2008 – 2009

Table des Matières / Table of Contents

Rapport de l’École / School Report …………………………………………………………. 4

Rapports des programmes / Program Reports …………………………………………… 6 • Baccalauréat en collaboration / Collaborative Baccalaureate • Programme de baccalauréat pour infirmières et infirmiers autorisés / Baccalaureate Program for Registered Nurses • Programmes d’études supérieures / Graduate programs • Infirmière professionnelle / Nurse Practitioner

Rapports des Comités / Committee Reports ………………………………………………. 9 • Comité des Nominations Committee • Comité de recrutement / Recruitment Committee • Comite du personnel enseignant de l’Ecole / School Teaching Personnel Committee • Comité d’espace de l’École / School Space Committee

Rapports des Unités de Recherche / Research Units Reports ……………………………. 13 • Unité d’histoire AMS / AMS History Unit • Unité de Recherche au Soutien à la prise de décision / Decision Support Research Unit • Unité de Recherche en Soins Palliatifs / Palliative Care Research Unit • Unité de Recherche en Pratiques Exemplaires / Nursing Best Practice Research Unit

Rapports des Partenaires en Collaboration / Collaborative Partners Reports………….. 15 • Algonquin -Woodroffe • Algonquin -Pembroke • La Cité Collégiale • Collège Universitaire Saint-Boniface

Bibliothèque / Library ……………………………………………………………………….. 17

Prix / Awards …………………………………………………………………………………. 18 Subventions / Fundings ………………………………………………………………………. 18 Publications …………………………………………………………………………………… 22 • Livres / Books • Chapitres de livres / Chapters in books • Articles évalués par des pairs / peer reviewed articles Presentations ………………………………………………………………………….. 29


Points culminants 2008-2009 Highlights

• L’École a célébré son 75ème anniversaire / The School of Nursing celebrated it 75th anniversary

• Amélie Perron est la première étudiante à obtenir le nouveau diplôme de doctorat de l’École des sci- ences infirmières / The School’s first PhD student, Amélie Perron, graduated

• L’Unité de Recherche sur les Pratiques Exemplaires en Soins Infirmiers a été inaugurée au 1er étage de RGN / The Nursing Best Practice Unit opened on the first floor of RGN

• Dre Nancy Edwards a été nommée Directrice Scientifique de l’Institut de la Santé Publique et des Populations (ISPP) des Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada / Dr Nancy Edwards was ap- pointed as Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Population and

• Dr Dave Holmes a été honoré d’une Chaire Universitaire de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers Médi- caux-Légaux / Dr Dave Holmes was awarded a university Research Chair in Forensic Nursing

• Dre Jackie Ellis a été nommée Mentor à la Recherche au Centre Hospitalier pour Enfants de l’Est de l’ / Dr Jackie Ellis became the Research Mentor for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern On- tario

Direction de l’École / School Executive

Kirsten Woodend, Director and Associate Dean Jocelyne Tourigny, Assistant Director—Graduate Programs Betty Cragg, Assistant Director—Undergraduate Programs Sylvie Corbeil, Undergraduate Program Administrator

Professeurs et étudiants post doctoraux / Professors & Postdoctoral Students

Professors Associate Professors Cragg, Betty Brajtman, Susan Edwards, Nancy Davies, Barbara Fothergill-Bourbonnais, Frances Ellis, Jacqueline Holmes, Dave Graham, Ian O’Connor, Annette Higuchi, Kathryn Lauzon, Sylvie Stuart, Meryn Toman, Cynthia Tourigny, Jocelyne Woodend Kirsten 3 Professeurs et étudiants post doctoraux / Professors & Postdoctoral Students (continued)

Assistant Professors Adjunct Professors Diem, Liz Brookes, Nancy Guimond, Pierrette Burnett, Kristin Laperrière, Hélène Chambers, Larry Legault, Frances Downey, Angela McPherson, Christine Foulds, Barbara Moreau, Denise Greenslade, Mary Victoria O’Byrne, Patrick Groll, Dianne Perron, Amélie Hoff, LeeAnn Peterson, Wendy Lang, Ariella Polomeno, Viola Lemire-Rodger, Ginette Smith, Dawn Logan, Jo Stacey, Dawn Medves, Jennifer Thifault, Marie Claude Moyer, Alwyn Murray, Stuart J. Teaching Associates Rashotte, Judy Langford, Stéphanie Riley, Barbara Pharand, Denyse Sprague, Ann Zanchetta, Margareth Replacement Professors Buisson, Sylvie Postdoctoral Students Caswell, Wenda Carr, Tracy Siedlikowski, Halina Davison, Colleen Glassfor, Sarah Emeritus Professor Kurtz-Landy, Christine Mc Gee, Marian Tremblay, Dominique

Cross-Appointed Professors Brosseau, Lucie O’Sullivan, Tracey Rapport de l’École / School Report

The second successfully defended in the fall of 2008 (Dr. Patrick O’Byrne) and the third in May Our 75th anniversary year is drawing to a 2009 (Dr. Mary Ann Murray). Dr O’Byrne also won close and consistent with our School’s history this has the 2008/9 COUPN award for his doctoral dissertation. been a year full of changes and successes. More than

450 members of the School, Faculty, University and L’École a reçu les membres de l’équipe d’ac- guests joined us at the Hampton Inn Conference Centre créditation du CASN du 19 au 23 janvier. Au terme de for our gala on September 19 th . The rector of the uni- cette visite, ceux-ci ont fait part de commentaires très versity (Alan Rock) and many other members of the favorables aux membres de la Direction de l’École ; University’s administration were present. Present also nous avons eu l’occasion de lire leur rapport mais ne were nurses who graduated as far back as 1949. Over- recevrons le verdict final sur l’état de notre accrédita- all, the evening was deemed a great success. tion qu’à fin Juin. Un grand merci à Sylvie Corbeil, Teaching Mary O’Donahue (Algonquin Woodroffe), Kelly Kidd (Algonquin Pembroke), Diane Alain (La Cité collégi- The first graduate of our doctoral program ale) pour leur dur labeur dans la préparation du rapport walked across the stage in October 2008 (Dr. Amélie d’auto-évaluation initial et l’organisation de la visite. Perron). 4

Rapport de l’École / School Report (continued)

Les demandes d’inscription au programme de Le Dr. Dave Holmes a été honoré d’une baccalauréat donné en collaboration continuent d’aug- Chaire universitaire de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers menter et vont vraisemblablement atteindre le nombre Médicaux-légaux et est en train de fonder une Unité de de 3000 pour les 390 premières entrées au programme Recherche à l’École des sciences infirmières. La pre- et 24 pour le program avec préalable universitaire. mière édition d’Aporia, une publication dédiée aux Une conséquence importante de cet état de fait est que débats en soins infirmiers et sciences de la santé, a été les moyennes d’admission augmentent dans tous les publiée en Janvier 2009 par le Dr Holmes (éditeur en programmes. chef) et son équipe éditoriale.

Apart from the continued implementation of The newest research unit at the School is the the new baccalaureate curriculum and the launching of Nursing Palliative Care Research Unit (NPCRU); its our French second entry program this May the biggest goal is to provide leadership, mentorship and support teaching innovation this year is the establishment of a for professors and graduate students pursuing excel- simulation team. In the fall of 2008 Lyssa Belanger lence in palliative care research and education. was hired to improve our utilization of simulation within clinical courses. On May 1, 2009 Diane Alain Pratique et Intégration commenced her role as Simulation Coordinator lead- ing the School’s laboratory teaching with a team of Les membres de l’École poursuivent leur en- Laboratory Facilitators. We aim to become leaders in gagement dans de nombreux partenariats en collabora- simulation education in partnership with Algonquin tion aux niveaux local, national et international. Des College and la Cité Collégiale. The other important présentation de recherche en soins infirmiers ont été à educational innovation developed and piloted by the nouveau organisées cette année et la participation des School this academic year is the Clinical Evaluation membres de la faculté, étudiants et infirmiers/ Online (CEO); the work of computerizing this tool infirmières venant des agences en partenariat, y a été and negotiating access for teachers and students importante. throughout our collaborative program has been led by Dr Jackie Ellis. The School and the faculty have been engaged in numerous interprofessional endeavours this year En termes des ressources pour l’enseigne- including practice, research and teaching. We also ment, il y a de bonnes et de moins bonnes nouvelles. continue to receive requests from nursing schools in Nous continuons à manquer d’espace pour les labora- other countries to collaborate in educating nurses at toires et espérons que ce problème sera résolu en Sep- both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Dr An- tembre 2010, à l’occasion de notre déménagement nette O’Connor will be leading a working group in dans de nouveaux laboratoires de simulations au cam- 2009/10 to develop a strategic approach for the School pus d’Alta Vista. La bonne nouvelle est que pour la in engaging with international partners in teaching, première fois depuis vingt ans, toutes nos positions practice, and research. facultaires à plein temps sont dotées. Quatre nouveaux professeurs vont se joindre à nous dès cet été : Dr Jo- sephine Etowa, Marilou Gagnon, Jean Daniel Jacob et Joy Noel-Weiss.


The School continues to expand its research capacity. In 2008/9, members of the School published Kirsten Woodend, Director, Associate Dean more than 110 peer-reviewed articles, 4 books, 20 book chapters and presented in excess of 120 papers at national and international conferences. Members of the School were also investigators on more than 14 million dollars of new external funding this year and were primary investigators for at least 7 million dol- lars of this funding.


Rapports des Programmes / Program Reports

Baccalauréat en collaboration / Collaborative Baccalaureate

Le programme de collaboration du bac- calauréat en sciences infirmières (La Cité collé- giale, Algonquin College, Collège universitaire St-Boniface et Université d’Ottawa) poursuit la mise en œuvre du nouveau curriculum qui s’est amorcée en septembre 2007. En septembre 2009, la deuxième année du nouveau curriculum a dé- buté. Les groupes de travail du curriculum conti- nuent leur travail de développement et de révi- sion des nouveaux cours. The School is also im- plementing the Clinical Evaluation On-line Sylvie Corbeil, notre Administratrice des programmes de (CEO) for all the new clinical courses and has premier cycle a reçu le prix d’excellence « Cadres et Pro- tested the system with the Second Entry students. fessionnels de la Faculté des sciences de la santé » et le For the school year 2008-2009 a total of prix d’excellence 2008 pour le personnel de l’Universite d’Ottawa dans la catégorie cadres et professionnels. 1394 students are registered in the Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program: 262 students in the French program and 607 students in the English program evaluated five programs: collaborative baccalaure- campus, 437 students at the Algonquin campus, ate program, bridging programs for the interna- 88 students at the Pembroke campus, and 11 stu- tionally educated nurses and for registered practi- dents at the Collège universitaire St-Boniface. cal nurses, baccalaureate program for the regis- With nursing courses now starting in tered nurses, and second entry program. The ac- Year 2 of the program, Year 1 students have re- creditation results from the Board of CASN are ported feeling they did not belong to the School expected this June. of Nursing. Professors collaborated with the sec- Le 20 mai dernier, les membres du corps ond and third year nursing students in organizing professoral de tous les campus ont participé à la visits to the nursing laboratories to help Year 1 journée de développement professionnel (un total students feel part of the School. de 70 participants). Une mise à jour du nouveau En mai 2009, le programme du baccalau- curriculum fut présentée, suivie d’une démonstra- réat en sciences infirmières avec préalables uni- tion de l’outil d’évaluation clinique en ligne ainsi versitaires, qui s’adresse aux étudiants qui ont que des séances de discussion sur la diversité complété un minimum de 60 crédits universitai- culturelle et l’évaluation clinique des étudiants. Le res, a accueilli 12 étudiants au programme an- 3 juin, les professeurs furent également invités à glais qui a débuté l’an dernier et pour la première participer à un atelier portant sur le développe- fois une cohorte de 12 étudiants au programme ment facultaire interprofessionnel de formation en français (total de 24 étudiants). Ces étudiants sui- soins palliatifs et de fin de vie. vent les cours de 2ème année de sciences infir- mières et des cours de sciences au semestre de Respectfully submitted, printemps-été et en septembre ils se joignent à la Sylvie Corbeil, administratrice du programme de pre- mier cycle /Administrator of the Undergraduate Pro- 3ème année du programme. gram The accreditation site visit from the Ca- nadian Association of Schools of Nursing Betty Cragg , directrice adjointe / Assistant Director (CASN) took place last January. Six reviewers 6

Rapports des Programmes / Program Reports (continued)

Programme francophone : Baccalaureate Program for Il y a 56 étudiantes inscrites au pro- Registered Nurses / gramme français du baccalauréat pour infirmières Programme de baccalauréat pour et infirmiers autorisés. À date, il n’y a que 21 de- infirmières et infirmiers autorisés mandes d’admission pour septembre 2009 et ce faible taux nous incite à se demander s’il y a suffi-

samment d’intérêt parmi les infirmières franco-

ontariennes pour assurer la survie du programme. Anglophone Program : Nous consulterons les milieux de soins bilingues The anglophone program has accepted its pour évaluer l’intérêt des infirmières francophones last admissions and the phase-out process has pour le programme. Les anglophones qui s’inscri- begun. Because of small numbers, the teleconfe- vent au programme français, puisque les admis- rence sites at Pembroke, Cornwall, and Brock- sions au programme anglais ont cessé, doivent ville are closed. Remaining students will take suivre les cours obligatoires en français. courses from home using the Internet. Montreal

remains an active site. Winchester students will Il y a un manque de cours au choix en be consulted to complete the degree there and sciences infirmières en français à l’université. Kingston will probably be phased out after 2009- Pour palier à cette situation nous avons identifié 10. quelques cours en sciences infirmières offerts à New Quebec graduates who failed the distance par autres universités francophones. Cer- registration examinations were not deregistered tains étudiants choisissent de suivre ces cours au in December because readmission is not possible. choix en anglais et pour ces étudiants, les exa- They were given a year to become registered and mens sont disponibles dans les deux langues. cannot take clinical courses or complete the de-

gree until they are registered.

Nursing electives in the Post RN pro- Betty Cragg, Assistant Director, gram, particularly the PPPESO perinatal courses Undergraduate Programs and the concentration courses like palliative care are being discussed because we would like to retain these resources for practicing nurses in the region, but the best route is not clear.

Le gala September 19: Marie Josee Forgues (Finances), Janet Giguère (Secrétariat), Jocelyne Tourigny (Directrice adjointe aux programmes d'études supérieures), Kirsten Woodend (Directrice et Doyenne associée), Sylvie Coursol (Secrétariat), Christine Pilon (Adjointe à la di- rectrice)


Rapports des Programmes / Program Reports (continued)

Programmes d’Études Supérieures / Nos diverses unités de recherches, Graduate Programs comme l’Unité de recherche sur la santé commu- nautaire, le Groupe de recherche sur les outils de Nos programmes des études supérieures prise de décision pour patients, l’Unité de recher- attirent de plus en plus d’étudiants et d’étudiantes che sur les pratiques exemplaires en soins infir- au niveau national et international. En effet, le miers, l’Unité de recherche critique dans le do- nombre d’étudiants admis aux différents pro- maine de la santé, l’Unité de recherche sur l’his- grammes n’a cessé de croître au cours des derniè- toire des sciences infirmières et la nouvelle Unité res années ; nous avons maintenant 22 étudiants de recherches en soins palliatifs s’impliquent acti- et étudiantes au niveau doctorat et plus de 130 vement dans la formation des étudiants et étudian- étudiants et étudiantes au niveau maîtrise. Les tes de même que dans la dissémination des résul- étudiants et étudiantes qui prennent les cours à tats de recherche. distance comptent pour environ 30% de la popu- lation étudiante. During their monthly meetings, the mem- bers of the graduate program Committee approved Two new courses were developed and the adoption of new courses, reviewed and appro- will be offered in 2009-10, notably a course in ved directives and forms used in the graduate pro- the history of the body and and interdisciplinary gram. In the spring of 2009, the members evalua- palliative care/end-of-life course. The master’s ted more than 150 applications for admission to program continues to offer graduate education our various programs. for nurses who want to become nurse practioners. Je tiens à remercier tous les membres du Deux étudiants et une étudiante ont sou- Comité des programmes des études supérieures tenu avec succès leur thèse de doctorat en 2008- pour leur travail et leur soutien de même que tous 2009 et 26 étudiants et étudiantes ont obtenu leur les professeurs et les professeures qui contribuent grade de maîtrise en 2008. à l’excellence de nos programmes.

Nous obtenons d’excellents résultats Jocelyne Tourigny, Assistant Director dans l’obtention de bourses d’études tant de l’U- niversité que d’organismes subventionnaires ma- jeurs comme le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada et les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada.

August 13 – Amelie Perron, doctoral defence with her supervisor (Dave Holmes) and examiners 8

Rapports des programmes / Program Reports (continued)

Une salle de classe virtuelle a été aména- Infirmière Professionnelle / gée de façon à offrir des cours utilisant la méthode Nurse Practitioner virtuelle Elluminate. Cette méthode permet d’utili- ser l’internet pour la prestation des cours à dis- The Primary Health Care Nurse Practi- tance. tioner(PHCNP) Program, in the 08-09 academic The seven new graduate level nurse prac- year, admitted fourteen Anglophone students into titioner courses were delivered by the nine univer- the Masters in Nursing, Concentration PHCNP. sity consortium. At the University of Ottawa stu- Quatre étudiants à temps partiel ont été admis au dents took these Masters core courses; Methods programme de maîtrise en sciences infirmières and Interpretation of Quantitative Research II, avec concentration IPSSP. Development of Knowledge and Theory in Nur- sing, Research Methods in Nursing. Non Thesis In addition 10 Anglophone students learners will take the Intervention Design in Ad- continued the NP Certificate. Cinq étudiants vanced Nursing Practice.

continus au programme d’infirmières et infir- Suzanne Doucette, RN, BScN, OPN, MHA; miers praticiens en soins de santé primaires Janet Helmer, RN(EC), MEd (SSPIIP.) During this academic year 24 Anglo- phone students are studying to become nurse practitioners at the University of Ottawa. Cette année, neuf étudiants francophones étudient à l’Université d’Ottawa pour devenir infirmiers praticiens.

These students join 236 students provin- cially who are taking PHCNP courses. Ces étu- diants francophone se joignent aux 14 étudiants au niveau provincial qui suivent une formation en SSPIIP. September 2008 Deborah Younger-Lewis of the first Pembroke site BScN graduating class was awarded by Dr. Thomas Todd Bursary in September 2008

Rapports des Comités / Committee Reports

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE En effet, plusieurs postes deviendront va- cants au 30 juin 2009 et cette nouvelle méthode Le comité des nominations a procédé en sera essayée à l’occasion des élections. . Voting septembre 2008 aux élections visant à sélection- members will have the opportunity to express ner deux représentant(e)s des professeurs à dou- their thoughts about this new voting process and ble affectation pour siéger au Conseil d’École. whether it should be reused for future elections. Moreover, one of the members of the STPC had Les professeurs s’impliquent de manière to be replaced in the fall of 2008 and this position significative dans les comités de l’École et nom- was filled. This process led to various discus- bre d’entre eux siègent de plus sur certains comi- sions about Faculties’ preferred methods of vot- tés facultaires. Par ailleurs, nombreux sont celles ing (paper, electronic submissions) and it was et ceux qui acceptent de prolonger leurs mandats suggested that a new method for casting votes be respectifs, attestant ainsi de leur dévouement aux tested with SurveyMonkey. SurveyMonkey will affaires tant de l’ÉSI que de la FSS. thus be used for the next elections. 9

Rapports des Comités / Committee Reports (continued)

At the time of writing, the composition of the SON committees was as follows:

Comités de l’École 2008-2009

Conseil d’École / school council 1. Joy Noel-Weiss 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2009 (rep. prof. temps partiel) 2. Isabelle Cyr 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2009 (rep. prof. temps partiel) 3. Anne Kerr 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2010 (joint appointee rep.) 4. anice Bissonnette 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2010 (joint appointee rep.) 5. Julie Chartrand (grad) 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 6. Marcus Kusiak (UNSA) 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2009 7. VACANT (RNSA) 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2009

CPEÉ / STPC 1. Kirsten Woodend Chair - selon son mandat 2. Betty Cragg 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 3. Annette O’Connor 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2010 4. Frances F.- Bourbonnais 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 5. Dave Holmes 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 6. Meryn Stewart 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009

COMITÉ DES ÉTUDES SUPÉRIEURES / GRAD COMMITTEE 1. Jocelyne Tourigny Chair - selon son mandat 2. Betty Cragg 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 3. Dave Holmes 01.07.2005 - 30.06.2009 4. Cynthia Toman 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2010 5. Denyse Pharand 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 6. Margaret Tansey 01.07.2006 - 30.06.2010 7. Mary-Theresa Howard 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2010

COMITÉ DE RECRUTEMENT / RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE 1. Stephanie Langford 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 2. Viola Polomeno 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 3. Frances F.- Bourbonnais 01.07.2006 - 30.06.2009 4. Lucie Couturier 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 5. Jocelyne Tourigny 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 6. Dawn Smith 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 7. Julie Chartrand (grad) 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 8. VACANT (RNSA) 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 9. VACANT (UNSA) 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008

COMITÉ DE NOMINATIONS / NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE 1. Amélie Perron 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009 2. Christine McPherson 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2009


Rapports des Comités / Committee Reports (continued)

RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE 2008-2009 Top priorities for 2008-09

1. Graduate student recruitment – emphasize graduate recruitment at local and national conferences with a focus on full-time students who would be eligible for scholarships. 2. Francophone student recruitment – actively recruit for all programs including the Francophone Post RN program. 3. Aboriginal student recruitment – develop more linkages with local and regional Aboriginal com- munities.

The Recruitment Committee was very Plans for the 2009-2010 school year will busy in 2008-2009. Committee members at- include an informal wine and cheese party to re- tended five local hospital events. The School cruit graduate students, a focus on francophone must continue to have a presence at local hospital graduate recruitment, local hospital recruitment education fairs and we recommend booking sessions, attendance at national conferences to workshop-style sessions at the hospitals as a recruit graduate students (and new faculty), and more effective way of recruiting RNs to graduate ongoing work with the uOttawa Aboriginal programs. The annual uOttawa Day information Council on Education and Employment and the sessions continue to provide a vital connection to Aboriginal Resource Centre to build relationships high school students in the region (including the with Aboriginal communities. Graduate, franco- Adult High School) with hundreds of students phone and Aboriginal student recruitment remain attending. priorities for the Recruitment Committee. The School was represented at various national conferences this year and faculty mem- bers are always encouraged to take a few recruit- ment materials when attending conferences. The Respectfully submitted - School did increase the number of francophone Stephanie Langford graduate students in the program and twelve fran- cophone students were recruited to the 2nd Entry program.

September 19, Faculty, students and friends enjoying the anniversary Gala.


Rapports des Comités / Committee Reports (continued)

Comité du personnel enseignant Comité d’espace de l’École des sciences de l’École / School Teaching Personnel infirmières / School of Nursing Space Committee Committee

Le Comité a examiné cinq candidatures The School’s Space Committee held only pour les postes menant à la permanence et a in- two meetings during the 2008/9 academic year. terviewé trois candidats. Tous les trois commen- Durant le réunion de l’automne le mandat du Co- ceront le 1 juillet 2009 (Joy Noel-Weiss, Marilou mité d’espace a été passé en revue et approuvé. Gagnon, Jean Daniel Jacob). Joséphine Etowa qui a été embauchée l’année passée commencera The committee continued work on deve- sa position menant à la permanence avec nous au loping principles regarding space in the School of mois de juillet. Nursing and decided that a focus group should be held with graduate students to determine whether Un candidat pour la Chaire en soins infir- graduate space should be separate from or inte- miers en santé publique Loyer-Dasilva a été in- grated into faculty office space. terviewé et sa candidature a été approuvée. Le nom du titulaire sera annoncé durant l’automne Le Comité a aussi passé en revue la de- 2009. mande d’espace et a approuvé l’espace pour l’U- Nous avons reçu une candidature pour nité de recherche en soins infirmiers médico- une permanence et une promotion cette année légaux et pour l’équipe qui travaillera avec la ainsi que pour un congé sabbatique. Félicitations nouvelle Chaire de recherche Loyer-DaSilva en au Dr Kathy Higuchi qui a reçu sa permanence et soins infirmiers communautaires. été promue au professeur agrégée et au Dr Pier- rette Guimond qui sera en congé universitaire At its spring meeting the space commit- l’an prochain. Le Comité a aussi examiné trois tee reviewed and provided feedback on the simu- demandes pour devenir membre de la FÉSP et lation laboratory plans for 850 Peter Morand une pour un renouvellement. Les contrats de which we hope will open no later than September quatre professeurs menant à la permanence sont 2010. renouvelés.

In terms of joint and cross appointments, Kirsten Woodend, Chair STPC was particularly busy this year. There were eight requests for joint appointments and five for renewals of joint appointments; these were all approved. The school also received one request for an Adjunct Professorship as well as three requests for renewal and one request for a cross appointment. We welcome our new cross- appointee Dr Tracey O’Sullivan from the Health Sciences Program. We received two requests for visiting professorships and welcome Dr Susan Duncan, from Thompson River University, who will be working with Dr Nancy Edwards. In addi- tion to the above, members of STPC reviewed and approved the 2009/10 teaching loads.

Kirsten Woodend, Chair 12

Rapports des Unités de Recherche / Research Unit Reports

Unité de recherche sur l’histoire des excellence in palliative care research and educa- tion. Drs. Susan Brajtman and Frances Fothergill sciences infirmières de l’AMS / Bourbonnais have spear headed the development Associated Medical Services Nursing of this unit, which includes core faculty within History Research Unit the School of Nursing with expertise in palliative care and who are actively involved in conducting Edited by Jayne Elliott, Meryn Stuart and research and supervising master's and doctoral Cynthia Toman, the Unit’s first publication, Place and students in this area. Collaborators such as St. Practice in Canadian Nursing History , was released Paul University, the Faculty of Medicine, the in November 2008 by UBC Press. Marie-Claude, en collaboration avec un groupe de chercheurs interuni- Academic Health Council and Bruyere Conti- versitaires, travaille à la publication d’un ouvrage col- nuing Care will also be involved in the research lectif sur l’histoire des services de soins de santé au and educational activities of the unit. Recent Québec et au Canada, en particulier, offerts par la gent initiatives have included the development of un- féminine. dergraduate and graduate level courses in end- of Dr Patricia D’Antonio from the School of -life care and the conduction of workshops for Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania presented a nursing and interprofessional health care educa- paper on the historical understanding of competence tors to enhance their ability to teach and support and obedience in nursing at our Spring Seminar in students involved in caring for terminally ill pa- April 2009. tients and their families. Future efforts to facili- We have to say a formal goodbye to our post- doctoral fellow Sarah Glassford but we welcome PhD tate establishment of the unit include the need for candidates Thomas Foth, who is studying psychiatric infrastructure support, the development of a web nursing care under the NAZI regime (supervised by site, and the involvement of the palliative care Meryn Stuart), and Brandi Vanderspank (co- community at large. supervised by Cynthia Toman and Frances Fothergill- L’École de science infirmière de l’Uni- Bourbonnais), who will begin in September. versité d’Ottawa a le plaisir de vous annoncer la Le cours offert totalement en ligne sur l’his- création d’une unité de recherche de sciences toire des soins infirmiers au Canada, donné par Cyn- infirmières en soins palliatifs. Cette unité thia Toman et Marie-Claude Thifault, suscite beau- (URSISP) a pour but d’être un centre d’excel- coup d’intérêt. Les deux professeurs participent acti- lence reconnu pour son leadership, son mentorat vement à la mise à jour des contenus thématiques. As we have reached the end of our fourth et son soutien aux éducateurs en sciences infir- year, we have invited two scholars in nursing and me- mières et aux étudiants des études supérieures en dical history from the UK to help us begin an evalua- recherche et en éducation des soins palliatifs. tion process over the summer.

Meryn Stuart & Jane Elliot

Unité de Recherche en Soins Palliatifs / The Nursing Palliative Care Research Unit – NPCRU.

The NPCRU will be a unique academic centre for the advancement of palliative care re- search and education. The goal of the NPCRU is to provide leadership, mentorship and support for professors and graduate students pursuing Dr Jackie Ellis took on the role of Research Mentor for nursing research at CHEO—September 2009 13

Rapports des Unités de Recherche / Research Unit Reports

• Advising the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health Unité de Recherche à la prise de Décision / on strategies for improving patient participa- Decision Support Research Unit tion in health decisions. • Launching the ‘iShould’ application on Face- At the Ottawa Health Decision Centre, book to help people make difficult decisions we evaluate decision support interventions and and get feedback from up to 20 friends. training programs for patients and health profes- • Designing decision aids regarding HPV Vacci- sionals, as well as strategies for implementation nation, levels of care in the Intensive Care in Ottawa, the UK, US and Chile. Unit, and a Spanish guide for any decision: Notre site web inclus un répertoire des Guia de Ottawa para Apoyo Decisional. outils de prise de décision qui est conçu pour ai- • Advising on U.S. federal legislation to provide der à en trouver un qui réponde aux besoins déci- reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid sionnels. Aussi, il y a notre modèle conceptuel, for decision support. les instruments pour l’évaluation, un tutorial, et • Graduating Prudy Menard MScN (decision e-course. Cette année nous avons eu 140,885 vi- support for menopausal women considering sites. natural health products) and Mary Ann Murray PhD (decision support for end of life location The highlights in 2008-9 include: of care).

• Updating the Cochrane Review of Patient Annette O’Connor & Dawn Stacey Decision aids.

Unité de Recherche sur les Pratiques Exemplaires en Soins Infirmiers / Nursing Best Practice Research Unit

• 142 scientific papers published and 145 funded research studies in 2008-2009, this is a considerable increase from last year. The NBPRU continues to be a productive unit.

• De nouvelles séries de rencontres, appelées “NBPRU pub lunch" et dont le but est d’in- Opening of the unit in August 2008 citer les étudiants des cycles supérieurs, les infirmiers/ères de niveau avancé et les mem- at the University of Ottawa and Doris Grinspun of bres de la faculté à publier dans des revues the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario en- scientifiques, ont été organisées toutes les six titled Evidence-Informed Nursing Service Deliv- semaines. Un nombre de publications signifi- ery Models with 22 investigators from 5 prov- catif et croissant a pu être remarqué cette an- inces across Canada. (Ontario, Quebec, New née. De ce fait, l’Unité de Recherche, au sein Brunswick, British Columbia, Alberta). de l’Université d’Ottawa, gagne en crédi- bilité externe. Barb Davies • The REISS 4 year program of research funded by CHSRF is led by Nancy Edwards


Rapports des Partenaires en collaboration / Collaborative Partners Reports

Algonquin College—Woodroffe graduates’ accomplishments. The community sup- Collaborative BScN Program port for the Nursing program and the College has continued to flourish. The Algonquin College Academic Strate- gic Plan has four major initiatives; Employee De- The BScN program has experienced velopment, Academic Leadership, Service Excel- growth in both student numbers and faculty com- lence and Resource Management. In 2008-09 we pliment. It welcomes two new full-time faculty began planning our goals and measures for each of and a second coordinator. these initiatives and identifying implementation strategies. Algonquin College, Faculty of Health, The accomplishments of students and Community Studies and Public Safety is develo- graduates were very impressive this year. Two ping a “Healthy Communities” framework to third-year students, as part of their community guide us in our future education planning inclu- practicum, planned and implemented a project ding interprofessional education (IPE), virtual involving a new approach to bathing dementia learning and simulation based learning in ‘living clients in a long term-care setting. These students lab’ environments. were as asked to present at a number of health- care events. Fourth year students, as part of their We are focused on supporting faculty by informatics course, organized an exchange of in- creating professional development opportunities formation and best practices by setting up a live- including offering on-line/hybrid workshops. For session with a heath clinic at the South Pole. The the BScN program this means courses that will be results of our first graduating class were equally considered and offered in a hybrid format. As well impressive. We had a 100% success rate on the we continue to support professional development provincial registration exams. All our graduates related to simulation based learning. Seven ins- are employed as nurses. tructors will be in place for Fall 09 to support our work in labs and clinical. Community support for the Nursing pro- gram and the campus is very strong. On January In collaboration with the Academic 20, 2009 the College hosted an awards event for Health Council under the leadership of Dr. Lynn the BScN students. Over $10,000.00 worth of Casimiro, faculty are engaged in learning more awards and bursaries were announced. The atten- about IPE curriculum change. This year’s IPE dees included BScN students and faculty, local summit in March brought together health educa- politicians and representation from all county tors, practice leaders and students to engage in health-care partners. IPE learning activities. Increasingly this work is being highlighted at Algonquin College. The whole of Renfrew County has com- mitted support towards the building of a new cam- Barb Foulds pus. The Algonquin Board of Governors has con- firmed their support of the project regardless of government funding. The new campus is sched- uled to open September 2012. Algonquin College—Pembroke This has been a very exciting year. The Collaborative BScN Program Pembroke campus of Algonquin College cannot wait for the challenges and successes of next year. This year has been a very exciting year for the collaborative baccalaureate program in Pem- Debra Balasevicius broke. We have celebrated many students’ and 15

Rapports des Partenaires en collaboration / Collaborative Partners Reports (continued)

Rapport annuel de collaboration du Une équipe de six évaluateurs a fait la Baccalauréat en Sciences Infirmières visite de toutes les installations et a rencontré les La Cité collégiale divers intervenants qui participent à la formation des étudiants du baccalauréat conjoint. L’année scolaire 2008-09 a amené de grands changements dans le programme du bacca- Le rapport provisoire remis par l’équipe lauréat conjoint, notamment à cause du nouveau de l’agrément notait une grande collaboration de curriculum. la part de toutes les institutions postsecondaires partenaires au baccalauréat. Les soixante-dix étudiants inscrits au nou- veau curriculum ont commencé leur deuxième année avec les cours d’évaluation de la santé, in- Linda Cloutier troduction aux sciences infirmières et les stages cliniques en gérontologie et en pédiatrie. À l’au- tomne 2008, ces étudiants étaient responsables d’organiser une journée porte-ouvertes des labora- Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface toires, préparée pour les étudiants de première (CUSB) année. Les étudiants étaient particulièrement fiers Programme Sciences infirmières de démontrer leur savoir-faire dans les techniques d’évaluation physique d’un patient. Les profes- La formation en sciences infirmières est seurs ont amorcé la révision des documents d’éva- toujours en évolution. L’approbation du pro- luation clinique et la mise sur pied de ces docu- gramme de diplôme en sciences infirmières par ments en ligne. l’Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Mani- toba (OIIM) en juin 2008 a été accordée pour une À l’hiver 2009, les étudiants ont bénéficié période maximale de deux ans (juin 2010). La des installations des laboratoires de La Cité collé- décision du conseil d’administration de l’OIIM giale pour leurs toutes premières simulations qui comprenait la directive d’augmenter la durée du ont débuté cette année dans le cadre du baccalau- programme d’études à environ trente-deux (32) réat. Il est à noter que le programme de sciences mois et d’y intégrer un nombre plus élevé d’heu- infirmières utilise de plus en plus la technologie res de stage afin de rencontrer les Normes des de simulation afin de permettre aux étudiants de se programmes d’enseignement en sciences infir- retrouver dans des situations réelles ou les patients mières (2007). Une série de démarches ont été présentent des situations complexes de santé. À entreprises avec l’Université d’Ottawa afin d’as- cet effet, le professeur de La Cité collégiale affi- surer que le programme évolue de sorte à ren- liée au programme du baccalauréat était en congé contrer les nouvelles exigences. Nous apprécions de perfectionnement professionnel cette année cette précieuse collaboration. afin de développer ses connaissances sur la simu- lation en laboratoire. Plusieurs scénarios ont été développés et ceux-ci seront utilisés dans les labo- Charlotte Walkty ratoires dès l’automne 2009.

L’automne 2008 a permis à tous les parte- naires de se préparer en vue de la visite d’agré- ment de l’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières qui a eu lieu à la fin janvier 2009. 16

Bibliothèque / Library

Health Sciences Library report • Distance education services are used steadi- ly by the nursing students. Contact: bibliodis- Your study/work place [email protected] As a result of phase 2 renovations (summer • Laptops loans are still very popular. Stu- 2008) we have added 3 group study rooms, and dents can now print from the laptops. The there is now one single service point with refe- procedure is available on the CCS Web pa- rence and circulation. ges. • Use of i-phones for wireless access to In- Take us with you! - Your Electronic Library ternet: instructions are now available from • The Nursing Web page and other subject the CCS Web pages . web pages have been replaced by our more • Resource sharing: Health Libraries Ottawa interactive Libguides. Please have a look at (HLO) Direct Lending Pilot Project - Current the Nursing Libguide . library members from the University of Otta- • Dépôt électronique des devis d’interven- wa and its affiliated teaching hospitals will tion: plus tôt ce printemps, les intervenantes be able to borrow in person at any of the (professeures, NSG6401, NSG6801, coor- Health Libraries Ottawa (HLO) libraries. A donnatrice des études supérieures et biblio- HLO card is needed and can be obtained thécaires) se sont réunies et il a été décidé from “home” library. que les devis d’intervention seraient rendus disponibles en version électronique. Les co- Other pies imprimées seront tout de même dépo- Aporia : nouveau périodique électronique - sées à la bibliothèque et conservées à l’an- L'Université d'Ottawa, avec l'appui du Réseau de nexe de la bibliothèque. Nous sommes en bibliothèques, (en particulier Lee-Anne Ufholz, train de finaliser les procédures de dépôt de la bibliothèque RGN) a lancé un nouveau pé- électronique. riodique en libre accès : Aporia . (en ligne seule- ment). Access and Services • Annex document delivery service : you can Michelle Leblanc now request that articles in journals stored at the Annex (and not available in electronic format) be scanned and emailed directly to you through the University of Ottawa Libra- ry’s new document delivery service. This service is free of charge. • Library Instruction: une orientation à la bibliothèque a eu lieu pour les étudiantes de 1ère année dans le cours HSS1101 (Determinants of Health); des formations à la recherche sur les bases de données ont eu lieu ans les cours Research Methods - HSS3101 (Algonquin et uOttawa, anglais) et HSS3501 (français, uOttawa), et des présen- Wendy Gifford (Doctoral Candidate) ACEN tations sur mesure (sur invitation des profes- Scholarship recipient seures) dans les cours NSG3518, NSG5130, NSG5601 and NSG5540/5140.


Prix / Awards

Prix reçus par le corps professoral / Awards Received by the Faculty

Susan Brajtman : 2009 Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education Research Excellence Award; 2009 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Allan Blizzard Award

Barbara Davies: Nomination Practice/Academe In- novative Collaboration Award: International award for Nursing Excellence, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Dave Holmes: University of Ottawa Research Chair – Forensic Nursing, University of Ottawa Patrick O’Byrne receiving the COUPN award (2009-2014) April 28

Patrick O’Byrne: Doctoral Dissertation Award; Awards Received by Graduate Students Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing Ontario Graduate Studies (COUPN) 2009. Julie Chartrand Amélie Perron : Dean’s Award of Excellence, Fac- Karen Graham ulty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, 2009. Lionelle Morin-Tanguay Patricia Robinson Judy Rashotte: 2008 Excellence in Research Award Heather Thomson (Nursing) – CHEO Research Institute. David Wright

Dawn Smith : Mid Career Nursing Research Award, Casimiro, L. (co-PI) Brajtman, S. (2007-2010). In- Ontario MOHLTC (2009-2012); Loyer Da Silva Re- forming health policy to Enhance Interprofessioanl search Chair in Public Health Nursing (2009-2014) Collaborative Learning & Practice: A Regional pers- pective. HealthForce Ontario Interprofessional Care/ Meryn Stuart : Canadian Nurses’ Association “100 Education Fund ($200,530). in 100” Centennial Award, 2008

Casimiro, L. (PI) et al. ( Cragg, B . co-I) (2008). Infor- ming health care policy to enhance interprofessional Subventions / Fundings learning and practice. HealthForceOntario. Ministries of Health and Long Term Care & Training, Colleges & Universities, Ontario ($61,412). External Research Funding (new) Coyte, P. (PI), & co., Holmes, D. (Co-I). (2009-2015). Blouin, R., Sorfleet, C., Moreau , K, Ellis, J , Ras- Strategic Research Training Program. CIHR hotte, J. , Ferguson, C., Winsor-Stallan, B, Maxwell, (1,950,000$). H., Taylor, S, A. Mantha, A. (2009-2010). Kno- wledge Transfer for Innovative Approaches to Staf- Coyte, Battista, Bayoumi, Li, Holmes (Co-I) & Elliott fing and Scheduling, MOHLTC ($70,000). (2008). Research. OHTN ($46,982).

Blouin, R., Sorfleet, C., Moreau , K, Ellis, J, Ras- Cragg, B .& Macdonald, C (co-PIs), Jelley, W., Hirsh, hotte, J ., Ferguson, C., Winsor-Stallan, B, Maxwell, M., Barnes, P. (coIs) (2008-09). Rural Interprofes- H., Taylor, S, A. Mantha, A. (2008-2009). Innova- sional Clinical Education/Interprofessional Evaluation tive Approaches to Staffing and Scheduling, MOHL- Tools. HealthForceOntario. Interprofessional Care/ TC ($274,000). Education Fund ($356,585). 18

Subventions / Fundings (continued)

Davies, B . (2008-2009)Nursing Best Practice Re- Impact des déterminants psycho-sociaux- search Unit: Development of Francophone Research environnementaux sur la santé physique et mentale Resources, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. des femmes enceintes vivant dans un contexte linguis- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ontario) tique et culturel minoritaire: une étude pilote prospec- ($15,000). tive de cohorte. IRSC. Subvention Catalyseur: Com- munautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire ($24,752). De Montigny F. (PI) Co-chercheures : V. Polomeno , A. Devault, D. Dubeau, C. Lacgarité, M. Lacombe, C. Lang, A., Goodwin, S., Marck, P., MacDonald, M., Lemay, S. Semenic, D. St.-Laurent (2008-2009). MacKinnon, N., Edwards, N ., Easty, A., Giroux, M., « Atelier réflexif : Trajectoires de développement sai- Tepper, J., O’Connor, P., Hoffman, C., Lang, E. nes des jeunes familles et services de santé », IRSC (2008-2011). Safety in Homecare: A focus on medica- ($20,000), tion management. Canadian Institutes for Health Re- search ($533,423). Dicenso, A, Davies, B , Smith, D , Minore, B. , (2009). Aboriginal Health Services Policy and Research Sum- Leclerc C, Woodend AK ( Co-PI) Cragg, B . (2008). mer Research Institute MOHLTC. MOHLTC Describing Collaboration between RNs and RPNs in ($50,000). the Champlain LHIN / Canadian Nurses Foundation. Nursing Care Partnership competition ($21,000). Diem, E . (P.I.) (2008-2009). Model of Communities of Practice for Advancing Practice in Community Lefebre, N., Gifford, W., Davies, B. ( 2008-2010). Health Nursing. Funding from Community Health Knowledge to Practice: Evaluating strategies for evi- Nurses Association of Canada through Public Health dence informed decision making in community health Agency of Canada ($73, 800). environments. Ministry of Health and Long-term Care Ontario ($202,250). Edwards, N ., Kahwa, E., & Kaseje, D. (2009-2011) Documenting capacity strengthening approaches and best practices across the Teasdale-Corti team grants. Legault, F . (PI), Locke, L., Gravelle, D., Kachiuk, L. (International Development Research Centre) , Mutterback, E. (2008). Managing Transitions in ($248,800). Lung Cancer Care. CIHR NET ($20,000).

Fecteau, J.M., Thifault, M.C . (2009-2012). Recher- Legault, F. (supervisor) & PhD Student: Joyce che. CHRS ($428,000). Achieng Owino, Great Lakes University of Kisumu (2008). Foreign Affairs and International Trade Cana- Hall, P. (co-PI) Brajtman, S . (2007-2010). Building da Grants for Graduate Students' Exchange Program a community of education and role models for inter- (GSEP) ($10,000). professional education for collaborative patient cen- tred practice across the Champlain District. Ministry Li, L. (Co-I) Stacey, D. (2009-2011). Improving heal- of Training, Colleges and Universities Postsecondary thcare consumer effectiveness: An Animated, Self- Education Division and Ministry of Health and Long serve, Web-based Research (ANSWER) tool for peo- Term Care ($186, 533/year). ple with early rheumatoid arthritis. CIHR – Kno- wledge Synthesis ($189,100). Higuchi, K.S. (PI), Downey, A., Davies, B., & McConnell, H. (2008-2009). Evaluation of the Imple- McCabe, J. (PI), Holmes, D. (Co-PI) (2008-2010). mentation of Multiple Guidelines by Clinical Agen- Research (PhD student). SSHRC ($40,000). cies. Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Murray, S. (PI), Holmes, D. (Co-PI) (2009-2012). ($25,000). Research. SSHRC ($92,300).

Lacaze-Masmonteil, Thierry &Vaillancourt, Cathy. Co-chercheurs: Bouchard, L., Dako, E., Leis, A., Mo- O’Connor, A. (Co-I) (2008-2013). Cdn Fdn for Inno- reau, D. , Normandeau, J. (2008). vation(CFI)/Cdn Inst Health Res ($1,996,073).


Subventions / Fundings (continued)

O’Connor, A. (Co-I) (2008-2012). Cdn Breast Ca Tesson-Rulko, F., Walker M. (2008-2013) - CIHR Research Alliance (CBCRA) ($84,255). Team in Critical Periods of Body Weight Regulation: A Women's Health Perspective ($2,469,500). O’Connor, A. (Co-I) (2008-2011). Canadian Institu- tes of Health Research (CIHR) ($298,377). Smith, D., Peterson, W., Edwards, N., Andrews, C. (2008-2010). Improving access to preventive early O’Connor, A. (Co-I) (2008-2010). Canadian Institu- childhood services for urban aboriginal families: A tes of Health Research (CIHR) ($78,677). participatory research study. Canadian Institutes for Health Research ($157,904). O’Connor, A. (Co-I) (2008-2009). Canadian Institu- tes of Health Research ($15,000). Smith, D.( Co-PI), Peterson, W.(Co-PI), Birmingham, M., Mogahadam, E., Graham, S. & Thibeault, S. Gro- Paquet, L., Verma, S., Stacey, D . (2009-2010). An wing Healthy: integrating services for priority fami- evaluation of the impact of breast cancer risk counse- lies. (2008-2009) research component ( $79,071.00). ling offered at the High Risk Breast Assessment Cli- nic of the Women’s Breast Health Centre. Ottawa Stacey, D. (2009-2010). The Ottawa Decision Support Regional Cancer Foundation ($11,200). Framework: Update, gaps, and research priorities. CIHR ($15,000). Parush, A., Ellis, J ., Vaillancourt, R., Wong, E., Pas- cuet E. (2009-2010). A human factors approach to Stacey, D. (2008-2010). Pan-Canadian Oncology understanding medication errors related to intravenous Symptom Triage and Remote Support (COSTaRS) morphine administration in a pediatric hospital. MI- Guideline Adaptation Project. Canadian Partnership TACS Accelerate ($7,500). Against Cancer Corporation ($76,690).

Peterson, W., Davies, B ., Kennelly, C, Rashotte, J ., Stacey, D. (Co-I) (2008-2011). EXACKTE 2: Exploi- Salvador, A., Trépanier, M-J. (2008-2010). Adoles- ting the clinical consultation as a knowledge transfer cent-friendly health services: What can perinatal nur- and exchange environment. CIHR Operating Grant ses and hospitals provide? AWHONN Canada ($109,000). ($7,500). Stacey, D. (Co-I) (2008-2013). CIHR Team in Criti- cal Periods of Body Weight Regulation: A Women’s Peterson, W., Davies, B ., Kennelly, C., Rashotte, J ., Health Perspective. CIHR Team Grant ($2,500,000). Salvador, A. & Trepanier, M.J. (2008-2010). Adoles- cent-friendly health services: What can perinatal nur- Stacey, D. (2008-2009). Prostate Cancer Decision ses and hospitals provide? Support for a regional diagnostic program: assessing Canadian Nurses Foundation ($3,750). quality tools and implementation needs. Ottawa Re- gional Cancer Foundation ($12,500). Polomeno V . (PI), Co-chercheure: Catherine Attié. ( 2009-2010) « A Pilot Study Evaluating an Interpro- Stiell, I., Brehaut, J., Davies, B, Grimshaw J., O’Con- fessional Training Workshop in Perinatal Sexuality”, nor A. Perry, J. Wells G. (2008-2010). Evaluation of Conseil académique en santé, Région Champlain the safety of C-spine clearance by emergency depart- ($10,000). ment triage nurses (Phase IV), CIHR ($157,354).

Potvin, L., Hawe, P., Martens, P., Jackson, L., Dunn, J. Bourgeault, I. et al including Smith, D . (2009-2013) Stuart, M. (2009). Evaluation of research unit. Asso- Pan-Canadian Strategic Training in Population Health ciated Medical Services ($25,000). Intervention Research. CIHR ($734,850). Thifault, M.C. (2009). Stages/Recherche. CNFS Prud’homme, D., Adamo, K., Brochu, M., Dionne, I., ($7,875) Doucet, E., Cumas, L., Edwards, N., Goldfield, G., Hadjiyannakis S., Keely E., Lavoie, JM, Rabasa- Thifault, M.C. (2008). Recherche. CNFS ($12,000) Lhoret, R., Sanni Yaya, H., Stacey, D ., Strychar, I., Thifault, M.C. (2008). Recherche. CIHR Open Doors ($3,000) 20

Subventions / Fundings (continued)

Tourigny, J. (Co-I). (2009-2012). Intervention éduca- Brajtman, S., & Fothergill Bourbonnais, F. (2008- tive préopératoire auprès des parents en salle de réveil, 2009). Developing Pedagogic Resources in End- of- IRSC ($82,000). Life Care for Educators in the University of Ottawa Undergraduate Nursing Program. Teaching and Vaillancourt, R., Wong, E., Ellis, J ., Parush, A., Ni, Learning Grants program University of Ottawa A., Pascuet, E. (2009-2010). A prospective and syste- ($3, 400). matic direct observation study for evaluating practices surrounding IV bolus morphine use on a pediatric Cragg, B ., Jelley, W., Hirsh, M. & Barnes, P. (2008). surgical ward. Medbuy endowment bursary ($7,500). Interprofessional Rural Clinical Education. University of Ottawa, Interdisciplinary Initiatives ($10,000). Watts, J.(PI), Arbor, L., Smith, D . & Barker, K. (2008-2009). Retrospective analysis of intergovern- De Montigny, F. (COIs) Polomeno, V ., Devault, A., mental response to Tuberculosis prevention, planning Dubeau, D., Lacgarité, C., Lacombe, M., Lemay, C., and response. NEAHR BC ($5,000). Semenic, S., St.-Laurent, D. (2008-2009). Atelier ré- flexif : Trajectoires de développement saines des jeu- Woodend, K . (PI), Cragg, B., Doucette, S., Humbert, nes familles et services de santé, IRSC ($20,000). J. (2008). Preparing Primary Care Practitioners for Interprofessional practice: Do we need to do more? Guimond, P. & Fothergill Bourbonnais, F . (2008- Council of Ontario University Schools of Nursing/ 2009). Développement des compétences relationnelles Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care entre professeurs cliniques et étudiants de premier ($42, 472). cycle en sciences infirmières : un modèle de coopéra- tion. Fonds pour le développement d’initiatives liées a la qualité de l’apprentissage et à l’ expérience uni- versitaire ($18,000). Internal Research Funding (new) Holmes, D. (2009-2014). Research Chair. University Brajtman, S ., Co-investigators: Fothergill Bour- of Ottawa ($150,000). bonnais, F ., Hall, P., Barnes, P., McDonald, C., Perei- ra, J., Casimiro, L., Hebert, M., Alain, D . & Fiset, V. Lacaze-Masmonteil, T. &Vaillancourt, C. Co- (2008-2009). Building a Community of Practice: An chercheurs: Bouchard, L., Dako, E., Leis, A., Mo- Interprofessional Faculty Development Workshop on reau, D ., Normandeau, J. (2008). Impact des détermi- End-of –Life Care / Développement d’un collectif de nants psycho-sociaux-environnementaux sur la santé pratiques : Un atelier interprofessionnel à propos des physique et mentale des femmes enceintes vivant dans soins de fin de vie. University of Ottawa Development un contexte linguistique et culturel minoritaire: une of Interdisciplinary Initiatives ($8,776). étude pilote prospective de cohorte. IRSC. Subven- tion Catalyseur: Communautés de langue officielle en Brajtman, S ., Co-investigators Fothergill Bourbon- situation minoritaire ($24,752). nais, F ., Hall, P., Barnes, P., Hebert, M., Alain, D . & Fiset, V., Casimiro, L. (2008-2009). Life and Death Laperrière, H. (2008-2011). Fonds de démarrage. Meet for All Professions: Development and Evalua- Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Université d’Ottawa tion of a Pre-Licensure Interprofessional Palliative ($10,000/an). Care Course / La vie et la mort se rencontrent dans

toutes les professions: développement et évaluation Laperrière, H. (2008). Fonds pour communication. d'un cours en soins palliatifs offert à la fin du pro- Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Université d’Ottawa gramme d'études pour tous les professionnels de la ($500). santé. University of Ottawa Development of Interdis-

ciplinary Initiatives ($7,245). Legault, F . (2008). Travel grants. University of Otta-

wa, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing Brajtman, S., & Fothergill Bourbonnais, F. (2008- ($1,000). 2009). Développer des ressources pédagogiques en

soins de fin de vie dans le programme des sciences

infirmières de l’Université d’Ottawa. Comite Sénato- rial d’Enseignement - Programme Spécial de Bourses à Innovation Pédagogique ($4,880). 21

Subventions / Fundings (continued)

Moreau, D . (2008-2009). Programme de subventions Smith, D. (PI), Peterson, W., Andrews, C. & Ed- de recherche à l’intention des étudiants. CNFS Volet wards, N . Improving access to preventive services for Université d’Ottawa ($850). urban Aboriginal families: A participatory research study (pilot and start up activities). Funded by uOtta- Moreau, D . (responsable), Alain, D . (2008). Produc- wa RDP program ($10,000). tion d’un cédérom en français sur l’évaluation physi- que et psychosociale postnatale. CNFS ($11,787). Smith, D . (Co-PI), Peterson, W. (Co-PI) (2008). Ex- ploration d’accès du service de santé Francophone O’Byrne, P. (2009). Initiation Research Grant. Uni- pour les familles marginalisées habitant en situation versity of Ottawa ($10,000). minoritaire. CNFS ($12,000).

O’Byrne, P. (2008). Travel grant. University of Otta- Thifault, M.C. (2008). Recherche. PDFR-FSS wa ($500). ($10,000).

Perron, A. (2008). Start up funds. University of Otta- Thifault, M.C. (2008). Recherche. Faculté des scien- wa (10,000$). ces de la santé ($10,000).

Polomeno, V . (2009-2010). A Pilot Study Evaluating Tourigny, J. (2009). Évaluation d’un outil informati- an Interprofessional Training Workshop in Perinatal sé de préparation pré-opératoire. University of Ottawa Sexuality, Conseil académique en santé, Région ($1,000). Champlain ($10,000). Tourigny, J. (Co-I) (2008). Learning about research Reszel, J. & Peterson, W. (2009). Faculty of Health design: an interdisciplinary online learning resource, Sciences Undergraduate Student Research Bursary, U of O Interdisciplinary Initiatives Fund University University of Ottawa ($2, 000). of Ottawa ($10,000).

Reszel, J. & Peterson, W. (2008). Faculty of Health Tourigny, J. (Co-I) (2008). Pour une approche glo- Sciences Undergraduate Student Research Bursary, bale des droits de l’enfant, Fonds pour le développe- University of Ottawa ($2, 000). ment d’initiatives interdisciplinaires ($9,000).

Publications Chapitres de livres / Chapters in Books Livres / Books Brouwers M, Stacey D , & O'Connor A . Knowledge Davies , B. & Logan, J. (2008) Reading Research: A translation tools: use of clinical practice guidelines User-Friendly Guide for Nurses and Other Health and patient decision aids. In S. Straus (Ed.), The Sci- Professionals. (4 th ed). Toronto: Mosby/Elsevier. Ad- ence and Practice of Knowledge Translation. Oxford: ditional educational resources on website for students Wiley-Blackwell, May 2009. and instructors Coutu-Wakulczyk., Moreau, D ., Alain, D . (2008) Elliott, J., Stuart, M., Toman, C . (eds) Place and “People of French Canadian Heritage” (Chap.11), Practice in Canadian Nursing History Vancouver: dans L.D.Purnell & B.J.Paulanka (ed),Transcultural UBC Press, 2008. Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3 rd Edition. F.A. Davis: 196-212. Murray, S. & Holmes, D. (Eds) (2009). Critical In- terventions in the Ethics of Health Care. : Ash- Davies, B ( 2008) Nursing Best Practice Research gate. Vignette. Nursing Research in Canada second Cana- dian Edition. Methods and critical appraisal for evi- Strauss, S., Tetroe J., Graham ID (eds). Knowledge dence-based practice ED’s LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber Translation in Health Care. Moving From Evidence to J. Cameron, C., Singh M. Mosby Elsevier 456-457. Practice. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2009. 22

Publications (continued)

Elwyn G, O’Connor A , Volk R, Feldman-Stewart D, Roy, B., Holmes, D ., & Perron, A. (2008). Soins infirmiers Frosch D. Decision aids and beyond. In A. Edwards & et gestion biopolitique: réflexion critique sur le rôle infir- G. Elwyn (Eds.), Shared Decision Making in Health mier dans l’acte vaccinal. In C. Dallaire & O. Goulet (Eds). Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press. June 2009. Soins infirmiers: enjeux et perspectives. Montréal: Gaëtan Morin.

Elwyn G & O’Connor A . The international patient Smith, D., Jacobson, L. & Yiu, L. (2008). Primary health decision aids standards collaboration. In A. Edwards care. In L. Yiu and C. Leeseburg Stamler (Eds.) Communi- & G. Elwyn (Eds.), Shared Decision Making in Health ty Health Nursing in Canada (2nd ed.). Toronto: Pearson Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press. June 2009. Education.

Fothergill Bourbonnais, F . Chapter 49. “Care of Stacey, D ., Fiset, V., Ellis, J ., & Fothergill-Bourbonnais, Surgical Clients” in P.A. Potter, A. Griffin Perry, J. F. (2008). The Supportive Care Framework applied to curri- Ross Kerr, & M. Wood (eds.). Canadian Fundamen- culum development and delivery. In M. Fitch, H. Porter, & B. Page (Eds.), Supportive Care Framework: A Foundation tals of Nursing 4th Ed. Toronto: Saunders (2009) to Person-centered Care, Pappin Communications: Pem- pp.1288-1332. broke, Ontario, 30-39.

Graham ID , Logan J, Tetroe J, Robinson N, Harrison Stockert, P. A. & Higuchi, K. S . (2009). Sleep. In P. A. MB. Models of Implementation in Nursing. (chapter Potter, A. G. Perry, J. C. Ross-Kerr, & M. J. Wood (Eds.). 27). P. 231-243. In Evidence-based Nursing. Oxford: Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (4th ed., pp. 987-1008). Blackwell, 2008. Toronto: Elsevier Mosby .

Graham ID , Harrison MB. Appraising and Adapting Stuart, M . (2008). Social Sisters: A Feminist Analysis of the Discourses of Canadian Military Nurse, Helen Fowlds, Clinical Practice Guidelines. (chapter 26) p. 219-230. 1915-1918, pp. 51-81, in Elliott et al, Place and Practice In Evidence-based Nursing. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. (Vancouver: UBC Press).

Holmes, D . & Perron, A. (2008). L’infirmière prati- Toman C ., A loyal body of Empire citizens:’ Military Nur- cienne en soins de première ligne: entre colonisation ses and Identity at Lemnos and Salonika, 1915-1917, in et affranchissement. In C. Dallaire & O. Goulet (Eds). Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History, eds. Jayne Soins infirmiers: enjeux et perspectives. Montréal: Elliott, Meryn Stuart and Cynthia Toman, pp. 8-24. Vancou- Gaëtan Morin. ver: UBC Press, 2008.

Laperrière, H . & Zúñiga, R. (2008). Approches uni- versalistes de participation dans les programmes de coopération internationale en santé. Dans Ridde, V. & Articles évalués par des pairs / Peer Mohindra, K.S. (éds), Développer et pratiquer la re- cherche et l’enseignement en santé mondiale au Qué- Reviewed Articles bec (pp. 27-40). Montréal : Socadis. Benjamin, K., Edwards, N., & Caswell, W. (2009). O’Connor A , Edwards A. The role of decision aids in Factors influencing the physical activity of older promoting evidence-based patient choice. In A. Ed- adults in long-term care: Perspectives of Administra- wards & G. Elwyn (Eds.), Shared Decision Making in tors. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17, 1-16. Health Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press. June 2009. Benzies, K., Tough, S., Edwards, N ., Nagan, K., No- wicki, B., Mychasiuk, R., & Donnelly, C. (2009). Ef- O’Connor A M. The Action Cycle: Selecting KT Int- fects of a two-generation Canadian preschool program verventions: Patient mediated interventions. In S. on parenting stress, self-esteem, and life skills. Early Straus (Ed), The Science and Practice of Knowledge Childhood Services: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Translation. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, May 2009. Effectiveness, 3(1), 19-32.

O’Connor AM . Patient-mediated examples. In S. Straus, J. Tetroe, I Graham (Eds.), Knowledge Trans- lation in Health Care: Moving from Evidence to Prac-


Publications (continued)

Brajtman, S ., et al. (2009). Health Information Sys- Cragg, B ., Hirsh, M., Jelley, W.,& Barnes, P. An in- tems Design to Support a Nursing Model of Care: terprofessional rural clinical placement pilot project. Opportunities and Challenges. Studies in Health Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23 , ifiles 1-3, 2009. Technology and Informatics , 143, 177-185. Cragg, C. E. , Dunning, J., & Ellis, J . Teacher and Brajtman, S ., Hall, P., Weaver, L., Higuchi, K. , Al- student behaviors in face-to-face and on-line courses: lard, P., Mullins, D. (2008). An interprofessional edu- Dealing with complex concepts. Journal of Distance cational intervention on delirium for health care Education, 22(3), 115-128, 2008. teams: Providing opportunities to enhance collabora- tion. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 22(6), 658- D’Amour, D., Timmons, V., Sheps, S ., Davies, B . 660. (2008) Knowledge to action: The development of training strategies. Healthcare Policy 3 Special Issue Casse, I., & Polomeno, V. (2009). L’accompagne- 68-79. Des connaissances à la pratique: la création de ment des pères par les infirmières lors de la naissance stratégies de formation. d’un premier enfant. Soins Pédiatrie-Puériculture, 247 (avril), 38-44. Davies, B ., Edwards, N ., Ploeg, J., Virani, T. (2008). Insights about the process and impact of implementing Casse, I., & Polomeno, V . (2009). La recension des nursing guidelines on delivery of care in hospitals and écrits sur l’adaptation du père au premier nouveau-né. community settings. BMC Health Services Research. (Soins-Puériculture et Pédiatrie, France). 8 (29): 1-44.

Clark HD, Graham ID , Karovitch A, Keely EJ. Do Edwards, N., Webber, J., Mill, J., Kahwa, E., Roe- postal reminders increase postpartum screening of lofs, S. (2009). Building capacity for nurse-led re- diabetes mellitus in women with gestational diabetes search. International Nursing Review, 56: 88-94. mellitus? A randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Mar 6. Edwards, N ., Semenic, S., Premji, S., Montgomery, Ph., Williams, B., Olson, J., Mansi, O. (2008). Pro- Collins ED, Moore CP, Clay KF, Kearing S, O’Con- vincial prenatal record revision: a multiple case study nor AM , Llewellyn-Thomas H, Barth RJ, Sepucha K. of evidence-based decision-making at the population- Can women with early stage breast cancer make an policy level. BMC Health Services Research. 8:266. informed decision for mastectomy? Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009; 27: 519-525. Edwards, N., Smith, D . (2008). Community health nursing: A retrospective. Canadian Nurse, 104(9), 32- Corneau, S. & Holmes, D. (2008). Détresse psycholo- 35. gique et homosexualité : état des connaissances et enjeux méthodologiques en recherche. Santé Mentale, Edwards, N . (2008). Performance-based building 132, 17-22. codes: A call for injury prevention indicators that bridge health and building sectors. Injury Prevention, Cordero C, Delino R, Jeyaseelan L, Lansang MA, 14, 329-32. Lozano JM, Kumar S, Moreno S, Pietersen M, Quiri- no J, Thamlikitkul V, Welch VA, Tetroe J, Ter Kuile Edwards, N . (2008). Leveraging nursing research to A, Graham ID , Grimshaw J, Neufeld V, Wells G, transform health care systems. Editorial. Nursing In- Tugwell P. Funding agencies in low- and middle- quiry, 15 2): 81-82. income countries: support for knowledge translation. Bull World Health Organ. 2008 Jul;86(7):524-34. Edwards, N ., MacDonald J. (2008). Nurse resear- chers contributing to seniors’ independence in the Cranney A, Lam M, Ruhland L, Brison R, Godwin M, community. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, Harrison MM, Harrison MB, Anastassiades T, Grims- 20(1): 103-108. haw JM, Graham ID . A multifaceted intervention to improve treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal Edwards, N ., Lockett, D. (2008). Development and women with wrist fractures: a cluster randomized validation of a modified falls efficacy scale. Disabili- trial. Osteoporos Int. 2008 Jul 16 (SA). ty and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 3(3): 1- 8. 24

Publications (continued)

Edwards, N ., Davison, C. (2008). Social justice and on guideline implementation in home care nursing core competencies for public health: Improving the fit. Implementation Science 3:51. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 99(2): 130-132. Gifford, W. & Davies B . (2008). Doing the right Elwyn G, O’Connor A , Bennett C, Newcombe R, things to do things right: A commentary to: Leaders- Durand M, Drake E, Joseph N, Khangura S, Politi M, hip and the use of evidence in practice. Worldviews Saarimaki A, Sivell S, Stiel M, Bernstein SJ, Col N, on Evidence Based Nursing, 170-171. Coulter A, Eden K, Harter M, Holmes-Rovner M, Moumjid N, Perez LP, Stacey D, Thomson R, Whelan Graham ID , Tetroe JM . Getting evidence into polo- T, van der Weijden T, Edwards A. (2009). Assessing cu and practice: perspectives of a health funder. J Can the quality of decision support technologies using the Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009 Feb;18(1):46- International Patient Decision Aid Standards instru- 50. (PA) ment (IPDASi). PLoS ONE, 4(3), 1-9. Harrison MB, Graham ID , Lorimer K, Vandenkerk- Etchegary H, Potter B, Howley H, Cappelli M, Coyle hof E, Buchanan M, Wells PS, Brandys T, Pierscia- D, Graham I , Walker M, Wilson B. The influence of nowski T. Nurse clinic versus home delivery of evi- experiential knowledge on prenatal screening and tes- dence-based community leg ulcer are: a randomized ting decisions. Genet Test. 2008 Spring;12(1):115-24. health services trial. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Nov 26;8:243. (CO-PA) Fitzpatrick E, Angus D, Durieux-Smith A, Graham ID , Coyle D. Parents' needs following identification Hogg W, Lemelin J, Graham I , Grimshaw J, Martin of childhood hearing loss. Am J Audiol. 2008 Jun;17 C, Moore L, Soto E, O'Rourke K. Improving preven- (1):38-49. tion in primary care: evaluating the effectiveness of outreach facilitation. Fam Pract. 2008 Feb;25(1):40-8. Fothergill Bourbonnais, F., Langford, S . & Gian- Epub 2008 Jan 21. nantonio, L. Development of a clinical evaluation tool for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurse Education in Holmes, D ., Murray, S . & Perron, A. (2009). Practice, 8(1): 62-71, 2008. “Insufficient” but still “necessary”? EBPM’s danger- ous leap of faith: Commentary on Porter and O’Hal- Fu, C., Chen, Y, Wang, T., Edwards, N ., Xu, B. loran. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46, (2008). The changes in exposure to environmental 749-750. tobacco smoke of new mothers in Shanghai, China. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 61, 1182-1186. Holmes, D ., Murray, S ., Perron, A ., & Jacob, JD. (2008). Données probantes et pratiques exemplaires : Gagnon, M., Stuart M , “ Manufacturing Disability: vers une éthique de la résistance. Santé Mentale, 130, HIV, Women and the Construction of Difference, “ 5-8. Nursing Philosophy (2008) 10 : 42-52. Holmes, D ., Roy. B, & Perron, A. (2008). The Use of Gagnon, M. & Holmes, D. (2008). Governing Mas- Postcolonialism in the Nursing Domain: Colonial Pa- ses: Routine HIV Testing and the Deployment of ano- tronage, Conversion and Resistance. Advances in ther Counteroffensive in the War against HIV/AIDS. Nursing Science , 31(1), 42-51. Policy, Politics and Nursing Practice, 9 (4), 264-273. Holmes, D ., Murray, S ., Perron, A ., & Jacob, JD. Gagnon, M. & Holmes, D . (2008). Moving Beyond (2008). Le mouvement sur les données probantes: état Medical Understanding of Lipodystrophy in People de la situation. Santé Mentale, 130, 2-4. Living with HIV-AIDS. Research & Theory for Nur- sing Practice, 22 (4), 228-240. Holmes, D ., Murray, S ., Perron, A., & McCabe, J. (2008). Nursing Best Practice Guidelines: Reflecting Gifford, W.A., Davies, B ., Graham I., Lefebre, N., on the Obscene Rise of the Void. Journal of Nursing Tourangeau, A., Woodend, K . (2008). A mixed me- Management, 16(4), 394-403. thods pilot study with a cluster randomized control trial to evaluate the impact of a leadership intervention


Publications (continued)

Holmes, D . & Gagnon, M. (2008). Practice to Evi- Family caregivers' assessment of symptoms in patients dence and Evidence to Practice: Misunderstanding the with advanced cancer: Concordance with patients and Epistemic Incommensurability. Journal of Evaluation factors affecting accuracy. Journal of Pain and Symp- in Clinical Practice – International Journal of Public tom Management, 35 (1), 70-82. Health Policy and Health Services Research, 14, 663- 664. Langford, S., Slivar, S., Malone Ticker, S. & Fother- gill Bourbonnais, F . Exploring CRRT practices in Holmes, D., Gastaldo, D., O’Byrne, P. , & Lombardo, ICU: A survey of Canadian Hospital. Dynamics: The A. (2008). Bareback Sex : A Conflation of Risk and Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses 19 (1): Masculinity. International Journal of Men’s Health, 7 18-23, 2008. (2), 171-191. Laperrière, H. (2009). La construction interculturelle Jacob, JD., Holmes, D ., & Buss, N. (2008). Huma- d´une critique théorique en santé communautaire : le nism in Forensic Psychiatry: The Use of the Tidal cas de la pédagogie de Freire. Aporia : the nursing Nursing Model. Nursing Inquiry, 15 (3), 224-230. journal, No 2.

Johnston JC, Durieux-Smith A, Fitzpatrick E, O’Con- Laperrière, H. (2008). Evaluation of STD/HIV/ nor A , Benzies K, Angus D. An Assessment of Pa- AIDS peer-education and dangerousness: a local pers- rents’ Decision-Making Regarding Paediatric Coclear pective. Ciência e saude coletiva. 13 (6), 1817-1824. Implants. Paediatric Cochlear Implantation. 2008; 32: 169-182. Laperrière, H. (2008). O caso de uma comunidade avaliativa emergente: reapropriação pelos pares- Johnston C, Durieux-Smith A, Angus D, O’Connor multiplicadores da avaliação das suas próprias ações A, Fitzpatrick E. Bilateral paediatric cochlear im- preventivas e sociais contra as DST/HIV/AIDS. [Le plants. International Journal of Audiology. 2009. cas de la communauté évaluative émergente : réappro- 20:1-16 DOI: 10.1080/14992020802665967. priation par les pairs-éducateurs de l’évaluation de leurs propres actions préventives et sociales contre les Khangura S, Bennett C, Stacey D , O’Connor A . Per- MTS/sida]. Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educa- sonal stories in publicly available patient decision ção, 12 (24), 527-540. aids. Patient Education and Counseling 2008; 73: 456- 464 doi:10.1016/j.pec.2008.07.035. Laperrière, H. (2008). Developing professional auto- nomy in advanced nursing practice: The critical analy- Kothari, A., MacLean, L., Edwards, N . (2009). In- sis of sociopolitical variables. International Journal of creasing capacity for knowledge translation: unders- Nursing Practice, 14 (5), 391-397. tanding how some researchers engage policy-makers. Evidence and Policy. 5(1), 33-51. LeBlanc A, Kenny DA, O’Connor AM , Légaré F. Decisional conflict in patients and their physicians: A Kothari A, Driedger SM, Bickford J, Morrison J, Sa- dyadic approach to shared decision-making. Medical wada M, Graham ID , Crighton E. Mapping as a kno- Decision Making 2009;29:61-68. DOI: wledge translation tool for Ontario Early Years Cen- 10.1177/0272989X08327067 tres: views from data analysts and managers. Imple- ment Sci. 2008 Jan 18;3:4. Legare F, Steward M, Frosch D, Grimshaw J, Labrec- que M, Magnan M, Ouimet M, Rousseau M, Stacey Kryworuchko, J., Stacey , D., Bennett, C., & Graham, D, van der Weijden T, Elwyn G. (2009). EXACKTE2: I. D . (2008). Appraisal of the primary outcome mea- Exploiting the clinical consultation as a knowledge sures used in trials of patient decision support. Patient transfer and exchange environment: A study protocol. Education & Counseling, 73(3), 497-503. Implementation Science, 4(14).

Kuziemsky CE, Varpio L, Hall P., Casimiro, L., Legare F, Dodin S, Stacey D, LeBlanc A, Tapp S. Leipe, E., Jelly, W., Craig, B., McPherson, C., Wil- (2008) Patient decision aid on natural health products son, K., Lobchuk, M., Brajtman, S . (2008). for menopausal symptoms: randomized controlled trial. Menopause International, 14, 105-110.


Publications (continued)

Legare F, Elwyn G, Fishbein M, Fremont P, Frosch D, MacLean, L., Edwards, N ., Garrad, M., Sims-Jones, Kenny DA, Gagnon MP, Labrecque M, Stacey D , St. N., Clinton, K., Ashley, L. (2009). Obesity, Stigma, Jacques S, van der Weijden T. (2008). Translating and Public Health Planning. Health Promotion Inter- shared decision-making into health care clinical prac- national, 24;88-93; doi:10.1093/heapro/dan041. tices: Proof of concepts. Implementation Science, 3:2. Mantha, S., Davies, B., Moyer, A ., Crowe, C. (2008) Legare F, Stacey D , Graham I , Elwyn G, Pluye P, Providing responsive care to new mothers with high Gagnon M, Frosch D, Harrison M, Kryworuchko J, and low confidence. MCN: The American Journal of Pouliot S, Desroches S. (2008). Advancing theories, Maternal Child Nursing 33(5):307-141. models and measurement for an interprofessional ap- proach to shared decision making in primary care: a Montgomery, P., Semenic, S., Edwards, N . (2008). study protocol. BMC Health Services Research, 8:2. Post-doctoral training in nursing: A consideration of opportunities and strategies. Canadian Journal of Légaré F, Ratté S, Gravel K, Graham ID . Barriers Nursing Leadership. 21(1): 30-37. and facilitators to implementing shared decision- making in clinical practice: Update of a systematic Morris D, Drake E, Saarimaki A, O’Connor A , Ben- review of health professionals' perceptions. Patient nett C. Can people find patient decision aids on the Educ Couns. 2008 Dec;73(3):526-35. (SA) Internet? Patient Education and Counseling 2008; 73: 557-560. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2008.07.046 Li LC, Grimshaw JM, Nielsen C, Judd M, Coyte PC, Graham ID. Evolution of Wenger’s concept of com- Murray MA, O’Connor A , Stacey D , Wilson K. Effi- munity of practice. Implement Sci. 2009 Mar 1;4 cacy of a Training Intervention on the Quality of Prac- (1):11. (SA). titioners’ Decision Support for Patients Deciding about Place of Care at the End of-Life: A Randomized Lind, C. & Smith, D . (2008). Analyzing the state of Control Trial: Study Protocol. BMC Palliative Care community health nursing: Advancing from deficit to 2008, 7:4. strengths-based practice using appreciative inquiry. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(1), 28-41. Murray, S., Holmes, D., Perron, A ., & Rail, G. (2008). Toward an Ethics of Authentic Practice. Jour- Lindsay P, Bayley M, McDonald A, Graham ID , nal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice – International Warner G, Phillips S. Toward a more effective ap- Journal of Public Health Policy and Health Services proach to stroke: Canadian Best Practice Recommen- Research, 13(5). dations for Stroke Care. CMAJ. 2008 May 20;178 (11):1418-25. Review. Erratum in: CMAJ. 2008 Jul Murray, S., Holmes, D., & Rail, G. (2008). On the 1;179(1):56. Constitution and Status of “Evidence” in the Health Sciences. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(4), 272- Lobchuk, M.M., Murdoch, T., McClement, S.E., & 280. McPherson, C.J. (2008). A dyadic affair: who’s to blame for causing and controlling the patient’s lung O’Byrne, P ., & Carnegie, J. (2008). E-Learning: The cancer? Cancer Nursing, 31(6), 435-443. Development of Interactive Anatomy Images Using Flash™. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 30 Lobchuk, M.M., McClement, S.E., McPherson, C.J . , (8), e260-e271. Cheang, M. (2008). Does blaming the lung cancer patient impact the helping behavior of primary support O’Byrne, P. & Holmes, D . (2008). Researching Mar- persons? Oncology Nursing Forum,34(4) 681-689. ginalized Populations: Ethical Concerns for Ethnogra- phy. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 40 (3), MacDermid JC, Graham ID. Knowledge translation: 144-159. putting the “practice” in evidence-based practice. Hand Clin. 2009 Feb;25(1):125-43, viii O’Byrne, P., Holmes, D., & Woodend, K . (2008). Understanding Human Sexual Networks outside the Promiscuity Paradigm. Critical Public Health, 18 (3), 333-345.


Publications (continued)

O’Byrne, P. & Dias, R. (2008). Urine Drop-Off Test- genetic screening. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. ing: A Self-Directed STI Screening Tool. Canadian 2008 Fall;24(4):412-22. Journal of Human Sexuality. 17(1-2), 53-59. O’Byrne, P. & MacPherson, P . (2008). Understan- Potter BK, O'Reilly N, Etchegary H, Howley H, Gra- ding HIV viral load: Implications for counselling. ham ID , Walker M, Coyle D, Chorny Y, Cappelli M, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 99(3), 189-191. Boland I, Wilson BJ. Exploring informed choice in the context of prenatal testing: findings from a qualita- O’Byrne, P., & Holmes, D. (2008). A System’s tive study. Health Expect. 2008 Dec;11(4):355-65. Change Case Study: Evaluating the Implementation and Sustainability of Crack Pipe Distribution in Cana- Riley, B., MacDonald, J., Mansi, O., Kothari, A., da. Addictions Research & Theory, 16(2), 181-192. Kurtz, D., vonTettenborn, L, Edwards, N. (2008). Is reporting on interventions a weak link in understan- O’Byrne, P. (2008). The Dissection of Risk: A ding how and why they work? A preliminary explora- Conceptual Analysis. Nursing Inquiry, 15(1), 30-39. tion using community heart health exemplars. Imple- mentation Science, 2(27): 1-12. O’Connor AM , Bennett CL, Stacey D , Barry M, Col NF, Eden KB, Entwistle VA, Fiset V, Holmes-Rovner Riley, B., Edwards, N ., d’Avergnas, J. (2008). People M, Khangura S, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Rovner D. and money matter: Investment lessons from the Onta- Decision aids for people facing health treatment or rio heart health program, Canada. Health Promotion screening decisions. Cochrane Database of Systematic International. 23(1): 24-34. doi: 10.1093/heapro/ Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD001431. DOI: dam036. 10.1002/14651858.CD001431. Saginur M, Graham ID , Forster AJ, Boucher M, O’Connor AM , Stacey D , Legare, F. (2008). Coa- Wells GA. The uptake of technologies designed to ching to support patients in making decisions. BMJ, influence medication safety in Canadian hospitals. J 336(7638), 228-9. Eval Clin Pract. 2008 Feb;14(1):27-35. (SA)

Sepucha KR, Levin CA, Usogara EE, Barry MJ, Payant, L., Davies B ., Graham, I., Peterson. W., O’Connor AM, Mulley AG. Developing instruments Clinch, J. (2008) Nurses’ intentions to provide conti- to measure the quality of decisions: Early results for a nuous labor support to women. Journal of Obstetric, set of symptom-driven decisions. Patient Education Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing 37(4):405-414. and Counseling 2008; 73: 504-510.

Pharand, D. (2008). L’évaluation de l’enseignement Smith, D., Edwards, N ., Materns, P., Varcoe, C., des sciences infirmières en milieu clinique: des com- Davies B . (2008) .The influence of governance on pétences à développer, plutôt que des comportements organizations experiences of improving care for abori- à prioriser. Revue des sciences de l’éducation. 33 (3) ginal people: Decolonizing possibilities. Pimatisiwin: 224-245. A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community

Health 6(1): 3-28. Polomeno, V . (2009). Advanced practice in perinatal

education. International Journal of Childbirth Educa- Sprague, A., Oppenheimer, L., McCabe L, Graham tion, 24(1), 16-25. I., Davies B . (2008) Knowledge to action: Implemen-

ting a guideline for second stage labor. MCN: The Polomeno, V. (2008). Divorce prevention and perina- American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. 33(3): tal education. International Journal of Childbirth 179-188. Education, 23(4), 21-25.

Stacey D , Higuchi KAS , Menard P, Davies B , Gra- Potter BK, Avard D, Graham ID , Entwistle VA, ham ID , O’Connor AM . Integrating patient decision Caulfield TA, Chakraborty P, Kennedy C, McGuire support in an undergraduate nursing curriculum: An M, Griener GG, Montgomery M, Wells GA, Wilson implementation project. International Journal of Nur- BJ. Guidance for considering ethical, legal, and social sing Education Scholarship. 2009; 6(1): Article 10. issues in health technology assessment: application to


Publications (continued)

Stacey D , Murray MA, Légaré F, Dunn S, Menard P, Straus SE, Graham ID , Taylor M, Lockyer J. Deve- O’Connor A . Decision Coaching to Support Shared lopment of a mentorship strategy: a knowledge tran- Decision Making: A framework, evidence, and impli- slation case study. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2008 cations for nursing practice, education, and policy. Summer;28(3):117-22. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2008; 5(1), 25-35. Sullivan SM, Pierrynowski-Gallant D, Chambers LW, O’Connor A , Bowman S, McNeil S, Strange R, Stacey D , Drake E, Taljaard M, O’Connor A . Audit Knoefel. Influenza vaccination and decisional conflict and feedback using the brief Decision Support Analy- among regulated and unregulated direct nursing care sis Tool (DSAT-10) to evaluate nurse-standardized providers in long-term care homes. American Asso- patient encounters. Patient Education and Counseling ciation of Occupational Health Nurses Journal 2008; 2008: 73; 519-525. 56(2):77-84.

Stacey D, Steginga SK, Jacobsen MJ, Dunn J. Over- Tetroe JM, Graham ID , Foy R, Robinson N, Eccles coming barriers to cancer helpline professionals pro- MP, Wensing M, Durieux P, Légaré F, Nielson CP, viding decision support for callers: An implementa- Adily A, Ward JE, Porter C, Shea B, Grimshaw JM. tion study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 35, 961-969. Health research funding agencies' support and promo- tion of knowledge translation: an international study. Stacey D, Samant R, Bennett C. (2008). Decision Milbank Q. 2008 Mar;86(1):125-55. (SA) making in oncology: A review of patient decision aids to support patient participation. CA: A Cancer Journal Thifault, M.-C., « Sentiments et correspondances for Clinicians, 58: 293-304. dans les dossiers des femmes internées à l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, fin 19 e siècle, début 20 e. » Re- Stacey D , Hawker G, Dervin G, Tomek I, Cochran N, cherches féministes , vol 21 no 2, 2008, pp. 127-142. Tugwell P, O’Connor A . (2008). Improving shared decision making in osteoarthritis. British Medical Tourigny, J., Chartrand, J. (2009). Évaluation d’une Journal, 336, 954-5. visite virtuelle pré-opératoire pour parents et enfants. Recherche en soins infirmiers, no. 96, 52-57. Stacey D , Menard P, Gaboury I, Jacobsen MJ, Sharif F, Ritchie L, Bunn H. (2008). Decision making needs Tourigny, J ., Chartrand, J., Massicotte, J. (2008). of patients with depression: A descriptive study. Jour- Health professionals’ beliefs related to parental invol- nal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 15 vement in ambulatory care: an international inquiry. (4):287-295. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 31(2), 89- 101. Stacey D , Murray MA, Dunn S, Menard P, O’Con- nor AM . (2008). Decision Coaching to Support Urrutia M, Campos S, O’Connor A . Validation of a Shared Decision Making: A framework, evidence, and Spanish version of the Decisional Conflict Scale. Re- implications for nursing practice, education, and pol- vista Medical de Chile 2008; 136: 1439-1447. icy. Worldviews in Evidence-based Nursing. 5(1): 25- 35. Allard, P., Wilson, K., Brajtman, S., Legault, F ., Kel- ly, M.L., Kaasalainen, S. (September, 2008). A re- Présentations / Presentations search program for seniors at the end of life. Procee- dings of the 17th International Congress on Palliative Allard, P., Legault, F ., Wilson, K., Kelley, M. L., Care, Montreal, Quebec. (p.16). Brazil, K., Guirguis-Younger, M., Brajtman, S ., McPherson, C ., McKee, M., Kaasalainen, S. (May 8, Allard, P., Wilson, K., Brajtman, S ., Kelley, M. L., 2009) End-of-life care for seniors: A Canadian re- Kaasalainen, S., Legault, F. (September 24, 2008). A search team. (Poster presentation).11th Congress of Research Program for Seniors at the End of Life the European Association for Palliative Care. Vienna, (workshop) 17th International Congress on Palliative Austria. European Journal of Palliative Care, 78. Care, Montreal, QC. Journal of Palliative Care, 24(3), 193. 29

Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Bainbridge, L., Solomon, P., Herbert, C., Hall, P. Brajtman, S ., Hall, P., Weaver, L., Mullins, D., Al- Bickford, J., Baptiste, S., Risdon, C., Brajtman, S ., lard, P., Higuchi, K. (October, 2008). Improving the Dryden, T. (June, 2008). The use of narrative to break care of palliative patients with delirium: The develop- down interprofessional barriers. Proceedings of the ment of an interprofessional educational intervention. All Together Better Health IV Conference, Develop- Proceedings of the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care ment and Progress in Interprofessional Education and Conference, Charlottetown, PEI. (p.24). Practice, Stockholm, Sweden. (p.74). Brajtman, S ., Hall, P., Weaver, L., Mullins, D., Be- Barnes, P., Hall, P., Brajtman, S . (February, 2009). kele, E. (October, 2008). The experience of learning New models to transform and heal through collabora- interprofessional collaborative person centred practice tion and relationships: The spiritual focus of interpro- through the lens of the humanities. Proceedings of the fessional care and education. Proceedings of the Spiri- Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Char- tual Care Collaborative Summit 09, Orlando, Florida, lottetown, PEI. (p.35). (p.34). Brajtman, S ., Allard, P., Hogan, D., Gauge, L., Bru- Barnes, P., Cragg, B ., Hirsh, M., & Jelley, W., Rural to, V., Gagnon, P., Burne, D., Wilson, K., Wright, D. interprofessional education project (poster). All Toge- (September, 2008). Adapting national guidelines on ther Better Health IV, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2 - 5, the assessment and treatment of delirium in seniors for 2008. implementation and research in palliative care set- tings. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress Bennett C, Bernstein S, Col N, Coulter A, Drake L, on Palliative Care, Montreal, Quebec. (p.20). Durand M-A, Eden K, Edwards A, Elwyn G, Ferdjaou N, Haerter M, Holmes-Rovner M, Joseph N, Khan- Brajtman, S ., Hall, P., Higuchi, K., Weaver, L., Mul- gura S, Perperr L, Newcombe R, O’Connor A , Politi lins, D. (September, 2008). An interprofessional edu- M, Saarimaki A, Sivell S, Stacey D , Stiel M, Thom- cational intervention on delirium at the end of life: son R, van der Weijden T, Whelan T. Assessing the providing opportunities to enhance collaboration. Pro- quality of decision support technologies using the ceedings of the 17th International Congress on Pallia- International Patient Decision Aids Standards Col- tive Care, Montreal, Quebec. (p.30). laboration instrument (IPDASi). EACH 2008 Confer- ence. Oslo Norway. September 2-5, 2008. (Oral) Brajtman, S . (July, 2008). Families also suffer: Ter- minal delirium and supportive nursing interventions. Blanchard, C.M., Reid, R.D., Morrin, L., McDonnell, Proceedings of the International Nursing Research L., McGannon, K., Rhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., & Ed- Conference: Facing the Challenge of Health Care Sys- wards, N . (2009). The role of the community and tems in Transition, Jerusalem, Israel. (p.308). home environment when examining exercise beha- viour during home-based cardiac rehabilitation. Pre- Brajtman, S ., Hall, P., Weaver, L., Barclay, K., Mul- sented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Mon- lins, D., & Bekele, E. (May, 2008). Bridging profes- treal, Canada. sional silos: The experience of learning person centred practice through the lens of the humanities. Procee- Blanchard, C.M., Reid, R.D., Morrin, L., McDonnell, ding of the Canadian Association for Health Services L., McGannon, K., Rhodes, R.E., Spence, J.C., & Ed- and Policy Research 2008 Conference: Bridging Silos, wards, N. (2009). Understanding exercise behavior Gatineau, Quebec. (p.75). during home-based cardiac rehabilitation: Is there a need for theory integration? Presented at the Society Brajtman, S ., Fothergill Bourbonnais, F., Alain, D ., of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, Canada. & Fiset, V. (May, 2008). Providing direction for change: Enhancing the teaching and learning of end- Borkhoff C, Stacey D, O’Connor A, Kearing SA, To- of-life care in the University of Ottawa undergraduate mek I, Hawker GA, Tugwell P. Effectiveness of pa- nursing program. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Uni- tient decision aids on quality of decisions about total versity of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Clinical Nursing Re- knee arthroplasty: Does gender matter? 5th Internatio- search Conference, Ottawa, On. (p.13). nal Shared Decision Making Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009.


Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Brajtman, S. , Hall, P., Weaver, L., Barclay, K., Mul- Davies, B. & Higuchi, K. S. (April, 2009). Writing lins, D., & Bekele, E. (April, 2008). The experience of for Publication. Invited presentation to the Best Prac- learning interprofessional collaborative person centred tice Spotlight Organization Candidate Launch Retreat. practice through the lens of the humanities in the pal- Toronto, ON liative care setting. Proceeding of the Ontario Pro- vincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life Dervin G, Stacey D, (2009, July). Decision aids shor- Care, Toronto, On. (p.90). ten consult times and increase satisfaction for both patients and surgeons in preparation for knee replace- Caswell, W. (2008). 6 th Annual University of Ottawa/ ment surgery. Canadian Orthopaedic Association and Tau Gamma Clinical Nursing Research Conference, Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society Conference, Ottawa “Physical Activity of Older Adults in Long- Whistler, BC. Term Care: Perspectives of Administrators” Desroches S, Stacey D , Kryworuchko J, Dunn S, Pou- liot S, Legare F. (2009, March). Identification of ins- Chartrand, J., Tourigny, J. (2009). Évaluation d’une truments relevant to an interprofessional approach to visite virtuelle pré-opératoire destinée aux enfants et shared decision making in primary healthcare. . 7th à leur famille. 77e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Ottawa, Canadian Cochrane Symposium, Halifax. Canada. Diem, E ., & Moyer, A., (2008). Initiating a Commu- Cranney A, Jacobsen MJ, Graham I, O’Connor A , nity of Practice in Eastern Ontario, Nunavut, and Van- Tugwell P, Hum V. Barriers and facilitators to disse- couver Coastal Region. Presentation at CHNAC mination and uptake of an osteoporosis DA. 5th Inter- Conference, Toronto, May 30, 2008. national Shared Decision Making Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009. Edwards, N . Strengthening Nurses’ Capacity in HIV and AIDS Policy Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Cragg, B ., Higuchi, K ., Hust, C. (May, 2009). Eva- and the Caribbean. NGO Forum, United Nations In- luating cognitive and psychomotor skills in undergra- ternational Conference on the Status of Women, duate nursing simulation scenarios. Health Professions March, 2009. Education Conference, Toronto, ON. Edwards, N . Scaling up an internship to build capa- Cragg, B ., Bailey P., et al. Nurse practitioners transi- city in community health research. The Association tion to practice. CASN Research conference, Monc- of Schools of Public Health in the European Region. ton, NB., May 5-7, 2009 Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2008.

Cragg, B ., A support role to make academic adminis- Edwards, N . How can we tackle inequities through tration more effective and attractive. CASN National multiple intervention programs? 2nd Annual Invitatio- Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, May 8 – nal Multiple Intervention Symposium, February 6, 11, 2008. 2008. Ottawa, Canada.

Cragg, B ., Dunning J., Ellis, J. Ansong, J. Comparing Elwyn G, O’Connor AM , Bennett C, Newcombe R, teacher and student behaviors in a face-to-face vs. on- Durand MA, Drake E, Joseph N, Khangura SD, Politi line asynchronous graduate courses: Helping students MC, Saarimaki A, Sivell S, Stiel M, Berstein S, Col master complex concepts. Canadian Association for N, Coulter A, Edean KB, Haerter M, Homes-Rovner Distance Education, Vancouver June 8 – 11, 2005. M, Moujid N, Perestelo Perez L, Stacey D , Thomson R, Whelan T, van der Weijden T, Edwards A. As- Cragg, B., Dunning J. Ellis, J ., Ansong, J. Face-to- sessing the quality of decision support technologies face vs. on-line: Teacher and student behaviors. 2005 using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards CASN Nurse Educators’ Conference Montreal, Nov. Instrument (IPDASI). Society for Decision Making 23 – Nov. 26, 2005. Conference. Philadelphia, PA. October 19-22, 2008. (Oral)


Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Elwyn, G., O’Connor, A ., Bennett, C., Newcombe, Gagnon, M. & Holmes, D . (2008). The experience of R., Durand, M. A., Drake, E., Joseph, N., Khangura, HAART-related body changes in women living with S., Politi, M., Saarimaki, A., Sivell, S., Stiel, M., HIV/AIDS : Preliminary results from the field of qua- Bernstein, S., Col, N., Coulter, A., Eden, K., Harter, litative research (# CDD0232). AIDS 2008 : AIDS K., Holmes Rovner, M., Moumjid, N., Stacey, D ., International Conference, Mexico. Thomson, R., Whelan, T., van der Weijden, T., & Edwards, A. (2008, September). Assessing the quality Gagnon, M. & Holmes, D . (2008) Moving beyond of decision support technologies using the Internatio- biomedical understanding of lipodystrophy in people nal Patient Decision Aids Standards Collaboration living with HIV/AIDS. Conférence de l’Association instrument (IPDASi). International Conference on Canadienne des Infirmières et Infirmiers en Sidologie Communication in Healthcare, Oslo, Norway. (CANAC/ACIIS), Ottawa, Ontario.

Elwyn G, O’Connor AM , Bennett C, Newcombe R, Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2008) Culti- Durand MA, Drake E, Joseph N, Khangura SD, Politi vating fear: a critical analysis of Quebec’s 2006-2007 MC, Saarimaki A, Sivell S, Stiel M, Berstein S, Col STIs and HIV prevention campaigns. Conférence de N, Coulter A, Edean KB, Haerter M, Homes-Rovner l’Association Canadienne pour le Recherche en VIH/ M, Moujid N, Perestelo Perez L, Stacey D, Thomson SIDA (CAHR), Montréal, Québec. R, Whelan T, van der Weijden T, Edwards A. Asses- sing the quality of decision support technologies using Gagnon, M., Jacob, J.D., & Holmes, D. (2008). Culti- the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Ins- vating fear: A critical analysis of Quebec's 2006-2007 trument (IPDASI). Society for Decision Making STIs and HIV prevention campaigns (P285). Canadian Conference. Philadelphia, PA. October 19-22, 2008. Journal of Infectious Disease & Medical Microbiolo- (Oral) gy, 19 (supp A), 95A.

Foth, T., Holmes, D. & Stuart, M . Gestion biopoli- Hall, P., Brajtman, S ., Egan, M., Weaver, L., Amato, tique d’une population captive : analyse critique des R., Barnes, P., Barcklay, K., Mullins, D., Bekele, E. soins infirmiers en milieux de psychiatrie légale. Pa- (September, 2008). New models to transform and per presented at ACFAS , May 2009 . heal: collaboration and relationships. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Fothergill-Bourbonnais, F., Brajtman, S. (October, Montreal, Quebec. (p.16). 2008).Exploring the impact of an educational package on palliative care for home care nurses: Does it make Hall, P., Casamiro, L., Brajtman, S ., Bouvette, M. a difference in their pain assessment and management (June, 2008). Complex care, complex issues: Creating practices. Proceedings of the Canadian Hospice Pallia- clinical challenges for effective team learning – On- tive Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI. (p.39). Line. Proceedings of the All Together Better Health IV Conference, Development and Progress in Inter- Fothergill Bourbonnais, F. Brajtman, S ., Reid- professional Education and Practice, Stockholm, Swe- Haughian. C. & Herlihey, M.J. (2008 October 26-29). den. (p.72). Exploring the impact of an educational package on palliative care for home care nurses. Does it make a Hall, P., Brajtman, S ., Weaver, L., Barclay, K., Mul- difference in their pain assessment and management lins, D., Bekele, E. (June, 2008). The experience of practices. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Associa- learning interprofessional collaborative person centred tion Conference: Crossing the Bridge to Knowledge care through the lens of the humanities. Proceedings and Sharing. Charlottetown, PEI. of the All Together Better Health IV Conference, De- velopment and Progress in Interprofessional Educa- Fothergill Bourbonnais, F . (2008, April 19-21). Re- tion and Practice, Stockholm, Sweden. (p.259). search priorities and questions. Canadian Association for Nurses in AIDS Care 16th annual national confe- Herlihey, M.J., Fothergill Bourbonnais, F . & Brajt- rence: The Power of HIV nursing: Context and man, S . & Reid-Haughian. C.(2009 April 19-21). Ex- Connections. Ottawa, Canada. ploring the impact of an educational package on pal- liative care for home care nurses. Does it make a dif- ference in their pain assessment and management


Présentations / Presentations (continued)

practices. Vision: Voice-Annual Provincial Hospice patient. (poster presentation). 17th International Palliative Care Conference. Toronto, Ont. Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill. Montreal, QC.

Higuchi, K. S. (April, 2009). Lessons learned in Klett MJ, Frankovich R, Stacey D , Dervin G. (2009, conducting research in guideline implementation. In- June). Primary care management, characteristics and vited presentation to the Best Practice Spotlight Orga- outcomes of patients referred to an orthopaedic intake nization Candidate Launch Retreat. Toronto, ON. clinic for knee osteoarthritis. Canadian Association of Sports Medicine 2009 Annual Symposium. Higuchi, K. S. (February, 2Jelley, W., Cragg, B ., Hirsh, M. & Barnes, P., Interprofessional rural clinical Kryworuchko J, Schofield EH, Murray MA, Stacey education. Canadian Association for Health and Poli- D. (2009, June). Systematic review: interventions to cy Research. Lac Leamy, QC, May 27, 2008. enhance quality end-of-life decision making in the intensive care unit. 5th International Shared Decision Jelley, W., Cragg, B ., Hirsh, M. & Barnes, P., Inter- Making Conference, Boston professional rural clinical education. Academic Insti- tute for Medical Education Research Day, University Laperrière, H . (2009). Cultural framing of health of Ottawa. April 17, 2008. needs and actions in a cooperative setting : a popular education approach in a Brazilian informal urban set- Jolicoeur, l., Lefebvre, M., Lee, T., Tourigny, J ., tlement. Engaging Reflection in Health Professional Flieler, S. (2008). What do women with ovarian can- Education and Practice conference, taking place in cer need during chemotherapy ? GOC’s Annual Ge- London, Ontario May 13-15 2009 neral Meeting, Calgary, Alberta. 009). Conducting research in guideline implementa- Laperrière, H. (2009). L’importation filtrée de la tion: Lessons learned. Invited presentation to the 3rd pédagogie freirienne dans la santé communautaire e Annual Spotlight Knowledge Exchange Summit. To- publique nord-américaine. Domaine de recherche San- ronto, ON. té des populations, Conférence de l’Association fran- cophone pour le savoir – ACFAS 2009, Ottawa, 11-15 Higuchi, K.S . & McWilliam, C. (December, 2008). mai 2009. Testing a Model for Engaging Clients as Partners in Care Management: Another Step Toward Evidence- Laperrière, H. (2009). Enjeux contemporains des Based In-Home Service Delivery. Invited presenta- migrations multiples et du bilinguisme pour la forma- tion to the Board of Directors Champlain Community tion en sciences infirmières. 2009 CASN Nursing Re- Care Access Centre. search Conference, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswich, 4- 7 mai 2009. Jones, J.M., Rodin, G., Zimmermann, C., Cohen, S.R. McPherson, C ., (2008) Quality of Life in Cancer Laperrière, H. & Zúñiga, R. (2008). Les inégalités Patients Admitted to an Acute Palliative Care Unit entre le local et les centres d’expertises. Une pratique and That of Their Family Caregivers: A Prospective réflexive collective de production de connaissances Study of Self-Report and Proxy-for-Patient Ratings. dans la lutte communautaire contre le VIH/sida au 16th International Congress on Care of the Terminally Québec. Colloque Le nouvellement démocratique des Ill, Montreal, Canada. 23-26 September. Journal of pratiques d’action et d’intervention sociales, Nouvel- Palliative Care. les pratiques sociales, UQAM, 13-14 novembre 2008.

Kearing S, Collins ED, Clay CF, O’Connor AM , Laperrière, H ., Trudeau, J. & Addi, Rahma. (2008). Cretarola A. Distress and decisional regret after the Diversidad y convergencias en la acción comunitaria : surgical decision for early stage breast cancer. Soci- el desafío multicultural. IX Congreso de psicologia ety for Decision Making Conference. Philadelphia, social de la liberacion, Chiapas, Mexique, 14-16 no- PA. October 19-22, 2008. (Poster) vembre 2008.

Kerr, A., Fothergill Bourbonnais, F., Woodend, K . Laperrière, H. (2008). Avaliando a luta comunitária & vanderspank, B. ( 2008, Sept. 23-26) Utilization of contra a AIDS em Quebec-Canadá. IV Encontro na- a pain assessment tool for the non-communicative cional de educação popular em saúde, Fortaleza, Cea- ra, Brasil, 31-3 août 2008. 33

Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Laperrière, H . (2008). A conscientização da pobreza Légaré F, Stacey D, Gauvin FP, Elwyn G, Pluye P, dentro da formação sanitária : da Paraíba ao Canadá, Gagnon MP, Frosch D, Harrison M, Kryworuchko J, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasil, 31-3 août 2008. Dunn S, Pouliot S, Desroches S, Graham I. (2009, March) Interprofessional approaches to shared deci- Laperrière, H. (2008). Construire une praxis de sion making in primary care: creating and achieving connaître à partir du vécu expérientiel dans un stage consensus on a new conceptual model. Building a d’études supérieures en éducation populaire en santé. common vision for health services: Interprofessional 76e Congrès de l’Acfas, 5-9 mai 2008. education, research and practice summit, Ottawa, On- tario. Laperrière, H . (2008). La formation des futures infir- mières issues des communautés minoritaires et margi- Legare F, Stacey D, Elwyn G, Frosch D, Gagnon MP, nalisées. La proximité aux communautés pour com- Graham ID , Harrison MB, Pluye P, Kryworuchko J, prendre. CASN/ACESI. Nursing Academic Leaders- Dunn S, Pouliot S, Desroches S, Gauvin FP. (2009, hip Conference, Toronto, 8-11 mai 2008. March). Interprofessional approaches to shared deci- sion making in primary care: Creating and achieving Laperrière, H. (2008). L’évaluabilité de l’évaluation consensus on a new conceptual model. . 7th Canadian d’un programme en partenariat entre des groupes Cochrane Symposium, Halifax. communautaires et les agences de l’État. L’analyse du rapport interorganisationnel comme préalable. Légaré F, Stacey D , Gauvin FP, Elwyn G, Pluye P, Conférence la Société canadienne d’évaluation, Qué- Gagnon MP, Frosch D, Harrison M, Kryworuchko J, bec, 11-14 mai 2008. Dunn S, Pouliot S, Desroches S, Graham I . (2008, October) Interprofessional approaches to shared deci- Laperrière, H. (2008). Le pouvoir infirmier dans sion making in primary care: creating and achieving l’échange des connaissances en VIH/sida : autonomies consensus on a new conceptual model. Poster presen- et colonisations. Conférence CANAC/ACIIS 2008, ted at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Ottawa, 19-22 avril 2008. Decision Making 30th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia. PA. U.S.A. (Abstract #4158) LeBlanc A, Legare F, Labrecque M, Thivierge R, Cote L, Godin G, Laurier C, O’Connor A, Allain- Legare, F., Stacey, D ., Graham, I. D ., Elwyn, G., Boule N, Tapp S. Training family physicians in shared Pluye, P., Gagnon, M. P. et al. (2008, May). Interpro- decision making promoting optimal use of antibiotics fessional approaches to shared decision-making: Ad- for acute respiratory infections: Feasibility of a pilot vancing conceptual models and measures. In Gati- clustered randomized controlled trial (The Decision neau, Quebec: Canadian Association for Health Servi- Plus Study). 5th International Shared Decision Ma- ces and Policy Research Conference. king Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009. Legault, F , Locke, L., Gravelle, D., Kachuik, L., Mut- LeBlanc A, NJoya M, O’Connor A , Legare F. Dya- terback, E. & Crabbe, K (May 9, 2009). Case manage- dic validation of the decisional conflict scale across ment for transitions in lung cancer care. (Poster pre- patients and their physicians. 5th International Shared sentation). 11th Congress of the European Association Decision Making Conference. Boston, MA June 14- for Palliative Care. Vienna, Austria. European Journal 17, 2009. of Palliative Care, 178.

Legare F, Lebrecque M, LeBlanc A, Cote L, Godin G, Legault, F ., Gravelle, D., Kachuik, L. & Locke, L. Thiverge R, Laurier C, O’Connor A, Allain-Boule N, (Oct. 27, 2008). Crossing the Bridge to Improve Tran- Tapp S, NJoya M. Decision Plus: Training family sitions for Palliative Care Patients (oral presentation). physicians in shared decision making reduces overuse Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference: Cros- of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections. 5th In- sing the Bridge to Knowledge & Sharing. Charlotte- ternational Shared Decision Making Conference. Bos- town, PEI. Journal of Palliative Care, 24(3), 218. ton, MA June 14-17, 2009. Lobchuk, M.M., McClement, S.E., McPherson, C., & Cheang, M. (2008). Is support person helping beha- vior toward the lung cancer patient affected by blame


Présentations / Presentations (continued)

and anger? Inaugural Canadian Respiratory Confe- Moreau, D ., Alain, D., Cédérom sur l’évaluation phy- rence, "A Breath of Fresh Air", Montreal, Quebec, sique et psychosociale postnatale. Présenté au Collo- June 19-21. que sur l’enseignement et les technologies organisé par le Centre du cyber@apprentissage de l’Université Loiselle MC, Michaud C, O’Connor A . A systematic d’Ottawa à Ottawa le 28 mai 2008. review of patients’ personal attributes when choosing a dialysis modality for advanced chronic kidney di- Moyer, A. & Diem, E . (2009). Community of Practice sease. 5th International Shared Decision Making as a Knowledge Exchange Strategy in the Canadian Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009. (Poster) North. Presentation at CHNAC Conference, Calgary, June 19, 2008. MacDonald, C., Chambers, C., Stodel, E., Hall, P., Brajtman, S ., Weaver, L. et al. (June, 2008). De- Murray MA, Stacey D , Wilson KG, O’Connor A . monstrations of the possible: Innovative multimedia Efficacy of decision support skills training regarding a pedagogical solutions to enhance interdisciplinary patient’s location of end-of-life care: A randomized collaboration in palliative care. Proceedings of the All controlled trial. 5th International Shared Decision Together Better Health IV Conference, Development Making Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009. and Progress in Interprofessional Education and Prac- tice, Stockholm, Sweden. (p.157). Murray MA, Wilson KG, O’Connor A . Nurses’ per- ceptions of factors influencing patient decision sup- McGannon, K., Blanchard, C.M., Busanich, R., port for place of care at the end-of-life. 5th Internatio- McDonnell, L., Reid, R.D., Rhodes, R.E., Spence, nal Shared Decision Making Conference. Boston, MA J.C., Morrin, L., & Edwards, N . (2009). Understan- June 14-17, 2009. ding gender differences in physical activity participa- tion during home-based cardiac rehabilitation: A O’Brien B., Sommerfeldt, S., Medves, J., Davies B . grounded theory and social ecological approach. Pre- Maternal decision making around birth location in a sented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Mon- rural western community. International Congress of treal, Canada. Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, May 2008. McGibbon, E., Didham, P., Smith, D ., Barton, S., Sochan, A., Dhawan, S. (2009). Decolonization of O’Connor A , Helping Patients Make Decisions. 6 th nursing education: A paradigm shift for the new mil- Annual University of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Clinical lennium. Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Nursing Research Conference. Ottawa Canada. May National Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick. May 9, 2008 (poster) 2009. Perron, A . (2009). Responsabilités académiques et McPherson, C.J ., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Lobchuk, pratiques éthiques: instrumentalisation de la pratique M.M. (2009). Pain assessment and management in the infirmière avancée dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. home: Perspectives of older patients with advanced 31 st International Congress on Law and Mental cancer and their family caregivers. 11th European Health. Dordrecht: Springer. Association for Palliative Care Congress. Vienna, Austria, 7th-10th May. Palliative Medicine, 411 Perron, A . (2009). Constructing the subject: Nurses’ (abstract). discursive practices in a forensic psychiatry unit. 3 rd International In Sickness and in Health Conference: McPherson, C.J ., Wilson, K.G., Lobchuk, M.M., Government of the Self in the Clinic & the Commu- Brajtman, S. (2009). Factors affecting agreement nity. Victoria, Canada. between patients and their family caregivers on cancer symptom experiences. 11th European Association for Polomeno, V . (2009). « La sexopérinatalité : où en Palliative Care Congress. Vienna, Austria, 7th-10th sommes-nous? », Université de Québec en Outaouais. May. Palliative Medicine, 382 (abstract). Polomeno, V . (2008). “Perinatal Sexuality: What you Moreau, D ., Maternité et santé : un enjeu de société. always wanted to know but were afraid to ask!” 30 th Enquête auprès de Franco Ontariennes. Présentation Guelph University Sexuality Conference, Guelph. au Congrès de l’ACFAS. Mai 2009. 35

Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Ratte S, Stacey D, Kryworuchko J, Gravel K, Tur- Stacey D, Bennett C, Kryworuchko J, Murray MA. cotte S, Graham I, Legare F. (2009, March). Instru- (2009, June). What is the contribution of decision coa- ments to assess the adoption of shared decision ma- ching to prepare patients for shared decision making king by healthcare professionals in interventions when evaluated in randomized controlled trials of trailsfrom a Cochrane review. 7th Canadian Cochrane patient decision aids? 5th International Shared Deci- Symposium, Halifax. sion Making Conference, Boston.

Saarimaki A, Drake E, O’Connor A . Development of Stacey D , Hawker G, O’Connor A , Dervin G, Tal- a generic decision making application for the Face- jaard M, Tugwell P, Tomek I, Pomey MP, Fergusson book social networking platform. 5th International D. (2009, July). Randomized controlled trial to eva- Shared Decision Making Conference. Boston, MA luate the effect of a patient decision aid for total knee June 14-17, 2009. (Exhibition-Demo) arthroplasty on wait times and decision quality. Cana- dian Orthopaedic Association and Canadian Orthopae- Scott S, Osmond MH, O’Leary K, Grimshaw J, Gra- dic Research Society Conference, Whistler, BC. ham I , Klassen TP. A qualitative study of barriers and supports t o implementation of metered-dose inha- Stacey, D. (2008, October). What effect does a patient ler (MDI)/spacer use in Canadian pediatric emergency decision aid have on patients considering total knee departments. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medi- arthroplasty? American College of Rheumatology cine 2008;10(3):277. Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Abstract #1587) Smith, D ., Peterson, W., Doell, K. & Jaglarz, M. (2008). A review of inter-organizational integration Stiell I, Clement C, O’Connor A , Davies B, Leclair interventions to improve access to preventive services C, Sheehan P, Clavet T, Daigle S. Multicenter pros- for priority families. National conference of the Cana- pective validation of the Canadian C-spine Rule by dian Association for Health Services and Policy Re- ED Triage Nurses. Society for Academic Emergency search conference. Gatineau, Qc. Medicine. Washington DC. May 29 – June 1, 2008

Stacey D , Hawker G, Dervin G, Taljaard M, Tugwell Stuart, M ., “Military Nurses and Sexuality ‘: A Fe- P, Tomek I, Pomey M-P, Fergusson D, O’Connor A. minist Analysis of the Discourses of Canadian Milita- What effect does an osteoarthritis patient decision aid ry Nurse, Helen Fowlds, 1915-1918.” Paper presen- have on wait times for total knee replacement and ted to the Canadian Historical Association, Congress decision quality? 5th International Shared Decision of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Vancouver , Making Conference. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009. BC, June 4, 2008. (Poster) Stuart, M. Invited commentary for Panel on Stacey D , Hawker G, O’Connor AM , Dervin G, Tal- “Reframing Activism: Nursing and Social Action in jaard M, Tugwell P, Tomek I, Pomey MP, Fergusson the United States” , Sigerist Circle, American Asso- D. Patient decision aid for total knee arthropolasty: ciation for the History of Medicine meetings , Ro- Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect on chester, NY, April 10, 2008. wait times and decision quality. Society for Decision Making Conference. Philadelphia, PA. October 19-22, Stuart, M. “Social Sisters: A Feminist Analysis of 2008. (Poster) the Discourses of Canadian Military Nurse, Helen Fowlds, 1915-1918,” Paper read at Nursing Research Stacey D , Hawker G, O’Connor A , Dervin G, Tal- Rounds, School of Nursing, University of Ottawa, jaard M, Tugwell P, Tomek I, Pomey MP, Ferguson March 14, 2008. D. Feasibility of evaluating the effect of a patient decision aid on wait times and decision quality for Tan, J, Stacey D . (2009, March). Needs of psoriasis patients considering total knee replacement. 6th An- patients when faced with treatment decisions. Poster nual University of Ottawa/Tau Gamma Clinical Nur- presented at the American Academy of Dermatology sing Research Conference. Ottawa Canada. May 9, 67th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (# P3355). 2008 (poster)


Présentations / Presentations (continued)

Thifault, M.C . D’asile à hôpital. Prélude au nursing Walusimbi, M., Mill, J., Edwards, N ., Kaseje, D., psychiatrique à l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu de 1912 Kahwa, E., Webber, J., Howard, M., Mwebazza, E., à 1915, Congrès annuel CSHM/ CAHN, Université Roelofs, S. Dynamic Collaborations to strengthen Carleton, mai 2009. Health Care Systems for HIV and AIDS in Sub Sahara Africa and the Caribbean. The Global Forum on Hu- Thifault, M.C. Aperçu historique sur les pratiques man Resource for Health conference. Kampala, Ugan- nursing dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses et da, March 2nd – 7th, 2008. mentales à l’Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, Congrès de l’ACFAS, Ottawa, mai 2009 Zúñiga, R. & Laperrière, H. (2008). Sociedad y ac- ción comunitária: la cooptación ideológica [Société et Thifault, M.C . L’enfer pré-asilaire au tournant du action communautaire: la cooptation idéologique]. 20e siècle. Perceptions, interprétations et discours Proceedings of Congresso internacional de psicologia masculins sur la folie des femmes, Congrès annuel de social de la liberacíon. Disponible aux sites: http:// la société canadienne d’histoire de la médecine, Uni- sicoliberacion.blogspot.com et www.liber-accion.org. versité de la Colombie-Britannique, mai 2008.

Thifault, M.C. L’histoire en ligne sur Google Docu- ments. Colloque sur l’enseignement et les technolo- gies, Université d’Ottawa, 28 mai 2008.

Toman, C. “A Suitable Indian Girl: Agnes Sampson, the Weston Hospital, and the Ontario Women’s Chris- tian Temperance Union, 1917-1929,” Canadian Soci- ety for the History of Medicine/Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, 30 May 2009.

Toman, C . “The instability of boundaries and prac- tice: Kay Christie, military nurse and prisoner of war, 1941-1943,” International Canadian Association for the History of Nursing, 6 June 2008.

Tourigny, J., Clendinneng, D., Winters, L., Johnson, L., Fournier, A., Chartrand, J. (2008). Evaluation of a perioperative Web-based information tool for parents and children. The 6th Annual University of Ottawa/ Tau Gamma Clinical Nursing Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

Turcotte S, Legare F, Ratte S, Stacey D , Kryworuch- ko J, Gravel K, Graham I. (2009, March). Risk of bias in implementation trials of shared decision ma- king (SDM) included in a Cochrane Review. 7th Ca- nadian Cochrane Symposium, Halifax.

Vandemheen K, Aaron S, O’Connor A . Randomized controlled trial of a decision aid for cystic fibrosis patients considering referral for lung transplantation. 5th International Shared Decision Making Confe- rence. Boston, MA June 14-17, 2009.