Note: Page Numbers in Bold Denote Detailed Readings; Those in Italic Denote Topics of Boxed Insets
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83992-1 - English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski Index More information Index Note: page numbers in bold denote detailed readings; those in italic denote topics of boxed insets. A Taste of Honey (1961) 627 Ancrene Wisse (Guide for Anchoresses) Abernethy, John 390 78–84 abolitionism 326 Anger, Jane, Her protection for women 174 Abrams, M. H. 372 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 13, 17–18, 26, Ackroyd, Peter 622, 642 35–6, 73 Adam of Murimuth 86 Anne, Queen 221–3, 294 Adams, James Eli, Dandies and Desert Annotation to the Book of Revelations from the Saints 485 Rheims–Douai Bible 142 Adams, John 297 Apollonius of Tyre 45–6 Addison, Joseph 244, 246, 260, 268, 270 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, The Ethics of essay in The Spectator, No. 69 272–4, 280 Identity 293 A. E. (George Russell) 559 Apuleius, The Golden Ass 257 ‘affective individualism’ 239 The Arabian Nights see Galland, Antoine Aikin, John 342 Arden, John 626 Akenside, Mark, The Pleasures of the Ariosto, Ludovico 166 Imagination 251, 260 Orlando Furioso 195 Albert, Prince 409, 419 Aristotle 144, 166, 174, 175–6 Alcuin of York 16, 50 On the Generation of Animals 174 Aldington, Richard 557 Nicomachaean Ethics 78 Death of a Hero 564 Arkwright, Richard 312 Aldini, Giovanni 319, 390 Arminius, Jacob/Arminianism 121 Alfred the Great 16–17, 18, 19 Armitage, Simon 632 Proverbs 36 Armstrong, Isobel 446, 450–1 translations from Latin 17 Arnold, Matthew 403, 450–1, 491–2 Ali, Monica, Brick Lane 641 Culture and Anarchy 451, 455 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 563 ‘Dover
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