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blueprint virginia urban design framework_ final report

City of Playford June 2010 Contact

David Bills Senior Associate [email protected]

HASSELL Level 5 70 Hindmarsh Square SA Australia 5000 T +61 8 8203 5222 F +61 8 8203 5200 © June 2010

HASSELL Limited ABN 24 007 711 435 Content

Section Page Appendices

01 Introduction 1 i Appendix A 02 Understanding Virginia 6 Strategy-Actions Matrix 03 Community Consultation 20 ii Appendix B 04 Framework Strategies 25 Community Consultation 05 Urban Design Framework 29 Session One Presentation 06 Key Projects 48 iii Appendix C 07 Implementation 58 Community Consultation 08 Conclusion 65 Session One Feedback iv Appendix D Community Consultation Session Two Posters v Appendix E Community Consultation Session Two Feedback vi Appendix F Image References

BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework


introduction _01 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

vii _01 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

1.1 Executive Summary 1

This Urban Design Framework has been prepared for the township of At the commencement of this project the South Australian Virginia by HASSELL for as part of the BLUEPRINT Government had released the draft of the 30-year Plan for Greater Townships initiative for Virginia, and One Tree Hill . The Adelaide for public consultation. The final plan was released in mid Urban Design Frameworks are the important first step in the ongoing February during the community consultation stage of the project. BLUEPRINT Townships project for council. Specifically for Virginia the 30 Year Plan identifies expansion of the existing township through ‘future urban growth’ to the south and Urban design is the term used to describe thinking about and north. The 30 Year plan sets a target for the northern townships designing the arrangement, appearance and function of towns, (Virginia & Angle Vale) of an additional 4,800 new houses (12,700 new suburbs and cities. Urban design thinking and projects are just as residents). Divided across the two towns this targets around 2,400 important and relevant for small towns and suburbs as for large new houses (6,300 extra people) in Virginia over 30 years. The 30 Year district centres or the centre of cities. As urban design is about the Plan also shows indicative ‘potential mass transit’ connection places we live and work in, urban design is important to everyone. between Buckland Park, Virginia and Elizabeth. The project team The aim of an Urban Design Framework (UDF) is to stimulate positive responded to the final 30 Year Plan by addressing this new State change and set out a long term strategic vision for a place. UDF’s Government Policy in the extent of the project study and the Urban provide ideas and strategic directions on the future of an area. Key Design Framework actions. components are specific recommended actions and projects to achieve the strategic vision. Urban Design Frameworks assist In undertaking the analysis of Virginia’s strategic and planning Councils in guiding future development, establishing land use policies context and the character of the existing town a number of key issues and the strategic implementation of capital works improvement and opportunities were identified. projects. In no particular order these are: __Infrastructure Provision (sewer, stormwater & flood) The project involved a number of stages including: __Limited public transport __Analysis of the strategic and planning context and the existing urban __Infill development and accommodating growth form of the townships __Housing mix -options for elderly & young __Engagement with the community, elected members and council __Town Centre prosperity and vibrancy officers to gather feedback on identified issues and opportunities __Reducing traffic impact __Development of a draft framework ideas and review and refinement __Community facilities with community, elected members and council officers input __Horticulture - employment generation __Preparation of a final Urban Design Framework report for __Utilising heritage and open space presentation to council and the community for comment __Connecting key uses and wayfinding __Improving township appearance The project is the result of the combined efforts of the HASSELL __Pedestrian and cycle movement project team, the City of Playford project working group and the essential input of the community participants, elected members and other specialist council staff. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

2 1.1 Executive Summary

Participation by community members was an invaluable input into Precinct Plan and Actions this project. The interests of local residents, land and business To provide a structure to the Urban Design Framework the project owners were evident by the great turn outs to both community study area for Virginia has been divided into seven precincts. Each sessions. The community was invited to input into the project during precinct identifies an area that has plays a particular role in the the analysis and ideas stage to enable the project team to draw on the physical form of the town, or has similar existing characteristics or for local communities intimate knowledge of Virginia and learn about which a consistent aim or vision has been identified in the Strategies. their aspirations for the future. This first session provided valuable The identified precincts are a organising tool in this document only feedback, detailed information and ideas that informed the project and are not recommended ‘zones’ for the Development Plan although team’s development of a draft urban design framework. some precinct boundaries have been informed by understanding the Community review and feedback at the second session assisted in existing development plan and some may influence future decisions understanding participants opinions of the draft proposal and about zones. refining the ideas. The feedback received from the second community session demonstrated the large majority of respondents were The identified precincts are: supportive of the draft ideas and that the project team was on the __Central Precinct right track. __Commercial Focus Precinct __ Sport & School Precinct Urban Design Framework __Residential Infill Precinct The analysis and community consultation stages of the project __Established Residential Precinct identified key issues and opportunities to be considered and __Southern Growth Precinct addressed in thinking about developing an Urban Design Framework __Northern Future Growth Precinct to guide the future of Virginia. These many issues and ideas have been synthesised into five high level strategies that set the vision for The actions identified across the precincts will be achieved in various the future of Virginia. It is these five strategies that all the individual different ways. As urban design is about the physical elements of a actions within the framework are working together to achieve over place many actions ultimately result in either council construction time. works or influencing what someone else (e.g a developer) constructs.

Framework Strategies: __Underpin with Coordinated Infrastructure and Facilities __Planned Quality Development & Growth __Facilitate Prosperous & Vibrant Town Centre __Quality Connections __Enhance Town Character & Identity BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

1.1 Executive Summary 3 Implementation Key Projects To assist in effective implementation of the framework actions each Key Projects are construction works that can make a big contribution action has been considered in terms of what type or types of activities to the lives of the community, the character of a town & encourage are needed to achieve the action. Often actions will involve more than private development or encourage visitors to stop or stay longer. one step or activity to work towards the end aim. Identifying these sub Key Projects are usually of a reasonable scale and in a location that is steps upfront will mean appropriate planning and time frames can be important to the whole town rather than smaller more local actions applied to an action to ensure it is achieved over time. As the ,that while important, won’t have a great influence on the broader framework is made up of multiple actions across the identified town. The three key projects for Virginia have been selected to achieve precincts it is important to clearly priorities these. It is important to change across a range of important urban design issues including recognise that while Council will drive the implementation of the town centre vibrancy, quality connections, public space for urban design framework, other key stakeholders play very important community life and town identity. roles in contributing to the realisation and success of specific actions.

Key Project A: Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade Project _The aim of this project is to enhance the town centre as the central The aim of this Urban Design Framework is to stimulate positive meeting place for shopping, services, and socialising. The change and set out a long term strategic vision for Virginia that streetscape upgrade will improve the identity and appearance of the responds to the state government directions of growth and builds on centre and the experience for pedestrians, while facilitating safe local the positives of the existing town. This Urban Design Framework is a traffic movement and convenient parking key document for Council in guiding future development, establishing land use policies and the strategic implementation of capital works Key Project B: Institute Park Upgrade improvement projects for Virginia. It is an important first step in the _The aim of this project is to revitalise the park as a central space for ongoing BLUEPRINT Townships initiative. Commitment from council community activities and outdoor recreation that attracts people of to implementing the framework, along with involvement from key all ages and adds to main street activity and town character. stakeholders such as state government, the community, business and land owners is fundamental to translating the framework from Key Project C: Town Backbone and Gateways the page into a physical reality on the ground for Virginia. _The aim of this project is to improve the quality of the arrival, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists and well as enhancing the appearance, character of Virginia and strengthen its identity as a unique township. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

4 1.2 The Project 1.3 Project Approach and Methodology

The City of Playford has initiated a BLUEPRINT Townships Project and The project involved a number of stages including: appointed HASSELL to prepare Urban Design Frameworks for the __Analysis of the strategic and planning context and the existing urban townships of Virginia, One Tree Hill and Angle Vale. The Urban Design form of the townships Frameworks are the important first step in the ongoing BLUEPRINT __Engagement with the community, elected members and council Townships project for council. officers to gather feedback on identified issues and opportunities __Development of a draft framework ideas and review and refinement Urban Design is the term used to describe thinking about and with community, elected members and council officers input designing the arrangement, appearance and function of towns, __Preparation of a final Urban Design Framework report for suburbs and cities. Urban Design thinking and projects are just as presentation to council and the community for comment important and relevant for small country towns and suburbs as for large district centres or the centre of cities. As urban design is about __The project is the result of the combined efforts of the project team, the places we live and work in, urban design is important to everyone the City of Playford project working group and the essential input of and everyone has something to contribute. ‘Urban Design the community participants, elected members and other specialist Frameworks’ (UDF’s) are projects supported by both local councils council staff. and the state government and have been undertaken in many other towns and suburbs around SA and interstate. This project is funded HASSELL project team: by City of Playford and Department of Planning and Local David Bills Government through the Places for People Programme. Sky Allen Anthony Gatti The aim of an Urban Design Framework (UDF) is to stimulate positive with input from change and set out a long term strategic vision for a place. UDF’s Jeremy Wood include integrated analysis of the planning and design context and Chris Melsom existing issues & opportunities and provide ideas and strategic Alun Chapman directions on the future of an area. Key components are specific recommended actions and projects to achieve the strategic vision. City of Playford project working group: Urban Design Frameworks assist Councils in guiding future Keith Davis development, establishing land use policies and the strategic Greg Pattinson implementation of capital works improvement projects. Paul Johnson Rachel Paterson Cate Atkinson BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

1.4 Overview 1.5 Background 5

This report encapsulates the Urban Design Framework prepared for Northern Adelaide is undergoing significant change. In the last ten the township of Virginia by HASSELL for City of Playford as part of the years there has been considerable residential and retail expansion BLUEPRINT Townships initiative . The introduction section explains along with increased provision of industrial land and a growing the project background, aims and approach taken by the project recognition of the importance and employment generating capacity team. Section two summaries all the analysis undertaken to of horticultural activities. Transport projects such as the Northern understand the strategic and planning context of Virginia and the Expressway and Northern Connector are altering transport patterns urban form of the town as it is today. Section three outlines the in the north providing high speed access, particularly for heavy process and feedback resulting from the community consultation vehicles. Other projects such as the proposed Intermodal at Direk , component of the project. Sections four and five cover the Urban expansion of the Bolivar pipeline, Playford Alive regeneration project Design Framework itself, including the high level strategies and and a major expansion of military facilities and personnel at detailed precinct actions. Section six describes the key projects that Edinburgh should facilitate further economic growth and have been identified as part of the framework. Section seven focuses opportunities. on how the Urban Design Framework can be implemented by prioritising the actions. The report is also supported by a number of Playford’s population is expected to grow and could increase by an relevant appendices. additional 90,000 persons by 2036. A clear challenge is to continue to improve economic prosperity as well as providing an affordable The aim of the report is to explain the project process and the key housing and lifestyle mix for all. The three townships in the City of inputs as well as succinctly and clearly articulate an Urban Design Playford, Virginia, Angle Vale and One Tree Hill offer different Framework that can act as the key document for council in making opportunities for residential and economic activity taking into decisions and undertaking future planning and design work in account local context and community aspirations. The 2009 -10 Virginia. Council Plan states that Playford will seek to “Manage future visioning for townships and facilitate strategic planning for future long term development”. This series of three Frameworks forms an important step in this process. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

6 1.6 Study Area

The core study area comprises the township of Virginia and immediate surrounds including the urban growth area identified in the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.

Fig. 1.1_Project Study Extent BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

01 Introduction

1.7 Previous Consultation 7

In recent times there have been a number of local and regional Consultation for the draft 30 Year Plan strategies or documents prepared that impact on all three townships. In mid 2009, the State Government published the draft 30 Year Plan In accordance with best practice, the City of Playford engaged with for consultation. The City of Playford responded to this engagement the community to identify their views. This means that previous process in late September. The Council’s submission outlined that: community feedback exists to help inform the engagement process for this project. Key themes of priorities and issues for each township __Population growth is essential for the sustainability of both Virginia derived from previous consultation include (in no particular order): and Angle Vale, including the long term viability of Virginia’s town __Lack of public transport and vitality and vibrancy of town centre centre __Safe movement within township and impact of commercial traffic __Virginia should expand north and south in the corridor between Port __Provision of infrastructure including drainage and mains sewerage Wakefield Road and the Port Augusta-Adelaide railway line __Population growth – character, extension of township boundary? increasing population up to 23,000 persons __Density and population mix __Angle Vale should expand north to the Gawler River, south to Curtis __Improve appearance of township Road and east to the increasing population up __Greater mix of cultural centres / temples and activities for children/ to 20,000 persons young people plus need for high school __All three townships lack key services, including community facilities, __Reinforcing the role of main office/horticultural distribution centres public transport, high schools and accessible health services. within the region These services should be integrated and keep pace with dwelling construction. Models of governance should be explored to ensure delivery. __Horticulture is integral in planning for the Virginia area Content

Understanding Virginia _02 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

Northern Expressway. 2.1 Strategic and Planning the Strategic Infrastructure Plan Section 30 reviews and The City of Playford’s 9 Context are: Development Plans. consultation submission to the While, the Industrial Land __To coordinate infrastructure State Government on the draft Strategy does not identify land South Australian Strategic Plan planning and construction The premise for the Plan is that, plan confirmed support for the beyond the metropolitan region, The South Australian across the State as a result of growth in, amongst Plan including key directions. The it shows a high concentration Government, in responding to __To pursue more efficient and others, mining, defence and Council also outlined support for of existing and future industrial world trends and influences competitive infrastructure education in over township growth particularly land within the northern section and to position our state for the systems the next three decades, the Virginia and Angle Vale. of Adelaide. future, has prepared the South __To pursue and promote State’s population will increase Australian Strategic Plan. The sustainable development by up to 600,000 residents, The 30 Year Plan includes a Plan articulates six objectives through sound planning and use The 30 Year Plan for Greater resulting in a demand for almost significant new urban growth intended to guide the future of of infrastructure Adelaide 250,000 additional dwellings in area at Buckland Park to the the state over the medium to long __To meet future infrastructure At the commencement of this the Greater Adelaide area. immediate north west of Virginia term. These focus on prosperity, demands in a timely and project in January 2010 the South across . wellbeing, sustainability, innovative manner Australian Government had The Plan segments Greater Specifically for Virginia the 30 creativity, communities and released the draft of the 30-year Adelaide into 7 regions with the Year Plan identifies expansion of opportunities. Of particular note, Metropolitan Adelaide Plan for Greater Adelaide for City of Playford located in the existing township through Target T1.22 seeks an increase in Industrial Land Strategy public consultation. The final ‘Northern Adelaide’ . Relevant ‘future urban growth’ to the south South Australia’s population to 2 The Industrial Land Strategy plan was released in mid policies and targets include: and north. The 30 Year plan sets a million by 2050, with an interim provides a review of supply and February during the community target for the northern townships target of 1.64 million by 2014. demand of industrial land within consultation stage of the project. __80% of existing urban character (Virginia & Angle Vale) of an the metropolitan region ensuring The Plan for Greater Adelaide largely unchanged additional 4,800 new houses Strategic Infrastructure Plan for that there is an adequate supply aims to set regional targets for __70% of all new metropolitan (12,700 new residents). South Australia 2005-2006 of development ready land housing and population growth housing within established The Strategic Infrastructure Plan available when required. over the next 30 years. areas by end of Plan life for South Australia was prepared Furthermore, it will provide __Maintain or improve primary by the Department for Transport, The government has identified targets for jobs needed to sustain production’s share of economic Environment and Infrastructure three Strategic Industrial Areas population targets, provide activity in Greater Adelaide in order to guide new which, based on their economic strategies to respond to climate (protect 375,000 sqm) infrastructure investment by importance to the state, change, identify transit corridors, __Provide for limited expansion of government and the private should be afforded long term growth precincts and land use key townships and sufficient sector over the next 5 and 10 protection from incompatible or priorities and identify areas for other new growth areas for a years. It is also used to improve competing uses. One of these conservation and protection. It 15-25 year supply of land the management and use of the major strategic industrial areas will be the primary document to __Make specific provision for state’s existing infrastructure includes Edinburgh Park which set policy and principles for local employment lands in townships _02 assets. The four broad aims of is located to the south of the new government strategic plans, BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

planning to accommodate Playford considered three 10 2.1 Strategic and Planning realisation of the community population growth, visioning and population growth scenarios and Context vision, contained within the management of the townships considered it most likely that Playford Community Plan. and the provision of sewerage to the population could double to Divided across the two towns this townships and growth areas. around 130,000 people by 2050. targets around 2,400 new houses As a preamble the Plan states This rate of growth is unlikely (6,300 extra people) in Virginia that “The recently released draft to be accommodated within over 30 years. The final 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide will The City of Playford Population existing available land at current Plan extended the initial growth shape how our City develops over Vision (2005) dwelling low densities. For the area (and targets) shown in the the next 30 years. In response the This Vision was prepared as City of Playford, appropriate draft plan. Council will develop its position the first step in articulating a strategies and will need to be on what our City should strategic vision about population developed and implemented. The 30 Year Plan also shows an look like when it is fully growth in Playford. This may include promoting a indicative ‘potential mass transit’ developed. In all probability it will variety of housing styles and connection between Buckland provide for quite significant The Vision provides a proactive densities, advocating a holistic Park, Virginia and Elizabeth. expansion of our townships response to the State review of the existing urban which will require comprehensive Government’s Prosperity through growth boundary (including The project team responded to master planning of these People Vision (achieving a township boundaries) and the final 30 Year Plan by expanded urban communities” population of 2 million by 2050. increasing dwelling densities. addressing this new State It seeks to form a strategic Government Policy by extending The Plan identifies a series of key approach to ensure the Council the study area to reflect the goals and objectives, including can facilitate appropriate growth areas and the ensuring economic prosperity. Under development and prosper the Urban Design Framework this collective banner, the Plan without detriment to the existing actions are consistent. identifies the need for strategic environment, community and its planning to accommodate values. This work has projected a City of Playford Council Plan population growth, visioning and population increase for Playford (2009-2013) management of the townships alone from 68,650 persons to The Council Plan identifies the and the provision of sewerage to 91,400 persons by 2016, an City of Playford’s priorities over a townships and growth areas. increase of 22,750 persons 4-year period, defines its key (, Population Vision for strategic response and provides The Plan identifies a series of key City of Playford,2003, 8) based on an annual budget to fund goals and objectives, including current local growth rates, land activities and therefore, it economic prosperity. Under availability and current dwelling communicates Council’s this collective banner, the Plan approvals. contribution to the identifies the need for strategic BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

2.1 Strategic and Planning 11 Context

GAWLER RIVER Metropolitan Context Y OAD ANGLE VALE A VALE R W GLE S AN S E Virginia is located approximately R XP E 30 kilometres from the Adelaide N R E CBD and is one of three H T R townships in the City of Playford. O BUCKLAND PARK HORTICULTURE N The remaining two; Angle Vale WO and One Tree Hill, lie to the east MM VIRGINIA A RO approximately 8 and 20 AD kilometres respectively.

Virginia is positioned south of the Gawler River on the . The Adelaide Plains is defined as the horticultural area to the north of Metropolitan Adelaide extending to Port Wakefield. This area contains R A approximately 20,000 ha of IL RACEWAY LI agricultural land and NE approximately 1200 growers, plus a mix of industrial, rural EDINBURGH living, recreation and other uses. ELIZABETH P RAAF BASE O



Virginia is within the Urban A K E Growth Boundary, although it FI

EL forms a one of a series of smaller D

R ‘satellite’ parcels of land O AD separated from the significantly larger balance of urban lands within the boundary.

Fig 2.1_ Virginia Context Diagram BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

12 2.1 Strategic and Planning Development of Horticulture The GRFMA was established in Context Industries on the Adelaide response to the multiple floods Plains A Blueprint for 2030 which occurred in 1992. Since Water Proofing Northern The Blueprint identifies the its inception the GRFMA has Adelaide Adelaide Plains’ horticulture established a work program Metropolitan Adelaide’s northern industry as being concentrated which has addressed the region includes the adjoining around Virginia and Angle Vale, following issues: Councils of Playford, Salisbury with expansion likely to occur __In 2007 the construction of a and Tea Tree Gully. into the area around Two Wells. flood control dam on the North It seeks urban growth contained Para River The Water Proofing Northern within planning boundaries __The raising of the dam wall of Adelaide Project is the region’s and identifies that township the South Para Reservoir and commitment to ensure future development and expansion is modifications to the spillway growth is sustainable and inclusive of buffer areas. In this, __Completion of the flood water is used as effectively as Angle Vale and Virginia are most Mapping Project. possible, it is a coordinated plan relevant to horticulture. to Water Proof Northern Adelaide The flood mapping project has and sustain the region. It seeks The Blueprint suggests the had special significance to the to ensure northern Adelaide’s Virginia ‘horticulture cluster’ Virginia and Angle Vale areas. It 300,000 residents have potable should be preserved and recommends the construction of and ‘fit for purpose’ water, while expanded where production, levees throughout the length of at the same time reducing packaging, processing and the Gawler River. By doing so, in Adelaide’s reliance on the scarce support industries are located in the case of a 100 year ARI flood resources of the River Murray. close proximity. event: __The flood hazard for Angle Vale This is to occur through Gawler River Floodplain would be rated as low and reduced consumption, better Management Authority (GRFMA) approximately 112 hectares of management of existing systems The Gawler River is the largest land would be protected and the use of pioneering and most significant watercourse __The floodwaters affecting technologies not yet in use in the Northern Adelaide Plains. Virginia would be reduced and anywhere in the world. Flows in the Gawler River are approximately 168 hectares of seasonal with most occurring land would be protected. throughout the winter. On average, large flood flows occur every 10 years. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

2.1 Strategic and Planning Township and Hinterland O 13 L Context Development Plan Amendment D

W P O (DPA). The intent of this DPA was M O M A

R R O City of Playford Development to prepare a set of Objectives and A T D Plan Principles of Development W

The township of Virginia contains Control to guide future A K four zones: development and built form in the HORTICULTURE E


Residential (Virginia): Primarily three townships. I E for detached dwellings on L D individual allotments no less Key outcomes sought were: R


O than 1200sqm __Consistency of policies A A O

R D __Updated Structure Plans R

FLOOD PLAIN E R Town Centre: Primarily for small- __40m vegetated buffers around L S W A U (VIRGINIA)

P P A A I scale convenience shops, offices, P R the townships K G L R L E O A D businesses and services, and __Potential higher density in Angle R D L HORTICULTURE

S T Y I A D L B R P local community facilities Vale N E H

A D S I E A N O O C O R E P __Extension of Angle Vale ’ S H A R H P L E G S I A D O S A O U S T Flood Plain (Virginia): Primarily township boundary G T S

R H T L O P T I E for a limited amount of low- N D N O A L F R I R Y E D D W D E E L density residential development The DPA was withdrawn from H D S R A O P A on allotments no smaller than consultation in late 2008 due K D O


R one hectare in size. to considerable public concern F T


E R D regarding policies, in particular H C N A W A N L O H

R RESIDENTIAL A D Commercial (Virginia): Primarily the proposed buffers. A T K I (VIRGINIA) N E R for commercial purposes, A


D E A V I A T although small-scale light R E In March 2009, the Council A D L D R C R E N A D T I N A R A I C O U L E Q industries and service industries resolved not to proceed with R B A D acceptable the DPA. A revised DPA may be R prepared following completion of O A The township is surrounded by a this Framework. D

Horticultural Zone on all sides. D HORTICULTURE A O

R WEST Hinterland Development Plan Y E



The City of Playford recently M undertook consultation on a

0 50 200 400m Legend _Residential (Virginia) _Commercial (Virginia) _Horticulture _Town Centre _Flood Plain (Virginia) _Horticulture West Fig. 2.2_Existing Development Plan Zoning

CURRENT ZONING (DEVELOPMENT PLAN) VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

File Path:Document Title.File Extension BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

14 2.2 Character O


The Development Plan contains D

W P O 2.2.1 Land Use & Economic four zones that recognise this mix M


R R Activity within Virginia. O A T D

Virginia comprises a mix of


residential, retail, recreational, Key Features A


industrial and horticultural uses. __Virginia and Eradis Shopping E


Virginia functions as a trade and Centres I


service centre for neighbouring __Virginia Primary School - 5ha, L


areas comprising a mix of uses 300 student capacity



O greater than required for a __Virginia Oval A


R D township of this size (particularly __New land releases such as


E bulky good sales). The town has Virginia Grove R L


P P A become a significant packing and A I __Virginia Nursery P R K G L R L E O A D processing location for food R


S T Y I A D L grown outside of the region. Key Issues R P B



__Expansion and upgrade of retail R E P ’ S H A R H P L E G S I A D O S A O U In 2006, Virginia contained and service provision and S T G T S

R H T L O P approximately 230 allotments relationship to Buckland Park T I E N D N O A L F R I R Y E D D W D E L with a township population of __Balanced provision of H E D S R A O approximately 700. Recent land P A commercial uses associated K D


E division has increased the with horticulture within and R F



number of allotments by adjacent to the township E D R H C N A W A N L O H

R A D approximately 170 However, a __Residential population and A



N E R substantial amount horticultural housing mix A


D E A V I land remains primarily positioned __Release of existing horticultural A T E A R D L D R C R E N A D T I N A R A I C O U L on the elongated allotments west E Q land B A R D

of Old Port Wakefield Road.


Key Opportunities O


Retail activity (approx 5,500sqm) __Increasing residential D is generally confined to the north opportunities D

A and west, straddling either side __Mix of housing types facilitated O R

of Old Port Wakefield Road. by provision of sewer Y E


Recreational and educational __Retain and enhance retail and O

L activity takes place north of Park commercial mix O M Road. The balance of the town __Distinguishing boundaries comprises low density residential between town and surrounding 0 50 200 400m dwellings and a mix of industrial horticulture uses Legend uses to the western edge. _Residential _Commercial _Horticulture _Community / Govt Services _Retail _Industrial _Recreation _Vacant/ Largely unused Fig. 2.3_Existing Land Use

EXISTING LAND USE VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

File Path:Document Title.File Extension O



















T BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework W P O M O M W A A R




I 02 Understanding Virginia E




E S D A U W L P P A A I D 2.2 Character small cul-de-sacs and regular P R 15 K G L R L R E O A R D allotments generally 1200sqm in Key Features O



2.2.2 Urban Form, Built Form & size. Analysis undertaken in __Heritage listed Virginia Institute A S T Y I D L D A R P D B

E N Heritage 2008 identified approximately 50 __Heritage listed churches H A D S I D E A D N O O C O R E A P A ’ S H Virginia was laid out in 1858 ha of undeveloped land in the __Greenhouses in a range of A O R H P L E O G S I R A D O S A R O U S primarily to serve travellers town. conditions R T G T S E R H T R R L L moving north. The growth of the __Various types of buildings along S E P T I W A E U R N D L N P P A A I S A O F P R R K W A G I township was relatively slow until The built form of Virginia is Old Port Wakefield RoadU L R D Y R L E E O W D E P L P E A A D A H I D P R R S K G market gardening began to diverse in scale and character. L D L R A R L O E O T A S I Y A D L D A K B R P D R E N develop in the late 1960’s. There The form of established and Key Issues H


R T E S P I ’ S Y H F D L A is significant greenhouse and under construction residential __Condition of older buildings, R H A P L E B R P G S I A D E N H O S A I O U S A S I T G D T market gardening evident in the houses, are primarily single S E greenhouses and vacant land A N O E R D H C O T O R R E H L C N A P P ’ N S H I T A A E L O H R H P L E N D N township particularly the run of storey setback from the street __Difference in scale & style G S A R I O F A D R I S O R D A Y A E O U D W D E S L E T T G H D S T elongated allotments within the with open front yards. between residential and large S I H R R A N T O L A R P A K D T I E central sector of the township. commercial sheds N D N E R A O O F R D I R E F Y D A V E A T There are retail and commercial W D E E L E A R I L D H R D C D S A R D I N A E T R A A R D N R H I O C U O The township is constrained by buildings along the main street of C N A Q Key Opportunities N A E L O H B A K R D R A

D A the PortAugusta-Adelaide railway a larger bulk. These buildings T __Large areas of town not yet E



R F A line to the east and consequently vary in quality and interface with developed- can achieve quality O R I D V E A A E T E R R D L A the town extends further the street differently. Many are development R D C R D H C A N A N N D T I N A A R A I L O H O C Q U B E westward towards Port Wakefield dominated by car parking. __Improve town centre design and R A R D A



Road. Four roads converge appearance N O R A D

L A radially onto Old Port Wakefield The horticultural green house __Enhance park and street settingO R

D V E D O A A E T A R R D L D Road defining the centre of the structures currently have a R C of heritage Virginia Institute R N A D T I N A R A I O P C U O Y E Q B D township. The subdivision significant impact on the built R E A L O A N D O R pattern generally comprises a form character of Virginia with R O

L T P Y O series of girds aligned at ninety their significant size. Many E O N M

R W O degrees to Old Port Wakefield greenhouses in the central part L DT A AO R O Road with a tighter cluster of of town have fallen into disrepair. Y M O W K E V C D M O A A E allotments around the town There are also six local heritage R O D Y K O F Legend L V 0 50 200 C E 400m A M E I centre. listed places in Virginia as D O Legend F

0 50 200 400m R E

I identified on Figure 2.4. These _Building Footprint _Local Heritage Place E L _Building Footprint _Local Heritage Place P Y L E D New subdivisions in the south are concentrated around Phineas O _Greenhouse Footprint D N _Greenhouse Footprint R O

R and east of the township Street in the centre of town. L R Fig. 2.4_Building Footprint and Heritage T O O O comprise linear streets with M A A W


Legend F 0 50 200 400m

I _Building Footprint _Local Heritage Place E L _Greenhouse Footprint D




D O A D E R V A L BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework L E A N G


02 Understanding Virginia L




16 2.2 Character Key Features R D R O A L E V A T L E W A N G __Market gardens, particularly O M M W A

2.2.3 Landscape Character & Greenhouse structures within R A O A D Open Space township K E

F The shape of Virginia township __Sections of vineyards amongst O

I L and significant areas of the market gardens E D



D undeveloped land within the __Oval ringed by mature pine O


R T township mean the landscape trees W O O M M W A A plays a significant role in the R __Mature trees along key roads A O D A


character of the town. into town E D

F A __Long views of the hills to the I O E R


R The variety horticultural crops east D E R


S R W A and associated greenhouses U

O P P A A I P R K G A L create a productive, open Key Issues R L E O A D D

R landscape character. This type of __Some greenhouses in poor D L D A S T Y I A D L O B R P

E N R H landscape also opens up long condition, particularly within A D S I E R A N O O C O

R E E P R ’ S H A L R H P L E views particularly to the hills in township S G S I A A W U D O S A O P U P A S I A T P G R K T G S L L the east as a point of different to __Lack of street trees in sections R H R E T O A L D P R T I E

D L N D N O A F the flatness of the immediate __Access to open space for entire R S T I Y I R Y A D L EP D B R W D E L E N H E H D A S D S I E A N plains. O township O C R A O R E P O ’ S H A R H A P L E K G S D I A D O S A O U __Large open space on far north S T E G T S


L F P T I E Within the township, the Institute some distance from residential N D N A I O F R I R D Y E E W D E L R D E H H D C A S Park and the Oval are the in south of town N N A R L A O H O


T principal open spaces. Both of E




I which feature large mature trees. Key Opportunities O O R E R D H D C N A A N V E L L O H A A E T R A R D L DD __Extending areas of road side D R C A A R D I N A T T N R A I O I U C Q N B E R R A As part of the new Virginia Grove tree avenues A P O


D O E L A V A T R E L A D C DD residential subdivision a corridor __Develop an open space network R R R A D I N A A T I N O R U C Q E T R B of open space has been created to serve current and future A P


W that also manages stormwater. needs R A T


W While the planting is only young __Surrounding horticultural D E


F O this corridor, which includes a landscape contributes to clear K R D I E A


local playground, is contributing township edges R L I E

E N Y D a new type of space to the open __Future function of buffer O L E L N D O R O L space character of the town. bordering Virginia Grove M O O R

M O A A D __Biodiversity/Green links to R O D A D A Y R O O Y D E V O C E V Gawler River. M M C 0 50 0 20050 200 400m 400m Legend Legend _Vineyards _Vineyards_Greenhouses _Greenhouses_Mature Vegetation_Mature Vegetation_Sight_Sight line line termination _Crops & Open _Recreation _Key Views termination _Crops & Open Paddocks_Recreation Open Space_Key Views Paddocks Open Space Fig. 2.5_Landscape Character



02 Understanding Virginia




W 2.2 Character Shopper parking is available in opening of the Northern P O 17 M


the Virginia Shopping Centre car Expressway. R R O A T D

2.2.4 Movement & Access park (160 spaces). __Pedestrian and cycle The township sits parallel to Port W connectivity is poor with A Wakefield Road and the Port Residential car ownership is very minimal connections between K E Augusta- Adelaide Railway line. It high in Virginia, in part, reflecting land uses (i.e Oval, town centre). F I


O is well connected to adjoining demand and poor public Newer residential subdivisions L L

D D areas by a series of roads transport accessibility are also poorly linked to the W P O R M

O M D A stemming from Old Port town centre. O R A R O A A O T D

R Wakefield Road. The walkabilty of Virginia is __Old Port Wakefield Road has D



A impacted by large expanses with some tree planting and E R K L



P The Port Augusta- Adelaide no street connections, lack of footpaths, however, it remains a P F A A I P R K I G L R L E O A E D Railway line does not carry local footpaths and shady street trees vehicle dominated route that is



T S I commuter traffic, however it outside of the main shopping not attractive for pedestrian or Y A D L B R P R E N H D A D S O I E A A N O carries significant freight and precinct bike activity O C O A O R E P ’ S H A R R H B P L E D

G S I A D O S R interstate passenger trains. __Future needs at key A P O U S T E G R T S L R H S T W A Development at Buckland Park intersections to accommodate U L O P T P I P E A A I P N R D N AK L G L O F L R R E O I R Y A E D Within the township, Old Port west of Port Wakefield Road is any increase in local traffic D D W R D E L E D D H S L

T R A S Y I A D L O Wakefield Road is the dominant likely to have an impact on traffic resulting from Buckland Park P B R P A E N F H U K D T A S I U D O E A N R O O C O E

R E E P N ’ S H A E R H R B X thoroughfare. This road carries movement within the township. P L E G S Y I F A D A O S A P C O U T S C T E G T S I S S R H the highest volume of traffic up to T Key Opportunities L O E D P R I T H E C W N A N D N A N O A L F L O H R I R Y E R D D 4500 vehicles (including 380 Key Features __Improved bike and pedestrian W D E A L E D H D A S

T R A K O I P A FU commercial vehicles) AADT in __Old Port Wakefield Road as main connections to key destinations K N D T E U R O R A E E N E F R X R Y O F AC D T C latest estimates. street __Reduction in through movement E E V I S I A A E T S A R D L D E R R D C R E A H D I N C N A A W A T A N N L O R O H I __Port Augusta- Adelaide Railway C U L by commercial vehicles with Q R E A D B A A R T D K


N The 900 bus route connects E line opening of Nexy R A


D E A V I A T Virginia to the regional centres of __Penfield Rd, Gawler Rd and Park __Streetscape improvements to R E O A D L D R C R E N A D T I N A R A I O U A C Q L B E A R D Elizabeth and Salisbury, and Rd as key local connectors Old Port Wakefield Road D

interchanges with the Gawler Rail __Low grain local street pattern __Managing traffic flows within R O D


Line. The route has a twice township D O


weekday morning and late Key Issues __Improved public transport D Y

A E O N afternoon service. __Previous consultation has __Proximity to Port Wakefield R O

Y L E O raised concern regarding the Road N


L Most commercial properties number of heavy vehicles using __Long term mass transit options O M contain off street parking. On the local road network. Some indicated in the 30 Year Plan for

0 50 200 400m street parking is permitted along reduction is anticipated with the Greater Adelaide 0 50 200 400m Legend Old Port Wakefield Road. Legend _Primary Street_Primary Street _Rail Line_Rail Line _ Arrival_ Arrival Point Point _Key Streets _Key Streets _Pedestrian_Pedestrian Activity Activity Area Area P P_Key_Key Parking Parking _Key Intersections _Major Arterial Road B _Bus Stop _Key Intersections _Major Arterial Road B _Bus Stop Fig. 2.6_Movement and Access

MOVEMENT VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ MOVEMENT Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ File Path:Document Title.File Extension Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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02 Understanding Virginia




E 18 2.2 Character O F L O


Key Features E D


P O W P M O 2.2.5 Community & Destinations A mix of facilities including: D O M M


R R R R O O Virginia has a diverse multi- __Virginia Primary School R A A T T D D D


cultural community with many W __Virginia Horticultural Centre A O W


A persons from a non-English __Virginia Oval and Recreation K R


F E L speaking background. This Centre S A I U W F P P E A A I P R I K L G includes significant Vietnamese, __Virginia Institute L R L E E O A D D


Italian and Greek communities. __Local Retail D L R D T D S I O Y D L A A R P B

E N __Churches AH O R A D S I R D E A N O D O C O R O E P R H A ’ S A Employment is strongly based on R H P L E E G A S O R I A D L O S S A U R O A S U W D T G T the surrounding horticultural Key Issues P P S A I H A R P R T R K G L L R O P L E O E T I A E R D N D L N region accounting for __Improving pedestrian/bike R O A L F S D R L A I R W U Y E D D S T W D E L I P Y P E A A D L H I R P D SA B P R E N approximately 25% of the connections to and between H K G R L A A S I R D L E O A P N E O O O C O A A R E D P K H D ’ S A R H R P L E O township’s workforce. existing destinations G S I D A D L E O S A O U S R T G T S T S I F Y R H A D L T B R P __Future demand for other L T O E N P H I T I E

N D A N I D S O A L F E A R N E D O C I R R O O Y H D E C A R D E W P The local community is generally services as population grows. W N D E L N H A ’ S E L O H H A D R S H P L E

R G S R A I A D A O D O S P A A A O U K S D older with less children at home. What is viable? T T G K O T S I R E H N T E R R L O A F P T I E It has a substantial ‘work at __e.g. child care, aged care, T N D FN O I R O A L F

D R I E R D E Y R V I H A D E A C D N A T W W D E E L E A N A R L O H L home’ component and is highly fitness centre, secondary H D C D E D S R R A R D I N A A D T N A A R A R I C O U L T Q O E P K A I B R K N A D vehicle dependent. school and police station D E R A O

E F O R R D E V I F A R A E T A R L T D R D C E A R D I N A I T N O R A I O U L C Q B E E R D R Virginia contains a strong mix of Key Opportunities A A H D C N A W A N L O H D R A D R facilities for a township of its size. __Linkages between Town Centre A



N A E R D However the existing services and school, oval and playground A D A F O R O D E V I A and possibly new services will __Ongoing prosperity and A E T R R L A D R D C E D A R D I N A A T I N A O R U Y C Q L E O need to cater for the planned B E expansion of shopping facility R A R D N


E growth in population. within Town Centre L R N O O O __Centrally located undeveloped M L O A

M Local community destinations land provide logical location for D and services are clustered in the any additional services 0 50 200 400m D 0 50 200 400m A town centre and the northern __Retirement accommodation Legend Legend O R

section of town. Virginia Nursery __Supporting ongoing and new _Sport _Community_Sport _Community_Retail/Services_Retail/Services_Children/Family_Children/FamilyY _Visitors_Visitors E

N is currently the main attractor of activities in the recreation O Fig. 2.7_Destinations L


visitors to the area but is located centre and Institute M north east of the township proper. 0 50 200 400m Legend _Sport _Community _Retail/Services _Children/Family _Visitors VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ File Path:Document Title.File Extension Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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VIRGINIA ANALYSIS_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A3 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X set up for 1:20,000 on A4 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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02 Understanding Virginia

19 2.2 Character Key F eatures

W W O __Flooding risk in northern O M M M M A A R 2.2.6 Infrastructure sections R O O O A O A D D L Virginia is an established __Waste water managed through L D


township served by electricity, individual septic systems P


O gas, water and __Stormwater management varies O R


T telecommunications. A notable T

W exception is the lack of main Key Issues W



K sewer connection. This results in __Addressing flooding risk through K



F D on site treatment using systems broader Gawler River strategies F A A I O I O


E R such as septic waste disposal. In __Comprehensive stormwater




D ER part, this requires larger management across the town L R L S

S A U W W A U R P P R A I P A A allotments and poses an __Environmental risks of septic P P A R I P G R K O L G L K R O L L E R O A E O A A D D A additional risk in flooding events. systems & restrictions of R R D D L

D D L T S I Y T A D S L I R P Y Investigations are ongoing into housing choice B D L A R P B E N H E N H A D S I A S I E A N D O O C E O A N O the provision of sewage R O E C __Limited extent of mains water O P

’ S R E H P A R H H ’ S P L E A R H S P L G E I A D G S O I S A D A U O O S A S treatment. provision outside the immediate U O T G S T T S G T R H S T R H L T O P L O town boundaries T I P E T I N D E N A L N O D N F A L R O F I

R Y R D I E R D Y W D E E L E D D The northern part of the township D W H E E L D S H D S R A R A O P O P A is subject to flooding from the Key Opportunities K A D K O D O E E R R Gawler River. The Gawler River __Provision of communal sewer F F T T I I

Floodplain Management E D (main, CWMS) would allow for R E H D C A R W N N H C A A W L O H N A N L O H R A R D Authority have investigated allotments less than 1200sqm. A A D A T K T I K


N E R floodplain mapping and options __Integrated stormwater solutions A E R A

F O R F O R D E D V I A E for future mitigation. that enhance open space A T V I R E A A L A E T D C R D E R L A R A D C D E D I N R A R A T N A N D O R T I I A C A U I N L O R Q U character C B E Q L E A R B A R D D

The township is relatively flat and __Reduction of flooding risk


O stormwater flows need to be releases northern areas for O


D carefully addressed. Recent development D work has commenced in latest __Under grounding of power lines D D A A subdivisions to ensure that water in the central retail area along O O R R

flows to the southwest, not Old Port Wakefield Road Y Y E E N N towards the town centre. __Extension of mains water to O O L L O services new subdivisions north O M M

and south of Virginia and at D O A D R O A Y R O Y E V O Buckland Park increase access C E V M C 0 50 200 400m M 0 50 200 400m for surrounding rural residents Legend _Overhead powerlines _Stormwater drainage area _Gawler River Flood line _Stormwater pipes _Mains Water _Flood Plain (Virginia) Zone Fig. 2.8_Key Infrastructure

VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework P L


E P r i m a r y T

W S c h o o l P A K

E D A P F O 02 Understanding Virginia P I E R L


20 R L __Manage traffic movement with O W 2.2 Character A A improved pedestrian routes D G 2.2.7 Town Centre P P A R K As part of the character analysis R O Wheatsheaf P A D H o t e l to understand Virginia the town P o s t

O f f i c e T L centre was examined in greater Y S D E R A P B A detail, reflecting its importance P H C E r a d i s I Park Rd Intersection & link to school/oval P N H Gawler Rd Intersection in the life and character of the S h o p p i n g E Potential northern entry to ‘main street’ Central intersection & important route to the school, D C e n t r e S O A A town. R e r s T oval and recreation centre S S M o w S E R W A N O D G O O S P T Key Features H I A n t r e l C e i c a __‘Bookended’ by key M e d S intersections T I n s t i t u t e __Lively ‘main street’ style retail/ commercial with adjacent P shopping centre P __Institute building and park

__Large visually dominant car park P P E N F I A D E L Institute Building & Park Key Issues Y R O D E E D R Enhance this central community space S H O O A __Quality of pedestrian routes L i b e r t y L D S e r v i c e D S t a t i o n varies P __Overhead powerlines impact on O R V i r g i n i a T Irrigation street trees A d e l a i d e S e r v i c e Plains Paint W & P a n e l __Number of undeveloped sites A

K and run down buildings E P F Hairdresser I B a t t e r i e s P & P E Agricultural B u t c h e r L Key Opportunities S u p p l i e s Vietnamese D R e s t a u r a n t

__Build on ‘good bones’ with R Legend O improved streetscape and A private redevelopment _No footpath & limited shade _Pedestrian refugeD crossing _Narrow footpath & limited shade _Intersection __Enhance Institute Park as _Wide footpath & sections of shade Main street shopping area P _Parking Penfield Rd Intersection central community space _Wide area of road reserve Potential southern entry to ‘main street’ Enhance appearance & pedestrian experience _Vacant site _Entry road section with no trees _Overhead powerlines Fig. 2.9_Town Centre Analysis BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

02 Understanding Virginia

2.3 Key Issues and Opportunities 21

In undertaking the analysis of Virginia’s strategic and planning Reducing traffic impact context and the character of the existing town a number of key issues __Balancing importance of commercial vehicle access to local and opportunities were identified. Often an issue can also be businesses with the main street retail being an important place for considered an opportunity whereby new possibilities, improvements pedestrians or potential are created. __Investigating future traffic movements with Nexy and Buckland Park In no particular order these are: Community facilities Infrastructure Provision (sewer, stormwater & flood) __Maximising the flexibility of existing facilities and planning for the __How a communal sewer system could address environmental risks, expansion of facilities and new facilities as the town population housing choice and stimulate development within the town grows over time __Current flooding risks are to the northern area of Virginia and there are future opportunities if this risk is reduced Horticulture - employment generation __Effective management of stormwater to protect properties and __Recognising the central role of the horticultural industry for the town opportunities to harness stormwater for reuse and strengthening the role of businesses that support the industry in the growth of Virginia Limited public transport __Current limited bus service and its impact on the community Utilising heritage and open space __Opportunities for improved services as a result of growth in the __Enhancing and celebrating Virginia’s heritage, both building and population cultural to strengthen town identity and character __Opportunity to build a network of open space as the town grows Infill development and accommodating growth __How to encourage development of vacant and under utilised land Connecting key uses and wayfinding within the existing town to improve town character and vitality __Improving the routes between key destinations within the town and __Considering where, when and how Virginia might grow so as to the presence of the town to passing visitors positively contribute to the future of the town and community Improving township appearance Housing mix -options for elderly & young __The combination of run down greenhouses, vacant lots and rough __Currently limited options for elderly residents to ‘down size’ to verges without street trees or footpaths impacts on overall town smaller home within Virginia and age in their local community appearance. __Opportunity to provide a range of housing choices through communal sewer system and new development Pedestrian and cycle movement __Currently limited footpaths outside of the main street make it Town Centre prosperity and vibrancy unpleasant for pedestrians __Maintaining and building on the vibrancy of main street retail by __Street upgrades and new subdivisions present opportunity to improving the appearance and identity ensure quality footpaths and marked cycle lanes to provide alternatives to travelling by car 22

community consultation _03 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

03 Community Consultation

When asked what the resident’s 3.1 Community Consultation 3.2 First Consultation Session: 23 favourite things about Virginia Overview Input and Ideas were, there were two answers The first session took the form which resounded from the Community Consultation is a of a three hour community participants. These were, central part of the project as workshop held at the Virginia the friendly people and the outlined in the project approach. Recreation Centre on the 8th community spirit and Virginia’s of February 2010. Eighty five location and the fact it had a The project team has reviewed community members attended country feel and town character, previous community feedback to along with HASSELL project staff, yet it was also close to Two Wells, council to understand the history Council elected members and Gawler and Elizabeth while not of key issues for people living and officers. being too far from the city. Some working in Virginia. of the other favourites were the The session was an interactive multicultural community, the The community was invited workshop in small groups, peace and quiet, the sporting to input into the project during encouraging all particpants to clubs and activities, the main the analysis and ideas stage contribute their thoughts. A set of street and its shops, spacious to enable the project team to three exercises was prepared for blocks for families and space draw on the local communities the first workshop. The first was a between neighbours, the Virginia intimate knowledge of Virginia question, “What is your favourite nursery, the market gardens and learn about their aspirations thing about Virginia?” and their associated jobs and for the future. An analysis of Virginia, Virginia’s History. undertaken by HASSELL was This first session provided then presented to the community The key issues and opportunities valuable feedback,detailed and the participants were asked presented by HASSELL, were information and ideas that to comment on and prioritise the largely agreed with by the informed the project team’s issues and opportunities raised community. The top issues development of a draft urban in the analysis. and opportunities consistently design framework. nominated by multiple groups The final exercise was to were; infrastructure provision, Community review and feedback brainstorm ideas about Virginia’s that being mains water, at the second session assisted future, the participants were stormwater, flood mitigation in understanding participants asked to nominate what they and sewer, limited public opinions of the draft proposal would retain, change or introduce transport, infill development and and refining the ideas. about Virginia around key accommodating growth, town themes. centre prosperity and vibrancy, _03 improving township BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

03 Community Consultation

24 appearance and pedestrian and example a Horticulture expo, the HASSELL received 35 completed cycle movement When asked fact that Virginia is a multicultural feedback forms and many other about Virginia’s future there community should be celebrated comments on posters and to were many people which offered via, for example, public art and project staff. similar suggestions. There was an there should be a greater variety overwhelming response to retain of shops. An analysis of the completed the country town character of feedback forms indicated: Virginia, the horticulture industry, Complete minutes of the first __71% of respondents said they the large blocks and the range of consultation session are included were either supportive or very shops. in the appendicies. supportive of the draft Key Strategies Many of the participants 3.3 Second Consultation __65% of respondents said they wanted to change several things Session: Presentation and were either supportive or very throughout the town, the most Refinement supportive of the draft frequently mentioned were to A draft Urban Design Framework, Structure Plan improve stormwater and flood prepared by HASSELL, was __85% of respondents said they infrastructure, improve footpaths presented at the Horticultural were either supportive or very and street trees, incorporate Centre in Virginia on the 22nd supportive of the Key Projects cycling facilities, better bus of February 2010. The draft that were suggested as the service, upgrade older buildings Urban Design Framework was most important for the town and greenhouses, improve the presented as a series of posters, __50% of respondents would like appearance of town entries, accompanying these posters to see the Town Centre upgrade Old Port Wakefield Road, were key questions in which Streetscape Upgrade as the provide a choice of block size and the participants were asked to first priority Key Project upgrade the town centre park. write comments in response to the information provided on the When asked what they would posters. like to introduce the participants said that any new development There were 55 attendees and all should occur within existing were asked to fill out a feedback township boundaries before form. The participants were also growth happens outside, the presented three key projects town centre should be a focal and were asked to vote on which point, there could be a regular project they would like to see growers market and a major developed first. event could be introduced, for BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

03 Community Consultation

The following is a summary of The main difference was concern poster comment mentioned that Southern Growth Precinct: support the proposal. Generally 25 comments provided by the par- that the proposed northern this area provides good The Southern Growth Precinct is comments were supportive of the ticipants at the second commu- growth area is subject to opportunity for retirement living the first area of land to be proposals and respondents nity workshop in Virginia. floodwaters and this may have an so people can age in their released in accordance with the agreed that the town does need a impact on residents. community. Of the 6% that 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide. facelift as it is looking tired and Question 1 asked Taking into disagreed to the proposals the 60% of respondents supported, rundown, however there were consideration the State Question 3 asked How supportive main comment was not to mix 23% were neutral, and 9% were comments that aged care Government 30 year growth are you of the Draft packing sheds with houses. against the proposal. Comments facilities, sewerage and a bus targets established for Virginia Recommended Actions for each regarding this area included the service are also needed. how supportive are you of the Precinct? Commercial Precinct: importance of having a water draft Key Strategies? Results from the Commercial management plan including The draft Urban Design There was a variety of answers Established Northern Precinct: precinct showed that 69% of sewerage. Framework presented at the ranging from very supportive to Of the comments in this precinct residents supported the session and a complete summary not supportive. Those who were 71% were supportive of the proposals. 9% did not support Northern Future Growth Precinct: of the feedback from the second supportive believed it was a good proposals, of those neutral to the the proposals. Of those who The Northern Future Growth community session is included in strategy to cater for the aged and proposal, the comments were to supported and those who did not Precinct is the second area of the appendices. a good way to bring in new include Park Road in the in the support the proposal the main land to be released in accordance residents and visitors, however Residential Growth area and to comment was the commercial with the 30 Year Plan for Greater the railway station needed to be ameliorate Waterloo Corner. precinct needs to be bigger and Adelaide. 54% of respondents re-engaged. Those who were Old Port Wakefield Road needed supported, 23% were neutral, unsupportive believed that the Town Centre Precinct: to accommodate safe and 11% were against the southern growth area needed to Comments provided on the Town commercial vehicle access. proposal. General comments include park road and that Centre precinct were supported regarding this area brought up Virginia and Buckland Park by 86% of the participants. Established Residential Precinct: the issue of flooding and issues needed to be linked so that they However additional information Comments on the Established with the proximity to the Jeffries could share resources. provided stressed the Residential precinct were largely compost plant. importance of providing sewerto positive and showed that 74% of Question 2 asked Taking into allow redevelopment of older the respondents supported the Question 4 asked How supportive consideration the State buildings proposal and 17% were neutral to are you of the key projects Government 30 year growth the proposal. The main issues suggested as the most important targets established for Virginia Mixed Use Infill Precinct: emerging from this precinct were for the town as a whole? how supportive are you of the Comments on the Mixed Use Infill in regards to stormwater and The majority of respondents for overall structure plan? precinct were mixed. 43% flood management. this question were supportive or Results from this indicate a very supported the proposals, while very supportive. 11% were neutral similar response to Question 1. 37% were neutral to them. A and there was no one who did not BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

03 Community Consultation

26 3.4 Issues outside scope of 3.5 How Community Information was gathered on project ConsultationInformed the Final particpants opinions on key Urban Design Framework project priorities which reinforced The summaries on the previous the project team thinking that pages and the detailed record Participation by community improvements to the main of feedback (see appendices) members was a invaluable input shopping strip should be the first demonstrate the high level into this project. The interest of priority. of interest from the Virginia local residents, land and community in expressing their business owners was evident by Feedback at the second session concerns and ideas on a range of the great turn outs to both also identified specific actions issues. community sessions. that had not been picked up in Some points that were raised, the draft ideas such as a greater while valid and important are The feedback received at the first focus of facilitating a prosperous outside of the scope of an community session provided commercial sector in the town urban design framework for the confirmation on much of the that is appropriatly located with township and in some cases project team’s analysis and also good vehicle access. outside of the direct influence identified specific issues and of council. However these ideas that came from resident’s comments have been recorded intimate local knowledge of their for council’s reference. town.

Some issues that were raised An example includes knowledge that are outside of the project about local flooding risks and the boundary but are worth drawing restrictions septics have placed council’s attention to include on redeveloping existing issues with the impact of the commercial buildings. new Northern Expressway on surrounding local road network. The feedback received from the Also the impact of the Jefferies second community session compost plant on the amenity of demonstrated the large majority neighbouring properties of respondents were supportive of the draft ideas and that the project team was on the right track. 27

framework strategies _04 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

04 Framework Strategies

28 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Strategies

The analysis and community consultation stages of the project 4.2.1 Underpin with Coordinated identified key issues and Infrastructure and Facilities opportunities to be considered and addressed by the Urban Underpinning Virginia with the existing streets can utlise Park endevour to extend the Design Framework to guide the necessary infrastructure and stormwater as an asset to irrigate coverage of mains water future of Virginia. facilities sets up the foundation landscaping and enhance open infrastructure to rural areas for other private development spaces and town character. surrounding Virginia. These many issues and ideas and a vibrant community. have been synthesised into five Implementation of a communal A connected network of open high level strategies that set the Infrastructure includes power, sewer system for all future space is important to provide vision for the future of Virginia. mains water, waste water residential subdivisions and ‘green infrastructure’ for the The individual actions within the management, flood and consequently extension community that delivers multiple framework will work together to stormwater management, gas throughout the existing town will services including recreation, achieve these strategies over and telecommunications and deliver multiple benefits. A stormwater management and time. internet connection. Facilities communal sewer system (either improving micro climate. Planning include community facilities mains connection or CETS) and implementing an open space managed by councils such as removes the environmental risks network, including enhancing local open space and community septics are prone to in low lying existing facilities at the centres. areas like Virginia. A communal recreation centre and Institute sewer system will also facilitate Park over time, can provide these Effective management of the redevelopment of existing services for the growing flooding risk to Virginia from the businesses in the town centre. population. Gawler River is critical for the Importantly sewer allows a range Planning and delivering town, particularly to facilitate of block sizes that provide apprioriate infrastructure by future growth to the north. Linked housing choice for different life thinking ahead with consideration to this is implementing stages, including retirement for the future population and comprehensive stormwater living so residents can age in their community needs will ensure management infrastructure own community close to family. growth in Virginia is well throughout the town. Stormwater supported. management that is part of a As part of provision of mains Water Sensitive Urban Design water to new subdivisions north (WSUD) approach to the design of and south of Virginia and nearby new subdivisions and upgrade of Buckland BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

04 Framework Strategies

4.2 Strategies 29

4.2.2 Planned Quality 4.2.3 Facilitate Prosperous & Development & Growth Vibrant Town Centre

State Government policy in the 30 will create a tool for Council and The ‘town centre’ of Virginia is enhancing the experience for Year Plan for Greater Adelaide is give clear direction for considered to be the section of pedestrian and improving the for ‘future urban growth’ to the developers. Growth areas are to Old Port Wakefield Road between centre’s attractiveness to south and north of the existing include design initatives that the Gawler Rd intersection and shoppers and visitors. township boundaries of Virginia contribute to improved just south of the Penfield Rd and sets new dwelling targets sustainability including block intersection and includes the Importantly it also can install (refer to planning section 2.X for solar orientation, harnessing street blocks either side. This is greater pride and confidence in further details). This stormwater, walkable street the retail heart of the town and the adjacent businesses and identification of growth presents network and street and open also includes the Institute property owners and act as a an opportunity for proactive space planting to improve micro building and park. catalyst for upgrades to existing forward looking planning so that climate and biodiversity. The character, vibrancy and buildings or new developments the growth positively contributes prosperity of its centre is very on currently vacant sites. to Virginia’s futue. The formulation of straight important to any community and It is important to influence any forward and clear built form strongly influences overall town such new development so that it Undertaking comprehensive and guidelines for different locations character. positively contributes to the integrated planning for township or types of buildings will be centre ‘s role and character. growth areas will ensure so that important to ensure new Virginia’s main street has ‘good new development is coordinated developments and bones’ in that all its retail and There is opportunity to build upon and positively contributes to redevelopments make a positive other key services are grouped the Institute building and park as Virginia’s future and character. contribution to their streetscape logically along the main street a wonderful central community Effective planning for growth and the overall character of with ample car parking. Old Port facility that adds to the vibrancy areas can also facilitate a Virginia. Wakefield Road is a busy street of the town centre. Enhanceing prosperous commercial sector in and it is important to balance these facilities will ensure they Virginia to service the horticulture traffic movement with the role of can cater for Virginia’s population industry and provide local jobs. the town centre as a place for as its grows and be a central people. meeting place that celebrates the Developing clear structure plans town’s community and character. for growth areas that address key Upgrading the streetscape of the infrastructure and facilities, town centre can deliver multiple street connections & open space benefits for Virginia including BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

04 Framework Strategies

30 4.2 Strategies

4.2.4 Quality Connections 4.2.5 Enhance Town Character & Identity

Connections are routes for any The design key roads & The character and identity of a key open spaces and facilities form of getting around, by vehicle, intersections to manage traffic town is formed from a can add to town character. public transport, walking, cycling, flows as Virginia & Buckland Park combination of its history, its wheelchair, gopher or pram. grow over time will also need to physical form and its community. Developing guidelines will ensure facilitate heavy vehicle access to new subdivisions contribute to ‘Quality’ encompasses the commercial businesses. Town character isn’t static, it the country town character importance of connections being changes over time and character through quality local residential logical, safe, easy to move along, Facilitating in street designs can sometimes be influcenced by streets and consistent house enjoyable and atrractive. It also space for public transport routes negatives attributes as well as setbacks. captures the importance of and stops will assist in lobbying positive aspects of a town. connections being of quality for for the improvements to public all the different ways of getting transport connections to nearby The community of a town are around, not just cars. centres & rail to cater for the central to the town character and existing and growing community. have the most capacity to Ensuring all new subdivisions influence character and to include street networks that articulate what parts of town connect to existing streets will character they would like to provide clear and safe project and what they might like connections to important to improve into the future. destinations, including for pedestrians and cyclists. Utlising landscape features such as existing roads, landscape Focusing on improving existing corridors, street planting and the local residential streets for surrounding horticulture will walking & cycling that form reinforce new town edges and routes to and between important Virginia as a distinct township. destinations will achieve the greatest impact. Celebration of Virginia’s history, location and community though public art in Key Projects and at 31

urban design framework _05 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

32 5.1 Introduction

The role of an Urban Design Framework is to apply the high level Strategies to the physical urban form of Virginia. The urban design framework brings together Virginia as it is today and the future vision outlined in the Strategies.

Each individual action is intended to contribute to achieving one or more of the high level strategies. Refer to Appendix A (page X) for a table that nominates which strategies each action is contributing towards. The table illustrates that many individual actions are relevant to multiple strategic aims.

5.2 Concept Diagram

A Concept Diagram is a simple conceptual sketch that encapsulates the key elements of the urban design framework.

Fig 5.1_ Concept Diagram BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

5.3 Precinct Plan 33

NORTHERN FUTURE GROWTH To provide a structure to the urban design framework the COMMERCIAL project study area for Virginia FOCUS has been divided into seven precincts. Each precinct identifies an area that has plays a particular role in the physical form of the town, or has similar existing characteristics or SPORT & SCHOOL for which a consistent aim or vision has been identified in the Strategies. TOWN CENTRE The identified precincts are a organising tool in this document COMMERCIAL only and are not recommended FOCUS ‘zones’ for the Development Plan RESIDENTIAL INFILL although some precinct boundaries have been informed by understanding the existing ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL development plan and some may FOCUS influence future decisions about zones.


Fig 5.2_ Precinct Plan BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

34 5.4 Precinct Descriptions and Intents

5.4.1 Central Precinct (CP) __This precinct is the heart of Virginia, the town centre including shops, post office, Wheatsheaf Hotel, Institute Building & park __The main street is supported by the adjacent blocks that include the Church, some residential & the petrol station __The precinct also includes the car parks associated with various shops and several undeveloped sites __The town centre will build and enhance its role as a pedestrian friendly bustling retail, social & community hub with quality enjoyable streetscapes, a well utilised park surrounded by attractive Fig 5.3_ Central Precinct Extent commercial buildings with both families and the elderly living in nearby housing.

5.4.2 Commercial Focus Precinct (CF) __This precinct is made up of three parts, the central established section and proposed future sections to the north and the south all siting between Old Port Wakefield Road and the rail line __The commercial focus precinct will be made up of a range of commercial businesses that service the local community and the surrounding horticulture industry. The precinct will provide businesses with access to large blocks with minimal interface with residential and direct access for commercial vehicles off Old Port Wakefield Road. Fig 5.4_ Commercial Focus Precinct Extent __The businesses will present quality ‘shop fronts’ and landscaping to Old Port Wakfield Road that contribute the attractiveness of this important main street

5.4.3 Sport & School Precinct (SS) __This precinct is in the existing Flood Plain zone and includes the primary school, oval & recreation centre, a vacant block and residential across Park Road __With effective resolution of the flooding risk this precinct will become more centrally located within growing Virginia and improvements to these important facilities will strengthen their role

Fig 5.5_ Sports & School Precinct Extent BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

35 5.4.4 Residential Infill Precinct __This precinct is within the existing town boundary east of the town centre and Old Port Wakefield Road and is currently mostly green- houses with a few existing houses __The very central location of this precinct means this precinct has a large impact on town character and also great potential. __The precinct can be a key central residential neighbourhood for all life stages where residents can make the most of its excellent proximity to the town centre and school and oval. __The precinct will be formed by a connected street network and include local open space __Delivery of a communal sewer system will facilitate creation of a Fig 5.6_ Residential Infill Precinct Extent residential neighbourhood that includes a range of block sizes (minimum in the order of 600sqm) and some semi-detached, retirement living and short term accommodation for seasonal workers. __Allowing this mix of block sizes (the average still within low density range) could assist in ‘unlocking’ individual land parcels & encouraging important development that strengthens the core of the town

5.4.5 Established Residential Precinct __This precinct includes the new residential subdivision Virginia Grove & other established houses on Natalie Drive. __This precinct will mature as houses are constructed on the recent subdivision and landscaping grows __The stormwater management corridor will be coordinated with surrounding new development to integrate this important infrastructure and open space element in the growing town

Fig 5.7_ Established Residential Precinct Extent BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

36 5.4.6 Southern Growth Precinct __This area, which is currently horticultural land has been identified in State Government 30 year plan for town growth between 2010 & 2025 __This precinct can become new residential neighbourhoods that are well planned with connected streets, local open spaces and modern infrastructure. __The residential neighbourhoods will respond to location, provide different lifestyle options and contribute to reinforcing town character __The new western edge of this precinct will be separated from busy Port Wakefield Road by a mult functional landscape corridor Fig 5.8_ Southern Growth Precinct Extent

5.4.7 Northern Future Growth Precinct __This area is currently horticultural land and is within the Gawler River Flood zone __The area is identified in State Government 30 Year Plan for town growth after 2025 __Horticultural use should continue until development of the Residential Infill and Southern Growth Precincts has occured __Effective resolution of the flooding risk needs to occur as part of planning for future growth into this precinct __In the long term this precinct can become new residential neighbourhoods that are well planned with connected streets, local open spaces and modern infrastructure. __The residential neighbourhoods will respond to location, provide Fig 5.9_ Northern Future Growth Precinct Extent different lifestyle options and contribute to reinforcing town character __The new western edge of this precinct will be separated from busy Port Wakefield Road by a mult functional landscape corridor BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework


5.5 Precinct Actions R 37

5.5.1 Central Precinct (CP) R E 5 L CP.1 W 1 Key Project: Town Centre A

Streetscape Upgrade (KP.A) G __Comission a Master Plan for the

upgrade of the Old Port P 3 A R Wakefield Rd streetscape & K 3 R intersections between the D Horticulture Centre to the north 5 T S and the service station to the Y L A D B R P south. E

H __Plan the upgrade to be delivered D A R R S I in stages E C D G O N __Refer to Key Projects KP.A for H E S 5 6

the further details (page 52) O 1 A S P


I CP.2

A 2 S Key Project: Institute Park 4

S Upgrade (KP.B) T T 3 2 __Comission the design of an upgrade of the Institute Park 3 P __Refer to KP.B for futher details E N F (page 52) I D E 5 R L D Y D E E S H 4 R O A D

Fig 5.10_ Central Precinct Actions Diagram_ 0 25 50 100m Legend __Key Project Boundary __Footpath Improvements

__Potential Development __Key placemaking location Site

0 50 200 400m

VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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38 5.5.1 Precinct Actions: Central Precinct (CP) continued

3 CP.3 Facilitate Development that adds to the Town Centre __The significant number of undeveloped and underdeveloped sites in the Central Precinct present an opportunity to guide the types & physical design of future development to positively reinforce the town centre. __Review the Development Plan to ensure development of vacant/under developed sites or redevelopment positively contributes to the character & functionality of the town centre. __Encourage and facilitate the use of undeveloped sites within the Central Preinct as the best location for any future retail, retail scale commercial, community & government services

4 CP.4 Influence Future Car Park Locations to Improve Character __Positioning buildings along the footpath edge is important for a strong main street character. Large expanses of car parking are best located to the side or rear of the main street __Review the Development Plan to ensure development or redevelopment in the Central Precinct locates car parking to the rear of blocks off the secondary side streets __Any extension or redevelopment of the shopping centre should include shops along Old Port Wakefield Rd instead of the current large expanse of car parking.

5 CP.5 Improve Pedestrian Street Connections __Park Road: Construct a footpath & introduce shady street trees along the southern verge __Gawler Road: Construct a footpath & introduce street trees in coordination with stormwater drainage upgrade __Sophia St & Sheedy Rd: Construct quality footpaths as adajcent sites redevelop, including stormwater drainage __Penfield Rd: Construct a footpath & introduce street trees on the southern verge to create a balanced gateway with the existing trees on the northern side __Bardy and Phineas Sts: Construct footpaths that coordinate with the two Key Projects (page X)

6 CP.6 Improve Uniting Church link __Liase with the Uniting Church regarding feasibility of formal pedestrian link between Phineas & Leach Streets as part of sustainable landscaping of church grounds __Investigate funding grant options to assist the church BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.2 Precinct Actions: 39 Residential Infill Precinct (RI) 7 Actions

1 RI.1 Prepare a Structure Plan for Precinct 2 __Develop a structure plan for the 5 precinct and include as part of a Development Plan Amendement 3 (DPA) __Include provisions that allow a range of block sizes facilitated by communal sewer system (minimum in the order of 600sqm for detached houses) 5

2 RI.2 Facilitate uses that positively interface with retail centre 3 __Encourage through development plan mechanisms 4 future land uses and built form that positively support the neighouring town centre __Such uses may include commercial offices, home offices, government services


Fig. 5.11_Residential Infill Precinct Actions Diagram 0 50 100 200m Legend __Indicative Primary __Mix of Block Sizes __Indicative Location of Street Connections New Open Space __Indicative Secondary __Key Location for __Indicative Integrated Street Connections Specifc Uses Stormwater

0 50 200 400m

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40 5.5.2 Precinct Actions: Residential Infill Precinct (RI)

3 RI.3 Create Logical and walkable Street Network 6 RI.6 Facilitate logical location for Key Accommodation Types __Clearly indicated in a structure plan key street connections to __As part of contributing to Virginia’s residents having access to a achieve a quality street network range of housing options for different life stages encourage through __Extend the alignment of existing streets O’loughlin Rd, Odgers Rd, the Development Plan and liason with developers the development Hannah Rd and Coratina Rd of Retirement Living style housing in a location that provides __Introduce new streets that maintain the existing grid alignment residents with proximity to the town centre and public transport __Emphasise north-south streets to achieve east-west lots to routes maximise passive solar design opportunities __Facilitate private development that addresses the local need for short term accommodation for horticulture workers in a central 4 RI.4 Achieve central & multi functional open space location within walking access of key facilities __Plan a central open space of appropriate area and dimensions to perform multiple functions including: __Local recreation park __Key pedestrian link in a larger clear and quality route from the established residential precinct and southern growth precinct to the town centre 7 RI.7 Pedestrian Link between Odgers and Park Roads __Stormwater management __As part of any redevelopment of this land aim to achieve a public __Quality green outlook for neighbouring properties pedestrian link to improve connections to the school and oval, __Ensure the open space is located and designed to best practice as a subject to compatibility with the proposed development key facility

5 RI.5 Integrate Stormwater management & Extend existing local park __Achieve integration of stormwater management strategies in any proposed subdivisions with an overall management plan for the town, including the existing detention infrastructure in the Established Residential Precinct 12



BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework


05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.3 Precinct Actions: 41 Commercial Focus Precinct 12 Actions

1 CF.1 Resolve Flooding Risks to the Northern Section of the 8 precinct 7 __As part of broader management of the Gawler River flood risks, mitigate flooding risks north of Gawler Road to facilitate future commercial development

2 CF.2 Key Project: Town

Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) 6 Old Port Wakefield Rd South 2 9 Streetscape __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58

5 3 CF.3 Review Old Port Wakfield, Moloney and Nash Roas Intersection __ Review this intersection and 10 Moloney Road’s capacity to cater for local access of commercial vehicles to future commercial developments 11 4


Fig. 5.12_ Central Precinct Actions Diagram 0 50 100 200m Legend __Potential Development __Gateway Element __Review Intersection Site __ __Main Street __Planting 8

Enhancement 7




0 50 200 400m

4 VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X 3 Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

File Path:Document Title.File Extension

0 50 200 400m

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05 Urban Design Framework

42 5.5.3 Precinct Actions: Commercial Focus Precinct

4 CF.4 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) 9 CF.9 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways Moloney Intersection Gateway Enhance Old Port Wakefiled Rd North Streetscape __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58 __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58

5 CF.5 Facilitate Commercial development cluster 10 CF.10 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways __Rezone the section of the precinct south of the Natalie Dr housing to Northern Town Centre Gateway facilitate the extension of the types of commercial activities within __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58 the established commercial area, including commercial activity that supports the horticulture industry and ‘home industry’ 11 CF.11 Key Project: Town Backbonw & Gateways __Include in the Development Plan requirements for quality street Gawler Road Gateway interfaces through quality buildings, car parking location and __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58 landscaping

6 CF.6 Achieve Landscape Corridor along Rail Line 12 CF. 12 Key Project: Town Backbonw & Gateways __As part of amendments to the development plan require new Future North Gateway commercial developments to contribute to the achievement of a __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58 landscape corridor along the edge of the rail line to reinforce the town boundary and create opportunities for improved biodiversity. 13 CF.13 Facilitate Commercial development cluster __Rezone the section of the precinct north of the existing Flood Plain Zone boundary to facilitate the extension of the types of 7 CF.7 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways commercial activities within the established commercial area, Penfield Road Gateway including commercial activity that supports the horticulture __Refer to Key Projects KP.C page 58 industry and ‘home industry’ __Include in the Development Plan requirements for quality street interfaces through quality buildings, car parking 8 CF.8 Enhance landscape setting of heritage Church location and landscaping Liase with the church regarding interest and potential funding sources for sustainable landscaping of the church grounds. Planting will contribute to the setting of the heritage church and the streetscape of Penfield Road as a town ‘gateway’ BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.4 Precinct Actions: Sport & 43 School Precinct (SS) Actions

1 SS.1 Improve Pedestrian Street 5 Connections __Construct a footpath along the southern vege of Park Road __Construct a footpath on the Park Road northern verge west 4 of the school to cater for future pedestrians in the Northern Future Growth Precinct

2 SS.2 Enhance Link to Recreation Centre __This access point via Park Rd presents a better pedestrian 3 route than Old Port Wakefield Road and will also see increased 6 use as residential areas to the south develop __Create a strong entrance to the shared car park and recreation centre beyond that includes 1 P A 7 entrance signage and/or R K R 2 community art, a dedicated D pedestrian path, safe low speed vehicle access, and shaded car parking

Fig. 5.13_ Sports & School Precinct Actions Diagram 0 25 50 100m Legend __Potential Development __Upgrade Facilities Site __Pedestrian Link __Key Placemaking Improvements Location

0 50 200 400m

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44 3 SS.3 Review Car parking facilities __Liase with Recreation Centre users to consider potential improvements to car parking facilities & arrangements __Consider action SS.5 in any short-medium term upgrades

4 SS.4 Improve Connection between School sports fields & Community Oval __Liase with the Primary School to investigate improvements to the pedestrian path and informal connection between sporting grounds

5 SS.5 Facilitate Future Pedestrian/Bike link from Northern Growth Area __As development occurs in the Northern Growth Precinct create a quality pedestiran and bike link through to the oval and school and the town centre via Park Rd

6 SS.6 Resurface Tennis Courts __Monitor the condition of the tennis courts and schedule future resurfacing in the future

7 SS.7 Facilitate appropriate Development __The vacant land adjacent to Park Road is an ideal site for any additional education or children services such as childcare or other government services __Land uses that can interface with the recreation centre, particularly the playground, in a positive way and provide opportunities for casual surviellance should be strongly encouraged BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.5 Precinct Actions: 45 Established Residential Precinct (ER) Actions

1 ER.1 Improve Pedestrian Street Connections __As subdivision development 2 occurs in the adjacent Southern Growth and Residential Infill 1 Precincts that create through pedestrian routes, construct quality footpaths with shady street trees on Hannah and Coratina Roads 2 2 ER.2 Consider Open Space & Stormwater Corridor in holistic planning for Southern Growth Precinct __As part of structure planning for 1 the Southern Growth Precinct consider how existing stormwater management can Fig. 5.14_ Established Residential Precinct Actions Diagram 200m be integrated with future 0 50 100 strategies and/or potentially Legend consolidating southern __Indicative Primary __Indicative Secondary __Existing Stormwater & stormwater management in the Street Connection Street Connection Recreaion Open Space proposed landscape corridor along Port Wakefield Rd and changing sections of the existing corridor north of Coratina Rd to residential blocks __Retain the component with the playground as a local park

0 50 200 400m

VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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7 46 5.5.6 Precinct Actions: Southern Growth Precinct 6

SG. 1 Undertake Comprehensive 1 Structure Planing __Develop an integrated structure plan for the precinct and include as part of a Development Plan Amendement (DPA) that includes: __Block size range and location 4 __Quality Street Network __Stormwater management __Open Space Network 2 3

2 SG.2 Create Logical and 5 walkable Street Network __Clearly indicated in a structure plan key street connections to achieve a quality street network 4 __Extend the alignment of existing streets Hannah Rd and Coratina Rd __Introduce new streets that Legend maintain the existing grid 8 alignment __Main Street Enhancement 4 __Emphasise north-south streets to achieve east-west lots to __Indicative Primary Street Connection maximise passive solar design

opportunities __Indicative Secondary Street Connection 9

__Mix of block sizes __Rural Living Style Lots

__Landscape Corridor & Open Space __Gateway Element 10

__Review Intersection 0 100 200 400m Fig. 5.15_ Souther Growth Precinct Actions Diagram

0 50 200 400m

VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

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05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.6 Precinct Actions: Southern Growth Precinct SG.7 Plan for future of Supple Road Intersection 47 Actions Consider future traffic access to Port Wakefield Road as Virginia 7 grows, having consideration for the influence of Buckland Park 3 SG.3 Achieve a Multi use Landscape Corridor to Reinforce Town on traffic movement Boundary & Identity __Through a DPA require provision of a continuous landscape corridor 8 SG.8 Use Rural Living style blocks to ‘bookend’ the town along Port Wakefield Road that combines stormwater management, proper visual and sound buffer to the highway, recreation open space and __Containing the Commercial Focus Precinct on the eastern side biodiversity opportunities while providing a strong western of Old Port Wakefield Road to the north of Moloney Road boundary to the town. results in the intersection of Moloney and Old Port Wakefield __Ensure the detailed planting design of the corridor responds to Road acting as a clear ‘threshold’ to the town. bushfire management principles. __Reinforce the Moloney intersection as a key gateway by allowing only ‘larger’ residential blocks ( min 1500sqm up to 4 SG.4 Widen the Landscape Coridor at key points to deliver linked 4000sqm) that create a ‘rural living’ southern ‘bookend’ local Open Space __Integrate the landscape corridor into the adjacent residential neighbourhourhoods by expanding at key points to form local 9 SG.9 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) neighbourhood parks Enhance Old Port Wakfield Rd South Streetscape __Refer to Key Project KP.C page 58 5 SG.5 Achieve central & multi functional open space __Plan a central open space of appropriate area and dimensions to 10 SG.10 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) perform multiple functions including: Port Wakfield Road Gateway __Local recreation park __Refer to Key Project KP.C page 58 __Stormwater management __Quality green outlook for neighbouring properties __Ensure the open space is located and designed to best practice as a key facility

6 SG.6 Facilitate a range of block size choices in proximity to centre of town __Accommodate through a DPA the development of a range of block sizes ( minimum around 600sqm) in this northern part of the precinct supported by a communal sewer system BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

48 5.5.7 Precinct Actions: Northern Future Growth Precinct (NF)

12 1 NF.1 Investigate and Resolve Flooding Risks __As part of broader Gawler River flood management, mitigate the risks of flooding to this precinct prior to any structure planning or subsequent development.

2 NF.2 Undertake Comprehensive Structure Planning __Develop an integrated structure plan for the precinct that includes: 10 __Block size range and location __Quality Street Network 9 __Stormwater management __Open Space Network

3 NF.3 Plan for Future Recreation Needs as Population Growths __Investigate the need for expansion of existing recreation Legend facilities to cater for the __Indicative Primary 4 3 estimated future population Street Connection 7 __Clearly nominate an appropriate __Indicative 8 area to accommodate any Secondary Street 5 additional facilities __Potential 4 NF.4 Plan Direct link to the Expansion of 6 School & Recreation Centre __Mix of block sizes __Include a clear direct route from __Rural Living Style the north as part of a Structure Lots Plan indicative street network to be delivered as part of future __Landscape Corridor & development Open Space __Review Intersection

Fig. 5.16_ Nothern FutureGrowth Precinct Actions Diagram 0 100 200 400m

0 50 200 400m

VIRGINIA DRAFT STRUCTURE PLAN_ Date Scale Client Project Name Drawing BLUEPRINT TOWNSHIPS PROJECT February 2010 1:10,000@A2 City of Playford BLUEPRINT townships Project X Virginia Urban Design Framwork Y

File Path:Document Title.File Extension BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

05 Urban Design Framework

5.5.7 Precinct Actions: Northern Future Growth Precinct (NF) 49 Actions

5 NF.5 Plan for the future of the Primary School __Liase with the Education department to investigate the need to nominate any land 10 NF.10 Achieve central & multi functional open space adjacent to the existing primary school for potential expansion to cater for the __Plan a central open space of appropriate area and dimensions to estimated future population perform multiple functions including: __Local recreation park 6 NF.6 Park Road Streetscape Improvements __Stormwater management __As adjacent land redevelops achieve streetscape improvements including, __Quality green outlook for neighbouring properties drainage, safe bike routes, footpaths and shady street trees __Ensure the open space is located and designed to best practice as a key facility 7 NF.7 Housing mix central to services & destinations __Facilitate a range of block sizes and housing types, supported by communal sewer 11 NF.11 Use Rural Living style blocks to ‘bookend’ the town proper system, to cater for different life stages, to make the most of this central location __Designate the most northern and western areas of the precinct with proximity to the school, oval and town centre (furthest from the town centre) as larger’rural living’ style blocks (1500sqm - 4000sqm) to provide housing & lifestyle choice and 8 NF.8 Park Rd-Port Wakefield Rd Connection reinforce the edge of Virginia and its distinctness from Buckland __Consider future traffic access to Port Wakefield Road as Virginia grows, having Park to the north west. consideration for the influence of Buckland Park on traffic movement 12 NF.12 Plan Northern Connections to Port Wakefield Rd & Buckland 9 NF.9 Achieve a Multi use Landscape Corridor to Reinforce Town Boundary & Park Identity __Develop strategic traffic network plans for future transport __Through a DPA require provision of a continuous landscape corridor along Port movement between Buckland Park, Virginia and Old Port Wakfield Wakefield Road and Angle Vale Road that combines stormwater management, Road, including the potential mass transit route nominated in the 30 visual and sound buffer to the highway, recreation open space and biodiversity Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, with particular consideration for opportunities while providing a strong western boundary to the town. local impacts on the Northern Future Growth precinct __Ensure the detailed planting design of the corridor responds to bushfire management principles. 50

key projects _06 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects

6.1 Key Project Selection 51

The actions identified across the precincts will be achieved in various different ways which is further explained in the Implementation section on page 61. As urban design is about the physical elements of a place many actions ultimately result in either council construction works or influencing what someone else (e.g a developer) constructs.

Key Projects are construction works that can make a big contribution to the lives of the community, the character of a town & encourage private development or encourage visitors to stop or stay longer. Key Projects are usually of a reasonable scale and in a location that is important to the whole town rather than smaller more local actions, that while important, won’t have a great influence on the broader town.

As the implementation of all of the recommendation actions will happen over many years the Key Projects are nominated as priority projects for the council to pursue in the short to medium term.

Key Projects must address a location and issue that is in council’s juristiction and be achieveable from a design and budget perspective and be able to be logically delivered in stages if necessary.

The three key projects for Virginia have been selected to achieve change across a range of important urban design issues including town centre vibrancy, quality connections, public space for _06 community life and town identity. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects


KP.A : Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade Project As part of Key Project A: __Plan the master plan so that it can be delivered in logical and __Commission the design of a master plan for the upgrade of the Old achievable stages that respond to budget roll outs and construction Port Wakefield Road streetscape management issues for local businesses and traffic. __The scope of the master plan should include Old Port Wakefield __Seek funding to underground over head powerlines between Sheedy Road between the Horticulture Centre to the north and the service Road and Gawler Road at a minimum. This will significantly improve station to the south and incorporate the intersections with Sheedy capacity for large attractive shady street trees at regular intervals Rd, Penfield Rd, Brady St, Park Rd and Gawler Rd __Undertake a Movement Study to review and provide design solutions __The aim of the project is to enhance the town centre as the central for all forms of movement within the town centre; pedestrian, cycle, meeting place for shopping, services, and socialising. The car, commercial vehicle, public transport and parking. streetscape upgrade is therefore working to improve the identity and __Liaise with Department of Transport, Energy & Infrastructure (DTEI) appearance of the centre and the experience for pedestrians, while as the managing agency of Old Port Wakefield Road north of the facilitating safe local traffic movement and convenient parking Penfield Road intersection __Coordinate the design with the design proposal for Key Project B: Institute Park Upgrade

_Examples of Streetscape Upgrades from left to right; Pomona Qld, Ceduna SA, Bacchus Marsh Vic, Bacchus Marsh Vic and Mitchelton Qld BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects





















Fig 6.1_Key Project A Extent and Key Issues & Opportunities Diagram S 0 10m 50m 100m


__Key Project Boundary __Existing pedestrian __Existing large tree __Opportunity for refuge crossing point ‘meeting place’ __Underground power __Potential location for __Review appropriatness __Public art ‘bookend’ to lines pedestrian refuge of brachychiton town centre species BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects


Fig 6.2_Town Centre today

Fig 6.3_Artist impression of how the town centre could change in the future BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects


KP.B : Institute Park Upgrade

__Commission the design of a master plan for the upgrade of the Institute Park __The project scope should include the Institute building and Penfield Road and Phineas Street verges and the design must be coordinated with the design of Key Project A. __The aim of the project is to revitalise the park as a central space for community activities and outdoor recreation that attracts people of all ages and adds to main street activity and town character.

As part of Key Project B: __Celebrate the heritage Institute building by improving the heritage ‘curtilage’ particularly its frontage to Old Port Wakefield Road by moving the bus stop to the immediate south. __ Survey the existing mature trees to establish a strategy for integrating the trees into the design and managing long term health __Consider the suitability of a public toilet facility, possibily intergrated into the Institute building facilities __Rationalise car parking to behind the Institute building and to the street edges of the park to make the central space for people. __Create a activity and event area next to the Institute building that can easily accommodate community events such as markets,fairs, expos or Christmas carols. __Include picnic tables , comfortable benches and some play elements under the beautiful trees to create an attractive space for families and visitors __Include public art in either functional park furniture and/or sculptural elements to celebrate the unique history of Virginia and its multi culture community. __Review the Institute building to identify any potential necessary improvements to make the most of the adajent park spaces.

_Examples of contemporay park play elements and seating BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects

56 Legend

__Key Project Boundary

__Existing large tree

__Activity & Event area (hardstand) __Institute parking area

__Reconfigure car parks to edge of park __Potential Playscape area __Potential Picnic area

__Relocated bus stop location _Examples of areas facilitating temporary markets and quality bus stop design

Fig 6.4_Key Project B Extent and Key Issues & Opportunities Diagram

0 05m 25m 50m

0 10 50 100 1 : 1000 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects


Fig 6.5_Institute Park today

Fig 6.6_Artist impression of how the park could change in the future BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects

58 KP.C: Town Backbone & Gateways __Commission the design of a strategy to improve the approaches and gateways into Virginia. __Along key roads into Virginia there are existing and future sections that impact on the experience of ‘arriving’ at the edge and central part of town. These points are key ‘gateways’ that influence town character, way finding and traffic speed. __The design strategies need to respond to the fact that the act of arriving is a movement and therefore stretches of street, rather than static points can contribute to gateway elements. __Gateway designs should aim to improve the quality of the arrival, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists and well as enhancing the appearance and character of Virginia.

Old Port Wakefiled Rd North Streetscape __Upgrade stormwater drainage between the town centre and northern boundary of the oval and extend north as adjacent development occurs. Ensure stormwater management techniques facilitate commercial vehicle movement & business access __Widen shoulders to provide safe bike routes __Plant regular shade trees to the northern boundary of oval and extend north as development occurs

Northern Town Centre Gateway __The approach along Old Port Wakefield Road and arrival at the oval signals the northern arrival in the town centre __In the future the intersection of Old Port Wakefield Road and Angle Vale Road will form the northern gateway to the expanded township, however the ‘oval gateway’ will remain an important signifier of the town centre

Gawler Road Gateway __Gawler Road is a secondary local gateway to the higher order primary gateways on Old Port Wakefield Rd but is still important __The rail line forms a strong threashold with strong view lines to the mature pines at Gawler Road’s intersection with Old Port Wakefield Fig 6.7_Location of Key Project C elements _Examples of creative signs and gateway elements from Ararat Vic, Cockburn WA and hardy street Rd in the town centre 0 50 200 400m landscaping __Enhance this gateway with strong tree avenue plantings BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

06 Key Projects

Key Project C: Town Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) 59

Old Port Wakefield Rd South Streetscape __Implement stormwater management south of Arbequina Road having consideration for commercial vehicle movement __Construct footpaths between the town centre and Arbequina Road __Widen shoulders to provide safe bike routes south of Arbequina Dr __Consoilidate existing street tree plantings with infill, particularly on the eastern verge between the town centre and Natalie Dr __Extend new street tree plantings south of Arbequina Road as development occurs

Penfield Road Gateway __Penfield Road is a secondary local gateway to the higher order primary gateways on Old Port Wakefield Rd but is still important. __The rail line forms a strong threashold with strong view lines to Penfield Roads termination with Old Port Wakefield Rd __Enhance this gateway with strong tree avenue plantings

Southern Town Gateway _As the southern section of Commercial Focus Precinct develops the intersection of Old Port Wakefield Rd with Moloney Rd will act as a clear arrival point into Virginia from the south. _Reinforce the Moloney intersection as a key gateway

Port Wakefield Road Gateway __The intersection of Old Port Wakefield Road with Port Wakfield Road Highway is a key access point to the town. __It is important to enhance the ‘presence’ of Virginia on the highway to improve way finding for vehicles,encourage visitors and celebrate pride in Virginia and its community. __Design a unique gateway element that includes creative signage elements and is legible to vehicles traveling at speed

_Examples of gateway elements from Westwood SA ,Woollongong, Dunsborough WA, and hardy street landscaping BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework


implementation_07 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

A key aim of the Urban Design Framework is to identify specific Action Categories 61 actions and importantly how and when each action is to be instigated and achieved. To assist in effective implementation of the framework Design/ Technical Development actions each action has been considered in terms of what type or __Involves either investigation and/or resolution of a technical issue types of activities are needed to achieve the action. impacting on an action or preparation of a detailed design to achieve an action Often actions will involve more than one step or activity to work __Often the first step in commencing an action that will ultimately be towards the end aim. Identifying these sub steps upfront will mean delivered through physical construction appropriate planning and time frames can be applied to an action to ensure it is achieved over time. Capital Works __Physical construction work to council assets such as infrastructure, As the framework is made up of multiple actions across the identified streets and parks precincts it is important to clearly priorities these. The following page explains the thinking behind how the actions have been prioritised DPA Development Plan Amendment and also estimated time frames for achievement ‘on the ground’. __Involves Council making a change or addition to its Development Plan to influence private development. It is important to recognise that while Council will drive the __DPA’s involve a formal public notification and consultation process in implementation of the urban design framework, other key their own right stakeholders play very important roles in contributing to the realisation and success of specific actions. Where a stakeholder is Liaison with others considered to play a central role to achieving an action they have been __Council approaching, discussing and/or negotiating with identified. organisations or individuals such as the state government, specific community groups (e.g. sports clubs), land owners or local businesses

Other Council Program __A number of council’s other programs may be able to contribute to _07 some of the actions. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

62 Priority Categories Key Stakeholders

1 First Priority DTEI Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure __Major impact on the existing town – in terms of facilities,amenity, PSA Planning SA ( part of Department of Planning & Local Govt) character Com Community of Virginia, including community groups and/or LO Land Owners __Key design, investigation, planning work needed to be undertaken BO Business Owners now for future and/or Estimated Time frame Categories __Easy to deliver action to commence work ‘on the ground’ __Ideally all first priorities are commenced within 2 years and S Short Term 1-3 years complete within 4 years M Medium Term 4-6 years L Long Term 7-10 years 2 Second Priority __Key action but not highest impact and/or __Addresses an issue that is not yet a major issue __Ideally all Second priorities are commenced within 4 years and complete within 7 years

3 Third Priority __Not as significant an impact on the whole town – more a local/ specific outcome and/or __Not required until future longer term development happens and/or __Addressing a predicted future issue that is yet to occur __Ideally all third priorities are commenced within 7 to 10 years

As Relevant Priority __Achievement of action relates to instigation by others __For example an action requires a private individual to instigate plans to develop a site before council can actively engage to achieve the desired outcome. BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

Implementation Table by Precinct 63

CODE PRECINCT & ACTIONS ACTION CATEGORY KEY PRIORITY ESTIMATED STAKEHOLDERS TIME FRAME Design/ Capital DPA Liaison Other Technical Works with Council Development others Program

CP Central Precinct

CP.1 Key Project: Town Centre Streetscape Upgrade ü ü ü PSA, DTEI, Com 1 S CP.2 Key Project: Institute Park Upgrade ü ü PSA, Com 2 M CP3. Facilitate Development that adds to Town ü ü LO, B 1 S Centre CP.4 Influence Future Car Park Locations to Improve ü ü LO 2 S Character CP.5 Improve Pedestrian Street Connections ü ü 2 CP.6 Improve Uniting Church Link ü ü LO, Com 3 L SS Sport & School Precinct SS.1 Improve Pedestrian Street Connections ü 2 Mto L SS.2 Enhance Link to Recreation Centre ü ü Com 2 S to M SS.3 Review Car parking facilities ü ü Com 3 S to M SS.4 Improve Connection between School sports ü ü LO, Com 3 M fields & Community Oval SS.5 Facilitate Future Pedestrian/Bike link from ü ü Dev 3 L Northern Growth Area SS.6 Resurface Tennis Courts ü 2 M SS.7 Facilitate appropriate Development ü ü Dev 1 M BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

64 Implementation Table by Precinct continued CODE PRECINCT & ACTIONS ACTION CATEGORY KEY PRIORITY ESTIMATED STAKEHOLDERS TIME FRAME Design/ Capital DPA Liaison Other Technical Works with Council Development others Program

CF Commercial Focus Precinct CF.1 Resolve Flooding Risks to the Northern Section CF.2 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways Old Port ü ü 2 S to M Wakefield Rd South Streetscape CF.3 Review Old Port Wakefield, Moloney and Nash ü 3 M Roads Intersection CF.4 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways: Moloney ü ü 3 M Intersection Gateway CF.5 Facilitate Commercial development cluster ü ü Dev 1 M to L CF.6 Achieve landscape corridor along Rail line ü ü Dev As relevant M to L CF.7 Key Project: Town Gateways Penfield Road ü ü DTEI 3 M Approach CF.8 Enhance landscape setting of heritage church ü ü Com, LO 3 M CF.9 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways: Enhance ü ü DTEI 2 to 3 M to L Old Port Wakefield Rd North Streetscape CF.10 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways: Northern ü ü DTEI 3 M Town Centre Gateway CF.11 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways: Gawler ü ü DTEI 3 M Road Gateway CF.12 Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways: Future ü ü DTEI 3 L North Gateway CF.13 Facilitate Commercial development cluster ü ü Dev 1 M to L ER Established Residential Precinct ER.1 Improve Pedestrian Street Connections ü 2 M to L ER.2 Consider Open Space & Stormwater Corridor in ü ü ü Dev 1 S to M holistic planning for Southern Growth Precinct BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

Implementation Table by Precinct 65

CODE PRECINCT & ACTIONS ACTION CATEGORY KEY PRIORITY ESTIMATED STAKEHOLDERS TIME FRAME Design/ Capital DPA Liaison Other Technical Works with Council Development others Program

SG Southern Growth Precinct

SG.1 Undertake comprehensive structure planning ü ü Dev 1 S SG.2 Create Logical and walkable Street Network ü ü Dev As relevan S SG.3 Achieve a Multi use Landscape Corridor to ü ü ü Dev As relevant S to M Reinforce Town Boundary & Identity SG.4 Widen the Landscape Corridor at key points to ü ü ü Dev As relevant S to M deliver linked local Open Space SG.5 Achieve central & multi functional open space ü ü Dev As relevant S to M SG.6 Facilitate a range of block size choices in ü Dev As relevant Ongoing proximity to centre of town SG.7 Plan for future of Supple Road Intersection ü DTEI 3 M SG.8 Use Rural Living style blocks to ‘bookend’ the ü Dev As relevant S to L town proper SG.9 "Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways ü ü Dev 3 L Enhance Old Port Wakfield Rd South Streetscape" SG.10 "Key Project: Town Backbone & Gateways (KP.C) ü ü DTEI 2 M Port Wakfield Road Gateway" NF Northern Future Growth Precinct NF.1 Investigate and Resolve Flooding Risks ü ü ü ü GRFMA 1 Ongoing NF.2 Undertake Comprehensive structure planning ü ü Dev 3 L NF.3 Plan for Future Recreation Needs as Population ü ü 3 L Growths BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

07 Implementation

66 Implementation Table by Precinct continued CODE PRECINCT & ACTIONS ACTION CATEGORY KEY PRIORITY ESTIMATED STAKEHOLDERS TIME FRAME Design/ Capital DPA Liaison Other Technical Works with Council Development others Program NF.4 Plan Direct link to the School & Recreation Centre ü Dev 3 L NF.5 Plan for the future of the Primary School ü Dedu 3 L NF.6 Park Road Streetscape Improvements ü 3 L NF.7 Housing mix central to services & destinations ü 3 L NF.8 Park Rd-Port Wakefield Rd Connection ü DTEI 3 L NF.9 Multi use Landscape Corridor Reinforces Town ü ü Dev 3 L Identity NF.10 Achieve central & multi functional open space ü ü DEV 3 L NF.11 Use Rural Living style blocks to ‘bookend’ the town ü 3 L proper NF.12 Plan Northern Connections to Port Wakefield Rd & ü DTEI 3 L Buckland Park RI Residential Infill Precinct RI.1 Prepare Precinct Structure Plan ü ü Dev 1 S RI.2 Facilitate uses that positively interface with retail ü As relevant S to L centre RI.3 Create Logical and walkable Street Network ü ü Dev As relevant S to L RI.4 Achieve central & multi functional open space ü ü Dev As relevant S to L RI.5 Integrate Stormwater management & Extend ü ü Dev As relevant S to L existing local park RI.6 Facilitate logical location for Key Accommodation ü ü As relevant S to L Types RI.7 Pedestrian Link between Odgers & Park Rds ü ü Dev As relevant M to L BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

67 conclusion _08 BLUEPRINT Virginia Urban Design Framework

08 Conclusion

68 The aim of this Urban Design Framework is to stimulate positive change and set out a long term strategic vision for Virginia that responds to the state government directions of growth and builds on the positives of the existing town.

The framework outlines specific actions that are achievable over time and together will work to achieve the high level strategies that set the vision for the future of Virginia.

This Urban Design Framework is a key document for Council in guiding future development, establishing land use policies and the strategic implementation of capital works improvement projects for Virginia. It is an important first step in the ongoing BLUEPRINT Townships initiative.

Commitment from council to implementing the framework, along with involvement from key stakeholders such as state government, the community, business and land owners is fundamental to translating the framework from the page into a physical reality on the ground for Virginia.