The Brezhnev Bibliography
The Brezhnev Bibliography General works on the Brezhnev era Amalrik, A., Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984? (London, 1970). Bialer, S., Stalin’s Successors (Cambridge, 1980). Bialer, S., The Soviet Paradox; External Expansion, Internal Decline (London, 1986). Bialer, S. and T. Gustafson (eds), Russia at the Crossroads: The 26th Congress of the CPSU (London, 1982). Breslauer, G., Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders (London, 1982). Brezhnev, L. I., Leninskim kursom, 7 vols (Moscow, 1970–9). Brezhnev, L. I., Ob osnovnykh voprosakh ekonomicheskoi politiki KPSS na sovremennom etape, 2 vols (Moscow, 1975). Brezhnev, L. I., Malaya zemlya (Moscow, 1978). Brezhnev, L. I., Ob osnovnykh voprosakh ekonomicheskoi politiki KPSS na sovremennom etape: rechi i doklady, 2 vols, expanded edn (Moscow, 1979). Brown, A. and M. Kaser (eds), The Soviet Union Since the Fall of Khrushchev, 2nd edn (London, 1978). Cohen, S., Rethinking the Soviet Experience (Oxford, 1985). Cohen, S., A. Rabinowitch and R. Sharlet (eds), The Soviet Union Since Stalin (London, 1980). Colton, T., The Dilemma of Reform in the USSR (New York, 1986). Conquest, R., Russia after Khrushchev (New York, 1965). Dallin, A. (ed.), The Khrushchev and Brezhnev Years (New York, 1992). Dallin, A. (ed.), The 25th Congress of the CPSU (Stanford, 1977). Dallin, A. and G. Lapidus (eds), The Soviet System in Crisis (Boulder, Col., 1991). Dornberg, J., Brezhnev. The Masks of Power (London, 1974). Fleron, F. J. (ed.), Technology and Communist Culture (New York, 1977). Hosking, G., A History of the Soviet Union, final edn (London, 1994). Hough, J., ‘The Brezhnev Era: The Man and the System’ Problems of Communism, 25(4), 1976.
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