You Sound Overwhelmed and Intimidated in San Salvador
Hostal Cumbres del Volcán Flor Blanca Sexta-Decima Calle Poniente #1937 Colonia Flor Blanca, San Salvador El Salvador G P S : 1 3 ° 4 1 ' 5 0 . 21"N, 89°12'38.05", o r 1 3 . 697334, - 8 9 . 2 10617; Elev .753 meters, 2,471 ft http://www.C u m b r e s d e l V o l c á n . c o m O f i c i n a : 2556- 9803 e - m a i l : info@cumbresdel V o l c á n . c o m MALCOLM'S HOSTAL CUMBRES DEL VOLCÁN INTRODUCTION TO EL SALVADOR Introduction to El Salvador: The capital city of San Salvador is located in the center of the nation of El Salvador. The Pacific Ocean is south, just on the other side of the Cordillera del Bálsamo. The best surfing beaches in Central America, including Punta Roca at Puerto La Libertad, Playa El Tunco, and Sunzal are only 35 minutes by car or an hour by bus. To the north is Suchitoto, Chalatenago, the Rio Lempa, Ilobasco, Cojutepeque, Perquin, El Pital, the highest mountain in El Salvador at 2,730 meters (9,000 feet) and finally Honduras. To the west is Turicentro Los Chorros, Termos del Rio, Ruinas de San Andres and Joya de Ceren, Lago de Coatepeque, Sonsonate, Turicentro Atecozol, the Ruta de las Flores through the Cordillera de Ilamatepec, Santa Ana, Chalchuapa, Ruinas de Tazumal, Ahuachapán and Guatemala. To the east is Lago de Ilopango, San Vicente, Usulután, San Miguel, La Tortuga Verde Surf Resort at Playa Cuco, the Golfo de Fonseca, and Honduras.
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