Erasm News From the school life... In Fe- Lately we have ta- bruary there was a fan- 2019/1 in June me and other ken part in an Erasmus cy dress party. With three students from my Plus assembly. Our pleasure we were mo- school will set off to Ro- school mates visited ving our bodies while me. a small town Merignac rhythms of the DJ’s On this issue: This year is espe- near Bordeaux in Fran- hits. Some of the stu- cially important for us ce. I was delighted to li- dents decided to wear Poles. We are celebrating School News 1-2 sten their stories and a disguise. We spotted the 100th anniversary of how warmly they were two teddy bears swin- Sports News 3-4 hosted by the French fa- ging in the crowd. milies. The biggest dunes As I mentioned Culture 5-6 in Europe (Dune du Py- before there are only la) impressed them the some of the updates! Words games 7-8 most! It was even more I encourage everyone ’s gaining inde- interesting to us because pendence. We were sin- ging patriotic songs and the Polish Anthem too, we danced folk dances, recited poems and all of these has really moved us. Our mother land is A fancy dress party our heritage. Dune du Pyla Lena & Gabrysia class 5a Bourran School run for Telethon The Telethon is an 440 students) did Interview with Clotilde. event that is used to a sportive activity for 1. Is not the race too raise money to cure ge- the Telethon in Jard's hard? netic diseases. stadium. No, I did 4 laps. Friday afternoon, the Let's go, we run dur- 2. Is it very important for 14th of December, the ing 20 minutes. After, you the Telethon? Bourran's Primary an afternoon snack Yes School (17 classrooms, was offered to stu- 3. Why? Child of the moon dents. An example: There are children of the Each child had a spon- moon who can not see the sun, they can sor who gives 1 euro not go out and go to school. per lap. With money doctors can hope to cure them. The school has collect- ed 1800 euros! It was delicious and friendly! Ready to run ULIS and CM2 students An author in our school

Mr Theodoros Papaioannou The children do not want to go The book is about happiness, is a writer. He came to our to the mountain for holidays. friendship and exploration. school and he presented his bo- They think it is something bo- ok a few days ago. The title of ring. But there they meet Si- his book is “Silouani”. But how louani who lives there. She did he write this book? He had shows them the beautiful mo- a student, her name was Siloua- untain and the village and they ni. Silouani gave him a letter on change their mind. They have her last day at primary school. a wonderful adventure together. He read the letter many times and he decided to write a book The author playing music to answer children’s questions. The book was published in Mr Papaioannou wrote 12 2017. It has 228 pages and it is books for children and for ad- for children 9 years old, and ults. “Silouani” is his favourite older. In the book, there are two book. children: Kostis and Diamantia. The author and his book 5th class Schoolidarity Last year two important soli- dicines avoid these women’s darity projects took place in our children to be infected with school. AIDS. On the 4 of December in our In May 2108 the school school took place a solidarity organized a Charity Lucky Dip project named “ rigiocattolo” in which pupils’ old toys and that means giving a new life to things are won by other stu- old toys. On that day, old stu- dents; every student extracted a dents’ toys were collected at small piece of paper with a school and sold to other stu- number written on it, this num- Running water dents, teachers and parents who ber was related to a toy or an wanted could give their contri- object. All the objects and toys bute. The money collected has had to be in very good condi- This project was fun for chil- been used tions. dren like us but the most im- to buy and portant thing is that the money send me- collected supported “ Progetto dicines to Marco” which helps digging pregnant wells in Africa! Wells have al- women ready been dug in Malawi, Ca- suffering merun, Ghana and Congo! from AIDS in Africa. Class 1C Secondary School These me- A Well already dug in Africa The project of “Rigiocattolo“

Page 2 ErasmNews The princess of the pool

On 7th August 2018 in We’re proud of her, also because 800m at the Olympic games for Glasgow something wonderful she is an ex student in our young people at Nanjing in Chi- happened: in 15 minutes 61 se- school. na in 2014. conds and 51 hundredth of se- Simona is specialised in free conds the new Italian swim- style, she won a golden medal in ming legend, Simona Quadarel- 1500m in the World Young la, won the golden medal in Championship in Singapore. But 1500m in free style. The next the best results were in 2018 days she won the 800 m free sty- whe she won 3 golden medals in le and she even won the 400m 400m, 800m and 1500m in Simona in the pool after free style. That was amazing!!! Glasgow for the European her everyday training Championship. Simona was born in Rome on 18th December 1998. She lives in our suburb in Ottavia, in the north-west of Rome and she at- tended our school from 2004 to 2012. At the age of 8 she joined the agonistic swimming team. Simona’s happiness She is the first Italian swimmer Showing the medal in the in Glasgow 2018 to have won a golden medal in European Championship 2018 Class 2c & Class 2A The big victory of Stefanos Tsitsipas

Stefanos Tsitsipas is a famo- These players always win tennis us Greek tennis player. He games for about 15 years. Stefa- achieved the biggest victory in nos Tsitsipas is ready to do that, Djokovic's dominating career. too. Stephanos Tsitsipas appears A star is born, Stephanos well on the tennis superstar. Tsitsipas. This is the most im- Tennis fans wait patiently for portant thing in his life. Everyo- his appearance. He is a strong ne admires his victory. The Ca- player and he will come out of nadian organizers of the tennis Tsitsipas after his victory the shadows of the four big ten- tournament asked Tsitsipas nis players in the world: Roger how he felt about his victory. We also like playing tennis Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Tsitsipas said: "I felt like I had because of him. Djokovic and Anne March. to do it because my country has been through difficult times in recent weeks and people have

died. One of my friends is in the hospital. That was the least I could do". Tsitsipas is the new star of 6th class tennis. He will become a very Tsitsipas playing tennis big tennis player.

2019/1 Page 3 The athletics challenge

Tuesday, January 29th, seve- launched the javelin. We had to finish, we participated in a re- ral classes met each other at the launch it as far as possible. lay race. We are happy to have Bordeaux's velodrome for an Then we had to throw a weigh- been to the velodrome! athletics challenge. ted ball. It would be fantastic if you ca- The third track and field me to school one day to partici- event was the multi-leap and pate in an athletic challenge! the fourth the hurdles race. To

Throw the javelin Hurdle race

During this sports meeting, we participated in several track CM1 students and field events. To begin, we Triple leap

Why ? that ski jumpers could not jump. Stoch, , Piotr Ży- In our country people like After some fantastic tries, Polish ła, Jakub Wolny and Stefan Hu- watching and doing a lot of va- competitors won the first and la. rious sports. Many people at the second prize. Dawid Kubacki different ages love ski jumping got gold and Kamil Stoch silver. which is believed to be the most famous and popular winter . It is loved by children, teenagers as well as adults. There are a lot of ski jumpers in Kamil Stoch - ski champion Poland. The best one was Adam In 2019 the best results were Małysz. When he stopped jum- achieved by Dawid Kubacki and Poland’s team: Wolny, Kubacki, Kamil Stoch, but the best cham- Żyła, Stoch pion was Dawid Kubacki. He The Polish are proud of was the winner of the world in their sportsmen. A lot of people in Austria. The- see them live, there are also re were such exciting competi- such spectators for whom ski tions. After the first part of Adam Małysz - ski champion jumpers are idols who inspire competitions Dawid Kubacki them to take up ski jumping. was 27th and Kamil Stoch was ping, some new champions 18th Suddenly, it was so windy appeared. They are: Kamil Matylda class 8A

Page 4 ErasmNews Theatre – Arabian Nights

In the first episode Sinbad the In the third episode Aladdin is On Friday 19 March our Sailor is on an island because a boy and he loves Jasmine. school went to the theater. The his ship sank. He must tell a He wants to marry her. He name of the theater is Olym- story to save his life. finds the magic lantern. There pion. It is in Thessaloniki. We is a Jini in the lantern and the saw the story “Arabian Nights”. In the second episode Ali Baba Jini helps him. He has many Shahrazad tells the story. There is a lazy boy. He wants to go in adventures. At the end he are three episodes. In the story the cave of the forty thieves. He marries Jasmine. there are fantastic things, fai- says “open sesame” and he goes ries, lanterns, and big palaces. inside. He takes money from the thieves and he takes them to

his home.

The magic carpet

We liked the story very much. It says that we must take care of our family and friends. The

Olympion The forty thieves children love this story. 5th class Coco

Coco is an animation movie and wants to become a musi- journey - He wandered in the directed by Lee Unrich and Ad- cian like his great-great grand- afterlife. Unfortunately, he nee- rian Molina. father. However, his family for- ded the blessing of a dead mem- The film, released in 2017, won bid him to play the guitar be- ber of his family to come back 2 Oscar prizes for the best ani- cause they hate music from ge- among to the living world. He mation movie and for the best nerations. wanted both to get home and to soundtrack. become a musician. Will he ma- nage to make his dream come The main characters are a yo- true? He will find a surprising ung boy, MIGUEL RIVERA, truth about his beloved great- and his great- grandmother great grandfather that will MAMÁ COCO. change his life forever. Miguel lives in a Mexican town

Miguel in the afterlife world A poster from the movie Coco

Miguel and his lovely One day, on the Day of the (Class 2 E Secondary School) “dead” relatives Dead, Miguel took a surprising

2019/1 Page 5 „Enchanted encounter with a polish culture”

Hello readers! Why don’t we talk a bit about nated for this film award was Polish cinema? We are proud of “Nóż w wodzie” directed by Ro- This time Angelika and Lenka the Polish cinematography. So- man Polański. will introduce you to the world of me Polish directors are known Polish culture. Is it possible to Time for music! Polish mu- worldwide, especially Andrzej meet anyone who does not read sic has been constantly develo- Wajda, Roman Polański and books at all? I think, no. Let’s ping and becoming more and Krzysztof Kieslowski. As every- look into something classic – our more popular not only in Poland body knows the most important noble poet Adam Mickiewicz. but also on international charts. film His famous works such as: There are a lot of young singers award „Dziady”, „Pan Tadeusz”, „Oda like Margaret or Michał Szpak is the do Młodo- who achieved a success in Euro- Oscar. ści” vision song contest and even in The should be the USA . first read by Polish everyone. film, nomi-

A poster from the movie Michał Szpak Adam Mickiewicz Lena & Angelika class 7a

Special effects at Cap Sciences!!!

We went at Cap sciences on seum with Mrs Paty's class be- capture, green background… friday 16th of november to see cause we were invited to know It was a good day but it an exhibition about special ef- more things about special ef- was far from our school. fects. fects in cinema.

Cap Sciences is located in There was plenty effects expli-

Bordeaux near the Chaban Del- cations like: stop motion, verti- mas bridge. We went at mu- cal dive, stop camera, motion CM1/CM2 students

Children experiment Exhibition poster the vertical dive

Page 6 ErasmNews Crossword puzzle

1 C 1. Its capital city is Athens. 2 O 2. Its capital is Warsaw 3 U 3. 4 N 5 T 4. 6 R 7 I 8 E 5. They attend the class at the school. 6. There is the Eiffel Tower. 9 S

7. 8. 9. That's where the students go

6th class

Easter Word Hunt

Class 2B Secondary School

2019/1 Page 7 Games

CM1 students pen – copybook – paper - school bag - book - pencil – rule – glue - pencil case – eraser - scissors Cross out puzzle

2019/1 Page 8