xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LTFGD Division Zone 2/15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Great Minster House Director of Economy & Growth, 33 Horseferry Road London North East Lincolnshire Council SW1P 4DR Municipal Offices Town Hall Square Direct Line: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Grimsby GTN No: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx North East Lincolnshire
[email protected] DN31 1HU Web Site: 13 February 2015 Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, A18/A180 Link Road Following receipt of your Full Approval submission for the above scheme, this letter confirms that Ministers have agreed to grant the scheme Full Approval. As part of this approval the Department will provide a maximum capped funding contribution of £4.911m towards an estimated total scheme cost of £6.266m. North East Lincolnshire Council is solely responsible for meeting any expenditure over and above this maximum amount. Funding will be paid as capital grant under Section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003. I will write to your Chief Finance Officer shortly with a formal letter of grant under Section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003. For the above scheme the Department is prepared to make available the following funding profile: 2014/15 - £2.715m 2015/16 - £2.196m Every effort should be made to avoid slippage in 2014/15 as the new funding arrangements for funding schemes through the Local Growth Fund will make it very difficult for us to increase our contribution in 2015/16 and beyond. However, if there is any possibility of adjusting profiles to increase spend in 2014/15 (with a corresponding reduction in future years), we would be happy to consider this.