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THE SUN, SATURDAY, MAY S, lfc ■ b MANY PROMINENT PERSONS ON LUSITANIA'S PASSENGER LIST William B. Hugh Whitcomb. Bancroft. John Flynn, John Pryor, Peter Hanley, Rocfcghaw, Joseph Ward, J. B. Anders- SCHWARTE, AUGUST W„ New York. J mes and William Mounsey. Miss M. Horsburgh. Harry Lindley, Miss Phyllis William Leyland. Jane dotter, A. Taylor, J. H. Reid, F. A. SCOTT. A. J,, Chicago, 111. Isaac Mrs. Jc Matthew Muir. Mari- Jackson Ellen ' McKeon, A. E. of Passengers n Jones. John Ferguson. chal. Johnson, T. Lucks, M. Snowden, George King, Thomas Marsh, 187 SECOMBE, PERCY, Boston. Mass. P. L. Jones. infant. Negus. Granahan, Charles j Mr. Miss Gwendolj Edward Hamis, Elli Daranin, William Webb, Frank Wardle, I Many Americans Note SECO.VIBE, Miss ELIZABETH, Boston, Jones. George Meaney. W. G. Jones. F. S. Judson. Mozurak, Frank Houston, M. Czer' of American Citizens Mass. Phillips, I. T. William A. Jones. STEERAGE PASSENGERS. Jenkins, D. wicz, S. Bialana, Joseph StankiewLc*., There were 1,254 passengers and SHIELDS, VICTOR E„ and Mrs.., Cin- K -nney. Baum, H. lelsian, L. Seferian, John To- A. Shkredoff. Margaret . K. C. Dowley, a cinnati, Ohio. Miss A. M. Kalten- Mrs. Ke Duncan, David E. moskewicz, Thomas Hancock, Thomas Jacob Shkredoff, I. Taracsewicz, F. 850 crew on the Lusitania, making SHYMER, Mrs. R. D„ New York. bach. Miss Mary Kennej'. Margaret Ballantine, on King W. Dawson, Jane Matthews, William Bishop, Alice Black- Annie -Sharys, Rae Haw- List Passengers Mrs. James Kay. Mrs. Frances Boreshevecz, total of 2,104. These are the official Hogan, of SIGURD. JACOBUS. Master Robert Kay. William Kinch. M. Connally, Mary Delaney. shaw, Alice Scott, Mary Murray, Eliza- ley, Agnes Kenny, Abraham Baba, Diego figures given out at the offices of the SILVA, THOMAS J. Miss Catherine Kay. Mrs. E. Kinch. 91- Olivar, Samuel Tyler, G. T. beth Duckworth, Agnes Smith, Nicho- Marshall, SLIDELL, Keely.' Kuebi Caton, B. Fannie W. Smith, Nellie E. Cunard Steamship Company TANARUS., New York. Miss Annie Samuel Max D-. Amexarof, Ruth Logan, las Boyle, 1 Agnes Grosbie, Alice K. Lyons, here TAFT, Miss Margaret S. lick. John Gatley, Cooper, Annie Laura Martin, SMITH, Miss JESSIE Braceville, John Lambert, Cyril Grin- Wilks, W. Killawet. W. George Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Charles Frohman, Charles Klein yesterday. Among the passengers Kelly. sted, Anna Keßketh, Thompson, Jo Ohio. I Doyle, James Lockhart, I. Benjamin, Janet Moses, Kate Wat- Swallow, Curley, Margaret Twahey, Henry, A. Alice were 187 American citizens and 956 SONNEBORN, H. 8.. Baltimore, Md. Owen Ladd. Miss Catherine M. E. Annie Kilkenney, son, A. Rowen, E. Tomens, George Skelton, Ditson, W. Franku and Justus Miles Forman Among Those Who Kllen Reid, John Alfred J. English subjects. STACKHOUSE, COMMANDER J. FOS- James Lancy. Lertold. O’Connor, Jane Trav- Bartley, T. Drescoll, William, York, George Hook, George Harrison, TER, London. Frank Lancaster. Mrs. R. L. Leverich. ers, William Harvey, Frederick Rich- Harry King, C. Jasper Miss R. P. Leverich. ard, Brown, Norman, Pulik, H. Komaryshyn, A. Budrt Sailed on the Lusitania. The passenger list was divided as STEPHENS, G. infant, nurse G. B. Lane. Edward Ireton, E. Dhenin, Boyle, Edwards, Mrs. W., Mrs. Mary Lambie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis. E. I. 1. W. H. Crutchley, Mary Ferguson, Patrick J. McLaughli class, 291; second and maid, Montreal, Chvanink, John McAneny, Kate George follows: First Canada. Elizabeth Lam- Miss Edith Lewis. Duplex, Barley, John E. Innaui, A. John McKilkenny, .> Miss Mr. S. L. B. A. Williams, Margaret Oleszlo, D. J. Among STEWART, DUNCAN, Montreal, Can- bie. and Mrs. Topping, H. Stockton, A. W. Robinson, Thomas Coukhlin, Cunniff, class, 601; third class. 362. Miss Mary Lambie. Lines. femethurst, Frederick H. Steve McNall: ada. A. Worrail Williams, Harry Long, Thomas H. Robert Shurras, A. Tucker, . OK WAY TO WRITE ABOUT WAR the passengers were nine first class Miss A. Lancaster. R. I. Linlott. George Steele, W. Ernest ELBERT HUBBARD STONE, HERBERT S., New York. £>. Mrs. Margaret Little Goodall, Frederick Dunn, George Stevens, Herbert Lirht, Burke, William Howard, T. Strutz. Miss Lancaster. Isherwood, William and twenty-nine second class passen- STRAUSS, JULIUS. E. H. Lauder. and infant. G. Shaikell, Will- Jack Bevan, Francis Lukes, Patrck P. Bozenof, Antonous Perks, Josep RT, Long- R. Lohden. iam Butler. gers from the Cameronia who were STUA ALEXANDER. Mr and Mrs. A. Mrs. Owens, G. R. Beachwell, Delia Stenscn, Aprin, Dennis Bozenof, H. W. Taylei many prominent pas- a national school of Irish art, he is din Miss Elsie Lohden. Kate Spend ley, Mrs. There were j STURDY, C. F., Montreal. Mary Lovett. E. Catteur, Nora Tohen, Margaret Canigan, V. W. Parkes, Woodworth, Robe- chiefly prominent in the public eye as transferred to the Lusitania at the Miss Larkin. Miss Charles Cross, Horace Robert sengers on board the Lusitania when j * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. David Clift, John Wilson, G. Manks, Gerda Neilsoi, Farrow, J. Self, J. V. Stacey, Geor, director of the National Gallery in Ire- minute because the Cameronia T. Loynd. "T® Herbert Johnson, F. Diomondis, Agnes, G, she sailed from this port on last Satur- j last Lawerson. Williamf.A Thomas W. Gonde, G. Gor Sidewell1, N. ICaperatia, A. Kevorke, land, which his progresssive methods TYLOR, R. L„ Montreal. Miss Lawrence. F\ J. Lucas. Muirhead, Edward Twining, don, J. P, Bannerke, G. Graham. Tudus, Alfred G. Vanderbilt was on his have brought was drafted for Government service. r. Frank Baba, A. W. G. Cook, day. to a high level of excel- LESSEN, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. M Dhenin, L. Anderson, A. Callum, Samuel Sharp, F. Lockwood, E. Helden, The statistics as to the nationality Aziz Chanis, Robert way to England to spend three weeks lence. THOMAS, D. A., Cardiff, Wales. Henry McAvoy. Master Edwin Main- David Alfred Thomas, a Welsh colliery Miss Margaret man. in the British Isles. of the passengers are given below: THOMPSON, E. BLISH and wife, In- Me- king, who was also aboard, is very diana. Clintock. Miss Margaret Molloy. Frohman, of passen- Ada Manby. Charles one the prominent in politics in the Saloon. GEORGE, Mrs. James A. Me- Miss trade and TIBERGHIEN, New York. Colin. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. gers on the Lusitania, is one of New United Kingdom. represented a min- British 179|Mexicans 1 He 104|Swiss 1 TIMMJS, R. J.. New York. Mrs. Elizabeth Me- Maricbal. foremost producing managers. ing constituency Americans Yvonne Mari* York’s for twenty-two years 3— TOOTAL. F. E. 0.. London. Corkindale and in- Miss He has under his management more in Parliament, Greeks fant. chal. and though a mine owner Swedes II Total 189 TOWNLEY, ERNEST. Toronto. Mari* theatrical stars than any other one himselfand representative of other large TRUMBULL, ISAAC F. Master Duncan Me- Master Maurice many the- Seconds. Corkindale. chal. severe questions to be an- man, and has interests in holders he has always stood close the SCOTT. McClay. Charles will bgve to 5211 5 TURNER, Miss Bessie Martin. atres throughout the country. Maude miners. Mr. Thomas is 55 years old. British French TURTON, G. H., Melbourne, Australia. Dr. MeCready. Miss R. Martin. swered by the Adm.ralty in the Ware, Gaby Americans 65 Italians 1 Adams, Otis Skinner, Helen In March last year he paid a visit to this Russians 3| Unknown J TWENLOW, Miss MABEL, New York. Miss Kate McDonnell. Mrs. M. E. Mathew- Commons. The people Drew, Gillette, Hugh McFadden. son and infant. British stand Deslys, John William country in the interest of other large Belgians l| Mrs. Mat- 601 Miss Mazie McGovern. Mr. and R. by all parts of their Government as Ethel Barrymore and several others are mine about Hollanders 3! Total v. McGinley. owners in Britain to bring Patrick thews. against the principal artists under his man- an amalgamation of American collieries, Thirds. VANDERBILT, ALFRED G., and A. Mcllroy. Miss M. Maycock. an outside enemy; hut at agement. daughter, Lady English valet, New York. Mrs. McKinnon. Miss Isabella Men* home they call their represen- but did not succeed. Flis 204 Greeks 3 Mrs. J. A. MacFa- zies. own Charles Klein, who was another pas- passenger. Irish 39 Finnish 1 VAN STRAATEN, MARTIN. London. Alice Mackworth. was also a 13 4 quhar. Uno Merheina. tatives to as strict an account aa senger on the Lusitania, is considered Charles T. Jeffery of Kenosha, Wis., Scotch Scandinavians VASSAR, W. A. F., London. Miss Grace MacFa- Ella-son Myers. playwrights Russians 59 Mexican 1 abroad they do others. It a. very leading • quhar. I one of the ship destroyed, 17 VERNON, G. L. P. Dewi Michael. is who was also aboard the Americans MacGregor. of the present day. He was born in president 21 362 Mrs. B. Mrs. E. L. Middle- safe conclusion that peo- is of the Thomas B. Jeffery Persians Total w. Mrs. Elizabeth Me- mast. the British on January 1567, and mar- „ London 7, Company, of Jeffery automobiles and infant. Milford. OUTLAWS. ple will give Admiralty Lillian makers WAKEFIELD, TANARUS., New York. Kctchen F. J. their stern ried twenty-four years later and motor trucks. He is 38 years old Mrs. A. "Master James McKot- A. J. Mitchell. GRANT, Mr. and Mrs. MONTAGU TANARUS., WALKER, D., Mrs. notice that there are to be permitted Gottlieb, at .that time a play reader for and married. Fie has one child. The New York. ohen. Mr. and W. D. It is of no use for the'Berlin Gov- Charles Chicago. WATSON, Mrs. WALLACE, Montreal, Miss Sarah McLellin. Mitchell and jn- no more butcheries. Frohman. Jeffrey company has been very active Myles fant. ernment to rage Lusitania Hubbard, generally known WATSON, Mrs. ANTHONY. McPartin. because the whole Elbert as in selling motor trucks for war pur- H.