Drum Beat ...... 10 Inside Colville Youth ...... 11 Special Interest Natural Resources ...... 12-13 Opinion Editorials ...... 2-4 Directory ...... 14 Candidate Forum Bulk Rate ~ Permit No. 2 ~ U.S. Postage Paid Tribal News ...... 6 National Native News ... 15-16 (See Insert....pages 18-19) Nespelem, Washington 99155 Community News ...... 7 Resolution Index ...... 17 Letters to Editor ...... 8-9 Photo ...... 22 Attention Colville Hunters Special Reservation Hunt Forms Inside

The Oficial Publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation

Wednesday, June 2, 1999 First Class ~ Permit No. 8 ~ U.S. Postage Paid Address Correction Requested Volume 25, No. 5 -- MAY 1999 Edition Nespelem, Washington 99155 P.O. Box 150, Nespelem WA 99155 Tribal Services Sponsor Two Incredible Events student, and a round dance. Charlie Annual Dinner Honors Tribal Elders, Moses, the dinner’s lead master of ceremonies, called everyone out to Alcohol Awareness Conference dance and about 50 dancers from the crowd got out on the floor and circled Features Colville Actress the dinning area! A fantastic, native-produced NESPELEM/OMAK—The Chairman Joe Pakootas gave a movie called Naturally Native and Nespelem Community Center short welcome to the crowd. Frank the appearance of Colville tribal buzzed with the sounds of visiting, Halfmoon and Rod Cawston sang a actress Kimberly Norris Guerrero, a chuckling, and laughing during the Nez Perce song and a Tulalip elder current resident of Nashville, Tenn., 25th annual Elders Day Dinner held sang a Shaker song. Charlie provided a wonderful cornerstone May 20 and was attended by nearly Quintasket of Omak said the prayer. for the Colville Tribal Alcohol 300 elders from Colville Reservation Elder Quintasket was also Program’s Wellness Conference communities and the Nez Perce, recognized as the “oldest” man at the held in Omak during the first week OPEN HOUSE FOR CTEC-COLVILLE INDIAN PRECISION HOMES HOUSE Tulalip, Lummi, Suquamish, dinner. He’s 90-years-young! Marie in May. Colville Indian Precision Homes (CIPH), the “newest” enterprise in the Colville Tribal Enterprise Swinomish and Coeur d’Alene tribes. Lane of Inchelium topped Quintasket Over 200 Colville tribal Corporation (CTEC), recently hosted an open house for its “Empire Estate” demonstration home The Tulalips proudly announced because she’s 92 years old. employees and others were registered located in the Wildwood Development at Omak, Washington. during the afternoon event that Tribal representatives of each for the three-day event that was held On hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony were Dale Clark and Doll Watt, representing the “seven van loads” of tribal elders “visiting” tribe took home a beautiful at a local church in Omak and many Omak District and the Colville Business Council and Terry Knapton, current Chief Financial Officer journeyed over from the westside of Pendleton blanket and at least 50 folks stopped by the conference to for CTEC. Ms. Watt conducted a traditional blessing ceremony throughout the entire house and Washington State to have dinner with items were given away to the visitors sit in the professionally-conducted lot. This manufactured house is for sale. The asking price and viewing is available by contacting the Colvilles. holding winning raffle tickets. sessions and to see the movie and CIPH at 1-800-773-3771 or (509) 826-4839. -- Peoples The dinner was sponsored by the Highlights of this fun-filled event loCAl evenTs local Area Office on Aging (AOoA) was a hoop dance demonstration (continued on page 4) under the direction of program from Margas Davis, a Nespelem manager Darlene Wilder and the ELDERLY COLVILLE MAN WHO meal was prepared by the Nespelem Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Drum and Feather Club. Nespelem Public School children SURVIVED TWO NIGHTS OUTDOORS, served the meal to all of the elders and 1999 General Election guests who were seated at long dining tables set up in the Center’s gym. PASSES AWAY IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Place settings featured hand-colored Schedule of Events electrical substation located north of a few days during the week of May teepees and placemats decorated by the Convalescent Center. 23-28, with a summer-like day and a Nespelem students and tiny U.S. General Election A three-person team from the temperature reaching over 80 degrees flags and BIC pens compliments of 4 June 18 ...... District Election Board Orientation Spokane Regional Search And at Nespelem on Sunday, May 23. the Colville Business Council. 4 June 19 ...... 8:00 a.m. General Election Polls Open Charlie Moses, a Nespelem Rescue (SRSAR) unit found him. A search got underway for Banning 8:00 p.m. General Election Poll Close He was transported by ambulance on Monday, May 24 under the resident and the board of directors to the local hospital at Grand direction of the Colville Tribal Police for the AOoA, served as master of 4 June 21 ...... 10:00 a.m. Certiication Of Poll Votes Coulee and was listed in stable Department at Nespelem. Colville ceremonies with Pete George of 4 June 24 ...... 10:00 a.m. Certiication Of Absentee Votes Coulee Dam and Louella Anderson condition on Wednesday, May 26. BARney BAnninG 4 July 8 ...... OATH OF OFFICE He was suffering from exposure and of the Colville Business Council (continued on page 4) assisting with presentations. dehydration. General Election Polling Sites Banning, formally of the Inchelium Inchelium Sub-Agency • Keller Community Center area and a Colville tribal member Nespelem Community Center • Omak Senior Center who enjoyed living in the mountains CROWN JEWEL MINE of the Colville Reservation in his LEGISLATION PASSED BY younger years, apparently wandered away from the Convalescent Center EDITORIAL BLASTS R-Ohio, violated the treaty rights of sometime between 4:30 and 6:00 the Colville Tribes. Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation NESPELEM-Barney Banning, p.m. on Sunday evening, May 23. MINING RIDER The Tribes view this rider as the Colville Business Council 87, a resident of the Colville Tribal When he left the facility he was fully NESPELEM-(OFFICE OF most objectionable of the many special Convalescent Center at Nespelem, clothed in a shirt and slacks, and RESERVATION ATTORNEYS)- was found alive within 200 to wearing his shoes and socks. He did The Colville Tribes is profoundly CRown Jewel Mine 1999 Primary Election 300 yards of the Colville Tribes’ not have a jacket on. disappointed by the Congressional (continued on page 4) long-term care facility on Tuesday He had received his usual appropriations rider that forced Oficial Returns evening, May 25 between 10:30 medications at the Center at about approval of the Crown Jewel open and 11:00 p.m. He was curled up 4:00 p.m. He suffered from Dementia. pit gold mine in North Central KelleR DisTRiCT underneath a bush near the fenced-in Weather conditions on the Colville Washington. The rider, by Sen. Slade Colville Tribal PosiTion #1 Polls Absentee Total Reservation were unusually warm for Gorton, R-Wash. and Ralph Regula, Student Recognition oscar “Doc” Mellon ...... 52 35 87 Francis W. Somday II ...... 17 52 69 Ceremony and Dinner nesPeleM DisTRiCT PosiTion #1 Polls Absentee Total The Confederated Tribes of the Joanne C. leith ...... 97 177 274 Colville Reservation is honoring Mathew Dick, Jr...... 91 138 229 our Colville graduates with a Student Recognition Ceremony PosiTion #2 Polls Absentee Total and Dinner. Gene H. Joseph ...... 39 120 159 Kathy M. Womer ...... 64 93 157

Sunday, June 20, 1999 oMAK DisTRiCT Dinner at 12:00 p.m. PosiTion #1 Polls Absentee Total Awards Ceremony Margie Condon Hutchinson ... 61 110 171 Following Dinner Ted Bessette ...... 87 67 154 Nespelem Community Center PosiTion #2 Polls Absentee Total Nespelem, Washington louella “lou” Anderson ...... 107 167 274 Joyce Watt ...... 81 69 150 For questions, please contact the following programs: High inCHeliuM DisTRiCT School: Public Education/Healthy PosiTion #1 Polls Absentee Total Nations (509) 634-2781. GED Jude C. stensgar ...... 30 81 111 and Vocational: Employment Kevin J. Rosenbaum ...... 52 48 100 and Training Center (509) 634- PosiTion #2 Polls Absentee Total 2775. Liberal Arts (Two Year), Joseph A. Pakootas ...... No Primary Election Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate: Lou Stone ...... For This Position Higher Education (509) 634-2779. UNITED STATED DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS INVITATION FOR SEALED BIDS RL 01 -99 LEASING OF INDIAN TRUST LANDS Issued By: Superintendent, Colville Agency, Nespelem, Washington -- Date: May 18, 1999 Okanogan County, Washington, containing 945.75 acres northerly shore if the South Twin Lake; thence southerly of owners, or in some cases may be granted by the more or less. along said shoreline to a point due south of the true point General Information Superintendent. Minimum bid: $567.00 per annum for this pasture of beginning, surrounding the developed trailer sites. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and lease. Minimum bid: $1,100.00 per annum for Recreational SEALED BIDS, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS to waive any informality in bids received whenever ITEM N-2 .101-T109:S ½ NE ¼ SE ¼ + PART SE ¼ Lease. AND CONDITIONS OF THIS INVITATION, IT’S any such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of SE ¼ of Section 24, Township 30 North, Range 32 East, ITEM I-2 101-T2028: Space No. 10, Shady Cove SCHEDULES AND STIPULATED PROVISIONS, the Indian owner(s) ; to call for additional information Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, Trailer Court, Within a Portion of Tribal Tract No. T2028 WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE UNTIL desired to carry out the regulations; or to effect a lease containing 92.50 acres more or less. described as beginning at the quarter corner common to 4:00 P.M. July 22, 1999. BIDS ON INDIAN LAND by re-advertising or negotiation in those cases where Minimum Bid:$1,200.00 per annum for this Farm/ sections 14 and 15, Township 32 North, Range 35 East, OFFERED FOR LEASE MUST BE ACCOMPANIED no satisfactory bids are received or the accepted bidder Pasture Lease. Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Washington, thence BY A CASHIER’S CHECK, CERTIFIED CHECK, fails to complete the lease. ITEM N-3 . 101-T3652: beginning at the 1/16 north 10 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence south to the POSTAL MONEY ORDER, OR UNITED STATES Tribal members who have submitted a bid on a corner common to sections 19 and 20, Township 29 northerly shore if the South Twin Lake; thence southerly TREASURER’S CHECK PAYABLE TO THE piece of Tribal Land may be accorded preference to North, Range 31 East, William Meridian,, Okanogan along said shoreline to a point due south of the true point BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS FOR NOT LESS meet the high bid on that said piece of land, providing County, Washington, thence west 986.00 feet to the of beginning, surrounding the developed trailer sites. THAN 10% OF THE ANNUAL CASH OFFER BUT the bidder is a non-tribal member. In the event two true point of beginning; thence south 11 degrees 16’00” Minimum bid: $1,100.00 per annum for Recreational NOT LESS THAN $10.00 ON ANY ONE ITEM. or more members claim said right of preference west, 67.30 feet; thence north 81 degrees 05’00” west Lease. the Colville Business Council shall determine the 120.00 feet; thence north 11 degrees 16’00” east, 43.80 ITEM I-4 . 101-T2028: Space No.16, Shady Cove Failure on the part of the successful bidder to successful bidder in whatever manner they deem feet; thence east, 122.40 feet to the point of beginning, Trailer Court, Within a Portion of Tribal Tract No. T2028 deposit the initial year’s rental plus the lease fee, appropriate. totaling 00.18 acres more or less. described as beginning at the quarter corner common to within 30 days after the bidder has been notified will Bids may be withdrawn by written or telegraphic Minimum Bid: $50.00 per month for this Business sections 14 and 15, Township 32 North, Range 35 East, constitute a forfeiture of the bid deposit. request received from the bidders prior to the time Lease. Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Washington, thence In such cases as bidding on homesites, 10% of the fixed for opening. Negligence on the part if the ITEM N-4 . 101-0167: the fenced portion within north 10 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence south to the monthly rental will be accepted as we do not wish to bidder in preparing the bid confers no right to Sections 1, 11, 12, Township 30 North, Range 30 East, northerly shore if the South Twin Lake; thence southerly create another hardship on members, this would be the the withdrawal of the bid after it has been opened. 117.50 acres. along said shoreline to a point due south of the true point case if they were required to submit 10% of the annual The lands herein listed are to be leased subject to 0168: within Section 12, Township 30 North, Range of beginning, surrounding the developed trailer sites. rental. EXAMPLE: If an individual bid for a house at any or all valid existing easements or right-of-ways. 30 East, 120.00 acres. Minimum bid: $1,100.00 per annum for Recreational $400.00 per month, normally, the requirement would At the time fixed for the opening of the bids, their 0171: Within Sections 11 & 12, Township 30 North, Lease. be for that individual to qualify for the bid he would contents will be made public for the information of the Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, ITEM I-5. U.S.B.R. : A parcel of land lying in have to submit $480.00 as his 10% of the annual offer bidders and other interested persons who are present. Washington, containing 120.00 acres more or less. Sections 5,6, and 7, Township 32 North, Range 37 East, of $4,800.00. All envelopes must be plainly marked “BID FOR It should be noted at the landowners request bids Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, containing 210.00 The terms and conditions on each lease can LEASE TO BE OPENED July 23, 1999”. will only be accepted for cattle grazing; no horses. acres more or less. Described as: that portion of the W be inspected at the Colville Agency, Nespelem, DATED: May 18, 1999 Total acres 357.50 of pasture with little Nespelem ½ W ½ W ½ SW ¼ of Section 5, lying above the 1290 Washington, Monday through Friday, between the Superintendent, Colville Agency Creek on the north end of lease. foot contour line; the E ½ W ½ SE ¼ , and those portions hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Minimum Bid: $250.00 per annum. of Lot 1, the S ½ NE ¼ , E ½ SE ¼ of Section 6 lying ITEM N-5. 101-T5445: Lot 7 & the west 27.1 above the 1290 foot contour line; those portions of the E The advertisement is limited to TRUST feet of Lot 8; Block 7, Elmer City newly revised plat ½ NW ¼ NE ¼ , NE ¼ NE ¼ of Section 7, lying north of INTERESTS ONLY. The Bureau of Indian Affairs key for area bid of Koontzville Addition, Section 20, Township 29 Stranger Creek and above the 1290 contour line, subject has no jurisdiction over the fee interests. o - is for Omak Area. North, Range 31 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan to rights of way for two roads crossing the described N - is for Nespelem Area. County, Washington. Containing 0.19 acres more or less. premises from Inchelium to Lake Roosevelt. The lease to be awarded to the qualified bidder k Minimum Bid: $55.00 per month for this homesite Minimum bid: $150.00 for this pasture lease. submitting the highest acceptable bid as specified: - is for Keller Area. i lease. ITEM. I-6 101-T1376: The NW ¼ NE ¼ , N ½ NW 1. Tribal tracts to action of the Colville Tribal - is for Inchelium Area. ITEM N-6. 101-T4279: Lots 9 & 10, Block 10 ¼ of Section 15, Natural Resources Committee. NH - is for North-Half area. Located in townsite of Nespelem, Located in Section 24, 101-1690-A: The SE ¼ NE ¼ , NE ¼ SE ¼ of 2. Individually owned lands are subject to consent Township 31 North, Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, Section 10, both located in Township 34 North, Range 36 Okanogan County, Washington. This is an older three East, Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Washington, bedroom home on two city lots located across from the containing 200 acres more or less. This will be available Catholic Church. June 1, 1998. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Minimum Bid: $175.00 per month for this homesite. Minimum bid: $265.00 per annum for this pasture OMAK AREA Washington, containing 75.08 acres, more or less. ITEM N-7 101-T4350: Lot 10 of Block 6, Townsite lease. ITEM 0-1. 101-0597: Lots 1,2, & 3 of Section 31, Minimum bid: $250.00 for the pasture lease. of Nespelem, Section 19, Township 31 North, Range ITEM I-7 101-T3953: a portion of said tract on Boss Township 32 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, ITEM O-11. 101-T4978: located within Lot 1, the 31 East Willamette Meridian. Containing 0.161 acres Creek located on a portion of lot 2, Section 10, Township Okanogan County, Washington. NW ¼ NE ¼, S ½ NE ¼ of Section 25, Township 31 more or less. 32 North, Range 35 East, Willamette Meridian, Ferry 101-0598: the E ½ NE ¼ , N ½ NE ¼ SE ¼ of Section North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan Minimum Bid: $150.00 per annum. County, Washington. Containing 2.88 acres more or less. 36, Township 32 North, Range 26 East, Willamette County, Washington, containing 149.25 acres, more or ITEM N-8 101-T2214: the fenced portion and 101- Minimum Bid: $103.00 per Month. Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, both less. T4067 located in the SW4, of Section 28, Township 30 ITEM I-8 SALVAGE AND REMOVAL: 101-T- containing 209.31 acres more or less. Minimum bid: $161.00 for the pasture lease. North, Range 31 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan 4353: (Former Bollingberg Property) To demolish the Minimum bid: $437.00 per annum for this pasture ITEM O-12. 101-T4291: NW ¼ NE ¼ NE ¼ NW ¼ County, Washington, containing 35.00 acres more or less. house and salvageable materials. Open to all Offers on lease. , S ½ NE ¼ of Sec. 17 Minimum Bid: $35.00 per annum for this pasture this. ITEM 0-2. 101-0937: S ½ SE ¼ of Section 9, 101-T5297: SE ¼ SW ¼ , Section 5, W ½ NE ¼ , lease. General Location: Existing homesite structure upon 101-T940: SW ¼ NW ¼ , NW ¼ NW ¼ , of Section NE ¼ NW ¼ , E ½ SW ¼ , NE ¼ SE ¼ , W ½ SE ¼ of ITEM N-9 101-0359: E2SW4 located in Section 24, 101-T4353: Within a portion of the SE4SW4, Section 13, 15, Township 32 North, Range 25 East, Willamette Section 8, NW ¼ NE ¼ ,NE ¼ NW ¼ , S ½ NW ¼ of Township 31 North, Range 31 East, Willamette Meridian, Township 32 North, Range 36 East, Willamette Meridian, Meridian, Okanogan County, containing 200.00 acres Section 17, Okanogan County, Washington. Containing 80.00 acres Ferry County, Washington. more or less. 101- T5298: W ½ NW ¼ , SE ¼ NE ¼ of Section 6, more or less. North-half tracts Minimum bid: $250.00 per annum for this pasture 101-T5300: NE ¼ NW ¼ , W ½ SE ¼ , N ½ SE ¼ , E Minimum Bid: $161.00 per annum for this pasture ITEM NH-1. 151-H0176: Lot 11 in Section 7, Lot 9 lease. ½ SW ¼ of Section 8 Township 30 North, Range 28 East, lease. in Section 8, Lot 9 in Section 17, and Lot 13 in Section ITEM 0-3. 101-0835: S ½ NW ¼ , N ½ N ½ SW ¼ ; Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, ITEM N-10. 101-0283: S2NE4,N2N2SE4, Section 18, Township 39 North, Range 39 East, Willamette 101-1020: portion situated within the SW ¼ NE ¼ ; 101- containing 800 acres, more or less. 3; 101-0284: S2N2SE4,S2SE4, Section 3; 101-T0286: Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, containing 80.00 1021: S ½ N ½ SW ¼ , S ½ SW ¼ , All within Section Minimum bid: $540.00 for the pasture lease. S2SW4, Section 2 N2DW4, Section 11; 101-T5044: acres more or less. 12, Township 32 North, Range 26 East, Willamette ITEM O-13. 101-T4975: the E ½ NE ¼ NE ¼ , E ½ N2N2DE4, Section 10, all in Township 31 North, Range Minimum bid: Open to offers. Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, containing W ½ NE ¼ NE ¼ of Section 11, 31 East , Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, ITEM NH-2. 151-H0177: Lot 10 of Section 7, and 250.00 acres more or less. 101-T2462: S ½ SE ¼ , N ½ SW ¼ Located in Washington, containing 420.00 acres more or less. Lot 6 of Section 8, Township 39 North, Range 39 East, Minimum bid: $437.00 per annum for this pasture Sections 11 & 12, Township 31 North, Range 26 East, Minimum Bid: $444.00 per annum for this pasture Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, lease. Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, lease. containing 80.00 acres more or less. ITEM 0-4. 101-2194: the NE ¼ of Section 33, containing 190 acres, more or less. ITEM N-11. FOR SALVAGE AND REMOVAL; Minimum bid: Open to offers. Township 31 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Minimum bid: $300.00 for the pasture lease. Buffalo Lake Cabins ITEM NH-3. 151-HO178: Lot 8 of Section 7, and Okanogan County, Washington, containing 160.00 acres ITEM O-14. 101-0977: located within the NE ¼ 1. A-FRAME PARTIALLY FINISHED, GOOD Lot 4, of Section 8, Township 39 North, Range 39 East, more or less. of Section 12, CONDITION Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, Minimum bid:$216.00 per annum for this pasture 101-T3039: portion north of drift fence in the E ½ NW 2. CABIN FAIR CONDITION containing 80.00 acres more or less. lease. ¼ , NW ¼ NW ¼ , N ½ SE ¼ of Section 12, 3. CABIN FAIR CONDITION Minimum bid: Open to offers. ITEM 0-5 . 101-T2199: the S ½ SW ¼ ,SW ¼ SE 101-T4940: Lot 7, S ½ SW ¼, Section 6, All located 4. CABIN FAIR CONDITION ITEM NH-4. 151-HO179: Lot 9 of Section 7, and ¼ of Section 26, Township 34 North, Range 27 East, in Township 32 North, Range 25 East, Willamette OPEN TO ALL OFFERS TO THE REMOVAL AND Lot 5 of Section 8, Township 39 North, Range 39 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, containing SALVAGE FOR THESE ITEMS. Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, containing 120.00 acres more or less. 312.60 acres, more or less. containing 80.00 acres more or less. Minimum bid for this pasture lease is $120.00 per Minimum bid: $429.00 for the pasture lease. Minimum bid: Open to offers. annum. ITEM 0-15 101-T4206: Lots 5 and 6 KELLER AREA ITEM NH-5.151-HO192: Lot 11, of Section 20, and ITEM 0-6. 101-1143: an undivided 385/405 Trust SW4NW4NW4SW4, Section 20 ITEM K-1 . 101-T3167: the W ½ NE ¼ NE ¼ Lot 10 of Section 21, Township 40 North, Range 40 interest within the W ½ E ½ NE ¼ , W ½ E ½ E ½ NE 101-T4207: Lot 4 Section 9, both in Township 30 , E ½ NW ¼ NE ¼ , NE ¼ SW ¼ NE ¼, NW ¼ SE East, Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, ¼ , W ½ NE ¼ of Section 27, Township 31 North, North, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian, Okanogan ¼ NE ¼ , of Section 9, Township 29 North, Range 33 containing 80.00 acres more or less. Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, County Washington. Containing 189.85 acres more or East, Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Washington, Minimum bid: Open to offers. Washington, containing 140.00 acres more or less. less. containing 60.00 acres more or less. ITEM NH-6. 151-HO193: Lot 9 of Section 21, Minimum bid: $465.80 for this pasture lease. Minimum Bid: $400.00 for this lease. Minimum bid: $60.00 per annum for this pasture lease. Township 40 North, Range 40 East, Willamette Meridian, ITEM 0-7 . 101-T5314: a 2.50 acre homesite ITEM 0-16 101-0909: W2W2E2SE4,W2SE4, ITEM K-2. 101-T4349: that portion of the N ½ Stevens County, Washington, Washington, containing and 17.50 pasture described as being located south of Section 21, containing 120.00 acres NE ¼ NW ¼ SE ¼ , Section 14, Township 34 North, 80.00 acres more or less. Chicken Creek Road: The N ½ NW ¼ NW ¼ , Section 7, 101-0911: E2SW4, Section 21, Township 33 North, Range 32 East, Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Minimum bid: Open to offers. Township 30 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County Washington, containing 25.00 acres more or less. ITEM NH-7. 151-HO195: Section 21, Township Okanogan County, Washington. Washington. Containing 180.00 acres more or less. Minimum bid: ¼ crop share basis at $60.00 per ton 40 North, Range 40 East, and Section 22, Township 40 Minimum bid: $250.00 per annum for the homesite Minimum Bid: $450.00 for this pasture lease. for this farm lease. North, Range 40 East, Willamette Meridian, Stevens and $6.00 per annum for the pasture. ITEM 0-17 101-0233-A: Lot 5, ITEM K-3. 101-T4784: W2SW4NE4 of Section 31, County, Washington, containing 73.40 acres more or less. ITEM 0-8 . 101-T4565: Located south of the Bluffs, E2SW4NW4,SE4NW4 of Section 18, Township 33 Township 32 North, Range 33 East, Willamette Meridian, Minimum bid: Open to offers. in section 3, 101-T4566: Lots 1,2,3, and the SE ¼ NE North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan Ferry County, Washington, containing 20.00 acres more ITEM NH-8. 151-HO196: Lot 5 of Section 11 and ¼ of Section 4, Township 33 North, Range 27 East, County, Washington, containing 76.46 acres more or less. or less. Lot 8 of Section 14, Township 40 North, Range 40 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, Washington, Minimum Bid: $1,080.00 per annum. Minimum Bid: $35.00 per annum for this pasture Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, containing 278.60 acres more or less. lease. containing 80.00 acres more or less. Minimum bid: $500.00 for this pasture lease. Minimum bid: Open to offers. ITEM O-9. 101-T4211: located within the NW ¼ NESPELEM AREA ITEM NH-9. 151-HO197:Lot 10 of Section 25 and NE ¼ NE ¼ of Section 20, Township 34 North, Range ITEM N-1 . 101-T407-A: SE ¼ SE ¼ of Section 25, INCHELIUM AREA Lot 6 of Section 36, Township 40 North, Range 29 East, 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Okanogan County, ;101-T4214: N ½ SW ¼ , NW ¼ SE ¼ , S ½ NW ¼ NW ITEM I-1 101-T2028: Space No. 6, Shady Cove Willamette Meridian, Stevens County, Washington, Washington, containing 10 acres, more or less, 5 acres ¼ NW ¼ of Section 25,; 101-T5015: SE4SW4,S2SE4, Trailer Court, Within a Portion of Tribal Tract No. T2028 containing 80.00 acres more or less. Minimum bid: for homesite and 5 acres for pasture. of Section 23,; 101-T5017: NE4NE4, S2N2, NE ¼ NW described as beginning at the quarter corner common to Open to Offers Minimum bid: $250.00 for the homesite and $20.00 ¼ Section 26 101-5018 SE ¼ SECTION 17, 101-4213 sections 14 and 15, Township 32 North, Range 35 East, for the pasture lease. NE ¼ NW ¼ ,SW ¼ NW ¼ Portion of E ½ NE ¼ All in Willamette Meridian, Ferry County, Washington, thence ITEM O-10. 101-T4311: The NE ¼ NE ¼ of Section Township 31 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, north 10 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence south to the 8, the NW ¼ NW ¼ of Section 9, Township 33 North, Leasing Ofice Address: P.O. Box 111 Nespelem, WA. 99155 -- Phone (509) 634-2343 Colville TRiBAl GeneRAl eleCTion General Election Candidate CAnDiDATe FoRuM CoMinG June 12TH esTeR TRevino’s HoMe 4641 lATeRAl C RoAD, HARRAH, wA Forum 12:00/noon sATuRDAy, June 12, 1999 You are cordially invited to attend the 1999 Colville Tribal 1999 Colville Business Council Candidates General Election Candidate Forum at Ester Trevino’s home in Harrah, Washington on Saturday, June 12, starting at Views and opinions expressed in the Candidates Forum, 12:00/noon. She will serve barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs. complimentary or critical, are those of the candidates. They are not This informal candidate forum is sponsored by Ester necessarily endorsed by the Tribal Tribune staff, tribal administration, Trevino, a Colville tribal member, and she will graciously open her home to the certified candidates for the the tribal Business Council or the Colville Confederated Tribes forthcoming General Election and to Colville tribal members who would like to meet and talk to them. Her phone number is (509) 848-3391.

Inchelium District Candidates (Position No. 2)

knowledge of Indian government and operation, employment for the Inchelium area. Tribal priorities national committees and work groups. The purpose Joseph A. Pakootas that will enhance my abilities to protect your tribal include the on-going discipline necessary to of identifying the positions that I hold is not to Council Candidate interests. protect through legal ordinance or jurisdiction our bring personal recognition to myself, but to let you inchelium District - Position #2 My purpose for entering the election process for authority to operate Class III gaming; enforce tribal know that your vote has enabled me to accept the a possible seventh term is that we as a Tribe are at laws that affect social and health services, natural responsibility of meeting all requirements of this Inchelium District Voters: the crossroads of the 21st Century and decisions resources, land use and tribal ownership, or the Tribe and the Inchelium Community in a position As the incumbent representative for Position #2 that are made at this time have to be concise, based entire environment of the reservation; and maintain of leadership in Indian Country. Even though I for the Inchelium District on the Colville Business upon proactive reasoning, and benefit the long our sovereign relationship to Federal Government. am a husband, father, grandfather, tribal member, Council, I am again asking for your support to term interests of our tribe for the next seven (7) Your vote will allow me to represent your I do not carry any personal motives or ambitions continue as your elected choice for another two (2) generations and beyond. Some of my priorities are priorities to the other 13 members of the Colville that would conflict with the majority benefit to the year term of office. based upon my representation from the Inchelium Business Council, local city and county government, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. For six (6) consecutive two (2) year terms, or District, and long term goals that will guarantee State of Washington, and Federal Government, on In conclusion, I thank you again for your past twelve (12) years in total, you have honored me by our tribal future and sovereignty. Local priorities the many diverse issues now confronting us as a support, ask for your continued vote of confidence, your trust and support with your vote of confidence. include the Headstart Center; new Health Clinic; “sovereign Indian nation of tribal government”. and more importantly request that you make every Although the work has been very time consuming water and sewer service upgrade; retrofit to As your elected representative I have been able to effort to declare your choice as a member of this and difficult at times, the many successes we have Inchelium Wood Treatment Plant; upgrade the maintain positions including the Chairperson of Tribe through the annual election process. Thanks experienced as a Tribe is due to the continued ferry service; repairs to the Community Center; the Colville Business Council, tribal representative for your time and consideration. involvement and, communication that originates more subdivision locations for individually owned to the Governors Indian Advisory Committee, Respectfully, from the people who are the Colville Tribe. During housing; improve the business operations and Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest representative to Joseph A. Pakootas these twelve years as your elected councilperson income of Rainbow Beach Resort; and continue the National Indian Gaming Association executive POB 146, Inchelium, WA 99138 I too have attained experience, maturity, and a to explore new and long term tribal member committee, and many other local, regional, and (509) 722-5505

with good paying jobs Human Rights for Tribal Members - Justice for • Fairness and justice in providing jobs for tribal lou stone all! members Council Candidate • Child Protection from sexual abuse and other abuse I ask for your votes for me at the General inchelium District - Position #2 • Elders’ Protective Services and Elders’ Rights Election. I want to return your trust, in tribal Enforcement government services and income, to you. • Employment Rights Protection Health and Education Administration Thank you for your support for desperately Dear Tribal Members: • Better health care administration and facilities needed changes in representation for our • Better administration of our housing programs governing body on the Colville Indian Sovereignty comes from a healthy nation, a • Better administration of our education services Reservation. nation that does not use sovereignty to hide from and opportunities its own people when tough questions of waste and Natural and Cultural Resource Protection With every good wish, fraud are asked. The water, air quality, timber, animals, berries, Lou Stone roots, ish PO Box 281, Inchelium, WA 99138 An aboriginal sovereign governing body must not Income Generation and Jobs Development E-mail: [email protected] (509) 738-6441 beneit from the misery of its people. • Environmental friendly economic development Among other things, I support: Keller District Candidates (Position No. 1)

Dear Tribal Members: reservation. When we implement new thought out with goals that are realistic I would like to thank you for your tribal policy the anticipated benefits and and achievable. Tribal members need to support in the primary election and would the risks need to be very clear. I understand be assured tribal business investments and oscar “Doc” also like to ask you for your continued that our business agenda naturally brings policies are truly benefiting the long-term support through the upcoming general a level of complexity but I also understand welfare of this reservation. Mellon election. that unnecessary bureaucracy does nothing In closing I would like to say that I Council Candidate Although I’ve had a diversified for us. would be honored to represent you on Keller District - Position #1 employment history, I believe my strongest One of my highest priorities as your the council and I’m positive that if we credential to be your councilman is councilman would be creating sustainable work together that our best years are ahead common sense. I believe an honest employment opportunities for of us. straightforward approach is the best way our members. To achieve this I believe Sincerely, to deal with the challenges facing our our business strategies need to be well Oscar H. Mellon

Which candidate discussed our poor relationship Which candidate supports funding of a Pension Francis w. somday, with other governments and how to better that Program for our Elders? relationship? Which candidate supports continued per capita/ ii Which candidate discussed the Constitutional dividend payments to Tribal Members? Responsibility of a Tribal Councilmember? Which candidate proposes a detailed set of criteria Which candidate discussed our Tribal Economy for the kinds of businesses we expect CTEC to develop? Dear Keller Voters: and how to expand it? Which candidate believes in Indian Preference Thank you for your support in the Primary Election Which candidate wants to increase the Rate of for Tribal Members who are qualified for the position on May 22, I am truly honored. Return on our Investments and set out a plan to do so? they seek? Your vote is important. Your vote can change Tribal Which candidate supports Tribal Member Owned Which candidate believes in Raising the Standard Government. Vote for an Experienced and Educated Small Businesses and is opposed to Tribal Government of Living of each and every Tribal Member? candidate who will provide the Keller District and the regulating them out of business? The answers to these important questions are found Tribal Council with the Leadership Qualities that are Which candidate proposed a Tribal Law that in my campaign letter!! necessary to get the job done! Vote for Francis Somday would require the Tribal Budget to be posted, allow On June 19, you will make a very important decision. in the General Election on June 19. for Tribal Membership comment and publishing of You must decide who will be your representative on We are now headed for the General Election and the final Budget? the Tribal Council. You must decide who will vote on again I would appreciate your support. Which candidate would not support the use of the the issues that are important to you. Please compare Over the next several weeks please take the time Grand Coulee Dam Claims funds to fund any shortfall my qualification with those of my opponent. I would to review the campaign letters you received from to the Tribal Budget? appreciate your vote on June 19 in the General Election. my opponent and myself and then ask yourself these Which candidate supports increased funding to the Make your vote count - Vote for the Experienced important questions: Education Division for our Tribal Students? Candidate - Vote Francis Somday for the Keller Which candidate is the most Educated ? Which candidate supports increased training funds District. Which candidate is the most Experienced in Tribal for our unemployed members? Matters and Business? Nespelem District Candidates (Position No. 1)

Thank you for your vote in the Primary of these enterprises that are not profitable, a final solution. Election. These past two years I have been should they be set up for services and I will continue to assure that services on the following committees, Executive, employment for the tribal membership. are delivered to the membership. Quarterly Education/Employment, Natural These businesses should be breaking reports will continue. Headstart and Resources, Management and Budget, even. The CTEC Budget for FY 2000, health facilities built; to adequately cover Law and Justice, Tribal Government, and the high paid salaries of managers will all expenses to build these facilities, Joanne C. leith Culture Committee. be reviewed. When there is a reduction in the Federal government funds a certain Council Candidate Two other committees that I am force, tribal members shall have preference, percentage and Tribe has to financially nespelem District - Position #1 on, Constitutional Review Committee. We receptionists and clerks shouldn’t be the support also. Tribal facilities in all four will be reviewing the Tribal Constitution. first ones to be riffed. districts have been repaired and remodeled. And the Timber Allocation Review Colville Business Council shall meet and I respectfully request your support in Committee, we will be reviewing the set goals and that these goals be prioritized. the General Election for Position #1 in Timber Allocation Agreement and making As your representative I will analyze the the Nespelem District. Your vote for recommendations to the Business Council. situation, consider the alternatives and Joanne, you will be voting for Integrity, The CTEC Board and Colville Business MOST IMPORTANT consider how it Trust and INFORMING THE Council will meet and determine if some affects the membership before determining MEMBERSHIP. Omak District Candidates (Position No. 1)

After graduating from Eastern Washington for our use; when and where to hunt, fish, gather University in business, I worked for the Colville foods and medicines; how to conduct our traditional Ted Bessette Tribe in various capacities for the past twenty years. ceremonies and customs; what types of business Council Candidate My immediate family, especially my wife, or commerce to pursue in order to provide jobs for omak District - Position #1 Rhonda Friedlander, the daughter of Ken our people and revenues to keep our organizations Friedlander, Sr. and Margaret “Muggs” Mathias, going—all of these things begin and end with our has been very understanding and patient during the sovereignty. So long as we remember who we are I appreciate the opportunity to address our tribal campaign season. Too, I wish to extend my gratitude and where we come from, we will able to realize members and wish to share a few ideas and thoughts to my extended family and friends for their support and utilize our sovereign rights and responsibilities. with you. To begin with, my extended family has in my run for the Tribal Council. Much as it takes a Last, but not least, tribal representatives should resided in the vicinity for several generations. My whole village to raise a child, the entire community not impose their ideas or notions upon the will of grandparents were the late Tom Williams and or district must be involved in electing and advising the people, rather, their political platforms should Christine Pierre Williams and my parents were the capable and informed tribal representatives. be built from the values and views of the tribal late Harry Bessette, Sr. and Bertha Williams. As Indian people, we have the basic right members who elected them to office. As we enter While in the service during what is now to determine our own future on our own terms the next century, we must not forget those ideals and known as the Vietnam conflict, I was honored to and conditions. Those things which set us apart strengths which enabled us to withstand the eras of wear the Combat Infantry Badge (CIB), Purple from other ethnic groups, such as our languages, virtual extermination, assimilation, and termination Heart, Parachute Jump Wings, and other ribbons ceremonies, traditions, heritage, arts and crafts, over the past 100 years. I appreciate your time, and and awards for service overseas in Vietnam and spirituality, and other unique qualities which define respectfully, your vote. Cambodia. With the prayers and sacrifices of us as Indian people, also grant us certain collective Thank you, our people, I eventually made it home after stops rights. The rights to govern ourselves with our Ted Bessette in military hospitals along the way for medical own leadership and laws; the extent of control or POB 1440 treatment. authority over lands and waters set aside specifically Omak, Washington 98841

• Implement Resolution 1990-465, by moving • Support a policy that treats employees with Margie Condon qualified tribal members into management positions. respect. • Address the unemployment issues. • Support a consistent wage structure throughout Hutchinson • Budget adequately for education and give CTEC and the Tribe. Council Candidate those tribal members the opportunity to return for • Partner with outside agencies to meet common employment with the tribe. goals. omak District - Position #1 • Expand on services to all tribal elders and • Apply for grants to renovate or build a new youth, currently only those close to facilities are clinic. served. In closing I would just ask that you vote in the Dear Tribal Member • Build on the strengths of our enterprises, General Election and also in the National 2000 Thank you so much for your support in the because they are the revenue and employment we elections. Primary Elections. I am deeply honored to receive need. Thank you. your vote of confidence and trust. The issues • Adequately fund the police force, so that we Margie Hutchinson really haven’t changed, it’s what type of leader are not just a training ground for other agencies. PO Box 89 or strategists you want to forge ahead with your • Support a policy that eliminates council Okanogan, WA 98840 Tribal Government Issues. Listed below are some members from intimidating, threatening, and (509) 826-5962 of my concerns. retaliating against CTEC and Tribal employees.

Omak District Candidates (Position No. 2)

Dear Tribal Members, allow our tribal members to provide a Thank you for your vote of confidence. I home, education and dependable lifestyle appreciate what you have done for me and for their families. in turn I will do everything as a Council I thank you, my Tribal members, who louella “lou” Person that I can do for you. have called me and have sent to me I will defend and fight for our Rights, correspondence your Ideas and suggestions Anderson our Traditional Beliefs, and our Cultural on how we can work together to make our Council Candidate Heritage. Colville Confederated Tribes a Healthy omak District - Position #2 I will continue to lobby and defend our Nation for our generations to come. right for economic development so that Sincerely, we can employ all of our Tribal members Louella “Lou” Anderson who are seeking employment. This would P.O. Box 3686, Omak WA 98841

Tribal Members: very challenging and rewarding experience I would like to thank all of you that in my professional career. Remember to Joyce watt supported me in the primary election. I vote for the candidate that will fight for Council Candidate am looking forward to your continued you and our Colville Reservation! omak District - Position #2 support during the general election on June Respectfully, 19, 1999. I appreciate all the campaign Joyce Watt MSW/MPA materials contributed by my friends and Box 1698 family.. I am finding this election to be a Okanogan, WA. 98840 Colville Tribal News

And we would like to thank scenic drives lately now that the Janette Timentwa for inviting us weather permits us to. The residents Colville Tribal to her root feast in Monse and always like to go outdoors and see for always including us. The the mountains, lakes and things The Credit Corner residents that attended the feast had like that. We’ve been going to bingo Convalescent a wonderful time. Residents also a couple of times a month and we are attended another root feast at the planning more outings this month. Center News long house which they enjoyed. We have been going on more ESTABLISHING AND

Congratulations to the dedicated together like a family and worked An oPen leTTeR To THe MANAGING YOUR CREDIT staff of the Colville Tribal together to achieve our goal. ConvAlesCenT CenTeR What do creditors look for when analyzing your credit application? Convalescent Center. A DSHS This message is for Harvey Moses, Basically, all creditors look at the same thing: your creditworthiness, survey team visited the facility on Jr., our administrator, “You made it eMPloyees meaning your ability and willingness to pay your debts. Creditors April 19, 1999 to see if we were in through the tough time!” April 20, 1999 consider the following factors in evaluating your creditworthiness: compliance with the Washington We would like to extend our To The Employees of the Colville Tribal Convalescent Center: Stability - In determining stability, creditors look at: how long State guidelines. The Survey team appreciation to the Colville Business The Colville Tribes is one of only 27 tribally-owned and operated you’ve lived in the area, your present address, and if you have a leader said, “I couldn’t find a darn Council and Colleen Cawston, long-term care facilities in the country and we are proud of each and telephone; whether you rent or own; whether you own other property; thing,” and she also recognized the especially, for all of their support every employee who works at our tribal facility. if you have savings, insurance or investments. staff for all of their had work and during this time and to Mel Tonasket, On behalf of the Colville Business Council, we wish to extend our dedication to the elders. The team Gwen Gua and Larry Jordan for congratulations on your passing the Washington State survey of April Income - You’ll be asked to provide such information as: your leader also let us know that we stepping in with helping hands when 19, 1999. It is recognized that such an accomplishment was only occupation and employer; how long you’ve worked at your present could start admitting patients. We we needed it. Our goal is maintaining attained through true team work. Each and every discipline of the job; how much you earn and how you’re paid (salary, commission, accomplished this because we came the quality of life for our residents. facility is very essential to the care provided to our most revered elders. self employed); sources and amounts of other income available for Words alone cannot express the great pride we, the Business debt payment, such as pensions, annuities and dividends. Council, felt upon hearing this tremendous news. Today is truly a happy Age - In Washington state and at Tribal Credit, you must be at least Library & Resource Center Survey day for the Convalescent Center and for the Colville Tribes. 18, the age when you become legally responsible for your contracts. Most Sincerely, Summer 1999 Wilfred “Deb” Louie, Vice-Chairman Expenses - The number and amounts of your expenses influence Colville Business Council your ability to pay debt. Creditors will request information regarding: The Colville Tribal Libraries/Resource Centers have been in the number of your dependents relative to your income; your financial operation for many years now. The centers had to take a ten percent obligations, such as alimony and child support; your living expenses; cut in budget last year and this, of course, has put more stress on the whether your lifestyle is consistent with your income. service of the centers. Please take the time to give us your suggestions and ideas on how we can make each resource center serve your reading/ Colville Tribal Court Debt Record - How much you owe (debts outstanding) and have-to-know needs. how promptly you pay your bills are important considerations of 1. What reservation district do you live in? Judicial System Training creditors. They are also interested in: how often you borrow and for [ ] Omak [ ] Nespelem [ ] Inchelium [ ] Keller what purposes; whether you’ve had accounts in collection; whether September 14 & 15, 1999 items you’ve purchased on credit have been repossessed; whether 2. [ ] Male [ ] Female Nespelem Tribal Long House you’ve ever declared bankruptcy. 3. Age Category: [ ] 0-15 [ ] 16-18 [ ] 19-25 [ ] 35 & Older September 14, 1999 - Tuesday Next month we will examine 4. Education Level: What is the last grade you have completed: 8:00 am - 8:30 am ...... Overview & Introductions Do you have a college degree? [ ] AA/AAS [ ] BA [ ] MA [ ] Other 8:30 am - 10:00 am ...... Jurisdiction in Indian Country, Criminal, & how the credit decision is made. 5. Are you currently employed? [ ] Yes [ ] No Civil and Marshall Trilogy ______6. Are you currently a student? 10:00 am - 10:15 am ...... Break [ ] Yes Full time____ Part time____ [ ] No 10:15 am - 11:00 am ...... Jurisdiction in Indian Country, Criminal & PERSONNEL CHANGES Civil and Marshall Trilogy (continued) Tammy Pillow, Assistant Manager, resigned her position effective 7. Have you ever used the materials, facilities 11:00 am - 12:00 am ...... Tribal Constitution March 31st to return to the big city of Puyallup. Tammy had worked or resources of the Libraries/Resource Centers? [ ] Yes [ ] No 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm ...... Lunch is on your own in many positions at Tribal Credit in her eight year tenure and will be If so, what center? [ ] Nespelem [ ] Inchelium [ ] Keller 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ...... Indian Civil Rights Act & Tribal Rights & missed at our enterprise. We wish her the best of luck in her move What service did you use? Check all that apply. U. S. Bill of Rights back to the “land of the malls.” 2:00 pm - 2:15 pm ...... Law, Sovereignty, Sovereign Immunity Cecelia Morago, former Operations Manager, has been selected for [ ] To attend work [ ] Equipment check out 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm ...... Break the Assistant Manager position. Cecelia has learned the entire Tribal related meeting(s) [ ] Material check out, i.e. books/videos Credit operation in her 6+ years at our enterprise and is well qualified [ ] To attend class(es) [ ] Community meeting(s) 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm ...... Historic Role of Judge & for her new role. Her new phone number is 634-2667. [ ] Research [ ] Use computer, typewriter History of Tribal / CFR Courts [ ] Access the Internet [ ] To study September 15, 1999 - Wednesday [ ] Obtain information [ ] Other EMPLOYEE PROFILE on other tribal services 8:00 am - 9:00 am ...... Comparison of Court Systems: Tribal, State, A relative newcomer to our enterprise is our controller, Michelle Federal and Incorporating tribal traditions, 8. How often per year do you use the services of the resource centers? “Shelly” Edwards, who has quickly become an integral part norms, practice into decisions of our operation. In addition [ ] 1-12 times [ ] 12-24 times 9:00 am - 9:30 am ...... PL 83-280 [ ] 25-52 times [ ]More than 52 times a year to meticulously recording 9:30 am - 10:00 am ...... Break all financial transactions and We would like you to help us as we continue to work to improve 10:15 am - 11:00 am ...... Jurisdiction: Personal, Subject Matter, Territorial preparing financial reports, Shelly the use and development of the Tribal Resource Centers. Please share 11:00 am - 12:00 am ...... Comity, Full Faith & Credit has delved into the operations your ideas of what you envision for a library/resource center that would 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm ...... Lunch is on your own side of our business by providing serve your reading/educational needs. What services would you like to 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ...... Indian Child Welfare Act, Best Interest of Child backup to the Operations Manager. see offered? Would the service reflect the needs of your community? 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm ...... Temporary Restraining Order, Recently, Shelly has undertaken Thank you for completing this survey, please return it to: Tribal Temporary Injunction loan analysis in her preparedness Resource Center, P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, WA 99155 or leave at your 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm ...... Break local Resource Center for pick up. 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm ...... Arraignment, Initial Hearing, Motion for TRO for her eventual dream job, “Real Estate Loan Officer.” Shelly was born in Spokane, Washington, the daughter of Wayne and Joanne Carlson Colville Tribal Child Support Worksheets Kensler. Although she spent time in Spokane and at Fort Hall, most of her life has been spent The Colville Tribal Court has on the Colville Reservation. Shelly has two wonderful daughters, recommended that Support Calc be Cassandra and Chelsea. installed at the tribal community Shelly began her tribal career at Colville Tribal Bingo where she centers for access to compute child worked for 5 years as an Operations Manager Trainee. Her next career support payments. The Omak move was to the CCT Health Program where she served for two years Community Center has already as an Office Assistant II. In 1995 she transferred to CTRC into the installed Support Calc. There position of Payroll Administrator. While working at CTRC, Shelly began taking classes at Wenatchee is staff available to help. In the Valley College to obtain her AAS degree in Accounting Technology. meantime, please look forward to this This education plus her work experience prepared her for her present program at the Keller and Inchelium job as Controller of Tribal Credit. Community Centers. The Nespelem Outside of work, Shelly is a devoted parent to her two daughters area has installed Support Calc at and participates in all of their various activities. She does find time the court and other programs. Please to snowmobile in the winter, play co-ed volleyball, and has recently contact the court for the locations become a “rodeo spectator.” Her ultimate goal is to someday become a real estate magnate—but first she needs to get her business plan and individuals able to assist completed! in completing your child support Shelly can be reached at 634-2657. Call her if you have any payments. You can call the court at questions about the financial operation of Colville Tribal Credit—or (509)634-2500. just welcome her when you see her filling in as a teller on tribal paydays. Support Calc is a computer program that can perform complex calculations based on the information provided such as a parents’s income, number of children, overall household income, all expenses and Alcohol / Drug Program credits allowed by the child support agreement. Announcing Family Support Calc is a self-guiding program which tells the user what Support Group to do to prepare a worksheet for the STARTS TUESDAY, May 18th, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. in estimated child support. This program Inchelium. The Family Support Group meets each Tuesday at considers total and extraordinary 10:00 a.m. at the white house behind the Longhouse. health care, day care and special This is a facilitated group for family and/or friends of someone expenses. other expenses include with an alcohol or other drug problem. Any concerned parents transportation, education, custom and are welcome. traditional, and resources. Support Whether they are still using or in recovery, our concern for a person impacted by chemical dependency can drain our energy, Calc also recognizes overnight and confuse us and leave us wondering about our own sanity. in-kind credit allowances. Any Sometimes we don’t know how to help in a healthy way. individual wanting to try this program The focus of this group is good self care and regaining our will need to list household assets own balance whether the person we care about is still using or and debts or court ordered spousal in recovery. maintenance. Bring your spouses Confidentiality is a must in this group. When you attend the income, your personal income, and group it will be with the understanding that who you see here, debts for a thorough evaluation on what you hear here…let it stay here. the child support payment. There is no charge for this group. Please feel free to call me and ask questions if you like. United States Census 2000

As the 21st Century begins, Census 2000 will be the source for accurate, • To answer your questions, a toll/ detailed data on population growth and decline, household income and family free telephone number will be composition, changes in racial and ethnic distributios and labor force strength. provided. A Message from N. Lynn Holder, Every 10 years, the United States Constitution directs the Census Bureau • To make sure you’re included, we’ll make additional forms Census Government Specialist to conduct a complete accounting of every resident in the United States. The Census is used in many important ways such as deciding Participating in the census is in everyone’s best interest. People who answer available to you. how much money your community will get for schools, hospitals, the census help their communities obtain state and federal funding, as well as provide valuable information for planning schools, hospitals and roads. Census 2ooo child care centers, roads, Head Start, health services and more. Census information helps decision-makers understand which neighborhoods And to decide how many representatives from your state will need new schools and which ones need greater services for the elderly. The in A FlAsH serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. best way to make sure people like you are represented in the Census is to simly fill out the form and encourge others The United States Constitution Census data is used to calculate financial support for job to do so. mandates a census every 10 years training programs and student loans and to prevent discrimination Each individual’s answers are combined with others to produce the statistical summaries that are published. to determine how many seats each against minorities, the disabled and the elderly in the workplace. No one outside the Census Bureau will be able to connect the answeres with an individual’s name or address. All state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. But community Get involved and participate in Census 2000. The Colville leaders use it for everything from Tribe deserves an accurate count for the next decade and our planning schools and building roads future! to providing recreational oppor- For information concerning the Census 2000, contact: Flodell tuni-ties and managing health/care Williams, Colville tribal liaison (509) 634-2000 or N. Lynn Holder, Race, Hispanic origin, services. Census Government Specialist (509) 826-5394 or balstar@ and Ancestry How BiG is iT? • 275 million U.S. residents why, what, and How • 118 million housing units in the United States alone Why Will Census 2OOO Ask About Race, • 1.5 million housing units in Puerto CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE Hispanic Origin, and Ancestry? Rico and the • U.S. Island Areas COLVILLE RESERVATION People who answer the census help their • 2.7 million applicants recruited communities obtain federal funds and valuable • 285,000 jobs at peak information for planning schools, hospitals, and roads. • 500 Local Census Offices, 12 MILL BAY Census information also helps identify areas where Regional Census Centers and 4 residents might need services of particular interest to certain racial or ethnic groups, such as screening for Data Processing Centers CASINO’S hypertension or diabetes. • 500 local area networks, 6,000 All levels of government need information on personal computers and 1,500 race, Hispanic origin, and ancestry to implement and printers (set up, used and dis- 5TH evaluate programs, such as the Equal Employment mantled in one year) opportunity Act, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, • 8 million maps needed for field Public Health Act, Healthcare Improvement Act, Job work ANNIVERSARY Partnership Training Act, Equal Credit opportunity Act, • 79 million questionnaires returned Fair Housing Act, Census Redistricting Data Program, within a two/week period and others. • 8 to 9 million blocks covered POW-WOW Both public and private organizations use race, MAnson, wAsHinGTon Hispanic origin, and ancestry information to find wHen is iT? areas where groups may need special services 1998/1999: Developing the June 10-13, 1999 and to plan and implement education, housing, address list for Census 2000 and health, and other programs that address these recruiting workers for census jobs needs. For example, a school system might Beginning mid/March 2000: PuBliC is inviTeD To ATTenD use this information to design cultural activities Census questionnaires delivered THis sPeCTACulAR evenT! that reflect the diversity in their community. or a business could use it to select the mix of APRil 1, 2000: FeATuRinG merchandise it will sell in a new store. Census DAy AMeRiCAn inDiAn DAnCinG, Everyone who answers the census is March/May 2000: Census takers DRuMMinG, sTiCKGAMes, asked about race and Hispanic origin because visit housing units in rural and remote this information is needed for areas as small as areas to drop off and/or pick up forms venDoRs & CRAFTs neighborhoods and city blocks. April/June 2000: Census takers The ancestry question permits people to identify groups not listed in the race and Hispanic origin visit housing units that did not return oveR $46,000 will Be questions, such as Dominican, Lebanese, Cambodian, or Dutch. Ancestry is asked only on the long census forms Given AwAy in PRiZes! form—the longer questionnaire that goes out to one in six households. This sample is large enough October/November 2000: All field work completed December 31, 2000: Apportion- CALENDAR OF EVENTS ment counts delivered to the President Does eveRyone neeD To AnsweRinG THe Census a larger sample is needed to ensure April 1, 2001: All states receive Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. • Honor American Indian Royalty AnsweR THe QuesTion on is iMPoRTAnT, eAsy, AnD that these towns and counties get the redistricting counts • Mill Bay Royalty Contest HisPAniC oRiGin? sAFe. same detailed information as more Yes, the Hispanic origin question By law, the Census Bureau cannot densely populated areas. wHAT’s on THe • Giveaways, Memorials & Ceremonies must be answered by EVERYONE. share your individual records with Census FoRM? • TeePee Setups for TeePee Contest Those who are not of Hispanic origin others, including welfare agencies, THis is youR FuTuRe. About 83 percent of respondents Friday, June 11, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. Don’T leAve iT BlAnK. will receive a short form, which asks are asked to mark the box “No, not the Immigration and Naturalization • Honor Colville Tribal Drums Spanish/Hispanic/Latino.” People Service, the Internal Revenue about seven subjects: name, sex, Census 2000 will help decision/ • Dancing & Drumming Contests Begin who are of Hispanic origin are asked Service, courts, housing authorities, makers understand which neighbor- age, relationship, Hispanic origin, race, and housing tenure (whether to indicate the specific group they police, and the military. Anyone hoods need new schools and which saturday, June 12, 1999 at 1:00 P.M. & 7:00 P.M. belong to: Cuban, Mexican, Puerto who breaks this law can receive up the home is owned or rented)—and • Honor Tiny Tots & Tribal Elders at Each Session ones need greater services for the takes approximately 10 minutes to Rican, or other groups, such as to five years in prison and $5,000 in • 1st Session elderly. But they won’t be able to tell complete. Spanish, Honduran, or Venezuelan. fines. The law works—millions of • Lil’Mill Bay Casino-Sandra Cree Warriors-Pistol Bullet questionnaires were processed during what your community needs if you One out of six households • 7-12 Years Traditional Girls Dance Special-lst the 1990s without any breach of trust. and your neighbors don’t fill out your will receive a longer form which How Do i AnsweR THe Place Jacket & $50 Cash QuesTion on RACe? census forms and mail them back. asks about 34 subjects, including education, ancestry, employment, • Dancer Registration Ends at 2:00 P.M. The individual who responds to Once the Census Bureau receives How AMeRiCA your questionnaire, our work has disability and house heating fuel— • Traditional Meal at 5:00 P.M. the census decides what his or her only begun. If the questionnaire is and takes approximately 38 minutes • (Meal open to the public after elders and racial identity is. For the first time Knows wHAT incomplete, a census employee must to complete. Pow-Wow participants are served.) ever, people answering the census contact you to obtain the missing • Stickgame Registration Ends at 4:00 P.M.-Tournament will be able to select more than one AMeRiCA neeDs! wHy sHoulD you Census 2000 Will Be the Largest information. Then the answers on Play Starts at 5:00 P.M. racial category to indicate mixed your questionnaire are combined. AnsweR THe Census? Peacetime Effort in the History of the sunday, June 13, 1999 at 1:00 P.M. racial heritage. The groups shown United States. It is these combined numbers—not Answering the census is important in the census race question collapse your individual answers—that are for your community—Census • Honor Veterans More than 285,000 census takers • Junior Stickgame Tournament Registration 10:00 into the six race groups needed by the and support personnel will be needed published and put to work for your numbers help local planners pick federal government: White, Black or to account for the anticipated 118 community. the best locations for schools, roads, A.M.-12:00 P.M.-Games Start at 1:00 P.M. African American, American Indian million housing units and 275 million hospitals, clinics, libraries, day/ • (Ages 16 & Under, $50 Registration Fee, and Alaska Native, Asian, and Native people across the United States. But youR AnsweRs care and senior citizen centers, 5 Players per Team) Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders. it isn’t its size that makes Census woRK FoR you. playgrounds, bus routes, job training • Contest Finals & Awards Ceremony People who mark the American 2000 important. It is all the things The federal government uses programs and much more. Every Indian or Alaska Native category are that we will learn about ourselves census numbers to allocate over $100 year, over $100 billion in federal asked to provide the name of their that will help America succeed in billion in federal funds annually for funding and even more in state funds CONTEST PRIZES principal or enrolled tribe. People the next millennium. The census is as community programs and services are awarded to localities based on who say they are “other Asian,” including education programs, census numbers. Dance Contests important to our nation as highways • Mens-Women-Elders “other Pacific Islander,” and/or and telephone lines. Federal dollars housing and community develop- Answering the census creates jobs “Some other race” are asked to also supporting schools, employment ment, health/care services for the and ensures the delivery of goods • Traditional . Fancy . Grass . Jingle write in their race. services, housing assistance, highway elderly, job training and many more. and services—Businesses use census • 1st Place, $1,000-2nd Place, $500-3rd Place, $250 numbers to locate supermarkets and construction, hospital services, State, local and tribal govern- Teen Boys & Girls How Do HisPAniCs programs for the elderly and more are ments use census information for shopping centers, new housing, new factories and offices and facilities • Traditional . Fancy . Grass . Jingle AnsweR THe RACe distributed based on census figures. planning and allocating funds for new like movie theaters and restaurants. • 1st Place, $300-2nd Place, $200-3rd Place, $100 QuesTion? school construction, public buildings such as libraries, highway safety and Answering can save your life— People of Hispanic origin may be youR AnsweRs Junior Boys & Girls ARe iMPoRTAnT. public transportation systems, new An exaggeration? Not at all! When • Traditional . Fancy . Grass . Jingle of any race. Hispanics can choose one roads and bridges, location of police About a week before Census Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida • 1st Place, $150-2nd Place, $100-3rd Place,$50 or more race categories, including and fire departments and many other in 1991, Census Bureau officials Day—April 1, 2000—most house- • Daily Tiny-Tot Session Pay White, Black or African American, projects. were able to aid the rescue effort American Indian and Alaska Native, holds will receive a questionnaire Community organizations use by providing estimates of the total Drum Contest Asian, and Native Hawaiian and by mail. Census takers will deliver census information for developing number of people in each block. • Totaling $500-Session Pays Daily forms to the remaining households. other Pacific Islander. If someone social service programs, community Answering the census is safe—By • 1st Place, $2,000-2nd Place, $1,000-3rd Place, $500 The Census 2000 questionnaire will action projects, senior lunch law, the Census Bureau cannot share does not identify with any of the be easy to read and simple to fill out. programs and child/care centers. TeePee Contest your individual records with any specified race groups, he or she may The Census 2000 questionnaire that Businesses use the numbers to • Limit One Entry Per Family-First 50 Entries mark the “Some other race” category most people will get will ask about decide where to locate factories, other government agency, including • 1st Place, $250-2nd Place, $150-3rd Place, $100 and write in their race. only seven subjects: name, sex, age, shopping centers, movie theaters, welfare agencies, the Immigration relationship, Hispanic origin, race, banks and offices—leading to the and Naturalization Service, the stickgame Tournament-$200 entry Fee • 1st Place, $8,000-2nd Place, $5,000-3rd How Do i AnsweR THe and housing tenure (whether home creation of jobs in your area. Internal Revenue Service, courts, police and the military. Census Place, $3,000-4th Place, $2,000-5th Place, AnCesTRy QuesTion? is owned or rented.) Nationwide, five The U.S. Congress uses the census out of six housing units will receive workers must be sworn to secrecy $1,500-6th Place-$500 Ancestry refers to an individual’s totals to determine how many seats this short form. It will be the shortest your state will have in the U.S. House before they see the numbers. If nationality, lineage, or the country short form in 180 years! of Representatives. Likewise, states someone gave out any information in which the individual or the The longer form will ask about use the numbers to allocate seats in they saw on a form, they would face EVENT INFORMATION individual’s parents or ancestors the same seven subjects plus 27 their legislatures. a $5,000 fine and a five/year prison Vendor deadline June 4, 1999. Vendor space limited. were born before their arrival in the more, including education, ancestry, term. The law works—millions of Call for registration form. No late entries. United States. Examples of ancestries employment, disability and house THe Census BuReAu CAn questionnaires were processed during Free RV parking (no hookups). TeePee Poles provided. are Polish, Jamaican, Egyptian, and heating fuel. one out of six housing HelP you PARTiCiPATe. the 1990s without any breach of trust. Not responsible for lost or stolen items. This is a drug units will receive a long form Taiwanese. The ancestry question is • To help you fill out your census nationwide. In some rural areas, as & alcohol-free event. open/ended, allowing respondents questionnaire, Questionnaire Event subject to change at management=s discretion many as every other housing unit Assistance Centers will open in to write in their lineage or ancestry. may receive this long form—because your community. Community News

Inchelium Community Center News Colville Community

To Our Community: OUR DEDICATED PARENTS and Allen Carson. We couldn’t have Is there something you want to do I am writing to let you know that are at all of our games. I think done it without all of the donations: or have go on and don’t know where what’s been going on and what the kids really enjoy the support. Inchelium Post and Pole Plant and to go? Stop by the Center and we can we’ve been thinking on doing lately. I really enjoy being the coach. It’s Mike Stensgar; Inchelium School for help you on your projects. You help Calendar I somehow fell in place for the Little fun. Also a big thanks to the Bears some old fencing; 2x4’s from CIPP; us and we will help you. League coach (8-10 yrs.). We have Den for sponsoring the uniforms, the and to Marlin Simpson and Boise I just want to say “congrat- been doing pretty good. The first four Center for the hats and to the youth Cascade for 20 sheets of plyboard. ulations” to Julie Simpson for getting games we lost, the next four we won coordinator for transporting. This Have you seen the new outhouse? the Healthy Nations position. She is and last night on May 17, 1999, we is our first year in Little League. I Thanks to Allen and brother, now working out of the Center and we will A GATHeRinG oF TRiBes ended in a tie. We have four more have been thinking about doing a you don’t have to worry about falling be working together, so stop by and games. And if you are wondering parent and kids game at the end of in or the draft. We are selling say hello and if you need any help A Celebration of Contemporary & why we don’t play down here. That the season, at the end of May or the advertisement space on the back with anything, let us know and we was one of the rules, we have to play beginning of June so watch for signs. fence for $50 dollars a sheet for a are willing to give a helping hand. Traditional indian Arts & Culture all of our games in Kettle Falls this We also have the FAMILY family board or business. You do Since it’s summer, we have Friday, June 18 & 19, 1999 year, then next year if we finish this TOURNAMENT on May 21-22, your own design or we can do it for Memorial Park - wenatchee year, we will get to have our games 1999 on our new field. The first place you and what we raise will go toward changed our hours to 8:30 a.m. to here. I started out with 16 boys and winners received quilted coats and youth events here in Inchelium. 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. We Indian Artists, Crafters, Dancers, Drummers, we are down to 12 dedicated players. everybody got something. I just want to say that Jerry Signor will post if we open longer for an Musicians, Storytellers and Food Vendors. They are skilled in many ways so I Speaking of the new softball will be doing his “Last Name event going on. Interested in participating? Call North Central hope you parents come out and watch field, it looks really good and has Tournament” here on June 19 so keep Thanks, the Inchelium Washington Museum (509) 664-3340 for additional these boys play before our season is been given a face lift so a great your calendars open and come over Community Center staff: Mona, information and applications. over. And I want to say a GREAT big thanks and a great job to Cecil and have some fun, it was a great Debbie and Elaine. BI THANKS TO JOE CONDON Michael, Lavern (brother) Ellsworth turnout last year. He did a great job. AND MARTY WHELSHULA AND 8TH AnnuAl CoyoTe oPen GolF TouRnAMenT 1999 July 10 & 11, 1999 First Tee-Time: 10:00 A.M. Banks lake Golf & Country Club electric City, washington Entry Fee: $50.00 (Pay own green fees) Side Bets: LD, KP, KP, Skins, Blind Draw and Two Man Best Ball. Golfers from Tribes throughout the Northwest are expected to participate. For more information contact: Bill Desautel at (509) 633-3582. First Grade Third Grade Fifth Grade Kyle Nicholson and Vincent Stensgar and Loren Orozco and Josie Zacherle Brittnay Hoffman Emma Michel A Celebration of Contemporary & Traditional Arts & Culture saturday, August 7, 8, 1999 starting at 10:00 a.m. schoenberg Conference Center Gonzaga university, spokane, washington Featuring: Plateau Indian Arts Sale, Demonstrations, Entertainment; Storytelling, Food. For more information, call: Lynn Pankonin, Cheney Cowles Museum, (509) 456-3931 ext. 129 or Jenny Ferguson, Cheney Cowles Museum, (509) 456-3931 ext. 135. Kindergarten Second Grade Fourth Grade Sixth Grade Curtis (Buck) Flett and Francis Orozco and Joseph Simpson and Edward Orozco and Mariah Grahm Tomi Simpson Linda Carson Daphney Desautel FAMILY NIGHT OUT ATTENTION ALL Health Beat GRADUATES! WE’RE HONORING YOU! June 9th, 5:00 p.m. 10 Reasons to Vaccinate Babies Before They Are Age 2 nespelem Community Center Contact: WSU Colville Reservation Co-Op Extension Agent 1. Diphtheria. This serious disease caused by a toxin (poison) produced or her mouth, swallow, breathe or and a rash that lasts about 3 days. But Diedre at (509) 634-2304. is spread by bacteria of germs. by a germ that enters the body move. Three of 10 people who get if a pregnant woman gets rubella, she We need your name, address, telephone and Diploma/Degree/ Diphtheria can cause blockage of through a cut or wound. Tetanus tetanus die from the disease. can lose her unborn baby, or the baby Certification. the airway, making it impossible causes serious, painful spasms of all 3. Pertussis (whooping cough). can be born blind, deaf, mentally to breathe. It can also cause heart muscles and can lead to “locking” of Pertussis is caused by bacteria. It can retarded or with heart defects or other problems. the jaw so a person cannot open his cause spells of violent coughing and serious problems. 2. Tetanus (lockjaw). Tetanus is choking, making it hard to breathe, 8. Hib disease. Haemophilus drink or eat. The cough can last for influenzae type b (ib) bacteria causes weeks. Pertussis is most serious for meningitis. It can also cause Colville Tribal Indian babies, who can get pneumonia, have pneumonia and infection of the 1999 Alcohol Awareness seizures, become brain damaged or blood, joints, bone, throat and heart Language Program even die. About half of the babies covering. This disease is very serious Reservation Relay who get pertussis have to go to the for children younger than age 5, hospital. especially infants. Ns¤lxcin Nxa›amx¡‹n Nim‹pu Congratulations Reservation Communities! 4. Polio. Polio is caused by a 9. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is an COLORS Tribal Health, Healthy Nations and the Tribal Police virus that is spread by contact with infection of the liver caused by a Black ...... qŸay ...... qŸ‹y ...... cimuxcim–x the feces (bowel movement) of an virus. It spreads through contact with White ...... piq ...... payq ...... ay ƒy Department would like to thank all participants, infected person. Symptoms can blood or other body fluids. This can volunteers, and supporters of the 1999 Alcohol include sudden fever, sorethroat, happen through sexual contact or by Red ...... kŸil ...... kŸ„l ...... ›ilp‹lp Awareness Reservation Relay. Again, participation headache, muscle weakness and pain. sharing a razor, toothbrush or needles Green...... qŸin ...... qŸ‹n ...... a –s was outstanding for the relay that traveled from Polio can cause paralysis and death. used to inject drugs. Hepatitis B Blue ...... qŸ€ay ...... qŸ‹y ...... ›› y“syos 5. Measles. The measles virus causes a flu-like illness with loss of Yellow ...... kŸril ...... KŸrƒyq ...... m–qsmuqs Omak, through each district and ended in Inchelium is spread very easily. Even being appetite, nausea, vomiting, rashes, the week of May 10- 13, 1999. in the same room with a person joint pain, and jaundice (yellowing Young and old, walkers and runners alike joined with measles is enough to catch of the eyes and skin). An infected NUMBERS together to bond the reservation communities and the disease. Symptoms include a pregnant woman can expose her One ...... naqs ...... na’qs ...... naqc rash, fever, cough and watery eyes. newborn to this virus during birth. Two ...... ›asil ...... tqÂaw ...... lˆpit complete the task of travelling the 100 miles from Measles can also cause pneumonia, The virus stays in the liver of some border to border! brain damage, seizures or death. people for the rest of their lives and Three ...... ka›¨‹s ...... ka›¨ƒs ...... mitƒt The relay began Monday May 10 with a prayer of every 1,000 children who get can result in severe liver diseases or Four ...... mus ...... m–s¤s ...... p‹lept offered by George Abrahamson, and a short measles, 1 or 2 will die from the cancer. Five ...... cilkst...... c‹lk t ...... pƒ et disease. 10. Varicella (chicken pox). The address from the lead off runner, Councilperson 6. Mumps. The mumps virus varicella virus usually causes a rash, Dale Clark. (Dale also joined the Keller district causes fever, headaches and itching, tiredness and fever. It can MONTHS runners for a 3 mile run on Wednesday May 12)! swollen salivary glands under the lead to pneumonia, brain infection January ...... spaqt ...... wilapup The relay was completed on Thursday May 13 in jaw. Children who get mumps may or death. Complications occur most February ...... sk¤nÂirmen ...... ›alatƒmÂal develop a mild meningitis often in very young children, adults March ...... p¤ck¨tƒn ...... lata›ƒl Inchelium with the family of “Ma” Zaugg finishing the (inflammation of the covering of the or people with damaged immune final two miles. A huge recognition to all of those brain and spinal cord) and sometimes systems. April ...... kspÂiœ¤mt¤n ...... qaqot›al walkers and runners in between. Great Job! encephalitis (inflammation of the Please, let’s protect our children, May ...... kt‹xŸm¤n ...... ›llal For more information about this activity or others brain). Mumps can also result in get them immunized today! June ...... km‹ktu›t¤n ...... tusmƒsta›al permanent hearing loss. Compliments of Nespelem in your community, please call Tribal Health at 634- 7. Rubella (German measles). The CHR’s: Pam Moses 634-2942, 2939 or Healthy Nations at 634-2780. rubella virus usually causes a mild Lorraine Williams 634-2941. q¤mntitkŸ sickness with fever, swollen glands TReAT FoResTlAnDs Corp of Retired Executives) will conduct Tonasket, Omak WA; 3. Darrel Dick, Precision Pine, Colville Timber Resource iMPACTeD By THe ReCenT iCe a six hour introductory workshop for Nespelem WA; 4. Ron Staggs, Nespelem Co., The Darrel Dick Family, The Pat Tribal Tribune Service & Source directory sToRMs present and prospective small business WA; 5. Mel Tonasket, Omak WA. Morin Family, The Russ Marchand Call or fax Us your information right Now! Forest Land Owner Assistance owners. Learn how to start your business MENS MASTERS - B DIVISION Family, Mel & Nancy Tonasket, The Dale 24-Hour Message Number (509) 634-2222 The Natural Resources Conservation with the right legal, tax, insurance, and 1. Len Goddard, Tacoma WA; 2. Clark Family, D&H Auto Sales, Cactus 24-Hour fax Number (509) 634-4617 Service (NRCS) Washington has accounting advice. Discover how to start Jerry Ratcliff, Coulee Dam WA; 3. Mike Jack Insurance, CTEC, Colville Tribal received emergency funds under the your planning, financing, and marketing McCraigie, Omak WA; 4. Benton Clark, Admin, Colville Business Council, Rich Forest Incentives Program (FIP) to help programs. This workshop is a must for Omak WA; 5. Eli Williams, Coulee Dam & Joan Tonasket Family, Coulee Dam landowners With damaged forest stands, those planning to start a business and a WA. Credit Union - Omak, Hometown Pizza, A worksheet prepared for each child FOR SALE / WANTED which resulted from ice storms and valuable workshop for those in business WOMENS MASTERS - A DIVISION Okanogan Bingo/Casino, Leo Cheer & support case is the Colville Tribal Court’s drought in 1996 and 1997. Damage to for 6 months to 2 years who want to 1. Kathy Sirios, Omak WA; 2. Jennie Missy Goujon, The Joe Carden Family, main tool to determine the amount TRusT lAnD FoR sAle forest stands has led to some premature expand their business or need help Honanie, Wapato WA; 3. Elvira Bob, Sabe Redthunder, All-Indian Bowling of child support that each parent is Trust land for sale 2.43 acres, more harvesting, increased wildfire hazard, building a better business and boosting Nespelem WA; 4. Joanne Jamison, Committee. obligated to provide. Information entered or less. This portion of Colville Allotment and the buildup of damaging insect profits. Seattle WA; 5. Regina Wippel, Wilbur WA. We wish to thank all the bowlers who for both parents covers their income, 101-652-E, NW4SE4SE4 section 17, populations. The Cleveland Fire, a The small business workshop will be WOMENS MASTERS - B DIVISION participated in this years event and to the deductions from income, health care Township 33 North, Range 29 East. disastrous wildland fire occurred in held at the Cedars Inn, one Apple Way, 1. Joan Tonasket, Omak WA; 2. sponsors for helping make this tournament expenses, daycare and special child Is located 17 miles east of Omak, Wa. Klickitat County in 1998. This fire, which Okanogan, WA on Friday, June 11, 1999 Rhonda Marchand, Nespelem WA; 3. possible. rearing expenses, and child support in Okanogan County, it is located on burned several thousand acres of forest, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jolene Marchand, Nespelem WA; 4. credits. Currently, preparers manually and accessible from State Highway grazeable forestland and grazing lands This workshop is sponsored by Agnes Boyce, Omak WA; 5. Gilly Staggs, enter this information on paper copies 155. House foundation, well, septic, needs rehabilitation. The forested acres SCORE and co-sponsored by North Nespelem WA. of the worksheet and, using hand- electricity, telephone already available, that meet the program criteria, and lie Cascades National Bank. Brochures TOURNAMENT SPONSORS: Stogie held calculators, make more than 30 contact Marlene Louie Xhurape for further within the recognized boundaries of the describing the program are available at Shop, Omache Interiors, Valley Lanes, calculations to determine the net support information wk. 509 532-3131 or even. Cleveland Fire, will also be eligible for Chambers of Commerce and community The Club-Okanogan, Colville Indian obligations of each parent, taking about 509-483-3092. cost share funds. banks in the area. 90 minutes per worksheet. Priority practices to be funded by these Advance registration is requested Objective of this project are to reduce 80 ACRes FoR sAle cost-share dollars are pre-commercial by calling the OCCED/SBDC at (509) the time it takes the court to establish FOR SALE 80 acres on Mineral Hill Rd thinning and tree planting for species 826 -5107 or E-mail to “jr-occed@ child support obligations, by: Reducing the above the school house Beautiful views conversion in the areas affected. In northcascades.net” or “[email protected]”. Jury Duty Listing time needed to prepare the worksheets; and can be divided into small building lots Eastern Washington, the Admission is $25.00 per person, which Standardizing the method of preparing the For The Months Of if desired. $43,000. Call 509-996-2531. counties eligible include portions of includes lunch and materlals. worksheets; and Eliminating all calculation Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane April, May and June 1999 errors in the worksheets. PRoPeRTy FoR sAle and Stevens. Areas of eligibility will be exHiBiT sPACe AvAilABle Through a contract with an experi- 4.36 acres located 8 miles north of determined At the local level by the local FoR CowBoy GATHeRinG enced software development company, Nespelem on Gold Lake Road. FIP working group already established AT ’99 PuyAlluP FAiR the grantee will: Develop computer Has power, sewer, well and telephone under the annual FIP. Puyallup, WA, May 11, 1999 - Omak, Malott, Brewster, Elmer Kheel, Marvin Joseph. software to guide worksheet preparers line. Existing 14 x 70 ft. mobile home and Applications for practice cost-share Exhibitors with products slanted towards City, Okanogan, Inchelium, Coulee Laramie, Charles William; through uniform instructions for providing some outer buildings. Good fixer upper will be accepted through the summer of cowboys and cowgals, this is a rare Dam, Nespelem and Keller Leadercharge, Michael Boye; Lebret, standardized information necessary for at $30,000. Call (509) 848-3391 ask for 1999, or until the funding is exhausted. opportunity. A few spaces are available the worksheet and to make instant, error- Peggly Louise; Lee, Angela Mary; Esther. Or write to P.O. Box 44, Harrah, The 10 acre minimum acreage rule has to exhibit your western wares at Cowboy free calculations; Install this software in Abrahamson, George Anthony; Lelone, Geraldine ; Louie, Robert WA 98933. been waived for eligible emergency FIP Gathering, Sept. 10-12, the opening three tribal employees’ computers; and Train practices. Applications for practices to be days of the 1999 Puyallup Fair. Abrahamson, Rena; Adkinson, E.; Louie, Kevin Anthony; Louie, tribal employees to use the software, House FoR sAle installed on a minimum of five acres will Cowboy Days is an extraordinary William Daniel; Adolph, Anthony Lovina Veronica; Louis, Shirley M; and provide them with on-going technical 3 Bedroom w/ loft, Cedar “A” Frame be accepted. Cost sharing will be at the gathering of great cowboy music, poetry, Brian; Adolph, Nicholas Philip; Lussier, Martina. support for 3 years. w/ Basement, 2000 S/FT, two baths, Hot 65% level. gear, art, and goods. It is held in the Total grant amount $32,800. Agapith, Charlene Ann; Allen, Marcellay, Aaron Lee; Marchand, tub, Sauna, Fireplace, Garage, Satelite To be eligible for the program, covered Contest Arena within the Puyallup No tribal funds used. Mervel Eugene; Allen, Harold Benny E.; Marchand, Brian Kyle; Dish, 5 ACRES - very quiet - Lot #52 applicants must be non-industrial private Fairgrounds, and admission to the event Twin Lakes Tracts, Inchelium; $98,000 forestland owners of no more than 1000 is free upon gate admission to the Fair. Floyd; Allen, Mervel Albert; Allen, Marchand, Elsie W.; Marchand, BiDs wAnTeD Call (509) 738 6441. acres of eligible forestland. They must The event also coincides with the annual Marcianne; Andrew, Sharleen M.; Robert W; Marchand, Virgil T; Bids are being accepted for the have land suitable for reforestation or PRCA Rodeo, scheduled for the same Andrews, James Edward; Ankney, Mason, Elizabeth Lucy; Matt, Doris Student Recognition & Award Banquet House FoR sAle forest improvement. The land must meet three days. scheduled for Sunday, June 2O, 1999 Doran Anthony; Antone, Deidre D; Marie; Matt, Matthew Eugene; Matt, Home located in east Coulee Dam at the minimum productivity requirement of Show hours are 10 am to 10 pm all at the Nespelem Community Center, Atkins, Antoine A; Atkins, Gloria L. Janice Grunlose; McClung, Daniel 1107 River Drive. You may drive by to 50 cubic feet per acre per year and be three days, and booths must be staffed Nespelem, WA. view, no contact with renters in home. capable of producing a marketable wood during that time. Both 10’ x 10’ and 10’ x Baker, Stella Louise; Banning, Jerry Joseph; McCraigie, Lois D; Sealed bids should be received by Call (509) 639-0103 after 7:00 p.m. for an product. 20’ space is available, and rates are very Edwin M.; Barnaby, Philip Antoine; McCraigie, Beverly Rae; McCraigie, Friday, June 11, 1999 at 12:00 p.m. to the appointment. Home has split entry, Applicants may obtain more affordable. 110V-20 amp is provided. Barnaby, Brian; Bearcub, Adan Arnold; Michel, Eugene; Michel, Public Education/Healthy Nations office four bedrooms, two bath, fireplaces in information on cost-share rates, program Interested exhibitors should contact located upstairs in the HRD Building. Harvey; Belgarde, Duance Steven; Aurora Lee; Michel, Julie Ann; living room and family room, new deck requirements, and technical assistance Kim Barkley at the Puyallup Fair weekdays, Bids will be for approximately 1,000 Bernard, Alice M; Blair, Doretta; Miller, Jeannie M.; Miller, Cody and siding. Asking $120,000. Also three available from the Washington State 8 am to 4:30 pm at (253) 841-5073, by fax people. The bids should include the classic cars: ‘69 Datsun roadster, $3,200; Department of Natural Resources (DNR) at (253) 841-5390, via e-mail through Blum, Linda S.; Boyd, Sean Adam; Moore, Michael Martin; following: ‘75 Corvette, $10,500; ‘77 Corvette, in Colville at (509) 684-7474 by calling [email protected], or by mail: Puyallup Edward; Boyd, Gerry L; Boyd, Morago, Cecelia Lynn; Moses, A: 2 Meat; 3 Salads, 1 Vegetable; 2 $9,500. Call to view. or visiting the USDA Natural Resources Fair, PO Box 430, Puyallup, WA 98371. Dion Edward; Brooks, Patrica May Charles Dewane; Moses, Annette Breads; Dessert; Drinks; OR Conservation Service (NRCS) at 84 E The 1999 Puyallup Fair runs Sept. B: Your own dinner menu. Laramie; Browning, Monica Ray; Edith; Moses, Harvey. Delaware Avenue in Republic. Call (509) 10-26, and features fun for all ages and JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS The successful bidder will also be Buckminster, Christine; Bush, Nanamkin, Fredrick; Nanamkin, 775-3473. USDA programs are available interests. For further information, visit the responsible for the set-up, tear-down Naomi Elaine; Byrd, Margaret Ann. George; Nason, Francis; Nicholson, to all without discrimination. Internet Website at http://www.thefair.com CeRTiFiCATeD oPeninGs FoR and clean up before, during and after the Campbell, Roxanne; Carden, Monte Louis; Noyes, Steven Thomas; 1999-2000 sCHool yeAR or call the 24-hour hotline, (253) 841-5045. dinner; food handlers permit is required. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kerry Benedict; Carson, Donna Nysti, Veronica Arlene; Nysti, Carol The Public Schools Personnel Thank you. Marie; Carson, Nova Leanna; Ann. Cooperative accepts applications for AMeRiCAn inDiAn FilM FesTivAl EVENTS eleven school districts in the south seeKs new FilM enTRies Carson, Lavina M; Carson, Allen Orr, Jessica Ann; Orr, Sylvia T. Puget Sound area of Washington state. Do you HAve CHilD SAN FRANCISCO — The American nATive AMeRiCAn Eugene; Carson, Ronald Lee; Cate, Pakootas, Henry Lynn; Pakootas, one application covers openings in all suPPoRT QuesTions? Indian Film Institute is currently seeking ART sHow CoMinG Henry George; Cawston, Rodney; Winfred Phillip; Pakootas, Janet eleven districts. Unless otherwise noted, The Washington State child entries for its 24th annual American AT THe KeTTle FAlls Charles, Steven Fredrick; Charles, Lynn; Pakootas, Lucille T.; Pakootas, positions are open until filled. support office will have staff Indian Film Festival & Video Exposition HisToRiCAl CenTeR Margaret Karla; Charley, Roger; William Steele; Palmer, Stephen L; CURRENT OPENINGS: Behavior available on the reservation to to be presented November 11—19,1999 The Kettle Falls Historical Center is Specialist (High School); Behavior answer your questions at the Law beginning at the Palace of Fine Arts in inviting all Native Americans to enter the Charley, Dale; Charley, Janet Lynn; Palmer, Linda M.; Paul, Lorraine Specialist (Middle School) ; Speech Library of Building 2 of the Tribal San Francisco and continuing at other San exclusively Native American Art Show Circle, Karen Lynn; Clark, Robert Teresa; Paul, Christel Ann; Paul, Language Pathologist; Occupational Court on June 10, June 24, July Francisco Bay Area venues. being held at the Center in June and A; Clark, Linda Lorraine; Clark, Marie; Payne, Ivan L.; Peasley, Therapist; School Psychologist; Teacher 15 and July 29 from 10am to 2pm. Film or Video to be entered for July. All media is acceptable and demon- of Hearing Impaired ; Athletic Director/ Myra P.; Clayton, Arlene Gladys; Janice Rae; Peoples, Christopher You may have questions about competition should be by or about Native strations will also be welcomed. There is Teacher ; Alternative Teacher (Middle Cleveland, William F; Cohen, Todd; Piatote, Marc Allen; Piatote, paternity, support increase or Peoples of the USA and Canada that no charge to enter but we will ask for a 10 School). William Ira; Conant, Scott Lee; Michael William; Picard, Richard decrease, possible reduc-tion of were produced in 1998-99. The major percent commission on any items sold. POTENTIAL OPENINGS: Science/ state-owed back support, and tribal categories for competition are: People’s Choice awards will be given at Condon, Henry George; Condon, Pascal; Picard, Doris; Pierre, Jay Math; Spanish; Middle School custom credit. These sessions are 1) Documentary Feature; 2) the end of the show. Mary E; Condon, Lorraine; Condon, Thomas; Pillow, Tammy Eileen. Block(Language Arts/Social Studies); open-door and all are welcome. Documentary Short; 3) Commercial The Show beings on June 12 and Kenneth J.; Covington, Catherine Quintasket, Raymond D. Foreign Language; Music (Band, strings, Contact person: Karl Boettner, Feature; 4) Live Short Subject; 5) culminates with the Second Biennial Choral); Vocational Business Ed.; 1-800-378-6672. Animated Short Subject; 6) Public Service; Ann; Crim, Diane Jouette. Redstar, Stacie June; Redthunder, Journey Past Celebration on Sunday, Vocational Agriculture 7) Music Video; and 8) Industrial. Day, Sheila; Desautel, Alice Norman; Richardson, Mary Rose; TO OBTAIN APPLICATION The Entry Deadline for the 24~ Annual July 18. Junee Lu; Desautel, Victoria Jean; Rickard, Lisa Ann; Rickard, Leroy MATERIALS: Fill out application on line new PHone nuMBeR FoR American Indian Film Festival & Video Enter by calling or faxing (509) 738- Desautel, David A.; Desautel, Stuart Carl; Rios, Angela Marie; Roman, 2827 or (509) 738-6964 on weekends for at www.esd113.wednet.edu/personnel; veTeRAns’ HoMes ADMissions Exposition is August 12, 1999. Entries Anthony; Desautel, Michael Dean; Marcella Rayann; Rowe, Carol A. or contact Public Schools Cooperative, OLYMPIA - The statewide, toll- must be accompanied by: 1 ) Completed an entry form or visit the Center which 601 McPhee Rd SW, Olympia WA 98502. free phone number for information and entry form; 2) Signed regulations located three and a half miles west of Desautel, Edward L.; Desautell, Sam, Loren Daniel; Sam, Eugene (360) 753-2855, FAX (360) 644-2075. admission to the state’s two veterans’ agreement form; 3) Screening cassette; Kettle Falls on Highway 395 near the Clarence Marcel; Dick, Darrel Ray; (Nespelem); Sam, Kathleen D.; Sam, homes has been changed according to 4) $50.00 entry fee payable to “American bridge crossing the Columbia River. Dick, Michael Francis; Dick, Bernard Gary Lynn; Sam, Connie Marie; TRiBAl ATToRney the state Department of Veterans Affairs. Indian Film Institute.” You will be sent an entry form or you B.; Dick, Gordon; Dick, Nikki Marie. Sammaripa, Norman B.; Samuels, PosiTion AvAilABle Effective immediately, the new number These items must be accomp-anied can give information over the telephone Edwards, Jessica Felicia; Grace; Samuels, Vyvyan Ada; Date: April 28, 1999 (Open until filled) is 1-877-VETSRUS (838-7787). of size, media, display case needed, etc. per each entry submitted for consider- Edwards, Genevieve; Edwards, Sanchez, Norma Jean; Sandaine, The Confederated Tribes of the The number was changed to make it ation. We must have the entry information by Colville Reservation seeks an attorney more recognizable to the public. It can Promotional materials including June 5 and items brought to the Center Sandra Lynn; Ellsworth, Franklin Jeannette D; Senator, Norman Dean; for its 5 attorney general counsel office of be accessed toll-free from anywhere in production credits, black and white by June 12. Eugene; Elwell, Annabell Lucile; Seymour, Francis Laverne; Seymour, the Reservation Attorney (ORA) on the Washington state, and provides those publicity stills, and a typewritten narrative The Center is open weekends through Erickson, Phyllis J. Shirley M.; Seymour, Merna Lee; Colville Reservation (1.4 million acres) in interested with eligibility criteria and description of each entry not exceeding June 13 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., then Fall, Bernadette Arlene; Ferguson, Seymour, Sandra Lorraine; Seymour, Nespelem, Washington. related information. Callers can also 250 words should be included and Wednesday to Sunday through Labor Day. Cecelia A.; Ferguson, Larry Robert; Elaine Rose; Seymour, Darrel We would prefer at least 6 years request an application form or arrange a forwarded. Entrant is also responsible for experience as an attorney, with a tour of one of the two homes. shipment costs to and from San Francisco. Fields, Rosemary; Fifer, Carmen Eugene; Seymour-Finley, Charles substantial amount of such experience The department operates the A film jury designated by the American THANK YOUS Marie; Fifer, Sabrina J.; Finley, Raymond; Shiflett, Vila E.; Signor, in Indian law and tribal government work, Washington Veterans home in Retsil, Indian Film Institute will screen entries Terrence William Steven; Finley, Curtis Laverne; Simpson, Kathleen and some litigation background and skills. near Port orchard, and the Washington and issue recommen-dations to the final 1999 oMAK inDiAn BowlinG Patrick C; Finley, David Richard; T.; Simpson, Julia Irene; Simpson, We will also consider otherwise strongly Soldiers’ Home and Colony in the Puyallup program and awards nomination. on or TouRnAMenT ResulTs qualified applicants with less experience, Valley near Orting. Both facilities provide MENS SINGLES Finley, James Daniel; Finley, Terrah Alex George; Smith, Christina Ann; about September 20, 1999, entrants will Rae; Flores, Sylvia; Francis, Gary Smith, James Anderson Comer; including recent law school graduates long-term nursing, assisted living and be notified as to entrant selection into the 1st, Rich Tonasket, Omak WA (782); with relevant work experience prior to or domiciliary care for indigent veterans and 1999 American Indian Film Festival & 2nd, Leo Cheer, Omak WA (727); 3rd, Joe; Friedlander, Celestine Rae Ann; Smith, James V.; St. Pierre, John eligible family members. Marvin Bob, Nespelem WA (721); 4th, Eli during law school. Video Exposition. Friedlander, Randall Swain; Fry, Scott; Stanczak, Debra Lynn; Williams, Coulee Dam WA (708); 5th, Dale Strong preference for applicants Recognizing outstanding Indian Melissa Marie; Fry, Mary Darlene; Stanger, Kenneth Wayne; Stanger, ReQuesT FoR PRoPosAls Clark, Omak WA (701); 6th, Pat Morin Jr., already admitted to Washington bar, cinematic accomplishments, the American Fry, Betty J. Darren A.; Stanger, Yvonne; Stanger, 98-02 inClusive CHilD CARe Nespelem WA (694). but will consider admittees from other Indian Motion Picture Awards will be TRAininG PRoJeCT MENS DOUBLES Gardee, Andrea Marie; Garvin, Pamela; Stanger, Anthony Jan; jurisdictions. Above all, we seek presented the evening of November The Washington state Develop-mental 1st, Len Goddard, Tacoma WA, Gary Kasey Elizabeth; Gatlin, Cheryl Stead, Linda Sue; Stensgar, Darrell excellence and commitment. ORA is an 13th at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Disabilities Council is requesting public Desautel, Omak WA (1459); 2nd, Eli Denise; George, Herman; Gleason, A; Stensgar, Clarence J; Stensgar, Indian preference employer, and Native Francisco. and private non-profit organizations that Williams, Coulee Dam WA, Len Gwinnup, American attorneys are encouraged to Entry forms may be obtained by Joanne; Goggles, April Marie; Karen E.; Stone, Herman L.; Sutton, are available to work in Washington state Spokane WA (1399); 3rd, John Gorr, apply. Salary schedule based on number writing: American Indian Film Festival 333 Goujon, Joan E; Goujon, Kimberly Darryl; Swan, Richard A.; Swan, to submit responses. The purpose of this Omak WA, Soy Redthunder, Elmer City of years’ experience as attorney; medical Valencia street, Suite 322, San Francisco, Marie; Grunlose, Alma Elizabeth; Lorena Mae; Swan, Richard Alan; project is to provide training to child care and retirement benefits. CA 94103, Attn: Michael Smith, Director, WA (1346). providers (i.e., home, center or school Grunlose, Abrahams Ramon; Gunn, Swenhaugen, Bethley Jo; Swimptkin, Please send resume, cover letter, and 415. 554-0525/415. 554-0542 FAX or WOMENS SINGLES age) in order to increase the number of Brian Louis. Gale L. writing sample to: e-mail: [email protected] www. 1st, Kathy Sirois, Omak WA (695); children with developmental disabilities Office of Reservation Attorney aifisf. com. 2nd, Joan Tonasket, Omak WA (687); Hall, Lavonne Carol; Hall, Patti Tatshama, Levi Dylan; Thiele, Confederated Tribes of the Colville who participate in inclusive child care 2nd, Joanne Jamison, Seattle WA (687); Lou; Hall, Jenny Evelyn; Hall, Brenda Lee; Thomas, Cindy Marie; Reservation P.O. Box 150 Nespelem, settings. woRKsHoP FoR PARenTs 3rd, Rhonda Marchand, Nespelem WA Emery Peter; Hall, George Thomas, Karen Marie; Timentwa, WA 99155 (509) 634-2381 (509) 634- After participating in this training, child An eDuCAToRs oF CHilDRen (681). Alexander; Hall, Peter J; Hall, Neal Richard A.; Timentwa, Richard care providers will have increased their 2387 (FAX) wHo ARe DeAF, HARD oF WOMENS DOUBLES Belinn; Hammond, Allen Cline; Daniel; Timentwa, Teresa Shirley; ability to provide high-quality, family- 1st, Joan Tonasket, Omak WA, HeARinG oR DeAF / BlinD Hanway, Catherine Bernadette; Timentwa, Angeline S; Tinney, NOTICES centered, culturally competent, inclusive PARENTS: Do you fully understand Rhonda Marchand, Nespelem WA (1295); child care for children with developmental WAC 382-172? Do you know your 2nd, Regina Wippel, Wibur WA, Kathy Hargrove, Prince; Harry, Gordon Michael j; Tinney, Francine M.; disabilities and their families. ConFeDeRATeD TRiBes oF THe children’s rights? Sirios, Omak WA (1283). Joseph; Hawley, Lynette Dawn; Tomeo, Kato Kamiakin; Tonasket, It is not the intent of this project to Colville ReseRvATion EDUCATORS: Do you fully understand MIXED DOUBLES Heldman, Donald Sterling; Henson, Cary Lee; Tonasket, Roberta Louise; fund extensive curriculum development. Colville TRiBAl CHilD suPPoRT WAC 382-172 and what is expected of 1st, Sam Wilson, Omak WA, Charlie Darlene Ann; Herman, Francis F.; Toulou, Daryl Ted; Toulou, Clara L.; Bidders are encouraged to use existing woRKsHeeT CoMPuTeR you? Gua, Omak WA (1333); 2nd, Jolene curriculums and/or experienced trainers. Herrera, Theresa Lynn; Hoke, Cindy Turner, Marilyn; Tuschen, Roberta soFTwARe PRoGRAM PRoJeCT If these questions make you hesitate Marchand, Nespelem WA, Russ One or more grants will be awarded. A Sue; Holder, Roni Rae; Holford, A. Special Improvement Project for just one moment, then you need to Marchand, Nespelem WA (1331); 3rd total of $30,000 will be disbursed. A 25% Demonstration Grant - Grant #90FI0006 attend this workshop on June 5, 1999, Joan Tonasket, Omak WA, Rich Tonasket, Linda L.; Holford, Larry G.; Holford, Vargas, Roberta B; Vargas, hard-cash match of a non-federal source Confederated Tribes of the Colville 10:00 am to Noon at Eastern Washington Omak WA (1328); 4th, Gilly Staggs, Lester L; Holford, Kenneth S.; Jessica; Vargas, Julian Glen. or in-kind match is required. The project Reservation Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Nespelem WA, Ron Staggs, Nespelem Holm, Jeffrey Stanton; Holt, Theresa Waddell, Arlene Kay; Warren, should begin by September 1, 1999, and P.O. Box 150 (EWCDHH), 1206 North Howard Street, WA (1304). completed by September 30, 2000. Louise; Holt, Steven Arnold. Juanita; Waters, Thomas L.; Watt, Nespelem, WA 99155 Spokane, Washington. SPEAKER: MIXED TEAM Proposals must be submitted by 4:00 Iukes, Allen Brady; Iukes, Patrick Thomas; Watt, Loretta J; Program Director: Marla Big Boy, Debbie Snyder from PAVE (Parents are 1st, Missy Goujon, Omak WA, pm, June 18, 1999, to the Department Christine Mary; Ives, James F. West, William H; Wetan, Judith Staff Attorney, Office of the Reservation Vital in Education). Interpreters and Visual Joanne Jamison, Seattle WA, Joann of Community, Trade and Economic Attorney Aids will be available. CO-SPONSORED Gorr, Omak WA (2670); 2nd, Sharlene Jack, Stanley Joe; Jack, Virginia W.; Whalawitsa, Sunny Danelle; Development, Develop-mental Disabilities Phone: (509) 634-2381 or (509) 421- BY EWCDHH and PAVE. For more Morin, Nespelem WA, Rhonda Marchand, ; James, Alice M.; Jane, Jesse Own; White, Andy Louis; Williams, Leroy; Council, 906 Columbia street SW, P.O. 8924 (Voice Mail) information, call EWCDHH, 328,9220 Nespelem WA, Eli Williams, Coulee Dam Box 48314, Olympia, WA 98504-8314, Jim, Charles Martin; Johnson, Wilson, Eldon Luke; Wilson, Drew Fax: (509) 634-2387 voice or 328-3772 TTY. WA, Pat Morin Jr, Nespelem WA (2611). Attention: Linda MacKenzie. Clarence Vernon; Joseph, Gary; Perry; Wilson, David Ray; Wippel, OCSE program office: Division of State sTARTinG AnD MAnAGinG youR MENS ALL EVENTS To obtain an RFP, please contact Joseph, Moses C; Joseph, Geraldine Norine Phyllis. and Local Assistance own Business woRKsHoP 1st, Leo Cheer, Omak WA (2098). Phillip Rasmussen at (360) 7S3-3908, OCSE program officer: George Lund, June 11, 1999 WOMENS ALL EVENTS F. Yacinich, Michael. 800-634-4473 or FAX (360) 586-2424. Region X, phone: (206) 615-2551, ext Cedars inn, okanogan wA 1st, Kathy Sirois, Omak WA (1965). Kanzleiter, Donald Ray; Kheel, Zacherle, Lloyd Curtis; Zacherle, 3053 Volunteers from SCORE (Service MENS MASTERS - A DIVISION Ronald; Kheel, Larry Michael; Randy; Zacherle, Velda M.; Zaugg, eMeRGenCy FunDs AvAilABle To 1. Charlie Gua, Omak WA; 2. Cary Healthy Nations

Healthy Nations Update The following are the tentative schedules for Healthy Nations Native Youth Gathering Twin lakes youth Camp inchelium, washington July 19 - 24, 1998

Native Youth Gathering is for youth in grade 9th to 12th and if you were a graduating senior. You are more than welcome to come.

We will be camping out in the beautiful area of Inchelium, Washington.

During this camp out will be learning leadership skills, traditional and cultural teachings and building relationships that will last a life time.

You do not have to be an enrolled member of the CCT to participate. We are inviting youth from other Tribes to come and participate in the gathering.

If you have any questions, please contact the Healthy Nations Community Education/Wellness Coordinator in your community or you can contact the main office of Healthy Nations, Colville Confederated Tribes, P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, Washington 99155 at (509) 634 - 2781 or (509) 634 - 2782.

Inchelium Healthy Nations Report

During the last two weeks be bringing a team of Youth to Josie Zacherle and Kyle Nicholson of April Debbie Bailey Youth the conference and throughout the (1st), Tomi Simpson and Francis Coordinator, Cindy Thomas, CHR, next coming school year they will Orozco (2nd), Brittany Hoffman and myself have been recruiting be presenting those topics to the and Vincent Stensgar (3rd), Chelsi youth and parents to attend the community and student body. Pakootas and Joseph Simpson Alcohol Awareness Conference Inchelium Days is fast (4th), Emma Michel and Loren during May 3-4-5, 1999, in Omak. approaching July 16-17, 1999. Orozco (5th), Daphney Desautel and We had a total of 23 students who Debbie Bailey Youth Coordinator, Edward Orozco (6th). We are initially signed up to go to the Mona Fabela, Community Center asking community members who conference and most had to decline Director, and myself have been would like to be involved to come because of commitments to softball working with grades K-6th to select to our first meetimg June 8, 1999, at and baseball games. Out of the 23 candidates for King and Queen 6:00 p.m. at the community center. If student 7 had attended and they were of Inchelium Days. It will be like you would like anymore information Aja Seymour, Azure Swan, Brandi selecting carnival Queen and King on this project please feel free to call Wapato, Karlene Stensgar, Brandon but not with High School with any of us at the center (509) 722- Finley, Shane Pakootas, and Richard grade school, no selling of tickets, Swan. I would like to acknowledge but collecting of pennies. Pennies 7031, 7032, 7033. Joan Signor at this time for bring collected will go towards the float I am working on a few more her granddaughters Tanya that will be in the parade and all projects and will have more and Stephanie, what a good way candidates will be on the float. The information in the next tribal to spend time with your class that collects the most pennies tribune. If anyone has any ideas granddaughters. with the support of their community or suggestions please stop by and The other projects that myself will win the title of King and Queen. lets talk . I can be reached at (509) and Cindy Thomas, CHR, have been One of the requirements in running 722-7033 or my home number (509) involved in is trying to recruit youth for the title will be a talent show their 722-6823. for the HIV/AIDS and Tobacco class candidate has to participate in Respectfully Submitted, Prevention Peer Education with as a team. Parent’s involvement is Julie I. Simpson, Healthy Nations Indian Health Services June 29- a requirement. The candidates are Community Education/Wellness July 1, 1999. Myra Aubertin will Curtis Flett and Mariah Graham (K), Coordinator

Honoring Colville People of all ages! RECOGNITION PHOTO ALBUM Please feel free to contact: Julie Simpson - Inchelium - (509) 722 7130 • Billie Jo Bray - Keller - (509) 634-2260 Deadline For Photographs & Information George Abrahamson - Omak - (509) 422-7425 • LoVina Louie - Nespelem - (509) 634-2780 Tuesday, June 15, 1999 Main Office - Nespelem - (509) 634-2781/2782 Colville tribal member achievers of all ages will be honored in a special section of the forthcoming June 1999 Tribal Tribune edition. This is your opportunity to recognize your own personal achievement(s) or of someone else including an award, a title, a scholarship, a certificate and graduations from Head Start, kindergarten, grade school, prep school, high school, college and vocational training. We would like to include engagement and wedding announcements and photographs/greetings from around the world too! Send in your own or the person’s photograph, either in color or black and white, any size, and information including: name, age, hometown, parents or family affiliation, school and graduation date, and what the award/achievement is for. If you do not have a photograph, you are welcome to send in information about yourself or another person and we will feature it as a recognition tribute with no photo. Photographs will be returned promptly, so please write the return name, address and zip on the back. Photographs tear easily, please don’t staple or tape your photographs to a letter or information sheet. send your contribution to this mailing address: Colville Achievers/Grads, Tribal Tribune, P.o. Box 150, nespelem wA 99155. if you have any questions, please call (509 634-2222 or 634-2223. Letters To The Editor

I’m telling you guys are losing it (Continued) Letters To The Editor Views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor, complimentary or (Continued from April Edition) times per year distribution???? She sooner than you think you’ll be once no knowledge; then try to answer critical, are those of the writer of the letter. They are not necessarily endorsed My original question was since cannot answer that, ‘secretive’ or again on our side of the fence, then questions that they have absolutely by the Tribal Tribune staff, Tribal Administration, the Tribal Business Council she (Jeanne) was on the budget uninformed”???? Also I do not know you’ll wished you never treated us a no idea about, trying to ramble on or the Colville Confederated Tribes membership as a whole. committee, even chairwoman, why she had Colleen Cawston listen mere peons. Anyway I wasn’t at all and pacify us, thinking they’ve used Burden of proof of statements made in any letter lies with the writer of the (doesn’t that tell you why the budget to my conversation, she is the least surprised by the reactions I got from their big words, thinking they will letter. Any letter submitted for publication may be reviewed by the Reservation is jacked each year) then she should of my worries, and equally these two ladies, I expected it; which make it go right over our heads, well Attorney’s Office for libel. Any letter that is determined to contain possible know if there were to be a May uninformed. keep in mind that my makes it all worth while as I will not me ladies, SORRY! ! ! I demand libelous material will not be published and will be returned to the originator. percapita distribution, immediately attitude that day of conversation was continue to be the spokesperson for answers to my questions, and will All letters submitted to the Tribune should be clearly written or typed and Jeanne gets an attitude, about what very pleasant and without any type off reservation members who call me pursue such until I’m satisfied with are limited to a maximum of 300 words in length. Letters should have a valid or for what reason, I do not know, of sarcastic nature- then I get these and ask me to find out these simple the answers I get. Anyone wanting a signature, return mailing address (and a telephone number, if available), or personally care, all I wanted is two with sarcasm from the gate, but things, because it happens more petition mailed to them, please call and be dated. Unsigned letters will not be printed in the Tribal Tribune, my question answered. I think that I keep it in tack and continue not than once, a lot of the members are me at home or if you wish to talk to Handwritten letters that are determined to be illegible by the editor shall be the reason is because I am who I letting their circle of conversation intimidated by the Council treating me, call (509) 483-3092, thanks for returned, unpublished, to the originator. am-a person whom is not afraid to go without rebuttal, and believe people ‘lower’ than them with little your time. call it like I see it. Therefore, when it or not instead of acting on of a or no respect. Besides that it is fun Marlene R. Xhurape The Tribune reserves the right to edit any and all letters for libel and length. to confront a person with little or Spokane, WA Letters to The Tribune are welcomed and encouraged. They can be mailed to off reservation members call me professional level they come totally P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, Washington 99155, or delivered in person to The at home then I feel that I owe it to unwound, I felt like saying, “chill Colville Communication Serivces office. those members to get and give some out.... ! ! ! ! ! I thought she was near answers straight up, irregardless if an anxiety attack! ! ! It’s only a Letters submitted for publication in any given month must be received in that means having to cross tribal simple question. Anyway on another News From Tribal the office by the closing of the established deadline for that month. Letters council who think that the council note, I do not feel that the Council received after the deadline will not be published in the Letter To The Editor chambers minutes or affairs are of scheduled the membership meeting Meetings Held In The column until the next month unless the originator specifies otherwise. ‘secretive’ nature (bs) I straight timely, in that— for the upcoming THE NEXT TRIBAL TRIBUNE DEADLINE IS AT 4 P.M. up told her that the Enrollment ‘wannabees’ the meeting is going to TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1999. department told me that in the past turn into a council member bashing Yakima Valley ALL LETTERS RECEIVED AFTER THE PUBLISHED the resolution had been passed before and a political forum for Council the April payment in order for that petitioners by attacking incumbents DEADLINE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEXT MONTH’S Dear Candidates and Members, also open communications with our department to place necessary holds and rallying for themselves., what We wish to thank all the Business Council. Some the same TRIBAL TRIBUNE EDITION. on the May distribution, Jeanne told better time, you’ve got a candidates who took their valuable issues from Saturday’s meeting were me that the Enrollment department congregation of members, and a time, money, and resources to come also discussed on Monday night. can place holds before the resolution frenzy of attacks, you’d be ignorant speak with off-reservation tribal Ron Zacherle came and showed comes out if they want to (but why to let it slide, but I for one did not members at our Saturday, 5/15/99 videos on the clear cut, slash, stumps would the enrollment department want to travel hundreds of miles to meeting. Incumbents, Joanne Leith and trees that may have had market Vote some experience ‘waste” valuable employee time if hear people that’s been in council and Kathy Womer, candidates, value and were just left to rot. Our their is no distribution????) and that ‘before’ and failed try to recoup Francis Somday, Charlene Bearcub, wildlife and timber resources were Enrollment is always brought on themselves, not possible, it should be Ted Bessette, and Eldon Wilson, also harvested with little or no back on the Council board when it comes to payments and law of the west, you mess up once, from the Rez., Dorothy Camarena, professional timber protocol i.e. they (enrollment) probably just didn’t there’s no chance of recoupment, Gerry Gabriel, Rhonda Friedlander revenue that could have been derived The Tribal Tribune for experience. want to tell me. I told Jeanne that she but we all know that’s not the story, and Cindy Boyd. The candidates from good timber management, I am Hank George Sr., I am I can not except it, and I would said she didn’t know if we’d get a but it’ in my mind is the only right were enjoyable, friendly and and lack of tribal membership writing to you to let you know my payment, then she immediately gets way. Anyway when you run up like to ask you people, that read this, treated each other with respect. The supervision to preserve our forestry another attitude —so la de da—did against a council person like Jeanne feelings on the coming up election, please take a good look at it, give it issues discussed were: economic interests. Every Tribal Member who that stop me, no.. I commence to and Colleen, feel free to go out of and the campaigning that is a lot of thought and I think you will development, CTEC, casinos, drug can, needs to view the videos and ask her what was the FY 97 & FY your district to a knowledgeable happening. I feel that something has and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, listen to Ron’s presentation to get the find that, it’s not right. We have 98 Budget amounts for percapitas, council member or at least one that the mill and timber industries, pre- full effect of what’s going on with to be said, I know many of you have some people running for Council, or was it budgeted??? Jeanne said gives you the time of day, like Dale capitas, and the development and our Reservations timber and wildlife. probably heard it all, but here goes. there was amounts budgeted but were Clark. Each of you council members that have been around long enough to responsibilities of the ethics Given the very short notification The first and foremost thing never earmarked for which months, should ‘recognize’ that your not know the goings on. We need to look committee. Our position with State of the meetings on the 15th and 17th, that I am concerned about is the so then tell me what is the amount here for a long time, only for a good through these and pick the ones that and Federal Government were I would like to give special thanks to experience of some of those running. budgeted for percapitas for a three time, and when you term runs out, will represent the whole reservation, discusses. Joanne Leith and Sheila Whitelaw for I am reading campaign mail from not just their own clan, or the district At the meeting on 5/17/99, their assistance and encouragement some kids right out of school, some candidate John St. Pierre was to have these meeting available to off they live in. of whom still live in their parents available to talk Colville tribal Reservation Colville Tribal Personally, I would like to have Love, Respect house. They haven’t yet established members. He stated that our need Members. themselves on the job market. I don’t the voting open reservation wide, to have strong, professional elected Sincerely, officials was crucial to resolve the Esther E. Trevino feel that they should be allowed to so that everybody votes for every and Blessings many issues facing our tribe, and that P.O. Box 44 gain the experience needed to be running candidate, keep the district as is, the candidates as is, but I’m writing to acknowledge and during all those years to help you it was important for tribal members Harrah, WA 98933 leaders, at our expense, on the Tribal give heart-felt thanks to all of those through the hard times, and for you to not only to get out and vote, but to (509) 848-3391 everyone on the reservation vote for Council. that contributed their time and energy to help me through mine. It wasn’t This has been our problem over each candidate in the four districts. to the Colville premiere of “Naturally my choice. It was just fate. But I’ve the years, it may have been “Cute” And absentee voting should not be Native” and my own “homecoming”. made it back upstream and found in the past to let the kids run our Allowed anymore. Election day It is both humbling and a little you. I am yours and you are mine. Heartfelt thanks to the government. Ladies and Gentlemen, is a very important event for our be scary to come home to your The Creator has a plan, and He has our reservation is in trouble, so let’s reservation. The people that live off own people that you’ve been away made us relatives for a reason. Birth to Three Program get “Serious”. VOTE SOME the reservation can come to vote at from for so long. The fear of being I’m proud to be from our tribe. EXPERIENCE BACK ON THE the poles, for that one day a year, rejected by your own is potentially It is a powerful one and I know that Our young, small family wants a child is getting into something that the greatest fear that exists for a there is power in numbers. There COUNCIL, a Masters or Bachelors This is home! to share thanks and appreciation they shouldn’t, by telling them once human being. However, the warmth is even greater power when those for Peggy Desautel of the Birth to and getting up to take them out of Degree from college is no substitute Hank George Sr. and acceptance I felt from all of you numbers truly love one another and Three Program for sending us to the the situation first thing, rather than quickly erased all fears and suddenly put the needs of each other ahead 5th Annual Parenting Conference in working yourself to the point of anger it seemed as if I’d never been gone. of their own. That is the way of the Wenatchee on April 15, 16, 1999. that makes you end up hurting your Each hug, each introduction to warrior, and to date, I have never met The hardest decision when we were child...maybe by spanking them or a relative, every conversation and a Colville person that didn’t have a asked if we would like to go, was not hitting them to make them quit what smile is something that I will always warrior spirit. whether we would go, but whether they are doing. It was a great lesson treasure. I suppose a bit of my spirit We are a people blessed with we would leave our baby — Jordan. and helped us both realize how to is always there, has always been, and great intelligence, leadership skills It was the hardest decision to make. handle things in a more positive way will always be. You are my people, and dignity. In these precarious We trusted my mother to care for her, with our child. That is a small piece this is my home, the prayer of our times we live in, I pray that each but it would be the longest length of what we learned at the conference ancestors and my relationship with of us makes a stand to be a positive of time that we would be leaving sessions. our Creator are my strength. force in our families, in our tribe and her for the first time, to go off to do We want to thank my mother for something without her. taking care of Jordan to allow us time The Tribal Tribune I know that there are those of you in our society as we take our place Colville CommunicationA Production of Services the (CCS), Although it was a struggle, while to attend the conference. Most of all out there that my not be thrilled with as warriors of hope in this world. I we were at the conference we realized an opportunity to gain parenting skills a Division of Colville Tribal Administration. me just stepping onto the scene and hope it give each of you a little extra The Official Publication of the that it was the right thing to do — to that will benefit Jordan. “Now we can being welcomed with open arms. encouragement to know that there improve our parenting skills. What be the experts Mom!” [Private joke!] Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation After all, I haven’t been here, seen is one more Colville fighting beside we learned from the beginning was However, one last thing. We want to P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, Washington 99155. the things you have, had to face the you for a better tomorrow--not only that we were taking this time alone encourage other parents to seek out trials of rez-life can throw at you and for our people, but for all. to learn to be a stronger family. these kinds of opportunities out there for that I’m sorry. Love, Respect and Blessings, Learning how to bond and spend that offer parenting or helping you I’m sorry that I wasn’t there Kimberly Norris Guerrero quality time alone. Following some with parenting. Then seek out your of the sessions, we began to learn local Birth to Three Coordinator and Tribal Tribune The Tribal what we agreed on in our parenting, see what the possibilities are — and but also what our differences were. go for it! It is so good to dream about Subscriptions Tribune We learned to talk to each other more what you want for your child and for Free to Adult Members of the ATTEMPT FOR UNITY Managing Editor about what our goals are as a family yourself. So, begin dreaming and Confederated Tribes of the Colville and what we want for Jordan. We are Sheila Whitelaw writing it down - make it come true Reservation and Minors (Upon it in State and Tribal government. continuing to talk to each other about CCS Manager Letter to the Editor: for yourself! Too, attend “Family Parental Request). Traditionally (contrary to popular What’s ironic about this is, not too different things about Jordan and, in Rates For All Other Subscriptions By Layout Editor Night out” in your community, belief), the Colville Tribe has many of these organizations have addition, how we are more willing Mail (Paid In Advance) Graphic Illustrator to work on our differences — for get involved. We enjoyed what In Washington State Spirit Peoples been fiercely independent and formal affiliation with each other on Jennifer did in our community on individualistic. Primarily because of the national level. Nationally, tribes her. Here are some of the sessions $30.00 Per Year Communication Specialist I we attended: Wednesday night at the community Elsewhere in United States where people live, family ties and are represented by at least three, and Discipline for Life...Do Not Start center. It was so much fun to get out $40.00 Per Year band affiliation. This is reaffirmed perhaps four, separate organizations. and visit, laugh and “eat”. It was Canada and Overseas What You Cannot Finish * What each year by our tribal elections. This With the National Congress of I learned from this session was so an excellent night. Birth to Three $50.00 Per Year should not be the case, if we are to American Indians, supposedly Call for Special Rates for To Reach awesome is, to tell the truth to your people are doing so much —I cannot Non-ColvilleTribal Member Elders, build on unity and advancement as being the forum for Indian tribes to child and make it a routine. Such as thank Peggy enough for giving us Disabled and Servicemen/women. The Tribal a people. Ordinarily, this is come together, unite and be a voice “Pick up your toys before you go that chance and Jennifer for always an admirable trait and one that has for Indian Country and self out to play.” In addition, one of the being so encouraging. You both are Tribune been part of the fabric of American determination issues. The National things that Erik learned was from very special. I am enclosing one of Advertising Direct culture. In the white world this is Congress has been criticized by other the keynote speaker, Ron Pitzer on the things we brought back on “A something the founding fathers tribes at times for being dominated by Positive Parenting: Alternatives to CHILD’S ASSERTIVE RIGHTS,” Classified and Display Corporal Punishment. Erik learned (509) 634-2222 valued, and sought to protect, the this tribe or that tribe. for print. Advertising Available. how a parent should take the time to Signed, Angie, Erik & Jordan Call for advertising rates and rugged individualism that Americans Here at home we have four discipline their child; for example, if consultations, Monday through Main Trial have epitomized. People have always districts that our elected officials Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Switchboard exhibited these characteristics. come from. Who are collectively Walk-in Customer Service at However, these traits have had a elected to represent the whole tribe. Colville Communication Services, (509) 634-2200 negative impact for tribal members. There are times when this body is Thank you for your support Colville Tribal Main Administration Extension 2222 The fierce independence which subject to the same criticism leveled Nespelem District Voters, Building, Colville Indian Agency characterizes our council and the at larger organizations. I am very pleased and thankful for all the support I received from Campus, Nespelem, Monday Monday through Friday districts they represent has resulted When a council person writes you folks. I urge every one of you to cast your ballot for the candidate through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the fragmentation of their interests a personal letter in the tribune and of your choice and hold each one of them accountable. Again, thank Fax Number (509) 634-4617 and effective influence within starts off by saying. . . “To the you so very much and I wish the best of luck to the elected Council Copy Deadlines our tribal organization. And Members of My District”. . . They Members. Copy Deadlines for All Copy World Wide consequently our business enterprise. John St. Pierre Except Advertisements Today, Indian People are Attempt for Unity 401 N. Columbia Ave., Coulee Dam, WA 99116 Due by 4:00 P.M. on dates posted Web address represented by multiple groups. We 509/633-2345 www.colville-tribal.com see it in Washington DC., We wee Continued on page 9 We need to continue to stand together to protect our rights With Dignity And Respect For Our Loved Ones. Dear Editor it be noted that during this time I was children that were being home I would like to call attention to having these two children assessed schooled filed the same as the day I a good deed that Tribal member for special needs. My older child conferred with the principle. Truancy Sheilah Cleveland and the Tribal that remained in the school began to was not an issue prior to this. I also Council did for my family and be questioned by the principle about received a visit from CPS. The court me. With the personal attention of his home life and the other children. case has since been dismissed and Councilwoman Jeannie Jerred and This was not just a one-time thing it the CPS case has been closed as Councilman Walt Arnold, through was twice a week on occasion and unfounded. But the personal the persuasion of Sheilah Cleveland, at random. So much that my child embarrassment and emotional scares MeMorial The Tribe assisted me with legal came home and told me that he did from the stress remain. The language issues concerning one our area not wish to return to school because that was used and the attitude that Day schools. This was a very personal of the continuous questioning that this issue was pursued are what lead issue for me and it is good to know the principle was doing and that he me to believe that this was not only that there are people in a position to was afraid that she would try to have a personal attack on my family but TribuTe help and take the time to care for the them taken away. She stated to him also an attack on Indian people as a rights and personal needs of their that she knew that he was having whole. That is why I felt that it was Lee Lynn Johnson people. With the council always problems at home and that she would a very assertive statement when the In Loving Memory of PFC Lee Lynn getting such bad publicity I thought have it taken care of. I was unaware Johnson, “R” Battery, 5th Bn. 10th. Mar., Tribe appointed reservation attorney that you should know that they do of this questioning until then. The 2nd Mar. Div. Served 1988-1992, Combat David Shaw to represent us in court. care and can make a difference. next day I went to the school to have Veteran of Desert Storm. “He was a life This was a very powerful statement Without getting into too much this matter settled. The principle taker and a heart breaker who served his detail I will explain. It started a few denied leading my child to believe to the school that we will not tolerate country well. Semper Fi, Bro.” Full Metal months ago: I enrolled my children that he would be removed from the this type of abuse of governmental Jacket! into an area school hoping that home and stated that that she had systems against our people. At times USMC/Army Vet their reputation as one of the better an obligation to all children when like this it is comforting to know that William A. Eagle Blanket schools in the area would surpass confronted as to whether this was our Tribe cares and your not alone. them and would be able to provide a racial issue. Let it be noted that We need to continue to stand together my children with the best education my parenting ability had not been to protect our rights. I would like to questioned prior to this and that in my personally thank Sheilah Cleveland, possible. This was by far the case as Mervin Alan “Porky” Palmer Teri Alice Abrahamson it turned out. In a matter of months opinion both my husband (a Tribal the Tribal Council, especially Jeannie Mervin Alan “Porky” Palmer was born in Teri Alice Abrahamson, 38, of Spokane passed both my children and I began to feel Law Enforcement Officer) and I Jerred And Walt Arnold for their Coulee Dam to Harold and Shirley Palmer on away April 19, 1999 in Spokane. She was born personally harassed by the school. (Volunteer for EMS) are upstanding personal attention to this matter, Nov. 13, 1945. May 17, 1960 in Spokane. She leaves behind a So much to the point that I felt the members of our community and that and David Shaw for their assistance need to remove two of my children neither one of have drug or alcohol in supporting my family during this He died Sunday, May 9 l 999 at home in daughter Jillian of Spokane and a son Sam, and from the school and began home abuse issues. A few days after my very trying time. Nespelem. a granddaughter Tayha. She also leaves behind schooling. I did notify the school of visit to the school I received by Thank you, He is survived by his wife, Delora Palmer; one her mother Jean Abrahamson of Plummer, Idaho, my intent to home school. They did certified letter summoning me to Patricia A. Conant son, David Palmer in Alaska; one daughter in the an older brother Steve of Coulee Dam, an older not respond to this notification. Let court for truancy concerning my Keller, WA Tri Cities, Stonee Picard; three daughters at home, sister Charlene of Spokane and a younger brother Jade, Meghan and Amanda; two grand sons; five Raymond of Spokane. brothers; two sisters; two uncles, Dave and Lenny She was preceded in death by her daughter Friedlander; four aunts, Adaline Palmer, Stella Veronica and her father Carl Abrahamson of ATTEMPT FOR UNITY (Continued from page 8) Washise and Louella and Giggy Fried lander; Chewelah. family elders, Norine Smith and Naomi Dick; Her grandparents on her dad’s side were are purporting to represent only choices in the best interest of the restructure and change, the best way numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Thomas Lloyd Abrahamson and his wife Alice part of the membership. There tribe. However, in a setting where to preserve the interest of how we Porky was a member of the Colville of the Sherwood family. On her mom’s side were are many good reasons to adopt you have elections where you can elect leaders among our membership Confederated Tribes, Sacred Heart Church and Bazil Campbell and his wife Theresa of the Gua RESERVATION WIDE VOTING, only vote for a quarter of your is to have the capacity to express the Cursillo Movement in Nespelem. He was a family. that would strengthen the quality elected officials, the factionalism ourselves in a unified fashion. veteran of the U.S. Army. He was also a member We love you and miss you sis. of our leadership, and ensure of the membership will continue One way to attempt unity, could of the Indian Truck Drivers Association on the Rest in Peace. accountability to all the membership to be counter productive. It gives be to start with RESERVATION Colville Indian Reservation. to a greater degree. inordinate influence to other facets WIDE ELECTIONS and send every He worked as an Iron Worker-Rigger for the Pete E. Thomas The end, result of our present of our organization in shaping tribal eligible voting member a ballot. This Bureau and the Forestry Department. He spent Born June 23, 1921 - Died April 28, 1999 structure of district-ism is the dilution policy and direction. would lend itself to a reservation the last years of his life driving logging trucks on Passed away at home at 7th and C St., of peoples interest in tribal elections. It is time for the rival district wide voice to our membership and the reserva tion. Nespelem, Washington. The most qualified, do not run for elected officials to begin a dialogue to our elected representatives, which He graduated from Coulee Dam High School Pete served in the US Army in WWII as a tribal government or get elected with each other. Surely, there are would accomplish this goal. in 1964. Rifleman and Squad Leader in the Southern because of family and band more issues in which tribal members Such an alliance in voting would Philippines and Western Pacific. He received affiliation. So consequently you have and elected officials are in agreement not rob us of our independence, the American Service Medal, Asiatic Pacific elections with popularity being the than upon which they differ. If which we cherish, but would provide Service Medal, Philippine Liberation Medal, Good primary qualifications. tribal members and elected council a vehicle to advance those views From the Family of Conduct Medal and Combat Infantry Man Badge. The result of this type of political persons could speak with one voice upon which we agree. Mervin “Porky” Palmer government is the call for more on issues upon which they agree, Respectfully, We would like to thank the many people Thank you from the apathy and less interest. Too often, then their influence would be greater Preston Boyd, Tribal Member. who helped with the funeral of our loved protection of each districts’ turf on all issues we face. In a time of Toulou-Swan family one: all of the cooks, drummers, grave Words are not enough to express our most becomes more important than the diggers, speakers, meat cutters, the Indian advancement of the membership sincere feelings and gratitude for all those who Truck Drivers Association; and to the many interest. It projects a divided and helped at our daughter, Denise Toulou’s funeral. weakened image to the rest of Remember? friends and family members that stopped by We’re not that great at remembering all the names the tribal organization and the and helped out in different ways; and for the but it made us happy to see all your faces. Thank public at large. It diminishes One member: Why, with good hears in the generous donations. You All! The cooks, always high on our list, and our voice on issues of local and When the leaves are green and the morning and beautiful sunflowers in We hesitate to mention names because all those who brought food, of course! The tribal national importance. It reduces birds are singing. Now is the time the spring, a little. of the numerous people that helped out. We council, for understanding and support shown to communication between the for spring cleaning! Aye, that was a Remember? Grandma is here. know that we would miss somebody. us. Our friends who stayed near us throughout membership on the local level long time ago. When grandmother Listen, here the thunder, it’s pretty. It was because of the many people that the week and remembered to feed us. And to our and results in district agenda’s was wearing her beautiful wing Believe, brothers and sisters every stopped by to offer their condolences and brother and nephew, R.T., Jr., Billie Joe, Val, Jean, that continue to divide people and dress. She knows me and you like the where. prayers, that got our family through a very and companies for helping to keep us on track. resources. back of her hand, and I don’t mean Don’t go back! Go, forward. hard time. And thank you to the big hearted grave diggers The individualism and district-ism literally. Those were the days when Smile, be happy. Today is a new day. Again, thank you all for being there for who dug the grave by hand and to the pall bearers of councilman, as well as resulting something meant something. There Tomorrow is short. our family, your presence helped ease the who gave us the strength we needed. factionalism, could survive without were no words spoken. We oldsters Why, Thank you everyone for any and all the dire consequences as long as the now know what you should of known Aye, Friend, loss of our beloved “Porky.” All our love, contributions that you made. We accept it from tribal organization was healthy and then and should now! Inez J. Mullen, Allen the heart. God loves you all. the Palmer family. productive in making good holistic Melvin and Shirley Toulou and Angela Swan Michel families. Thank you for your contributions Report of Deaths For The Month Of April, 1999 Dear Larry Jordan, single State Medicaid Agency. At American section of the Phase IIA Secretary J. Alex Valdez, that point, the clock is stopped until Amendment, and identification of George Timentwa, Jr. (aka George A. Circle) ...... 12/3/1967 ...... 4/10/1999 Secretary Deborah Hartz, and the the State answers the questions. The evaluation instruments. Some of Executive Steering Committee of clock resumes when HCFA receives the services subcommittees have Norman Dee Redthunder ...... 5/26/1948 ...... 4/11/1999 the State Children’s Health Insurance the State’s response. HCFA may stop continued meeting, recognizing the Program (SCHIP) thank you for the clock as many times as needed for need for further preparation for the Teri A. Abrahamson ...... 5/17/1960 ...... 4/20/1999 your generous commitment of time, clarification. implementation period after the energy and expertise in the SCHIP work that is ongoing plan is approved. Once we begin Denise I. Toulou ...... 9/22/1963 ...... 4/22/1999 development of the SCHIP Phase includes outreach and enrollment receiving feedback from HCFA, we IIA Amendment. The effort was an to enhance enrollment of eligible will begin working on the Request Raymond Moses ...... 10/24/1925 ...... 4/28/1999 exceptionally collaborative one, with children into Medicaid, refinements for Proposals. participants from many communities, to the Management Information Cincerely, Robert S. Bartlett ...... 10/23/1927 ...... 1/10/1992 organizations, and disciplines, System, meetings with the Native Patsy Nelson including consumers. The result is American tribes about the Native SCHIP Phase II Manager Kenneth J. Joseph (aka Kenneth J. Dick) ...... 1/26/1944 ...... 2/23/1999 an exemplary comprehensive plan of prevention and early intervention services for the Medicaid/eligible children of New Mexico. We are pleased to inform you the Phase IIA Amendment was submitted to the Health In MeMORIAM Care Financing Administration In this section, we wish to say farewell to our beloved Colville Tribal Members and (HCFA) April 15. A copy of the send our wishes for health, happiness and faith to their families. Amendment is enclosed. Because We welcome memorials about your loved ones and friends who have passed it took six months for the Phase I plan to be approved, we expect it away, including photographs and poems if you wish. will take at least that amount of time Please send your contributions to: Tribal Tribune Memorials, P.O. Box 150, for approval of some or all of Phase Nespelem WA 99155. IIA. The approval process includes Include your name and address on the photographs, funeral cards or other several steps. Once the plan or any materials you want returned to you. amendments are submitted, HCFA has ninety days in which to approve or disapprove the plan. If HCFA has questions, those will be sent to the Human Services Department as the SECOND SECTION TO THE National Native News TRIBAL TRIBUNE

Published - Wednesday, June 2, 1999 Cuomo Indian housing initiative Volume 25, No. 5 -- MAY 1999 Edition

CHICAGO, IL. – Housing Dream,” Cuomo added. “Prosperity to non-profit groups under the Self- Cuomo released the report as part of Ensuring the protection of Indian trust approval for tribal laws affecting and Urban Development Secretary should not stop at the reservation Help Homeownership opportunity the process of consulting with tribes Lands so that defaults of mortgages homeownership through one federal Andrew Cuomo on May 30 un veiled line.” Program to buy home sites and to get their views on the proposals. insured by the federal government agency’s review process. a new Native American Housing and Under the Native American improve the infrastructure needed Secretary of Agriculture Dan would not cost a tribe its land. If a In addition, federal agencies have Economic Development Initiative to Housing and Economic Develop- to set the stage for sweat-equity and Glickman, whose Department was homeowner defaults on a mortgage, agreed to coordinate lender and improve life on Indian reservations -ment Initiative announced Mar. volunteer-based homeownership on Task Force, said: “USDA will be the land would be held in trust until tribal training on federal mortgage by creating more jobs, affordable 30, tribal non-profit groups will be programs for low-income families. a key partner in a renewed effort to another tribal member is found to insurance and assistance programs housing and homeownership. eligible to apply for: Chester Carl, Chair of the meet the growing need for improved buy the home; Creating a financial The shortage of affordable Cuomo said the initiative will go Rural Economic Development Na tional American Indian Housing housing and economic development inter mediary to provide homebuyer housing is at crisis levels on many far beyond most federal programs grants, which leverage private and Council and Executive Director of on native American reservations. counseling, loan education, loss reservations around the country. The by enabling tribal governments to public dollars with federal funds the Navajo said: “Secretary Cuomo USDA Rural Development programs mitigation, and liaison to the National American Indian Housing create non-profit groups that will be for innovative efforts to create is taking strong that recognize the will provide financial resources private housing sector to stimulate Council estimates an im mediate able to apply for a share of more than jobs, build affordable housing, and right of Indian Nations to find their and tech nical assistance to Native increased home-ownership on need for about 200,000 homes on $1 billion in annual assistance under boost homeowner ship. Tribal non- own solutions to our housing and Americans.” reservations and to help coor dinate several major HUD programs. profit groups will receive a special economic development problems, The Task Force was chaired by the efforts of lenders, sellers and tribal lands. over 40 percent of the Because only local governments preference that will increase their and the obligation of the United HUD and the Treasury Department, buyers; Streamlining lending proce- housing on tribal lands is considered and non-profit groups are eligible chances of receiving a portion of States government to help our efforts and also included the Bureau of dures and coordinating the work substandard - six times the rate of for the funding, tribal governments the $27 mil lion in funding under succeed. Indian Affairs, the Department of of federal agencies that provide the rest of the country. In addition, have been unable to benefit from the the program this year; Assistance Cuomo said the Native American Veterans Affairs, and other public mortgages on reservations, as well 21 percent of homes on reservations program - even though Indian to create and subsidize housing Development Initiative also includes and private organizations. The Task as combing HUD’s Native American are overcrowded - nearly 10 times reservations have high poverty and for low-income senior citizens and a proposals recommended in a report force report details proposals to loan programs into one program. For the proportion elsewhere. unemployment rates, as well as great low-income people with disabilities, by an Interagency Task force to increase the rate of homeownership example, an interagency agreement housing needs. under HUD’s Section 202 and Section further help families on reservation among Native Americans, including: will allow tribes to gain federal Cuomo made the announcement 811 programs; Grants to provide more easily obtain home mortgages. in Chicago at a Sum mit on Native homeless people with housing, job American Homeownership, Legal training, education, substance abuse and Economic Development. Over treatment, mental health services, 700 representatives from dozens of child care and other services to Kennewick Man test results public in June tribes are at the Summit, which was help them get permanent housing organized by HUD’s office of Na tive and jobs to become self-sufficient; KENNEWICK (AP) - The federal through their work and prepare an prepares its case. in hopes of getting more information. American Programs. Assistance under the Youth Build government will make public test analysis. The federally appointed scientists Meanwhile, Fagan said his efforts “This initiative will be a program, which provides job results that could show the origin of The original timeline “seemed who did limited tests in February - to find an exact match for the spear partnership between Indian Nations training in homebuilding skills, the 9,200-year-old bones known as very optimistic to me considering none of them among the plaintiffs, point were somewhat foiled by the and the United States government along with educational opportunities, Kennewick Man sometime in June. how much work was required,” won’t talk about their findings until bone that obscures the edges of the work together for the benefit of to unemployed high school drop- The Interior Department is trying said John Fagan, president of the Interior Department releases its stone. Na tive Americans,” Cuomo said. outs ages 16-24. This enables the to determine whether the bones are Ar chaeological Investigations report. “Even with the CAT scans and “We will bring new opportunity young people to get good jobs in from an American In dian. If they Northwest in Portland, ore., who But Gary Huckleberry of X-rays, the image is still not ideal,” to families on reservations by em- the construction industry; Grants are, they will be returned to tribes for studie.d the spear point stuck in Washington State University in he said. powering them to build stronger for housing and sup port services for reburial under the Native American Kennewick Man’s hip bone. Pullman said there was “nothing economies, new homes and better low-income people with HIV/AIDS Nonetheless, “I think I was Graves Protection and Repatriation After the bones were found along earth-shattering” about his portion able to make some pretty good lives. and members of their households Act of 1990. the Columbia River in Juy of 1996, of the study. evaluations of how the object was “For too long, the first Americans under the Housing opportunities for The Interior Department had some tribal leaders had demanded He and Ju1ie Stein of the manufactured,” Fagan said. “But I have been locked out of the American Persons With AIDS program; Grants hoped to issue, a decision in early their immediate reburial, saying University of Washington in Seat tle can’t really confirm any real precise May, assuming that five scientists studying them was a desecration. used sediments from the dis covery who studied the remains in February But based on initial reports that site to try to pin down the skeleton’s typological comparisons.” could finish their work in March. the bones had non-Indian features, age more precisely. The 9,200-year Finding points made from the The scientists’ reports, however, a group of scientists sued the estimate is based on initial carbon same material and in the same Kitzhaber opposes were pushed back to the third week government for the right to study dating. manner might have provided more of April, and the Interior Depart- the remains. The case is on hold Huckleberry has petitioned for clues about the date the point was Warm Springs ment will take several weeks to sort in Portland while the government permission to inspect the site again made. island casino Hunting and Fishing rights ceded to

CASCADE LOCKS, Ore. (AP) the island, which is connected to the - Gov. John Kitzhaber opposes an mailand by a causeway. government, court claims attempt by the Confederated Tribes In addition, tribal officials have of Warm Springs to build a tribal been meeting for several weeks with Supreme Court, Washington east-central Wisconsin. wisconsin Attorney General was given a reservation in Wisconsin. casino on an island near this small city and port representatives. D.C. (AP) — The Supreme Court on The treaty granted such rights James Doyle called it “an extremely A federal judge threw out the city in the Columbia Gorge. Tribal representatives are sched- Monday, April 19 refused to revive a until the president “shall deem it important ruling” for the state. Menominees’ lawsuit, and the 7th Kitzhaber spokesman Bob Ap- uled to meet May 12 with a team Wisconsin tribe’s lawsuit that sought expedient to extinguish their title.” “In fact, it’s one of the first of its U.S. circuit Court of Appeals upheld plegate said that the governor will from the governor’s office to begin to confirm hunting and fishing rights Menominee vice Chairman kind in the country....Both courts said the dismissal. not consider approving the casino renegotiating their gaming compact. based on an 1831 treaty. Wendell Askenette said April 19 the they are not going to rewrite treaties. In the appeal acted on April because it would be on land newly The new casino is envisioned as The court, without comment, tribe was “very disappointed and Judge (Barbara) Crabb and then the 19, the Menominees’ lawyers argued that those treaties were not acquired by the tribes and off their a 75,000-square-foot, two-story turned down the Menominee Nation’s even dismayed” by the high court’s 7th circuit said they were not going intended to cancel the Indians’ reservation. building that could accommodate up argument that it did not give up the decision. to rewrite treaties, they were going The federal Indian Gaming hunting and fishing rights. They also to 2,500 patrons, employing more hunting and fishing. rights in 1848 “We just felt that we were given to follow the plain language of the said the lower courts should have Regulatory Act gives the Secretary of than 300 people and generating about when it exchanged all its land in a very quick shuffle here,” he said in treaties as written.” the Interior limited authority to take given the tribe a chance to develop $50 million in annual gross revenues. Wisconsin for a reservation. a telephone interview from Keshena, The Menominees gave up land newly acquired, off-reserva tion lands historical information on the Indians’ The tribes own 40 acres of trust The Menominee sued the state in Wis. “We felt we were going to be west of the Fox River in 1836, understanding of the treaties when inot trust for gaming purposes, but a land east of Hood River. They have 1995, saying the tribe’s 1831 treaty given the opportunity to present our and in 1848 ceded all their land they were signed. state’s governor has what amounts with the federal government reserved argument. We are disappointed we in Wisconsin in exchange for a The case is Menominee Indian to veto power on casinos proposed indicated they would be willing to sign the property over to state to the tribe’s hunting and fishing were not given the opportunity for reservation in Minnesota. The tribe Tribe of Wisconsin vs. Thompson, for such land. rights on public land and water in justice after all these years.” never moved to Minnesota and later 98-1306. The tribes hs acquired an option ownership if the governor approves to buy 30-acre Government Island the Cascade Locks site. at the east edge of Cascade Locks, If the Cascade Locks plan fails, about 40 miles from Portland. Clements said, the tribes still could The tribes paid the Port of Cascade build a casino on the Hood River trust Florida sues U.S. over gaming Locks $190,000, 10 percent of the land, although it has access problems. $1.9 million purchase price for a The tribes also face a well-organized one-year, non-refundable deposit on and vocal “No Casino” group there. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) roulette wheels, blackjack tables and gambling, even turning away an offer ultimately be resolved by the U. S. Florida officials have sued the federal other casino-type games. for Florida to join the multi-state Supreme Court. government, seeking to block new Floridians have long resisted Las Powerball game. “I think we would make sure it rules they fear could lead to Las Vegas-style gambling. In three Interior Department spokes- was a fair and unbiased process, but Vegas-style casinos on the state’s elections since 1978, voters have woman Stephanie Hanna said the Dozen state agents raid Indian reservations. rejected casino initiatives, and Bush lawsuit came as no surprise, and that I guess everybody’s entitled to their The suit, which Alabama joined has vehemently fought expanded Babbitt believes the question should opinion,” Hanna said. Puyallup smokeshop stocks as a co-plaintiff, came in response to rules approved on Apr. 12 that allow Interior Secretary Bruce TACOMA (AP) - State agents operated without a business or Babbitt to settle gambling-related First Indian appointed to civil rights commission Apr. 20 seized more than 1,400 tobacco retailer’s license. disputes that tribes can’t work out cartons of cigarettes from the Red- The Liquor Control Board with the states. SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - Elsie has received national recognition for communities,” Daschle said. “She wolf smokeshop within the Puyallup can issue fines of $10 per pack, In such an impasse, Babbitt would Meeks, an Oglala Sioux, its innovation in helping small, rural has also seen how jobs can be created Indian reserva tion, alleging the Currier said, and the Pierce County act as a final judge. Such cases was appointed Apr. 15 as the first businesses. and lives and communities can be business was operating illegally. prosecutor’s office also could file include current plans for casinos by American Indian to serve on the U.S. Meeks, the first South Dakotan trans formed when people are given The Puyallup tribal council criminal charges. Florida’s Seminole and Miccousukee Civil Rights Commission. to sit on the 42-year-old panel, said the resources and opportunities they condemned the move, saying in a Cigarettes sold to American tribes; both tribe’s proposals have Meeks, who is a member of the she has no specific issues or plans to need.” statement that the business was legal. Indians are exempt from state tax, so been reinstated by state officials. Oglala-Lakota Sioux Tribe and was bring before the Commission. “But The Commission, established by About a dozen agents from the most smokeshops are on tribal land In filing the suit, Attorney General the Democratic Lieutenant Gover nor having been involved in development state Liqnor Conlrol Board or land held in trust by the federal the 1957 Civil Rights Act, evaluates Bob Butterworth said Babbitt’s nominee in 1998, is the only in Indian country for a long time and descended on lhe Redwolf Smoke government for tribal members. State federal civil rights laws and equal newly granted powers conflict with commissioner on the eight-member having grown up on a reservation, I Shop on Apr. 20 and hauled and local law enforcement don’t have his role as a trustee for tribes. opportunity programs in an annual panel who is from a rural area. sure bring a knowledge of Native away 1,431 cartons of cigaret tes. jurisdiction on those lands. “In effect, one federal bureaucrat report to the president. “I think it’s time that someone American issues to the table,” she Washington charges cigarette taxes The Redwolf shop is within the can defy the wishes of elected state Mary Frances Berry, who chairs from Indian country was on the U.S. said. of $8.25 a carton, meaning the reservation boun daries but is on officials, and more important, the the Commission, said the group Commission on Civil Rights,” Meeks Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., who cigarettes had a tax va1ue of private land, state agents said. millions they repre sent,” Butterworth includes two white men, an Asian said. “I am not sure what priority appointed Meeks, said her experience $11,805.75. Still, tribal members said the state said at a news conference. American, a Latin person and a black has been given to Native American with starting her own business and “We’re hoping to put this guy out had no right to raid the smokeshop, Gov. Jeb Bush called the federal woman. The panel has two vacancies. of business,” agency spokeswoman which they said was licensed by the issues.” helping others do the same will rules an attack on Florida’s “It’s wonderful to have the first Tricia Currier said. tribe. sovereignty, and said he hopes other Meeks owns a grocery store in bring an important perspective to the person from the American Indian The manager, a clerk and the “The Tribal Council is going to states will join the suit. Wanblee and runs a rodeo business Commission.” store’s owner, whose name was not stand by tribal members and their Gambling halls on some Indian and ranch with her husband. She “She has seen first hand community,” Berry said. “I think it released, spoke with agents but were ability to be entrepreneurs and start a land offer high-stakes bingo, low- directs the Lakota Fund, a com- the devastating effects that would just be great to have her add not held. business,” tribal spokeswoman Kari- stakes poker and electronic slot munity-development loan program discrimination in commercial her voice and her views.” Agents contend the owner lynn Frank said. machines, but state law prohibits on the Pine Ridge Reservation that lending can have on poor National Native News Judge rules’ Crow have no utility tax authority

Billings, Montana (AP) - A federal to establish its rights along those members, and are generally owned leases or other arrangements. “Such a tax, even in light of the began passing the cost through to its judge ruled on April 5 the Crow have corridors and whether the utility tax by non-members. Shanstrom determined that Big consensual relationship between Big customers. no authority to impose a 3-percent could be imposed. In most circumstances, the tribe Horn Electric did have a consensual Horn Electric and the tribe, exceeds Bills sent out by, the co-op utility tax on Big Horn County U.S. District Judge Jack has no civil authority over the relationship, in that it delivers the inherent sovereign authority of included an itemization saying how Electric Cooperative property and Shanstrom also granted the co-op activities or conduct of non-members electricity to the Crow Tribe and its the tribe, because it is not a tax on much of the bill was attributable to must refund more than $172,000 in a permanent injunction barring the on fee lands. Tribes generally cannot members and charges a fee for its conduct, activity or trade,” the judge the Crow tax. The itemization caused taxes the co-op has paid since 1994. tribe from future taxes on Big Horn claim regulatory authority except in services. But he ruled that while the wrote in a 12-page decision. an uproar in the tribe, which went Big Horn Electric is the primary Electric property. very narrow circumstances. tribe may have a legitimate basis to A spokesman at the law firm to tribal court to prevent Big Horn Shanstrom said rights of way are power supplier on the Crow one of those circumstances is if a tax the activities and conduct of Big representing the tribe said there Electric from passing the utility tax Reservation and has 30 right-of- equivalent to fee lands. Fee lands consensual relationship exists with Horn Electric, it does not extend to would be no comment until he through to its customers. way agreements with the tribe or are those not held in trust by the the tribe or its members through taxing the co-op’s property in the receives a copy of the decision. In addition to its assertion that- its members. Almost a year ago, the federal government for tribes or their commercial dealings, contracts, rights of way. Big Horn Electric serves about the tribe had no right to impose Hardinbased rural co-op filed a suit 3,800 customers in Montana and Wyoming. of the total, 1,700 are the utility tax, Big Horn Electric Crow and non-Indian customers on maintained that the tribe did not have the reservation. the regulatory authority to prohibit Logging, tribal interests clash at The tribe passed its utility tax pass-through of the tax. in 1993, and Big Horn Electric has been battling it since, both in tribal Medicine Wheel at Bighorn National court and in federal court. The co- op paid the taxes under protest and

Rock Springs, Wyoming (AP) - A “It would be a tragic ruling from S.D. The group is an advocate Historic Preservation Plan in 1996, The lawsuit contends the plan is “After many, many years, the lawsuit filed over logging near the the courts to say, ‘Too bad, you for American Indian sacred sites, it was hailed as a model agreement unconstitutional because it requires government is finally coming around ancient stone Medicine Wheel in spent seven years of your life for religious freedom and health issues. for cooperative protection of sacred the U.S. Forest Service to advance a to the position that Native, traditional Bighorn National Forest threatens nothing, because it was illegal,”’ Flute was one of several American sites. religion at the expense of traditional religion is something that needs to be to undo years of planning to protect said Jerry Flute, executive director of Indians who participated in years of one of the plan’s provisions forest uses such as logging. considered, that needs to be looked the sacred site, an American Indian the Association on American Indian discussions intended to protect the called for closing a logging road The Mountain States Legal at, that needs to be preserved.” advocate said. Affairs, which is based in Sisseton, Medicine Wheel from a rising tide near the wheel. The lawsuit filed by Foundation, a Denver group that He said the agreement intended of tourist visits. Wyoming Sawmills contends that the advocates multiple use of public to preserve the Medicine Wheel and The discussions led to a sweeping closed road prevents logging in other lands, filed the lawsuit on behalf the natural scenery surrounding it plan that ensures American Indians sections of the forest. of Wyoming Sawmills. The same preserves American Indians’ rights to Colville will be consulted on any projects The sawmill also argues that foundation has filed a similar lawsuit freely exercise their religion at such Communication planned within sight of the wheel, consultation with American Indian to block a National Park Service plan sacred sites. a circle of stones used in religious officials led the Forest Service to to discourage climbing on Devils Tribes do not oppose logging Services ceremonies. cancel a timber sale because the road Tower in deference to American in national forests, Flute said, When tribal, federal and local passes within sight of the Medicine Indian religious concerns. but believe logging should take Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation government officials signed the Wheel. Both cases involve the same issue: place with respect for the longterm P.o. Box 150, nespelem wA 99155 How far can the government go in environmental values of the land. Fax 509/634-4617 establishing respect for religious traditions? FABRIC! FABRIC! FABRIC! “In my opinion, it’s almost identical in both cases,” Flute said. Membership Services Available Funeral Cards M&K SALES & FABRIC 216 Nelson Road - Grand Coulee Positions change in Custom Design Print Advertisements (Located behind Midway Mini Mart) Certificates One-Stop Hometown Shopping For New York land claims Business Cards • Fabric Syracuse, New York (AP) - If as one in a single classaction claim. Invitations / Announcements • sewing/Quilting notions & supplies the arguments in the Oneida Nation Lawyers for the counties involved .Graduation - Wedding - Others land claim sound familiar to wanted to inflate the Oneida’s . • Machine Quilting & upholstery U.S. District Court Judge Neal defendant list to 500,000 individuals. One Page Flyers / Posters Graduation - Wedding - Others • sewing Machine Cleaning & Repairs McCurn, they should. To serve papers on a half-million . Ironically, the same issue came people would cost about $100,000 Promotional Buttons • shear sharpening before McCurn 19 years ago, - more than the then-impoverished . • used sewing Machines although the roles were reversed. oneida Nation could afford. It would Tri-Fold Brochures It was the lawyers for 13 upstate break their bank. . counties who wanted to add private The defense team had another Call for consultations, Monday through Friday (509) 633-3109 landowners to the land claim and the goal, one that sounds familiar today: OPEN AFTERNOONS 1:00 P.M.–5:00 P.M. Oneidas who opposed it. They wanted to wake up people. 8:00 am to 3:00 pm MONDAY–FRIDAY In 1980, the Oneida sought return “We felt if every land owner in (509) 634-2222 or 634-2223 of 5.8 million acres - virtually all of 13 counties got notice about this central New York from the Canadian case, you’d get more attention in the border to the Pennsylvania state line. state Assembly and the state Senate, They wanted to sue large landowners and maybe in the U.S. Congress,” said Allan Van Gestel, formerly the counties’ defense lawyer and Colville Tribal Enrollment currently a Massachusetts Superior Court judge. ADDRESS CHANGE FORM On March 5, 1980, McCurn ruled in favor of the Oneidas. He said individual suits against 500,000 defendants could disrupt real estate Member’s Name:______Maiden:______markets. He also noted the Oneida TED BESSETTE Nation’s financial hardships. Address:______In subsequent rulings, the AD Oneida’s land claim was reduced to City:______State:______ZIP:______the 250,000 acres in Madison and Oneida counties that it is today and Date of Birth:_____/_____/_____ within the last six months, the Oneida from Wisconsin, Canada and New Enrollment Number:______York have added individual property owners to the claim. Non-Enrolled Payee Name:______For Tribal Member:______

Return to: Margie Hutchinson enrollment office, P.o. Box 150, nespelem, wA 99155 Colville Indian Precision Pine Company ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST Please Send An Absentee Ballot For The ______1999 Colville Confederated Tribal______Election.General For The ______District. MARCH Please “PRINT” Your Name: ______For Veriication Purposes Please Include Any Other Name That You May Go By (Maiden name, also know as “AKA”, etc.) 1999

To Be Valid Your “WRITTEN SIGNATURE” Must Be Included Employee Signature: ______Address: ______of the Month ______Tribal ID#______Congratulations James “Jimmers” Tillman! Congratulations Mr. James Tillman! “Jimmers” has worked at Precision Pine Company for a Cut out the ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST FORM above and return it to: long number of years in the Planer as a Certified Lumber Grader on the Swing Shift. Jimmers has a knack for going out of his way for co-workers and for CIPP which made him an excellent Election Coordinator, Colville Confederated Tribes choice. To reward Jimmers for his efforts, he will receive $150.00 cash, recognition certificate, Box 150, Nespelem, WA 99155-0150 dinner at the Breadline, and notation in employee file. Natural Resources

tag. You can not put if for both - you limited, we can still offer a rifle hunt Attention Hunters have to decide on one or the other, during the rut at this point in time. because the drawings will be The moose tags will be given out in separate. This is done to spread out a lottery drawing. SHARP-TAILED GROUSE Greetings from Fish and Wildlife. want to apply for. You can not put the opportunity to hunt elk in more There is a five year waiting There are four tribal seasons this in for both tags. Neither one of these ways to more people. period to reapply if you do draw a UPDATE year where tags will be given out in two herds are very big and this way There are 20 archery either-sex moose tag. In addition, there is no a drawing. Application forms follow we can spread out the opportunity to tags available which will be divvied party hunting or designated hunting Maureen Murphy, CCT Fish & wildlife Dept. this article. These seasons are: hunt bighorn for more people. Also out in a weighted drawing. That hunt in this season. This means that the 1. North-Half note that if you draw a sheep tag, you will run during the rut from you, the tag holder, are the one who Bighorn Sheep Hunt have to wait five years until you can September 4 - September 19. If you would actually kill an animal. You 2. Reservation Archery-Only put in again. The sheep hunt will run decide to go for a rifle elk tag instead, can certainly bring some hunting Elk Hunt from September 18 through October you’ll need to make another choice: partners along, however, and you 3. Reservation Rifle Elk Hunt 17. The tags will be given out in two do you want to apply for a bulls- will need plenty of help if you do take 4. Reservation Moose Hunt lottery style drawings. only or an antlerless-only permit? a moose - an adult bull will weigh There are two North Half bighorn If you’re going to put in for either Once again, you can not put in for 1,000 pounds or better. sheep tags available: an either-sex of the Reservation elk hunts, you’ll both. There are 100 bull tags and Note the application deadline - tag on Vulcan Mountain and an also need to make some choices. 100 antlerless (cow) tags available. July 9 for all 4 hunts. You also need either-sex tag on Mt. Hull. If you’re First, you’ll need to decide which of The hunt will run from October 9 to be sixteen years old or older by interested in applying for this hunt, the two elk hunts you want to apply through November 8. Note that hunt the application deadline to put in for you’ll need to choose which tag you for. You can put in for an archery- dates have been extended. Drawings any of these tags. Fill out and send only tag or you can put in for a rifle for the rifle hunt permits will also in your forms today so you don’t be allotted by the weighted drawing miss the deadline! Forms will also be Colville Confederated Tribes system we’ve been using the past available at our Nespelem office and few years. Please note that the 5-year the community centers in Inchelium, 2000 Special Elk Rifle Hunt waiting period has been dropped for Keller, Nespelem and Omak and . If both the archery and the rifle hunts. you do get your applications at one APPLICATION FORM Last but not least, we are again of the community centers, make sure offering a moose season on the you mail them or bring them to our I wish my name to be placed in the drawing for the Special Reservation. Both tags were Nespelem office. Do not turn them CCT 2000 Rifle Elk Hunt. filled last year. Moose have been into the community centers - they increasing slowing but surely on the need to come directly to our office. seCTion i. Reservation. While they are by no Our address is: means common, there are enough to Fish & Wildlife Department NAME:______support a very limited season. There P.O. Box 150 (Last) (First) (M. are two bull-only tags available. Nespelem, WA 99155 Male Tribal Sharptail With A Radio Transmitter Initial) The hunt will run October 9 through If you have any questions, give us October 24, which is during the rut a call at (509) 634-2110. Greetings from Fish and Wildlife. Sharptails numbers here in Maiden Name or Other Names (if applicable):______period for moose. Because the hunt is I want to update everyone on how Washington have declined drastically the sharp-tailed grouse are doing that over the past 100 years. These birds were transplanted early this spring were plentiful in the eastern half of from the Reservation over to the state when early white explorers Colville Confederated Tribes Conconully. As of this writing, arrived. Increased agriculture from May 17th, all twelve birds are alive 1850 to 1880 initially provided more 2000 Reservation Moose Hunt and well. The six females are all on food for the birds but continued APPLICATION FORM nests incubating eggs which should conversion of grassland and shrub be hatching about the time this steppe habitats to agriculture, along I wish my name to be placed in the drawing for the CCT 2000 issue of the Tribune comes out. All with increased settlement after 1900, Reservation Moose Hunt. six males continue to display at a contributed to sharptail declines. By nearby dancing ground in the event the 1920’s, sharptails were extirpated seCTion i. any females show up wanting to (locally extinct) from much of their breed again. The birds didn’t miss historic range, such as the Palouse NAME:______a beat - five of the six males that region. State harvest levels were were moved in the first group were reduced after 1920 and hunting (Last) (First) (M. dancing the very next morning in seasons were closed from 1933 Initial) their new home. The one fellow was to 1953. Populations continued to Maiden Name or Other Names (if applicable):______a bit cautious and held back for a decline after 1950, due primarily to couple days before getting with the livestock overgrazing on remnant program. It also appears that the patches of grass/shrub steppe. By the birds like their new place because 1950’s, sharptails had disappeared they have stayed on the Scotch Creek from at least six counties where they Area or directly nearby and have not once were abundant. wandered around to other spots. A total of 130 dancing (breeding) I also want to give you some grounds were documented in background on the plight of sharptails Washington between 1954 and in Washington and what measures are 1997; only 51 were still active in being taken to promote their survival 1997. The loss of grounds reflects into the future. Sharp-tailed grouse, a pattern of population declines, or prairie chickens as many folks range reduction and isolation of call them, have declined throughout remaining populations. The total North America. For those of you statewide population declined who aren’t sure which grouse this is, from an estimated 7,400 birds in it’s the one where the males “dance” 1970 to about 1,000 in 1997. In 1998, in the springtime, stomping their the sharptail was listed as a State feet and twirling around. Of the six threatened species. Colville Confederated Tribes different subspecies or races, the At present, sharptails in 2000 North Half Bighorn Sheep Hunt Columbian, which occurs here, is Washington occupy 3% of their now the rarest. The Columbian race original range and their numbers APPLICATION FORM historically ranged from southern have declined 97% since the 1950s. British Columbia, south along the They persist in eight scattered I wish my name to be placed in the drawing for the 2000 North eastern slope of the Cascade and populations in Douglas, Lincoln Half Bighorn Sheep Hunt. Sierra Nevada mountain ranges to and Okanogan counties. Areas Colville Confederated Tribes northeastern California, and east to supporting the most birds include seCTion i. Colorado, Wyoming and western Dyer Hill in Douglas County, 2000 Elk Archery Only Hunt Montana. Sharptails were plentiful Swanson Lakes in Lincoln County NAME:______across their range and Lewis and and Tunk Valley and the Colville (Last) (First) (M. APPLICATION FORM Clark wrote during their travels Reservation in Okanogan County. Initial) through the Pacific Northwest that The largest concentration, numbering I wish my name to be placed in the drawing for the Special these birds occurred in numbers that 400+ birds, exists in the vicinity Maiden Name or Other Names (if applicable):______CCT 2000 Archery Only Elk Hunt. darkened the sky. Such days are surrounding Nespelem. Although long gone and Columbian sharptails the birds have also declined on the seCTion i. currently exist in southern British Reservation due to the same reasons Columbia, and scattered, isolated as elsewhere, they’ve managed to NAME:______locales in northcentral Washington, hang on a bit better because there is (Last) (First) (M. southern Idaho, northern Utah, not the same level of conflicting land Initial) western Colorado and one spot in uses and thus loss of habitat. northwest Montana. They are but As a result of these declines, the Maiden Name or Other Names (if applicable):______a memory in Oregon, California, Washington Department of Fish Nevada and Wyoming. and Wildlife (WDFW) has acquired Columbian sharptails have sharptail habitat, initiated research vanished across most of their range studies, and developed strategies due to the loss and degradation of to improve populations where they habitat. These birds need grasslands currently exist and to reestablish or shrub steppe (grasslands with birds where they have been nearly shrubs such as sagebrush) with good or completely extirpated. The first cover in the spring and summer for strategy is to improve degraded habitat on private and state-owned breeding and raising young. In the lands that are currently, or were winter, they need extensive areas historically, occupied by sharptails. of riparian vegetation which occurs The second strategy is to transplant next to rivers, streams and in wet birds into areas where habitat has areas. Unfortunately, conflicting been enhanced in order to help land uses such as excessive livestock “jump-start” remnant populations. grazing, agriculture and brush control One of the spots WDFW is (particularly for sagebrush) have focusing on is the Scotch Creek resulted in either vast losses of Wildlife Management Area, 10 miles these areas or habitat that is of much northwest of Omak, near Conconully poorer quality. Hydroelectric dams . This area is about 9,050 acres of have also contributed to declines by which 6,000 is current or potential flooding large stretches of riparian sharptail habitat. It was purchased vegetation along rivers and providing irrigation for crop development to Sharp-Tailed Grouse millions of acres throughout the arid Columbia Basin. Update Sharp-Tailed Grouse Update Continued from page 12 in 1991 primarily to protect critical 6:30 AM and were released by 10:00 TREE TALK sharptail habitat which is part of AM on the morning of capture. All the States strategy. At the time of transplanted birds appeared in very By Gary Martin purchase, plans were initiated to good shape upon release. improve the habitat present, some I followed the birds over on the of which was in poor condition, and morning on March 31 to Scotch Inchelium Students Enjoying then to later transplant additional Creek. After we released the birds, grouse to the area to supplement the the WDFW area manager, Jim existing but small population there, Olson, and other staff gave us an Natural Resources Day At Bissell Flats numbering less than 10 birds. in-depth tour of the area. Although Last spring, 25 sharptails from I had been there before, I had not southern Idaho were transplanted had an opportunity to see all of it. How’s it going this month! I Omak and Okanogan 6th Graders to the Scotch Creek Area. All were As mentioned earlier, the WDFW hope that all Moms had a great this month at Camp Progress fitted with radio transmitters prior purchased the Scotch Creek Area in Mother’s Day! Graduations are and Camp Disautel. Nespelem to their release. Most of these birds 1991. Moneys for land acquisition th became established in the Scotch and habitat management of this area coming up soon. Congratulations 4 Graders will be at Lost Lake Creek vicinity, although there were are provided by the Washington to all Headstart graduates this Camp soon. All these fun events some long movements off the area Wildlife and Recreation Coalition and month! There was a fun Natural and days of honoring, make for an at first and a couple birds have set the Bonneville Power Administration Resources day with Inchelium exciting month! up housekeeping in Tunk Valley Administration (BPA) as part of that 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders at Bissell THANKS to everyone who and near Chesaw, where the WDFW agency’s wildlife mitigation program. Flats. Kid’s Day at Owhi Lake help to make these events happen! also has wildlife areas. Many of Most of the area had formerly been a with Nespelem School is May When there’s a choice between these Idaho birds have survived ranch and the original home place is and are doing fine. A few have a registered state historic site. As a 27. There’s a Kid’s Day at Mt. my writing and photos of kids, been lost over the year to predation. working cattle operation, much of the Tolman with Keller and Wilbur it’s an easy choice to make. So, Additionally, some birds had long uplands were originally converted students, towards the end of take care and we’ll talk with you transport/holding periods of up to 48 from native grassland/shrub steppe to this month. We’re visiting with again next month. hours due to inspection requirements grain fields of wheat and rye. Later at the Washington state line and these fields were seeded to crested appeared weakened upon release. and intermediate wheatgrass for Three females from this group died livestock grazing. Some of the native within the first week of release. rangeland was overgrazed, which Finally, although the transplanted allowed the encroachment of noxious females laid clutches and most weeds, particularly knapweed. produced young, there appeared to be Another significant change was problems with low fertility possibly the removal of riparian vegetation related to the small population size. (winter habitat) to accommodate The WDFW wants to continue alfalfa production. supplementing the Scotch Creek To improve this area for population over the next several sharptails, the WDFW has years with additional transplants from implemented an aggressive manage- Idaho and British Columbia. The ment plan. To date, about 700 acres State of Idaho, however, only gives have been cultivated to return old away so many birds for transplant crop fields filled with weeds back in any given year and Nevada had to good bunchgrass habitat. This first dibbs for 1999. Arrangements process takes a couple years before had also not been made with the the grasses really take well and the Canadians because everything hasn’t weeds are gone so some of the earlier been worked out yet. treated areas are coming on nicely In January, Mike Schroeder, a now. Plans are to treat an additional researcher with the WDFW who 300 acres every year for the next works with sharptails, asked CCT several years to improve other spots. Fish and Wildlife about In order to provide winter habitat, the possibility of the Colville 50,000 seedlings of waterbirch and Tribes donating 10-12 sharptails other species have been planted for transplant to the Scotch Creek and another 30,000-40,000/year are Wildlife Area. We mulled it over planned over the next three years. and thought that it was a good idea All in all, the Scotch Creek Wildlife because sharptails on the Reservation Area should be a good home for stand to gain in the long run if healthy sharptails for years to come and with populations can be established proper management, should just keep around us. We felt that although the getting better. birds are by no means as numerous As it turns out, although the as they once were on the Reservation, Tribe donated twelve birds, it got an the concentrations around Nespelem, Idaho bird in return. Idaho ended estimated at 400+ birds, could afford up having some extra birds this year to spare a dozen birds which could and WDFW got eleven of them, six really pay off in the future if grouse males and five females. Holding numbers were to increase nearby. times were not as long this year and Also, birds trapped here would not be these birds were in better shape at stressed with long holding periods, as the time of release. Three males were the Idaho birds, and the tribal and three females were released birds would provide some new genes on Scotch Creek. The other five to the breeding mix. were released on the Central Ferry We told Mike to prepare a formal, Wildlife Area south of Brewster. written proposal which we would All birds had radio transmitters and present to the Business Council are doing fine. One of the females for their consideration. Council on the Central Ferry Area decided to reviewed the proposal in February go exploring and has been located on and after talking it over, voted to the Reservation up on the Plateau accept the proposal and donate area north of Bridgeport. She has twelve birds, six males and six not gone back to Douglas County females. The Tribe issued the and is believed to be nesting here on WDFW a collection permit and on the Reservation but her location was March 31th, 6 males were trapped found from the air so Mike Schroeder on dancing grounds near Nespelem plans to confirm her status on the and transported to the Scotch Creek ground in the next few days. Area. Media people were invited Several tribal members have to get the word out about what the asked me about the transplant and Tribe and WDFW were doing to I thought some of you might have help sharptails. Articles appeared the same questions. One question is soon after in the Tribal Tribune, whether the number of birds that were Spokesman-Review, Wenatchee given away will hurt the population World and Omak Chronicle, which here because we don’t have a lot of many of you have read. Other papers birds anymore, not compared to how picked up the story and also ran it they once were. The answer is no. they lose their eggs or chicks. It is are we automatically obligated we would like. The Tribe also outside the Reservation, is on private such as the Yakama Nation Review. At present the population around known from research, however, that to provide more birds year after participated in a cooperative land and is potentially threatened by The six females were later trapped Nespelem is estimated at 400+ birds. sharptail populations run at about a year. The answer is no. The Tribe research study in 1995-96 on habitat further alteration and fragmentation. and transported in two groups on Twelve is 3% of 400 so although 12 50/50 sex ratio of males to females is in the driver’s seat when it comes use here on the Reservation and Other than the Conservation Reserve April 5th and April 7th. birds left, most of them, 97%, stayed so you can take the number of males to birds living on the Reservation the Swanson Lakes area. This Program, there’s nothing in place Birds were captured with walk-in here on the Res. that you’ve counted during peak and is in full control of whether any study has provided us with a lot of statewide to ensure the long-term traps made with frames constructed Another question is how do we breeding season, double it, and this more birds would be available for valuable information for sharptails preservation or restoration of sharptail of metal tubing or PVC pipe covered get our estimates on numbers of is a reliable estimate of numbers. transplant in the future. WDFW has on the Res. Finally, the Tribe bought habitat across large expanses with small mesh nylon netting. birds. We get our estimates from In 1998, we counted 202 birds over not indicated at this time they are 800+ acres of privately-owned of former range. Ultimately, These traps have small entrances and counts on the dancing grounds. a two-week period on 20 different interested in more tribal birds. If they sharptail habitat near Nespelem with the cooperative efforts of tribal, once a bird is inside, they usually Every year in the early spring, we grounds around Nespelem so that did want more birds, they would only Bonneville mitigation dollars. This state and local governments, public can’t find their way back out again. try to count birds on all the grounds gives us an estimate of 400+ birds. get them because it was something newly acquired land along with the agencies and private landowners In total, 18 birds were captured on the that we know about. Males always Bear in mind that this number is a low the Tribes wanted to help with again. surrounding area has been designated are needed to promote the survival Reservation: the twelve birds needed come and display because they’re estimate because there are probably People have also asked what’s a sharptail/wildlife area. The area is of the Columbian sharptail here in for the transplant and six extras, 5 defending their territories against a couple of grounds in the Nespelem being done here on the Reservation about 3,200 acres and contains nine Washington and throughout it’s males and 1 female. All captured other males and they’re trying to area that we don’t know about which to help sharptails. First, we keep tabs dancing grounds. range in western North America. birds were weighed, measured, attract females to breed with. would add to the total. Also, there’s on numbers and general population In closing, I hope that I have Although not everyone have banded and provided blood and In the spring sharptails, like other grounds in the Omak district that trends on an annual basis. We also answered some of your questions agreed with the transplant, I hope feather samples for genetic work. birds, are consumed with the drive to haven’t done well in the past but work with other tribal/BIA programs about sharptails in general and the that all of you find some satisfaction The extra birds were released at the reproduce so you can bet that those appear to be picking up and there’s to resolve conflicts and give sharptails transplant in particular. The bottom in helping these birds that your trapping site once they had been males are going to be out there and probably a few grounds over there priority when such situations arise. line is that sharptails in Washington ancestors honored in their dances, processed. The transplant birds this makes them pretty easy to count. we don’t know about (the Res is a Additionally, efforts have been are at risk because they have a tradition that continues to this were also fitted with very small, Females, on the other hand, are big place). We do know, however, made to enroll more private acres in been reduced to small isolated day. While we’ll probably never see lightweight radio collars and placed more difficult, because they don’t that there’s not a lot of other grounds the Conservation Reserve Program populations, some of which are sharptails that darkened the sky like in holding containers for transport. visit the grounds that often. They out there because it’s just not that (CRP) on the western half of the on degraded habitat. Things have they did, we can try to ensure these They were then put in the cab of a typically scope things out at ground common to see these birds other Res. Right now, however, Okanogan changed enormously since the days birds a place in the sun for the future. pickup and hauled to Conconully. or two for a couple mornings, show times of the year like it use to be. County is not a priority area for of Lewis and Clark and no one knows Holding periods were short since all up again to be bred, and then go off Another question is now that the CRP enrollment with the USDA so that better than Indian people. Most birds were trapped between 5:00- and nest and do not return unless Tribes have provided some birds, this has not been as successful as of the remaining habitat, particularly Opinion/Editorials

interests. However, for the moment, Furthermore, the tribe does not own activity and jobs come out of the tribe’s competitive. In 1994, $1.5 million the Secretary does have the power the land. The tribe leases the land forest. Colville Indian Precision Pine was invested in improving log- INDIAN COUNTRY By Mike to grant us a compact and we are from tribal members and the will be completing Phase III of a 15- processing equipment. In 1998, the By:Indian Michael Marchand Country pursuing this option. There are no conditions of the original lease call year project to modernize the mill. second phase began with the addition guarantees, however. for the construction of a permanent The mill was started in 1984. This of a new trimmer and sorter system. The tribe faces a lot of big facility. If we build a permanent was a courageous move by the tribe. I In 1993, phase three of modern- GAMING ISSUES: hardships and massive job layoffs decisions here at home also. facility and commit tribal dollars for was involved with getting the ization was approved by the Board As of this writing, the tribal would occur if the casinos were shut Presently, we have three casinos. construction, there is no guarantee environmental approvals for the for the addition of a computer edging casinos are still in operation pending down. The federal courts agreed The largest revenue producer is the that the casino will be allowed to stay project back in those days. Many system. The tribe will have a state of the appeal process. The federal with our arguments to the extent that Mill Bay Casino. Initially, temporary open. Tribal dollars will be at risk. people were amazed when I told the art mill. Presently, the company government brought action against operations could continue during the facilities were placed on the site The leaseholders have legitimate them that the tribe was building a employs 178 people and we have the Colvilles, the Spokanes, and appeal process. Since that decision with the expectation of building concerns. So at this time, the tribe mill because there were numerous a payroll of $6.8 million. This is the Shoalwater Bay tribes for came out, a change has occurred. a permanent facility right away. is looking at all options for gaming mills going out of business at that only a small part of the economic alleged violations of the Johnson The Secretary of Interior now has the However, due to the legal and Council will need to make some time. Since then, the mill has proven picture. There are also a large number Act. Shoalwater machines were authority to issue a Gaming Compact uncertainties, no permanent facilities major decisions relatively soon. to be our most successful business. of employees involved in forest confiscated. Colvilles and the in the event that State’s refuse to have been built. We are still in the CTEC ACTIVITIES: Council delegated me to serve on Spokanes were given permission agree to a tribal gaming compact. temporary facilities and they have The tribal sawmill is the economic the Board of Directors three years by the courts to remain in operation This authority has been the subject exceeded their life expectancies foundation for the tribe. ago. A modernization movement Indian Country pending the appeal. Our argument of a lot of Congressional debate and and badly need replacing. The legal A tremendous amount of economic began then in order to keep the mill to the courts were that tremendous is being hotly contested by State Continued on page 4 picture is still far from clear today. Governors and by non-Indian gaming

Colville TRiBAl enTeRPRise CoRPoRATion Quarterly Operating Reports and Balance Sheets I would like to share with the was to small, inability to expend the In addition, this month we these expansion dollars. I have met membership some of these projects funds in the time allowed and lack of received notification from Portland with Mel Tonasket, Service Unit which are moving forward in recruitment in the area. I was Area Indian Health Services, that Cawston’s Corner By developing our communities. disappointed to receive this news, but they will be doing an expansion Cawston’s Corner There have been funds both not totally surprised, it only solidifies pilot project, of the 43 tribes in the Federal with a required Tribal match the need for the Tribe to develop the area, the Colville Tribes have been Continued on page 4 To the membership, nightmare!” I realize that Larry was secured for the Inchelium Headstart. clinic if we are to have one. requested to submit a proposal for I would like to express my only joking with me. However, I The Request for Proposal for the condolences to the many families also realize that there are many of Construction oversight, had be in the who have recently lost a loved ones. you, especially in the Community development stage for a significant Memorial Day is a time in which to Services Programs who would like amount of time, but is now out and remember and honor all of our to throw me end over end out of seeking bids. I continue to make Guest Editorial By Father Ted Zuern, S.J., Bureau of departed loved ones. For those who the Council Chambers. Who knows my weekly calls to Dr. Sherbeck’s Catholic Indian Missions, Wash. D.C. will be traveling during this holiday, maybe one day it will happen. To office regarding the funds promised When politics and Indian Affairs In the House, Congressman Dale out in Indian Country when the votes I hope you will have safe travels. the staff members of these I realize in February for Nespelem and Keller. meet, party designation has no role Killdee, a Democrat from Michigan, count. The term Indian Country is an May is also a time of celebration that I have been very hard pressed Last month I indicated having to play. If a member of Congress is cannot be beat in understanding old term. It antedates the founding of for many as there are graduation to some of you, challenging you submitted proposals to the interested in Indian issues, he sees the and acting on Indian issues. the United States of America. In 1763 preparation all around, I would like in your positions to do more, to set Washington State Department issues clearly and acts on that clarity. Congressman George Miller, also a when the English defeated the French to extend my congratulations to each deadlines, to meet objectives. I do of Health for assistance with the However, the friends of Indians Democrat from California, clearly in Canada, King George III used the graduate we as a Tribe can celebrate this, because I take my responsibility Inchelium and Keller sites. I am are rare in Congress. Senator Inouye, sees the issues that affect Indians. term Indian Country in describing during this graduation time, from as the Chair of the committee very pleased to announce the letter of a Democrat from Hawaii, and A Republican from Arizona, a line he ran down the eastern part each of our “small but mighty” seriously, and be l i e v e I a m a n d interest was accepted and a full Senator McCain, a Republican from Congressman J. D. Hayworth, has of the hemisphere. West of the line headstart students to our doctorial s h o u l d b e accountable to all of application requested for the Arizona, have no disputes between shown himself to understand the was Indian Country where Indian graduates. Each of you have taken a our Tribal Membership. I would Inchelium Health Center. The due them when Indian issues arise. needs of Indians. Although he is not Tribes or Nations were in complete new step in life’s journey, and I know be very encouraged for any of you date for this will be June 4, therefore Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell on the House Resource Committee control. East of the line English law your hardwork and commitment will to bring forth your suggestions or I will be compiling information for was a Democrat, is now a which handles Indian Affairs, his pay off ideas towards meeting our objectives. this. Unfortunately not so good news Republican, but is good on Indian position on the Ways and Means Guest Editorial Last week, I encountered Mr. Together, I look forward towards for the Keller site as letter of interest issues. All are good men from the Committee is helpful. Larry Jordan to shake his hand and meeting some of these objectives and was not accepted for consideration, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. These are the people who stand Continued on page 4 he jokingly told me “Oh no, my worst the betterment of our Tribes. the reasons were: the population Washington DC to work with the working for the betterment of tribes my ATNI duties, I serve on the Board need to be the leaders to get all tribes intertribal energy committee on the also. These improving relations did of Directors for the ATNI Economic united. When tribes work together Indian Country new energy bill. Energy is becoming not happen overnight and are the Development Corporation. ATNI is they can be very strong. This is the one of the most important issues in result of hard work and vision by one of the oldest and most respected purpose of ATNI. management and in tribal logging a billion and a half dollars for Indian Indian country with many issues tribal leaders over the years. In the tribal organizations and takes the lead NATIONAL CONGRESS OF operations also. The tribe also gets Reservation Roads this year under concerning energy de-regulation, northwest we are lucky because John in almost all Indian issues that affect AMERICAN INDIANS: paid for the timber purchased by the legislation called TEA-21, which tribal utility formation, and a Smith, a Colville, is serving as the Indian people. ATNI will be holding The NCAI convention will be held mill through the sortyard operations. stands for Transportation Efficiency tremendous number of environ- BPA liaison for Indians and he has its conference in Grande Ronde, in Vancouver, BC this summer. It The tribe can be very proud of its Act for the 21st Century. A special mental issues also. Some tribes are been very instrumental in improving Oregon (the week of May 12-21). will be a joint meeting with the tribes of Canada on July 20-23, 1999. This managers and employees at the committee has been designated already in the energy business. They relations with tribes. Issues of concern include housing, could turn out to be one of the most mill. Personally, I am very thankful to develop a plan for distributing have their own utilities and do not AFFILIATED TRIBES OF economic development, culture, important meetings ever held for to the rest of the tribal Council for these dollars down to the tribe. have to rely on outside PUD’s and NORTHWEST INDIANS: education, human services, tribes and I am looking forward to supporting continued modernization. Twenty-four tribal leaders have REA’s for service. In the coming I was very honored by tribal transportation, gaming, fisheries, this meeting. The Council is under a lot of pressure been appointed by the Secretary of decade there may be many councils from 55 northwest tribes and sovereignty. Most of the attacks to divert economic dollars into tribal Interior to work his plan. Roads and opportunities for tribes in this area. to be asked to represent them as the against our people come from far services and per capitas on a daily the construction dollars are critical Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson, 1st Vice-President of ATNI. Willie away. There is no way to protect the basis. In the long run, these issues for our tribe. This committee has declared a strong intent to work Jones from the Lummi Indian Nation tribe’s interests by staying at home all investments will pay off for the tribe will be meeting each month for the with and for Indian tribes. The BPA will be the 2nd Vice-President. Ernie of the time. The only way to protect and they are necessary for continued rest of the year. A lot of my time will Administrator, Judy Johansen, has Stensgar, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, will our interests is to stay active on the growth of the tribe’s business. be devoted on this issue for awhile, also expressed a strong interest in be the President of ATNI. As part of regional and national levels. We The marinas are looking forward but I think it is a critical issue for to a good summer. Due to good long range economic development management, the marinas are starting of the tribe. Presently we get one to realize their potentials. Some of of the largest shares of these dollars Guest Editorial By Father Ted Zuern, S.J. – Continued the houseboat fleet will be upgraded and many other tribes are trying with newer and more luxurious boats. to get these dollars away from us. The new boats will have fancier Colville has over 800 miles of road prevailed. It is a legal term to this less that 240,000. In time they were than 50 million Indians. The Indian and that of the settlers who equipment and will even include on the inventory system and we also day, although at present, refers only expected to vanish completely. Nation or Tribe determines who can aggressively moved in among them, a built in hot tub. We will be able get dollars to operate the Inchelium to Indian reservations. But antibiotic medicine does not be a member of the Nation or Tribe. demanding land. to charge higher rates for the new Ferry. It has taken many years of Another phrase that may discriminate among races. It saves Obviously there have been marriages The Indian population is young; boats. Studies are also underway to fighting to get the roads that we have have some relation to all this is Indian Americans as well as white between Indian and members of more than 50 percent of the people add another marina operation closer today. Many other tribes are going the outdated epithet “Vanishing Americans. other races - white, black, yellow, are under 26 years of age. They to Grand Coulee Dam. after these dollars and it will be a Americans.” Today Indians are not There are now over 2 million but the Indian Nation decides who need increases in health care and TEA-21 NEGOTIATED continuing battle. vanishing. They are now the fastest Indians in the United States; south can become a member and is the sole in education, but since the 1980s RULEMAKING: PRESIDENT’S ENERGY BILL: growing population group in this of the Rio Grande River through all authority admitting new members they have gotten each year a slight Congress has appropriated about Council delegated me to country. However, a century ago of Latin America, there are more into the citizenship of the tribal increase which does not keep up their numbers had been reduced to organization. with the rate of inflation. To bring Each Tribe or Nation has its own up to date the Indian schools across regulations, so there is not a simple this country would cost $1.5 billion rule that applies to all Indians. dollars. This fiscal year they will CRown Jewel Mine (continued from front page) get half a million dollars. For health Cawston’s Corner The Navajo are distinct from the care it is the same. Money is being most objectionable of the many heavy metals. Mohawk. Each has its own admission reduced. special interest riders that The successful Crown Jewel gold Director, John LaFontaine, Facilities submissions. regulations. The Rapid City Health Care the Appropriations Conference mine rider failed to consider the Engineer and John Sirios, Grants I have received some inquiries Under the laws of the United board ended last September 30th. It Committee loaded onto the rights of the Colville Tribes. Writer to work on this proposal. This about the healthy summer activities States Indians are the only people meant the end of Hope Lodge and emergency appropriations bill for From an editorial created by ORA also has a June 4, 1999 deadline. and planning of them. I would like who are legally citizens of the U.S.A. the Alcoholism Program there. With hurricane and Kosovo relief. Steve Suagee and recently published The Omak Longhouse has finally to invite anyone interested to join me and of another nation, their Indian determined a site location up near alcohol and drugs threatening the The Gorton gold mine rider in The Oregonian, a daily newspaper on Monday evening June 7 at 4:00 nation. No other population group Pascal Sherman Indian School. pm in Council Chambers to begin Indian community, it should not have reversed a portion of the March in the city of Portland, Oregon. has the right to that distinction. The next step is to develop the discussion on these. to bear the closing of this facility. 1999 ruling of the U.S. Interior and GORTON VOTES NO BUT Incidentally, the United States construction contract, which is In closing I would like to tell Money is not being appropriated Agriculture Departments which WINS ANYWAY was in no hurry to grant citizenship due for presentation during our all the planning committee of the by Congress. We are not really that rejected the Crown Jewel Mine WASHINGTON D.C. (AP)-Sen. to Indians. Only 148 years after the next Community Development Alcohol Conference in Omak that short of money but Congress wants proposal because it would illegally Slade Gorton has voted against a signing of the Declaration of Committee May 25, 1999. Once we you did a wonderful job. Many times to return it to the taxpayers. Legal use nearly 500 acres of public land bill that contained his controversial Independence did Congress grant receive and approve this we will be it is stated to bring events here, home obligations are ignored. for waste rock dumps. legislation allowing a planned Indians citizenship. Then some states able to set a ground breaking date. so more can participate and benefit. Police protection on Indian Crown Jewel gold mine Washington state mining project to passed laws restricting the Indians Our newest Tribal facility for Well, you did that and I wanted to right to vote such as poll taxes, reservations is far below that proponent, Battle Mountain Gold Co. proceed. program operations will be being know that I sincerely appreciate your residency requirements, require- provided in urban areas. In many of Houston, Texas, had complained The measure advancing the Crown occupied soon. on Tuesday, June efforts. And I would like to tell each ments of literacy, etc. only in 1958 instances, the distances are vast and bitterly about this decision to enforce Jewel Mine in Okanogan County 25 the programs moving into each of those who chose to attend, thanks the number of police is a third of the law but instead of challenging (located near the town of Oroville) wing will be presented. Next month as well for setting this as a priority. were the last of those laws removed the amount provided nationally. A it in court, it worked with industry was tucked in a $15 billion package we will have the floor plan published I remain sincerely, from the books. That was 40 years policeman is at a distant village and allies and Sen. Gorton to create the to fund the fighting in the Balkans. so each of you will be aware of the Colleen F. Cawston ago, very recent for a nation that is has to let a man who has committed rider that exempts the entire industry Despite Gorton’s vote, the programs locations. It is anticipated 223 years old. a felony escape because he does not from any limits on the use of public spending package passed the Senate, that the programs will be moving into During this passage of time wish to expose the people he must lands for toxic waste rock dumps. 64-36, on May 20, 1999. the facility during the first week of Indians have surrendered for minimal protect to the danger of being shot. The Crown Jewel open pit gold Clinton signed the bill on May 21, June. This will be dependent upon compensation 97 percent of their Reports of gangs of youth developing mine will be located near the Colville citing its funds for the U.S. military, any deadlines with budget homeland to the United States on reservations is increasing, but Indian Reservation on lands where farmers, and residents of Honduas in legal treaties, solemn pledges there is no adequate means of the Tribes still hold hunting, fishing and other Central American nations made by one nation with another. handling such groups. The BIA and water rights under an 1891 still struggling to recover from last Clinton administration decision that Gorton for “tucking” the language The Supreme Court of the United police officers are the lowest paid of agreement with the U.S. and a 1975 autumn’s devastating Hurricane blocked Battle Mountain Gold Co. into the unrelated bill about Kosovo. States has decreed that there is only all federal police. Many reservations ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court. Mitch. Of Houston from proceeding with “Sen. Gorton found himself in the one class of treaties that the United do not have bullet proof vests The mine will cause permanent But in a written statement after the open-pit, cyanide-leaching gold ironic position of voting against his State makes. Whether with Indians, for police officers. Often radio devastation to the landscape, create the vote, he warned that he opposed mine on Buckhorn Mountain near the own idea,” said Stephen D’Esposito, English, Russian or Chinese, they are communication is of World War a huge pit filled with contaminated provisions lawmakers included “ that Canadian border. president of the Mineral Policy all the same. II vintage. Frequently police cars water, harm fish habitat and water reward special interests.” Although the mine has acquired Center; an environmental group. Indians are not vanishing. There have odometers showing 1000,000 flows in area streams, and disrupt Gorton said he opposed the scores of state and federal permits “The fact that he has to do that is still Indian Country. Indians miles while federal rules require the habitat of declining mule deer package because he can’t support the it needs, the Clinton administration confirms that it didn’t belong in have the right to vote. They also retirement of cars after 60,000 herds that Colville tribal members effort in Yugoslavia. “I have opposed denied a plan of operations because this bill, he said of the mining have treaty and tribal rights which miles. It is rare that reservations rely on for winter subsistence. The the war from the beginning and will the mine would dump waste rock on provision. “This is not a way to make distinguish them from all other have 911 service. Some forces have waste rock dumps will discharge not support it now,” he said. adjacent public land. environmental policy.” American citizens. They also have 100 percent turnover in a year. Six water contaminated with several The mining provision overturns a Environmentalists had criticized in some instances casinos. However, eight Indian casinos shooters instead of semiautomatic take in 40 percent of casino revenue, pistols are still used. and 173 Indian casinos take in the Most Americans have no idea of BARney BAnninG (continued from front page) balance of 60 percent of the casino the situation on Indian reservations. revenues. Eight tribes are doing very Indians are people; they do not A search got underway for three teams of trainers and dogs from surrounding the Convalescent Center the mid-40’s at Nespelem and the well. of the 173 other tribes, some deserve such inferior treatment. Let Banning on Monday, May 24 under the Mountain West Rescue Dog for five hours on the same day. Both surrounding area. will soon go bankrupt as the states Congress know your feelings! the direction of the Colville Tribal Units, out of Spokane. Later a fourth fly-over efforts did not spot Banning. Chief Shelhart of the Colville open up gaming to anyone who Father Ted Zuern writes editorials Police Department at Nespelem. trainer and dog joined the search. Fifteen trained volunteers from Tribal Police Department stated that wants gaming casinos. It is already for the Bureau of Catholic Indian Colville tribal police officers, tribal The dogs sniffed throughout the the SRSAR fanned out to cover a all of the volunteers involved should happening in Detroit. Missions located at 2021 H Street, Emergency Services attendants, area near the Convalescent Center five-mile radius around the facility be commended for participating What the U.S. Government has Northwest, Washington D.C. 20006- Convalescent Center staff, tribal using Banning’s scent but were and were joined by another group of in the search that eventually led to never realized is the vast difference 4207. Natural Resource Department unsuccessful in locating him. 15 trained high school and college discovery of the tribal elder. between Indian culture or way of life rangers were joined by Steve A fixed wing airplane, courtesy students, the Spokane Explorer “We were very pleased to find Palmer of Nespelem and a group of the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, for the on-the- Mr. Banning alive and uninjured,” he of volunteer horseback riders in the Department, flew over the area ground search for Banning. The stated, “especially after he had been loCAl evenTs (continued from front page) area surrounding the Colville Indian from 10:00 to 2:30 p.m. on May 25. SRSAR team found Banning after outdoors for over 48 hours.” Agency. A “36th Rescue Flight” helicopter nightfall but reached him before Banning was found after council members, also attended the The search intensified on Tuesday, from the Fairchild Air Force Base the temperature dropped down into apparently being outdoors for conference. May 25 with the 6:00 a.m arrival of in Spokane flew over the area approximately 50 hours. The movie, Naturally Native, “We extend our appreciation to was shown free-of-charge at two the local, regional and federal local theaters in Omak and Coulee Colville Tribal Enterprise Corporation rescue teams and to the community Dam to standing room only crowds Employee Headcount for the Month of April 1999 members who joined the search effort who were treated to showings of at Nespelem.” a new movie that is scheduled for Banning was expected to return national release in August and P R E F E R E N C E to the Convalescent Center after more importantly to meet and hear his hospital stay but passed away at Ms. Guerrero, a real life actress and Tribal Spouse of Decendent of Total Other Total Non- about 11:00 a.m. on May 27. The Job Group Member Member Member Colville Tribe Tribes Preference Total motivational speaker. The move was cause of his death was unknown. held over in Coulee Dam for two Oicials/Managers 27 0 1 28 4 32 7 39 The Spokane County coroner had additional showings because people Supervisors 38 1 1 40 8 48 22 70 been contacted and an autopsy was made donations at the door totally Professionals 13 1 0 14 1 15 5 20 pending. over 200 dollars which allowed the “Barney Banning’s passing leaves Technicians 23 2 1 26 4 30 33 63 Kimberly Norris Guerrero Conference sponsors to book theater us with heavy hearts,” stated Vice- for more nights. Sales/Marketing 10 0 0 10 1 11 4 15 Chairman Deb Louie of the Colville folks stopped by the conference to Colville youth and everyone Oice & Clerical 27 0 0 27 1 28 1 29 Business Council. “He was an elderly sit in the professionally-conducted else who heard Guerrero’s gifted Operatives 33 1 2 36 8 44 28 72 member who had lived nearly all of sessions and to see the movie and and heartfelt talks about her real- his life on the Colville Reservation. talk to Ms. Guerrero. Production Workers 139 3 7 149 29 178 23 201 life experiences came away with This is a sad day for those of us who The entire event was a smashing memories that will last a very long Service Workers 73 0 0 73 18 91 81 172 knew him personally,” he concluded. success, thanks to the organizational time. Totals 383 8 12 403 74 477 204 681 Banning was the father of a son skills of several tribal employees. Guerrero is the daughter of Linda 56% 1% 2% 59% 11% 70% 30% and daughter. Funeral arrangements Chairman Joe Pakootas partici- George-Bark and Bill Tomasik and were not available at press time for pated in a workshop as did Dale Temporary Employees 68 1 7 76 27 103 25 128 the granddaughter of Pete George of the Tribal Tribune. Clark and Doll Watt of the Colville Coulee Dam. 53% 1% 5% 59% 21% 80% 20% Business Council. Joanne Leith and Kathy Womer, Nespelem District Colville Photo Album

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy 18th Birthday Roxanne Dawn Kruger serina Renee Jaramillo Hannah K. Hahn Tyler C. Hahn Kiley nicole Timentwa Robin Michelle Circle June 27th June 30th June 14th June 10th Love Mom Love Auntie Love you Baby Girl and Happy Birthday my Big Girl. have a big 2nd birthday. I love you. We all love you. From Gerald L. Watt (Daddy) & From Larry (Daddy) & Colleen Renee Jaramillo (Mom), Simone (Mom), Grandma Grandma Kathy, Uncles Larry & Kathy and Uncles Reggie, Simone, Penny

Happy Birthday Happy 10th Birthday Happy Birthday HAPPy BiRTHDAy!! Marie smith lacourse laCrisha Cate “Creeper” simone G. williams “JACKie” Love ya always June 14th June 9th and Many, Many, More! From all your children We love you! Mom, Dad, Kyle, From Larry & Roxanne Kruger, With lots of LOVE! Anthony and Autumn Grandma Kathy and Uncles Dad, Mom, and Brothers

Happy 9th Birthday Birthday wishes to you to our Baby Boy (snAZZ) Mom & Dad Lotsa Love from Mom, From: Jennifer, Greg, Tamera, Dad & Sisters Tyson and Taryn

ConGRATulATions! “CHARlie Jo” Happy 7th Birthday Happy 18th Birthday Happy 20th Birthday Congratulations on your to a wonderful grandson who is My son Danny! My Daughter, accomplishment! We’re very the light of our lives; who like his Your personal accomplish-ments nico Renion proud of you! We know you’ll go father, is the beat of our hearts are many, I am very proud of you My babygirl, I miss you so much far in life, and we hope that life and the twinkle in our eyes; son! Danny is President of the daughter, and hope you come home National Chapter of Students Against seth Albert weed soon, But I understand that Happy 7th Birthday Happy will bring you lots of happiness! Drunk Drivers and will attending an On June 2ndto our neat cousin First Anniversary You deserve it! June 2nd sometimes it takes time to find and National Conference in New York trail your own path, and I understand. seth Albert weed May 29th With Lots of LOVE! We love you, in July. Danny also participated Been there done that. But we miss We miss you and we love you. From the families of Dad, Mom, Brothers, and sister Grandma & Grandpa Berland and received many awards at the your very much, and love you with Ralph & Pamela Moses healing camp held in Medical Lake From Auna & Amos Staggs all our hearts. You’ve made Mom this year, and I am so very proud of very proud of you - you did make his impromptu speech in which he your accomplishments, but they did orated in detail about having just his mother throughout his childhood and not fulfill your need to find out what’s contributes his success in life to how happening out there in the real world. I brought him up, he’s made it very But as we now know, the saying is easy, and actually the credit goes true to it’s word, Life’s a Bitch, but no to Danny. For his senior year he will matter how much I preached to you or be participating in Wrestling - anyone else, in order for this to come Unlimited weight class; Football; and out you’ve had to experience it. Since he plans to coach little kids sports. you’ve found out how life really is, it’s Danny we love you very much! Keep time for you to come home now. We up the good work, and stay as always Love you Daughter, and Sister. Danny G. Mom/Jeremy/Kids Love, Mom/Jeremy/Kids Wedding

Happy Birthday Bonnie B. Johnson Happy Belated Birthday to Amy leigh - 6 yrs. Ryan Magic 1st. Happy Birthday to Jarett-the terrible 2’s. Happy 4th Birthday! Tianna Hildreth “Humishumish” Morning Dove Love Grandpa, Grandma, Aunties and Uncles Happy 1st Birthday! Ian Johnson “Tu-wee-me-uh” Small Boy

Happy Birthday Jade Johnson! Welcome Quelstimeeston “Lilly Pad” named after her great grandma “Dotsi Marchand Lilly Pad”

From Gramma & Uncle Dustin


Kathy Marie Shirley Moses is the daughter of Mary M. Moses of Omak, Washington. Doug Balboni is the son of Harold & Marie Balboni of Happy Birthday Stoneham, Massachusetts. Love, Arlan, Both Doug and Shirley are serving in the United States Navy Grandma sally! stationed in Brunswick, Maine. Doug is an Aviation Electronic With lost of love, hugs Colin, Angela, Mate Second Class Petty Officer in the Navy. Shirley is an Aviation and kisses: Tim, LaToya, Sloan, Sophia Machinist Mate Third Class Petty Officer. Derek, Dani, Daniqua, The marriage will take place in Brunswick, Maine on August 28, 1999 at the Base Chapel by Catholic services followed by a reception Winston and Gabriel JoAnn, Sean at the American Legion Hall in Bath, Maine. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy 18th Birthday Roxanne Dawn Kruger serina Renee Jaramillo Hannah K. Hahn Tyler C. Hahn Kiley nicole Timentwa Robin Michelle Circle June 27th June 30th June 14th June 10th Love Mom Love Auntie Love you Baby Girl and Happy Birthday my Big Girl. have a big 2nd birthday. I love you. We all love you. From Gerald L. Watt (Daddy) & From Larry (Daddy) & Colleen Renee Jaramillo (Mom), Simone (Mom), Grandma Grandma Kathy, Uncles Larry & Kathy and Uncles Reggie, Simone, Penny

Happy Birthday Happy 10th Birthday Happy Birthday HAPPy BiRTHDAy!! Marie smith lacourse laCrisha Cate “Creeper” simone G. williams “JACKie” Love ya always June 14th June 9th and Many, Many, More! From all your children We love you! Mom, Dad, Kyle, From Larry & Roxanne Kruger, With lots of LOVE! Anthony and Autumn Grandma Kathy and Uncles Dad, Mom, and Brothers

Happy 9th Birthday Birthday wishes to you to our Baby Boy (snAZZ) Mom & Dad Lotsa Love from Mom, From: Jennifer, Greg, Tamera, Dad & Sisters Tyson and Taryn


Kimberly Norris Guerrero

OPEN HOUSE FOR CTEC-COLVILLE INDIAN PRECISION HOMES HOUSE Colville Indian Precision Homes (CIPH), the “newest” enterprise in the Colville Tribal Enterprise Corporation (CTEC), recently hosted an open house for its “Empire Estate” demonstration home located in the Wildwood Development at Omak, Washington. On hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony were Dale Clark and Doll Watt, representing the James “Jimmers” Omak District and the Colville Business Council and Terry Knapton, current Chief Financial Officer BARney BAnninG for CTEC. Ms. Watt conducted a traditional blessing ceremony throughout the entire house and (continued on page 4) Tillman! lot. This manufactured house is for sale. The asking price and viewing is available by contacting CIPH at 1-800-773-3771 or (509) 826-4839. -- Peoples P.S.I.S. Has Some (Dear) or (Deer) THe voiCe oF PRouD Visitors PAsCHAl sHeRMAn inDiAn sCHool sTuDenTs & sTAFF We were blessed with 5 deer coming on campus the last couple of days. When they first arrived the deer were on the playground with the student’s. one even tried going up the ramp into the dinning room. They brought much happiness to all the PASCHAL SHERMAN children’s faces along with the staff. After several day’s of distraction we had to contact the game farm and INDIAN SCHOOL they got them and transported them omak Lake road, omak, Wa 98841 back up into the mountains. Next time we see deer on our campus will PHoNe: 509-826-2097 • faX: 509-826-3855 probably be on the drying rack during the Sunflower Festival. Mary Had a Little Lamb/Cara and May is Better Speech Sharon Had a Little Deer It followed them to school one day, School one day School one Day It followed them to school one day and Hearing Month And that was against the rules TALL All the children laughed and played. To help celebrate “Better Speech stations, which will offer vision, will be open to the public. Laughed and played and Hearing Month” staff from hearing, speech-language, gross Paschal Sherman Indian School Laughed and Played Paschal Sherman Indian School will motor, fine motor, and cognition, will employs a variety of certified staff, AII the children laughed and played. provide free screenings for all ages, be set up from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. who consultant with the Omak To see a deer at school. during the Sunflower Festival, which The outside world shapes the School Psychologist, and other will be on the school campus, May brain’ s wiring. The brain operates certified therapists and assistants, 28, 1999. on a “use it or lose it” principle. who provide year round services Recent studies have shown rapid Relationships with other people to all students. The Enrichment brain growth during the first three early in life are the major source of Program Director, Christine Meyer, years of life. Just as we know at what development of the emotional and Ph.D. ensures the healthiest and age babies should roll over or sit up, social parts of the brain. The earlier safest learning environments for all we have documented communication a potential problem is identified the students. milestones. The brain works like a better the prognosis. Screenings If you or someone you know, muscle, and if pathways from the identify those people who are inn would like more information on the outside world (sight, sound, smell, need of further evaluations “free screenings”, or you would like hearing, touch) are not stimulated You and your families are invited to register your child for school, through colorful pictures, mommies to take part in an annual celebration, please attend the Sunflower Festival reading or telling stories, soothing which reflects the traditional ways on May 28, 1999. touches, etc. the brain cells die. of the Colville people. At Paschal Remember, if you or someone Nursing students from the Sherman Indian School, we are proud you know, has difficulty speaking, or Wenatchee Valley College, Speech- to rejuvenate the values of Indian hearing, contact Rhonda Friedlander, Language students from Washington People by helping to make someone Speech-Language Pathologist, for a State University, and the Omak Early else’s life a little better. A traditional free consultation during “May Better Childhood staff will be on hand feast, along with other cultural events Speech and Hearing Month”. to assist with the screenings. The Keller Elementary Student P.S.I.S. Visits The Bulldogs P.S.I.S. performed at the Okanogan High School Assembly. We showed PSIS our different dance regalia and explained and demonstrated the different dance Micaela Spratling styles of the Native American’s. Our student’s all said the opening prayer in Salish the language they are learning here at our school. The following Super Super Star! did a really EXCELLENT job. Eugene Moore-4th grade; LaCrisha Cate-4th Second grade; Craig Phillips-4th grade; Soni Gunshows-4th grade; Featherae Iukes- This Keller Elementary 2nd Grader has been chosen 5th grade; Corbin Turner-6th grade. as a Super Super Star by the teachers and staff. A Super Super Star is someone who excels at both Grade work and play as well as showing respect for others and themselves. They are overall role models for all students. News We have been very busy the past Congratulations Micaela! month. We went on a field trip to the Omak post office, bank, public Featured Keller Elementary Students will receive library, and radio station. We had a great time despite the rain and the a $5.00 gift certiicate good for ive dollars of hail. All second graders and adults merchandise at the Keller Trading Post. who were on the trip wish to extend a special thank you to those people Shop Here For Savings! at the Healthy Nations Alcohol conference who allowed us to invade their lobby and eat our lunch. We really appreciate your kindness and hope we didn’t cause any problems. Keller Trading Post Thank you. We will be going on another field Colville Communication Services 1999 trip on May 20th. We will visit the Council chambers in Nespelem, the Colville Tribal Museum in Coulee Dam, and then go on a short tour and see a movie at the Grand Coulee On May 4, 1999 Paschal Sherman Indian School had presented a Pendleton Nespelem Public School Dam. blanket to Joyce Atkinson who has worked at Paschal Sherman Indian School We are proud to announce the for IX years and has just recently retired. Thank you Joyce for working and Featured Student students who have earned the 2nd being dedicated to teaching at P.S.I.S. Grade Respect and Responsibility Award. Anthony Dick earned the Marleanna award for the month of April, and Tashina Iukes has earned the award Ankney for the month of May. We will be A Super Star! awarding a plaque and gift certificate Marleanna has been selected to one second grader for the 2nd as the featured student at the Grade Respect and Responsibility Nespelem Public School by Award of the Year. This will be the teachers and staff. awarded in June at a special award She helps other students assembly at PSIS. Look for his/ fugure things out, is excited her picture in the next issue of the about working, is kind, cheerful and helpful. Tribune ! Marleanna is a role model for I want to thank all the parents of all of our students. my students, staff at PSIS, school Congratulations board members, and Tribal Council members who have given support Marleanna! and encouragement. My first year VOTE Featured Nespelem School Students of teaching has been successful, in THe will receive a $5.00 gift certiicate enjoyable, and a lot of fun. Parents, staff. And community members all good for ive dollars of merchandise GeneRAl work equally hard to ensure our at the Nespelem Trading Post. Indian students will be prepared for eleCTion the future. These kids are very special Shop Here For Savings! and every one of them has shown great progress over the year! Shelly Covington On May 4, 1999 Paschal Sherman Indian School had a staff incentive JUNE Nespelem Trading Post PSIS 2nd Grade Teacher dinner at Cedars Inn. Doll Watt. Colville Tribal leader presented a special gift Phone (509) 634-2700 Sylvia Desautel to Van Peters. Superintendent, Dorothy Marchand, Principal and Dr. Chris 19TH PSIS 2nd Grade Assistant Meyers, Special Programs Director for all their hard work and dedication Colville Communication Services 1999 to our tribal school. Council Resolution Index

LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, 1999-264.m&b/nat 1999-269.m&b/l&j JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Approve acceptance of FY99 Approve FY99 budget for Law AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN budget in the amount of $290,039 Enforcement in amount of 1999-273.m&b/l&j for Environmental Trust. Funding $1,190,379. Funding awarded in Colville Business Council Approve purchase of four (4) awarded in FY99 in the amount of FY99 amount of $818,000, additional vehicles for Police Services $217,039. Indirect funds will be allocation $215,076 and unspent following CCT purchasing additional $644 for a total budget of funding is fiscal years prior 1999 procedures. Funds are within Resolutions $290,703. $157,3030. Indirect funding will approved FY99 budget. This 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, be additional $264,979 to amount authority necessary as total exceeds LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, for total budget of $1,455,358. Of Executive Director signing authority. JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 the $157,303 carry-over budget 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN $106,097 approved by resolution resolution Numbering Legend LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, Natural Resources - Nat Management & Budget - M&B Education & Employment - E&E 1999-265.m&b/nat 1999-015. Remaining $51,206 is JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Veterans - Vet Ethics / Elections - Eth / Elc Tribal Government - Gov Approve acceptance modification actual amount carry-over to be AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Human Services - Hum Law & Justice - L&J Culture - Cul in amount of $325,392 for approved. 1999-274.m&b Executive - Exc Gaming Task Force - Gam Community Development - Com Environmental Health. No indirect 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Approve Internal Affairs FY99 funds included in amount of LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, budget in amount of $56,486. Funds modification. JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 are currently allocated to Law and Fish and Wildlife one time only. 3 AGAINST (LAnderson, LBoyd, 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Justice Administrator position which SPECIAL SESSION This provision will be only after the DWatt) 1 ABSTAIN (BLouie) LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, 1999-270.m&b MAY 6, 1999 needed 250,000 Lahonton Cutthroat 1999-261.m&b JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Approve modification for BIA was deleted in FY99 and will be Eggs have been harvested for Tribes’ Approve donation request from AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Administration in the amount of transferred to Internal Affairs Office. Council Members Present: Lou Hatchery. Northwest Native American 1999-266.m&b/nat $56,817. BIA awarding unspent No additional funds required. Anderson, Walt Arnold, Lanny 9 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Basketweavers in the amount of Approve acceptance of FY99 funds from fiscal year prior 1999. 9 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Boyd, Colleen Cawston, Dale Clark, LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JLeith, $5,000 and direct Administration budget in amount of $23,300 for No indirect funding included in LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, Jeanne Jerred, Joanne Leith, Deb BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 1 to review other funding options to Roads Engineering. Awarded in modification. JLeith, BLouie, KWomer) 0 Louie, Bob Louie, Doll Watt, Kathy AGAINST (JJerred) 0 ABSTAIN reimburse donation policy funds if FY99. No indirect funds included in 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, AGAINST 1 ABSTAIN (DWatt) Womer. 1999-258.com/hum other sources located. amount of modification LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, 1999-275.m&b Absent/Delegation: Mike Approve to have Tribal priority 8 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Approve modification in amount Marchand (del), Joe Pakootas (del), for Portland Area IHS Ambulatory CCawston, JJerred, JLeith, BLouie, LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN of $2,021 to be transferred from Richard Swan (del). Expansion Project to be expansion DWatt, KWomer) 1 AGAINST JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 1999-271.m&b/nat Administration to Elections. Will Listed by: Resolution No., project for Colville IHS facility in (LBoyd) 1 ABSTAIN (DClark) AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Approve modification for reinstate an Election Clerk position. Condensed Recommendation Nespelem, WA. This project is 1999-262.m&b/hum 1999-267.m&b/nat Okanogan River Focus Watershed 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Information, Colville Business nearest to completion and rate high Approve CFS, Mental Health, Approve acceptance of FY99 Project in the amount of $145,000. LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, Council Vote Tally. on competitive applications. Family Preservation and Probation budget in the amount of $123,000 Addition to budget. JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, to submit Request for Qualifications for Roads Maintenance awarded in 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 1999-251.nat LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, to Office of Washington State FY99. Indirect funds will be LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, 1999-276.m&b Approve changes to Resolution JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Community Trade and Economic additional $7,195 to modification for JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Approve budget for Student 1998-930 Members Hound Hunting AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Development for Sexual Assault and a total of $130,195. AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Recognition Funding in amount of and Hound Registry Regulations 1999-259.m&b Specialized Services in the amount 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, 1999-272.m&b/nat $7,500 from General Reserves. 10-signature emergency Approve donation request from of $128,132.90 for FY 2000-2001. LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, Approve budget modification 8 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, authorized by Resolution 1991-431 Louella Anderson for Relay for Life 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 to add funding to cover the Burial CCawston, DClark, JLeith, BLouie, on April 21, 1999. 10 FOR (DLouie, (Cancer) on May 14-15, 1999 in the LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Management/Monitoring done by DWatt, KWomer) 0 AGAINST LAnderson, LBoyd, RSwan, JLeith, amount of $1,000. JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 1999-268.m&b applied Archeological Research on (JJerred, LBoyd) 0 ABSTAIN MMarchand, CCawston, KWomer, 9 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Approve modification in the the Lake Roosevelt Reservoir, GCD WArnold, DClark) 0 AGAINST 0 CCawston, DClark, JJerred, JLeith, 1999-263.m&b/nat amount of $38,370 for Tribal Project ‘99. Authorizes the Chair or ABSTAIN BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 Approve add-on funding budget Administration, BIA awarding his designee to sign. 1999-252.nat AGAINST (LBoyd) 0 ABSTAIN modification for Dam Safety in the unspent funding in fiscal years prior 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Approve Title 4, Chapter 4 1999-260.m&b amount of $50,410. Carry-over funds 1999. No indirect funds included in Liquidated Damages Schedule and Approve donation request from are accumulation of unspent funds modification. Bail Schedule for 1999. Janice Jack Spencer for Bellevue through FY’98. 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, 10-signature emergency Community College Pow Wow in 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, authorized by Resolution 1991-431 the amount of $500. LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 on April 21, 1999. 10 FOR (DLouie, 6 FOR (WArnold, CCawston, JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN MMarchand, JLeith, RSwan, LBoyd, DClark, JJerred, JLeith, KWomer) AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN LAnderson, CCawston, KWomer, WArnold, DClark) 0 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 1999-253.nat Approve 1999 Parks and Recreation Program’s Regulation Booklet and increase in Camping Fees. 10-signature emergency authorized by Resolution 1991-431 on April 21, 1999. 10 FOR (DLouie, Electrical LAnderson, LBoyd, RSwan, JLeith, Electrical Construction MMarchand, CCawston, KWomer, All Types of Electrical Jobs WArnold, DClark) 0 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Free Estimates 1999-254.e&e Approve PSIS Superintendent located next to BiA Roads office be authorized signature to approve Colville indian Agency Campus, nespelem, wA overtime for PSIS. off Highway 155/Cache Creek Road 10 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, PHONE (509) 634-2539 JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 0 FAX (509) 634-4703 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN Business Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm — Monday - Friday 1999-255.e&e/m&b Messages 24-Hours A Day Approve modification of $8,477 for Higher Education. BIA awards this funding, no indirect funds WILDHORSE included in amount of modification. 9 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JLeith, BLouie, DWatt, KWomer) 1 CASINO AD Colville AGAINST (JJerred) 0 ABSTAIN 1999-256.nat Communication Approve Gary/Dave McClure one Services (1) month use agreement. Rental of $550 for one month beginning 5/1/99 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation ending 5/31/99 P.o. Box 150, nespelem wA 99155 9 FOR (LAnderson, WArnold, Fax 509/634-4617 LBoyd, CCawston, DClark, JJerred, JLeith, BLouie, KWomer) 1 AGAINST (DWatt) 0 ABSTAIN Membership Services Available 1999-257.nat Funeral Cards Approve to provide 150,000 Custom Design Print Advertisements Lahonton Cutthroat Eggs to Washington State Department of Certificates Business Cards VOTE Invitations / Announcements .Graduation - Wedding - Others in THe . One Page Flyers / Posters GeneRAl .Graduation - Wedding - Others eleCTion .Promotional Buttons . Tri-Fold Brochures JUNE Call for consultations, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm 19TH (509) 634-2222 or 634-2223 Colville Youth

Keller Head Start Newsletter Grand Coulee Dam Middle school Cooker Lynda News about living in a small community, Start. Some of those memories come might cause your child to believe This will be the last newsletter I am able to see the past the present back to some of the new foods that I that sweets are special foods and to student of the Month that I can submit until next fall due to Head Start children frequently. Some introduce to them. overeat when given the opportunity. Megan Marie Bob Poulson of the Head Start children that I Here are some ideas on intro- You have the responsibility to be a I would like to write and say the release of the Head Start children cooked for have already graduated ducing new food to your children. good role model for your child and on May 28th. how proud we are of Megan. She for High School. A few of the Young children learn by imitating to help him learn. Your child will I have enjoyed this group of students relate food stories that they adults. Eat with the children and eat has been honored by the Grand children very much. One good thing imitate you, so be sure to display remember while attending Head the same foods they are eating. If the behaviors you would like him Coulee Dam Chamber of children see you eating and enjoying to have. Try a variety of foods, and Commerce and Grand Coulee a food that is new to them, they have good manners at the table. Dam Middle School for her will be more likely to try it. If the Remember, there are little eyes excellence in education, her Keller Head Start News child rejects the food, do not make watching you. poise and appearance, being a a big deal out of it. Simply serve the HELPFUL HINTS: 1. After good example for her peers, her same food again at a later date. The peeling an onion, dempen your outgoing nature and her loving Brandon Francis, Juliana Largent, afterwards. more familiar children become with hands, rub salt on them, and rinse off. way of greeting people. Megan Spencer Nee, Winona Ramos, Joshua At this time we would like to ex- the food, the more likely they will Tonasket, and Conrad Waltamet press all of our thanks to the follow- accept it. This will get rid of the onion smell. received an award for May had perfect attendance in April ing people that made our float, drums Here are some additional tips 2. To clean burned pans, sprinkle Student of the Month. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! and Graduation possible. THANK- for helping children try new foods: charred areas with baking soda, Megan is in the sixth grade and adding just enough water to moisten. May was a very busy and exciting YOU BOB JANNOT FOR DRIV- 1. Serve new foods when the child will go on to the seventh grade in the fall. Let paste stand for several hours and time for us at Head Start. We have ING AND USE OF YOUR FAT- is hungry; 2. Serve small amounts Megan is the granddaughter of William J. Dick Sr. and the late you’ll be able to lift the burnt portion been invited to participate in the BED. ALSO THE PARENTS of the new foods; 3. Introduce only Mabel C. Dick. She is the daughter of Laura M. Dick Poulson and one new food at a time; 4. Involve right out of the pot. 3. If you need ice Reservation Relay for Alcohol THAT HELPED DECORATE Chester Poulson, all live in the Nespelem area. the children in preparing and serving cubs in a hurry, use boiling water Awareness Week for our district. THE FLOAT. THANK-YOU Megan made a speech at the award ceremony at the La-Presa the food. instead of cold water. Boiling water and stated she loves to write books. She writes her own ideas on her Also, we participated in the Wild RICK ESQUIVEL FOR HELPING will freeze faster because there’s no Remember, do no force your child computer, she hopes to one day write a book of her own and publish it. Goose Bill Days Parade on the 15th US MAKE THE DRUMS, ALSO to eat specific foods or clean his/her oxygen in it. We are very proud of you and with you only the best in life and all of May. Our float was “STARS OF MARK DAVIS FOR MAKING THE plate. Healthy children will eat what Enjoy your summer with your THE FUTURE”. DRUM STICKS. THANK-YOU they need. Don’t use food (such as children and make sure they eat it has to offer. We also had a field trip to Animal JUDY MOSES FOR MAKING candy) as a reward. Don’t deny desert healthy. We all love you. Adventure Educational Wildlife UP THE DESIGN ON THE GRAD- as a punishment. Doing these things Cooker Lynda Love, Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles Reserve near Inchelium. Last but UATION JACKETS. EXCEL- not least, GRADUATION is set for LENT JOB. THANK-YOU May 27th at 6:00 pm at the Keller LURAE KANZLIETER FOR MAK- I’ve had a great time working with Community Center. We are hoping ING SURE ALL T-SHIRTS AND all of the children at our Head Start. Nespelem Head Start Newsletter to have a small Native American JACKETS WERE ORDERED ON And A SPECIAL THANKS to our drumming and singing presentation TIME. Keller Head Start works with Head Start Staff for being there. with our Ceremony. The children the parents and community. Without Kenny Edmo/ Linda Stead has been awarded evaluation and recognizing the The CDA credential is having a were able to help make the drums them we don’t exist ! THANK-YOU Teacher/ Supervisor, a Child Development Associate skills of individuals providing care. positive effect on the quality of child for an art activity. Each child will be ALL. (CDA) Credential in recognition The first credential was awarded 20 care. Its impact is evident in center- able to take home their own drum of outstanding work with young years ago, and now 46 states plus based care as well as family child children. Linda Stead also happens the District of Columbia include care, the most common form to care to be one of the teachers aids at our CDA assessment process, every for children under 5 years old. Nespelem Head Start. The credential candidate for the CDA credential Child care staff and parents Keller Bobcats was awarded by the Council for Early is observed working with young wanting information on CDA Childhood Professional Recognition children by an early childhood should write the Council for School Newsletter in Washington, D.C., Which professional. In addition, the Early Childhood Professional School District #3 • P.O. Box 367 • Keller WA 99140 represents the early childhood candidate must demonstrate the Recognition at 2460 16th Street, NW, Phone (509) 634-4325 • Fax (509) 634-4330 profession. ability to work with families to Washington, D.C. 20009-3575. or CDA is the only major national develop children’s physical and call 1(800) 424-4310. effort to improve child care by intellectual capabilities in a safe and healthy learning environment. Keller School Students GUEST EDITORIAL “WHAT IS IT OUR CHILDREN NEED? Send Sunflower We, as family members NEED to be asking ourselves this question...”

Dear Parents, Grandparents and kind of violence through our media, it all, we were hired to teach, not Artwork Community Members: Are we movies, video games, books and to be policeman or counselors. I as family members listening to the Internet. The young people can shouldn’t have to police if someone our children, their friends and our only compare this act of violence has a backpack, or worry about the School on the Colville Indian neighbor’s children. Do we actually with Kosova and other countries but way someone is dressed.” Some Reservation in Keller, Washington know what they are doing or do we not here, and especially not in our teachers and administrators felt, used their fingers as brushes to create only think we know what they are schools. These incidents turn fantasy “The first time I report a student for a pointillism painting of a traditional doing? What are their interests, do into real life without their consent wearing inappropriate clothing, or I Native American plant, the arrowleaf they have goals, what kind of books and/or preparation. believe they look suspicious, I am balsamroot.(Flowers, Flowers Every- do they read? How do they feel about HOW DO WE ENSURE called prejudice, a racist and then I’m where is the work of 222 third- people who are different? What accused of harassing the student.” and fourth-grade students from makes them happy, sad, and what OUR CHILDREN’S Many educators, believe parents Chimneyrock Elementary School do they fear? What kind of movies SAFETY AT SCHOOL? aren’t doing their job, children lack in Cordova, Tennessee. Art teacher do they watch? What kind of video At this time, I will reflect back on supervision and high expectations, Catherine Wilson wrote in a note games to do they play? What kind my experience as an Educator and if parents would become more accompanying the painting, “This of chat rooms do they participate School Counselor. I haven’t forgot responsible then maybe we wouldn’t was too great a learning opportunity in? Who are their friends, do you the incident in Omak, Moses Lake, be dealing with so many social ills in to let it pass without involving know them and are you involved WA., Jonesboro, Ark., Springfield, our society. everyone....The children love our with their lives? Have you asked Ore., and the many others. How do My experience has been Law “Each contributing school was that reflected how their students have garden and it has inspired many your children what they learned we prevent these horrific incidents Enforcement Officers tend to agree asked to submit a painting to adorn been involved with plants. On display of them to think about art from an today? (It might not be academic, it from happening? I recall, parents with the educators. Many Educators the fence erected for the renovation are more than 215 pictures from 41 aesthetic and environmental stance.” might be a new culture, language or sharing, “We need lock down and Law Enforcement Professionals a different perspective of the spirit of the National Garden and states and the District of Columbia. The motivation behind KIDS schools, only one entrance, an all will focus on the parents and/or world? our children have questions family system. Conservatory which is located on Each picture is accompanied by VIEW THE WORLD OF PLANTS, visitor check in, we need our schools the Nation’s Mall said Karen Neal, about the present, their future and This is our coping to play the a sign identifying the title, group, the second youth botanical art exhibit to require uniforms, no more baggy Keller School Spokesperson. The locality, and artist age. their families past? Who do they have clothes, back packs or colors.” Also, BLAMING GAME...Who can we to be mounted on the construction medium was acrylic on canvas board, The pictures depict school to consult with?) others shared, “We need to hire blame this problem on? Both groups but the theme and style was left up gardens, individual flowers, still fence, was twofold. First, the U.S. I am writing this letter in a very security guards, maybe we need to will also blame today’s lack of to each entry.” life, habitats for creatures, gardeners’ Botanic Garden wanted to transform sad state as I hear, see and feel hire a full time police officer, install censored media, movies and video Titled Little Fingers Make a Print self portraits, and thematic motifs. the construction fence into a positive the pain from the many Littleton, a metal detector,” and finally, “All games and easy access to weapons on the World, Keller School chose They illustrate lessons learned. How experience for Washingtonians Colorado students, parents and schools should have video cameras and materials to build bombs. We all the arrowleaf balsamroot (wild to Grow a Peanut Butter and Jelly and tourists who pass by the site. community members as they share installed through out the school, want change, but are we willing to sunflower) as its subject. A Sandwich; Our Garden of Good Second, we wanted to learn more their horrible experience with the buses and campuses.” Many parents assess ourselves and our relationships photograph by Karen Neal was Bugs and Plants; the value of plants, about how youth gardening was latest school violence incident. of want change in schools, notice their with our young people. course, I recall immediately, the used for inspiration, the sketch and without Trees There Would Be No influencing learning across the focus is the school system. Respectfully, tragic days back when Omak School Lynn Holder coordination of the project by Judith Books, Medicinal Plant; the pride that nation. The National Fund for the I also heard teachers and District experienced the burning of (Continued in the June Edition) Moses, and the whole school loaned comes with nurturing a garden; Our U.S. Botanic Garden, Ames Lawn administrators share, “We can’t do its fingers and talents to the process. Little Garden on the Prairie; the sheer our schools and churches, the pipe and Garden Tools, and the National The painting was done in an unusual wonder and beauty of nature; Eagle bombs built by students here in Omak pointillism technique—the small dots Vision; Garden Wonderland; Child’s Gardening Association teamed up and were set off at our high school required of a pointillism composition Garden; the cultural importance with the USBG to cosponsor the and at the residence of our local MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT! were achieved by using the students’ of plants; Orange Crate Art; an exhibit. The cosponsors helped teachers. Was this random or was it finger tips! The original grant for acknowledgment of the historical by providing contact information well thought out? Could it have been Elect Vinny Stensgar & Brittany Hoffman the garden award was written for significance of citrus production for Youth Garden Grant Winners, prevented? These were questions we For King & Queen of Inchelium Keller School by Karen Neal, Diane to the local community, and the art supplies, and shipping for the asked ourselves then. Tonasket, and Colette Adolph. aesthetic, inspirational qualities of finished paintings. As I reflect back on the many children and teachers who were plants, Fill Your Life With Glorious What does this exhibit tell us? Mornings! Our Glazier Garden Is traumatized by the loss of their KIDS VIEW THE Collectively, the paintings speak classrooms and buildings as they About Caring For Life. volumes about the many ways How does a group of young knew it. I remember children who WORLD OF PLANTS our nation’s youth are involved cried, lost sleep, couldn’t eat, feared An exhibit of botanical art by gardeners create a painting? with plants providing, eloquent school as they lost their pencil boxes, students from across the nation Apparently, there are almost as many testimony to the value of gardening pictures they made, and favorite Washington, D.C. - What happens ways as there are groups! Some asked as an educational tool. In this time books due to the horrible fires. In when you give young gardeners the students to submit sketches and comparison, these materialistic a set of art supplies? Find out at a ideas for the painting and then chose of disheartening news, the exhibit losses are nothing compared to the new outdoor exhibit that opened in the best one to be created in acrylics is a bold colorful statement that losses in Littleton. The trauma can April at the U.S. Botanic Garden. by a single artist. others chose several our young people are learning to be looked at as extreme in Littleton, The exhibit is mounted on sketches to become components of a appreciate the beauty, value, and By donating your pennies. Each penny represents a vote. All but who are we to say what is extreme the construction fence surrounding painting created by a team of artists. diversity of plants. This is no small pennies donated will go towards the float for the parade during in the eyes of innocent children. the site for the Conservatory’s Many groups allowed every the Inchelium Days. matter, for so many human needs are In Colorado, the students will be renovation and new National Garden. student to contribute in some way to Winners will be announced on July 13th, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. met directly or indirectly by plants. dealing with the dreadful loss of Kids View the World of Plants the effort, an approach that produced at the Inchelium Community Center. As tomorrow’s adults and future their peers, friends and teacher. The is the result of an invitation issued some of the most beautiful and There will also be a talent show, Come and join the fun! You stewards of our environment, these physical and emotional changes nationwide to groups participating in arresting works in the exhibit. For can drop off your pennies at the Inchelium School in the 3rd students will be better equipped to experienced by all survivors involved the National Gardening Association’s example, in Little Fingers Make a grade class room or in Nespelem at Colville Tribal Credit. make well informed decisions about will be lifelong. Most Children and Youth Garden Grant Program. We Print on the World, all 42 students, Thank you for your support! youth in our society only know this asked the groups to contribute art aged 5-l2 years, of Keller Elementary what matters most, in the long run,