Council of the County of Maui
MINUTES of the COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF MAUI July 24, 2015 THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF MAUI, STATE OF HAWAII, WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, KALANA 0 MAUI BUILDING, WAILUKU, HAWAII, ON FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015, BEGINNING AT 9:02 A.M., WITH CHAIR MICHAEL B. WHITE PRESIDING. CHAIR WHITE: This meeting of the Maui County Council shall come to order. Clerk, will you please read the roll. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS GLADYS C. BAlSA, ROBERT CARROLL, ELEANORA COCHRAN, DONALD G. COUCH JR., S. STACY CRIVELLO, G. RIKI HOKAMA, MICHAEL P. VICTORINO, AND CHAIR MICHAEL B. WHITE. EXCUSED: VICE-CHAIR DONALD S. GUZMAN. COUNTY CLERK DENNIS A. MATEO: Mr. Chair, there are eight Members present, one excused; a quorum is present to conduct the business of the Council. CHAIR WHITE: Thank you, Mr. Clerk. And, this morning we have opening remarks from Elle Cochran. OPENING REMARKS The opening remarks were offered by Councilmember Elle Cochran. CHAIR WHITE: Thank you, great mana’o. And, Members, will you all please rise and join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Regular Meeting of the Council of the County of Maui July24, 2015 Page 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Members of the Council, and others in attendance, rose and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. CHAIR WHITE: And, just a reminder to everyone in the audience to please turn off your cellphones, or put them on, on vibrate. So, let’s, Mr. Clerk, let’s proceed. COUNTY CLERK: Mr. Chair, no one has signed up to provide testimony on the ceremonial resolutions.
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