PI f11 ...... "I .t . .. 11T irvr r:-trs=r--n -r- CT., VI * , IrI ,r I -. VOL uM, Y:t NUMBER,46 iTUESDAY, NOVYEMBER 9,'1971 MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS FIVE CENTS -- · llllll*SI~I I [ I I-7 - - - -I -I I l Ia _ .. . Nixon bares Wiesner letter

By- Paul Schindler Nixon's policy in both areas, "courageous steps [which] will The Nixon administration has be landmarks." released-part of its ongoing cor- respondence. with MIT President Wiesner went on to-'explain Jerome Wiesner. The letter, one his theory that major progress of several that Wiesner has can be made only by major written to the President in the breaks with the status quo. last three years, was slightly fa- Small steps only result in in- II vorable. The others, as a whole, creased resistance from estab- were not. lished forces, Wiesner con- tended. The academic community has not been noted for praise of Wiesner concluded by con- Nixon and his policies. Wiesner gratulating the President, and is now one of the very few major _by~~~~~~~~~"t by b do L~owenthat- mailed,the letter October 4. college leaders to endorse any On October 29, the President Administration polioy publicly, replied, saying "before any more and the White House, when re- time passes, I wanted you to 'oves Huma~n-I itimacy leasing both Wiesner's letter and know how deeply I appreciate the President's reply, stated that your support:.. "He closed by the correspondence had "some noting that Wiesner's encourage- -President Jerome B. Wiesner concludes sex-lectures significance," in order to obtain ment and confidence mean "a By Bert HIstead more publicity., great deal to me." himself, when contacted late Nathaniel Branden (above) noted objectivist philosopher, unoffi- Landmarks -Former critic? Sunday hight, said "that's not really accurate." cially brought last spring's lecture series on Human Sexuality to a In his letter to the President, iWhile some papers (See p.l, close last Thursday night.' Wiesner congratulated Nixon for Boston Globe, Nov. 7, 1971) "I still think that we aren't The lecture was not billed as part of the series due to financial his "recent and dramatic ac,- concluded from this singular epi- being pulled out of 'Vietnam nonparticipation on the partof the Dean for Student Affair's office, tions" on the. economy and on sode that Wiesner is now a ."for- quickly enough,"-Wiesner noted, "'and I don't think according to spokesmen -for LSC. It complied closely the China question.,, He called mer critic" of Nixon, Wiesner we should with the build the ABM. But I will con- proposed topic for the final, tiiinue to judge this or any other undelivered, sex lecture: "Love D S m administration issue by issue as and Human Intimacy." -a u '' issues come up." Branden, a well-known . "Some are making too much psychologist, filled Kresge Audi- By orman-San to confront real situations projects dealing torum-. t'on-thrd,-of-cpactyBy Norman Sandler with application of -this recent letter," Wiesner ltorium to one-third of capacitby Many people can still recall and will provide a valuable of engineering to relevant prob- for the Jlecture -;"Romantic Love the excitement that centered supplement added, "because I have been to other aca- lems, founded by a group of trying to get the administration . Neurosis or Rational Ideal?', around -the Clean- Air Car Race demic -activities. university administrators, includ- to.change its China policy for a It was:f.~attenpt to ptrsent, in, CAR,), a comripetition between b) "To stimulate and pro- ing MIT Chancellor Paul Gray. two and a halfxhours, iisexpak va-: 'Sc.oltot'p rd";e *.-t long time. I have considered it a .. me re'...i.. .thae,projec. nt.oriend,d: ... Proposals_itrLetie_ in _the -bad-policy-for -quite -awhile.'- natio ':tion-ofor np -thee phenomenonhenomenon ofox car emitting the c16anest exhaust approach-- to- a contemporary UVDC are due by December 1st romantic love. The talk was in a race from the'east coast to problem in engineering educa- of this year, with final competi- In the recent past, Wiesner kavened throughoutuwith quotes the west coast last year. tion-.. to execute a student- tion in August of next year, at a has written letters critical of designied'.tioam'use the audiene, the duce-, The Urban -Vehicle Design oriented program requiring yet unselected site. Those inter- ABM, nuclear testing and the such as, "It is better to love the Competition (UVDC)is aimed at cooperation with and among ested in obtaining further infor- Vietnam war, none of which wives of others not at all, and the increasingly alarming prob- industry, government, and m atron should contact the have been publicly released to one's own not too much-, lem of urban transit, including acadenmia which ultimately UVDC, Room E40-250, x6833. date. att ributed to the early emission control to some extent. benefits society." Christians. Ironically, MIT has not sub- Another objective listed by Branden began with a brief mitted an entry to competition, the committee. was to promote Termpaper mills: might survey of the history of the the deadline for which cooperation within teams from concept- of romantic love, show--: Deceme1.mber i. the same school. This was said to ing that it is a relatively recent' The objectives of the compe-I be an innovation in engineering development and is still u tition, as stated in the "Urban education, since most educa- dollars dupe scholars? known in many cultures. He Vehicle Design Competition tional processes now encourage described ancient Greece and competition rather than cooper- By Seth Stein International Termpapers, Inter- Rules" are two-fold: "We give results," claim the Rome and the Middle Ages,- a) ative efforts between students. national Research, Universal "To stimulate a project ubiquitous college newspaper ad- Termpapers, and showing the motivations each oriented approach The UVDC is being sponsored the newly- in engi-. vertisements. The company is formed Superior Termpapers. society had for its ideas about neering. education which by a new non-profit corporation will Termpapers Unlimited, Inc., and Most offer similar rates and ser- sex and love. He then explained incorporate ecological and named Student Competition on the changes (e.g., the Industrial social considerations as a Relevent Engineering (SCORE), it is the largest of several -com- vices - copies of papers on file mercial termpaper-writing Revolution) which haed made basis in the design process. formed to promote inter- ser- or specially written ones. They vices in the Boston area. will take a detailed (Please turn to page 2) This will encourage students university student-originated Despite description unfavorable publicity, they re- of the subject, use any specific o main the best example references the customer supplies, k- of the most unabashed illicitude on and in a week, "research, write, t, campus since marihuana. and type" the paper to order. For $2.50 a page, the be- These companies usually pro- leagured' student can choose mise to destroy the customers' from' the extensive listings of names within the month, but to these companies, keep records of their schools, I whose files in- clude papers on such esoteric instructors, and courses to pre- topics as "The Civil Code Sys- vent overlapping. tem of Louisiana," "Education MIT has not yet had major in Preo-Communist China," "The problems with the:commercially Clinical Bases of Mental Retarda- written term papers. Professor tion," and "The Sociological and Louis Braida, a member of the Political Impact of Balzac." Or, Discipline Committee, told The for a higher rate per page, one Tech that no such cases had I can have papers custom-written. been formally brought to the Committee's attention. Those The Great Court-jester; 60,554- votes; and- Dave Termpapers, Unlimited was L'~zc' ------,founded by Ward Warren, who cases in which an instructor sus- >I --. graduated from Babson College pected plagiarism were dealt :;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'- . ':w.: i4 ' ^: last year. Warren claims that he with by the instructor himself is trying to help overworked rather than through formal pro- students by supplying "research cedures. and reference" materials. "'Since Even so, the Committee has felt sufficiently concerned to ,: , , . o:Ss % they have to retype the papers," he reasons, "they're going to put write a letter to The Tech ex- in a lot of their own ideas when plaining the official position of they do. ' He is very proud of the Institute. As the General the papers, which, he says, are Catalog says, "The attempt of written by a any student to present as his The 1971 UMOC contest attracted a total, of DeBronkart, 56,317 votes. The Jester surged out "brilliant" staff, most of whom are graduate stu.- own work any work which he 308,383 votes, a new record, all of which will be in front when Phi Beta Epsilon contributed a $100 has not performed is regarded by contributed to CARE. Pictured dents at the various universities above'are the top bill literally at the last second. T7he Tech earned 22 in the area. the Faculty as 'a most serious 'three. finishers: (from left) Ugelon, 51,483 votes; votes as a write-in candidate. Competing in the term paper offense and renders the offender Photo by Dave Vogel market are a variety of firms: .(Please turn to page 3J

IBJ 1 1111 1'1 ----- ' , _ _. -':PAGE 2 TUI.'SD.A;N0VEMBER 9, 19711

· ~,'f~on'ih~ne8]. : o6.,']"'y~:~b fom p~e m 0.C's~pr:..le: A~-nbe~mof"!

I Ii ,:e[[- 'a xmnationuof x'' g"ht loatc.-o'~ .'i.," e b' sti~n tc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~rpm-~ . :V .6~i -h f.r of.' 'psyco!"cicalneed it aghfesroe.i:one'sip Omartner, oned- ~ sc ~'alpimen, h ~d; He.' ini~~oduced. the--c"utnk:o'n-aayss ait.o oatilv elf.sxi'sca-''~leo psiq " h - nmd.in.-1 hron..ontt,. sexulepre,te 1indctu trs Cold - his-d"6g~because~~~~~~~~he.said, he had it seems, :Is--experiencing lifea s . 'that ittennpor "~]a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~psycho~~~t.0~ical', - - :Ndistve'wd thsarncil wiexaaination" of''. that "ap-reaiyo B anmaintaicneid - -'esn6..-b:th'-romantic-its love, t a t iannd'hehmnbeilfoe 'ctinhoanibut peAM..~e, -' choleal ner.eds. i..b.'lesaifesprrd 'in-haim-Ra'phz:on6s4rne.-,hse lihion; -ld who sai. A~-

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.2~~ ~~~~~~~~~- 'ta ; °7-it is A.....olgi - no.a discov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. GI:FTS/~ND:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aPIwhile'.neid ,a thspinilvalueunfupoving'teatin "-:'ind..... -" mait' Br-:e ' t p·~ .--..-:- .s Hi:::-RI dog oneHATOMday. FRYu"CNEItsC...:o...., -e.:r.h an · clus 'werpl'ossibfloe", 'c.::::.e''-.'Is --tha2--:' ' T/m' tha "t:h'::human :bein"' is a-.n floendbya" 'h lcmmw~

'se ani lov isii . Io se .u II

char':" :~d b-"'t"e resons... -.-i hi. In addition' se-i

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I ht: ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ci85So;ml¼eAveu a 3.39 eact M.B.T. '.$me~e Long islee IBONEER J)CKETS rmnent-pes II low. blue..! ~~ in V'ihal , pile front, chick~. 'Size es~i 4Bo17.Sv oUY ON E,"WHOPPER ® i 'upp warmly lined I nuxe by. bu)ying three. IL . ~~GET ONE FREE' Heavy Duty Solid & Plaid, anRwjoww 1, .--!- --$!-00 Usual ~ ~~Our famous broiled beef burger and JtI CPO. SHIRTS- F T 01" ~~~~~~~~~allthe trimmings. RU :;' ' BURGEB KING:' 4.430 ' ~~~~~~185 -Somerville Ave.,:. emorted plaids, 00%cotton NI~~ "~ldon/wool with .ijnwWiwI Ifret P~e~q. or IkMak. - .. S--M--4L--XL S-&~L;XL I TIM TECH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1971 PAGE 3 mmm I SURPLUS O-M ,FAMOUS CALORIAMAKER OF ': fonttu;edfrom Pege l) au4) of the paper,:was con it issnot-stprg :that -- thics WH~is., Hableto immediate expulsion' /; :U ct e d ',:h- ew as aroundt-b leamL: aside - the Vast majnty Of 'up snstudents decide to-write -their MVEN'S: S OTWlEAR To explore th'e uati -. thaofthat" Ui-paperhad 4 ended . . ·ermnaper- setvices wok,'The " t - nt mftoe af na i i o S-les.- he paper. own:-paper n s.- paperterm rk IbOUP_~. a copyv-of a'rive '"-" a d~ ' a**sieen-`a ob," and. he market is booming - in fact p'ge eay or&$7.00' from Inter- !had:.no t onsidered -it worth' Te.ipa-ers-2 Unlinitea has of- :-afotnal -Research, inc. The pa-.. pickngup o n ce ;i t w sa available, fices. here and in Rutherford, -- pe,;+uitable for at fresam -~-" t ' - concted, at 'Holyoke -- Center.. NJ , and is planning to go na-- '.[}suitalaI UI·or a fresh a __Huat,- : : _ _ - · '---:+;o cus,,,,~' wae -_,tife" ' :Anyone, he told The .Tech, tionwide; but despite the growth ,'Socrates on TrW T";Feter Her-- -could -havecome -in and picked of' the industry, it still: seems ;an, an instructorn the Depart- up nmany, such papers and -sold. that most' people for yea-s:to -'nt of Humanaities,'-agred to them -toternational Researcs come wll nsh to finish their flarea -eans ead nd eiuatthepape. HeThis account seems plausible; if. term papers at the last minute- -it-asrearde bekwaverg"--Only readthe.hpapero. and He~~evilufte~t because few people selling without profesonal help. -andcofsideted its inte~Potai-thefers :would leaveve b the of Socrates'-behaviors~xrml aeoteirtae COLSUMBIA UJNIVERSITY GRdAD- 2 F-R dubious "-Herman pointed otit Un'AT .SCHOOLOF BUSINESS.wil, ' ...- .' .-, ..... U e paper .may 'not - be .a- BUY TWO PAIR FOR Jthat: the.,sP~e paper,... -claim'ed'.is st _echaaut that Soc- ; epresentative sample- of those ...... hav a. ,ersnttv''~ ' -on-"~mpus,~oJca""-1 /rates "is-4he wisest because he .... v'br1 - osekwt ...... ORIG. PRICE OFONE avaulabe, and presumably cs' ---- ' -.-. ' -,,-L-.* ~;-:':I . . .knows that his'-:.- Wisdo .·,:·,, '. 'i in- ....tom-wnitten papers are',muchjcu- 'teedof...... fi m its s. Stunts truth worth nothifig" - a com- - . v es are encouraged- to A fantastic purdhase. of over '650 j.,pletemisinterpr ett.atin of'So- better Even so, given. thehIgh .'mke appoit n ne ts through the pairs of ribless. wide-wale and tweed oasIca.- praies -n' ...d uncertain'quality 'of -placement office. rates'basic~~~~~ ~ id~ ~ I corduroy jeans in 100% cotton and .The paper- turned out to have -', , , , ,· , , w . : I Dacron/cotton -blends. Choose from -western and patch pocket styles in a -been oally writte -for a' . ,Harvard tutonial -inGovermemetn . tremendous array of colors. Sizes 29 'E 5.98 to 38 waist; short, mod. and long last spnng. The:Harvard grader's lengths. comments - which' Herman :I11 - . i EAH 5.98 was not shown - were almost GERSHON KINGSLEYS exactly the'same. When 'the FIRSTMOOG--- QUARTET excl thsm. Whe 'site reglarly H^RUQED SQ. Suondav November14th 11.00 pr. 8644580 -Tues. F 'Tlu : nrgmar Bergian'Is THE TOUCH Bib 2:.? ssn.T* ElIoJtt 'Go" u all ticketn $5.50 2:15-:6:00-9:45LOVES.. •OTHER STRANGERS 4:10-7: 55' Also coming in this series: lan&Sylvia on Dec. 5th, Michael Lorirmer on January'23. Misha Dichter on March 5tlh, and BRATTLE SQ.' : the BSO Chanber Players on April 23 'Y764226 Thru Tues. Costa-Gavras' "Z 6:00-9:30 & Milo -TICKETSARE AVAILABLE AT THE cooP. Forman's- THE FIREMAN's BALl · I -,STUDE~NTDIS.COUNI1TTIC"l'I~Tq' AVAnt -ART PA&.'A r~ 8:10 Weekend Matinees 4:4A5

9UY A SERIES TICKET AND S4 VE! Moog at$5-W0eia gCENTRAL' 1.- . ALL FIVE CONCERTS'ONLY $22.00 Ian and Sylvia t $5.0 a ea I F6(-0426 40t. Week. (Indiatenumber of tickets desired) _ L irerat S5. 00 ea i)e Broca's THE KING OF. HEART' 6:30-9:45 Weekend Matinees 3: 10 '& FREE PARKlINGEPARKINGAVAILABL' AVJAILABLE- __, =stSO Chamber> .Playersev at $5.00et 00a I IVE HER THE-MOON 8:15 Week !'Clipand mail (togeterwith a check payable to AARahd a stamped I bed Matiniees 4:5S5 I .sdfaddressd envelope) to "r Aross the River",'c/oHarvard CENToRAL 2^ Businss Sdeol, Soldiers Fild Road, Boston, Massc~02163 /I 860426 IMIuid .... . I . -IIJ4MVIr- ADDR}HESS. ZIP CODE IThe Films of Buster -Keaton. One ot :he most -impoitant fidm events ot I his century. Call theatre for Pro 'i ~ TEL. NOU. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED I ms and Times. Send information For further information, call 495-6200 or write AAR. j . - . - t membership Members can obtain discount tickets by contacting AAR I T T"i I I -. T T V T V -I~ in AAR.

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183 Essex Sueet, Boston,' Mass. an equa opportunity employer M/F -ftb0 i i PAGE-4 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1971 THETECH , - l - -- ' pl.a - ::""Gra'dging p:rofs:aDe a.. c~~~~~~~illn ... ~~~-...... -,-I Our publication :last month of a stu- the economics .department's feedback respondent picks a number from I to 4; 1- Bruce Weinberg, Chairman dent evaluation of- Institute history meetings,: there-exist no- other regular representste firstresponse (poor, in thA Robert Fourer, Editor-in-Chief instructors (issues of 10122, 10129) pro- mechanisms 'in other departments to sol- case), 4 the second (good}, and-2 and.3{ Robert E~kh·,,BusinessManager voked an unusually large and varied res- icit comments on teaching from under- are intermediate degrees.- -Ed.] - A Bill Roberts, Tim .Kiorpes, ponse.- While readers generally considered graduates. ".' - - - ~ .2. Bliacckboard.Techniques (poor/good)] ManagingEditors student-organized. "feedback" valuable, I wish to point out that such a 3. Does Lee Giguere, Paul Schindler, he encourage questions ands they disagreed markedly howv it should be mechanism was conceived nearly fifteen discussions? (seldom/alrnOst always . NewsEditors organized ) Joe Kashi, Michael Fe'u'tag, . and what its value might be. years ago by Pi Tau Sigma, the mechani- 4. Ability to communicate hisideas to- Alex Makowski, Bruce Schwartz, In particular,people would especially cal engineering honorary, and has been the student (poor/good) - -- ContributingEditors like to have seen the history evaluation repeatedly conducted in that department 5 Does he stimulate your interest Randy Youmg, Brad Billetdeaux, scheme changed 'so. that {1) it concen- ever since then. Since 1968, the evalua- the subject? (very little/very much) Sports EditOrs '- trated on courses of study instead of tions have been computerized to allow 6. Continuity in his lectures (very/ Sheldon Lowenthal, Dave Vogel, instfuctors; or {2} results were distributed more extensive, coverage and quicker little/plenty) ME Photography Editors" only to the faculty involved. feedback. 7. ,Is he available for consultations "T David Searls, Arts Editor_ As an example of'(I}, we have seen an Both, individual subjects .and in- (seldom/almost alvays) - Leonard Tower, A dvertisingManager ' John Kavazanjian, EditorialConsultant evaluation of the 5.31-5.33 lab sequence structors are evaluated. An instructor is 8. How well does he -prepare for class i/ prepared last spring by five members of evaluated in regard to each particular (poorly/thoroughly) - Second-class postage .paid at Boston, Phi Lambda Upsilon, the chemistry hon- subject he teaches and all are conducted 9. Does he show interest in his- Massachusetts. The Tech is published twice orary;notably it is not based on question- separately. The Pi Tau Sigma question- teaching?(weak/strdng) · a week during, the college year, except. during college vacations, and once during naires, and it does make specific recom- naires .were expanded just last year- to 10. His pace (too slow/t oofast) the first week in August, by Tohe Tech, mendations. We hope to reprint, it in cover all graduate as well as undergrad- 11. How are his problems. chosen? Room W20-483, MIT Student Center, .84 these pages in the nearfuture. Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massa- uate subjects. (too easyltoo difficult) - E chusetts 02139. Telephone: (617) 864-6900 Members of the mechanical engin- This term the fraternity is conducting ext. 2731 or 1541. eering department have brought to our two !questionnaires. One done very re- · '' i ' Question A: i attention' an example of (2}, conducted cently asked each student to supply What constructive c rticismcan you - by its honorary, Pi Tau Sigma. Below are opinaons to questions, concerning .each ' offer to the instructor? Recommend ways !i NOTES{ printed two letters describing their pro- instructor's teaching: in - the particular in which he can improve his teaching 1 i MO gram and a. sample of their question- subject the student is taking from that techniques:D Does he add to the subject or · The mechanical engineering department naires. . instructor. The responses have been com- could you get it all out of is presenting a survey of current research a book? i topics in biomedical engineering today. The piled, statistically analyzed, and are being . Elucidate on your responses to questions A program will begin in Room 3-133 at noon, returned to the respective instructors 1-111. and conclude at 4:30. Notices of the de- To the editor: - only. The main purpose of this evaluation * - tailed. schedule are posted around the Insti- In. the article by Alex Makowski is to provide the instructor with an early tute. appearing on Page I of the Friday, feel for what aspects of his teaching have -{ Draft of end-of'termnquestionnaire October 29, issue of The Tech concerning · Applications are due tomorrow (Wed- dissatisfied students, while considerable [1-9. Same as above.] a nesday, November 10) for the spring, 1971 student. evaluation of instructors; he sta- tithe is still available during the remainder 10. Face of the subject (too slow/too1 MIT-Wellesley residence exchange; available ted in part "None of the other depart- of the term for taking action upon- this. fast) . , in 7-101 and 7-111. -ments have a regular mechanism to solicit In early December, a longer question- 11. Prolem sets (too easy/too diffi.'f · MIT linguistics professor Noam Chom- comments on teaching from undergrad- naire repeating the mid-term instructor cult) _l sky and editor-in-chief of Beacon Press uates." - evaluation and also containing a subject 12. Quizzes (too easy, too difficult) " Arnold Tovell will speak at a forum on "The In the' Department of Mechanical En- evaluation will be distributed. The results 13. Correlation between quizzes andB Pentagon Papers" tomorrow, Wednesday, gineering we have a long tradition of November IO at 8 pm at the First Parish of this end-of-term questiornaire will be courshe mtexta(littl/glose) Church in Cambridge, 3 Church St., Harvard evaluation by students. These evaluations similarly recorded.andanalyzed and deliv- 14. The text (bad/good) E Sq'. are wholly managed by the undergraduate ered to -both respective instructors and 15. Balance between theory and appli- honorary fraternity, Pi Tau Sigma. They cations (too-practical/too theoretical) E · CJAC meeting: "University Investing have been carried out for at least the past 16. Amount of work: required (too! and Corporate Responsibility,". a discussion such evaluations is generally provided by of the Bowman Report. Thursday, Novem- 10 to 15 years, and the system in its the instructors out of their lecture hours. ber I I at 7:30 pm in the Bush Room present form is now. a highly developed Considerable effort goes into the cot- 1m.atw17eril How coveedi well havecomplarison yo totherthe (1o-105). one. It includes evaluations and sum- lection and'compilationprocess to insure c maries of performance for instructors in' courses)? (poorly/thoroughly) · Dr. John L. Mero, President of Ocean accuracy and'statisticalsignificance of the c 0 Resources, Inc., will speak on "The Future all courses, both undergraduate and grad- results. In' addition, questions asked are: 8. Did you have enough opportunity Promise of Minifg in the Ocean" today at 3 uate.. It also includes evaluations of the continually being examined to insure to demonstrate your knowledge of the pm in Room 26-100. Coffee will be served different subjects of instruction and of meaningfulness to the questionnaire. A:- ':subject material? (too few/enough)~ at 2:30. their contents. free exchange of opinionsand suggestions 19.- Did you exoy the- class? (very :- A-- * BICYCLISTS! Anyone interested By vote of the department faculty five exists. between students and faculty. The little/great deal): in ser- years ago, and If you should run across. ving on a short-term committee, on bicycles recently. confirmed by proposed evaluation for the current term I s In c a problemb i and bicycle parking at MIT, please contact unanimous vote of the department facul- was presented and discussed at the most related to this subjectin yoUr engineering_ John Krzywicki at Undergraduate Associ- ty, the results of the instructor evaluation ation office, W20-491, x9798. recent department faculty meeting and Career, . - ' survey go to the department head to be received unanimous approval -by those 20. would you feel able to tackleit?. · Pot Luck Coffeehouse sponsors another used in considerations of salary, promo- _, attending." attending. - - -. ~(unable/able) · u :. - . - -SA Free Dance. Friday, November !2, 8:30 pro, tion, and tenure. They are used consis- Enclosed is a copy. of each of the 2.1. --could ·yo 'judge,another person's B Mezzanine Lounge, Student Center. Re- tently for that purpose. work on'the probler?:(hardl'y/ery well): freshment - a real spacey experience. current questionnaires. Quesiions. con- Y Other departments have an interest in 'cerning the activities of Pi Tau Sigma are '22.2y Were you sufficientlypeprprepare d for- · The ARCO Clean Air Caravan will be at what we are doing, and are moving along welcomed by other members and myself. the lab work? (insufficiently/quite well) the Dupont similar lines. parking lot behind Rockwell Doug Bailey 23. Did you have 'enoughuhtm time to do l Cage Thursday and Friday, Novemoer' It- -seems to me that your readership - 11-12. Anyone wishing to have his car's - - Pi Tau Sigma everything? (too little/too'much)' emissions tested free is welcome. might_ be interested in. knowing these : *a,* .. .. 24. How much did you learn from lo facts. -As it stands, -the article has cerc what you did? (very little/very much) B · The MIT Community Hockey League is tainly done an injustice to Pi Tau Sigma Mid-Term Evaluation Questionnaire 25. Quality and availability of equip- v organizing for the winter season. All athletic which has done so much for this depart- First Term'1971/1972 ment (poof/good) card holders are eligible. If you're interes- ~ ': ment, and I think too that it fails to 26. Quality and availability of super- A ted, call: PhiD Henshaw, x7220; Lou John- Please read the instructions son, x8115538; Don Bosack, x5958; or. reflect the long and deep concern that carefully: vision (poo44good) - X Scott Rhodes, x4048. this department has had with the quality 1. In columns 1 & 2 punch your 27. Did'the amount you learned jus I of its teaching and with the input of our course number right justified tify 'the 'effort involved (hardly/ * ERC Colloquium: "Building-Sense: (undesignated =·99) (e.g., Course II = 02). definitely)' Teaching Architects About How Buildings students to improve our teaching. Work." Edward B. Allen, Dept. of Architec- I hope that you can do something to 2. In column 3 punch your year -28. Did you enjoy the lab work (very a ture, MIT. Friday, November-12, 12 noon, straighten -out the situation. We, of (graduate student 9). little/great deal) Bush Room (10-105). course, stand ready to supply detailed 3. Punch the appropriate number ( 1-4) - · Graduate or undergraduate students information if you wish to write another ir the proper column. . C. What are -your suggestions for ia- needed for community health, project.. An article. 4. If you make any mistakes in punch- proving the lab? Would you have prefer- interdisciplinary team of law and medical ing the card, please start again with a new red a project of your own choosing? students and their faculty members has been - Sincerely, Was - set up to develop a health service in Rox- - - v Ascher H. Shapiro card. - . -a the lab useful. or relevant? Did you get bury. Students are needed for surveys, . Head of the department 5. Please answer Question A as fully as out of the lab what you put into it? analysis of need of facility, location, and possible. D. How do you criticize the subject? design. Three consecutive hours, 2 days a. L~~~~~ What did you not understand? What parts week are necessary. Starts December 1. Call To the editor: Jim King, x4523. Credit might be possible. The responses to this questionnaire'are seemed irrelevant- what parts should be i I would like to draw attention to a bit regarded as important information.by the added? -How would you change the ap- Z · BATON SOCIETY, MIT's: musical hon- of u nresearched reporting in lastFriday's faculty and are used for making decisions proach? What part of the subject helped i orary club, will hold its first meeting of the Tech - October 29] in the year on Wednesday, November 17 at- 3:15 front-page that can have serious consequences. Try you the most (i.e., problem sets, problem E pm in the Musical Clubs office, W20-439. article by Alex Makowski concerning to answer -the questions by considering· set solutions, text, quizzes)? Anyone interested in any facet of music at undergraduate evaluation of instructors. them seriously. MIT, organized or unorganized, is urged to It was mentioned that with the excep- 1. Audibility & Diction (poor/good) attend or call x6294 or dl9-730 if interes- Elucidate on your responses to the ques. ted. tions of Eta KappaNu's evaluations and [In this and subsequent questions, the tions on the previous pages. ]UROP ... Tm wEE D'oF m6 by Brant psarier 'and Johnny haft Food Habits and Taboos - 3 or 4 students to find, sort, and read material researched by Dr. M. Whiting on the food habits and taboos of a group of South African and South American populations. Interested students should contact Dr. E.R. Pariser, Room 20C-1 10, x2040.

The Friends of the'Earth, New England Chapter, seeks students to work on ecolog- G ~~~~OFTESI ical research projects, e.g., the Route 2 highway, the land use policy of Vermont, coastal zone management, and the Massa- chusetts Department of Natural Resources. if you would like to-learn more of these opportunities, -Contact -D.E. Burmaster, 20C-23 1A, x4849. .,:: .- .. . /Theizairdof Id appears.daily and Sunday'in the Boston Herald'Traveler " ....,-: ~.. i...... he...... Boo _eadTrvr j THE TECH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER L ____I __ 9, 1971I PAGE 5

Frank I By Bruce Schwaartz Larry the Dwarf (the Zappa um to create the illusion of 's 200 Motels is look-alike), descends into his spatio-temporal continuity, 200 an eclectic, wildly absurd collage first scene dangling from -two Motels creates the impression of of fantasy scenes of life on the very obvious wires. Later in the illusion: a fantasy. road with the Mothers of Inven- film, when the guys in the group Not that the fantasy is irrele- tion. A mosaic·s of disjointed are primping to go down to the vant: Zappa's work has always events unified by: theme rather local' hot spot, the camera cuts been meant to do more than than plot, the movie exists in its to a -scene which represents- them entertain. Many of his familiar freaky buffoonery, slapstick and as race horses in the starting bogeys come in for satirical satire, stunning. visuals'and Zap- gate. Only the breakneck pace of barbs, including small towns, The real Frank Zappa is pictured here, music in hand, on your left. pa's unique brand of music. The the film's cutting heads off a groupies, and the very obsession On the right is , who plays Larry the Dwarf (Zappa). style of the film is so unconven- groan at this obvious pun. with sex that seems to be the tional that it is difficult for me Visually, 200 Motels makes movarie's main concern. Zappa is traditionally high art form, such Dwarf, represents Zappa as he to predict whether-even fans of use of a brilliant array of tech- not above satirizing himself, his as operatic singing, becomes spies on the group, and occasion- Zappa's albums will like it; I am niques and clever tricks. These group or his work;he is aware of farce, and as such should not be ally delivers calm sociological partial to absurd humor, and I include the standard rock-movie the paradox that inade him, dismissed as mere trash. discourses on the sexual needs of liked this movie, and its music. repertoire of solarizations, dou- through popularity, one of the On the other hand, Zappa is pop stars and the social rehabili- 200 Motels is, on one level, a ble exposure and slow motion blisterpacked media products he notorious for going for the tation of orchestral musicians. fantasy taking place in Zappa's (which save relatively boring was lampooning years ago. cheap laugh; there's a lot of These moments are intended to mind, -one which he cooked up scenes of the Mothers on the Some of the parodies, like slapstick in 200 Motels. Cheap be jarring interludes in the "while touring. Touring can bandstand); quick cutting and "Centerville -A Real Nice Place laughs can...be as enjoyable as breakneck pace of the film. As make you crazy.' It's about pop flash-frames; tech- to Raise Your Kids Up" and dear ones; it's a matter of taste. an actor, Ringo is sufficiently stars in search of groupie action niques ripped off from Walt Dis- "Penis Dimension" may seem Farce requires a style of act- plastic for Zappa to mold into any shape to alleviate the ennui of a root- ney and Yellow Submarine; and trite or even infantile; however, I ing close to hamming, making he directs, but he is, less, empty existence. It's not -a few special effects such as think the way in which such the form particularly forgiving after all, plastic. that simple, however. The fan- moire patterns that I've never themes are handled reflects a to amateurs. The Mothers are 200 Motels is also inhabited tasy is convoluted like the sur- seen before in movies. Though conviction on Zappa's part, at not completely amateur, more- by a veritable stockade (the Cen- face of a brain, and self- director Tony Palmer is responsi- least implicitly, that society is over; Zappa's group in concert terville Recreation Facility) full conscious as well. Thus Zappa is ble collectively puerile. Not only is a have always performed skits and of unlikely supporting charac- for the visuals, this borrow- ters, free to indulge in self-satire and ing of styles is consistent with torchlight parade of Ku Klux comic routines. In the hyber- including of parody, double and triple mean- Zappa's music, which draws free- Klansman and mixed chorus led holic environment of 200 Motels the Who as a groupie in Flying ings, and literary metaphorsthat ly from several sources in his by the Mothers in peaens to the they're quite at home. Members Nun garb; Motorhead Sherwood, would fall flat in a- straighter .-musical background. penis an overblown absurdity;,it of the present group play them- Dick Barber as the vacuum context. Cinematography is ifigenious- also serves notice about the selves, while some of the original cleaner from the Chunga's The early parit of the film, for ly. employed to maintain an at- psychological hangups of the Mothers are featured in charac- Revenge album, two half-naked example, is devoted to Theo- mosphere of surrealism. This was Klan and similar groups. ter roles. Especially good are groupies,, several dozen giant dore Bikel's briefing of the enhanced by shooting entirely in Some may fault Zappa for his as Lonesome newts, cardboard cutout Just Plain Folks, and the group as to what they're sup- a studio, with sets deliberately blatant vulgarity; to a certain Cowboy Burt, a hippie-hating Royal'Phil- posed to do. The group reacts designed to look two-dinension- extent, dirty jokes like "Shove It redneck;. and as a harmonic Orchestra. with complaining references to al and theatrical. Interior shots Right In" are merely Zappa's wooly-haired purveyor of "vile, Some of the material in 200 "his" manipulation - "he" be- of, say, motel rooms, that would paughty attempt to . shock foamy -liquids," -a Jekyll-Hyde Motels is accessible only to peo- ing Zappa, who in real life has otherwise look natural are ren- straight audiences (or, more like- type who functions 'as Center- ple who. know the group. How- been accused of running his dered unreal by the few inches ly, amuse hip ones, who take ville's equivalent of a dope deal- ever, these "in" jokes are suffici- groups like a puppetmaster. The of empty space visible above the secret delight in experiencing er. ently few in number,. and there metaphor is ·given visual sub-. wall where a ceiling should be. what other people -think is Bikel appears in several incar- is so much else going on visually stance -,w.hen- Ringo---Starr, as Rather than using the film medi- dirty), but -vulgarity grafted to a nations, including a Nazi officer, and musically, that no one a .TV quizshow announcer, and should be bored. narrator of the film; some of his Does this kind of life look VOLVO facades are cover for his role as interesting to you? Termpapers llimited the devil. Ringo, as Larry the (Please turn to page 6) - Di ..S I I' I AUTOaTORI N 295 HUNTINGTON AVE. Mon. - Fri. 412 Grean St. . 7- m- 7pun · Cmnbricl it. gam - 5p .681-1895 AUTHORIZFD DEALER BOSTON,'MASS. 02215 behind the SERVICE II , Gf~~~ Central i. SALES- PARTS 0 i, ( .YMCA EUROPEAN DELIVERY SPECIALISTS . (617). 267-3000 WE MiAJOR IN PERFECT SERVICE ¢},_ q)

DALZELL MOTOR SALES c. i . 1, NEXT TO RAYrTO0D'S _ WEGIVE REBSULTS I --~"--r~ ,,~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ II-I~~~~~~~~~~~~' D~-·~~~ s~~~ .~~~~~~~~ Iii i C\E ELOCK FRO/A RTE. 128 II I I- ~ ~ -rI I I HIIL- s_ 805 PoVIDENO(E .WY 329- 11 0 i REMEMBER GROOVE TUBE? ,%TE. 1, DED A L -----L· I -- I WELL, THE SCC IS GOING INTO HOCK ONCE AGAIN TO PRESENT A NEW VIDEOTAPE SHOW, 11113t 11116i 1 6l0111111151111 F410110 I III III II0li9vll 0lls Ilo0ll A = =anksgihing -. O/,,,S,,,;,,,..,,,,,,,,, Getawa.1 '1 a. + i LUXURY DYNAMIITE XI-, QVCRUISE :..:::...... '. . ?. -e.. aoard the _ :.:-. ~~0·~· ~.··~ '~~~.~:-.C~RDIMI-. = · I{~~BREMEN CHICKEN .s7. ~ DR~ays m ".7 -" Dears m m , I . I .,. I, '-ov I -· 1lib AN ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE am ~' '~ " ic. £ lSingle occupancy $145. w Z - oul:ep e : . as o~~~~o { :Perto Rico, St.Thomacs- OF AMERICAN POP CULTURE r~~~~~ = WITH FLASHES BY I O I :- San Juan,Juan Puerto RmcoRico JOHN & YOKO, ACE TRUCKING CO., SHA-NA-NA, [ - Includes]Includes air roundlroun tr~i~pfromtrip from~Boston Bosto on.._, on = LENNY BRUCE, MALCOLM X, ALAN GINSBERG, °PagAn or Eskter!, t=P~an~mr^ - or SturdayEastern hotel~hlotel 9 'm. room proomn 5with P-in, lndlll ~ jr f8~ -13QZm1tb ID:=Iprivate;·bath, private bath nandand airair conditiong.$Sodionn.mql 1A II RICHARD PRYOR, JOAN BAEZ, PETER MAX, M ~ I _-Single oeeupnaney $1U. RON CAREY, AND .. '. JUDY KUPFERBERG I m S~~~~~~~~ "For! ·...-Fr InF~ermatoionCallInfo1rmation. Call 8 . .10 I ... LUXUR8t 1 - CRU!$~~~~~C.10, ADMISSION: $1.25 CHEAP · a '1.25 CHEAP '= . o ,. . R Pe ' ' 2 I'"....'(La[ w - ~(-La Bori1ncana)Blodenkana)- ' ' STUDENT CENTER. SALA DE PUERTO RICO [. .434>3, Marss.Mass.. Abve., Ave.,- Central: Ceontral Sq.,Sqg CambridgeC' mbridge' :-- 4 SHOWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 & 9:30 PM {~ : Open MondayrMonday ThrsThrui 1FridapylFriday. 99b apm.an.m. -- 7 p~n~P.^ - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00 & 9:30' { _-. . ·Sartursays 9 as~m.. 5p m, /iliriii Ill 1110PIIPIiIlIIiOIlllII. ILII Biiii1iillii TICKETSON SALE IN BUILDING 10 r I_' __. Ii '!i:~"':...... ;-- -- I 0I --- - -· - --- --·- · :: I`-.:i, +i .r -' II ...... =- PAGE 6 TUtESDAY.iV-_NOV-EMBER 9, 197·1 'FBE TFOIP . - _ L_ __ ______ __ _~~~~ __ ~ __~~~~_ Do~~~~~:s~.. .g . 5 fif kiof ife -(!Continued firom predj - -spewing.-- ges ibo at rw.a. ndire . Xotkers Ojf Sntveniton .so.. thnis- caSe, it helps-t listen, 'si done vBn 200 Motei lay -The humor-bf ; 20a+Motelsdom i;s.SUiPipse--y:ou selected Out -.'ith ROFa PS Whaftrmonic 'once or twice;,- see the movie, 'the Top Scare Singers. contains -an abiiiidit-it l anY 'W4 and -Say,-they- -we - Orckestrv.- Unted 9t tis/Baarre $ tlicnristen again. - - - .Added personnel-and'-studio .. back to eY &pJpa-recordii tichii fice and - s H d le;ixonsi^-Iong- .;7-Tbe muic.-here is Zappa's equipment have restored-the in- - like Call A ly ;VegetaBle e . loxldoadPus words . . . tyicil ba WI"teolleeitin-6t syIes. strumetal fullness- -.that. --was- Duke of Primne " 'and the-im- %Would youqjfii5 ^- ago, musocf .cnbe reljtmg8. aid~` Some arfte straight . licl~ig on the -M-theis' LiveR it mortal ~ "B~rown, Shoes -Don't- : E w[itss n- b iDetptei[ moods[ S Lng spaces rock; much _of the symphonic the - Pilmor East- album. The hfake It."-Zapp's__4P, `-appa,,.abiitr -4--o poon one whe-. action sac off,. often material is mcidiein classicalwith Royal -1Philarmonic, -conducted sense odd concanatioi-of eie- - reason -Or other, -ioseco -notnt to pa~~~~~~~',prviing'.. thempalt tic ~- 1~itY~. oerton f Srvinsky arid bEcIy Edgar Howarth, is obviously'. ments of twentikth' c~n~Pry-cuJ- put-much o hisperson jnto the Zappass s L4a :these Dolphy, and there are -vanous.. more tlin,a. badkup-group for · ture that; when; jbtapired~pr - film. He-speks -but vtwo' lines fuxon, and in anay cases, combinatiozis of styles-and me- the -Mothers, . the symphonic duce humor, is almost unique in dubbed- over scenes m wbd hieh--to ne as music. dia which include imixed chorus, -,material on 200#Motels, grouped pop culture; .cert;;i~y .in -rock · ·does not appeals; when we do see a 5 OIreview the operatic' br(Wdway musical and as a-a w-holEi, demonstrates music An a~loart base~i ,on a . hini f its as leader of the-group, I have chosen to song from 200 lMotels suggests '49gMkling, gmtuiig co.mall_ mwcmiause last them aeo· - Hollywoodaroque. Zappa's-contention that'he feal- Wo Motels, All-of it-js .interesting, and, yisaseriouscomposs . his method of free ass;ciation.: ing. Zappa's oni-presence per- 2 sts ancf aum Thegre's,~even a cut that's be~eenr *stl music though some of, the orchestral suppose someone locke -you i meates' the fim, but his person- -which ,contains mo which also background-. music, when di -r geth8 time,atleast on {:M. a motel room anold tied youlto alite isloof. tfisr how ser-i om the movne but aIso:in:character with his-public contains some which, isn't inthe' vorced fromte visuals seems Jimmy Cad Bbck's raaney, - the vibro bed- and kept- eediig 5 thati is. It., bit tediois, much of it is good. phony C&W rendition of "Lone- quarters. Suppose the room was senous musican wearr moifacade:sa and ladul sobm, m told it's' Initially I was unimpressed by som¢ Cowiy hurt, with equipped with '20 TV receiversT Of traffic with teenybopa 1S a double album, I and 200 radios and several pho repoes- I .t the S*oy stores for: thenew-Motherswith ex-Turtles G>)%e Dukes sas~r tomine 200 Moteb Frnk Znppa underS6,t5,sorifd, soif Yn- 'nre a Mothers' Howie Kaylaxiand adc VcranVprriding - atld KaylaMn&Volmark -nographs and lidenograp prceetors ect 90'Motelt Frank'ap_ fa, you migt -wantt to get it as lead singers; now, ater two -oooo·hh" anrd aahh" typ har- before the price goes xup. ~. albwtls, I have: grown to eoy moy, brngs back memories-of .Your-it- . reactio it may be I:.their annomes. ''hey Ie: za-~ the old days when the Mothers .. nfav.orable; mine wats.-However, sional lapses~of enunciation how- did a lot of coms song. , I have dis~ed every one of the -ever, and Zappa's lyrics should Side three of the album con- = dialogue material .¢ JEAhlW !, eDrS last five Mothers altbums upon not be sacrificed tovofa~iza~i<>a tins a lot of Jr p .~dff: fmit heafntg, and gonee wild over This complaint also applies to from S the m. including a fre-

_,n _ __'them _ b E C after the fifth Ilistening or some of the sopraro aria-ty mute narration of the tempta I , __ -ion of to quit - auo aL comady wmunter, ; MIT MUSIC:AL 7 THEATRE W LD PRESENTS the group and go.commercial, and. a .Ahzie-minute. breathless wll be at the coop ~ ~IrUt£'1N i V5 4 E N Z lighh pitched spiel on the attrac- lm%> horls osf lie as a pop star. However, both the record and FrL Nmv. 12 at 3a00 pin Noveme 11, 12,13 the fflm end a little disap- pointingly. An eleven minute fi- to autogaph his new 'Doubleday book Kr~esege-Auditoriun,, Ml-T nale goes from choral singing to "Wanda Hicke'y's Night of Golden Mernories a driVinrg Tock tempest, with and Other Disasteres'" Tickets ;Q Bzuzlding 18 words that imply-the studio is $ . going to be cleared by storm Jean Shepherd, four-time winner Qr call 864900 X6294 troopers, and then the whiole of the Playboy irrner/Satire thinlg Peters out. * Award, includes some of his best And in the film, the closing S .humor -n his new book all about -:the triumphs and embarassments : ask about MIT . credits come on, over stills of e Of life in-Amrerica.~ _ ~~f~ g ~ snrdstdentdiscountsstudent discourats the movie's p'sc~"~tnot~.production notes.-l DOUBLEDBZBAY ...... 6.9 - One almost gets the feeling that, just as Zappa used to spit coffee on his audiences, he was theumb- .%^rtn~P~9~ e~s P·8~resae~ s~l^aa r ing his nose when he cut the film S I'-off-with an anticlimax. oVUvr tCUM I IUIM . a

:I for Studet Dir'ctsrs

- Ballots have been mailed to student members -% 'of the Coop. 1f for any- reason, you have not *, received your ballot, one may be picked Up a-t e the Cashier's Office in any, Coop store.

_X The election closes November 15. Please vote . early.


a - ILI _LL _ ·- P Bs I -__-- 1 -b C I I--_JY

a needs you to

organize charter flights to Europe KENDALL SQULARE OFFIC 1= put up graffitti sheers I tried cem I J take a student home to dinner aJI one nightlJ run a seminar on job placement opportunities a for foreign students in their own countries M.l.T.'s arrange transportation to ski areas closest man information booths Swirngs Balnk help' foreign students learn U.S. driving rules organize soial events-not mixers . MR organize tansportationn for the Fahhkahatchee Environmentll Study Center in Florida 122 HARVARD AVJALLION. MAJ254-9342

InThe New -n sEACONf STJBMON, MAJM4M r Anyone willing to help organize or run one or CAWrDGE GATEWAY MALL more of these project for I ndeendert Activities 4 Period should contact the IAP Planning Office, 149 CHARLES S 1SraNMA.523 189 ex. 1973, room 5-207.

a~avl fAE 301 111ASS~iAVEJCABR1XGU 3·s1* KE3WALL--HARVARiD--PORTER SQUARES Teobimi 492Q423 rI el - -r r I- I-- -- ·- - -- -·- 11. _ _I I _1 I I - -I - --L - -- '" -L IC P,

^ , EIETECH, TUESDAY NOVEMBER S 197-_,-- ' , I·I - -I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--I~ ~ _ I~~~~~~~~~~~~i __ 1111I1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ , ol-- - I , p ,~~~~~~~~~ , lr45,6j - - i - oop. 4 p..h6a

.. ~ ~. ~ ~~~-. ,. -,.Agricultural, :;-,.MM lgt&nl album? -C - I !M! :- "a . 002 Rc9ageL - ai Carneguer-, HVII here, so it would be absolutely to- give the individual more olumbia) wortless at a regular' four room. Most of the solos are itcord prsce. But whselinj 'at interesting-and everyone is given Now that everybody expects, $11.98 list - ($79$9 in- most a chance. They do have their two record set with a poster stores), it becomes an excellent share of ragged edges, but for a 1 >m Chicago, naturallyp-the only "greatest hits" album. for the live record it still sounds OK. ng they could do was- to person who has little- or nothing The studio polish is replaced- Iease a four record set with else by the group. Chicago's with an up-on-stage feel that is s a booklet and a stage repertoire seems to. consist very realistic.- For added realism, ee posters, . 64M er on voter . registration. of everything- they have ever the extra-long final ovations in I! Ice they obviously'don't have recorded; most of it right here. from the audience are left ii hard c t album sides worth of new It sounds good,, too. The Uncut. Everybody works I erial they have recorded strictly-arranged numbers (like (especially the drummer) and it ir six days of concerts at the "Ballet for a -Girl in all comes off well egie Hall and released the ,Buchan on") are executed cor- The biggest complaint is with t of that. rectly, while the numbers which the packaging. The dust jackets There is exactly -onae new song contain solos are' stretched out are cardboard and the box is not closed on all sides; this becomes 3-pain when the album is played frequently. But be assured that I this record is really 'Chicago's. 3hinese~it':.Tuf~gt classifiedI 0 r'ot. He-- -&aMt , &,IrvI Greatest Hits - live" and is . Ou iverusing cheap - enough to be worth getting to have the best of this RT TIME JOBS are available for CONCERT HARPSICHORDIST. constantly high-quality band. student couples educated in Germany (Kuntlerisch :-Jay Pollac married _ ponsible . . x· - IVONCKY P4*KT-,5 cm ith or without a child) to HOUSE- Staatspafung) desires students. Rea- sonable rates. Call 232-5272-and ask f I,-heST JJ ERI"WRIN TIE4 i 1~oa~ra~ iTCH and BABYSIT for extended w -~ iods in Boston's suburbs. Couples for Joe, - IMURN OF 2 CYlOMiN ust have a car and be able to Cal-ltK~iKCCK- MU9i# vide good references. Variety of T1GMH. LITTLE ISADN (DkNnnPJUOUS. 9IJMP-TAJWWF"T ations available from weekends to GREASE: Large quantities of multi and GENlEVIEVE manent positions. Call University purpose grease available. Good for SW- Cc5S @a44AA datVA..ep me Services. 449-3590 for more cooking, hair tonic, palms, and get- i ~s(~~1~1B~EBKBMeBI~ rmation. ting tower suites in MacGregor. A- vailable at room W20-401. 00 AMPUS REPRESENTATIVE THIS AtN OCVE Ar..

ANTED: Excellent area hotel needs I , X a _ sf.. sonable individual as campus con- 61EKc'lEJv5t.7iKEtAOREE.CA c for hotel reservations, etc. For -R~C~U f, Ma;i,de Sf re info, please call Terry Cain at

1-3600 Mon.-Fri. 9-5. I __ -n rot MAST6ERPIECE!"9 .311 - -. I ,-II- sllll YCHEDELIC LIGHTING for par- -PAUL D. ZIMMERMAN. News , room decorations, dances, sock certs. World's largest psychedelic ting catalog _For rentals, sales, Chows, send $1 (credited as $2). COLUMnIA PICTURES Presents kronics, 22 MIT-Wendall Street, A BBS PRODUCTION abridge, MA 02138, CalI L4-4444 . TwiE ' r501o7 OFF ON ALL STEREO excellent reproductions stereo - componentsl,' }IPMENT,- L - -^: S ts, and IVT's. All new, in oty-sealed cartonss, 10i7o guaran- of graphics works by .-All major brands available. Call PALES I"Una anytithe, 491-7793. Q-lwrnLr VW BUS FOR SALE: radio, good ndlon, $800 or best offer; Call M.C. ESCHER P. 261-1759 or x3788.

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Carr tennis dome idicated, _n w ,_*Ev,_ S~PORTSCE ' - 'I By Randy Young On Friday, MIT's newest -building, the J.B. Carr Indoor Tennis Center, was dedicated in a ceremony attended by Mr. and Mrs. Carr, their son and daughter-inlaw Mr. and Mrs. David Carr, members of the Class of 1916, MIT officials,-and other members of the MIT Com- munity that have been close to the indoor tennis project. Chairman of the Corporation Howard Johnson opened the- program, welcoming those pre- sent and introducing Jap Carr I-I :16..Johnson spoke about the background of the tennis project and Carr's career in tennis and at MIT. Carr remarked on the five years of planning, lobbying, and Featured at the J.8. Carr Indoor Tennis Center dedication were frus/ration that preceded the re- (from left}: Mitchell Gornto, Victor Seixas, Jr,, J.B. Carr, Professor alization of his dream for an Ross Smith, Howard W. Johnson, Straight Clark, James Shakespeare, Barquirx compcrteri indoor tennis facility for MIT. In and David B. Carr. Photo by Sheldon Lowenthal %PTi~rel J z=_J_ __ °__ presenting the Center to the the 'Carr family. Smith praised Davis Cupper and US indoor COuz2 Institute, he stressed the import- the Carrs' efforts in persevering singles runner-up; Mitchell Gorn- OrrlCa JUnO ance of physical fitness in his life through the delays and hardships to, a tennis By Brad Billetdeaux professional from The second part of the pro- anld expressed his hope that to- inherent in the planning of any Palm Beach, Florida and Rye, Second degree black belt Ju- gram actually- monitors the com- -day's students will find the same large-scale building project. New doka (a practitioner of the art of York; and James Shake- i petition -in progress, xcompiling value in athletics. speare, tennis cdach of Presby- Judo) Ramon Barquin, a grad- J statistics on wins/losses, number President Jerome Wiesner ac- Following the terian College in Clinton, uate student in- computer sci- speaking pro- South of combats, time of combat-and cepted the gift of the Center on gram, Carr and his son Carolina, and pro i ence, is becoming an important David from Buck Hill method of accomplishing vic- behalf of MIT, and thanked the. ,played exhibition Falls, Pennsylvania. figure in international Judo com- singles and tory. Ramon has just finished Carrs for their generosity. doubles matches with E. Victor The Carr Tennis petition. Ramon recently re- Centjr is an refining and documenting the Johnson then introduced Pro- air-supported, inflatable struc- i turned from the World Judo Seixas, Jr., a former United :m program, working with Professor fessor Ross Smith, Director of ture, 212 feet long Championships held in Ludwigs- States and Wimbledon Singles by 120 feet David Ness of the Sloan School. Athletics, who'represented the titlist and Davis Cup captain and wide and 40 feet high. It covers hafen, West Germany from He plans to present a paper to Athletic Department in thanking player; Straight Clark, another four Uni-Turf courts. August 28-September 4, where a the Fall Joint Computer Confer- computer program that he wrote ence in Las Vegas this month, at tabulated all the statistics for the a special session on computer championship competition. Ra- applications in sports. Trophies top sa ling evens mon's program did all the scor- Ramon's career in Judo began ing and record keeping, as well as in Puerto .Rico, where he was Two trophy regattas domi- set -the initial pairing of competi- breaks. Competing schools,'with annually. promoted to black belt by his nated this weekend's sailing tors. their scores, were: Yale 89, In a six-school regatta at teacher, Takahama, a seventh activity, as the MIT mariners Ramon is quite Tufts 93, Rhode Island 108,- Wellesley College, Maria Bozzuto experienced degree black belt (tenth is the participated in the Schell in applying MIT 125, Harvard 128, Boston '73 and Shelley Bernstein '74 a computer to ath- absolute highest degree) in Ko- Trophy. and Priddy Trophy letic competition, as he also University 161, Coast Guard sailed to a third place. Wellesley kokan, the central Japanese events. The Tech women's var- wrote the scoring program 175, Brown 191, Clemson 193, and Newton College tied on for school of Judo. Competitively, sity squad sailed in a regatta at the Pan-American Judo Maine ,Maritime 198, Dartmouth points, with- the win going to Champ- Ramon became Caribbean cham- Wellesley. ionships in San Juan, Puerto 199, Royal Military'institute of Wellesley on the tiebreak.- MIT pion in the 154 lb. class. Cur- In the Schell Regatta, a major Canada 203, Rensselaer 244, and finished one point back. - Rico, in 1968. After that Ramon rently he teaches at MIT Judo New England intersectional covered his first world competi- Fordham 253. The regatta was This weekend saw the end of Club meetings during the week, event, MIT. finished fourth, as tion with the master program sailed at MIT. major regatta action for MIT, along with Milke Portnoff '71 Yale outsailed Tufts on Sunday Rob Parker, with Chuck with the exception of the used at the 1969 World Judo and Ron Viaviatanne G. to take the trophy. Tom Bergan Championships in Mexico City. Tucker as crew, represented MIT Angsten Regatta, Which will be Ramon's latest project is a '72, with Launey Thomas `74 in the New England Freshman sailed -in Chicago on -Thanks- scoring system which he bases The 1971 championships(Ju- and Steve Cucchiaro '74 crew- Singles Crew Championships giving -weekend. on his idea of "performance ing, sailed for MIT in Division *- . . 11_i's do world's are bi-annual) in- sailed at the Coast Guard Acad- r points," which are awarded on 'A' and placed second in the cluded 358 matches between emy. Parker placed second of number.of combats,and quality fourteen-school fleet. the 308 Judokas from 49 countries. eleven skippers entered, fin- A professional of performance. This system Alan Spoon '73, with Dean ishing behind Tim .Black of Barquin's program covers two could be used instead Of the. main tasks. The first part is a Kross '73 as crew, sailed -in Harvard. Dartmouth's entry medal system in determining the' B-Division, ABORTION lottery simulation to produce but unfortunately placed third. The event, sailed overall national victor in the was the victim of several bad for the Priddy Tiophy, is held the initial .pairing.It must be, world championships. The medal r , . . . * -*- - 11r r-_ --- II completely random within the system often produces ties when that is safe, constriction th/t competitors figuring out which country won from 'the same country do not the most medals, as golds, silvers Stop rust legal & meet. -It replaces the drawing and bronzes are awarded in each I HAWK i lots system, which is-often com- weight class in Judo, and one before it starts inexpensive plicated by nationalist'disputes weight class`-is equivalent to all outpatient basis by calling and rivalries. others. i SHOP i Sandwiches on your The Problem Pregnancy WWHO SAYS ACONUWDM Ice Creams new car. 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