwich, Vt. ; fitted for college at Thetford Academy graduated at Dart- ; mouth, 1840; studied divinity at Andover ; ordained in Trinity Church, Boston, by Bishop Eastburn, rector of St. Peter's Church, Cambridge, and later became rector of St. John's

Church, Jamaica Plain ; superintendent of American Bible So- ciety for the Protestant Episcopal Church for twenty years, resigning in 1877. He received A. B. and A. M. and the hon- orary D. D. from Dartmouth College. Since retiring he has devoted himself to the care of property belonging to members of his family and friends, and giving his leisure to historical studies. He is resident, honorary, or cor- responding member of a large number of American or foreign historical numismatic societies. Besides fifteen or twenty smaller pamphlets from his pen there have been enumerated some eighteen works, under sepa- rate titles, including discourses on special occasions. He is now president of the Prince Society, register of the Diocese of Massachusetts, chairman of the executive committee, and chairman of the building committee of the Massachusetts Bible Society, and is about to put to press, under the auspices of the Prince Society, a work on the life of Rev. John Checkley. Indeed, his historical and literary activity in the past is full of rich promise for the future.

Rev. W. A. Farnsworth, D. D., wrote from CcEsarea, Cappa- docia, Turkey Thanks for your invitation to a " reunion at old Thetford." Be assured that one of the boys that left Thetford for college 124 just fifty years ago longs to be with you. Perhaps Center may be with you. Marshall went to the other world many years ago, on Independence day. I trust you will have with you Carlos Slafter of Dedham, Mass., and Baxter E. Perry of Boston, and other boys whom I left at Thetford and who entered college a little later. I was first a student in the Academy in 1838. I made my home at the old Garry farm, a mile or so from the school, and paid for my board by "doing chores" morning and evening. The school was then under the charge of Mr. Marsh. I was there at that time only one term. In 1842 I again joined the school, then under Mr. Stanyan. At that time the main hall was on the lower floor, and so constructed that the girls and boys sat opposite and facing one another. Over opposite me sat a black-eyed maiden, who in some mysterious way made a lasting impression on me, though I do not think I ventured to speak to her till some years later. That was Caroline Palmer, my companion and my "better two thirds" for more than forty years. Not long after this, I think it was in the summer of 1843, Mr. Stanyan was succeeded by a young man fresh from Dartmouth College, Hiram Orcutt by name. He entered upon his work with unbounded enthusiasm, and at once infused new life into the school. I trust that if your plan for a reunion suc- ceeds you will be honored by the presence of Dr. Orcutt. Thet- ford Academy should not forget him so long as those grand old maples adorn the yard and streets. As to those trees, if I mistake not, Charlie Latham, of whom the town library and the church organ are wholly, or in part, mementoes, also Slafter, Whittemore, the Coburns, the Perrys, as well as myself, got good exercise in procuring and setting them. But we should not have planted them had we not been prompted to do so by our thoughtful and wide-awake teacher. How much he did for those alluded to and afterwards, for hundreds of others, I can only guess by what he did for me. To him and hence to Thet- ford Academy I am very greatly indebted. He found me just leaving school and beginning the study of law in the ofiice of Esquire Howard. He said to me, " Farnsworth, this will not do, you must go to college," and to college I went. But for this kindly advice it is almost certain that I should have been a more or less (probably less) successful lawyer, not to say, pettifogger. I wish you the most complete success in your efforts to secure a general meeting of the old boys and the old girls. Of course many of the younger ones will be there. Would that I could be with you. My friends will see that I can hardly be expected to


125 make a journey of more than seven thousand miles for that purpose, however much I wish to join your happy throng. I doubt whether there can be found, in this little world of ours, another place, so far from Thetford, where so much labor has been bestowed by Thetford boys and girls as here in Caesarea, the ancient Mazica; one of the oldest cities in the world. Just forty years ago I arrived here (June, 1854) with the black-eyed maiden alluded to above and we have just worked right on here, all these years, trying to do what was in our power to bring the people to a higher and more noble life. With me came Rev. Jasper Ball, another Thetford boy. He was an able and suc- cessful laborer for many years, here and elsewhere, till failing health compelled him to leave. When, in 1867 the progress of the work made it necessary to establish a boarding school for girls, a Thetford girl, pupil in the academy off and on from 1853 to i860, Miss Sarah A. Clos- son, came to Caesarea and took up that work. She has prose- cuted it with very great efficiency and success for nearly a quar- ter of a century. When the time came to do more for the little ones, Miss Fannie E. Burrage, a student in Thetford Academy in 1870, was the one to take up kindergarten work, and she is now doing a glorious work in that line both in training the little ones and in teaching other young ladies from various parts of the empire to do the same work. We have no more acceptable or efficient worker (you will pardon me for saying it), than is another who first as a beautiful girl was a student in Thetford Academy in 1867 and afterwards as when more mature in i87i-'72. This is Carrie (Farnsworth) Fowle, who by widely circulated ' letters to mothers," and in other ways, has done and is doing much for the making of better and happier homes. Of the ten missionary laborers now here four studied at Thetford Academy. All send greetings. Each one wishes you a happy reunion. May Thetford Academy be more and more prosper- ous and may its students and graduates be an honor to it and a blessing to society, wherever they may be. Of the children of Dr. and Mrs. Farnsworth, Carrie Palmer (F) Fowle, educated at Thetford Academy and at South Hadley, is a missionary at Cajsarea, Turkey ; Charles Hubert (F) re- ceived a special musical education at Worcester, Mass., and is now in charge of the musical department of the State Univer- sity, Boulder, Ellen (F), at the High Colorado ; S. educated school in Newton, Mass., has private classes in literature in

Detroit, Mich. ; Harriet M. (F) Gulick, educated at Westboro

High school and Wellesley College ; her husband, Rev. E. L. Gulick, is master in English, in Lawrenceville Academy, New —


(F) Little was educated at Westboro Jersey ; Charlotte J. and

Wellesley : her husband, W. A. Little, is a member of the firm of

Dunbar, Buckle & Co., N. Y., and resides in Glenridge, N. J.

Hon. Baxter E. Perry, born in Lyme, N. H., April 26, 1826, fitted at Thetford, entered INIiddlebury College in advance and graduated in 1849, taught a year in Canada. He then was principal of Chester Academy for nearly five years. He married Charlotte H. Hough, a pupil of Thetford, in 1851, began law practice in Boston in 1855, and he is still so engaged. He has in the main closely and successfully adhered to the paths of professional life, unwilling to be much lured therefrom by offers of place or power. He once represented his district in the Massachusetts legislature, and is trustee of Middlebury Col- lege, and has been called to give collegiate and other important public addresses, and is now mayor of the city of Medford. His son is associated with him in the law. He is a brother of Professor Perry of Williams College.

Gen. Charles E. Hovey wrote from Washington, D. C,— " I regard it as a personal misfortune not to be able to join in celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of Thetford Academy. I grew up on a farm in sight of the hill on which it stands. My brothers and sisters went to school there as did I. There, friend- ships were formed that still exist ; and I confess to a good deal of pride in the great names to be found in the catalogues. " It would be hard to mention half a dozen abler scholars or better citizens than the late Roger S. Hoiuard, president of Norwich University; Hiram Orcitif,ioxmtr principal of the acad- emy ; Alvah Hovey, for nearly a third of a century president of Newton Theological Institution yohn Eaton, late United ; States commissioner of education and president of Marietta

College ; Carlos Slafter, for many years principal of Dedham

High school ; and Carlton P. Frost, dean of the medical faculty of Dartmouth College. I mention these names on the run, so to speak, and from one calling only, that of educators. Upon a little reflection I could doubtless swell the list several times over, to say nothing of those who have distinguished themselves in other callings,—in the ministry, in law, in literature, in med- icine, in business, and as soldiers. " Of course my schoolmates at the academy have reached or passed the half-century guideboard. It is at any rate over forty years since we occupied rooms in Heaton Hall, under the reign of King Hiram the First (of blessed memory), and wrote rhymes as an antidote to the fetich of Greek roots and Latin- prosody,


— — '


" ' Here Ezra, George and Obediah (Star members of our student choir) Put in mucli time near set of sun In singing with Professor Munn.'

" Who Obediah was I have forgotten, but Ezra must have been Ezra Judson Alden, and George, was George W. Gardner, and 'Professor' Munn was B. M. Munn. They were among our chief singers. " I remember, too, the exhibitions held in the Old Parish church, from whose tall pulpit Dr. Babcock used to preach. The good doctor, as you may know, was quite a favorite by reason of his short sermons. He took it for granted that we could n't handle much theology at a time. I wish I could forget the doc- tor's examination of me in the Latin word abutere, as found in Cicero's demand of Catiline,

' ? Quosque tandem aluttere, Catilina ! patientia nostra

I thought I knew all about that word when the doctor began on me, but changed my mind before he got through, and the misery of it was, the doctor and the other big-wigs seemed to enjoy my discomfiture. " But I began to say something about exhibitions,—those public show occasions of the academy, which prevailed in my day, and may now, for aught I know. They were held in the church and drew together a big crowd of people. This crowd was not disposed to be critical but came thoroughly in earnest to have a good time and they had it. At least I never knew of a failure. Beside the bright girls who read compositions, there was an abundance of good music, and declamations and usually an end-off play, got up for the occasion, full of contemporary hits and abundance of good humor. One of these end-off plays that I remember, was a hit at the isms of the times forty or fifty years ago, written by Alvah Hovey, when a student. It began with a furious war of words between an abolitionist and a fire- eater, which was interrupted just as they were coming to blows, by the entrance of a pompous, swell-head ex-collegian who, upon being greeted by 'Squire Jones, delivered himself about in this form, " 'A very timely and relevant interrogatory, Mr. Jones, and therefore it shall have a terse and laconic response. Having applied myself to the- profound cogitations of legal science for numerous consecutive months, exhausted nature intimated the indispensableness of relaxation and refection ; and apprehend- ing that peregrinations in the more rural and sparsely populated : —'

128 districts approximating to her majesty's dominions would furnish irrecusable and paramount advantages to a gentleman of my temperament, I determined to rusticate in this longitude and latitude an undefined number of diurnal periods.' ''Yankee.—Jerusalem! What learning! Jones, hand me ' your dictionary ! Inexcusable and catamount advantages,' what kind of things are they, I should like to know ? " yones.—You are a member of the legal profession, I under- stand ?

" ' Precisely so. In the earlier portions of my juvenile exist- ence I perpetrated multifarious argumentative orations, and was innately conscious of a gigantic predisposition to the intricate labyrinthian profundities of municipal law. Nevertheless vmtil within a diminutive number of years have my mental faculties been trained in the gymnasium of craniological and mesmeric science. Physiology, psychology, neurology, and phrenology are sciences of which I am perfectly master, and to which most of my written concatenated lucubrations particularly relate.'

" ' ! K(7;//('

into a Fourth of July speech ; then they rubbed into activity the bumps of pride and self-esteem when he arose from his chair, as- sumed the attitude and voice of the pompous collegian, and launched off in a spread-eagle oration so completely imitative of that learned individual that the house broke out in a howl of delight. It was certainly a rather clever take-off. Of course this was not all of the mesmeric examination or of the play. But I must stop here."

Mrs. Mary Clement Leavitt wrote from Hilo, Hawaii, H. I,, March 23, 1894 I have just now received a printed circular letter in reference 129 to the proposed gathering at Thetford Academy, the coming June. I address my reply to you (Geo. S. Worcester, Esq.) because I suppose you to be a son of Dr. Worcester, my beloved and revered teacher in chemistry, in 1846 and 1847. What wonderful lessons he gave us, and how joyfully spent extra hours in the evenings, in order that we might reach the point he desired for us, a point far beyond what he was ex- pected to teach us. Dr. Worcester easily stood in my regard beside our beloved principal, Mr. Orcutt. My other teachers were Mr. Hood and Mr. Whittemore. The last named has passed on to a better wond, but, according to the best of my belief, the others remain. How gladly would I go to dear old Thetford to greet these teachers and the pupils that will gather, but I have no hope of enjoying that pleasure. I was sixteen in 1846, and had never travelled one hundred miles from home,—now I am sixty-three, and have earned the title of the greatest tvonian traveller, if not the greatest traveller the world has known, and I began my journeys after I had passed my fifty-second birthday. The record stands, 160,000 miles travelled, 114 steamers sailed in, 32,564 pages written, 2,301 meetings held, 252 inter- preters employed to change my words into 47 different lan- guages, 140 societies formed. I was absent from home on one journey eight years lacking twenty days. I have visited and worked in the following coun- tries, and organized "Woman's Christian Temperance Unions in

all except those in brackets : Hawaiian Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Japan, [Corea], China, Siam, Malay Penin- sula, Singapore the capital, Burma, Hindustan, Mauritius, Mad- agascar, Natal, Orange Free State, Cape Colony, [The Congo Free State], Old Calabar, Sierra Leone, Egypt, [Syria], Turkey in Asia, [Greece], Italy, [Germany], \^Denmark\ Norway, \_Siiie- den\ [Finland], [Holland], [Belgium], [Switzerland], [France], [Spain], [Portugal], \_England\ \Ireland\ \^Scotland\ [JVa/es], Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. Some unions had been formed in the countries italicized, before my arrival. I was entirely alone all the way. At one time for five years, I saw only the faces of strangers. During this time $7,000 passed through my hands of which I raised $5,000 as I went, mostly in the Hawaiian Islands, Austral- asia, South Africa and British Isles. The National W. C. T. U. of the United States supplied the remainder. I had no salary, not a cent beyond my necessary expenses. More than eight years 9 130

I contributed letters to the Union Signal, more than two hun- dred columns in all, my only pay for which has been a copy of the paper from the time I began to write till now, a period of ten years. At the first convention, held in Boston, November, 1891, of the World's W. C. T. U.. which I had organized, I was made Honorary Life President of that society. No duties and no emol- uments accompany the honor. Since that date I have lectured in the United States in the summers, and have had more work offered than I could do. I have passed the win.ters in Honolulu, employing myself in pre- paring something for the press, which will, I trust, make its appearance in due time. When foreign work was finished and I nearly sixty-one years old, I began to make provision for the years of old age, when I cannot work, that may come some twenty or thirty years hence. My history aside from that of the ten years covering my travels, is as follows : I taught school and attended school alternately, after leaving Thetford, till I was twenty-one when I graduated from the State Normal School, then located at West Newton, Mass., but since removed ta Framingham. On graduation, I taught one year in Dover, Mass., then I obtained a position in the Quincy Grammar school of Boston, was once promoted in that school by the Hon. John D. Phil- brick, then head master but afterwards for many years super- intendent of schools in Boston. After two years, I was invited to take the place of head assis- tant in the Boylston Grammar school, Charles Kimball, master, and William T. Adams (Oliver Optic), sub-master. At the end of three years in the Boylston school, I was mar- ried in 1857, and became the joyful mother of three dear daugh- ters, all of whom still bless me with their love, and the youngest of whom has given me by her marriage, a son, and three charm- ing grandchildren. The oldest daughter, Miss Amy Leavitt, has been for sixteen years a music teacher in Washington, D. C. ; the second, Miss Agnes Leavitt, is an artist, and for some years past has lived and worked in Boston. When my youngest child was four years old, I took up the support of myself and children. To accomplish this, I opened and taught a school for young ladies and children, at 115 War- ren avenue, Boston. I continued to teach fourteen years. It was acknowledged that girls were as well educated in my school as at any one in Boston. It certainly was a most delightful one to me. I took beginners and finished the education. The —

131 largest number of pupils at any one time was sixty-five. Then my corps of teachers was two regular teachers giving full time, two assistant pupils, and four specialists for French, German, Italian, and drawing. I taught French, Latin, and singing. Financially the school was sufficiently successful to support me and my children. I was invited back to the Normal school from which I gradu- ated, for the third time in 1881, but instead of taking the post offered me, I began temperance work on a salary, for the Massachusetts W. C. T. U. A year later I was an indepen- dent national lecturer, and a year later still began my foreign work and travels. I agree with Dr. Holmes, when he said, "It is better to be seventy years young, than thirty years old." Though only sixty-three, it is sixty-three years young, and I hope to be young till the end, whenever that may come, and then I know I shall put on eternal youth, with immortality. It was dear Mrs. Sarah Orcutt who helped me, in the autumn of 1846, to know that I had already become a child of God, when a little girl. My father baptized me soon after, and I am rejoiced to-day to stand a member of the church, a disciple of Jesus, with the hope of immortal life with Him. Bitter sorrows and great hardships have been mine, but He has never forsaken me. Would that I had loved and served Him better. There is nothing so good in this life as to love and serve the Lord. If there is one among teachers or pupils, older or younger than I, who has not done all in his or her power to uphold Christianity and to spread it throughout the dark, cruel, vile, pagan world,—to promote the great moral reform of the nineteenth century, —Temperance, total absti- nence and prohibition, nothing less, purity, anti-tobacco. Sab- bath observance, I beg of you by my love of my classmates, teachers, and dear old school, by my sacrifices and sufferings, including even stoning by a Romish mob, to come up to our help "For God and Home" and humanity.

Prof. Arthur L. Perry, LL. D., Williamstown, Mass. ; son of

Rev. Mr. Perry, of Lyme, N. H. ; was professor of history and political economy in Williams College for thirty-eight years, from 1853 to 1 89 1 without a break, and is still professor emeri- tus with salary, but without college duties. His books are

Economical: "Political Economy," published in 1865 ; "Intro- duction to Political Economy," published in 1877; "Principles " of Political Economy," published in 1890. Historical : Origins in " Williamstown," published in 1894 ; Williamstown and Wil- 132 liams College," not yet published; "Jubilee Miscellaneous," not yet published.

Rev. A. A. Smith, of East Barre, Vt., took the B. A. at U. V. M., in 1856, and then was at Andover Seminary till the spring of 1857, when he became principal of Chelsea Academy. He married August 20, 1857, Lucinda R. Hood, and they taught six years, two in Burlington high school, and four in Franklin, N. H., high school. Meantime he re-read systematic theology, and was licensed to preach at Concord, N. H., in 1862. He took the two last years' lectures at Andover in one year, and in 1863 located at Westfield, Vt., over the Congregational church there, and the missionary church in the adjoining town, and was or- dained nth of February, 1864. He cultivated these two fields four years, till the work became too large for one, when he took

one of the fields for four years more ; then by added overwork in building a parsonage, he was disabled for a year. He was for six years at Irasburg, Vt., and after two years spent in recover- ing his health, he was thirteen years at Johnson, Vt., and after another year and a half of broken health he entered upon " frontier work " in a new village built up by the granite indus- try, also preaching part of the time at Orange.

Hon. S. W. Burnham, Chicago, Illinois, clerk of the circuit and district courts of the United States, northern district of Illinois, busy as he is with the manifold duties of his office, has found time for some of the greatest achievements in astronomy. The gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society of England was awarded to Mr. Burnham for his discovery and measure- ment of double stars, and, according to the custom of the soci- ety, the president made an address in connection with the delivery of the medal. He has been honored also in various publications, but especially in an article in the Cefitury Magazine for June, 1889. Mr. Burnham's great triumphs did not come by chance. It may be said that his skill as a stenographer, and his aptitude for the law, led to his appointment as clerk of the court ; but his mind was not content with the daily routine of duties, and he began to gratify his taste for astronomical studies. He has done much of his work without the usual aids, and has mastered one diffi- culty after another until he has won the highest results in his specialty. Capt. W. de W. Abney, C. B., R. E., D. C. L., F. R. S., on presenting the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical society to Mr. Burnham, goes somewhat into the results of Mr. Burnham's



" astronomical studies. He said : By day be followed his regu- lar calling, whilst by night he studied the heavens, till daylight drove him to bed." In 1874, he became a fellow of the Royal society; in 1876, director of the Chicago observatory; in 1879, °" ^^^ recom- mendation of the distinguished professor, Newcomb, he reported on the atmospheric and other conditions of the locality of Mount Hamilton, the site of Lick observatory. In addition to his position as clerk of the court, he is now professor of astron- omy in the University of Chicago, and is to have charge of the great Yerkes observatory with its forty-inch telescope. Out of the 1,274 new double stars which he has discovered, 187 are naked eye stars, not previously known to be double. " Be- sides the measures of his new stars, astronomy is indebted to him for many thousands of measures for previously known doubles." His articles in American and foreign scientific journals are well known. The line of work which he has laid out to accom- plish, he has successfully carried through. It is not of the showy or dramatic order which attracts universal attention, or gives occasion for newspaper paragraphs. It is, however, as arduous as it is unpretending. His accomplishments reflect great honor upon the old academy.

The Misses Gillett, Catherine and Hannah, have done special marked service as teachers. Catherine, after leaving Thetford Academy, taught in Georgia and in Rhode Island and Vermont, some three years, and was the chief lady assistant in the Cen- tral Cleveland high school for twelve years, having under her instruction from 1,500 to 2,000 young men and women, with whom she was a great favorite. She then became Mrs. Dr. Niles, of Post Mills. Miss Hannah has continued to teach, for a long time having been principal of Brownel Street grammar school, one of the largest ward schools in the city of Cleveland. The difficult post she has filled with great acceptance.

Rev. W. A. C. Converse, of Piermont, N. H., son of Joel and Abigail (Colt) Converse, was born in Lyme, 30th of April, 1830; graduated at Dartmouth, and for a number of years was a very much respected principal of the Toledo high school. He then taught, for a time, the high school in Cleveland, Ohio, and was a year superintendent of schools at Ypsilanti, Mich., and afterwards withdrew to the farm in care of an invalid wife, and studied theology. He has suffered much from ill health, but has held several pastorates, and delivered very much commended poems 134 on important occasions, and written considerably for the press. He says, '' now life seems to be a great waiting among my peo- ple for strength to resume my wonted work."

Hon. Perkins Bass, attorney and capitalist, Chicago, 111., was born 30th of April, at Williamstown, Vt. graduated at 1827, ; Dartmouth in 1852; taught Chester Academy; read law with Hon. Henry E. Stoughton, also with Peck & Colby, of Mont- pelier; settled in Chicago in 1854; taught public school; began the practice of law, and continued in it until 1874, excepting a year when he was president of the state Normal University, at

Bloomington ; was appointed U. S. district attorney by Lincoln. For several years he was a member of both the board of educa- tion of the city of Chicago, and the board of education of the state of Illinois.

Prof. Carlton P. Frost, M. D., LL. D., Hanover, N. H., was born in Sullivan, N. H., May 29, 1830. Removed to Thetford, Vt., 1837. Entered Dartmouth College, 1848. Graduated

A. B. 1852 ; A. M. 1855 ; M. D. 1857, also M. D. N. Y. Medi- cal College, 1857. Settled in practice at St. Johnsbury, Vt., June, 1857. Married Eliza A. DuBois, October 5, 1857. [See Historical Discourse, and Remarks, by Dr. Orcutt.] Entered Army as surgeon Fifteenth Vermont Volunteers, September,

1862 ; surgeon board of enrolment Second District Vermont,

May, 1863, to January, 1865 ; then he removed to Brattleboro,

Vt., in 1865 ; was made associate professor of practice of medi- in Dartmouth to cine College, 1868 ; removed Hanover, Decem- ber I, 187 1, and has since been professor of science and practice of medicine and dean of the Medical College, trustee of Dartmouth College, 189 1 -'94, LL. D. Dartmouth 1894. He has two sons. Oilman DuBois, born May, 1864, professor of anatomy Dartmouth College, and Edwin Brant, born July, 1866, professor astronomy Dartmouth College. Dr. Frost is the eminent consulting surgeon of all the region. The medical department has made marked progress under him as dean. His services in difficult cases are rendered much more available by the rare conveniencies and competent nursing fur- nished in the Mary Hitchcock Hospital.

Rev. Alfred Porter Putnam, D. D., of Concord, Mass., was born in Danvers, Mass., January 10, 1827, and was the son of Hon. Elias Putnam and Eunice (Ross) Putnam. When a youth he was a clerk in a Danvers bank, of which his father was HON. PERKINS BASS.


135 president, and afterward was book-keeper of Allen &• Minot's wholesale dry goods store in Boston. Subsequently he fitted for college at several New England academies, finishing his pre- paratory studies at Thetford, Vt., in 1849, and the same year entering the freshman class at Dartmouth. In 1850 he entered the sophomore class at Brown University and took the degree of A. B. there in 1852. In that year, also, he entered the Divinity school at Cambridge, completing the usual course of theological study there in 1855. Licensed to preach at the Boston Association of Ministers, he became the pastor of the Mt. Pleasant Congregational church (Unitarian), in Roxbury, Mass., in December, 1855, and continued in that relation until 1864, when he accepted a call to be the minister of the " Church of the Savior," or First Unitarian church of Brooklyn, N. V. In 1886 he resigned this position in consequence of ill health, and removed to Concord, Mass., where he and his family have since resided. Regaining his strength he has from that time preached and lectured here and there and engaged in literary pursuits. He married, January 10, 1856, Miss Louise Proctor Preston, daughter of Mr. Samuel Preston of Danvers. She died in i860, and in 1865 he married, for his second wife, Miss Eliza King Buttrick, daughter of Ephraim Buttrick, Esq., of Cambridge, long a prominent member of the Middlesex bar, and by her has five children. In i862-'63, he took an extensive tour abroad, visiting most of the European countries, ascending the Nile and journeying through the Sinai and Edom regions to Palestine, and thence to Smyrna, Ephesus, and Constantinople. In 1883 he again crossed the Atlantic and spent about six months in Eng- land and France and along the Riviera. In 187 1 he received the degree of D. D., from his Alma Mater, Brown University. He is president of the Danvers Historical Society, having been elected at the time of its organization in 1889. He is also an associate or honorary member of various other well-known kindred institutions. In 1875 he published his ''Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith," and has since given to the press several other books which he has written or edited. He has also con- tributed to other works, or issued in pamphlet or magazine form, many sermons, addresses, and biographical sketches, and arti- cles besides. He has also written much for religious and secu- lar papers, and has given lectures at Tufts college and at the Meadville (Pa.) Theological school, on the Ethnic Religions, Hymnology, Bible History, and Modern Archaeological Discov- eries in the East, and has now about ready for the press the life of General Porter, of Revolutionary fame. "


Rev. Homer S. Newcomb writes from Patterson, N. Y.:

"Thetford days" have with me become somewhat "old." It is now nearly forty-five years since I left the Academy. Yet,, notwithstanding the lapse of years, those days are vivid in my memory, and I can with you pronounce them good. They are vivid in my memory and in my estimation good because they were connected with my early struggle to obtain an education. I was a motherless boy, and was expecting to be " bound out to a farmer living about four miles from Thetford Hill. I was to have the privilege of attending the district school winters^ and when twenty-one years old was to receive one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and two suits of clothes. The writings were not drawn, but I had entered on the term of service on trial, and was attending school the first winter. The teacher was a Mr. Niles from Thetford Academy. Among other studies, he put me in "Greenleaf's National Arithmetic." I commenced it with the determination to ask as little help as possible. Dur- ing the winter I finished it, having received help on three prob- lems. Many a solution, after days of study, came to me on my bed at night. Near the close of the school Mr. Niles was quite urgent that I should attend Thetford Academy. He put the thought into my mind, and the thought grew into a desire. After working on the farm the next season the farmer allowed me to attend the Academy one term of eleven weeks to satisfy me. But it did not satisfy me. The principal was Hiram

Orcutt. How well I remember him ! He put another thought into my mind—it was Dartmouth College. So I was not " bound out," but, forfeiting the value of my labor on the farm, I became interested in Virgil, Cicero, and Sallust, and Xene- phon's Anabasis, teaching one winter in Vershire Centre. I attended the Academy in all four terms of eleven weeks each. So in the summer of 1848, before the close of the term in the

Academy, two other students, E. J. A. and B. M. R. and myself, set out on foot for Hanover, ten miles below, to apply for ad- mission to Dartmouth College. For me it was a bold under- taking, for I had not six cents in the world and owed eighteen dollars for board. We passed examination, and the closing words of Professor Haddock, 'Young gentlemen, you are ad- mitted to college,' were cheering. On the strength of these words we returned the same day on foot, and the next day I began a term of haying and harvesting for six weeks, that I might pay my board bill and pursue my studies in Hanover instead of Thetford. Rejoicing that Thetford continues to be

' ' as a city set on a hill ' and cannot be hid,' I remain." —


Orlando C. Blackmer, of Chicago, writes,

" 1 have a very warm feeling for Thetford Hill. I found my^ first wife there, and I never should have gone to college if it had not been for Hiram Orcutt. His chapel talks were on the highest plane of Christian morals, clothed in terse and vigorous English, and his whole life was, and is, a blazing fire-brand of enthusiasm. " I went to Thetford in the spring of 1847, ^^i^h three com- panions, B. M. Reynolds, Geo. S. Young, and A. C. Latham, who had attended Royalton academy with me the fall before. We roomed together on the first floor of Abijah Howard's law office, and boarded ourselves. We ate crackers and milk, varied by an occas^nal johnny-cake, mixed up with cold water and salt, and baked in an old Franklin stove. What leather stomachs those Vermont farmer boys did have ! " It would take too long for me to tell of all the things I remember about the school,—the pleasant Professor Whitte-

more ; the scholarly Roger Howard ; the tall and Roman-look- ing Dr. Worcester, who burned iodine on the stove to illustrate a point in chemistry; the mild and womanly Sarah Orcutt, the preceptress; and many other teachers. I remember Professor Stinson very well. I never heard the Bible read as he used to read it at prayers. I thought if I could only attain to his clear enunciation, perfect emphasis and inflection, and had his won- derful voice, I could easily make my fortune as an elocutionist. " I remember the various walks that were a feature of our school, at which times committees of introduction were chosen, M-iiose duty it was to see that the students were paired for the occasion. Complaint was sometimes made that the members of this introducing committee were careful to pick out the best girls beforehand for themselves. I cannot answer for the com- mittee as a whole, but I know that the accusation was true in one instance at least. The Kimball Union teachers and pupils were horrified at the freedom which the Thetford students enjoyed, and prophesied all manner of evil results. But none ever came. The fact was, Hiram put all the students on their honor as to conduct, and only in rare cases was his confidence betrayed. " The school, as a whole, was very free from any narrowness and bigotry, and Hiram Orcutt always strove to bring each student up to his own high ideal of independent Christian character. The moral and religious power of the school was tremendous. Bad young men could hardly breathe in its puri- fied atmosphere. " Concerning myself, since leaving the Hill in the winter of —

138 i849» there is not much to be said. I graduated at Williams college in 1853, and went directly to Charleston, 111., to teach. In 1854, I married Ellen E. Dow, of Hanover, N. H., by whom I had one son. I taught the first public school in St. Charles, 111., in i855-'56, and helped organize the first graded schools in Rockford, 111., in 1857. In this last city, in i860, I married my second wife, Emily C. Wingate, my first wife having died in 1856. I have two sons by my second wife. " My three sons graduated at Williams College, and are worthy young men. " In 1859 I c^uit teaching, and a few years later commenced the business of publishing school records and registers under the firm name of Adams & Blackmer. Xhis firm was after- wards changed to the Adams, Blackmer & Lyon Publishing Co., and was widely known as the introducers of the famous Inter- national Sunday-School Lessons, under the able editorship of such men as Bishop Vincent, Edward Eggleston, B. F. Jacobs, and M. C. Hazard. " I am at present in business with my two youngei sons, under the name of Blackmer Brothers &: Co. " I am a life member of the Spelling Reform Association, and believe most heartily in its principles. I am one of the workers on the 'Standard Dictionary,' now being published by Funk &

Wagnalls Co., in which the 'Scientific Fonetic Alfabet ' is used as the pronouncing key. This last I consider the most important work of my life. The irregular spelling of our lan- guage is a great hindrance to its acquisition by natives and foreigners, and is the chief obstacle to its becoming the much- talked-of world language. The spelling reform movement is in the hands of scholarly and judicious men, and should receive the hearty support of all the old Thetford students. " Regretting that I cannot be present to look into the faces of the old teachers and students, and to take them by the hand, I am, etc."

Hon. Horace Weston Thompson of Bellows Falls was born in Springfield, Vt., March 3, 1834, where his boyhood was spent on his father's farm. He entered Thetford Academy as a student in the fall term of 1854, and roomed at the "Morse boarding house," having for a roommate, Henry M. Hall, who afterwards became a surgeon in the U. S. Army. In the winter of i854-'55 he left the academy and taught school

Note. As several of these biographical sketches have failed to mention the con- nection of the student with Thetford Academy, in fitting for college or for business, we will here say, all were so connected. Ed.


139 in Norwich, Vt., in the " New Boston District." He returned to Thetford Academy in the spring of 1855, and roomed at the south end of the village, in a building now torn down, having for a roommate, Harvey Chamberlain, who afterwards lived in Texas, and there became a large stock raiser and land owner. Leaving school at the end of the spring term of 1855, he spent several years as a clerk in Boston, Mass., and returned to Springfield, Vt., where he engaged in trade and manufacturing for several years, and afterwards resided in Charlestown, N. H., but finally located at Bellows Falls, Vt., in 1875, where he became largely in- terested in the manufacture of paper. Mr. Thompson was married in 1865 to Georgianna Moseley. By this marriage he has two sons who are interested with him in the paper business. He is greatly respected, and is ever ready to have his share in matters of importance to the public.

General John B. Sanborn of St. Paul, Minn., entered Dart- mouth College at the commencement occurring soon after he left Thetford in 185 1, and remained there during the fall term of that year, and taught school in Dracut, Mass., the following win- ter. In the spring of 1852 he entered the law office of Hon. Asa Fowler, Concord, N. H., and commenced the study of law, and continued there until he was admitted to the bar at the July term of the superior court in 1854. He practised in Concord, N. H., from that time to November of that year, when he went to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he has since resided, and been in the constant practice of his profession, except when in the service of the state, or of the United States. He has been a member of the state house of representatives four years, and of the senate five years. He was adjutant-general of the state, from the commencement of the War of the Rebellion to January i, 1862, when he became colonel of the 4th Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. He was brigadier general U. S. Volunteers from August 4, 1863 to February, 1865, and brevet major-general of U. S. Volunteers from February, 1865, to June I, 1866. He was U. S. commissioner to treat with the Com- anches, Kiowas, Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, and Apaches of the upper Arkansas in October and November, 1865 ; to the Minne- conjou. Sans Arch, Brule, and Ogallalas bands of Sioux, February Ind- to June, 1867 ; and to treat with all the bands and tribes of dians east of the main range of the Rocky mountains August, 1867, to October, 1868. This commission was composed of General William T. Sherman, General William H. Harney, Gen- eral Alfred H. Terry, Senator John B. Henderson, Samuel F. Tappan, and General Sanborn. 140

In the military service, his commands and brigade fought the Battle of luka, and sustained a loss of about six hundred killed and wounded out of twenty-two hundred in an hour and ten minutes, and held the field. It was engaged in the siege of

Corinth in the spring of 1862 ; in the Battle of Corinth on the 3d and 4th of in October, 1862 ; the Yazoo Pass expedition in

1863 ; and in the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson,

Champion Hill ; and in the assault, siege, and surrender of Vicks-

burg ; and was designated by General Grant as the command that should have the advance of the Federal troops designated to march into Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. His commands after this were the district of southwest Missouri, from October, 1863, to the surrender of the rebel armies, and from that time, the dis- trict of the Upper Arkansas, extending from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Colorado and New Mexico, and from the Smoky Hill river as far south as any of the five tribes carrying on war could be found. In addition to the above geographical commands, he commanded a division of cavalry in the field during the Price raid in Mis- souri in 1864, which resulted in the capture of two general ofiicers. Generals Marmaduke and Cabbell, graduates of West Point, eight pieces of artillery, and several thousand prisoners of war. Also of a division of cavalry in the field in the Upper Arkansas, which resulted in the treaty of October, 1865, with all the tribes inhabiting that region, whereby the country was open to settlement, and the lines of communication between Missouri and Colorado and New Mexico, which had been closed for nearly three years, were open to travel. In relation to what he accomplished in the Indian Territory proper between November, 1865, and June, 1866, in establishing amicable relations between those slave-holding tribes, and their former slaves, much might be said. His course, however, resulted speedily in allaying the animosity that existed between the slave owners and their slaves, when he reached the territory, and of establishing ami- cable relations on a basis that has been permanent, and secured to the slaves their natural rights in that region from their semi- barbarous masters. His important efforts in legislation cannot be enumerated, but the law has, in the main as he is wont to say, consumed his energies and afforded himself and his family a competency. He has suffered great affliction —two wives and two children have died, and he is now living with his third wife, and has four children. He hopes the reunion will be a grand success and give the academy all the impetus to be desired. ;!


Rev. C. B. Hulbert, D. D., writes from Zanesville, O. :

Claim not all the glory of Thetford Hill, you who gathered in there to crown King Hiram : the absentees assert a share the glad memories which are revived by this anniversary, and that spent themselves in loving regard upon our venerable teacher. Thetford Academy is a banyan tree whose wide-spreading branches, taking a fresh hold of the earth at unnumbered points, have filled the land, and traversed the seas, and struck into foreign soils. Who can compass the range of influence exerted by this old-fashioned academy ? Its reach of power is felt when, at this anniversary, is heard the voice of our vener- ated instructor issuing the prophetic mandate,—" Bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth." All

honor to the ancient academy ! All honor to Dr. Hiram Orcutt that the alumni and alumnae are so many and so scattered and so harnessed into service as to forbid the possibility of a uni- versal rally. What a crown for the old hill if only the living

could all be there ! What sweet memories of the olden time ; what subdued silence at the thought of the many who

have crossed the river ! But could I be present that gala day and had I a place for a little speech, without falling a whit behind the rest of you in doing direct honor to Hiram Orcutt as the honored guest of the occasion, I should struggle hard to accord to him a yet higher mdirect homage by connecting his name and fame with the glory of the New England academy. Would it be out of time and place, then and there, in that venerated presence, to speak a word in vindication of that type of instruction with which the names of Taylor, Richards, Colby, Wickham,

Spaulding, and Hiram Orcutt stand forever associated ? I claim for the academy, as known in earlier New England history, but immensely advanced in its estate and service in modern times, not a transient but a permanent place in our American system of school training. The aching voids left should the academies at Andover, Exeter, Quincy, Groton, Meriden, and at other points, be blotted out, suggest the worth, in the popular esti- mate, of the academy. The "vox populi" here is the "vox dei." The academy has come to stay. It is to be an integral part of the school system, and not in New England only, but in the whole country. Counting out the ecclesiastical schools, we may say that there are three forms of institution which may seem to

supersede the old-time academy ; first, the private school secondly, the graded school, and thirdly, the college preparatory organic with the college or university. Without a word of depreciation, we acknowledge the necessity and value of these 142 institutions. This, however, we claim, that at their best estate, they cannot supersede the academy ; it supplies needs they can- not reach. Space forbids more than a mere enumeration of the reasons for this affirmation. First. The academy is needed on the ground of convenience often and inexpensiveness. Thetford Academy, in its service for the surrounding towns, illustrates the fact here affirmed. Second. Students in rural towns, where graded schools are impracticable, feel a natural repugnance to going to large graded schools at commercial centres, where local patronage gives character to the school and forms Pesprit de I ^ecole. They prefer a school where the local attendance is engrossed in the foreign, and asserts no domination. Third. Young people from rural towns encounter less moral peril in going to an academy than in going to a graded school at a business center. Four. The advantages at an academy are superior to those of the graded schools to students from rural towns who nat- urally attend it. Five. The spirit of the academy is classical beyond that of any other form of preparatory schools. For these reasons, not to name others, the conviction is firm in my mind that the academy meets a need unreached by any other form of school ; I go further, and say, that a million dol- lars expended on New England academies, would, in my opin- ion, do more good than five times that sum given to her col- leges. One hundred thousand dollars given to Thetford Acad- emy would be an indirect gift to Dartmouth, greater than itself,, and of incalculable value to Central Vermont.

Rev. Calvin Butler Hulbert, D. D., Zanesville, O., son of Calvin B. and Charlotte (Munsell) Hulbert, was born at East Sheldon, Vt., October, 1827. He finished fitting for college at Thetford, under Dr. Orcutt, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1853. He had taught during his studies, was principal of Swanton (Vt.) Academy a year, and then taught in St. Albans for two years. He finished his three years course at Andover

Theological Seminary in 1859 ; was licensed to preach by the Derry, N. H., Association ; and was ordained and settled over the Congregational church at New Haven, Vt., in 1859. Here he found an excellent parish pleasantly situated, where his labors were signally blessed, 170 uniting with the church by profession in ten years. He resigned in 1869, and in June, 1870, he was installed over the Congregational church at Bellville avenue, Newark, N. J., where he remained a little over two years,.

Rf.v. C. B. HUI.BERT, D. D. Mrs. Mary E. Hulbert.

143 when he was recalled to Vermont and installed over the Second Congregational church in Bennington, March, 1872. Having some years been trustee of Middlebury College he was elected to the presidency and inaugurated July 21, 1875. After five years of faithful and efiicient service he resigned in 1880. He then supplied the First Congregational church in Dover, N. H., and was also engaged as collecting agent for his Alma Mater.

From 1 88 1 to 1887 he acted as pastor of the Congregational church at Lyndonville, Vermont. He was employed temporarily in Hart- ford, Conn., and New York city, and then for two years and four months, till April, 1890, was engaged with the church at East Hardwick, Vt., when he moved to Zanesville, O., to comfort his greatly bereaved children and hoping also to recover his voice, which had been impaired by an attack of the grip. But there was comparatively little rest for him as his services were constantly called for in pulpits and frequently by the State Board of Agriculture in connection with agricultural institutes. Besides, for one term, he filled the chair of an absent professor in Marietta College. With improved health in September, 1 89 1, he was installed pastor of the Presbyterian church at Adams Mills, O. Resigning this pastorate early in 1895 he re- moved to Zanesville. He has been called to deliver addresses on many important occasions. More than a dozen of his ser- mons have been published. "The Distinctive Idea of Educa- tion," published by J. T. Alden, New York city, has had a large sale. His style and power as a writer have made him a favorite con- tributor to various newspapers and journals. With a constitution of iron and habits of unremitting industry and a consecrated purpose, he has been a man of most abun- dant labors. It is understood that he is now engaged upon an im- portant work which will in due time be given to the press. August 24, 1854, he was married to Mary Elizabeth Wood- ward at the home of her relative, Hon. Daniel Hoyt, Sandwich Center, N. H. She graduated at Thetford under Dr. Orcutt, and has been the most efficient promoter of all her husband's labors. She was born September 21, 1833, in Batticotta, India. She was the daughter of Rev. Henry and Clarissa (Emerson) Woodward. Her uncle. Rev. John Emerson, was missionary to the Sandwich Islands. Her father graduated at Dartmouth in 18 15. Her grandfather was Prof. Bezalleel Woodward, so prominently con- nected as teacher and professor with the early history of Dart- mouth, and who married Mary, the daughter of President Wheelock. 144

Dr. and Mrs. Hulbert have been greatly blessed in their children : Mary E., born in 1855, finished her studies at Smith, and mar- ried Rev. E. E. Rogers, a scholarly preacher and efficient pas- tor. They together founded Putnam Academy in Zanesville, where she teaches Latin and Greek in addition to her labors in the parish and care of her home. Henry Woodward, born in 1859, graduated at Middlebury,

1879 ; spent a year in England under the direction of the National Bureau of Education, and prepared its report on Eng- lish Rural Schools ; taught at Mechanicsville, and in Middle-

bury College ; was instructor in the college at Beyrout, Syria ; in 1888 became professor of political science and history at Mari- etta College, O., where he continues, though on leave of absence, and discharges the duty of professor in Lane Theological Semi- nary. He was ordained by the Athens Presbytery, and has preached in many churches with marked acceptance ; he has •written extensively for newspapers and magazines; in 1891 he was married to Lily L. Pinnio of New Jersey ; they have visited Europe. Ella Gertrude, born in 1861, and graduated from Smith College in 1886; taught in Wheaton College, and for Mr, Moody in his Bible Institute in Chicago, and at Northfield, Mass., and is now the wife of Rev. Edgar B. Wiley, Summer- dale, Illinois. Homer Bezalleel was born in 1863, graduated at Dartmouth in 1884; studied in Union Thelogical Seminary, New York city; when he was selected with two others by the United States commissioner of education to supply the demand of the Corean government for teachers to organize a school for the royal offi- cers in Seoul. His first contract was for two years, his second for three years ; meantime, he married Miss May Bell Hanna. The reactionary movements, which may be said to have culmina- ted in war between Japan and China, began to embarass his educa- tional work and he resigned. After a year spent in America he and his wife returned to Corea as missionaries. He has already published a geography and gazette of the world in the Corean language. Archer Butler is a member of the class of 1895 in Marrietta College. Anne Wheelock is a student in Mr. Moody's school at North- field, Mass. Among Dr. Hulbert's most important services is the founding of the academy at New Haven, Vt.

HON. S. R. BOND. 145

Samuel R. Bond graduated at Thetford, 1851, and at Dart- mouth in 1855, in the class in which Hon. Nelson Dingley, ex- Governor of Maine, Hon, W. A, Fields, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, W. S. Ladd, late judge of the Supreme Court of Minnesota, and W. H. H. Allen, judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, and other men of prominence were members. Mr. Bond has been a resident of the city of Washington, D. C, for nearly a quarter of a century, and is one of the most sub- stantial and respected citizens, an able and experienced lawyer of the national capital. After leaving college he taught in Paris, Tenn., first a year in the academy, and then as professor in the Odd Fellows College, meantime reading \a.w with Hawkins and McKissick. He was admitted to the bar and began the practice of his profession in 1857. In i860 he went to St. Paul, Minn., practising his pro- fession and serving the city as attorney, where he formed a co- partnership with Greenleaf Clark, which continued until 1862. The same year he became an officer in the military expedition which crossed the plains under the order of the Secretary of War, authorized by special act of Congress, to discover a new route to the gold fields of Idaho, and to protect emigrants on their way thither, as well as to test the temper of the Indians. This expedition discovered the gold deposits near the present site of

Helena, Montana ; it promoted the settlement in Pricklypear Valley, which subsequently developed itself as Montana City; others of the emigrants crossed the mountains and settled at what is now Virginia City, Idaho. The expedition went on to Wala Wala, Washington territory, and there disbanded, the officers returning via San Francisco and the Isthmus, landed in New York in January, 1863. Mr. Bond, on reaching Washing- ton city, wrote the report of the expedition, as its journalist, which was published by the war department. He immediately received an appointment in the treasury, where he served two years, when he resigned, in the meantime being admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia and the Supreme Court. He temporarily withdrew from active practice, having been elec- ted water registrar of Washington in 1868. After two years he resumed his law practice. In 1872, during the territorial gov- ernment of the District of Columbia he was elected and served one term as member of the Legislative Assembly. He was one of the organizers and incorporators of the Belt Line Railroad, and acted as its attorney, and for a time as its president. For six years he was trustee of the board of All Souls church, and two years its president, and several years superintendent of its 10 146

Sunday school. For several years he was president of the Associated Charities of the District, and was one of the organ- izers, and also president of the Dartmouth Alumni Association, and is director of the Columbia Bar Association. Indeed he has been active in rendering aid in many ways to the advance- ment of all kinds of enterprises calculated to benefit the com- munity. He has been counsel in many important cases. He carried through the courts the case which secured the decision that announced the rights of colored people in cars entering the city of Washington. In 1864 he was married to Mary A. Hunt, daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Hunt of Danvers, Mass., whose father, Israel Hunt, was a Revolutionary soldier. He has trav- elled extensively, having made three trips to Europe. He is an able advocate, a careful student, and a forcible and interesting speaker. His biography will be found in detail in the volume entitled "The Eminent Men of the District of Columbia and Virginia." He is a much respected member of the Masonic fra- ternity and an honor to the academy and college where he was educated.

Prof. Edward Conant, Ph. D., was born in Pomfret, Vt.; fitted for college in Thetford Academy, and entered Dartmouth in 1852. Since 1856 he has lived in Vermont, and has devoted himself to teaching, save from 1874 to 1880, when he was State Superintendent of Schools. He has taught in Royalton Acad- emy, Burlington High school. Orange County Grammar School, and Randolph and Johnson Normal schools. His work began in Orange County Grammar school, which he advanced to the posi- tion of State Normal school. He has published " Conant's Ver- mont Drill Book" in the elements of the English language which is now in its fourth edition. His labors as an educator, both as principal of Normal school and as State Superintendent, have been heartily commended by the most eminent educators ; and few, if any, have more deeply impressed the education of the state, than Professor Conant.

Hon. Solon K. Berry, well known to the students of 1848 and '50, has since been a resident of Thetford, and is best known to the public for his efficient service in the office of sheriff. He was a soldier in the 15th Vermont Regiment, and made a good record, and is now a trustee of the Academy.

Jonathan Marshall graduated at Dartmouth 1854; taught successfully in Lowell, Mass., became specially interested in the science of meteorology, but turned his attention to law, and

,^*% 42^


147 located at 247 Broadway, New York, where he has since remained, winning to himself a profitable clientage by his industry and fidelity, and the hearty esteem of a large social circle by his Christian activity and character.

Rev. J. M. Chamberlain, Grinnell, Iowa, remembered as one of the most solid men among the students at Thetford, was born

at West Brookfield, Mass., October 2, 1825 ; was the son of Eli and Achsah (Forbes) Chamberlain. He graduated at Dart- mouth in 1855, and Andover in 1858, and was ordained an evangelist at Des Moines, Iowa, December 14, 1859, and was installed pastor of the Congregational church there in i860. He has for a long time been a faithful and efficient librarian of Iowa College. His noble Christian character has been recog- nized in every form of service which he has been called upon to render, and his heart goes back to Thetford in hearty, grateful appreciation.

Rev. Geo. W. Gardner, D. D., of New London, N. H., son of Samuel and Sophia Greely Gardner, was born Promfret, Vt.,

October 8, 1828 ; graduated at Dartmouth in 1853, and became Principal of the Academy at New London, N. H., which greatly

prospered under him ; was a successful pastor at Charlestown, Mass., was secretary of one of the leading boards of the Baptist Church, and later president of the Baptist College in Iowa, where his health failed. He married Celia L. Hubbard,

Windsor, Vt., 28th of November, 1852. In spite of his ill health, he has continued to preach with acceptance. He cher- ished happy, grateful memories of the old academy. (He died, New London, N. H., April 27, 1895).

Prof. H. P. Montgomery, Supervisor Public Schools, Wash- ington, D. C, was born in Mississippi, lived for a time in Lou- isiana, and came North with Dr. Gillett. After leaving Thetford he graduated at the Randolph Normal school in '76. Having taught successfully in Vermont, he was called to the principal- ship of a school in Washington, D. C, and in 1882 became and still continues supervisor of 48 schools containing nearly 4,000 pupils. He has, during his summer vacations, con- ducted in the South nearly a dozen institutes. He has won the approval of the most distinguished educators. He has been one of the leaders in establishing the Douglass Memorial Indus- trial school at Manassas, Va. He is a brother of W. S. Mont- gomery, a graduate of Dartmouth College, and also a supervisor of Washington schools. 148

Hon. Halsey J. Boardman, attorney and capitalist, Boston, Mass., son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hunt) Boardman, of Norwich, Vt., was born May 19, 1834. He attended the public schools of his native town, graduated from Thetford Academy in 1854, and from Dartmouth College in 1858. He taught the high school in Leominster, Mass., one year, studying law at the same time. He finished his study of law in Boston, and was admitted to the Suffolk bar in i860, and commenced practice there as one of the firm of Boardman & Blodgett. Mr. Blodgett became judge in the superior court, and Mr. Boardman is now in prac- tice alone. His business and legal talents have made him influential in many directions. From 1862 to 1864, he was com- missioner of the board of enrollment for the fourth congress-

ional district of Massachusetts ; chairman of the Republican ward and city committee of Boston in 1874; member and president of the common council in 1875 ; Republican candi- date for mayor in the same year ; representative in the state legislature from 1883 to 1885 ; member and president of the state senate in 1887 and 1888. He is president of the Duluth &: Winnipeg Railroad Company and a director of several other railroad corporations. He is also president of the Evans Coal Company of Pennsylvania, president of Commercial Mining Com- pany of Colorado, and director of the Boston Marine Insurance Company. He was married in 1862 to Miss Georgia M. Hinman of Boston. They have two daughters.

Hon. Frederick Bates, Titusville, Penn., graduated at Thet- ford, 185 1, Dartmouth, 1855, and in the fall of that year became principal of Bidd County Academy, Macon, Georgia. In 1857 he accepted a position in the branch of the Marine bank of Georgia, and in 1859, married Caroline Sturtevant, of Hartland, Vt., and, as he supposed, settled permanently in Macon, Ga. His first child was born at Macon, February 16, 1861, the same day that Jefferson Davis was inaugurated president of the Con- federacy at Montgomery. He declined to call his son Jeff, but named him Carroll Lund, after his classmate at Thetford, and classmate and roommate at Dartmouth. In 1862, every able-bodied man was conscripted and marched to the front to fill up the ranks of the Rebel army, those who could manufacture twenty bushels of salt a day being exempted. Mr. Bates, with three other Yankees, went to the coast of Flori- da, where the natives made salt by boiling salt water in small sugar kettles hung on a pole, formed a company, and put up extensive works. Planters came one hundred and fifty miles to get salt which was sold as high as $14 per bushel.



Under the Confederate Substitute law of 1863, Mr. Bates fur- nished a substitute, and then returned to Macon, and took charge of a warehouse belonging to his company ; but in July, 1863, Jeff Davis wrote to the governors that there were 170,000 substitutes in the army, and urged that all those who furnished substitutes be called out for state service. Governor Brown of Georgia responded with his state order, mustering all substitutes in his state's service, which, Mr. Bates saw, meant Bragg's army, and its subsequent bloody battles. He, not feeling equal to the task, as he observed, on the 23d of July, 1863, secured a pass from the mayor of Macon to go to Rome, Ga., for the benefit of his health. Here he and the hotel keeper apparently were the only men in citizen's dress, so full was the town of soldiers. The provost marshal passed him and his family down Coosa river to Cedar Bluff, and gave them a letter to the hotel keeper, asking him to protect them from Yankee raids. In Alabama the Georgia conscription could not reach him, and he delayed for a time as a summer boarder, became acquainted with a blockade runner, bringing goods successfully from Nashville to the Bluff, a native of the state of New York. A plan was devised for reaching Nashville. Obtaining an outfit of a horse, mule, and express wagon, the citizens understood him to start south, but suddenly changing his mind he turned north to Gut- tersville, Ala., which was picketed by Forest's cavalry. He finally crossed the river at Courtland, Ala., and stopping over night with a planter near, encountered many soldiers paroled at Vicksburg, going home, as they declared, to stay. Three weeks had already been occupied, but many stirring incidents occurred before they reached the Union lines through the long interven- ing distance. One night they were halted, and taken into an open field by rebel guerrillas. The leader held a lighted candle to look the group over. While he was doing so he recognized Mr. Bates as a Master Mason and that saved him. He was cordially received by the Union pickets near Franklin, and there saw the Stars and Stripes waving over him for the first time in two years. After visiting friends, he selected Titusville as the place to begin life anew. In 1863, Titusville was booming as a town of strangers and adventurers. Mr. Bates threw himself whole- souled into its interests, and has had much to do with its devel- opment in many ways. In 1870 and 187 1 he was mayor; in 1872, member of the House of Representatives at Harrisburg for the purpose of securing legislation for the improvement of the city, and the erection of school houses; in 1872 he was elected member of the school board, was member for seventeen years, and president for fourteen years. 150

His oldest son, Carroll, graduated at Hamilton College, and is an Episcopal clergyman at Wilkinsburg, Penn. His second son was educated at I.ehigh University, and is now with a Standard Oil Company, at Oil City. His daughter, Harriet E., graduated at the Titusville High school, and is now teaching in the city schools. His third son, Croyton H., graduated at the High school in June, and is now engaged with a Standard Oil Company. Mr. Bates's principal business is insurance.

Rev. A. J. Pike, of Sauk Centre, Minn., who furnished the hymn sung at the close of the exercises, was a son of Benjamin and Huldah Dormant Pike. He was born at Topsfield, Mass., 7th of March, 1828. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1855, and studied for the ministry, and has been actively and usefully en- gaged in Vermont, Connecticut, Dakota, and Minnesota. He spent a year in England working for missions in Africa. He married Eliza Bronnel Perkins, of Topsfield, Mass., 3d of October, i860. His brother. Rev. G. D. Pike, D.D., also a student at Thetford, taught some years, and since, noted for his labors as Secretary of the A. M. A in behalf of the Freedmen, was well known in Europe and America in connection with the jubilee singers in their raising money for Fisk University.

W. H. Cummings, A. M., principal of K. U. A., Meriden, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth in 1879. He is both a born and made teacher, as is" indicated by his success at Thetford and especially in his present difficult task of restoring the Academy of Meriden to its ancient renown.

Rev. A. B. Palmer, Saratoga, Cal., had interesting experience as a devoted teacher in Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio, until his health broke down. Having regained his health and studied theology, he entered upon the ministry and has been so engaged in New England and California.

Rev, Wm. R. Joyslin, Centreville, Barnstable county, Mass., son of Royal and Julia Barnard Joyslin, was born at Lancaster, N. H., nth of September, 1833; graduated at Dartmouth 1856. He read law at Lancaster, then studied divinity at Andover, and preached in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Oregon ; married first January, 1863, Emma Francis, daughter of the Hon. Amos Abbott, of Massachusetts. He recalls the many men and women who have gone out from Thetford to do battle in this age of prog- ress. He would revive the memories and scenes, and gather from the past inspiration for the future triumphs of the Academy.



George H. Andrews, Esq., a successful business man, writes from Minneapolis, Minn., of his pleasant memories of Thetford, sadly recalling the death of his brother, Thomas F. Andrews, who was also a student at Thetford, and was one of the prominent pioneers of Minneapolis. His children are students or graduates of the State University.

Miss Eliza Jane Andrews writes as Mrs. Wm. H. Dole. Mr. Dole was for many years a railroad officer. They now reside in Melrose, Mass., and she is one of the most active ladies in scien- tific and literary matters. She has spent a year abroad with her sister, Miss Hattie N. Andrews, the artist. Her son who fitted for Harvard, trouble with his eyes having compelled him to forego study, is now one of the firm of J. A. Andrews & Co., a leading business house in Boston. She has delightful memories of Thetford, and trusts its great usefulness is to be renewed and continued.

Miss Jennie Howard, a native of Orford, N. H., became Mrs. Corliss, and has since resided in Cincinnati. She remembers with special interest her period of study at Thetford. Her daughter, with her, is a successful teacher in Dr. Bartholemew's select school, and her son holds a confidential position in an insurance office in Chicago.

John Marshall Eaton, M. D., Milford, Mass., son of Dr. J. S. and Harriet Eaton, was born in Bristol, N. H., 12th of May, in at Harvard in served as 1832 ; graduated medicine 1856 ; assistant surgeon in the War of the Rebellion, He is a surgeon of marked skill, and a highly esteemed physician, and has been state medical examiner. He married October 27, 1858, at Waltham, Mary Weatherby. She is a lady of marked strength and excellence.

Hon. Bartlet Sargent of Norwich, a son of Daniel and Lodisa Sargent, was born February 27, 1835, ^^ Norwich, Vt. While attending the district school in his own town, his teachers, among whom were the late Lieutenant-Governor Hinckly, and Mr. Horace W. Thompson of Bellows Falls, induced him, in 1854, to enter Thetford Academy, from which he graduated in the classical course in 1858 under Mr. Gilbert E. Hood's princi- palship. He did not pursue a professional course of study. Believing that the educated farmer and manufacturer also occupy an honorable and useful position in society, he returned to the old 152 homestead and settled down to make himself a useful citizen. He taught school in his own and neighboring towns several terms, but most of the time, for twenty-five years, has held some responsible town office, selectman, overseer and lister, appraiser of real estate, town agent, auditor, justice of the peace, representative to the general court. For many years he has been treasurer of a local agricultural society, and he is now the clerk of the board of school directors. All these positions he has filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to his fellow citizens. Mr. Sargent married Miss Dora S. Ilsly in 1867, and four interesting children, one son and three daughters, have blessed their home. Mr. Sargent is proud to remember that Sargent and Bursing (a fellow student) in 1859, planted a tree on Thetford Hill in place of his class-tree that had died, which is now a towering and beautiful elm in front of Judge Short's office.

Hon. William E. Barnard, 483 9th St., Oakland, Cal., exclaims, " What thronging memories rush in upon us when we think of Thetford Hill, and our experiences there forty years

He graduated at Dartmouth in 1856, was principal of Peacham Academy two years, and went to Oregon in the fall of 1858, where he spent the winter in trade with a brother. The following spring he took charge of the Academy at Dallas. October, i860, he was married to Miss M. P. Clark, of Hanover, N. H., who had been associated with him as teacher at Peacham. In 1S61 he was chosen professor of mathematics in Willamette University, at Salem, Oregon. In 1863 he accepted the presidency of the University of Washington, at Seattle. In 1865 he was appointed deputy collector of customs for the Puget Sound District. In 1869 he resigned and moved to Ventura, So. Cal., where he was engaged in the lumber business with a brother. The next year he started a new town eight miles from Ventura, and there began trade in lumber and gen- eral merchandise. The town was located on what was sup- posed to be government land, but which was afterwards claimed as a part of Ala Colonia Ranch, and after a long controversy was so patented. For four years he was engaged in the real estate business in Santa Barbara. In 1S79 ^^^ moved to Oak- land, where he has since resided and been engaged in the real estate and insurance business. He has been called upon to bear his part in various responsi- bilities, and is now a member of the city council. He has

HERBERT H. BARNES. 153 always been active in church work, and whether engaged in business or education, he has been the same generous, noble- hearted man that he was in his school days at Thetford. He has four children, two sons and two daughters. His old- est son, for ten years married, is cashier in a commission house in San Francisco. His youngest son is associated with his father in business. His oldest daughter is married after having his youngest has a been a successful teacher of kindergarten ; training class for kindergarten teachers besides a class for mothers.

Herbert H. Barnes, Esq., manager of the Hotel Brunswick, Boston, one of the exclusive hotels in New England, is a natural hotel keeper, having spent half his life in the busi- ness. He was born in Lyme, N. H., Aug. 29, 1853. His fa- ther and grandfather were hotel keepers. His father, Hiram Barnes, kept a famous tavern in East Lebanon. Mr. Barnes received his schooling in his native town, and at sixteen started out on his own account, as a dry-goods clerk, and later was in Lebanon, and in Boston. At twenty-one he was given the responsible place of private bookkeeper in the United States Hotel, in which Mr. Amos Barnes, his uncle, was the senior proprietor. In 1879, Mr. Barnes was clerk at the Oceanic House, Isles of Shoals. At the end of the season, his fortunes were united with those of the Hotel Brunswick. Although to the manor born as a hotel manager, faithful appli- cation has done more for him than inherited tendencies. He has won his way by steady application to business, and fidelity to his employers, combined with tact in dealing with those un- der his charge as well as with guests. He has an honest and manly way of making friends in many circles, and a happy fac- ulty of retaining them. He has an excellent memory, and a happy manner of dealing with all who come in contact with him. He is tall, erect in figure, of dark complexion, hazel eyes, clear cut features, a finely-shaped head, and his bearing is al- ways modest, unassuming, and dignified. He is unmarried. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Boston Art Club, and of the Society of Arts of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, and for a time was a member of the Algonquin Club.

Charles K. Ainsworth is vice-president of an extensive lum-

ber and wooden ware manufacturing company at Moline, 111., and remembers Mr. Orcutt with much affection and esteem. 154

Royal W. Aldrich, Amherst, Mass., a more recent student, winning his way, has been farmer, and shipping clerk, and hopes to send a student to Thetford.

Col. Samuel K Adams, Minneapolis, Minn., entered Dart- mouth in 185 1, and went West in 1855 ; in 1857 he was elected state senator and re-elected in 1859, then was special agent of the postoffice department for Iowa and Minnesota. In i860 he was receiver of public moneys and in 1862 he became paymaster in the army and retired in 1866, brevetted lieutenant-colonel. He has been Master of the State Grange for ten years and of the National Grange two years. He has been active in educa- tional and agricultural affairs, was State Commissioner to the New Orleans International exhibition, and is a thirty-third degree Master Mason.

C. R. Hazen, Dunlara, Fla., who refers to the many pleasant and profitable days on the Hill, was engaged in ship building but entered a Massachusetts regiment in the late war. He was spared through skirmishes and battles, save that he was wound- ed in the side at Antietam and suffered a sunstroke on the march. He is now in the land of flowers.

Hon. H. M. Jewett, Everett, Mass., refers to the warm place the old school and its associations have in his heart and adds that when U. S. Consul at Sivas, Asia Minor, on a visit to Caes- area, where there is a flourishing station of the A. B. C. F. M., the notes of the chapel bell led him to remark half musingly, "that sounds like the old academy bell in Thetford!" "Why, do you know Thetford?" asked one of the lady teachers. " Yes, I was a student there." " So was I," she exclaimed, and it turned out that they were there at the same time under Mr. Turner, and boarded at the same place, and had not seen each other since, until they met in the heart of Asia Minor.

William B. Leach, Minneapolis, Minn., recalling fond memo- ries sends sincerest greetings.

Mrs. Sarah C. Littlefield, New London, N. H., for four years principal of the High school at Haverhill, Mass., names with interest her associates on the Hill ; has a son in Colby Acade- my, and a daughter in the Woman's Medical College, Philadel- phia. 155

Mrs. Jefifry Martin, Clinton, Iowa, nk Sarah Fitch, of North Thetford, recalls with gratitude her teachers, Messrs. Chase and Turner.

Mrs. E. De Costa McKay, nee Susan White, New York city, writes with enthusiastic interest.

Etta F. Morse, 68 Warrenton St., Boston, writes of her strong and lasting attachment to the old Academy, and her continued interest in its welfare.

Wilson Palmer, editor, Jamaica, L. I., A. B. at Dartmouth, recalls affectionately his teachers, G. E. Hood and H. B. Wood- worth, and their lady assistants. He adds, "God bless Thetford Academy, and may her prosperity be renewed."

Mrs. Esther R. Smith Parsons, 36 Tompkins Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., daughter of Col. Ashbel Smith, in the spring of 1846 became one of the teachers at the opening of the Brooklyn Female Academy, now Packer Collegiate Institute, where she remained four years, when she married Charles H. Parsons. Three sons took the course at the Polytechnic Institute, and two the A. B. at Amherst. One is a lawyer in New York city, and the other is professor in Colorado College.

Addison Palmer, Worcester, Mass., recalls the early days of King Hiram's reign, emphasizes the influence of his Thetford life in shaping his character. He acknowledges that he has sometimes been impatient at the slow victory of right over wrong, but trusts in the final triumph of principles so long taught at Thetford.

Mary H. Parker, Bishop Place, New Brunswick, N. J., was associated with Mr. Turner as teacher in the Academy, and later for nine years with Miss Haines in New York city.

James J. Russ, 161 2 2d St., Chicago, 111., looks back over fifty years to his days at the academy as among the pleasantest of his life.

Mrs. Hattie Wilcox Ressegnie, 702 Taylor St., Seattle, Wash., much as she rejoices in the grandeur of Mt. Renier and Mt. Baker, with their snow-clad summits, cherishes with unfailing interest her memories of Thetford Hill. She taught five years, then married, went to California and settled on Puget Sound. 156

J. E. Herrick, West Peabody, Mass., is very busy as assessor, but full of interest in the Academy.

Mrs. George W. Heath, in spite of a severe injury, writes to express her interest in the old school.

Mrs. Cornelia Lougee Holton, Waterbury, Vt., tells of her

long-cherished desire for a reunion ; of the death of her first

husband, Dr. Forster, as a result of his service in the war ; of her present happy home near her sister Lottie, also a former

student, now Mrs. Clark ; and mentions the fact of special interest to many, once students, that her mother, now resident there, is in her ninety-fourth year, though unable to walk with- out assistance, still retains her' mental faculties in a wonderful degree.

Otis E. Heath, Palatka, Fla., full of interest, but cannot be spared to attend the reunion. He taught in Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Western New York, spent a year in horticulture regaining impaired health, and then went to Georgia, spending there eight years before the war and four during the war, and then after a visit to old friends in the North, located in Eminence, Ky., where his son and daughter were educated. The former is now Dr. H. A. Heath, New York, and the latter Mrs. Fletcher, Claremont, N. H. He rejoices that his children and grandchildren are responsive to the same Christian influence which he enjoyed at Thetford.

C. W. Herbert, Esq., county commissioner, Grafton county, Rumney Depot, N. H., sends greeting and expresses his inter- est in the building up of the school. He recalls the sad fact that he lost his only sister by the bringing of the small-pox among the scholars by Miss Nellie White.

Miss Lucy O. Childs wrote of her desire for the reunion of a large number of old friends, and of her best wishes for the future of the Academy.

Mrs. Mary (Heaton) Baldwin, Seattle, Wash., writes of her anxiety to join in the reunion.

Mrs. L. M. (Church) Jieane from Littleton, N. H., writes of her teaching and marriage, and of her deep interest in the Academy and friends. 157

R. E. Bean, postmaster, Franklin, N. H., writes warmly of the old Academy, of his teaching, of his hospital service in the war, and of his various fortunes since.

D. C. Bliss, A. B., Dartmouth, 1892, is the successful super- intendent of schools at Northville, Mich.

William Bartlett, Toledo, Ohio, a student years ago, takes time to tell of the influence upon him to this day of the princi- ples inculcated by Mr. Orcutt.

N. E. Cutler, Wakefield, Mass., of the firm of Cutler Bros., has prospered in business and sees the good influence of Thet- ford through all his affairs. He married a sister of a fellow student ; has three sons, two in business with him and one in the High school.

C. H. Clement, A. B., Dartmouth, 1872, now a lawyer, San Jose, Cal., tells of his experience as teacher, superintendent of schools and lawyer, lecturer, of his memory of the Hill, its associations, not forgetting the beloved home that gave him welcome while there as a student.

Mrs. Marcia E. (Foster) Cushing, Dunedin, Fla., who declines any public mention, but reveals the depths of her affection for the old Academy by reference to the fact that her first husband was Thaddeus W. Bruce, teacher and theological student, and thus recalls to the students of forty years ago one of the most sterling and consecrated men, whose death was so great a loss ; also touches a sympathetic chord, as she refers to her own orphan children and those of her sister, Mrs. Miller, who was also a student at the Academy and a teacher.

Mrs. C. P. Carr, Coaticook, Province of Quebec, Can., whose husband was also a student as well as teacher of music, rejoices in the training she received from Solon G. Smith, and cherishes the precious memories of her other teachers and com- panions in student life.

Mrs. Amelia C. Dewey Coburn, West Stewartstown, N. H., unable to use a pen for months in her feebleness is able to say no one would prize being present more than she.

Mrs. Lucy S. Chandler, Guilford, Vt., now a widow in great feebleness, writes of her deep interest. She was teacher, then ;

158 wife of a clergyman who lost his health and became editor. She rejoices in the support found in the principles inculcated at Thetford, and that her three children cherish the same Chris- tian principles; one a daughter married in Connecticut, one a student in Rose Polytechnic, Terre Haute, Ind., and one now in Thetford.

Hon. George A. Dale, Island Pond, Vt., attorney, is ardent in his desire to attend and to aid in any way,

Charles H. Davis is agent of the Boston & Maine railroad at Alton Bay, N. H., and giving due credit to the Academy tells of the success he has won.

Elsie Durkee, Lowell, Mass., recalls affectionately Dr. Orcutt, Mr. Hood, Miss Denny, Miss Dubois, and tells of teaching in Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.

Charles L. Eastman, Littleton, N. H., has served twelve years as a member of the Board of Education ; treasurer nine years selectman four years, and two of them as chairman, and trustee of the public library, and member of the state legislature.

Lucina H. Frost, Arlington, Mass., says: "To the influence of no others do I owe more than to Dr. and Mrs. Orcutt."

Leonard M. Fitch, West Newton, Mass., eighty-nine years of age, nephew of the first preceptor, A. B. at the University of Vermont, 1826, studied medicine at Harvard, taught in Virginia and the West, and practised dentistry. He recalls vividly the scenery and friends. On revisiting the Hill some two years since the scenery was then grand and beautiful as ever, but the friends of his student days could not be found.

Mary E. Fuller, East Northfield, Mass., has been a teacher and declares her loyalty to the dear old Academy.

Mrs. Helen Clement Huse, Chicago, 111., tells of her school in Brookline, Mass., her studying French in Paris, and German a year in Germany, and of her teaching those languages in San

Francisco, of her marriage to Dr. F. J. Huse, Superintendent of the Hospital and Benefit Department of the Southern Pacific railroad.

Alanson Palmer, A. B., at Dartmouth, a long-time successful 159

teacher, and connected with the Teachers' Mutual Benefit Asso- ciation of New York, sends from 595 Madison street, Brooklyn, most hearty greetings.

Arad N. Porter, attorney, Des Moines, la., writes of varied experiences as a teacher in Cincinnati, O.; soldier in the Wilder- ness campaign; student at law in Michigan and Iowa; author of

the Iowa Probate Manual ; three years associate editor of the

Western jfurist ; three years professor of law in Drake Univer- sity, and for five years officer of the Iowa Supreme Court.

Erastus Young, Minneapolis, Minn., now three score and twelve, brother-in-law of Prof. H. B. Woodworth, reports a quiet life and rejoices in the glorious record of Thetford Academy.

Mrs. Martha S. Billings, Vernon Heights, Oakland, Cal., writes that her sister, Mrs. Baldwin, of Washington, was pre- vented attending the reunion by the submergence of the rail- roads, and sends her warmest greetings to all those who are able to attend, and especially to Rev. Edward F. Slafter, D. D., and Dr. Orcutt.

A. D. Bridgman, M. D., writes from Decatur, 111. greatly ; regrets that he cannot join in greeting King Hiram and his old associates.

Mrs. Sylvia Folsom Dearborn writes from Chelsea, Vt., with deepest interest in the Academy; of her brief experience teach- ing, and marriage, and of her four children. Her son has died, a daughter married Professor Comstock, principal of Chelsea Academy. She has always taught in the Sabbath school and her husband was for twenty-three consecutive years its superin- tendent.

Mrs. Cynthia M. Smith, nee Edgerton, in expressing her inter- est in the Academy, writes that her husband died early, and that her three sons are all honorable men, two having graduated at Dartmouth.

J. B. Tracy, of Milton, Wis., writes of his early going West and of the death of his wife. Miss R. Maria Wood, of Lyme, and of her sister Augusta, both students in the Academy, and alludes to his experience in farming, railroading, banking, and his ser- vice as County Superintendent of Schools for Rock county, and 160

expresses his hearty gratitude to his teachers, Messrs. Orcutt, Hood, and others.

Georgia Dudley Whipple, regretting her enforced absence, expresses her deep interest.

George H. Bixby, A. B., Dartmouth, 1879, is now principal of

the graded school, Rochester, Vt. ; was three years principal of

the High school at Stowe ; remembers his life at Thetford with gratitude.

R. T. Smith, of Nashua, N. H., tells a unique story of special " interest. He says : I have not seen the day since I was three and one-half years old when I could lift my best foot from the ground, or stand without crutches, and I have never been strong enough to sustain continuous labor; my work has been from necessity more mental than physical." Of his school days, he says: "At the beginning of the summer term of 1836 I, a little lame boy, was given a seat in the large lower room. I had never been in school before. I was not even supposed to know how to read. I was in "my eleventh year, very feeble, and just beginning to walk with the help of crutches. I had no school books, joined no class, had nothing in common with other scholars, and could not join in amusements. For four years I was found in this same seat, never joining a class but for one study and for one term. "This may be called a sad record, but it was not. I doubt if ever a scholar enjoyed or profited more by four years of school. Nothing can give greater emphasis to the character of the teach- ing and of the teachers, to the moral and intellectual uplift of this school than their results upon one who took no active part in the exercises, but who received instruction entirely by absorp- tion. Those four years include my entire school life, and at its close I was not larger than an ordinary boy of ten years. Sit- ting in my desk, I revelled in the beauties of Virgil and other classics, both ancient and modern ; waiting for the slow and repeated search after words to give a clear translation, gave me a sense of the value of words, and of the mechanical nature of languages. I became familiar with the entire range of study of the school. I learned the theory if not the practice of the sciences and became wholly absorbed in natural, intellectual, and moral philosophy. Term after term I listened to the ques- tions and heard the answers in those wonderful fields until I seemed to have thought out every proposition and followed to its end every conclusion. In this way I learned to think. 161

Treated as a favorite, if a lesson was to be recited in which I had special interest in one of the other rooms, I was sure to be found curled up in some corner listening with breathless attention, were there philosophical experiments to be shown. I can see even now Mr. Marsh showing the camera with the village green and the boys at play upon it, thrown upon the walls of the north upper room while he told us that some day

those pictures would be caught and retained. ' Boys,' he would say, 'some of you may live to have your pictures taken by a camera, I do not expect it in my day.' Again when showing us the electro-magnet, he told us the subtle current could be taken through any length of wire, and the magnet would work

as we saw it, and he thought the time might come when this would be used as a means of distant communication. A grand and noble man was Mr. Marsh, and I rejoice that in these later years, I could receive him as my guest in my own home and I have his likeness taken by a camera, and I would here bear testimony to the character and influence of Miss Eliz- abeth Tenney, his assistant. I recall her slight figure, her gentle, intellectual face, and her abundant auburn curls— a true cultured lady. One of the days to be remembered was a clear October day given up to the exhibition of a powerful solar microscope. As to my after life, built upon the foundation of those four years, it was not until I was twenty-seven years of age that I thought of such a thing as earning my own living, for I came to the requisite strength by slow degrees." For a time he painted portraits. The good people of Nashua and neigh- boring towns took a kindly interest in him and he opened there in 1854 a book and stationery store in a very small way, which was a success. His knowledge of drawing aided him in his attention to mechanical pursuits, and he became one of the orig- inators of the American Shearer Manufacturing Company, and

had charge of its patents and patent suits ; was for years its treasurer, and for a time its president. He has become known as an expert mechanical engineer, and has designed and built many useful machines. In 1892 he traveled abroad in England and on the continent. His cash capital at his start in business was $1.34. He had no other moneyed help, but kindness and sympathy have followed him all the days of his life.

John F. Tenney, Federal Point, Fla. Fifty years have not marred the vivid distinctness of his memory of Dr. Orcutt. He married a Thetford pupil, has wandered north and south, settled in Florida before the war, came north in i860, and resumed his residence in Florida after the war. He sees great 11 162 chang^es around him, and rejoices in the extension of the prin- ciples inculcated in the old Academy.

Charles N. Thomas, Attleboro' Falls, Mass., recalls specially the events of the fall of 1864, and may yet revisit the Acad- emy with a sizable endowment in his pocket.

S. F. Whipple writes from the office of the daily and weekly Citizen, Lowell, and recalls with pleasure Thetford Hill and its associates, and the advice and help of Principal Chase.

Lilian S. Wilmot, Olcott, Vt., dwells upon present memories of the Academy, of the enjoyment of her work in teaching in several states, and of her special interest in oratory.

Anna L. Wilcox, a teacher of sloyd in the Lyman school, Westboro', Mass., tells of her graduation at the Normal school, Salem, her teaching in Massachusetts and her graduation from the School of Domestic Science and Industrial Arts, Boston.

Mrs. H. E. Whittemore, nke Denny, writes from Northfield, Vt., expressing her deep interest in all that concerns Thetford Academy, recalling to the minds of the older students her husband, who was so much beloved both as pupil and teacher, and would have been specially pleased if her son, Luther D. Whittemore, A. B., at Amherst in 1880, now professor of Latin in Washburne College, Topeka, Kan., could have joined in the reunion and met some of the old friends of his father.

Esther W. Morey, 13 Methuen St., Lowell, taught for a time and then married, and is now grandmother; her oldest son is principal of Highland Grammar school.

Mrs. T. C. Sweat, nee Hester Sargent, Webster, N. H., was a member of the last class that graduated under Mr. Hood.

Mrs. Maria J. French, nee Leonard, now a widow, writes from Appleton, Wis., of her deep interest and that of her two chil- is a minister, and her daughter is Mrs. E. E. dren ; her son Dunn of that city.

Persis Dana Hewitt, now teacher at St. Johnsbury, whose mother, Persis C. Dana, was also a pupil at Thetford, writes of her graduation at Mt. Holyoke, and of teaching there and in the Morgan High school, Clinton, Ct.

HON. A. W. TEN'NEY. 163

Mrs. Colonel Lowe, 1328 Corcoran St., Washington, D. C, formerly Elizabeth Niles of Post Mills, regrets more than she can express that she cannot attend the reunion. She is active in church work, and has children and grandchildren who rise up and call her blessed.

Amelia S. Morey Kibby, Fairlee, Vt., always cherishes pleasant memories of Thetford Academy.

Hon. Asa W. Tenney, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was born at Dalton, N. H., in 1833, within sight of Mount Washington. He spent his youth on a farm, having a few months' instruction in the district school each year, reading Shakespeare and other classic English authors as he could at odd hours. He taught school at sixteen, boarding around, fitted for college at Thetford, and graduated in the class of '59 at Dartmouth. He entered upon the study of law, and was school commissioner of Coos county for two years. In 1862, with but five dollars in his pocket, he began his successful career in New York, receiving at first a salary of only two dollars a week. In 1873, General Grant appointed him United States attorney for the southern district of New York, successor to General Tracy, afterwards secretary of the navy. He was reappointed both by Presidents Hayes and Garfield, holding the ofiice for over twelve years, winning many cases for the government. As counsel, he secured the acquittal of Rev. Dr. Talmage in his famous trial before the Brooklyn presbytery. In politics he has always been a Repub- lican. Both in law and politics he is noted as an orator. The Republican party of Georgia was organized at a convention in 1867, and created great excitement. Mr. Tenney was recom- mended by Horace Greeley as the speaker from the North. His speech was highly complimented, and a few days later was delivered again at Savannah, where he was protected by one hundred and fifty mounted policemen. In the last twenty years he has canvassed nearly all the Northern states. In 1880 Gen- eral Garfield personally requested him to canvass California, and in '84, Mr. Blaine selected him as associate speaker on his famous political trip. Mr. Tenney is a favorite on the lecture platform. On Decoration Day, May 30, 1894, he was orator at the memorial services held at the tomb of General Grant, at Riverside Park under the auspices of the Grand Army posts of the two cities, Brooklyn and New York. The oration was of a high order and was printed in full in the leading newspapers in the two cities. Since his retirement from public office he has devoted himself to the practice of his 164 profession, with his usual energy and untiring industry, and has conducted many cases to a successful termination. He is a member of various clubs and literary and historical societies, and president of the alumni association of Dartmouth College. He has travelled extensively in this country and in Europe, and has gathered around him rare collections of books and speci- mens of art. He is married and resides with his family, 190 Washington Park, overlooking Fort Greene. His sister, Lettie W., also a Thetford student, is now Mrs. George C. Butterfield, Columbus, Wis. Mr. Tenney is specially fond of defending those exposed to injustice. Just now he is defending a colored preacher who was roughly assailed by a paper in the interior of the state for telling the facts about Livingston College, a worthy institution in the South, for the education of colored youth. Mr. Tenney remembers Dr. Orcutt and his other teachers with gratitude, and especially recalls the eloquence and promise of his room-mate, now Hon. George H. Dale of Island Pond, once state governor.

Mrs. Gov. Moody Currier of Manchester, N. H., so well known to many of the students as Miss Hannah A. Slade of Thetford Hill, after leaving the Academy, continued her musi- cal studies under the instruction of one of the best masters in Boston, and then taught with success for some years in Man- chester, N. H., when she married Moody Currier, distinguished as a scholar and banker of that city, and who was governor of his state '85- '86, Avith whom she has shared his literary and scientific pursuits.

A. W. Freeman, D. S., Chicago, 111., son of J. M. and M. Ann Morse Freeman, was born in Brookfield, Vt., 3d of Oct. 1829. After graduating at Dartmouth in '54 he taught in Vermont two years and in Illinois four years, and became a dentist in Chicago, where he since remained, always helpful in the church and community, and happy to meet a friend of other days.

Rev. George B. Patch, D. D., Washington, D. C, writes : "All the old students of Thetford Academy must rejoice in the movement there started to foster and build up the institution and launch it forth on a new career of usefulness." His preparatory course at Thetford Academy was completed in four terms. During the intervening winter terms he taught school, and worked on the farm summers. His father died



when he was seven years of age, and his mother was taken away when he was sixteen. The little family, consisting of his mother and four children, was broken up soon after the death of his father, when he went to live with his uncle, David Wright, on the farm. Such a life, however, was not congenial to him, and being very fond of books, he resolved to fit himself for col- lege. When he started for Thetford Academy he had only ten dollars in his pocket, which was his all. His grandmother's brother, Mr. Jefferson Coombs, had invited him to his house where, during his first term, he received room and board for the chores he did about the place. And Mr. Gilbert E. Hood, the principal, for the little jobs he could do at the academy and at his own house, gave him his tuition and the necessary text- books. With this, and with his earnings from work on the farm and from teaching, he was enabled to enter college entirely free from debt. While in college he taught school five terms, and in vacation worked on the farm as he had strength and opportunity, and he graduated with his class at Dartmouth in 1862, when heinmiediate- ly proceeded to Washington, D. C, to take charge of city mission work under the auspices of the First Presbyterian church. He continued with that church for thirteen years, during the greater part of which time, and for several years after, he was engaged as a clerk in the treasury department. In brief, while in that church he served as missionary, Sunday-school superintendent, elder, and studied Exegesis and Hebrew under Dr. Sampson, then president of the Columbian University, read theology pri- vately, and began preaching. In that interval, also, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Walker, of Washington, who has been a helpmeet indeed. In 1875 ^^ ^^s called to the pastorate of the Eastern Pres- byterian church, of Washington, which was organized under his ministry. In 1882 he became pastor of the Unity Presbyterian church, which was also organized under his ministry and now has a membership of three hundred and sixty. This church is now known as the Gunton Temple Memorial church, the edifice, costing some $70,000, having been erected by a benevolent lady and given to the church, she acknowledging that she was influ- enced in giving the edifice to this church in part by her respect for its worthy and efficient pastor. He fitly says, " Hitherto hath the Lord helped me."

Dr. Rufus Osgood Mason, 348 West 58th street, New York, wrote : Thanks for your kind thought of me, and for your kind invi- 166 tation to be present at your coming graduation exercises and reunion. My duties here make it necessary for me to decline with sincere regret your kind invitation, but I cannot easily resist the further plea to send a " letter in memory of good old Thetford days." Those words, "good old Thetford days," bring up a host of pleasant memories, and like all memories of youthful experiences they are tiiost vii'id when we come to wag gray beards. Yes, Thetford Hill, with its magnificent scenery, its famous academy, its hospitable people, its troops of students, is as distinct to my memory as if Mr. Orcutt had called me up in Xenophon last week, or I had just returned from a chowder party at Fairlee lake. There were the Babcock family, Judge Short, Dr. Worcester, old Father and Mother Frost,—with whom I lived, —and Dea. Benjamin Frost and his wife, with their lovely family away at the south end of the village,— a most worthy name, now nobly represented by my old friend, their son. Prof. C. P. Frost, and his family, at Dartmouth college. Dr. Worcester, so tall, good-natured, and skilful, —he attended me and brought me safely through an attack of that serious and at present much-talked-of disease, appendicitis. It is indeed a much-dreaded disease, and your neighbor. Professor Hardy of Dartmouth, who presents that curious and most unusual combi- nation of qualities which fitted him to be a learned professor of mathematics and a famous writer of fiction, has vividly depicted the wretchedness of a man pursued through all his short life by the dread of that often fatal disease. He at least believed himself dying of it, and offered his dead body a sacrifice to the scalpel and the good of science. His vermiform appendix, however, was found perfectly healthy and normal, and no other cause of death could be discovered. He had died of a vivid imagination. Dr. Worcester, however, in me found a real case, and brought me safely through by means of vigorous treatment, for which I have no doubt he received a very modest fee and many thanks. One part of the treatment is very clear in my recollection,—he bled me from the arm, and when, during the operation, he expe- rienced some difficulty in piercing the vein, he rallied me on my thick skin, when he knew very well the accusation was unjust, and I retorted blaming his "dull old knife." We were good friends, and I hope the member of your present board of trustees bearing the name is the good doctor's son. Scores of familiar forms and faces come trooping up before me from amongst the students of those days. That was in 1849, yet, strange to say, all those forms and faces as they come to me now are gay and youthful ; hastening back and R. OSGOOD MASON, M.D.

— ; ; ;

167 forth to and from the academy, reciting, discussing, singing in the academy choir, declaiming, joining in sports and in many scenes of pleasure and interest. Well do I remember the court and mock trial in our class. The genial John A. Smith, who died all too soon during our first year in college, was the judge ; Kingsbury and I think

John Eaton, Jr., since for many years United States commis- sioner of education at Washington, were of the learned counsel I was the criminal accused of high-handed murder. The trial occupied all the afternoon and evening. The witnesses were sworn "by the great Horn Spoon," and the jury "by the great boot that hangs in Chatham street." The examination of wit- nesses was most critical and interesting, but the evening session was the grand tournament; then the learned counsel summed up the case with great eloquence, the jury brought in their ver- dict of "guilty," and the accused made his last appeal to the judge, maintaining his innocence. The academy was packed, the windows were open, and the windows of the adjoining build- ings on either side were filled with interested spectators and listeners. The death penalty was then and there pronounced, but, if I remember rightly, it was never carried into effect. Of course Mr. Orcutt was the chief personality so far as the students were concerned. His tall, thin, slightly stooping form, always handsomely clad in black ; his jet black hair and whis- kers ; his dark skin and brilliant eyes ; the rapid and rather ungainly gait, by means of which, however, he got there every time ; will all be remembered by the older people of the town. And, notwithstanding the succession of excellent principals who have followed him, I doubt not that Hiram Orcutt is still a tradition amongst the younger generation of residents and students. He was certainly a most remarkable man, and left an impress for good upon many a strong, active mind which again has made its infiuence felt in wider and ever widening circles. I know I have disappointed him : I am not a minister, nor even a Sunday-school superintendent, nevertheless I am a better man for his influence. Truly the eulogy which the old song gives to "Father O'Flynn " would be applicable to him also,

" Och, Father O'Flynn, you 've a wonderful way wid you All the ould sinners are wishful to pray wid you, And the young children are wild for to play wid you, You 've such a way wid you, Father O'Flynn.

" Still, for all you 've so gentle a soul, Gad, you 've your flock in the grandest control Checking the crazy ones, coaxin' onaisy ones, " Lifting the lazy ones on wid the stick ! —


Thetford Academy may have had its faults in those days, but it certainly did send out students who were thoroughly imbued with the necessity and spirit of work, students who somehow had acquired the use of their faculties, and liked to use them ; it was a kind of education which fitted one to arcomplish something in whatever direction those faculties were directed ; and I remember the Thetford Academy of forty years ago and more, as I know it is also to-day under its present efficient management, as a splendid training-school, not only for college, but also for the duties of every-day life, which is quite as important. Long may old Thetford remain a city set on a hill, a safe beacon light, and her academy a well-furnished storehouse of

moral and intellectual force ; and may it have a future which shall ever surpass her traditions of the past and her present honorable record. Wishing you a pleasant vacation, I am, gentlemen, very sin- cerely, etc,

R. Osgood Mason, A. M., M. D., Dartmouth '54, wrote the class Day " Parting Song"

" Happy have been these days, boys."

Graduated in medicine at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, 1859, valedictorian. Acting assistant sur- geon U. S. Navy, i86i-'64; since then practising medicine in New York. Is a member of the New York Academy of Medi- cine, the County Medical Society, and an associate member of the Society for Psychical Research (London) ; has contributed to the American your?ial of the Medical Sciences^ The jfournal of Nenwus and Mefital Disease, The Archives of Pediatrics, The Medical Record, The Analectic,—in general literature to the Popular Science Alonthly, Lippincotf s Alagazine, The Arena, Pe?m Monthly, to the Afnerican Art jfournal a sketch of the Philharmonic Society of New York—three numbers. Published a book, " Sketches and Impressions—Musical, Theatrical, and Social." Has given much attention to the newer or experi- mental psychology, embracing Telepathy, Hypnotism, and espe- cially Double Personality. Published a series of seven articles in the Ne7v York Times entitled, "In the Field of Psychology." In the journal of the Society for Psychical Research, London, "A Case of Duplex Personality Accompanied by Phenomenal Perceptive Powers."



Herman Hosford Gillett, M. D., Post Mills, graduated from the Medical Department of Dartmouth College in 1847, and has had a long and successful practice. December 10, 1861, he entered the service as assistant surgeon of the 8th Vermont, and June 25, 1862, was promoted to surgeon, and was mustered out June 28, 1865. He was detailed at different times on im- portant staff duty and as director of general hospitals. His fidelity and skill were well tested and not found wanting. One of the interesting incidents of his service in Louisiana was his discovery of W. S. and H. P. Montgomery, both of whom came with him North and gained an education, and entered upon lines of great usefulness. For H. P. Montgomery see notes and picture. W. S. chose a college course, graduated at Dartmouth, and is now supervisor of public schools in Washington, D. C.

Galen Allen Graves, son of Daniel and Polly Copeland Allen Graves, was born in Acworth, N. H., August, 1830; graduated at Dartmouth, 1854; taught in New Hampshire, New York, and

Michigan ; studied law and entered upon its practice in Detroit, but returned to teaching. He so continued until he retired to enjoy the comforts of a competency at Ackley, Iowa.

Stratton, Charles Carroll, of Fitchburg, of the Sentinel Print ing Company, is a native of Vermont, born in the town of Fairlee, August 22, 1829, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Sturte- vant) Stratton. His father was a farmer, and a leading citizen of the town, representing it in the legislature and holding various positions of trust. He was educated in the district school and at the Thetford Academy. At the age of seventeen he left home to learn the printer's trade. After serving his apprentice- ship in the office of the Democratic Republican at Haverhill, N. H., he went to Newbury, Vt., where he worked some time at his trade in the office of the Aurora of the Valley. Subsequently he went to Boston and worked several months there in the old Franklin printing office, and thence to New York where he was employed in the Methodist Book Concern. Then in September, 1854, he came to Fitchburg and entered the printing office of the Sentinei, at that time a small weekly paper, with which he has been connected ever since, with the exception of a few months when he was serving in the Civil War attached to the Second Massachusetts Cavalry, and in the Christian Commis- sion at City Point, Va. In March, 1867, he purchased a half interest in the establishment and six years later, entering into partnership with John E. Kellogg, began the publication of the Daily Sentinel, the first number bearing date of May 6, 1873. 170

The venture proved a success and the business of the partners steadily increased and expanded. In 1881 the daily and the

weekly were both enlarged ; another increase in the size of the sheets was made in 1885, a third in 1886, a fourth in 1890 when the change from the folio to the quarto was made, and a fifth in 1892, the Seiitincl iho-w becoming an eight page paper of seven columns each, printed on a perfecting press. The Sentitiel has been an important factor in the development of Fitchburg and devoted to the interests of central Massachusetts. Mr. Stratton is a member of the order of Odd Fellows, and of the Knights of Honor, and belongs to the Fitchburg Board of Trade, and Fitch- burg Historical Society. In politics he is Republican. He was married June 11, 1873, to Miss Maria S. Putnam, daughter of John and Sophronia C. Putnam of Fitchburg. They have one child : Louise S. Stratton. Dr. W. S. Palmer and Mrs. Jennie Corliss are Mr. Stratton's cousins.

Albert Hezekiah Porter, son of Eleazer Howard and Susan; Newton Porter, was born in Thetford Center, Vt., September 20, 1843. His early education was obtained in the public schools, after twelve years of age, working on a farm summers and attending public school winters. He attended Thetford Academy and taught alternately in 1861, 1862. He enlisted August 8, 1862, in the Tenth Vermont Volunteers for three years, and was discharged October 3, 1864, on account of wounds. He then began preparing for college, attending Thet- ford Academy ; entered the freshman class at Dartmouth, and graduated in 187 1, and in 1873 at the Thayer School of Civil Engineering. He taught school winters during both courses. He went to Iowa in the fall of 1873, and in the following winter was elected professor of mathematics and civil engineering in the Iowa State Agricultural College. He remained here two years, when he resigned and commenced the practice of his pro- fession, at first in an architects' office, and then in the western office of the King Bridge Company at Des Moines, Iowa. In 1878 he was in Cleveland, Ohio, as engineer for the King Bridge Company, and in 1884 went to Chicago as engineer for the western agents of the Morse Bridge Company. In 1885 he went to Indianapolis as engineer for the Indianapolis Bridge Company. In 1886 he returned to Cleveland as engineer for the King Bridge Company, and so remains.

E. C. Rice, civil engineer, wrote from 3649 Pine Street, St.

Louis, Mo. : I was a pupil of Thetford Academy during the winter of i849-'5o, and have a very pleasing recollection of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. RICE.


Orcutt, their assistants, and many of the pupils, also of quite a number of the citizens of the town, whose acquaintance I had the good fortune to make. During the three years previous to 1850, I was with the engineer department which was in charge of building the Boston water works in Massachusetts. Since leaving Thetford I have been chiefly engaged in locating and building railways. In 1850 and 185 i, I was assistant engineer to Mr. Marshall Conant in building the Cocheco Railway in N. H. In October, 1857, I went to Dubuque, Iowa, and located a railwayfrom that city to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. At that time there were only eighty miles of railway in Illinois, and no railways west of the Mississippi river. Chicago had a population of about 30,000. The whole Mississippi valley was almost a wilderness, farm houses, or rather log cabins, being ten to fifteen miles apart. In the winter of i85i-'52, I was appointed engineer in charge of the Mississippi river improvements at Dubuque, but as the river commissioners did not approve my plan, which was to confine the river to its natural channel into a reasonable width, instead of dredging, I resigned. In 1863, I met one of the commissioners in Washington, D. C, who frankly told me that my plan was the correct one, and that they wasted one hundred thousand dollars, and then adopted my plan. For the past thirty years, or more, all improvements of western rivers have been made on said plan. Prior to 1861, I made many surveys for railroads, and built a division of the Hannibal & St. Joe, and also a division of the Keokuk & Des Moines. In 1863, I accepted an appointment of engineer officer on the staff of Gen. A. A. Humphreys, who was in command of the third division of the Fifth Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac. In 1863, I went with him into the Third Army Corps. When General Meade took command of the army. General Humphreys was made his chief of staff, and I went with him. I was obliged to leave the army in the fall of 1863, on account of ill health. I accepted the position of chief engineer of the Hannibal &: St. Joe railway in the spring . of 1864, and that of chief engineer of the Ohio &: Mississippi railway in the fall of the same year, where I remained nearly four years. In 1865,1 received an appointment on the Vera Cruz & Mexico railway, but " I had married a wife and therefore could not go." The principal railroads I have located and built as chief engi- neer since 1867, are the following:

(1) The St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute — the St. Louis division of the Pennsylvania system. ;


(2) The Indiana & Illinois division of the Louisville & Nashville system. (3) The Vincennes &: Cairo railway—the Southwest division of the Big Four system. (4) The Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis (consolidated.) I was married in Philadelphia, June, 1865, to Miss Elizabeth C. Appleton. We have had two children —a daughter whom we lost at the age of sixteen, and a son now eleven years of age.

Henry M. Perrin was born in Berlin, Vermont, June 23,

1829; graduated at Dartmouth, 1853 ; studied law in Albany, N. Y., resided for a time in Terre Haute, Ind., Detroit, Michigan, and in 1857, settled in St. Johns, Michigan, where he still resides, greatly respected as a member of the church, an influen- tial citizen, and a lawyer of mark— a man of great independence of character. He has been judge of probate and state senator. He married May i, 1862, Mary Ashley, at Ovid, Michigan. Two daughters were born to them, Lucy and Ella Luella ; Lucy is now Mrs. Dr. Henry Palmer, of St. Johns, and Ella was killed in a railroad accident, August 10, 1889.

Hon. L. B. Eaton, lawyer and capitalist, Memphis, Tenn., son of John and Janet C. Andrews Eaton, was born in Sutton, N. H., March 8, 1838. After leaving Thetford studied at Orford, and finished his preparatory course at Phillips, Andover grad- ; uated at Dartmouth, 1857 ; read law with William Collamer, Woodstock, Vt., and Hill & Pratt, Toledo, Ohio; was head of Prospect school, Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the Union army as second lieutenant, and soon became first lieutenant and cap-

tain ; was with Buell, under Grant, at Shiloh, and Rosecrans at Stone River, and for a time assistant inspector general fought with distinction at Chickamaugua, Chattanooga, Atlanta,

Resaca, and in other battles under General Sherman ; was mus- tered in as lieutenant colonel of the Sixty-ninth regiment, U, S. C. I. Volunteers, and appointed colonel in 1865. He became editor and manager of the Memphis Post, Tennessee, where he has since remained, an attorney and capitalist, sharing in enterprises that have given prosperity to the city. He is a leading Republi- can, and has been member of the legislature, and nominated for congress, made a brilliant run, but was counted out. He mar- ried Clara, daughter of V. Winters, banker, Dayton, Ohio, and his son, Valentine, graduated at Dartmouth, 1892, and in law at Boston University Law School, 1895, and married Mabel, daugh- ter of Prof. E. R. Ruggles, and settled in Memphis. :


Mrs. Carrie Eaton Pennock after leaving Thetford gradu- ated at Mt. Holyoke, and was for years the favorite lady prin- cipal of the Toledo high school, when she married Hon. S. M. Pennock of Somerville, Mass., who was for a time state senator and judge in Vermont, and member of the city government of Somerville, Mass., where he died; she continues to reside there, and is active in church and beneficent work.

Naturally those who resided near the Academy and were "at home" to those who came from other localities to attend the anniversary, have thought less about answering the inquiries in reference to themselves, their families, and their doings. It is specially regretted that they are not more fully represented in this publication, and especially that of the descendants of Cap- tain William Harris Latham, who left such a deep impress upon the town, and whose children were so closely associated

with the Academy, and have done so much for it ; none have appeared to represent him and his family more fully.

William H. was born in Lyme March 6, 1814. After leaving

Thetford graduated at Hanover in 1836 ; studied divinity one year, but turned his attention to medicine. He was a successful practitioner in Indianapolis. He married Lydia M. Mcllvane of Columbus, Ohio, November 2, 1893.

Charles French was born in Thetford November 19, 1824, and graduated at Dartmouth 1848; taught in Charlestown,

Mass. ; became interested in business in Buffalo ; was prom- inently connected with Wells, Fargo & Co., and was highly esteemed. His name will be cherished in connection with the library and his gifts to the Academy.

Miss Jeanette Latham, granddaughter of the captain, was one of Dr. Orcutt's favorite students at Granville, N. Y.

The following recent notice, it is believed, is substantially correct Captain Latham, son of Arthur and Mary Post Latham, was born in the good old town of Lyme in 1778, where he married Azubah Jenks October 18, 1809. He was one of the most active, pushing, energetic men of his time. He located in trade on Thetford hill early in life, and remained there about twenty years, when he moved to the General Chamberlin farm, which has since been the home of his family and descendants for nearly three quarters of a century. This great, square, roomy 174 mansion and large farm seem the fitting abode of that active family of seventeen children, and here was dispensed a gener- ous hospitality. Captain Latham was eminently successful in business and farm management. He was captain of militia, a volunteer of 1812, and held various town offices. His children are Lucy H. (Mrs. Thomas M. Kelley of Cleve-

Azubah ; William H., a physician of Indianapolis ; Ar- land) ; thur, deceased, was a merchant; Azubah 2d (Mrs. D.N. Barney, deceased) ; Nehemiah, deceased Julia A. (Mrs. Gardner B. ; of Sarah Mary A., twins, Murfey Cleveland) ; A. and widows respectively of N. H. Stockwell and John Baker ; Charles F., deceased, who was connected with the Wells, Fargo & Co. ex- Gracia L, Henry of Lancas- Marcia and deceased ; M. press ; A. P., a ter, Mass., deceased ; Lavinia J., deceased ; Edward merchant of AVaseca, Minn. James K. S., deceased, who was a banker in ;

San Francisco ; and one son who died in infancy. There have been seventy-six grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Captain Latham's family and not one of them was deficient physically or mentally. This is a remarkable record. Mr. W. L. Murfey, a grandson, now lives on this grand old ancestral estate, and follows dairying, with about twenty thor- oughbred Holsteins and Jerseys. The descendants of Captain W. H. Latham have donated to Thetford Academy, the First Congregational society, and to found Latham Memorial Library over $20,000. The members of the family are widely scat- tered, but they inherit, in a large degree, the indomitable energy and courage and the estimable social qualities of their honored ancestor.

Dr. E. C. Worcester and family. —Dr. E. C. Worcester, son of Rev. Leonard Worcester, was born in Peacham, Vt., Feb. 28,

18 1 4, and educated in the academy there. The Worcesters have generally been noted as scholars, and many of them have been ministers. Of the six brothers, five studied theology and two medicine, E. C. being one of them. He died in July, 1887, having been a resident of Thetford almost continuously from 1845. ^^ '^^^ closely associated with the academy and greatly respected by the students, as will be seen by numer- ous references in these pages. He was a close student, and especially eminent in the theories of his profession, and was always helpful to religion and education. He was one of the examiners of the Woodstock Medical School. He was deeply interested in the cultivation of flowers, and is said to have built the first commercial greenhouse in Vermont. His oldest son, William L. Worcester, graduated at Thetford, E. C. WORCESTER, M.D.


Dartmouth, and the Medical School at Washington, D. C, and spent sixteen years in hospital work in Europe. He was settled two years in Burlington, and then accepted the position of assistant physician in the insane asylum, at Kalamazoo, Mich., where he remained ten years. He then became assistant super- intendent of the insane asylum at Little Rock, Ark., for six years. He was for a time in charge at Oak Grove, Mich. He has made a specialty of nervous diseases, both in his writings and in his practice, and is now located in New York city. The doctor's children shared in the education of the academy as far as circum- stances would permit. The second daughter, Alice E., when studying at Salem in the Normal School became interested in the Bell system of teaching the deaf and dumb, and the strength of her last years was devoted to their instruction in the Northampton Institu- tion, where she developed a system of her own, and was declared by Mr. A. Graham Bell, the best authority in the United States, to be the best instructor of this unfortunate class in the country.

Dean C. Worcester graduated at Michigan University at the age of twenty-three. Having raised a handsome sum for an expedition to the Phillipine Islands, he spent three years and a half there, and, with Mr. Burns, made rare discoveries and col- lections in natural history. He made the rare discovery of a tribe that had reduced their language to syllabic writing. He now has charge of the Zoological and Biological Department of ^the university at Ann Arbor, with eighty students in the labora- tory.

H. E. Worcester is the manager of McDonald «Sc Sons, the largest book bindery in Boston.

Geo. S. Worcester, born in 1849, ^^^ ^°^ ^^° years in the custom house at Burlington, and for a time engaged in business in the South. He has done much to specialize farming and im- prove dairying, and increase the production of vegetables and

small fruits ; is a deacon of the Congregational church, and has been for eleven years trustee of Thetford Academy, and is one of its most devoted friends. No one has put forth more wise or self-sacrificing efforts, in which he has had the hearty co- operation of his family. He married Ida E. Kenney, and has four promising sons.

W. L. Worcester, M. D., wrote from Oak Grove, Mich.: "I .have never had reason to regret that I received so much of my 176 education at Thetford Academy, and I believe that compared with most of the other schools of the same order it has all along presented certain advantages over most of them. Its students have not been rigidly fettered to a curriculum, which must from the necessity of the case be adapted to the capacities of the less capable and ambitious ; another is that the tone of the school has been given to it b}'^ those who came with the purpose to make the most of their opportunities. If a student wanted to do the work of three years in two, he had the chance. If his interests obliged him to be absent, he was encouraged not to give up or lose his place with his class ; and while the student's knowledge of the subject might in such cases fall below the severest standard, he was apt to learn what was of supreme im- portance, how to make the most of his time. I have always congratulated myself, too, that there pupils of both sexes not only met in the same class room, but under no other restraints than such as are imposed by good sense and right feeling in a well-ordered home." He expresses the most ardent desire that those who in past years have received the benefits of the Academy may be moved to share with it in some degree the prosperity which has come to them from the instruction and discipline received within its halls. What better use can be made of money than to assure its continued usefulness .''

Judge Samuel M. Gleason, of Thetford Center, was born June,

1833 ; fitted for college under Dr. Orcutt in the Academy, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1858. He read law with C. W. Clark of Chelsea, and was admitted to the bar in 1861, and has since been located in Thetford Center. He has been repeatedly state's attorney and has been engaged in some of the most im- portant cases in his section of the country, and is now judge of probate, and has been railroad examiner ; has been trustee of Thetford Academy, and of the State Normal School, and director in one or two savings banks. His successful discharge of the duties of his present office has secured the hearty approval of both political parties.

Professor T. W. D. Worthen, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., graduated at the Academy in 1868, at Dartmouth in 1872. Was principal of Woodstock high school two years, and became tutor of mathematics in Dartmouth College in 1874. He has also been tutor in Greek, and has won his way as in- structor and associate professor to the full professorship of his favorite subiect. He was instructor in gymnastics from 1875

TROF. E. D. RUGGLES, PH.D. 177 to 1893. He has also been secretary and president of the Dart- mouth Scientific Association, clerk of the faculty, secretary of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. He is now secretary of the Dart- mouth Alumni Association, member of the American Mathemati- cal Society. He has assisted at many teachers' institutes, and is one of the most ardent friends of New Thetford.

Rev. David Dana Marsh, of Unionville, Conn., son of Rev. Joseph and Lucy Dana Marsh, was born in Orford, N. H., April 14, 1842. His parents becoming residents of the Hill in 1852, he attended the Academy more or less till i860. Sat under the towering "King Hiram," the gentle Hood, the smiling Hazen, and sweet Miss Dubois. Went to Meriden Academy in i860 and graduated in the class of 1861. Entered Dartmouth College and graduated in the class of 1865. Meanwhile taught district school, as a kind of safety valve process, in Post Mills and Woodstock; entered Andover Theological Seminary and gradu- ated with the class of 1868. Married, August 11, 1868, Abbie W. Cass of Danvers, Mass. Was ordained and installed over the "Memorial Church," (Cong.), in Georgetown, Mass., on Sep- tember 16, 1868, and remained in that pastorate just twenty years. Three daughters were born in his home, Caroline Tapley, Lucy Dana, and Susan Preston. Was installed over the Con- gregational church in Unionville, Conn., where he is now serving as pastor.

Professor Edward Rush Ruggles, Ph. D., Hanover, N. H., was born in Norwich, A^t., October 22, 1836. Graduated from Thet- ford Academy in 1855, and from Dartmouth College in 1859. He was for a year principal of Bradford, Vt., Academy, then went to Europe to study the modern languages. In October, 1864, he was appointed instructor in modern languages in Dart- mouth College, and two years later made professor in the Chandler Scientific Department. On the resignation of Pro- fessor Woodman in 1880, he succeeded to his duties as professor in charge, and occupied this position until 1893, when he be- came professor of the German language and literature in the college, which position he now holds. In addition to his college duties, he has been called as magistrate and administrator to serve the college and community in many ways. He married Miss Blaisdell, daughter of Judge Daniel and Charlotte (Osgood) Blaisdell, and three of their children have finished courses of study, Mabel at Bradford Academy, and Daniel B. and Ed. H. at Dartmouth College. Daniel B. has also finished his law course, and begun the practice in Boston. 12 178

Gen. John Eaton, Ph. D., LL. D., son of John and Janet (Andrews) Eaton, of Sutton, N. H., was born December 5, 1829, and after spending the years of his childhood at the district school and at work upon his father's farm, he was fitted for college at Thetford Academy, Vermont. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1854, taught at Cleveland, and was super- intendent of schools at Toledo, O. He studied theology at Andover, Mass., was ordained in August, 1861, and became chaplain of the Twenty-seventh Ohio regiment. He was twice taken prisoner and released. In 1862 he was appointed by General Grant superintendent of the colored people which came in immense numbers within the lines of his army, and who were saved from sickness and from spreading disease and, so far as possible, reduced to a condition of orderly self-support, and many of them furnished with the means of elementary education. Over 70,000 of them it is estimated became Union soldiers. Here, General Grant says, the Freedmen's Bureau originated. Chaplain Eaton became colonel of the Sixty-third Colored infantry, and was made brigadier-general by brevet, and in May, 1865, assistant commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, at Washington, D. C. He established and with his brother, Lucius B. Eaton, conducted the Memphis Post. He became state superintendent of schools for Tennessee in 1867, and was United States commissioner of education from March, 1870, until August, 1886. His resignation, against the wishes of the president, was made necessary by his failing health. He became president of Marietta (Ohio) College, to which position he was elected in the fall of 1885. This position he resigned on account of his health in 1891, the attendance having more than doubled. He now resides at Eaton Grange, Waterloo, N. H., in sum- mer, and at "The Concord," Washington, D. C, in winter. He has been president, vice-president, trustee, or member of many leading educational institutions, organizations, and expo- sitions in this country and abroad. His educational reports, addresses, and essays have been read and quoted throughout

the civilized world ; every department of education has felt his helping influence. He has been made honorary member of the French Ministry of Public Instruction, and knighted by the emperor of Brazil. It has been said of him,—"General Eaton's whole life has been consecrated to the highest benevolence and to the broadest patriotism, and to going about doing good in every direction." He married, September 29, 1864, Alice Eugenia, daughter of GEN. JOHN EATON.


Capt. James and Adeline (Quincy) Shirley, of Vicksburg, Miss.

They have had four children, and three are alive : James Shirley, a graduate of Marietta College ; received honorary A. M. from

Dartmouth ; a ready writer and specialist on railroad statistics, an auditor of one hundred and twenty stations and of nine hundred miles of North Carolina railway. Elsie Janet, a grad- uate of Painesville Seminary, and now Mrs. Dr. C. William New- ton, of Toledo, O. John Quincy, A. B., Dartmouth, and LL. B. and LL. M., Columbian University, Washington, D. C. ; located at Memphis, Tenn.

The present corps of teachers— Principal F. W. Newell, and Mrs. Newell, Miss Margaret Fletcher, Mr. D. Clinton Gardner, Miss Mary Gillett Niles, Mrs. Sargeant, and Mrs. Sophia Geary kept themselves very much in the background during the cele- bration, but their good work in the school was manifested by its results. During Mr. Newell's principalship students have been fitted for Bates, Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Wesleyan, and Burlington, and thirty-one students have graduated from one or more of the four departments,— English, Business, Latin, and College Pre- paratory. Mr. Newell graduated at Bates, Lewiston, Me., 1889, having taught during his course of study. He became principal of a graded school, Pittsfield, N. H., and then taught for a time in Needham, Mass. One who has been carefully looking over the present work of the Academy, finds proof of its efficiency in the fact that there are now of his former students twenty-two in advanced courses of study, or, including those in normal or kindergarten training-school, twenty-five. Two are in theologi- cal seminaries, one a post-graduate at Harvard, one in law and one in medicine at Yale, seven at the University of Vermont, four at Dartmouth, one at Smith, one at Wesleyan, one at Bos- ton University, etc. Miss Margaret Fletcher illustrates the supremacy of the industrial spirit by keeping house while she is librarian for the Latham library in addition to her efficient work as teacher in the Academy. Her two sisters occupy important positions, one in charge of the Home for Aged Couples, near Boston, and the other as a teacher of deaf mutes in the Northampton school, Massachusetts, all former students of Thetford Academy. "When a man becomes distinguished for his ability and integrity, so that people all over the land begin to talk about him, I have got into the habit of asking, ' In which of the Ver-

? " mont Country Academies was he educated ' M. H. BUCKHAM, Pres. University of Ve^'mont.

The following list of students of Thetford Academy, with their present addresses, may give, to some extent, the desired information. It is incomplete, we know, but we give all the names, also the honorary titles, that have come to us in answer to circulars. LIST OF NAMES.

Abbott, Rev. B. H., Carbondale, Andruss, Mrs. Lavinia (Young), Pa. Chelsea, Vt. Abbott, B. Walter, Fairlee, Vt. Angell, Prof. T. S., Bates College, Abbott, Fred W., Fairlee, Vt. Lewiston, Me. Abbott, Mrs. Julia (Perkins), Fair- Annis, William, Albany, Vt. lee, Vt. Arlin, Mrs. Ira, (Freight House), Abbott, Mrs. Clara (Porter), Mel- Concord, N. H. rose, Mass. Armstrong, JohnW., Norwich, Vt. Abbott, Newell, Lincoln, Neb. Austin, Mrs. Isaiah, Tunbridge,Vt. Adams, Mrs. Sarah (Clough), Fair- Austin, William C, Chelsea, Vt. lee, Vt. Avery, Edward, So. Plymouth, Adams, Col. Samuel E., P. O. box Mass. 447, Minneapolis, Minn. Aveiy, Fred T., Strafford, Vt. Aiken, Jonas B., Franklin, N. H. Ainsworth, Charles R., Moline, 111. Babcock, W. L., Elk River, Minn. Ainsworth, John, Hartland, Vt. Babcock, B. A., No. Thetford, Vt. Ainsworth, Edwin, Hartland, Vt. Bacon, Hon. Henry, Worcester, Alden, Ezra B., Lyme Centre, Mass. N. H. Bacon, Henry C, Bellows Falls, Alden, R. S., state college, Dur- Vt. ham, N. H. Bacon, C. F., Strafford, Vt. Alden, Rev. E. H., Athol, Mass. Bailey, M. A., Lancaster, Mass.

Alden, Rev. E. J., 337 Indiana St., Bailey, Frank, Lawrence, Kan. Chicago, 111. Bailey, Henry A., Lyme Centre,

Alden, Mrs. £. J., 337 Indiana St., N. H. Chicago, 111. Bailey, Fred, Lyme Centre, N. H. Aldrich, Royal W., Amherst, Mass. Baker, Mrs. Mary (Latham), Fast- Aldrich, Emma, Thetford Centre, en, Pa. Vt. Baker, I. P., Audobon, Audobon Alexander, Mrs. Elizabeth, Con- Co., la. cord, N. H. Baker, Mrs. Augusta (Gilkey), Au- Allbee, Dora Ada, So. Fairlee, Vt. dobon, Audobon Co., la. AUbee, Marion G., So. Fairlee, Vt. Balch, Annie, No. Thetford, Vt. Allis, Leon, Vershire, Vt. Balch, Charles C, East Providence Allis, Mrs. Lillian (Wilmot), Ver- Centre, R. I. shire, Vt. Balch, West, Lyme, N. H. Amsden, Mrs. Lucinda (Dimick), Baldwin, Mrs. Mary (Heaton) No. Lyme, N. H. 6 Colonia Block, Seattle, Wash. Andrew, Mrs. John, Girard, Kan. Ball, Mrs. Kate (Ladd), Barre, Vt. Andrews, George W., 432 Fourth Bancroft, Mrs. Mary C., So. Lan- St., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. caster, Mass. 182

Barker, Mrs. E. Florence (Whit- Bell, Mrs. Lizzie (Vaughan), Thet- tridge), Maiden, Mass. First ford, Vt. Pres't Woman's National Relief Benson, Mrs. Mary (Hall), Queeche, Corps. Vt. Barnard, Prof. W. E., 483 Ninth Berry, Lute, So. Straiilbrd, Vt. St., Oakland, Cal. Berry, William, Middletown, Mass. Barnes, Herbert, Boston, Mass. Berry, Hon. Solon K., No. Thet- Barnes, Washington, No. Thet- ford, Vt. ford, Vt. Berry, Mabel, No. Thetford, Vt. Barnes, William L., Hanover Cen- Berry, Nellie, No. Thetford, Vt. tre, N. H. Berry, Charles E., Waltham, Mass. Barnes, E. L. M., Middletown, Ct. Berry, Harry, Maiden, Mass. Barnes, H. D., Coaticook, P. Q. Berry, Nellie M., 24 Common St., Barnes, Mrs. William, White River Boston, Mass. Junction, Vt. Berry, Harry. Barnes, Mrs. E. G., Fargo, North Berry, Charles. Dakota. Bicknell, Thomas W., LL. D., 49 Barnet, Mrs. Robert, West New- Westminster St., Providence, bury, Vt. R. I. Barrett, Mrs. Carrie (Powell), So. Billings, Mrs. Martha (Heaton), Straftbrd, Vt. Vernon Heights, Oakland, Cal. Barrett, Day T., Union Village, Vt. Bixby, Prin. John, A. B., Roches- Barrett, Martin, Union Village, Vt. ter, Vt. Barron, Oscar, White River Junc- Blackmer, O. C, 41 East Indiana tion, Vt. St., Chicago, 111. Bartlett, Wilham, Toledo, O. Bliss, Abbie C, Bradford, Vt. Bascom, Benjamin, Sharon, Vt. Bliss, Frank, Corinth, Vt. Bass, Hon. Perkins, 149 La Salle Bliss, Don C, A. B., Supt. of Pub- St., Chicago, 111. lic Instruction, Northviile, Mich. Bassett, Charles, East Thetford,Vt. Blood, Lillian v., Tracy, Lyon Co., Batchelder, Mrs. C. L., Exeter, Minn. N. H. Blood, William, Norwich, Vt. Bates, Sidney, Lebanon, N. H. Blood, Dennis, E. Thetford, Vt. Bates, Louise M., Lebanon, N. H. Blood, Charles H., Barton, Vt. Bates, Mrs. Ella (Wallace), Leba- Blood, E. F., A. B., Assinippi, non, N. H. Mass. Bates, Mrs. Jacob, Hartland, Vt. Blood, Mrs. L. A. (Fletcher), 352 Bates, Frederick, Titusville, Pa. Taylor St., E. Manchester, N.H.

Bates, Mrs. Marion (Walker), 31 Boardman, Hon. Halsey J., 17 Loomis St., Burlington, Vt. State St., Boston, Mass. Baxter, Elizabeth G., North Thet- Bond, Hon. S. R., 321 Four-and-a ford, Vt. Half St., Washington, D. C. Beals, Mrs. Anna (Ruggles), Bed- Bond, Edgar (Atfy), 106 Pleasant ford, N. H. St., Woburn, Mass. Beane, Mrs. Lavinia (Church), Lit- Bond, Alice, 106 Pleasant St., tleton, N. H. Woburn, Mass.

Bean, Mrs. Amanda F , Maynard, Bond, Wm. W., So. Fairlee, Vt. Fayette Co., la. Bond. Mrs. Sadie (Lord), So. Fair- Bean, Myrta E., Normal School, lee, Vt. Salem, Mass. Bond, C. Freeman, Thetford, Vt. 183

Bond, Clinton Edgar, Thetford, Vt. Bryant, D. D., Madison, Wis. Bond, Ernest C, Thetford, Vt. Buck, Franklin, Glencoe, Mich. Bond, Emma P., Thetford, Vt. Buck, Mrs. F., Glencoe, Mich. Bond, Frank M., Thetford, Vt. Buckland, Mrs. H. L., 129 Wilson Bond, Mrs. Abbie (Porter), Thet- St., Providence, R. I. ford, Vt. Budlong, Lyman, Bowmanville, 111. Bond, Geo. W., So. Sickel St., E. Budlong, Mrs. Louise (Newton), Los Angeles, Cal. Bowmanville, 111. Bosworth, Mrs. Lora (Kingsbur}), Bugbee, Mary, Orfordville, N. H. Lebanon, N. H. Bugbee, Mrs. Alice (Titus), No. Bowers, Hon. S. L., Newport, Springfield, Vt. N. H. (deceased). Burbank, Mrs. Julia (Ranstead), Boyd, Mrs. E. C, W. Derry, N. H. 44 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. Bradbury, Mrs. Amos T., box 783, Burbank, Wm. L., 44 Kilby St., Claremont,'N. H. Boston, Mass. Bradley, Arthur, Lebanon, N. H. Burnham, S. W. (U. S. Court), Bradley, Ransom, Norwich, Vt. Chicago, 111. (astronomer).

Bragg, Mary, W. Fairlee, Vt. Burnham. J. H., Bloomington, 111. Bray, Hattie, Whitefield, N. H. Burnham, Nathaniel, Essex, Mass. Breck, Mercy, Lyme, N. H. Burnham, Dr. Caleb, Lynn, Mass. Brewster, Albert G., Jewett City, Burnham, Lizzie, 631 Western Conn. Ave., Lynn, Mass. Bridgman, John D., Etna, N. H. Burr, Ellen, Thetford Centre, Vt. Bridgman, Dr. D. A., Decatur, 111. Burr, Arthur, Thetford Centre, Vt. Briggs, G. W., Lebanon, N. H, Burr, Clarence, Thetford Centre, Briggs, O. T., Lebanon, N. H. Vt. Brigham, Chas. E., corner Fulton Burrage, Mrs. Frances (Closson), and Cross Sts., Boston, Mass. Weston, Mass. Brimblecom, Henry (Att'y), Woo- Burrage, Mrs. Mary (Closson), 9 sung. 111. Auburn St., Worcester, Mass. Brimblecom, Mrs. Anna (Hunting- Burrage, Fannie E., Caesarea, Tur- ton), Woosung, 111. key (missionary teacher). Brimblecom, Alice, Woosung, 111. Butler, Rev. H. E., St. Johns, Bronsori, Mrs. William, E. Hard- Mich. wick, Vt. Burton, Wm. P., W. Lebanon, Bronson, Mrs. J. C, New Lothrop, N. H. Mich. Butterfield, Mrs. Lettie W. (Ten- Brooks, Mrs. Mary F. (Brown), ney), Columbus, Wis. 61 Columbus Ave., Somerville, Mass. Cadwell, H. H., E. Thetford, Vt. Brown, John, Lowell, Mass. Cadwell, Herbert, E. Thetford, Vt. Brown, Angelina M., Danvers, Cahill, Mrs. C. S., 70 Bartlett St., Mass. Lowell, Mass, Brown, Frank M. C, Haverhill, Cambridge, Chas. E., Olcott, Vt. Mass. Campbell, James, Pompanoosuc, Brown, George B., Ipswich, Mass. Vt. Brown, John A., box 291, Ips- Campbell, S. E., Pompanoosuc, Vt. wich, Mass. Carr, Chas., Lyme, N. H. Brown, Mary P., lock box 15, Ips- Carr, Florence, Orford, N. H. wich, Mass. Carr, C. P., Coaticook, P. Q. 184

Carr, Mrs. Julia (Barnes), Coati- Chase, Prof. Thomas N., Bellows cook, P. Q. Falls, Vt. Carroll, Mrs. (Babcock), No. Chase, Mrs. Mary (Tattle), Josie ' Bel- Thetford, Vt. lows Falls, Vt. Carpenter, Mrs. Lucy, Haverhill, Chase, Mrs. Emma (Churchill), 94 N. H. Elm St., Nashua, N. H. Carpenter, Mrs. Lona (Fullington), Chase, Mary, Lyme, N. H. Union Village, Vt. Chase, Mrs. Adna, 27 McKean Cartee, Myron, Wells River, Vt. St., Nashua, N. H. Cartee, Philip H., E. Thetford, Vt. Chase, Rev. Levi G., Concord, Cartee, Mary A., 32 Hammond St., N. H.

Waltham, Mass. Cheney, A. J., Oak Park, Cook Carter. Mrs. Lucy, Hanover, N. H. Co., 111.

Caswell, Mary, So. Stratford, Vt. Cheney, Miss H. J., i Circuit St., Caswell, Mrs. Lois (Gregory), Boston, Mass. Waterford, Vt. Cheney, Mrs. Lucy (Fletcher). Caverly, D. F., Benton, Caverly & Child, Lucy A., East Thetford, Vt. Co.. Boston, Mass. (deceased). Chamberlain, Harvey, Chicago, 111. Child, Emily A., East Thetford, Chamberlain, George A., Thetford, Vt. Vt. Child, John, Harper's Ferry, Va. Chamberlain, Herbert, Thetford, Child. George H., Harper's Ferry, Vt. Va.

Chamberlain, Mrs. O. S., Thet- Child, J. H., Worcester, Mass. ford, Vt. Choat, John H., 182 Essex St., Chamberlain, Mrs. Kate A., Salem, Mass. Woodsville, N. H. Chubb, Mayor, Winter Park, Fla. Chamberlain, Mrs. Abbie (Smith) Chubb, Frank, 47 Gardner St., Grinnell, Iowa. Allston.'Mass.

Chamberlain, Rev. J. M., Grin- Chubb, Belle, 47 Gardner St., nell, Iowa. AUston, Mass. Chamberlain, Mrs. Lucy (Smith), Churchill, Alice G., Watertown, 279 Claremont Ave., Chicago, Mass. 111. Churchill, Frank C, Lebanon, Chamberlain, Austin, Fairlee, Vt. N. H. Chamberlain, Will, Thetford Cen- Churchill, William A., Lebanon, tre, Vt. N. H. Chamberlain, Mrs. Cathie (Gil- Churchill, Louis Franklin, Far- more), Fairlee, Vt. quarville, Farquar Co., N. C. Chandler, Hon. WiUiam E., Wash- Clark, Perry, Union Village, Vt. ington, D. C. U. S. Senate. Clark, P. o'., Bridgewater, Mass. Chandler, Henry, Etna, N. H. Clark, Nettie, Union Village, Vt. Chandler, Willey E., White River Clark, George, 12 Sherman St., Junction, Vt. Chicago. 111. Chandler, Mrs. Grovener, Olcott, Clark, Thomas F., 12 Sherman St., Vt. Chicago, 111. Chandler, Mrs. Lucy I. (Lord), Clark, Mrs. Charlotte (Lougee), Guilford, Vt. Waterbury. Vt. Chase, Dr. H. W., Lawrence, Clark, W. W., Orford. N. H. Mass. Clark, Hazen, Strafford, Vt. 185

Clark, Mrs. PhebeA., Lyme, N. H. Collins, Herbert L, Strafford, Vt. Clay, E. P., North Thetford, Vt. Collins, Charles P., White River Clay, Mrs. Annie (Southworth), Junction, Vt. North Thetford, Vt. Colony, J. T., Keene, N. H. Clay, Mrs. Nellie, Brattleboro, Vt. Colony, George H., Keene, N. H. Cleasby, Geo. T., Providence, R. I. Colton, Mrs. Amy (Darling), Ver- Cleasby, Mrs. Myra F. (Sawyer), shire, Vt. Providence, R. I. Colston, Mrs. Emily, Hartford, Clement, Charles H., San Jos6, Cal. Conn. Clement, Lyman H., Hotel Bella Conant, Prof. E., Randolph, Vt., Vista, San Francisco, Cal. State Normal School. Clesly, Mrs. Mary (Barlow), Thom- Conant, Hon. C. C, Greenfield, asville, Ga. Mass.

Clogston, J. H., (Dart. Coll.) Han- Conant, J., No. Thetford, Vt. over, N. H. Conant, Samuel D. (Att'y), Green- Clogston, Hugh B., Pompanoosuc, field, Mass. 'vt. Conant, David S., North Thetford, Clogston, Mrs. Alice (Lord), Pom- Vt. panoosuc, Vt. Conant, Sarah H., Circleville, O. Closson, William B., Lancaster, Conland, Onie, Garden St. School, Mass. Pawtucket, R. L Closson, Sarah A., Missionary Conland, Jennie, Pawtucket, R. L Teacher, Caesarea, Turkey. Conland, Lulu, Brookfield, Vt. Closson, Carl, Franklin, N. H. Conland, Butella, Brookfield, Vt. Closson, Rev. Josiah, New Salem, Converse, Sidney, Lyme, N. H. Mass. Converse, Etta, North Thetford, Clough, Mattie M., Vershire, Vt. Vt. Clough, Mrs. Amelia (Hinckley), Converse, Mrs. Georgia (Heath), Park St., Brookline, Mass. East Putney, Vt. Clough, W. D., Norwich, Vt. Converse, Herbert, Claremont,

Cloud, J. Herbert, Union Village, N. H. Vt. Converse, Mrs. Luvia (Morrill), Cobb, Mrs. Luella (Hutchinson), Norwich, Vt. Hanover, N. H. Converse, Rev. W. A. C, Pier- Coburn, Joshua, Lynn, Mass. mont, N. H. Coburn, Mrs. Amelia (West), Conklin, Mrs. Jeanette (Holton), Stewartstown, N. H. Springfield, 111. Coburn, Samuel, Fairlee, Vt. Conklin, Mrs. Emma (Knight), Coburn, Henry A., " The Albion," Montauk Point, L. I. No. 36, St. Paul, Minn. Cook, Ella, Union Village, Vt. Cogswell, Charles B., Essex, Mass. Cook, Idella, West Point, la. Colburn, Emma F., Union Vil- Cook, William, Fort Madison, la. lage, Vt. Cook, E. C, A. B., 223 Third St., Colburn, Mrs. Persis (Lord), Louisville, Ky. Union Village, Vt. Cook, Lyman W., Union Village,

Colburn, Arthur J., 32 Hammond Vt. St., Waltham, Mass. Cook, Mrs. Royal, Norwich, Vt. Colby, Hon. Ira, Claremont, N. H. Cook, Mrs. H. G., 21 Hancock Cole, Mrs. Susan (Jourdan), 12 St., Boston, Mass. Cromwell St., Providence, R. I. Coombs, John P., Boston, Mass. 186

Coombs, Edward, Millbury, Mass. Cummings, Mrs. H. P., North Coombs, Harry E., A. B., Thet- Thetford, Vt. ford, Vt. Cummings, Elizabeth A., North Coombs, Minnie, Thetford, Vt. Thetford, Vt. Coombs, William S., Thetford, Cummings, Burton E., North Thet- Vt. ford, Vt. Coombs, Daniel, (MiddleburyColl.) Cummings, Marshall B., North Middlebury, Vt. Thetford, Vt. Coombs, Herbert, Thetford, Vt. Cummings, Charles W., Boston, Coombs, Daniel S., Red Clovid, Mass. Neb. Cummings, Mrs. Eliza (Moore), Copeland, W. P., 40 Chestnut St., Thetford, Vt. Campello, Mass. Cummings, Lilla, Thetford Cen- Corliss, Charles, Thetford Centre, tre, Vt. Vt. Cummings, Annie, Thetford Cen- Corliss, Mrs. Jane (Howard), 20 tre, Vt. Mitchell Ave., Mount Vernon, Cummings, Luella, Thetford Cen- Cincinnati, O. tre, Vt. Corwin, Mrs. Dolly B., Chelsea, Cummings, Lizzie, Thetford, Vt. Vt. Cummings, Henry, Thetford, Vt. Cotton, S. C, Orlando, Fla. Cummings, Mary, Thetford, Vt. Coulson, Mrs. George, Danvers, Cummings, James, Thetford, Vt. Mass. Cummings, L L., Lindhurst, N. J. Cox, Albina, Wakefield, Mass. Cummings, Harry, Lyme, N. H. Cox, Mrs. Mary A.. West Fairlee, Cunningham, Mrs. C. T., 42 Phe- Vt. nix Row, Haverhill, Mass. Cox, Mrs. M. A., South Royal- Currier, Mrs. Mahala (Winter), ton, Vt. Boston, Mass. Cox, Lucy A., Lynnfield Centre, Currier, Mrs. Moody (Slade), Man- Mass. chester, N. H. Crabb, Mrs. Judson, Cedartown, Currier, Dr. Hammond, Norwich, Ga. Vt.

Craig, William, 93 Faneuil Market, Currier, John J., Newburyport, Boston, Mass. Mass. Crandall, Dr. H. A., Burlington, Currier, Mrs. Susan (Page), New- Vt. buryport, Mass. Crane, Royal S., 62 Broadway, Gushing, Thomas W., 145 Dela- New York. ware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Crosby, Mrs. Emma (Moore), Gushing, Mrs. Marcia E., Dune- Chatfield, Minn. din, Fla. Cross, Grace M., Vershire, Vt. Cutler, N. E., Wakefield, Mass. Crazy, Mrs. M. Therese (Leonard), Cutter, John, Marlboro, Mass. Wilmington, O. Cutting, Dr. J. M., Quincy, Cummings, Prof. W. H., M. A., Mass. Meriden, N. H., Prin. Kimball Cutting, Frank, Lyme, N. H. Union Academy. Cummings, Prin. A. C, A. B., Daggett, Mrs. John, Thetford Cen- Littleton, Mass. tie, Vt. Cummings, H. P., North Thet- Dale, Hon. George N., Island ford, Vt. Pond, Vt. 187

Damon, Miss Sarah E., Hanover, Dodge, Mrs. Frances (Niles), Post N. H. Mills, Vt. Dana, Mrs. S. E., 505 Oakland Dodge, Mrs. Martha (Ladd), Post Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Mills, Vt. Dana, Charles H., West Lebanon, Dodge, Burton, Post Mills, Vt. N. H. Dodge, Edward N., Post Mills, Vt. Darling, Mrs. Julia (Spear), Ver- Dodge, Wm. O., 518 Washington shire, Vt. St., Boston, Mass. Davidson, Daisy, Post Mills, Vt. Dodge, R. F., Windham, Mass. Davidson, Harry, Post Mills, Vt. Dodge, Dr. S. D., 203 East 4th Davidson, Bert, Amherst, Mass. St., Little Rock, Ark.

Davis, George, Windsor, Vt. Dole, Mrs. Eliza J. (Andrews), Davis, Chas. H., Alton Bay, N. H. 30 West Emerson St., Melrose, Davis, Mrs. Fannie (Stevens), Al- Mass. ton Bay, N. H. Dole, George H., Haverhill, N. H. Davis, Mrs. Jennie W., Post Mills, Doolittle, Mrs. Fannie (Clough), Vt. Strafford, Vt. Davis, William, Union Village, Vt. Doolittle, Sophia, South Straf- Davis, George W., Farmington, ford, Vt. N. H. Douglas, Etta, Post Mills, Vt. Davis, Mrs. Ruby (Harding), Far- Douglas, Alice M., Post Mills, Vt. mington, N. H. Douglas, Lizzie A., Post Mills, Vt. Davis, Charles S., Lebanon, N. H. Douglas, Chas., Post Mills, Vt. Davis, John L., Lyme, N. H. Douglas, Mrs. Mary (Wilmot), Davis, W. Scott, Contoocook, Post Mills, Vt. N. H. Douglas, Dr. E. P., 82 Thames Dearborn, Mrs. Sylvia (Folsom), St., Groton, Conn. Chelsea, Vt. Douglas, Arthur L., Norwich, Vt. Dearborn, Henry, West Fairlee, Douglass, Rev. W. E., Waitsfield, Vt. Vt. Denny, Robert B., 9 Hereford St., Dow, C. B., Etna, N. H. Boston, Mass. Dow, Mrs. C. B., Etna, N. H. Denny, Andrew E., Northfield, Vt. Dow, C. Byron, Etna (Hanover), Dewing, H. G., Montpelier, Vt. N. H. Dexter, Mrs. Mary (Latham), Dow, Mrs. H. H., Santa Monica, Coolidge St., Brookline, Mass. Cal. Dimick, Mrs. Nancy (Franklin), Dow, Mrs. Mary Ann, Santa Lyme, N. H. Monica, Cal. Dimick, Mrs. Sarah (Turner), Ran- Downer, Henry, North Thetford, dolph, Vt. Vt. Dimick, A. D., Wakefield, Mass. Downer, Mrs. Lucinda (Stevens), Dimick. Mrs. Mary (Marshall), North Thetford, Vt. Bowling Green, O. Downer, Mary, North Thetford, Dimick. F. E., 10 Tremont St., Vt. Boston, Mass. Downer, Hattie, North Thetford, Dimond, Ethan, Vershire, Vt. Vt. Dimond, Mrs. Ethan, Vershire, Vt. Downer, Abbie L, North Thetford, Dodge, Kate L., Post Mills, Vt. Vt. Dodge, Frances L., Post Mills, Vt. Downer, Alice, Lebanon, N. H. Dodge, Wm. A., Post Mills, Vt. Downer, Susan, Lebanon, N. H. 188

Duncan, Mrs. Emma (Perkins), Emerson, Leonard B., Thetford, Allston, Mass. Vt. Durkee, Elsie, Lowell, Mass. Emerson, John H., Danbury, N.H. Durkee. Prof. H. O., Minneapolis, Emery, Leroy, Lyme, N. H. Minn. Emery, Ben, Lyme, N. H. Estabrook, Fidelia M., W. Dover. Eames, Henry D., 614 Bedford N. H. Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Earle, Mrs. A. (Cummings), Fairfield, Payson E. Lyme, N. H. North Thetford, Vt. Fairfield, Mrs. Carrie (Churchill), Earle, Clara E., North Thetford, Lyme, N. H. Vt. Fayles, Mrs. Alice (Taylor), St. Earle, Julia A., North Thetford, Johnsbury. Vt. Vt. Fayles, Mrs. Sarah A. (Wheelock), Earle, Fred C, Lexington, Mass. Milford, Mass. Earle, Byron C, Chicago, 111. Farnsworth, Rev. Wilson, D. D., Earle, Willis, 51 Paul's School, Caesarea, Turkey (missionary). Garden City, L. L Farnsworth, Mrs. Carrie (Palmer), Eastman, Eliza D., Post Mills, Vt. Caesarea, Turkey (missionary). Eastman, Chas. F., Littleton, Farnham, Henry H., Copperfield, N. H. Vt. Eastman, Frances, Northfield, Farnham, Alice B., Copperfield, Minn. Vt. Eastman, Mrs. Lucy (Putnam), 6 Farr, Edward P., Pierre, S. D. East 70th St., New York City. Farr, John, Jr., Orlando, Fla. Eastman, Mrs. Lilla (Clogston), Farr, Capt. George, Littleton, N.H. Pompanoosuc, Vt. Farr, Mrs. Nellie (Burpee), Little- Eaton, Gen. John, Ph. D., LL. D., ton, N. H. "The Concord," Washington, Fay, Mrs. Samantha (Eastman), D. C. Ouechee, Vt. Eaton, Hon. L. B., Memphis, Fay, Mrs. Prescott, Ouechee, Vt. Tenn. Fay, James, Chicago, 111.

Eaton, Frank J., Vershire, Vt. Fay, Martha, Westboro, Mass. Egerton, J. H., Northfield, Vt. Felton, D. H., Peabody, Mass. Egerton, Chas. B., Rockwood, O. Field, Dr. A. E., Barre, Vt. Ela, Mrs. Lizzie, Lebanon, N. H. Field, Mrs. Josephine (Wilmot), Ellis, G. L., Union Village, Vt. Hanover, N. H. EUis, Mrs. C. F., Belleville, 111. Fifield, Mrs. Clifford, Lake Ave., Elmer, Mrs. Clara (Taylor), Thet- Manchester, N. H.

ford, Vt. Fifield, J. C, corner Manchester Elmer, Henry, So. Lunenburg, Vt. and Pine Sts., Manchester, N. H. Emerson, Cyril, E. Thetford, Vt. Fish, Mrs. Eliza (Lyman), So. Emerson, Charles C, E. Thetford, Royalton, Vt. Vt. Fitch, Dr. H. H., Pekin. 111. Emerson, Maud, E. Thetford, Vt. Fitch, Anna, 161 3 Compton Ave., Emerson, Carl A., E. Thetford, Vt. St. Louis, Mo. Emerson, Fred. No. Thetford, Vt. Fitch, Dr. Leonard, W. Newton, Emerson, George, Thetford, Vt. Mass. Emerson, Mrs. Jenny (Berry), Fitch, Mrs. Julia A., No. Thet- Thetford, Vt. ford, Vt. 189

Flanders, Ernest L., Lvme Center, Fuller, Clara, Vershire, Vt. N. H. Fuller, Prof. A. L., 45 Wilber St., Flanders, C, Canaan, N. H. Cleveland, Ohio. Fletcher, Margaret, Thetford, Vt. Fuller, Mrs. Julia (Turner), Cleve- Fletcher, Kate, Northampton, land, Ohio. Mass. Fullington, Eba M., Union Village, Fletcher, Dr. Fred, Bradford, Vt. Vt. Fletcher, Chas. B., 29 Hanover Fullington, Harvey, Hanover, St., Manchester, N. H. N. H. Fletcher, Julia, 379 Walnut Ave., Fulton, Mary E., Bradford, Vt. Roxbury, Mass. Tyler, Mrs. Matilda (Kendall), Fletcher, E. Mabel, 42 Phoenix Strafford, Vt. Row, Haverhill, Mass. Fletcher, Mrs. Frances L. (Kend- Gaffield, Mrs. William, South Fair- rick), 967 Alice St., Oakland, lee, Vt. Cal. Gaffield, Abbie, Bradford, Vt. Folsom, Miss Hannah, Tun- Gaffield, Mrs. Mary (Coburn), bridge, Vt. Fairlee, Vt. Foote, Mrs. Elias, W. Lebanon, Gardner, Rev. George W., D. D., N. H. New London, N. H. (deceased). Foot, T. B., Lyme, N. H. Gardner, Ned., Orford, N. H.

Foster, Henry J., Hanover, N. H. Garey, Fred, Thetford, Vt. Foster, Mrs. Julia F., Cincinnati, Garey, Mrs. Maria (Slade), Thet- Ohio. ford, Vt. Foss, Chas. O., Bridgewater, N. S. Garey, Marjorie E., Thetford, Vt. Foss, Mrs. Abbie (Holbrook), Garey, George E., Thetford, Vt. Bridgewater, N. S. Garey, Mrs. Anna (Baker), Thet- Fowle, Mrs. Carrie (Farnsworth), ford, Vt. Caeserea, Turkey (missionary). Garey, Mabel, Thetford, Vt. Franklin, A. B., W. Lebanon, Garey, Joseph, Thetford, Vt. N. H. Garey, Mrs. (Fletcher), Thetford, Franklin, Kate, 573 Euclid Ave., Vt. Cleveland, O. Garey, Lored, Minneapolis, Minn.

Freeman, Andrew J., 1208 Ve- Garey, Mrs. Ida (Kent), Lyme, netian Building, 34 Washington N. H. St., Chicago, 111. George, E. P., West Fairlee, Vt. French, H. S., Northfield, Minn. George, E. P., Jr., West Fairlee,

French, Mrs. Maria J., Appleton, Vt. Wis. George, Lena A., West Fairlee, French, Mrs. Ellen, Maxwell, la. Vt. Frost, Mrs. Lucena (Lord), Arling- George, Mrs. Clara (Allbee), South ton, Mass. Fairlee, Vt. Frost, Dr. Carlton P., Hanover, George, C. F., Elk River, Minn. N. H. George, Austin, Barre, Vt. Frost, Mrs. Eliza A. (DuBois), George, M. Helen, Pittsfield, N. H. Hanover, N. H. George, Florence H., Barnstead, Frost, Eugene, Hanover Center, N. H. N. H. Gerrish, Dr. Alfred, Lowell, Ind. Fuller, John M., Hanover, N. H. Gerrv, Mrs. Sophie (Elmer), Thet- Fuller, Cyrus, Vershire, Vt. ford, Vt. 190

Gibbs, Charles, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Greenleaf, Henry F., 27 Kilby St., Gillett, Dr. H. H., Post Mills, Vt. Boston, Mass. Gillett, Louise M., 36 Hanson St., Grey, Mrs. Estelle (Craig), Post- Boston, Mass. ville, Iowa. Gillett, Hannah E., Cleveland, Griggs, Mrs. Julia (Closson), Lan- Ohio. caster, Mass. Gillett, G. C, Ouincy, 111. Griswold, Rev. J. B., South Man- Gillett, Mrs. G. C, Quincy, 111. Chester, Conn. Gilleth, Mrs. A. R., Lancaster, Gustin, Walter S., Union Village, Mass. Vt. Gilman, Mrs. Ada (Turner), Mon- tague City, Mass. Hale, Mrs. C. L. (Lunt), 3032 So. Gilson, Mrs. John, Carson City, Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Nevada. Hadley, Mabel E., Newbury, Vt. Gilkey, Rose H., South Strafford, Hall, Mrs. Emeline (Clogstone), Vt. Lebanon, N. H. Gleason, Hon. S. M., Thetford Hall, Mrs. N. D. (Tolman), Leb- Centre, Vt. anon, N. H. Gleason, Harriet, Union Village, Hall, Dr. Henry M., Philadelphia, Vt. Pa. Goddard, Henry, Norwich, Vt. Hanson, John, A. B., Warren, Goodell, Levi O., Lyme, N. H. Ohio. Goodhue, E. W., Williamsburg, Hanson, Dr., Northwood, N. H. Mass. Hanson, Alonzo, Lebanon, N. H. Goodwin, A. L., So. Woodstock, Harding, Rev. Wilber, Copper- Conn, field, Vt. Gordan, Emma, Maynard, Mass. Harding, S. C, Copperfield, Vt. Goold, Mrs. Mary (Orcutt), W. Harding, W. J., Copperfield, Vt. Lebanon, N. H. Harding, John S., Wells River, Gould, Mrs. Sarah (Fayerweather), Vt. Westboro', Mass. Hardy, Dr. Hiram T., Kaneville, Goulding, Frank P., Worcester, Kane Co., 111. Mass. Harlow, Mrs. Benjamin, Meriden, Gove, Mrs. Lizzie (Huntington), N. H. West Fairlee, Vt. Harris, Eugene, Insane Asylum, Gove, Mrs. Julia (Abbott), 28 Concord, N. H. Warland street, Cambridgeport, Hatch, Royal A., Strafford, Vt. Mass. Hatch, Henry L., Straftbrd, Vt. Graham, Fred, Lyme, N. H. Hawes, Mrs. L. S., Cheyene, Wy. Grant, W. O., Chicago, 111. Hayes, Mrs. Addie (Luce), Dur- Grant, John, Lyme, N. H. ham, N. H. Grant, A. D., Lyme, N. H. Hazeltine, Dr. D. W., Springfield, Grant, Mrs. Phebe (Whipple), Vt. Lyme, N. H. Hazeltine, Harry B., White River Grassfield, Mrs. Addie (Garey), Junction, Vt. Marion, Iowa. Hazelton, Wm. C, Straftbrd, Vt. Graves, Galen A., Ackley, Iowa. Hazelton, Harvey, Strafford, Vt. Green, Dora A., Hall St., Concord, Hazen, Charles, Cambridge, Mass. N. H. Hazen, Edward, Norwich, Vt. Greene, Dr. Edwin, Pierre, S. D. Hazen, Dr. Allen, Hartland, Vt. 191

Hazen, Frances M., South Hadley, Holt, Mrs. Martha, Lyme, N. H. Mass. Holton, Mrs. Cornelia (Lougee), Head, Oman, Ouechee, Vt. Waterbury, Vt. Head, Mrs. Eliza A. (Clement), Holton, Mrs. Esther (Tenny), Peralta, P. O., Berkley, Cal. Acto, N. J. Heath, Otis E., Palatka, Fla. Holton, Henry, Waterbury, Vt.

Heath, Joseph, Albany, Vt. Hood, J. T., 66 Nassau St., New Heath, Mrs. Lavinia (Pulsifer), York City. Brattleboro, Vt. Hood, Hon. Gilbert E., Lawrence, Heaton, E. M., Post Mills, Vt. Mass. Heaton, Martha, Adams St., Hood, Eliza P., 33 Bartlett St., Quincy, Mass. Boston, Mass.

Heaton, Mary, 32 Hanson St. Hosford, J. Tracy, North Thet- Boston, Mass. ford, Vt. Henry, Chas., East Thetford, Vt. Hosford, Clarence K., North Henry, Helen, East Thetford, Vt. Thetford, Vt. Henry, Mrs. Lizzie (Emory), North Hosford, Chas. H., Monroe, N. H. Thetford, Vt. Hosford, J. Newton, Terre Haute, Herbert, C. W., Rumney Depot, Ind. N. H. Hosford, W. T., Cheyenne, Wy. Herrick, Geo. E., Lynnfield Cen- Hosmer, Mrs. Jennie E. (Axtall), tre, Mass. Somerville, Mass.

Herrick, J. E., West Peabody, Hovey, Gen. Chas. E., 125 Indi- Mass. ana Ave., Washington, D. C.

Hersey, Capt. Albert J., Man- Hovey, Mrs. Frank, Ipswich, Chester, la. Mass. Hewes, Dr. Frank, Strafford, Vt. Hovey, Amos, Bristol Springs, Hewitt, Persis D., St. Johnsbury, N. Y. Vt. Hovey, Rev. Alvah H., Newton Hewitt, Mrs. Persis D., North Centre, Mass. Pomfret, Vt. Howard, Judge H. H., North Hill, Leta L., Thetford, Vt. Lawrence, Kan. Hinds, Mrs. Mary (Bond), Nor- Howard, D. T., North Thetford, wich, Vt. Vt. Hinckley, Chas. M., 6 Baldwin Howard, R. S., North Thetford, St., Charlestown, Mass. Vt. Hobart, Nellie Phelps, Lyme, Howard, Frederick Tavlor, North N. H. Thetford, Vt. Holbrook, Abby, Bradford, Vt. Howard, Dr. A. H., Georgetown, Holbrook, Mrs. Sara, Dubois, 111. Mass. Holbrook, Hattie, Penacook, N. H. Howe, W. L., 96 River St., Cam- Holbrook, Dr. Henry, Penacook, bridgeport, Mass. N. H. Howe, Eugene, North Thetford, Holbrook, Mrs. Lydia (Smith), Vt. Post Mills, Vt. Howe, Mrs. Minnie, North Thet- Hollis, Geo. H., Allston, Mass. ford, Vt.

Holmes, Arthur G., Thetford Cen- Howe, Mary J., North Thetford, tre, Vt. Vt. Holt, Mrs. Emma (Barnes), North Howe, M. M. (Winslow), North Thetford, Vt. Thetford, Vt. 192

Howe, A. B., Hudson, Mass. Jackson, D. L., Canton, N. Y.

Howe, J. W., Esq., 43 Wall St., Jaquith, A. W., No. Thetford, Vt. New York, N. Y. Jaquith, Mrs. Annie (Baxter), Hoyt, Ira, San Mateo, Cal. North Thetford, Vt. Hubbard, Mrs. Abbie (Hemin- Jaquith, C. A., Dartmouth Col- way), Fitchburg, Mass. lege, Hanover, N. H. Hubbard, Louise S., Chai'lestown, Jenks, Alice, Union Village, Vt. N. H. Jenks, Edward A., Esq., Con-

Hudson, J. W., Peabody, Mass. cord, N. H. Huntington, Mrs. Jane (Shaw), Jenks, A. B., 42 North St., Bos- Eau Clare, Wis. ton, Mass. Huntington, George, 112 Center Jenkins, Mrs. Hugh Preston, Ave., Chicago, 111. Jackson Co., Iowa. Huntington, A. C. A., Cedartown, Jewett, Mrs. Lizzie (Vaughan), 28 Ga. Grove St., Worcester, Mass. Huntington, Jennie, Hamilton, Jewett, Mrs. E. H. (Bates), St. N. D. Johnsbury, Vt. Hurlbert, Rev. Calvin B., Zanes- Jewett, Hon. Henry M., U. S. ville, O. Consul, Sivas, Turkey. Hurlbert, Mrs., Zanesville, O. Johnson, Mrs. M. M. (Kesiah Huse, Mrs. Helen (Clement), 249 Johnson), Pension Office, Wash-

Dearborn Ave , Chicago, 111. ington, D. C. Hutchinson, William, Norwich, Vt. Johnson, Mrs. Ella (Barrett), Cop- Hutchinson, Mrs. William, Nor- perfield, Vt. wich, Vt. Johnson, Sedgwick, Copperfield, Hutchinson, Mrs. Ellen (May), Vt. West Concord, Vt. Johnson, Henry, North Thetford, Hutchinson, Eliza, Norwich, Vt. Vt. Hutchinson, Mrs. Parthenia (Blod- Johnson, Mrs. Lucinda (Dear- gett), Norwich, Vt. born). North Thetford, Vt. Hutchinson, Mrs. Samuel, Nor- Johnson, Mrs. Mary (Smith), wich, Vt. Bradford, Vt.

Hutchinson, J. W., Norwich, Vt. Johnson, Mrs. David, Norwich, Hutchinson, Mrs. E. A. (Barron), Vt. Norwich, Vt. Johnson, Lucian, Norwich, Vt. Hutchinson, H. E., Norwich, Vt. Johnson, Mrs. Lucian, Norwich, Hutchinson, Wm. H., Norwich, Vt. Vt. Hubbard, C. F., Charlestown, Johnson, Mrs. Maud (Cunning- N. H. ham), West Fairlee, Vt. Hutchinson, Franklin, Manitou, Johnson, Jack D., Norwich, Vt. Col. Johnson, Irwin, Norwich, Vt. Hutchinson, Rev. Dr. Chas., 261 Johnson, Mrs. Addie (Waterman), Oak St., New Albany, Ind. Norwich, Vt. Husted, Mrs. E. M., Roodhouse, Johnson, Henry J., New York, 111. N. Y. Hyde, Curtis, Strafford, Vt. Johnson, Mrs. Ellen M. (Cum- mings), Everett, Mass. Illsley, Alice M., Randolph, Vt. Johnson, Mrs. U. B. (Susie B. Illsley, Effie B., Union Village, Vt. Leland), 7 Academy St., Cleve- Illsley, Ella M., Union Village, Vt. land, Ohio. 193

Jones, Mrs. Octavia (Howard), Kinney, Mrs. Louise (Rugg), Thet- Hastings, Neb. ford, Vt. Jones, Lionel, East Thetford, Vt. Kinney, Phineas C, Cambridge, Jones, Farr, East Thetford, Vt. Mass. Jones, Austin, Manchester, N. H. Kinney, Alice, Thetford, Vt. Jourdan, Mrs. Fred (Nancy Kinney, Mabel, Thetford, Vt. Eames), Grafton, Mass. Kinney, George E., A. B., Theo. Joyslin, Rev. Wm. R., Center- Sem., Hartford, Conn. ville, Mass. Kimball, Mrs. N. N., West Fair- Judd, Mrs. Fannie (Powell), South lee, Vt. Strafford, Vt. Kimball, John N., W. Fairlee, Vt. Judd, Mrs. Betsey, South Straf- Kimball, Mrs. Kate (May), West ford, Vt. Fairlee, Vt. Kimball, George W., Greenwood, Kendall, Warren, Pompanoosuc, Mass. Vt. Kinsman, Charles C, Olcott, Vt. Kendall, Fannie E., South Straf- Kinsman, Geo. O., Oxford, Mich. ford, Vt. Kinsman, John, North Thetford, Kendall, James O., South Straf- Vt. ford, Vt. Kinsman, Minnie L, North Thet- Kendall, Carry, Athol, Mass. ford, Vt. Kendrick, Addison, Lebanon, Kinsman, Annette H., North Thet- N. H. ford, Vt. Kenison, Vertner, Yale College, Knight, Geo. W., Post Mills, Vt. New Haven, Conn. Knight, Mrs. Salome (Gilman), Kemp, Helen Gertrude, Hall St., Post Mills, Vt. Concord, N. H. Knight, Edwin, Nashua, N. H. Ketcham, Mrs. Helen Scott, Cher- Knowles, Carrie, Westfield, Mass. ryvale, Kansas. Knowles, Hallie, Westfield, Mass. Keyes, George, 224 Roxbury St., Knowles, Mrs. Lucy (Burnham)» Roxbury, Mass. Union Village, Vt. Kibbee, Mrs. Amelia (Morey), Fairlee, Vt. Ladd, Arline (University of Ver- Kibbee, Charles E., Thetford Cen- mont), 35 Colchester Ave., tre, Vt. Burlington, Vt. Kibbee, Fred, Thetford Centre, Vt. Ladd, Lieut. E. F., Fort Robin- Kidder, Mrs. W. W. (Maria son, Neb. Palmer), Lincoln, Mass. Ladd, Mary, North Thetford, Vt. King, Mrs. Francis J. (Nutting), Lancaster, Edward M., 803 Shaw- Rogers Park, Chicago, 111. mut Ave., Boston, Mass. King, Elsie, Lyme, N. H. Lane, Mrs. Amelia (Kimball), Kingsbury, Mrs. Emeline D. Chester St., Maiden, Mass. (Tenny), Star, Mills Co., Texas. Lane, Mrs. Julia F., Whitefield, Kinney, Gertrude, Lebanon, N. H. N. H. Kinney, Mabel, Lebanon, N. H. Lambert, George W., Lyme, N.H. Kinney, J. Royal, Plainfield, Vt. Lambert, R. N.. Lyme, N. H. Kinney, Fannie, Pompanoosuc, Vt. Lapont, Augustine, Montague City, Kinney, Lucinda, Pompanoosuc, Mass. Vt. Latham, Dr. W. H., Indianapolis, Kinney, Niram, Pompanoosuc, Vt. Ind. 13 194

Latham, E. P., Naseca, Minn. Lord, Eliza W., Smith College, Latham, A. R. A., White River Northampton, Mass. Junction, Vt. Lord, JohnG., North Thetford, Vt. Latham, Arthur, Akron, Ohio. Lord, Fred, North Thetford, Vt.

Latham, Miss L. J., Akron, Ohio. Lord, Lucius A., North Thetford, Latham, Henry M., Lancaster, Vt. Mass. (deceased). Lord, J. Brown, Boston, Mass. Latham, A. L., Lancaster, Mass. Lord, John F., Sloan, Woodbury Latham, Charles H., Lancaster, Co., Iowa.

Mass. Lord, Rev. S. J. M., Weymouth, Latham, M. J., Lancaster, Mass. Mass. Latham, Allen, Lancaster, Mass. Lord, Rev. Amasa C, Somonauk, Latham, W. H., 49 Gardner St., 111. AUston, Mass. Lord, Mrs. Grace E., Somonauk, Latham, Dr. H., 2169 West St., III. Oakland, Cal. Lord, Francis A., Union Village, Latham, Dr. Alden C, So. Royal- Vt. ton, Vt. Lord, Ellen M., Union Village, Vt. Latham, A. C. A., Central, Mo. Lord, Mrs. Mills, Union Village, Vt. Lathrop, Mrs. Mary Brewster. Lord, Erwin, Union Village, Vt. Lawton, John P., Hartland, Vt. Lord, Ed, Union Village, Vt. Leach, Judo;e William B., Minne- Loveland, William I., East Sagi- apolis, Minn. naw, Saginaw Co., Mich. Leavitt, Mrs. Mary (Clement), Ho- Loveland, R. S., Norwich, Vt.

tel Bella Vista, care of L. H. Loveland, Mrs. R. S. , Norwich, Vt. Clement, San Francisco, Cal., Loveland, Aaron, Norwich, Vt. National Lecturer, W. C. T. U. Loveland, Mrs. Aaron, Norwich,

Lefavour, Mrs. J. H., East Brook- Vt. field, Mass., care of Parmenter Loveland, Mrs. Laura (Goodell), Manufacturing Co. Norwich, Vt. Leslie, Mrs. Anna (Smith), Wells Loveland, Charles, Norwich, Vt. River, Vt. Loveland, John W., Norwich, Vt. Lewis, Mrs. Charlotte C, Little- Loveland, David A., Norwich, Vt. ton, N. H. Loveland, Sophia F., Norwich, Vt. Lincoln, Mrs. Fanny (Hatch), 232 Low, Mrs. Elizabeth (Niles), 1328 La Salle Ave., Chicago, 111. Corcoran St., Washington, D.C. Lindsey, Mrs. Emma (Sherman), Lucas, Charles, Thetford Centre, Warren, Warren Co., Pa. Vt. Linsley, Mrs. Kate (Conant), Lucas, CarlF., Thetford Centre, Vt. Northford, Conn. Lufkin, Mrs. Geniveve (Wilmot), Linsley, Eleanor B., Northford, Thetford, Vt. Conn. Lufkin, Albert, Essex, Mass. Linsley, Arthur, Northford, Conn. Lurvey, OrphiaM. (Lowell), Pigeon Little, Sherman, Webster, N. H. Cove, Mass. Little, Eveline, Webster, N. H. Lvon, Mrs. Cora (Adams), East Littlefield, Mrs. Sarah (Bragg), 'Bethel, Vt. New London, N. H. Long, Mrs. Sarah (Baker), Fairlee, Mallory, Grace A., Scituate, Mass. Vt. Mansfield, J. S., 345 9th Ave., Long, Emily Davis, Fairlee, Vt. Milwaukee, Wis. 195

Manson, Frank, Piermont, N. H. McKay, Mrs. E. DeCost (Susan Marsh, Rev. David D., Unionville, White), 253 West 42d St., New Conn. York City. Marsh, Fanny, Claremont, N. H. Melendy, Lester L., South Fairlee, Marsh, Caleb, Lynn, Mass. Vt. Marsh, George E., Ireson Ave., Melvin, Mrs. Mary A. (Warren), Lynn, Mass. Lyme, N. H. Martin, Mrs. Syhnda (Seaver), Merrill, Henry, Littleton, N. H. Union Village, Vt. Messenger, Mrs. Sarah (Hazen), Martin, D. Lee, Union Village, Norwich, Vt. Vt. Messer, Mrs. P. E. (Bond), Roch- Martin, Linn L, Pompanoosuc, ester, Vt. Vt. Messer, W. H., Thetford Centre, Mason, Mrs. S. W., 105 Wash- Vt. ington Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Messer, Lydia, Thetford Centre, Mason, Mrs. Mary E., (Worces- Vt. ter), Muscogee, Indian Ter. Messer, Fred, Fairlee. Vt. Mason, Orlando, Winchendon, Miller, Harris W., West Fairlee, Mass. Vt. Mason, Dr. R. Osgood, 348 West Montague, D. F., A. B. (Tufts 58th St., New York City. College), 9 Tremont Place, Bos- Matthews, Herman P., Canton, ton, Mass. N. Y. Montgomery, Henry, 1928 Elev- Matthews, Mrs. H. P., Canton, enth St., Superintendent Public N. Y. Instruction, Washington, D. C. Matthews, Alfred E., 222 Federal Moore, Frank G., Post Mills, St., Boston, Mass. Vt. May, Julia F., Graniteville, Mass. Moore, Frank, Post Mills, Vt. May, Dr. George E., Newton Cen- Moore, Presby W., Huron Lake, tre, Mass. Minn. May, Julia (Plymouth Church Moore, James, Wykoff, Minn. Choir), Brooklyn, N. Y. Moore, Charles, Red Lake, Minn. Maynard, Daniel H., Samoset Moore, John, Thetford, Vt. House, Plymouth, Mass. Moore, Mary Kate, Thetford, Vt. McArthur, Mrs. Sophie (Jones), Morey, Mrs. May (Childs), Post Hartland, Vt. Mills, Vt. McCaskill, D. A., 168 Union Ave., Morey, Benjamin D., West Fairlee, Montreal, P. O. Vt. McCrillis, Myrtie, South Strafford, Morey, Mrs. Wm., 13 Methuen Vt., St., Lowell, Mass. McDuffee, Edith M., Thetford, Vt. Morgan, Helen. Enfield, N. H. McDuffee, Jennie M., Thetford, Morrill, Hon. Justin S., Strafford. Vt. Vt., U. S. Senate, Washington, Mclndoe, George I. (Dartmouth D. C. College), Hanover, N. H. Morrill, Judge Henry A., 168^ Mclndoe, Ada L., Fairlee, Vt. Walnut St., Professor in Cin- McMqster, Carrie L., South Straf- cinnati Law School, Ohio.

ford, Vt. . Morrill, James, Claremont, N. H. McMaster, Mrs. Nellie (Stevens), Morrill, Mrs. James, Claremont, North Thetford, Vt. N. H. 196

Morrill, Geo. F., 107 East Carey Newcomb, S. D., Lyndonville, St., Richmond, Va. Vt. Morris, Emma, Lebanon, N. H. Newcomb, Rush F., Union Vil- Morrison, Mattie E., Exeter, N.H. lage, Vt. Morse, William W., Leavenworth, Newton, Tyler, Olcott, Vt. Kan. Newton, George, Hartford, Vt. Morse, Joseph T., Denmark, Iowa, Newton, Norman, Hartford, Vt. Morse, Ernest, Riverton, N. H. Newton, Mrs. Norman, Hartford» Morse, Sidney, Union Village, Vt. Vt. Morse, Mrs. Emma S., Union Vil- Newton, Mrs. Myron, Providence, lage, Vt. R. I. Morse, Rev. Charles, Brookfield, Niles, Mrs. C. (Gillett), Post Mills, Vt. Vt. Morse, Mrs. Frances (Kimball), Mills, Mrs. Harriet F. (Wright), 149 Willow St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Orfordville, N. H. Morton, Mrs. Jos. (Sarah Heath), Niles, Samuel D., Atlanta, Ga. Wakefield, Mass. Niles, Jeanette R., Santa Monica, Moulton, ChaunceyC, Thetford, Cal. Vt. Niles, Henry F., Irontown, Ohio. Mousley, W. H., Theological Sem- Niles, William W., 11 Wall St., inary, Bangor, Me. New York City. Mousley, Mrs. Mary Nickerson, Nims, Dr. Edward B., Insane Lyme, N. H. ' Asylum, Northampton, Mass. Moynahan, Mrs. Alice E. (Berry), Norris, Charles, 1677 Washington Cambridge, Mass., care of Mr. St., Boston, Mass. Moynahan, Quincy Sq'r Stable. Norris, Phila, 1677 Washington Muchmore, Mrs. Merceline (Em- St., Boston, Mass. erson), Lebanon, N. H. Norris, Ziba, 1677 Washington Munn, James, Evanston, 111. St., Boston, Mass. Munn, Benj. M., Attorney, 81 Clark Norton, Rev. Edward, Quincy, St., Chicago, 111. Mass. Munn, Dan, Attorney, 408 Ta- Nowland, Edith L., South Straf- coma Building Chicago, .111. ford, Vt. Thet- Americus, Ga. Murfey, Mrs. J. A., North Noyes, W. J., ford, Vt. Noyes, Mrs. H. H., 210 Milford Ohio, Manchester, N. H. Murfey, J. C, Cleveland, St., West Todd, Stambaugh & Co. Nutting, Dr. William, 3 Cambridge Murfey, E. L., Quaker Mills Co., St., Boston, Mass. Ravenna, Ohio. Nutting, Victor P., Winchester, Murray, Mrs. G. W., East Canaan, N. H. N. H. Murray, Jennie F., East Canaan, Osborn, Franklin, Peabody, Mass. N. H. O.sgood, Mrs. Mary C, Essex, Mass. Nelson, Sherman, Georgetown, Mass. Page, Henry, Fitchburg, Mass. Sanborn), Nesbitt, George, Cleveland, Ohio. Page, Mrs. Samuel ( — Newcomb, Rev. Homer S., Pat- Wells River, Vt, River, Vt. terson, N. Y. Page, Belle, Wells Newcomb, Anna, Thetford, Vt. Page, Mary, Wells River, Vt. 197

Page, Mrs. Ellen (Farr), Haver- Patterson, Lester, Pompanoosuc, hill, N. H. Vt. Page, Mrs. B. F., Littleton, N. H. Patterson, Mrs. Gertrude (Rob- Paine, Mrs. A. W., Fairlee, Vt erts), Pompanoosuc, Vt. Paine, Mrs. Abbie (Folsom), So. Payne, Mrs. Henry, Haverhill, Randolph, Vt. N. H. Palmer, Rev. William S., D. D., Penniman, Mrs. L. F., Hartland, Norwichtown, Conn. Vt.

Palmer, Mrs. Fannie P. (Wal- Pearl, Samuel J., 312 Chestnut St., bridge), Norwichtown, Conn. Chelsea, Mass. Palmer, Arthur B., North Thet- Pennock, Mrs. Carrie (Eaton), ford, Vt. Somerville, Mass., care of Judge Palmer, Abbie, North Thetford, Vt. Pennock. Palmer, Rev. A. B., Saratoga, Cal. Perkins, Mrs. Wealthy, 494 Gor- Palmer, Wilson, Editor, Floral ham St., Lowell, Mass. Park, L. I. Perkins, Mrs. Irenus (Satah P.), Palmer, Alanson, 591 Madison St., Lakeville, Minn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Perrin, Judge Henry M., St. Johns, Palmer, Harry B., Thetford, Vt. Mich. Palmer, Ray G., 1910 Congress Perrin, Porter K., Attorney, St. Ave., Houston, Tex. Johns, Mich. Palmer, Fred B., Lyme Centre, Perrin, George K., Attorney, In- N. H. dianapolis, Ind.

Palmer, Addison, 28 Williams St., Perrin, J. Newton, Berlin, Vt. Worcester, Mass. Perrin, Mrs. Amanda (Hosford), Palmer, Fred L., 6 North Spring Berlin, Vt. St., Concord, N. H. Perrin, Mrs. Charles (Diadema Parker, Arthur, Sharon, Vt. Cutting), Montpelier, Vt.

Parker, Mary H., Bishop Place, Perry, Hon. Baxter E., i Beacon New Brunswick, N. Y. St., Boston, Mass.

Parker, Minnie M., Sharon, Vt. Perry, Mrs. Charlotte (Hough), i Parker, Winnie V., Strafford, Vt. Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Parker, Mrs. Hattie Robinson, Perry, Professor Arthur L., Wil- Boston, Mass. liams College, Williamstown, Parker, L. P., Strafford, Vt. Mass. Parker, Hattie E., Vershire, Vt. Perry, Mrs. Ann, Athol, Mass. Parker, Edith L., Vershire, Vt. Pettigrew, David L., Worcester, Parmalee, Mrs. Julia (Farr), Erz- Mass. room, Turkey, Missionary. Phelps, S. B., Hanover, N. H. Parnell, Antonio, Boston, Mass. Phelps, Edwin, Hanover, N. H. Parsons, Mrs. C. H., 36 Tomp- Phelps, Mrs. Laura (Dowe), Mass. kins Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Phelps, Mrs. R. H., Littleton, Mass Partrell, Oscar, Union Village, Vt. Pierce, Mrs. Henrietta (Senter). Partrell, George H., Union Vil- Claremont, N. H. lage, Vt. Pierce, Lewis, Salem, Mass. Partrell, Mrs. Eleanor, Union Vil- Pierce, Elbridge S., Manchester, lage, Vt. N. H. Patch, Rev. George B., D. D., Pierce, John Sabin, Shepardstown, 1323 R St., Washington, D. C. Va.

Patch, James, Essex, Mass. Pike, Rev. A. J., Sauk Centre, Minn. 198

Piper, W. G., Lyme, N. H. Pressey, Mrs. Jennie (Senter), Piper, Mrs. Hattie, 15 Walnut St., East Thetford, Vt. Manchester, N. H. Preston, Fred L., Strafford, Vt. Plummer, B. W., Fort Fairfield, Preston, Mrs. Mary (Udall), Straf- Me. ford, Vt. Plummer, Helene E., Penacook, Preston, Goldie B., Straflford, Vt. N. H. Preston, Edith, Strafford, Vt. Plummer, Mrs. H. B. (Johnson), Price, Mrs. Cynthia (Ranstead), Plainfield, N. H. Orlando, Fla. Poland, Mrs. Joseph (Julia M. Pringle, Florence E., St. Johns- Harvey), Montpelier, Vt. bury Centre, Vt. Poor, Anna, Thetford, Vt. Pringle, James N., Phillips Acad- Porter, Col. Francis, Lyme, N. H. emy, Andover, Mass. Porter, A. H., C. E., T] Bolton, Pringle, Rev. Henry N., Anoka, Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Minn. Porter, Lewis C, 116 Walnut St., Pulsifer, Charles, Pomona, Cal. Somerville, Mass. Pushee, Hattie E., Lyme, N. H. Porter, George K., Boston, Mass. Pushee, Mrs. A. W., Lyme, N. H. Porter, Hattie L., Provincetown, Pushee, Mrs. Edna E., Lyme, Mass. N. H. Porter, Charles L., Fall River, Putnam, George F., Kansas City, Mass. Mo. Porter, Adna E., 32 Chauncey St., Putnam, Ellen, Claremont, N. H. Boston, Mass. Putnam, J. W., Amenia, N. Y. Porter, H. W., Fall River, Mass. Putnam, Hattie, Post Mills, Vt. Porter, Nelson, Thetford Centre, Putnam, Mrs. Marshall (Matilda Vt. Carrolls), Northville, N. H. Porter, Adna, Thetford Centre, Vt. Putnam, Judge A. A., Uxbridge, Porter, Mrs. Martha E. (Ladd), Mass. Thetford Centre, Vt. Putnam, Rev. Alfred P., D. D., Porter, Mrs. Kate (Elmer), South Concord, Mass. Framingham, Mass. Porter, George E., 170 Garden Quimby, Mrs. Minnie (Kendall), St., Lawrence, Mass. Tilton, N. H. Porter, Will G., Custer City, N.D. Ouimby,Wareham, Boston, Mass. Porter, A. N., Des Moines, Iowa. Powell, Charles, Post Mills, Vt. Ranstead, C. Fred, Boston, Mass. Powell, Addie L., South Strafford, Resigne, Mrs. Hattie (Wilcox j, Vt. 702 Taylor St., Seattle, Wash. Pratt, Mrs. Almira, North Thet- Reynolds, Prof. B. M., Northfield, ford, Vt. Minn. Pratt, Mrs.Abby (Watson), North Reynolds, HemanE., Strafford, Vt. Woburn, Mass. Reynolds, Almanon, Lebanon, Prescott, Mrs. Anna (Hinckley), N. H. 183 West Canton St., Boston, Reynolds, John R., Etna, N. H. Mass. Reynolds, Fred, Hanover, N. H. Prescott, O. O., Middlebury, Ind. Reynolds, Mrs. Alice (Stowell), Prescott, A. S., Middlebury, Ind. Norwich, Vt. Prescott, Rev. Chester, Lake View, Rice, E. C, 3649 Pine St., St. Pa. Louis, Mo. 199

Richards, Albert D., 20 Clinton Sanderson, Mrs. Carrie, 97 Union St., Worcester, Mass. St., Lynn, Mass. Richardson, Mrs. Almina L. Sanborn, Wm. Hatch, Greenfield, (Slafter), care Hon. D. G. Slaf- Mass. ter, Vassar, Mich. Sanborn, Harley C East Thet- Richardson, Mrs. Carrie (Orr), ford, Vt. Vershire, Vt. Sanborn, Maud M., East Thet- Riley, Maude, Orford, N. H. ford, Vt. Robertson, Idella, Newbury, Vt. Sanborn, Gen. John B. (Atty.), Robertson, R. Libbie, Ashland, St. Paul, Minn. Mass. Sanborn, J. C. L., Orange, Robie, Dr. J. W., A.sbury Park, Orange Co., Cal. N.J. Sanborn, Thomas, East Thetford, Rogers, Geo., Lebanon, N. H. Vt. Rogers, Mrs. Angle (Davis), Leb- Sanborn, John, Orford, Vt. anon, N. H. Sanborn, Agnes, Thetford Centre. Rogers, Mrs. Sherman, Fairlee, Vt. Vt. Sargent, Leland T., Union Vil- Rogers, Alfred, Union Village, Vt. lage, Vt. Rolfe, E. W., Tunbridge, Vt. Sargent, F. H., Montague City, Root, Hattie M., Norwich, Vt. Mass. Ross, Mrs. Lucia A. (Eastman), Sargent, Prin. Wm. E., A. M., Bath, N. H. Lancaster, Mass. Rowe, Mrs. Alice, Peacham, Vt. Sargent, D. B., Norwich, Vt. Rowe, Mary Ella, Salem, Mass. Sargent, O. H., Norwich, Vt. Rowe, Mrs. Bessie (Preston), 9 Sargent, Mrs. Kate, Bradford, Vt. Leyden St., Medford, Mass. Sargent, Marcus, Boltonville, Vt. Rowell, Kate Maude, West Fair- Sargent, Millard, Ryegate, Vt. lee, Vt. Sargent, Bartlett. Union Village, Rowell, Maggie, West Fairlee, Vt. Vt. Sargent, Horace T., Hartford, Vt. Rugg, Sarah. Thetford, Vt. Sargent, Mrs. Hannah (Water- Rugg, Mrs. Amanda P. (Ellis), man), Hartford, Vt. Berkeley, Cal. Sargent, Mrs. Elmer P., Box 200, Ruggles, Prof. E. R., Ph. D., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Hanover, N. H. Sargent, James, Lebanon, N. H.

Russ, O. F., South Corinth, Vt. Sargent, J. P., East Corinth, Vt. Russ, James J., 161 22d St., Chi- Sawyer, Mrs. A. W., Sycamore, 111. cago, 111. Sawyer, J. N., Littleton, Mass. Russell, George, Littleton, N. H. Sawyer, Mrs. J. N., Littleton, Rust, George H., Minneapolis, Mass. Minn. Sawyer, Union Village, Vt. Ryley, Chas., Orford, N. H. Sayre, John (Sayre & Cosden), Ryley, Mary, Orford, N. H. Hanover, St., Boston, Mass. Sayre, C. W., Thetford Centre. Sabin, Mrs. Julia (Davis), 12 Sayre, Eliza, East Thetford, Vt. Ascutney St., Maiden, Mass. Sayre, Geo., Eureka, Humboldt Sabin, Ed., Windsor, Vt. Co., Cal. Saflford. Mrs. Caroline (Latham), Searle, Charles P., 175 Newbury Hartford, Vt. St., Boston, Mass. 200

Searle, Alonzo P. (Atty.), Hones- Slafter, Rev. Edmund F., D.D., dale, Pa. 249 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Searles, Mrs. Ellen (Billings), Slafter, Rev. Carlos, Dedham, West Berkshire, Vt. Mass. Seaver, Mrs. Maria, Union Vil- Slafter, D. G., Vassar, Mich. lage, Vt. Slafter, Charles, Readville, Mass. Seaver, Nellie M., Union Village, Slafter, Carlos, East Thetford, Vt. Vt. Slafter, Grace L., East Thetford, Seaver, Jessie F., Union Village, Vt. Vt. Seaver, Mrs. Jennie, West Fairlee, Sleeper, B. S., Corinth, Vt. Vt. Smith, Rev. A. A., East Barre,

Seaver, Livia A. , Union Village, Vt. Vt. Senter, Rev. O. S., Charlestown, Smith, Mrs. Lucinda (Hood), N. H. East Barre, Vt. Senter, C. C, W. Lebanon, N. H. Smith, Mrs. Louisa (Pennock), Senter, Sadie, Thetford, Vt. Wells River, Vt. Shepardson, Marcella, Bradford, Smith, Mrs. Nettie (Prcscott), 18 Vt. Spencer Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Shepley, Mrs. Marcella. Smith, Erdix, Davenport, Iowa. Sherman, Mrs. Geo., Janesville, Smith, Rose, 46 Catherine St., Wis. New York, N. Y.

Sherman, L. J., Hanover, N. H. Smith, M. A., Tapleyville, Mass. Sherman, Celia, Royalton, Vt. Smith, Augustus. Topsfield, Mass. Shute, Alward B., Lynnfield Cen- Smith, Roswell T., 26 Temple St., tre, Mass. Nashua, N. H., Silver, Frank W., West Hartford, Smith, Mrs. Cynthia (Egerton), Vt. Norwich, Vt. Silver, Mrs. (care of Miss H, Smith, Lura, West Fairlee, Vt. Smith), 36 Tompkins Place, Smith, Hannah E., 36 Tompkins Brooklyn, N. Y. Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Simonds, Mary E., Thetford Cen- Smith, Arthur P., Waltham, Mass. tre, Vt. Smith, George W., White River Simonds, Mamie A., Thetford Junction, Vt. Centre, Vt. Smith, William, Post Mills, Vt. Simonds, Mrs. Dwight, Lebanon, Smith, Mrs. Delia (Roberts), N. H. Strafford, Vt. Simonds, Mrs. Frank, Lebanon, Smith, Mrs. Nellie (Emerson), N. H. Lebanon, N. H. Slack, Helen M., Norwich, Vt. Snow, Park, 238 Savin Hill Ave., Slack, Albert D., Palmyra, Wis. Dorchester, Mass. Slack, Mrs. Addie (Howe), Pal- Snow, Jennie C, Cheyenne, Wy. myra, Wis. Snow, Mrs. Laura, Manchester, Slade, Mrs. Helen (Palmer), N. H. Thetford, Vt. Snow, Nellie, Manchester, N. H. Slade, Mary E., Thetford, Vt. Snow, E. P., Cheyenne, Wy. Slade, Rev. William, Williams- Snow, P. E., Sidney, Neb. town, Mass. Snow, Delbert R., Union Village, Slade, Helen F. (University of Vt. Vermont), 35 Colchester Ave., Southworth, Mrs. Ella (Fairfield), Burlington, Vt. Post Mills, Vt. 201

Southworth, Minnie P., Post Stone, Benjamin, Walla Walla, Mills, Vt. Wash. Southworth, Frank, Post Mills, Vt. Stoors, H. Hinckley, Lyme, N. H. Southworth, Harry H., West Fair- Stoors, Fannie D., Lyme, N. H. lee, Vt. Storrs, Mrs. Julia E. (Steele), Southworth, Jennie M., West Hanover, N. H. Fairlee, Vt. Stow, Newton E., Mechanics Southworth, A. H., West Fairlee, Falls, Maine. Vt. Stowe, Silas E., Grafton, Mass.

Southworth, E. G., Bradford, Vt. Stowell, , Union Village, Vt. Southworth, Mrs. E. G., Bradford, Stratton, Mrs. Louise (Coburn), Vt. Fairlee, Vt. Spear, Mrs. Lucie M. (Ains- Stratton, C. C, Fitchburg, Mass. worth), Hartland, Vt. Straw, Mrs. Emma (Stevens), Spencer, Katharine, Hanover Cen- Lyme, N. H. tre, N. H. Strong, Charles, Van Wert, O. Stacy, George E., Vershire, Vt. Strong, Mrs. C. C, Van Wert, O. Stark, Edward, Lyme, N. H. Swan, Dr. W. E. C, Stoughton, Steele, Carl F., Lyme, N. H. Mass. Steele, George, D.D., Millbury, Sweatt, Mrs. Hester A., Webster, Mass. N. H. Stetson, Chas., North Thetford, Swett, Rev. Chas. Vt. Swett, Mrs. Celesta (Messer). Stetson, E. A., Butler Hospital, Swift, Mrs. Isabella (Babcock), Providence, R. L Wellesley Hills, Mass. Stevens, Ida B., Pompanoosuc, Vt. Stevens, Samuel H., Pompanoo- Talbot, Mrs. Mary E,, 58 Dover suc, Vt. St., Lowell, Mass. Stevens, Samuel C, Pompanoo- Talcott, Mrs. M. A. (Newton), suc, Vt. P. O. box 1445, Providence, Stevens, Austin H., Pompanoo- R. I. suc, Vt. Tappan. Mrs. James S., Abbots- Stevens, Mabel, Thetford, Vt. ford Inn, Los Angeles, Cal. Stevens, Frank, Thetford, Vt. Taylor, Grace G., St. Johnsbury, Stevens, Edward B., North Thet- Vt. ford, Vt. Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth (Johnson),

Stevens, J. T. M., West Fairlee, care of M. M. Johnson, Pension Vt. Office, Washington, D. C. Stevens, Chas., West Fairlee, Vt. Taylor, Mrs. Mabel, Newbury, Stevens, Mrs. L. (Cook), Thet- Vt. ford Centre, Vt. Taylor, Josiah, East Thetford, Vt. Stevens, Mrs. Addie, Western Tavlor, Mrs. Sophia (Tilden), Springs, 111. East Thetford, Vt. Stevens, Rev. T. A., Keokuk, Taylor, Fred, East Thetford, Vt. N. Y. Taylor, Mrs. Daisy (Wilder), East Stevens, Sarah, Boston, Mass. Thetford, Vt. Stoddard, Mrs. Lou M., Wil- Taylor, Mrs. G. A. (Marietta mington, Ohio. Lord), Alameda, Cal. Stone, Isabella (Mrs. L. W.), Teele, Mrs. Sarah (Dearborn), Anita, Cass Co., la. Atlantic, la. 202

Tenney, John F.. Federal Point, Tolman, Olivia, Arlington, Mass. Fla. Topliffe, Hon. Elijah M,, Man- Tenney, Mrs. Luan (Senter) chester, N. H. West Lebanon, N. H. Topliffe, Ellen A., Manchester, Tenney, Myrida, Hanover Centre, N. H. N. H. Townsend, Mrs. Sarah H., 14^ Tenney, Alice L., 35 West Cedar Dix St., Worcester, Mass. St., Boston, Mass. Townsend, Thomas C, 151 Fourth Tenney, William, Coupeville, Ave., New York City, N. Y. Wash. Tracy, Mrs. Marcia (Paine), Tun- Tenney, Rev. L. B., Essex, Vt. bridge, Vt. Tenney, Hon. A. W., 206 Broad- Tracy, S. A., Windsor, Vt.

way, New York City. Tracy, J. B., Milton, Rock Co., Terry, James, Lyme, N. H. Wis.

Thayer, J. C. B., Northfield, Vt. Tracy, W. W., care D. M. Ferry Thayer, F. P., Littleton, N. H. & Co., Detroit, Mich. Thayer, Darwin, Fredonia, N. Y. Trask, Samuel, Peabody, Mass. Thomas, C. N., Attleboro' Falls, Trescott, Bernice, Thetford, Vt. Mass. Trescott, Nellie, Thetford, Vt. Thomas, Mrs. Evan (Inez Derby), Tucker, William, Thetford Centre, Ludlow, Vt. Vt.

Thomas, Emory J., Lewiston, Me. Tucker, Mrs. Terra, Thetford Cen- Thompson, Barbara, West Fair- tre, Vt. lee, Vt. Tucker, Mrs. Hattie (Cutting), Thompson, Thomas, West Fair- West Newbury, Vt. lee, Vt. Turner, Thomas B., Craftsbury, Thompson, Horace W., Moore, Vt. Thompson & Co., Bellows Falls, Turner, Edgar, Olcott, Vt. Vt. Turner, A. V., Union Village, Vt. Thompson, Mrs. Harriet (Watson), Turner, Will, Union Village, Vt. North Woburn, Mass. Turner, Bela, East Thetford, Vt. Thompson, Laurentia (Blackmer), Turner, Bell, Thetford Cen- Myra' Rockford, 111. tre, Vt. Thurston, Mrs. Frances (Kinney), Turner, Leon A., Hanover, N. H. Barre, Vt. Turner, Frank S., North Thetford, Thurston, Mrs. Emma (New- Vt. comb), Olcott, Vt. Turner, David, Montague City, Tiffany, William B., Providence, Mass. R. I. Turner, Fred, Post Mills, Vt. Tilden, Mrs. (Slafter), East Thet- Turner, Charles, 18 Otis St., ford, Vt., care of Josiah Taylor. Medford, Mass. Tilden, Clinton A., Pompanoosuc, Tuttle, Alonzo T., 80 Holland St., Vt. West Somerville, Mass. Titus, Bertha, South Straflord, Vt. Tyler, Mrs. Sarah (Knight), 303 Titus, Gertrude B., South Straf- Jewett St., Manchester, N. H. ford, Vt. Titus, Ray, South Strafford, Vt. LMall, H. H., LIniversity of Ver- Titus, M. C, Vershire, Vt. mont, Burlington, Vt. Titus, Mrs. Stella (Smith), Mon- Underwood, Mrs. B. J. (Porter), tague City, Mass. Hillsdale, Mich. 203

Vaughan, G. Leslie, Thetford, Vt. Ware, Mrs. Ida (Lyon), South \'aughan, Mrs. Emogene (Lyman), Fairlee, Vt. Thetford. Vt. Ware, Daniel A., North Thetford, \'aughan, G. Allison, Thetford, Vt. Vt. Ware, Viola, Lyme, N. H. Vaughan, Christine H., Thetford, Ware, Willard H., 133-135 Dud- Vt. ley St., Boston, Mass. Vaughan, A. Lettie, Thetford, Vt. Ware, Eugene, 83 Milk St., Bos- Vaughan, Chas. A., 28 William ton, Mass. St., Worcester, Mass. Ware, Mrs. Ella (Lyon), 83 Milk Vaughan, Octavia H., 28 William St., Boston, Mass.

St., Worcester, Mass. Ware, Mrs. B. C. ( Heath), Vaughan, Arthur S., 28 William Aurora, 111. St., Worcester, Mass. Ware, Mrs. Wyman, Hamilton, Vaughan, G. Lyman, 28 Grove Province of Ontario. St.. Worcester, Mass. Warren, Mrs. Chas. (May E. Vaughan, A. H., West Shrews- Colby), Fairlee, Vt. bury, Mass. Warren, L. D., Medford, Mass. Vaughan, Frank, W., Franklin, Washburn, Calvin R., Salem, Mass. Mass. Vaughan, D. Albert, Box 246, Waterman, Arthur A., Vershire,Vt. Guilford, Conn. Watson, Mrs. Belle (Morrill), Wallace, Mrs. Mary S., Newbury, Lowell, Mass. Vt. Welb, Mrs. George (Laura Stark), Walker, Dr. A. C, Greenfield, Westfield, Mass. Mass. Webster, Mrs. Rachel (Taylor), Walker, Mrs. Maria (Grant), Atlantic, Cass Co., la. Greenfield, Mass. Webster, Willard W., Conn. Walker, Mrs. Mary (Lathrop), Weeks, Mrs. Wm., Lebanon, N. H. Chelsea, Vt. Weirs, Mrs. Amelia (Knight), Walker, Mrs. Martha (Gile), Lit- Winstead, Conn. tleton, N. H. Welch, John, Thetford, Vt. Walker. Myrtle. Strafford, Vt. Welch, Richard, Thetford, Vt. Walker, Gertrude, Strafford, Vt. Weld, Mrs. Jas. E., (Kate Leland), Walker, Kate, Strafford, Vt. 2 Swan St., Arlington, Mass. Walworth, James J., Hotel Alex- Weller, D. A, 2 I St., N. W.,

ander, 1 761 Washington St., Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Wells, Mrs. Katie, Grafton, Mass. Ward, Mrs. Hiram (Goldie Clogs- Welton, Annie M., South Corinth, ton), Strafford, Vt. Vt. Ward, William H., Amherst, West, Mrs. Chas., South Royal- Mass. ton, Vt.

Ware. Mrs. Francena (Heath), 83 West, Mary J., Barre, Vt. Arlington St., South Framing- West, Mrs. Frank E. (Emogene ham, Mass. Slack), 359 Main St., Maiden, Ware, Mrs. Mary (Marston), South Mass. Fairlee, Vt. West, Hiram, Vershire, Vt. Ware, Mrs. Lucretia (Palmer), Wheatlev, Nathaniel, Brookfield, South Fairlee, Vt. Vt.

Ware, Hiram, South Fairlee, Vt. Wheelwright, J. F., Roanoke, 111. 204

Whipple, Ernest C, Lyme, N. H. Willoughby, Sadie E., Thetford Whipple, Mrs. L. D., Box 457, Centre, Vt. Lowell, Mass. Willoughby, Clara, Thetford Cen- Whipple, S. F., Box 457, Lowell, tre, Vt. Mass. Willoughby, W. A., Thetford, Whipple, Mrs. Chas., Peabody, Centre, Vt. Mass. Wilmot, Chas. S., East Thetford. Whipple, Gertrude, Lyme, N. H. Vt. Whitcher, L. E., Highmore, S. D. Wilmot, Joseph, East Thetford, Whitcomb, Fred H., West Fair- Vt. lee, Vt. Wilmot, M. A., Sloan, la. Whitcomb, Mrs. Ella (Walker), Wilmot, T. B., West Concord, Underhill, Vt. N. H. White, Fred A., 137 West 104th Wilmot, Haviland D., Denver, St., N. Y. City. Col. White, Hon. Randall H., 173 Wilmot, Mrs. Florence (McCole), Clark St., Chicago, 111. Denver, Col. White, Kate, 1328 Corcoran St., Wilmot, John Fayette, Franklin. Washington, D. C. N. H. Whittier, Mrs. Lizzie S., Scythe- Wilmot, C. L., North Danville, ville, N. H. Va. Whittemore, Nellie, Wentworth, Wilmot, Allyn B. (Yale Law

N. H. School), 1 24 1 Chapel St., New Whittemore, Mrs. Elizabeth Haven, Conn. (Denny), Northfield, Vt. Wilmot, Lillian S., Olcott, Vt. Whitsun, Mrs. Robt. (Hattie Wilmot, Lucius P., Groton, Mass. Huntington), Pembina, N. D. Wilmot, Allen C. Olcott, Vt. Wilcox, Kate, Post Mills, Vt. Wilson, H. H., Canaan, N. H. Wilcox, Anna, Lyman School, Wilson, Mrs. Susan (Porter), 17 Westborough, Mass. Tremont St., Lawrence, Mass. Wilcox, Mary, Lyman School, Windsor, E. G., Providence, R. I. Westborough, Mass. Windsor, James A. (Rookery), Wilcox, H. F., North Thetford, Chicago, 111.

Vt. Winter, Ira W., Croydon, N. H. , Wilcox, Mrs. Mary A. (Ladd), Winter, Mrs. Elizabeth (Putnam), Post Mills, Vt. Croydon, N. H. Wilde, Mrs. Joseph D., Melrose, Winter, Mrs. Lorinda (Stewart), Mass. Marshfield, Vt. Willard, Isaac, Orford, N. H. Winslow, Wm., Ely, Vt. Willard, Mrs. Mary G. (Thayer), Winslow, Wm., Lyme, N. H. North Hartland, Vt. Withington, Moses, Hanover,

Williams, J. I., Lancaster, N. H. N. H. Williams, Mrs. Mary (Morse), Wiswell, Mrs. Fred H., 3810 Lancaster, N. H. Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. Williams, Mrs. Mary E. (Wor- Wolf, Mrs. Flora C, 21 Hancock cester), Muscogee, I. T. St., Boston, Mass. Willoughby, Henry, Thetford Cen- Woodard, Ellen, South Royalton, tre, Vt. Vt.

Willoughby, Mrs. Henry ( Woodward, Emma S., Lyme, Porter), Thetford Centre, Vt. N. H. 205

Woodworth, Prof. H. P., Grand Worthen, Louise M. W., Han- Forks, N. D. over, Woodworth, Mrs. Phebe (Clark), Worthen, Col. Harry, Hanover, Grand Forks. N. D. N. H. Worcester, Dr. William L., 306 Worthen, John (C. E.), South East 1 6th St., New York City. Pasadena, Cal. Worcester, C. E., Burnham Worthen, Judge Jos. H., Kansas School, Northampton, Mass. City, Mo. Worcester, Jennie S., Normal Wright, Mrs. Harriet (Cummings), Institute, Hampton, Va. Bradford, Vt. Worcester, Prof. Dean C, Uni- Weight, AsaR., Moville, la. versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Yarrington, Ena, Thetford, Vt. Worcester, Harry E., 192 Sum- Young, Hiram C, Washington mer St., Boston, Mass. Market, Boston, Mass. Worcester. Eleanor B., Thetford, Young, Augustus G., 22 Moulton Vt. St., Boston, Mass. Worcester, Geo. S., Thetford, Vt. Young, William, Corinth, Vt. Worcester. Mrs. G. S., Thetford, Young, Erastus, No. 1830 26th Vt. St., South Minneapolis, Minn. Worthen, Prof. T. W. D. (Dart- Young, George S., Windsor, Vt. mouth College), Hanover, N. H. Young, Mrs. Geo. S., Windsor, Vt. Whole number of names, 1454.

Trustees of Thetford Academy; their action with reference to its enlargement and endowment ; the committee appointed for carrying out this purpose, and this appeal.

Hon. E. P. George, President West Fairlee.

Gen. John Eaton, Ph. D., LL. D. . Washington.

Hon. Thomas W. Bicknell, LL. D. Providence, R. I. Hon. Gilbert E. Hood, A. M. Lawrence, Mass. Prof. Thomas W. D. Worthen, A. M. Hanover, N. H. Frank P. Goulding Worcester, Mass. H. H. Gillett, M. D. Post Mills, Vt.

S. K. Berry . North Thetford. Rev. S. V. McDuffie, A. M. Thetford.

William H. Long . Fairlee, Vt.

F. E. Garey, Treasurer . Thetford. William L. Paine, M. D. Thetford.

J. J. Conant . North Thetford.

H. P. Cummings . North Thetford. George S. Worcester, Secretary Thetford, Vt. The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the trustees of Thetford Academy held October 20, 1894:

Whereas, It is desirable and proper in calling upon the alumni of the Academy for pecuniary assistance, to furnish all possible assurance that the sums contributed will be judici- ously expended, be it

Resolved, That the following named persons, viz.: Gilbert E- Hood of Lawrence, Mass., Hiram Orcutt of Boston, Mass., Mrs- Isabella Babcock Swift of Wellesley Hill, Mass., H. W. Thomp- son of Bellows Falls, Vt., O. C. Blackmer and Perkins Bass of

Chicago, 111., A. W. Tenney and Mrs. Sue White McKay of New York, Dr. William S. Palmer of Norwichtown, Conn., and Henry A. Merrill of Cincinnati be invited to act with Messrs. Gen. John Eaton, Thomas W. Bicknell, Thomas W. D. Worthen, and George S. Worcester, committee of this board in raising funds for the benefit of the Academy, and that they be authorized to add to their number any other persons, formerly students of the Academy, whom they may think desirable, provided the total number of the joint committee as thus constituted shall not exceed twenty-five. Resolved, That the joint committee constituted as aforesaid, be authorized to retain custody of the funds to be raised by them and to expend or invest them at their discretion for the benefit of Thetford Academy, subject to the approval of this board, until such alterations and additions to the buildings as may be thought advisable shall be completed and the remaining funds permanently invested. WHAT WE PROPOSE.

The committee appointed to raise funds for Thetford Acad- emy have decided, with the concurrence of the trustees, on the

following course : Two thirds, at least, of the amount raised shall be invested as a permanent fund for payment of the expenses of the school. The first essential of a good school is good teachers. Unless one third of the sum subscribed is deemed sufficient for the construction of a new school building or a sufficient sum for that purpose is provided from other sources, the present building shall be refitted. If the amount reaches $36,000 a new school building shall be constructed, and the old building fitted up as a dormitory, or for other school purposes.

By vote of the board of trustees this committee is to have full control of such funds and to decide all questions relating to the manner of their expenditure until the alterations and additions to the buildings are completed, and the permanent fund in- vested. Gilbert E. Hood of Lawrence, Mass., has been appointed treasurer of the committee, and is to have custody of the funds until they are finally expended.

George S. Worcester of Thetford has been appointed secre- tary of the committee, to whom correspondence should be addressed. Shall Thetford Academy continue to be a power for good, a school of the highest aims, with healthful surroundings, in a simple but modern and beautiful building, with a new vigor, and a new life, coming from the memories of the past and the in- terest of the present?

It certainly may be. Will not we to whom it has meant, and still means, so much, say it shall be ?

The school has been kept up all these years, and continues to manifest the characteristics of earlier times, but it greatly needs new buildings and a moderate permanent fund. Are there not among those who have been scholars or teachers 208 there, and among those who have been and still are interested in the institution, those who will meet something like the follow- ing conditions, provided that not less than $30,000 shall be raised for this purpose before the close of 1896?

10 persons who will contribute $1,000 each, or more. 20 persons who will contribute $500 each, or more. 100 persons who will contribute $100 each, or more. 1000 persons who will contribute $50, $25, or $10 each, or more. Let no one hesitate because their amount must be small. And will not every former teacher or pupil, or friend of Thet- ford Academy, whose eyes meet these pages consider himself or herself one to whom these questions are asked ? And will not each correspond with and communicate to any officer or member of the committee herein named, such sugges- tions as occur to each, and such promise of aid as each can make ? And further will not all who feel an interest in this work and whose judgments approve of the effort, join at once the army of workers, and communicate with all known to them, and likely to be interested who may not see this, and send to the secretary or treasurer all the advice, all the money, and all the promises they find ? GILBERT E. HOOD, Lawrence, Mass., Treasurer.

GEORGE S. WORCESTER, Thetford, Vt., Secretary.



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