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NORTHERN TERRITORY CATTLENEWS Official Newsletter of the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) | April 2018 The fracking moratorium is lifted – and the hard work begins for the NTCA The NT Government has announced that it will lift the moratorium on gas exploration and production in the Northern Territory. Justice Pepper's independent Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing made 135 recommendations, all of which the NTG have indicated will be implemented. aul Burke, CEO of the NTCA, says Recommendation 14.7 that the hard work starts now for That in addition to any terms negotiated the association to ensure that the between the pastoralist and the gas com- Pproposed regulatory and legislative pro- pany, the statutory land access agreement tections are developed in such a way that must contain the above standard mini- protects pastoral interests. mum protections for pastoralists. “The NTCA has fought hard to ensure that property rights are enshrined in law and Recommendation 14.8 that pastoral activities are a key focus That prior to the grant of any further ex- for any proposed gas developments,” Mr ploration permits or production approv- Burke said. als, the Government enacts a minimum “The final report from the Inquiry made mandatory compensation scheme payable the following recommendations which to Pastoral Lessees for all onshore shale were all requested by the NTCA, and we gas production on their Pastoral Lease. NTCA BRANCH welcome their inclusion and the increased Compensation should be calculated by scrutiny and compliance in relation to reference to the impact that the devel- MEETINGS water quality, mine legacy issues and well opment will have on the Pastoral Lease integrity.” and the Pastoral Lessee, for example, the BARKLY: number of wells drilled, the value of the 22 May, DPI Meeting Room. Recommendation 14.6 land (both before and after), and the area That a statutory land access agreement of land cleared and rendered unavailable ALICE SPRINGS: be required by legislation. That prior to for pastoral activities. 23 May, Bohning Yards undertaking any onshore shale gas activ- Training Room ity on a Pastoral Lease (including but not Recommendation 14.9 limited to any exploration or production That the Government considers whether a TOP END: activity), a land access agreement must royalty payment scheme should be imple- 28 May, North Australia be negotiated and signed by the Pastoral mented to compensate Pastoral Lessees Room, NADO Lessee and the gas company. That breach prior to any further production approvals of the land access agreement be a breach being granted. KATHERINE: of the relevant exploration or production 29 May, Katherine Research approval giving rise to the onshore shale The NTCA will provide a detailed update to Station gas activity being carried out on the land. all members at the next round of Branch Meetings. Thank you to branch meeting sponsor: NTCA Conference Wrap-up New President for the NTCA! Tanami Rural Property All the action and photos from the The NTCA Welcomes Chris Nott as the new recent NTCA Conference in Alice Springs President of the NTCA. Continue reading on pg.12 More information on pg.2 1 CEO's UpDATE NTCA VOTES IN 13TH 018 Conference 2 The 34th Annual General PRESIDENT Meeting and Industy Con- The NTCA will he Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) ference was another out- continue to is pleased to announce Mr. Christopher Nott of Alcoota standing success. Focused T advocate for land Station has been elected the 13th President of the Asso- on the theme, Innovation ciation. The 34th Annual General Meeting held in Alice Generation, the conference access agreements Springs on the 22nd of March unanimously endorsed Mr. saw more than 480 delegates to be legislated in Nott into this prestigious role. descending on Alice Springs all forms of mining for two days of networking Outgoing President Tom Stockwell from Sunday Creek and festivities. The feedback and fossicking in the Station has led the Association since 2015 and the NTCA has been tremendous and Northern Territory. acknowledges the significant contribution that he has made each year our NTCA staff to the association and industry as a whole. make a huge effort to ensure Mr. Stockwell said he has enjoyed his tenure at the NTCA, that the event continues to referred to as the Animal during which time he steered the Association through some grow and evolve. Work is Welfare Act. Whilst much of challenging issues, including the Scientific Inquiry into already underway for the the Act remains unchanged Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory, the Northern 35th Annual Conference to it has been important for the Territory Election, the Pastoral Land Reform Bill and the be held in Darwin in late NTCA to remain engaged in Review into Land Access Arrangements. March 2019. this process to ensure that Fracking Inquiry Con- the changes do not have an Mr. Stockwell praised his successor and commended the cludes impact on the livestock pro- membership on their choice. “Chris is an exemplary fellow, Justice Pepper has handed duction sector. a renowned pastoralist, and a good thinker. I have no doubt down the Final Report into Bohning Yards Training he will lead the NTCA to great heights,” he said. the Scientific Inquiry into Facility “Mr. Nott has been a tireless and hardworking member Hydraulic Fracturing in the I am pleased to advise that of the NTCA’s Alice Springs Branch, where he previously Northern Territory. With work on the training facility served as the Branch President and the NTCA representa- some 700 plus pages and at the Bohning Yards, Alice tive on Cattle Council Australia,” Mr. Stockwell said. 135 recommendations, the Springs has commenced Mr. Nott said “I am looking forward to tackling the oppor- report was very detailed and with the slab for the main tunities that the role of President of the Northern Territory consultation was provided building now complete. 16 Cattlemen’s Association will bring. “The Northern Territo- to all Territorians. In light of ensuite bedrooms have also ry’s pastoral industry is in great shape thanks to the diligent the report and recommen- arrived and are onsite. It is work of the NTCA Executive, the governance of its branch- dations, the NT Government expected that works on this es, and the willingness of its members. We must remain has now lifted its moratori- facility will be complete by collectively strong as we engage with upcoming legislative um on hydraulic fracturing. early June 2018, with the reforms and seek to continue to grow and support our From the perspective of the Indonesian NIAPP Students industry.” NTCA the vast majority of being the first to utilize The position of President of the NTCA is appointed annu- our priorities were realised these facilities in early July. ally, with a maximum tenure of three terms. Mr. Stockwell in relation to water quality retires having served the Association for the maximum and land access. The only period. The NTCA is delighted that the remainder of the area where we would have Executive Committee who served diligently throughout 2017 liked to see more protections will serve the association and industry again in 2018. for land holders was the right of veto. Land Access Agreements The next meetings in rela- tion to these will be held in early May at which time CEO Paul Burke the NTCA looks forward to progressing legislated land access agreements. Animal Protection Bill The Social Policy Scrutiny Committee is currently hearing submissions into the Animal Protection Bill. The NTCA believes that Chris Nott (left) new President of the NTCA with outgoing President Tom Work begins on the NTCA Training Stockwell. the relevant Act should be Facility in Alice Springs 2 NT Native Title NTCA WELCOMES NEW proceedings STAFF MEMBERS explained Allison Dakin: New motely, she studied for her law Overview by Bradly Torgan, Ward Keller NTCA Business degree and became a solicitor/ barrister. t is no secret that native title matters can move at an excruciatingly Development Islow pace. Many applications have languished before the courts for over 15 years. Recent action by the Federal Court in the Northern Officer “Following a short stint of Territory, though, suggest some at least modest changes may be contract work in Canberra, afoot. we moved to Darwin and I tried a few different areas of Before his retirement in 2016, then Justice Mansfield expressed law – but found myself back frustration with the pace at which NLC was moving native title in the pastoral industry as an matters forward. His successor in native title matters, Justice White, agribusiness lawyer.” has gone even further. At an October 2016 callover, a Federal Court hearing held every six months to review the progress of native title proceedings filed by the NLC, Justice White ordered NLC to show why “I worked for Ward Keller for 27 claims should not be dismissed because of its failure to prosecute, a few years but found that showing a lack of due diligence in moving those cases forward. Most llison Dakin has taken up sitting in front of a computer of the claims were polygon claims, based on the boundaries of min- Athe Darwin-based role of all day was incredibly boring ing titles rather than pastoral leases. Business Development Officer compared to working on a specialising in diversification. cattle station, so I jumped at NLC discontinued 10 of the 27 applications and three more were Allison has been involved the opportunity that came granted additional time in which to consider discontinuance. This, with the beef industry since up to join the NTCA and work however, wasn’t good enough. In a May 2017 decision, Justice White leaving school and she and her directly with producers.” dismissed 11 of the remaining 14 applications because of NLC’s lack of due diligence in prosecuting those claims.