1932-10-01 [P A-9]
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I _ BETHANY BAPTIST TOPIC (Earb of (Tljattka. Stated. LATE SUMMER BRIDE BROWN. BERTHA A. We with to thank LEWIS. HARRY. On Thursday, September our relatives and BY VIRGINIA PASTOR friendg for their kind 29. 1932, at his residence. 322 D st. s.w., THE STORY OF RUTH offerings and beautiful floral tributes dur- HARRY, the devoted husband of Mary ing the sickness and death of our devoted ——— in ——mi—i ■■■■■■■■■■■ Lewis, father of Ethel Dyson. John, Wil- wife, mother and Mrs. Rev. G. R. Tureman Will Discuss lister. BERTHA A. liam and Edna Lewis and brother of SOCIETY BROWN. THE FAMILY. Marie Coates. Virgin Williams and Adam. Ambrose and Reuben Lewis. Remains “Supernatural Work of resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral Stalk*. church. 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of fu- Feted Mrs. Hoover a Christian.” BRENT. ROBERT. Departed this life Wed- neral later. Cabinet Hostesses by nesday. September 28. 1832. at 6:43 a it at OalUnaer Hospital. ROBERT BRENT LOCHTE. MART A. On Friday. September At Bethany Baptist Church tomor- He leaves to mourn their loss a loving 30 at her residence in Rockville. Md., Afternoon in tbe row Rev. G. R. Tureman of Village, Va., wife. Emma Brent; a sister. Eltsabetn MARY A. LOCHTE. aged 77 years, wife of Yesterday Drama Will Be Hatch, and a host of other relatives and the late Charles A. Lochte. She Is sur- Religious will at 11 a m. and 8 The preach p.m. friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford s vived by one daughter Maud M. Lochte. morning theme, “The Supernatural funeral parlora. Notice of funeral later. and five sons. Eugene C.. Carlton O., Jos- eph A.. Alvin 8. and P. Lochte. Theater Work of a and in the eve- BROWN. CHARLES C. Suddenly, on Tues- Raymond White House. Given at Sylvan Christian,” Funeral services at St. Mary's day, September 27. 1932. at Naval Hos- Church, ning. “Why Did Jesus Have to Die?” Rockville, Md., at 9 am. Oc- CHARLES C., devoted husband of Monday, The Sunday school will hold Promotion tober 3. 2* Tomorrow. SltaJ,fa Brown, loving brother of Nellie A. day exercise at 9:30 a.m. The following Brown, brother-in-law of Emma Brown MeCANtfA. HOOVER entertained the of the Winter, going later to Rome and CHARLES B. On Pridav. 8ep, are to be graduated from the junior to the and nephew of Annie Kelley He leaves tember 30. 1932. CHARLES B beloved of the cab- Milan. other relative! and Sun- son wives of members intermediate Barrin- friends. Funeral of the late Thomas and Ann McCan- after- department: Betty day. October 2. at 130 pm., from New na and brother of Miles P. McCanna. inet at tea yesterday A. of Fu- Mrs. W. Wayne Wlrgman and her Dr. Allen Stockdale, pastor ger. Margaret Carlisle, Thelma Gheen, Bethel Baptist Church. <th and S sts. n w. neral from the W. W. Chambers funeral noon in the White House, the Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis home. MRS. daughters. Miss Atlee Wlrgman and First Congregational Church, will speak Betty Holt, Margaret Thompson, Mary- 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. not as funeral church. 1432 U st. n until Sat- October : group being complete, the at the presentation of belle Woodward. Rob- w„ 3. at 8 30 a m thence to Sacred of Miss Polly Wlrgman, have given up prologue Dorothy Frazier, urday noon, thereafter at hts late resi- Heart Church. 16th and Park road n w Mrs. Mills, wife of the Secretary of at 4 their at Florence Courts and “The Story Ruth" tomorrow ert Zier, Reginald Goodman. Billy Hol- dence. 1319 8 st. n.w. at 9 a m w here reouiem mass will be said has not returned from apartment Tor the Treasury, o’clock in the Theater, at the Vernon Wil- s the repose of his soul Relatives and and have taken an apartment at 1870 Sylvan combe, Hugh McLaughlin, BROWN. CHARLES C. The Elder Men her Summer home, on Long Island, Relief Association announces the death of friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet avenue. Washington Monument, when, under liams, James Ireland. Garland Brite, of the Secretary of Wyoming CHARLES C. BROWN on September 27. Cemetery. 2 Mrs. Hyde, wife the direction of the Committee on Re- Larence and Robert Leuk- at Ballenger 193* Funeral on Sunday. October 2. from CHARLES. on is in her home, of the Suddenly, Friday, Agriculture, Mrs. John Henry MacCracken and lilgious Drama and Pageantry hardt. Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S sts. n.w., September 30, 1932. at his residence, on Trenton, Mo. at 1 30 Miss Louise MacCracken returned yes- Washington Federation of Churches, an The following will be promoted from p.m. Highway near Bladensburg, Md.. Mrs. wife of the new Secre- H. H. NAYLOR. President. CHARLES. beloved husband of Sadi# Chapin, terday to Washington after a Summer outdoor vesper song and drama service the intermediate to the J. C. who came to Wash- department BCRLIB. Secretary. Mower. Notice of funeral hereafter. 2 tary of Commerce, in Maine and are at their at will be held, in which more than 70 apartment young people’s: Margaret Barringer, CASE, FRANCIS M. On Friday, September POWELL. ANNIE LOUISE. On Friday. a week took her place in take Sep- ington ago, the Shoreham. church players and singers will Evelyn Purdum. Mary Thornton, Dor- 30, 1932. at 1 pm. PRANCIS M beloved tember 30, 1932. ANNIE LOUISE POWELL. for the first time. the little group part, representing more than 10 con- othy Cooke. Dorothy Luce, Virginia husband of Elizabeth Case. Funeral Mon- Funeral services at the Presbyterian day, October 3, at 11 a m., from the fu- Home. 1818 Newton st. n.w on Mrs. Charles J. Williamson enter- in the city. and Earline Sunday. gregations Shipp Brite. neral home of George W. Wise Co.. 2900 October 2. at 3:30 pm Ar- and Mrs. Stimson Will tained a small at luncheon Interment Secretary company The opening service will be con- Miss Rose Grisette, Miss Dorothy M st. n w. Relatives and frlenda invited. lington National Cemetery. 2* Spend Week End in Pennsylvania. today at the Rossdhu Castle Club. ducted a group of pas- and Miss Interment Darnestown. Md. 2 by Washington Pearson, Olive Stephens are SMITH. EVELYN MAE. Suddenly. Thurs- and Mrs. will be CLAY. MARY E. Departed this life on The Secretary of State tors; the invocation delivered the teachers of these day September 29. at 3 25 a m., at Mrs. who is graduates. Thursday, September 29, 1932, at Gallinger th# this Guy Norman, remaining Rev. H. H. D. Sterrett and the bene- residence of her mother. Falls Church. Henry L. Stimson left Washington by Hospital, after a brlsf illness. MARY E. late in her Summer home at Va EVELYN MAE SMITH, aged 19 years, motor for Devon. Pa., Newport, diction Dr. Stockdale. Dr. W. L. CLAY (nee Lee). She leaves to mourn morning by by beloved daughter of Huey and Gussi# will be hostess at luncheon there tomor- their loss a devoted husband. James Cl'y: will be over Sunday executive secretary of the Fed- Smith. Funeral services where they guests Darby, foster mother. Lenore Mitchell: three sis- at the Second row. “LORD’S SUPPER” IS TOPIC Baptist Church. Falls Church. Va Sun- of former Senator and Mrs. George eration of Churches, will preside at the ters. three brothers and a host of other day, October 2. at 2 service another relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. pm Friends and Wharton Pepper. Mr. and prominent clergy- relatives Invited. Second Edson Bradley, formerly of Wash- October 2. at 2 p m from Barbour Bros.’ Interment Bap- man will read the Psalm of the after- OF DR. JAMES H. TAYLOR tist Church Cemetery. 1* ington, closed his Summer home, Sea- funeral home. 48 K st. n.e. Interment Interior and noon. TAYLOR. DR. T. The Secretary of the view Terrace, at Newport, and returned Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 2 RAMSAY. Friday. Sep- of Choral music Memorial tember 30. 1932. st 9 p m.. at his resi- Mrs. Ray Lyman Wilbur were guests to New York. by Douglas CYVINSKI. FRANCES. Suddenly, on Fri- Communion to Be Observed at Cen- 1932. at Garfleld Hos- dence. Fairfax. Va DR. T RAMSAY TAY- at luncheon of Mr. George Church Choir and Luther Place Me- day. September 30. LOR. honor today FRANCES CYVINSKI. Remtlns rest- aged 59 years, son of the late Thomas morial Church Choir will be an im- pital. O. and Anna F. Pollard at Skyland, Va. Secretary Mrs. William Laird Dunlop, jr., en- tral Presbyterian Church ing at Saffells chapel. 5th and H sts. Smith Taylor of Aldie. Va. He was a resident of Norfolk. 35 and Mrs. Wilbur, accompanied by As- tertained a small at dinner portant part of the service, in which n.w. Interment Staten Island. N. Y. Va.. for company years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. of the Mr. the audience will be asked to join. A Tomorrow. FILLER. ADA G. On Thursday. September sistant Secretary Interior, last evening in compliment to her Carrie Dudley Taylor and one daughter. ADA O. FULLER, aged 82 years. H. Edwards, made the over Senora Luis Antonsante of male quartet will be directed by Charles 29. 1932, Mrs. Thomas P. Chapman. Jr., of Fairfax; John trip cousin, Funeral services at her late residence. Whitten. Rev. Edward Goetz, At the Central Church four sisters, Mrs. Milton B. Hutchison and the new Blue Skyland Drive Puerto Rico. pastor Presbyterian 3410 17th st. n.w., on Monday. October 3, Ridge Mrs.